HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-05, Page 1c FAIT, 21, NO, 9, ERNS'-$I,Se PerAnaum in advaaoe.'' set ClOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANTED, -APPLY l7i at wee to MRS, 0, E. HOMEY, near Model, School "AME TO RENT, - LARGE: coanioDI0US wetl finished house to rent, centrally situated in a good locality. All aroderu conveniences. Apply to MANNING it SCOTT, Barristers, oro, RENEWING AND NEW LOANS:=THE UNDER- siossn control a large amount of Private 1l114 Com- pany P'undsfor Investment, upon good terms>and,low interest. MANNING &, SCOTT, Burrlsters,i Elliott's Black, -j' ,TCENSE INSPECTOR'S NOTICE.-Tlie' 1UBLIO .uis hereby informed that I have been appointed Li. cense Inspector by the Ontario Government ; and my duties are to enforce the provisions of the Scorr Act, and to Pi esseura persohe violating the said Aet,known as the Canada Temperance Act of 1878. All persons. in the,business are therefore. respectfully requested to govern themselves accordingly, and by so doing save inch expense and trouble. STEP.$EN YaTES, Li- cense inspector, Goderich. „Alpo-LQ.ST,-STRAYED AWAY FROM STA1rLE- TQN; on the evening of thell 18th hist., a Bleck and ing�cte ] a snipe to' M. GLAZIer ER, Stapleton, curded ium Pro noEo'BREI) BURMA)/ BULL FOR SALE,. 1- The undersigned offers for sale' a 18'tnnntha old Tlioro'brod Durham Bull, dark red color, good pedi- gree, and a first•olass animal. JOHN OUIdiNG, lot 22, 13th con., Mullett, Londesboro P; Q, -14C • --7OTIOE• DF-DISSOGUTJON;-TIE PARTNER 1118nrr heretofore existing -between the u o ndersiggo Merchants - as in the town of Clinton, has this day been. dissolvedlby mutual consent. Dated 1Ith 'Feb„ .1888. Witness P. D, HENDERSHOT,"' GEO. E. PAY, JNO•. W1SEba'AN. . OUSE AND LOT FOR ,SALE OR TO RENT. --- Tho BRIOR HOUSE lately scan •e4 by Ilfr,-17,• EItoat,near the G,.T;R,, is offered for to or to rent' on reasonable: terms. It has piepty of rood, for an ordinary family, hard and soft water, good water, gar - ' den ,.with fruit trees, &c, Apply to AIR. JAMES . BIGGINS, or tho NE1y ERA OFFICE, Olinton. Jj9US>; FOR -RALE OR TO . RENT. - TIiE- .a-1large frame house on ,Rattonbury St., formerlytll occupied by Mr, W. Doherty, is offered for.sale or to h cont on reasonable terms,' It eontains plenty of room, °h with hard and soft water-", and is•a vorytleshable rest. dente. Tennis on application to ,JOIN TAYLOR, Spencer St., Clinton.. COL$OB.NE. BnnIEFS -.-Mir, N. Baer narrow.] being run over by the sleig driving, he being dragged a ten rods before being rescued, meetings are being held at the ical church, let con,, with marks the house being crowded nig Fisher e fail e to d appear ppearas annou VA RICA,. I BRIEFS, -Mr. John -R. CIa boot -black orator, is billed for V the 18th inst.; he is a very pep tures, and we bespeak for him a house. Rev. Mr. Danby occu pulpit in theltIethodist church on last. Oo " h rsd ' T u ay evening last' th of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, at -,Br to the number of about. thirty, t session of the parsonage and s enjoying themselves in a most manner; during the evening Mrs was .made the recipient of an butter -dish, nnd•Mr. Smith was -.p With a Well-filled purse of mon evening was moat agreeably s ,en a suitable hour the company- dais. We were pleased to see Mr. yJohn eldest son ofRev. Mr. Danby, in lege last Saturday ; John• is enjoyin health and is very successful in hi as a public school teacher. A uni bath School' convention will be the 11lethodist church; Varna, Qn W day, March 17th, when an excelle gramme will be carried out. See vertisement of Mr. Aforrow, in column. a y escaped BRrEI S,.-.Alex.•ThOIO SOU recently sold h Ile vras' a elding comin four .ear distance of g I' s am forfor Rexval ." m. Moffat sold one .the same age• for Evangel- $220. Geo. Stanbury sold a filly,, the same ngel •age for $300; and Jahn Hagan, ins d success, Parr line, sold a Canadian r of lionthe, hely, A. bred stallion, rising three bre. e for g 35 $ 0 all these need last sized by �' Count Careless" an corse weren and -horse men will be glad to learn that the " Count" has returned to this part of the country rte, the and -is now- the property, of Mr,. Willis stun on near Hensel', Mr. R. Turner, of.the P.arr abr0 e _ line, intends erecting a new a 1 c , g house on. his bumper premises. nest simmer. