HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-19, Page 6ytis Y, MARCS: 19, 1886, 1 a grain olleck Clegg's warehoueel
and in the blank space used for the pup
Around. the Count. - :• •
Mr. Geo, fiproitt, of Tuck. ersmith, is
again sufficiently recovered to be able to
pose be inserted' 50 bushel* of wheat at,
770.,' and signed the mune of Herb
Hennings, the weighrnaater, Thie obeok
he presented at E. 11 Telbot'e storei.
drive out on fine days, Q whe+re C1e g's grain eii.cka sire all ettelielle.
The protracted meetings at Hoover's
church, East'Wawanosh,. are still con -
('tinned by Mr. Caswell.
Robert McGowan, of East W awanosb,
bas lately, purchased a fine Durham bull
from Mr.-IteCartby,'of Middlesex.
•Mr. Buchanan, of Hay township, and
Samuel Smillie, of •Tuokersmtth, hare
been appointed 1. P's for this county,
One day last week, Messrs.Geo. and
J. P. Hogg, cut and piled six cords. of
w ood from S a. in. till 6 p. m. at Exetet,
Mr Wm, Drtfifger, of McKillop; recent-
ly purchased a young thoroughbred Dur, -
ham bull from the herd of Rock, of Lo-
gen township. •
It is understood that Me.. G. N. Mc-'
T, onald,.lighthouse keeper, Goderioh, in-
tends resigning that position to reside
. permanently .elsewhere.
On Tuesday Mr. John Delbridge, of
Usborne,sold a pairof heavy draught
geldings, aged 3 and 4. respectively,' to
Mr. Thos. Bissett, for $400.
Morris township paid oust $160 for
charity; $1,711 for roads' and bridges;,
$175 for drainage; $4,096 for schools;
$752 for salaries during last year.
Mr. Hezekiah Hayden, son. of Mr.
John. Hayden, of Gerrie, split four cord
of wood in two and .a quarter hours.,
This is pretty good for a man nearly 50
years -of age, r
Mr. Gregg has leased the firm at pre-
selit occupied by" Win.. McNab, MoKil-
lop. He is. engaged . in ,the meat busi-
ness and intends, keeping it for grazing
^`. piirpose•during the summer months.
o win; Lonnt, @. C„ will `take cha •ye`
of the Grown cases at the coming assizes,
which open at Goderich' on the 22ncl.'
The calendar• will not be numerous, but
the casesare serious encugh to be inter-
esting. ° 4
Quite a sensation: " was caused • lit'
Wroxeter, on the morning of Friday .1st,
by what might havo`been a iiiost`disas-
trees fire. • The Royal hotel, occupied
by R. W. King, wee discoveredto be on
fire, but the citizens at once responding
• to the fire bell soon .got it under control:
The fire was caused through adefective
stovepipe. '
On Wednesday forenoons :i`mau• named.
.Edward,iirtbb, of:Grey, was almost' F
stantly_'killed, while chopping in the
bush, near Roc -leg -saw mill, by a falling.
limb., was struck on the top of the
]lead, the limb penetrating his brain. A
physician"'was sent for, but the man was,
dead before; -he• arrived • A, wife and,
large -family of small children are lett, to
Rotiert 'Talbot paid ,theyoung fellow
$88.50, but shortly after his suspicions
were aroused and be consulted Mr,•
Clegg, only to find out that the check
was a, lQrgerv, Donovan was immedi-
ately arrested and taken before Mayor
Neelands for examination. He declined
to plead; :and was .committed to stand
his trial, - i
Hoesemen, Attention!
When your horse is galled, scratched or cut
or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, and
apply MCGREGOR A papa's Carbolic Cerate.
it ; is undoubtedly the finest healing and
cleansing application for it. Be aura you get
McGregor tk Parke's. Sold for 2dc, per box
at .Combe's: Drug Store, •
The P rovineial Fair will be held at
Guelph this year.
