The Clinton New Era, 1886-03-19, Page 1••• - VOlh 21,NP, 1.2 Elam4LM r steppe% in advene Allrertisempto, Goor. GENERAT,gERNAVT 1YANTE1). • APPLY at once to AIRS. W. powers', whiten. r_1 GOD GENERA/. SERVANT WANTS/X-11)11HG NA. girl preferred, Apply to AIRS. MCGEE, fNct house west ofiOrgart Factory. . BGSINESS CHANGE. -111t. It. WATSON DE- 1-rstites to intimate to the people of Clinton that he has bought back the Delivery Business of Mr Robin Welsh, Audis prepared to attend to Al orders his. Rne on the shortest notice, /Minders left at Watson's Feed %ere. Charges moderate. Patronage respect- fully solicited. WATSON. . 71/41'0rneyr XS IIEBASY GIVEN THAT A muernee aos Of tne directors of Tins Losesimonontm 13vrrint & CHEESE 01.40USACTURINCi CoMPANT wlU bo held at DEWS HereL, Lexemeono, on WeeimseAv'Meilen . Mu, at one o'clock p. At this meeting tho con- tracts" will he let for hauling cream over the different I.. IJIMETTE, /Ivey...Trees, t•rmirs to the factory during the corning wasen. W. 'De lielleron SERVICE. -A THOROUGHBRED A-PSherthern bull of good pedigree, will be kept for Service OA 101 8, Huron Road, cioderich township. He is registered in the British American Herd Book, and Is considered an excellent bull for his age Terms for grade cows, $2, with privilege of returning if necessary, payable first of January. next. • Thoroughbred cows rein be charged $5. THOS. H. COOK. CARD • OFTHANKS • li'mtvin Mina,ESQ., O. R. Court Clinton Maple Leaf No. 18, 0, 0.F. Please' convey to the officers aud brothers of the Court my sincere thanks for their kind attention end earnest solicitude in Nny late husband's welfare during hisillness. • You will Also express to the officers of the High Court, my appreciation of their kindness in 'paying so promptly tho $1,000, the amount bf the beneficiary certificate. Yours vary sincerely, Clinton, March 11, 1886. MRS. A. KENNEDY, -- NEW -TAILOR. SHOP. 4. m170'01112'5 Lite of Minneapolis, a practical TAILOR and CUTTER •-; cf several years experieneeodesires to intimate lto the people of Clinton and vicinity, that he has etanmenced bugthess up -stairs IN THE..DEATED BLOCS; In frant of Foster & 'Bayley's Photo Gallery, where he will be pleased to 'fill alt.erdere on short notice, and at reasonable rates. Cleth•eut or made up just 00 . desired.. „Orders respeetfully solicited. Tholloon's real islate 111011CY, (MINTON, ONT. The undersigned has openedain agency fur the sale of Real Estale, and will be glad to deal with modes. having proper. ty to dispose ot TeftnartWo per cent On all amounts up to , $1000, and one per ant on any amount after the brat $1000 No charge made for advertising. and no cbarge whatever nu-. less a sale ortransfer is effected.. I have now the 'following 'prepertiesior sale:— . Lot 14, Lalre,‘Noad..east„Colbortie, leo acres, 45 cleared lied under pasture, 20 acres s aribed and eau easily becloured, . balance of bush N.M. -Will be gold cheap. • 100 geres,.good land, 215 inilea from Bowesmount, Dakota. 50nores under cultivation, small bouse. Pries $10 an acre. , West •balf lot 20, 2nd con of East Wawanosh, 110 acres,. 00 acres cleared, balance good busb,•18.iieres of fali wheat,' spring creek running through the'farm, bank harp 40a40, two eeres—of—erebardr-rme.ihr-frourffiti r ce 401200 or $150Orlown, balance to milt purchaser. • • ,JAS. THOMPSON, ..CLINTON. FRiNK' It'. POWELL, BARRISTER, somorron, Notary Public, etc. Offiae, SEARLE'S Stock, Azet mini' STREET, CUSTOS Toronto agents, Meissrs:Ide. earthy, Qsler, Hoskin & Creelman. Private funds to roan at lowest rates of interest. • TristORO'BRED DURHAM, BULL FOR SALE.- ..1- Theoundersigned offers for Sale. a 13 "inenths old Thortebred Durham Bull, dark red color, good pedi- gree, and a first•class animal.. JOHN CUMING, lot 22, /3111 eon., Mullett, Lendesboro O,' II -OUSE 'FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - THE, large frame house on Rattenbury St., formerly, (templed by Mr. W:Doherty, is offered for tale or to rent on reasonable twins. It contains plenty' of room, with hard'and soft water, andis a very deshable resi- lience. Terms on application to .JOHN TAYLOR, Spencer St,...Clintim, . AXOUSE AND LOT rod SA T.M.; OR TO RENT.-', The DRIGH-11011SE-lately-occupied-by WO:D. coat, near the G.T.It., is offered for side or to rent gri remnable terms. It has plenty .of room for an ' hard and soft Water, good Water, gar- den, with fruit trees, &c. Apply to MIL JAMES BIGGINS, or the NEW RBA OFFICE, Clinton. . . _ - . - 'UNARM FOR SALE.