HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-12, Page 3ti
.F.41.DAY, MOCE( 12. 1888,
• Frozen. Or sbe filrysaish.
One of the largest stock raisers of the
western Kansas and eastern Colorado
fleet/On isasjuat returned from a tour of
inspection of his herds, and tells a dole-
ful tale of the effecta of the recent se-
`herely !sold 'weather. He says the
mortality among the eattle, •especially
in western Kansas, will be almost be-
yond computation.All repoits• that
the herds escaped serious damage are
pronounced erreneous. Thousands on
thousands of head were frezen to -death
and many are still dying, The estimate
made ten days ago that the total loss
would not exceed 80,000, he says, is far
below the mark, Another elenaent of
unceltainty in estimating the aggregate
, loss is that hundreds of cattle are still
daily dying from starvation and exlitast-
ion. Bunches a them were seen in
different places barely able to keep on•
their legs. This man, who haft had an
, experience of seven years in the stook -
raising business • wet of • the Missouri,
declares that in all that period he has
never seep. the outlook so dark as it is
now. --Denver Tribane.
home Beep, in Theo Bonnets, .
A Kentucky farmer, moving to Kan-
sas the other days cliartergd a boxcar,
into which lie pub eight Wises, with his
two sops and a dog to look after them.
. The hoysehad. comfortable quarters id
e tirefend'of the ear,. and as there was
plenty of room the 'thrifty old farmer
put in -3w° be hives. • As they wee
• jolting along the beep-got—waym-ed
• and came tint to inquire what it all,
meant. - The response of the boys and
the dog was as lively- v.& possible. All
made for the door, the beys yelling to
stop the train and fighting lite, bees with
• their hats. •The dog was first OVA, yelp-
ing and howling, and the others -'0att:10
tumbling after. By the time the eorts.
ductor- got the train stopped and help
arrived the bees were. out in fall force
• and furiously mad. - —It -was-only-after.
a pitched battle that the hive's. were re-
. rnoved.and the _horses saved,Se:me of
the bees got into the passenger coaehes,
where they made things lively and warm
for the passengers, but after a hard fight
they were vanquished. .
Bosthu to be. .isigehwaynian.
• 'William Seibusch is asbrien highway-
man. He came from Gerinany when PI
• :rears old, and became' a clerk In gro-
cery store in San' Francisco. As soon
as he had,earned enough to buy a. -horse
and some pistols he went to Nevada and
began robbing stages. He was baught
after several successful ,veritUree- in his
line arid sent to the penitentiary, The
• Governoteof Nes-qv-la, ;believire, ' he had
as ray. y .une-nove era are
and had now,iseen the ere& of -his ways,
pardoaed him. . Seihusch went:back to
California and again began rebbing
stages. • is told of •liiin.that on one,
occasion 'he held up nineteen persons• _
while he robbed -the treastire-4)ox.
other time, while he w ita robbing a stege
• • a large waggorroarrieaking He stopped
this too, and robbed both.. . Ile was cap-
tured in Calaveras County and tient to
• State pietism for fiye year. He served
w'as at once .re -arrested - on, a charge Of
robbing the Mails. • He has just Veen,
. tried and again eenvicted. .
*row Pam Xones' seeneene.
Cincinnati Sun ;—A, tnan said to me
the otner night: "Jones, wouldn't have
missed your sermon for $10.;" and yet
when the plate was passed around, that
man put in a copper cent.
Creed! What is creed? It is the skin
of truth set up and stuffed with sawdust
and and..faIf I had a creed I would sell
it to a museum. •
have known Wernen too poor to .own
a pair of shoes, but I never knew one too
poor to own a looking-selasa.
• When some of you members of the
church get to heaven the angels- will have
to introduce you.
Dignity is the starch of the shroud.
The more dignity a fellow has the nearer
dead he is.
The road to hell is the road to heaven
The pray difference is in the way you -are
The sweetest rest a man ever had is
the rest he finds in activity, •
- -Many a fellow.ispraying for rain with.
Ms tub bottom -side up.
Red liquor and Christianity won't stay
in the Eame hide.
