HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-05, Page 7• FRIDAY, MARCH 0, 1886. u NEWS' NOTES. ATedy iienf,st niiw dra:si+. MOW*. the Stratfordites. The buys will. often be troubled with tootheehe now. , man named John Bllie has been arrest- ed in,the town of .Niagara, charged with the murder of M. and Mrs, Bates, of Allanburgh, The latest rumor inT'ortinto—and it is aid`to bo pro-teddy-curroat---1i that Ikon. John Carling will be the•new Lieutenant - Go seenor of Ontario. Mr, Jno. Chapp1o'0.'two daughters,. of Dresden, have been left two hundred and fifty thousad dollars eaoh, by an uncle who ▪ died recently in England. . The PreebyteriauManse at Avonten was deetroyett+aby fire the other afternoon. Rev. " Iii('. Chrystal, the pastor; lost•heavily. In. sarance of $600 on building. M ass Sated lcGuiiess, •ef Ileap()ler,wae shot in the cheek and hadherjaw bone ' fractured by a little nephew, who, like all others, `(thought it wasn't loaded." The death is announced, at St. Andrews,. Scotland, the other day, of Miss Mary Maxwell Caalpbell,,the author of the Pop- ular song, "Tho March u' this .Cameron Men," The -Ontario Government have decided to appoint Mr. Henry- 1'arler, of Wood, etcok, as Pulite Magistrate for the county of Oxford.. Mr, ' Parker le well known. throughout the county, By a fire he the Western Depiertmentel Block at Ottawa last Tuesday night, it is. feared that some df the record's of the. Mariue Departmegt and the Patent Office have•been • lestreyed -.... - At Iaorner, /11., an old roan of eighty, le a fit of uncontrollable pas.ien,w.urderedhis wife, a woman of seventy-eight, by hacking her bead, hand, Amok; and shoulders in a horrible manner with a handsaw; " James Squires, of South .E. fr•id, had the misfortune to break Melee. a few clays ago. He was skidding Iogsfur firewood, when the. bunk of the sled broke, and the. log being bent, sprung back, causing the• acoirent,- Ella. /learn, of Toronto, fall down stairs, with" a lighted lanere in. Iter .hand, which, exploded. Tho flames ignited Iier•clothing. and before they -could be smothered she was terribly burned, but it -es thungtlt_ nut ft„•'. tally. - ' Hon Peter (low, Sheriff of \V elmg on County, died•on Thuridev, Ile waselect- • ed to the Provincial Liejis[ntarorn 1867 and become Provincial 1 ct•etary ander Mr. • Blake in 1)ecouibee, 1 k71. Ile did not hold office long, but continued to -serve as a pri- vate member of ."tlio ]:regirlature until his appointment tothe slteiovelty. ., There are 45,473 Canadians in the State of llllltneituttt, sullieient.to pepnlettetwo Ontario counties. lei the 'ether. North-. , wsstersr States the same- proportion: tvit1 doubtless hold good. These, Men aro:the create- of :the States, as they . were - of 'Ontario., i5 Canada net good enough: for her least Mona,. is a question that should set men poticiering. remarekble store about „Me. ,Gled- ,steno Mr.T, J3ucbanuan,lrst deputy reeve of Ingersoll, pleaded earnestly at a recent Council meeting on behalf of a man who w:.s unable ,to. pay• taxed-_andwhen the Council -refused :to.relent I3uchannhn. Paid the amount from his own peeiet, The Rludson T3ay Company has received $1,750,000 for serviees rendered to theGov- ernment during - the Northwest rebellion. Thislarge haul will be still further aug- mented when the bill for losses by fire and pillage, presented by the company, is ad. Usted. n '° Thursday`niornina a body- or time ell men from Wheatland, Lal., compelled the Chinese ou three ranches near Wheat- Iand to leave their sleeping guar- ters and marched them to Wheat- land, whore they wore turned loose, The Chinese charters were destroyed, with all their contents. 