HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-05, Page 2MICAOh hWEL11.1"4...a.14T • . • liere she Imo omens to mom= in silence and eectecY over her wreoked life, over tisat greatest of all toesee-lose of hope. Flinging herself face downwards upon the grassy sward, with her sad arras outstretched andlaer little delicate gars clutching convulsively at the-- long.: tengtee of the ratak verdure, as tbongli in a perfect aginty of shame and grtef, ebe gives herself up to the bittereet• despair. Oue intangible watery moon- beam is lying, as though touched by her griof, upon her half-ba,red arms, an- other as if in beisison upop her forlorn 'little head. But life's moons or suns, its warrutlis, its chill, oan be nothing to . !wow:van:for •over. Tito vague, wit , eimplo joy of living is 'goue from ' • her, There is only the bitterness of death remaining, and desire to escape and eovor lier face and hide from 011.31er " 00 of tb,o day and night .1 1 ' A joy. has tali.= Sight. Move zy faint heart with grid, but with, ars. light " 011., do WA maim things horde me, than they ate. You. will give Me op ?" "Nov er 1" answers Bouverie coldly. "Let that be perfectly madeestood. bo- t weep us. Never I have your promise to be my wife; 1 shall bold you to it till the last day °tiny life." "Then you. will leave an the pain, tho trouble to mo ?" says Dolores ro. proachfully. e Ali, how unkind, that to 1 Well, I give you up, at least." "That you. capeot do," retort.% be quickly. "What, do you thiutt 1 ant laot stronger than you ?" 110 lays his haudelightly on her tender shoulders, OM GIAOUgh to prove to her the difference between, them, "Dolores, do you thiult no " ho neke • . yoi coutt uv winouu satlY. end, .with the knowtedgefell upon- her that she lies beycat redemp- tion in her answer, she anurixtura " Ye.% ik her oyes on liis.„ "Say that again,” soya Bouvorle, holding her • a Mao. wpy from him that. ho natty the bettor mark the'clianging If t/ Fresh & ming and salon:ter and srinterbottr hor eyes. Say it no*. ligh • . iVaus woe -begot* siie rosts at full length aspon th.o.grouud, her littlo shape, ,ly bead Windatoseed mid roughened, low. erecl to the eartlt-tho •pretty. prowl head that only yeatetday carried itself so sweetly Mol with such a natural dig, nity I NoWand then •a moan breaks from hor, a shattered prayer, a dry- sob • of keenest auguieh. • "Oh, kind Father -Father dr tea alle- havo moroy-ltave pity Must every- thing be given up ? This thing porhaps, Sivieet Lord P 'But yot not thie I Oh, leave sue 'something! ' Thou, who- art all love, leave me my •little share of worldly affection 1. .Suroly I need not surrender all, mini° arid fame anti lover tool" Is her prayer answered? There is 4 ' solind of lull:tying:to* • steps °litho cool sweet grase, smothor- exelantation ; then two strong 'orate, taiglity with thislovo sbo has boon into • ploring, stoop to ber; weave thomsetvea round, Ler ; and Bouverio, lifting -her bodily from the arourid,,turtis her -face • "Yes -7 -yes -yes 1' ems she ; • • ,J4ut the telsion is too great' for .•lier, birta1fa5iwar1 upon his broost and Iniveteinto boom ',- . - • • • • • ",Welt, I 000idn't asithout yon, you eruel child " rotorne he ssary . , - , -with a careful love; anti, tattle all, 1 tion'thelleve a words of • it." Ilo tide laet softly, pressing her littlo iEan heail 'against his breast,- - . . ''. • -But her dospaii irtoo etroog to ad. mit of comforteven fkonx tlio onti be. ' • Joyride -nay, the very Sweetuci3s •of the comfort Offered 5601115 only to *0.41 to titO poigneal cy • of bor. griefs • "()h that we -tom • were • dead I" she cries, her pent-up sobs •• breakiog forth.. Noweetogothor I" • • .