-TIIE FARM ON 'THE 11URA. ox Road, lots 6 and 7, Goderich township, con- sisting of 144 acres, is offered, for aide, on reasonable terms. About 120 acres cleared, and ilf/Iltid state of ultivations; balance good hardwood,. good fraine dc.a., general buildinge, plenty of water, bearing orchard ; miles front the rising town of ClinWn. Particuiars may be obtainedon the premises, by addressing JAMES PERDUE, Clinton P. O. • MURK FOR SALE. -,-THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS. ' .1.! for sale his splendid farm of 100 acres, being lot 4, .2nd con. of Colborne, 1.1. storey House,egood bank Barn, wig/ Drive House, Wood Shed, and other out hulidings,hard and soft water, everything convenient, ,2 wares of good orchard, 18 acres in fall wheat, 85 acres .cleared and in good state et cultivation, coneenieht to. 'Church and StliteW8 miles from GoderIch, 12 'miles d'rom glinten._CHAS-ELSLEY,-Benmiller-Pri). _ oid 'Country Tickets: Tickets issued to.alt points in ENGLAND, IRELAND and 'SCOTLAND The s000mmedation•is superior to all 'others, ancl rates' no highee, Ohreoc of three differ. .ent lides 'item 'slew Yotk„•and -eve from. , imbed. • , we, 4 • • • . . W.14. YAOICSON, CLINTON', A.GENT. WALL Paper have just received 6 fine aesorted fitock of WALL PAPER, of the most modern, Patera. • We selleheapet than the ohesps est. Call and inspeet Dili litontoies, • • clout- Gook". Teaj Are the whole tctIliof the country. Don't • fail to get is Caddie. The beet value you • E. IPLOODY., 611tOUIV AND STATIONItlt. • A MARCIA • 19, .1886. WINTHROP. ' IHPORRIV11 TO wriS Ali P . .- 6 NAPO RTII. 1 the death of Miss Kerr, sister of Ur, John DEATE,-,-,-It is our duty to chroncle the BayAeld nine, has soli his entire STALLION ,SOLD. -111r. Geo. Green, oil stet` 1 goods stolen from Mr...P Nersloughlta's STOLEN' GOODS RECO-MEI% --- The lion, Don Nre,geus, to Mr. Chas. Essley, of , shop window about the Ara of 'January ICerr, sr4; of McKillop, the cause of death Usboree, for the (mos of $1200. This is a thie year, vete found last week in the being inflammation. 1 -ler remains were very good horse and well wertli the price, trunk of a young inan in the employ Of followed to the grave by a large concourse paid ,)„ ita of people, thus testifying to the high re- ` ` -W1 il t M 1 t Mr' D" Ilega"' blecksraith. Goods taken spect in which she WitS held. Accoperr. i e wo young en as from other places were also found in' his REronre Ceno.-The Reform Qlub held .4 wpeit were engaged in cutting wood some possession. Ile wee arrested and. sent up "thnce-efrom Holniesville, one of them • their annuatmeetinglast Monday evening, to Goderich. . enne Or .11: PRIon.---The Rev.rathe for ette election of officers, and other haPPeeeciALe ' get" in tile WaY. el a- .i.allillg r business. Their next meeting will be on tree happily for him the tree happened Cd.leprlin, who was a victim of that lingering March 29th, when the following subject to tree, another and. come cleWn•eatily I d h d d i i isease, consumption, died at his father's will be debated: Resolved that Home °Pen 'in'O'n $ siiccee e n gett ng residence last Friday. Thefiineral took Rule in local. affairs would be a benefit to fro underit ith nothingwrong only place on Sunday to thelrishtown- church... Ireland. , that e was dreadfully r g tenee. elli Illf i li, After service was held the rethains were PitesEETA.TioEs -On SatUrday evenlfig left in the church until Monday morning- ENTERTAINMENT.—An entertain tnen t las. under the auspices of the Reform Club ' t large nu bee of the friends Of Mr. at tialf. past emej.whea they were placed was held here last Friday evening, :was a Gee'SG'reen, Bayfield line' gathered at his in their final resting Place, . • decided success, more than• ft/Wiling' the 'residence -to spend a. pleasant time, and TETELLEctruAto r RE4Ts:-We would 11.4.1rkeoftaarethwiesllwoefe..11.is brother, who laft, for k During , the • eveniu anticipations of those who got it up. The think that ere this winter season is o'er entertainment consisted of readings reel- g the people of our town will have enjoyed 'ae7.e. Green -showed her apprecratien or tationss vocal and instrumental music. her husband by presenting him with a f a good maoy intelleetual feestse-judging Mr. John McMillan, reeve of Mullett was rom the number -of lectures that, have liariclaorae gold watelt and chaih: ' On been delivered -we do not know of so to have delivered an address, but owing to ill health he was unable to be there. Monday eveiiingthe choir of Cole's church many being given , here in any eine former together with .other friends, gathered at 'k, season ; for want of. sPaee it would be iin. Readings were given by Miss Goveuloc Gree*t hetme house to take farewell(of Miss and Messrs. J. Kerr, S. Johnston, G. Mur- possible' to' enumerate theta, hilt sufffeleot die, J. Cowan and D. C, Dorranee. 