HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-12, Page 5^ sss.ssyssTss. -"•gto; Whtptioettiiiitg. 111934",-1teb. vr, 0 gas, Seed Gral44--.1as. oteeP, moo. -§priag wioc4-Jscl8wn Brea. 10neY 01c:en-O. A. Hutt. Bine thet•rics-Pelliser 34 Ca. Prete:fah:nal card -F. B. Powell. Tho Endertaker-A, A. Sennett. New furniture stock -4. Chit:Rey. Auditprereport--Town of Clinton. Geode fee sproig-Dry Goods, Palage, Be-resse of in eirnses-A. ..‘Bonnott. Nei' Grocery btpre-I,Irs. J:Itayson, Popular dry gooda house -W. L.Ouihtte. Dominion Planlag Mills -Cooper& Swatlield, ITEM pArERmare) totma 011/110401380,, r • we11ot Co' Nowimain Adverusdnanoroanoosprociestkwaerepovertmr1 0014reAt§ 144: 1,9 =agog" URN NEW (glintotr tit! ra FRIDAY, hIARCH 12, 1886. k Ease unroll; Liberals. A meeting of the Liberals of EaSt, kluroo ba,s been Called for .to -morrow, the 18th inst, tole held in Bressela, to select n. candidate to conteat the Riding in the interests of the•party for the Dominion House. A lar ge attendaeee is expected. Several names are,inentioned of possible candidates, but who will be chosen re- • mains for the convefitien to decide., If the Liberals get anything like' fair play • Under the pewsFranehise Act, there should be no diffibulty in redeeming the Riding, •- for Mr. Farrow is not a popular even among his OWO supporters, • as he was, and the party will throw him oierboard to -morrow irthey thought they could re- - place him with a stronger condidate. • Tsui raselamenis • The session of the LOcal House is pita suiag the even tenor of its way, -very little • of,special or exciting interest transpiring.. A number of private bills are • being put through. la the bonainion House discus-. sion on the Rielquestion was to commence yesterday, all. otherbusiness being is-, pended uatil this has been dispaed f. The G.overnment haa promised to brill • down paperelearing on the rebelliore &c., but ge far has Withheld them, .and it. is question whether they will be brought in all: The debate will be a lively and lehgthy one, but no one anticipates that a sefilelent number of the Bletie • whop, the vote is called, to make any .ma- teiial• difference tO the Government. •'Money is mighty, and will .prevail." It is probable the northleest mismanage. • bent will be pretty thoroughly ventilated before the discussion closes. •• • : • it Ai a. - A POPULA.It form of pnbile address just • now, is ',The- ,deitiOysyf p.anticla;" with Independence aa. the. Mains f.eature }sf. the address. With a grbab.debt Of nearly three hondrecl millions, an increase in the debt last year of twenty-four. million's, (as admitted by the,Minister -ofsFnance) and • delieit of five millions, the destiny of Canada is anything but indepenclenee. . • the' Proposed ill to extend .the'parlia.•" 'mentary franchise to ladies. °Surely ifa, .woman. osvtin.g property in her Own amine is entitled to vote in nitinicipal elections she should. have the same privilege for parliamentary' elections. We go in for allowing...a wonien, OAP, anything, her Sterner relation, does '•if -she wants do•aa even to sawing wood and lightink. the. kitelien fire. But, seriously, we belieeen• • mistake lins•been Made in sea allowing • the bill to become Jaw. • • Tnis regulations Of the lionse of Com- mons provides that a member shall make. affidavit as to the number ofSlays hd attends every session, a deduction of $8 Per day being made for every day absent during the sessions Ithas just tranapired • that quite a number • pf COBSertratiVe ntenlboril, aithoegli• absent fee ,days at a, tilt 6, (Trees their full. sessional Allowance, , and Mr. Guillett, the Censervative mem- ber of Northumberland, actually drew • two sessional allowances. They are evi- dently determine el that they will plunder the eel -entry one way if it cannot be done another. '• ' ' 4. CONSERVATIVE from the Northwest, who called in this offikthe other day, re- marked, that" Goyernor Dewaney's use- fulness is gone, and the quicker Sir Johne removes him the better ' far, the partyand the country." Being told that it was only •• Grits who talked that way, he's4, "1 • don't..care a continental about that.; Dew- dney's been at' the bottom of a heap of • trouble,nnd I know itTthe bonserratives • of the Northwest know it, and so does Sir John, and I'm not afraid to say am". ,,No • doubt snme of the governmett-supported papers in. Ontario might be able to coo- vince thig man he knows nothingabout it. ' FLOATritalafagrApir says It is runsored-thatsthe-Hon. fenator Allats hag Lotted 'Legal Notes,. A. number Of Weil are coutiog on at thh different Spain Assizes in which people from this neighborhood 'are interested. •'PEEDITE YCIAUK.