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The Clinton New Era, 1886-03-19, Page 7
r F$t14-1 •,` M O 19 -1$S6.. CII EN'I 04.44+ akorttniroileOltally, which drier to the, re. lembladoi tathe horse. Nati re seems to have made btlu when she 'wall* a mood foe caricaturing. -Not lose queer than any of these is the Some _.)neer Flab. ` An entertafningaad instructive hour mag well be spent at Fish Commissioner Black• ford's establishment in Fulton market, New York. 8e combines business and pleasure, so to speak. He hal a large and flourishing flsh.market of his own to begin. This gives him a practical knowledge of the food fishes of the country. Year in and year out eighty -throe different kinds of fish and 'Einer creatures that are good for food are be found at his depot. Besides that he has a rare museum. of Curious water ani- mals, living and dead, that are to be found around the coasts and in the inland Waters of ,America. He has a taste for such collec- tions, This gives him both practical and scientific knowledge of --fishes, .and readily makes him what he is, the leading fish com- missioner in New York, The practical part of the business is down stairs, Here are greattables with blocks of ice upon and about them. Upon them you inay see beautiful salmon; graceful, shining Spanish mackerel, grotesque flounders, white fish from the'great lakes and innumerable other delicious and handsome food fishes: Occasionally you will see a very fine speci- men of the home -raised carp, whose culture can be undertaken on any farm where a pond of water can be made. 1' •i. WEIGHING : A T.IIRTLE. To one side you will observe monster turtles from the Plorida coast. They c lie in a row upon their backs, and: the ,great 'clumsy creatures cannot turn beer..: Occasionally they are nearly as heavy •as 'a num. -They. are flopped upon.their backs•in• a tank and weighed as you see in the picture, • • In the center of the establishment,• upon a table, are two large tanks of fresh water: One is full of dazzling 'red^ goldfish; the o tiler contains creatures grotesgtie and ugly enough to -give you' the nightmare. The. tank containing • them is -marked "Heli- bendersiand crawfish," The crawfish, or c`raylisb, is the fresh, water lobster. It is - - POROLTIN.P FIS]:L That, too,, is to be seen in this odd mtiseurn, When full grown and blown up it measures sometimes as much as a foot in diameter, It is a hollow fraud, there bbing nothing much to it but a round shell or globe. it sucks air in through its mouth, and swells up very big; Then presently it t gives a little grunt or whistle, and lo! -it is nothing but a puckered hit of horny skin, curled up into a ba11 It is called the porcupine fish because its outside is covered t hard 1 with spines, tis very curious, both from having the quiff -like spines and from being able to inflate, itself like a balloon. It le sometimes called the prickly globe fish. it gnashes its teeth with a curious sound when 'caught, erects its spines, and grunts and whistles. The spines' rare given the creature for defense. When it is hbld inthe hand it inflates itself,, the spines bore into the fingers and palm in a way that is extremely painful. Many of the strange water creatures in the museum are found in. the vicinity. of New York. They show up some of the strange and , inexplicable connecting links nature has made between. her different kingdoms. ltevlving Irlslr. Induatrles. • 'The chairman of the committee appointed some time ago to .inquire into and report upon the _Condition of Irish industries has presented an informal report to parliament. 