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Richardson, pled .the chardson, who has been Sabbath very seriously ill for some time, is now re- friends covering. Colds are now ver re y prevalent ucefield, ra this ,part, the reason is probably the.. ook cos. frequency of change in the weather, 111 r. et A. Mustard, who recently Y bon i; some cart timbered land. from the Canada bought C%'man •t Smith is now engaged in taking out some of the elegant timber. Mrs.; Robt. Pearson has been ill resegted for same time with congestion of the lungs moue 9.) I,4. CLINTON, ONZ ., RI•DAY M -A,1 '. 5, 1.886. �_; ICOBEifT lI#OL>ltiiRi iiTaiYL1t] ; •the but is getting better., 'Mrs. D. McGregor and a has•aiso-been ill, but is recovering.Mrs. creed: t 13. McEwie has purchased a •an of Daub horses, and is now ready for spring work. tela vii-. T_ .'`•'�'---•= ., 13nLLE'Pk..__. g good STATISFzcs-The following 8 work owing arethevital on Sar- statistics of the township, for the year . of hnld b- 1885, asirecorded' with Mr, •Braithwaite,- held in l g t trarc`Birtlls, 77; . marriages, 20; and ne nes- -.ea hs, 35. , t11 ' d- BRtars,-:lir; e g a. Johh Jacrson, of (7iucin, bother natti, Ohio, was here last week attending the funeral -of his mother ,•. he left ohi. home last 'Monday. Mr, John Richardson of Qxford_.countyee was• here .ISt veek, i u ening, attending nd i n a the funeral of his sister,:thelate brick Mrs. John Jackson, Jrs Moore of the I'ARji FOR SALE.-TI.1'E 1�ARIA ON 'Tem HSR• oN Road lots 8 and 7, " o ,alstin -of 144 acres, is offered foor sal otownship, nee cblo ale. god state of terms. About.i-0 acres cleared- antl'.in good state of cultivation g: balanbe gond hardwood; good. frame ' '.house, &o.,•goneral buildings, plenty of wator, bearing . orchard ; 1§ milds from. the rising town of Clinton. Partic„ lars'may bo .obtained on the promises, br by Addressing JAMES -1'}MDi3•E, ellnton^Pre, I'AIEM FORP:SALE.-TME SUBSCRIBER OFFERS :fnr turf. f to ypleiulid-f irm_ot-too.acresrboing lot 2nd con. of Colborne, 1} storey Iiouea,,good bank_ Barn, new'Drivaliouso; Weed Shed and other out buildings, hard and soft water, everything convenient, 2. acres of good orehard,'18 acres in fall wheat,..88 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, convenient to Choreh and School,. Oahu; •froi,. Goderich, as miles from Clinton, CHAS, ELSLEY, Benniiller P. 0. ..• NURSERY .STOCK; The' Jeral agent, JAR fttirl9r tl, }�k firm o4..ti'TO,I WELLLNQT,ON,-ls=bore;trn-th , terest of the firm: Any o . e ink yp ring rue to an in 'this line can rely on it as being :true to name " livered in. first class condition. SHRUB FLOWER- ING de - . ORNAMENTAL TREES, .FRUIT SHRUBS, of the kussiaiTvariety and Monthly ROSES specialty- JAS THOW,B01,1p Capron, the Delivenhg Agent• for, the above firm. Ola . • Tickets. Vounti y. rickets. . Tickets- bailed to. all .points in ENGLAND' lDELANii and SCOtLQND lfhg"adeouiq,ociation le superior tolill.-others, and rates'no higher. Choice of three dit%r crit lines from New ; •York, and one . from' ,Quebec. WM. JACKSON; 'CLINTON, AGENT, isee sPRYrT _ 5886' L'efore•bnying, 'get qui ur 's' g o 'special prioen for `Balls :--Marbles,---La- • • crlssse�"Sfick�; Express Waggons,Doll Carria gas. CRO(T ET,. BASE BALL AND - CRICI{ET 000D9. : • • .WA.Lt Dia PS • THF LAEGEST and BEST B1;AVER` LQCK BOOKSTORE. 9, Wtr..eooi!$R:OL1N oN.• HO FOR DAKOi'A WASHINGTON, ORECOni;,. BRITISH(•' COLUMBIA.. { • ,AND` ALL POINTS ON VIE • r1ORTD.ERN PACIFIGRAILRO.AD A Special ,hieotlng uill b0 )id;d le the C MM CFIAMBER,,OLINTON, on •• , MONDAY, MARCH flexr, f886 Wheel a roprontativeof the Northerrr:LPaelpeiRmiroadl- •wil -be present ttrgis'oPde`efago a,idPreight_Rates, and full infornihitioii; If you are going' to British Colum- - • bia, don't fail to be on 7,and, Remember that while we are yet in, whiter here, the flowers aro hi bines in that. Province, ahil:ppring opens up the ilrst of March. A booth in Real E'rtat is now going ou at Vancouver; the terminus of the road, where the company intends expending SI o00,8o8 Get -there early as possible and secure firatcl,anco JAS. E. MACDOUGALL, T ,^•• Canadian Agent: . ARRIIEU Ar P 1: OODY;S .' Ih A FINE STOOK OF Ora�gesfLemoI &Ffes11 Sga Ronin SEE OUR FIE CENT M l t l'y Set.i bi ng Donk THE 1VICES'r THING OUT. • GA._ 'ILO t) ,tt a Gxoc�:n AEI) ,Si it rI'ONIvIt .