HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-12, Page 2mows „slicr:EpTazART
" Tea-um:row I" she echoes faintly. „
Leaving the room, he closes the .doet
after him with extreme gentleness;
some other door Open this corridor -may
hide behind it, hie sad little love, and to
rouse her againtto a quick remembrance
of her .griei would be horrible. In 04-
• cotaance with this ttain of thought, he
treads thepolished floor lightly, going
• with down -bent head andsteps so caro
fully picked as to suggest the idea of
sieknoss somewhere.; and truly sick at
heart she must be., sleeping or waking.
Far away ia the dita dietance a lamp
is burning t is so xentetely placed as
to be almest without reflection in this
corridor ; but its feebleness 'is amply
edinpensated for by the rays of a liquid
moon straying through the oriel window;
Just now
- '
NOWV01140 queen, end mother bow' .
has reached hor highest point. of. gl4ry.
Inaa-elouillesra-rsalinshe reigns supremea
surrounded by the tremulous stars,
which pale • and seintillate hefore het
preeence, throwieg out soft lustros of
orange, green, and otetl. .
Bouverie tands for a 'moment to
gaze upon the eloquent heavens -and to
drink in some quietude fa:an:the silence
and calmness of the night. Ho is fast
• losing himself in an endless reverie,
when a slight sound, coming from the
extremity of the corridor, rouses • him
from his dreaming'. • -
Slowly: recovering himself, he terns,
as though to ascertain the cause -of his
disturbance. Raising his hand to his
brow to ward of the strong moonlight,
• he seeks to pierce the darkness beyond.
• It divides. Something comes. from out
it withvague uncettam steps, with a
strange lingering. -He, leans forward.
It is an angel, her spirit, or—
Slowly she comes tohim over the
shining boards, • in titer 'white clinging
draperies, with loomed hair and...with
sad eyee, and cheeks all pale and 'wan.
Oh, sorrowful Dolores I • Sho lattl her
hand's in his.Diana's billi 1 re
• lights up her mournful .fece and Mins
.• the darkness of her eyes. . •
"How long you have.beenr she 'says
• gently, calling up a fOrlern little smile
that - only. makes more complete • . the
• Litter misery of her appearance. •
• "Long, darling ?" '
Yes I have been waiting-waitingt
I knew 11 should see you as ypil passed
by here ; _and I coull not •reat
had „spoken to you. • I told you -I
promised you .to meet a pm itgain to-
• night." 3
"1• remembered; but T hoped yau had
-given my rendozVous .to sleep., Handed
you in your bed an hour ago," says the
• young man tendetly: - •
Hoyv fair she /oaks, hew. frail -atm
• frail to battle with the waves :silting be-.
• neatli her feetl Her hands are lying
passively in his; 'asid-siaW . he know(
that one of them is. closed tightly :upon' ,
"Oh, no; I' Wee pot sleepi.iag l'tehe
• says, iu asubslued .voice. " Theretiters
so many things to think of -so many'
• unhappy things" -with a sigh. "Bet
there was -another tiling that •kePti me
•sleepless too -the• desire to 0e. yea and
-give you this.'! She glance -1 at her'
• closed hand, which she has' withdrawn
•'lour lib.- owl ';r1 •y
left me ; end I remembeted how you
thad once said it always reminded you
of me." liar lips quiver. She-SlOwlY:
unfolds her .ilugers, andlots him" see a
drooping violet, white as lying
▪ Upon her palm. " It is an odd' time for
• :it to bloom, is it not?" she says •Wiet-
• fully, without raising her.eyest-indeed
• they are too heavily' charged with tearg
• to alio* of hor showing thein. • ••
For a little they both stand
• gazing silently upon. the violet,which is
• . largo and sweet as it Might be in its
• usual birtbaittonth, though in, reality it
..is boru out of due time; "
"It will help tp remindayeit of toe,"
-she says at last, as thetightfollowinga
" out some thought knottoi to her alone. t
"-So it taillattetagh-lteltign't need env.'
thing when you ate, near,' : retinas Bon-
• verio, attempting to give- a lightness to
. the situation Whiell it dace .nlat'PesSess.