• ehero njiT tWn trombling et- the. • dilate., limbo; • instinctivery..sho clings to, him. To boburied, lost, - forgotten- be- yond - the 'ken of all latimanity le the ono eweet tonging that • remains to her • arid with bun. If they minht only- be, -pernaitted.to share. this eveutteting osole ' -to•go togethat ovbithet-no Inan may broaktmatte .her oven.. Night is foflowliast fear arid angitish auds das. d• •• • ..ttuling„ a.sornbrothroatening eight • pair. anti all desire • Menacing by the tiull *t „I that you do not • carry out your inaa scheme. It seems a simple thing to you to abandou ;but how if I will not he "..''tindested ?" "Your etrongth ;. ineuilicient," sayli tho giri solomuly. " You must sub - There ipaa nobility iss her look which silences him for the Moment. Au ex. quisite Rush lights up tier loco, and hoe fingers, lifted to hor breast, lio there convulsively, as though to stay the throbbing of the boort beneath. "Must I?" says Bouverie unsteadily. • She mistalcosthese words for a yicid, ing en his part, a.ncl the Audi dies upon her cheeks and her pale lips grow paler. M last you underetand," she says, raising her.blanclied face and sorrowful eyes to his-" at last! 'Yes; t1 xnust be SO." 'Dams all at tome her calonuees quite forsokoe her ; she lies like a brb. trou lily in bis arms. "011, lovo, love!" slie• antrocars Jaiutly, elingiug to him as though she teals theofinal parts ing is indeed at hand. .. lie returns his embrace only in part, hi4 mindhaving cy,oup to other molter:3. "Yon " 5pcak lightly Of our eaded ha says coldly. • 4.1 13ut still thoresoine. . thing to bu said. • Supposo 501110 happy. ' eluture should 1it this cloUti that 'tamp; inVo you "--in hia soni ba acme not bto 1 1.1r o 'that. any finch bleliscd uplifting ie sumiose .• it • should. bo. 1,10W th011 . Alt, thou !" . She hue bawl/1i the juiloottaii he do. Eiiredi hs looks tronsfigared. knows mow bo a cortainty that tho hap - :vinous of.1�r 1iie depends upon. the ira, ' rebablo ch'Intie he has described, trilier.., flor lips.tretublo, a grbat Waive of colour sw:giFs'acros3 her face, lingers.,a seeend or 0, and ,then (.1iss,ppeavs; as harsh\ -sensi'reass-or ts itself, ooly toipalms her w 1 ti Or' than before, . ar:o cruel," sho says 11811-1.0tri* , `Xi latt) i the u4o• of anewering her ? Is •-•.•t thewholo thing 'arma her against s heart that is as i 7 It yop are nob afraid of Os* mulls of Ahab vi 11 ' "it is hardly 'worth' speaking 25 cent*. "As for the influence," returns Bnte. Cough and Oold yolt °nett to ties "remota ad thorotighly eve on. Sol Id tverywhele. , about; nor is she, Let us talk. Initeacl . . of the one thing who is all the World to grottootoital and other outo ne-let dB tai E of Dolores!" 64 Toe .4 is ii() MX eh ta• ha said, and ye - - NNING SU seoTT Barristers, Solicitors, , 80 little," Says Wes Maturin, walking restlessly to and fro, "You know, all the Arab part of her wretched story -I • need not recount it to you; but •there are some later, some minor details that • you alone may hear; they are• not for the satisfaction of vulgar curiosity. With Dolores' birth my story to Lady nouverie ended." "Yon =ado- sonse effort to find her mother 2" • "One unceasing effort that filled my life for two long years. At last 1 found a clue, as you have heard from your roother ; a letter omme to me. You know of ray journey to Brittany, toy adoption of my dear girl, and our •long wander. lugs in fordiglelands.'! 46 What ad not know," Says Dick, is your subsequent knowledge of Do. loreo's father." y," says Miss Matutin; he eame prior to my leaving England tot years With my young charge, and ntics1 an interview. 1 reiused it. rso doubtless stirred within bira ;.' t was remorse that ,caane too tato. a not &tortoni it, My whole soul tea from the man. When 1 looked . ittle innocent, lying in my arms bl t tt r protest for . . to his. -. Seeing hor lying se, ad sad and. •• 1 Wiab. w'i..1 Yorc (load to4ethor ta-clay, • • diScOnSolata, the mournful ceistainc,y • -Ludt .31,4`t, of, hiciil en away out of night, . has been bOrne'in upon him that oho • Mane:1 vs triatt.n.,rtt ,tai_o 9_19:7!1.110e.1.y., ., : has been lying thus because bor heart . eato`flo's ‘',Z141,4'N5vPraithy°?;8711„)11811' • is broken. ., . • ihnotottse of it113nen eltograllOr, ... . . , ' ° As the wokleis first dead taken wholly lawav, --,- • iultdo,onci with dee.th,anos full' of. the night l'i. • . . . ORA.PTE1.1 .XXIL. .. • . o ' 44 Thet0 ISSomething as good as (loath. ' As • Dia littfliis eifoetheart in his • botore us,'! •Says 13envene steadily; . , , _ eyna4, her. 9,KpressioD oliallgeS", . She 1, therois life+st long life cif happiness, shrinks 'front him, 'awl mottos. a _yelp_ I hope andholieve I; tot no falso ' sus. effort -to release herself .fronatho loving 'Octane of evil mar tile .petfection of it."