HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-12, Page 8, ERIDAY, MARCH 12. 1880, __*°12Vater Museum on Land. , St. Nicholas proposes something for the boys and•girls which will afford them a lot of fun. It is a Ow for making a water nulBelliu, It is less expensive than an aqua, rium, and more interesting. Beideke that, in an aquarium all the. 'specimens are to- gether, and if any accident happens to one it Will happen to all. In a museum the ; speeimen.s are in separate jars. It is better I not to have your "eggs all in, one basket," ' aswise old people say, most any glass jars will do. Broad, flat candy jars are about the best. The most convenient size, the writer iiiSt. Nicholas says, is from six to nine inches in height : f by four to -aeven inches in diameter, I(What is diameter?) Candy jars whose tops have been broken can generally be got , cheap: But wide mouthed 'fruit ad- pre= serve jars will do ,very well., A bell glastg, such as gardeners use to turn over plants, is ' very good set *upside down with its knob stilt* in a dish of sand. A pretty effect is made by -scattering clean*sand and -white pebbles, tiny shells or irregulai• fragments of sock upon the bottom of the larger jars The fish like to hide under them. The jars raust_be filled with, water, and this* kept sweet by patting into it sprigs of aquake ' plants, such as water -cress, duck -weed, etc. . You can look and see what plants grow in the brooks, ponds and puddles In your neighborhood. • Night? is the time of year when drygQodu PIM are sellint their old stock of therm and muse lin underwear, The shoes are plop-WM' and many them are eold at a hargain; The same re trim, with a different nose, of muslin and linen underwear. In gibe stook dealers are clearing off their shelves and counters to make room for coming fall and winter heavier knit geode. Rna,dy. made muslin drawers, chemises, corset coy. errs, etc„ can be bad so cheap this time of year that one wonders how much the seam. !dress got tor Making then% It is melan- choly to think Of that. Very reaPectable white lawn. mite also are. to be 'bought for a song. Still, as arrays, the better class of white. • goods cannot be got for less than they are worth. When it comes to buying something really .handsorrie and fine, that is never cheap, Many ladies prefer to make their own lingerie at home. They can thus get a finer quality of material, better workmanship and patterns to suit their fancy. For these here are a couple of neat night robe designs, rna ost Ike store TURKEY PRUNES EWE CENTS PER POOR SJOIE: MC C 011•1104W r.• In thankiug his numerous customers for their liberal patronage in the 'Past, begs to announce 7 a.• • that he has just received a splendid. atssortmeat of • 1\1 003DsS. PAL L.ISR and CON „ COEPRISIIIG THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN 1'4 t • CLXVM'OBT. TWEEDS, DIfESS GOODS, IMINTS, AITISLINS, GINGHAMS, LA.OES, EMBROIDERIES, SHIRTINGS, OOTTONADES, DUOKS dr, DENIMS a specialty, and a-first-cdass Tailor who guarantees a fit. A NU suPP1Y of hand t4FONNINNOINN!• 4MAIllitIMIII1111011111,211111' made BOOTS and SHOES jilSt arrived for the spring trade. A freali assortment of WALL PAPER, newest patterns. • My Stock of GROOERIES is New and Fresh, Try our 50 cent...Young Hyson TEA, best value ever offered to the public. HARDWARE, CROCICERY and GLASSWARE, a full supply. LARDINE and CROWN OIL for machinery, always on hand; and everything usually kept in a firet-elass country store. COAL OIL 2,0 emits per gallon. Highest market price paid in trade for RUTTER; EGGS, OATS, &o. Dome one and all 5tatl inspect my stook. NO trouble to strew goods. X. 13, •have also purchased a large quantity of the BLUE TIN' TAG BINDING TWINE Best rix the market, which 1 offer at tlip lowed possible rate. JOSEPH 31.10AR0407, VARNA, March 5th, ISM • With a fewzater plants in the jars it will be sufficient to change the water itself once a