' 4 thelr,-ttlletl.COVII‘trietifitlys"-7
murmurs she, smiling top. ". Sec -1 '
• shell place it hete myself, leet you:Should
• lose it 1" She runs her slender lingers• '
into one of the .pockets of his waistcoat,
• and, taking out a pencil -ease, places the
violet there instead. • "1 have tied it
• with my hair," she says-" it and the
leaf 'together. 'Suelt tv shabby little lack,
se "Short !" She smiles &naively. " But
keep it-lteop it 1" •She sighs again,
and:gives a last glance et the. sWeet
flower she has- laid out for its approach. •
ing death. ": •
There is in her face gueli unutterable
• sadness that BotivettE loses his self- '
command:. • . .* , •
"Darling, datling;" be seys,:" dont
look like that! ikiow. of -What you are
thinking. Bilt. deep it ',really •Scrinuell
matter 2'WE eau go away, if you desire
it, beyond reach of cruel tongues and
• crueller hearts, 'and make a foreign home '
for ourselves,. andlive and die for each
• other." . .
'To got away -to esCapethat
she says, with a sort' Of. &Ming eager-
ness. "Oh, help me to it 1' Give om
tlia strength to go where no one •svonid
• know -whore one might after a while
be forgotten by those Who once loved
- •
PG !PA. CAlk 1de you no gear' Time
are tears in his eyes. " One wonld imaa
gine you had Peale bete te bid me an
etetnal fetewell," he says, aftet.tt brief
pause, with an effort at careless speech
which does him credit.
As lee says this, a curious change
news over lug face. She shrinksfrora
hint a little, And then all at once she
regaeshersett and breaks into a soft low
laugh, It is such an utter change front
her dejection of a moment since -that
Bouverie. stares at her. -
44 Farewell 1" she repeats, with a mirth.
that is almost Why should you
speak of fareweIrt Is the wish father
to the thought? No, no, of course I did
not mean that I Do not believeit. Ont
last, thoughts -that is1 meen every
thought of ours -must befall of tender-
ness." • She leaps her forehead against
hirna $o standing, her face is hidden,
"I am so tired," she says presently, in
a, stifled tone. "And yet I felt that I
UB t Rae (apiz. Vol wer.o.L'xi
you see, when you used to 0.401.188 Me of
capriciouguess." She raises her head,
and, layiug her hands upon his arms,
bends back from him suddenly and fixes
her -eyes upon hint with a strange- per.sigteney; "1 like you in that gray,suit, '
she says, -with A peculiar sniiIe. "Do
you know, whenever I think of you in
the future -and it win he often -often
-I shall always see you dressed j•ust as -
you iire now, and with the moonlight
failing on ypur face -so I Turn a; little
more this way now."
"What a fantastic ;fairy! Am I al-
ways then to wear blit one 0101011r to
• gratify you? 'Are evening,clothes to be
abjured? And op Ilow am L to re.
meraber you?" ••
"Do ncita remeraber mo," she saks
quickly; and then, her faceblanobing-
wAli, no, I. did not mean that 1At
tiniesit will do yeti uo harm. Think Of
me_ , 601 me tonund," she breaks off in-
CoherentlYe ana lets her hands -fall to
• her sides.
"Not ranch harm, at all events,' says
Bouverie, with a careful laugh; "Bet .
what am Ito call to mind? ,Your wit.
fulness, you tyranny, the inaey
nant devices you have . invented for my
undoing ?" • He seeks by his own affect-
ed • geiety be rouse her -from her sad
mood. • But why should I promise to
think of you at all?" he goes on ten -
dotty,. taking her into his fond arms.
"1 cen rejoice in the certainty that the
one thing .closest to my heart will also
be the one 'thing :before my eyett, for
•evera We iihalls_alwa,ys la together,.
.sweetheart; yciu and I." e' e •-------.5
She makes him no arigWert but the
Sitting at her window all night long;
small hand -pressed againat his shoulder sleeplese, snotiontess,,Doloree •wstohts
tightens its grasp conyulsively.„ There
is a long silence. • Holding her as he A.• weary vigil! Slowly., reltictautltr, it
for the dawn: • " • • •
dcate agamstlis heart, he -can feel hew cornea at last, with a tromuloos'aigh, as
hers beats -Wildly, passionately. But tthaugh sorrowing. still for..the death of
no word ei• •sig,h escapes her. What gentle night- And yet .it breaks upon
are her, thenghts Of 'him, or of " that the world with e glorious 'promise. Alt
Moat, 'grievous tale that has darkened the passion pi- yesternight forgPtton.
