HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-05, Page 4e, ?IOW Atlgtti0401011 0, At It again -Geo. Fay. Still they go -0, C. Ranee. Varua store -Joseph Morrow.. Sere:Jot wanted-Mre, Hovey. Just received -I. Cunninghaute. House to ree t-ild an n ck Scott. Turkey preues-S Pallier Co. Money to 1eld-61411pin 1k Scott. The ativatme guard -Jackson Wes. • License It:vector's notice.--S,Yatea. Northwest parties -J. 0 Detlor St 00, Greatinducements-J. Cunningbame. Tlint•On ,C11/ gra FilID4Y, MARCH 5, 1850. ''TQ1 leopreversigisle, At the regular meeting. Of the- council on Monday evening, the ettbject of aiming. some indueement for the establishment pf a new manufactory in the towfic was brought up for discussion. TITe-rinatter wasintroduced Ig_Couimplors Manning and Coats, as will be seen by a reference to the council proceedings, and the proposal is that the Finance • Committee should take hag ceesideration the offering of some inducement, and of • what' the inducement shall eousist, to some person, firm, Or corporation, ;villing to establish some factory' bete that will not confliet with, any already jn the town, Tilts, we believe, is nmove in the right. direction, and welrust this duty _ et the..Finance Committee will be vigorouslY ancisuceess- fully prosecuted. Various schemes • we're suggested, amongst others -the Reeve.ancl Oeuncillor Jackson thought that the two squares - College square and Market' square. below the G.T.R.-could in some way be utilized for td''wn purposes. Exemption from tax- atiOn tor a.enuixtber . of years was Mee itfieTh Thive-belteveertliat largesfactory for the manufacture' of beets and shoes, or twine, would auceeed in Clinton, becauSe•of the wide field of such an institution and the excellent shipping 'facilities offered by our situatiPtl. e, 'The Finance Committee were giyen p,dwer -to . advertise if they.thought fit, and.generally to obtain such inforniation' as Will enable. them to make a report at an early'dite to the council; - . • • . • In another 'coltunii the chairman of the Finance Committee asks that anyone in town having • infprriaation. as to persons seeking fields of ineestni•ent, or, who may be about to:es-Markin the, manufacture of some article that will 'eerteloe a • amain] locality like Clinton 'and the 'erection Of buildings; should cement nicnte suck in - orate ion o uxn. or Je use o e • committee emd for the purpose ef enabling them to commence ,correspondence with these partes at once., Every onetwho has the welfere. of the tottn at heart should: interest himself in this matter, :add asSist the Committee to the utmost of The 'Mayor eiso ' Made a...suggestion' that e town should _ takeo eteps. to acquire land for a. town ,park, and that.the, tot_ available splice at present was :the Agrk cultural .gociety •ground, 'and donbt t'lie matter wjl1.alsoeuan.e thenttention of the committee. " In 1885 there wee a,. Imiltince of trade of #19,703,125 against us, notwithstanding the promise that the Rational Policy was to ob• viate ell this. A xonee &ligation waited upon l r.Monso at, the other day, in reference to the forma- tion of certain new counties, but he told them nothing would be doue in the matter for the Pretent, at any rate. Tim proper remedy, tio far as this county is cencerned., and the one that would be the most economical, would be to change the comity seat to ',Oltuton, Thea partieste all sections of the county would be betttr flattened than they are uow. -.) Ix reply to a gueetioe iu the House, asked by Mr. Cartwright, the Finance Minister etated that the debt of tee Dominion is 081,- 314,532. Is this correct?, X. eessiou, . the await mitater ot Anomie admitted in:the Ilouee,that-the debt then was two hundred and ninety-two Millions, end it is well,lcuown that it has not been reduced sinue that time. But what do these figures sbow as (mower ed Mackenzie's adininietratien ? That the debt of the country has grown...epor• mously. Get imlehieduess in 1878, the last • year that' r. A tic tenet° heki oflhe, was nearly $480,000,000, To day -the.Contetva- Wee admit that it is one hundred on eon more, Is it not lime people stopped -to think and ask where will such indebtedness lead to. There is only one conclusion to be arrived at. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. TowftQ0111011, The regular meeting Of the Commit was bold, on Monday eveellag, members all Pe- seot exuept T. Cooper., The report of the Flume' Committee reeomtneuded ao follow The auditor's'- repeft teas received And refer. red beets to the Finance committee to have the proper abetraot prirte 1, ;wording to de stritate. Payment of the following accounts was recommended :-W. J. Paisley, for sal. ary, $1.12.50 ; ••eharity, Airs, Deviue, $5.45 ; H. Emulate $5.60 ; meal for tramp 20 cents; W.. Wileon, $5.27 • Jim. Cunninglaame, cha: ty account, $2.90 ; L, Troese„ aviary for Feb., '$21 ; 8. Pratt, salaT.Y., $18.75 ;1L M. Racer, sundries, S10;$ 3. Ritioet,inauranctie$24,80; receipts from:weigh sepias, 822,70, from town 41241( 626. Alr. Jackson thought the town °Ricers should sign their declarations of °thee. Ms. Callender atated that Mr, Paisley; had eiginal his, and be bad the Weeks ready Er the otherto aige. The Ontario Legislature will likely be beought to a close in elle .third week of March_ • • Dr. /vIeLatighlin was granted an order of • the House for a return, showing the cost in. onrred by the Provioce in resisting Dominion -aggressions. • Hen. 0. F sr has intrOdueed Pill- to - amend the Asaessment •Aote•.