HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-26, Page 2• .444.44
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elerfee444103-93,r3rcer4:•*.w4TA.•33suace3,o.swer34.03•WrIla"*Wwl IlTreIr;.334terecufrawasarrossosesoryWessisowsacarrowsiscrsowpoiSsarsorwscs_rw•sosor
, What noth
rrible oughts had been his eenselees or cruel to leave them- -to euf
ltr v0i,se is assab...,..asad i.
, during those past =terminable hours fer untold torments thus; or is it, as
M ;,„.,...i VI • y mat in it has feats" 1.- -eyeaaitaulaed, to any man. she truly believes, that she has passed
iio 14. 1.6
her. A neolongal nightmare of horror And new hie search for Dolores was heyondthe world's ken, its love, its cen.
and misery awl fatigue has rewleredher beguia m earnest; Even the vastness sure, for , Is h lying mg her fingers on his arm.
route. . and vagueness of the field of labour did quietly within her grave, arms folded, "I couldn't indeed. It is of no use
She stregglei with ber failing powers; net diehearten WM. London -that Imp upon the marble breast, and StIPPy beta 0.skin g me." '
iiised ex Iression convulses her r servoir for all sorts and conditions el ell dull and fading?
face. Ifer last hope is eseap ng , men -bow should. e fin er
yet she cannot call aloud to it to stay. 1. ., • her, " Ana all those other nights 2 Have
. ...,
CRAPTER xxvir,
• •
will ---some coffee then. 1 have touched
nothing since yesterday."
" 001210 and have something to eat,
Dick," eitys Kiss Maturin, in. a trews,
lous tone, an almost imploring tone, lay..
an ago • 1
Where did you sleeK last night ?"
i her, h d h there's' A. sharp. exclamation breaks from " Nowhere," returns e briefly.
Silo shivers from head to foot, An- 44 Oh, Dick 1 Oh, the sweet emile of you. been. home 2"
other instant, and -this unknovan woman
her 1" she cries out, trerabling and pal. I have no home," says Bouverie.
-who yet is human, and may Perhaps D'ay after day passes,Vid til1 there ing. " 13ee her now before ma as she "Do you think I coald find, rest beneath
be her se•vioer-will bare turned the lis no result. It is now the seventh day I used to be in her little white frock, and the roof of the woman who drove her
with her gentle pensive expression and into exile Even to sea her would, be
her loving ()Tea. No, no, no; I tell you,, more than I could patiently endure.
were she living, her tender heart would Believe me, we are better apart. There
corner and disappeared. She cannot
seA the trembling hand outstretched or
since Dolores's flight; anti, tired and
worn both in body and spirit. Bouverle
note the pitifivluess of the face. De. enters the drawing.rocan at Greylands,
liberatety, Ignorant or the pain that lies lle Las edurned from a second uneuc.
behind her, the housekeeper continues cessful search in London, and feels de
her way, hurouliug a ample ditty as she ependency making its:prey a him as he
' goes. sinks, heavily into a chair.
Dolorod, desperate, makes one last "No , news again?" says Mise Ma.
violent effort to overecnne herself. teriu, rising unconsciously from tau
A -cry breaks frorn. her, low and bit- seat. There is no expectsa1cy in be.
- ter exceedingly ; the woman, startled, voice, Only it mute protest against the
turns....._.. . - evilness a her 'fate,
" Ono moment l"`•cries Doloree, hoarse. She looks old and thoroughly broken
. ly, halite; out both her heeds to -her ' down. `No me but.bel or -she Who has
now. -"One" - ' undergone. it can fully appreciate the
• That strange cloud is again envelop. absolute horror of inactive ails ense, the
ing her ; she seems ever falhug, falling.; wearing anxiety, tle enforced quietude,
and her voice-hoW strange it sounds 1 the turmoil of dying thoughts Diked to
Is it liet own veto ? ----. n '1e trembling body-so'eager ,for4Mrsuit,'
, " 1.1a19:::rae,Vkahe whispers fainly. yet so cruelly conmelled to be -inert.