• '• bondage 'of Ina -embrace. . , ." The peridotioti I Where pan. that - "011, not you,'f she Hoye, in a iiitle. .corlieliu 7: •You -e -you pretend too Much I" • paatiiig whisper•-•;-" nob you, of all pop', • ofeelaims.phe, with a iittle burst of • . ple 1.' -I had •ina,de :up my mind that it irritable padeion borheot her • acuta suf. • Should never be you ti,ge,i11.- • • . ferie.g. -.“.Peifootrion'extsver- inore " *." To cainfort•you 7" •ask s he, ...ternai; apply to anything conneetted acibli Me. noting her sentence. ' " If you aro in 1 ani tainted 1 Ss . . • - ,s, -4. •• - • ' .. • trouble, who would be there but, mo , Sio. raisos her head. "White 'like a to help you? ...Yont trouble Must white rose" is tlie• facia to ;Which elm ' • always be mine, my own sweetheart'!" compels histogarct Hut, in spite- of All Ile tightone his clasp- round her ; hub- • noato that; bottays it. Iltycnicl aro the et stely ninos, .6".inl there, "where the sLscoui:it!ts broalcs tho dusky gray", aeo ir•rnu.lops, het:6116s, their pale yOuug Issovos droopitig aemcost/i: the ' warm:. thnt ?: Yee tall14 T : gret Alai Noh-esa6 brim:thing of the circiuDatribient,air. ' . thoutiatal tines no ! After. his hand gently bonotith, hoe . , yoars, I would do again now as I did. cbLii 14'0 lifts her Taco awl gazos silently thou. 'I would restue the Child at any Tito pretty lips erstwhilo so prone to , . soul was blackened by a &hate beyond upon. b, a a rs, lasTgliter are' now 'Closed, yet eloquent rodetuption 1". ' •‘• with a eilent Inelanaboly, Her dronah. . ",You have neVer heard•oi! him -since?" dil Oy'osi With their boars still‘lYing:Inia ' " Never I' Doicires knows nothing of vily on the long dark lashes, speak to . h?lis.. ,§1,)-Q belie'vas him-,- dead as her hini.in morniel, numbers., It ii it most Mother i so he is to her. '. Whethor lin grieVeus 'thing to siao,lier'stitudiog Minn, ' ltill roams the earth or -bas gene to meet esusilieci, disconodloto,Oliebonour ed, rtiA10,4-12Lny,a..1.111 the lantl. bfiyorld the " I have liotentel to you ;7 now hear, • grave is mailman/ to me:" me, ho save atuldenly, though Without • She is eilenta.for . a little while; and ' t ,• traapicion of haste: " MI you havo sold. ' Bonverie does not caro to interript hei, to me c000to jnet :Ss nothing. ' We -Stand being lost in'art absorptioo of ' Ins own • to -day as we stood yesterday. • Younre - oseatiugo • Whets twO minutes, ' scarodly • hor self-control, bar hps. quiver. 'rbe• lus, ,;offlauced wife' haw, as you were. nOtioml by eithor of thom, lin.ve .aieiti • " A 130 rao 'many • derma, • Remo but i I goal rovol at m speet 'horse ' and s at a• u ing • Ca1110 Nara . grief shou now, noul 0, s bat of t theft that abru • sits 'claspOrl. tiaat her mother I" • " That was the Dead as :filie girl w own door 1 It Was ess,una e ou e woro I would defeud her from him lf, onlisted,raysolf upon hor side • • DlioIsTitiT°14•70 aelTraleanee sT,- y risk. I left home abroptly, carry, boom, ilk u troll "1,,,c1,10100110,11' 0.111 ray child iiith xiso Then there - /furor]. Strati' t,e0linton Office holm, 8 07mo* sp,p1„ 'letter from It was for; ed tue.-a mad letter, full of -grief when she -the• woman who Id have been honoured, but was -byhis dislionourodlay daring in her*shrond 1 , asked What of his cluld ? It was evident ad heard of my sister's death; but he 'child he knew nothing, .except k had. taken it. "a,nswered.hira th child was dead 1" She ceases. ptly, sitkisg back iu her chair, fox! a • noment rigid, her- halide 18. hor la "Dead as • 1.30X.V.EYANC4il.P e. Oetnenssionerafor Ontario and Alaniteha. - Y1e4 NEXT 0003 TO NEW EitA,. CLINTON. . , ra.r1; kg v Ti) L041.11. lifORTGAPES 1101.7GIIT. vslasitsss PaisATE FrtitIS. 13•1•DOUT,. Otliee -• Elliott) Illoek„ Ituron ItrAnittAoa -1.104NSES.-AVIIX TO TIES IJL undersigned at ttie Library Roontti, Smith's 1310111, • 80 JAMES 8COTT. ONEY T 1411IND 1,.1.1IIN 011, SMALL sumA nn 0004 InOrtgaljt) h. marity, moderato a10-ofipterost, 01•1•105- DOWSIJE Y., AI. D., AI. 0.5. ENG1AND ,A -F Physician, h argot:in, etc. &glee ant roaideape aeXt Mo1a0i.t'a Dank, marl; o..t aqui, re4Jitnton, • AP1'1,ET011.