'In this it ftrstated that all Irish industries, with the single exception of linen manufac- ture, are in a deplorable condition. The re- port recommends .the improvement of the railway facilities of Ireland, the introduc- tionof teaching of the sciences.. relating, to industrial work in all the national schools, a comprehensive system df drainage, with- out which, theieport declares, proper culti- vation of the soil in IMend on a sufficiently extensive plan is impossible. Ol(1' nir(ls. An eagle has just died in Vienna which has been kept in confinement -114 years. It probably was a young bird when caught, so that its age must have been not far from 120 years. A record of the, eagle's -condi- tion condi tion' wasmade from year to year. There are swans , on the River Thames 'that are known to be 150 years old. For five cen- turies the Vintner's company there has kept a record of certain swans, and the ages of specimens of this long-lived species of water fowls are known. to a day. found in the mud upon the bunks of rivers and. little stioasns in the' west.. They dig great holes and throw up laud embank- - f =-T meats around them.'.'Those la the:' - curious tank at Commissioner Blackford's came „� from thelweat. The stupid creatures climb to the top• -of the tank along- the wall and hangin a great chain tombs-bott,oru, -The cling , to one enofllei by 'their 'phicer-like' • claws. • FLoufthe,Web l. to0,.1Yuirr 1 e come the other, creatures in the tank,• _ CRAWFISH ANI) ssts,sEr nens. .The hellbender Js a ort Of :big rnud-and W water lizard The .W cwt fish is am_beauty, -bur' the hell bender t lar 'It is hideous looking in fact It AS sometimes. called _mud -devil, from being ;fond of bur rowing iii the.mnd•. It winds about among the crawfish 'in the tank, and and 'wallows them as if they, were its own native . mud. , It grows to be two feet -long, and a$: slaty .gray in color. It is'a voracious de- ., vourer of.'y,ouug fish. An incipient toe nail is found ,aeon its flippers. . • Neither turtles, crawfish 1ior hellbenders are fish 'i•roper, liowever•, ulthough they are • queolLentragh. , • _ The sea -horse in the next picture is a fish, though a very.unusual one. It is found it the waters about' NOW York • Mr. Btac1 ford hasa specimen in his• museum. �D'hile- the-creature lays eggs like a fish they are batched in a very curious manner, TtIR altkilOASE. The eggs aro hatched itr a fold of skin at- twilled to the sea«horse's 'body like an opo sum's ponwh'. The fish does notgrow to be more than :.ix inchni lend. The nppseasges thnt look lilte para are in, reality aniali;flus about its head. The only other Yin le the Into upon. the liar(:, ', hieh looks like the thane of the horst. It is thus tpc i' +,-r#•y Writ provided, (101 teonkd 1 eve 1retitle getting. abuttl, vs. (•:,h'1 lhni, 1.k- the no nkey, the :'i.l:nfye ratehra b••,1 oft l;int••= Willi its toil. It it pal this tail r(r", mi abii •of .:i• is ta. srasr( .6 anal 11t,t: : IT tit ,ho v;;r°r• ••'1'I111-:, .•(:`c Y1 t;(spa+ "'t• 1: rte. .