HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-26, Page 1V014 .2,1, 14rfl. 13
TEtMS-i,50 rer Annum 1 dvanco
_Om Nutrtionuento.
”'est side of Vietorlobt„'Ana. Lots 28 and 20, on
Jamea St., Clinton, wIth atoll frame house, stable
herd and. soft water. For Particulars apply to MANN-
ING eeerr; Barristers, lHnton.-
• •
4-1, for sale hi a house and lot on Maple Street. The
lot la one-quarter of an acre, nod. the house cent -aloe
formula end large kitchen. Splendid fruit trees on
the place._ Geed well. Only live 'Moto! walk fronl
the centre of the town. Will bttsuld (Mop, Apply
to aux, Morino, Fenton. -«,,
Polled Aberdeen Cattle, atnong which aro two
yoking bulls, three cows in calf,,and tottr heifers, all
registered or eligible therefor'in good condition; also
two splendid grade helfem, two milk cows,, several
Xelcester and Shropshire 'ewes. R.easonable prices,-
JAMES McFARLANE, lot 30, cell. A, Stan ,
ley or to
Clinton P.O.
../C valuable tam composed of Jots 29 and 30, on. tr,
Hullett, 200 acres, of this 150 acrea are cleared, the
balance -good hardwood bush. Bearing orchard of 3
nem, grdinary dwelling boa° ; good frame .barn
and outbuildings. ;Form is well watered, and situated
obout 5:1 miles how tIleTown of Clinton, Terms easy.
Apply to M. MeTAGGART, Clinton,. • LI •
) 12 for sale his farm of 80 acres on t 6 16th Pon,
G041.1011 township, being lot 16.. AIlbtitabout four
acres cleared, and iti a good state of cult tuition. Eight
aeres-hr fall wheat. " Good dwellifirhourfe,• bank barn,
good outbuildings; 2 acres oreherd ; plenty of water.
Situate close to (lurch rtini..sehoolhouse, and about 5
miles fromplinton. Partieulara may be had on appli-
cation to the proprietor„.1). BASKERVILLE, or of
MR. J. P. TIS141,14 Clinton-, • '
_41 Notary public, me. Ofilm, SEAM,Ws, Mem; AL -
Imre STREET, CLINTON.. Toronto agentri,31essrs. Mc,
Cattily, ()slot', Hoskin & Creelman. Private funds to
on at lowest rates of interest.
• .
The undersigned offers ferule a 13 tnninths old
Thero'bred Dtirliani Bull, dark:red O'er, ;Mild
gree, mid a first,elass animal, JOHN' CUMING, lot
22, 13th con., Hallett; Londesboro P. 0.
• •
large frame house, oii" Itattenbury St.oformerly
oecupled by Mr. W.-Deherty, iwoffered, for 'Ale or to
rent on reasonable tends. It Ontains plenty of room,
40.-• with hard.and it soft water, and -in Very 'cleanable resi-
dence, Terms on application to JOHN 2.174YL014,
spencer St., Clinton.
-IL/Shorthorn bull of good pedigree, will be kept for
service on lot 8, Huron Road, Goderiebtoivosidp. Ile
is regiatered id the British Amerieau nerd B6ok, and
is considered an excellent•bull for his age. Terms for
, grade cows, $2; withprivilege Of returning if DeaDasary,,
parable first of January .next, Thoroughbred cows
will be charged $5.' . . 'RHOS, 11.- come
. .
BatErs:-Wood beea are the- order
the day in this vicinity ; one eery d
this week except Friday. A juvenile
tertainmene is to be given in the 5011house .pn the eyeeing el Friday, April 9
Mr and Mrs Ed. Whiteman attended
wedding of elie T. McLaeghlin, of et"
tett, last weekr" A few quilting bees'
throwp in among the wood bees, for s
Boning. Sugar -making has commene
but we cannot yet Say Anuch as tot
prospects. A public in
connection with the Literary Society is
be given on Friday night ; besides rea
ings dialogues; mpeic, etc., a short lectu
will be given by Rev. Mr. Anderson, Ho
Preeident. On Monday the young fol
of this vicinity assembled ae Mr. A. Scot
and helped to cut wood, quilteetceduri
the afternoon, and after this "mem aro
with its voluptuous swell," and &mei
wee indulged in -until an early hour ne
day. One otehose pleasing affair% Whi
set the young folks in a flutter and eau
all to sinite except old maids and bitch
lore, took place at the residence of Mr.Robertson, of East Wawanosh ; we' ref
to the marriage of Miss Agues Roberta,
to Mr. W; Beecroft;, the ceremony too
plate at 5 o'clock,. eu,det -targe dance w
held during the mght ; we wish the youn
couple much happiness. •--
ea -
e -
VARNA. ..•
.BRIOP8.-lfre. A. E. Smith has not y
returned nem Woodstock, being detaine
by the -.sickness of her brother, who
sufeering with en. attack of. Inflammatio
of, the lungs. . We are glad te notice.th
Mr. Thomas•Bolee, formerly ofO1intp, i
now moving out to -his farm near Varn
wIlich the intends henceforth twee)* him
ger; Mr Anderson, who has been rentin
it, has removed to Egmenciville • "Mr. A
was a quiet, inoffensive man, and willb
missed here, but we wish hhn success i
his new occupation and home.
