HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-19, Page 5i
. Nswo N'r . ,
East Skim Conservatives gave nq
ated I1:.L.Lovering, of Coldwater, as t
candidate for the Commons. -
`P.11e •Swelidish ?arliament hee•rejec
by a majority of.17 votes, a propose
levya ctietosit tax on.foreign wheat,
There is a rumor in Toronto that Mr.
Samuel Blake will enter the West York
lista with N. Clarke. Wallace at the next
In York,; N. B. 7fi6' former electors are
disfranchised by Sir John. Macdpnald's
Disfranchising Act The old list gave
*$82 qualified electors the new list 4,186.
During the recent freeze in Florida the
washing frize stiff oti'the lines in some
places. Negroes declared that "de Lord'
starched all de clothes for pa in de night."
A three,year .old daughter of John
Foley, of Whitby; while playing bowie
keeper moth •
keeper in the absence . of mother, set
fire to her clothes and was terribly burned
before her oldest sister could extinguished
the flames.'
Masked robbers - murdered Express•
Messenger G. S. Nichols, and robbed the
• - express car of the Chicago & Rock Island
west boundlexpress•train ,ef between$20,000'
and 830,000 earlyi on Saturday .morning
• near Joliet, Ill. •
Thera are„in Pbiaaiietpiia .,tight female
Ilhysicians who have• au annual practice of
about 820,000 each.. There are twelve
whose incomes average above $10,000 each
• and- there--are-twenty-tw•o who -earn over
$5,000 a.year each,
tea, Judge Denniston, who has' rielgned,
rlohn Rel hart ii 'koe hail on the. G.
T.1i1,., 'was' e dile,;,coupling caro at
Galt, Sat ,r' . °-
•Mr. C. A. Wear, a Peterboro' barris-
ter, has been appointed Judge of the
• t;gtaitinty ;of Perterborce in s41.xcejeion to
lto� •
Petitions, to whioh it ie said,upwarde of
11,000 women have affixed their aignatures,
havebeen received at Ottawa, praying for
•thepapsing of -the. Bednetion 1111.
John Wilsoncalked the fatal injury cif.
himself and three others at Akron, Ohio,
on Tlwmday, by carelessly throwing a
quantity of powder into the stove of a
grocery store.
Mike Reilly, a boiler maker living in
Windsor, killed, his wife on Tuesday after.
noon. They are both in the habitof get-
•ting drunk and quarrelling, and it is sup-
- posed this is the result of their quarrels.
Reilly bas been arrested. •
' ' `Theodore ,Southey, of Edgar Statim,,
was iiia hay mow •on Saturday, and had
just thrown down some hay when he made
a •jump for the. floor. In some .way be
tripped and fell on the fork which he had
in his hand, and. one of the tines pierced
hisheart, killing hint instantly.
• •'A sad and probably fatal accident occur-
red to Mrs. Mary Cowan;a lady seventy:'
four years of age, :from Sarnia township.
” `She'fttas-in the office of :dahlia Adams and•
transacted some • .business; and'' while
coming •down, stairs fell, breaking her right
arm near the shoulder, and 'the left arm
just above the wrist. . •
The Montreal Post says that "If Sir
John Macdonald Byes long enottgh he will
drivethe people oi':.this, country into civil
war yet.» On •w`hic}i "the • Ottawa' ree
remarks t•--" But our contemporary must
riot forget that Sir John lias already done
n' that twice ! • The history of the North-
wesydemomstratea this;"
A Jackson Backus; a resident And mor -
chant of Noetbeast; neat! Erie, Pa., met a
horrible Leatf%` Ile and a party of his
club friends,' while celebrating: a birthday
'anniversary, laid a wager .on their respec-
tive abilities to masticate ''sausages. Dur-
ing the contestBackus choked to death
before assistance could do him any'good. •
E. D. Lewis, a -farmer of Gtfield, was
awakened on:=Friday night; by a man
ding) eside-hi
he came after. Lewis's money, and intend-
ed to have -i , and to. ,save further 'un-
",,pleasantness he had .better. get up : and
how where' it war, ' Lewis formed the
Vide opinion. and the burglars secured.
X140 before bidding'iS7r.Lewis good night.
The magnificent steamer l Ci Oregon," of
the Cunard line, lies al the bottom of ...the
Atlantic; within a. few miles of Sandy
. Hook, having been sunk•ebout 4 o'clock
Sunday morning; while making for New.
York by an -unknown deep4aden,.three
masted schooner. She had nine;hundred
soils on 'board,, all ot'whom were saved,
but' thebaggage and mails were all lost.
