HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-12, Page 4• WR4VatttrtiOntent0., ato,s-RObW Gsats). Sed Graia--Jas. Steep, waipaper-,G, plooey. npung sioet-Jscksen Bros. Money to loan -C, A. Ilartt. Ripe elierries•-Palliser &Co. Professional rand -k'. 33. Powell. The ttederttlier-A. A. isennett. now fornitere Auditors' roped -Town a mimeo. Goods ter sposg-nry Owls Mom ite-looso in promises -A. .4-j3onnett. New clrosorr atore--airs.J.awn!). , Popular dry goods house -W. L. Onikaetter Dominion Planing senasoeoper a sweinele, THIS rArEit./..b. found on !11Oat Geo, scowell& Oo's lle pap -r AdveetlsingEiseau(10SratioefSt.2,2rdiereodP1rti,1;/ POilt;0040 4.1441.79 !wide xor spa ztr.Ew (57,4.1140n.Jciv FR/DAY, MARCH 12, 1886. Vmai Kron 1.1beralti. , s A. ineetingsafthe Liberals of East Huron -IraFtheen called for to -morrow, the 13th inst., to be held in Brussels, to •select a candidate to contest the Riding in. flie interests of the -party or*e Dominion • House. • . A. lerge.ettendlu'ice is expected. Several names are mentioned of possible candidates, but who will be choSen res mains for the gonvention :to decide. • If • the Liberals get anythang like fair play under the new Frenchise Act, there should be no difficulty in redeeming the Riding, • for Mr. Farrow is not as . popular even among his own supporters, as he was, • and the party willAhrow him overboard to -morrow if they thought they could res • place him with a stronger conclidate. Lotatt LOxat NolleS• A number ()teases are coming on at thie different Stating Aesizes in which people from this neighborhood 'are interested. Egli,DITE V CLAIllt.---This is, perhaps, the most important, and. is an action brought by Kin Perdue asainot' Rev, R. Clark, for defamatory libel. Our reader will remensber the correspondence which was publighed in the NEW ER.& some months ago, and out of which this action has seiturg. Tlie case will be tried et the Goderich Spring .Assizes, commencing on Monday, 22nd March, befOre hr. Justice Rose and a jury. Mears. Manning & Scott are plaintiff's solieitors, with Mr. Garrow, C., as Session Counsel, and Messra. McCarthy & Co., for defendeut. IVIACPuBitsoaTv BR, is an Action to enforce a lien Oven upon land, to secure • payment of price of a separater. After giving the lien, defendant made some • conveyances of the land, with the inten- than of defeating the plaintiff's right to recover against' the same. Manning & Scott for tiles N. A. Ray for clefts. .. DAWSON V GREEN. -This is a credit- ors' sint, in which a 'number of questions .as to priorities and creditora' rights arise. It has already been decided that the wid- ow concern( d was entitled • t� her dower before the creditors' claims were satisfied, The balance of the estate is being distri- buted under the -direction of the Master at Goclerichs Manning & Scott for plff. Garrow & Priauclfoot, Cameron; Holt & Clarneron, Sesser & Lewis, for different creditors, • hKINs vBAK or CualgEn0E.;•-- This i8 an action brought by the executors of Wm. Jenkins, deceased, to set aside a chattel mortgage -taken by the defendants from one Wirt. Harris against whom the plaintiffs had a large Claim, and by which it is alleged the defendants obtained a fraudulent preference. Garrow & Pis:ands` foot and Manning & Scott for the execu- tors the pldintiffe, Common, Holt & Came- ron for delta. This case comes on for trial at the coming Go,clerich assizes. Banana. y enttr.-This is an" action brought by the Stienia AgrIcultural Im- plement Manufacturing Company againot Peter Perdue, to recover the price of a threshing' machine, Defendaot contends. ,that •the machine •is not as repfeeented, 'And diet- the real 'agreement is not con- telleedan ,that which' is produced by the Company. The case was, to hese been tried at Sarnia at the last assizea, but Mr. :Justice Armour _changed the .yenue. to Stratfeed. Ape usethis the plaintiff ap- pealed, but the full Court refused to change the Plaee of 'Wel. 0ver twenty • witnesseswere subpoened for, last Court front this immediate vieinity, and mach intetest was Manifested in the -case. It •eomes on)for trial at the assizes in Strat- ford, in April next. Meredith & Mere- -lith for plffss; Manning & Scott for deft,' 'Who PftrlIawefltS. The session -of the Local House is pur- suing the °ten tenor of its way, very little of special or•excithig interest transpiring. A number of privatebills are being Put, through. In the Dominion House discus- sion on the Riel question was to commence • yesterday, all other besiness being sus- •pended until this has been disposed of. The Government has promised- to being down papers,beering on the rebellion; &.,qi but so far has'Svithheld them, and it is a . question whether they witl be brought in at alt. The debate will.be a ,lively and . letegthy einestiut ne 011() anticipates that a sufficient number of the Bleus will "kick" . . .. when the vote is called, to make any nen- -, terial difference to the Government. ''Money is mighty, . and will prevail." It is probable the northeiest mismanage'. ment will be pretty thoroughly ventilated before. the discussion closes. ' - " . .