HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-05, Page 6FRIDAY, MAEOR 15, VW- •
. Prepaying. Foy Spying worn.
The -earlier manure ia out upon grass A ver7 xsensoirscroas atom
and, grainland, the better, Even NvIren
the manure is natended for a corn crop. A gentleman liviug in the eastern,
part•of this country tells one of those
tied not to, be 'plowed under until the
The cernparative idleness of 'winter
makethe horses' shoulder's teuer,, drying
Arst part of May, the gam in the grgrowthgrowthstories that few people ' will ' believe
Of grass, will more than. comp.ensate.the ' without seeing it,' .ge sap he was
s dand
' unless. they are hardened, plowing will out fox bunting, and when the chase
. s
soon make them sore. The beat bard- loss by tile actionof rainaucl was at the height of its excitement his
winds, exeept upon bill -sides .anol spots
oner is strong, pure brine. Apply it horse ran into, an old well thirty feet
where th'e land is especially .exposed to
deep. The horoe was inatantly killed re els. A- .0hruitian naissionary,was real'
with a rag tied around the end of a the washing by heavy rains. It is rare
soon es the collar is removed, wash the.
corn cob. During the work season, aa that the month passes •without warra by the fall, but the rider was 'unhurt. worth more than, 150 Mouotei Police. lie
dopted and conscientious
sa.iithltilt. Ionics's,' a different u3ode of dealing
It and dry weather sufficient to put the iThhee wbottomail soaf tdhiestawileelel, ollatli. roeawyrod,,,infouo
wagletntt; wee' riled ai apn, ed more serious tro bi
.'" shoulders, and apply the salt water.
ground in coriditien. for plowing through -
feet, and- the gentleman says this pre- would surely arise. He held that the Mut:.
toughens the flesh; and aiso cools the
Ilan/matron. Discard all eollars much
sh.oulder, allaying all irritation and in-
grain belt of the conntry.t-A.merican
out the great middle cern and. . small
vented getting out by4iggingfootholds. °dist!) had saved the conntry millions of
meney and valeable life, yet no knowledge of
he Govern -
worn, and select now ones now when,• Agtriculturist for March. * -
for help nt..the top. of .his voice, but Ith
Realizing his situation,. he began to call mtheonftaolettreevneorevouvafrwtboy,tra4teibbeejloyiacta r
assistance came. He was compelled to of the MoDougalls,wtahroulaaghe• ho
you have plenty of . time. Take the., „AS.... 10.., -..:,.....--
horse, to.the harness shop; do not buy Beer came.
, remain in the well all night, and the obtained an unianileeteci.paniage to Edmonttg
frOm..Calgaryi,and himself acting 44 the guide
It is a conunon fault that one side is
harder than theother ; be careful t� get
mi coRar until you get one that fits well.
canary for a profitable beef animal, at the
Meeting of the Faxmorpe Institute, held at
ered an excellent address. 'on tbe pointe ne.
Professor Mills, of the Model Farm, deliv.
the earcass of 'the dead horse Was any -
next morning the stench -arising from
thing but pleasant, and he noticed that• ainwminatilDn'.33a,a, Ifil,„ . au setae y treated,
tins /lanai
d t•-erneteenteru.t The elabinshof tehuveorMe
If.:(Zgnalvo , totIthQcle;
.4. .. collar of eqoal firmness throughout,. Brussels last week, a which the followifig is buzzards were bearing over the top: them ill 14n4pete belly, n ii ; amn° of
.k .a.u•oany,.,
a summarY 1 -For breeding cattle, especially Finall--
end not lumpy, ancl if it tits perfectly„ y. the buzzards tegan to alight in
The North-west Territories expect to
• .the 6rmer it is the better. ,: , i--- male auivials,e sileald first. look Acir form the. welI; Mid .3 was then that a bright •
and then for pedigree. . lie .did not care how have five representatives in the 0,•11:1-
. Give ell the harness an oiling now, good. a pedigree an animal had, if it .had a idea struck hitn. He decided to, catch.
