HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-19, Page 2DU' samo now? No one all her short Meet life has given her eo Much as a allimag glance or aorieJir& except. -- Lady 13ouverie. She plaivere, as though stricken with 'mortal cold, as he re.- useiribera her, and laye her liee.d back !wearily againet the cushions. With a slackening of speed the train fiteart113 into the atation-s, 1ItU itisigni- heant "picit-nse-up" of a place, hardly lore -i, with a sudden passioliate agreo- worthyof notice, bat pretty neverthement, covering her face with liar bawls. less beeitte of the gay creepers that "Rat do entreat you," she inureiure eaves the gray walla of it, atut the red brokenly, "to as e me -no questions !" pots containing redder geraniums whicla 44 'Mill not," Sap 01 (1 WOttlarl hastily, stands upon the sills of the waiting- " Eeep Toes secrets inSS„dear. There's room. ne great harm is it, 1 warrant! • Anil DnlOrea, without any lietitation, stops _now what shall I give you? A cup o' on to the platform. Itis as spot where mirk and some bread-and-butter ".ris• very few alight, except on eertain os- Iuuy ta =a 1 caul. seo you aro casions; and,presently the trails Althea main tired awl badly in want ot food." a -way again, leaving horbobit1. "1 am. not Iniegry," dbelares Doloret Bewildered, she looks round her. Not yerY tyhthfullY- a living Soul save; herself is on the plat- "Thea you ought to bo. I'm think. form.. For the first tire° she feels the hag 'tis a long hour slim° last you broke hideousness of being alone. Fear seizes bread. What would Ton say 0 a bro. the blanched c*.ieuks, g isl ileesen•-il l''s befese her, " wily uot go Imes'? II tqlssy hase.boen angry lv'tn yse—s• "Nu ow e h.s lawn stsess," Inbar:1sta Dolorea hariedly. " iSli, eov, .'"' says the woman, rel-mra- he must ae on, on, Until all trace or hwa,01 .9i1313/2a4 fel/44°04%1Y; owlastilysistas°:thile.seieqs ing her keenly. *" Aed Y0.,t 'sem? thiV, her is losr tells me you aro not altogetuor as Papal . lately to spare **for tramps 1" nIguIrt?°uilkna°t°htehevirot:wnan valiYhoWgZeithu: Dolores, though hardly oomp.rehezid. ea you might be." - a roads pined, and Was not • sure beg *awning. Donbtlesas ,her AgaOraneet she toelt.the wrong one. Oh, it toe cruel 'Bet elnywill net Iva M. She is yet te0 near her 11Q)P.Aet . re• . • -.Oat upon, her How could sis And r. howl "Msy, 4". she murmurs,. tsiAtly, illuotoa.glase ot !tater t ' ED liet-rt am, .110s -••••••P ."No. Get you 'gone t" • .ahrielte the. " Ah, that is true indeed I" :Cries Do. ing the words shrinks backwards - concern; flhe has secretly' olung to her ' ' a cold chill etrikea to her heart. She first wise belief in the fact a the girl's having run away from homer peotesways a little, es• though some uneas- e la there one nearer than Domino- d dealt her, and blow has been ter?" .esks pages anxionsly., then, with a fictitioas stsength thorn, of "There is Thurston ; it is hut six acute fear, she flies the opt. On, on I miles from this if you take the northern A- cleadlY languor Is °reePittg "" her; with a 'wild energy she battles road." "1 had better go there," says Dolores witla it, but Gil ill vain. Her wearied feet almosb reflise te move, her hands, The thought of the eix miles lying hanging limply by ber sides, have lost. in a low voice. before her, to follow on the Ave nillee all feeling. This strange sensation threatens every moment to overpower lying behind, quite overcomes her. She, her, to drag her to the dust. And still who has never been accastoreed to she creeps onward through the fast hardship of any kind, to bp oompelleddeepeting twilight, faintly,• uncertainly,. to bridge along a louely road-salone I She sinottkers.her feaz however, and, as one might in a strange dream! Oh, if Dick could only see his darling -with a, bravery strange as it is pathetic, now, 'with her drooping bead qua Pale looks up at her hostess with a faint s • dejected facie and, lips full of earth's imile. keenest inisery 1 Iler eyee are dull and "Come with me to the door," she • lowered -for some time she hassfosgot- says, "and point gut to me the direction ten to raise them from tlai ground; her ..in which Thurston lies." pretty white gems is soiled and drag - The woman, accompanying her to. the glad. In one dainty shoe a large rent threshold, gives heirfull directions as to is visible ; already the stones hurt the her route, 44 Baal* LIB you go along," she says gravely, "that no mistake be made a second. tirae. And, if you groNv.too tired, say dear, why, come back to me, and you shall have a bed here, though no ii.011ht a rough 011er _ ' - Delores, turning to her suddenly, throws her armectround her ..neck ari1. kisoes her warml.. . upon her. 'How terrible it is te Oa thio grange piece, not kupwisig whither to turral - A. men, advanoing towards her, 0,e - costs her •very. ; but, still pos• sessecl thit new fear, she. steps back, inakee. him •Soase little. cold indistiaot rejoinder, and TOOTOS away from him; then, aptstiled by the -uncertainty that lies heSore hes,. and InieWing how - hope.- - • less..e, thing. it Will - to set oat 'upon . • her eslyeeture.withent adviee of some • - . kinds. she turns •Isaek to - hire, and asks - timidly Where thenearest town na-Liy lie., ' " The village iiist ..tens• • •her, iiith bend. of his them hi the meant direction; bat i seeing that saah news is not. desired by her,' ha widens hie bafermation.. "If. 'you isle= Dor.. nainater,". he says leisurely,. alludinst to. the largest town nearest • to ' hita, it is • , about live -Miles fromhere-s-and there's • the road to itsysonder."- --ne points as.h,3 speaks to a dusty line that spreads eastward and travels ever onwards; until -fat away it looka like pale ribbon dividing the green fields on either hand. Thanking him softly, Doloret leaves him, and is soon lost to his sight behind . a, curve on the dry road. s 4 ' A 'long road r Dolores, Spent and weary by her 'night's vigil; toils over it - bravely, whilst feeling, without ac- •Itnowledging it, the fatigue that already is growing too "much or her. There - had been, betides the sleeplessness, that terrible walk in the morning' to. catch thetrain, 13,000mpaIlied by seathing re- , collecticnis crueller than death. She has passedsipon the road A cet- tage or two, but hat felt no inclination, though,bY now very footsore and sad at heart, to entreat the hospitality 'of their inmates. Were ever live miles before 60 heavy. a' task' to be accomplished? Her feet are Etching, throtigh her thin times the sharp shines cut ;• each step ken egg uow with a drop o' brandy in it ?" asks this good Saitaritan, with fillitEY insineating air. " 51y John, lie do say as how a beaten egg and hirihrly is the finest cure kaown for all the woes o' the world. Have it -ale 'e now, dear I" "Io, no I will not trouble yob," says Dolores gently. " See bow good ,you have been to nits already," "Tut, my Ale= Let me now de something really los you," entreats her, hostess earnwly. • • "If you will then," says Dolores- Um - 'idly, blushing warsaly-4 if you will be so very hied, let me -hathe my foot; they ache. so 1" • Her voice quivers slightly. "The toad -was very hard," ehe goes. on tremulonsly, raiaing pathe- tic. oyes 0 the face of hu: new friend, 4,4 and my shoes, I tide:, are very thin - though I never foueti that, out instil to; day, ',A little watessiassell wants, -AO °Ivo -You no iiirtrfflrotible; eagesfyi can bathe thorn. myself." The very -anxiety with which She Heys.- thit would prove to the dullest, observer that sueli a task. will be new • to her. Her hostess laughs the idea to scorn. ss "Indeed --as if I should let you, miss!" she says. ki Yon just lie bank in that eastehair ands•wait until:I poem to you •agam." . She leaves the rooin on the instants and presently returns, bringing in both her hands a, large bowl. of tepid Water, Depositing this apon the floor, s' he de. parts again, only.to reappear this tin* with a small tray on which lie aplate of bread-and-butter a.,nd a tunabler half fill. ad- Nelth some opaque substance. • "Now, just to pleads me, you'll drink this,)! she says coaxingly. - Dolores eyes fill.witletears. She leans toward lies hostess. . " Have you a daughter ?". she asks, • irrelevantly as it seems.; but her train 'of thought is follosted by the good wo- grows painful. ,Itis now past noon, and • „man of the SIM. 