~'. 11LtRNOCII:.: ' Tlie concerti 19th given ou- Friday ev e ult,, 1n the Methodist tie urch 00 tho 10th con., was well• attend- ed, -the proceeds amounting to upwards o $40. The affair teas under the manage •ment of 11Ir. Rob. Orr, of Wingham, which was a sufficient recommendation to the pubje) with Everyone event . Y 1 the ex ecta-. •tion,of good having atime i a � and.we did not hear of anybeing disappointed;. Rev,• ;Mr, Burwash Occupied the chair.BRIErs._r. Geo, Dalgarno los t a mare last week; she•drJtpp ed down while at work in the bush, Dili Sat,. urday, and was dragged "to ,•1 "nei . , , i ' , •. stable and the services of a. V. S. :secured but she never rose although she li'vecl un- til Suudhy evening; paralysis of the back was the trouble. Mrs, McDonald had a' bee cutting wood, on I! ridgy. of last week. A. -e the hay visi was eeh �Ma moo You theyof 13 Mr, pulp who viol Will and gray and could is on sole Zvi D. B this it was t Nits. her h leave this w sto Iectu posip nese,. not g ofoth • BLY'Pll RIFFS Fnurreen wFpte at- }tg xamination-this-vreelr--oF , tll-e-:�•rt-Su papers were the most. difficult ve•ever been 'set. Ins pet() gal ted the public'sclinc " P' le week; 'thee preiding. examiner illi :11 ool. 11r: Geo; •Heaskell and bride; of -kdlr_ler who--speu tett f' n at Blyth, the .guests of Mrs. M. ng, left for their home on -Friday last; ' were greatly pleased with the people Lyth, Rev., .Mr. McLean and Rev. Pritchard, of. Mauchester, kelt n ed its on Sundaty last: • Mrs, Peter El has been visiting,friends:in Blyth viola Will Inco. that loch 46, cit ee • ere her Connection' .With Mauchester church and joined'Lon.desboro congregation: Ilea remains were.interred in the cemetery on the 13th. concession. g She leaves her busband' and a family of der; , four Sons and four. daughters to mourn, her. and , decease. • • k._ OguivoL.-A ineeting of. Council .was held et Londeshero, on the 1st members. all pre= Ber, sent, and:: minutes of .previos;lrineetin 'con firmed. "By-law No, -'4 for, 1886,: for eosin g I and. Selling part' of •eide-road 15-i6', con. 14, but dulyadvertised, was passed ; also by-law No.. rrre 5, of 1886, for reducing:the nnmber•of day's', hnp statuto-llrbor to : e per Orme •Tay assessed par= ties. below the scale of the assessment act, was of .passed. A .claim of'Mrs,. 'McDonald, owner ;it of• '.t the forks farm,"Maitland con., Goderich township, presented . by T. • Jackson of Clan-. o :n 'ton;' bet -agent, for$39, for gravel taken,froni on ;said farin, and far damages to Iand in taking nd .said gravel for -six successive years past, .was i ordered to be paid. • The reeve was instructed n to baseline; fell and broke her arta last week. Colds are .the present com plaint Mr ..W, Mr. W, W (3'. M S dd Jackson sold twysliorses lest week, .realiz= fug a very fair price foe thew, Saw -logs: oc s nun per. on . time had a very narrow eaY gest crud who bas be cape• some tune slues, ileac- the N , are the: order of the 'day, at ' Walkerburn ; matron of the fun sch o there is an unprecedented : alk are 1 gs is w owls-Goder-ieh-toio f w having -boa: tit d to q y of g & say, recoverrng It thrown from a loud of tvril' logs delivered. here this winter; the mill our worth ortrze pDopa drstance,o. ' I1ad.a'iivetY M C D feet, lending Slight break last week.' - s a len heir to fa30 000 and on a ding On the top of.a boa' • OBITUARY.=Tbe'littwee t fence. where he continued band of pioneers get Possess;pn of the same ins hellos -vines till to whom we indebtedare- for the early. prove true the the team. was caught by some yclrolare tottwinent'othisar - debtwho were passing, otherwise I might have sarin from township,: fast disap-: to record Serio' ' p g our: midst. • On 'Feb 23rd 1vCIIh �iTEtt us• damage is the. horses , �: ::. • „ q „i,,,,,, -,.-_ ,• as ;t act shock to the t. WIr.crii tspl' SCHOOL REi'oRT.