HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-19, Page 8ULIN:.TON NEW JARA
PRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1886
1YANTED.--A Good Live Agent, •at owe.
Apply to Bar 09 Qlinton, .P. 0.
Jfr. A, 4.. Bennett havitiy leased the build
it:g now eccupied Ly him, for another terns of
5 years, wishes to make Bowe alterations in the
2rrernises,.avia oleo bigtlBARGAI Sin FURR
N1TU'RB for for
t IP4Vlr. l`71 A1tXA' .
Ho.tEs'r,—About cloven years ago, a
certain person left town, owing a business
pian an nceouut. The other day the
v party reSuch
turn ed, and paid .the amount i^
f honesty are few and
Locdh BRIEr�s.—The firm of Beesley looking well. but ie� not strong yet. Mr.
St Co. takes the lace of 13eesleeis&s Bean, and taken "'auburn,
her,. e4 has
re here.e We
of the head Milliner,
j stn.
tmaing spring select one, and will returned
as- child, wb whit* bas beenthat
so ill in Toronto,
silted by Miss Emma Rumball, Mr. is now on a fair way to recovery; Mr.
-Foster, of Colborne,,bilesold no less than Ornig attributes Abe change in its condi-
eight hundred cords of wood in;Clinton, tion to the skill ore, well known 'Clinton
during the past winter ; he thinks 'the physician. Mr. Jas. Smilie, of the Lon -
town and township should unite in se- don. Road, bas been quite ill for some
curing a roadway through the greattead con-, time, proving, We*medical treatment w 11 P bliali uect week an
venae ewhichtcwould prove re ter
a roallod parties interested. Chief n st rebelliocommunication
by Rev tA. R. Baird, Pres-
Justice weekoon of it to bis was in. w
town last on a visit to his son, Air, byterianmissionary` "at
wife, of St,
I3, B. Proudfoot. Air, Bea.left'St nnbli ry,
(eldest son.,of T. Stanbury),o
day for Sandusky, Mich., where he pur-
poses ,residinin future ; we wish our
young friend -success, even though resid-
ing beneath the �S'tars and Stripes. Air.
Steve Perry, of St, Tliornas, brother of
full.. tic i citses ra Mr. Perry, express agent _G. T. Ii., met
far between. - with li bad accident a few days since by a
NEW IEVOETEIES.---We believe that
H. Wright, of Berlin, intends to
make a proposition to the Town Council,
in.accordanee with the recent resolution
of the Finance Co►nmittee, "for the estaib:
- lishnient of a Bdot-and Shoe Faetory.bere.
A. proposition will also likely be made. by,
other Parties, for the eetabliehment ,of' a
Twine Factory. It is the general opinion
thatthere are good openings here for both
Doifee Y ORdANS.--The Glebe of
Saturday, . says. W. Doherty Co,, of;
Clinton, Out, are making an .extensive
display at the Colonial acid Indian Exhi-
bition, of :their celebrated ''Doherty
Organs," consisting of a sample of each of
;their stylesof eases and actions, 30 organs
in all, teven from (heir list stock the same
and are all sold,. to. be
• as sold every day,
delivered after the Exhibition is over).
This will be one of the attractions of the
Cdnediaii seeding china meof their styles
are very beautiful."
ACCIDENT, -=One day last' week a little'
girl, daughter .of lir. A. Duff,. suet with
an accident at school which might. Wile
have been 'accompanied wits serious re.
" sults. While nearly at the top of the
stairway, she leaned over• the bannisters,.
and losing her. balance, she fell•head-first
to thefloer, How she escaped very serious
.injury is a mystery, •as she fell on her
head, but when picked .up she was pot
huat be end' the severe shaking up.,.
receive(, and ' the sensation of being
stunned: • •
Suneas•DEATir,�On. Wednesday hist
A very sudden death occurred et Godericb,
Mr, R. Brennan, blacksmith, .formerly of.
Clinton;.being the victim, About a couple
• of weeks' since deceased had an attack of
inflammation, of theboiveis, which led to
other aliments, and although�•medical skill'
was 'brought table assistance lie succumb-
ed to his ailments He'ivas well. and .fie-
vorably known here; had only been mar -
'lied a. year' last Christmas, (leis wife being
a daughter of..Mr.. Chas',. McIntosh, of
Hull tt' and with a..ouu_ child -she is
left 'to mourn his uutime y. ',ea h. 13e
was about 2$`yearw of age, aud::.=had, we
believe; an insurance of $2000 on his life.
