HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-26, Page 4<ea. ftw. akttvertitituttoto,. rarmforeee-M, aleTaegarte - ,Stoch for eiele-Jas. Mee orleme • Lot for talee-lieuniug Scott. Illetteputup factory -Jas. Yoripeon, tieedgrein-eas.handshorough. Tickete to Ouliionnae-Jus.lhouipsim. Vpholstertnehea. A. Demote. Te horsemen -Rely Zee Office., eewieg inechines-J, Vantlichle. 1,00k atm sece-13eveley et CO, ouhnette. e ' Tailoring- hire. A, elecher, special tiotier-eay le Co. Show of higtss-Jewkstin hros. A bonanze-C, Renee,* ye. New hoode--Drygoecis pelace. 030,etio luare-Farran Thelan. ree /lousefor &ale -Alex. MOM& Venn frir sale- D. Beskervine. flintou' et,a FRIDAY, 26,-1886. Ciblidre;I's Jubilee, -- Ausatareissairy etervistee ef eh% Ontario etesillesdist ceeinreh elanday Pelmet.- ' ie Pow living la Aire. J. Tbompson, of the hayfield eine, knottier of Mr. dee, Thompson, Cliutone His brother William, who woe alee one of the pioneers of Goderieb townseip, died about three yeare ago. Mr. Elliott had. rex sons and four daughters, 'l'he sons being Gebriel (reeve of (rational .township,) Wre. aed James, all living he the towuslep, 'elm, following eobools, viz., Berne and Bee field M. aud Robert, of Elliott, Dak„ mid jobn, of roacl, (Free.), Varna, (Epee), ancl Goehee lime i Dungannon. All his clengittere are married, Brueetield and Varna, (Meth.), wee held an singularly two brothera in lioth inetaneee 1 the Methodiet chureleVarne, on Wedeeisclay* marryiug two vedette the daughtere being 1 17th inst. At 10 &oleo* !harp, el r. Williaw and etre. Jolla and Mee. Jainea etlx, (lode. imitable portion of Seripturerafter which the gre. Robt. ena elm John MeLean, Goderieh, 1.Keys, Free., proceeciect to open by reading a rieh township; For yeare he had•hecn a fa Ward choir saug anti Rev A. 4, Smith led iu prayer. aeci earnest member of the eclefh,odist eharele I' A few preliminary remarks were then made end died in the fnli essurance of faith. Al. bY the chairman, rind the first item of the teongh- he had to etruggle egainst eretnentlens : progitimme was called fur, viz„ " Verbal re- ddlicelties when the couutry was new, yet be 1 ports of schools." 'Unfortunately three schools had the entisfactiou of iteeing•all ilia fa wily- ill 1 of the six concernee failed to have represente. comfortable eircumetancee. 4,..,touehing feet , tives'iu the emorning eeesion, hut of the other eonneeterl Yeti( hia death, was the. preeence of 1 three very encouragieg reports were given, every member of his family hut roieeeend hiE; i good attendance, full librariee, all the year ability to eonverse with and recognize theta rimed work, being amongst the most note. before passing away. The day before bis death, i worthy poiuts referred to. Thie part of the leev, T, el, Carnehell, in. milking IL V[Sit to f iirogramine haviog been disposed of Mr. 0, him, asked if lie ILO any feats for tee future, ' 8milh, of Viiroa, was called upon to intro. mid received the joyoue reply, " Oh, no ; teo duce the topic, A 4 thie,Of habit in ;studying and not'desirous ofliving and hate no fears of dying, teaohing S, S. lessons," Mr. Smith thinks Christ is my Sevioer." He always enjoyed • that all available helps 'should be eonseien. good lreatill until leenteMber last, weeii he tiously• employed in the home study of the took congestioo -of the liver, never fully recov. lesson& both by teachers and seholars. bat ering therefrom. • At the time.ef pis aeata deprecates the use of lessor) leaves,•ete„ in he had attained (he age or 75 years ande e the scbool by either, He eptike of 'having menthe:- His +moral, On - Weidneeclaeg was latelyavisiteclestagolgeol where. lesson leaves largely attended, there being fully 7.5 eehicies beVe lateen- been,,,Aitrodueee, and expreesed in the • precession , The • pall. bearers were In us ael few -having beef) very favorably impress. Meesrs. ;Teen eckehesorietaptelelibiecin. David • ed by wbat be saw. He Said that the abuse Beacom; John ,A.ndersoe, Edward MeDean, of lesson helps, was crowding the bible out On Sunday and Monday lest the'Anniversary Servicee. of tee Ontario St. Methedist Church, 6; h. were held. On Sunday the services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Nugent, of 13erlin, and, despite the very inclement weather, the atten, dance, morning and evening was lerge, Mr. Nugent did excellent service, and hi$ talks to the children were very appropriate. On Sun- day evening Me discourse was an exceedingry able and eloquent oue_, full. of origivaliter and painted inustretion. He has acquired the fac- ility of rlyetting the attention of his borers, and retainiug it throughout. In talleng to the children he assumed a conversational etyle, which interests the little ones, and by rendei- inge Bible illustrations, in moderu phraseology, le interests and keeps the Atteution through- out bis discoursee. Mr. Nugent iff awe to be popular with the ehildren wherever he goee. The Anniversery mete% wee held em. Mon- day evening, and the charchewas full to over- flowine. The children, who have been ander the tramline. of Mr. Geo. Oaks for some weeks, sting exceeding,ly well, • The selections were all. new, and very? aperopriate, The ohorucies were rendered an A spirited untneerahe children keeping excellent time and singing with a will, Miss Carrie Gibbings presieedel the organrand did it well. In the musicil part of the pro- grennew the -two trios." Look aheetV ea. "Lite- tle onee•of God are we," were especially good,' and drew fortlegreat applause. Mr, Oakes is deserving. of great erectit feir the manner in - *which -this part of the programme was sustaiii. .ed. He was ably secended by Mr. lei Smith and the choir of the church generally. • The.rest of the programme • was made up of recitations and dialogues by the litele folks, and addresses. It would be hard to make any die- thietions, as they were all so good,. 