-The following is the report of the Wiuthrop Public School for the month of Feb.. The report is based on general proficiency, regular attendance and good conduct, :and the names are ar- range in order eo f merit. Senior Hugh Alexander, Lizzie Kinney, fourth -w Calder, Mlle Blanchard. Junir fourth- James-Morrison, ount - James Morrison hurth :ton Job. , Vim. Hanna, John Fula• andJohn Hanna. Third--Aggie Alex- er, Tena Forbes,. John 'Craig, Those Craig. Senior second -Gordon. MCDow: ell, Sarah Carter, Geo, Montgomery, Ella Hearn. Jn,aior second David Hearn, Mary J. Hanna, Ida Morrison, Donald Fulton. First -Alex. Aitcheson, John :• .Aitcheson, Andrew Coveulocf' Lottie Cook, RL'poner CLUB. -The reform club had a very interesting meeting Last Monde evening. ,After the usual business, ofy club was transacted, a debate on thfol- lowing subject *as commenced : d Resolved that the ' mechanic. is of_ more benefit to socjcty than the statesman;::, After lengthy, interesting a very 6 and intelligent dfss Cussfon of.the subject, the decision WAS. given in fever of the _afiirl:nat'v-e -_.. decided; also, to holdI Itwas in the Temperance an entertainment in t he the perance Hall here, on the even - 12th (Friday). The entertain- inent''to consist of mum, readings; recita- tions, dialogues, &c. Thoughrtheclub• has been in ..existence for 3 years, this i, their first entertainment and they are de- termined to make it a success. Adm' 10 cents, . Isslan BRiErs,-=Though the job Of supplying ,theschool ;in No,•• --10; McKillop, wood was. let at the annual ' ti with :Mr. W. Hunter, • he fail meeting e wood, in b.' the failed to•a have jhe, _ Y.. time specified, and:.the job was re -let toMr.J • • c PA .._:e•u, for $.1,;70„ per'cord short wood. Mr. J. R. Govenl k' ' been sick �yiih imam is 'reported that ha `fn, .r. John :atter, l $80,000, expects to mayit;:spring; ao1JE1IIC,x TOWNSHIL. Mr. James McDonald sold bis spirit grey last week, for $140. Jim a'lway handles the boss horses. • The gentleman who was seen drivin down . the cut line such aat- l. week at 11 f 8 Ch furious urlo us rate,llad,hfs horse drop dead whe he reached Clinton, This should. be lesson to those addicted. to fast driving. They tell me " II.R." is going to strt large. henery, He has "purchased a, nurn her of valuable hens from. the "old borne stead," 'who is'disposingof his fariin implements, `preparator to going Well done, Tom.. Y g g west Mr. Jervis, 7th con., Goderich township evidently contenlplates..buildin in spring, gr the P � g, judging from the number of saw logs he has drawn up to his yard, prepara- tory to' taking them to Clinton to them sawn into lumber., get What ma ..�_•_, n among you shall have one sheep, and if it full into a pit on the Seth - bath day, will he not lay hold' on it and'. Pull it out," and so thought Air.' J. Yeo last Sunday, when he drove to: Holmes villa to seek medical aid for a sick cow: ' Mr. P. McDougall and 5. Betties took a •flying visit' to Blyth, on Saturday. Which; one •was to help•the other T nnable:to,say, but as the Dakota boo is on just now, and the latter mag seemed gentleman ght -�'y unsettled,' lately,• he might. leave had an idea of obtaining a partner to assist him in the. far -West. _ All Vele . ,will teliouu.to give healthy. horses as much ,exercise as possible, in reason, but•'I never yet heard of any one being advised to. put a_ log on their sleigh, and drive six milcj out' of their w obtain thin -object, as ?clr.'.J. ' Bydid the other 1'orrance'dfd ler day, I having seen hinT driving up th 4bh to the cut line . a " e sit to,the _Gth„ and'then ;crOvin the 6th .to-Fox�tbwn •ing•: ed Pablleitlev. • •• TUCl E1r,MMITii« r Scxool':.-The following report,' b on proficiency, good conduct P d ase. . tuality shows the st"nding of the puns g of S.S. Nc,. 4, for the wont pupils • Fourthh,of February,••-•• class s sr . -Carrie , Ca ' r r! e Johns, n Geo. eo. Lay, I a • Coli, Joseph Crich. Fourth >l jr..