HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-26, Page 5• t 1` • NB WS NATES, I RENEWING AND NEW LOANS.—TiIE UNDER- j patty If undtrfor investment upon good terms and low a interest,' MAFNNINQ 8031.1Oi'I"P, Harristere, Elllott's Block• $50,000 To LOAN at 6 per Cent, . . A Californian 1s -about to make ant attempt to prove that be ia' the rightful heirto-the-Tichbcrpe estate. Frank Tames, the famous bliseouri bandit, is reported to have declined an offer of $25,• OOaaa year to travel with a circus. ,,John Ross, of Renfrew;, is in the hospital. in Kingston,sffiioted with glanders, caught 'from a horse. He may recover. General Neal. Dow, the veteran prohibition. tet, has just celebrated his 82nd birthday, The author of the Maine -law le still hale and. hearty, Mayor Howland, of Toronto, has been unseated on the ground of lack of property qualification. Itis likely he will run again and be re-elected. While !David Strong, of Medway, O., tree. eating his dinner on Tuesday, the upper set of his falsett#etli'fell, into hi$•titileal;, and, he was choked to death. John W, Lauer,. of Omaha, Neb., who Ohot his wife last October,and claimed that he had mistaken her fur*a. burglar, was on Saturday found guilty of rnauslanghter.. Mr, Fergus O'Connor, a farmer living in Gloucester township, Carleton, was attack.- • '' ed by a lunatic named !McGrath on Friday, and narrowly escaped being killed. After getting Tway he Paid information against McGrath; ' Two constables were sent out to arrest hien, which .they did after a desperate struggle. About•twoweeks agoGeo.W. Tisdale, of Courtland,left the M, 0, depot at Tilsonburg, With a oar load of stock and farm implements with which tosettle him- self in -Dakota. The car caught Ore shortly after entering that State, consuming everything except the clothes and one pig. One of the finest span of horses shipped from Tilaonburg in some time disappeared in fire and smoke. • • Quite a sensation was produced in the House of Representatives, Washington, Mon.. day morning, when the Chaplain devoted his opening prayer to an invocation`to God to rid the land of gamesters, whether in cards, dice, chips, stocks; wheat; bucket shops, or Boards of Trade, • to lead the peopletoknow that, moneymaking other than by the sweat of the brow, .was contrary to His laws. On motion theprayer was -ordered -lobe -inserted inthe- records. " . • The floods at Pickering, Ontario county, are the' greatest kadwn for'soni'etitne One large `b3fdge' iteat the railway hag been carried away, andgreat fears are entertain-. ed that soule others will follow. The boat houses are eoneiderably d'arnaged, some be inglifted and washed partially away.l'eople had to be rescued from their houses cu the flats Considerable damage is done to mill AA ' fir E A e B Late. el 'tiinneajnoils, a practical TAILOItand C1'TTE1t t f set oral y•ears,es porienee, destroy to intimate to the people of Clinton anti vicinity, that he hnssonmenccd business upstairs • fie 'Railway Syndicate, in Ottawa just now pias • sial:>uu Control a large amount of Private and Oem- Why pay uthera 7, 8, .9 and 10 per cent, when you -can get mone from us at 6 per c. TERMS made to ain't borrower, regarding payment and period of loan. • „.Apply to FAR7.