'Shi3 bas had no reakfa.st ; but this last "'0e, miss; but she's away. from me thoneht does•not distress her ; Most of her time. • • She's a very likely girl is m Susan, and as good at . her looks. • he's clever enough too, and en- gaged to decent 'a young fellow as r stepped in, shoe -leather:" . , • " She has a lover ?" 'aeks Dolores involuntarily, witha sudden false bri ht. • nodsire for ,food of 'any kind, only a, - longing to go farther, ever fathers ands lose herself in the •bustling unconcern of . son* large town. • /- • • . : • But noW her strength gives *ay a little, and, seeing a small ivy.covered scattagesnassher rig an a ew yar in a;dvance her -she timidly mekeeup her mind.to draw nigh to it and ask for . pesmission to rest a while, • • C,oraing to the door of this small oasis in her wilderness; and finding it open, be ereeseS- `-tlie threshold,' and there stands lookhy, irresohitely 0 her left. grOft$01011/11 04 511, plo,diakNity1,11411. N XXX I;* ,Afgr Barristers, o itors, uotomy4xogus - oeirenusionars for Ontarif and Manitoba. OPFlUE 1YEXT ,DOOR TO NEW ERA, CLINTON. MONEY Titpigticou,411‘.011T.,GACIES BOTIGHT. 41 MOUT, Office Eillott's Block, Huron S. Aittigaed'Aetrsi-ibrrligonvr Bugg Bieck. 30 JANES SCOTT. ONEY LEND IN 44RGE On SMALL All 81101i on good 'mortgage security; moderate ato-of interest. H. ton. H. DOWSLUY. M.D., /4.1k. S. ENGLAND Surgeon eta, ,011ice and reSidence Idolson'a bank, ta4ket square. Clinton. 111t. APPLETON,OrrICE- AT RESIDENCY: 1..Jum Ontario street, Clinton, vp positethe English /lurch. Entrance by aide gat... Air YLES YOUNG, 00313IISSIONER. •11.11,VEYANCrolt, ape Sesser of marriage useless, Money' to, loan. Office and residence, corner of King and gneen. Streets, BlYth, T..T B. PROCDFOOT, CIVIL ENG/NEER, PrOViimlaluird Dumiluelt Lund StirlreYeri Architect and Draughtsman, PBaltifs BLocK, Clinton. tender foot it holds. •From her parted lips comes a sighing sound, weak -and rift*rii.. 8.11::::::::10:FICE DATTENBUBY HT.- hance. Residence, oppoossiteeethhoonyT:satemralcoe0Hp.iim11., low, that might be born of, one 'who is „Nibatestonwtoryzsmo jeTiaroa.w01121rEegaid.Oen00011,1IIInSeIcee,onarrerynr. enduring mortal pain-thepain of a bro., a• Iran heart. All this long day she has eice'seutm litttitivailsZa'ithriircilL"et' °lint"' ne, STAMM:TRY, GRADUATE OF THE MEDI 1-/cfeEDepartment of vietorieuuiversity,Toronto,for merly of the Hospitals and Dispeneariee, New York Coronerfor the County of Huron,Ilayfield,Ont. " Good-bye,".s e whispers softly, "1 shall never forget you -never 1 And some day think -'I lasoNy-we shall MeSehtealta01:011-her—erabraCe • and goes from her quickly: Without BO much US ouc heOhWera glance, she disappears up -the hot and dusty road. "Poor little heart 1" says the 'woman, Watching her as far as the bend in the 'Fowl which presently must hide her altogether --there is an honest-aaxiety inber tone. „ . - Jest at the last Ensiores turns and waves her hand. • ' • • "God grant she come to • naught 'lint good I" says the woman fervently, re- • turning that last adieu with a strong pang of regretful aneasiness at her heart., "But -where be -her friends -- where . -- Another ruoment and Dolores is out of sights' nese. • In a moment thedeeeitfulglow fades; the swift painful thieli that has dyed her cheeks, now ebbing, leaves her eels, one degree ghastlier thee . she.. was be- fore. I).1.as 4*. her own lover Where is he now --o f what thinking -2 She checks by a supreme effort the sob that - She 09,13.:Bee & kitchen, a blazing, fire, rises in her throat and tries to listen to and near it seine one -who is plainly the .