• Lxdruitm.--The event of the week wa
John R.` Clarke's lecture, "Among th
masses," which wee delivered in the tem
perance hall, on Thursday evening. Th
was Well filled, Mr. James Arm
strong in the chair. The lecturer Was i
the very beet of trim, and 'foe two hoer
and a hall' carried the ethdience with him
in e most entertaining manner: It is no
ying too Much to say that the like via
e pleased to know that within thre
-weeks we, are to be favoredwith anothe
visit from Mr. Clarke.
• ..t: Rome lots e and township; con-
, sisting-ef-14+-xtres, offered-lor,IttbrairnaWneNia
terms. About 120 aro. clouted end in good state of • air
• cultivation,; bahuleb good hardwood,,good frame
" • house, &a., general builliings, plenty of water, bearing
jweard; miles from" the rising town of Clinton,
Particulars may be obtained On the premises, or by
addressing JAMES PERDUE., Clinton P: 0. ,
• CLINTON, ONT, FRIDAY, IVIA-R-0. 11 26i 1880.
STA NIL Eli . • TIIVKIlltbnliTil.
• BRIEFS, Mr, John Parsons left for the ! FAum RENTED. --Mr. S. CHOI, one of
Northwest on Tuesday.111arch 23rd ; he 1 the pioneers of Tuckersmith, and a most
has made his home there for the past few 1 higbly esteemed resident, has rented his
years, and speaks favorably of the place. farm on the rid con, H.R.S. Mr. John
residence.was the sone of a.livelY gather -:5 term of three or five years for $300
One evening last week, Mr. Jas. Forrest's Rhin, of Hullett, rents the 100 acre, for
ing, illie assessor is going his rounds.- year ; he has got a very cheap place in:
Mr. Consitt, we believe, is improving, but deed, Mr. Geo. Crich rents the remain -
has not yet fully recoyered. Mr. Wm. ing 50 acres. It is altogether likely that
Baird has gone on a visit' to the county Mr. Crich will move to Clinton to reside.
of ICentovherethe formerly resided. - Mrs.; He .has a sale on the 8th of April.
Wm. Moffatt has been suffering for some NoT4s.-The following are the namee.
time With a sore foot, caused by• a bench of some of those who left this 'township
falling on it it considerable time ago. Mr. for the Northwest, on Tuesday:Beedham
Janes McFarlane, of the 4th con.; has Sarvis and wife, and Will Robb, for Pare
lately sold some of his Polled Aberdeen River, Dakota ; George Clarke and wife,
cattle at good figures ; be bee several still for Brown County, Dakota ; 11. Turper,
for sale; and will give home buyers extra for Carberry, 1VIanitoba ; - Jas. Townsend,
for Brandon, Manitoba; Mrs. Clarke and
Mrs. Sarvis were both Tuckerernith gills.
During the past three or four years a dozen
YOutig men from Manitoba' and Dakota
.have united themselves for life to young
ladies from school section No..' 6, in this
township; evidently they know tyhere to
come to for good wives.
. .
, . . * e i
-1ViNirtretoP .
.13mers.-111r. A. Govenlock got one of
his horses killed last week, by having a
cant -hook handle run into it. There' was
no service in the Presbyterian oburebbere
la_st Sunday, owing to. the sacrament of
the Lord's Supper being edulinistered at
Duff's appointment. A number wene
from here to the entertainment 'at Lead -
bury last Friday evening ; they report it
a decided. 'success, the lunount realized
being $20.,50.
. totroKNOwe. .
BRIETreleaven has purchased
the house and lotopposite the school from
Mr. J. Grundy, for $550. Mr. G. Robin-
son, of Athfield,...purthaeed a splendid
heavy draught brood mare, from imported
stook, in the township of Tuckersmithe-
A good many of our citizens have enjoyed
themselves lately -by fishing in the .lake;'
some Of them succeeded in getting'quite a
number of fish. Bev., J. E. 13owers, ,of
the New Jerusalem church, gave a lecture.
in thetemperancehall, lest week;' at •the
close of the lecture.he distributed quite a
nunebee of tracts explaining the doctrine's
of the Swedenborgian% The literary see.
clay of our public school gave a public
entertainment in the school, ••pn• March'
12th; when a splendid programme was
rendered • the next meeting of the society
wilibe on •Friday, March 26th. . The •
Presbytery of 1Vaitlaiid. met • St. An-
rew's c erche Lucicnovv, on the 16.th and tbe Iteforrn Club we1 be held on Monday
17th inst., with. it large attendance of. evening; March. 2.9th, when the. following
,mesnbers,.. and -Rev. J. • A.. -Anclerton tie subject will ".be. debated.:• Resolved that
}fume Rule in ' local effities Weald. be a
nioderator; a large amount of imPortant
business' was transaeted. ReveG.R:Turk, benefit to Ireland.'" The affirmative will
the popular pastor of: the elethodist be led -by Geo.. "Turnbull, assisted by A.