4114 we must conthnt ourselves by einaply giving the namesand pieces,. The recitatious were -"We must ehineel'A.zie Gibbiegs ; " Suppose" Elsie Rifleman , " Little one," Annie Howe ;'" Little by 411We," LOU'ISS4 Brown ; " Boys wantedee. Marshall. Morrish ; "Six o'clock p. in.," Ida Carter ; "Being a boye" Edmund •Miefie; "Fere- mer Gray 'teeth photographed,' Nellie Walker; and "•We• Boys," Wesley Stevens. The dial°. gues were :--- %What we will be,e•Tommy Car- ter, Tommy 'Walker, Arthur Speck, Herbert Graat,•Willard Pullman and Howard Sperling; " The Rain bowe Minnie•Couch. Lney Stevens, Carrie. Walker, %Minnie Brickendeni Annie Moore, Emily Smith and • Libbie Gibbings ; " eVisbes,":11dith.Cornieh, Teeaie Speck, Nel- lie Walker, Elms, Stevens and Etta Speck; • t` Making mother happy,'" Masters Holloway end Downs, The pieces were short and appro. priate, the chilclree'e. progyamme being nom- . WE have eandeneed lair reeding matter as Much as poessible this. week, in. order to. aecommndate. local newS, and ther'efoio leave out a quentity of editoriel. and:several coMinunieations, fOr the same reason, We will illw4s give place to kr cal news in preference to anything else, " -We .believ.e. our -readers would sooner-liate „this :then a page of editorial, - The Itiel debate has been brought to a close in the 1-lottse,. and the gevernment . sustained by a majority of 94. on Land; rey's motion,. Twen ty-th ree Liberals voted with • the • government, and seventeen bolte.rs, 'This is just about as we expect- ed it would torn out, The- very lact.that so:many Liberals voted with the govern- menkehow.ed that they, at least, were en. willing tie make. it pere .party_cateition. .it is aite.gether likele that -the gaVern-. Will. give rise.to antether Aniniated debate, - Toes:into correspondefit- Ofthe `Lon- . don -Advertiler, pays this compliment to • .. the member:fey West Huron.in the Local : " All the Ministers have A wonderful mastery orthe deettils of their -respective departments. and none ' are entitled to ingher 'praise in 'this respect than Hon, A. M. Itoss.: He has held the office of' Union S. S. Convention Reported specially for the New union S. S. conventicle embracing the Provincial -treasurer but:a short tone,but pietecl by 9 oelock, . . he bag ampler :justified hia selection fee Addresses Were delivered 'by Rev. bleasee. thatitnportant , end.' fesPoneible office? Nugent,' Rupert and Salton. The ellPerinteet-'- '11110E1 'liugos ASS/ZES. • The Speiug Assizes opened at Coderich, on Monday afteretion, lion. Mr. Justice Rose presiding. There were Aline civil ceps for trial, The only crimioal charge is that of forgery: Wm, Lount, Q. Ce of Barrie, is con. dnetirag the ,Crositil businese. ' His Lordship, in eharging the grand jury, eongratteleted ' them on the apparent absence of oryne in the county. • lie reminded them of their right to present to the uourtstheii viewe in rept& to any matters that intheir judgment reijuired iegislatiye attention. .0ne matter that wae hoginnieg to effect the interest of -the public was the labor problem, aud,he thought before ending their session they inight perhaps think it wise to give' the country the benefit ef the result of- their manire deliberations on the subject. -It is a question .thet this Omintry • with other conntrMig enuet face very SOOn, ' and it was to be hoped it would meet with e neeceful solution. It was not quite right to sa that labor and capital were in conflict, oil dentoccumed the chair• an nriate reinerkee • • From the report made by Secretary, the wheel tippears e in a flour- ishing conditioe, never more • so since ite com- mencement. The nurribbr on the4 roll. is about , 260, thee average attendance 170. The minter Bible Owes largely made up of heads of fam- ilies, atul is well attended, the aveilage 'between' 40 end O.' The amount. asked for from ehe anteverneyeservices was freely,•given, the proeeeds being.aboue 570. ee ' eye some 1-141, the and Bemuel Cox, • 0 of our selools, a fact, wbieh be thought, was A few quire yeareahall roll, niuch to be deplored, Au interesting dims. -:Obituary. Pia 444;: • *0 itrziLL, 'wife of Mr. 41.obt. Camp- bell, el Melcillop; who died on Satorday,-was anoeher of the pioneers of thie ootitity, .hey• ing eeeided In it for nearly forty years, and during that. thee beaved all the ehareships .whieliefell to the lot of the early gettlers. She had alargce•femily,eahde-Was-knowne far -end Wide as erne evoman --loving aud being loir• ed. She we's a faithfut meinber of Einburn Methodist chureb, and a laVfnisrab,er,N1pw. • that !they ehould ere., In the nethre of things ed her reratdas to their iesting platie in in hem cemeteey.- ' • • ' . - %thee sheald not bee They must work hend Witereet Loierr, who clied'aii the rese A few more seas'orrmonte; * skin followed, the drift of whioh was to empha. And we shall be with those that rest, size what Mr, Smith had enunciated, Asleep within the toad?, that S. S. temhers ehould nee ttli helps with - A few more struggles here, hi their reach at home, bat in the school use Aftw mote eartinge o'cr only the bible. Varna. The roembers eianstitath the chtirele A IcIT',CLE COGJTATION. A few litore toils, a few indre teers, "Children in phblic wershi fe"lwas the next. Ansi we shall weep no mere. 0 • topic. end WaS introduced by Mr. Tliomala .Arpitit_the,Gountt, We J. Corneae; Of ..tesboruee reeeutly reiused We fez. los span of mares. 