•ne - •••-•- , .A. rortiasan form orpublic tddrees just new is ."The destiny. of Capacia," with Independence as the mern feature:of the address. • With a gross debt of nearly :three hundred millious, an increase in the dent last year of .twentysfour mill:ions, (as arlinitted by the Minister of Fnance)' and • a deficit of five Millions, the deathly Of Canada is anything but independehees ' TIIE Loctil Legjelnttire hag threWn. otat • the • proposed' bill- ,to 'extend ; th e mentary franchises.° . Shrely if a woman owning property in her own tawny is entitiell to. vo I n nal electiees, she eliottld have the. same privileSe fee parliamentary 'elections. 'We go 'ill for. allowing a woman- to do -anything her sterner relation does, if. she. wanta- to - oven to sawing wood and lighting. the kitylien fire. Bittieeriously, we believe e. mistake has.been • madeie :not - allowieg the bill to beciline-law.. • ' TIIE regtilattaus of.the Houge of: Con'i mens proVides'that-a. Member Shall Make; affidavit as to the: titiniber of rlaya be attends every sessitti, a dedfictiofi„ of $8 • per day being made for •every day absent during the session, • It has just tranapired that spite a . number of • Coeservative members, although absent for duYe. at a• time, drew their full Sessional allewance, and Mr. Gaiillett, the Cbliservative ein, ber .or Northumberland, actually -A -rev two sessional Allowances. They. are evi- dently determinet that they will Plunder the country one way if it cannot be chine another. . • • .• -sse• esse-s- ; A CON8EawATwt from the Northsvest„ who called in this office- the other day, res marked. that " Goeernor De1vdney's use- fulness is sone, and the quicker Sir john removes him the better for the party and the country." Being toldthat it was only Grits who talked that way,. he said, " don't Care a.ep,fitinental about that ;eiv- dney's beenait the bottom of a heap of trouble, Mid I knew it; the Conservatives of the Northwest knowit, arid et) 'ddee•Sir John, and Pra.not afraid to•eity •No doubt snme of the governmentssuppotted papers in Ontario might be able to con- vince this roan he knews nothing abotit - A rad/wive-paragraph. Says rumored that the Hon. BenatOr .Allan has been promised:the govereerghip of Qnta- a io. kr. Allan's place in the SenAte will • Al4"Wasiljaii??Zi Wile will still 6'inIiiialieat halt; Cabinet.". We have seen so many rumors about the etext governor of °Marie that we have -get • tired of :ahnotacing them. •Nearly ery week brings forth a fresh 'caticlideta for • e office, and if the record keeps up there 1 soon be no one in. the country but mph.. • ts to this position of Limit - :Governor. ew weeks since we had it short paragrap avoritig the alosslition of the oiliest; Noce th time the matter has teed mett dotted' by e tither of one read. ers and all coincide with • e views there. in set forth. .The Local Go nartent las ,expreseel itself as fevorable to etaining , the (rnvernment House, but we ce Italy • '1 public sentimentis against t in this matter. • There is strong convic tion in the minds Of it nitniber that there are too many non -producers the cone, ty, who have to be NIIITOrted tit the 01 theeprodueer, and the mount whieli fantail° pays for the Attlee of Lieutes% ttovern is is certainly • tenre then the ro- t ii •• rant. • GoDIOtitall TOVVIVtiilt lidttestWesse.-Cin Wednesday, 8rd insto Mr. Wm. Connell, of the 13th, left hie team standtng, at the doer untied, .while he was attending to some business ta the house.' On his return he was surprised to fiod that his home were gone, anil on looking be Saw them near the barn, stuck fast in ft gate, and one of the horses lying in a rather daegeroue position. However, he aucceeded in setting them free by the use of his axe, Fortunately no serious in- juries were received. . LcocAi. CHURCHCHIMES. • These svlao ivish to learn .something of Japan, should attend the leeture. a Rev. Mr.'Eby, in the'town hall this evening. : Rev, J. Gray soil preatell in Ratteribury, Street church on Supel.y triotning next, and Mr. R. D. Re,yley, in, the evening, Mr. Rupert /sell* absent et Winghatn. Sea PaullesCusaacsa-AshWedneeday, • the regulareAsh.Wedneeclay: service Wag faidf, the dito!ntlanue : .111141 in advances of other years: • Next • Sunday thele'svill be a collection • in aid -Of the inissien, fund,. of the Diocese of Has • The clibir of. Rattenietry Sts.clifirch is, Mimetically, lege, about the largest in the county, end hes we believe, few, . if any, superiors. Clinton churches as a whole, are fortunate in possessing sonts excellent, singIng talent, and very :fewplaces in Canadirsno Matter what their size, hese' better church music. • , • ' We believe Mr. Mark Rainthall • hai finally decided to enter the Presbyterian • „ Bmers.