-. Y a f Hannah ' Crich, • A class Selena Crich. Annie Johns, . '.Third class -Gifford Cric11, Fred"__ Nott, Chas. Layton. Second class -e files- ley Nott, John Layton, Willie White BRIEFS. -Mr, . Geo.. Sproat gaining strength for the lat day been, hopes are now entertained few days and Mr. and Mrs. John . of Trowbridge, his wbr dge, (tilde, of Trowbr 'have: been; spendinga fewlege, E. Turner; Mr. Coe useto a with Dol in. this - vicinity, over twentyschool Miss • Rebecca Town yearst ago.. Townsend has returned from a visit to London. The Walker farm is considered cheap at the price t was bought for.. Rev.. Mr: Ru err preach- ed in Turner's. church, last Suuda . ash annual spring exodus:Y• The Dakota. has commenced to those boysa and airs going and. d ; yet sec boys who g g have not secured part- ners, must look sharp, there is no time to lose; reports state that two youngladies: s on, the s'econd'line will their dies: Dakotaeb ti on rs r way to efore.long ;.particulars r P a s later. i1F,NRILLL'EiR,. BitiEFS•-our teacher, It. S. i41'orriah; .. is again at Iiis post. W. I',robrir t is re- covering slowly, We hope soon to see. h' out egain,.;ol►ir,;, Eliio t Ina clliint •is'st •' ' • .t !wife of our disc- , owls .iecOvering from• a severe•• illness • A;child of John" Brien has'been down with scarletiga. Our assessor, 1Verer TI1og. Giec-fli'f1J, is getting on his trotting harness; see that. you give. in and ' de ' i'� a your w en utforet to hid de the dog• avhed you -see him; coming; that is if don't see hlin first find run to men a clog. 'The lectur• • iv t nim." .• by Rev. c' given I:iist. Ctruraday' evening y, e . H. 1). Ste'e1e, • tinder the is 13. -Me M.C.'S. Svennot $1t9j11. well alt n d e otYilig• to- the storm, on]'y, about'50 sliowe . up,; those: who failed to attend lnfsaed a treat, as the Rev, gentleman handled subject Harmon andd the' , (Harmony of Geola • • !;Y the Bible) in excellent style; and all Present. , Were well entertained: The proprietor of " •. the lime •works; Thos._' oad . G ,res' secured f the necessary. papers; and is ,not v a, full fledged auctioneer • th leis s � , o man who seGureS services .first may expect to tall w rk do P l shape: - all he, ,as Tom is fu, OOd's all rim g hapsat primed loaded, ready to go off at a moments notice.. Our miller, Mr: R. • 1'Vatson, sold tlie lease of'the ntiill.and has I a g stead of going due east'to it,' • •' iilA���- ' RRiFs1 • - al its witr P P h�i� McLean,. 'G'roderich to learn'ne;' 'I type setting. Mrs W. • Av:• ENrxtislasT.-.Tames •I+1 _ in, is et ell - another vacane and sleigh,.. as well b per thee1 owner.: Y U death of11rs, John Jackson, 1 r. of B! t of the'13th'conceaai da y b Su ' It- tvih`Le it very.busy+• .- e on, .at the e . of 66 y last. James Cansad h §e Y. wek around -the years. Forty years agp-adietleft Scotland,Y a go t boys for the rnexteps 'two weog withothe and after a• short stayin.'N` Bolan• boy bell ing re 'dt s for, the t#�v:Rrunaivfck, died on Sunday moi•nin�* 1•r t ft as 1 belei'e �ih P bong west;,• she removed to the senors + of Waterloo. era weeks Illness they are 'to be, on a rather Thirty-six years ago she "top u extensive scale: this ante in fact horses it p her re be at .re-' deuce on: the lot"whereah'eitlas resided to to do farm and cattl,eaEany►vorth. ,vii! t11 1•i times, c aineteaif Ise edeat tont-rilembr3r'of fre Presrytexl When the present congregation of Ma was h e it i± Y1F r Nxs+l 1 b l I r• . fir: Aiol)onaId so[cl i • , ,.. , o ie of life ere 3mselt a eandrdate f . o i r was ip r 11']1 ' h 11 _ o} tllealext. 1? 5 election and the' ret - C. s g a eat C,' P. ubtlesa be glad if some- est tear. am! some of the best,. 4l rivers.'"' R. contractor, thus, favoring the residents one would furnish him with a of this' locality . with rest i l the neoeasary . rd frost makes good ice, se the bo"s g d s las of -information to enable • him to'. et on f are sat with 'their skate".. y 'rtes. ie h our , ,j• 1 g- midst; we miss Dick's snail- s a tenses- �:un I11 our yfllsaA laytry y cave ' d a ...-. - -. eek,a-neee - '! .roul_tkt num stn church._ to Gedeilt'' � aken•-� .ber."ofcars-It„ts-surd-axe-��'b:faee-w-Ilea-,ve-ttrrnrout-•; _ • Jall.fOr-safe-keaptng • H chartared...-.I..axn.-•afitlld-th fa' w..� rn the•nrorn-rn4::---- , the reali ei for which eve . QS have nit heard, and was . e tensa n- . somewhat out of his mind t' responsible for.some rather first e e b`rf ht eT 1aa burr tt`u I5'fi team of °' cheerer: was formed she was one of~the deriving g bays Stadol b t fi ton nothing is g ht n l h � g bel ee g ng short of an enthusiast g from Jas Lon 13 a J lt` '!te p. or the erection of the • re•• d h ki �3 e other day t '41 .iI 1CIC to h M ' '�eh''`ttso-yenrs�fg'ty`�Ti�=reliie• tautly sev d h ret ''members,• that con re at' ' around there lately. w . bou • - J a o 8 ands; t- a area measure and` over enmi r"..'