3 Bless MS 1" exclaims' the women, in. AU this Mies Matilda has learned to
a a
•• a frightened tone. • endure; but the study .of it has told
• She flings aside the feather duster open her. Whilst Bouverie has been
she has boon carrying, and rushes to. hurrying hither and thither with. wild
.wards the girl with arms nervously ex- ' and reetleSS persistency she has had to
tended: Another instant, and DoloreS sit impatiently Ett home 'waiting for what
......4.....,....,-,-,....... ...a.,..,.„.,...,,,,,,.....,.... .,..-.--- - a• 144. b.. ...,...,ne)0- ..0.., :iatchin..9 nanil da/
has,,suak, into them, exhausted, ill$S11. yn v• ° r om ,
-"Vie. • faliniIiito'nighe, ea eleriargh I Vila% en:
- -- * • * * • * '% ' * ing into day, Without bringina her any
It is a week later ; 'six whole days hope. If she too were to quit ;Grey.
haaia grown, and shrunk and died before lands and enter on the scatch, how
•• men's gaze since first the terrible sense weelci the end be? What if the child.
a loss unspeakable, the knowledge of should. retdria *by her absence, and find
desolation Jell with crushing •violence no one there to receive or welcome her?
upea Miss Maturin and Bouverie. Sho Detectives have been eMplgyed -
has gone from them-tbe one they loved nay, are still and will be ever employed,
•,--gone for ever! Already their belief until sea time as hope shall be preyed
in her possible recovery grows languid; to be...without foundation.' -They lia,ve
. hope is almost -at -au end, been singularly kind and sympathetic,
' ' First there had -been an increduloue touched -DO doubt by thegeneine grief
amazement when her room. was found of those who have employed them.
vabant, and the- hours came aud went' Theihave now end then even held out
withoet -bringing a sigu from her who hopes ; but London certainly was trouble-
, filled all their, flu:eights to overflOwing. some, dorm -very deep.. No keowing
The little laCe-edged bed bad ',not . What dodge the party might be up to
• been slept in-that.they knew at:once ; whertathe It* was London!.Evantually
. the- satin wyerio fa _rated blio„, was „ Ito , doubt they would come upon her
stretched out calmly; uhweinkled by traelcs 1 hat thalield-Wati Wide. TIrwas
MU ,artft1.1. thought. Still there was. hope;
lightest toneh ; her hat and cloak were
missing. Bpt all this was sayothing.• •-eiaartere. It was poor ocimfort, and the
• Shot had probably passed a sieeplesS word " artful" went to -•liss htaturin's
rash her tired spirit with,the 'sweet seen tolc1--L-a' very barren -one.% No
soul. : • . .
.night, torn by distressful thought; and ,
aad gone out of the bouSe in the early She advances new towards Benverie,
norning AO clear her sad brain and re- lookiog jaded and heatt--sick. •His .talo
• •"$a.tisfyin,g deaV. She weuld..return pre- coltifo'rt in It f as regard -8 110Pc 'At is
iently ' and'aupiain, and .be happier'•Poverty,striciten in the extreme.
. ' toubtless fer her slow -night's eora.. "1 bring you nothing,you see," he
nuning, . and stronger to hear up be says at last, flinging out his arms with
aeatliallia.:7-111:7-tlattinal----f-aliert=m, t --,a_certain recklessness. "You should
M• got sornebodY" °lee tohelp you. - I am
• But she did not return; and, When evidently eat (Aback.All my. love for
warn had Worn into afternoon, and that, her does not bringme One jot nearer to
.tgain had. giiien. placate signs of cant- her; I am beginning to despair."
. • ng nighti. great fear smote upon Miss'. " Oh, uot that, pick !".slie entieats
a arm B ear. . ' " .
deft to no?". It is a tadit acknowledg-
lomat thatalespair has been hers lona
since. "in your. belief I live; and'.-
passionately-- " there still i$ hope. -
hold her back from inflictiog this pain was one eight I was wandering by t e
uponus. She wend have written, side of Dern Lake, and Mrs. Wenirs
There would have been some kindly was driving by -she must have seen me
word, however vague. But there is no- frona the road,-Ithink. I can't remora -
thing. She is dead, I tell you, dead." 'her now; it seems. all a century ago,"
"If she were, I should know it," says he says, pressing his baud distractedly
i however bast- •t hi f rehead "But I know she was;
Bouver e co y, growhig g o s o .
ly pale, • "With my mind fixed so irat , very kind. She made rile get into her
movably open her it is impossible but carriage -she was returning from some
that should feel' some sense of irre. -diutier soraew r o •i-TAveraNCER ,ttud Issuer of Mtrrlage Licenses
grogegilottai and SUM ends.
AiAtZTINC.t. Seol7
Barristers, Solicitors,
Ounneisi oilers for °Mari c 3E d Man it olia.
L PRITATE POsos. 0. AIM= Mice
Elliott's Block, Huron $t.