-'1'1116 is, perhaps, the mos ta important, and is an action brought by 4ii133 Perdue against Rev. R. Clark, far defamatory libel. Our readers. will remember the correapondence which was published in the NEW MLA some months ago, and out ofvvhich this action baa sprung. The me will be tried at the •Goderich Spring Assizes, commencing on Monday, 22nd March, before 1111. Justice Rae and a jury, Messrs. Manning & Scott are plaintiff's solicitors, with Mr. Garrow, Q 0., a Session Counsel, and . Messrs. McCarthy & Co„ for defendant. MAOPHEROON-Y BLAIN, is An action to enforce alien given upou land, to secure, paament of price of a separate. After giving the hen, defendant made some Atariveyances of the land, with the inten- tion' of defeating theylaittiff's right to recover againstthe same. Manning & Scott for Off, N. A. Ray for defts. DAwsoar v GREEN. -This is a credit- ors' suits_inswhieh a number of questions as to priorities and creditor& rights arise. it has already been decided that the wid- ow concerrad was entitled to her dower befere the creditors' claims were eatisfied. The balance of the estate is being distri- buted uoder the direction of the Master at Godericb. Manning & Scott for ••piff. Garrow & Proudfoot, Cameron, Holt St_ Cameron, Seager & Lesvis,, for different .creditors. JE.NIUSS V BANS OF COMMERCE,: -- This is art action brought.by the executors of WM. Jenkins, deceased, to set aside a chattel mortgage taken by the defendants from one Wm. Harris, against whom the plaintiffs had a large claim, end by which it is alleged the defendants obtained a fraudulent preference, Garrow & Proud - foot and Manning & Scott foi the execu- tors the plaintiffs, Carnet On, Holt & Came- ron for clefts. This case comes on for trial at the corning Goderich assizes. SARNIA v IIERVIIE.-This is an action brought by the Sarnia .AtOcultural +Im- plement Manufacturing Company against Teter perdue to recover the price of a threshing inine. • Defendant contends • that the machine is not 'as represented, andthat the real agreement is not eon; tabled in that which is •produced by the Company. The ease Was to have been tried at Sarnia at the last assizes, but Mr, Justice Armour changed the venue to Stratford. Agai net thie 31re :plain tiff' ip- Pealech but the • full Court refused ' to change"be place of trial. • Over twenty witness* were subpcened for. last Court from this'immediate vicinity, and much interest was fnanifeated in the case. It comes on for trial at the assizes in Strat- ford, in April ,next. Meredith & Mere,. lith for Riffs.; 1$, anning & Scott for deft. been premised the governorship of Onta. - lie. Mr. Allan's place in the Senate will ' be taken hy 3Xfj Carling, who will itill ,V,tairotit!.L. _1715.X4,-Ort-'1›.et!) _ • 11103-secri so many minors about • the asext governor of Ontario thill we hare .got tired of annotieing them. 'sNearly ;every week brings forth a fresk candidate for the office, and if the record keeprup there will soon be no one in the °outer!, • tit-aspitents-to-thenrotaiiii-Tor -Gevereor. A few tvecks.since we had A short paragraph favoring the abolition of the office; .sitsce-thatatisine the matter has • • beta mentioned by a number of our read. era and all ,coincido with the viewS there. in set forth, The Local Government has .expressaal itself as favorable to retaiting • the Government House, but we certainly v‘-'• aublie sentirnentis against them ; ° 411 this matter, . There is ft strong conaies tiou in the min& a tt number -that there are too In :MY nonsproducers in the 0001- ratinit'; who have to' be -supported itt the Expr'ot the'produeer. and the amount wit Hi !hutari� pays foe tbe office PfLietita. tievsnets is eertainly more than the re• •tt • •%:•ratit. -. • GODHICI0111 ,I144+14101111 P RUITAWAr.-Oa Wednesday, 3ra Mr. Wm. Connell, of the 1.3th, left his team standing at the door untied, while be Was attending to some business in the bowie. Op his return be was surprised to find that his horses were gone, and on looking. be saw them near the bare, stuck fast in a gate, and one.orthe horses lying in a ratber detigeroue position. However, he succeeded In setting theta free by the use of his axe, Fortututtely no serious in received, . LOCAL CH Those who wish t Japan, should attend Mr. -Eby, in the town h J. Gray will prea GH CHMES1 learn something f, he lecture or 141r. 11 this °min. h in Rattenbury .Street church on Sunday morning next, and Mr. R. D. Bayjey, it the evening, Mr. Rupert:being absent at Wingham. ST. PAUL'S Onuacta-Ash•Wednei att, • • ZeLnesdayne well attended,Iii fact, the attendeane was flinch' in advance of other years'. Next Sunday there will be a collectioh in aid of theanissien fund; of the Diocese' of flu'- , " The choir of Rattenbary St. church is, nurnei icelly; now aboot the largest in the couttty, and•we believe, few, if any, superiors. Clifiton churches as a whole, are fortunate in poesessine soma exbetienf singing talent and very few plaeba" in• no matter what their Size, have better church music, • • • We believe Mr.' Mark Rumball has finally decided to enter the Presbyterian mitnetry, (as preclidted smite time ago) mid after finishing -his present term:. at Victoria Utsaversity, will. enter '/Ctiox College, Toronto, for the Purpose of con- • pleting his studies. Mark will be a sinful' •member of the churck of his selection. • A mass Meeting of children from several Paaars.