HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-02-26, Page 8CLINTON NZ W ERA
-;t FRIDAY, FMB, 26, 1886.
1V4WTOD,--41 Good Live Agent, .at once.
Appll to Box a3 Clinton, P. 0.
SPECl4i NOTICIP.—All parties indebted
to the serfderei i wi Wal please setae the same
either iiy not or otherwise, by .he lot 4f March,
as we are in need o•f funds to enable us to .buy
to the best possi4le advantage and carry on owr
ssow•3ncreasing business. S,PALLISEBd: CO.
The general agent, JAS. HOOSE, of the well known
firm of STONE. et WELLINGTON, is here in the in-
terestor the firm. Any person wishing •anything in
this line can rely on it as being true to name and de-
rivered in first class condition, SHRUBS. FLOWER-
Russian variety and monthly ROSES a specialty. JAS.
THOMPSON, Clinton, the Delivering Agent for the
above firm.
ti UWfl, TOPIC .
SCARLET CHAPTER,—The following aro
the officers of the Royal Scarlet Chapter
of the District of Hullett;--W. Com. in
Command E. Floody ; ex -Com. in Com-
mand, D. Cantelon; Scribe, A. M. Todd;
Treasurer, W. G. Smith; Ierald, T. C.
Doherty. •
QOOD CATTLE.—On Monday Mr, . E.
Lear, of Hullett, delivered eight head of
cattle, .which he had sold to Mr. Winters,
of Seatorth ; they totalled 10,470 lbs. in
weight ` which is remarkably good; one
pair turned the scales at 2,930 lbs., which
would be very hard to beat for young cat-
tle. Mr. 3, Garrettalso delivered four
head that went to4,960 lbs..
Tnis CARNivAL. ,.There was only a
small attendance of spectators at the carni -
Tat, on Monday evening, There were
quite a number. of skaters onthe ice, but
only about half -a -dozen of these appeared
in costume, For the three mile face the
entries were J. Turnbull, J. Spooner,
J. Cron, Dc Henry,A, Buchanan and
J. Coats, Buchanan carne id rate:with•-
Henry a good second. •
Bows Fon CANADA.—Dr. Barnardo, of
London, England, rs; sending out in the
early spring; a. party of boys of ages rang-
..ing from 10 to 16, for farm and other em-
ployment: ,Those desirous of obtaining
boys should apply early, either direct to
Mr. Edward DuffSuperintendent, Hazel
Brae, Peterborough;_ Ont,, of through the
postmaster of the disirict, front whom ap-
plication may -be obtained. • .
PUBLIC SCHOOL - BOARD. ---The regular°
meeting of the Sehooliioard was held on
the 15bh inst. • •Applications for the posi-
tion of caretaker were received from It;
Brown, J. Devon, E. Routledge; W.
Hawkins, J. Glazier, and H. Knott.•On
" motion, Mr. Brown was reappointed care-
taker, at a salary of $200, being; a reduc-
tion of $25 from last year. The following
• accounts were passed t ---Wood, $48 ,': map
of Dominion, $6; News -Record, 813.35,
AGAIN RUNNING:—.The Salt Works at
Stapleton have been standing compara-
tively idle' for a couple ;of months past,.
owing to.the destruction of the derrick by
fire. This,•building has---again-=.been:re= day ,last Mr: •W Harrieen, of "Gederich
;erected, and:the works are -pow' running ,township, hada bee hauling wor,d to. this
'again as usual. The price at which salt •town; a procession of twenty teams coin--
is now sold is not such as to ii arrant any prised the ".bee." , Mr. W. 'Webb, of
heavy.investment for, its manufacture, but• wn,, took fi t prize, at Hepsall carnival,
Mr.' Ransford beau large amount of capit- the: other ev ng, for fancy dress..._ r.
al invested there, and must try: to make W. S; Harlandlagetting the material on
vnreethi . not ofir
BRIEFS. --Mrs, W.' Stanbury, of the
London Boad, has been very ill for several
days, but is now getting better. Mr.Chris.
Dickson has presented a splendid map of
Ontario to.the Mechanics' Institute, Miss
Nettie Jackson has been confined to the
house for several days by illness, but is
now able to be around as usual. Mr. Jas.
Thompson who has also been "off work"
for.eeyeral days, has resumed his wonted
labairs. Before leaving the stere of Pay
& Wiseman, Mr. J. Wisemanwas the
recipient of some silverware at the hands
of his late .employees, expressive of their
good will and esteem towards him. The
two vacant lots in the Rattenbury Terrace,
owned. by Mr. E. Holmes,• have been .sold
to Mr, Geo, Cook, for the sum of $300
cash; Mr. Cook intends to fence them in
and build on thein this summer. Mr. T.
Dunlop was appointed to_.represept the
Ancient Order of United Workmen here,
at the meeting of the Grand Lodgein St.
Catharines, lastweek, but was unable to
go, owing to illness. Mr. W, Alexander
has sold his house and lot in town to Mr.