LtLunaersigned sot the Library /looms Sonlh's
1.11°X0 g-Paoloili)orItIlaeril,AZTeti?,"MOVelot
ate of interest. H. HALE, Clinton.
• r'a H. DOWSLEY, i. ii, M. IL 0.5. ENGLAN•73
Physician, b'urgeon, etc. Off ico,and residence
next Dlolson's Dank, market square, Clinton.
ontario treet, Clintonwp .•oSite the English
Entrance by aid° gatt•
be er I caon t recollect ;. Wiley to loan'. Wire and residence, corner of
trieyeble loss as her. epirit JIM' from but sheLwas wonderfally kind; and s e
earth to heaven. And I have felt no- mademeasieep at her house that night.
thiog yet but the same cold uniform- • The next morning. I- •wont up to town
, misery. No ; she is hidden away eoinct. agaiti ; but she comfortecrine at the time
twbere in that great' Babylon of ours, ...-t oan remember that; and she -spoke, -
alone, friendless perliaps,.. but livirtg," • eo tenderly -of Dolor -15S. t,Yes, rerneni-
*Then he turns suddenly, and forceshim,
self to • meet Miss Maturin's oyes,
"What -what money had she 2" a,sks
he suddenly, compelling -the hateful
question tO pass•his white lips.
Dear Heaven, to picture her to him-
self without money in those crowded
jgarieh--"Btatattlita kvfig,,p, *dignities
migfirrilig- not ' liavestcfl!'`been
What soiling winds must -haye rushed
past her pure white soul. He sets his
teeth hard, arid a strong shudder shakes
him. • • s•
"-Sbe could -not have had much," re-
turns Miss Maturin wretchedly. When-
ever she wanted money she asked for
it and got it; but she was such a simple
child, thataiet wants were few, and,
for her gewns, *hen she chose them, I
paid -for them. She hated bills, she used
to say; and all indeed she ever' wanted
a cheque for was to help sonie poor soul
out of trouble or render thee- hearts of
little children glad. She had a Most,
sweetLand perfect nature," muroaurs
Miss Maturin, ,a,sPasin crossingher face.
"Why do you say had'? What per.
versity it is l' cries Boevetio, with a se.
ton -d burst of unreasonable anger. "I
tell you she Still lives; thid- very . mo-
n:tent,' Elsa idle here, there rosy be news
for me." He glances nervously at his
witch. "1 must go," he says impa-
tiently, although there is etill quite a
long hour before the next train can
start. I may. hear news of her ; and,•
when'she is found": --turning eagerly .to
Miss' Maturin-"let me im,presti this np-
•you-she must not be chidden. No
unkind word, no reproach, however de-
licately veiled, must be administered:to-
her.•• Has she riot linown unhapPinees
" 0 kind, kind Being who ruletlr over '
til, subdue and kill this torturing feai,`
and grant that her sweet body still
her all that!
." For the future, Dick, this. is yalt trance. Reoldenee, opposite tho Temperance Halite
1 have no ono to talk to a•bout her, ex- 1 Ili
you will 1 Huron Street,Olinton,
attended at their own residenee,11 necessary. Be -
Ogle e hours, El sae. to
home " says Miss Maturin " if
r I 1
'Mild pity on a most unhappy otcl woraati. !
cept you. Come to me whenever you iidence, John Robertson's, Eturon Street, Clinton.
Rice's ties, Method taught If desired.
esti, and consider this house your own."
King and Queen stre8ts,111Yth,
1.-1. Erovin Mal and Do•uttuon Land Surveyor
Architect and Dramrhtslilan, PkIttatib BLOCK:
04.41Vir " •
A-, Murray Block, .two dooro mast of, Hodgens,
evr tkiPlc of
as '-home, returns Dick Illtikeulk.
" Once it wits hers!"
The . Morning has lengthened bite
aeon. Through- the jeal.oinfly-guarded
windows the garish sunlight is forcing
its way, hispite of blinds and curtains
elosely drawn.
Two or trim rakish little beams are
frolicking 11)ton the coverlet of the sick-
bed, danoieg' over the small lan,guid
hand, and nestling cosily: in the short
masses. of the senny hair. They a.fe
playing too upon the melancholy lips,
hut lightly,. more delieately, as though
hi their own frivolous fashion they un-
derstand. Dolores's sorrow -and would
fain grieve with her. ,
--1%ttivelihtt opens hell 'Oyes. -Tlieso last
three.. weeks in which she his lahr bat-
blina With death, have been interrain-
n,bly long. She has fought with' the,
' Great Victor as. only the young. mid
' strong can '#ght arid, when at last she
woke.to consciousness, it was to tellthe
• anxious watchers *Ind her that at last
there was hope. -a faint one. Pale!as a
..little snowdrop, she lay speechleas, ex-
hausted, raising to them in but
eager. inquiry great hollow eyes that
--onarseaVed to render More emaCiated
the white face that held them. .
enough 2 What are- our sufferings to • "Ah, so you are awake 1" says now a
strong but kindly :•voice :that Seems to
elrl A.21"asi." nye Mies Maturin, just look- dome from behind the curtains. A face
ing at him.'