Wm, Monks, charged with manslaug-
ter• in" the killing of Wm, Shrimpton, in
London, Ont., has been acquitted,
Gen. Nagle, of San Jese,.Cal., left an
estate of $1,000,000 to be divided equal-
ly between two- daughters. We're go-
ing to call on those girls right away.
Gen. Middleton states that. the 'date
forthe departure of tbe flying .column
has not yet been fixed. It is just lips-
Bible that. the,columu may not go.
In a railway accident between Morite
Carlo and 11Lentone two carriages _were
rolled down, a cliff, 125 feet high into
the sea, and thougli they were filled
with passengers only three and the
guard were killed,,
Rev. Sam Jones has given public no-
tice • that he intends to improve ,' his
sty] exhor;ii ,.ttid, i; -future ;could'
preach straight' gospel.. Rev. Sam has
discovered : that -even a preacher ,cannot
-run counter to public opinion. •
:1 Washington, Pa., telegram myth':
The -Pew &'Emersotr-•oil well'struck is
agusher, and good for from 1,000 to.1,-
500 barrels of oil 'per th)y. Heretofore
the : wells in this district have ,been
'small'..., It is stated that the oil ,strata,
was found at, the,depth _of 1,500 feet.
A. :Quebec telegram' says:Tlie mail.
arrived at _Moine , on Thursday, .from.
Esquimatlt Point, Saguenay county,
Que., , reP.
-and or"ts=that�.fTomz100_to.„z.0
persons will die this -s n ing from' starva-
tion.' :
tarvation..- They are at • present. living on
salted seal, with which they, feedtheir'
dogs, and in some places they are rating
dogs, - r -
•• '• British' manufacturers,, Who .see he
re• sura
]spored- at th
position and earlied in a •half ineeneible
the ]soporaa. .a, to
ell, Il, it was found that
lion* wore broken, aithengle fells! VI%
condition -to a house and medical ssais-
fence sent for. Upon examination
with the .eaceeptiontof a broken- rib, no.
;Offering 'sev ly front the sheik, he!.Day . 1CK+ ion ohs "- .`.p What ft
4 Caen*et!zi About. Apes,
eu knots Tilly kava ie and
? 11 k Alton itis and
Torg ''telt," OW 'We will go on with the
Qu the coast of Java there is s very large
kind of sand crab. His claws ere not very
big, but they "are strong as d vise, These
crab. dig hole in the•sand •for their homes.
But they do not stay down there in the
dark. Not they! They come up and skip
and hop in the sunshine about their homes
as merrily as if they were children making
sand pies.
The crabs have very sweet and.delicate
flesh, like the soft shell crabs congressmen
and other distinguished gentlemen are so.
fond of eating in America.They get sick
sometimes atter eating too much, and espe-
cially after drinking too much, and then
they blame it all on the innocent crabs.
• There are many„gpee in Java, They -are
lively,'fkisky creatures, and like the same
,things to eat that people do. Apes and.
congressmen are fond of soft shell crabs.
^The aps cannot invent traps to catch his
'dainties as man can, however, and so he
!must attack the crabs with only such wea-
pons as nature has given hint.: He watches
••where a group of crabs are playing in the
sand. He^steals as near to them as possible ,
without their seeing hire. Then he makes a
spring in the air and dives down upon them.
'There is a tremendous scattering and clat-
tering of crabs. • -
ie 'believed to he injured internally, but
to what extent it is impossible to say.
At lest accounts shewas doing well,
Rer escape from instant death was al-
most, miranulotla.
Ex -President' `Arthur, of the Urpited
States, is dangerously ill and cannot. re-
cover. . -
My horse stepped on a rolling stone, spitined
her off .hinif leg, badly swollen. Giles Liniment
Iodide .Ammonia cured her. G. B. Cowen,
Canton', Maes. Sold by all druggists. '
Miss Maggie Cameron, daughter. of
Rev. Duncan Cameron, of "Lucknow,
had, the misfortune to fall and break
her leg a few days ago.