1 0. Parsons, 304Yonge Sh,, was cured. of a hard, backlog cough of 16 months stand. •ing.by the use of Peotrela. Mr. Parsons says, "Xy suffering% were intense. The best Ateericanpbysipians_failed to cure rue, After using one bottle of Pectoris, I am in better. health than I have enjoyed or two. yenta." Peetoria will cure the sleep/est or mast'severe cough. Any cltuggist, 25 cents, The wife of Mr. John Drennan died from blood -poisoning in Campbollford, Ont,. Some weeks ago oho scratched bee finger On a wire fastened on a, pail in whish she was mixiog food for r coy. A few days afterward her baud began to swell,and she oatne to. the village and consulted a phy- sician. Some days later erysipelas set in and suppuration followed, and fromthis poison was absorbed, and death rosolteil. Two applieatons for divorce were entered for hearing by the Dominion Senate dur- eg the present• sesaion,but one was with: drawn. The other, in N1t1Tich Mrs. Birrol, of London, is the applicant, will be prose- cuted. - Tho fact is,Gthe chat cif" carrying through a divorce bill in the Dotninion Par- liament is so heavy' that only people o means resort to this method of terminating -their marital troubles. - ; A Chicago .telegram says: =. Retuirts to The Farrnere' Review as to the -oonditietee ` winter wheat, are almost uniformly good. The utter disappcaranca of siioiv is the only serious menace now threateningthegrowing grain,'and with another galore' fall of snow the_ outlook eoulcl hai•clly` be: better.•*. Tine roporte indicate that the stocks of wheat . in Dakota, Kilos:•, ' Missouri, Kentucky, ir,etiiesseu, and Illinois,. are pretty well exlminstale whijci considerable ' What t is st11`lield in: Stint) etip ea, Iawreand Michi_an. " . Califeeniacarriea de a Jain business in sea:Motile, which bee gathered ou its caast and shipped ,to Europe,.().:e Otto has a epntract. to shipt-'forty: tons of shell every sixty days. They are worth frail x700 to ;;1,.000 a ton, ' They, are used in ell. kinds of dperiretiveindustriee,, rettirnixtg to this eonntry. from France vastly inert 'a ed in pact) when trans€ortned into pearl buttons; biooehes,ahawl•elaspe,.1 nifelimedles or in- laid ivork • ' • At . Mennen), uta Thursday, Solomon• Butler; 00 years of age, was found standing., onhisllead in the cellar wrty.i)f'117IIra�hson l 'street uorth,Wit'h hi:: neck broken Tlittler bad left his holne Tuesday to Joi;k over ter© premises on Hu hsou street: Itis thought.'' are-. i ►. t _ in a .,nolo)( tcddr,�ss to lila stndcnes. of'the- stairs. and died at one •'•'Pile Treys ofet-lmeler alt '.i ro sial iteehie hand. J-" housekeeper' thought he heel ate away on • avisit and did.net miss hide • , . \Vali;'nf.Eas•t {)arondelut,Tlle :loft her sie. month)) -old baby :in the .carr of the other. children' white ehe'.went to. call :et her father'.s-house neer by, :In hor•-nhsence the children lighted•pieces of paper at a stove treat-en:le the baby, and sa,thie House afire. Th -e nether; %!armed by. the sercainoof her older c ii drat); irlin liad.etin frim the initiate ;hurried ho.110 to ind'the house ie 'flames. .Shr'iokin fret.nti-e113e the t1 hi.c1.;-to pltrn<ge intra tli:e burning building be waareistraiiled by•ec ,l)bors. When the charred body of. the in'failt woe- fitaally. reavered'the Mother: Wee a reefing Mae iac: '' 1l'hsIe ]olio 'Veber,. 