HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-05, Page 8]Boggs. --Misses Dottie Read and Hat-,
'CLINTON NEW ERA tie Lane went to London to take eltua
gone, this week ; they were "suppered"
by some ofthe'young folks before taking
their farewell. The little daughter .of
Mr. W. Craig, who, with Mrs. Craigs is
on a visit to Toronto, ie dangerously ill.
The Goderich Signal, says :--'" Joseph
Morrie, who liyee just over the river,
bought a handsome organ the other day
from Doherty, of Clinton, and as he al-
ready was possessor of a good instrument,
much curiosity was manifested by the
gOWfl ZopiCL, neighbors asto what he witsgoing to do
w, W. the second.one.; Mr. Morris present-
OrE To THE COLONIAL. -Mr, ed the new organ tohis daughter, airs..
Clary, representing W. Doherty & Co,, G. Stewart, of Godericb, as a /sort of sup-
eailed from New York yesterday on the plementary wedding gift." • On Tuesday
White Star steamer "Celtic," and will pas as a boy was driving a team across by
take charge of the magnificent display to the market, he was met by"a cutter, and
be made by the firm at the .approaching the ice at the market caused his sleigh to
exhibition. Himself andwife were bemired swing around and strike the nutter, break -
from here by W. Jackson, the agent of tug the shafts;; had the cutter taken the
the White Star line. proper side of the road, it would have es -
THE WARDEN'S COMMITTEE. -• On caped uninjured. Mr, R, Haywood will
Tuesday Messrs. McMillan, of Hullett ; , do the brickwork for"Mr. Jas. Snell's new
Strachan, of Grey;Clegg, of Wingham ; house in- Hullett, and also for the house.
and Cook, of Howiok, members of the of Mr. King, Wawanosh. Mr. R. Rana -
Warden's Committee, went up to Goderich fent goes to Ottawa this week, on bust-
for the purpose of considering whether to ness. Mr. Chris. Dale, ji., of Hullett,
put an iron or a wooden bridge at Bens sold to a Seaforth buyer last week, four
miller.. They decided: in favor of a wooden- horses or which he received the sum of
one, the estimated cost fpr an iron one 800; one was only two years. old. Mr.
being$10,000 more than for the other, award Wise, the well known gardener,
which the committee thought was .too i4 -very ill and fears are entertained that
h cannot recover. A. small Scotch terrier
owned by Mr W. Broderick; was poison-
ed. by some one -the• other night. Some
clothes, left on a lino over night. by Mrs.
T. Dunlop, were cut into shreds, by some
mean n scamp, a knifeevidently being used
for the purpose, Mr. Stephen -Yates has.
acpepted the position of Inspector- under
the. Scott Act, end gives notice that hp
will enforce its provisions. Mr. D. tante-.
lon took an order from Mr. Foster, of
Colborne, last week, for over 600. fruit
trees,;- Mr. Foster evidently believes tbat
there is money;in fruit.: Last week,Mr. G.
Shipley bought a horse"from Mr.Hardy at
$150 and -one from Mr. Monek, ofSille t,
at $155.. _Mr,: J. T. Wilkie, dentist, has
moved his office to the Jackson block, •up-
stairs. Mr, R. W. Watson, late of Ben -
miller mills, has given up his lease of the
on Albert Street ; frame house for •Mr. F. • same and returned to town: Mrs. S. Mor-
Rumball, Htiron Street; and frame house ley gave a supper to the Doherty Band
for Mr. Jas. McMath we,suppose "Jim" and a number of friends, at the Grand
intends to occupy,it himself, even if he is •
yet in a state of single blessedness lir.
H. Stevens got the contract for Mrs Ball's
new house on the base line, instead of :lir.
W. Cooper. •
FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1.886.
W42 TED. --A Good .friveAgent, at,onpe.
Apply to Box 99 Clinton, P. 0.
JUST JtEOE1VEIy"- A fine assortment of
the bee, varieties of :11Q,Leriean and French
• CHOCOLATE. Something New and Choice.
J. CUNINQUkME, Clinton.
• much to expend.
Too GOOD TO. LosE.--Rather , a good
thing•.was, overheard at the county S, S.