His feneral:frem Clinton station, on Fri-
day last, wag largely attended,
Asr OLD Tisfen.-eThe Salvation Army
curling stone knocking; his feet from un-
der hirci, causing bion to fall violently on
the ice. :.Mr. and Mrs. Lyions, of°Duudas,
are vreitieg their sou -in-law, Mr, H. Fos-
ter. The:friends of Mr. john jLeckie,
of..•rento, formerly of Brussels, will re-
learn of the death of Mrs, Leckie,
wla • r occurred.at Toronto, on Saturday ;
she' has been in poor health foe a long
.time, "and her death was not unexpected;
ber remains were interred at Brussels, on
Monday, a very large number attending
the ,funeral, she had no family Mr.
Leckie has the sympathy of his many a1d
friends, in his bereavement. Mr. A. S.
Fisher is interested, in a new Ranching,
Company that has- just been 'f'ormed at
Denver, Col. Mr. Jas.• Copp bought of
Mr.- A. Taylor, Hullett, last week, •a
Bashaw colt that gives promise of being
a. good traveller:; it is only young. but be
paid a good pric3 for it. Mr. •R.' Watson
has brought out the delivery business of
Mr: Robt:• Welsh, who intends to take it
easy hereafter. Mr; Geo.; Wybroiv, late
of the Organ Factory, has gone to work
with his brother in Miehigan:�"iss
Hammell; of New Baltimore, Michigan,
is. here on a ,visit to` her sister, Mrs. Jas.
Steep, • Mr. A. H..Lofft, of St, Marys,
(an old Clintonian,) was in. . town on
ll'fotiday, having •been on a visit to his
fattier at Amberly; who . was at the .point
of death ; Mr, .Loot, sr., was a pi•oniinent`
figure ht one tine on the Bayfield
and is remembered by many of our•readers.
Mr. Angus McPhail. formerly of Fair's
Mill, has, we believe, given up farming at
•Grenfell, N. W. T,, and is now employed
inks mill there. Mr." Geo. •A.. Sharmaa-
sent out about t400 worth of heroes§ with
the northwest excursions this year. Mr,.
W. King, (son-in,law of 11Ir. .Henry.
Smith), recently. went to D'eityer, for the
henefit of -his health, and his friends here
will be pleased to'learn tbat;his.obj•ect'.of snow. excepting a few bare spots, and
leas, been largely accomplished. 'the it' will take warm weather yetbefore. they
tains the death notice of R.•0. "fawry3, ofKansas . Democrat, of a• •late issue, van -
day.clean. ,Wednesday was Si.'t'Patrick's
•day.. An exchange says :=-"tn these days
Hiawatha, • Ks„ One, of the prominent
of hydrophobia it may be well tri remark
residents of that' place, et ,the age of 81 that .no person who has paid for his news -
years ; deceased was.an' uncle of Mr, Pi►1 i�..?x•-.adxataea ; ever , nown to be
ps. +air, postrna"s er, au -at-one tune bitten by a road dog." This should be a
occupied a public office in Hamilton. Mr, *aiding to some of our delingoente. ,
Thos. Boles, of this place, has resigned
Ms posicion as ;Supreme. Secretary of the REv.: Mit. SeeiyART has been quite .ill
Canadian Order of-Home:Circles, and his for several days, -with bronchitis, and has
place•has,been fille;l.by the appointment not recovered sufficiently to resume his
of Mr: A: J. Pattison of Toronto, brother .worknext Sabbath; he will secure suit- • `'
o . attison,. station agen , •. in on. able supply. '
The matey °friends of Mr. Fred. H. Fisher,'
now of Denver, will he• very sorry to learn
that he is' seriously ill;;and--•fe.Ars are en-
tertained for his recoyery.; We tru"s tilia"t'
his condition may not he as critical as
feared. A NEW • ERA' representative
while in Brussels recently; dropped in to
see . Harty Dennis, formerly of Clinton,
who has' worked up .a profitable business
there; his.friiends here will lie pleased to
know that he is well eatablished,and doing
nicely: • We had a. • call from our , old,
friend, -Mr. Tames Entiicknap, of Hot;
mesville; on Monday, -who is. one of the -
oldest of our subscribers; and is, also an
active old man, being about 80 years of,
Cage, and quite hearty; he- has in•his pos.-
session a pair: of • spectacles that belonged •
:as 11t!`uloft eutliuniastiG member-iriAts.