- by 41aigh 11 15 made clear beyond all doubt, that persona en- titled to vote- ae wage earners under the Franchise Act of last session, are exempt from taxation.. • Mr. Wood has introdeced a Bill which pro• pose e that the keeper of a billiard, pool, ore bagatelle room; or table, or bowling -alley, who Admits •a• minor .thereto without the• written conemit of his parent or guardian shall besubject to a fine of',$10 for the firet and $20 for eaelosubsegdent_offence...- ' On motion 4_3f Mr. Drury, a committee.eam, posed of Messrs Bishop, 13roder, Claimer, Greighton, Drury, -Dryden, Gibson (Huron), Lees;Merrialt, Murray, Itaysidejloss (Eluron), W (i tee s, Widdifie1d, W eocl, White, and Hareoert, was appoihted to consider. the advisability of so amending thalunicinal Act as to reduce the nutnber of members inCounty •Counoils. •'; • . • in committee on. the resolution providing .ft r proprided. increase in Liquor License fees., A, AleRoss explaieed that ib -had ben decided to inerea e the price of tavern and thee) licenses in inehrpotad villages by only 860 in- stead of .870 as proposed he the Dudget, and to increase the, prie Of tavern oraliopelicenses in township by only 830 initead oflyp.10.gs at tiret prim:seed. The pride .for didgmets' onol slue) licenses under the St ott Act M cities will be•875 in towns -850 and in other mutidnali. ties $30, instead of 819 ,0,..860, and .8(0 AS originally proposed. • The 41.socis The following paragraph ie'.froni the.Lon-. don Standard, one•of thtestsoiegeet Cionserveee _ _ tive papers .in England :- - -- "It isetime-to say publielee-what every-. , body ha e been sayieg privately for 4:deny years -that the Queen and tbd coentry liver which. she rules have been too long Separate. .hat• separation canuot be Continued nauch longer without serious and lastieg injury both to the threrreeritedetire-cominitnity. There is no reicen in the English constitution Thr a ,eteereign. who fives ia almosteemplete sooluSion.'' • If a Liberal paper in this country,land used the same language, there -is not:a Tory paper . • but would have charged it with:ti,eaeon and disloyalty, but it is evidently all rigrit for One of the "blue blood" fraternity -t� express itself in this way, All that we want especially Ib call attention to, kowever, is the:growth 'of -Democratic seetiMent :indicted n the inota- tion. People, the world over, are becoming' tired of what is implied in .the. expreation the divine; right of tinge," and unlese those in authority, no'matter what their position, become 4 oue of the people;" they 'will not only lose caste, but,will, soon cease to belie any in/limed° over the neasses -see nese _ _ •Trie Ddii1session, but so far nothing itecestial has occurred. Sir John and Mr. Blake haVeeexcluinged the usual "courtsies" and a want of cOnAtionce metion, has been infrodheed end is Mate being cliseues• ed. ';It is likely to give- rise .:'titt prollinged 'aiie-46rimonions debate, hut -wo do not antici. pate that the governmentevill be defehted on it, however inuoli it deserves to be.. The gov- ernment have the reaoiirces of the, ocruntry At com?nand, aud those ivill,bo used for all the; are worth in retaining power. ' •• ' Aernoren the Province of •Petarioe des -not give regognition EA. .thit_.1ft_reaoh- langnage,„we aro sorry to see a tacit tecognie tion is given the grime in the debates of the , Local Hotiso, The other day, 'Me, Itobillerd addressed the Howieit Prenolt... 11 he can- not speak Itoglish, there nifty.be an remise for this, but if he cap, he should not be ed to use any otlior than the English lan, gringo in addressing an English oomtnueity. Thia is it Canadian- province end we don't want any of the effete onstome of the Province' loof Quehee traneplanted to it, ,Evety , Can. • Airttr member 'of the-1161M-ShbuIct sit on any fellow tryieg to talk Preach there, 'Aida there is not even the proverbial groaie svot loft to matk the pitteo of his extm ',00% Mr, Bishop, of South Hurcin, and Mr, Snider, of North 1,Vaterloo, ere full brothers in legislation. Me Snider seeks to regulate the width of 'waggon tikes, and Mr. latshop aims that after N0V4..