HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-26, Page 3• FRIDAY, MARCH 26, •160. weetb•weet steneutelie . The reason why I have been flitted to „et-, write on thill•stitj'eet"lie living as I do in the country affected by the rebellion I am believed •te have seen during three months of excitement some - taking that may be worth telling,. I 'fake this as a hint that what is requtred of me is net so much a disquisition on . the causes that lertiii the rebellion,* or on Biel's sanity 'and kindred. topics, „ sketch,y description of ineidents Opt Clime more or less closely within the range of zny observation. I shall pass lightly by, as likely to inake less im- • pression on the gentle reader,,than, they • did on myself, such facts as that I • shouldered a rifle a$ a member of the Edmonton Honae Guard, and blistered • my hands in preparing the fortificatious of the town; ancl I shall ask. his attene... tion, in the first place, to th`e" flia butt the number •of half-breeds and Indians --concerned in - the - yebellten - was •very - •small compared with the populatiou of the eountry-e-perhaps a fiftieth of the whole. It is true that the letters and ,•ouriers sent by Biel and Big Bear had • • • he effect, of • unsettlingand exciting Loth half-breeds and Indians throughout the length and breadth of the land, ancl thatmost effete Indians, at least, did ---,prepare for WW1., but few of them ac- • tually teok part in the hostile demon- . stratione and some remained un- •stakably. loyal t1 got. quote instances of this leyalty. One ef Big Bear's emissaries, who war a retie: gada from Pakan's reserve et Whitefish • Lake, came back to his old home for thd • purpose of putting the band in a fair, way of getting tair share of the plen- • der ; but the Indians turned a cold '• shoulder on hie], and after he' had fruit. lessly 'endeavored •to get them to listen . to him, he announced ,his intention of getting his.own diere, whether they got • theirs or not, He said ;the Indians at Battleford, Fort Pitt and Saddle Lake 'ere uteaking into the: stores •of the • •:traders and takieg all the -goods they wanted, and nett that they had an op- •- portunity of deing :the same thing, it would be a mistake never enotigh to be in Other ways, was the teacher of 9." Protestant taii$$10f1 WW1 Part of the Fort Pitt and Frog Lake bands waS Protestant. So wA•part of that at the •BoaHill and all of thou) at Saddle Lake, It will be understood, of course, that the terms Protestant and Catholic are only useerin the nominal sense in which nearly all the 'Indians in. the Norph.tweeLare Christians. They are Protestant in virtue of being under the care of Protestant missionaries and teachers, and.vice Ver§ll• , A. good cleat has been said, apart fi'om remarks on their fighting qualities.about the troops -sent to qua the rebellion- cumatances will the settlers he fonnd as inprepared condition as before. It was miatake last year to withdraw all the troops before at least those In diens who have nolee°itheete ose ter titles were disarmed andthe way paved but fell grm own omitien hoe,. who had elembered from the cow•entelier on to the footboard. The lion followed the fireman into the loeomotive eith-tht ; metier growling unpleasantly the letter • as. , conipatizon, the engt• for a mere satisfeetory method of dealing. neer, however, tees e-tiece--„,-r-Tosolimp. with then:. The .favorite topics for Tr 1 1 4.0 431.; .no to fight stories around itidiaD °emit fires this the intluder, bet he thought of the, winter are that more while teee than whistle, and quickly °petting the valve half-breeds and Indians were killed:" 'last issuLta 3 shrill, piereing shriek. which Se outwear ; that the trooPs• left t eounty•Y tevrithel the auhna: that he plunged in haste, and that there -vitt be another headlong train the locomotive. In his carnival of blood "When tbe gross wvwfi." preeipitatejuim, he brolte hia neck ; and The Indian