•t ! •at rr. ir• r•• 1 +1 1+...4y, u•''rt;tl, roc •r ride. !'n' t••.: • • r1' #: , t Ft•gt •,''7•, stxi11 usari••,n;, :ra013.:# to , •o.:tr„• 1.1q noxa tor, Homely 'women. . _[Dorcas_Magazine )- My.young friend: wishes 'to be graceful and beautiful in'faca and figure.' ,Now sh ' -ward; angular, and-appaientl-y-a hands and feet. Her complexion; through want of proper food, exercise; etc.,. is thick and muddy. -This she may .remedy • by ,eat= Ing coarse bread, fruits,_ cereals; beef—and ;mutton, and eschewing. pastry' and, sweet. meats of all description., She must take a hot bath.;once a week, with •a -cold sponge bath, upon rising every Morning, followed by brisk rubbing with flesh brush cr coarse towel, ..She must walk, ride,. row; and in- dulge in all kinds of athletic sports. If sho bo among the ruasses•'who must labor to live, .so.much rhe• hotter for her. .Let :her sweep, . N,g W GEOClR ,& PROYJ JQ TORX 1 The underaigoed begs to inform the public that she has, opened out in MR, THOS. i COOPER'S OLD STAND, a full line of l GROCERIES. F.LOU.RI BRAN, OATMEAL, GOAL OiL, &c. CASA PAID" FOR EGGS MltS. JOHN RAYSON. • 'To The 3rme i'e,1 s_ - SEED GRAIN and CLOVER SEED. GRAIN 61 EDN Q]N' !►1f li,'' I41NA$. ALIFORNIA DEFIANCE SPRING' WHEAT. BLUE STEM SPRING WHEAT, IIIANITOBA SPRING WHEAT. WHITE RUSSIAN B9.RLEY. WHITE CHAMPI'ON OATS. BLUE PEA$. BLACK' EYE 1WA.RRAFATS, • WHITE PEAS. CROWN PEAS. THEsn. Sumps ABE ALL CLEAN. 1 JAJUES STEEL', . • CLINTON. aria Post Office Store Jls] eH :TOE 4?R,7F,0 In thankingphis uunter$us customers for their liberala r patronage in the past, begsto announce that he ]Las just received a splendid assortment of • ,NSW • ' BP? ,21 i- .. CINOODs,' COM TISING THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN • TWEEDS, DRESS GOPDS, PRINTS, 'MUSLINS, GINGIAMS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, SHIRTINGS, COTTONAD'ES,DUCKS (1r DENIMS TWEEDS a speoialty,and a first-olase Tailor who guarantees a fit. , A full supply of hand made ROOTS and SII:S just arrived for the spring tirade.' A fresh assortment of, WALL 'PAPER, newest .patterns, • • .. My Stock of GROCERIES is New and Fresh. Try our 50 Dent Young Hyeon TEA, best value ever offered to the public; 0,; $ARDWARE, OROCAERY and GLASSWARE, a full supply. LARDINE and CROWN OIL for machinery, always on hand;'and everything usually keptin a firat•olasa country store. tiOAL OIL 20 cents per gallon. Highest market price paid in trade for ,BUTTER, EGGS, OATS, 4c. Come one and all and inspect my stock. No trouble to show':gods. N• B, -I have also purchased a Large quantity of the BLUE TIN :TAG ,BIN.DING TWINE Best in the market, which I offer at the lowest possible rate. • JO$EPX MORROW, VARNA, March 5tli,:'1886. . THE FOPUL A,1 00 S LortzlzbEoRo.. 01%Se :We are making a big .push to make tlljet.Spring. Trade double that of last year .In makinn.oui' purchases, the greatest care •has-been 'exercised to have qualitiese and Styles iglrt, and 1'ileeS osv, alu lvi'tli couiirJetie eve ' ash as. inspedt otnf s our stbole,. feeling," 'asstited' that intending purchasers will be " pleased -With -A- 11 tent, 'variety and value of our Offerings::. _ - • • '4e base found the demand for•A.Iiighclass of Dress Goode, and Haze seotired very' desirable lines ill the:leading colors of the' best_ French Fabrics, noted for their res ' uo..Goods. �i.ninioo l� 1 ooper & S'waffieid, SUCOESSORS TO • T. H. STEVE�NS&... SON, CLINTON. Manufacturers of SAsx' -Doons, ELIMOS, FLOORING, SITING, CEILING, MOULDINGS; FRAMES, PICKETS, 3zc.,. and all kinds of Interior and Exterior Fiuishings.. LATH a, nd SHINGLE kept on. hand. Mill on St., opposite �osit'e Woollen fiill.p . WellingtonPl PLANS AND S'PEOIFICA.TIONS FREP� RED. S. S. Cooper, W. L. °"'1waiffield. RET DISCOUNT SALE 13CoOTIS-A..N'-D BIIO S ., CJEU CJKSHA.NI' S .. In order 'to:reduce'.my large stock to make.. room. for Spring /and 'Summ'er Gaods, 1 will give a ' DISCOUNT OF 10- -PER CENT - Oh all Cash Sales, unit the 15th of 4ri1, No:w is your time to vet BOOTS and SHOES AT and BELOW COST.:-'' Be sure to call and get the Best Bargains is Foot' wear that can be got anywhere.