'ee • • Mr, Peter lvfuon., of Ushorne. haw purchased Mr:: Wm. Latmalle's farm, hr the township of Ray, for$6,800. : Mr. Fetor Baker has rentedlet 21, on the towe line, ono mite sinda half east ofehmee, rarm contains ecres; - • • Mr. John Willis' shot nit ue eagle it% the town- ehip of Hay, on Monday leet, Thehird merour, ed 6,f t. Sin., from -tin. tO Atifini Whiteford,' of the London Road, may, hes reetea farm. for a torm ce.yeare, to Ms son,in-law, Mr, The& Hawkins. Tee Spring Suave of. tee North-western: Fair Association, will be nem en their grbuuds Winghain, 00 Wednes,fhtyrAPril • Mr. Timmins has purchaaed the honse Kett tannery. -of Mr. Gueet, Innovate, evlea.late- ly bat there financial difflou lties. e," . Mr. John Gin, of Exeter,. hae in hie posseksion an English haff-erowe ncarlee dare 1624, and, on oue seta asengrayea the head of Seece, Eliza - A goose' belonging to err. -Mel:drone of the Tbaines Road, Usborue, ilow against a. wire fence whigh completely severed les head from, its body., poring the lest Our. months Mr. Ihnee. Rissett, sr., of Exeter, hes purchased and • disposed et, himself and in coinpithy: with other 'buyers, ithOut 100 b()VS04••• • •• ' • • f On Monday sleeve:" let Siam .D, itieett, -Knell, S. Bisset and T, 13insett,: Were Oat for a fox hunt and sticeeeded in •eapturing ton ef the beauties. This is good luck., • ". • Messrs:- and Thee. Leslie, •two highly re- epeetod citizens, of the these:neap ot Hay, left last weilociulay niorutng, for et iehigan *ice the inteutiog of-commerg, farming in,", haat. And eeoli One is respoesible for such a IA' ise will bring no eiecredit upon the thumb. l'o tele Rciltor of the New Era. , Should avtisider it a privd ge to work for ' Sul.--1.ast week the New Era contained 'a Chriet, and should try .ta ereiect our work tell. good article under themption of "The price of The Great Heed of the 'shut oh vill not suffer wheat," which, one would eupp.ise„ would open . us to labor in vain, teoe's word to peen he theeiyes of ad to the feet that protectienism is right that shall ye receive,' ,He eited the " go work in my vineyard ;" and "whatsoever ias Aioaliolart, ooarliyitiontejue,refoo.r iiiroteniatod.roef tbheoateoflut,:thitilye impress yourseaciers with this f act, tu. connec. ease of the great liaison, who said. at Trate'. tieg,_ 1_,;.,te. tee pri.e.of wheat, Levu). eye them gar -o England eepecte every man thus day 2n ,„„m, „„ ,-.% ,-, „to do bie dety,"" and urged that, these words' -ciae-cf-io-in-ivio'se vie lieeetlevVya)titay bulidonfinhalincldlitel; might he ever upon oar minds in working for inenufecturett, thereby prevezting in a great Christ, Rev. Mr. Denby' led Off in a dieetts- measmuraenutfhaecitrurieugooteloaotkioinn,to• itthceommaptetlelre.41,Elnegy- _ sign by the remark that a teeeher Bhould be lish a member of the church. He thogghtethe could heeestly say, " We have not refused to exaeiple of teachers and °Moen who were in- ttruanditeyw4intdh4tnaitftn4dg:eltatovetrE,alenwyitohuaesve,ryyctouphpaovte- different to the church. very harmful, Rev. an almost- unlimited area to develop, to turn • ler. Sneith thought this tome eould be beet into productive farms, wile% we have not, wait" the teachers end officers being under. discussed along the ilea of i' Meker and Ser. st4Illt oc:nfaSurnbsei el itotbnoesbsoeefrrt7fhparotSf fib °DO le .1t111 riM tIti:si :lib:414\1'4i te::dite ill: lel bnidee el r zeo11709;11 ale' enSt° tiloreger' al 14' 1 1 blPttg ly. ev res fir(1411° r Itpr . This treclu:trinon freoirtn, atayntrioeLt7 agriculituftet shippers, t.i,.!iiiiiig foofttebleuriployinent to ill that Net Shaw' and Stewart also took part in tile dis end a nunierowi °Lisa of traclenar„ servants ete.; in exchitnge for this produce we will give 'clIBMsir°,11George -Stewartwas then called upon than you cau obtain from anywhere else, be- . you goods thet yeti must have, and , cheaper to open out the eithject-" The relative ad. cause we have facilities already in existence, vantage of the S, S. Library iand 5. S. redo. twhiatht eunsatb,lvete, 41.ths a ti io bper 0 lame ep et,: t ore:uerhneohuerapaeti.. dieale He wanted tc;Itnow what was the than, others, lf yen do not continued to trade objeet, of 'having in the S, S. the one or. the yeu mey exist with contracted corntorts and . tp:teio:tiiensswohMielstoituhear ti':.teectioorna;40fnor-ienttieltrletoouunglet . ethere-ware it that tee ehildiela might ca. rrsy - in trade, heme a book with a Basil cover, and full cif poor pi ,, -.• we millet; for our populetion is so *alum or 'n the ease of -Periodicals a see, to live, therefore' we will go. :t0 Mae- other of large that we havel to import food to enable us tithh ae eat blVei ell - bliet t 1010%1 sge4tthtahne mpicotfuvreereslift.ttibeleu But if the object. be to ;die useful inform:S. our dependencies and see if they have not open; • • tient le thought, we could not afford to dis- Inge for traiii; Or some undeveloped, resource." leave et IabaldeiaofanwailifeaintiaplavIncrteioinir,oaaduldwaas.soopnoerttretionscteoilf. ' • pepais with them. These reinorke he 'said lAyilnidohthoipeeinseedeaucptlayvwalsitatexhtaeanttaokrencppulaneter.y, Toah; , adopted by would opeu the subject, and he woeld vantages' of the; twe,things. An interestiu§ to the eonvention, to decide as to relative ,ad• diseuesion folloseed. tributing libraries were discuseed, the method Soma 1443°4's of dig' eheeper than it can be groult; St.PaYieg prices. - India itt crowded with a redundant populat'o labor was abundant respleheap, co-eiequeul tnly. that grain caneeow hi? oletedned frem- India, several of the schools being to send ice Canada. • Farmers can teuslilamly: see that heme with tlae children a eatalogne of the Similar effects will be produced by the course books in the library, and have the parents it has not paid there to interfere with the ne- ttiral laws of the trade; • • . ' at present. being pursued by the workeig. inert e in America. The eonabination of labors; in the ',- various trades, evell cause an artificial and short- - -, lived prosperityeor what is called goed tenes, • thereby indecing young men to leave the farm and flock to the towns. and cities. Where they imagine they will obtain more, profitable and agreeable employment: The induceMent -ehat ia better pey and shorter hours -not only . geeerates a greater latunber of cenclidates foe this kind of thing, but it deereases • the demand - for the numner thae ca-7FFITrar the ' expeneive " luxuries are lessenede theigcommefices the' re. action, and works are etopped, ancl•men throwa. out of employment, as' was the Case only -a few years lago. %Writers' were ectually. asking