-1890, pe sled, sleigh, or other vehiele upon runners, except cutters or pleasure sleighs, drawn. by horses or other animals-, shall be used for the conveyance of the Province, except in cities and tetvias, un- less the'runners are apart from eaeli other at the bottom at least three feet nine Mhos. Additional Local Hews. Flan CogrAisy, The chief of tile fire company called -attain- tioa to the necessity of gettiag u third hose reel, as at wee impossible to load all the hose on two tee's, the third oee beiug, given awey • with the small engine, when seld. Hey- wood eald he bait examined al( thg tee ks, lord fouud them f411 extiepting the °Ile at 8 witzer's corner, which was ae full as it would retain, r Matars; Huy wood and Fitzsimons,: As membara of the Are eommittee of 1880, duel:limed all knowledge (if the giving irway ef the reel, and the committee ivore instructed to seenre its return as ths 'engine aloho was the ',article INDUORBINTS TO M.kRoPAcTunEss. It VMS troved by Air,. Mannidg, en. by Mr. Coate, that the finance committee be instraet- ed to tales into consideration the' offering of some inducement to any person, firm or cor- poration, that will estiblish some kind of a factory in the town that will not conflict with any already established, ena if pessible to open up communication with some firm, per- son oi• carp-orationand ascestain what -may -be necessary to Malice Bitch parties to commenoe business hero. The committee to Inive power to advertise, if they see Ot to- do eq. -Carried. • .Ir, Jackson stated that the town posseesed certain lands in town; given to it for special purposes, and if we could get an Act of Par- liament to one diem for some other purpose, - it might be of an advantage to the town, Ie]r. Manning thengla 'Ave should try and, in- duce some new Manufactory, not greatly re, presented. to establish here, We had -a maga nificent .seCtieu of country arid 1iok,nw of no batter,opening, kW pertain 1i0001144 exietad here. Thought we could make no better ie. vestmbnt than.to offer solo° induceineet but wee not prepared to say what.,:shape thtt. wOhld. take. • .1311T(uilIrth' 1.'n0-1.1,4•T/oN• .to reference to•the petition of the butchers' presented at last' meeting of (mimed, Mre Jackson statebi that themembers of the coin-. mittee were generally opposed to giving the butchers -the dirotectiod asked. . There was eornethkes to bosaid- on both sides, but be feared that iu the attempt tri favor the:butch- ers, an injaStice would be done to the eon, sinners, kir, McMurchie was PplioSea to grauting the cioimessiens asked for ; and said Air; Fitzsimons cook' not hold' his seat ae eouncillor, and also hold n lieense as a batch-. er t we hid three.theuerind ratepayers and it wns not right to paes a law virtually saying thatlbese parties mint buY from one of three butchers, Mr, Fitzsimons said the butchers were net askingto prevent farmers from selb ing meat; allothey asked wee that the farmers be not allowed to' sell in quantities less,than the renter. A motion to :leave the tnatter 'o er u ure- cOnsi era 10 w s thought it was the general opinion ofthe council that to -action would be taken ia this matter: Ceueoil adjourned. • .01striet Ledge. • • . • , West Huron -District Iodg 1. 0.. CI-, metoirC-the 'teMperance: hallolllyth, on. Wednesdaylast. -The .reqtreeentati'ore wee'. good. ' Spenee„.',Grand 'Worthy' °hid, tvai'eXPectedrto :be present; but . l'ettelowas read from hini reggetthig his • inability to be present aml.intimating that J. B. Nixon, Supetintendent of the . juVenile.TemPlare of 'Ootarioo would re-« _prea.e..0 hjm.kirjaipjri deliveredninost - able address; .• Thb eleotion of (abet* re-. suited -in .:Mr;. 'Frank Metcalf O of 'Myth; being . -elected. 'DiStrict ,Chief; • Miss L.. Shaw, •o•f•Iinron Eedge„ -Seafbtth, pisteict Vide- Tenifilar ;..Mt,11,.:Adanas,Londesbero,• See.-Treas. A coterninittee Wite appointed consisting oi, the Ledge •.Deputyof each. lodge..inatonjunction. With the- District '•Oltief and District Seey.r.to-arrang,c for. a Series.-oi lectures bythe Grancl.Lodge led; , The iteyt.an pet] ng"eti 1 1, be held in. ..Seaforth on fret Wednesday in June.. - Sale, or iito-soliesis -• • • Although Friday last Was an excessively cold day, .a . large crowd • gathered at Brubefieldoto tvitneas the sale of Imported Entire-L,Steeko--strIvertiontlrby MinRatten:bitry, to take place: _on that day. The bidding was spirited; althoUgh fair prices: were 'realieed „for some 'of tbc pima:a-sold, end it was quiteevident -.that the pressure of the 'hoed- thnes made buy- ers somewhat • reluctant. and cautious, The Shire stall/On- "LincOln": and the roadster. ."ReVenge" were bid in; •The sales Were as' folloays f• -L• . . Imported' olydesdale mare; "park," black, sii•ed -erseneermecerdrairWr- meeteitie•gsborne. PrIco,„$000: • . Imported ClyileSdale mare bay, sired by Penfrcirshire Joel: clam. by Highlander ; sold to Donald Matinee, gsborno, Price, else. §tallum rising -three years oldi "Young 'count Doh:- fess," sirddluqhnint Careless 4---ilain,Sparkt-sold-to- Alex. McDonald, Tuekersnethe reriee, „e/Oo. . Stallion rislegethree years Old, "Douglas," sied by oaten. orirelesee dainrnelia ; sold to Per*. Perth, Price me. • Draught font five nionths41„..gby Lincoln itted ; Roadster filly rising two yearseldNrerrlik Revenge ; sold to Leonard Winter, Usberne, 01: • Life t .;rapast clallic evening of Friday next, 12th inet„ our readers will have an opportunity of