question is 3 dialcult one. fosr!, after the 'train rcetelied dm, nearest stn. the government to deal with and in tem ou.t.y „bp wore :4041,4 ot, their discipline,, morals; gentlemanlines,e I um. linfeetel liftileee.carei 14 ase, the weight have feinted snbjeets for discussion.. It A•NDREW Illt(ANNING ol" which. was three htindred /emu& is not my intention to add to discnssion Edmonton, N. W, T., • ,• How the 10)11 obtained a forratin4 Ott the fiirthay ei• than to sthat the Alberta ' , (tow-eau:het with the train going itt full expeditionaq fore() contained tipeciniens India,!s ItTheat ViroP,• speed is mystery, of both extremes of behavier. Edelen': i ton was earrisoned •bv 4etachments • of• P47'`N OF NTET CONCERNING Johnny's Afistitico, N' S the 'With of Montreal and the 92nd Win- NANNER WM= CRAIli pipeg Light infantry, It was .here • the .dispute. occurred -between Col, Oalmet and the Protestant. members of his de- tachment which resulted in 'the men be. ing fmnished because they refused to Mk part. in the Roman Cetholic Cele- •hratian, a conspicuous display on , the, pert of. the commanding ()Meer of reli- gious intoleranee, to say nothing of other qualities usually regarded ss. more im- military. The detachment of the 92nd quartered at.Edmonton 'vonth e highest esteem for their military and manly qual- ities, ,Thenfficers_end .,threetfenetlie,cf, flWinen-Were• PreShYleriatts, and their eller& parade. every Sabha th-eateetenew• and 'very attractive appearance to the Edmonton congregation. . This article, would be incomplete if nothing were said about the, prospects of aeother rtabellien. It only too likely that there will, be serious disturbances,: but if the" gevernment tako precaution. tut/ measures. by inquiring 'into and re: movieg grievances, and by being prepar- ed 'for. putbreak, there....Fiii bc. ne reason' to expect a rehellioe.' It ,cannot be denied, be -Weyer, that the. dissatisfac- tion amongewhites, half-hreeds and diens is :almost" as .deep and, fihnoSt as general as • it, was last winter, 'Some of thelndians who were 'loyal last Sprint; • and: who were_ie, consequence promised Special. cot:Cessions; have not only been .disappbinted in :regard Ao. that promise bat :eventhe eovernment ..they- were eel custonied. to• gat has beee withdrawn: This. is eSpeCially the, ease with some , bands .of Indians. east of here, and the harsh .treatment- to which they...have • regretted te let snob a golden opportun- • . ity ' The little' trading -store,' bee • longing to the .Bay Comeany, • on therkserVe, Was \temporarily ciosed . the man Who had beencin charge of it, et •• halfbreed, nained Petr, Erasinbs, was • absetit,..- assisting In the •defenee- of .the larger and more seriously >threatened post at Lac. ra.Biche. -The Inditt‘n de- • .elaied hie intention...of bre.alting\into_ ' this ' store and helping. 'himself.. Tb• .@,„ ethere objected-cia-thegroend that -snob. an outrage Would • be blamed on the ' • -whole hand,. and ,they had no wieb . to . acquire 'a reputation . for housebreaking. .• This: r in front • ofthe store about' hiph they' . were 'disputing,. and when finally the-. t-• f rebel approached the ,•Cloor to. break tr. in, another Indian raised his gun, •and, from. the distance, oft' few yardskilled liim instantly, -a most,t_crideferisible aet, ,of coarse, lent one that put a remarkably stiddetep.. to allyebellious aneLtpilin, •dering talk 4n' -that • el eigh borb.00d. The mityderer wes afraid; as ofcourse he had •reason to be, thatehe wottld be either arrested by -the-. Police and•,.. tried fer . niurder, 'or -that he wont& waylaidby the avenger oftalood. 77the police; how,. etern, bed other tuetters: to attend to,and ..,,a..counplesof.ponieeebeingehanded 'over .by' ...