---01NfICE-AT ItESID5110111 .1-9 on Ontario litre IA clioutx401> Posi J411/11 buret. Entratiotiby aido sant. „ " • YI,E8.. YOUNO. COMM ISSIONED, CON- _ VaXAN'omf, and issuer or Marriage 14icenseit Molloy to Walk. 013100 Rail resid MVO, curlier et Ic.ing. and. queen otrocts, Ely tit, -• . • • TT PlIOIDTFOOT„ .01vai ENGIfisIblER, A -LI 'troy! an O. i mon Land surveyor, Arehitocr and Dranalitstosa, 151.00Ir Clinton. BENTIILLER NURSE#Y, MIT 4.1guOrailifENTA.14 TIMES, 20R- WJIX SPATIOE, 8CUT(Iii ,AND 11.8131401.14..br. PIXE, TUE f4ATTXR or WilleI-I ss KAKI A. StSCIALTT to says; t son slowly- essa o Seat him. os ( afh-EY at his lie! I3ut what of OR • II • v hands outsproad breast, an in i t • inforMation is here -prioe from tho vile hands of soos whose • kr S.'WHITT, ':VEM/TIE OR MUSIC. PUPI1,8 t tend fl at their own reeldente,if necessary. Do- sidenoe, ,Tohn Dobertson's, Einem StrOet, (Hinton. llieo'o now method taught if desired-. ••••••••,•••,,, • L.ABQK. STOOK CIPA HAND • Tho- alms ornannotal trcea and shrubbery wain:told, at very low prices, and thetili wanting, anything la this eintneetion Will Arc money poreltaaing lame. 8TANDURY, G gADUATE OF 'IlIIE.ATEDI A-sy CAt,Dopartinent of ViotorialJuiversity,Terento,for -marl), of tire Uospitals Dispensaries, New Xork Coronerf or the County of iluron,Baylleld,Ont CLEO. PoTTS, E, .510N,, °AIM:41(1E .41.131) 1,-.1 general Painter ; piper- And. kalsoMing second to, none,' S011001i litkeltilnakin sPeeinity.-- HRIskorametch:41- with the thou, 3(0311? 541148111?, CLISION.. • ' • .••••-••••••,. Orders will be poniptlg attended to Address} .STEWART„ Setunillor H. Nellspn Co., 13 F. L I: ars italeueastlIntens LtE .STEARI ENOINES, BOILERS% AND GENERAL MA0111NZRY: -7 • ORDERS • PROMPTLY FILLED FAIIIIIA.31 TINDA.14111- B 803 K BATT ENBURY ST., LITTON, fl'iraNSACT A (IENEEAL DANIKIN 0 BUSINESS. eyadvaneed, on Siortgagoa unti ote apt hand Drafts -Wood iniyabla At par ,a1 1411 1130 oilnies df tho Merolla:din roinit Ot Oane.de., New Yorlt exchange bought 11110 sou. •PACIMPT ATTIINTICIN RAW TO OQL. Laosixonsthrongtfout Canada awl the United States. _ , Sta.E-01ES 80115113 at close rates, Eau money advanced to fartfiersen their own notes,foranylength • of time to snitIlte borrower. All marketable seem tleabontittand aold. • Dett.IICSRE; lgs‘v mut. AosinTs or -run • • MlinottAts,r'sliAnx or axittAitiati. * ". /Id'RES11.11.fit DErusiT. "w. W. ' J. ,,Po80A.LL , WitotataS, 13, 4., AI. 33., GRADuATE OE 1.1nivimiltY; member pi' theColiegeofFify ittlitincoultSAZ4001lli.ont. urrion Ittl c.v. tile hone° forinO1'13 ; or t stiont PIVYSIOTAN, SURGEON Aneonehear.Tileouriot e of the College f Plusisiere d8ntirmon s of 146tverCitutt4if ,andProyinelall.liefro, -Sate and Coranori or th Qom' ty o f Thfir on 02Ie can (I residenee,—TIM building f ormer15 osoupleObr Arr • Thwaitea, anon sirrpt• . Clintou,Jan.19,1871. . • . • . • _ • , nr.,TNTON f1.4 kJA.e.).• and Reading Rooms, riirrin blocs, down stairs. JU•gnit 1,700 volumes in the Library ;Ilia 3411 3181 •I,ead fug NoWspaptirs andyoriorlieu la 0.5 thellity tho trade. -metilbor:thip ticket per analltll. Open from 210 5 p..111.; and. front 7 to 9 p tn. Allelleation9 for Them uoridisp recif-pd by the 141parian th in the room. • Io You S•ar,Steixo OLD. COUNTIIY • TO TIIE 1" Before doing so, eallautl get' all ratea and law.' ini•tti.on front the agent .03 uu).4LLAN". L - , •• 17;•Clint.on • •• . ' TILE' MOLSON BANK • Incorporaftl by Act ot ii'41r1114011511t, 1&.3.. CA.PITA la • $2,060,000.. . • riEAD • TnoltAs, WORkAIA.21, • President. .11 II, II. AI OLSON Tice -Pres, , WOLPF.RSTAN TITOMA,8, OeneraliAliniapr. • 37iittlf diseounted, Collections 9niale,-Droils Sterling and American kit.itago. • bought and sold cte loices:! • current rates. ' , Iratirest at 4 'percent allowol on drpo.,it, • 1F.Ait-ni'll t"• ,4 . • , Money adv.a.ocedte.farmoil on their own notes With ' ani or mail endorsors, No inortqage retutirkidi tt,f. .urity.• If, 0, fp:LEVY-ill •Manager, Janniut 1i•iff„ •... • • - • plioton . . ' ... .................... TP „444.;41_,L44 /1... O., PATTISON,...G.T,R.. AGENT, •';TJEVIIN • ' ioto the pWtt,. elle speaks. again. • • • sioLt of them- stnivotino lips is lorthrd tlum • ' . . . . . =7.--s------latos-wurettostsiemetiout ho — • • ' huro-.