E, Glen, of Stanley, for $750, who will
take up his residence here; Mr. Alexan-
der moves to his farm in Goderich town-
ship. Mr, Douglass, of Woodstock, has
been spending a few days with friends
here. On Saturday evening while the
tesla' efMr, Geo. Pope, of Hullett, was
standing in the Grand;Union driving shed,
some one took the blankets off his horses
and carried thomaway. Mr. 0, Avery is
said to be doing very well with his "Fence
.Fastener," it is a very simple arrangement
yet said to be exceedingly serviceable.
Messrs. Swaffield & Cooper have taken
charge of Stevens' mill, as mentioned last
week ; Mr.. Stevensintends to confine him-
self to builders' work. Mr., Chris. Dick-
son bas Leen appointed town agent for the
Allan Lure of steamships. Mr. A, H.
Manning left for Toronto,: on Tuesday; to
attend a special meeting of the Execu-
tive Committee;of the Mechanics' Insti-
tle-Association of Ontario, which is call-
ed for the purpose of •conferring with the
Minister; of Education in reference to cer-
tain'proposed. changes; Mrs., 'W. Coats
has gone on a' visit- to her son at:Tees-'
water. We would strongly impress upon
ourfriends the necessity of sending in
•their favours as early in the week as pos-
Bible; much comes in late, and even if
,used it is by crowding but tither' retiding-
prepared, anal some. comes so late that it
cannot be.used at all until, it has -ceased.
'to. be news Mr. T Lteksow.jr : �casthie
Week -away to Toronto, on -business.' 'Our
local, cotem._takes _a holiday this: week,.
becaitse.of a press. of job work; it will be
a great deal bigger job than thevoters'•
list of•even the whole .county, that will
prevent the NEW ERA.. appearing • every
week. Miss Etta Dunmore, dressmaker,
of thisplace, leaves town . this week -for
good. Miss Alice Ranco -is' visiting friends
in London, this week. - Mr. Thos. Boles
intends to take up his residence' on his.
farm, in -Stanley, still making this place
hid headquarters., Miss B. Dearness•: is
visiting friends at London. The reflec-
tion of a.fire rn CTodericli. on Monday'
dight, was plainly- seen here., pn'1'Itnrs
131O-Soefooree-41re--ihrrd rureeting of-
fthe High School Literary.:' Society wag
held on Monday last,, with the Houor'ary .this+Indicates " an `expanding business.
President, Mr. Turnbull; .in the chair. Counterfeit quarters and lralf-.dollars have
After considerable. business was: transact-:. made their appearance here; they are
ed,_t�hi lirup amme_rvais sum.t' -' t. -well=made,=but=e puto leliti3--iter ;rtre
meeting, consisting • of • readings by J: easily detected. • Miss •Lizzie Walker;
Lowrie; R. Gauly,'3.. Hunter and Miss, H. (daughter of James' Walker) is . on •the
• Holmes, areettatton by Miss Baker he. sick list. •Miss Jennie Westacott, of Hul-
Glee Club gave :three• pieces ofrhusic in lett, has returned' from her visit to Park -
their.' usual gopd style, and Messrs. Rey- hill. , Eegular'ineeting of the town
nar and Stanbury gave an: tistrunlental eilnext Monday•evening.- Division.Court•
duet.• , sits here to -day; Judge Doyle will likely
'PugeaterArioie--On-Wednesday eve preside --41r Ward;- one. --of-• the. -early
ing a large number of the' friends of Mr: school teachers of the county, but who is
now living, at Goderich, gave,.us a call ori
Wednesday.; - he , lept in, the old Ratten-
bury. hotel, 48 years'ago,-when it was'•
nothing.but-a small•iog,hut, minus it roof.
which a storm bad; • tarried offA party.
af,Mladies•and- ntleram drov�o-out-to 112r:
Ge, ctArtney sand • took possession 61
is house :ttl.the wee sma:' hours, • tipping.
the, light fantastic. A nimbler of., out.
prominent musicians took. part at the tea.-
ea=meeting in Bayfield Tuesday evening,
Mr. Davis, of Hamilton, is visiting his
son, Wm.. Davis., Nearly thirty artier
`from thislt'own participated in. the Bache -
]ors Balt held at Seaforth, on Priday
evening last. Mr. Geo: McTaggart receiy-
ed an .invitation'to attend the Bachelors'
ball, at London, last week, 3vhich was the
,greatest social event of the season. Owing
,to: the changeable weather quite a•number•
of'ourreaders have some one or more of,
winners with the number ,of words each: their families laid up with wide; it is al-
ibtained :=Jno. Kilty, 842 ; : Harriet
Holmes; 764-; Chas.'Bowers, 662 ; W. H.
•~Cooper,-Gi58; agggie Sheppard, 654. The
' NEW ERA was the • only paper in which.
this advertisement appea're'd
TAFFY.—A correspondent of the'Oode
rich -Stat, ta:ferring to the tea meeting at Zi-
on,la-t Week, gushes over after this fashion;
" The audience was favored with instruct-
ive and, entertaining addresses by Itev.