Dickson, ,A.' Johnstee, J. Cowan arid W.
church here; haebeen offered a pastorate.
and salary'bf $2:50Q; by •a weelthy eorigre.. 'Cash ; and the negative by ,R..Govenlock;
nation in Georgia; the Reverend. gentle -
assisted' by Mu rdie,•• T. Alc5lillan; -Fred.
than 'will fill -his term .of itineracy in e ,• • .
Petteen mid J. IC'CrOveelock.
Lucknow. ''The roller reill oWned by • ' " '- •
Trealeaven has commenced work, and no : ' DMA:EP-1E1,D- .
doubt .will ,tern 'one_.teeellent.uraterial; , •.BitiEFS,-lluncan Maavielt, who -W'
the -'proprietor has . spur:Odle uo eXpense in •to 'Canoe§ for the good of hie_ligaltit.)
fitting en the st le • the 'fall' rad
Oupacitr Of1.00-bWiglir per • ay, is now enjoying 'good -heal -14'h, atrilisIgnrgi-ea
and will be great boon to the farmers of in love with Ranee% ' The Tailor femi
this .vieinity; air& should rebetee .their of, Hellete.'aed• Etherington.,
earnest patronage. .. • •has been visitieg. her sistereinelaw,• M
James Broadfnot, • left Betteefield stat
' • 4.for ,, ay • mogul% ast
FARM SALPX-Mr. 'Sterling, Ute the. Mr. Thoinpson, otie genialegrain buy
7th con:, has thila his farm .'0180, acres to left for. his bonne, Guelph, Setercl
Mr. A. Elliott, for the sum ofeee,600, and he will be Much 'missed, ns he. was a ge
has bought Mr. George Green's' farm 'of fkrorite.....Dr. Germ hes been over
l'Irlicres on the Bayfield con. for the Seaforth for it few clays loolcieg after
sum of $5;800 ; Mi. Green has seine notion Campbell's patients, as the doctor is :la
•of .removing to California, he will be tip With a -had cold.
much missed • Whert he leaves this rieigle• .
borhop no -matter .where he •goes. to. .
SEABORTR.- „ . ' • • .
13atees.--elr. B. Switzer a few days'- •Eithea.-to OM. item on the. death of
since, sold a breeding mare; One of J. Ludwig C., Meyer last week; we intimated
•MeMillan'e well-known herd, to • elr. A. that he was the first Division Court Clerk
_Elliott, for shipment to Dakeitaeat a good here. We het% „slime learned lthat,11.1re
figure; Mr. Switzer ..elso 'bought: Of Mr.: Jas. Diet:sere. the present Regietrar of the
Jacob : Dieh I, Stanley, a ;_tembeyear--old. neyeepcenpied the position for !that
gelding for the _ sum of $180: Mrs. M. time befete, the appointment df elreMeyet.
tanley, (eldest claiightor et the late Robt.•
ELECTRIOAL LECTURB.•-:-A ,lecture on
Elliott; Gederich township); left here for Electricity: and' Magnetism. Was delivered
thetewre of Aberdeen Dak. on.Tilas
where her husband ,18 residing. The....foet-e. last Monday evening, in the ;htieement o
hell eniatelf, which was to have k ;the Presbyterian church, by Dr- Campbell
assisted-by-Messrse J. O. -Hari-tone and C.
hillarid S. S. No. 11, had been postponed
till next Week,oving_to_04:..:bild...state„of
the gr�unds. -Mr. Joseph Chinchill, of
the 14th has :puichasede. line horse from
Mr, Jeptha Holland; of the 11h 0n The
• Reronat CLITA--T,he.neitenieeting of
eh t
ft..."4 a ur ay and, Sunday last several Men.
vorkeirebteralifierree keep. the ice beck.-
tiY Mellis epent last week With his mother
TY, and other friends in the' vicinity' a Dray -
to ton ; Mune Rumor 'reports that he intends
rs. moting his fatailY, from otir village .in
0 •
EIEFlur--Tliegevertiraent engineer was
re last Week 'surveying the harbor, :-pre
ratory to dredging when navigation
th b ted4
12 for sale his splendid tam of 100 nel'es, lining lot 4, he
•tind con. of .Colborne, 1* storey House good bank pa
Barn, new Drive House, woe Shed and other out _•
buildings, hard and soft water, everything 'convenient, -ut
;2 Ores of good orchard, 18 ores in fall wheat, 85 acres . Of
eleared and tn. good state ef cultivation, convenient t6" so
.Church and School, 6 miles" front, •Godericli, 12 Miles
frenf Clinton. CMAS. ELSLEY, Benmiller P. Q. • 'th
Myth. 4Factory.