• lovebeoeyesttlitan:agstsWee-seaavery- - f•‘• I Moat ask-yotinob b -th " Vrevouts hihr ' °ur• "Jar; 0'1 1 . . agony: of proteet.: Secirig 'her so Per- • - he 'Sayst'ertily,--,-":-. iti-stegard yOtt now--; - Word,", • .*....n,l.e.i‘sin\m- 1:;...73. obie-r• ves.• tas,r. • ..• her „gently, . and . 'Mayo' regarded you.forOtitte-:saa ,!` hear no' tutting. peot.est. It id •- • . lets liar Stand baeletrepahinaatottto. or •• notitiog. loos- than iny wifesOnse . IA:Sall-Slot 7Thu° Pro -ye to yeti that Sbor sake;•thotighl aoketevitelgo sistent, • releases 110 wtlL two. , • lieten to boon one derogAitY word .thY Will is stronger than youra. Yet, that ovil.wiil be the end of , • ful '113 ,i,s, uselets ; it roust alt erSd uow titttO;od. ahoutlier." - • .bolievo, nu) cleateSt it is the one tiine •. " Tefi-1 are v. 'faithsotii,"- opyti leher-pya ifatiritissasand agaisr bar °Hitt tuna-sorbdues her for tho taomento is-hur.11-1)P-4 whieb.la AWL: rofuott iqattirin, in a low tone ; " fs01.!-' face within her hands. • • Isut, zifter a little taiental confusion the. dofor to you. • tome-letmo take'-yOn liotind to •toll yod trat yo.,1 aro' 11(.40. -3114.101* • 1 c end Nnaio thinets," faithfnl sphit within, her fragile *Loh ,:heitoi. This troulild has boon too moph muY tio ; You may drop ue Ittatour. • returna he slowly ; " bat Time is more ,roassorts itself,': • • fOr you." ,, • . • ably info-yeur past ; slight:3, will at. merciful.' It can put' 9, ovon to " Yew: wifo fa' sais " Yes ; I will go beinc;'. says' the ',rill tUcll. itself to yo 1,- no totted ot thaw° h •" f • us oW • bUt es for .scarsr.,,_last doe -IS -why. There exquisito inOnOtonously. „ . • will haunt 'you fez it. Go; 'whilst there " You xvill lot rad soo yop:d again this is Yet tinsh.14 " 1) bow 1" • m•;.`Clailus Dick. ..",-V) hat .•MISS - D PEW' . . . , MUSIC 1.TEACHKR3 ..„ . our love, .mii.ther Thne not Deatl1 oati pain in her taco and •ycnee.s lier Tsmall ' put an omit° that I • It will go with us. lin:sere, intorlacedi are crushed .againet . through life, toad to the grave'. oma, eo,oh othor until anwhite outlinois Dials. thence to tlae world boyond.' •ed upon hot hands. " Beloved, would 1 'When lying he pasSiouato stain npon :tio yoo suoli an' injury as to let you .• " WhateVor happens, hoWever•it may W3331 Thorn 4 anxiety in Ins tone. ,. the ftesh sward, sheolleal eloeedhor fin, -one•st,Ito-whose birth--.-;.. gars on, oontotentler gtasseta Now she "L e silent,•DOlores 11' 1,i9s tha 570.hilg, bo, you V,-111 be kond to atuttio ? " sas-s totals them listlessly in horeola hand, -14013 to:adonis:, , • . a _ Doloros, laying her Laiul WWI a favor. and geode at • therreati one might •t7lion f l'• Dub indeed.," says shoStvezpitto 'bit, ls11 earsiOstiluss• sil)01-1: 'his atm. "L0U • considering • Kano (piestion• tar rental) 1 torlY. again, '..1. . cannot bo silent': It will 'not roproabli -her.? Thiult-think • f rain them. • .,•, . -.•-• • / intuit be `6:.i:fil • wul. it •Will-Wo•-..-it-net ' hew Itherhots sufteted, mid -all: fot , mo I • ' am 05mo at least by all tho"reSt of OW if • yon have loVed •Mo, think of tho world. 2‘1a1', dear boort, how , yon • - ' • ''• • - - yourself recoil froni the tiara Mention of, o' As I .40.. Iava ovou,..1- 'shall think , lei • • . a •• • ao . • alwaya of whet is most pleasing to yoti,'' avoiamg must come up to utoy an s• , Am to ;vomit tcryoUr aunt., It4111 bo better do yea take noe for ?. Am' a feel ? that wo should soo each abbot againa, I likoly to resign for a paltr). rear.on the •best gift that'. God can litisioiv a• Even • if I would,, I could not. give up Dolores ; ae tor all .you havo Said. why, a °counts to 140 1131 hothing:but only as Ma ti to be hotter to het thail even I 1° ll° right,'." she says at last-- " your mother, I memo Por tho days Of your life trots must speak to 11l0 ' • nevi:3r again. It was terriblfs-oll that" oho • sail; she called mo baseborn.r-n, • cruel word !" Sho shivers as though with batons° cola, and. cia..ps her iillgcris; , tightly togother, `allaseboral" P11-0 ro. • poets, almost uocousciously.' " yes, it' -was a cruel word." .. " Gorse 'tor 1",sityia the Young outlaw ith • sudden fiereOpaysion, garang at the pato faze before lima, the strielieu glance, the drooping hopeless figure). " 011, no, no," cries olio piteously ; " sbo is your, mother! Ois.vbn at •to • mine, wore she alive, I not te• as speak; •and ittino-.