- Remember 10 per cent off for cash, Call oil C. Cra' ><ck4hank, ;the Root. 'Raker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON We have secured '20..half chests of very fine. GOct. YOUNG'}iYSON TEA • which_''we will sell for a month at 45ots.:by the 51b. caddie. This: is the best 'value over offered in this county. Don't- • • fail to ge' A caddie before it is all sold. We have opened a full stock'of•'• . • • New Valentia Raisins Extra Selected Valent is Raisins, Block Basket Raisins, Seedless «laisins; :Sultana Raisins. • NEW `•CURRANTS, NEW ' SHELLED ALMONDS, NEW LEMON, "•ORANGE AND CITRQN PEEL. ..21be.-GOOD MIXED CANDY " FOR 25Cre. • Call and Inspect oitr,Stool . beautiful appearance, and their • ata;ability. Ladies', see our Dress Goods before making 3 oiir ptii'chases. dust,. bake 'and •brewf.-sing and- dance,, and ^. . the, will develop .her• muscles without being. "_obliged to resort to- "exercises" for that: pirr • pose. - Should she be so .situated that house... . hold labor Is not. deemed advisable, let her: try ,Dr. Charles Gifford'a health apparatus,. ' the use of which will._ in ;three •mouths- ; ' rint Ginghams.' straighten her shoulders, -strengthenevery ,' :We stand well tiro the front, our stock embraces many novelties, such•as muscle in. .her: body, and give her la new ; •• , lease of Wells well as a permanent founds-' •• . firm u on to build. ' 1 8411101'1 • ©C>1= • . p Cura�>l7il�ta,rtgc>,x>l:� e•�,e.., When tlus3s done fro _. great deal is aceont.- • plished, but not all. To secure an erect and graceful poise - of the, head' and shoulders, let her walk fifteen un:nutes.'twice a .day With a flat book or a bag of salt or sawdust upon her head. • She must .remember, espe— cially in walking; to inhale and exhale Very ilalvly;. lira' With fortee-s`hflicient to drive'thei air into•every air-cell of thelungs. This wilt bring the color to her cheeks and brightness toher eyc+ ' Now, sin,spite of this, her skin may be red 1 • Besides a full range of STAPLES. We pre offering 4'Specia'1 Dri.'es"•in' • See our ALL W°O• 1Vr t 6 . '; ,S • N p x! .. _ �' EDD#.. a �-Oc. sacral. ,.,He otic C T' �T �- � . y «, p - O .Cci ARES at. • 517o, special. Superior to regular 30c. good's:." 1 We have made extensive preparations for oiir Ordered Clothing4 Trade. See our .. anti rettgo,et. profusely spotted withtrecf;les.-•( M.«« , •1f the "former, let her use oatmeal water the •' • last 'thin; at night, and frequently during: Scarcely a day passes but we hear flattering reports :of the Strength, • FI-avor and sun; nailr the face ore xith a solutionto eofind or borax Cull Dualities of our special 1ine.of :YOUNG". TEA at :1500. Iter pound.' ait(1 g1s en nt�, using but one third' only.of We have - still a few `'caddies on hand'. Seolu•e 'one: ilio latter. A solution of h few drops • of • • ulive,tar in wasterwill•sometimes,lyork won- de on-d, t i It'1 cleat ili land smoothinga co±-100E1on. ,,A: thin pti:ite of honey-andborax. water is {•teas anter auil"more congenial to some, and m realty eases quite as efficacious,. • If she bo possessed of a superabundance or freckles—#unless there are too ,many she rte it not mind, as at present these com-• Mori adornments. of . the face are rather fashionable, and, in their absence some faltionabio beauties have them applied- by a skillful hand at the, rate of fifty cents place `-13hould-slie,..liowavet ha ve4more than is desirable, she'. may make use of the folltsiving hint • for their removal: • Grate horseradish fine,let it stand a -few'. h etir4. in buttermilk,thew strain and use the wash night and trimming 1-T1r 1risitto'rnnne--turtt I4urtfnl Scent nettle.. Quite naw invtaiagiettes is the vinic- „ grotto holder,which opens in half to receive Tui English salts bottle 'When closed over range ' fr'Patter•-tls-at w'i`.