-the-answer to her qeestrno., good wife of the house -s -moving 0 and A lever indeed 1:' says the mother, fro. . with A pardonable. pride -she • is kneel "May Is come in ?" asks ;Dolores at ino before DokreS, STid, bebag in the act; allaying- her silken shise:fitrhigs is- - last, in hes low soft -voice. , The wonian,tiirns. , • . , • blind to the agony in, the young face " Just:for: a ,little moment," • says Do-. shoveller; '" Stich a. deal.as he thinks. loses hurriedly, tears in her "vOice•-,"1, o' iny Susan I" she Says, . -"But fact is, . am se fired P.' • ' : • , • • 'mise, they're ton pees to rislirry until he "Why, surely; yes; miss 1..6.2.alissvera has a certain siirosie hand. :. Hecan rent , the woman, sega dies hos. 't it' , ense 1 enough's-but-he reuerliatT. surprise and a good deal Of lwnest Isbad, money to steels it, you tee. Se our Sus. MSS: •si Come in . dear .s She gazed san she said as. how she'd go into Fier. Otrixtreingeigiesiy, oddly ItAbigled with: • viee a bit and save her wages and. that. admiration, at the dainty little strasiger s And he said he'd work hitnearflo skin With the pale sadface. "Sit yelidown," • and bone until the sum was -made up. It she ' sari heartily, "and find rest for seems as he* bee geingto serve for his yourself a *bile." .. • Rachel toosraisS, dent it V' "Find teat?" repents tolores drea- • ' _Is it niuch-the money •I mean ?" • mily. She looks at the Woman abseetly, asks Dolores. • She has yeeevered „hers. as though het thought had ilowa away `Self through the good -woman's speech, frem het, leaving only her body behind. and now feels sufficiently interested in She sighs heavily. '• • thishonest loye-affair to wish to hear Ay;' dear, rest V', says the woman - somewhat naore of it, To her it }seems gently. "1 think you had better come strangely horrible that more money into the parlour; it is cooleithere." should be 'the meates,of parting two. true She takes the ' girl's languid. hand lovers. Worley t What a bagatelle it • sounds! What an easily surmountable 'difficulty it seems *hen one thinks on the other things -such cruel thinge-s. that tio oWer ois earth can Overcome 1 " Two hun re pciiiiidW' says Ter shostees sadly. ",th but it do sound so big a 'clomp! 1'61114 but iny StIfiati Wilt inauy4, year older, before she ia Airs. Joe-- .Easiernow, dear -els ?" She heti draint off the thin shoed and sftk Stockings. Some time -since,- and is new hasiedni bathing with all a moth! et'S tendetneSS the little white •bruised feet. • " The water feels like eitin," says Dolores gratefully. " Oh,. the relief of it ;Whit a kind, kind woraan.yog are I wish year Susan had that twohund.red ,PsIllaPi."-ssalOw*0.ay some,day." CHAPTER XXVI. It.is seven hours later, and Dolores is stillwalking along the lonely high. way. But not now. is her step light and impatient as it was in the eatly morn. It is slow and langtlid, and the step of else wile has • given house -room- to • despair. Where is she now7-lnivv. far isdvanced " Only a little place to--" • towards, her jouraey's endSernething has niet her With a siidden knows not at this naeinent 'where her.. violence. She Staggers back -weakly, jousney's end may bet She has lest and puts Mit her hands with a sensitive her way, midis walking onwards ins. haste, as though to Ward off the ap- 'snessz-enemys-lier-Lhen COID8 in contact with a stone wall. At this discovery she, brealis into an hysterical laugh, and ;Ake hersdlf half liumourously why: the*all ahonld have 7 chosen to arise from its Monoxide which tl f . Where he keeps aneleet assortment of • rues and ad. process of adminotering chemically. pure Nitrogen •Uurray Nock, tiro sears oast of, Hod'gens' en - been haunted bytniserable thought. Ib heonlything ehe has had to accom- pany her upon her weary Way. - Night is'descending fast; the shadovss have caught her. And pow at last, .. when hope is et an end, her vision fails ; he too. Every nervesquivere, and her sight begins to play her fantastic tricks. ,Acommon hash. rising between her and the lowering sky sends a horrible( fear into her inmost son' s She shudders and • • comes to a stand -still and covvers be- fore it, so large it seems to rise against the dull horizon, so fantastically shaped ie it to her distorted fancy, She tlross back step' by step into the darker seclusion of -the high grassy bank that guards her side ot. the roads' and stands there trembling: 'Then all at • once, as it were, her vision clears, mutt -this terrible apparithia resolves itself into a mild elder -bush, out brwhich peep two pale dog -roam she mis- take them for the eyes of 'some resent- ful moaster She rouses herself and again ,preisees. forward. 