: k„e„.
beettuse the oil will be absorbed better defective form he would not have it, as, it the btrzzards : by the leg as.. they Cattle monsand two in. tli,tite
than when' the weathePis warm. ,Take strewed •a, weakness in its anesSfers, Whiell'it down until besot a staielent rininber .. Lunatics rtnd inlbecilea form 2t)per
wouldcertainly transmit to 1t progeny ; nei- to carry him mit. That he tlhl, and •eent. of tke convict• population of Knig-
tiro harness to pieces and wash it clean ther would be havo a good form• nithont a .ton Penitentiary'. • -•
. :with inkewareLwater,.,using a dull knife pedigree: Both arh important; but in his when he caught as many as his bands . .
about the buckles to remove the dirt, opinion the former le must ino/P0r4ant. lo the could !midi he ' shewecr at them and . • Tile imuiecliata'release of Poundmaker
'Use pure tiouts-loOt oil .(you 'will have seriond place, for beef, you want to get -an they flew. up, , carrying' him out O'fthe and the Halfhreed prisoners atL.Stondy
animal that has.developed in the largest -po:. well. . . , ._ , , . .•
Mountain Penetentiary has been deeid-
to pay a ,garid price fOr it, but uSe no gree the parts from Which yen get the big 'it'
• ..:.a..
other), with enough castor oil.' to scent priced beef. The IS cent heel is beeirat 't e ' -But still the. fox Ininter was ill •ti,, died on. • ,. .. ..
. it, and keep the mice 'away; A.pplyahouldor abd ever the line. A profitable lemma. The buzzards flew up so raidd- The census .Aows the population Of
-the oil .moderately warm oft' both sides animal, th4refore, must have.these parts full ly that lie coilld not turn loose when he Sask.itchawatt'Alberta, and Assinboiit
• of. the leather, 'all that is . rapidly ab. and well develowant,
ped. You therefore. an reached. the top withent falling back itt- to be.eight, five and fifteen thousand re-
sorbed. Th en • hang11.: e harnesS in an suitnal with good broad, square breast,
•strsight broad back and full loin. You don't .to the well. Upward the buzzards flew• spectivoy.
• lugs of:ilex/less, except the collars, a iS above them, is a long legged animal re-
• year is enough ; but. tbo collars should •(Niro:. moro feed. smi.gives a poorer return for all. When, about 100 yards. above the
lmnter began to. despair orhis life after -
m ith their human freight, end the. fox . - •
' be beilt_at_Ilhauk-ItQc-k• • 1"
000 bushels, and costing '$iryo,000, is to
airy' place to *dry thoroughlY% 'Ewe oil-- want long legs no matter how nice the body -
An elevator with a capacity of 590.--
,------,--- -be -tlituct-mry-tyrvr
d-e-oku-dritifig-tbr istlasoi a profitable animal to- fee , are tine
the feed consented The loadin character- ,-g„!errrtd-tlre--fex--/tunter-wnctmrt-ahOnt-te'''•.,7.i--ew, to " the 'Canaclian--bt-aWrilety-:ZeP, f'41111•IT
- Work season, and. the sweat and dirt' be bones, nice head, line -,clean tail, short 1(10, let go and •fali, when he was stritek by
- - - ...reteovea each, morning WW1 a. dull knife, soft hair and' thin loose skin. . The principal , another
loose ono buzzard at ' a time •itutil • his•
bright. ifloa. He decided to
taxat$61,101i0o fieleghueoerr,l'‘ittl'ixid138i21100P 117. ssitiillre,..
•Give the 'wood work of• the.plows a; coat broods for this province are S,'Itorthorns, Here,•
fords, and Aberdeen Angus. • The Devons are we igl : t wouldpull them . (le W*1.1 Ward .. i tti o n a liquors. 'Ili is ' Bilk.' passed the
• • e
• of paint._ Mineral paint is very eheal) brat for mirk, And make goad beef, bat Itru-
and answers this purpose as well as ',too sio.w in maturing and de not give much .Aoting,iiron this 01311, ilwas soon House on a strictly party vow. ;It is;
more expensive paints. I3ut use the milk, , • The Gallawaye are hardy cattle and ...landed. upon the . giound,... -Columbus . believed the Serrate will increase. the tax
. 3 •
• 1 ;st oil. . If the -plows are dull, take would. do well in the Northwest as they en- Sun. . to$200 • and $00 • -
dere eold,and hardship butter. then , almost . „ ' i.Phe. 'traffic 'reebiOta, of the Canadian
them. ail to the skull now, Wholi work any otherbreed,- but thoy matare slowly,: are
ilacifia rp,ilway last week slico,,v an increase
. ' isnot pressing.. ,Strongthen weak places. notvery gond milkers anti are :not good fory
. .som,,,,ii.titri.