-Mr. Nicholas Butler, of the lath con. and J. Crpnyn, left on the 4th for Dakota, where they Intend remaining this eumieer. _Hauling and swipe:tees are all th.e go cm the 14th and lath cons. S. S. No. 11 boasts of eeme pretty good font -ball payers; they are prepared, to hold their own against any other clula of their size. Master Thos. Lindsay, of the 15th coo., while amusing himself one day this week on the ice, unfortunately allow- ed the ice to get the better of hitn,and the result was a severe tau in p and rather a sore back: Mr, A. MeDpugall sold his two steers to Bits McLean, of Goclerich, the other day, for a good round sum, There was a euccessful wood bee at Mi. G. Cox, jr.'s., on Tuesday last; the evening beiog devoted to the amusement of the young felk. Mr.W. Starting had a very success- ful wood bee, on Wednesdaylast, and in the evening gave a farewell supper to a large number of hie &lends, before leaving for Dakota on Tuesday ; we wish him every success in Uncle Sad's cold State. Mr. James Gallagher has decided to take up his residence in Goderich for the sum- mer, and leaves our township next week. Mr, R. Beacom seems to be pursued by someevil genius,„for he nearly Met with two other' serious accidents since I last *rote you; one being while trainieg hjs valuable Tontine filly, 'it running away said- upsetting, the cutter, dragging him tally rods. through tb e snow, and the other With another load 'of -wood„ he -only just eecaPing 'beets buiiel alive beneath it. We are glad to hear that -Mr. John Hast- ings lerecovering from his injuries receiv- ed by a runaway last week. Mr.W. Cur- ry, J. Bureett and G, }Indies monopolized the market square, Goderich, on Saturday last; for the purpose of saying farewell to their sweethearts; the Object oftheir visit to town was to take advantage of the Court Meeting. Verily how true one planteth and another reapeth, but. the sort of reaping we refer to was done in the 'shape of:butchering shade trees on the 011 con. Goderich township. A Strange Meteoric light was seen moving through the air, in the direction of Bray, side farmsfrom J. W. McDonald's bush, One evening' last week. Mr. T.. Hastings his his Geld Dust on the Bayfield track, preparing him for the greens spring race ; We tinderstancisfieheetegiarep „seine of the Stanley boys a challenge to sl , there. Around the County. The wife of lidr. Thos. Key, nese Verna, aceidenteltrfellaud broke her erns a few slays ago. Joseplalackett bay purchaeed the 100 acre faun of B. Douglas, on the tith sem of Aeli- 0 old, for thesium of $20050: L. McNeil, let 17, con. 14 Grey, has a lamb that weighed 21a- pout* when e dap old, It was lambed on Feb. 18th. Mr. Nelson has rented for a term of years the farm in Btanley,..lately vacated by Colonel Davis, And will take possession ia a few days. Thos. McLaughlin, of Grey, dispond of hie imported heavy draught stallion, "Rankin By," to Peter Megwao, of MoXiliep town- ship- . A bear was seen on the road betweea Brin• Sels and 'Walton late)", Huntemen have been after it but have not yet captured his bear- Westigard, Ho 1 (Detlivatod to the-"toysh_ndio are return:lag to the • . Jilin:1401c pralriegof the West) ' • • • • The spring 'or:lig:ration, •• • • The annual migration • Ibis started again in the old-fashioned.way... Withlong northwest purses •' Ontario's horses •• • • •Are being bought -up at o pri6o,thet will pay, W-ith tallnortbutat storid." • • • ' asie:s-gloried " Ire ens andlieidaughters are tempted to 4tray• .' Far away from their henle,•• • • - . On tho prairie ro • • •' Where the gopher an..d had 'etheido. play: .. • There are blizzard an reeds, • • And mosquitdes an kSweiles, • • " .1n this far -away land with•the long summer's day.' • •Thore are earte with an ox on,. AuI *nen sleep with their socka • ••And ten cents a:glass for theirwhiskettlicy pay: • They liVe in a shanty, ' • •• And frozen wheat's Wonky; . • '. ' • •,.'An troubles and Wale an.endiesb array. _ • . , Subtliereuccd of the preacher ' And Sunday Scheolleather, • '• • Fessbini the north. mad. fdegets, how to Pray •' • There twee stacks many:. • • •' (And what land. hasn't ans?) • But Ontario's youth can't be frightened awily, • In wirer introulde, • • • Itsing,to .or double, , • Whoever was found more stout•hearted than they , Wo will wish thein success,. •• ' •For we cannot do less, • • Anii we will rietattempt to perenadP.thinii lo •stay -iny they pile thi the gi74•41, • • . • 4•••• • iThere they "dbn't feeLtlideold," . • • And t thaws-wheri•it',8 ton below: ibeird,,,they ..!: -Thettglt gitivAel at taaparttaga,,a------- • We'll givethemat .ctartingy".• ;•••• ' ' sa prat ringing 13iitislllp,%hipighltrah, sonic of.thom: go,- ve are sorry to know,. • • Where Uncle Sam's baldheaded eagle holas'sWitii ...,-••••;• • • • • •—•.,-.