'Her tired feet almost refuse ' to hear her. Again that curious dim ness oppresses her, blotting out the land- scape and casting an opaque veil over the nearest objects. , • , The wonderful courage that has sus- tained her all through' does not desert her now; but it has sunk into a dormant state, heavy of missing; . . • "Oh that I might' find tome'testing- -• place'!" she 11111rIntirfl to herself faintly. . within her :own •raed leadssher into a carpeted apartte4ti made gay with , crimson movies' curtains and decorated . sirofticiely With the' orthodox bead4vork • • 7ancl, many-tintiadseiTlells. This room • is evidently the •pride of the good WO - gip% existence, and it is, with an 111. - concealed Pleasure she ushers her un- • eipected guest intuit. • ' Doloret, sinking into a chair, draws a long breath of extreme exhaustion. "]Th, bat You are done hp I" says her hestess cerepasaionatelyt Ohm° a long,' way perhapell's 0 *Is "A long, long, way P merniuts Were she a gaeliinvelli in petticosIES, she could have Said ticithing more calms ----slatedsteinisleadsthe-itind-of-her-inter2- regator. To that stalwart darne the five miles more or leas the girl has tra. veiled would. sec:Inas a mere nothing, "A • long,' long way" -and tittered so Pathe. ..11s.--1,-.MpetsM0att day'Er 3purney at sdeAssilsleigt;-'1.nd a day's iourney it has aeoraed indeed to poor Delores. •• Her face irshaggatd ; already the ra- vages of exciteinent and grievous recol- lection has% made their marks upon it. Her eyes, grown delicately large and dark, look .otit-with a singular iecongru.s. its, from the pallor of their surroundings. Beneath them lie like shadows fatigue - 4' lines tinted, with palest perple. Some: - thieg in her whsile mournful appear. Imo° appeale poWesfully to the, W0/110,11'S * 1 out in seal and body. Not that she has been actually mew; ing all this time. Son* hours -ago, con- quered by a desire for rest, she turned 'aside -into an -adjoining field, and, over. powered by Weekness, crept under the BIelter of a friendly ,hayeack eard--sank: into a slumbes unsatisfyiegsfretful, and broken by muel &earnings. - Unrefreehed, she nroeefrona this bat half -unconscious sleep to find the day far spent and. noontide merging into night. Twilight darkened tho air, and faintslull mist' springing from watery marsh far down below in the hollow. Was rendering even• more desolate the. unutterable melancholy of the dying light. It burdened the very passing FR= AND OATINAMENTA.T., TIMES, 110ft- W.A1 spouoE, soma, ..4.N» A8'4441:10 PINE, Ma Panics; of wnien MAKE 4. SWIA1411r ,r2LEO. POTTS, gotits, swiss CARRIAGE .AND NO general Painter; paper hanging and kalsoming second to none. Senbot Br0tellSeAlin specialty:- Satisfaetion guaranteed and.oharges whiz the times. RES1DigCK, Mat:STREET; 01.1KTON. t) W. WILLIAMS, B.A., Mat., GBADIIATt OF .LibeTorontoUniyersity; &ember of theCollegeofPlay eloiano and Surgeons, Out, Omen 8c 11E8nm:ion-the housetormerlyeoeupied Dr. Reeve, Albert Area (Minton. csn..w Cofer LEIN GTOIS PHYSICIAN, BURGEON LlA000nohour,Lioenqatopf the CoIlegeofPhysician• and Surgebne of -Loam r Clan ail a ,a d Provin I Lie en", Mate and 0 °retort or th e County olliurou Oinceand residence, -The building formerly ocoupie 0 by 3Ir Thwaitos, II0ron street, C11uten,Jan,10,1871. ' CLINTON MECHANICS' IbTTITUTE, LIBR ...•,••••••••.