Mrs. Gammow,. the demeated wife of
a farmer of Scales Mound, I11., set fire
to the bed clothes and stepped into the
flames' and, was burned to death.
In Devi county, Flo ida,'strawberries
are ripe, and peaches are as big as hicko-
ry nuts. Yes, and for every meet land
in Florida not under water, there is 999
that are. '
A couple at St: John, N. B., separated
some time ago on account ofpoverty,. The
wife went to start a boarding house some-
where in Ontario, and the husband having
now made a fortune, Wishes to find his
wife; of whom he has lost trace.
• The farmers are now 'raising their voices
on behalf .of insectivorous birda which are,
now being indiscriminately slaughtered for
the benefit of the devotees of fashion.; The
-East Mjddlesex Farriers' Institute has'
•passed a strongly condemnatory resolution.
op the practice of destroying these birds.
¥r.. Massue, who has for several ses-
sions served as Gov:efbment,whip in the
House of Commons, 'refused to serve in
that capacity any longer. He considers
he has been under the lash,of Sir John
Macdonald long enough. ,
Michael' Charbonneau, a; Blacksmith
at Montreal, cotiimitted suicide . by. poi-
sols, on 'Tuesday because he ;was out of
works and bad a wife and two children
on theverge of. starvation, A doctor
was called, but too late to wive -the un-
fortunate man.
" Blood will tell." -A.face adorned with
pimples, bells, :blotches; &o....is not a particu-
larly pleasant sight, and invariably' betokens.
an impure state of the blood. ' Dr., Carson's
Stoninch Bitters free the system; from all"gross,
humors, renders the blood pure and cool, aids
;digestionand givds a healthy appetite, For
sale,by'till'•druggists ill lar,ebettles at 150' cents.
Eighty fit.e of the ;die hundred retail
eteite and. :tine)" dealers iir St. :Louis
organized an association and ado Ad" -)tie
boycott as a means of protecting -their
btisiness .from the encroachments of the
large mercantile houses who are -beginning
-to include stoves and-tinwerain their large'.
stocks. .'
•Tr.'_.Justice .Chitty was' trying
' free trade' sentiment- the a case -a few days ago a large piece of
nlou-rn his sudden and unexpected c] -cath. growth -Of ]aster fell from the culling of the Court
epi ch Star says :---A numbers United,Statee. They are fearful, . that pfrom ethe Canopyam .
The -God . c y rade . With its wonderful ;room; in L , - upon'
if not .all .,_our nveyainsurance'aagentii lo. under free trade, dei. which 1>e was sitting Let•'Wstice
e or p-- natural resoerces,- theasT rth- American-- be done tion ti the sitting.
'. Let, !': was
more or less work
ofaancfng,which is pro- g fail
poly the work of a lawyer. We under- . republic will; become pre-eminently the his ready remark, ai h 1 ver laughter.
stand that a number of the legal gentle= is h ` . f the Ivorld •as itis no the
r n
d so
prien. are coutemplatng;tlie additiong
'an 'insurance department to •their law
office!, and will:carry out the necessary
or desired insu'iance of property coming
-within their care, instead: • of turning it:
over to the iegular'agent.-
A oung,nian named Robert Cullison,
employed as porter at the D in sley -House,
' Wingliain, met with a•very painful .acoi-
derIt an Aimiclartnorntng He seas -a
SPOT a i• O ,
of , t.will.. ' •--Mr._:hahp.D,_Dlaclr, awealthy farmer
. sea residing on 'con. 1, Sopbiasburg,' near
.According to•.. the recently.- leen as thrown. trona.
his slei h Sat -
Year Book,' the, church o., n0. received injuries from•w ich
land has voluntarily given during• the • he died in about half an hour a'fterwerds,.
last 25 years four hundred. and seven Ur. Black and his .son had' been on tbe
tnillio>ti dollars • for theological :training, market audwere starting for. home, .when.
church building, missions, education; opposite the post' office the thill.stral5
charities ete,:`:'This makes an average broke. The horse being a spirited one,
of ' o 'er sixteen millions of dollars per
esters unmanageable, and a fet
°Vet: p .further on;lumped'ever :the fence into Dr;
Picton, N g ..