. indebted to her and and the e '' , , , ,s her, and tempexaitce-•.matten,a tatted c.tt f•b ..other from rhos, (lfnn Goderich partner in life f b i er. '}¢eoIhas e earn, of• erode �,'-•�•N• •- oft ___._0•�tlz �ex:ttsrri ;lie=al . _ _ -> a, r an -has• - ..�. . $�IT'e'woufi fiesmidle.'�•-•• -• for Manitoba this wen Shane is fast becoming a star sin ie. in great•demand ; he sang at e this'aveek and at Londesboro bad, an invitation from;' Bluevvale• not attend. Miss Janet McQua the sick. lis•t•tbis weak,'but we -ho be heir natural self again -•McKinnon and wife spent part veek visiting friends in Paisley'; lraanniyersary of their weddiu H. McTavish. has left: town • to.. j usband in Detroit.; Mrs, Jas. Wfis s for Manitoba to join' her husba eek. Two disappointments are re-fol---Blyt;h people ,tTif§`wee `Ileo re to be'..given by Dr.. Campbell is oned account of the 'doctor'e'ill- and F. S. Spence, • of Toronto, could ive_ 1lia-annfni,'ied:;adth ess-on•-aeepent er b.usiness. lifoc tusviL .it. RIFLE.MATaIY,-The rifle match whiich took' place in.this village an Saturday last was a' decided success, Some lively shoot $ng• was "done,' thirteen competitors taking part:therein, 0f the- si prizes ;awarded, the first was tots by John Jarvis. - >SOine who probably -did not put the ball in the place intended felt' desirous of doing so and thus arranged for another match co take. place on the 17th of tits present mol•#t11(hlarch). The contest,ten single m this tfine t be between harried i_:, tih,,_fer thrlxmurid ut udo eloquence • on his canvassing tour, tried •rte engage the -hall, to deity lecture but .was 'refused, and was t away jnstin'time.to insure his -safety UStber 1Iolisla SHOW, --A monster inass nleeting•ie called by"between 40 and 50 of the inhabitants .of_llanchester and' 'rounding country, to. take ,place in: the hall, at 1 'o'clock p. in., on Saturday, Marchfth.: The •purpose of the meeting s-to.try.and-arrange-a grand-u-niarrhorse shote between- Hallett, Blyth, Colborne and West Riding, of. Huron Agricultural Societies. A strong effort is. being made to Neve •Mr., -John. Mcltlillan address the meeting, and .as many`of;the officers of the various societies present as possibl._e. Should•a union :take place, it is desired talto•-whatever steps mils b'e neaesoar wte:._that all giving one dollar to' the supe ofuthe-horse show should .become -11 mellaber recover the honey paid for gravel and dam : of one of the' several shows; holding the ages for six years past, from the respective great union. It is 'hoped that all having tenants who occupied the said farm during an. interest In the welfare of the count , the 'said Rix years, - they having been paid .both far and near, and horsemen especial "thereforenstead of tire` owner, The Treasnr. ly, throughout. the -northern• part of the des acoouut, as audited, was passed, and fifty- county, will. make it a point to be.resen copies in sheet form ordered. tb_• bo printed.7-. as it will• payto giye present, Mr• Hardy's tender -of 165: for building g e re ent • timeghts to horse r efpr at the present time, ween bridge on S.R. cote 4, •ryas �accapted, the seek large rices. r . clerk to prepare agreement and bond:for Same.'P a e being paid for. them: $6 each was ordered ,to be paid-. the auditors ""'"►'+�+ , fir their services.. -Mrs. Walker, indigent,waa , r O•I±'PllIt'S. 11111 granted•$5,.to bo spohtunder direction of -Mr. SCiIoole-A-re ort of the :Lanham. The reeve, deputy, and clerk, were the pupils of Porter's Hill Schools forg appointed a committee to revise township by- inonth• of February, . is .subjoined.' Tl laws; for submission too-oounoil at next meet- report has been determined by the gen Loning, with' a view to publication. Council ad'- ral excellence, behavior and attendan rned to meet at l,ondesboro, whoa called of the pupils :-Fourth•class-=-Ediyin Je 0 y'the reeve. • JAS. Ba�rTfrwerrc,Q1erkn vis, Lydia Blair, Minnie Gardn@r. Sen LUCKNOW or third -Fred Pickard; Maud. Pickard, barn BR7FFp_hs Spring : - . Alice