• LARGE.STOOK ON SAND The ahoy* ornamental trace and shrubberiwill bo sold at very low prices, and those wonting anything 10, this connection .NVIU WO Looney 11 1)401414n Orders sy Mail will be _promptly attended to. ilddreas, JOHN STEWART Reamiller • Aar and Reading Rooms, Perrin blools, do;wn stairs. About -1,700 vonUmes in the Library and all the Leading NoWspapara and Periodicals of the day on the table. Membership ticket V. per annum. Open front 2 to 5 p.m, and from' 7 to 9 P rit APplications -for inemnerslisp recWed by the Librarian in 'lithe room. ' . . Nelson 44 Co:4 4 MANUFACTURERS OF • ' STEAM EirGINESI'BOIIERS, oRDgRp -;- PROMPTLY s a FILLED , • ' ilISMALL BANKERS, sI1A.TTENBURY ST., CLIITTON, TO THE OLD COUNTRY, IP' YOU A.REGOING. • • . _ Before doing io, call and Oral. Iiates iiiidInfor- • Motion from the agent of the ALLAN 'LINE, or . address Box 17, Clinton P.O.' • A. 0, PATTISONI' 0.1M1,,- AGENT, CLINTON MISS DEPEW , MUSIC TEAOHER IS NOW READY T J. T.: WILKIEI IIIKOZAN' DENTIST, ' Hold the exclusive right for the county for tho Hurd Azip. GENERAL MA.C111NERV. • . • MBANSACT A GENERA.L BANTLING -BUSINESS. Konoyadvaneed on Mortgages and Neter/Ohm:id Drafts ironed payable at par, et all the oblate of the lierohant'a 73ank of Canada. New York exchange ' bought and gold: PROI12T ATTENTION pAID 520COL. Clinad11011d the United States, SALE NOTES BOUGHT at•oloae rates and morMY advanced to farmers on their own notes ,or anylength of time tosnit the borrower. All marketable emir tiesbofigh tan d sold. , BARE111ill POW YORK. AGENTS 01, MENcnariT's BARR oN °ASADA. • INTRA?' BST AZLOWE.D ON .DEPOSITS W. W.. FARRAN. P. ,TISDALL • TIEE " MOLSONS -13, INK.. , II Incorporated, by Aet of Parlianient, 465. . CAPITAL, -' - $2,000,000: • • .E:rEityA. D.. on:14 MONTREAL ..• • .ne or more endorsers. so mortgage required as so. Zotes discounted; Collections made, Drafts . jaguar, Sterling and..American exchnnge° Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with THOMAS VoRK31A.11,,* . President. --.Interest-at.-4-per pea -allowed on •deposits. . J. H. R. MOLSON • ' Yice.Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. ' . bought and sold at lomat. . ,.. •irass.11.—MiCitS. , . curreizt rates. _ .. January 188 • • • • . 11, C. BREWER•ili.ls.nage.r; ., Whiten . , J BPDLRC101\113E, „ JEWELLER., aps oiii.osisiE TEA* ItAAIIKIET, CLINTON - • s sa est and best system, yet•dig- ' • verice-undir her of ell rojile-a,foesecs. i• covered es4 ths painless extraction et teeth. Charge's' • ' - • • ' • • .Switzer's Grocory.S tore, W• "HES' CLOCKS, JEWRL.LERY, SILVER. gnaranteed. 0yrice, BEAVER • finwesshy....ss his stSerist i I 'This -strained 1.2mEodooristit,e,osvietruiTfaleiotiturnipson mirth Of hers ire sadder than all tears. • WARA . AlbertStreet Clinton. • • Her smile is wan and raelaischely, At • • w e sou osseasonesilerates. thit. mornerit it occurs' io her. With a, ' • r cnuel distinctness that ;she would be Repairing of every ' description. promptly glad, if she might only pry. But such a tended to, and all work warranted. . J. 33/DI/LEM/MBE. ' Manly ai tears is denied her. • - : . Ciinton,Notc1,842. - . Once mese she continues her way--;• . . this time -with her hand against the ag- . •..gressive wall, as the -gab seeking its sup.; • port. How' weak she • has grown -how . dependent! ., Again' that terrible grow- . BEiN$ETT,. .14 .14 li.EIITAKI4Fr • A.N.ES E'11/1 B A OW ER,: Albert St:, Heil. Rocker Store breeze, Nvhich yet -was heavy. with the, ing jancoaseibusness attacks hers and ' intolerable heat. Bat 011--,-011 ! . Her. -agallinihe-over-doilieS is ; eaell early. watchword clung to her • then, tory leaves her weaker than before. . echoing in her ears and. urging ter to, Is she to meet and battle with' death fiir.ther daring. Springing to liTarfeeit'S L -here on the broad highway, in the • very heart 'of nand and happy sumnier she stepped out again arm the thirsty read, but indifferently touched by this , soft mitt, and . looked. eagerly around tier() tea the roads joined. . A sense -of confusion filled her -tired. brain,' No one was insight, no help near. Miser. able; purposeless, she Wilt • the nearest way almest unconsciously, and toiled. With heavy footstepisands.forloin hope along the *elated road. - ''. ... . And new