• hislanaiLyleethet-of the -murdered -inane' '-inithing-fttitlierLwaseheard of the matte • ' The. _othett-inetanee-ef-Indiairloyal • is pleaseeter•: to conteMplate: *du the' . . morning•when the Hudson BAY COnit • pany'a store at the Battle Biter Crosaing: • was -raided by . the. Bear's' Hill Coes. ,under Coyote, there' happitied to he. -ii Stoney Indian • from .. another reserve tradieg in the attire, and when the plundering band rcide...up_ t-. full-gaflop " • he •went mit -in front of the :store and • • • ' madme *viol -Jilt speeeliiellieg the Crees , that thettegere 4 parcel. of cowards inifi' I thateiplie had even two :of his ottn,,band with.. hire, ,lie.,would. „defy them: all. RAISED, • . • --- India,' said a gentleman whebas re- cently been travelling in the east, 'ranks third among the wheat growing cowl - tries of the eatth, and while the terri- tory devoted to that industry includes only 105,000 square miles,. and the ma- chinery used in cultivation is • of the crudeetdescription, them is nearly half as much .wheat reised as in. the entire 'United Stites, where -the finest machine- ry known to man is employed in every operation; froth ;the first ItinsMiaelfairiteire ••• , . ..1110egir made Of "ti, Piece. ef EMI a foot' in length, an inch wide, and half an incli thick, which is sharpened at the lower end and fixed in a riangnlar piece of weed at- tached to the yoke on 41e, necks . of the bullockby a :rope- tit% manilla grass. This plough. tears up the groand like a harrow and.by hard. Nvork can be made to go oval. nearly an acre of land' a tleje Th"e opei•atiou ofploughing is repeated 5 or tunes before each sowing; , oit about.10 timeis .tt. Year, at. two cropi are a.'aised. _After the last ,plenghing the sower fellows after the maChine and carefully di -ops the seed into the, furrow- , 11LS-et:ten:belt' if t1u s ,the summer • crop,- the bevy Od Ling begins,. and -is car- ried on by men Who, with sieklee,.ent a handful. of grain at it time, and ttelt" up •into ' eheaves. as they go along. Ittis then threshed; Or', rather, stamped. out .by eattle en herd .earthert. floor,. and the srasas Well -as the 'grain is care- fully eaved.tebe.used for fodder for the nettle. -Aftet the vvheat is threehed it been:subjected has ' spread apprehension and diSaffectionoverta. great -part of the country: • • • ,. • This disiatisfliction. IS quite equalled shy' hardleelingamorig the Whfte popula: Their great grievanee is the -Way the ' vernmentt hasttreated. chtims for • . . When at length ,Coyote and his, Men rubbed -lute -the stnie and began to ap• -. propriate the, goods,:this Stoney, 'seeing. he was poWerless. to resist,. piished for - Ward with. the rtst, Mid became one of ,theemosteindustrious•of the looters, anti when the mid was over he had accuniti- lafetla good sized steck•of plunder which • • 116 defied anyone to totteh, but as soon as the other Indiana were gone he Carried it baek into the stoical:A-gave it otmilot * the store -keeper. • It is unnecesittry to ca11 ettention to • the feet that the distindtiofi drawn be. • tween Catholic rind .17votestatit Indiens as to loyalty is qt.iite• unfounded. It is , net true -that-elle . Pieteetatit. Indiatie teek part rebellion. Undoubted77 • ly the majdrity of the Indiatis Who toele ' part in the rebellion were Catholics, but ' the eitplanntion is the same as that giien answer to the old eonendrutn-:-.Why ditiathite shietri.eat more than black ones( • --there are more of thetn. Itoundt maker is a Catholic ; Big Beer ;nay'be called an indian freethinker. It will petbape be remembered. that theis had ' for years been trouble betiveee him and : the Governmtnt en aCetnillt of his refusal to settle on a reserve. His raving un- settled lifentde mission work with his • band ahnotkinapossible, eml, 'besides the 'band 'Wasii cavetot -Adirlfain knteritis and eutlaWs• from all paristof the country, and he, and especially setae • . of his •council,prided themselves on their • rejection of the white manis religion. But StiVeral Of the hatele it: the neigh- • borhood Pattleford were Protestants. Jefferson, the white man who wrote te Avian:owed by dropping front -an ela-. vated platform to: the grounde the Wind htowingtthe chaff watk, ' TheBrehmin priests are .coesulted talent each p.rd'oesS :and are liberally . fact, almost theentire pecifit of :thet Crop is, turned .over 'to them._ •-•-• • • ,Siderable riuMber of Edmonton. men The average yield is.. about- fourteen 'Sneed as Seoitts=ett branch of Oxide's for • buallsis 0. the act -e, 15* P°Pr.far'mar wbtah they „eet\.