ranks than Mr. VanEgmoiid, who is .near-
. -ly i•4_years of -age:, and very few 'of its
• : members are as active as be, notwithstand-
ing his age: In conversation the ether
day, he, stated that it was no.,'upusual.
thing -for hiin to walk from here to Lon-
don in a day when there was no track but
a surveyor's line, and one had to pick
their passage over stumps and logs..... He
was tilefrrstmail carrier in• this section,
and his route was only from -Galt to Gode-
-rich=and-back the mail- aid• other -pack-
ages necessary, were carried on his back,
and he "hoofed it" every step of the way,
.the distance being such .that he wvas,.re-
eluire<i. to cover :52 -miles one -day on his
trip each away. lie statesthat Sheriff Me .
Donald:used, to thigknothing of walkitig
• from Goderieb to London, between break•
fast and sundown; a dfstanoe. of 64 miles, •
duany,yeargjv,hicli.._dlffer ratedialiyifroin.:
_.:. ,,,� , F ; „o the spectacles of today; in the feet that
T. Mr.
Catharines, are the guests of Ur. E Keefer.( W dowblin.. cl,
Mr: T. Cooper getting brick and other
material on the ground looks as if he in-
tends to erecta brickhouse this summer,. G
on the west side of Albert 'St.. Mr. A,
McArthur has the offer of building the.
new Methodist church in Mitchell, Ube
wishes to accept it. Parties 'wishing to
1 Ton of Green and Drab
l.0 Q,00U.Paper Fags,
transact business with the town clerk wilt
find Mr N. Robson acting for illi, Callan -
250 lbs..'Cotton Twine
der (as stated last week) until his return.
from St. Thomas, Mr. Geo. Shipley leas 72 Copies Canadian Farnv,
sold his dri
,......ving.co o .lt.t Mr, 'Phos. Yellow N
of the Iduron Road. Mr. 11icl4owen eYs'
iaeonfined to the house by an attack, of
pleurisy "Mr. Horace Foster is suffering
from a slight attack'of blood poisoning. •.
Mr, James Sheppard, formerly of Code -
licit township, who has for some time re-
sided in Iowa,lias returned to this county
to take up his permanent residence. Mr,
A. Cantelon' has the contract for theme,
sonry ,for . a large bank barn for Mr. 3,
Hood, Stanley;.. Mr. MoBeth• does the
woodwork";; he also has the mason work
for itr. McBeth's new house, Stanley.
Mrs, A. Cantelon, of Godericb, has been
here for • several days, on a visit to her
nephew of the same name.. • Several ma-
sonic brethern from Seaforth attended a
chapter meeting here last Friday evening.
Mr, Donald Junor, of the Bayfield Road,
sold a sucking colt, on Wednesday, for the
sum of $70. , It is rumored that Mr. Hun-
ter, of car -coupler fame; has -fallen -heir t"o
a large estate inEngtand ; we hope it may
be true.
FINE POINTS, --"Knuckle down tight,"
"fanqlubs," etc., can now be Board on
our streets, the 'small boys have cone
m.enced marble playing. During the past
week our markets:have besn, dull, as com-
pared with previous weeks, • this is owing
principally to the. bad state of the roads.
Our merchants, one and all, aro laying in
immense' stocks of the choicest • spring
,goods, and purchasers iii all parts of the.
c iuntry would make. money . by coming to
Clinton to purchase .their spring supplies.
Robins have made their appearance here.
There is nrisleighing in town, and wheels
hays taken the place. of runners. On the
country roads there is atill a large amount
1 Z IES'S, ecc., ,fro=
Raphael, NTuck & Sons.,
AP- R.
Clleagei and nr better than, last
year. ,
Accordeons : Foot Balis
Violins, Sl&cexghs, •, .
at -reduced prices.