hear. ing mid seeing solnething coneerniag the won- clerful countsy �f Japan, when Rev, C.S,Eby,„ tlik:ivell -knot& iiiistillinary, Will -deliver an address, aided by estereopticon-vieWs, iti the Tow% Hall, ,,Clinton, 'These views wore all prepared -expreesly for Mr. Eby, in lapel, and topreeent1110 as it is in the eaetern berm. sphere, Mid will be found very interestiug.,- Wherever them ItieWS hate been Bildern, the preati epeak e my highly of them, and the entettaminent merits a good house, which we hope Mr., Eby will have here, Referring to hie visit to Peterboro; the lilizaminet says "The stereopticon views shown by ,Mr, Eby are allowed to have been the befit ever shown hi Peterborot, trod hejtnrc Wia...veryelme strnetive aoa highly interestieg. The views cuthrace,castles, temples, mations, custeins, abd every Conceivable plies° of Cilium life and all combine, to melte a beautiful ana wan, der ful peeorama." Amt. Mr. MelAWell, of Wingbam, follow, ed, but instead of taking his subject Ire- land and the Irish, gave an itecount of a trip to Iriland, which although interest- ing, became wearisome by reasen of its length. Rev.. Mr. Craig supported the cause of England and the Luglish, and it is unnecessary to say that he did it well, too, though his time was too Ihnited to allow hint to do anything more than scan the surface of his subject. ..51ualo- was furnished by the Omit, the Doherty Organ Orehestra also rendering several pieces in A splendid manner. A -social was held the following evening, the proceeds on both occasions Being over $70. . ...--ea.„,„ el BAJA/ KT 11. Bo rere. -JudgeToina, of Goderieh, was in town, last Monday. Owing to the se- vere cold and'stormy weathe,r, last Friday was tlae dullest day of the season, so far os business was , concerned, The Good le in plays, of Otte ton, are expected this 1 (Friday) everting to pay a fraternal 'visit ' to the lodge hero; preparations are being medeto give them a hearty welcome. The epeeial collection, taken at the anniver- sary -services of the -Methodist church, amounted to two hundred and seven dol - for the rights of the oitizene against tbe sel- tsh mid unfair xi:miner in able/I.:one or two bunglers wanted to monopolize the whole meat trade of the Own. Br edi means let U4 fume free trade in all the necessaries of life. Let ne have a ObilUce to pe, obese our wood, meat, millx, butter, ole., as cheap as we out, t Give the poor Man a dance. Laboring xoen of °linter' stand up for your rights, Down I with allinonopolien. Womenmexaer. ' CHANGE ONE OR THE OTHER. Editor of the Clinton, ..Veiv Era, I $111, -Is it iaot posssble to make the Head- ing Room of the Meebabiee Institute more convenient for the publio.As onepasaes Smith's block he caa read a eign giving tha hours of the Library, and as you palls the market square, 100 treads away, the Library iteelf 8 eceu. Are both sigue correct. Iteaeze. lar* and fifty cents, instead of one hundred and ninety aollars,- es' reported last Week. Mr, Br Mills, son of the Rev, j. Mills, of Elora, formerly pastor of the Methodist church ,here,. who has been, employed in Pickard's dry good's store, for the past two years, left last Monday to take a simi- lar situation in W. rH. Brethour & Co,'s, Brantford. .ssxnTER. '• GARETNAL . took place -on the roller rink, on Tuesday evening last, which was well: attended. The eostuines were good. The 'Exeter and Orerliton brass bands ter. - imbed music fdrthe oetasion. The itdieta were'keenly contestbd, the fivezmile rime Was not finished, owing to a dispute aris- ing poet afoul. The following irt the list of prize winners; -Gent's ownic costume - Mr. John Vail. Lady's costutne-Miss Ida Gould, Miss-leily Oke. Girl's ball raee-ePolly Bitwden,Anielia Davis. Gents' three-legged raee-Messrs. 9eo. Eacrett and Joe D.ivis; Messrs. Chas. McDonnell tnd John Elliott. k, Boys' -race-Albert Claelt, Artitne Spiceroolllatriecl man or bachelor's race-eAlf. Sh&tre, Dr,Set, BhutP5..-'1%fr. Charles MoUteith, of.the ThameS rondIiihorne; last week.sold his thorobred imported tnare to a gentleman in Ottawa cbunty, for the handsoine 'sum of $400, We have had some* very calel. ,weathor during the paSt week, there being seyeral ':cases of frost biting. A 'lace has been gotten up between Messrs. George Eacrett and John Vail,, and as 'they are -oar two fastest akaters, undoubtedly the race Will be very eiciting.- serggiOnftSt M. Ramsay. left on -Friday, for his' lidine; in Portland, Dakota. Union services eire being held in the James street Methodist church: .11Ir. Jobn McDonnell is makieg an assessment Of the town at present, • 1ARMDIIS' INsTITUTR.-The second, meeting of the South Htiron Farmers' Institute was held in Fanson's Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday, Alarch 2n0, which was fairly well attended by farmers ani ethers. The -essays prepared by the different gentlemen were listened to with much attention,. being very interesting, . • --isift,Orsi P4, EL ;hoterfAfoluxell“.. • • • 1- ' • • The.Sueday.Sehool room was tilled to its utmost. capacity on elonday night. by the friends. and., telp.tione of, the " 'folks," who were. to entertain the.audience. for the evening. The numerous dialognee • reeitationse given, were rendered. ex- nellebtly. There was not imich -but what there was; waso, god.. At the cdnelasien scinie'pretty tableaux Were tak-. .'