Association held last week-, at Wingbam,
Rev, T. M. earepbell, of Goderich, failed
to put in an appearance and Mr. Thos,
McGillicuddy rose to explain .the cause of
. absence. Eloquently depicting Sisera's
delay, lie burst out with the biblical quota-
tion " Why tarrieth the wheelsof his char -
lot?" • " Why bless you," said:aperson
at theback of the church, ".have they no
sleighing at Goderich? I never knew be-
fore why it was -so
' NEW BUILDINGS. -We have already=
- announced several new buildings that are
to be put upin tows; this year, and in ad-
dition thereto add the. following;' Brick
house for Mr. A. H. Manning, to be built
• afternoon last a large crowd `gathered at
the station to take farewell of the Wallace
family, and .others-that.were going -to
Dakota. Miss Jennie Westcott, of [ul=
lett, alsowent to Grand Forks, tob•visit
her brother. • W. McBrien, of Eullett,
and Mr. John Thomson, of Bayfield, left
for Millbank, Dak., and-lllr. T. M. Elliott
"also left for the west, taking with himfive
stallions forWisconsin, purchased of the
following parties ;-Frpni W. Rinn, Huls
lett ; B..MeDewell, Blyth : H.. Morrison,
Nile;']i . Bateman and W. `J,Yeo,•$oderieh
township. Mr. -W Young, of Goderich,
also bad •five• stallions , on board for the
rather good thinN
g occurred At amarriage in
this county recently, sheaving the perfect
Union op Friday evening, the time was
Spent. in .songs, instrumental music, &c..
Mr."Thos. Bastains for some time 'a resi-
dent here, has moved to Torontoto live:
Mr. 0..Wilson,painter, who recently went
.to the other side to work. is back in:tewn
again; ' We are sorry to record the death
of the infant son of , Mr. R. Callander,
which occurred at Parhill, on Thursday.
D7 r. Wrn. Muir has been confined to his
hDuse.for a couple of weeks, by a severe
cold, but is able to be out again.' Miss
Gordon, of Goderich; is theguest of Miss
Epa Stevenson... Tho Goderich pap"ers
speak eery highlyof the new firm of Swaf--
.field & Cooper that has come here to re-
side. Will Muir, late of the T Conto ex-
press ..ofirce,:has taken charge of the express
agency here for Mr. C.uuninghame, Mrs.
E. Holinee, of Toronto, spent a: few' days
among her friends here this:Lveek, return-
ingto Toronto on' Thursday. We do not
suppose that M. Cs Cameron, M. P., anti-
cipated any personal injury while at Otte -
tit . • ' a been making it -hot"
for some of the members; but the fact that
innocence-of_the=Bream,—�'ifter-the-inin--- :put U0,goo-inaurnn
ce-on phis_ if€e-be--
ister had made the couple man and wife,
heused the term customary •oq suck secs.
sions, when he said "salute your bride."
The young man did not know • whit that
meant, andsirnplyinade:a. formal bowto
his wife. .Thin'king the requestwas not
heard' the minister again said' "salute
your bride." This'' time the; new -made
benedict put out his hand As if•, to. shake
that of the bride. The minister,. seeing
the dilemma tle:youth was in; broke the
spell by the magic words ekiss .your
bride," when there was, un explosive
smack that was heard on the meat `conceie
sion, showing teat however ignorant the
,youngman mig+ht be,as to the penning of
certain, terms, - e was no, novice in the ort
, 'of osculation.
fore lice went is significant, to seethe least,
Mr. H. Cook, of Sguris, N. W. T., formers
lyof Goderich township, sent a sample.
of grain to e' buyer, here the . other day,
retharking that aII hie could:get for it :in'
:Bardon, .was. 20 cents a bushel, and this
was not in cash. Mr.. Thos. •Gowenlook, of
Seaforth; a few dayssince bough't�a car
Load of fine cattle from Mr. James Fair_;
they are notto be•delivered for sometime
yet. The Hullett . Agricultural Society
has decided- opt to hold a spring show this
year.., Mr. Joshua Hill, ,of the base, line,
carries his arm in a•Sling,, :the result of
accidentally catching his hand on the iron
of a cutter,• and tearing the 'flesh pretty
badly.'. A second meetieg,,to' arrange for
Parties going tos the west, will be held in
the council •,room, Clinton, on Monday
AAYS.-On Friday Dr..Worthing, afternoon next; 11Ir. John Ferguson, who
tonWas 'hitching hia horse to the cutter has been with Prof, 'Davenport, barber,
and had.on .tog-hocked,'-nhsn-the stable*•.•has-purchased-the•ontfitrtind-good-will-of-
the business, and the Prof. removed
with his fanfily toToronto, on Tuesday.
Miss C. Gilchrist has taken a position as
book-keeper with Mr. Geo.' Crawford:,
Mrs jno. Robertson; daughter And Miss.
Buchanan, are in the eastern markets at
tending sales. Mrs A:McD. Allan, who
has been collecting apples and grain for
the Celonial Exhibition, sent off the Hu-
ron•consignment yesterday; he says that
the collection of fruit• from tliis section
will besimply magnHied nt, and some good
samples of.grain have been mecured; but
not-so;murrh--as-bo steuld• 'have -liked to
had. We are yery sorry to learn "that Mr.
;Fl T. Archibald, of ]iekinson's Landing,
(son in=law of Mr. It. •Coats, and brother
of Mrs. Farran;). died on Wednesday
night ; • h e. has beer; i n poor health for years
but his death so soonwas not antieipeted.