-.*«•-• • • • • • • . Sabbath Shboola nal be ..teld. bury Street church, conimencing.at 1,o'- ' clock p. m. on Stinday next, when an address ori "Moral -heroism •of the temper- ance inove.meet" will be delivered :by J, R. Clarke. Thepublic are invited_ to attend. Schools expected to be there at 8.45 sharp. •• 'The arrangements for the Ottarici St, hIethodist chuech S. S., 'anniversary ser- vices are now complete:. Rev. Mr. Nu- gent, of Berlin, a splendid childrene will midget the Sunday services and -de- liver an addrees on Monday evening at ,the anniversary meeting. The -singing and recitations by the children will be Well worth hearing, and no doubt there will be erawded.congregations-atsall theaervieees• Under the management of Mr. George, 'Oaks. the choir of Ontario street Mdse..' • diet ohisrch has beemte one' of the best hi town. Mr. Oaks has a very pleasant way as a leader,' aegs,lie las:associated With him .abandsof .yrineg speople determined. to make the seiviee of song :both inteteet-- ing and Profi*le. The -Choir cOntaine perhaps theatWyonngest members in the couety,:in.the. persons of Mesters-Holles way and Gauipy. • ' St. PA.uthi Gumii.-L-There was a good meeting on Monday evening, when ,the following ladies and gentlemen. contribut- ed as follows to the 'evening's enter. taininent 1, -."The Pilot," Messes. 11. B, • ColiThe and Craig; "Beautiful Snow," Misses Stanbury and Joslin ; read. Miss Mounteastle'*Begone 'dull care Messrs. Oakes, Ilarland and Smith; reading, Mr. -Keefer; s "Laddie," -Mrs; •Ransfoid; "Hopeabeyond," Mrs, Whitt, Mr, Oakes ; recitatiot, Mrs-13rewees "Call 'me back againin Messrs.-Haile-2)cl, Oakes and Smith ; reading, .Rev, W. Craig. Next meeting on, the evening of Mardh 22, The apedaLsery4ces4n-e,onneetion with the Ontario Street Methodiet ehurehtlose this week, Rev, Mr. CoSfOrd has done herculean work in • cotineetien With thein and Made for himielf hosts of . friend's during his stay. During the progress a these meetings forty persotis, mostly heads ef families, have presented themselves as _seekers of parden. Thirty have joined the Ontario Street ehurehand othera may yet Nth while some yill join rtattenbury Street .chnrch. Ueso special .serVices bare restilted in grelttatroodstosalle church not onlY tbe Consersion.of tIWtritstored, but, in imparting now life ,nnd power to the t Mire church, We are glad to learn tied Rev. W. "tV. Spatting is regaining his health; a 4,1 wl I I soon be able to resume woi k. .144.;• ehle. Its.jikb moNamara, of the Leadbari hotel, bas perchased from Mr. Sohn Swallow, the Dovwie farm, in Melcillop, which (=tains 374, wee, for $2,600. ' Mr. J, li, soidaa,,ci the 14th Den, of Hay, lits rented his farm to Mr. Andrew Caspo for a year, and, intends going to Michigan in li the spring, , The Winghain council has decided, to charge the roller rink h fee of $25 per year, said has fixed 10 o'clock p. m, as the; hou for eleeing. Betting, ambling and, profaner and ipdecent language's also to be peohibited in the •uCrinkro'ydon, of Whighana, who had his leg icjured by falling through a defectivoside- walk, near the wheel, some time ago, In con- seclusuce of Which he Was confined to the lloae for two or three Weeks, hes applied to the council for 6100 damages. • M. Duncan McMillan has sold his farm on the 91h corn of Tuoltersmith, to his broth- er, Ur. Hugh McMillan, Mr. McMillan was offered and refused $10,000 for Vats term bet ultimately sold it for BM° less to his brother, It contains 200 sores. Mr. B. McMillan now hats 550 -acres su Tuckersmith and 1,50 acres • inT,S.tapny • 1?. Troy, Goderich, has sold his old horriestead, south bait let 27, West Wawanosh, to Edward. Haines, of the same aownship; for the sum ot $5,800, Mr, Troy cleared the farm over a qearterof a century ago, and by hie industry and intelligent farming, earned a atompetence off it. He is how living retired Goderich, enjoyinethe fruits of his labors. On Saturday afternoon, as Mr. J. Match - ford, of the lirm of Blatcliford,da Brown..Ren- sall, Was engaged hoshoeing a restless' horse and was in the aokof applying. the twitch in order to Make it stand still, it suddenly threw • itself with great force and in doing so caught an&janarned Mr. Blatohford against the shop wall, inflicting painful injury to his lege. In- deed it was at tirst tin:night bones .had -been broken, but we are pleased to say this is not the ease. At, it is -he -will be oenfited to the house for some time. James Stewart, of pheeth cons of T nriaberry, lost a fine colt a few days ago by every singu- lar accident. He had just purchased the ani- mal from a neighbor and Was bringing ,him home. The oolt did not lead well eo he put - Min along side the team he was driving, tying , the halter into the hihses ring of OW Of the other horses: This- arrangement Seemed to werk satisfactorily, but before going 'a hun- drat' yards thd colt eturablechand falling broke 'its