how her 'head. aches, how. wearY are her limbs!: She will ieek the very next cottage, and, hi spite of tiqrstorkor of being questioned -a horror that has kepther aloof frora,every hotise • ssinceshe quittedstlitstsstirat-Allad--soul •who had...so well • abeeptek'tter-7will sera.Seftota the ewnerg' of it -a . night'e shelter, '. . . ' • ' ' .. ' - With•stuuibling 'steps and qiiickened 'breath and poor sad eyes, Aalf. blinded by dust and. driftingdpist, she:fights her way 'oeward, She is almost ab the end Di every hopewhen at last a small tigly. dwelling . upon the, wayside learnt ha sight. . She hastens, towards it , as fast as her tirelleet ottn carry her, -Whilst yet some "little. was; •frons .it, angry -.voices; tieing -on the °loaded sir, come tO her. Reaching tho rustic gate ;that sgidardesitrftere_ts tiesroadsslisLgleeiL nervously throtigh it, and sees, a few yards frit= Where she stands, a loge • angrjr-loOking woman.- . • . • s She is target than anything infernal° Shape as yetsimagined by Delosee. She - is standing very upright; with her had iiiiresvia *ell baels, and irs lasandishin in 1 her right hatid a he bream: The ot et hand is fixed; as if inaffievablysupon or hiss She is sooldity with might and main, and without the faintest inter- filifi8100, asstolicl.lookiag girl, who gives one the imprassien of being accustomed to this sort +Of thing.ever since she B&W the light, and who 18 leisurely shaking the dust frififil & small strip of carpet as *she listens, Or is inipposed to be Eaten, • There it .ati indiffgrence about this eut thil?.lati°0lY. to the eleParting ligut° Inc. . Vrl's face and entire haring that Might of the worries], AlasSher baclisis terned 'Ve made lier a stigIrto Dolores at an. and she cannot ilea! swiftly, siviftly., ' other time. Now she is too filled with ' .slie goes from her. Another moment, and she will have- tamed 'the corner,' 'fear and nerVoussanxiety to note aught . bub the augry *coati Ana the suggestive ''. and Dolores's last chance will be gone 1 brooinsticli, StsM6 little motion on Ticflitl3r eletching hes hands, the poor • to the words binning within her. otily " Oh, some day, yes I" rettirifs. 'the woman, with 'gentle cheerfulness, .,." Li the meantime she must only w k and I hope. Hope is a -great stren hener. Well, andhave yoa taken that kink: di 'lobe's / Ah,that'sgoed nosil And, if you Must, as you say, set out again, why, it will do yott a World o' good! And where be you bound for, miss, if " -smiling-a I be not asking a cross question?" " For Doke:tipster," says Dolores. ,"1 Must, I think, be near there now, be. eause,vvhen I asked the man at' the statical, he said it was (ply five millet( away, and I have beet', Walking for many heat. hours." - what " Dominator l Dear heart alive,, She notes the tratesof gentle breeding intim girl's aft, andinasks, when the light has brought you this way ?" exclaims-, ssasadelarsepew,aisithaisitalsashetestlia,paatassestlaaMMAP.D1 " Why, yea be t miles ty costly white dresri peeps Salt. She is 8t6tutalm. net iusensible either to the soft frills of fromit now 1 Yet.' evlst have coma the 'Arechlin laco that cling it, the rounded wrehg NtaY 1" ' "Ten miles l"., repeats Delores faintly. throat and fall over the slight wrists; "HOWId f have 'Pomo the wren the Res ton-liuttou glovea are It then. W97 / 'Ito pointed it out to ree.n 44 If ye*i 11, WO rmi Art4s tr,,,,,, iv:Iwo., TIUM en at . tree she reteembers • ,, Will you," Isegimliolores desperate- 14 ihla tiirtt81'°°°•h4".