her young. life 2 , 'There is a • sharp all the stotm. efid, rain and hurrying
frenzy of despair :in the clutclrof the 'tempest. There is now nothing teftbut
little hand. He astopps to lay his tips suggestion of peace to conie 'and a. Most
upon it. • . ' '
• • At last the violenee Pf the •toiceless . The darkness. Severs, light grows upon
entotion tholes been fighting with dies
away; a long, lou sigh breaks from the sky.; another " day is ' born only to
her.. She raises her head.: • • ,
it you . Dtatn skiing Abe Oa with dying feet el gold,
34 Dick;" she. says very. gently. • Wifh 'sudden feet that graze; the gradual Seit.v-
It would be but a peer thingita say 'With, grief and Misery. Within her
better than my life,?? replieshe. gravely.' • heart, she Ims sat and nieurned tliiougb-
''' Where is • there . room' 'tat doubt, my • .out livelong night; but, though she
&thug'?" • , ' . •-• , onourned,•,..ale never Wavered.liar Tiro-
l! If,' she Says softly, With lowered Mise hem given to his Mother ;'• it
lids'and lettered torui--'' if I wore sier. mist be kept, if only for big sake alone, •
to disappoint you, hove' would it- be He Will' be true ; lint she, for his sake,
then ?" •• • must be &Waned Wee alene to him in
Disappeintnior • yeeping :lies all her truth end
"Yes, yes !"/-with justYa faint touch hope and love.
'-itf impatience in her sad voice. : •• . To the opening streaks. of erimson
'Why will be not understand 2 And light upon the sky's face her eyes -cling,
-yet-she Pales' and . shrinks back within Wearied, ae; they are from their long. u.n.
herself as some' thaught °mars to her, rest. She :hears the first aoft ,rush of
• " I might do something, nneXpected," • •ingearth and wakens the drew o r
oh, if he should upderstard.! . the scented Morn 'as'it touches the sleep.;
sho goes en ~feverishly--:" something . in its :headlong flight ottr meadOw, vale,
which yoti „might disappro'ie,• %masa and hill. . • • a
thing -4-a' • , s • . ". 'When the tenderet.lights:heve gtowir
" Dolores, what do you mean'?" asks into more establialsed dawn; and this
he gravely, puzzled bythe yeheir Mice again has . g,iveta piano to gaudy- day,
of het matnet, . • • . . itolotea •hestirs herself. Rising half
.."-Why;:.'nothintr!" "arlYs airettilitha a. niechaniCatlyt from her low, seta, .as
miserable little laugh. 4 It is only. that though unwillingly compelled. to the do-•
it opened to me ..how often one dot -ss ,ing ' smite • act long ego determined
thing that --that inight not look site- testa elm` moves aboat her roorn and
gether ;lovely in the.. eyes of .others. putatogethetaa few tri.fles' hi a pretty
Now if I were to do a, thing of that sort fanciful little basket. At the bottom
-oh ?" lie, in tissue -paper lovingly folded, a
" Nothing that you could do would :• few faded floWers, a miniature, a letter,
alter, niy love,'' says the young man a necklet golden and. fragile-aher first
• t,
•eatisestly.• • ' •• - gift' Of jewelery front Mies Msterin,
. Not Oven if I forsook yott?" asks she Her first ! Yet it,seems only ae yester:
• calling non the to come forth to
zerniutha.. pule, Balmy with Main tho theta ankaausetlatir dieetilutlip And
fingers the fair eoft sunny:. hair from her , vsith resplendency of glory that ligttta
for7hellade Peaks, he smoothe with to' 'ring rrat,trgIeineentriPe4des, roltestfrotactstyll :
without 'raising her eyes, " Yolt shalt clouds into the far heaten. An then -1-
g promise.,a oho says, in atiii tole°, ligeinhoeamivytaizattn. atnsdavrtleea. unottohetiattaati,47)
acteLtahisnilgahtithrtehweiltiOrmnlyeZorOvratit:' ea at encerethe see, lies bare -at e opa-
cheered by your proraito,„ says Boo. line sea -that, lying there sun -smitten,
Teti% thawing her to him ami p.rossing trembles and awaye beneath the magio
his lips to hers. touch of fiery Sol.