\especeety etiee. • by ,•canseldoln efford to eata loaf or.Wheitt- their knewledge ofthe country, and by their fa.miliarity seitOlte. rou,glin Waytof tiiir.co-ilhich scents subjected. Every aecount of the rebelline tells hove • en bread;hisdietconsisting abnost entire -- ly of hettbsated fruits. . • In spite of Alm obstacles of 'ignorance and poverty, these fanners •raise 240,: The experience of teachere end °thers. who try' to inipress ecirrect example$ of , Speaking on yetmg chilth en iS Sometimes • rather amusing, as is the following loci - deet, which happened in 3 San Francis& prilnary :whoa Johnny.,- a six yeareold litt•le fellow, eras anti his 'teat:her T• .HECCOWS BEST FRIEND. • Do littt tAlge /Aire 4114.4 4(}tittilltiilg At all% tittle ot the year, t1.,0 e. salt way lie serious. if you require .o, dose of , physic take lir. Car;on's Stomach and t,onsti- pation Bitters • it a •t s ben.. y bow1.. purifies the bfood, improves the circulation, stinitilatel the liver ankid d neys, and speedily are Inlionsnesg, iteadaeho, dyspepsia, indiges- tion. Bearch the stores fiontone Cda anato the other, and you- cannot Awl a rentedg equal to. it, `I'ry 81141 use it in yourfatnities. Sold everywhere in largo bottle -4 at 50 cents, R,1131 VT At.T1 • Na OA Traies les Cl int on 28101.10v,'[. TituNN itml,war• Going Bast.• Going Mitt.. 7.25 a.m. express •.9.45 nail. nced 105 , pm,• xed 2.05 p.m. /nixed p,n. rill X ell U. I 5 p.m, express k1.4 '1: W RST it N ,RAILWAY. Going _Nor th Going South • 9 02 a.m. ()4I1445 8.25 express 77. p. In, exyress '• 4.1.9 p. m. express e" • • -9 noticed it, whereupon thia dielogue took . • • place : Teacher -7 Johnny, why ere yen not writing on yorn, slate V •• . Johnny---‘ I-liaint got tie tiencil.,t, •'leacher -7 Johnuy, you must say, I • Teacher titakeT2:jitilthify•-itopitit :the words several times to impress them on hieniettiory„ It WM: a rule to pass water, in a basin twice 3 day for the children to wet the sponges to clean their slates. A day or twe aftitr the above converse.- • -• S Wit! SON • GENERAL DEALER IN' TINWARE,Dcs. :• ' L •- ' HURON Mafitifacturer and Feroptrl) ilt:(1el.Cr :1101)00.8o w _r.iI-'Sl*FA-'"iIft---.r1.!icra8I)og' 177 74770. ASCIJ71 fo::fille1a-nti annlitiliion of R941124Royal ngnqtli-ifVit4i•eas•or ("I'l::"-arlrie1" abjerates:AtraTNolilea.• lw• . 7 'les .11414141.141 tion the tea'aller was occupied and 'omit- I ted to have the water , passed:, Johnn.y • held int his hand. . .. • 'Wbat is it,,Tolteny V • There. haint been no etatei• passed.' • .•:' 4Witte ',Teti:illy, You know .that is not -11 correct wity of ,spenliino.'• " • Yes, ma'am,' • Well, Johnny, x:v-lut, Should you,say '1 ne-ratpil.1 •, .• • -'"79,044,....10,!tittnv0i4Poommmgeorolai• 1:z7 t -1."1"1.471L Tit Owners of tsttiOlt. REFORE USING • - CVnIf , .slittanIg3lif vaLeil.t..;:,tti . . ir.,,,; : iG:„,11,„8.,s.." Lillimont To6i1Jo Amllitlia. • -1111111/ITS MI 1:11/4,:htly kautteti, (lures Laeleataa itt . 1 ' Foutalvii Weak lambs' No ntal,lit t.b.,111.1 be ivithept tit. Relit 1,8:11In11.11111::,Wun.11:11741,4714°Itri Pt.'hs CollipAil,iom all titt.e (iile'a Lthituout. alai in the great rat . tug statAra ofileiteelit, ua‘til,,L.otillani- it. We 7474,111)7t1vIlietrtl van... . 7,77 . . . 41 WI -It, 1/11,, 471 1,1($, pax stile. N.Y. P„ 0„ who will, will; . / . . out rharge. give lelvl,e eu all iti•ea,,a /(ad 111,,17 41) Om Iwo . agtqueet egrattle, t4,041 I,y all ttraveS•is at Ni.". nul t$1.1, ft. bottle mid lit 4.1.1tort• At :442 WI, 1.