- f';°n*°•ung tot". kelvin a revelation. - * , /CP. teal'," film I; trilihnii,; v. Intl wit,'., it how 8114' ...1"ne .110 a; cs'Ofiu NVIKIO ND iy, ; the tl - is -t s- , '01 ti •• t n le le is LS are II Di, I 1.i LOS 6 slide has happened to hot 1 She eatineLt - . Sidi,: 1,0, ie. !.f..sii..: ,,1 lt..1,..elist,Is. i•l• . ,, 1 „ .. To 11,1 'elm wow,' ' It would be more picturesque, she tells, herself, with a last return of the old girlish gaiety that was, hers -when ? How Many years ago? . s She sighs heavily. The wall 9oming- suddenly to an end, she finds herself be- fore a. SE38,11 gravelled entrance with a small iron gate befere it, and. a small avenue beyond. At the -end of this • avenue a pretty house, ivy -clad, may be seen small too, but exgtfisitely kept, 'with' trailing roses covering it, and the green shoots of an early Virginian creeper just showily themselves, which later onwill 'blossom into vivid hues of orenge andcrimsonsand at the gibe a purple jecmanajuet bursting into -flower - An' ideal cottage, 'kindly, hospitable 1 Dolores, faint in 'body and-siorat heart-, and bereft of all hope, clings trembling. ly•to' the iron railings of the gate; and lenge passionately for the rest and calm that lie beyond it; bat the inembry of her Iast cruel repulse still. lives within :ber, and, in spite of the failing. cons scionsness that bids her stay, she shed- ders and turns aside. • ' But Nature, the all.powerful; Stronger than pride, greater than' sensibility; the mother of all, now asserts her- self. -She cries aloud for succour for, "%Wad child of hers. DOWNS, ohifYhrg- hers-Mahdate, egintifs Usk,. out 'by a • sudden impulse, lifts up the latch 01 11118 • gates and goes •rnechaiiieally dovvn the '•stiny ;avenue. As if in a dseanissal?..seasSa and presently lindsslierZif - nea,th the roetscrowned portico 'o the house. , . • '1110.door is open to admit the tatrin summer breeze. Aerost the hall a' wo: man is passing leisurely-sa short stout wonian ofthe tiouselleepes type, with a ittAttelis NOnsftArs. back generously broad. 031.0'.EICEI,S1011,ORGA- After the severeat-test at the late fair in 'Clietem, it was universally adrciitted. that rots PEItrger AND EASY ACTION, BEADT OP FINISH, AND SWEETNESS OF VINE, the EXCELSIOR was away ahead of all oth- ers., end destined to be the popular Matra- mentof the day. 'This, along ivith the facts that a special prize wasawarded it,•certairr- ly speaks. volumee Mr the instru embalm& see the • Exeira sioi before buying elsewhere. %GEO. . . . Filotorysthree doers west of lqiilloy's Pump Sholisittenbary St., Clinton, PROTOGRAPITER * • 'Crsals7sissa. PLANING MILL rrIfE HAVINGJUST COMPLETED -1-• and fernislred'.his new.Planing Mill with machin- ery,of the latest improved patterns, N now prepared to attend to all orders in his line in the. most prompt' and satbdactory manner. and 'at reasonable rates. Ile would also return. tbanko to • all who patronired. the eldltriii before they were burned out, and noiv being • M a -better position -to execute orders expeditiously, -feels confident he min ere satisfaction to all.. FACTORY --.Near the Grand Trunk .Pail way, 011itton. , atearstsis. 1106trill ‘2 ' • LIVE,S1ZI: %it'll( A SPECIALTY;': 'PNNTIST; °OATS BLOCK 11;1:1101111.1111.11.,1001401101"111 M WHY SUFFER FROM eadt-g-ha- DliSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, - WHEN " WEST'S 'LIVER PILLS Will thoroughly ouro you. They • do 'het gripe dr purge! but :lief ordidly, and Whenever nom, o'ires considered price- ° leas. • They havo • proven to hO the REATEST • rILIN•toN - She neither hears nor sees Dolores ; the light steps of the forlorn little way. ' faret have not reached her ears. Do- lorea, laying one hand upon. -the lintel al the door, raises the other dad bolds it ant makes the woman turn towards chil trios despetatoly•to give utterimee • . • 3.813.6--ZPILX110--3.8$36 Before buying, get our- special prices fur Balls, Marbles, Lacrosse Sticks, Express Waggotts,Doll Carriages. CROOrP,T, BASF; BALI, sun GOOD'S, IIVALL 'KA xi's. TM V LAIICI•EST and litST 1N USK . BEA VP.R. BLOOM 1100kSTOillil ' mos (sloven, elassoX. AC '„ OP.THE AGE To all sufferers irtDD itteligesttONI • Olsorittirelt estemooK, THEY ARE AN ARSOLUTE ANH'e PERFECT CORE use Theta stud be r011ovgd from your misery. SO Pills -in. box. SSet.: per hoz bOzoo for $1" FoR vas ge ALL DRUGGISTS. Aly,E .SEALERS VENC11.141 Beware of CountertCits n1 Itsra intitatioSN. thitatine wrasee.1 With si:nst. ita•e on ..s.ery tnh4. tr tit•,....sisk : these csisiese..! •-sts. 55 t1tit 4.1 11 3 i4bL . . :...,... JN). • Si AND '12 ' .1" ".) )11..