. . .
wntn Is !.z. '14.......„...,---of-4*-000 eollittored-with the tltill1U period-
° Do, not -Viii -t-. for- breitka ; • they always crossing with °pier breeds.. To olitiori liormal - " - '' ' • . • last year, ' and those f the Orand.,Tauuk
..-1' occur 'when the article is in use, hence or Darhatria, in.matior Of . size :and form aome
as near the. pawl etandara as any other breed . .:A.gentleinan oxopedingly well known railway show an ins:mane ,pf .:';',12,301, which
when they.. ccerisidu ',delay. • Give • the 3m-teen:ass all others in -three or four import- itt tire mib
otropelia,. N°. used to . be presi., goes to .show. : that the :11.4.111,vd hard tintea
inendodilip:the ploNfir.- Ahowrailcen-ata- -power-to- lay. on Ilealt au tlicfy go'; 3rd, tient ..01 .one a tbe. princintil street car. ilavo i•kot borne as heavily upon the -railways
an they are sail to bare', done upon :other
whillletrees the • satoe--atten tion ruorn.; nut points : : First, they 'inature.early ; '211,1*....
"its-. lines Muria woath his milliona,' was in
est way to infike.ti'titillar ie. to take, t hue laity. for stall feeding ; 4th., in '.PoNver te lines of businesti... , .•, , '.. . ••'. . ,
,improyo Gm, canadimi 0tue 1. arid. .5th, it, • Bill Ti'they's berrOOtn one nildit It couple
by •the forek)ck..--ffAraerrenti Afglietilttir- , 4 r r f . 0. .
Tho population of Loiidtii new oxeeerla
ist for:Mara.. • detaining beef and Milking' analities. A Of -mon
every kt.her city, ancient, t:r modere, in the '
ths ,ttgo an LT. ratli er .untlee the. hi- .
. . , .. • short.hern grade Whrud 'h ..
em '„a Milking finliqtitil':' : Taking Outhis cheek tv •
. . . . rid, .;\'•6w york•and•oll its adjacent. eitice
ta'ulu.v such -as the Bateg- ig airoeita gt;e= of ifer'al hoola,•ho .asked „the -proprietor for •:t pen' eatilditied aro' not ecitiil to two-thircli; of it.'
purpese cow as can lie got Inc esti in this .1,re.
vince. For beef steers, however, the Bee* a4(141 -4-k,' U:pen l*ing questinfied as ,to 'Scotland, 'Switzerland, and tho A ustaaliati
.defect cit the Dtirlretn is 'deli:may of conflate said.: -
famity.is mid to besuperior. - !The greateW
'st 'hat he Want
'ed it . for-, the millienairo .3.,.,c)41,irnl
tion. Iforeforda. aro' good for laying on beef c ni11,.• e boon ;neon Ino.., or some
on the most Valuable' parte, weigh heavy/ for ' It hav b • • . '-',... searcely liana° many. YoCat the beginning
0 1 - . ,.. .iif the present centnry the population of all
their size and.on the bleek. Will •provide morn' time 'to make yen a present, awl I urignt LOecimi. did not aeach one million. '
.asAvell do it in. moppy ns'any ether. Way ' . .• . •
. ,
. 'Herbert . Ifepworth, the- 47',Year :Md.
••• 'How,: nitiebl' asked •Tritecy, With a.
he on of reputable parents, has been lock,
look of eittMtiine 'gratification, , tis
.ed tiii in New •York. for 'btirglarY in New
handedover the ink. lief tie. ..
-Yorki. Washington and Diltitnure• He
• wag Caught. at: Buffalo flying.' W Canada.
His..ParMits are. Ent,lish,. Mid .inoved•
'from ATM:areal to .:Brookl ii .o lie tin e
0 ago iectiaa-e • liFYlfiftl-bileirifidelFtrb—
,Isattettims. •olat The Wortiprernt.