Custom is the law of fools, and.it is
running this country. •
• The matter ofchurch doctrine is an
. - Sumac seven . Tears:'
—.... ,
SAN FRANCISCO, Oal.*Miss Frances
Hranyelli 1n1879 loved and Was loved
•by a young -s -ea captain named Herbert
Sehracly. Het relatives opposed the
match.Seven years ago Schrady sailed
for a Mediterranean portin command of
-ii, iiirWellant vessel; and the ship Was
wreoked in the Straits of Gibraltar, and
it was reported to Miss Hrenvelli that
• her lover had gonadown with the vessel.
She refused to believe it, ancl vowed
that she would never again open her lips
in speech. "Since that time she has kept
her 'vow, and all the efforts of her
friends to induce her to break her, vol-
iintstry silence have failed. The pab- . . . leading, to his house, the wheels Of the
A great deal of interest is bent
hcation of her strange gtory yesterday g waggon strrick •the gatepost, . throwino.
-attranted"thas attention era guest at the aroused in the 'Niagara Falk Park •ar- Alderson aut. . He fell upon his head,
'Grand Hotellewhe .celled on Miss Hrans hitration. Either some of the •proper tY breaking his neck, and expired instantly.
holders will get inuchlese then' their
velli and, told he'r,tt hp knew Schrady 'claims or the cost will be plated -so high Teronto Week : .Therikaare (hie, to
who is now n Man of ,wealth in St. Mr. 'Blake, we ntust say, for•taking Sir
that the• scherne wilt have to be aban-
`!Schrady begged ree to . an ka nia 1-,, 0 Parste,s 399 7 S
. i•, S onge t.,•was cured
Petersburg." "Knowin . I was coming John: Macdonald.to task -for, the flume
sweetheart, whom lie sail loves." ''s• le. of it hard, Woking cough of 16 months stand: ' Canitclianki'io'Sharne..
dolled. '.
Do the Eoglish
to San Francisco," 'addec le visitor: • mery which he talks • in Eliglaild, •aiid
which pats truth -loving and really loyal -
ring his recital Miss Hranvelli, who'i-. ing by tho use of Pecttoia. Mr. Parsons says, really believe that we heve..ans army -of-
" Afy sufferings :were intense. . The best
quite a prettyyoung woman; sat listless, A ricer] physiiins failed to tiure me, After forty theusaed men, perftotly organized
though she heard evert'? word .: The usiug e bottle of Pectoria I kin in better and ready to take the field in their ser:
stony seemed to make no. impression on health thap I have enjoyed for two year's." Vice, that we aro .building Sif navy for
her. Her mind is evidently blank, and.. l'?„2,,trii 4re the sinaplest or most severe them' and that we are burnilig to shed
Any d &gist , 2 0 cents. , . • ,
if her lover cbraestack to chain her he ' . ' mils olocid-in Soudan and Afghan wars •?
Will 'find instead of the sprightly girl lie An Ottawa coil (indent has figured Apparently theY:doseince they geVe Sir .
left.seven yeara.ago ,a hopeless inibecile.
, out that the Dominic. House of Corn-, John Macdonald the Grand Cross of the
mons is compposed b if -9 French' bath . • • -
It is authoritatively denied •that Mr
Gladstone has either directly or indirect
ly consulted Mr, Parnell on the aubjec
of Home Rule. -
Canadian Pacific Railway earninge
for the week ending Feb. 28th,- were
$l,,000; same week last year, 0117,-
000. Mike in operation, 3,52i.
Col. Dyde, of -Montreal, dropped dead
in the -witness b�x. while giving evidence
in the Court of Queen's Bench on behalf
of his son, who is ealMsed of forgery,
' Poundmaker has been liberated* foam
- prison, and hao gone to his reservation.
• Diptheria is very prevalent in Rani-
ilton and surrounding villages.