2`3 yours 'of age:; and .He said 'With my' cion eyes -e leave aeon ;1lr.trladst.one i itrel•by t1ao r t.'.a.of a Coin-. •tnon street nevi...per and prey ferethc sal- vation of hie "ettni. , 1 know of no gre oder sight than the I'retnierof k)nglailcl tete the leach-tgst,tet..naitt of the world irrti:eling by side of a nommen street and pMni- 11) forth his eloquent appeal to (hid et- [et.-• half cif his humble brother." A conttn tied decrease in the feroigit ;,-a. nleroo of Ctineul:i is' exhibited. by -the ons,. toms returns for. ;lamely list, 9a •ceetpared, with thus() fur the •si(r)e maedi itt 1885. Last mouth's exports.amnttntod to :3,1)5(1,,• 711.; those ,tiJs)ulary,13t35,to',o,110,0.:':' The )delves leaving; oat coin anal b -union. were 770,tel9-.terse than thosu:of January. last your. The •adverse• balance of•.trtde orixceirs of•itep r.te over oxpotts•fee the asup ef,later. ,1c:hn. Weber, of Ashland, wan. out in..cptnpany with tteo •other young. tnen,he madea:bet that lie could. drink four Dints of .i)lii hby*. • .Ile dratr)ic, .most of the llcluer. mid became. dead druid:, and ,itis . cotnpatiions,oatricd ltini:lulu ate•old tone - Mont ./Tango, atol. left like here ,he was foitncl.ip..ti dying dying.conelitfon buil removed to his fiithet's house where he aloin expired. It is h r1iev eel derail -Was ct nsed'by the buret-- ing of a•.blot,d-vessel.• .It hi feared the dig greeeful end of -:young Weber will kill liis` father?, who tvae'very'sick and now lies;it a- cooscions. At Cleveland,, etn\Vednesday cveningDr. J. .1 t. •Gleason, :y—well—known allopathic pliy,eician, eiitercd Galina & lieber's•ditig store; to g-t-liis-•evening' diirrleen. et -Maki -4y. twti gradtuators Baton the perscriptiun case,, • -eine Y:ontahrrin,7, "an. ounce ()for ubolic midland the other whiskey Dr,. Gleeson drank the acid and -a remadet later Lenis'llaborshont- ed. "Run tor a • doctor; I':ve.kt11ot1?r. Gleason!" "Keep Coo]; " satd'Dv. Gleason, who et since' began. taking' antidotes, Tho drioter sr=ftered lie pain: • Tan_ minut ea -iif ter.tal:ing the poison. he fell limp •to the floor, and, with rtg van and awfu 4 strurigle,' expired; .' • -• 'A sensation' rages at Cadiflae, Niche, -pan,' ercted arod aro umv ti jstiltcy were apprul J1 nodgekii-q-012habrm Ain" t1ie _feve n tC t,;1y,r4>FF�r:lttt Gtcei�r,ge. • n. A fetv.ntcitths ago his 12 years On (: hristni s eve two wa llon• wore mor- old scan, wite•hittnh ity s teeit dm' wine]) was. dared in Austin oxas,t etr ir7t,aur s e ugly pl e , ut as � an a�a ,nri�isT ue t.inios bat which .was arrested. 11Ir. Ifanderek; Modeinclof• one lint'supposed to be mad in oven the alight., victim. was errinitted, . ,Isaias \V.•J'liillips; ,est degree.. Nothing further was 'thought jun., tli t young hn•sband of the other, was Of the matter, the wound healing up in an. • remanded... 4. iyrrminont oitizen of .lin- ordinary length of titer and the boy suffer.- questioned integrity, say 7,rnleertnn's dq- in; no miusual feelings. Bnt on Monday tective,' has made tho,diseeaory that Mira. be boget•to exhibit sytnptdrns hydeophobra, Phillips was. itt fife habit of Meeting, and eaely.Tnesday tnorninghi.e ties be secrotlyeel clistrnguished State politicitrn at gnu. i.ti'o physiortine int a a seclticled heelso and that she wan a000tn- nnaniniotts in the oplrtion thatit•is geueine�' • 'tamed sometimosliy eribiher wotoan who bydrophobie.. Video -bond stage of the dis-. Consorted with r n�gotherepeominent •politi cse is well adv;tned, and the third 'stage is- cian and Sotto.nfile'er,b -Tee discovered on apparently'setting•,iu •. - the night Mrs. Phillips wets tnurdered.that. v 0 met this. politician, vi t ] ahn 'escorted her'. month it wallets to S:3,31O,0,7ele 3'hi3 atatnt of things f,reshad0we another large do[ioit fol the Dominion gi)vernrnent • A cleric in'. ilio grocery store of 'Minty \Vills,• Witichester, Ky., was weighing 511110 powder front a alto, When a mon staeid'.ngr Item' sti•nek a4r_tttcli to.light a eigre. This ignited tlies powder,: ew•hicb explodzd--with torriblo viola act•. - The house Wee' badly wrecked. and 'eight per:ione_w(uo severely wounded, Two c thein, !Tenses Hop' [[er and \Vi11 i.Iurray,ietre dying,. and so vat al. others -Reil, ntiihahly'not recover. Thhe man -wllo Otte ;c the match ose:teed unhurt.. The. house. tank Piro, but the iietnue were .soon xtingnished.• A rich Jew of Matauioras, iliex; ,(Isaclore Black) was tiesessinated-a-"month .ago and. his house robbed of $I3,000.. :Teo 'AUX.' leans" (Juan ringuera, a ganiblcx 'rtlid Idol - Gonzales, a once noted bell fighter) was arrested and have made a confession,.which- implicates a dozen other porsons,.'and dis- closes thecxistenco of a society wliosci'Mete- here are -all mordcrers and tebbers•.bancded together,for mutual protection (tail for the purpose .of. phincleee. The orgauiaore of-. the band •:are, two Americans,- Samuel Willeame-and-gieta•uc`'l-.•Timed two daser-tels • s 'OoCS IIoise kBORO.- D ENDS G ,STOCK TAKING. CLOAIINGS,' OTTONS,-.TOWELINGS, IRTIN'GrS, .RIBBONS, VELVETS LAE DAMES. If If you want' them, you' can. half price. - res of purchasers, and , some:, out We will continue the ines for two weeks longer: is, Winter DresS Goods, haws, Underclothing, fats and C1ot.ng. ' )f1'' -011r Close prices rices makes very e conning to hall and are open- ndidly ;GODS !all(' PRINTS, lid Patterns than a ny'pi'evious, ak of these later. At present' i the snlall'clnantity of Winter Tiispased of.. . 3 ' RO.r Parties wishing Cheap Harness for Manitoba will save money by calling on vErr cl:nrIBi�aJq C ll.11t t`,c u.. We have secured. ,20half chests of very line. 60et: Y(-)trN( *It i.ON ;PEA. which. we will sell for atr-month at 4icts. by the 01b. ctidilie.• This ' , is tete boat ''altio:over diked int this 0ontty. Duts't fail to go tt• caddie before it is ell sold, .We hf've opened a NT stock of - New Vaientia Raisins, Extra Selected Tialentia Raisins, Block Basket Raisins, Seedless Raisins, Sultana Raisins. NEWT CURRANTS, NEW FtIIELL'ED . A'G:ttONI)S, Y' - W LEMON O:R,AN(tE AND CITRON P1,1'J t 2lbs. GOOD 1M,i:\', L) CANDY J{10Ii 2flei's. Call itnd Inspect our Klock. •..,ag. tea,, (CLINTON.. .� «��.�..>.,�.,-�;°,..:,,,.».tie.n,�,.��,.,,.�•.�•«�...,,.�,:.�,,,s.,m,,,�,,.m;, TI -IE •(:a-tFAT . . A TO 1'Il..''; ''1i 0NT. t et 00: • ' :v,,31111 0LN TORY; \Vo Wive t (SCE tverl ,t •Consignnicnit of U--Iil iSi:'llAi FRUITS...of all kinds •. which i . , wo )rill :+:•ii itt ��I1T,,Ul,:h ii T: t', PR1(<1 :;. '. Also' a largo consignment Of sood. iC4.tOC1I. In' anti (lI:ASh\t'A LIt',. • '.IVa will give to eattlt of enc. cu-,totoore who will .ba a•Clb C'adilic •of our 13'trii ti v o ' r113,AS,.:i hancle01 ie present, in China or (11°i'Cwiirc; from. noir : �. tho •first, of the new team;. • W. etti1ctntrie all otic ,00ds to ;iyo satisf;iction. (Bill and ins mc( out stook l el and . - . lin. i'iniviricetl. • boarie's'.WomL, Sign of • `iF 1'i" .i 1 -� a, i t,, . .the:Chlna:'t' Gauls ere t , :tt ! ,. 3...LBERT',�)?RE ,4a; • (.lane 1'Ois. "m-xervFamm:ural.a:are ilwitwxfaniL' 1.