week. Put your museum jars upon a small table neaua sunny window, then go out and catch the tiny creatures that are to go into it Take a strong wipe hoop antl ' sew_around it a dip -net of7shaiibla„mosquito.7-. bar stuff. Fasten a long 'handle to it. Take a good Sized tin pail along. with you,and • start out. Go to some shallow pond or pod "`- in a brook. Dip yoUr net into the bottom, and scoop up what Au flied there. Save the live things you catch. M. Charming, The: St. Nicholas writer, says: . "I, have never failed to find in this wity bream;_dasst, „ beetles, water scorpions, tadpoles, snails and many oflier specimens." 'Some of yr pets will eat up the others. Watch them and see which is ivhich. • • The water snails are the scavengers. They eat the green scum of the water and plants. This green scum is really. made up Of mil - Hems a tiny plants, olled conferwe. The minnows will eat very sinall crumbs of bread, meat and vegetables. - They will flock around like chicks when you come to • feed them. But never let scraps Of food de - r 2. cay in the bottom of this jars.m. snails Night dress of Lonsdale cat:filmic.' The bes-Of"jelly-against-the front tucks needlework In .,instion and grass. These hatah into bundreds of young or; pea: finished with a pkitigt„t. edge; , snails. ' Caddis -worms, which fishermen use sleeves tucked and edged the same. • - • for bait, are well. worth •stodying. They • • . uild heuses of tiny sticks: and, grasses. In he sing they hatch:into pretty caddis ies. A magnifying glass will be -very use- ful to study tha ways of all these creatures. • I - '11 IL iV-7 WATER MUSEUM. . 1. Night dres of fine nainsook: Trimmed with nainsook inserting and -edged with tucks-, pointed steels with square collar; this edged with two rows of needlework cuffs the same. OETTIPIG srEcuums, Mr. Channing, says: My water mount began modestly with two jam and a'gold- fish globe. In two hours spent at -a small • . , PotliWeS8 seatilces Finest Gown. One .of -.the most remarkable d'resses Princess Beatrice!s trousseau is's, reit-al thr tan velvet woven in broad ?stripes: of rich dark bins, arid green, with .crIsnson, geld, blue and green•silk stripes crossing kt. prom the very nature 9f the material it•must be simply made in prder tashoVe off its,bea#ty, and consequently the skirtig' plaiwandhongt •with a dend-trany the tiniest little: plaitia of sap green satin only•just showing•under '.nerith. At the sides' there are- smallAppen ings from waist. to hem, showing flat AOld'i of sap gmen. satin, and' edged with a very beautiful kind of 'fringe combining all ties colors' of. the• tartan; mixed with got -threak-and-a,sitralar bet-widet=4ringa-fiii 'Ishes. the side and Center breadths of th dress, each strand, of silk carrying on the color of the stripe to which it is affixed.. The sill are diversified with strings of small:gold thread, and silk balls, and"tha -effect is' Unique. The, drapery is made up at the back into Something - resembling shells, which look yery, handsome, indeed. The pointed Corsage is perfectly plain 'save 'n front g • Parties-Witliing.'Ohe4R.H4rneSl.foe .' :. Manitoba: win. saye..i.p...olle:yi!by___ -.• 0.„• _ .• • , .... ..•,. • -- • . _...--calling.:.on. . . .... .. .. tl J.IVW-r/ICI-30,1-1I.741 CIttoii. t• Vor014t THE,.-, LONDESBORO. ..ODDS AND re' DS . GREAT -'DISCOUNT NI SALE asocyrs spiams AP In'or.cter to:reduce my large stock to make room for Spring [and Surinn4 Goads, 1. • will give a . • DISCOUNT OF 10 PER. CENT On. all Cash Sales, until the liith of -A•prib—Now ie your time to get BOOTS and SHOES AT and BELOW COST. Be aure. to call and get the*Best Bargains in Foot • • wear that can be got anywhere. Remember 10 per cent off for cash. • Call on C Cruickshank • the Boot -Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON •• We baste sequred. .20 half chests of very fine, GOct. YOUNG, UYS01\T TEA; which vie Will sell for.it month at 4ots b the Mb. caddie‘ This ' 18 the hest valie ever offered in this county. Donk . • - fail to go •lt caddie before it is all sold: . • • .' We have opened a full stock of . New Valentia .Raisins, - Extra Selected Valentia Raisins, 'Block BasketRaisinsl. Seedless Raisins, Sultana*Riisins. • .NEW: CURRANTS, NEW SHELLED ALMONDS, MON, • ORANGE AND CITRON' 'PEEL. 2lbs: GOOD. MIXED CANDY •":1' • FOR:25ors.