-Mr: Nicholas Butler, Of the 16th con. aud 3. Cronyn, left On the 4th for Dakota, where they intend remaining this summer. Hauling and sawing bees are all the go on the lath and 16th cons. S. S. No, II boasts ot some pretty good Mot -hall players; they are prepared to hold their own against any other club of their size. Master Thos. Lindsay, of the 15th cons while amusing himself one day this week on the ice, unfortunately allow- ed the ice to get the better of hirn,and the result was a severe bump and rather a sore hack: Mr. A.. 'McDougall sold his two steer e to Mr. McLean, of Croderieh, the other day, for a good round sum. There was a seceessfut wood bee at Me. G. Co; Jess on Tuesday, last ; the efenitig .being devoted to the atousement7of the young folk. • Mr. %i1. Stertiug had ft very success- ful wood bee, on Wednesday last, and in the evening gave. a farewell supper to a large number of. his Glenda, before leaving fpr Dakota on Tuesday; we wish hint every SUCCOSS in Uncle Sam's cold State, Mr. iamee Gallagher has decided to take up his residence In Goderieh for the sum- mer, and leaves our township next week. Mr. R. Beacom -seems te be pursued by •some evil genius, for he nearly met with. two other serious accidents. since 1 last wrote you; one being While training his valuable Tontine 'filly, it 'aunnieg away and. upsetting the matter, dragging hini nany rods through the snow, and the other with another load or wood, he only justs escaping • been buried alive beneath it. We are glad to hear that Mrsjohn Hast- ings is recovering teem hisisijuries receiv- ed by a runaway last week. ,,Mr.W. Curs • ry„ 3, -Burnett and. Ce.7Hudie Monopolized the market equate, Gederieh, on Saturday last, for the •purpose of saiying farewell to their sweethearts; the.object, cif their visisst to town was fo etike advantage of he Court meeting. Verily how tr one plantethand' another reapeth; of .the sort of reaping we refer to yak dottee in. the'shape !if butehering Jhde trees on the fith con. Goderi township. A stmngis meteoric'. li was seen moving th /II rough the ele; i the direction of Bray-- side farm, from j. W. McDonald's bush, one•eveningalast week. ' Mr. T. Hastings .has his Geld Duston the -Bayfield track, • prepayieg him • for the green, spring race; weauliclerstand• he has giVensome of the firanley boys a challenge to • meet him. • there. . • ' • wbitweircl, Ho I . . . (eopeated to the "boys" wile aro roturnime to the . • •; illimitable prairies of the west) • ,.-..... . , ' - The •sPring emigration, The annual migration ' . Has storeed again Is the old-tashioned Way.. . W . ith long northwest purses , • Ontario's horscs . • rl .. "' .: ' ! Are bang bought up at it -price tliiiffilil pay.• •• • With tell northwest stories . . • . Ontario's glories- .. • Her sons and I • • ar away from their home, • . • • On the.prairie to Mani, .. . • • Whore the gopher andhadger together 11o4hik. • . There erc•blIzzards and Breeds, -• Andluosquitoes and Siredes, • in this far -airily land with the long snininoCa day, - - - There .ard 'carts witlian ox on, .• ... 'Alia inenaleep with theirioeks on, And ten cents a glass for their whiskey they pliY. • They live i tia shanty; • .. • And frozen wheat's plenty , And troubles and trials im 'endless array. . - - • -:-•-:-----:.But tifete's need of the preacher _ • -• And Shfiday School teacher, • For soon the north.wester forgets how to prey,: ' • . There are obsuieles many. ' .: (And.whottand hasn't any?) lint Oktatio's'youtif can'the frightened away, . In toll or in trouble, • . ---..*,•.., If single or double, • •- Whoever was folind more stoni.bearted than they: . • We will wish them :Moms, • Eor we cannOtilo le* : .* Ana We Will not attempt to persuade them to Stay, - • May they pile lop the gold-- '. ti •. 'Whore they "doet feel the cold," •• And it•thaws when Ns ten below Zero, they see. Though grieved at the parting, .,. ' weal give them as starting,• Y A good ringing. Britisher 8 hip, hip, htirrall! " Althengh:sonfe erthem gor -. ' • We-aresorrr to !mow,• • , : • Whore uncle Sanahal d -headed eagle holda.sway, :ministry, (as predicted: some. time ago) and atm. finishing his present term At Victoria tniversity, will • enter ICnox College, Toronto, foe the purpose. of 'poll- pleting his- studiee. Mark will be a useful tnerab f the church of his selection. ereskil A mass eating �f children from several Sabhatls S ools Will be • held itialeatten- bury Stre church, cotpmencing I o'- clock p. m: on Sunday next, when: address on "Moral heroism of the temper-. ance nievement" will' be delivered by J. R. Clarke. -The imblic are invited sto attend. .Schotde expected tole theed at 3.45 sharp.' • ' , The arrangements for the Pntario St. Methodist chuech S. S. anniyersaey ser- vices are now complete, Rev. Mr: Nu- gent, of Berlin, lisplendid ehildrente man, will conduct the Sunday seevices am/ de- liver, an,addreee on IVIonaley evening at the anniversary meeting. The singing and recitations by the children • will. be well worth hearing, and nodoubt there will be •'crowded