the question hew it wile that 600,000 mete•wete idle •when they were willing to work; and theeivork needed to leo' donee? It was because they had ' :interfered with the natural, or Cod-ftiieing, law " ef supply and demand, ivhich eannOt be chang- ed or piterfered with, excel:it to the hletritheeit • of mankind, ' - • . •The iletreetment of, and • refuse]. to rkrutt . Chinamen to come to Ainerica; will, in titne,be - productive of eoriepensatilig re,selts ; they wile e"' begin th reantifaetuxe on 4 mere eetended scale • 'for ikportation, and ,if interfered Withe or • checked in that direetien, they will compete,'• ' and that stiecessfully, ia the marine traffic or ' -Alm Woad. It is usi usnany longer for 9, people- " to etrive to larevent trade intereparsee-that is- irthey'svish to entoy the coniforts andeonvou- femme of eiVilleed Mee-hoe:4i Imre thau it is tor. a farmer . to say that lie will de witheht lith ale -ivies arid tradissinem. • - .. - The e working man " for wall ok woe, is be- coming h power in g the lautl, nue legislators aro vieing witn one another dn, their 'efforts' to do °teething to giten popularity among .thein and yr. h. e, e something's, regardlees or pritielpie D is,..t e convention, subject„.— -a me i .. : e tote iseee!oe of the loeal I egisiature, Morel Linn find guardians sbould take hi S• S o -r- ,. ,euliii,lovraiseletrodoeoci• of this class interei-it, Mr..Danby begagbe, stating some reasons why e benefit, but, f t tl In LtaariliecAocloiess moiler for their. entreats and guardians should take an ieter- • um est in, S. 8. work, ••The happieeed all homes rwoillti ;emanate,' be ineitrious.wirairigkiliti; is -the Christian home. Hearts:in eyinpathy 1 h t tiree•trade iii Iabor, told nonenter- with Christ end his. Work. $thentibus efforte fureneetiti ' Wylie, of Varna, in a brief but neat address. mark those which they desiredllto rea -M17-Arrragalltellethli Talfbrearalra-glIrat 'Mc= -viall-thought that goad library books were better for adult's and periodieals for children, at least children who were' quite young.' State. . • • ' The •lfst of cob vietirins or Huron coo is ty for 'the quarter ending Miarch loth; is yore. seort, contatning.oidy sa convietione. lilketer con- tributea 0 or this it anther. The list le tees-man- eet mablishedfor.eoineyeart. efoudity.winesearie,.0,0 old resident of the towothip of Morris died, at the advanced of, 87 years -hints mouths., Ito was u...goed ing man and •bad•beeo connected: with the Methodist elruteh fOr.gears. ' • • Robert. Lookeridge,..01 Winghani,„ who, was .found•gulito• • or stenling a quanta, 'of gloves :tee mitts from Chemares -twittery, utile tim ago . weeseeirtorreetteryLenagee th4:441240 Thile i ale do (Mee of his •son•in71.aw,l. Melitiivish, Ripley), 6 Years, was ire toile eonSidered, .N\ t o , de Thursday last, at- theme ;?. tto have those' Who have: been phteed .well knowe. to many ef ou readers,. re portanoe to pareutte and animadverted upon the cetuluct of many pareets who totally fail. cel to recegnise this feet. A child should be brought very early to the house- of c.,hesl...and eltould he taught and trained to value and revereece the services, thereof, so it would becente a second nathre to him to attend e Derents owe it, te themselves and their children, to ;heel> their ebildren with them in their pew, and exercise control over there during .every part of ervice. Mr. Strew opened the discussion of this interesting sub. Joe,. by remarkine Oat the carelessness of many •parents as to their children, in public worship, was ti.very. cohniderable evil, Mid 'hoped that on13 result of this °convention would bean improvenient in this regard. Rev: Mr. ,A Mass Meeting of the Children followed this discussion, the public senora' havine been elesed atelooe to allow the childreb to attend. •Tlais-meetieg was addreseed in the Most in- teresting manner by Messrs. Shaw and Keye. Mr. ehaw epoke.ef yeath as, peing especially fevorable to impressions illusteating his point•in'a very interestink way by reference to hiii.'own early life. He_also spoke of the impertence of correet habits, and held the -close _attention of-. alLthe little folk, • aehe knoies en well how to do, throughout tbe whole address. gr. Shaw brings to his work in S. eonventions the quelifieation of Most aeife.lotig experience ea S, Si labor, and service follows the 8. 8., of coming'to the 5.. wares !a coward Denby issferred to the practice which sore ohildren have ie Places *here fhe, preachinil alWaYi oominands and •re 8. and repairing p;) their homes as soon as it' 'closes, as if the eucceeding service meant etothing ta them. Rev. Mr. Smith rernerked thet children pften take • more' ieteresb thiugs than they get credit for, as is semi by the questions they will ask,-henee it is im- POrtantthat very early in life they •be brolight to the'house of Ood. They are' thus brought , under the truth at ae impressible . • tekderlY lut.iet:eeting P"'svd• peof** in, all the elaurches,„ • are of young persons. . The President called. npon the char for liege propertian of- the conversions ciao year And ' even if this requit be not immediately. sp r4asylee'r: afikeirinwuthtischotRaefote. rhnloro.nDseensbayioniewd irne Secuied we , are storing their • -minds with .read,..and epprrived, after which the Presiaent truth which wiel produce a harvest bye find •eelied Upon Rev. Mr. 