- Call and Inspect our Stock • ' . . • • TURNED UP DURING Si.'OCX. T,AKING: REMXANTS• OLOA.RINGS, , • . • - •• TWEEDS,•FIANNELS, COTTONS, TOWELINGS, * LINENS, COTTON SHIRTING% RIBBONS,. — _DRESS GooDs, .irtLvErs,: LAcE, AND EMBROIDERIES ' for a small. sap green plastron , reaching. about lialt:wriy;!totthe throat, dyer dISCOUllt sale.attracted scores Of: purdbAsers; and sonic which iti arranged .a. dainty -Akira of seft,' white silk muslin without a morsel of lade iief:--ivoods -have -been 7closed-out,---We---. will 7 'Continue the • „Ileinnants of all. kinds of goods. Ifyou want -them you:. can. have theni_at half price. „ ' • . ' , • 0 el...embroidery of any. ldnd. The &isleeVes Discount on the follownr, lines for two weeks loxiaer:• • 'come just below the elbow, :and are •ieved . o pond near my house I found, enough mate at the edge with a loose fold and neat knot .' • . ' ' . • . •. • . vial to fill all these, if r except a venerable of sap green satin raid a Puff of the same Blankets Winter Tweeds Winter.Dre G d goldfish Who was an old: lainily friend. In soft meslin as the fichtt.• 9 SS 00 S/ my pet jar, win& was threp-fourths. full of - Wool :Hosiery Wool Shawls Underclothing • • water, I placed the goldfish, a paw sof small • Infortuntion About nestles. nn 8' 8 The increaging dimensions Of the tburnure snails, two caddis worms and a larvae of •• assurance that the time is approaching bream,another of . dace four ow dragon fly, besides a few sprigs of a the give when hoops will form part and parcel of the water grass and cress to keep Om water regular toilet.- The present toornure re pure. The goldfish immediately ,assumed quires the careful consideration of the the bead of affairs, and struck up art inti - wearer to escape caricature. It is not un - frequently seen on the streets worn over a dress too delicate to hide its contour and shape; the draper3r is insufficient; it has 'a live, "wobbling," effect, as graphically de- scribed by a lcioker-on, particularly where the arms were too gender and the shoulders mkcy with the sober -sided dace. The min- nows were the life of .the establisinnent, their graceful bodies flashing with all the colors of the rainbow as they Swam gayly about, or jumped out of the water to snatch . a few crumbs with which. I fed them weekly. While they lived at the top of the water the too narrow r own Hon.. Pads.filled with jolly little bream, whose funny faces seemed ,Eor -are ti.,i2e-rnost-trustwortify, at lightly • alwa s laughingke t near the 'bottom aniong t e pe bles t ere. • usat-nroraer-diat-tllurlioiTtilly . be pulled loose wbere the hair may become • now to make reends„ • matted; not -must they be --too long,.nor M • •• .7 [ivide Awake.f •-• may . be added to tlie edge • t� -preserve Two little 'people Who coullchrt agrec the, contour of the, back of' the skirts, Were having a tiff; and were "mad as tould• • Other. materials aro hair cloth, pique, tali be:" • nice, •bed ticking or whetnyer material will They looked at each other fa silence 'awhile, hold starch. Ventures are cautiously made Till a sadden glad•thoughteiradeonnef them, j.,), some itoomfeetorers with:sted, wire,hod smile.' „ ' •• cord trestle works.to,secure some 1j. ' Said she: "Say, you ain't eery mad, -tire foundation for the WeigliViii-be't_ 14. v you, Bessie?" • Hair -cloth is light,.elean and lasting, and "Wellno-9 Said the other, "nor you, are , is easilymanufactured into a tournure at you, Jessie?" - - * . home. The ereseent,shape is the most pop- ular, made of rolls across the btek from: nine to twelve.inches deep at the middle of, the back or longer if preferred. Teurnures Of ceremony with heavy spring. are used only when the wearer is not required. te loan back comfortably M. a chair, k decided ininrovoment op the_ French paiiier. skirt Whilel-115 smell -sized disputants Were claim - mg their will, When, what do 'you thio brought et last sunny w,3atheri • Just this: they agreed fo-p•-beginbath to. . support, they have apron 'fronts and ether. . : . , ta,stan in front or at the sides with tapes „or buttons, Some of these are provided ,with hinges and occupy less space when the Wearer is seated, : encroach upon ' the sides: Viounots "Tikr let its make up," little Jessie sag' "Well, you bo the one to.; betlin,f" BesS re- quested. , But that didn't suit. So the tiff litigered tournure is so arranged that 1t1s secured to the corset by means ni the tapes, buttons or *Clogs. The long full dress tourtures made of some heavy fabric have steel hoops for A LtliAii30l15' Did you ever so a frog or toad With light shining through bine? This is the way to- prepare him; Oat& a tosullind put hint ' tinder a large glass dish or wide-nioutlaxl glass jar and feed him 'with fire•ilies. • Mukalla white India silks and foulard ire made up for the afternoon and visiting evening,- • - You...ean aria:Urn. tilf-Ise• - -Iresses-oftlignified oktImiltm,saild-blackirtM lases to oat any more. .AS fast agile StaPs at and swallows them the flre-flies will give oft their losht and- Illuminate his in- eldes, till you cert sea quite through him, ' •,41, ;Wets ato worst by them on full crus wea.414.3us, .7•• •-•••-44... Readymade Overcoats and Clothing. TA. • min( that 10 per cent ootrour Close prices makes, yery Cheap. Goods.': Spring Goods are coming to hand paid are open- ing splendidly. .. . • • • ,• • Thos. Cooper & Son, • CLINTON.. MONIIIMINUMIEUMON441:1411111110111414,91141r, 411114=404.443,244ma,:=1114410114Mt4.4131Z4VARSV. 7411•424;111141 MAMMOT11;-1 ,ia.XfilLtelawtt,,, TIN:- •‘. FORE, • SoIar'AGENT THE C .L E B.IZ, AT ED .• . • - _ . . bay6 also on,iiand alarge. -stook of--.1..LABLE-Eind HAND LAMPS in eN'ory. variely. HARDWARE and TIN:WA:RE.; A stoOk ,of COOKING ' PARLOR STOV.ES. Agent - for the 'OtTRNEY* • HARRIS! BOYNTON F.UR;s1'...4,CE. EP-= YOUR - FE ARK - WEEDS,. WOOL fillESS A-00DS old PRINTS,' • - Better value,and:bettel Colois and Patterns than aty previous shOwin6. goivever. we:will,speak, of these later. At present we Want to 'give ,you 'bargainsin the small_ quantity. of Winter ; Goods not yet disposed of, • • . , • • ,•744.7z. IMETT1E:' • • LONDESSOROi iiittm.utturt.tipitittitlit„ • • ,• Our Stock of WINT.ER GOODS -1-$ 110W CoMplete. !.A.m/13tricR4O.A.1\17...c:),.TRia.,*(;)33•07 - ..-aubbeit and linbber boots • • ALSO CHILDREN'S- ;SPRING 'IrEELS, CHAS. -CARLINE, 'COMBE 81.00K. ca..1NTON . . • 7 " • • . -- vt-- Change of Business alassm • • The uudersigned bogs to notify the pepple oI Clinton and vicinity that he hailrought the:- - IF -RUPTURED -- HARNESS ..BusIxEsa knurly catriod-Ligl, Newtoll, 7 I •‘' • Arui that he is prepared to furniik• • ' CHAS: CLIITIIE'S Prepared Special Tittss Has Cured in four months. Doctors.Wear. aiicl Recommend them as the best for all classes, ••••.•••••••••••{•••• .• .• • Harness,' Coilarsi Whips; Trunks, Valises, Puffalo Robes, Ad everything usually lomt"in a first".elags Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Spool . • atthntion s directed to my stock of Lzour Hartagsq, :which I Will make 11, SPOCYWY, Descriptive Circulars on application tb.. By,striet attention fo.busidetia, and earefally at yin hirwatitkr.of mfeirithineriii I hope, to • . - • --:.,- fair share et patronage: Give me a Oita bdt0.70 eurchaartitr elsewhere, .;;T:A.,1•11161 3E3C. coNET3104 • - • E. 1- ,..!;14 11113Elt THE STA 111-01'POS/TE THEAtitkItICET. ILEPAIRING PlitOMPTLY A.TrtiVirrro -tea, etilifIlIST AD DrATOGIST, • erAIXTOX, •atiT. C31 -MC:). .A4 t:IVrA3‘ •