The paths have grown golden; the
She hardly returns the presaute. He hedgerows, made smolt eygrowing sum.
is pothari a little hutt hy her seeming mar, are sending out far and near their
colcluess ; but who sltall- fathoixt the delay wawa. The hirde are giving
depth of the anguish she is enduring voice to their first toyeeteraatin, •
Who shall describe the strength of the
constraint she has laid upon herself 2 "Sag:, by snubs= creop, 0 from line to
_ „ roam by foam: quickens on the brislit'aing
It is all a burden too heavy for her to
A little he holds her away •84blf binAgdi ra""' 11°17't by juiver gebs free'"
from. him and tries anxiously to read Theday haft indeed arisen. in perfecb.
her face • but she has $o lowered her 'beauty I
bead. tha't sarutiny is impossible to him As one lest in a vague dream, Dolores'
in the dim •sweet light ef the rnoon. takes her way through briar.growittenes
Then comes back to him all she arid scented wood •Iler path lies be-
-has Suffered since iirst this day &tamed, tween dim hedges, with faint sugges-
and he foroiveitter; accusiaghirnself the tiotia ofl a wide country lying far he -
while of a creel want of sympathy. • yortd, broketi by giant ferns andtall
" Good niglatal tree -se -pa tenderly, and, roses that top the beaks as. $he walks
with a, last embrace, he turns to leave _along- 'The bu,slies artfftill of twitter -
her. ing birds that, waking into life, make
• Mute and cola, she stands there Where the air resound again. 'The first stiff
they have parted until he hats reached grayness of an early dawn is dying
the very farthest end of the corridor. away, and the land. is gaining in colour
Then all at once the _studied. quiet of
her face breaks up. Is be goingfor weer
thus -for all eternity' Not knowing, a
terrible cry Parts her white lips; ahe like, goes. the small solitary figure with
stretches out her arms Whim, • bent head and sad unseeing eyes. The
"Oh, Dick., come back tc7 me --come woadrous beauty that automats Do.
back 1" Bile cries desperately. "'Say 'ores is lost upon her feverieh sight;
good night to me, if only once again P only ;when she thaws itear the little way-
Aud then she runs' to him and flings side station, and sees the Wreaths of
barsolt upou his breast, and twines beT smoke that rise from the panting en-
getitle arm:items& his neck, and clings gine, does she at all show any signs of
to him; though she woeld weer let animation.
him go -the, who has ever been so _chary She- Weep her headthen, andsineres.s.
of lier caresses 1 fog her speed, entera the gate, and is
There 1$ something in the very elan., ' soon standing upon the platform. A lit-
clonniont of her grief-something.se mi- tle /nervous tremor passes over her as
liko her usual radiant little fielf-that she moves forward detiberately to teke
frightens Bouverie. • bet tioket. • The man in the •offlce i$
"My soul. what is it 2" he whispers well ImCIWII to her ; be will prohebly re-
eatessingly ; but sho scarcely . seems, to cognise -her, 'will probably tisk a question
bear- ' •• or two„ and, worst of all, may xeteil an.
8110 throas back her head and looks actcount of .her sayings and doings to
at ; it is a king earnest look, such those she leave§ behind ! Her trerele;
as one might direct upon the well,hea ling increases as she &OMB nearer to the
• loved dead. ere yet •the coffin -lid has timall opening liehipd'which herinnocent
closed epee him.• enemy may be standing. a , •
"Good night, goodbye," she mormnrs But chance faamirs her. A face. quite.
brokenly. Oh, darling, darling, dar.. strange Meets -her gaze, and, with A sigh•
lingst" L : . _ _ tof xeliefgshe takes-np- her ticket and
• seeks refuge in one, of the carriages.
The porter she has successfully :welded;
and now, as the train-m(5,1es and. she
fie& she has really set forth on the
jeurney the end whereof is . unknown
to her,. she sinks • bask in her seat,
end draws long, long breeth of think,
fulness. '
If you *roan* &trete of the Welts of that
(tough tad Oelii you ought to be, sPacepaia
willthorougbly eere you, Seld everywhere
2S °puts.
PAiteggioug mai vet eartiO.
ma, NINO & faCOT'r
Barristers, .Sotieitors,
0014VIIVANCEns 0:
00111Mtesioners or Ontario and Hanttobit.
orkle11 NEXT DOOR TO IstIV Etta, efirroikr.