-AN & rl'ISDALL, BANKIaRS, CLINTON. - Grtial • 'retail Railroad, TOWN' AGENCY Tic ts:.ta. AU OflIU For $31.35,,. r V EET •LOWES1''itATES•TO ALL POINTS. Inquire before purchasing tickets. TKO, 1nsaranst?, and heal Estato Agent, • JAMES THOMPSON, • Clinton. Thompso's real estate Agency, CLINTON, ON,P., The nudersi ued has opened an Agency Inc the sale of Real Estate, and will be glad to deal with parties holing proper. ty to dispose of. Terme, two per cent ou all nwounta up to $1000, and one per cout•on any amount after the first $1000 No charge made for advertising. and no charge whatever me less n sale or transfer la effected. ,L have itbw the following properties. ter sale: • Lot 14, Lake Road east' Oolbyorne 100 hive, 45 cleared and under pasture; 20 acre slashed and enn easily bet:leaved; balance of busk light. rv4li bk sold cheep. •• 160 acres. good land, 235 miles from )3oweemonnt,•Dakota. 50 notes under cnitivntion, small hones. Price. $10 nu,nore, West half lot 28, Sad con .of East Wawanosl,,-110 aures, 00 acres cleared, balance good bush, 18 acres of fall wheat, spring creek running through. the farm, bank barn 40160, two acres of orchard, one mile. from .Auburn. Price $5,000, .41.200.or $1$00 dowp balance -to suit purchaser. • That, Property on to Huron Road, Goderioh Township,. consisting or ten• acres, no;nedintely opposite: the Jenkins property. !Isere is a good orchard on the dace, half no acre of strawberries, amalhlinp'e, stable, are. Onlyr 2 miles from Caton. Thlsipioperty)� in in spleadid•conditlon; and would make nn eseellenit'imlrket gardism, Price, $850. JAS.'THOMPSON- CLlrlroN, NEW TAILOR ' .SHOP. propeai ies. •The sidewalks are waahed away • and the water still very high, about twelve -feet above highrwater mark, --- - An Ottawa -telegram says :—The presecce• of Sir George 1,Stephen; President orthe lYeel • aroused sapicion that another raid: is to be 'i11 • TOE. ,SAYER BLOCK mr • o. upon the treasury of a ane o a la front of• Paster L 13avloy v Photo. Gallery', whore corporation Sir i>reorge has lately b'eeli':mak• i ire trill ho ptoneod to illi all orders nn o i , Made h for the benefit f that • tip rt notes ing presents' to persons -who are,supposed .to lint at rensonitble rntos. •' Cloth out or made nip just as have influence over hir`John141acdonald'and r • dosired. .t)rdersrespectfullysoliieitett the other Ministers,.,aid this is, ominous of that. George understands the value of back FOR SALE:: stair influence. He had to use it before. The gante.,16 uow understood to: be,that the Syndi• T tate will insist that the. Governpient sha11 O\ Lo\Ca' 1'ER11TS Ole. CRED17 . - 4110 t them to. pay off their $30,0.00,0001oan 1 • with the lands obtained already' from the Gov-, ' • ernment:.railing to find pnrohasers for their e1 Grst Chtsti BRICK STORE, centrally lands,: the Syndicate now demand that situated, clus'e to. -Market : fit(' c .' e peepe1 :o • aunt a sra uy. om i•• style: back at 't'hioll iii ice per:.acre.:.This scherne ( was pat .onlaid last session, but abandoned 1 ALSO 1+OLP DW] LLL C=: HOi SEs, in consequence of•.sonie ',vigorous- :protests 1 well': finished, :ill Good Condition and in 1nacle against it by Conservative members: I; Good` L�pc.tlities, •near to Centra of Town.." Itis hinted. that the Syndicate live 'o'ffered to buy up all the recalcitrant 131eus,and keep ; Apply tip A:I: \ NI\.G1 t , SCOTT; them in line•tdith the Tory party provided the Governwest Rill i'ialease.