nook and was dead before Mr."Stestrart couldreach it. The beast cost, with its hat- ter, whieh'inthia ease was a rope, S76,and all Mr. Stewart has to show for his °Utley' is the rope, which he -Claims was a trifle expensive. • Mr. James Martin, of Goderich, a few clays ago received' news of the very sudden. death of his brother, Mr, Geo. 1Vlartinaof Stalwortha • nig Ottawa Free Press thus eits down on the representative from. East 'Huron, in the Dominion liptee , • 141r, Farrow, a Conservative member, who is best known to fame jbecause of tlae great discovery he tnade some year& ago, that the National Policy eansed the hens to ley more eggs and the cows. t6 give more ilk -and bigger eggs and richer Milk at that -made the usual annual agrieultural exhibitien yesterday tifterncidn,- of his parliaineetary inexperience, �e intro - dived a hill making certain, changes in the payrnent of sessional indemnity, when, ever kttembers be •absett. from. the 01ty through illnesc. Mr.'BIske-quietly point- ed out that as this was a Measure entailing an increase of thapublic eipenditure, that it olught to originate in sortie other form than the one taken, au& Mr. SPeti,ker im- iiiediatelr ruled the bill out of. Oder. Why is it tnat.sothe members, and espec: ially Tory niembere will he in parliament year after year and.never-learn anything, ' . TgE RE6.20.7 St, anas-An exc1ang(3 very truly says :-As soon as en entertain- ment, docial, supper or other local affair is on the tapls the committee pay a visit t� the local paper, and wish the courtesy of the pras, in the shape of giving them a good free puff, to be extended and hope the editor will beam° to give them a good report, etc:, When the affair .conies off.' They. invariably forget"to returtf the eourtay extended' to them by sendiug the reporter a ticket, and then they wonder, when' the paper comes out, whysit iesthe affair is'so briefly reporter]. There would be no eatlee for wonder if it weie only re- membered that a mocker's tire ibTe custorna adopted, as it is in all large towlik and eities, -of extending the usual constesies to`the kress; It this were done there Would be no CA1.150 for complaint about local affairs not being at- tended and the meagerness of the reports. The Erin Advocate says; A curious legal question his arisen between a fprtter itt this neighborhood and a machine company. The company sold the farmer an implem- ent, taking his nOto in payinont, and.ii•14 note has a "tonclition' attached which deolares the machine is the property-ef the - min parte until the 'Iota is paid, .Th,c fart buildings are burned, and tho Machine is among the etttents dasieoyed, Who somas the lees ef the maelline, the farmer or eompans ,f Aral is toe note still gown Toronto Correspondent, . • Minch 8th, 1886. • One of the most 6otiosh1e and impor- tant features of current/events'at the pte- Sent time, at least se for tut America is concerned; is the discontent, strikeand disousaiona among laboring men,apparent- ly aa if they were destined to be nothing else 14414 employees, andthat all the rest of the community were cumbined spinet therit-literally imagining that every era. ployer was in league with every other em- ployer twrols them, and so they, therefore, • must organise agauast them. The false position thus taken bythem is blinding their Tie to the true pirnciples of 'political and emaal ecenomy, and leading thorn into all kinds of indatrol alinelitiee. On the. 51h inst., in Toronto, the Trades and La" her ()mina), met, and read and discussed rettrof ite several committees. In ape report attention is called to the combina- tion among the coal deal, re, and this act and the parties bitterly denoenoes1 and condemned./ If this is not iiaying ".let us pull out the splinter otrt-d thine eye, while, „a beam is iltjtheir eye," I don't know what It la, Tbey also Week Mr. J. G, Maylan, Dominion Inapector of Penitentiaries, who truthfully asserts that free labor is not in- jured by the employment of convict labor. The report also recomnaended the pe- titioning of parliament to impotte escluty of.$100 upon every Chinese coming to the country. This desire is not only unohari table and Unchristian, but it lain otter op, position to the more rapid developtnent of the latent resources of the country, and consequently of its material'progres. , The resources of this Dominion, yet unproduc. tive,. is about unlimited, therefore, why should anyone.oppOse the introduction of machinery for its developtient. 