With 60,004 adult Chinamen to 60,000
:fcslrui to :ivta% ipteosr cat
th r1131. t:ee
8s a
At Millen, Ga., Geo. Mulligan killed
Frank Harris because he refused to pay
him a gambling debt of Li cents,
° A QQW kUledin Nebraaka, the
other (by, ceetained re her stomach a
•pound of nails and a one-anclot•half inch
screw, all being worn as bright as if pol•
billed on an eatery wheel. There was no
barbed wire found,
little girl very meet& excited, rushed
• inte the parlour, which was full 'of eompany
and exclanned:—"Manmia, just think of
it," "Think of what, darling?" "Oer eat
•batisa whole lot of twine and I didn't even
know she wait inatried." . • -
The disooveri of the instantaneous process
of taking photographs has been quickly follow.
Increased testimony is borne to the fact
that the beat family physic), the beet care for
dyspepsia or biliousnesa is Dr. Carson'a Ste-
macn Bitters. They never sicken or gripe.
Alt drugeists, 50 cents.
Tile Chicago Levi and .Odor League
are waging much active wailer° against
Sabbath desecration that 'politicians
threaten to take up the subject encloppose
them. •
• A farmer named*M. 'D. Coll, walking
on the M. C. R. track near SW Thomas,
was etruck by.an express- train at -five
*lock on Saturday evening and instant-
ly killed, •
Bev, Thomas K. Beecher, brother
of the well-known Rev. Henry Ward
Beecher, was defeated on Thursday, at
Elmira, N. Y., in n race for the mayor-
alty of that city by six hundred votes.
h edical wor 4 y aperfectankinstam,
taueous remedy for ad acute aches and pains,
as Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism. etc,
This valuable remedy is called Plaid Lightning,
and is sold at 25 cents a bottle by .T. H. Othribe,„
•••A `farmer at Bronwood, Georgia, who
keeps a large flock in a range whereasockle
burrs are numerous, the °thew day noticed
fifteen sheep side by side, their heads all
i ti h
po n ug t Ei atone. way. Ile shouted to
• For years John B. Gough 'supported them to Move; and the entire lot moved at
the widow arid family of Mr. Stratton, once. He finally discovered that the burrs
the man who found him drunk in the had got into their wool., andAhey were
streets, of Worcester, Mass., and indueed stuck against each other's gide%
hini to sign tlie pledge: • , 0 :' A snow bloeltadAtt the railways in Eng-
. land is sornethieg out ef. the ordinary run
When Sir Charles Dilke took his seat of things, and is creating a belief among
in the Corurnens on Wednesday lib ihas -Englishmen that the coantry. is drifting
welcomect.by Chansber‘lain and one or slowly towards the north pole. ,What with
two others somewhat effusively, but the home rule, the pocialists and the snow the
majority made no sign of recognition, poor Etiglishman is sadly beset. W
this. . .
enough to say he will tisk nothing if ensue -
for money if he unsuccessfully attempted
cessfel, Janies tvould riot have trineh uee
ordinary racing shell for $1,000, is generous
row through the Niagara whirl
after disposing Of his load of produce.
left Toronto Saturday night for horhe,
James Alderson, a farmer of ScarborCis
Where it
, 11 all end is at peesent unknowable, but
. Jannis Trtyler, the oarsman who offers to the Try impression' is that the country is
pool in an going to the devil..
While peseinbg.sthrough the gateway
' • •
. . '
_NEWS NOTES. Canadians, 44 Irish, 35 Sect *58 Eng .An English paper gives some.of the cur-
-• Hall: 20 of:-Amerian extractioa:, ger- icatitieS of medical life. One dectorslunche
i-?--Ifethe-reeeteel-•-siere: -istree'dasele 'when., the Irevice- o v
tries .ricrw-i „
a. eeble message to.. London and to get• • •
ivOuld be found that the Majority largeand his chances for a-patietttexceile
the answer. "
len ° nd chargee a guinea for each' att
• ' • of those credited to old World countries meets sothe of the best company in E
• A.,Tanigas ,ftirmer: mit the ,herris off are Datives...et:the Doniiniote••anco. very_wealthy man neara le
from bcrof his. tattle last we-ek in bider horse in Philadelpha the ot. city can nn •ear to be alone at nightare
to save building room. Sician gets $5,000 a y
y' Pittlietiton • Methodiist Church .svas Methode Of persuasion,. data a little man
het slay was proof agoielit.: all ordinal"? emit-At:mt. hitY
for lodging i.n the ouse. .0ne young d
tor his $2,000 a year r "looking after the
destroyed by firesbaThoirsdays,ReviVel anhAing a. big pipe earne .Just.