Rev. Mr, Hewett, missienary for many
years to the North-west, in lecture last
Friday evening at Kingston said the building
of the Canada Pacific Railway wee remark-
able, in that it was nowhere all along the line
marked by the graves of drunkennees. Speak
lag of the rebellion, he paid. high tribute t
the Methodist arid ober Protestant Indians
sa ing that not one et there, had joined el
Baying leased the premises now occupied by us,. for another tem.of 7 years. Wo are
prepared to give the BEST BARGAINS passible. We have on band, a largo and
o we se Ise e stock r,f
We have the largest stock in town. Carr/bine quality ,with pri and we cannot be*
•wider sold. .
Treatment Of leOttlif,r Catf4. •
COlt8 '81.101I1(1 1/0: kept groWing from
the first, rind. taught to eat. oats at an
• early -ego. When iveaned at five'.or sik
months old, the -milk' of Iv gded Ayy,sbire •
• cow .for six montliS • lon:,•ter, would gire
• the .colt a very good•start, • Besides thik
• • 11b.sheuld •• have ra• fow qtiarts of oats
• daily, with_plerity. of,gcod,isweet.,
, tlinothy. or -11(1 top),
a -.77:91A-4. ' • ‘Val
0111 an .0 ccasidind 'febd of 6.6ad. straw.
..,4.There sbould. he•rock salt aecessible at.
• ,•
Waterl.s.nct-antoceasae44a1 fc.
• This treatment, With gaa, worm' quar-
tors, mid '• plenty rooing,,,ifor expoise;
without beiugloo, intrekelPoSed to the•
•rigors of a northern •winter, would ,give
the breeder a yearling.of')filieli,•iirOvid-
lug, his breeding is all right', •be need
• not be ashamed; and at animal Worth'.
. .
Much more than the excrete , two-ydar
olds, being both larger abil finer: Oats
ere- a most,eXcellent food. for. colts, as:
tbq giv •masele,, size and-. style, ...An
• OCeasional feed of carrots in wiiiter Is
almOSt essential to the, 'animal's health..
As a substitute: for.caiwots, boiled.das7 •
see& is very good ; in lack of either, an
occailionallaran-mash ainiesVindispen7
ale,. es the bowels reqUire.' .to• be- kept
gently'open.• • When the Mare is worked:
• or lirivervwhillellirgHtlie colt, great
care should be. used to prevail t it, frcni
sutking while the mare over-W.0re
from exertion. mar,e may be Used,
but shoufd always folly, cool Off :before
the colt is allowed to suck. The colt
shOrdd be 'handled at"' Very'early age
and taught. while quite young -that man
is its'niaster, bit the, Same tirne
• friend: The yeti% colt shOnht
taught -like and not fear his master,
ad halter49reken (if practicable)
when but a few week'S olc1;, as a ,young
Colt 1411 lialtcr-broken, is maeli easier
handled end 'eared .for.than One 'that is
not. He 'should be taught...to '„stand.
hitched by :tiro lialter,.•in-er. t the
, beef in comparlson with :the.offaltbah.alin est
any .other ' They aroltardisr,:prodece.
a better imality of milk, and aro more easil,y
.kei)t than the short -holm& • The Aberdef•n
Angea ara_Mare-nUffo_rin and.rno.re hartly_tarm,"
the shott-horn,. but are not.so largeautut while tit dollars. t•spoin„ et, tbd
'they.give a rieber quality. of milk they donut moneyed..thau, as 'ha took up. the.•„pen.• , •
;give so marli• of fact thov. are . poor • --,,Paliaw TaliceY.'s ..exclamation.
-milkers • • -They- are lbrifty,•good...feecling ant - •
FRESI-1 0 YS;PERS • and DDIE always kovt ou haul
. . •
We have much pleasure in atOomoing that:owing to our 'MILLINERY trade; whieh
has increased to its present large dimension,that we decided in future to confine our.
. 'mites exclusively.to
41111C) • FATiTCY GOODS.