eongregations'at ail the services: Tinder the management of Mr:George Oaks the choir Of Ontario. street" Metho- diet church has become one of the beet in town. M0,aks has a very pleasant way as a leader,_andliehasaseociaed ' With him is band of young people determiaed to make the setviee of song both interest- ing and profitable. The choir contains perhaps the two youngest•tnembere lathe, county, in the person e of. Masters Holies way and Gauley. ' •ST. II.A.VL'e Gatran.L.There. wag ti;ihod Meeting on 'Mendes, 'evening, when the following lath& and gentlemen contribut- ed as f011pws to the evening's • enter- tainment :--"The Pilot," Messrs, H. 13. Combo and Rev. W. Craig; qietiutiful Snow," Misses Stanburer andleteelsk; read- ing, Miss Mountcastle; (*Begone dull care," Messrs, Oakes,'Harland 'and Smith ; reading, , Mr. 'Keefer ; "Laddie," Mrs. • Ransforcl; •"Hope beycind," Mrs. Whitt, Mr. Oakes; recitation, Mr. Beesver ; "Call tee hack again," Mesas. Ilarltied, Oakes end Smith ; reading; Hee. W. Craig. - Next meeting on the evening of March 22. The special seryices in Connection with the Ontario Street Methodist church close this week. Rev. Mr, Cosford has done hereulean woakin ...connection -with- them and • for himself hots of friends riming his sta. During the progress of these meetings forty persons, mostly heads of families, have presented themselves as seekers of. pardon, Thirty have joined the Ontario Street -church and °them may yet joiu, while some"will join Itattenbury Street church. These special services e resulted in great good to the church tly in the convereion of the unsiofed, but an parting new life and power to the entire lurch. , aro glad to learn rthat Rev, W.. ". teparling is regaining his health, ittnl wit • eon he able to resume 1114.work Around the County,. OS WIN Of Ur, Times Kim near Varna, ecoisientally Masud broke her *ran a few daye ago. Joseph Thickett boa purchased the 100 aore farm of Douglas, on the Oth etee. of sealss 4,44 M ' foroigilthe,1: 7, e e"1°f $ 2o, r Ore/, hoe a lamb that weighed 211 pounthrwhen idays old, It was lambed on Feb. 180h. Mr. Notion bee rented .for a terin of yeara the farm in Stanley, lately vacated by Colonel Davis, and will take possession in a few days, Tbis, Mcloauehlin, of Grey, dieectsed of hie •imported heavy draught auditors 441tanIiin Soy," o Voter MeEwen, of MoKillop town. shikbear was see» on the reed between sets and Walton lately, liontsmen have been • after it bnt have pot yet capteredhis bear - Mr. Ed. McNamara, of theLeadbury hotel, has purchased from Mr. bhp Swallow, the Devoe fame in isiclelltop, whieli contains 37.i acres, for 2.0110. Mr. J. IL Soldan,...of the 14th eon. of Hay, bas rented Ida -farm to Mr. Andrew Gasp° for a year, and intends going to Miehigan the spring'. The: Wingliani council has •decided to charge the, toiler rink a fee o$25 per year, and has fixed lOso'elock p. re, as the hour for °toeing. Betting, gatabling and, profane and indeceet language is also to be prohibited in the rink)• John Qroydon, of Winghetn, who had his leg injured by falling through a defectiveside-- vlalk, near the school, some tirne ago, in ion. sequence of whielt he was confined to the beide for two -or three weeks, hag applied to the council for $150 damages. ' Mr. Duncan McMillan bas sold his farm onthe Pth non. of Tuckeismith. to his broth- er. Mn•Flugh McMillan, Mr, McMillan was offered and refused $10,000 for this farm but ultimately/told it for some idea to his brother, It contains 200 acres. Mr, F,f, McMillan now has 350 acres in Tuekersmith and 150 acres • in Stanley. • • T. F`.. Troy, of Goderich,1 has sold hia old homestead, 8Q13 VII half lot 27,3:Vest Wawanosh, to Edward Haines, of the; same township, for the sum or $5,600. Me, .Troy cleared the farm over a quartee„of a century ago, and by his industry ane intelligeet farming, earned a competeneeri. He Is now living retired in Goderich, enjoying the fruits of his labors., On Satiirday afternoon, as Mr. J. Blateh- ford,,df the Ural' of Blatchfordik Brown, Hen, sad, wars engaged in shoeing ir restless laorse Aind was in the eat of applying the twiteh in drcler to Make it stand still, it suddenly threw itself. with•grait Ione 'and in doieg so otiaight and lammed Mr, Blatchford against the Oleo wall, inflicting painful injury to his legs. In- deed it Was atlirst thought bones, had been. broken, but we are pleased to say this is not the case - islie will -be- confined to -the house •for some tired, ••' • • James Sthwart; of the 4th con. of Tarnberry, lost a, fine colt a feW days ago by a voryningu- lar a:ecident. He had just purchased the ani- mal frona a neighbor and was bringing him home. The cold did not.lead well ee hoput • Toronto Corroopondonoo. • March 8th, 1886. One et the Moat noticeable and inapors tent featurve of camel:it eeente, at the pre - gent tirne, at least at far ex America is concerned, is the discontent, etrikee, ond ditamasione eluting laboring Men, apparent- ly as if they were destined :to be nothing , eolteethtenacuoweLpnlochwa,earendetabtinaloldtahgearineau: tls.etn-literally imagining that every oak,. ployer .Was in league with every other erne. ployer to rob them, and so they, therefore, - must organise •aginost them. The felee position thee taken by :thens js blinding ,their eyeelo the trn0 principles! orpolitical and social econlanty, and leading them into all kincla of industrial absurdities, On the. fith inst., in Toronto, the Trades and' Ea - bee Coepeil Met, and read and discussed reports orits several 000111.110es.