Lawrason, Junior third --Albert Jervis; Samuel Elliott, John Cantelon. ti scone =Fred. Burke; Herbert Cox, John sa Cox Tart 2nd Lavid•McCartney, Edith St Cox Part 1 ,Tans Marshall, Lwdsay., BRIEFS. --T. 3I. Elliott left Goderich the last;Tuesday for Dakota, taking with hied ail a car Of entire horses, also some very fine the .geese„ a cage• of 'fantail pigeons,' guinea of ice) i'i1cj other things; he says he is coni; '" y ing back tor .it little duck before spring, w a Martin Knight and S. Johnston have gone tial into partnershipp; the firm will be known won, as Johnston & Knight, implement agents, sib, We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Jas Cox, , and mother of Mrs, 11. Newton, is yory low laser with congestion of the Iiyer. ° .ATr. Wm. Elliott, of the 4th con.;.is carefully aura- ing a very large felon on hid finger, iIr. Aft Thomas Cox, of the 6th con., is getting per the' necessaries on the ground for raisin thea his barn and stables onto' a.stoneeteundag. tile, SuocxlNG AccenEw'r . ,A lamentable eineWinesiiden emes oinwthle spring; illi vers, of- -tiom necrdeiit happened near this place, an Hayfield; has the contract of the Wood -work Wednesday, by which Mr, Stones West- and Buchanan,Mof'Goderichtownship, fur - lake Was alntostinstantly killed. II e was niches the material. Mrs, D, W. Eobers .en gaged in hauling lumber from near is home from Londesboro, where she was Heusall to Mr, McBeath's when the sleigh visiting her parents, upset,' throwing him beneath the lumber, yours .peen are cis' Quite a cusum of part of which supped l; and pinned him that leaves Clintonntsl rtly, The urs o, n l to the earth. His -les 'and body cies to soon `tie' no young fnen left y.'Iroun 1lPo Porter's his breast were covered by 'and, Iumber, Rill. James 1fudre of the 7tii eon, is and hie. en fleri;1gii•-rlillst:have been intense.. -getting the-materlxl•0n dit-graniid:=for t Ji rs-supposed that he Balled for help, but large bricl home. The friends of Jame n0 one, was near, and his cries were on. Gallagher trill be lileaserl to learn that.he heard, SVlien found aborit an find, erre. ;u Able , wl._. , again He er a aken • Dili con. Goderich town. ']IIIc,- iv]ile•�at•-sv "-las w eeee k 111 hls barnyard, met with' wr,wi might haveprotied a serious accident. As he was going abotlthis work a salt which was -running et large in the 'yard, came suddenly against hiiil and knocked ;hiip down,' he falling oil' his. back .only ' a few inches from a short sharp.pointed stake. Happily lie was not hurt 'beyond it leiv bruises and a sudden shaking up, ... Bfi;EFS -111r '•Jaree9 Bowden, of. is throe large elm: logs out of his: bush, three or four of them having been ivorkin st_them for it week -or two, and. have been obliged to give it up, owing to•one of his valuable Clyde mares becoming lame, ' SIR,-Would:the present tenant on puted;'territo�ry," :ref the Cana+ lands, 4th con.;. Goderich township, it in his power to prevent my erectll shanty to the east of Lim on• said la and would it, be lawful for m9 to' do. T shall w•atcli; for your'`next issue some anxiety, _as o�uldelike to. get various necessary materiels together w. the sleighing' lasts. -.Facto, (It depe altogether` on the • circumstances "of enancy;: and what fa understood' .by 'disputed territory." theepastor of the Victoria St. church ex - principal debt -of $41500. B.Ofbre attempt- e roe, :annihilated and • Urgently requested the yith 28th (last Suralay) Prepared ti-igiye a cash. , the collection, that wettld coVer.the floating. • his were confident that., the whole and,per- ., tion was $0$49...anitho.hreriingcollectiOn-=! • to Vermont last week, Mr. Geo. Acheson traVeller named 1• VIa.rshall was fined in all seventeen, dollare for soliciting orders in , the 'collar & shirt line, in connection with • ' a ondon hrm, contrary to, by-law„ S, the Yates, license an tOtVir with circulars intimating that he is, insPeCtor, is 'flooding the,, be of the Scats Act. The new offieeresof the ., as, Salvatien Army are well liked. Rev. G, ye Seiton, D.p,, is expected in town again in just before sailing for England ; he will " eo. probably preach on Sunday? April 40, et_ arid lecture the two following evenings.