--') Silo pauses ab- ruptly. ." But to Um dead there is only • forgivbness," shc'says brokenly ; •and thon---" You know all? You havo • • • Yos, and Thad; You should liars heard it aiia, front such, a. source What I shall never orgive 1 I havo told hot, . 44 Tour Mother ?"-in a littlo`lthrilling • Whisn'or; .. , •• .• „. . , • \ " The itelationship licia Ooasto. to omet ' iiir 'me," teturns lio," with it curious laugh. . "But a course I understand, • etifficiantly-to-bo-tdolO:to give -you -an an- ' - - Sweirs'Yes; -1 httvo told Liiaryouvom • •that 3:Altai-never, foraive Ilek conduct to. os___.... . es . "1 am twide unfortunate," says De. • loros inburhfully. "13esides any Own ,s,.. In olerable load, must I also bear .tile -• it) ""ss it **ledge that I havo treated* discord ' bo ween a mother and her Son 7" • "'Nothfrig naatters," auswors the' • 'yoxiug man i Steadily issing her lingers to his Hite, t! oxcopt what personally conCerns you. Forgot tho test, and bo ' assured that Lady Bouverio can manage excellontly ittiout Other you or MC. My bolovod, how you initst havo suf. foredl" • • Ills tone has changed,' Icew tliore is , thrown into it a great 'wave of tho most tender synips,thy ; beforolt had been hoed mud. sontowhat cynical. • " Thete is no nod to talk of that," says shp, with a passimiato attempt at calm i• "do not talk of it There is • only • one thing noW for mo to say to yous; I say it --4 I ,.,.riiVO yoti bask yoot trotirt" She turns t.o him, pato and rigid, and compete herself to moot his oyes. "You ,,co.vo me what I will not aceopt • --a poor :eft I" Vetutmili.0,` as• pato. as 'herself. ---" Weill -what .elaOl..",, ----" All ieovor betWeen ug-`,'.' soya, the pnor ohaa Bealy,.ber Svioetface looking worn and changed in, tbe 'dull noou. " Yon wrong mo tory lotialt," s,,,ys .roturos Ilonvetio•gravely. ' " Rot it . ,flops,.71.11:io, wail .,1,-..,., oiootioo.. ic I si, truth I should. bci•good to' Mise Matnrin lenet.‘d you 0.14 leSt your rwords should Jxr°aPacilva of My, loVe lor . you, if. only. hurt yOurself. I hold, you so above taint becattso of the affection. I bear her 1, and 01: slmnia of any kind. thet .I defy tin) shall I; yotir lovor, oot honour 1101; the world 'to find. ,•o, . Ilaw in•yon.'r . Ile more for.tile tondetnosa-sho• has display. • oball rice you again to-nightl'! • " Yon " after a lobe:lout% pauso, ed•towards yon 2 • Hut answer -the. , , %turns to her and , enci,relos her. in his arms. --My' staiple-eA lily," • ho' saysv laying 1115..olicolt. to hers; "11131 littlo queen I" .., ,•. - , . Attar all; another •Ineoting, • onotber . . , Tho Moon even in its .- soddetted: stato hour of agony is not , very much when 1.0,8 ,,rewn 01 -0,60te btli. t . • ft added to •the great 'whole 1 And -anal!). ,., _. 1 1941 , OM.* 0%0D#1011- Irfilerlailllt W•111(1 hag COIlle to need not affect -her resolve in any, way. And to sae him once timo Tlihro atneagre‘grain wyvect. iuc n ve mOaub to be !" : Miss Matt.trin, rising, suddinily13131*118. upon: him. gase illeminated •by a very • •iinniediato linowladge of his worth. " •, bavo:done -well by her," she says • softly. She :continues tO reard hru with extreme tenderoess for a'feW • I .1! llection• 'unte's ,•• then, though' o re stereo tootle): tit itSinItn aecord awl with- ottt encourttgement, staits bet - eyes falter before " Resistanco 131 uscloss," she says. 4'We arena Strong enough to fight the world. And yet suhm, ission will bo her death 1 • She will die, says 'Aliso Maturin, in cold con- • strained' •voice. 