An aged gipsy of the gentler sex, •whose
home is in New Jersey., Predicts' that Mr.
Thomas A. Edison: will soon astonish the
world• with inventions so 'important that
all his previous triumphs willlook puerile.
She- founds _her prophecy niipon the' flier sentence cf .death for the eiprder of Police
'that,the-aecomplishedyoung .,heiress, Miss. Serge --Jenks; at tSt. Loais; -lies-:a level'
Mina Miller, of Akron, Ohio, whom he has ;named William Lacey, who is as black as
made his bride; 'is the seventh child of her she is. She wanted some • tangible.' proof.
father. of .his -lode, and said that if he loved her
A, fatal disease has broken.out among
cattle in the township. of Pillsburg,.' Ont.
The animele fieieed with the disease run at
the eyes and nose, well up and die, appar-
ently in great pain, within three or o r
A special asserts that farmers in North-
ern Michigan are excited over the
appearance of swarms of young grasehop-.
pers. Several farmersdiscovered the
strawberries alive with young grasshoppers
about half an inch in length. ' -'
A Niagara Falls telegram says :-'-An
unknown mac :committed suicide et` the
'1?ells about 11 o'clock this (Friday) morn-.
ing by deliberatelyjumping itito the river'
from ,a ;arlia11 platform at the north end
of Cedar Ldaud, and coolly .Swimming:
right over the cataract. •
In the case of Tate versus the Globe,
tried' at the Brampton Assizes,. Qq Moe-
day, a verdict was rendered -hi favor of
the defendant. ..The suit grew out of com-
ments.by the Globe on the remarks made
•by Judge Roe when Tate was uequitted
of a charge under the Charlton Act.
It is said that more than half of the
Democratic members of the United States
Senate have applied to be detailed to ac-
company the remains of Senator Miller for ;
burial, in California. A free tiip accross
the continent and back, • with :plentyof
champagne in the rear car, is the Atttac-
,tion for: them,
Two bales of cotton raised by slave labor
in 1862 were sold the 'other day fat Rock
Hill, S. C. The ownerad heen offered
he did hp still *had it sto
38j• cents lin golds poun , but for some
unknown reason would t?sell,.and: whe7i
ed. It Was in
excellent condition;lalthough twenty-four
years old, and was isold'for 84• cents a,
Rand, the lowest price touched by cotton
since those bales were grown.
A modern miracle •was related by Lord
Wolseley iu a recent lecture. ' One of his
officers, who happened to have a glass eye,•
was one day' examining . a •prisrtner, a
zealous follower. of the Mandi. • "Why do.
you believe in the •Mandi.?" the officer
risked; ,'Because he can work miracles,,"
replied the man. The efficer iinmediatefy
took out his glass eye, tossed it up in the
air, caught it, And put it back into into its
place ''D'ye chink the Mandi could do'
that ' ht asked.
Mr Win. Dingrsdan, who is employed by
Mr. John Lyle, Southwold, .Met with a
very strange andtsorious 'accident. '13e`
had been splitting wood and was returning
home, walking with the axe acrosshis.
shoulder, Slipping, he fell, the elbowof
is le€t-artn-atri•king.' the-fieee-eE-1he•-e'har
axe, inflicting serious injuries. The: axe
penetrated to the elbow joint, 'cutting off
about half an inch of bone. The probabil-
itiesaee that.he willnever regain the use
of his arta. The accident was extremely
novel in its character �'
.N.-7 s ,.O
Para .%:'+i'1tM! ;..,'WW •.,.•.A7.n"r. t..'R 71'i•' r, l:::..
18867 -SPRING -4886.
Tew 'Scotch, .American & Canadian
GINGHANS, extra good value.
New Printsin.. • .°
English & Americans
the very -latest Designs and' Colo
: _offei:..tliem. at—very .' l rings, and
�G Ose� prices.
Kindly give us a, look through,' We•
g will not only talk .about the Cheap
ew Ducks, Denrm,s1 Shrtings at
Prices beyond, competition.
New Dress Materials,,, inclucmg all:.
the latest Novdlties and at very low prices.
Special value i `Cot
...tons dor 11lare:h,
oodb� _. T.
, but will actually show'
y how them. 5per bent '-
... .:....... ..... t off far cash.
. ry Estate
/�'r�•'' 4Mw •� I'�1
SDE (�1
Fancy Cambric Shirts,
.`.Gent'e.New Ties.
An i:nlense stogy h ..
Ladie '' �.
New'' Spring S .ades.
.tori .