Aid therefore have concltided to Soli out at 'a' groat sacrifice for cash, ori good ,credit; all
r�ss Bowls, Or,itits,. &Mani, . Shirtings,, Flannels, To*alingi, 'Brown
• , CottenadeS and Midi&
These goods, if possible; must all be Olearod °oil)); the Bisi Ma.roll, as we shall' re-
quire every inch of room for our spring. goods,- we :411111 continue our special discount
• sale until that date,
ttaric,'OTICE.-Owing to tbo death of the senior member of the
• • . acconnts mush be settled at once.
firm, 'all' last year's
it. 'BE ES LEY & SON, BaverB1ock Clintou,
; •
Chee.p SALT, Casaio . aiU,'.)ClaiELX;a1P ••
at all why don't
n make
addition to this they are very quiet and docile, worth whilel-say $2,500.1 •
. having no borne there.:is no clanger of The 101115 1 atter • • .1 I. 1 •
momq-• ng y acqui-
them injuring horses or „other 'stock withf . , • . • • ••
ascot!, runt minded .over a ;check for flat
which. ilie3r happen to '11.0. Their% powdre o
tritrismittieg their qualities, to their offspring. full dineunt. S.?, Mr, WM: 1.'racey., for
are stronger than any other .bred. Thare. no other reason,..than that lloj4 a•tongh,
are fretfuently grades that nonld not 1)5 dti cite -teeter, consentedto bestdw his
tingnished from thorpugh:hreas• even bY zttile'doinn•inions;lia-n • upon
ien a tuillierntire- •
gb9Qa"(1:idgues:' -ratirt,•110,?ewye,ii401.'i,L.:1Y1tril tif(re. 1.13gel-Ved 1:4 nin..and ha5.
from grades. than thorouehbreds. . Grade 'up been industripusly spending " it, ever
year cattle, get good ,grailtie andyouwLllfind since. -,;-.:Bes ton •IIet•ahl. • •
them more eaelly kept and more prefitehle • •
than .eveit, the -ptiresb ttiormighhre0. -Foi.. • .. , .. . . -•. • ,
this purpose great Card should be laken.to 1).90' . ' After:a big 'fight the dorigregation- Of
only the boSt male animals attainable. A. Dumfries' Presbyterian Church, Paria, has
Man would Ire -foolish to secure the service or, ileeldexito 'place tni•organ in. the building.
, it to,.c,ent tualk animal if he oir.fd get a• .two". Already sil bse,riptions.., for that....purpose
.dollar one, or evop a litil 'dollar, oao.. . rpho
Et:mounting to $1,000have-Aimee secured.. - a -
ettlf 'from, the gcied.a.uitnal. will -do Moro than . - • - . , .. . _ . , . ao- over is• in illitio dollars. !ills is Oli-
pay the difference when it 13 two xnentfis Old. . ;The Ontaiie Legislature llas;appoint'i• (:1"..i've of th.°:*.cilli"'"' f°11`..'lasties'''''dltripl;%
Select the best'aniuralS'aititi 'keep tlieni. Wel.I;t
•g0 rid of the.Poor one's oral; do.: not • waste od.3.0orntnittee to .donsicler ••the inlviSf1-,
100(1 and' labor ou them, and ,.above all nex;er 1„rility Of'ip.amending the l'iluncipal 1);cti
iliise tadves from poor hots, It- des's. net .thht the number of rneadilirS,. in count?'
. . .
'post, any mote to•raise rind flatten. goeil grade cennails• May be-redubed,' There is little
animals than it dimes for common samba, arAl
when yen come to 011 you Will get •0:1-;3' to $20 3..60.11i- f°1-. questicni A's-tcl *tile adiistib.ilitY.
more for the fernier than thi - latter. Why .r-,.tliti difficulty is ',to '. find: sa 'suitable •
thea:000 scrabs.as male aninials for, the -bake remedy: ' • • ,ititi-lritcpheason..-Dowdney insurrection
of sitvieg a few cents when you will ultimate-
ly lose as many dollars. . ' , , ' -. , ''' The.Brentferd Telegram says tilat:i'f:. .1Waqulflinet fall short'of ten Millions. • The'
, granted. to the volnitteers., who
. from a map oh which ivas a lite poltrait: of:
,Mr. Mills illUstrated his excellent • adatess is iinformed the:6- the •Ministera of , the :ser.VedTiri.., the northWest rebellion totals.'
di'fiermit roliglints denotiiinations in .the: 'tibout 340,000 aeres.... -
the celebrated . fat ateer belonging. to the '
city of Brantford 'pay.. taxes ' just the ••
...Model Farm, ,which teak. first prize at Chicago • A few \Yeats ago. Constables• 13rOWn
ana-lvhitai-he saki ITaa....ono' Of tia i„,„#: omn. eitnie aS °ocitizens.. The' minis.bers arid Crawford, of London, wentte-Glen-
plate meclelejof a• perfect animal .eVei sheivn Can ,claim.Me te he exempted from thei.pay,•„.