0' She is net strong, .pressurp , will be too much for " . • "Not viten • fthe hasn't to bear it e "•interposee Dick quietly, " I flat- sonnawhoao thlo distanc0.. rho whole tor' myself 3.0111 endure a good deal of world around Seerris peaootill, SaVe only '-ness theinisery of tins thought. Sho Pressure:. She sitall fool non° when 1 theso two 115111135: --hs earning, eteemoSS . nsight indood bring him something to art near. Can , I see • het toonorrow otilt SO distant as to be Utimiortant, hpap-to romembor her by iri all the - earlY ?'' • • may and it may uot be, it is ileattro o but : corning yams, lioath, whoa eourtod, is. , " I dOu'i, "-tincertainly ; " the raisory of the surfahumahity is moan". rOluctent ; thore will probably. be loolted so white, so still, so forlotn,whon ly aistoeserss. Tea mean ts Blowy torus malty yciats. • eho bade uto good night that I scarcely; , Ituow 'What to .think. She feels this - lug the twilight foto 'ni,o,ht, yet otill day• " Yes, ' says agatiostaintly. lingers--sa 111013t 'grievplIS day, bettor lost thein: A. rushing rilixtlep .at"' play. Is/NOW TO BETTIS'S:: '• -- 13ARBES 140TgO.. If you thay wkit Cary id.an barber Over gave,. , • . ••1114 nall,(qt Tite 41.t• 11W saloon, At mop, or eye, or btow noon. • • 1 omit) aintettel tft hair with ftr.tfot,.. T., suit the.coo tom. of tho face,: • Ala oil niforts yon, To.plearlo the taqo and ' • ',Ify rarorA 1011 both Al:111)11W' keen, toi-ois alno.nrat and eloan. . • • nottirstioN.f.hliVIX(.4- 01.1„NTOg... • 'PROF., Di DAvEmpprg.t • • 83.4.1tcont 41,.....sruirsT.. • • • ... • 11.11 lit cntiAls ire right for the county- fifr, the 1101551 1)511411811 -of rulininiktering• ohomionlly • por.0 katfoonti '.2.IonoxiclotWIlleh 1.6 the safelit and beSt"syStem yet dis- covered for 1,56 istioleas extraction of.teoth. •charges moderato, thdrifiretiOn guaranteed*. Moro, IllitAVElt 11I,001i, mein, Thompson at dwitzer's tifroecry'Sfore, trrot CI • • • •• , • thing,',' cries 'Miss itaturin, with a, slid - in forgetfulness; but still alive. Catirtle..1,1, XM.V:- I truly know 1 1 toll you it; will kill hot I ' . . •,. den passion di griof, " more than. „you. or I)olores softly,tholdinei out her two cold * '3 you 1,, wi _si y, , is, 101) t vcliat first can he accorded " Love, will you listen to m.o.?". says .- • . - , . . i ft II y ',. '11 1-'11hor I" sa s "•.1,' e' . . ier who first dostroyod tilo righteous. 'lauds to Bonvcrie. . " Ibeseceb. you to l‘taturin vohemently', .00...1 listen4.4t-is-my . irrevoeablo decision Slit is standing in 141b1311111014., 1 1 ! • 141adtniSs of. hor soul?' .- tliat:ifo-nittiitliarf{ so licar'-iiitTl' -11-14` -1.10"ttinlo gaunt' aftee the ag y s : es.ito,' Ills'. 1----.'N°1-lei'L'at1145'`'i`t.1-13°Iivetile'ga'ra-11.-: .. . my olvfi doeislmi.," - . . ton. The little ormolu. clock upon .the t , " There is 'no licit). for Doloros," says —TrAlia yen-A•ro.ininei 'Tourstlee,i,sioaiS mantalpiacti 18 on tho stroke of ton. ...\,11s;.:Slaturin, subatung her active &Lei thoreforo only partly yotir ow13. I 1.1ay0 a. 0110.TP ill it. Ata.-- N , I stilt not downcast eYOB- , . , • • . • 41 crin-1 gooier -2u issittottasettexte, „etas in part, and yet giving lier visitor an • evon inore • cartoon lcnowledgo. of her •rnisery in 14051 onforead qt iettlian her . outspoken despair, lowered to tho oar • listett to Al" , 1.4-4).1 think -not ; 113711111 be bettor to ". Your niother has ft9ays the girl, with a sad littlo Braila. ." I gave it to her willingly, for your saktar ' " mother t" l!Ycii. She -she wag oot altopSothor ungontle with me," says Dolores. 44 Owe Tiet somothing foe that but limy, never mind the " slie•breaks out itpatiently.. " Sho was right in all sho said., Wo might both havo ro- pentad liftorWards, when it was 't06 late." ; • , ", Speak for yourself,. I should not," " nob let us go into it," sho inter'.; tl " It cannot be altered rapte y. now. o mei:offal to me, Dicks. and aaS Al Aro you.morcifttl to 1310 ?" • copt this 'decision of 'mine." .• br " 41/1".../ din Indeed Says sno pat- ful, "Ah, belrove it; / whifid go farther if I could, and boat all tho pain of parting; but I know."--gaufug hinx with.a wistftil toidernoss-" that is' go, _eioa nip:7•too must endure I" Thai is nothing)" declares Ootitet, that t It lifv- hinc0. 'oco• - 1 Velierio hotself. She knesS you web° coining this evenin,g, and, if she wishes to soo you', she will come of hor own ac-, cord, without you sending for her. Sho ldokod foverish.,and thoroughly undone. I hope silo has yowl to stoop ; 0.