Official B k,' h h f E urday, and J t
t_ ear. - ' ,M den's yard, Mt. Black's heart striking'
dfracturing his skull.
The bill 'of Mr. Charlton has been in a ' P
the time Engaged l i washing Wlnd
OWS, •
.again into • arliament in re-' -: e the etatemectcredited..to the Hon.
and .wltile ptessmb .against one 'of the troduced o . -parliament, '.Sackville Nest, British Minister at Wash-
nes n drying it, theglass broke •at.' card to: make seduction a punishable us it forms a.Mrnis a t
`' Pa Y a in ton is true g
the top and allowed ''Cullison's arms to offence, the pr r>cipal pointe' in it will tarry on, the inner workings of the political
w' h full force on the agged.ed 'e be that the seducer ofa,girl :under 16: "Meetteen "on the other side. The state-
o'f the broken pane. -Both of lis wrists shall be. punished. The .sed) cel of a mentis to the effect that Canada need' not
were terribly. lacerated, and it will be gill' under. " 21 _years' be -age, 'under .a hope to be able to negotiate •s nes treaty
• some time before hecan'use thein~again: promise of . marriage, shall be'p1nished; with the States while the present Senate
. ].I. W. Adams; of Lower" Wingham, and that'the�••abduction, of a:girl -under exists. Not -that the. Senate is particularly
who has been troubled with a cancer for 18 years for'immora' purposes shall be' hostile to ,Britain or Canada, or even to a„
i nes treaty, but because they
to en•
sometime .past, and'who was .operated a Drina "` dorse..anytinPhat mat .emanate 'from 'a
upon lay ..aectoi.s.-last.fail', died at his re--• a Democratio President like Cleveland. '
sidence,on.Thesday from the effects of th Theyare•-willing•to--out off: the;t•..noses.-tok:.
, that dreaded disease. He was for many Long g - P spite. their faces, as it were.
. ears engaged. in buying cattle in this 1 b 1 d'ff h' t A London • 'cablegram says :---.Che
section: ote county,• and was. well and h tt f b t' War Office' is. considering seriously, a
favorably known'by the farming portion p plan for the establishment of an agency,
of .the community, . He.was 76 years of . f t b t for the regular purchase of cavalry hors-
es in:'Canada for use in the Briitigle army:
'3t is suggested that; thirwlll-olieir a new -
market for Canada, and compensate to •
:a certain extent' the people, of the Do-
`minion for the losses they have sustain-
ed through the operation of the Ameti-
can "tariff: Tho project contemplates,
the purchase of 3,000 ,Horses annually.;.
,e Berrie,
hose5 cent PRUNES
are going
off •like ripe e• cherries about.
b0 lbs. left Everybody
delighted with them:
S. PALLISER and • CO„.
Haying lensed thdccmises now eicou pied byas for another term of 7 Ears Wer •
g ed U P yae
prepared to give the BEST' BARGAINS possible. We have on.hitnd a large and
and well , selected• stock of ,
We have the largest stook in town. undeCanbinersold.ality 'with price and we cannot' be
Often, however, the crabs are too snout
for the apes. They sae his dark ugly.body.
coming in the ciir and dash .into -their holes
in A flash. .When Mr.': Ape, gets where the
crabs .were, behold! there isn't anybody
there. Tho ape must lose hisgame or find
some other way of catching it., He. sits.
'clown and thinks. Which would he rather
^do', go without his dinner, or get his tail
'pinched -like fury? Ile hesitates awhile,, but
at length hunger gets the better of him,. •
• He approaches a•crab hole with a look • of
distress on his.face that iscomical .to behold.