-the x30,000,000 loan . , lv tuPit�t'et ttti, tai 1,014n ton and take the lands off thgir:frands. "fie pre- ' ' � y-'� �'�� - • sent indications are that -the $25,000 necklace • D:MORA.'_G A,C' j,• SAL 1J' preseiti,ed" by Sir George to. Lady Macdonald , • • is likely to prove: a very enStly ,.flair to the ''aider and by vittue•tif a power of sale Contained 'in will "lfe'prodmeed at time of sale there will be offered for tai•py a ars of Caead a act tale nim tglt„o and assiginnennt tit roowhich hich sale, by public ;tapetum nt•tlie .Gott• Mee of Manning CLIN)'O,N 1.11AIlI ET3..- s • to the stun of C m k h (C•ureeted eyoi;v 'Thursday afterirouu.) • • Thursday iluroh•u.i 1,SSli, • • • .«liea . Tail, •w0 77 , 'a 0. f 0 White and rel]" : 0 77 ' a 0 SO oats, ..• it 11i a if;31 -Barli;;j, T..- 711-50 a.l1-G•7Peas, 0 55. a :0.55-;: ur per 'bi t. 4 00 a 4 50 1 atee§' Butter; Eggs, • fork, Hay. • Sheep pelts Scott,' o `I' tat at " o aloe in t c afternoon ural SA•fl'ItOAY, 1 )01 111.:0A' Op Apnm, lstdb, all at,d sin alar, thoso coftatn parcels or tractsof land . anal premises situate lying attd,befng in the Town of 'Clinton; in• the ConntS'- 'of 'Enron, anti.l'rovinco• of --ontdrte,•containing togelhewby ndmeasaremeut three roods, twelve perches, and fico -tenths, eta porchbe tlte-siarne -[tore-or--iesy, bc,na eumliuecid of to number. ,tweit'e'hundreti_ntaLtwen t--teUr, situate on - the east suletrf'Victoria street, contauiing thirty-two perches, there o1' less ; and the north half of town lot number ttveli'C hundreil,and.thirty-eight, situate on want the newest things, in DRESS GOODS come and see us. If you . • If you want a nice. PINT or GINGHAM come and see us If y. ou•want good value in COTTONS come and see us. It you grant the latest styles in HATS come and see us If you want a.NOBEY SUIT come and see us. If you want a CARPET :come: and -see- us.. • per 'be to you* interest to see us.. 5"per cent. off for cash, - Este Sts J. HODQEN$1 •. r 1886 If you want anything in our line it will tbo west Aldo of East Street, containing two roods, 0 i5 ' a ' 0,40 twenty perches and five -tenths of ,!t porch, more 'or • 0 14 • 4 0, la". less, and whleltsaitl north half maybe'bettor described ' .0 '1h :a -0 1'2 .' nseonprsing one equal moihty in extent of the said last mentioneii pat,, situate. north of aline QraH'n 1-n .1-.'0 ' 'a• U 00 through •rho said lot at tight tingles to Inst Street: • 810-0 • a 8.00. !gnats—lQ„laett.oant down on day of sale, and bal'inec i) 00 'et. �tkn'alfi dt 1 thercaftcr.. The ethor cbndtilons 'of rho • Calc will ho rhe standini; cmndit[ons of rhe Ohanncar}• Latpb spans,•i) 60 a 0. 80 bivision of'tlic IItAh Court df Justtca. Farther par. • Clover, p :r hasp' 7 00 ' a 7 Al nectars (nay he had from the auctioneer nr, •T. CABLING, • 'MANN]\G & SCOTT, SUPE} ' i V l 1iT • Auctioneer • Vendorb'Solteitors.` '- lah' SEED 74 A -4- ('Tinton,Match11th;1885. ,• JOHN WISEMAN, Manager, BOY'S A:N ,TUSH' ..OPENED OJT AT NWW. WHITE SHIRTS, Fancy Cambric Shirts, Gent's New . ••• G�t s Ties W l ILLINiER. • I .An -immense • stock of. Lades GLOVS, •N ew S` rin Shacte0: .ARRIVING WEEKLY:' NEW PRINTS ;• GING- HAMS anti • DRESS GOODS.ETLOR. 'cr4- Oa, White •Canton. .Flannel at Sots, worth 10.: Cray Flannels oast. mese Coods 15o. per yard, worth 25o. SPRING MILLINERY STOCK COMPUTE:_ MILL1 .