MONEY '1,2„IfT3s4,1.°11PtrolituSY11:4;
• Shiott's 85.
its-arttatoe taeaNsas,--APPLY TO TIIN
JAL undersigned at the Librarf hooves, Smith's
Block. .1A3IES SCOTT,
owns on geoll mortgage security, Moderate
ate of interest. liALR, (Hinton.
D BOWSLEY,, ill. D., m.a. s. ENtsaeisD,
Physician, Surgeon, etc. -Offibeiiiidi•erifilence
next hloison'it Bank, market square, Clinton;
Len Ontario street,CI inton,QPPosi to the English
lunch, Entrance by side gate.
with every minute thatmake theyoung 14.. a iro nitv1INS ,:chigr es' :341°Sr:0 re 4 3,:ret 1, ?care IA' corner
day older. -
Through the country, pale e,nd ghost. King and Queen etrects,Blyth,
She ceased abruptly, and coveteeher
oyes with ler hand.' Such a mean
transparent hand / • As the silver moon-
__ beams fall upon it, it seems elinest-
void otbloed.•
Miailltiaturia's 'Words a while since-.
" Thia •0111 kill her" -.r51 r totatouvetio
with an awful clearness: Will it ? Can
this fraegile farm bear up •ageinst the •
horror of the shame so rtulely betrayed
to her ? Or Will she give in and, fade
find droop ? • t
With er anguish mote aoute than
he has ever yet hi:team, he catches the
childish hand withihi his own, and holde
ft in a grasp that is alitteat painful.
"Dolores?' Pries he sharply, " overy.
thing shell be juat as you 'will! Let HS
^ go to Italy -to Anyplace that has seem,
ed most ploasaet to you. We sliall ho
happy with each other."
"Wo I" For a while sho gazes at hint
as if net tinderstanding. '.then-" Ala
yes," she says, with au ofiott, "1 boa
forgotten -yes." She resents still
dreamily absent from the passing event
. of the momoot.
$$ Does the IstiOwledge of my ehangoltaie
love bting nit comfort to yen 2" ag�
the youug roan Elorrotelfully, 44 Yoe look
The train speeds onveard•tvith Di:dittos.
Loudon is.' her 'destination. In that:
great city She hopes to lose herself go
effectually that the. mightiest effatfasti
the part of aunt Pr levet may. not is -
•cover her whereabouts.' •
But London-ethat universal hiding.
place -is very far removed from: heree-
• T . .
.Leatting back agrainet the' 'cushions,
she tries to sleep, ; but no welt comfort
comes to her. Sleep -ever shy . when
most Itescnaglittlies • from her novt,
5 .
Provincial and Do Minion -Lan Siirveyor,
Architect and Draughtsman, FORBIN 13Lqtlx.,
Clinton. .
▪ 3/Carray Block, two doors east of, Hodgens' on.
tranee,,,atesidence, opposite the Temperance Hall,
Aaron troet,Olinton. moot heuta Snail. to QINial.
17.1. attended at their own residenee,if necessary. Re,•
sidence, John Robertson's, Huron Street, Minton.
Woe's new method taught if desired. '
silo/Sues, eraintegra or THE 31EPI
merly of the Noepltele Rad Dispensaries, New York
Ooronerf or the °minty of lin-ron,Bayttold,Ont.
VI general Painter ; paper hanging. and Icalsoming
second to none. Scuocn. BLACKBOARD a spectalty.-
Satisfactien guaranteed and cluIrges with tho times.
Tux LATTiR Or In 16414 flrZolaugir
ILL •Toron t o Uniiereity ;'member of thobollegeofPhy
elialSOO And nrgeons, 0 nt °PPM: ESOIDENCE tha
houseformerlyeocupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street
Clinton.. •
• -Lr•Aceouchenr ,Lio en t la t ef the (loll e geofPhys ioian.
an aSurgeons of Lo w or Oen ad ,and Provinel alLi con,
tie te end Co rola oat. r e C onn tyo Muse n ()Alcoa n d
residence,Thehuililing ormoriy o couple d by IsIr.
Thviaites, Huron .8 treat . • •
• .
k./AltY andlteadingRooms, Pernin bionic, down
Stairs. About 1,7O0 Vonimes•in the Library toad
all the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals or
the day ori the table. membership ticket Slyer
annum.. Open from 2 to -5 p.m., and from 7 to
p Applications for memnersh'sp rceived
by the Librarian in- in the room.
ro nu;
llofero .doing so, etiltan'd gct. all rates and lOor-.