health .of:au lady.- 410 to be ,
serviCesswere in progress' at -the' tithe. • -34, soon as ' -the man -lied emptied- the
- • spected three times a da', b is "as strong
• It isestimated that fifteen care a tlay':: burning tobacco and hot ashes from his as a horse," and ao.pbrverse t
great -trouble with her.
"They can talk all they pleaseabeut
lockout in the west," said a pasScriger fr
Kaneas, ',hitt I Can spealr.from expetien
and telt you ' hormatly that the. :weft is
groat catintry—retirie country,- -Never h
sociltsgood leek in. myslife as -I had, the.
Just to show you how nature helps a m
out there whoisWilling to.lielp bin:me
One day ' hist fall 1. bought a barn, of
74,46_1)ex-7-got _dirt• cheeps. the, berme
it waa difficult to moVe •and that night
'cyclonebaine along and blow.ed that ba
-over on to. My:place, • dropped it rig_
•where 4 -wanted -hers andsnever loosened
beard; ' Thatheivhat'I ball good luok."
• Geldwin Smith says: Most ohne.
Learned pretty well to acquiesce in the fact
that the Doefinion Government ie a gOv!,
ernment of corruption, • Men, places, pro-
vinces,• interests, church*. organizations.
of every kind, are bought in different ways,
smile more coarsely, some snore subtly', in.
order to forni • the basis of a System Which
is admipistered, after its kind, with great
ability, and is closely Iscincid up with, the
pptional ambition lie veteran chief..
Oorruptieti is not wholesome:it doll not
becalm elisore wholesomeasithecomeit more
inveterate.; to isaynothing.of the debt which
if irrolling up, it whet deprave the Political
character of the 'peo,ple as in fact, it is
visibly. doing, and in the'etikeprove fatal tri
the spirit, if not to the form; ofsrepresen-
tative iwititations. • , ' •
• It would hardly seem postble for a wow
Mae- to be Utterly lost..in London„. and Yet
this its what ,has .just• happened. Mrs
„ • ,
oatculattokg• 'corpse
Several days -ago a pretty', little wo-
- man -went taione-vt-the-hrfgest 1VIetlidd hit
churches in Baltinfore and asked' for
money to bury her dead husband. She
gave her nathe tie Hester Green and said
• , she Was. ashamed to apt; the city to bury
Two worthy women were sent out
to investigate the case. They went to a
house in Perkin. street. There was
crape on the doorsall the -blinds were clo-
sed, and the stillness of death brooded
over the place. _They•eritered the house.
- In one corner of a darkened rciom ley.the
corpse,and near it was:the wife bowed
in grif. Thevisilors lOoked•at thetody
and comforted the' bereaved, woman,
• The pathetic stoty RO • tOG011ed *0 'hearts
of the brethren that 417- was raised to
give hita a Christian binlal. Next day'
one-bf the women who•had inYestigateil
the case went to thehouse and -found the -
wife a little More "resigned to the will
of Heaven," as she'exptessed it, and the
corpse itill there. The money was left
and the visitor departed, With the con-
sciousness of having deem a good deed:
• She found after walking a few sqttares
• .that sha.had left her She re.