• w lijelt thert, ji rell sal n -. I lit, Ifintinent In ,whtte wrappers. Is fur f,,,0y use; that to - yetiow fur eau le. I , (Ales X0,414410 Anienorn:vdatte•,iwit. oven nod Cattle ' .Ioorree-e 0eonevy r'eunaded. Nolaiby aall . 7. ' - t'sedli all thyleading IION0001 NiJttnecl'arli, nevi. rd, itfighttiite•cli, sheemiliesil Bay told .13,111', pes. . Never 110.prolettaretoter. Alteratie awleittretle, Dvatrov .fzina,.curvlelgltltzt,(Ilit84relroa,iatariionder,riotesouiiimlnTistz44etiiLiNlnalln,ttihe power is grst. The Z'1.771078rs ore Otnniteed andpm, ehltsea falltugto (111(1(1177 ichrmf : druggists at 25rts..perlour, 14t erfeitts .1 • • Aj)13F.41iT.DOWN.S.; • • . A Sensatifin. 'An unparalleled sensation is being emitted all •over Ontario by the wonderful and 'unequalled 'manner in which ;Neuralgia, Toothache; Itheiim. atism, Baektuthe, Headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid Lightning. No offens. ivei;datgusting, drugs • need be- taken for days.. It is att instant cure: Try a 25c. bottle from VOinbe,,Pruggist. • OW • • 0 • A • Lktitut inaputt , nove• , ' A. teacher. iti one' of. the Indian school's relates the following incident of an. Irt Han boy's tinick thought. He hat asked the meaning of the ;word miss •7.fe miss, I told him, is. the satee as t fail. • .,.Yett shoite at a bird 'or iv metk -and-dertitot-lrit-it•-•etten-n?ritir Please Notice THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CALLANDERT Paint HARROW. ' is In the market to compete with any Mammal flarrtw made— J 50 Stit IpTarrows . To tilmo'st give away. . • . - 00"Ittirm1em to. be linislied sip for • next. - sprit's!, and ,fillaterial for 400 set of . .. . . • sittrrows. " • Not;vitlistandltig 1111 Atte'opposttion, by those spectally interested, 1 will sett to• ik,ny man -11140 luny coino baoro tliO lst of .1-11nuary,1sep; a set of 'Tarr° ws eoni Mete, for the small sum of *8, -- and Il1011l tilatftttat, IN;l1 .Wktrtallt t110111 for ono Yeitr. This offer is simply tO show up. ,601litl of the statements macro about ty VII r./.1i V. bar -14 • Boilers. Engines. and All kinds 01.314., ell Inery. repaired O. pea lit.. and ' in it satisfactory manner. • Farminipleinents rommiaeturild and 't./Pill.red: Steam . and 1Vater Pipes furnished anti pet in pusittnn. Dry • Kilns up io1 application, tiliarges moderate, .'141{4kpiRlib311.5.1\1414.4,11.)S it)ir7▪ 11: ". - .‘..iteirst.teoreiewe. Itz • 'tenet te. moves. Dentireie • stope 17: e. hail 103 Ttl4fit; Yit Bon Switzer It .gi.friir°:1:rf;a414.1•set"iii":17w.l.1.1111 •What Lefty About in y'Hurro Dia o t Ills not sod thP•SkIC. 41, ittlaWt3r, when asked 'for a testinionialovas "I As hair dres. • will Sign toy untie to anything you write tilifint • • slime answer is given bY the Milady's, 'T. 0114- antpedhartritsy sing, . it ki. n,s nr• t- • .Caliander's ',haunt Harrow. Cannot break it ••or shake it loose. 'Would have In) other." Thu . supermr.' '0;1. r I/NO.' the ' slalpleys, Albert May, and •others • •-..----• ,. whom- I narc sold to: Bil quire of these men, , • ' ;Prepare'lr'' . .4, CALLANDER, Clinton, -• •Ha .kn s.f.. .2. Co • r ., .a ..... Lnn, Ott: E N , 0 N 1. y,.,,suo,„,e,,,,,e..re.„..,e„ax.init.„. 6 Icr.p.ytty,,,i,,,,,,,:,...i,,,i, • . ost ot(1171I- mg manhoodl,erer- vousness,v/eialuiess, lack of vigor, strength dde- 4'vel y n scretions, exee ses, etc. Benefits hilt day; cures usually within" a month. No deception,nor,qtrackery, POsItivis-proofs, 'full I . description, hundreds of testimo itilscwith letter of advice mailed in plain, sealed ,envelopes, free. Brie Medical Co.-, BuffelyAY. • • • , .• • •Dtatt5re • •• _ • . ';;;;;Iliirl•litilttlit:atil• i 4Pu'r ,..i pkt..A-'5747--44- , . 'I --'1,1,:kg ...aaQ ',i," ird..„,,,,,&,•-•.;,,fl' .4..4..1..__Lil_ki3gli..11.,,,,,,,,,,,141t7e.. -.. • • • • °a• GRAN-„,. • - • • • • -RS. •E1ROE)E RICK • , (.1.- well iefreted eitili1141i?zoi-of 61,10ICE CANDIES, •• • • .GR 0 EtRI-FIS;.