" W1:241,
• . • . •
that snits'..the Voite.follows•it, awl. lecke
' eragterl Ayes n
hurries' on' ,faverishly -" that- lny spent and broken little form within. the
chances of recovering her, are small :vet bed, "Well, you have hada nieb long
I still cling tepay faith in the belief that, :sleep,:and °-with a, scrutbaising glance • [
• -
.11A41,,,SAIANDH114i 4-RA-.GUAT-E-,071-VIIIVE-EPT
JJeanDepartmentof VictoriaUniversity,Tormate,for
merly of the Hospitals ind Dispensaries, New /fork.
Coroner f or the Oouuty Huron,13 ayileld,C1 n t..
‘_31 general Painter ; paper hanging and kalsoming
second to DODO. SWIM BLACK110.RD a specialty. -
Satisfaction guaranteed and charges with the times,
Auk. Toronto Oniversiq; member of theCiollegeaPhy
sietans and SUrgeons, Ont. OFFICE rt.BESIDENON the
housetormerlyeeetipled by Dr. Beare, Albert Street
Acoonehonr , Lis eat int e of the CollogeofPhysiciant
and Surgeons of Lewer Caned a,and ProvineialLicOn.
Hate and CorOnorfor theCountyofilaron. Oniccand
residence, --The building f ormerly occupied by Mr
Thwaites, Huron street.
LARce.sTocK Oro flAND
The 40ye ornamental trees and shrebbery Will be sold
Yer,y low prices, and those v•nuting anything* ,
thls Oennection will ease Rimy by purelicsing here.
Orders by Mail ntill be„aromptly attended t;•
JOHN STEWART, 13entOiller
VARY and IteadiuttRoonis, Perrin block, down
stairs. About 1,700 volumes in the LibrarY:aud
all the Leading Newspapers :Ind Periodicals of
the day on the table. Membership tiolot $1per
annum. Open from 2 to 5 p.MA and from 710
9 p in, Applications for tnemeorshsp • 1:calved
by the Librarian in JO t.hey.odm. , • ' '
Nelson Co;
%TEAM E.N.61-111,St 8.0.11411S,
Ar313-.GENgRA.T4 ALkagItOP,Y,
.--34,sae•sadvikuomima,marisafraesmod 144:dello! head- ---
Drafts issued payable at par ,at all the offices a the
Merchant's Bank of Canada. Now 'York exchange
bonght and sold. Paotsrx ATTENTION FAID To ()of,.
LEOTIoNfahroughout Canada and the United States. c•
SALE NOTES BOUGHT at oleic rates, and money
• adyanced to f armors on their own notes ,f or anylengtb
a time to suit the borrower. Ail marketable intent
tieoboughiand sold.
IFY.°;.lc.,4.gi,'°fils OLD COUNTRY
3?eforo doing so, call mist get all rates and infer,
• •
inatohn from the *tint of the ALLAN LINE, or
• addrei;s Box 17, Clinton .P.0'. ' •
• ••• • •
if she Were -were gone frau. us, I should you are better -yes, decidedly bet-
prize!" SO she prayed. - there 'must • ' surely aleve London
sOldeatithin it the :life -we -know' and .
• ' A.gain her reora was searched, in the • • • .`t:Whetn'theaillle'rOalias 11f ir:'1,77."*Praewli-eie-7-2' • ' -
her disappearance ; but ,eVela the ortlio- ' Seven whole days, end neither wOrdnor that thought ?" asks she, le alow voice,
• the dressing -table pf 14110 newly flovn • would wilfully condeinn to the tor- the long night -watches my eyes seem.
further seareh.---The'. Servo/13'0s. •only a Called Dolores 11(11.10 existed." • '.hancle Withiri 'her shroud -7" : • can," she says begrullgingly, . Rest is
"Do not wrona her !".eXelainis Miss. " Oh, no, no ," interrupts .he wildly. the only thing allowed, tou-net speech,
-'•believe me." . 3' •' .