'Denby tp address the bye, lie, Cherles Smith lamented the gene., eral,enoubordination of the yeah of the present day, as ebinpared with thoseof 25 or SO'years ego:- A very prenounted difference • Of opin• •obtained • in the convention upon this poiet. Mr: Eeys• deplored the prevail. ing loeseuese Ofsheany persons in their views of th"o7 home of Ood, and • said that .in his inion-tleht-Wao dim -to t churches 'toelectereseeteeerniietiegs, conderte, etc., , He did' not while to be upderstood as, speaking againet the abeve,, but against.haV- igTitilelmtireillStilleia6viliniTgreilaTtiVall • when the' pie - gramme ealled for a new topic. the °Milne -Ian called upon Mr. ()aeries Tough. of Berne, ho introduce the subject, 11 The teacher in And out of the 8, S." Unon the 'teacher depene. ed e, very Jeep degieie, the emcee of 'the hea add by Mr riga..., Mr, Win. keys followed' in an eeps replete with e geed eounsel 'enforeed tellibg anecdotes well related,' The Iles,: •IDenby closed the seasion in the usual As was the case a year.ago the Ovening_ses. sion was by a great deal the best irfiatided of ,the three. By -the tirae proceedings cora elem. ed :the church waxediled to the doors by an last Thursday; to six -weeks .in the coutny at hare label..., • , Last week Wine Patton,' sr., sole lils fIttle', lot le, eon. 16, Grev,-fiontalifiag 10J acres, to a Mr. McKay, of efeletilop The price 'mid :was 83,000.. The purchaser "will take•possesslon about, April 1st; Fultou bus lived on the • farm ,itlat sold for '13 years. . Adam 1\l'eAllister, Ot Turneerry, met wallet. • siegular.acchieut a few days ego. While in. 1 he act of hacking his tenni out of the Central hotel shed, Wingham,-his thumb got eaught itne atlas &baps belenging to the haruess, tear, school. , The best results cannot. be, secured is en, be , manifested. 1. .By • extending ay • hoe elekelesu tied intik:Ling a scrimp Wound. .weeteehe teacher •is.not fk. COnverted •person.' • ogle to.theteaeherdin tbeirevork not' [Ind' . . Advanee says Goepel Arneveteite elle must be pituctual -tvii;t• of thie int fault tiii8 is a very common 'and very ,stisPended operations 10, wiegyeam. -mere is • ed 'many a,:echeele Ile must be carotid in fruitful setircee.f. aitcoeunr4g:ripageenttateotiastyettnixiisa.!: now tio opening for tbe Salvatioa. Arineete.try. their lnek. We luivellad the leird'a, the.eaved. Platter of dreee.' 'mesa also, give ateention mid combined- Saved. 'Gospel Males tO the pfeeetieetlen , Of the leseoo. time workets. T here, nna all ltitve• f ailed on ae,totutt of mut- order to Words whereVar they:May meet thetn.',,,3._ To, pubito ie posseeston of large franchises and , getTAIT-fitiwee, theougll weeltb, 'to handle it to the detriment of- the emutry, on the other hand it would never (10 that :those Who have the power to make money, the' pewee to. labor should.. beeable to eomblee: and subvert the,' peace, oeder and ptosperity o£ tbe country 'In order to accomplish, that which theythink iS to • their interest... It those, who command, labor aed those who command capitel (menet harm- ' onize and work geietly aed peiteeebly the • e'elution of' •this ' problem, then legislation, bricked by publinoeition, 'nest beebyought to• hear atieeehe. 'irdniinistrittiob ofjustice- he en,- . ioreed. : .• • " e • ,,e• • • ; Daniel 'Joseph DonevaueeflfiVinghain, is a ' *ming Mae eibout 20 yeters Cif age: The grend ivy totem:tea true bills against Lim, one ote 'Years he was a zealops member of t e et 0. charge of forging a warehouse: receipt for 60. • dist chinch, He leave font sons aneftWo datneh. bushels of- wheat ; One witigetteritig the same ters, the- letto r. noweBeitigebli.s. MeTiviele,.of ' with knowledge of its '011aractee another ef Ripley, and Miss 13, McLauglin; 'of Aberdeen, particulaity in Ooderich townelnp. : He eatne to this place tibout 29 years ago, from Shear., ness, Eng.; his wiee fatnily acooMpanying, him. After .working here about a year .he moved out on'- the Hayfield Toad and started businesk aa ye. blackereitli; 'et 'whet is • now known es 1.4ifft'S corner, Hete he establisli•• ed a gooa busieess anti remained for abetit years, but ae his sous -grew. up end ..enteeed other partalte,. be eibsed up his businese., and 'went to lie° •with his eseiihn.law (his wife he. ing•iletel aboh layeare, ). He was a penidoner from tier Majeety'sTockYards,• • having belly:Sem-0cl .91 yearee. service. A quiet, .in- destriouse uncissirmingmea, 'was reipect- .ed and esteemed by all who' kneiv For , ebtaiulegegoode. -underefelseepre'tence,-. On- Duke' - His 'sous • ar0. Me8S", ,16'' being an :doled the prisober pleaded guilte, and. wee sonteneed to fourtech months iu the • Central Prison, • , ' , '1'hoefig•st cute -tried wee eleaham vs. Maus- „stene. The parties. to the actioe Ow grain dealers, in Brussels, el ralitun claitoed Van- , . stone puecheed ehree tlioueaud live hundred ” btishele of Wheat fiti'm him' lest May, but re- fused hi carry otit the bargainafter taking 600 . bushels it. Graliain brogght tho action to. zee ivet$440'; hie lose by reason cif the failure to arry out the hargain On Dart of Vanetone., ' Verdice given for plaintiff for $4.16, with costs The case Of Harris vs. Hebei rpse out of a disputed _boirndary. Veedictforepalintiff• for 8150 -damages fee'trespase. leelso establishes the boundarrae 'coutended.for thh plain • tiff. • ' ' The Oates rit Wilseh and Wilson and Bre- ,cliard vs, Merrefield have been referred to the `-leedal Maater:ot ob.apaory to repert the facts , to flie Court. ' jegon.the fads being reported, the eourt paa-0. the Proper disposition of the eases: In Mt:Queen vs, Handel -eon an 'order has beeernatle that. if defendant delivat up pos. session et oertain disputed property Within TO' days action is -to be dismissed withoet• coste ; if net, it is to be dientissed with costs. Johnston Vs. Johnstnn,--An ection by "a , anntaiierigenceol, tient) tiirtsetaitetis.do.tolT hneortstaf „is ehjected • that Christi. es likvolati:dchtle 001!Ir intineneed the wMeringuleil aro pat forth by 'merits and guar.diaarnts..pinarsett:ths• oines o y me roc olie er peeple of the nited State. that the legIslaor a ice o ert ee orehe .sometimes. have, Very Wild families. • There aesetttrovtessineasemenetouts•ierfe,tyticanItiothkeyroetipitpattioetenteivititf_ may he eXceptionaInses of thi$ kind,- but UM' f I i .1 hells .sheotearciiies dnooutp,a, gititiutt•ytne•yoienil(TtiaossigoeM contrary the ride: The Cliristien home is lee ideal home. The efferts S• teeek• !Need leplalulyeretrierrittle step in civiffzethin." eets'put forth in belialhof the children of others,i Itt6'lisSentioduettleitialyabueebilitittitcortr, efoprollsecagatettili,htfusatia. ought • to elicit the gratitude .6f .the parents e • ,perni tea eonvict 'to be turned lower. into the .. •and geardians of those children-. . 