.en pgitin „and Air 'Brewer gave an exhi- bition.with a inagip lantern,. Of improved construction, Made -by 'himself. Moto- graphi c pictures of sevetal in the. audience •-eoPildran aoct Others.=overe displayed in. IVO' ;size, think the entertainment was sittisfacto-rYto every.,one; and-, ne tich- ered it is dun to the teachers. and other friends of the -Sunday .Seh901 for their treuble and tette in getting it up, '•• • • • ' • • ' PROGItAlIME; , . • . Tableau; jamb's Ladder,. ''' ... .;. Dialogne,• . . ., . ; , . , If. Lnee.aelass• Dialogue ' Pully Bennett; May Ifermaii Iiinclergdrten song - Miss Cold's' (Mass Tableau, May ▪ ...... ...Infant Class -Si)olnagl°,ileee'k and Jill,.. • • Miss Hines Class Reading, • ' Nettie Donibe CZand IlCritig .•. Dielogitc, 311sa Conolly's Class Reeding., • ' Core, vantassel Tableau, Chereli, • Nririni Callandor, Doily Mason •• .'• gate Patterson Recitation; . . . • ., • Plunna Ore° Nindergarten moo*. .... . . Iteeitetion. , • • , . .liatie Taylor , . . .. Sunday School Belle Cree, Ella liast Recitation, • • ley-mertium;:it-4313"Orterrert'tet Tableau, The Row (power) ofttlie family,.. • P.Stanbury • • • • • Willie Vantessol Recitation,. ....... ; . . „ .................'rdJoyner Recitation,....,...........Ernost.Ierintut, R. stenhery 144%1,0:m 0e) Titiee.gracee,.. .--w .,.eltehertsonA. . . • • .. ' . Ernest Herman 161) Craig; I, Stenbuty Ladyllacboth 'Tableau, ' • J'itcob and 'Mabee' 11xcention of,Mary Queen of See& Wino, ... .. At:the garden gate , LOCAL CHURCH CHIMES. -Dr-nu ri-eiterVaftlre---Grad-mitzitainnieffr- last week the mune of Mrs. W. Fosterwas inadverttintly omitted: 'She sang much effeet •'We'd better bide a wee," - -Row-Mr-et Stparling-hafebeen quite ill for several days, Rev. Afr„:Cosford performing his work fig him ; it is expected, however, that Mr. Sperling will shortly be able to resume his work. 4 , BM Crisfordoeho is here leo ing after the work of his son-in-law, Rev. Mr, Sparling, received word this week that his son was lying at the point or death, somewhere in the States, and he expects to -be called away at any moment. • We undorstand it has been finally de- cided to hold- the S. S. anniversary ,Of Ontario St, Methodist church, on Sunday and Monday, the 21st and 22nd inst, Rev, F. Si Nugent, of 13erlin„.will preach on Sunday, and on Monday the usual .ftnriiu versary services participated in by the Children will be held. 'The tea meeting held in Rattenbary St, Methodist Chareh Thoisday evening of last weekr was well attended, considering the stormy weather, though the chure t was not full. Itev.lfr; Rupert oecupied. the chair. lkle, Salton @Imre etccept. apeaker to a Olititon nit - The following is a list of elleolitfetant anbieatil, introduced by the different gentlemen 4-4.1st paper, by Mr. 8: Smell°, of Heneell; "Breed-. ing gf _Clydesdale horse." : 2:ad, by Mr. T. Shaw, Han3ilton,. "Robbing the land," 3rd, by Mr. Ketcheto of Stauley, "Feeding.atocke(' 4th, by Mr. S. Hogarth, Stephen, "Growing, • s`oring and feeding of roots,'? Rh, by Mr; klaenah, Seafortb, "Oreatrieries." . (An, Mr, W. Blichanauj "nderdraining.n.„: 7th, Mr, Aleto Drincan, tillioroe,." Grain growing and stock: :re ising,V. • 8th, Mr. Shaw, %Hamilton. '' Preparing cattle fon shipping purposes." ,Oth, Mr, , John A1iion, Usborno,Fruit growing." , A ceininittee, ceimisting .of • 8, Bogart'', to Hunter, .John W, chanen; were enpoirAed tci.seleet officers foie the Current year, which aro tie felletvgi ;Presi. dant, S.' Smillie, "Jensen ; See.,-Treas;,. MeMordie, .Kippen ;• Vicel-Presiclente fOr -the several' reunicip all bi es,. :Steph prefreSe Hoga,rth".•: Hay; W B gallant:1i ; UabotnoallosI'uaselt,•O Exeter, Geo. Sarawell ;•Steilleao.JOhnietele• erreeTuckersinith,--John Iferieah Setifortlie D, D, Wilson; God6ricli town:Shit.; 11. Bea. BaYfield,;Geo.;Cassel. Mesers.Beheom, Denton, Hunter' and Wilson clill. nAt give their paper on 'iaccomit of net l'inving Lad time *to prepare. This Ineetinte.peav•esl-a decided Formes; 'and shouir be eteoeraged hy all'Whci take anylinteieekin..theee branches effirining: , OUR tETTER 11.0k „The NEW EISA *(1003 1/01. /101(1,itaelf resoensib1e /01' lioftH expressed under this beading. WIIAT'S,WANTED, • 're th.p Editor of the ;Yew Era; Dzub 'By resolutioe the town '00011 - til has referred to the Finance Committee the .semenleratien-efotheopestiOn ofatfletingortoro indueemeets to anyperson, firm or corpora- tion,. that 'will establish rt factory here, kr the manufacture of sank, artiele that Will not genfilot with any of our intsent manufactur- ing establishinents, There' 12143'..1.1o_partie who knew of propoaod elm:otos la mare:fee- truing firms, with vbonii1ivptildbo 'desirable for the committee.to eomMunicatiaeand I ask .that aM ettehcparties slacnld givb,this Inferma• ode perse'ealty or. by lettee'ke Me, for the use of the Coninuttee.