"'You,'' Says Deletes •feebly, lighting 1
with her weak inernbay,-7" l'on came to
me acress the hall.wlieti4"
'. When -you sank • fainthig into iny
ern] S ," luta rutds ',Sirs. Edgeworth
• quickly; "Quite• sa. Goodness knows
,-liove,:you-brought .yourse1f4o-
state of weaknesS; but never ruled -that;
When 3iounre Stronger; you can tell me
i1." ' •
• dope that it might afford sonic clue to ritably-" direction -does it lie ?. 4Is there auy greater cOnsolation • in
ROk few words always to be found upon iign frol:n Can it be that she her head sunk upon her breast. " In
11 hlace slu? relents. e
. • •
Dolored •onens• her lips,. snd.1 Wins
wistfully towards her.
No, not a' word," says her new
friend hurriedly. el It is forbidden."
Then, seeing the:growing anguish on. the
were absentihere, and there Was liter:- tire ot misery we are enduring .--rf-it-ever-Strivina te asa ear :a. _ y g
is leotv'atAiav To RECEIVE FCI'ILS..
. .
. inoorporatetbi Asa oi Parliament, 1.055.
CAPITALL;-•-• - $2i000,600,
1-1-Elt—OPPICE, 'MO MIME -4 L.
• atolus woRICKA151,. :,President.
3. II. R. moLSON . . .
F. WCg..F,ERsTAN THoalAs, General Manager.
, -
Z,Y.oteS. clisconnted,. Collections made, Draft6
• issued, Sterling •and American excixrtge " •
•bought and sold at 'Oise's!.
• current rates:
• Interest at 4 per °Ind allowed. on deposits.
Money advairaed to farmers on their own notes with
• meer mote endorser. mortgagir-required as sa.
•t knower, .
liOrdtha annuity° ,rightfor the eounty for the Hurd
process of administering chemically 'pure Nitrog,en
Monoxide), whieli Is tho safest• and. best system,. ybt
. covered for the- painletsradruetipa of teeth, charges.
•. moderato; satisfaction guaranteeh. Orrice,,,BEAVElt
motet., oVer Thompikon ec • Switzer's Grocery Store,
A oi roe on,
ally nothing to ..gi've the mind. :food for. be proved so, I' shall know' that •the girl tinies'I See liar- lYing,quietly With folded - your . gnestiori 'bVer aiiititou.you-
' pals in this sad drama, wont' about weft-. • liattirin,. Shrinldng as if front: a blow. - "And. sometimes she is wandminak,
degree loss interested than the princi.. . , .
ly an tiptoe; whispering :to each. other 'i " Nat% now when we Inc.).71 80. littlel• •iveary, footsore, lost, through the ,dial•
at. unfre4donted turns . in the many ,Afterwards -she•Paases, and her hands ly -lighted streets. .I . have :seen . tears
cottidotS, with faces pale and 'eyinpa- havaluutarily meet and clasp`eacli - ether falling from her eyes in • thesis nightly
thati6., - • • ' . .-.`-t afterWards,'? she says in u Ssinking' :vigils; .r have seen her little gentle gra-
. , As nieht fell upon that terrible day • tone " yeti may :regret it • • cious figure shrinking. from the teach of
that rose upon Dolores s_flight; Mise •
- • • I do noknotwrong, I do not blanio het? t!' •/"R._PSers-lay, kua yet .moYing ever,- on
-- -.'alatinin a ----wift. Btsi., -. . - tai ,ou mins.ii-instily " Ae-you-• -wird-seekinfOr- rest-and-peeeerL-One-
' vcrie, who had not left her all day, ex, say, we know Belittle. But to lime, and teire-.white spot oUthe dark ground of
rept ', to•'<waeder wildly through. _the -let us suffer' like thiS, seemi-a.::' .7 , the picture.... I think I shall go mad,"
woods ..aila such quail.* spots as had . • IT Ay, ,i1 'ale. lives,-" raiumiirs' . Miss -
drawn Dolores towards them iu. her . • .'.1attir•i:ri-
careless avanderinai bY stream ana• , Ile agony iu her face is so vivid that
• lalVn, had still "professed himself pas-. it 'still:6'1es WM ; it angers him, the inoro
eionately certain of her return, . ' . terribly in that her awfulsitr
But, as the dying hours waned and seems to give .life,, and reality to the
fade,and still no tidings of her reached • hauntiug dread that, has been- constun.