--EAVITS-Of a 1 1-1t. (IS; .C'HOICE TOBACCOS.' ' .• . AND .0I0eARS. Try; them., • IIESTURANT-OVSTERS IN ALL • STYLES% ESTI 0 YSTERS ..Bulk :.bonstantly arrivine .• n - • . • . • •OzroiC,A, nu'rrA,2,, uaa gaGs frA•Nirth,.. • • - . • • , • , • . . • • to a tailor's for a coatt.sind...your goat tit badly ; 14 10 a reiss qt. You htipe' to en ter the middle class. next year, het you cannot pass the examination,: Ut.id so you telss the promotiou. •His face wore.a puzzled look, trn 1"lie shook -his head, • t.i teeeep--seiti .71-, 77-thereni athather Meaning. of miss. We-1f m0,11 -a Married „),,,/,/, -woan,. adem ; bil arr-fininarried woman, ruiSe.". • . , , , His face brigh,teited, He smiled, 'and nodded. '1`7 A r; I see,' 8ititi ille;" tithe missed her um." . •' •0 - . • .. .. . -.. li iiitieli-they-Ctiarietitedie the efficiency ' wOrksand bow 00Q,00c!!-A-1414s. of grain:ik year,_or.n.ear— IY; ten times the qiientttY:raised in the well these men did their of General'. Steange's exPeditiOne. 'They State of Dakota, tvhieh has one•quarter. •weie required to furnish •their•ow mtich terrttory devoted toWheat•taie- . „ . _ horises (a reley, of horses for each Men g as irfdia...' ete-e• Donn. be Deceived. Bewar f any dru,gist who will trYt& indnce l'arke's_anth• 'erate. lt is a marvel of rhenever pessible) rifles, accoutrements and. clething. • Not one of these Men has-been paid in fell for his sem?' d stneie,„, of them; perhaps ..40 in the :Ed - Menton dialriet Beate. not xect-i-ved-ani.-.. it' a d. th' • c-tv that a..definitetengagement writino• ,t all, 141 spito- of the fact Javias_mede_w_ithelie•prOper officersetal • that they have left no stone Miturned •secure their does. • , . . . The menwito furnisned applies to the. force have a similar,....grievance, When the rebellion was over theThitteher, for, instance who had been supplying, beef by centract, sent in his bill, approved . proper officers, and 3few weeks age, theliIrttlis, returned with the amount cut doWn ,tO a rate dess then i4 limey cases he paid for , the live • cattle. ' ettrpenter in the town. was.served ' h requiiitiOn for a doctor's medicj e ehest,. the, price being agreed. 'on.rhiforetiand.; the account witteeetttin, eignedreountert .signed and .decorateOith: all the red .tape eenSideted ..neeiesary .for a military. .voucher; and „„elew • weeks age it was repelled %with'. the price cut down to • a „sure that-fOuld not pay f� r the inaterinl tised,At. is estimated that.the govern-, trient owes about $12,000 in thikneigh.- '1>etheod, and -nearly all of it istowing to P001 men who canill bear thedelay,t for in: •., deed it ie not likely to be aoything nfore thini a deley, because the claims are Ate • • ou to take ything m place of 'McGregor' iL• aling for -Sore , Outsr-Burfin; should be withou it, hag no_equalt Ge 20c. per box at Combe's McGregor & Parke's, nd have no other,,i1 :‘• 'Waist Can lite Done 11t le 711`Winkling , • , , of fan Eye-. • ' The photegraph v as ly in- Stantaneoust as pos :When • very thing is ready,Nlickt and the artific" I eyelid. has opefied and shut. What has it Seen pr'lliat little instant of' tirne ? If 44 -thing is. in motien, it has._beep peyeeived' in that .fragnieht of se-c-ona-as „if Motionless.. Men walking along the Street *are pictured -with uplifted: feet, A trotting horse may be caught with ell its flier legs in the air, viewed just at the'moment when he was Clear Of the eround. inlitM'Eaping , with e 'high Pele tin*); be pietured ie. precise- ly in the position in which --he appears at thethighest, altitude. • Motion seem reit. .But this 18 not the :nest Wonder - Tut' cit ite powers._ _ Farbeiond the keen - flees of human visie•n is Its range of siglit. If the light igood, the 'sensitive plate of glaasowill have recorded and diseern- ed a thoueend 'Uplifted faces as perfect:, ly,es:the human eye perceives the. tea - tops' of a littm•aritootintenance. 