Dlr. John. Callander expecting to .be Ab-
sent from town for a short time, has ar-
ranged With Mr. N. Robson toperform
his. duties as town clerk during his absence.
Mr. D. M. Malloch had his face slightly
,frozen, on Friday, Mr. Thos. Newmarcli:
:andswife,.;.late-ofs uel nesere.but formerly
of this place, leave this week -for Minns.
apoTTs; •Dir. C. Spooner, jr., accompanies
them. Mrs, .l),- I',atton,_1nd .far�it`ilyleft
for 7itmd tie, a7r., eaterday, -Where Mrs, -
Patton has a• hnmetead and pre-emption
'ehtim. Dir.'John Sheppard, late of Gode-
rich •to}vnship. returned to 'Dakota, on
Wednesday.' We are sorry to learn that
Miss, D..Mulloy is. so low that Very slight
hopes are e' ted,s,e iter recovery
We understa �• ', .,r �sleciie the
bootblack orator; ivt l deliver addresses in
dist town hall here, on the 15th and 16th
itist; it is scarcely necessary for us to say
'anything further' about him, for his list
address was so much appreciated that all
-gin beardhim then will be glad to hear
him again. We have a letter from .Mr.
Thos. Gorrell,; rff Qu'Appelle, refuting
certain statements alletred to have been
Made by Mr'.. Arthur • Whittingli;bm "since
his return from . the West, but as we un-
derstand the ,,matter has been placed in.
legal hands, we consider it better to with -
bold the letter from publication, A ru-
mor has been ettrrest here that• a son o f.
Mr/I. tr`1`. (rowanlock, of Seaforth, had been
frozen to dea.li iii the northwest, and two
°there very seriously injured, our Sentorth
correspondent suites that the rumor is
unfound en far as he can fine] out ,
r The Doherty -band tins now niiintt 23
a few 11) 1111 LOS 1115 pr,Sit1on ''V14, tt 1:111•1 Cat members, sevcr.ti harrier ,lrtirrl'd lately.
one, but the tongs J broke, Anil the team. , pew does this issue ,;C tlu' New i;tt c catch
;;elfin% Teee be em, : raX ttraiiar,; . y,tt t, t. cal stew• :' ) ;,t,L 10' item, eh: 't
door was' blown shut and caused the horse'.
to run •away. It managed to pull the
cutter out. of the: Pane into. the road, where
it was 'upset, the cross -bar Of the shaft'
breaking, but no otlf r -damage being done.'
On Saturday afternoon a horse belonging
to Mr. Henry Cook, Huron road, got
frightened and ran away; the breaking. of.
the shafts was all the damage done._ ' On
Friday while the busses were waiting at
the station; the' drivers sitting. inside; a
box that was being, moved across the plat-
' form slipped front the trucks, and struck
the legs of the•Cemrnercial_b_oraes,-causing
them and- also,. the Battenbury teaitt to
run away. The,latter were Ailed up be-'
fore they had gone many yards, but it was
some minutes before Foster the driver of
"'tire'' -Commercial,; could get outside and
secure control of.his team; which he did,
howeyer, before any damage 'had, been
done.. One day: last- week Mr. T. C
Doherty, of this: place, had •a somewhat
exciting runaway experience, though it
was not�attended with any serious Cense.
gilences. Ire was tooling up the Goshen
__ line, Stanley, with art organ etrepped ..
T fits-sleight«hen the -he -Pies- plunged into
a deep drift and before he could: control it
•the sleigh its thrown over on its side, and
he-rolledsout•tn-therms s the•-•linessoorrt
ing unbuckled, slipped out 'of his hand,
and away the team:went,.the-elaigh_om-its•
side and the organ dragging on its face io
the snow ; after running, a couple of Itun--
dred yards--in-this fashion, another �ueavy
drift brought the team to nstandstill, Mr.
Doherty felt more concerned about the
organ than . anything else,' and when be
reached the horses he expected to find it
considerablyinjured, but what was his joy
to find that it had not a'scratch upon. it:
The dash of the sleigh was broken, but
this was about all the damage done. Be-
" ing, unable to life the sleigh back into
position alone, he -went 'to two houses
near 1», but .no•onfi was at'bottle; 'and he
had. to stand by his team' in the- bitter
cold until a than came along, .who helped
him to get things in shape, Before reach-
ing; town Mr. ,.Doherty disposed of the
organ, and when it was set up, it was found
that it was just as sound in every respeet
as when it left the factory, its hurried trip
along the snow not having injured it in
the slightest. Had it not been it strongly.
built case, ,it would unrynctctionably have
been broken to p eeeK i cirri tl ry. a•team
belonging to J, t svtrts ra;!.,-tttay, rtn,l for
THE NEW STUD BOOK. --A fourth meet-
ing of horsemen interested in getting up
'the new . stud book, was held its the Rat-
tenbury house, Clinton, on the afternoon
of the 3rd inst., when several questions re-
lating to the new book were thoroughly
discussed. The question of applying for
an act of incorporation came up, but was
left over for future consideration, though
all present were in favor of it. Another
meeting will shortly be held in the same
placg, time of meeting to be decided by
the president.