turned to get- it, Opened the door, .and
• there sat the cootie counting tlie money,
,clinking one half dollar against another
to See that it was not counterfeit. The
woman Was thunderstruck, and,although
site. was 'told?" .waa. detertnined not to
be beaten out.of $17, So she compelled
the corpse CO return the money'that had
been contributed for the purpose.Otbury-
ing him like a OliriStian. •
Three moriths ago seven dogs wera
imprisoned in Newark,N.J.' They have
been closely watehed, and on Wednesday
they., were released: They are sound in
lungs,stomach,brain, and spinal marrow,
And therebY hangs a tale, for these are
the dogs that 'Were bitten hy the dog
that bit the four children who were sent
to Paris and inoculated for rabies in
that city by Pasteur, •
Catorhal headaches, hawking and Boating
up phlegm, etc., at oho reltered and Cured
by the use of Dr, Caraotr's Catarrh ,thlre, No
reason wby you 'allOU)(1 stiffer tinether day,
many oases pt catarrh of loirg' standing have
been on roil • by n sin& bottle of Dr. Carson's
Catarrh C,ere. All firtie.gistl, Si per battle, .
e •
n t.
i he 'has
pipe into the horse's ear,. the horse went
for a period ef four • Jae -paths will *be ,Te-• tearing up street as if he never intended
guired Market' the orange crop.
to stop -again. -
S00110171 CalifOrnia.. • • . • •
The., correspendent • of : the London Mr. illet,of West' Northu mberland
Timessays the Carliste before the death can "discount the average They at. his
ofiCing Alfonso, steered./ a reward • of ewis.ebw1Q. Ile was unseetel. eod
,$1.00;000 . for..hie head,' •and that When elehted In the- Middle of last session:
4 man •Offored. to , assassinate •the King He drew .$1.,.000; teas $8 --fOr each day
the Cellists Liaeked• out. • . • • between the date .cf'bia unseating and
• MeG.regor tir ParktotiCittlailiCtiiiiiti-filii-- the en it ofthelieSs/01-1; Val later as a nevi'.
valuable for Wounds, Sores, Salt Itheuth C.uts, measlier, .1m- drew' $1,500; leas $8 for
B11113et 4Oala and Festers, as a healing and each day from. the beginning of the ses-
. .
pun yaw ressing,. • Do not be imposed on
e.let4sgroerpillyistena,rereocroicfn, liktir deft•s1011 until the date ,pe hirfLre-electron,
tiliethrt;Old, k malting over $2,000 in all, ;whil• e
them -
Carbolic, Cerate. Sold by J. 11..6embe. •bets who sat the session througligot drily
A •particular' Mend in, Yokohama $1,500 arid single mileage. Thus
wroto to his correspoadent in Plymouth: kt get even ori his election'expenses.
"Please to omit, the word ,gatpire at A. Virginia, fernier who owned a fine
the ond Of my name, and •direct thy let- saif was asked recen'tly hie friend what
tars to Jenkins Johnston without any ho would take 'for it. "-Six slollars,"
tail." By the retusn of mail Caine a re- was the reply. The very 'next' day the
ply directed in.preciiie acetirdance with,
friend -rushed over to the farmer's house
the reguefit of the particrilar friend; to in adiurry of excitement. •"The train
"Jenkins Johnston without any tail." killed yeti calfjUst now," said he; "By
just at the beginning of the new year gosh P exclaimed the fernter, " the rail -
the 15-year-o1d son of Henry Murray, road mist pay me $15 for that • calf, I
Who•livee near•Washington, Ga., was bit- wouldn't have taken $25 for him." It
ten- in the lip ,by a stray dog.' The developed, bowever. that it Was alioax,
woundthealecl very qUidky and there was and the farmer stili'holds.the calf at $6,
,no thought of danger. On Friday, the Reports to Aneriectis Rural Bathe
196 of February, the boy was attacked'
of Rochester, from 5,000 correspondents
by very slight. convulsions. They grew
more violent, and on Sunday he said to in all parts ot the country say the win-
ter wheat crop continues generally in a -
his mother, "This is the sky for me to •
go ma." And he did go mad. The con-
vulsions"increased until it was necessary
to tie liim,to the bed. He frothed.at the
Month and 'snapped at _anything that'
came near him. •
favorable condition. The usual a‘lareh- Susan Cox was not well enough to help her
husband move .their furniture into new
freezing and thawing has not develpped lecigings. Accordiagly, after visitieg their
as yet any widespread or serious dam- new -lodging with her hnsband, elle apent.
age. : Some spring svheat is sown, hub' the night at a hotel, arranging to meet Mr..
the area is small.Theground generally Oox at the new horne'next (ley; after the
hod condition. The cotton crop, Wider vvorli of WOVItIg hadbeen
t..4 Sein the hands of pleducera. Neat,morning she started for -the liedieigie.