.. ment of taxea, bait the' .clerg3r of, ,thiit. coe' to- tirrest one Hebert 156-nnelly, •who.
in this country.; . •
- was allitrged with having as:vetted a
city requeSted • to taXed ` as their fej,- lacia, J.,.
8n *oases' ' reef, • ' •
---a,...0.,.--__, ..
low ,citizen a , W °IT.' • The J.I.rantford' gen- oe of thi, • SalVittion-•ni•My. ' No
• tleriten of. the- Cloth will • losO• meither in :I:1.0ilinLY.f..onnelly:at his llbiiee ' the con-
- Vic are indebted. to Dr... NS-111:-:,'il, Giles' for • t. ble4 sat' doWn to,...await his Tau--
nosd-et mir reoutation•by the act., h 't ' , • '• • . , , • ,
thu•fellmi.iug.i,ibica, .......corhs ars .1)nries of r - ' ' , .. - . ., . Donnelly (Tenon tae. nom, and seeing tlie
stable while quite ! young.,....--.
A arienituisst for ...3`rlarch • . .' ' • • ' • • ' - - - - - ." "-- ' ' - 1 ' 't
.. .
: . . A in°3ric3'1 the suisitive solo ia ':-+'
post6nov pita :of tho...!ral..1101.101111.10.nefitiMtitii:060(LIJa.t.toilolea, .•,..'.,„.4.: Icrrib"le.-,te' cW'ilb Inipiai,nod.., J.c,I, thh.. „conatabl,e.S.ran oyilyi:v‘illon.isownqr(3w
. 'and inostly occurring on tile inside A I rotidonao te kr..Warron, I.,, i, °Nam on ft reVolVOV 0,14 liveg tv shot, , he, saYs to
-r ari La TI1n1f4 lor ,37.,,nweli,
, fore.feet. , The hiud'fact owe thc tr itinhanity,",pite toWnship lino between 2dc(lillivimy fiiglitoti bennelly. • IIe avers that -the •
to 'the peentiar strengeh ef • ti!re •fieels •inil to ' '
•• ' Vann work hi: Marchi.i anore'clepen-• their, su'stalaing ltat weight., . Two sorts of! ,',,antl 1Veat \Villituns, tbo otlthe %day, by. etilistabit; tii.v.d to kill him, and 1.)?rown '
• dent noon tha wattlic)r 33
(1 Climte tha
ari / ••••• • - - -
• ' • • - cot aro especially.lialde tO corns, Those wiih ..W.Iiich Ms tWo-year old daughter lost;.• has been arrested charged' with sheeting
any . °flier niOntli, and although our P
doe slanting.lieele which ba.-annn.ilonhlo lip' hpr• life. • It. ii,eena§ that Mrs , 'Alerit
irri WithlutentCntbless
. -osa, hould not. lie
between the_altotwiad.thg-selerandthe • amelyreprtriseriib-,;-fer w.hrelmaa 0.. ;Ida, w ed. If try 11.1ord lilieltr wittritnitOns
southern rer,tiprs •Willabo "W(41 forwar/10,1_
. .. have wide flat .soloa and low: Weak heshl on •pose she Imil placed it pai1.. of. boiling , than citizens: In (Waling with tioapal ate
. .
wan.' on the floOn., beside her. 'While ..elMraeferS kat: May • be - ltheeSSary te doll
800 , Inlet Or on y. tut ' iitiT 17i=gve1'S. 'tiartA-1Afreunstai5-1ft SS ho
ovor the stove fowSoinething She lidded, .asn't,ilietti to Intimidate drunks awl di,,,.
the IMO .0,110 ,t0(lilied t'eri0 --•680,.., And '01'4100108 Slion la be/looked aftdr, .