Mr, J. W. Humphrey, now .residing :in
the township of Deleware;is the fortunate
Possessor q.f a sow that is Certainly. pbeno-
menally :prolific. It conibiiies the Suffolk
and Yorkshire white breeds, and although
only two years old, has within the past
twelve months given birth to , Pio less than
fortysevelA4pigs. • Of this -number eleven
were littered in. March, 180, eighteen in
September,. and eighteen in :the present
month—all being born alive, with one ex-
x-ceptigi. rl-his is the.rnost extraordinary'
instance -of animal fecundity. ..• .
Sadie Hayes;the coloured woman enders
•,Two young children. of David Bradley;. as he professed,he would before their final
near Stoney Point, Kent County,'Optario,., settirration, present her with'... a •ring he
were asleep.in het" hastEriday.night, when wore,with the finger on which it was worn..,
a lamp left burning on a bureau near the
. head of -tire -bet], -e�xxploded' and let the
• clothes' on : fire. .Mr, and ` Mrs..Bradle
succeeded in extinguishing the flames, but
not until .lefthchildren were terribly.
burned. The younger of the two; a five
. year-old boy, wastinearly'blinded, and will
probably. die..
.. .The Chicago~Timerii reports on the whi-
ter wheat crops from Ohio to the .Pacifig,
- slo e.sa the acreage of 1886 is from eight 1? Y � g
toten-per-cent belvN-the-acreage-of 1885;'-stwas..amplltatfidand dreesed.by:a-aur
A considerable part of"the cropnsuffered . The following tragedies are rdborded in
Yesterday ire Was to be taken to the pen.
itentiary, having been sentenced to a term
of three years for buhgia`cy.''Last evening
his sweetheart received the• desired proof
of his love—the ;little finger of his right
hand adorned with the ring. Lacey: had
actuallysewed or cut' off his -little finger
atthe joint with a steel shank taken from
his shoe and sharpened on the iron bar+of',
;the cell:, He Wrapped the bleeding stump.
of the finger in his handkerchief,' and later
e Clinton: Milliner;
..L ?
MM $JJ • Z
83 M 735Z` 8z sem-
warrttetlrl evei`,niai6eesi}' afternoon.)
- Clinrsdsjr;,Marbk Lei 1850...
"Grath h'is taken a :slight naove upNard,
but there is' very little•coming in eggs
have Borne down eince fine weather,• and
are almosrr:t.micl.suminer prices.
Wheat, fall,
White and red
, Oats,
Flour, per bbl. •
80 77 a 0.80
• 0•• 77 • .a 0 80
0 29 •a• 0;31
• 050 a;0.61; •
0:•55 a• <0.55
• 4 00 a 4-50'
_ .0 .•85...a x.40: •
Butter, - ,. •0 14 a 0'15
Eggs, - 0 11 a t) 12
Pork, - 5 50 .a. 6 00, ,
• Sheeppelts • • .0 .50 a 0,75
amh..skin:, 0 6Q- a n..140
:Clover, per bush. • 7 00 a '7 :50
from whiter killing. . The prospects are
fair for an average. crog, with favorable
weather for the next thirty hays, but there
are no indications of a full or excessive
crop.., -The__most:-encouraging outlook
tomes from .the.Pacific slope..
a single daily paper,' of Thursday :—Miss
Finch, near Syracuse, after fasting 86 days,
died. Mrs. Ouimet dropped dead. -in a
Montreal church. At. Sperling, Virginia,
an ex -minister shot'a man., At Memphis,
Tenn., Miss Norman shot Beery Arnold.
.for seduction: Gillispie, •e negro at -Low,
' 1 e :; d -rage a rs, ray; an hiANNZNq & SCOTP, Ba
was the victim of an escoeding__ly__�_pp8inful Anvil f, ho,' AttQarreltvn iss., -.fifty
accfil"r9nt"o5a"`T1Seetla morniii .1iFr.'.
one mile from Wingha t Marltet Square, good
water, good commons for cattle. JOHN HOLLOWAY,
wing{ram, •
1In* , • .