• them, ilotiverie too became half- mad-- inglis own soul. all these past, dreary.
derma,' and, .reshing forth, penetrated - days And. hours. Intho sudden her-
. far into the denSe -Woodlands, seeking.; ' rible fear that now seizes him, he lets
., her 'Naha he could net•yet believe badti- his ungovernable rage against fateturn
nallyaleserted him, ., - . -.. up . on her. : • ' • • , • . —
", If,' " bo repeats, with a frowning.
. v-ehemenee that ...would be aliominable
if it -were' not so. Sadly miserable- '
" , if ' 2 Why should there be a deitht
own_amon it ? ,. Of course she liveal
It only *mots time to find her -time and
,pationCe-nothing More." •
inurniurS Miss l'ilaturin very softly ria.nil ,iinnt -
-ing :suddenly to her feet arid raising ;her 44"AOW. long ?" a;lin Dolores vaguely;
hand to 'her head. . •• ' after all, she finds is difficult
" This is no time for Mailuess,"' says :to her. She slowly .stretchei: out one •
Dick 'gently, draWill down Aier arms ' hand and:feebly slips it bate that of the..
again , and regardinZher• fixedly-" for housekeeper. Mrs. Edgeworth, in 'spite
work, riiither, and untiring energy." of the strong-mindedness written upon
- " The energy is • all 'yours. Yell' do het broad.. brciW, is 'not proof 'against
not' poinprehowl whatit is it) stay he this •Wealc entreaty; „ •
aS clo, counting the hours as they. "Since you entered. this house in spell -
pass, awl Wearhig out. my heart 'With disinar.fashion 2," • she Supplies clieer •
• gnawing anxiety. Oh, the thought 'of fly', • 1.''Why; throe weeks, 1 should say,
that gandy town; with its.glare and its at a day more or less." • •
"false. 04am., and my littletender girl , Three • limas r" repeats Peleres;
wandering threw/II it! -Who wa,3 , Three?" • •
to ipityher; to give her .shelter 2 . The Yes, quite. three," says Mrs. Edge:-
world. s hard.. When 1. think of her" Worth. But ".:-noting the miSery oa
-raising her worn fade to flouverie-7 • the pretty eitaciated7 ficea-"Thever-
"" as I ever do, first finclin;.-,/ herselfelone mind that. Seen you Will be able to
•In that Creel town, when I seethe dawa-• write to yourfrieWld and tell thera all
lug terror, qe ;her young face, I tell. you about it.". , •
• • '. • She Aeolis „keenly itt the girl as she
Don't " interrupterBativerie, sharp- says this, cariosity net being. unknowo .
•Iy. "Are we nob ' alrea'aly."badenough to. her ; but Delores, with a subdued'
witheattnich. imaginings as those?. I try, turns from her. and. hides her face,'
cannot endure them. I•too have felt . amongst the laVender-seented•eheets.
maddmied when T- thought of her" albne Two . days later finds her stronger,
.....thetei". He draws hie • breath iy414 more . able t� converse;. en trying sub,
diffcalty, "Surety .the ittolerable; leas: • : •
gill& we are bearingamw is enough'?" ,! Who iS:in • the house besides you. 2"
lie says again:More quietly. sl*asks•Mrs. EdgeWorth one morning,
" It'is net l" bries• Maturin ve- 'detaining her as sheaeceiies from tile
beniently;. "There is another thirc,g housekeeper's., band the breakfast to,
that waglia Upon me 1 must Speak:of Whichihe now I=5 .:logquite tb leek for,
it. If she is decutovIty do L live _2_, -..Ana Ward. • .. .
insensate, heartlesis, that tan so ea- • "The master, Mr. Milihnay;' -fa 7one," •
sily discuss even her probable death *ith retures she, with a smile; "ler, anotherN
h to,. I elf and for a third, Mary, the
' The mOrnina saw at the
railWaylstatien ; but the olork at the
tielret-office could tell him nothing. Ife
had beeu absent yesterday, unavoidably
fletaincc14-brillnessrand piing Mau
Who bad filled hie place Was now mantr
miles away, returned to his own post. "We shall never find her, ' gays hliss
' IIe avas not ;pouch of a, •yotuift, ruan--no..„
Disturb:to' a monotony in her
.perepicuity; no nothing -se be ran on: tone, taring her haegard eyes to 'hi:li-
no Bouverie eared for mane of these •
things ; he thought only of what was
next to be dope, Conld the young man
'bo telegraphed for? Certainly. He was
• telegraphed for, but eould no6 Come un.