- In one 'report attention is called to the combine,• tion among the coal deal. re, and the adt • and the parties bitterly denounced. and conthemned: Ifthis iii not saying let us piill out the splinter out of thine eye, while a beam in their eye,!." I.don't know •avhat,_ it is. They ale° attaelt Mr, J. G. Moylarr, Dominion Inspector of Penitentiaries, who truthfolly,asserts that free labor is not in- jured,by the employment of conytet labor, The report also ree.ommended, the pe- titioning of parliameot. to impose alloy of$100 upon every Chirmse coming to the , country. This desire is not only sulphate . table and unchristian, but it isin Atter op-' poeitiou to the More rapid development of. the latent resources of the country, and consequentlyaof its material progress. The resources of thie Dominion, yet .unproclue- tive, is about • unlimited, herefore, why should anyone -oppose the introduction of machinery for its development. It is not of the Slightest consequence, to anyone whether thatmachinery is sorgtinie or inor- ganic; it is,the results' that are of copses - queue°. If cheap humaelabor is ita evil,' then labor saving machinery is an evil, and we: ought to go back to the sickle and the handrake on farms, and destroy the theusand.. and.: Onft. labor-saVing :machines in factories. • , The carpenters in Toronto have given. notiCe to the' lacteriets that after. the firist uf •••April they will demand $2.51? for nine hours". work... They do' net appear to 'have' sufficient :intelligence to see that even if .they. !Succee1. in ebtaifiing their'. demand that theySeand their:fellow. vrorkmen of other trades will have to font the bill, as rents arid Most everything, etas thatis. pre, duced or boUght and sold in the City will have to be advanced. It is absurd to im- agine that they are ,going to get the in-. creased creased pay out of the capitalist -s -it can= not -he done, .fer when caphal cannot:" pi a fair return: fer.inVestments in one/place, him along side tbe team he was driving, tying UtwilI either -Emelt new fielde•fee employs t e eir_inte-thcalumies--ring-of ouenttlie nient,or tervill, not amnia -10e, for peo•• Other &Imes. , This arrangement seeMed to • .ple will not save) if the riayirige will, not be Work Satisfactorily; but before going hnn- reproduotiye. • : • drsd'yardrithi colt stionbled,and falling broke . This diseenteet XnclAinwiie proceedings ids neck and was deadWare Mr; Stewart tould reach it, The beast nest, with its hal. tertIvriiiih in this case was a:rope, 874,and all '11r..Stewart•has.te show for his outlay is the • rope, which he claims was .a. trifle expensive. Mr. James Martin; of Goderich,.a few days - age reoeivednova of the very .sudden -death :ofttatel.brother, Mr. Geo. Martin, of Stlilworth, Glaiffsawa Gb. Mieli. Deceased -and cyosrng. maa friend of his were on their wa to attend apew e at prow o was a•Short.,A18/ tancenhe -yearkgr.-1Vrer ti 'Galt On hiMAti wait; He turned to do so, and notioingainme thing Wrong ran back and •caught.tise cid' gentleman .as he fell, but InawaViven- then quite dead.: , Deceased was rid?Yeare: Of age, and -as he, had been complaining of a• heart trouble daring the. winterlt is thought be ' bad Over. exerted homeelf w.'bile Walking. •Aldrinerin Ursorner, -it is supposed,,, has bcien mad:stile sedacet ol anther swindle by it couple ofaharpers. • Two g.intletrien Called Apon1iini thepthet'day erid 'esk'ed hire to 805V a bushel 'Otavh•tit they :dalle& fir• new kind' of 'wheat. After some talk :en rthe matter the.: . farmer. egieed,' thinking, 'of annals, the' eoncli• • ttens. Were reasonable enough. Before the gpntry left thoy induced the farmer.te attach /his na-nie 50 an agreettent that he give .the • wheat a fah chance. • ThefarraGr nowexpects, to be called Upon to eettle nnote in the bank for a few- htnidred dieters. 'Of conrse„' the . affair may tutti out 'aright), but it Melte ExPesiter af the tani of Dickson ca Megann, horse deal. ere' of thie. Own, had a scinewhat unpleasant,. experience on the .'eccaticinof his last trip to. ' laincester), Penosylvrinia, He had with :him • a ear load of Very tine young heavy dratight horses, sixteen Ip number,' and'While on the Lehigh Valley railway, abotit,125 miles from . Lancaster. tho. train was thrown frem the. • track by a breirtin axle,' and the care contaiii.'; Ind the horses ' rolled over; teshigh erabank; raent.. Fear of • Ma' Diekeoe's -.horses were' killed out -right, and all of them more ordese seriov,sly iiijured. Mr. Polley. of .Goderich, also had a Par loachothotses on the earee train, and they shared. a siinilar fate, three•of them . being kilted. 