° well finished house to rent, 'centrally situated in
Mr. Johni'Shavebutcher St 'Phomas den T nn outraged d M G d agood locante. Ail modern conveniences, Apply to
Barristers, dm.
y g mit men rade into town and repaired to the ONES, TO LOAN Oji P`ARnI P tOPPRTYI
g. he top of an Court lienee where thirteen M Private and company Funtis Lowest interest
while ciimbin down from t L
• � sen negroes were P • ; i
' ice 1So1c' ,in his storehouse on Woodward waitul for t ial to con] alstron approved Rotas for short dates. C.A. IIAlITT,
ave,, by acme means slipped and fell nein g r mance•. The Rhite Attorney, Clinton: : lm .10
g men walked into the Court. room and shot '
a in t is
•e tight theh lisof Elle thigh by one of ten of the, negroea dead, and mortally
hooks on the wall' used tei hang sides and 'wounded the other three. The shooting
carcasses of meat •Upon. The hook,„ as grew out of the. attempted assassinatio
'stated, entered the liesy part of. the thigh,. of Jas. Liddle, & prominent citizen, wh
coming out abeitf .cis inches ^above where.
was shot and seriously, :wounded by thea
it entered, taking a 'good hold, and Mr, negreea several weeks ago. . •
Smith "hung suspended .,in midair. His aperson.
criesbrought assistance, and he was lifted, It has long been considered that sth
off the hook in tnuch the 'same manner as can be more in politely ins lded in goon than
are..aidea of dead meat. ' His injuries, in aHyl city the world. A gentleman
thou`a' h painful, aro not serious, who undertook • to speak in public there
Anion 'iliac other stories recently' expressed himself in such a low,
g Y told of the tone of voice'that the audience w -.
Tate Mrs. Rich,
who was> a
aro. tin..
. hat
• b
F her
band in St, Paul, is ono''cf how ' hits- able' to bear hit»-;• $e was lecturing,upon
,she frtgb' a, geographical subject, and copies of a ma
tened a New York governor into sigutng.a ehoub three feet square had been generally.
bill. She had called on hila two or this: dietribiited• •Pcoaently onb of ONud e
times, and he had 'trained Tierlightiy•an'd. roiled up his mapin the for a 1 ery
,ohaffingly, as a busy than might treat a m of very
d long and attenuated lamplighter, inserted
spoiled child. Soddenly during her last 'the small end in his .05l', and turned the
visit, 8110 is,said to have flung herself; in other end ''tower(' the speaker: It was .a
his inp, With ...hill_-1111ttOttnd:.--aron • '. i -. '..a°
,, nd-Tics-rsllinr� lrrdrerGlta i'foeiliat co �I
neck. °Now, Governor, elle' said, "I'll'' tT i , i tut nob a
give you, one minute in which to sign that laugh was heard among that polite assemb
bill. Of emirs°, l do' not need to tell you
whet would happen should anyone eotno
in here end et:0 ane Seated' thus,"' The
Governor :signed the hill. -Tile is alive now,
and no good 000ld even) of eayin r which
Governor it was,
lege. In two minutes, however, every main
`in the house was rolled, into an ear trumpet
'and the speaker saw birnself coefronted
with the sernblanoo of a mammoth:
porcupine, "ts(rose advance quills ttlrtiost
touched his, lectern: He at once spoke
louder, •
14th con: 04 1110 ton•nshi t of. IItillott, containing
shout 40 acres. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to
OSTIERON, IIOLT &CAMERON, Ilurrieters, CFaderich',
areltr.ID- conikn :.'sego amount u4 Private and Com.
piny Funds for investment upon.good.terni4 and lout
interest. MANNING & SeoTT,Berristers, Elliott's
IA Basswood, Lath, :Nb, 1 and 8 Shingles, Pine.Plank
from 12 to 24 feet.'• rattles who contemplate bttilding.
'will d0.well to Call' onus. All cheap for cash: 'JOEN
SPRUNG, Maitland Bleck Mills, Mullett._. t1m
Farm Stock, Implements, Etc.
Tho undersigned will sell by nubile auction, without
reserve; on.Lor 28, CON. 8; IlUILETI, On TUU1tsDAY,.
MARCi 25•cit, the following articles, viz.:- 1 Brood
Marc notes 8; by What's Wanted, hi 'foal to Luck's
All ;1'0yr oldheir,by,OldEnterprise;1teama ed
horses' 2 fiilics•noniing 3, ono'sired by'Borlantl.Chief,
the other by.Old Ente,prisc.; y horses- coining four,
1 superior horse coming 4, by Old Entorpriso ; i driv,
ing horse coming4; news in calf; 1 fat eow ; 2 farrow
cows ; 2 heifers in call ' 2 heifers coming two ; 3 steers
rising three , 3 steers rising two ; 2 grade:1%11 , well
bred, rising 2 , •3. calves' ,Hower, reaper-; 3 plows., ono
flatiron barrows, .1 land` roller, 1 saunter, 1 lumber
waggon, 2 Open buggies, 1 new top buggy, 3 cutters,
12 nearly now, the other now),•1 pair liob sleighs;, one
'fanning ruin Calmest new), 1 fray rack, 2 sots doable
harness, 1 set single • harness, 1 wheelbarrow. and
other articles. Saleto commence at one o'clock p,na,
sharp, ` .