1,0 the se- world; afttir an enforced -idleness of three •or • • cond place •Mr..Da,nby pointed - outeliew the foor years.. lie wodiel, belt Derail) indeed of the very worst charaeter, mut .sOciety would interest Of:permits and guardians in S.S. Work • Alene 1100 Waldo for the•ctlines he conninthol, to proloug hisehretehee existenee, .. • .' , • • If laborlagenen would. consider for•a ambient who were the capitaliste, at least' SO far SS nain Imre were concerneee V7%701114 uot hear so touch about: the tyranny of eitpltalists, Tile , .gecitt .itiajoritse of capitalists are widows ttud orphitns, those parties, whip Inherit Mt -Mena accuililated BaVbrgs of husbands end parents.. . or the proeeede ot aesurance. polley, frame.. either 'a company. er a benevolent meociation ..• with which they were coneeesed, and itoelety' both. epplatide the itemised. for his thrifty llablta and loving foresight, and also cone:ratu, iateS--ittelf-thatIrey are prOvided forctaitillet dependent upon,thefu fora living. This inotiey .18 invested; as It Muse lei produce ati ate. • • ill.COOld '85 'we know that many thousands Plrands belonging to tile widows and, orphans& • • Engitine 'were invested the Greed eTruuk• • R. Reandiges emit that 1.3,J03• widows of Franco , haVe stoekin the Panania danal. If the money is lost by syant of wistiont'in the undertithings, or is made liott-productiee by the couduct eirmloyeee, these widows and. orphans are, the scatterers, and °et -times they beceine paupers, and are it charge upon the hikes of the emu-. • pin otty. do thia let hine-starte early. in the 'week, Put' tarnish financial. supportetee .get yak- . able Withoitt outlay • S.• S. work get, not be support -grin other. words. the audicneeS •Ald hi., -/-5-01 peeeeiebee 01:1,96a0.tos tuns, or contribute ; . • . • • ' -., '• • trationi. by ;Which he will be •Able to interest ... : A -s:arr,e,.. on ,Witliont expense and suchen:tonne Mr.. Xeenry reufound, of 1110 end: eon- of etan ... , ley, met with a very emirate] accident. one day - last week. He was engaged on ins, larni:skid- ding. loge, ana when Working withen treat ero w nay, the implement ipesome way slipped) flew back an& sfreek lifin in the face. He was knock- eelfenselesirae d Ills hired men who Was work. hie elite. . T'eachers have cemplained. some- times that they ceuld not .finci.eneegli in the leeson -to keep -them ageing -for 30 -minutes; Tliie avec. from feilnre ' to .study the leesona thoroughly. Ito:must be laying, firm and serious. •eOut of salted. ho• :should. live hen; sistently with his prof espiatelernenthering thet hie scholars are watching bine." The person whOleaches well by his life -on the. Week day will teach Well before his' erase- oa !_,Sabbatio Ile shouid pray much for the membere of hie plass and ehould "teekeout absentees: 'Mr. Toneh's paper, to lay the least; was one of the most interestitig With which the convention throughout Was favored. Revs. Smith and Denby and Mesta. Meelyreout a.nd Shaw took nart in the discuseicaverter -which. the benediction wee prenomiced and the morn- . ing session closed. ' " '. ed, g S. S., shOuld. be organized, Certain o • 1. The' afternobii sesiiini-tinened" at 2. Ohilack -104ms'ai'e biteIrr4i8-6tilii• ..4tell"ti"*.el tha Charles Smith.. , • : Ye „,,,, 3. The °hutch is resPonsible for carrying her ,oppeeite count), btit theee are easily refuted, precisely by eingingeeeeiti prayer•led b Mr. The 7niinutas of the former wee), ewe, 5B. work through the whole year, Winter.' dosing, a most Unreasonable and. pernicious, sibtlity o£ pastors to S)S, Work!' Ile thought his end, except•en very rere eases, entirely :nil- warrentablo thing. Such rebreaking iteupon read and app!eved, Whereupon ler, &tenet.. Wartiess, er,; introdeeed the topic, " Nelson- etibject 5 delieete one but felt it incumbent a year goes ,a long way todrender nugatote, , the lahore of the /ear. Urged - tioMetireee , upon him 'to state the truth, Which he knew ' woeld take tare of itself, He clisavistred on:y thee the children °Minot get out or will got, absence of the pastors from the S, te, 'He eaters, parents' Ala .gnardiAntr, rather thau the ,real: trouble is With aeaclArs and intention of beitig personal. He deplored the bu•t youthful portioii of their flack, Attributed . 'with the chileren. 4. The church is teepees sible tor placing her hest erdents at the dis- 010100 them in duty bound tolook after the their almond° from the S.: S. i o negligence uP; epotaleofethe'S: :8`;--" What's worth doing:at as we would be .asked to contribute to sue a muse, eertainly canftot be better ekpencled, thal-Th sectirine to our chlidthif effiaient S' S. iestrectioa: • . . " ."The responsibility of the Chureli to the S. S." eves- the -next topie, and •was epoken upon by Rev:. Mr. emith, whoiaie this res- ponsibilitereoiatisted, 1, In nyiking Provieion at suitable Wei:vale for Lust sash gatherings as he was now, addresiging. This is ,an age of conventionsfeyiners' eoriventioes-tetichers' conventions-eonventions of reeditej men, ete., and we owe ie to 'the 8. S. to meet for the•interchange of thought, upon this limier - tent branch et our work as a ehurch, • 2. -Church should Make her S. eceextensiVe with herself, Wherever the gospel is preach. merchant,' St. 111a.rys,, Edwea, George. and, .thgnear by conveyed him to the konse.• Medi- " ' eal aid was sent for and it was ascertainee that reeidents of:Lapeer, Mich. liet re- mains were brought lore ler interment, on Frida laet,- • ' • • , Tile MIMS+ frieeds ofethe let°. 