'The railway company took pee: 'session of all the animals, and -will, of course, make geed the looses to the owners. Mr,' ,Dioksen Was on the train at the time,.lint the 'car in which he was did not Isaias the rails, and of course he wae uninjured.. not .44 • M-0.• • THE Ottawa Freeness thus sits *doWn. on the representative from East Huron, in the Doniinion'Houee , Mr. FarroW, a Conservative member, who is beet Itpown 'to fais.e because .of the great diseqvery le made sopie peers ago; that,the National Polley caused the hens toitty more eggs and the nom to give more dk-and bigger eggs and richer Milk at hat-artade the usual annual agricultural exhibition yeiterdayafternoon, of his parliamentary.inexp,erience.: intre- dticed a -bill making-certaiu changes itt the payment of sessional ihdenanity, when- ever ienembets be- absent from • the City through illness. Mr. Blake tenietly point- ed out that as thie was a tneasure entailing an trier:ease of the public expenditure, that it ought ha originatoia some :other form than theone taken, and Mr. Speaker im- ane'diately rifled the -bill out of order. Why is it teat sometneeibers, and espec- ialiy will be in parliament year After. year andneverslem palything. • , Ta REASOls.T. Wu.—exchangd tery truly stir aeon as an entertains, mentssociel,stipper. or -,. other Meal affair is on the tapis the conamittee.pasy a visit to -the local paper, and wish:the' courtegy i of the press, n the shape of giving them a (good free puff,•to be extended and hope the ecittorwilt be, sure to give -them It geed report, etc., when the affaircomes offs They invariably forget to return the courtesy extended to them. by sending the reporter it ticket; mid then they wonder, when the poetcomeiebut; avhseit is:the affair is'so briefly reported. There would be noertuse for wonder 1115 weie only re,. ,membered that a reporter's time is valtis able, and the custom adopted; asit is in all Mtge towns he'd eities, of extending the usual couttesiesao the -prem.-- 11- thie Were donthere would be be cense 10t complaint about 10eal'affairs oa being at- tended and the meagerneseof the reports, The Erin Advotate Bays': A PriOUS legal question has arisen between a farmer In this neighborhood and a Machine company. The company sold the farmer an implem- ent, taking hie note' in payment, and 'seid. note has a "condition' Atteched svbich declares the machine is the property of the .coinparsy until the vote is paid, The farm buildingr are luened, mid the machine it among the coetents esparto:al. Who stands the lees ef tho =chine, the farmer or company! Abet la the Wife still purl 1 • 5 'rite C P. It. to Bayfield. • . , • (Communicated to the Widen Vida Press.) 15 18 new rumored that the citizens of LC;°,111911;airILmLtalkleinaltl.''''-wWartu4xldbrninottiiGg oIbis be the Proper time to agitate the question of enticing the sante Company to run their line north of London through •fleeter, Zerich and 114fiele, and ad far north as possible? Wrs 'knew that the' people of .that section of the country aresanxious tei have railroad eommunicationit. At the drone HMO we can safely say that no cinn. pally will -have reason to tegret the tinders taking•. \There may be some who will not locik upeeethis in favorable light; they are those whO always want then: dimes • and hoard ' them up, Now, I assure the derm era of Stephen, MY ancl Stanley, that • they spend more money, twice over, with.: out a railroad. than' would 'pay the extra taxes with a road. Why, the farmers of Lhese districts are al waste eontplaining that thatetliere-1s•-nossalefortheir stock! Serhy, not 7 Because stock buyers can do better when they have a railway station within a Mile of them and they go 'to whercethey make the beet' bargain ; ahd who ean blarae 'them * Farmers, eitizees and all, let us remember that the more WO com- municate with the outside world, the bet- ter efor' ourselves, Let the people of Stephen, Hay and •btfinley get together and see What can be done for the interest on the part of the ;laboring population- is greatly , to be deplored; esnebially izrthia country of 1FGe/education, an opera bible;- ninititiaders. ,,Of enlightening •inatitotiens„ such as-Aroma'scientific associations, meChapies'inetituthe, eta., and unbounded. areds'ef uncultivated lana.. • The trouble is there eretee• many' that want to get. a: . • , (stk.