The winter packing ' season is over. but leat her way, and f mind *she could not
reihember the address. At her Old led
there is a decrease in weight and quality .
Om the address had not been left, so the
of hogs., • . , •
woman walked the streets its a dazed con-
' A Detroit, Mich., despatCh iays: • Irak,' ditien until her baby froze to death in her
tie IVIcKity, the 17 year-old daughter of arms. She was then arrested and taken
eventually, to the work how, where she
Sheriff McKay, Of Tascola County; Wai lies waiting until. her husband is able -to
at the Michigan Central Depot to -day discover her. • .
on her way to Jackson Prism], having A. daring robbery was eommitted be,
,in her custody Satnuel Woodnian,'. *ho twden Oil Springs ana oii City listFri.
was !lent From Tuscola' County for one .(lay night. Between 8 and,0-&-c1ock Mr:
year for assatiting his Wife with 4 carv*, 'b. J. Vroornan, of .Strathroy, selling
ing knife. Hattie is a Sprightly little goods for (.4eo,. T, Cosgrove ,§; 00, cif
Irtaiden.'and wittlosnal44.4e4,04) Zes not Toronto, WAS, Walking' On the M. O. II:
afraid to bring such n. strongird des., track from Oil Springs to Oil City:, and
perate man to prisofil replied,. "Oho" in. about half tvaywas met by three masked
deed no; I don't handeuffhim, but ) lmve mow: One of them advanced towards
a revolver in my pocket and I keep 11141 latetind covered him with a revolver,
in sight.all the time, If he was to start requestin 0 11 1111 to put np his \ banis or
to get away from 11101 would call out lie wouldbshoot him. Of course lie com-.
for asTititance and souie of the tuen on plied, mill the other tivo went through
the train would help me. My father. his 1)o3kets, Thoy efdt tl.,4105 fn env), nix
IS sick or he would bay,' h:-..)1444"; Ow
priSoner fir lxi:nhelr,"
Eeloit K's tele
Parker, of Abilene, Ka , I a4sh'ated'
front his wife who resides her. On
Teesday night he came here with a
• young Man named_Frank Dunn whom
he had'enapleyed to assassinate his, wife
and :her .by a former husband;
Dunn privately informed the officials,
,anel then fired' five shote osteneibly
through a window at the chosen vietims,,
for which he received $20, from Parker,
and was to get $.5 mord if the fire press.
ed successful. The officers, who -t were
coneealed near, overheard' the bargain
and artested Parker.
Rev.J. Pallias Dutton, certifies : •"Fee
same, years My wife 1151 been troubled with
Dyspepsia, and itite tried one thing after an-
other recommended Ns. itit but pttle or no effect
till advised to give. McGreger Speedy Cure a
trial. Since taking tbe first bottle 1 liave no-
ticed a decided improvement, and eau with
confidence ncatfariend it to beene of, if not the
best medicine extant for Dyspepsia, This in-
valuable medicine for Liver Complaint, Indi.
gestion, (ininplaint, is lovely vc.o•tnido.
Sold at fiontinN Drur Store
ficV•ill WatefIfil, awl 501110 plitt0d,
Treks leave Cliaton as follows:—
OR/can Taillitt SAILWAV.
Going Emit. • Going West,
740 a.m. express 9.45 a.m. mixed
1.05 p.m. mixed 3,05 pan. 'piked
4.46 p.m. mixed I 9.15 p.m. express
Going North., Going South.
9.52 a.m. express 8.20 a.m., exprese
7.00 p. in. express 4.16 p.m. express
1,000 bueltela of' OATES WANTED in
FLOUR, OAT legal:, we give isbs,. to the
aush. Lots of BRAN and MORSE; Pr the tem
or hundred, Best ROLLER, PLO:UR Oen in
exchange fin, Light Spring Wheat.