,e,��x TRAIN. MOST BRINGS Tt,En ,.
Low Prised i
:Low Priced SHIRTINGS.
We dire you a ',magnificent range to, choose :from. Get a
p :a
S ring.-ancd Summer SUIT: We guarantee a perfect fit.. .Only -
First-class Cutters .employed. '
v v S, . . .
Gi-ENTS..FU1ir1�1'3HI�U�We 817an extra large.ge: s oo ,
• .
e ask you to come and : see. oa"p• goods, and we will' convince
b ,
you We can do as well as any dry, goods store in the county
, . and a little .betterif we•Can:
to his grand' father, who hai.geen dead
'The. priees._ 'which they afe sold are NVithin-the reach of
. WESTERN ElitIGUTION..—v. Luesday the business. A daughter .cif Mr./ Jes.
last a special train left Wingham for the Walker, died. on Suuday, aged 17 years,
west. It hest five ears of -stock and a• of brain fever ; she vas a niember of the
number of passengers twhen it reached saiyatieo Arrey,_tbe members of which
Clinton, where six cars more of stock and, atti nded her fpneral in a body on Tuesday.
were the following,. were added to it .--
and hon, W. E. Sterling tuur"Wife, Mrs. T.
Burnett, Miss Flora; McDonald, Mrs. D,
tiockridge, D, Green, Miss Green, foil*.
Jo, Watkins, all of Goderieb
, township., and others. Mr. IJIIS Elliott of
Goderich -township, also .tOok S. car of
horses out. The train Wee under the
charge of Mr. A. S. Taylor, the gentle,
manly represeetailve of -the* 'Chicago,
of ears were picked up at different points,
and by the time the train reached Lon -
den, it consisted' ol twenty-ene care ot
freight and nearly one htindred passengers,
. every one of whom was destined for some
part of Dakota. To -day Mr. A. Elliott; of
(loderich witship, ships tt car' load of
liptscs for Granden, Dakota, taking_ with
Mtn several Stallions., and having a Palace
Stock Car for their, speCial shipment.
The following railway . repreientatives
were here on Tuesday, in the interest of'
their respective roads :—W. Rands, Chi -
Cage & Greed Trunk ; J. R. Richardson,
Wabash. & St,„ LOUIS J. I -1t 'Morley,
ritul, Minneapolis & Manitoba a. R.
fined im•to bed, IVIr. J. R. Clarke's lee -
tares on Monday arid Tuesday evenings,
had tb be cancelled; much to the regret of
a large nu niber. of people who anticipated
hearing him, he hes -recovered from the
effeete thereof, and le able to fill his en-
gagements elsewhere, and expects t
turn here Sometime next month.'
wholesale hatters and furriers, of London,
purpose removing shoal)! to Toronte;
Mr. Goninlock 14 Well known to many
cliiitonians, being a nephew of Mrs, Ir-
win, sr. MISS A. Goodrich, of this place,
one of the meat zealous members of the
Y. C. A.., of Itattenbury St. church,has
been for seveml days helping in the -re-
vival seryrceii now going on lit/..ondesboro
Methodist church, Mrs, '1'. Taylor, of
St. Catharines, is 'visiting her brother, Mr.
G. E..13fty. Mr, Twitchell sends a quan.
of harness to Manitoba by the eXcursion
next week. We had a call on Tuesday
from Dr. M. R. Elliott, (son of the late
was very much ileased learn that be
has entirely recoVered, add purposes ree
miming- his practice in England; before
his illne.st he. took the degrees ot M. D.,
eyery one in need ot nobby suit
'To all both ofd and yenn& viho ai6 in. need of a, nobby
prow Over "Ooat, Suit or
Ate now all in stock, and we show one of the largest a-ssort-
ments m this section.
We invite you. to examine oui goodsn and get TrieeS.before
purchsing elsewhere.
• 0. - C. RA.NdE Sy Q0,
THE null cLoTnitits, CLINVON.
Three Doors West of Dickson's :gook Store
We are haling .tremendous. run on' ofir
PRI NC; OAPS —TN ALL'14iElv tfor,Oils -AND STYLES',
Which we Iniport.,Direct front the Man ctArers, are the
• "Cheapest. Goods that we have ever shown.