11 is not of the . slightest oansegaeoce to anyone whether that roaohinery is organic or. inor- ganio ;.it is the results that are of cense- qeence: If cheap human labor is an evil, then labor Saving machinery is, an evil, and we ought to go back to the sickle and the handrails on farms, and destroy the thousand and. one labor -sing machines in factories. . The carpenters in Toronto have, giyen notice tdthe bosses that after the'fire of April they .will demand $2.50 for nine Fusers' work. They do not apPear to haee sufficient- intelligence to sea that even if they. suateed in obtaiaing theirs.demand that they, and their fellow workmen of othertrades-will have-tosfoot tlitchtils as rentiand most everything,else that is pro- duced or bought and sold in theasity-Will; have to be advanced; It is abstird to im, agtnethat they are goingto get. the in - creme& pay out of the capitalist -it -can- not be done, for *hen. capital cannot get a ,fair return for iovestments in one place, it will either seek newfields for employ', anent, or it will not acemuulate, for peo- 'pie will ,nat save, if the sayings will not be reprodnotive. . • --This.disoontent and unwise proceedings'. a . on the part el the laboring population is • greatly to be deplored, especially in this Country of free education, an. open biblr,' multitudes of enlightening institutions, such- ea libraries "scientific assodatiOns ChippPwa Co, Mich. Deceased and a piing man, friend of his were oxi their way to attend a egoista When' the latter, wbo was a shortalis- tenet) ahead, heard Mr. Martha call on him to • wait. He earned to do so, and noticing some-. lass' thing wising ran back and caught- the 01d. directly benefitted by protection, is rdy and willing to admit that it is a areat OUR LETtE, . 130X 4. 00013 svccEsson. To Me Rclitor of Minton ew Om. Su$, -7 -The removal of 15.14 Tut. lull from town will create a vacancy in the Pei:tile School Board. As a ratepayer in S. George's Ward I suggest the -nomi- nation of Mr. 3. MeGarva in his place, and think it would be s gracious act to allow Dir. llieGarva"on this occasion to go in without the 'expense of an election. lie Was only defeated by Is, Tuthill ° be- cause he would not canvass, and aa an old resident of the town and one having -con- siderable at stake here, I think it would only ba an act of fairness to elect bias for the honorary position. Yours, lista'MackY.ER. .ONE morsTRY wANTm To bra Editor of Me Zreto gra.' Sria-ZIs there not a good opening for a meat canning factory, ip . Clinton. I understand that nearly all, if not all, of the canned meat used in Canada is brought frqra the ether side, on which of. cpurse there is a duty, and te ship away our live stock in balk must cost more. than if in Tans We could then have a borne mar- ket for our cattle, she, pigs, poultry, dm., end this would neeessnate other factories to. use up the offal, such as glue, soap, bone, and increase your tanner's factory. It would give large employment in the making -of tin ware, besides employing more banking capital, Which is saiditope idle in the banks. loitrLDETT FABIAER. • EfUllet1,1111a1011 10114 1886. [We have a pretty sharp letter from a subscriber at Porter's frill. who takes exegption to some of the Jtems that have lately appeared in our Goderich Loriohgonoot.eistilan:etg:natpthz1indon4not veest.te, the correspondent in red4ot Ayr.. Of course, when ItheaMiairc`=;41 kenn&woienh tffs eir enotlryr,e mechanics' institultes, ete.,_and nnbOuntleil .blown to atoms.... The dylinder of t e ; The .taaame ,eagine struck a passing ,Italian ship . areas of uncultivated land ice•there-are-too-many-athat-watate-trerget- ar-tars-4.-a-mile-"EtwaY aniF1 kclled livine without work„ or to get a bettordiv- 'About forty ladies' and gentleinan sod . ing than they are to pay, for. clergyman assembled :at the house of a I think: by this tinae every one that is gentleman in Fort Hatve, St. John, N. B.,' to attend the wedding of hie daughter. At the time set down for the cerecnooy, the groom sent word that he. had changedhis mind. coroner's jory blades the Brush •• . , • , " • Eh ctric Company, of Detroit, for the death • of one qf their empleyees reeently; who fell, fronaan electric aight pole. Ibis alleged"' that the current is not fully turned °Haut- ing the day, and the • woelcmeo, in damp • • , weather especially, frequently repave shocks strong enough lo cense them telall. • Two men calledupon a firmer id tile' neigborlioOd of Tavistock recently offeeing seed wheat foe eel°. ,The,farrner agreed to. Wm' spine, kat: just as- he was going to • • sigh his name to theprintecl ftorn of agreez went, lie quite accidentally noticed that the Hee upon which he wategoing to *rife • his names was not the zig,reemeat paper, but • ' • pen another aheet cunningly pieced under- aeathaita-Hteptelseal up the papers, pulled them apart and discovered that be would havoput his name to a riote of band for $300 Ole had. signed. Ile put the papers hi his pocket and. chased -the sharpers off . his premises. 