ttimbled heel:- wal da. into, tile pail, scald-. • trti6T-134.tecl 8. totes; °engross is considering
in'' itSelf in a terrible' mantien: A.fter. .11.ropeaition .to oorripensate Chinanron for
., •
lingering:in intense agony until the fol.; injury sustained during the ieeent runs .en
the Pacific slope: The matter had its ori-
lowino day, the ,-,tnifoatituate 'child Intlis- •
_gin in a request of the Chiuese minister,
etl.away, ". ' . acting under instructions from his. govern-
ent, cionnindiug,iiideninity for the indig-
. , Alo.-xatido'r itibbArd,.•.of Milwitulree,' ' m
nities put epee Phiatmen in Atimitta.•
ellt3 Young 1.01511. vil° • 8N°11-1°‘ved lt 8iIINr. Tiiii' preposition will lilmly give rise to
dollar near a year ttc,o, still posses the Borne lively ta114:should iteverroach the
coin._ '• ' It has lod;e4 in his .• stomach,. lionee: ,• . .,
where it occasionally asSerts itepresoncO --,E11.114-iln alrocared'It*ork. in England
by rausiog indigos tiOn and consequent entitled ' (sriAtter:',1,1eit41,_''' bY.1.11nulos,
11110,:ill( 434i. YQ1111g ,,.1jibt»1111..'14 *MTh- 1.)111CO, it riqing young, man,. The work
intt his hidden wealth with Soule fore'. attracted public attention by its Arilehi
10- royteg Joy in 110 ormer
A uumia-..- of gentlemen interested in
•03tablialling 13 perManent American _Ex-
position in..Washingtort.--ued the AVerl,d?s
Expositicid to be.lmeld imi 1892 in honor
of the four • hundredth anniversary of
'the discovery of America by Columbus,
met last T1)atsd13, evening and adopted
yesolntions strongt‘y favoring the project.
chairniau was instructed to appeint
13 cdititnittee of eitizens.,toi. •fetanitlaW
114'n• .. • • • •
. It is annonneed that the payments
.fM• rebel I supplies, tranS pot, :for-
•intl Pay of voleatem's will .amoani.
the iebollion by settlers ;Inch -41108..11M
chiim•of .Bay •U9111 pally for
0 s !auloltIlt: rmoumly a • ptifiWit
tictilitr8., Then 'them are., perthions . to
disabled- volunteers, so that tho aggre-
gate cost to the country of,,the Macdon-
Havino. a Itit,m stock of Salt ot li 1 ' irders be 1'1101 at tl e lowest 'aria,
, ,, „„, , t ant , ( , willi ( 1., . .•. •
ever offered in • Clinten, as tho salt wcrksi will 'be sold 'when arrangennuits';' aro .•‘•
coinploted. , Will .buy and sell ,1 F31()Ti1Y. •aid CLOVER, SEED'. A lot of 1
T S.SCKS tuni GRAIN BAGS for sale. ' •
. , .
• •
JOHN Itilc GA1,',V4. - .• ., (.7.1.NT(.01".
- .• .
inidersigned.has just Opened a NoW Ding Store in
jr14--61.W.":44,: X NV 31-3.10 011E4 II130'0211..S'itireei
Iwo doors West of ilie•CitY'llook Steve where will be found a on/plate assort-
ment of kali; DRITthS. and also, P4TENT: MP,DICINES' and
DRUCCISTS SUNDRIES. Allthat tho :public May ask for iirtlieSe lins
• • *P.••• from iisidence Co.D.rug Store.
A WO-1-VIIIIING-TON 0111-itori
. ,
- • . •
We give 1_113.11ixed Candies for 10c. 11b. Sticks:
.1 ib. :13ullseyes 10e. lb; Taffy Chnnks 10e.
OR AGES ".AND 3tE1Vitf..$111;i:.)e 25 CIS.; 3.3.ER • DOZEN.
trimp Qum:Tx-its- vomt gat my Oystera_divect frefirBalfitnere,
can depend :nn getting Frealt 'Stock.
• with the.ir .1,,iott.t.tt) plautine,;•-;. and erp,it,1 which the pre:Isere causing the/ bruiscis•comes
, . ,.. •,...,441.e.„batit ,.. f•-eni_ ttb..)yo. •s earn contmt rl:
. t e 'norm; villouti seneitive surface is bre ;sett
•• ....the month COnies- in, whether it coined -
., like i, j ion,' or ., ,1 Lit. ; a , .„ „ and iiniunea.l.•,elna K0'1)160,1 ere poure,1 out.
, jaw t,, we et the TIN.aemly ttna bi,1)!eoni,es soft s11r1 cliscol.