•til the next (lay.; so that a Whole yalia.
able twenty:four hearsavaelost, '
• But When lui'did Come he knew some- •
thing. Yes, he remembered the young
• lady perfectly yciutig lady with
• a gray ulster and a face as White as
death.. She was smallshort, lie called
At-y.4th Very lair_ hair; She Seemed
quite composed when asking for her
"never ; she is dea 1" She raise§ her
band in a,,soinewhat airelesil fashion to
her forehead, and then lets it fell again,
4' Dead 1" she repeats ;and then her
. tone grows sharper. Ob, my little
one," she cries aloud,." my pretty child,
my little gentle; pretty girl 1," •
MI6 is not :dead 19' exclaims Belt-
-.yerie fiercely. „Rising to his foot, az,
thongh yiere iripos:sible to hirn longer
to pacethe room,: " llow'.can yen let
thought:pass yoor lips 20 There.
is no truth in it. To lose •hoPe; oven
• ticket, but sad -like; and : , the last shred of it -I8 to lbS8 all. Life,.
For .• what piace had 'She taloa- Iler. -,atlien.WOuld cease bo.be a possibility`;• It
• ticket?? For Lauda,. .1.0,10V;jtthere' ' WN.S'abatird, itirUtiditkiitg•Of rlo3pair jcht
. could bo noaloubt about that ! Ile le. •Theke elle!' be no spell w.ord for
Membered it as dearly as though. she • we," His short-lived courage dies,. and
took it- only an tidur ago. He had won- his tone changes, "11 is this cruel in.
•• dered'a good deal at'the time about the action thaq.is so terrilile 1" he cries pre.
faet of• a young lady starting for town Healy, • " I,Wish,I had not...left town.;
at slush an hour. Bat fillO was 0deutlY hut litew you,avould be craving to see
a swell, and swells aro for ever doing tee, wOuld ;; were haclx again in
• something "contrairy," mad are not those full bat friendless streets, avaiking
therefore.th be wondered at at all., - up and down."up and dewn, as it were,
Would he knOW her again? Why i for ever 1 In the Very moying,hope
surely,. vie, unless his eyes. played him fieetned to lie. Dfor.ning, neon,: and night
.1false ! 1.3eing,, shown a photegraph. of , I trod those botliavementsi looking •for
: Doloree, lie at once declared -it was her and waiting for news from the, de.
" herself. and no mistake," the Y011ag •,,tectives, until overv wretched _steno in
• lady in' tile ulster with the sad tlie neighbourhood seemeir biamt- inta
•- face 1 When be had said this ;,• Bouverie my brain,',
• had fallen hack a bit. She was alive Coming to a. etand-still before ,tho
then 1 Alive! Ito drew a deep breath,: "!.i. thairitelpiece lie leans upon it, and lett
and grew even a vhade paler, 111n0Lion ills fate fall forward upon hit arms.
overcame him. A laoman hr the salad Dick,,, says miss Ataturinanxiousiy,
wo.uld bzwo,,.1)unt . unnerved by his sadden •breakdown,
team- nit st'41 Poor ("-111,61:1, Than all at, ()nee her own fortitude for-
• Ilion hint, To 'know eviat thiT, 110wF.",,fIr iakos
der, and Abe lan•sts into tears.
tle 11%,•tl, vIthellflh It is all 41,1444 is the Child
• 117144. 4.4 11' •
t 11,4.
A. A
13-A-L-Rfl tfro-
Mbert_St., Had Rocker Store
••• .4.4.4." •
JA4 •
Watch and Clack.. Itaker,
oirosixe irig* it;./Ititit'Elr;•Eqt.itstrmort .
• wnevo he keeps a select. assortment of • •
, • • —
• Whiolie otteasoaainei7o7fei.
• •
Repairing of everY description promptly
tended to1/4.014,oilavere
3. 13XDDI/BCOtlfBE.
0.1110/1•INCIV• •
.‘ 1882
! •After the .severest teat at the late fair in
Clinton; it was universally admitted that
FOR PERFECT AND EASY nethioari raikaPc
-EXCELSIOW•was- -away ahead of all oak..
ere, and deitined to be the popular install-
ment of -the day; This, along with -Ilia -fee
that a special prize- awarded.it, certain-
- by speaks volumes far the instruments, and
parties purchasing shOuld see the giceEra
Sloe. before bnying elsewhere.' • '
4E0. P.:- 0A1CF.S, • PnoriutToe.