1010WOtrust that In all cases facts, not. fiction, Ivi?I'forta the 'foundatldn of itempent us. --ED, 2401w Hick] Mrs. Lepine fell backward downat flight of Stairs in her house in Ottawa and fatally fractured her skull. • Mr. Sanniel.T.Dickson, of Stratford, and his family were poisoned by eating, a can of sardines. Eroinpt medical assistancesaved 'their livees •John Patterson, of Erainotta, was car• ried by runaway horse into an open mill race in Guleph' and narrowly escaped death. iiiiltsed at $1.30, was drowned. The death is announced of Rei. Mr Tupper, Of•London South, on Sunday after a lengthy illness. He had retired freie the haeotrihroeomdtfnoirstmryatiiinydpenaclolve_d thataieigh, At the Peterborce,P,OlLsynurta shrewd drunk got run auts,:itiqatbible'quiok •tine after' infordifig' :the Magistrate that he came from Ottawa, where family were; sick of sinallpox. * • re The report of the Medical Commission ep- pointed to enquire into Baere -sanity. was brought 'devil -ea the House .15n Tuesday; it expresses the belief hat. he was -ea -nee als • though talking strange y on certain topics. s By the bufsting of -her boiler the Env, lish tug Rifleman and her ,crew of Ai were gentleman 'as he fell, but he was oven then wrong to the majerity. of OW population,. • quite- dead. Deceaeed Saaa.70 years of age, and eoetrary- to the test interests -of tho. clad as he had been trouble during the printer, it OonIplairlin thOf heaet ought he country ifthey are -not, I would jiist call had over exerted hconielfavhile walking. their attention to the proceeding of Mr. A farmer in Uh'iorne, • it is supposed, • has- Parker, of the Hamilton Silver Plating beensma.cle the saWeet of anotherswindle by Co„ -wheshas gonetqaCattawa to asksfor a couple of Sharpers.. Tivo gentlemen , called the irnpesition of thirtyper cent more duty upon him the other ilaY ad esked him to Sew on plated) were,- there, being sh per cent a 'bushel of .sylaat they called a new kind ef -already aperait. F1ia proposition to the wheat; • -After some talk oe the matter the Government is; .• that. if they will increase farmer. agreed; thioking, of 'course, the.condi• the slaty he will pay an export duty pn•all tions weris reasenabla, enough.. Define.' the he sends oat of Ow country ; literally,. if gentry left they induced the farmaate attach wlliajoip hint ecibbing the. people he his nameto an agreement'Jhat be 'giye •tho will airee to give them part of. the plena wheat a fair ch ances • The f armor novaexeeete fo be 'called :upon to.-sattle notein the bank der, prorided. he had customers -outside of. .faoffralar 4mewar tptAdruredou•dcamollbwure. • Of contlte 3",z' tot: 016 cOiefr9; which he never would have.' . • The question of home -rule' in :Irelaad y, ,appear to .4,nterint A great, _many m. this - The Esaacialicir'Sayel---4117. T. j.'Dielesen,'[Oelliitay,easome againat and many in favor of the firm of Dieltsotratd eleMannaherie deal- ()Cita but whysit should go beyond mere era of thei town, had a somewhat-sunpleasant. social attertssrsonal discusaion rA ihard to 'experience on the OeeagliOn of his last trip to jay, as the only aid in suppert of it that can:be rendereclIn this country is A money contribution, which is being alone in many placer .X think the best use that ctin be made of the money sent to „Ireland is the payment of passageta for all that Can 'be induced -to leap° it, for the population if crowded for thepaall to makeet Comfort- -a lle-Iiring in it. , • The meeting :in the Temperance hall on Monday" evening in opposition to home rule was a,crowded apclexcitiag affair, at's' .4t4tIepnore. feeling manifest about the' than if it had been eonie 'question of local Politics, •Very t ergument was utteired in the Speeches, but'a great .ded of clap.trap tibeut ilnited empire, and loud expreesions about loyalty to the Queen,. NA as if a men could.: not be it good citiZen and patriotic if he believed" it changtain the present government of Eng. land Would be for the better.. , •?le One bat those who know from per: sonal observation can.havo any conception O F. into their City, Would not,this (Atha vast building operations that have been in progress during this winter in To. ronto. In the north-west portion of Lapeaster, Pennsylvania. He kad with hira a ear bed: of Xery tine young heavy draught horses, sixteen In number, and while on the Lehigh 'Valley railway, about 125 mike from Lawmaker, the train was thrown from the trite): by a -broken aide, and the oars centain- ing the horses pile& over a. high .embank- ment. Votir of Mr. Dickeon's horses were killed oat-rightaaand till of -them more or less. seriously injured. Mr. Polley, of GOcterieb, also haa a car load•ef horses o 'A the same train, . and they shared h ,similar fate -'three of them being killed. The railway company tookpos; • session of all the ardipals; and will, ef Make good the losses to the ownere, Me. Dickson, ivas oft the train at the time, but the ear in Which heavaa did not leave the rani,. and of course he Was uninjered, , • • • - . The 43,11,1%. • 10 Paraeld•' , • • Womtnunicated to the totidtin Veil Press) 11'1S ,now ruistored' that the citize'ns of Lond11. on are making an effort to bring the be the proper time to agitate the question of enticing the same Company to•run their line,morth Lthidoti throuali .8eter; ,Zurich and 