• A. vigorous and :tinited. 'reffort at the, resent tinte may result in some permanent 11bnETrbollieloWn, anallielaiii;' • rnittee wilLbe glacl of tire einoperation Of any eitizon, • Yours, etc,, A.: 11., SIA.xutxo Chairman of the Fitureee tiorranittee. • Around the Countv. Last Thursday evening A114( liawkshaw, of Exeter, accidently fell and dislocated her HaTnitall. Mr. Marihall intends re -building his b•rielt block of stores recently clestioyed by fire, et Mrs. Thomas 'Trivia, of Exeter, hes in her pessession a nest of full fledged canaries that are able to fly. - Campbell has purchased lot 27 ou the Oth con, MoKillop, end. letends removing thereto in the spring. Mr. Wm. Ballandue, of Sertforth, hes been offered the position of Liquor ',teens& Inspee- tor for•South Huron, but declined. • One day 'mit week Mr. and 111Irs. Jas. jory: of the Thames Rotel, Usborne, celebrated the 5011i year of their marriage -a golden wedding. Mr, Adam Hays, •son of jetties Hays, tog.; reeve of McKillop, who has been a setere Suf- ferer for a long time from a sore leg, had the limb amputated above, the knee, to Toronto, a few days ago, .,Mrs-jaa-Milesme-ef. Myth. leaves_sholg- for tuffalo Gap, Dakota, to join her huslian , who is suffering severely from having,his sheul- der smashed while working in a saw•mill there, rdaePitllYev; Mr. Edwarde, of B The ruce, formerly of Hohnesville, who is one of the heirs to a for- tune reputed to reach the Millions, as noted in these columns seine weeks ago, has -purchased the farni of Thomas Blair, near Milverton, for 86,000. • W. MeOlerty, ot East Waivanosli, Metovith, a Serious aceident Afonday last while on his way to Blyth with a,Lloact.ot wood.. The loacLupset and falling on him broke one of his legs, He waS under.the wood a,nd conld not get out' until aeeistence arrived. • • • - A good deal of merriment ivtis occesioned at the ol3rusgels carnival by the judges awarding -the prize for the best dressed dady to Charles Sheriff, who ,personated, Eliza Johnston," II ladYof color, The eat was let out 01 tbe, bag and"Eliza" was strippeil of "her" hollers. Oa Monday while Mr. lArnioSutton, of Exe- ter, was .ohopping wood, he Was tifitortunate enough to burst a blond -vessel in his leg, A doctey was called, -.amt.-stopped the bleeding, met "'Jae, however, the flow of blood had filled inkblot enclitic better part of a pail. Lett week Air. Janes Wells, of the 1311i pore of Hullett, delivered. atGray, Young& Spar- iing's Mill et Blytho two logs whieh contained et 040 feet. laoth legs were taken from one tree, -Eititt they were admitted by those whit saw theta tobe the eargest ever delivered at the mill; • On Monday a man entered Wm. Elliett's 'store, Winghant; and observinO .a handsome Pereian lamb cap which took his fancy he ex - 'changed his old net for. it and walked off. One of the clerks•noticed the Man in the act of mak- ing the exchange but never suspeoted• his true , , CLINTON Mac SCHOOL. The following is a statement of the number of pupil§ enrolled, and average attendance in each room during the month of February : Division. No. as roll, Asp atiewhieses. Mr. boagh's, 44 86 Mr. Linklater'e, 46 37 Mies O'Neilits, 48 Mies Poxten's, 62; 48 Mien Hely:nee, 64 47 Mies Leslie*, 82 • 47 Mise ifolmea , 68 50 Miss Sinmson'a, : Says the Bressels Poste --The • owe of our old townsman, . John Leckie, is• 'qeite ' freely mentioned as a probable candidate to contest East litifort for the House of Commons, iri the interelt of the Reform party: Mr.- Leckie inr tends returning to Bruseels antl.;scill one°, more ik'teieonea aoneLie af toet:r cit,Hm izens. e , ake . wouldea _Last I%londry, At Ethelf,,Wm. 13awtinhirrier'e deg jumped. throogh. 11: 1?. AlcAllister's eecirii. "ivuldow. The deg had folloWerldris-reaster into the store and not seeing -him e:t the shop took it Short .cut Eo get outside.. The result was about 88 Worth of chino dishes were ereatlied thatevere ,in the windoW and a pane of .glass shivered to . . . • The•Expositor says 1 -An Add 'resident tells ire that 20 yr.oars hge-fIre-weather in Tebriiary was as warm and balmy as in midsummer. That 'y.ear the late Robert Gemmill, of the 2nd con. of Tiackersmith,.. eowedewheet. on the 14th Of -.Feb. end reeped e good &op.SevereVothere eitthis vicinity:also sowed spring grain, This derie*eather, however,- dideict last long; Midit klie,.afte,1,1,:a rety.late, eoldispring. , iAsia:. .iiStgithe of 'this .plirliTformant states that .the •laie-1V1rf.:Chesney,• during the , fide Aveather, aid& his hay to Mr. Knox; of Harpurhey, for 36par ton, and befoie lie got': the spring. work ' finished he and ethers -had to buy hay for their stock at the rate of 840 per ton. , - . Y- Saes the Wingharn Tim - es -On. Wielmiedity. evening Robt. Lockeridg , wire' baa obtained an unenvi from I'Ort Aldbet.,.whe he has been. of late, j Vinghani, drove over •! and was met by constable Pettypiece, who ar- rested him on a charge of stealing.aquantit3( of gloves -from Chapman'sglove worke,osoirre time ago. It seeniathat in passing through White-. ebueeh °gide way here Lookeridge helped hint - self to a buffalo robe whieh lie foundin a cutter in Wiley'e.slied, and he was followed by -eon. Stable Stretten, of that•village, who also W.A110 eel him, Leckeriage:wae looked up 'for -the night and on Thursday he WO arraingedbefore Mayor Neelends,. Who con -mated hire for trial on oth charges. 