-or to get•--a-bette. itig_thmaihey •are willing to pay for... • ' • 1,:thinle by this time every one that is not directly ..benefitted :,by proteetiOn randy and willing to adroit that is a great- wrong,to, the Majority of the popplatien and. tontrity to ths. best interests of. the' country; if they aretiot, Iwotildjust cell their attention to. the: proceeding of:Mr. •Perker, the:.'Hatiniton Silver, .Plating: •Clo,'who', has- gene LQ Ottawa to •rtek•for • theins position of thirty per dontmore duty . cins plated ware, there being 35 per. cent already nisen. it. Hisvropesition to..tlie, Government is, that if they will increase the dnbylie Will,pay an export duty oti. all 130 sende.. out of thecountryliterally, if' it will join. him :in robbing the people:lid. , will 'agree: to give there ..part of theplun, der, 'provided he hatisetstOmers outside of the country, which' henever Would have., • The question; ef /Mule reale in'•Irelend appears la _interest: agreat,niany;:i iisth ie country, -some against and many in. fever of 'it ; but Why it should- go heyond mere social:au& persqual discussien it is hug, to. say, as the only aid in :support aid ;that can be rendered in this Country. is. a money contribution, which is being done in Many placee. I think the best use that tan be Made , of the 'menieSe. Beet to Ireland is the aiiiyinent of'passages 'for all that can beintigeed: to. leave it, for the population iNieteitled Mt them auto Make a ociinfort- able living in it. . ' , • . • • . s The•meetifigin the Temperance hall Oa: 1VIonday evening in opposition to home rule was a crowded and..exciting affair, ap, parentlymore feeling manifest about the matter than if it had been some - question of local politics; Very little argument was uttered in the speeches,but a.,great deal Of clip -trap about, a united empire, and lend .expreartions about royalty to the -Qtteetilet-As -if-a -mannetiltU-mot _•he good citiz and patriotic if he believed a change in the .present•government of•Eng-. land Would be for the better: ' Na. entilut thou, Whe kno'yfroin per. sonalobsetvallotisean hats any detteeption of the. vast building. operations that•have been-iiipregreseduring-this wintettles•Teo- In the ziortheivest 'poet:foil -of the' eity hundreds a hotisea have hien :. dome 'neenced and carried tocornpletioneeboth solid brick and veneered, apparently re• gardless,ef the frost. Meet of the dwell. ing house:a • are rough -oast, .with briek ftonts,.and•When istiilt in rows a piano or organ, if in the eentrey will be quite pionty for slat or' seven hougeti ;.but to -obviate this conimunism of musical instruments, iy soMe measure, they hew only buil& two fogether, leaving a threeloot pestle& be- tWeen' °them • Torontonians honey% that there is going, Le be a great increase ih the -popidation. of __the city ,this .yearrand-are, making preparations fotit aceorditgly, as iliffintended..to..erect._ More housea-thi year than has eVer been erected in one year before: Thom are seine • Oman& for this belief, as Wig intended Ito establitah regular excursions to the city.,and do their ter:cling and other business-, gainibg in pleasore. and profit by the trie, or imagine they do. • This process Wilt go on, moms - ink in volume and dietetic°, building :up the city at the expense of other tilaces, 111111.111111111110•1111011 ,INS1111.1111„ .10014/011, OUR zETTER Box A GOOD SUCCESSOR- ae Editor of Clinton 2Veto Era. Mult Buil-The removal of Tnts hill trona town will create a vaeency itt the Public School Board. M a. ratepayer In St, George's Ward 1 ouggest the nomi- nation of Mr. 3. McGuire, in his place, and think it would be a gracioua act to allow Mr. McGarvit on thio occasion to go in without the expense of 411 (31e0t1011. He was cooly defeated by Mr. Tuthill be- causiehe +mold not canvass, and OA an old resident of the town and one baying con, siderable at stake here, I think it would only be an stet of fairness tcaeleet hint for the honorary position. Yours, :It ATEP.AICER, . ONE:INDUSTRY WANTED: TO the Editor �f the :Yew Era. there not a good opening for It - meat canning factory in Clinton. • 1 understand that nearly.all, if not all, of. tilt/canned meatused in Canticle is brought from the other side, on which of course there is a'duty, and to ship away our liee stock in bulk mustcost more than if in dans We could thenhave a home mar- ket for ouecattle, sheep, pigs, Sultry, &c., and this would necessitate other factories to use up the offal, such as glue, soap, bone, and inereaae your tanner's factory,: It Would give large employment in the making of tin ware, besides employing more banking capital. which is saidtto;be idle in the banks: HULZRTT FARMER. • Hullett, March. 