'Tames Ale Cool `of the Oth con. of•Hullett, will be scary a very. severe wound hail been metered on hie • uppMelM,,extendingdeneechesehilE3 Cheek. The.. wound was solved up and we 470 glad to Mara that Mr. Penfound 1a,now retRivering nicely, althoughlt ialikely his face will reuetie smile what disfigured by the sear. • t� hear of his decease, which °coned at bis t ReeentePiesepli•Canipbell, of •the bountlary late rasidetee oe tbe 20th inst., at the age of 60 • or efeleitiop was coining home from Walton in years anci..0 niouthsetroua an internal 'disease: tonapamy with a couple of feionstere in the ein• ley of.Josepiteleleay, they metietramp on the ;Deceased emigrated frohn the county of Done- f' lowland evereholting autougst themselves when, gal; Ireland, abbe% 37 years ago. After a the oid tramp eau in and stabbed Joseph Camp. lengthened voyage Overthe stormy 'Atlantic,. bell on the shouldereiellicting ite wound three he landed at Quebec. Keeping westward he fnefies (\wire whjeii proviclicrietrolnfaal. Whi? hbod. of -Toronto, with :bat a ,balf sovereign; v;.all'ei4it,-4111110d-h-etempie,Itabtereaa6iletiFfesulinotifliglel,leionFil segl:Iii arrieed at Bolton village, in the . neighbor- _ In•P h Ha engaged': himself with one' Mr. Bolton, 'the hand the knife was in end staved himself. iglgetgalertrtlhr litudgtiViTTELatUfg with whomehe retnained ler 7 ,yeets; At the end of thee period le determined to have a evuereupon be made a rush for William, 'Width home far hitnself, Started westward where email kisicedthe iftlife sut of his hand and chttS- the value Of thelaildeves More in Mannerly ed the tramp. , • , . . . with his pecunietey eirctrtnetauteee.. Ile select- • A eorrespOuddnt of the txpositer says i-lifr, ed and purchesed the farm on. which he has Yi.,,,,WittIlt,ta ect"ifenraill:tge,%%.1:11,1111,1ta:ilig6- sham resided. The vdrione iticidente ekperie 'ging quite a, number' of the denizens of the for- eneed by pioneers. in hewing ihome in the est: A few days ago he shot airimmense Wild baeltwoods, and making both eiads Meet, were .,at, which ficasuree four feiet fliemi tip to tip. duly felt. By bard week, strict etenorny and airelsgetigaeriffi)Nigrtglefels'Irtgutir oniriel.121tiite(1)tn8 lime acquired it eonsideriible, and has been a great arluoyetice to the farmers interest had his weeniest. sympathy. He liambftleuldifigi'ileitsTIDg'Irit*nsttiittitrOggenitileat atnount of this worldts goods) The education- in the violuity, -having carried off numerons earnestly endeavored -to raise the stand,erd of. ,Zhe givPo it a.teiale. and aecordingly evith hie . father against his son. rhe tether elseins• bis brother fermeete to accompeltekheluelle etriteteseseound-stenthtoethn,ewireorelItrelentrae theble .cleetletlehis-farnrtrelliorillid-eeent -wairfirelini!,tieusiastie granger, The prosperity ef the tracks of the animal and put the dee on the - ditieigtied he was to be supported by the son , the Loneesliorcegetinge, Wes in a greet measure Beene and in a short time lte had him hunted out. and at the first sight he shotethri ima end- __._ . „. for his lifetime, end be eiaie 530 per' year. HO: indebted to'hiin; be heid tbo Office of sehtetehlY ed les career. ion. Rattan has MO this season' °Wine twit the son failed te perfotin his part for seeeral years. Hewes a eeneieteet oaember Men twelve fottee, , • 'of the lee gain. The son °Jahns that the farm of the Methodist ehureb, His reinabas:' were --. . . . '• tie mortgaged for all it is worth, 'he cannot followed to thee last reties; }Ando in Lonileti. in the coerst of his -.sermon iti the 1)omi. make cliongli out of it to pay tho baStalments boro cemetery, by a largo. nntnber of friends' as they (wine "duo apd Aldo maintain the father and neighbore., lila wide,: 8' '3 (14:T, night, Dev. Mi. Lougely expressed IirraTeief. Ilion MethodiSt church, OttaWS, lee Sunday end give eine the ,90 per year, He Offers te daughter, are left to tabu ' ierciun*qt •the stand taken by bit. Disko in the take ) father And..support hine; but the husband and a kindeather . •• mu, .ee cemreetee, 1•14 note to the Ree ' fatlie. minket to rehire Med live with lilfu, • hIT. JOIM Eaton!, Who died in g ;natio% resolution, 'The IrovhgentAeinanjutid ke ad - The court, at the, suggestion ol counsel tor 'on thee22nd 10$1,, was born ie the °Minty 'mired er num wile tivpfunsed his lionesf soli- ' the son, decreed that the propefty be deeded Fermanagh, Ireland, hear Enniskillen, in victions end stood up tor what he believedle - habit to the father, tthe son having a lied 11E. November 1810, entigratitig in 1830, On the, be right, even if by so tieing he injured hie °tilt fer WO, payable at the father'e dent • voyage across the ocean, which lastedtthir-' political prosPects, rather than the .rnan who Bank et COnnneree es. Wright was an aotlen teen weeks, the vessel was shipwrecked on the reeorted to triekery and bypecrisy in order to ta set aside an alleged fraudulent cOnVeyaneo. • coast of Newfoundland, Sir. tlliott'a father win political favor and peever. , • , l'hie closed the businciss1of the. present As- Eerty•they bad beteg lost. 111t, Elliett thne . ..'ierre Parentean, a Pat:;clie half breed, Judgement reeerved, .. : • . ' . • was among those drowilea, •And all the pro. e . ' eiees, eadge Pose opens'eourt at Sarnia, on eing left with his mother one the other who. received a seven years' sentence. at ' Mazy next . . Mentherwof the family, a Sti•anger in a strange Menne. in August last, has just been par. 