'Ile . • it en o nem on Thursday afternoon by constrthle Stratten, • Seoce• Noeea.--Mr, nits,s, Monteith,ef the ' Tharaes Ifoad, Usborne, sold his thoroughbred: mereolinp'otted .by the late Hugh•Love, sr., ef -"HilitiGteeno to _gentlemen in Oxford county,. for the sum of 8609O --Mr.• K. J. Ifewicirie; of . Hay, much:it:ea:from' Mit' John Colwell, of Tuckereinitli; itii entire Colt 18 months. old for the hareliome stun of 8300; Mi.. H. intends :taking hini to Iowa .in:a'fow weeks: Messrs.' tkaguhoun ce Dow, of Exetete have purchased from Mr. John Willie bf Hey a half interest Tote), 466 34$ Owing to the' epidemic amongst the chil- dren the average attendance is about 50 lower thee for the corresponding mouth of 1885. It has not been so low for Any month during the lest two years, Parents are kindly urged ae otherwise the teaohens cannot., prepare to seud their ohildren es regularly ars possible, them fez- the approaching promotion examt, liatih°on. Tristalt of below. xrt, Lenox's rizviszol-r. Writtea elcalinati.011 IS given Senior section, marks attaieable, 740 ;- Maggie Seott 585, Eva Spoener 565, Jame% 110Unrchie 548, Maggie Jacksoff'522;Richard Hanlon 512,- Hattie Walker 509, Fred Davis 6ol07, 1Baeer rt 4D0, avis 5.02, Mary Carson. 'PO, Ail - Junior section, marks attainable, 740 :--- Sidney Smith 567, Jas. Stanbury 543, Edith Rupert 466, Notialan Pair 460, Chas. Cooper , 454, Hugh Scott 440, Nettie Combe 445, Geo. 4B4a0r,gem4ia45a,leCelsrdortpSewr 4a3a7s, 443. Huldah Whitely Mn, ratoceamen's orvaxott. Senior section, marks attainable, 440 ;- Emma Webb 295, Hattie Rumball 288, Min- • nieRlimball 252, Emma Moore 239, Albert Moore 222, Etta Specht 218, Hattie Dodd 215, Wesley Moore -202, John Gray 198, Lib, Gibbings.190. • • holier - freetionee mar ableo-430r=-' --'110114-* Herbert Sharman 267, Lizzie Carter 250, Fred Diehl 226, Edward Carter 212, Josie Reeve 205, Mary Shepherd 182, Inkerman Cantelon 181, Stewart Lavin 179, Idbbie Oruickshaele 178, Wra. Robertson 145, MISS 0 NRILL S Senior eection, marks attainable, 590 ;- Wellesley. Whitely 528, Frank BoleS 511, Ed, Twit:Mel' 4,98, .4clrian Miller 488, Phatna Cree 485, Dottie Fair 447, Prod Joiner 416, Dltein:/04flre99411Y M.0•1Cotala 405, Raht , 'Junior section, marks, attainable, 590 i4 - Tom' Diehl 407, Theo. fSpeeht 493, Agnes Hunt 471, Louisa Worthington 463, Aylnier Stenehain 455, Amy Cantelon 45'4, Jae. Shep- herd 452; Effie Buchanan 448, Alary.Forden 443, Malcolm Cantelen 420. moss PO:FTON'S Driusi0N: • . Boys' s'eation, marks attainable; 300 :- Robert Gardner 261, David Cantelon .253, Ernie Dari' 240, !John Moore 245, George Llodgens 245, 'Ernest Blacker 242, Jas. Han- lon 234, Willie Tailin 234, Hara!ey Read 222„ Eddie Blair 219, Geo. McRae 215, Geo. Hunt 210. . . Girls' section, ' marks; attainable, 300 :- Orpha Miller 278, Sadie Reeve 269, May` .Biggart 264, Mabel Kerr 262, Hattie Tedford 269, Carrie:Walker 258, Dolly Spooner 255, Susy Cook 265, Anna Miff 251, Annie Irving 249, Hannah McKenzie 245, EdithRobb 243. • . • unis naivAtt's itvnitolv. Senior section; niarks attainable, 359:--. Berry Fitzsimans 329, Annie Denlop 320, Hattie Devis 319, Heraee Jacksea 318, David Pattisim.310, Rich. Warner:300; Geo. Wilson 305,.Nettie "MeRee 301, Alfred. lieeevarcl 297,' Robert Twitchell•295..a.,..,„ • junior eection,- marks attainelder'34 Annie Creiakshenk 801, Alex, Angus 800, - Amelia; Harland 297.; Birdie. Heywood 296; Ide Relines 295, Donald AlbCorvie 285 Ida' MeLennan 285, NellieeRattersoo 270, :John joy 268, . Marion Harland 267, Alibe Pratt .20,-Bern.eSC:t6s°sko:6sr4.t.e;'s on-Isiowo . 'Senior ilection, Marks • attainable,. ▪ 230 Mabel Doherty 246, Edith Carr ,i40, Bertha, • Aitken 238, Azle Gibbing's 234, Jae. Fortune 226, Lester Whitely 224, Nellie 'Giver .221,. • Lie' cantelon 218, Rutile " Andrews .264e Gr*e Webb 204, Herbert: Aluir 203. ; Junior section, marke ettaiiiable, 225 • . Richard Fiech 216, George Heriott 216„ Feed. " Lavire212, Willie Biggart 208e Louis PfOlierty• -James Alercer187, Susid-PoWell 185, jossie .„ 204, Leah; Finch 190, Fran .k :tanbury -180, Gardiner.185, Dollie Bennetto1.80. • - • • Ines DOLMES! DIVISION. • . FOUrth-olass-ndlie McKenzie, Grach Ted- ford, Thenias Walker, Jentiie Moffatt, Jean Forttine, Ade McDonald... • : ": , • Third el ease -Norm a Callander, Chas. Reeie, Blanche Shepherd, Maggie 41.nderson, Annie osseveea, aSdemoniaesle_W.Bilseortnh. a Dean, Cy'ril 'Crate, Ghee' telyar, Rose Williams, Bertha Duff, FritalrkstMeelarasee-I'. Canieloe; Glas• • Phos, Carter, Tette Kinemaie! ' • , "lass etnr,sette.s mvietear. . ()lase No. 4 -Minnie James McRae,* Annie McCoriie, Ittaryirwin, Earnest Diehl, • Joantia Baillie„ Charlie Carr, Mary Hickey, • - Frank Bowers,. Maggie Crlatier, 'Getty -Robb. • Class NO. 3-•-•OharlieBiggart,•SydneYSiiiii. 