1Qtl, 1886. [We have pre* sharp letter front a subscriber at Porter's mu. who takes exception .to some of the itptuit that have lately appeared. in our Goderich township notes, alleging that many of them ars either false or too trilling to appear in print.. He "goes for" 'the correspondent in'red.hot style. Of course, when , Ave have non -leans of knowing differently, we assume -" that what correspondents, send us is stirred, and we . trust that in all oases facts, not fiction, will form the • foundation of items sent us. -En. Nzw ', . Ales. issoine felrbaeltwa_rd down allight • of stairs 111 her heu.se in Ottawa and ' fatally fractured ler skull:• M. Samuel J..Dickson, of Stratford, and his family were poisoned be. eating a cen of sardines. Prompt medical assistancesaved their lives. ' John; Patterson.,,of Eramosa, was carried ' u runaway liorse int:5 an open mill ace: in Guleple 'fled narrowly escaped :Teeth. The horse, valued at WO; was drowned. •• The death. ia annOunee4 of gess Mr Tupper, of Louth:in SOuth, on Siindayaf ter- -9 -lengthy illness. He had retired -from the 'nth% ministry and had lived in thnt neigh- borhood formany years. • At the Peterboro.',Petice.Cdurt aahrewd drunk got run Out in double quick time • after: informing the magistrate that he came from Ottawa, where his family were !Mk of, smallpox. ' • • •.: • .7a,The report of the, Medical COMMissiOn ap- pointed to enquire into: Rids sanity was brought down.an. the House on Tuesday; it expresses the belief hat he was sone, al- though talking strange y on <sort*, topics: •335-the-btneittriser loiter the Eng - lash tug Rifleman and her crew a six were 'blown to atoms'. • The cylinder of •:the „ engine. struck a Passing .4narter of a mile. away. and :•lcilled. the• . • • Abdnt forty ladies and gentleMan and a blergyman assembled at the. house of 11 gent1eniatrin.Fort.Hos4, Si. J:ohn, N. Th., to. attend the deedding ofliisdringhter. . At • the time set dorrnior, tbe ceremony the groinn sent word. that hi had changed his, •" eormieVe, jory blames' the tin* • dileetric Coinnanar,,of Detroit, forthe death. • of ene of their ern ployees recently, who fell from an eleotric light pole. It is alleged- thetIlle eorrent isnob fully turned ufTdnr• ind the day, itud the :workmen, in damp weather especially, • frequently receive , shocks strong enough .to cause them to fall: .• . . Two men called tip.on farnior ••..in the neigberhoed of Tavistock recently offering seed Wheat for•sale.• The farmer agreedto •telte.S. tionie, hut .just as he wag gbing to '. sign his name to the:printed:from of agree anent, he quito rieeidentally -noticed that ticpe upoo which .he was going to -Wiles his name vraenot the agreement paperrbut Upon arnother sheet einitungly Placed nador- neatisit.., He picked up the papers, pulled them apart and discovered that. be woad ,have put his mini° to a, note of hand hat. $300 if he. had signed. He Put thepapers in his pocket and chased. -the sharpers off • Neer Port ToWnsend, W. T., two men re - Df the Country, Wet hope otheri,will Nish .0eAtlY Attacked oil 111°11°11801e Chin.gmfArt3-; thie matter into • activity •. • • After beating his Iked-agranst dui rooks • --- . •end feerfully maltreating him- they torohis -- --se.- --......... • Farmers its Ileettees comity, era beteg qtieue tett by the roots and loft him for Prosfectitt4 fof allowing 1,104k leur,t to grsiv "1-103(1, The oitizena aro' greatly Inceim:i, 'oh their cherty trees. Officere aro pursuing,tho :•perpetratsfaa- --..-- his premises, TOWN...0F CLINTON ABSTRACT OF RECRiPTS AND EXPENDITelt ES FOR :FEAR ENDING. DEC, 31, 1880. ' • ' • • ' • BECEIFT8. . Cssli on hand, danitilrY lst; 1885, .., $2335 08 County Account • • 45 02 Salaries account ' , •-• , ' 70 Market account • , ,,,, '554 70 Bilis payable•account ,,,, • ,,, • , i;d700 00 Non-resident taxes abebunt ........ ... . er 21 65.. . • License ' ." .... ..... .......: . elle 24 Streets ' • " •....,• .,...,... ., .„ .. of 24 46 • • Public School . ....... . . •,, • .... o 344 00 • Fire and Wider - • Cemetery , . Clergy Reserve, • -' ,Magistrato's Fines " 'Incidental ' 0, 70 00 . • .• • Taxes11411Sdlitskspeeial.rate aceettnt .,' • ,. „ • Statute Labor • " nog tax • • " •... • ....... . ... a, 102 00 -• Gravel pit - " • .....,. .. .. .... •, V t 00 . __----.....:-....—:—.....--- - - -• --* 1110692 SS -- ,• kIPS.41DIPL'Ilkai. • - Salaries .. ‘,$ 300 00 ,FIre and Water Accodut . ' . .. '''' :9•0 g2 • 11a116,4 debenture " 41" t•s see 0 . . 1400 00 CI • V.,.24500- 40 .00 • 63 .. .. . . „4s8 , •, • 1.0.180185 Y5' Stationery mid Postage . .. , Election expengsod'aount• •• • 50 20 • Volta, . I *871 24 Market • II „ a • k . ...1 b .... . 252 13, Streets . *1506 00 • Division Registrar " .. ,. ,....,, ........ A . 114 20,. if 401 60 . 4 * OS Law oar/ease • • *t • ' 3 111 Printing. " • *34'24574003 Publics School .4'" High School • ' ..... . . , .... i' 14800000 Charity • " *115 35 Increstal Bills payable .• ... ... ;4170203 0500 . Interest r • - ,433.03 -- Fire and water * 803 06 Street Watering '80 00 -nigh School Sinking Fttnd • * 230 00 • Fire Mid Water Sinking Fund . . ..... * 300 00 • Cash on hand 3101 Dec., .......,.,8016 10, • 8 810682 40 .• • eratitsiTigs, e • & 0. Hallway debentures 410300 etiT Fire and ‘Vitter debentures . 4 0000 00 • high School debentures . • 3000. 00: $07500 DI) • A8SIIPS. • Cash on lewd, Pecataher Mg,. 11043 g 7,010 13 f blithe; fund and interest In Melsons ik. ,. 1083 es $1000 11 ft.r014t,{11A P/I111(1 eerreet and aeeurtlanee the ' ors et the Corluiratiett fbr the year endber Derombee nit, teas, au hale the honor te submit that uo have _ Afloaai-cardor-evImotitintit:1). r - • • •