'Re- riorto her depertere Fer Dakota, to say that all have been . good and very Mtations by G. Illurdie, T. McMillan, P. and inP ec gnitien of -her services D. mair,.,F. remit mid Wm Due. eh. organist, presented her with a fine album,' z • as well attended. -- . • . P.easorate •-egr. and Mrs. Jas. Cline, accompanied by the following addresses- - - ' • strutnentai music wAs rendered by Miss e 14 of, Witteanm, formerly of this Place, were ..saCIIEL GREEI, DEAO WOW of your Milk, Mies B. Kerr and Mr, A. Dickson, early vemoVel from cane orierndsome thou: ill .t011/11 Visiting friends tide week. Me. (tiolin, with organ accompaniment), Miss ttl,tetoulttg..4tr. attItt e,tt(44, '1,ge y:,7 tt if n fi ' J. L. Beattie, son of Sohn Beattie, Esq., Muir and S. Dickson, (mouth -organ with yge to7,.. your depart_urs, As wn am assembled! ZrIpe left hist Teesclay-for Victoria 11 C., where organ accompaniment); GOlnio SOROS by lir re Utile cnoir, nho hove to thuerpresent bagt he goes to seek his fortune; Jim has a G. Turnbull, McKillop, P. D. Muir teach- iltib Yyoassu it8vig itilliri 11.°1L:iflitke InalkePni.coa;r eseDiAtPfrotirsevou- host of friends here, and. all wish him er No.,/, Win. Dirt Roxliore, and Ed. all AS 0. memortim o thiiitgensant times we have sii...ont 1Niell in that far away conntry, Misses morale, seefosih. • The ppeebdings were together.. Pease scoop iietheasvpiraseilvn ti$ Itoliertsen and • Booth, of the private brought to a: close by singing the national Tee, And be assured ,that you h e o r . es f r your future liapp_iness and pros; eurity. e Woisn'M school,. we are told, are going to leave anthem. - miss you front oimmidst,,but we hope that you will town ; we are sorry 'for that. - enjey your trip offilthat-yOur ebsenee front us Will be . -et truly beneficial te yen. NVe hope Pt haVe yqu again aseerozone-The Ree; W. A. McKay', , SIAM:MESTER. with us at no distant period, -but shbuld we not hwee of Scott Act fame in Oxford- county, and From an occasional • correipondent. that pleasUreOve pray tbat we•may meet together in and mingle our, voices in singing the_ who resides • preached most HAIM ESS SHOP.. -W e are glad to a bettor cottntrY• see the pleasant deuntenance ot MrAlex.' od.ogyooart.tz(r.eterectortiliont4hteo itartneltm FACir igrzalf we acceptably .rn the-Priabyteriati -ankh t McKenzie in our midst again, heintends the choir. : iliere hisSunday ; his subjectin the Morn- commepcing the manufacture. of harness, Beters„-Mr. lames Stirling, 4th- ng was addressed to christians ; in the con: Meiling he preached to young men.. The, .at once, • We wish gr. McKenzie every. of Gederich township, had a very success7 • success. . . ful wood bee= Mr. S. Wallace's fametext was taken fromProv. 3-6, "In all thy , • witys•acknowledge him. and be witl direct Lifttnre.—Theyard in:cohnection with on Thursday last. °vet AO cords of wood thy paths," Rev. Mr. llIcKay, in his the ntv e•steam saw mill has been well fill- being Cut Mr. .T. Harrison while driv- earnest manner, addressed the meeting it ed for some time with logs, not-withstand-ing home from Olinton, on Thursday last, the Y.M:C.A.. rooms last:Sunday evening. ingl the number. that have been turned had a very • narrowescape of' losing :owe into lumber during is well finished, and is a fine large struc- Quire hill; iris time, one would think, Ar-onire Peoreeit Gorr 0 -Another the winter; This Mill of hisbest borses,00 the well known Mc- ' '. , prominent, citizen gone to rest: • On Sun- ture Arida credit to the village. . that these dangerous Spots along our roads day night death robbed this locality of one , , NEW PROJECT -As the rearing of first- were rendered secure against the possibil °fits oldest .and .most respectedWizens: dais horses is at the present time the ty ofteams falling over them, by railing We refer With Sorrow to the demise of m , ost; profitelde part of hirm business, or other 'protectionLudwig C. Meyerovho, after a compere- : Mr. J. 