He has a long tail, which is almost as useful
to him as another hand. He uses this tail
;as bait, •fish-hook and line. He:pekes it into
;the Bole,: down, down to, the 'bottom; Ile
tickles the crab with the 'bristles and stirs
;,him• up. The crab turns and catches hold of
,the intruding tail, Ile hangs on to it. If
'there ever. was heroicendurauoe•on a^small-
!occasion, itis -here: --When the ape -feels -the-
;crab closing in on; his'• tail be-snts-his
teeth •together with a look -of .anguish.
Then he . gives • a spring and drags the
crab out. Hogets such' a: pinch that
he often howls with pain;-but-his--grit-
'never leaves him. He couldn't let go if he
!would, anyhow. The only thing to do is to
'et'si&of=the•tarture "as••--ssoen-as--possibl=
:He gives' a tremendous slash with the tail.
:That knbcks tho crabupon the.grourid,-and•
stuns it so that it lets go its' hold. The ape
^grabs ;a stone • In his band, d• breaks the
shell of the crab ..end eats.' 'hirci:: - Then he
,forgets all about how , the 'pinching hurt,
land thinks''only.of howsweet c:abmeat' ;fs.
The ape is a philosopher, •
Bat sometimes even'tbe .philosophical ape
.gets more than be can bear. He fishes up
so big a crab that he can't' .make •it let *go
'its_tail held. What follows then is' de-
ser•ibed by a man who saw the scene: -
• "One'. day I ,was "watching a large ape
,fishi'ng in'this•Way.ior crabs.'" The apes ai'e
as . shy as• the creatures they hunt. soper-
sistently, and the least sound. from . the
brush •will, -send them scampering away.
The ape• I was watching made a dismal fail-
ure of his attempt to .spring on . a crab, and
-et-Once-proceeded to fish -ape-out-9P -a-bepl1e.
hole selected a h le into which I had••seefs<n
very large erab disappear, and I anticipated
fain. The ape's trill had gone its full leng-th.
into the'hole before') is' face indicated that
tho crab had: made ,the connection: Sud-
denly he gave a start and a, yell. ife bent
his body nearly ,double, and slapped bis,
hands on his lases . :and wagged
the dire
s .movement in the States in
tion of a unionbetween 'e
Congregationalists ationalists andtheFree Baptists:
Practical y t e• on y difference between'
the two bodies is the ma er o ap tism.
The Baptists . believe .in itnmerson, and
altogether repudiatepin fan baptism,
- age=and -leaves• a-av_ifs_and_e rveraLchilt_-_But,4hey-do •not.make :this a: sine 'qua
dreii to mourn. his demise:- .1
, At the•reoeiit 'manual meeting of the
directors of the W..Wdwanosh Mutual
Fire Inseams Co., . it was found . that.
the nueiness transacted by'tho company
during the year -was the largest -since its'
. formation seven years ago, From the
report see,.letien-•that—thiLtotal-amount Jong, ud why_not i .The difference
of insurance in foreo on the 3lst of Dec, is too -sm.all tb wa:tant continue 'sop-
4,865, was $1,650,284, During, the oration. ,. ;
year the 'cuntpahy?sustained two losses During tris recetit.cold spell a man
by fire, in e1l'$900.07, which losses were ruined Pawls, residing at Gatineau
--Met--by an -assessment in October last of _ Dint -near`- (�ttitwx,-stat'tecT fr.oiiz lr'►s
3 per cent., of ptemjunn note, 01 $1.20 home ashanty nearDronsides. When
r.n;bd'c'liw tll1'"of:iYi?l;. • •ere itig his destination to'shot`telt-,luis eiracted cold heather nave_ stripped the
Two years ego last May; Jas. Watt, tramp; lie took a: short cut through the. tea planta of their foliage.. Ile thinks
J b s Yr p' • s -some varieties ire dead to•the root. He
Brussels purchased from J'. L+. Stnitb,bushes,but the cold was -so ynten..o that
of ,1 ,standingin cep-
�.. one
a toned ,
. onl
a short
_ilh >a
of Brandon, Man, the north ]telt df sec be wast overcome altho g y`
, tion 13 township 11,•• range' 23, for distanoe'rfrsom a farm house, occupied by. fain places, that • endures cold better
day ich no le
$1,200., •]•'lr. Watt ,bas reexdecl'.there a user named Cassidy.The followr' than others," and from wH
since, baying had good success in grow- ing Cassidy` was attracted by the eon- 'have fallen. He is now ploughing be-
ingabundant crops being enabled to tinned liarking of.. his'. dogs, and. going, tween these plants, but 'discourages,arall
' P 't . it ` " :' cli covered k e i l"ications for them because they
put tiieremn substantial improeemcnts, to invca�igate the tnatter.. s 1 P
from the proceeds of hie farm, and has rutin crawling through tbo•buels On Trig in no condition for removal. Commis-.