'TERMS,: All.sains of $10 and . under, rash,_; .over.
that amount nine months' Credit 'wilt • be given On
approved loiut notes Eight per cent per0n'nn18
discount fox -sash. ararlit amoylltg
mullein', i', Prop, C. HAMILTON, Auct.•
g p essed nth businessi' it sm-
OSS1 l
b e to
p rye: •
g ._ q otatio.jx.•,j,�' in th!`�..
week's. issue .::but will .. y
.. � �,sto~n.ish. all b
t� .be .green
,•ps, -:�r.
h :�
e Great at.
Cash ��� �Store,. _
., ��Gf,rnton.
Under and by virtue of a power' of sale eonteined in
a certain tnortgage Mid -assignment thereof; which will'
be produced at time. of sale, there will be.ofi'ered for
sale, by public auction„ at the Law Office of Manning
&. Scott, in the Towu of (lllnton, at 2 oalock ln'the
afternoon, en SATURDAY, THE 17rn DtY•oi Arnlr,, lase,.
=ali-ai,dningular,=those oertatn parcel5ol-tl'aetsof-ianti-
and premiecs sltuat, lying and- being in the Town or
Clinton, hi the County of llnron, and Province of
Ontario, containing together by admeasurement• three
roods, twelve perches, and five -tenths Of a porob lie
the same, more or less, being composed of town lot
number • twelve hundred and twontyfour, situate -on
the east. side. of Victoria street, containing tnirty-two
Perches, more or'less; and tate north half Of town lot
number twelve hundred and thlrtycight, situate on
the west o1611 0f Last etreee, containing two 'roods,
twenty perches and dve•teltdis'pf a poreb,'more or
less,:and which said north hail may bo bettor described
as e,,mprising 011e equal ntoiuty in extent of, the said
last mentioned -got,' situate north of u lino ;drawn
through the held lot at tight angles to East Street
Tsans-l0 per cent deuce on day of sale and Induce
In 20. day's' thereafter.. The Other conditions, of the
-sale will be the standhse conditions• rf the chancery
Division of the nigh ,Court of Justice, further par-
ttoulars may he bar,' from the auctioneer or.
euettonaer,, Vendors Solicitors, .
Clinton, March Itch, isle,1
to hereby informed stat.:I-havQjeen e _ ointeli Li• , tic '
corise`liiopector1 v the, Ontario bovernmont and tny. • :.i.' _Y � 17 111.
duties are to enforce the provisions of the Scmrr Aor,
and to PkOSReti'ic persontr"violating the said Act known
as'the Canada Temperance Aet of 1878. All persohs
() X' Lf.)NG 'l',k ItYl ' Lir CREDIT
in 1110 business aro therefore respectfully requestedested to
govern. themselves g em elves aecer(lingly, and by so doutg save
mach expense and trouble, STEPHEN PATES, Li•
cense Invader, (iorlerich.
L' for sale bis meowed farm of 100aerca, being lot
44, 2nd con„ of Tuckersmith. send new story and
Half frame house, 2 acres splendid orchard, good
rtuildine 1, stir acres, free from stumps, 15 AUTOS In fall
wheat, The whole under gtuul cultivafloe, and well
under erelned, live s ring on tiro f inn and dray good
well . C3o�e to churches and schools '.31• Holts from
tht tam of Clinton, 5?Ar�inn Seaforth, Will he sold on
reasonable fermi. REG li'hlnlIt1Y4LD, qrt the
pre8I' .o, Or elinton 1'. 0.
8 .
. 14f rat-oilassiIILIOX.SI'QRE,--mouldly
situated. claao to Market, fitted' in best
ALSO. is'Otift DWBLLtU G tibUSES,
well finished,; in Good Condition and in
Good to;ealititas, near to 'CLetfi If Town.
•Aly' .lt1 '•ta' 15X.ANNIN(:l .rrc SUt)T'1`
Y +
Wl .
BOOTS: and SHOES; at. Remarkably Low Prices.
B,A'E% CARR, I t .t°rEa ,Ill'# h,l.iVe`t , 1utpst. t 7C.,torietionly.
TRUNKS & VALISES b�' the hundred,
1ligh fan# PINE and C1tti 1>ly, ti11ltil:l,, . fir Y. 'west
'f ire e
. a