%treino mental doProssion ofton produces UneOn- ' sciOnstietie." ' But sho promisod to 'SOO Inc. SI10 May thii1k it strange'my not coming-tm- til n6w-at so late an hour,6 says the young man netvously ; " but so many things provonted me. Thore werettinal twitters to bo arranged." " You hay() left your home, then, for good ? '" For over;• I shall not roturn there again •;° that is decided. I wish to say nothint against my mother, but to livo benea,t r hor tOof again Wtduld bo an iropossibility.". , "Bus 18&Ilona l'"' says Miss 'Aiaturin, without tha faintostiftaoe of excitement, 111113 with tt, cortairt cold conviction, " 3. • itin glad- you line -clneitita On- Shaking 'dither intiaet100." / o n . niii4t TIE. I g T , i" All bereft, As wlio a 1(01)0 towT &All fail,'• fri 0 It....fiLOCIC . with tit t t lent enta and wall itmarnetrzsusimm=sim-anitstesamissariStmwt=lrizar.i., . :f.,,itit41 udioattiiitsiittlxnitlefivli,dge anti all! • '• . .*RA,A4'..-"B T'll-rv.R -Rd Thorn i4 nothin,g," says Miss Matutini ,,-.-- • ----- -1 Wb0 has made her...pitiful trotationo restenemieteinoiesetattteatuess=romearea 'oie,tuasse1 I half unconsciously, as ono ought Who ' • 011/itiOng. SIODniA tg. , has boon thinkihg of it and dwelliog on _ nraltZtli.i014", le -also nuconselously-for many an hour. horo ! School Books4 Sloubs 46 Tis-thyself," says" Bouverie t.." not So ranch assertivoly as With a liort• _ . ycs, there is you l" she sighs. . 20 per ow dlsooun. on SLEIGHS,. of °agar pathos. IIICIII 4.ty '1.•'ITI3LIO SOHOOI., BOOXS 7 4.16' EXCELSIOR OR • .e1;--'• • Aftorthe severest tat it ill° late 'fate in Clinten,,11. was univetsraty admitted • that FOlf 'PER.FIttii AND BASS" ACTION, oskory .01r FT A•z•fe. SW: ET:ir 11;158 F ( I .."1"E t1o. EXCELSIOR was away ahoad !of all otha era, and destined to bo' the popuhir meta of tho day. This,' along with Una fact thatai, spociol prize was avroaded cortain. ty spoke volumos for tho inetr._aments, and parties purchasing shouldostsoMlie Ex,rnr,- • fupu, before buying olsewbore; ' GEO. I% °AIMS, .Patunarron. . Factory tbr,co doors West of Mulloy!a .:1)tt ni p Shop, ltattenbury PitutoGRAPItEli . • ---Ivr-r-t10 3;0110-0 "F 0"A 0.0zsamorz%sfug. 14, toitl,?0.10115: .Z31.,f10'?N"' •• 1,w;•;:slzr, WoltK A smelArirv. • and --Vollfliater. • - • SENttLLER, &c.,. isroaseteaiiR fra.a...taftenter, croteol'ON • . . "--.--Nytiertriro-lrecps a select asstirtineiit21' • WATCHESi CLOCKS, JEVI,FLLERY, Va.; ,. itYAIM wo will Bell tit roanonp.blOrttte$: Itoithiting twery_ description promptly '-at tondod to, and au. worlt`warrauted.. • . . . DIDDLECOAIDE. • .Otinten,g04.1889, • . . . • . . • C I .1‘.7.1.7 , ID It -sr xi: IV I • • .171311i'. KI.J08011113ER IIIVIXO JUST courixtgo. • J.. am; furnished 1111i now mailing :Mill with inatildti. cry of the latest improved patterns hi how prepart .1 4.0.41441,44.0,...all.ordess-ln-his-fino-.11414-e-ont4-prous.d. • and satisfactory manner, tual r6asonaltio rates. ale'. • • would ali,o return thanks tit 031 814,) notttillized the ' old thin before t,tvey were burned out; and 110417 being. ' in a better no -Won to oxeetite. orders expeditiOnsly, feelgoonlident he oast give satisfaction. to 11. PACTORY-.*Car the.Orand Rail wag, (.4nton.. • . • ... • • . • • • TuogAs AleKENblF,. . :WHY sUFFER . heavily, 44 Well, you bp true," fiho says presently.. ""Let wiht and See. Ahoy, 00 . what'a (ley may bring forth." ,. • " thitik, if I could, see her," begins zszty4120.......vq-ocrliso Bottverie rofleetively, his oyes on the . . ` ground. "But, as you sayi 113 131 too . • 8.A.XON.Z. late, and alio tuay porhapo Ibe SleOpitig. . • e at.. • io 4A 1 Well# till to-morroW then V llo strotehod outhis. hotas_ooa moo $11.10,41. Agaviat 33x..b1x BOOKSTORE, COOPIAR, C(.1aK. Vaturitt clasos 18 naaetivk To be oont-hotoil- • • DYSPEPSIA 011'INDIDESTION,, • WHEp ra • wEsLIVER S 11 fpollOvIghtretAro VVR. ?lacy ticir 'ego •er pbrgo, 120 eta • madly, and!' itihuncvsn. . Tti.Oft [trewora. !,1) 'Met. : .41\ r EST BLESS I oF TE:1E: AGE' Iro ail nbtliorero fre.^,cra aurilci..;110119 OblitoclorerT Stottacc.41. —IRV ARE ABSOIXTE MID PERFEBT CURE .1i30 MOO 417st5'430r6.150tf0il froui your vracery. �2 Pftlie On • Lioxt 2536: rsox, 131 i:okoc for $l •Pat! &ILE DY ALL DRIIGGISTS AND DEALERS IN Ma/DINES . • . Beware of Coanterfeife 'wnl,•Baso' Genuine wrapped only in 131ae, with sigoa. tare en 'every Free "trial pacIoge,.„,' ihrsett!elebratoil PItis Revd.:10 any -0. ea on receipt ofst 3 elot•stontio -d610.- O. VEST g4i . AND 01 6TREtt gt ont.