no* disposed of said haff section, to- hands and knees badly frozen. ' He at sionet' -Colman is understood to be of
With - le 1 at la for 200 °nee conve ed him to his bouse and us- 'the opinion that this experimental tea,
nether tll son c i to , $l3, y
•sash: Mi•.Watt is by;'no means inclined ed every means to restore him, but Pot-, teem lead better be abandoned. ,
to leave the review, bet is now liege. vin became uuconsoioute and remained _
p + g De not, take pills and powders containing
tiatin with I, E. Smith to urebase the so until his death. Calomel; fer, at this time of the year, the re-
g P Wine. If you require a dine ori,
east" half of section 1, torwnsiup le, It port Robinson on Friday , r.s MISS
suit may o - , Stomach and Coneti�
range ', juston physic „ake,Dr:-Carsons S
• t "'s° Johnson was crossing the railway whet Bitters it ants gently. +
anon to chuteb'- fellowship as close 'eom:
munion; baptists do. • Why, then, it is
asked, should not this be made a matter.
orf foi'ebearance 2'_ Tlie Free Baptists have
1,490' organized churches and 1,252 or-
dained pi•eachrs. The likelihoods are
that this 'union will he effected: before
Tea. culture in North Atherica cannot
be profitabty unclerta en. —`]film is now
aettled,.aftee a large sum has been spent.
in experimenting,.' Mr. Verden, Suptsr-
ieterident of the United States Govern,
tnent, a Farm at, Summerville, S. �.
writes that the severe sinter and pro-
2v mile from. the C P R P nt:y on the bowels
. es to ..
tra k and foul miles from the flourish- t fie the blood improvers the eireulatlon,
+ 1 fes the iter an ,
c , b . - track a northbound rain apo purifies
mg village
of Oak L ke st:n1U ri s, d kiddy%spson indicts.
g, . + preached rapidly, and jest as Brie eves
The WIn hent Times goys -i.oniad r p y' J aures biliousness, th, headache, dyspepsia, . 6
g Y stepptn ofT'�tl:e track the engine istroot tion. Search the drug stoics #)cin one end of.
unci end her
you ca
; treble eacitemeltt watt (1Ceasionecl in her On the right side, hurling her a des- � me iv ecjnathe
�ooit. lry it an( use it•in your
Vince of 15 feet into Clic°cattle guard. families, Sold everywhere in large' bottles at
She wet' extricated fi'ani lice• pentons, win(e1tts. +
town on l ondity by the "arrest of a
young -14d tulnifiitD, 1)onoren;who stole
iroot Inducowon'
Idavieg bought C, J. Tuthih's Stock' of
artopicnivir cs4 CL4S.S tWA;z,
At a discount, Will sell at Wholesale Prices until'ail is cleaned out.'.
YEAST, b Tuthill' & Co. alwaq s oil hand. '
FLEESHAIAN &GO S �. EAST; fornerly kept y y •
Cheap SALT, 'Cheap • .