... JAMES FETIGT.YSOlef e- • .
• e. •
linviqg removed his businesk to the premises.fOrinc113'
known as THE MOUNTOASTLE MILL; Would thank
all old patrons for past Rivers, and -is in a better NW-
' tion than over to, promptly fill all :orders entrusted to
. 'STOCK. OF 0001) PUMPS ON 'HAND:::
Lirderawork 0 specialty. Wells dug and coinpleted
• on short notide., woritguarantoed.• Prices reason -
Leartnem.-Dr. Talmege's lecture on
Ingersol limn was efficiently reproduced
here on Monday evening last, by Rev, 1.),
F. Rogers, of Ailsa Creig. .gesturea-
and motions of the Dr. tvere plainly dis-
,cernible in its delivery. We remember
at the time of reading the lecture, tts re-
ported by the press, but failed to realize -
its force, until Dr. Talmage himself was
. .
thrown into it, which was done on -Men -
(My evening, to the domplete satisfaction
of all those present, . We regret, on ac- I
count of the unpropitious state. _of the
weather, so. few were preeent.
)olniei 'Shipped ft
number of horsest& the Northwest, on
Tuesday lust.' Ur. A. Whittingham left
for Manitoba on the same day. Mr. Geo.
Oalbeck has been in Goderich during the
last few days, on the jury. .
.v a_ ^ ^ -•
STOCK NoTes1,-W11111ailEr6uming, a
few -
days since, sold it 2 -year-old entire colt,
got by Mason's lloreland Chief, to Mr, .1.
•T, hlaF-eo. of Iowa, for the ;Min of $400. -
Mr. Geo. Pope, of the 2nd con„ sold to
the satne person, a breeding mare, by
What's Wanted, ibr the stun of
FARM CYBEANGE8.----11.Cr. WM, McBrien,
of the Maitland Block sold ele term to
Mr. Wagner, for the sum of $1,300. The
farm coritains aures, -111r. John Morgan
sold his farm, lot 6, Maitland Block, to
Mr, Henry McBrien, for the'surn of.$1,000,
the farm tentains S6acres. He has ifei
lfKle rieXt'ledele,but retains •the house
until fall, --111r. Robert Sprung has rented
his term, on the base line, to etre john
Knox, for a term ot four years, We believe
Mr. Sprung intends to have a sale shortlY.'
Afterwards starts for an extended tour
through the Notthwese
great, c e made a
inans oty4:0:otvurir iHirolernr,ssfifEdtockstgi teiusi t000yrrrbelniieltdeieosoni et ur e
RELIGIOU “••-. weeks past most
ntere.sting and revival meet-
ngs have been n the Meth°.
let church, here,fiction of the,
aster, Aided b hull and. his
.istants. No g e fact that
ear ago, under Mrs. Hall's labors, nearly
s Many have taken place this winter;
ver one hundred seekers have come fer-
tile!, and most, if not all, haveprefeeeell,
change of heart. The meetingTheiebeeite
een largely attended throughout, and
reat interest menifestecl in them, there
eing yet little or no dicainution in either.
espeo, andacores b,eing unable- to. gain , -
dmission. on several oecasions. 'Cis in
ncled; hewever, to close the meetings,
n Sunday nigli't next,. 'after which the
and go to Blytheireuit. 4
PEasolvare--Messrs: Frank and John
McDonagh, of this place, areiveel home i
from Scotland on Saturday, the 20th inst. i
They report a very rough passage, being d
over 17 days from, Glesgow to Boston.
They shipped with four: fine Clydesdale' ar
horses, but had the misfortune to lose one a
an the Quart ; the other three arrived safe „
and sound, and are said to be exception- e
ally good ones,-Mi-Richarcle, wife of
bur getiial.postmaster, who has been very w
low lbr some time, is now recovering.; her a
many, friends wile.no donbt wish her full .e
'restoration to her aecuetomed health,-
Mr. Thoo.Sallewe, who has been prostrat-
ed with a severe attack- of inflammation, r
has almost completely. reedvered, and a
now attending to' -his accustomed -duties, te
There has been, anckis now; a great -deal 0
(Trilekkee'fli• thrs vicinity, mostly lung h
diseases'. Mr. John Edwards left's]. short
time ago for British Celumbia ; • be goes
to see the country, test the climate, etc.,
and if pleased tvith the -proepects of the
eoun try, intends staying tor some time.