" motion from the agent of the ALLAN LINE, or :
• address Box 17; Clinton P.O. .
• f SON771-,T11,,, A
The above continental treesand shrubbery will bevel,*
at very low prices, 011d those wanting' anything la
this connection will save money by purchsetes We•
Orden. by Nail will be promptly attended to
•.4d4ress, .
I-1 Nelson cfc Oo*,
T.E.4414-11-6-1111 5, Paul
-4- 3doneyadvanoed on Mortgages and Notes of hand
Drat t Rained payable at par , at all the eftlees of tho
3.Lerchant's Bank of Canada. Nov York exchange
benglit and sold. PROAIPT ATTPINTIOD PAID TO 008-
LSOTIONethrottgliont OalIad# AAA theBnited States..
Sete NOTES SOUGHT at close sates, and money
advanced to farmers on their own notes ,f or anyiength
of time to suit the borrower. All marketable scour
tiesbongit tend. sold.
• •
W . W. F.414.113.,A1 J.
• taeerponitea by Act of parliament; 1858. '
CAPITAL, - - $t;000,000. • „
• 3, II. R. /JOLSON , . Vice -Pres. •••••
WeLEERSTAN TRONAS, qatAhTta Manager. '
Notes diicounted, • Collections wide, Drciftb-
issued Sterling and A2nerican excktnym
bouett and sold ae lowest .
' current rates:
. •
Interest at 4 yer cord allowed on deposits.
• FARB/13411.S ,
Money advanced to farmers on theirown notes. with .
one or more endorsors. No mortgage required As §0,..
. • • 3Ianager
. • •
• Jantiary. 188 .
. .
A !
• ethiteig
'Watch and roc.1( ,Maker,'
, - .. . • .
leaving' her with wide and saddened USIC TEACHER
eyes.. . .
• One station it reached and, pasted at •
., ..
. • .S.NOW RE.A.D:Y Tp,RECAIVII Punts.
last, and now another: There is Lei one• • •
to share -with.. her the -monotony of the . .
first-class earl -leg • e in which , she -has ' ' :r8R101 10 centti pottage and we will,t"rotif pia ftee
seated herself. In spit of the slender. , . - pot yell hi tile.inty O?ittAtting more money at
.,"0,0inkostbing,ose in Atherien. Both PeXell
• alai:am NIA livil at home aud work in spare thee, or all tho .
,thoit Capitol et reqpired. Te will start yea, ,Innuells6.
pay sun for tlioso •NYho start A once. STeiliON '
Portland, Maiaii. •• . .
sess Of het resources, all which lie. to-
day in her pretty basket, Is has not 'ea --
batted to her to travel by any 'ewer
°lees. 1 • • e.-1 as cheated her. t To
money --:•that is a lesson as yet to
be:leaped by Dolores.
• Ho* fiat the train;seems, to go -and
yet -What little greund it-Zifttreis 1 lb
now half -past ,seven; ' and still what
hears and hours Mutt elapse before
• London is reached! A sun that is.
most trepica is pouring s cams in
throtigh the ,windova -------.•
'When the .fourth Statiop is passed,
she grows restless. This isolation is
intolerable; it ,gives too much, room for
thought! She poses inapatiently up
mad dowh the erapty earriage. . So hot 1
So thisty 1. Why, ib was epol in com,
lifeon with this at----- But noose,.
she, *lust not think of Greylands1 :r heio
. .
••• 2
Shall be no pa,st for hear -only a fu
With a •fotced smile ',more --sorrowful da y when it eyrie clasped *end' hart aalaa, how sweet her feturh wee t
than any tears.. , . • ' neck by fondest fingers. ' EVen note she •on only two days ago I ' • •
• " Nottetain thin," Gaya he distipctly,. Can ' hear the: kind ',Soled tvishing -her. , She clasps her hands tiglitl a
perhaps: a; little: coldly. He is feeling • &gain " raani happy returnssf the day," Yes, this inomitoity is . int leteltht-she
-puzzled. by her raantier, and uncertain. Al, why had sho.not died: then 2. 'Why :tepot sat end to it I. A then all. at
• " Oh; -.butt it ' vspuld-ait shall 1" ' dries • •lod the lieedte See her latest birthday? aence she tells. herself 's 0 can hear the
she, 'With It sudden burst of • Passien.: All Waa in 'preparation since 'last, Italti;po longer. What does it' matter
"At all eventsI •hardly blow. what 1 : eight All naives Boon arrarigede. She . that be has 'taken a ticket to London?