13ayfieltsandas fasnorthsas- Possible - We knew. Oat the people of that section ofthe country fit'6 anxious to have railroad communicationS. • At' the tame time we '.es,u,safely sarthat no.Com- pany taking. Therellf4Planbantatite will not look upoti this in a favorable light; they are those who' always want their (limes and hoards"them up. Now, , assure the farmers of Stephen, and Stanley, that • they spend more money, twice ever, with- steraillnad thauswouldsspaysthosextras taxes with a road, Why, the farmers of these.districts are always complainingthat that there is no sale for their stock 1 Why tot? Ncause stock buyers can do better when they have a railway station within nOle of,them, and they go to Where they. make the ,best bargele ; And atehos' can blame thein. • Farmers, eitizens and all, let us remember .that the more we com- municate- with the outside world, the het, ter for' ourselves, Let' the people of Stephen, 'lay and Stanley- get together and see what can be done for the interest "hilt retie ti try Wit -Eiji -1e this matter into activity. Farmers to Ilastings county tsr.i proseen ted for allowing hiack Iciest to tars w �fl tl'eir -cherry trees TOWN OF CLIN-TON' _ , ABSTRACT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR YEAR Diem. Dee, 31, ins. • - • 'RECEIPTS, 1 • Cash On band, January let, 1885 82880108 County Account • . • ...'.. ,.. 45 VI . Saiarles account - 4151 70 '4 Market necount:........ " - ......... ,,,, .... v504 70 Bills payable account ./000 00 Non-resiclont totes mount. .. : ........ ,sit 21'65 • License.. , i 4 ' ir 116 24 Streets . . '.' " ' ., ., .4 40 Public School - ' a ... ... , .... .. ... ; P354' 60 Cemetery . . " .........•4 ... 4- 240 40 Fire and Water - ' ..,..."... , .... 4-50 00 . • Clergy'Reserve " • .• - . 4 3 63 - Magistrate's. Fines " • ••••• 4.39 75 Incidental • ., .. ...... ....... 4,18 10 ax s St •It "OS • hoses so , Statute E ahoy 7 • ..... . .... ..... 4' 70 00 nog tax • ` ' ..: .....,v•10200 Gravel pit If yO 1 00 the solid brick. and •veneered, apparently re.. •Stationory and Postage .......-. ... .... .... * 21 es . Pin:Fond `Water Accee.int.it . , ....,. „ , ... .... .. .. . . ,S,109,11(25852.243,4!. 1 ,••...,..... ,.,...:•1 0 . , • .fctpg;Ini..... • .:. Ilialt'Idilbt/I-spaelarratc-iltillotint .......,...:::z .""'••"4 • - City hundreds of houEies bave beim -dom.. rit . arl l' re te tel., . Lieetion expense account , ,. , . 1480600 0290 • ., Division Begistrfr " ,......... .7.. :4174 0200 manotery. .• - 0.. .... ...-,1.......;...i;s•,::::: Law teingspen ild . .. • 4. '0 73 . Public School ‘• • ' • . ° 3254 •00 ''' ' .•.ttitssi ....... VS A 1.4017 00 • High .Sclieel •" 110 33 IntildrietrAel ' ''• " ' " '' . • * 123 50 • 0 hm , 0 • .. • g 00 Intere • • ....,- Ntr ws thg ,, ::".::::113-0 lir :er mt: r •.... ..•.,... 4 , ir d " 1 ' High Selma Sinking Fond.. , '",` ...... ''' 0,6 e4r, . Pc (ars% itonnduNaittanite3riSs InDideiel eFlus:81d.':'.-',-". .. : ''..."..:',... 74;81301000 A61:1 ., 0 , • niencedsaadacarriedata .tenrpletien-.4both: tifluteif.41• 0henture gardlestaof the frost. Alest of the dwell- ing heuses are • rough -cast, with brick fronts, and when :httilt in rows a piano or otgan, if the centre, will.be quite plan-, ty for elk Or seven houses; but to obviate thie eommudistn of triusieal instruments, in. sonic measure, they noorpnly build two together .leaving a three-foot Wattage be- tween others. Torontonians believe t there is going to be a great increase in the peptdatititrofatlitreitrthitrYeaFriffircire- making preparations for it Accordingly, as It is intended to erect trore booties ahts year thau his ever been eroded in one year before, There are SOMA grounds for this belief, as it is intended Ito establish regular exepreions to the eity and do their t_Yeding and etlta businese, gairtiog it pleasere and profit by the trip, or imagine they do, This process will go on, increae- ing in volatile anti distance, boilding up, the city at the °aliened of other places. Near Port Townsend, W. T, two Men re- eently-atthekeil iheitensivo -Ohineinam- After boating head, nertinst the rooks and fearfully maltreating him they tore his queue out by the cots and left liim for dead, The citizeas are greatly incensed. 01licere are naratting,tho pet petraterna BlIfs payable 4700 .00 •) $10682 42 WARILITIES. 4' . . • r,./.1. &IL Rallway dobchturcs,....,..... .. t . $tiried 00. Fire and Wafter debontures........... ......•.. • 0000 00 , High School dcbentores 5000 00 oph on 41,i , )m2011 pi Slat, 88., " S.42171:010,0 010s '. 1 1 1 li-• '1 ` ' • 41 . ., . A'ASIt"PS Sinking tuna cunt intereAlu 1le14on bank.. , 1080 tig . .. 0100211 - -Aft-6r-11--darefurd•iiiiiilliiitron ,,,Litietnaq atavosiii,-; . ers of the Corporation for the year ending Deconlhoi• 1863, ie hale the hello? is submit that PIAVO Ile same correct Idol in accordance WIG:. the . f.:rogcing of:AY:heti t.. G. 0,:Steam:2MT, 1 • ' P. rANTELos, Awlit•44. 1.,11.j_'I;.,