'be grauil ;jury have Made their preshnto land, and almost permilte, *They cement once -doped by the Government; • yaretaleatt is A, ;aid report the 00unty buildinge to be - te the cepitty. of Huron, Etna on their arrival, over 75 yours of age, but. with Ilie ann '' ,,,,,,a repair tied under menet. Inanfig,C MOM- lifter buying a bat rel of hour there tries L only 110 joined the other biota; in resisting t4e.' ad. - i e furring to .tho labor moblowthe county of dents left to the tenable aria rented a place on vance of the volunteers. . Huron bower; an agrieultural -district; they. -the fitli room rif (loclorich townisledpeelenown as eese. Kin....,-SIeteriatenie.:MMarealseeileteriOL-elitti -111rvtrfult-nrintourEmit'llmbralurgr-nit thn lbli GarelTim, anifTerniiner ler° To, four a 1 re i i erot eta - aelie,ele` eouse, ' in eompeity, with. ' trenbloqiettlexists in ceenincricial centres, yiars. Mr, Elliott then eettlee on a farm en ,emee weir, a •.,,,,,na,, ,t 5ieelhi,nebie 'but they suggest that -the (;.iverninent should the hth etne, • one Mlle south of Porter's Hill, eh t, t i ti 1 , t. 1 r h .e il e wee - - ateleavor-eseentroduee such legislatiop as WI get ent the • 1410110 intereste sufferieig in) years Igo; alien lie unwed itto tioderieli to '•.,..eatint ot the aetrita j•etivecel cal it%i :ma etel his (lees, lie was ene of a family of two Kti ,a. 7 L. se , mil flee:6,011i, tee ()toy 01N cf Whom . . _ . ... a ac er e I Who% he cotaintled to resl;le mail about title e• 4 . of liquor. ni *their fusing to lea .e Charles bout iietiibritli• 'so ti,rrit)ly tliat t ie • TM workele so large, arid 'latichand other . • .developed_rosources, are so - Mathew; t, • thee. . there is no necessity' for any olio to complain - • °Untying no opportunity Of etrriting au hottest, livineee- • In Ontatie, lima' few liuteered , from Torento,there are 'animus of tee res for free settlement, and the difficulties; to be-eneounter- -eteby themcwiettior nowein-compaeigen wan ei those •ot iitty yeates ;tee, are not "worthy iir• men- Thprelis Seareely yoeng man itt Oanade , hat what could in a few nieeth serape. together a few hundred dollars) and Ulm will with that unite with 4 company and go and take up lane in the•Ramy River eonutry he may be comfort: - ably eetttedin ice then een yeitre. • • e . • ' SORD30.' : [Sovetai other letteis unavoidebly erovided mit, will appeer next \yea: 1. • . Salle . leeglster. eeee • Tuenseev, April. 8:---Farin itock, etc., ' Mr. 8 ()rich, lot 35, 2nd eon. IL Tuck • .ertainith, aeut f • • tor mud . on the part of the nunistere. • 1 as ell werth doing well, .o a waye ........ . -be-an execeple-to-hieflotkeeetelesspitsterie BORN t 1 ta for this work we want the meat flANSF011.1) -On the 9lat atBosten, weetd say. " Awake then that sleopest. A discepielon fellowed, in abatement of judge. inent.Inv., Mr, Smith said that he thought the absebee of pastora from S. Schools Was not ea mucletromenegligencee ar_eirrelesenese, as from pressure of „other duties, upon the Sabbath day. Mr. Shaw also took this view kelteepaseter, though -the President- seen:ma- to fitior the opinion of tlie iiatroducier of the topic. Rev. bite Denby said that the Minis., ter was especially committed to the ministry of the word ancl. attendieg to ;this hid his full. share oe wotk, He, etie,e there we's ability enough in our churches to carry ont the S. S. wai.k, And that sueltelereone ought to hold theineelves respotnible for so doing. This -.clotted the eliscusition; aed -Mr: Wm, Keye proeeeded to giYe lin exhibition: of' teachit g by mane of the bleolcboare. Mr. 'Keys is posiessed et considerable ingentity in this lino, and ma.koS Scripture truth yery emphatic, by kis cleverly drawn pictures. AS discussiort was the •ordet: of the day; of course, tiliS MO- ON' Of 10'M:11111g. Caine in for its share. Fear ivas expressed in some quarters that the teo. detioy Wag tO materialize spiritual truth to fleet). eenchelii- Dut 'equally eteoug views village am hal i,,stica to the Musieel part of efficient, There is in elle church a great deal of nearsed talent, whieli is goitig to give the owners trohble sometirne.• 5, To" furnish, ,.getterous 1,Ittateeel support, the S.' is tile cliiril of the.church---" llot if any trian pro. vichgnot for his oWn and eepecially fet those of bis owe house, he hath denie t ai arid rig. *Of tPst4,;••'-'• 8.; 5, hand not • sup- port. 6. I ie meet bring to the f4, S; a warm loving heart; 'baptized of the Holy' Spirit. • *At the close of Mr. Stuitli'a address, the querition drawer was opened, and eilesars, Archibald Campbellephatles Tough aud Gso.• Stewart proceeded to answee a.Very shrewd. atiA. tefee way a large nuraber of questions which had been dropped. in, 'The convention • deeided open bolding :a similar gathering scatime in March of next year, elected the following officers: - Pres., Mr. C. Tough „.„ vice.rres.,. Mr. Win. Xeys ;.. Secy. and :Frees.; Mr. WM. Clark: A large oommittee was also appointed. The tchoir, oomposed of singers train the three •*11a,,e schools and soine from. outside the etreetereelveAe, by the mast:nut use of • perlitips, were exi.ressed in lever of blaeltheiertiet. the progretnine,. After.he.fetere formalities, in . • . the way of votes • ilutukk Tree': hire' r'esponitillility of ililieereard l'etieliere Smith tie:sod with the beneeiclitiii mid thus - lei the Claireli",was met tepic, eine eves elided .a, most intereetine arel „ let us 'Cope. Pollee hail to rutiteve them to the beeei.rd, eice -iatreduced by Mr, , t lak, 0 pro 7 0 • • • ..t• s Masse 'the wife o.t 11.hansforil, of a nee ter. e • • • trfIelltlee-en Cleitoe, on the tend inst., ' the wife of Mr, Jits, Shepherd of a faai• ' MARRIED stintINGs eCTIOSS.--In Mitchell, cm the leth inst.,. by the Reet,-A.; Canningliam; at the , - residence of Mr, ' Wm, Moody% Mee WrIt. Henry Sibbing& to Miss Alice Croce, both 1.1 elintott. • . • • . 1,1,1t. -Li.. • • Goderich, on the .22,sel. ihst., John lliott, aged 75 years, told 'omen ths.• DAMPI3ELL.--Tti hicKillop, 11,0at th0 20th inst., swum. wife of Mr. Bobt Camp. bell.Aged 68 years. hleC0014,-In. linllett, on. the 19th inste--ee-e-- Jews bfeCooleitged ti0 yeare and -0 menthe. TeePET,e•In Ripley, on the 17th hist., Lefet, formerly of Gedigich toweship, • aged 76 yeam , Spring. Shows. . . . tr11,91.4 :2 Will he held ei ..014011-• kalaa.:S.:- • 11:1,4 Unreal, at lIrteral..yrriday,..Wil Ntatwl toter, Fleetly. Aprii lithbott at Staffs. Friday, April le • rectiferth,Tuesiley, April co. ' eolith Hugel Wedneei cereeleetemateeireeeatEeeter, ereee," etrillegree- Stratford, on Tivarsi1J,k, April . t„If-tey.--„Mtednesdap*Alititz3,- Milverton, ThuksJa3, April tr, ' N•Itii.we.tere, wage oie et ell .