says -but at all events, if I ever should las: not removed the ,Whito gown the 'What indeed does it mittei about any -
be the: oeuse • of grief to you, -tell Melt were yesterday', but slips over it a lighta. thing? ' She 'will . get'. mit at tho 'next:
would net be lasting. grief, that your .. colourpd. ulster Of thinuest teXture; and station. To walk, to move, nteinettet
love for nte, tried tooseverely, 'would by. covers her sunny curls With a hat that, *bete; .will be better . thee this, and
degrees • lessen, decrease, fade away after all, sueceeds only in very partially ' sha eaugo eoraewhereaL,•anywhere 1
into a kindly •renteinbrance.. Ab "- concealing themi
. But in the poor child's She s growing somewhat confased.
with a quick sob-" it shoeld be kindly! distracted mind there is no room fertile' Her mental mieery, con:Mined. wtth the
. _
Tell me yonveould, for instance, after a thought of cceicealment. •• latat long terrible night of ' creel 'sleep -
little while, . not feel so :pained about Taking up her basket; the epers•ler 1081'103S, 18 HMV telling upon her delicate
•ine in your thoughts as ' yoa dld• be- bedroom door and .atepa out...Ilion the :organisation, Was it . indeed only :teat
fait." ' ' , .•' ' corridor in the hread, etill lioht of the night silo lay °Wake waiting 'for the
.. •
. "d cannot follow you," says Bouverie early morning. Miss Matilries door dawn? Was it 'only -yesterday that
slowly. S I :only know thatanothing lies.directly opposite to 'hers; Swiftly • Ladyltouveriespolfe to her -or was it
you could over do 'would make me lo•vo she goes to it and lays, ber • -hand upon a yeat age since arstshe heard- that she
you loss „ I am. yours body and soul. the handle. Then she hesitates., Her ,was -was .
Do not mistake me for ea instant, Yen lips quiver, Mest site go witbout'evert . _She sbrinks baelt into, bor seat, en
speek Of lovetatteea,y,,ita decrease, whielt erre silent frattwell, 7i5lie IRA' Blanco at itetalips .grow, .'deadly-titedifte. Oh n
aa, ,ditatt, Aeat fantiliat face' ,that has bevel. not thee! -:81.10. will not think of t6t.
means it e ,,, • ,...•-,-.,..tl:...,,I.
beloved, *i.i.iiNA-1 inekva box' anything but thelities of deep- • It ia all oeor now and dente. Nothin,
Ile stream; • or to is heart, and looks ' est love? ' ••• . ' Paneundo it: Why totter°oneself with
don upon her with a face mado pale She Oates .a passionate' Bobo and, • memories that serve oelyato orush and
by passionate tepreaela "Ibt is had of bending forward, presses her lips lin, kill the already btolleit spitit 1 .
yens ' he says, - ..• eeringly to ate of the ottken panels. It Slie,rouses herself anci looks out of
"It is hard," tale answers dreamily. is a latit,: a final. °Alen!, Yet no .tears the open VVillaoW upon' the sameness of
She draws herself away front him, and stand within•lier miserable eyes AS elie the -green fielde as they fly past het
glances at the 1116011 through the. it- .tipraiaea herself mad gives a tepid glance • aehiug eyes, chid hi their summer ver.
lumitiated window. ." Ttentotrow will atoned. '• . " • • dare, ' The growing desire to leave this
be faith" elle Satia calinly. ' . Perhaps there is an" itvolantaty de, terrible Mectivity . *ogees sorely. open
"X think so. The night is so Midis-. lay in her gaze as it comes to that spot her ; the dompulsotyquietude of it be-,
turhed." Ile is Woridettrig et the stud. _ where he and she 116i:1.1,400a . *Oiler es.;,rues an. agony at last...."011 to leave
den alterations ' of het moods, from last night, and had " kissed and kissed it! Whea Will the uext station be
quick grief to apparent indifferenceand petted," to meetagain-al, neva I reached ? „ .
saye. . '• , dual eteps down the great atell'caset•t
"If so, it wilt be' it great olitinge," he She turns away, and, going ,wShe feels no anxiety about quitting
ith gra-
"'Yes; toanorrow will bring a gteat orcases the hall,. and; at though in the tteie, and, thee finding herself on
soil Strange to her
'change," returns she 'absently. . dtcani enoliaind thehall doer and steps wernan-so run her unspoiled thouelits.