'Every expression °Noy or soreow, every peal- ttarity of dress or attitade,a1n0eavos a forest or the graes,by the wayside; Will have-b-een seen and delineated. tint' re. tatettl4 egyeiet. fee' leo Ude than the eq,1"4:ett:14;„•!...:"1ectte't fitiii.ing of a liUtnan jye.-Charebers' Journal. . manifeetlyiest and legal that they,. musttae. piitheotter or :later. The instance bete quoted are tint specithene, but they show . tha_spii46-- le- \elder: -,the 4Slovernm:1:,,, ClealS with .the North-west, awl the 'al permit the inference thatilthe- Settled befere next spring the • o y.or 'the. territories to the DominionGovere- matt will'. be: likely to bear, i'..heavier Strain,. than, seems ptobebletnow..,. The Government is entitled to all credit for promptness with,t which .most of the helf- .• • • 'tbteed 'gait) ciente .weret. tettlod 'after the- rebellion.-- Siatate.-eft00014 ,was paid out in the Edtootiton neighbor- hood last summer,bat there ere still it considerable number of elaince unsettled, and no information ..eati. be. had as to.. when they will be. paid. Many of .the -colonitatiott- emnyianteS ...more ore ...dying of-th-eir otett. weakness, -but obnoxious taxes ittd 'arbitrary offi, cials:still flourish.; Even .if 8117 ,uprising ellould Occur next spring it will likely be 'confined- to .the Indians, rind will be promptly.. checked. The 11totinted .Police Force has been increased and the •Settlers' letters for Poundmaker and held him 41.YO anned. Under no, conceivable cir- • ' temoknotive' entailing' rt Moil. • —,--- - The California Standard says lion on the 1cow-catcher,' of a train goine at full speed is not: it. lion in place; and his presence under the eir- ounastances may legitimately cause a scare, When the engineer ard firemen. of' 'a train proceeding on its way in A.teerica noticed' a dark' object. spring tiPon_Ate:._60.W-catellWAVA.14.9n4,,ritt 114. the first place it was a rock or a lainp of earth that itt write extraordieary way had been lodged there, and took no no. tice of the circumstance. • Soon after- wards, 11D_Wet7er7 epe of the two men went �it en the footboard, and quickly he ran back more dead than alive with f'l'ight, for the dark object tunel out to he neither a rock or a, lump of earth,1 • • • ' • — . Nrio0i0, ordissia int. the St • . • :gam -b. • 1 . x Weeks ;nee the Teibune pablished an ,akicle 140. .elkn lantlleedism; showing:that • . :nen nettled Wm.' SCully.,..noW.- residing in London is tile propriptop -of between 75,900 mat .po,gog. acres of -the b.est farming lands • in: The writer of,the article, on nvisiting. Scully's estate, .cleinted dell the lands we 'tilled by • a, Welled class. of tenants,. from whore areesweeted enormous rentals. Almost fre-eirti9;re pnoceedsfrom the sale of their • ‘e. mops went,to pay, rent. -An tnyestiga tibia was inslituted, and a tour of Kan- ses and ;stebr6Aik. dettetoped the:inter-' mation. that. thelitl to mere than 100,, 006 acres of the choi est -prairie.Jano_ hi:those States • is Vested in till) nam f o Wni. All these, vest trecks have been added to his 'landed estates:tvithin the last five yeers. Although. it 'gun I , portion • is 'tender 'efiltivation, the". sante systetn of farining and rentine that. 0, exists in Illinois is rapidly being intro- . duced ' these _States. 13etween -sixty and seventy families have bound them- selves •to Sanity,. So long as they romani on his land they cannot throW orthe yoke, that. holds them in Slavery. 13e- M .LiCitliON-fii;tiait, • If LIIION litutEli.T. CLINTON% • . $100 IIEWIL11.11:). ' FOB A3.1147 •SBWINC., A J XI -.X . Ti -TAT _CAN'T • ' '13E FIXED. • - . -Noiv Isom ti1116 1.0. get yourSelvinglinebines • repaireth ion or trued work kdzifttlahed by a man who has had 12 rears experience, and mill compete with any firm in Canada or United States, either 'on chainstitch or lockstitch, mover and back elastic stitch -and all these 1110 (7 different stitch, Then we have the curv. id needle,: Wheeler -Az Wilson, Morocco,- and ver100 other different inaebines.witinn thetin orstenea will repair. Stop any niachino!from erettemerescales,er thread emeriti* stitches, ox' me, enter nilnient-macattes are'subJcet o. Inas gentleman wilktall you how ywirt sow184 machines ivorif'WIthout seteng lt•setv, which tnny seem impossible, still, itls true. Allivork warranted. 