'Colwell is twitters who are on the alert to make dol- making great preparations fOr. erecting a tively short illness, passed awAy, to that lars must see that it is a necessity to have large house. this stimirier; the contract is sooner or later, The deeeased gentleman mysterious state where all have to go, large number of first-class male animals. let to H. Myers, of .Bayfield, Mrs. Jas. in the county of Huron, and that if we Switzer, whehas .been very ill for sonie occupied the position of Clerk of the ere going to get 'a Sep higher in the eyes time; is now able to be out. Mrs. Benj. Diyision Court since Seaforth was; so to of the American buyers,' the County of Switzer, who has also been seriously illspeak, feunded-iri fact ever since the, Huron should possess 000 of the best•stal- is new getting bettee.Geo.Millercourt vras first establishekandwas lions procurablein Gillet Britian. • There- bought of Mr. T. Andeison a ho . ' ad-agitation-to-fornmomtem . r. os, 5 . oo'of the Huron arrangement of seine kind; to procure an Road:has purehasedithoreughbred short =thud of this kind for the county, is be- horn bull from. J. McGee, of Port ing discuseed. Whether Manchester has Albert Mr. James Bowden, jr., of the the energy to accomplish an undertaking ,113th con.; who hes lately been attending .of this kind, which, if successful and lucky, Belleville Business College, has finished must add greet wealth to the people of his course and is -expected home in a few the county, remains to be seen. days, Last week as Mr. Lawrence, of IMPROVED STocue.--Yoet cerreimene, eClinten, weedeivingnP a large hill ih the dent had the pleasure of inspecting the. township, his horse suddenly. fell; it re - various stallions and bulls belonging to ceiyed a very hard fall, which calmed the some of the importers and. -breeders of blood to floe rather freely from its head; Jilancliester and vicinity lately; the fine no other injurieci were received. On beau - belonging to Much and Bennet, dial moonlight nights large numbers bf is looking splendid, seems full of life and the lovely young ladies, of the 14111 con., showy action; InisItorseztoolc 2nd in his may be seen assembled for the purpose of class, last year, at Manchester show. The eicereisiegethe selves on the ice; they are handsome bleek. imported last sunnier. fast becoming eexcellent skaters, and will by Mr., Henry Beadle, is a very plump, soot be able to hold- their brio' with the =hid' with good front and rear, but his best; .it is very,good exercise for them; :yearling coming two, also inverted at the but we think, if The people,in that neigh - same tilue, has exceedell•the expectation beamed are at All generous 'they would of those who taw him on his arrival, al- forward the means atonce for -a skating though a fina colt then, he has grown and rink, as the young la1ies may Wee 'Cold improved most wonderfully since; Mr. skating itethe open ant. While if they they Beadle seems to be well up in the know- were under a roof all danger would vie- eedge Of feeding and rearing young stal- tainly bo get aside, Vin,• Perdue's saw lions, and has rather better luck than the mill started to run last week, and makes majority of horse men, be having but very things pretty lively aronnd there: - - , few -loses. The colt lately purchased by Robt.BeaCcen states that Mr.Askwith promises to•make a fine,large, the item in .last week's NEW Ere. about heavy horse. Mr. Geo: Tindal) has late- his Tontinecolt runiiing away18 glaring- ly put -chatted an entire colt frobi'lldr. Al- ly incorrect, in the fact that although the fred Carr,of East Wawanosh, for a large cutter was . upset, the horse did not run sum; the dam of this colt is . one of the away. We have no desire to publish in- few,Englaaid Glory maires now in the couns correct statements, and in justice to Me ty of Huron, gr. Sohn Washington has Beacom make this correction. Our Gode- added toads herd of shortitornsd,reniark- _rich township correspondent, who fur- abW-fine, yeting bull, which, we Me r- nisheitsge_witteninmust_coufine- etitud; coire--gocel rolin-d-Oure a-71(1 ap- himself to facts pure and simple, as cor, pears to be an animal ;of high, breeding » rections of this nature are becotning, too and splendid quality. common, --.ED. New 4114_,} • . , • STANIAlk . BuirreeseTaffy parties -Are becoming -quite fashionable; one was held. at gr. Foster's last week, which was largely at- tended ; and the