.. _L., irigiol north may bliveatilt tlil•eo feet of or(1.1 and. the parte weakened from the eolith).
frost -41-01111 (1), 111"1 1"li 141118 ' good. 0:4 application olthe expiting'canbe, nen [intro
.. ..........-_. . . .
to.secrete uthealthy ban oven after the eautie
sleighing upffiZ to the '15th, nerth...,,e-q3te,rs. of the -injury luta hoen removed, Lameness
• w
lasting 0 eek, spring! Maid:1,mila roads ia most obvion's in4rotting ttppu a .hard road.
'., which neither horses' .fee't or '1;,i,Kijime leg *brought as much larder the
wheels ean find bottom in, pay AY ildt:444%; tilos throwing the .weighVbii
:i order of the day. . so hints .nnont wool. the outside heel. Thb shoe' ms mostly worn
n the obtgide. The animal generally itands
• must be taken w5111 liberal allOwance with•tholimb bout end the* heel raised some-
• for the WaYwardneaa-, of this first silt int, what, inthe Borne, wares irt grogginess. Corns
and last avint(Cr Month. . 47 , 1 .
' mtdough constituting uasoundness., do not in
13 '
' l 11/4r0 if? seeds.and••:new tools should net well•formed feet, materially reduce- an int-
111).1:1'1(4v2e.,Offot,b3,ii 'ealifpfel Shoeing, tilby May
. he lost sight. of,' and it will often pay to
• fest the' ''forintn. - in small quantitiea ; outgearefully tiliTelelaut (lif 't11.43Trentt•nal,c'artc;n7olr'fianige
then, if they da well you will have` Nil reddened and diseased her
1 , it „. reduce the.
snins 8 ..d yourself, .85,31 nuly eithily ,,,,ot crust of the quarter Slightly where it is widely
strong, but leave time balsa/id frog 'antra:Mho&
more, We need not reMilicl Our r'ertd°M's Thom mutt be preserved,: espeoially in weak
to bo before with 111(4.); work.---Stp"fing feet, to utibrd'a.witle bearing for the ,bar shoe
grains can. hardly bokin the ,fround to. Cy that should afterwards. be used. •Raise the
soon after the frost is out...Potatoes 'animal's hoof and see that it is' absolutely
(dean and dry; pour 40 1110 solo •Ioilide Am-
folloiv as . soon na there is reasonable_ 'memo Liniment gradually, allovving the hoof
,. warmth in the groinicl. Grass 1
__...,..... Bet( And to abSorb 48 Villa 88 it Will tItite up . faso
elovev may be mown with spring..erain,
end clever on winter. grain is best sown
upon one -of the last light winter snows.
. ,
btiaing.: Physicians aa• -flat cam te'' merit, and has been reterred to ever since
make any elfort to dislodg'3. the. coin,' by economists 118 0, standard turtlictrity.
preferring to (atilt its 'movements by In this batik were the loftiest tributeS to
the regular proem; of nature,- however woolen,' she being, embodied as the hope
shny. When the coin •begins to of any. nation, The author who.wrote.
,1110VO•through 'Hibbard's system,- there -these • touching apostrotthes Is now con -
will probably bo hurt•ied operation W victed before the World of the Most
keep a piece of oakum se,turctm with- the yomOVe it from.the Odorieerifiee, avherp swinish •adulterous•conpaction with •art*:= ,
liniment in the, cavity from wig& th'o Odra .it , .themerlit, it will lodge and rause . other man's wife, and is rained s
the corns will disappear. O- ocially
ilt18 bem
en removed. If this msfhod is armed b
sTorit .00' TO:13A0C0Js,s, 01 G41ti, (J(JAR, .1101,1)11I.18, -.TOBACCO •
--,•-1191:41-1-41,A47--&44..-•-•4•A•lt-of--the. ye, y••76e-st-tu1lity tir.
. ,,1�hemtid
.. •
a.A.S;;.6,247)11121.re 011°6 i;RAN.D:LNiox fartitreCAV
Wh-at?.111,0 quality 62 tki.e Crocevieb, and
the 1,c,Pt• prices' th,e7
sold, ,
tie 'hes en hand
just the things
Also a, Ai
titoikeNrook of GLASSWARtekl*10-0$1101A GOODS4
you want, and at Often to snit:, GREAT BAP,GAINS OLLINA
Wee lot of Vettits'auld General GROCiElitiES
frti,sh oad cheap;
I I' • • WPi ilideally, GC.
• eurN,r(mst '