, • _____.....,___ • ee
.KITP,EN • • th
13aniFse-A few of the farmers of _this 9.11
'vicinity are eugar-making. . The Kippen
mills are running day and night now ; ,tu
John is an enterprieing man, and is in "
the rightp.la.ce.. Therailway bridge Wive tio
ingreat,tfanger of being washed out on ku
.1.11., PPR.
• •
13RIEFS.-Mrs. Jas, Wilson fort 'Myth
Wredotedaywith her familyrfor Buffalo
ap;'Daleotaete join her husband, who is
ere; 'Barry Goiria.n, accompanied her,
d will go into • the milling . business ;
ill theycross the line% notwithstanding
O denial we so often hear to the question
Are we not losing pun surplus- poplin -
n?" Will Shane, se well and familiarly
own here, left eor Detroit on Monday,
here he will take e co se bfuje„,_=eut nine.
in singing from a ptefesser, and perhaps
joie' ah opera :treepe from which he has
an offer. ,rhe•yeters' lists are being re-
vised pretty cloeely, and . the names of
dead men, men. who never exiited,•lebys
ens; ey are ou omakeis oe11ee.
the best harbors on the lake shae.-
me feats were manifested this week tha
O mill dam ;night be injured by the
rible force of water passing over it, but
las stood the test allrighte, the mills are
ing good work. Our merchants are
mplaining of hard times, as well as
a folks, yet Bayfield seldom has a
nkrupe witleig its borders. W: Banner -
hes rented his. farm, and intends
ing it easy; Bill is not 'a bad fellow. -
os. Twentyman has roe -lotted with' his
her; mother, and sister to -the- -States,
ving taken. up land in giehigen ';' it is
to 500 50 many -of out young Commit-
s taking up • their abodetn 1..tnele Sam's
ninions; there Must some cause for
Counciltor Wild is -at'•Gederich- thig
it I
• we
ek, in Her Majesty's service. • A. very
• severe thunder- storm passed over- this'
plaeebn Friday night, but there was no
. , harm done that we hear of; ' .
The following idatinionials, received by Mit,,,LiiES
V.A.NSICKEti, speak for thernaelves: '.
' BEN111ILLEn.
. • .
I received niy seiyink inadhine about' four months, ago; an •
irin just airlwelr pleased with the Work of it as the day I re- BniEFs.--The ice on the river broke up:
reived it from the hoda of the repairer. S. DAVIS. • • here on bund -ay morning: and 'though the
I received my sewinginachiee about Kix inentlia ago, and
waft fortunate to get it repaired, and Ives surprised to, see the ,,... : .
banks are fined with large blocks of ice,
excellent work it done, ow it WAS laid by over four years and were ;s a lot ranee to come •down yet; ,ft
condemned. Yohrs truly, W. O. SHEIT1111RD. . few stones knocked out of...the-vise-mill
vere thanloi,,forit For a splendid ' Ara . r d . _
The Seveffir3Trerl-T -Onq•••11:8-it• hag -been•forethe-past year; it
p ( a mut six monthe ago,
proves to be ia ev'ery'respert it superior lob, It largCnumber will11 ely, stand .until it is removed.
of jlegipje durips the six months have called At our tailoring J. P. Fisher, of Auburn, paid .a visit to.
1- csettli#Innest and are surprised at RS exeelleut work, it is 0 is
7 Just as advertised. JACKSON-BR03.— .
• - . thriving hamlet on . Mondayee-
Mr. Roiteseatt, who. bought Mr. John
--PritriZrbilring work in this lino, can have it attenlit-
ed to on leaving orders at PLOO ' • Snider 8' farm, Raid Mr. J.' a .Letouiel, of
residence, next to old Pronbyterlan_.0hureln. -4' °Y.---7.- -Plierryddle,--a visit week ; he brought
i Limes vapisiottee, °poen.' with him a load Of poultry • some time
* 7 age he sent tip Sixty sheep,.and he intends
bringing Op some cattle
and brood mares as soon as the roads:get'
good; Mr. Laeuzel is going right into
etoekeraisieg. A man from Goderich
township came to the mill on Mopday,
and left .his team standing et , the mitt
door, when the horses started off on their
own 'hook, but were' stopped before any
&image was done. We were visited on
Monday by re young-irmiesternx. The
people of the German church; near here,
have gotten up a petition to send dowe
-to: OonfereTice--tO etryeeind get- Ref.- Mr. -
Meyers sent back to tlie, 1
1 beg to acknowledge the receipt of irly long lost treasure, with 18 all the damage we have to report.
the New York Singer Sewing Machine, which.I hare Just got -
repaired. I am blighly. tleased with it and rein n you nissin4t _Theold bridge still stands, apparently as
0Id, Country Tickets.