guests; to show their appreciation of the evening's enjoyment; consumed a goodly amount of the provided dainty.; gr. Lockhart, theforider teacher of No. 7,,and Who has latterly been at- . II01.61E6VILLE. DitlEPPI.,40.. A, Wittingham is about to move his Wilily tete the house LnowA as the teacher's residence. He intende to leave for Manitoba on Tuesday next, Mr. Miigford has, we nrideratand, tented a house from T. 0. Pickard. Rev. -C. S, res eeted bath- as it • _uhlicemuLprasett citizen, • is kind -greeting and cheery ptesence will be missed by the people of Seaforth and vicinity,. who all sympathize with his family in their loss of It ilsind father.. . Deceased had reached the ripe age of seventy-seven. The 'funeral which took place, on Wednesday to -flarpurhey 1 45., Total, $18064.78. - • " RokAteitislireoztis(is "-",•6tOetterillieee • 11,14ITT 1.4ncknow the other day for'llt1110-; Mr. A. Faust SoLP.-Mr. E. Anderson, sod family, and, Mr, Rohr. Stewart tvill teacher, has eold his farm, belog the, east leave for the Northwesc. shortly. hall of lot 33, cote 9, 00 tures, to • Mr. W. V. Voddeo, for the . of $2,000 ; the farm is, a cheap one at this figure, but re- Becers,--DrlariOnoli!':Ullti; on the oleic quires Meaning up, Mr. Anderson ;las list. Mr. A. Li.eddle is able to no abeet bought 00 acres in East WaWan0$11, with the aid of Watch but his iS atilt Loncleshoro butter factory, will be held. at himself a partner, end he is now hosy• O'ke hp taken Berrte.-A meeting of the directors of vsq RinY Belle hall, Londesboro, on the 24th in.st moving bis etoek, grain and implements, Mr. W. Illfirphyeof the 8th con. of Hui- to his farm ; we extend our best wishmi t., terest in the farm. and threshing machine, •VValter his in- th° rtowlY John Megullen,-.(1? Delcota, were visiting 140, has sold tobis brother married cripple. Mt. and Mrs. • and has a sale of his stock end implenients at Mr. T. Elliott this week, Sohn has selci on the 25tla inst ; purposes going to his farro liolyrood and for the future Kansas, and if he likes it there will remain, intends to 'make Dakota his Immo ;' they ' Mr. John Vodden lost the end of one have been living in the land of blizzards r linger White cutting straw the other day. a few. years;and would rather be thero thau here in Ontario ; they leave for their hotne SALD. --The auction sale at Glew's,• On in a few clays ; Mrs. McMullen. is a sister • the Huron road, was well Attended, on of Thos. Elliott and is well known in this: Tuesday, ltir, IlowsOu wielded the neighborhood. .Last Monday evening a hammer, • and stock Sold at good prices.. number a our gallanta accompanied by A team. of small hories went at $285; a their 'fair ones, wended their. way to,the, yearling filly; by Askwith's Honest Jim, house of our jovial assessor, where they ran up to $175, And very ordinary cows tripped the light fantAstio till the wee emu. sold at $35.• The farm, consisting of 72 . hours s D. McDougall, of Saltford,furnish. acres, was-disposecl of by private sale to ed the music*. Quite a tin Mbar of visitors Mr. Charles Giew, for the sum of $3,000. turned out last Friday afternoon to the: Danis our • painful duty this Benmiller school to pee how the pupils week to announce the death of Mrs, Rad- spent their afternoon ; they were agreeably . ford, wife of Mr. Hugh Radford, sr., of spent -Mr, the 10th. con., which sad event occurred Literary Society =long the pupils arid a• ' .on the 17th inst. Deceasedhae been in. part -of every Friday19devotedete:read- death was not unexpected.. • She had at - lett. Of course she. was familiar with all which were spent in :tbe township of Hul- failing health for about a year, and her tained the age of 72 years,. nearly 40 of Morrieh is an earnest teeoher, and is doing good work.. , ing; dialogues etc ; on the afternoon men- tioned they hid a Literary contest ; Mr. .. • se:- it: es the hardships of pioneer life; and her warm and genial oittore made heresteem- OIIIICIh Auctiedietle et..Lnrio's lett eight. , 'ed. ail who knew her. She leaves two' sons and three daughters living. She he- Not a.bit of shamrock was to be ,seen On onged to the de_nomioatied ef Brethren, Wednesday. .. • .; . •%, and her life was above . reproice. gie Mr. Rohert • ileatinith", lumberer; of . • gadfordhas the sympathy of' his many .Chealey, is in town Lo -day. ' . • friends in his bereavement. The funeral _ . A parlor. social was held last night ..,at •• takes place to -morrow., (Saturday) at 2 p.m. the house of Mo. Chase Humber. How meg „IVIOstdr le • J•rroteleitralee* 'IT.kun..