=Onatazi.ar,,..w...r+7a'-ait7:kW•."rsas Sear- hySR7.hoostea • • IOHAS:' CLUT E'S Prepared Specia TETISS. This Gar c(i in four • uioiitlls. Doctors Wear 'and •Recomniei d them as the best for all classes. Destriptir ) ei ciltl trs on. application' to. • CHEMIST ,1>. D1 UGrCaIS P, ' atersesinareseiatmenvreuristmemsreaseatiesteeereimatireareenemieet CLIA 7 Ol\ , , ONT. So L.11 ..AGENT 'bO t "r1(1 (, 13 I, r, T, It A "r :tfi acetaH • 1, )hive tlee• $n 114011"1:A.111.1,1 ytoc.t.'ot ui)gl'. (1 AND J.\11 iii et t.t y variety. , 11 Ape!? WARE et Tirci,r2s ti ..A.1 huge:,Grid(, of (;00EIIN(:r -anal :i':\STOVES. Agent lots 'the GURNEY' ge 1f'LltIii-"3 i3QYNTt)N•.Ij.[;IRNACE, The' I art 11.xolecd Gazette 'says."We %% old adgovernment vtee the rt to keg . the Immo rti a deal cI carr)at,e.. fn her -guard* 1' p ed testintopeeeliis women c!ti'roboreted the' flyingooltintn-at home. IT they wetter, te ertt- facts related, but sees tint at14ecl trtr111100 the tr°r>1>s tri tJle Northirest Tot them. Ittsoli tlie0i' coon - • politician, who mtittt litivii winossed the . as far as possible from this part of thoc,Yitn- murder o, who i'1n11ipe, Phis man is e, try. thew Indtaua w•1nt to break out, filer prominent tap) elbear,, and en active coin- flyTil visitof. 1,200 meals tlotgoingth pro` b vent,or n versa' .�t rriverawe u dilate fr ee Governershili of 1'exree. The !them to any very great e per - other man is an assistant to the chief af.a tont' Lot militia at the nt have some liar- Dopartm'ent, Both etre moiled-. tion of the at the East wetland a molly • • , egnippod and prepared to move ata 01001 ent's notice. In the meantime we faney'we cart take We of oursolvesl If the. govern - d to leave the Men bete; the Catarrhal headaches, hawking and. spitting up phlegm, etc., at once relieved atm. cured by the use of Dr. Uarsott's (Catarrh Cure, 1o, meat intends raison why you shonlcl sutler another clay, .number of then aloner would hetet a very' •• many -oases. of catarrh ef-Iong stattdiarg-have'• -gtti it%rt} .oliect,balk.Lila hying c;il'(tmmti.', wistt. • - been' eared by a sittglc bottle of Dr. (;arson"s would b0- worse than ilei visit ret tell, and we oteeeeee.,,,,,,„ Catarrh Cure, All druggists, 81 per bottle, adiiise them not to try the experiment." r 1 . • otrrdT®WooE:o1L'. the eather,. eiereeeere ,c,trlor .e'eZ- the vrezlr 'bait . ooels an.ci, o - diet. e;Doree proou e t e - ` hblezale Ilarizets 1 c heCii•,Y)urchase(l on the i lost �ulvallta,.goott.S' tolls. and aro offered at the at.fte'retL'I eetattee,aar. ,ems • Our Stock. of VVnv'rEli (7rhoDs'i1:.11ow ^ 6nIplete ... "dao iY b4 bersD R.1.1.- -x4 4,t_. AS. -r , .0 NI!' 004i B ' Wed;6: ct,.1PAT014 VERY L0' EST PRICES A new and.choice assortmt 1t. • 0-0-- A-T� 13[t[lTiiT(ttlttt tttillttYittilalrt ass The ttndersitpted begs to notify the people of t:liuton and *Lofty that he has bought thee. intomi HABNES . U f�� �� rel carr o liy . +r, � •. t�ls. 1 M� And tlrat•trhois prepared to furnish Wartibss, Collars. Wh1'is,Tranks, Vailsetj ihlffalo"ilihos, lif$ankets. And everythingusual lv kept in e firet•cltiss Ilarntgs Shap, at the lowest twice's'tpeeial attooufltion is direattedyt�o ,my stock o��f�Lrew Iml�.tn tt'ty; whineh�1t will maks a.spseialty,• •s ... nEPAIfRtA�!'�N V)IZON/Es '� .U., ' ., ,�Il..ti •Ks }d .Iv, j:L►''' a ' By,strict attention to business, rind earofully stutlyinfr the ;rants ofiny euototnere I hope merit'a fair share ef ie ran a o . (eve m or call before ur ia n elsewhere. . ..ar1initit � STI 1D—•OPPO8ITill Tilt-MARK/VP, . �.,./f'. 1 Few Ag . .!.'-. .+.Cwi... 'i, t ,.f..v.�• »t �...