Tickets i,sued to '411 points in
The accommodation it senerior to ell others,
and rates no higher. Choiee of three differ-
ent lines from New ;York, And one -from
WALL P4pei.
WALL Paper
I have just received a 'fine assorted atocic
of WALL PAPER4 of thole:lost modern
Pattern's. 'We 8011 cheaper than the cheap-
Calland inspect Mir samples.
Our Teas a
correct, elle we fear sbe is iniethken tlfis
ee, time. .SR. McNeil moved his family out
ay; of the village this week. There are two
ne- vacant hoeses in, the village now. Rev.:
_to •S. Acheson organized -a bible class a few
-yr- weeks ago; it is held at the manse every
id Thursday evening, and is quite, a euccees-
Airs. Jas. McLean. is recovering from her
late illness. Mester Jas. Whitemmi, who
some weeks ego had his knee. bruised be-
tween a sleigh .and' be gatepost, is again
able to be out; being housed up does not
seetn tq have agreed With hire.
McRae'. Of the' High Scheel, in aid'Ofthe
as o
be illustrated- by-reXperiments hut We are
told that the apparatus supplied fee thet •
purpose did pot work successfully. There
large attendance
saw -null on the farm of Mr. Wm,. Perdue; was
a - -,,,,. • • e`k 1 .n., : I '
Bayfield eon., is now in full blast and ' ' itulcAwA•17*- 'v Hue' s" °' 1u1.8. 'DIU" 1
-good wear is being dime ; loge nunibers of the town -line of McKillop and Hullett,
of logs have. already 'been brought in. while driving lion from town last Friday,
Mr: Win. Taylor, of tlie.14t1i, tells tie that and when opposite the eithibition grounds.
_he has several times heard: the cries Of a on the Iluron read, the young. horse he
wild cat near hint, while at %yak in the was driving became. frightened leY 'a sthall
bpsh this winter.; . where-are:our. bunters streeirt of water running on theroad, and
Amt. tney_nlinwsnali animals. to :frioten_ qt,ikamay,„ ,,It_. did not .run far ' liefore it
people so badly.. The wife of 11r. W. was caught.. The only damage done was
Colcloughis, wetegret to gay, On the sick •.the shafts pnlled from .the cutter. ., The
. list. -There will be a parlor soeial held at oceepants of the 'Cutter, were thi•oWie out,
She house of Mt Robt;Sterling; 8th cone, but escaped injuey. ' . , . .
Goderich townehip;.. _Oa Mondayeevening; .. bittEpte—Miss -S. MeNaliglii- returned
29th-inst), in aid of Bethany,. Sabbath ta.tawn last ThtirsdaY, after an absence of
schoole a good progratnme may he ex- seyeral ' weeks. Rev. P. • Musgrave, •of
Eectecl, 'Rev, •Mr. Bowerse of Tokento., MelCilland •Rey, .,,i.: Broley, of the
Meeltanies' Institete, The eubjeet t
eld seiviee in the Tiperary school house; 1116111-6e is c lial-here, exchanged pulpits
on , Wednesday: • evening, at Which there last Sunday -evening. ,,, Several members
was .0, large .atteedatiesT
bee.elawaead. of Huron Lodge, LO:G;T:, paid Clinton
vanced by Mr. Bowers are what is ecnown lodge ft traterna visit Jest Tuesday evens
as "SWedenborgiaii," and altheugh good ing. MISS Maggie Dowling, of Harristore,
attention was paid to the address, a little is the_guest of MisseMaggie Beattie. Mr.
disturbance arose at the'close between a Geo. Judd, son of Mr. Thos. Kidd,. left
couple of residents in the townihip, who here hist Tuesday, for Nebraska. 'Mee ,J.
could not agree on the doctrines. . The R Clarke, the boot black orator, was the
stove was knocked over, lights Put out, guest of Mr. J. IL Pyper, while in town
and Ina. few •moinente there was ”heaPs last Stind"' Mrs. ‘Vm` PIA' ibi Merl/
of fun," but pp 'e_neaves .very, badly hurt. Of geederich, died at the resi ence of her
---- -- . • son-inelaw Mt C V. -Whitney; 'here lest
er , • PARAMOUIST. . II riday night.; her remains wore interred
-year ; Mr, Meyers - is -intreltereepected by BRIRFSe"Dati ' Clarke is able te he
-all in tkis neigh uorhood. in the Maitleed tank cemetery bn• Mon-
cooneell, • about again, after two weelti' illness.-- daY-' ' '
is able to be around again:. ' • Peter Murdecht .Amberlye is sejoerning , LheientE.-ittr. John R. Clarke the
with us for a' couple of weeks. 1V1iss Jen- boot black, Orator ,addreeeed two 'muss
- .-* I''i.--------45'ii -41•17.--7—:'d•vt4-^ .:s i, '
• iSt V' i..s,r1.4i X OSHA .