• Factory three doors west of Mulloy's Pump
Shen, liattenbura St., clinton..4 • '
yon -1, Oh --A-amiting her eta s A s ; ,
'.-gethelk,OP.i.tte„. is. it .tha,t. I still draw . ki en maid. Bub she don't coilisto.iny ,
liteaVIIP04.4....6 --‘,-- • . • dear, as she is of no value whatsoever.
"She lives 1" repeats BOuVeriO dog' .Anethen, if you must have a fourth,
godly, - • • why, there is you," says she, giving the
Miss Mattirie" attemi
pts no more te girl a kindly tuck up n her little bed;
ebntradiet him.; she falls into a profoend "though perhaps you didn't quite know, .
reverie. Presently. hoNvever she raises you belonged= us." ,' '-
hut head and looks at him. * - "Ah," says Dolores, tears starting,
"You aretired 2" she says. her,eyos, "ho* good you all are to me
"es "-avettrity--" deadly tired." -a stranger 1 But -abut Ian' Unhappy
' " Let rue give yen something," d'f- about 000 thing. I have not Aeon Mr. •
Pla,iins elle, contritien • in her glance ; IN liklmay-I have riot thankelkhim for
"arid forgive be if my mincb being se all his kindness," •
ernolIY occupied at tithes, forAdts. What . ,. Well, you shall some day." •
3-..') 'bb '"' "lou I can never thank enough ha
" Brandi then, -11 \\rotas,4' (foes en Dolores, lookigg•rttlior-
. •• . •
he moodily. :
" ()la iny not. filet 1" syr itt tima you will'lcuow how grateful I
Miss 'Alaturia rthsonsly .`i Say soma-- sin," 'leans her liead brielf an .tflie
I1ziugels&-agytliing - - ." : pillow 0131 looks up ..at the lieusel;.ceper
k.,liaair • nit‘nit.p s ito, with a shbt• wisfliv.:
.`,..1)o You :think 1 " liltria yoal, child, I don't ,icrant
alte,11 'come SOXt 1 1`.:D• L',1,•• -- )1:f.• V.; <.ay i•tlfe good w0.
with clear:earnest " tut perhaps
thing trold alfaet 1.,e,..now-notliiug, • 1,•
save nawa itcr )wever, as .yt.at
• 0
011.75/: t.
I- and furnished his now ',liming Mill with machin-
ery of the fittest iniproved patterns, is now prepared '•
to attend to 'all orders in hix lino in the 'inost prompt • -
and satisfactory manner,' and at 'reasonable rates. lie •
would also return thaulcS to all who patronir,od the •
(Warm before filmy were burned out, and now being .
in s. better position to execute" orders expeditionsly,
feels confident he esti give setSfactiOn to all. .,.,
"••••PACTOR Y:-.1+7.eat the Grand,Prunk, Bail
wag, Clinton. '• •
citAtiOnS ttootat.er2, • •
lidera huyitig, get our special prices for
Balk; Mirtfleso. Ladrosso
Ig et- B-6.-
-4*n •
WET,'P. LIVER P.11.1S .
Will thoroughly pure yon. They
.do net dripo or.purgoi. hot ,OOt
Mildly, and *Atonal:kir zased
. tiro postelderect
• • lei& They hay*
proVon to be the
R EAT Eal.
F3L,ES‘a.tN G
all sufferers frOrn' indigestion,
'Eltisordero'd Stornaoh. ,
•• PEttrECT
tie° therit end be relit:we'd front
your aralsory. :BO Pine ?rt a box. • •
28c. poi. box, 8 Doitce 1 qt. 01
SAtE ita.t7anoctsrs
.64•ALEps 1tvAfair/./7:58
Expteas Waggoris,Rolt Carriages, . •
..Ilovar....1' emintcrn.li , 'and' 11.1 e 1 '
'. F 01.1,01'4.
• I'll(1();(11T, 11ASI4 *BAI..1, .caa, • . r lenuine 1v.','u ii,i.11,11., li, .,,, ..t iill ..,1';'ll t- '
' • CILICKV.T. ())T)4 ••' ' •
4 ler vit ca•ay bo..,,,, r't .0.'1,1,1 i ..t'.1.1.7. -
th.•••e• ral,".4.1! .41 Pill:, !ti.,•,' ' , !"1 , '. '. !..,-
. , .,
An 1-. '6-.1,' '.•'.• `, :—.;., .•;,. •
• '‘:, • • WALL"....T..6.*PS - -
. 'hill l'ALGEsT an I, nEsT IN i'!i1.1.
' 1,3 0 P.B";* '
1, ONT..,
• .