ICE RACES. -There was a very fair at-
tendance at -the ice races on Clinton ritik
on Wednesday evening, and some goon
ekating was witnessed. The first contest
for 5 miles, purse $25, between T. Town,
of Seaforth, and Messrs. Croll, Turnbull,
Buchanan, Spalding and Henry, was lost
by Town by over confidence; be played
with his. opponents, and really thought
he had the race, but just hadn't. The 3
mile race between Macpherson, of Hen -
sail, and Turnbull and Buchanan, of Clin-
ton, for $10 silver sup, was wen by Mac-
pherson, The open race, miles, was
contested by Town, of Seaforth, Turnbull
and Dennison; of Clinton, and Cook, of
'73ensall,. _for a. silver cup; presented by
Jas. Jackson, was won by '-Gown. Mac-
pherson and Town have a'5 mile race ,on
Friday evening of next week, Town giv-
ing his opponent four laps:
Hloa SCHOOL, -The fifth meeting of
the High School Literary Society was held
on Monday, the 1st inst. The president
occupied the chair, Betore the programme
commenced a critic was appointed to
criticise anything which happened •in the
programme which be thought was wrong.
It is thought that this will have the effect
of making those who take part prepare
their pieces, and if they snake a mistake,
when they hear of it they will not make
it again. The programme consisted of
two pieces of excellent music from the
Glee Club; readings from Miss. C.'.Van-
tassel and Mr.•F.Green; a recitation from
He -sr -is -Miller. A debate; -the subject of
was "Resoivdthattown life is._more _de-
sirable than country life." On the affirm
ative side were W. Hale'.. and G. McDer-
raid, and on the negative side J. •Hunter
and G. Brown. After the subject had
been discussed it was decided in favor of
the affirmative. o •
.11. •
Bivision court
And we Repeat
C 3 A n C-oom
Are what the people, are looking for. •:'We cannot quote
prices, but just come and see what we have and what -weak
for it. : No 'store shall sell cheaper..
The 'regular sittings of the Division
Court were held on Friday ,last. His
Honor Judge Doyle presided and the bar
was represented by Messrs.Malcolhison,
Manning, Campion, Scott, Johnston and
Harts. - 'An order has been made by which
themembers of the bar. Will hereafter re-.
quire to don their robes, thus, increasing.,
the dignity of the court. The cases were:
few and unimportant.
Muth vs. Dolelough.-Action-for main
tenancseof illegitimate child.' Judgment'
reserved. • Johnston for'plff,,•Campion.for
defendant. •
Macpherson • vs. Murray. -Action ' on
note. Judgment for plff. • Manning for
Brewer vs. Charlesworth. -Adjourned
to nekt' Court: • •...
Tiplirrg .yd. Beatty. -Action .'in horse
deal..._ Plff:.non-suited. Malcolmson for
pdff'., Campion for deft. -
Chapman vs. (Jorbett: - lnterplea er
action.' Judgmient for defendant.. Catn-
piaraorisif;.-Marinin g -tor -.defendant.•-.
1:1V EDS 3 EVZflT 127
)on'tforget the place, we are not. moving, not, selling out,
ut just giving the•people-the-verybest value for their jnoney
- in Clinton,
We thank you for favors, we' -ask . a renewal ' .of our
confidence, by coming and seeing what we have •tosay for
Thol: uossr ca�c� scarce �u s�rias�
The prices at which they :are sold are within the reach of
every ons in-lieed of a nobby suit.
To s,il,'both 'old. and;young,.who are in need of a.nobby.
r f•
•�: , � Over. Coat, Suit or
pf;_tir o pants
e have passed into stock the 'following Fines
• Two '' Cases of Canadian Tweeds.
Three Cases ofin red- Woollens,
.One Case of New Trimmings...
TWO ..Cases of lien's' FurnisliGoods.-
'.One Case of: New Spring Cas.
One •Case ofEnglsh Stift ' Hits.
N tr
We invite you to elcamine our : goods awl get prices before
'purchasing' elsewhere.
-,1-JYl ee Doom Aka ,of _.T)isleaiez ..I .o � ._ t�► ...
a ,
To'Casli btiiyers:we ask an inspection of one of the finest
displays of New. Goods that have everbeen shown in this
part of the country.
We believe by selling for cas-,1 ...that our 'prices will be 'the
•FXb*esa thatcan' be offered.
00I iivr . ( ,ter.