- ja A praiso service was held in Victoria St. eon, intends putting ep an additi his house this sunimeie; some orre etter•look °la for Will, as he is not ta ifled With. It is reported that Mr. J. utler, bf the 16th core., will -soon lea timbale of the'13th con, .intendo Ore g a new house and addition to b io ce th PitEsEtsmio'i7.-,--A very largo and ple et surprise party, conneetion wi towniihrp, -on-the 26th of Pobrhar occasion being the celebratiort ofthe ver iedding, and presented them *it following address and several piec ion of-yeurlegj for end unsellisit devotion to tit er. That ittoii may long. be dpit:red 'to satin rthe the <shun tO Which you are po warmly attache r 'sincere' prayer. er partaking of a most bountiful hit and enjoying vocal and'itietetinintitti r limes gratified with the kind recep liven them by the host and hoetess Methodist rainiater of this place, drove to Varna, where Mr. Smith, resides, and made him the present of a handsome purse Of rniiney. and Mrs. Smith handsome piece of silverware. The log,8 are still.eeneine Cerswell's lecture oil "Laughter" iis Dix- on's hall err Thursday night, promisee ao be it SUCC2:11,) 1.11 Mr; Carewelt highly t 0 osing side to treat their competitors to a grattiliong• supper. Old men .aine directly for the mark BRIEFS. -L-A. daughter of Mr. S.Walters, whirs, playing with a reeighberai child, was G. 11. Cobbledick, of the Dungannon eir- cult, prea.ches in the Methodist. church here, next Sabbath evening. Rev. L. of Toronto, officiated here last &dee bath, both morning and evening. M Win. Stanley has been laid up int ajew days, but having procured medical promPtly, he is nefet convalescent. J. L. Oeurlice, Our post inaster, and Q. T. tick- et agent, placed his order for 'a white bronze monument to be erected at Clinton 'cemetery, in "ineinory of bid daughter, ment held bee° last Monday etrening, un- der the eupervision Of Phillips, watf ment of the Ifethidist church Was filled beyond ite seating capacity, and a hand- some sum realized for the benefit of the Sabbath School, Many of the pictures exhibited on canvass were the best of the kind we ever 841V, Several d ati largo EIS life, while sped/Ilene of but regret that Mr, Phillips wa's-qinable, greatest satisfaction *mild illrVO" F36011 held at Walkerton, oti April 19th, -before Judge Rose, Mr, 0.G. Martin has beg liberated oft bail; lie arrived home from' Guelph last week, Mie_D,-.Feeeetaneerates- to Mr..H. Matheson, teacher, Ashfiejd.-* Mr. Thompson, blacksmith, 'has bought the old Methodist churah, which le in - 'Contend to his parliamentary du- ties as 016 repreientative VVest 'Bruce. .Messrs. Belt. & -Durbin left this otation last week with tvvo young heavy dthught stallions for Kandas, Mro, Geo, Turk, wife of our estOemed pastor, has been sert- onsly ill, but we are glad to heat that she is reoveting. Mr. A. w.7nengoagh, the cartoonist, will deliver a ,leatuisit under the auspices of the publie 801401 literary' socleey at en early (late. eh church last Sabbath evening; .the choir was aSeisted by four instruments frora the. a_ town band, anti by Mr. Haatop, bass sing- th er df the Presbyterian church choke there ‘`' chtireh on Tuesday; it WR8 a.bitterly cold ably received noon their arrival, and were et. greeted by 31 large house. At a courega- °I; Montt' meeting in the North street ethos dist thurcb on Wednesday evening it,wito decided in view of Conference being held d, there in June next, to re -shingle' the roof Ohl palomino tile .interior, at a °Oat of about $400, ,A fashionable wedding WAS eelebrated in St. George'soburch On Wed- ' "nesday , morning by Rev. W. Johnston, ; this contracting partio being Miss- Pritties and Mr, IVIinthorne commereial traveller. Annivereary services' Ofethe North street cher& next Sabbath ; sermons by R6f, BurnS, of leamilton, The stthject of the leeturo- to be given in the Methodist on Saturday evening by Rev.' Mr. Iludis, is "Populer errors regarding the bible ;" collection. - Mr, MeGilliYrity took the ser- vices in Knox caurch lase Sabbath eVening during the Absence of Rev. Mr. Celvert, • john A, l'ostineeter of Scattered, l'a,rettainelav ehaiged with stealing, the inagiatrefe soot the anee up tor hearing at the next Assio.o. Idy was liberated on hail.