-TOE -SEED, Tielded 70 bush.. te the acre last
THORLY P OD OIL CAKE, Flax add all
year, and weshs.i0lbs to the bush. Agent for
kinda or sEgns.
- P
,Ropaiing Of all kinds prompt1y 'attended to at reason-
able rates. Vial solicited.
••• ,
To Owners of Stock.
WARE ullue
• "-
Giles' Liniment Iodide
Removes all Ihmightly Ranches, Gums Lameness la deals:
DIeningitip„ Founder, Weak Iambs*
Sprung Enees. • tipavia. abeam*
Quitter, Winagalls
No stable should be without M. Railroad mining and ett
Prom companies all use Glio'aldniment, and In the great rae
ing stables of Belmont and Imrillard it has Achieved wok.
d 0
ATER U81110_
v n
Write DR, Oinks, Box 3.tazys...4‘,P.,9,-., who-v(64.'1*n
eatcharse..stre advie4 on all-diseases-and-abto-5111te /UHL-
agemeut or,,eattle. Sold by all dryggists at Clie. and G1.00 a
bottle and in'quarts $2450, in which there is great saving
The lluament in white wrappers is fur faintly ,neel that !Pt
• YGe Int°e‘ve efoi cadttlist% Aninionla Meese °and Cattle
Powder& • • -
• Used hy all the leading horsemen an Jerome Park, Pleet,
\rood, Bp lghton Beath, Sheepshead Bay and Pull's Head.
Never disappoint are tome, Alterative and Diuretic, Deatrov
Worm, cures 'palpation, Wm, Both, Sore Throat, Catarrh
Founder, Pialt-eye and Rheumatism. The dose is amall , anti
the poser is great. Tlie Powders are Guaranteed nail pnr-
&ahem failing to obtain a cure money refunded. Sold by all
druggists at Nets. per box.
neWtWfa of bollsaberfeits,
Manufacturer and Proprietor fur the beat Saw 11111 i•
Dog in liSe. Agent for the sale and application of
STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on siort
, notlee.
Boners, Enginea. "and all kinds ea' Ma
elsinery repaired timpeelltionsly and
111 a intilsfactory manner..
. •
• .
Farm implements manufactured and repaired, /steam
and Water Pipes furnished and put in position. Dry
Riles fitted up on application,.• •Charges moderate.
' iIARKNES8' r
Is in the ntaTket to cOmpote with gar .
Diamond Darrow inede.„
50 Set of arrows
To almost give away,
s Restores grey
do negates toile noisbed'asa roe lair to its "-
•ebeliss, and Material for 900 set of
o Harrows.
Notwithstanding aft the, oneosition by. those
specially -interested, I will sell le any man who
May Come befOre the 1st of January, 1880, a set
of Harrows complete, for the await 01 $8,—
and more.than that.win. warrant them for one
year. This offer is simply to anew lip some of
the stateinents made about inycwatent harrows
at false mut:misleading. '481t Ben Switzer if
what I say about my Rarrovvs is not right. Ilia,
niisw.er, When asked • for a testinionial, was "I
will sign my name to anything you write about
'Callender's Patent:. Rarrow.,. Cannot break it
or shake it loose. Woeld,have no ether." The
same answer is given by the • Tiplady's, T. Gib-
blegs.• the Shiploys, Albert May, and others
whom I have solcl to. • Enquire of these men. •
• A. CALLANPEE, mitten.
ENONLcure for 1OS1orfnf1
• Ing manhood, ner-
voiene&s,wealsneas, lack of vigor, strength and de-
velopment, cased by indiscretioiis, excesses, etc.'
Benefits iti a day;, cures usually within a month.
No deception nor quackeir—Paiiiiiito"proofs, 'full
• description, hundreds of teptimonials, with letter
Of.adviee m,.,._ _ _ _ _envelobiiiiled in plait; sealed esrei.
a9iediearver'zwai• .