-•--The' following extract from the Rev. 0,..S1 Ebywasgreeted with large, . .-aillitors' report of receipts and expendi- audiences last Sunday and Mthiday„ His 'tures of the township for the ,past year, yiews are Certainly as• good as any: ever will show the tateriyers. that -the., Money. -. • seen in town, • ' • • •,• • • s judiciously used :--Balance-13aiance AO. Martin, of the Huron Road, ittie and from 1884, $244.71; -assestinents, $13365.- Mrs: Fields, and Mrs.•Sani 'Weller are on 86; 'license fund, $2.04 ; clergy reserve •the sielelist, The latter 'is' dangeronsly fund,. $4 00; county; grants, $255,66; •de- and is not expected terecover.- 7 posit Ream:ink- 82979.40; non -res. taxes, Next 'The rsday-evenjng the young men $175.24 ; money borrowed or' bine payable,' .of Victoria Street church intend..givnig a. $1000 ; pound keepers return., $4,e0 Jditelre-- baceelers'; entertainment And oyster sup- ing. engineees s.ward, • $30.37.. Total); per irrtharbaseideor dine church.; every-. • • 818064.78. E.q,peaditures,-Couny •rates, thing will be in ffrst-class style. , $5060:62.; school seetieris,:$4770.73 ; roads, There nave beeestwe,other 'bilis on the bridges, etc., $3,288,49; salaries and activity and .efficietier of the fire engine. missions, .$643.08s interest. 011 coupons, Since the last issue' of this paper.. One Mr dlidebentures, $000.; lseuk deposit, $1$00- liter. aean °esti e ens7: ; kabinet r , e e„ Charities,.$329.42;.billepoyable redeemed, ing to Mr. S, Burke being in 'flaniee4 'and the other being the roefofMr. Jas Miller's 8979.40; election,expehses ; $64,21; print- . ing, postage -Mid advertising..$74:69;• board residence. Neither were very 'serious. ef .health, $31.70; takes refunded,,$16.05; . The lecture and coecert on St. Patriek's discount and; commission, 821.83; laW Day; in :St. Peter's church,. was Well at- '• d6sts, eashin.trtioutoes bend,1482:- tended.. . Rev. Father Molpley, •of Inger-• • soll,: gave .46m4#0116 iunnetivT;. lecture entitled "The day we celeheate,". while Miss Cooke, Me :Griffin, Mr 'Wil- kinson, Mr. Belcher. Miss Biddulph, and . others Look the pai•t of the -pfe- gramine. ' • . . cemetery, was very largely attended. He : 11111EFS.-L-there was a large crowd of peopleassembled at the station to eee the people off to Dakota last.Monday, arid any amount of peeping:and wailing '; lit was came here aboutIbe year 1833 from Ger- • .many, and With . two brothers settled a little further west of his • late residence, .until'they were burned put. -He never held any public:office other than his offi- cial pesitioe. • . . .............1.11 . ' . . . • 11114 YTInt• . . . .A. LOSIO Tate.--41asters Willie And Albert ,Kreeter, _ whe_have beettateying with -Mr. Tihillipi-for Some time, lett for their home in Arizona, on Thursday. They will Meet their father in New York, `Thiii IS _quite a journey for such Staling boke, to undertake. • , ' , . LECTURE:.-e,-Jw. IL Clark, the beet black orator, gives one of his popular lectures entitled " T5 and fro in London," in. the. temperance hall under the auspices of the Good Templars„ on Saturday' evening. None should miss this opportunity of hear- ing the excellent lecturer. - FROPEETY Cda.Nor.--Idr.sros. gombee has bought of George Illatzer, that desir- able residence occupied by the latter, on the south side of McConnell:St., In Blyth, If Mr. •Donbes does not bring sorne'young lady to keep house for him, he:will.• rent it. Mr, •Blatzer gees to Parry Sound in April, where he has purchased a fartie ----esta-suilet'Busnerse•:=167A-lieliclidi iii" guide& has sold out his boat and shoe .businese'to Mr. Dougall MelCellar, who takes possession iminediately. Mr. Mut- dock still. retains the inanufacturing de- partment. 'Mr. McKellar is well known throughout the country., as be has been engaged in buying grain for twine time, and. will be welcomed intebusiness circles; We also predict a large trade for Dougall. We Wipe Mr. Murdock will continue to Ebyedelivered .his lecture onsJapan. His be orie of out eitiseneas we'eannot afford illuetrationii on canvas gave 'very .general to kisiesuch business men in our town; . ..teneling.Beaforth.Highs.bchoolesiseat---pre-setisfectionr and was largely-attendtels-,' se---- ----RttIEES.