Itnre4,•.Tri ' ' . neeee.3eith; of Wroxeter, is visiting friends meetings here last Sunday. 'The first
BM ,ts.-c..A. few came of stealing. have theiniserable state of the roads and welt- and. Young Peoplegeneralie, and was held
in this neighborhood juot now. Owing to Meeting wasfor Sunday School children
been reported betel,: two farmers, during. the on Friday night last, the members of in the Presbyterian church, in the after -
OW night,- had their piles of wood lessened
in size by a thief ie IS thought the wood the executive committet3 of Dewdrop noon, the place being filled to its utmost
Was taken by QUO person end .te, '.: an. act, Council decided to postpone their concert capacity; the subject of -the address was
joining'village. A thief'early on Monday in& "Famous boyeand girls " and it was en -
until about the 24th ofMay; ; in the even-
morning came to piece of bush which was however, a large crowd gathered, and joyed and appreciated by air who head.,
being•cut down for cerdwood, foiled in not wishing to cause any disappointment, it. 'The seeond meeting:was held in the
his effort to find She saw used for the purs 'appreciative Audience of about 100; the o'clock) -and was indeed it mass meeting
au open:entertainment was given to a very Ilethodist cherth, in the evening at eight
Pose, after examining all wood,plles and programtne was of an excellent character, --seldom Is eeen such a gathering. here.
Welsh helve fitted.for concealing ti,.. SAW the their being AT" Oiled ley Mr. olohti It is estimated that there were nearly one
he w
Are the Whole talk of the country. Deh't
faM to get a Caddie. The bot value you
ever gor.
G/tocrlit AND STATTONta
en another place Where thefe waa
chance Of getting the objectItif hie wish,
nd he Wail successfule-carryiti
ood cross -cut: no clue to the identity of
he scamp; Mr. It. Johnston, having too
;any cattle to conveniently attend to,
old a number of them by. auction, on
londay. Mr. J. Anderson has been via -
ting relatives and "friends in this township
eeently. A large gathering of young
eople opent aet Friday night at the house
f R. Minch, in the amusement of
Ge Murdoch) of Loclialeb '; the singing thousand persons present, which led wine
was furnished by Messrs. Ellis, of Luck- t�say at the close of the meeting "Wasn't
now, Gibson; of Lochalsh, and Miss- that a grand sight." Mr. Clarke delivered
Jennie Green, of Wroxeter, ably assisted a fifty minute «address on nlie ntortil.
by local talent,. and eiceellent recitations beroisni of the temperance movement,"
were given given by Misses Sarah McKenzie and which was one Of eloquence and power. --
Maggie Murray, and AlesSre. Win. Mc- in fact the best temperance address we
Intosh, D. McKenzie, and: IT. Horton; ever heard. This was Ur. Clarke's third
instrumental Music on the violin, by Neil visit to our town and when li
Cain ebell end A. Su therland,e organ :reconvert led
y .urdoch oo th
b 11
hgain in a short thne, we predict diet the
. •; tlie largest ball or church in town will not be
entire entertainment was a, complete due- large enough to
,eess, and everyOne seetnedaccornmodate all Who Will
highly pleasec4 go to hear hint
: 13itenre.1.11.r. John Snyder is qfiletly
settled on his new farm. • Robert Little,
late of the town of Goderich, is now li ring
on Mr.. Itabere lot. ; Quito it number
ftom this section atCended.the assizes
Goderia thieweek. , , ; • 7
, STooervr.TgSr.--The. new bridge et
nelmesville has stood the beet test that
Probably:could have.been.brouglit to bear
oti it. Monday .night last the ice broke
up, and jammed against the bridge, rising
in some instances, foer -feet higher than
'the flea; upepoting the trees standing on
•the islanddboye the bridge, bearing them
top first downward,. part going Above the
floor, and breakirig some of the railing.
The Strain on the ,abutments must have.
been immense when it broke in the
planks between each post: The etrAiri
on the east side, at the smith end must
have been .great, as it broke the pins, and
lifted the beams cleat off the therms, also
shifting the superstructure about an incli
on Another nbusment. The ice is jammei-
as far as the eye can • see up the river,
from eight to fifteen feet -deep. '
*.' •; int.OWBItIDGE. • . E.,
votes will be struck off; .when the eaew
list is.maclereet the cry will be "We .haci,
them on the :list, but now they are 'mist.";
The entertainment given, by.the Hopeful
Gleaner's was: excellent- indeed, and we .
don't see why they don't give Mi. a night
:Of athusementi like' that oftener. Miss
Hattie Drtithinond. haa just 'ccimpleted it
drawing or two boys froth London
it is taken from atileitograph, and reflects
great' credit on the erase who, though:
yburiee ielast rising in proficiency. Mr.