„ nit • AMMOT 1 sotE„ AGIi jT PO.P11.1';'• 1 s FORE • C; Zi; L•:1'1 A'1' F'i7 I have also oil lian(1 a 1#hrge stock. of TABLE And 'EIA'ND• LAMPS It .ei'ely vaii'ty. •HARDWARE and TINWARE. A:`laiga stock of. COOKING• and PARL0 'STOVES. • Agent:tot: the.'GURNEY § for the "" II .RRI53 BOYNTON FURNACE. , . • LO:NDESBORO.- • xt; 4'1t.�.' 99,,E reetefatitiilie can Wrest 'bi."ul' glass bottle thatmay he reitiov'ed, cleaned and rofllled. Without th Tightest • annoyance. These viniagr•ett+ hollers are matitufaetured' in' =siivsr, and aro designed to hang 'frttn a chatelaine at the side, and show a great vari- ety of style as regards't•hapo,and decoration. Foote are beautifully etched• and exhibit• lfgllt(t and Shades gained from 'oxitlizin ; others present an 'enameled • surface, .while ('tilers. again aro beautifully decorated ,tial, applied metals and antalgatns, nelts. • 13rltu*n.ty almost bec(nlsidered artat'iryby i.•aion of their clasps of old salver or ricldy •(•!,acct or hammere(1 gold.. 'Solna are' stud - diel with brilliant Ithitte stones, and (;flier•, in 11 else) fashion have garnet:;, turquoise... ,tad pe{tris get together, The belt may 1t:? • tlt 1t no inch a:td #t seat ter. wide for a{(r rt tt lst(,l f;,pt(r4'. tthil(s thusoforIon g(1 Ittu1t011tonc;":hive 111(he.4 broa,l. '1'.r•. v clip to:rht' or 1 :vol., b: t,tt ri (n` (•(•I•17 f•1#' !ml. t r I •! 01 or :('lis;(,ter ex. ,t t'IAA` •ct It•: . •,•,, r. Opened -out •in LLZOTTa::•BLOC= NEIs`T DOop,TO THE Ct Y...., Bt0E 'STORE,.. CI,INTON, BEDROO! •: SETS, PARLOR ; ° SETS, . LOUNGES, SID3EB'OARDS, CHAIRS, Ito AND A GliNIIRAL' 'ASSORTMENT ,OF TIIE "VERY BEST tifrtnl: FuRNITIIR1 AT REASONABLE PRICES. '.. fitsallm:r...Y•,.r_•'.+.,...,.�t+c�.... • Otic' Stool;: of WINTER GObDS 'i . tae v . 6ollll>Iere:: .AMER TCAI I" OV] RJS EIOE l ub'ls r acral Rulslsl r Eaot , CUILDRE T'S.:_. SPRING..: HEELS CHAS. - _CARL N E, eOM:s S>1 OCK. CLiNT' ON ange e ��� mus g zne�s�• . ll^rltCtlIlli-llllr[ti#It1 11itll(1!1 ' '• • The uu'dcrsiguedbegs to notify the peep, cit riff iii in71 vicinity tiriLbe hue bought the, ._.�. . ltifilliESS.... BilqIiiRSS 'allot carried on by V4.. L Nowton' CHAS. CLUTILF�$...1.�1'e11ared:S ,�'ecial -r .eft*`�"' � nri that he is prepared to furnish ]:las Cured in -fthj .. months. • ,Doctors Weal and Recommend thein as the hest for all classes. 1)i'-crihtive t1ircnhus rile application to. !Ji t ..XSL.l 'a "'.'' 1L W K14( ,. i Ilarill3fi,a, Cal, rs, Whips, Trunks,Valises BU fat r,t, � f fl ?b�l..v iilaltkots • 1 Aird ev(rtthiti;; l4ually kopt in a fi•rst.elass Harness Shoo, tt': thu lowest priors. ti 1a1 t festa attention is;kit: ted to my strock Off�.f+�,tteirr flxi;. R.4.4,,.lu•hiatt 1 will (71a1 (r a spc•c�iayalty. Bim' ., r Ji i,'tl wt i .l ni w.id'11L P .� tiY Ara T tY� 3 ZD I3y,atiict uttenti+rt, t(r biisitl,-s . Itti l carefl#lit 4Fn t tr�:,tri-.tt,t;,:'. (it n y r'.# ho rlr to 111 ellti Inn 7-11.1.(t, of.putr ;Ilh 5na, e. hitt. iin;'ri +.;l'ur. p:; r,i';yy r�'�{•1tb(-.ie 1. 1.1•:NIE11i;1,1t 111Et'!�l :1)--011.1i THE SI 'OK f'• AZ— • •