-eMre-E,Monn teed' e and --Mrs:- • ., quilintances in this. seeded; • he looks as his lecture op !Ingeradlism' in the ltletho- of 0Ailea Oraig Will give D. B. McKinhon, Are on the sick list this week. Mr: and Mrs. Callitnnef Sarnia, sent spending a few days among his AO* Rev. D.:Rodgers o ' -se . o . ' well as ever, and seen* mite capable of dist church here, on the evening of the are viaiting itgra. Tanner's this week. enjoying himself among his old:associates, 22nd Waite- end at Suchmerhill, on ' the; are Fanny N. Conpell, of V8:11kleck hill, Mr. %Vim Laing, of Miesouti is at present 23rd; it is well Worth hearing,' and ihe Prescott Co„ is at present visiting Mende visiting friends here. Mrs. Shepssse now eameoleoe he oeb,, oleo foe ;eaele, ell.d ton in and around Blyth, Mesers. Slater and spending a few date among her- old returned on Tuesday to his work at Beet, '" ''^Soi thii nee lit' n6_ erecting iltgh oak large • andwieintend ll lion - of Brueefield, hidfortnetly et StatilinYWAti. di rim children, The Rev. hiti..".1V----Mobbon friends last week: The young nian Reid, tall, after it visit to his friends, -Whit 'Ilt reducing considerable .machinery to be Who receiatly met with a serious accident, somewhat unfit:for work by a serer° cold. rudby the wind milt ; Messrs. Slater and is recovering. Mr. Nelson has rented. the SnooTirre Meted. -The shooting match hIcNally ate the builders: A great deal farm lot 29, on the 4th con., lately =Mx- between ten- young men and ten Married o.fcialt is sold this year, some farmers.cotee pied by . Mr. 0. Davis, and is preparing men of this vicinity, took place hero .= pgfrMomorethati forty Unita; these are Most - for opting crop. gee D. McGregor end Vrecinesaay- last.- A ,large, .ntunher. of ••' Bruce Co.,vheti* A VICinity'ofTeqs- Mt: Greer McGregor, are recoveihig epeetatore were present and beeame deeps. water` ' : If' ' • from. their recent illnese, ly interested in -the proceedings. -Some tioutottNrg leetmeriesett,,,g. ---eiee-e- excellent shooting was done.00 both aides. ,, • Towarde the close of the conteet it be- d ' ei at the mu- test Friday evening a farewell pitittt . . Bitieree-giss Nora Stevens, of °lint= came evident that the young men were adlienc708ftemt suppermt. owrimoh gEsi'vsq:. be some of goiug to wile :This they did by two point's -their.°I)P°ii'ente niaking."e 41'14" f tv g u y A no 7 tholloberne lyThtteel`s*lit"A?Ppt.41esitili.ii"-thrit twi eeetIii- ireden& Ilve. S. L. Couttice Was • the 813ent' d and three points, while they made one .hun. e MO 411,r,(P possible fifteen, Aceording ' to b etanathainan,_.niaking-sfourte,en-points, Thefollowingparties.started•lor-Dairo- iii on the 16th from Teckeramith, Messra. 10 thus week rotting her grand -parents, Mo. and Mrs,' Sam Mitchell, gr. Wm: Nagar ititende Wilding it new house, on the Old homestead this spanners. gr. N. Morrish has again got his sateeLiisill_:_in running;drder"aftet -hiring the eylinder bored and theepgine generally 'repaired ; preiloneettrengementt, the winning party mill ltptlt, _ieitetvettl the work was dime .by Do (X: Strachan ot, treated their contestants to a sumptuous Kiii Ulec1V,at:e rl ICI uagle Banal' Ant" Goderich, the work was dello cheaper and oyster topper,. which was fiet up by Mr. Wankel lied wife' (ferinerlY MIS6 T°Wn* SI80 Ltilltih better than if done by ininetat„LEIfotd in tirat chute style. A good feeling saleattai)y! -0•Altfeirenla "Lpattad/iseheetnedegv1hice.° (felt:It:etc* the large foundries ; we eau I-co:woe-need rana language were ninnifested throughout, D. K. S. at It 0344101st. , and the n t moat :barefoot, preielledo ,z. ' • 4 !YeiVtgaen4A4'10) 'mOth cr. . said.) Miss Marks who has beedvisiting friends in Saforth• for 801118 titne •past LOCAL CHURCH CHIMES*. returned . home on Monday last. Peter McGregor,: who went Florida ' for the good -of- his-health-someltinie,aeeeireei. pected home in 4 short tinie. Fred Swill. -bankv-of-Gr-Baird's-store; left here - -cm Wednesday" for Clinton, where he takes his old stand in the Dry Good Palace. jar wiRiseeiqiwoefnodefeti3071.ictliesitd.eserseheerseeiwsiust. • OE Sundiy, next Rev Mr. Nugent, of be quite a large party leave this Citation for Berlin, Will preach Anniversary services in the Ontario street church, and oh the , MMceOnaitretrey is eg.ttighTuesday.isfactory Mir Hsheethe following Monday. evening, the Salsbath". to con both a butter and cheese factory. School•Anniyersary will be held; in- teresting programme of recititticins,ete. by- Coldsder..0f and deaeyre. mr