P. Moore, who has spent several weeks
visiting` in tewri, left fir Stratford on
Wednesday.. y. J. Dale lirti purchased •
fine new eleyele.from Payne of London' ;'
a elpe will be oreanieed SOL. lec.• • "
tore entiounced en. Siitterdey night; by
John RI Clarke, was h decided success,
and Mr. Clarke wan the praise uf the
sMall but intellectual. audience that lise • '
Tened to him; Gam:count of the inclem-
ency bt the weether and the busy night
for.business, the andl'ence wIts.tie.t qo large
as it sliculd have been; we hope to have.
the pleasure, of bearing Mr. • Clarke in .
Blyth before long again.
Bitiers.e-.Mr. Andrew Whitely treak the .
train last week for Portage. Le Prairie ;
he expects to be gone front town, about
six wealth': Inspector Miller's house and
tot, together with the -furniture, will .be
sold by Oohed enetion on Saturday of
next week, at 1 p.m. The town bend dee*
o hiederete number to the Palace oiler
rink un Wedneaday. evening, Mil. --
Weller and Mr: Jas. Martin, though still
dangerously ill, are both apparently en
men .
S. Rupert, M. A., :preachej in .the
toria St. church last Sabbath. The
: G. lee Salton preached to his old
gregation in Clinton. Rev. S.
son will. preach in the Victoria street
reit, next Sabbath, marling amt even- *
Revival servieej will commence 111
toria Si. church; op Friday evening,
be, earriedm for .a feW days only.
Clinton Goepel 13and is expected to
resent two or three evenings during.
week, Rev, G: H. Oobbledick, of Dun-
mire will preach ireNbrth St. church,
r Sabbath.- :Vise Minnie Henning%
Goderieli; who ie staying with her
M:rs. W. S. Swaffield, has joined
tent. the Ontario St. Methodist Choir,.
etNaeriate BLUNDER. -The other day
.'»-'-'f0.». Pluton to Myth,
Stridienig car by mis-
. Shortly after the train started the
uctor came dug) and taking her by
arm inarehed her into another ear,
the remark, " You surely' haven't
ed to smoke," The lady. thought
agi under arrest for e montent or two,
it was some time before she regained •
Mural toniposuree
_ • -
TEST abrn fintaese 'Costntlestoree
Lodal liouse.is prorogued. The Lib,'
candidate redeemed; Drummond, in
ec.. on Wedneesdav, by a: couple of
red majority.ee-The British people
thrown into intense .exciteinent 011
nesday, by the report thee an attempt
been mede to assassinate Queen
ria, by a man who throw something
her carriage ; instead of being an
sive, it was only A jumbled petition.
he Man is regareled ineane, t/t is
d that it despente quarrel hes taken
hetweep Lord Paedolpb Churchill
fr. WM: Henry Smith, both of whoin
membent of Lord Salisbury's Cabinet,
hat as a result Mr. Smith threatens to
raw from the Conserv-diet party. •
LECruan.-- On Wednesday evening, Rev
the 17th inst., Rev. B. L. Hutton delivered eon
a lecture in the Trowbridge' Methodist Car
chtirele entitled, "Ireland and her trete. au
bles." riled the time pane for com- ing,
•mencing, the 'chinch,. tbough large, was vie
filled. At 7.30, the chair was taken by and
Mr. Charles. Cosepse The 'meeting. "WAS The
opened by singing and'Prieyer, after which be eo
the chairman gave a very abort but ;Mee- dire-
esting address, which was followed by the mn
lecture. The speaker commenced by
giving it description, of the present condi= of -
tiorrof Englapd, showing in a most elo- siste
quent manner time the people of Britain
and of the.,British colonies •enjoy more pro
national liberty than any other peop.le in • A
the world. The question .then arose,. a
why is if; then that the majority of the t o
Irish people wish forHome Rule? This take
euestion he then solved to the entire, set -
history of the high people from the reign cond
isfaction of all present. He gave a short the
ofJstmes T, of England, to the •present with
time. He shoWed that it is not the Irish she w
themseleee that are the cause of so. much and
disturbance,. that they are cohtintially her n
stirred up by others, such as Russien
Nihilists, French Agitetters'encl American • LA
Fenians ; that in mane, cases the cause The
rimy be laid to the use of strong drink ; eral
that the mass Of the Italian Catholic.; in Queb
the South and West of "'relate' are not h,und
allowed to be eclueated, lest they might Were
read and think for themselves. The lec- Wed
ture occupied nearly an hour rind a half, had
:during which the -audience manifested Victo
intense interest, and thowed that they into
were not only interested in the stibject, exert;
but that they appreciated the able 'manner and t
in which it was handled. We feel confl- state
dent that when the Rev, 13, L. Hutton Place
again delivere a lecture to his friends at
and X
( as we beliovo he tutends to were
do at an early date, he will b13 greeted .by and t
a ceowded hotise, Withd