%NERY. AND • FANO' (I0ODS•EMPORITIM Dnav,> n Brock, OL'INTON• • 2la�sLrbs i',(if't'..It�s t1ao, bl1ow1-'1f/ 2aAie(e3 -- rf sup)eriop heal . Eh-ain,; 'vi :-.,n l v5,$'I . •BARLE1,which last yew', yielded about 60• busliels_tD tile,ac-re, prii'e"70c..pt'i btisltel',. _„ also TYHITE .B SSIAN TYI.IX AT, sa i' 90c per -busk. old 41.10 per !lush, 11180, -, TWO -ROWED•. B'ARirEYacnd •1 -RA•---_ .RECTA . TT' ,EA'/' .. -lies ,ryl'abo is all,f)'re from, wild oat$•.tind otlier,l'oul seed. • TA�11B,t T.AX!),SBORO U.G'JL Tuckersmitli F011SALE.:-•i1 ACRES OP GOO)) LAND AB6C'r ' • one mile from WJii ham.Market Squat'e, frond water, good commons for cattiO. 1 OIIN 1'iOLL0WA1, Wing -ham. • 11014, -r,1(ieSl% T() ltl.ANT. - LAIt(U (if)b1AI0DIOil$ ` .L 7.Wcll.finished house to rein, centrally situated In 1 ,riood looiait.y1t,11anedeu....a mance Apply to MANNII,G S: SCOTT, Ilarriisttre, Kt •, ONt Y TO LOAN ON PARA- i'itOrl• It 11•,• Private and Company Funds, I;owost interest, , •also on approved notes far shdrtdnte;. C.A. 1tairel3 1 Attorney, Clinton.' "lin 10 :- Mibi FOn SALE:. PART OF LOT 0, ON TILE 1451) den. of tl)e toiCuship of Ittillett, contaiuiliil about 44 acres, 7ariast'o nit vintager. A:poly to' CAMERON, II0,1'T 40 OAIItERON, Barristers, Bedeck!), OPENED .OUT . THIS . EEZ �1T THS din ressed 'with 'bus h g p 2SS it 1"5�11'l1- OSSib1e Tye ;. u�$ations • ix� .this ,. } - _._«_-1--r �... ... .. .. .- - :. . .. ,. ' •. � - .. wee..s :issue but mill astonish: all b C TJI CLOSE P1,ICES : to. be give. Yn next -week :e paper. IPLAR - - DRY GOODS IIOtSE,: -LODESBOQ.; .. 'The Crew Gash Sore;`, Clinton: • : 'A . LALG0F AND VARIETY ASSORTMENT These Agoocls a,re direct. from one of the best factories in the Dominion, • the CLOTII Is +rIRST-CLASS, the • CUT and' ST'YLE". i,5- CORRECT,.and the WORKMAN -SHIP EXCEL- LENT while the _Velure ordering • • thq CLINT ° yw[nr Route Bills call at nonce of the iVT ' NEW"ERA And sec our outs, - We ',tonna new Ileo vy.bra he the best` represeetn int the 000ttty, . have alarge asiortaiont, ainon. light cut, said by horsemeqn to tion of a Beery draught Heise Send for speclrtieh:sheet u Mrg A .. e r• .., Fi-soher, O lll.0 'sh 1M d. . 7.11tom''rreti Or,' 17l>Ct)1]•s T��Y� Z,�c���1Ld ,., • 1 1)C1L to announce tllat. I have opened out in the ri1AILO1t1N( TRADE, where you can rely on getting ilia latest goods cut in ,the 'latest Styles by MR. 14 I. I ISCHER, as' Cutter and. Manager. ' 'Thanking youalt'for the patronage e\tended to Niall, hoping to''ref ei-'e the same in the future; Fine a•ange of goods to choose. from*, ' Cheap for cash, as 1 nils*tent in a position to'ilo anything else 'Scir ciiir WORSTED rantingsT scotrlt-`:l'ty 1'.f.iys 31r:/,s, t llseher, Prop., M. Fishier,: Manager, e isa*iirDown :We resp. :S-iil�io lo�l Gt#t 1-::a of; attention. licl purchasin.g �t" ran. '�';�I"etzp*r���:q .nr�a, : 4. i•�;� iav ° ,• 3rx"5srm� c , - i{It'•. t111C"�Ci1�1i1 •• `�S• t T1 t the 'Ordered Clothi11g Del)artllient; we llavC ' YCornplete lines : o `: d T ' Z n WORSTEDS' Ck1TtT, .:IM) SEE W —1.1 A1411 -OF FEltING. OILTEVIET LOfitlDEsBbRo. :. • cru rrSCO = + W ARE.,.:\OW O11011,G ONE 01, L'R.E LAItclES•r" STOCKS OF BOOTS . and SHOES 'at -Remarkably Low Prices, IIARNE SS 'TEAK HAAsps $2 SINGLE .HARNESS $1O... -11,1.,CA1.a,II ES ;n. t arrived, laten.. t Styles, v ett' GllOh p. TRUNI S 85 VALISES b 1 - the hm1ndred Cheap, ' " High land !'INE end CEDAR 51JT.NilLES at Lowest Prices. il]A .r1 Vi'' i9cici fur,1.Qj..ri+f ()Huron. ion.' M' . 1 1