throatsetmseereetdo, be whothe heerh. the HehEilsderreyni e, otutsofbleocenaipprreetacrheteli.'s were in been very sick for some time, is still very great demand on Sunday last. Mr. Jas. low, and but little hopea'are ontertained Young and gr. Bayley preached in'Rat. of her recovery. There is some talk of tenbure church, gr. Batley also preached Mr. Pickard of Exeter, limning an aim.; ho North -St. Goderich, in the morning: tion sale here for a month or six weeks, he It:Holmes took Vietoria'Stchineh,Goder- could net do better. Thompson, our ieb, morning end evening. Oaring to'the genial and whele-souled . wheat buyer, illness of Rev. Mr. Stewart, his pulpit was leaves for Guelphin a short time implied -nturtaing„..and.....e.16ning„respec.........„....,,,....... . 1.o..n* • tively by Rev. Messrs. Cosford and. Spare_ :A.ixtuttheseux services of the Baptist church will be held ou Monday, the 20th Itest.„'G. Serermeepreaches in Rat- tenbury ehurch, on Sunday next, Mr., Rupett going. to Goderich; : LO1SDES11006. NPT.g6.-,-Th6I6 is going to be consider- able building done here mext;summer ; it few of the buildings are 'a Forester's hall, horse sheds at the Presbyterian church, an addition 10'Geo. Cratthanie Gee. Newton is also going to build a verandah and balcony in front off his dwelling, also a small, dwelling in the rear of the Methodist church; Dr. Rose also contemplates doin.g considerable ims prevalent(' to his stiew property. ' The • . ' Sr. :PAUL'S GUILD. -Programme. for March, 22 :-Readings and recitations bat' Messrs: Scat, Brown and Haacke, (and : • Mili801 G. Robertson, .Stanhury and Net- tie' Combe; duet, Misses Depew and Rip- pey; -duet; ' Misses Greil and Jackson duet, Mrs. Rinieford an Mr. Jackson 4- • • Bolo, .Miss Griffin ; solo, Miss Smith ; • quartett, Misses Combe and Greig and Messrs. Conabe andBay.' • .1 7 -The lecture. itA foresters axegothg:to,hooildereenew.,-lialls- LECTURE ON apaN . via. fo-----"--hiat -6iivadwiiiiiiii-eir;iii§- - o ich notices to.. contractors ire. at ers are trying to ' proem% o'ectiool: here attended by a large .audeenee, AO. at cot. present circulated; and slime of thearilliig- Forestere to At the lower floor was not the fault of Rev. Mr:Eby, and get the for a school room; 11 18 net -known . yet if a solitary ono Was diesatisfied with -the they were and are in !A lecture, or rather with the magic: lantern how it will go, but the village is badly n for ilei13111' •They represented 'ell plumes of ' need of a school; there is no reaso- Walk ..2f miles to a school thae employs •Japatese life, end gave at a elance two teachers or step at home, as thinge coo 'glance, it view that let., • • • , abed eighty or einety childroncheyingto of good success, largderowds being unable most 0 ,tialt.e:41, Mat'arY one aisPeared to be well, wile bonceeneds• ' services Was 501nething original so far as this town • se o ... The special•here are meeting with satisfied with the .entertamment, - which - them have to do, especially in winter.- te g.ot into the bhurcb.Mre. T. Bielby BrtY AT 11o3111. -Many people are in -- and family, Will take lip their residence the habit of going to other Places to pure here during Mr. Bielby'a absence in the chase their dry goods and other neeessiue nottliWeet. * • fes, thinking that by so d�they get it better article and cheaper Wu they could at home. This is it great mistake. Out own merchants have just as good goods .iititkpari eettiptim,as chee.p..1,ft cheaper , ellen any, "ot eePraglirtheetifftrtyrrIftir'4"‘ ought to be patronized in preference to others, and it is to be regretted that there - are people who, on Recount of possessing Mistaken ideas Of economy, think And act, otherwise . Our advice to them is, buy from your own merchants instead • of out- siders, and you will not only benotit them but you Will gat) nAtiigt verv Materially in .beiteisfietitiet.n.; the town. A hint to the ,.. rater Watwalloell. tiatree."-The revival serymee that be- gan a month age, at Hoverer dhow*, are. lieiligtbiltinued OM MU& success... Mi.-, J. Teylor, assessor, is on the round, He ia ciliteeileg„ for larger mime this Year, ifeeetal ownerlelis dogs arih011 the roads The McDowell brothers have Moved filorn their farms, and ere now living in Blyth the new owner and tenant have occupied' their ,respective forme. Mr, W. M. Mc- Dowell may go to Dakota for the summers while. gr: R tel work cithis old trade. Alto R. Antietam), tillt/ Mare at P