• tural color, re
, moves Dandruff,
stoop the bah
from falling oat
increases it• z
growt_h;and will
. nikoet saolt2-iiresalrcoins:
'sing, it has . no
anteed harmless.
superior. . Guar-
. IlarkPrenPearssedecbC%
s.' London, Ont.
atalli. 13.'a3.rptacemlnlitenisilli Ft:II:5111i
sk.-"f‘s.4-L111 0 NT
. Win Show a well5el58Ud Stock consisting of
- '
GROCERIES; FRUITS of all kinds,
• AND CIG,ARS, Try them.
Bulk C'enstantly.erriving.
• I"'
• -_. . MRS. BRO..0 Cif. .' ' , •
. TACES0G BLOCK, HURON. ST5 r. Ciartros,
, .
--' $3.00 ' ZUGV9PealRe
IV ".AL:. ' JO rAt' . I .N E
• - TEAT •CAN'T •
Aw 18 the time to get your Sewing Machines
repaired, iron or wood 'Work re -finished by a
man who has had 12 years experience, and will
compete with any Erni in Canada or United
States, either on ohainstitch or lockstitch,
groover and backw.elastui .stitch-7and alt these
are a different stitch. Then we have the (stirr-
ed needle, Wheeler & Wilson, Florence, and
over 100 other different machines 'which the un-
dersigned will repair. ',Stop any mashane from
breaking needles or thread., dropping stitohee,
or any other ailment machines are eubieet to.
This gentleman will tell you how your sewing,
machines work without seeing it se*, 'which
may seem impossible, still,•it is true;', All wbrk
warranted. I also sell the Combination sewing
mar:dune oil, warranted not to ginfi-orrust.- - '
WRaPEUENces •:-.A. E. Morris, J. .T. Efoninth,
Nichol cis Doer, carriage reakers„T...E. Morton,
• lawyer) Wingliam. JAS. YANSICKLE. o
Shop back oWLOODY'S`Grecery store, Clinton.
• ,
.Clinton, Aug. 21,488.5, lnit • *11
Rkjeb.m. Wilig"ht
• :Jiwit,r,p,s, AND OPTICIANS;
IMEPOPepEits, .01"
•.10113.11ERS1 AND META/MUMS, OP •
AlVIERICAN °topics',
• VA/BRET:lag,
,co' 8 onTARRATED
• ntentarsrittuaitsairstearert
For sale by the GOND' RAPIDS& INDIANA
R. R. CO. Sugar maple the principal timber.
• Advantage: 'Railroad* already "bbut, runner --
Oils towns and cities, one of the. healthiest parts
of the United States, purest water, good markets,
fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, large
agrieultutaipppulation, best buGsling material at
lqw figures, good soil, low prktes, eav terms,
perfect title. For books, maps, thefts, and all
additional information, address •
• • W, O. tilIJGRART. •
'if.o.and Commissioner Grand Rapids, Mick',
FleiCher0h • ..
1$181011loment13 Fara.
All stock selected'
from' the get of 5ireW-7"
and dam§ of, estab-
lished reputation.and
,regieterect in the :
French and American Stud. Book& We have ft
very large.nueiber of imported, and grAcite. _
,lions and brood mares on -hand. 'Prices reason-
' able. • Correspondence solicited, . Send foe large
Plustrated catalogue, free by Addrese.
`WAGE & FARNum,netroit., mica. •• •••
Cabinet Parlor
• -AND
The subscriber keeps the finest
Always on hand. Funerals furnished at
the shortest notice and loWest prim.
' 4•GAT..1., SOLICITED,.
• Lfiasling 'Undertaker.
Loan and Investnient*Co y
Titi4 Company i 9 ZotinIng Aironcy on Farm.
ascurity d ,Loiccst Pates 01' interettl.
MORTGAOEFf PswirAsiiity
3,4 an/', 1 ;yr alift !Weed Ationterl on
lipposf'N, ,(10N0111111 to amount
and that:- /- P1.
• .% a., •• .
oryten.-corsor..r .1tar:•,.et -square Anil -giro. tares
• ftoRACv. II011To:g.
Vitae Mt
Colo -rich August Mb'