. She will meet same
13ouVerie's gaze grows keeeer as ho (nitride the thrilling stweetnesa .of the
--some kind. worneti Who will befriend
tutna it upon her. . , young and growhig morn, • The mista her end tell her where to go,' and Vvho
"You mated," he SAYS 11111110alatelY. ate rising item the, valley and are -ciente may takaohanoe otter he emooymena
1.ott are overwtought. but, before we haste. Itp to this she has forma ail tho world '
I irtsfst oe vier going to boa at oncet berieg up the Sides of tho hills in metry
Part "-ateliderly*" tell lee 16411 not the wori((11, i-t4VeernieS:155110161113rginhatilf0613:Irilarhil, kiud; tied by shourd It het be the '
' To be t, nut' n rto.1
. .
. Ist .17iTILIE.ME•
11-.0 a the. et::64-11F-slylt"righINfM1). trieNeolruinityTFor the. Hurd
procese .of administering chentically pare Nitrogen
llioncside, tyldell la the safoSt and bpstsyston. i y.ot.. ,d_i,s-
oevared for the •painless d.i.trnotion.oi teeth. •.Chargen
moderato, sottantion iLintranteed. 0.14TCS, BEAVER
BLUO.h.; over Thompson ciriftvirsor's. (woo*. storg
AlbertStrcet Clinton.. , ..• . .• • ... - . ...
After the severest test at the late fair in
•Clieton, it was universally admitted, -that
EXCELSIOR •was away ahead of all oth-
ers, and destinedto be the Popular instru-
ment of the day. This; along with the fact
that a special ptize wasawarded it, certain-
ly speaks volumes for the instruments, and
parties parchasing 'should :see • the Exam, -
me before buying elsewhere. ,
GEO: Ft OAKES; Paoarizaeona
Factory three doors West of 1Viiilloy'rt Puni
Itattenbury St., Clinton,
OPICAolTIA 4,11113E 5114.11..la1T, CILINWON
Where ho loops a select aSsOrtrnent.of
Which viei 'win son et rearionabie rates.
Itepairing ofers- description- -prol.-uptiy
tended to, anti all Work warranted. •"
Ciinton,Nov.1882. .
• ,Crall'ettt.0.1AZ :
1 •
-L and furnished Ids now,Planing Hill with maehin.. '
ory of the Wot improved.pattorns,' is now inepared
to attend to all orders In lilt line -In tho most prompt
and Satisfactory manner, anditt reasonable rates. Ho
-would also return thanks to all who patronized the -
Old firm beforethey_ wore hurtled 'Out, and .now biting
in a bettor position to execute -Orders expeditiously,
feelseonfident he eon give satisfitetion te all. . .
.F44.0270.RY-N ear tlio Grand Trunk Rail
- . .
. . . THOMAS. ItfoREN2TR..
tom], Clinton._
1‹. M
WHEN • .
WilI thoroughly 'cliiirtrotr.7"--They
:46 rla gripe ,or purgoo but pot
mildly, and whenever used
° rue considered price- •
• less. They ,hetip ,
prOven to be the: '
• Otaimucaisi guisniamammosesausaimxt
0551008 SODDItATE.
• • r •
Before buying, got our special prices for
Bails, MarblesLearns° Sticks,
ExpressWaggoes,Doll Carriages.
CROQUET, 1,1.6.E.
VarALL VIA Ps • •
DEAVER ntocx.pooxsToriZ,
co(puit, ct,txtroN.
to :di oniforers from indigestion,
Disordered Stonisch,
Uo0„thern and bo reileved frOui
yOurtnisery. 35 -PHIS In a be*e
215e*, per .box, 5 belies for ,
Bewate of Couoterfeits and 13aso ttnitatioris,
Genuine wrapped only in, 13114:, with signa-
lure on every 1Jux. Free trial ixtekaee of
these Celebrated Pills sent to any al
etitecelet or a- 3 cent skarni,.
titiOn 0. vigsor &cat).
3101,0 pottoritt.t.,
.81 ARO 'it:: 1::: -7., STREET Ekl • • 'I'M ONT.,