'bury, &file Soties, Mabel • Butler, Flossie Heriott, Tenalloggatg, Louise Helmea, Clara ' Mason, Fred. Callander, - fin, Sara Smitle Charlie MoGregor, Lizzie t .EdocliiaessOx'Teri.e2le_. }imam, joaek. aeti.za.ttia 011. Gardiner, Sandy Fordo, Lena Trouse, Mag' . gie Warner, Nelliceolaillman, Peter Glazier,. Bb. Clair Tweedy, • ' ' A HICREit, 7'o Lite Railer of Clialott Sets 1.,:ea, • • •_1.)Rau.Sfa,-1,Yhat abolit our lima Aot, N.Yhdrditre the gailant1,700, Who pot ,a stop to all licensea hotels in Hurenoon the, first day of May, 1885, but who, so far, have not mired the alleged evil? What is your pro, - lice Magistrote about ? Have any !Ave beef' taken to atop the wholetsale traits in drink. ing now going on. Xtwill soon be May, 1885, One year of the three 'gone, and nothing yet but confueion everywhere, `Hotels open night and day, Sundey find Werth% and nobody interferireal it is -elfin -oink 'AV -011:& tatio Government toldlis all they eau do in theanetter ; it ineana simply nothing, No ihepootor can etop the trent°. Lime will not make' men good, Finaneially and moral. ly the country is arifieting,„and that try tnueb, and no help for it, The beet tbing, in my opinion, is for tho Feacrel Goverement to repeal the Scott Act, and have the Crooks Act put in force by. the Provineiel- Goverro bigot next May, , Tote • 4110EINS1g. choice) gave n short, address, and wits fol. 70 The Eflitei Of tile elbiton, 11'`elo Era. ; ; Rev. 7.1-. fitemart; on 'Scotland ' • • , . • ierthee-etallitorr-Glertlewenel-baveeeent-blinetoe • -• • - Iowa in cherge.of Mr. W. Willie. Mr,' jaincs Gardiner, qf Farquhar, has purchased the horse " •Glover" from Mr, Rollins, of, Stephen, for a very large, eon: ',John 4e and Prank 'AloDontreli aro at 'present in Engleridoix • stock -purchasing -trip., Mr,. I 1: ugh Toss, of MoI011op, has aeld his interest in. the imported entire horse owned byi himself and Mr; Alex. Thompson, of Stanley, to Mr, Thee:aeon for the„enin of $600.' • • • -6At a meetiim of the director(' of the .Seuth lIneen Agricultural Seciety, held at Hepsall, itokae decided to hold theetext (Mow of the society at Seaforth, -in connection with the Tuckersniith branch, The Branch Soeiety gives the Riding Society the sum of $000. There was abio depiltation present feorn the Stephen and Usborne branch. They stated -that they were prepared to offer it ooneiderehly larger sum if it were deanedlitleisabletietalre the elloW 17i-Eititef,Thutther irtrigrwhile`to'enter into .eranpetition ‘vith the Tudor:moll Society mut .were quite willing thet the alternate system of boldieg the ehow one -year in Settforth and the next in Exeter shotdd be continued, There was quite d 01114 the Spring show. The Herisnll people have been long desirous that it should le.0 held in thet village, They this year ()Mired the mini of el50 and they to take the gatti receipts, and eeveral of the directors were strongly in favor (ff making the amigo as Drueofield enly offered a bonns.of $20 the society to take the gate receipts. 1,7poie vote being ,ttilren be. Reirtall Ansi iliateefieldit_wasiotuntto-be.- it tie and the Peesir ent.gtere easting vote in favot nf Brucefield, 'tio the spring Allow will be hold in Brucelleti as usual and Wed.wsday, April 22tul Was fixed as the day Upon Which it will lie held, •This will be one Week later then last year, • l• -• -fer.oite, foe obliged • "(1 6ec'te'h char40"1 gave " e•It" to diese mitmars of t mine , esPeciallY toolthily good address on- this subject.-- the nem, who mulct so nobly, end good up! A.R.S•COTT'..fil Clinton, on the leth reb„ ths.mtv.. of Mr, john Arnett, of aeon. 0A.K2S.-.On Ishe•latli c�ft., Doderleh township, on Ihe 14t11 Feb., the wife of Mr. Ifetirk Oakes, of it YOH: • • MARRIED'. neanno-info;--AX the .Mothodist Oarsonsie, 01(6. 1071, 011 the 9411i Pelt, by'flov. W. W. Sperling', Mr, :Ohm. Baker, of GoderIch thwitship, to 'miss Elizabeth-- Mill, of " Mullett. • • • . s'• 1:AWRENCE-DITN8lifiSiiif.-.-At the 'residence • the bedoei father, Teckersinith, ell the 401 inst., lw Rev, M. 8. Report, ef.A., air. John •I.awrotica, of Plymptoii;to Miss Etta Dunsmore, laughter.. ' of Mr. Ifenry D tinsmore.• • " Sale Iteglater • •TrESDAY, :Match 16, -Farm stock and lin. ( plemente 'of N. and T. Glew, lot -12, Iiuren Road; Hewson, tome otixta. mokrrs, . (Corrected ovary Thursday afternoon.) • • Thursday, March 18.0"0. Wheat, fall, • • $0 75 'a 0 78 White etni rod • • 0 75 ti 0 78 028 a 0 30, - 0 50 a 0 65 0 53 a 05 4 00 a 4'150 ' 1(?ratxt•Vel ., . roottati;,0.ete, rlielttiv.: • Patti, . . 11 40 it 0 50 - r..E' nutter, . A , '... ,0;1,3120 .aa 06 01,at .41474_;._:„..„.......... _.........__;_;.)0(5.:1 tatit o 70o 6177: 1 .Po'ilr, '.. . • . HON, • ' , Lamb ettitie, • • * ri 60. a 0 80 , Sheep pulte • 'Clover, per bush. . ,,i 00 a 0 (10