177480 Sell the Conibinatton sewing maehinc Warranted not to g nin. or rust. lawyer; Win Aare. " JAS. VANSICKLE. Clinton, Aug. 21,085., Shot) hack ofFLOODIPS Grocery store, Clinton. ' Roehm. •E Wright' • ' • fere obtaining a lease they must -agree JuwgrAgri.a, ANT/ OPTICIANS,'*. . • to.WaiVe alf right -of exemption • ••-lervoirri4ts-o--- 'tit their rent is , paid evetithing they '• possess,. including the growing drape, be. DIAtIONDS, WATCHES, CLO0t.C,S, • long to Scully.. AS a rule, they are the • ' Mt -011W •4 ' ' 444.02' 'At poOrest farmers iti ever,y respect in the ART l'OTTE Y ' jiiiit'A Ail 4: country, And very l'eve oPthem can tail) Credit front merchants.- The lease .; FANS, that binds then\ to Smilly is virtually a • ' .BRIC-A-BRAC, ETC.. chattel mortgage, and all other °lane zronilus A.ND DISTAIiiIIIN OE against the tenants are shut out until • S lELGIN AND„WA.LTIIAM, WATCHES, culy gets his rent. • — : , Blood Will tell," A face adorned with, T•IttPLp PLATED SILVERWARE, PimPle4 b1,31°t6litiii&citIvi'Lln'obti tloPetralleettL" C,LOOgs, lark.,, pleasant gilt, a y , an impure state of the Mood. Dr, Carsoti7s Stomach titters freo the,systero from all gross burners, 'renders "the blood mire arid -cool, aids .attlejetall dititetists'inlititei ti es tifae:den14. ' digestion and gives a healt ? &petite, For,_ A prosperoult farmer of Ottingsville, a well:preserved widower of over 50, has two S065, who were both in.lov,e, wi Oh the same ghl, She found difficulty in deciding which to take, and the old. man saved the problem by sending the boys; ()iron business, and marrying the girl i f, while they were away. , nst ct.vr oL.41.ss, ETC., , tt.t/II3HELLA5, . 1.40' OPERA..11D'USE BLOCK', Dttitorr,. - MICHIGAN, SOLE STATE AGENTS FOR ?ATM, PHILIPPE 1.te :CO'S CULEBRA WATC1tres, For sale by the GRAND RAPIDS &INDIANA R. IL CO. Sum' maple the Principal timber,. ArIvoyages Railroads•alreatly numer. • ous towns arid cities, ond of the haalthiest parts • of the United States, pureitt watpr, good markets, fine fruit, good roads, schoolschurches, large • agricultural populatioo, best btaling material atk. lbw figures, good idil, !�w priceg, easy terms, perfect title. For books, maps, charts, dnd all additional information address. ;.. ' W. 0. HUGHART. ' ' - - - -md Conmilisteicer-017atid Rapide, Mieh • • • ' • .• • Percheron: • HORSES. • iSiOld Rolle stick farm • GrOssilsle,111cli. . • A.11 stock •Selected • • • ., • ,frora the get of sires and dams of estab-• 145110(1 reputation and • .. '•' • r.egietered,in tho French. and American Stud Books, • We have a • very large number of imported and gred8 stal. . and.brood mares On ,hancl,1 Prices -reason- •• • -Correspondence solisited.. Send for large . „ Plustrated:catalogue, free by -mail. AddreSS lavAG1.74,VAIINDX, Detroit, Mich. • (!bine t Parlor 11141'.61'0.01118 • • '.U1IJERTAKINI pto Sub.scribUr ketTs.tito tittest. CfASKETS-an:d :COFFIN'S Always on hand. • Funerals furnished the shortest noire and lowilst prices, 'A .0A Li, . • " LeAdf fig 11'.fif1e9tzt Of tir Itii!NilnillBit D 1--)1..Actt, • ," .• • 0 ISPOsrrle .T1111-Tiliar 114 LI., --,:•:.,...444044•444.t, • . •, • ' HURON. AND BIRtioE. Loan and, Invest/n(34d Co'y P?til ecimpairy to Loaning on Farm: Security (it .1,01,04 11a1e38 Intere*t; : • • , . " Moit'VGA0118 ▪ PUB,011.ASPID• -.'•••;•-"r - 7 • • ' • SA:VINO S. BA Ng, 13R4110H. iana 4 fie). Cent-Intereat Altoto4 ' Deposit.q, peeoeiling ib amount • and tfnte /eft, • '014,10.-Carner of,141arkot Squarennottlerjtititree • , ilonAct itorrox, zuvaitoa ocitermi aka/0 fil Ili; 11i44, •