Having a• large steck:of Salt, on hand, orders be filled at the lowest . prices
offered `n Clinton,as the salt works.. will be sold •w.hen arrangements 'are
ever off i
completed. Will buy and sell TIMOTFIY •and CLOVER "SEED.' A "lot oe'
- �:_ al
AIN BAG for- sale•_.__..
nd GR S•
KS a
SIY:. LARGE BARS'; Off'. N.• P •
JOHN. . ale GARV:A - CLINTON. ... ', .
• undersigned ned has. opened a .New Drug .• Store in
• rhe ' bride g justt
�,U�i.,°,: •' JECloclk,. Huron Street, .
Two doors 'West of the City Book Store, where will be found a complete as,
Ment of 'Fine 1lR'(TGS and C , . + - as for in' these linea:
T5 G'GISTS Sit TORIES:, All, that„the.'. public may • .lg.
ence to Drug' Store.
P. S. --Office changed from ressd g
• .. ... ,
..:T'ON C ”
est c auonr O»,,
head, -,with . his teeth • ..closed tight
may, d hISJio_drawn .down, while on his ,
fate was a •look, of .agony an F di:apari
doubly . intensified. Fre made several ate
tempts to withdraw his tail, but fell back
each time and howled as the crab drew it
"taut,. Tears actually ran down the ludic
rouft face of the tattering ape,,snd'. when. he
clapper -Rath llcode-'to'--bia--foreh ,d�-end-•
swayed • bis body to and fro like a little old.
)man tortured by the toothache,, howling
disrnally the'While. • I could no. longer
restrain myself, acid yelled with laughter,,.
This frighteneld the ape, and he' gave a
quick spring forward. Cut catne the crab
and away went the. ape. The crab'lTiing t,0
the tail,. and, as far as I could see main -
tabled ite. hold; in spite -of the .wey it was
lashed and trai ed as the ape few "over the
' ground, yelling at evefs+ • jump.. He die.
appeared in the thick brnsb, but Clow he
divested himself et the crab,1 never knew."
The whole is the untie of a delicious init.
It contains all letters,
Five of them spell an tirade el kltch60
Pour -spelt violent -anger.
throe spell a geheratiou. •
Two spell one of the oldest . Cities of the
�Ohi le ari iiiftirjeot1rb. -
Pive of them spell a mourn*lel sound.
` ]~jour spell
departed. • '
Ti+our spall a girl's name.
Two spell a eon junction,.
One is en article),
• M
#1VAY' . T20113 FOR.: ..
DiEs 't � -TBE• Xil[dS.; TRADE'. : }CANDIE
We give 1 ib. ed Candies for ::10c. 1 Ib. Sticks 1,
1 lb. Btxllsey�es 10c.• 11b, .Taffy 'chunks 10c..
ORANGES . AND ,.: LEMONS- ;25 CTS. PER:° -DOZEN----- =
. i OR OYSTERS. -As T 'get my Oysters direct horn Ba1ttmese, you •
• ]lit Au QUARTER!, -getting Fresh'. Stock.' ' -
ern depedd' on g g
ox or TOBACCOES, CIGARS, CIGAIt HOLDERS, TOBACCO • Ftlana floc y ; q 7 solicited.
pOQt)l3RS; eSro.. All of the ver beet ' Balli w be 11ad.... A call
T s $rT�B0 T, 'yam, . 't' AN1ru uo)1 CZ ThTTO
V inr
r a on -e'
What3.� e ' h . quality of the GroOerioA , and
• the low prices at which they'
awe sold at
1,34VisaA.M476 eTa.'4
He has on
select etoek of GLASSWARE AND 'CHINAA GOODSs .want, and at prime to daft. GREAT BARGAINS IN (MINA
Itiet the, thing hand a you TEA. SETS, EMPTY` LAMPS,. &c., &o.
Fruits and'General GROCER
�.lso, a • choice ,lot ah •
fresh and eheapw
GEORGE' SAiMAN. Aultm'""`