Mr, Markham, of l3enniiller, and Lawyer,
]fanning, of Clinton: ' Tbe•latter" is de-
serving of especial mention. He spo 'e
particularly to the young pepple, and in
--vrvid.langualte ptctULed;.tu them the grand:
_. •
___po9sibilittes in .stere for them in this
young otnrnion "liriving`an dre.dk:wreafer itfr>S tl-finet`mie "-ta'tsvtsr'$'L00rittto
i , if some of the boys here do not take warn-
'ing they will be.brought--to book also.
Master Alfred Barge, son of Mr. Barge,
'is seriously ill wvitlr inf]a`Rituation of the.
lungs. Mrs, W. Magee is confined to her
room,: with a severe attack ref pnuemonia,
Mr. Wm. Mc0onnell, an old resident of
Clinton, formerly bailiff of the Eighth' Di.
vision. Court, Wingham, watt in town last.
week ; he has lately been in Dakota, Mani
toba and British Columbia, but likes
Ontario the best. • Dir. Johne Johnston
has let the coti.tract for a new house to
Mr, L, It. Menzies. I\fF C. Cameron, M.
1'., passed' through on hie way to Ottawa,
:.on Tuesday; he will shake up some of the
dry. bond, during the present session of.
parliament or' we are greatly mistaken..
Mr John Wiseman hits -'now taken charge
of the .Hodgetis estate;.he •is. too well
* -nown to require " arty. detailed notice at
of hands, and in iris neer-sphere will no
dour t do his utmost to 'etecotnrnodnto all,'
Miss 1'iil•a13utelianan is'visitingin ;Toronto
We this Week 'give considerable space to•
the -report of -the S. S. 0oni entikn, but our
.rr dors will fiulti rt..yery� re.idnble, and will
4,0t eegust-.tlw� ;�;saee- :41tili,at•+.(d - "Winer -
the ground for his` new house on Batten -
Miry St. Three new hiving rooms are
being constructed at the Organ Factory ;
Rev. W. *eDouwRb,'s 1.0etare,. '
There was a very good attendance at
the lecture given under the auspices of
the Oddfellews, on Friday evening last,
the hall being more than three parts full.
Rev. J. Gray was chosen as; chairman,
and made a brief speech in introducing
Rev. W. McDonagh, who, ex pressed plea-
sure at meeting his old friends here, even
if they had, as he jocularly remarked,
"once kicked him out." After stating
the circumstances which led him to take
his trip to the; old country, he at once
crossed the ocean and dropped his hearers
in Liverpool, calling special attention.
here to the enormous.shipping interests
of Great Britain, as represented by the
forest of masts anchored at seven miles of
wharfage, and for two miles into the city.
He next described his journey to London,
and circumstances that arose on the trip;;
then gave a hurried flight around this
marvellous and wonderful city, took a
look in the House of Commons, describ-
ing minutely the network of underground
railways, the •high-level railway, which
runs above the tops of the houses; the
'various places of historic interest, and the.
vast population represented in a city .30
miles long by 20 broad, and growing tre-
mendously fast.' He found too: much stiff:.
news and formality in the. Englishmen to
suit him, although he met many who
were very hospitable, . and extended to
him a most cordial welcome. Spending
some time in Ireland, he visited the places
celebrated in history and revered by Or-
angemen to -day. Found. Ireland in a
much more prosperous condition than he
expected,._but very unsettled. The Ver-
dure, foliage, etc., were beautifully de-
scribed by him, but the Protestants there
were in such a state of uncertainty andperil, that l tfe
stn is was almost a burden ; Pro-
t not
e n y would make: heavy invest-
ments in real-estate or other property, be-
cause they were in�ccontinual dread of as
sassination. He visited Phcenix Park, in
°Dublin, the place where Lord Cavendish
and Mr; Burke were so atrociously mur-
dered by Fenians a short time ago,'and
said the spot where they fell had been so
prized by relic hunters, that the gravel
and earth: was scooped out for quite a dis-
tance. He said that people' fell into a
mistake in: supposing that a Conservative
-or-Lirberal-- iii--Engl and--wns-th e--samre-ar
the members of those parties:in Canada.
In England thine were entirely different
to what they were here; there was not so
much party spirit manifested,: hero, i�eo-
ple supported the party, because it was
the -party, entirely regardless of principles
We advertised a dissolution some time ago, . some
•thought it an
.. __ advertising dodge only. We do not fool with
00 EBS ,,_ the public that way. . We have dissolved partnership.
involved. There it was not so. Party k41-1:-.
•100 -Cords ,ot Rod all
politics iti Canada, he said "were govern`ud
ed by the deviland Romanis
m." He ..
said that ';I eland. would be .worse with ,gph� -
Home•Rule than without it, and that the. 41. BpLUllaofor
! GOOQS, '
people . of •England"ivould'n.ever consen s.
to Ireland -having a parliament of its own
-and it would be worse if ithad it. •'The
lecture abounded with pithy anecdotes,
and although there:ivas considerableis it
that was net in the nature of "trip :notes"
still it..was•au entertaining.address.
At l•Leest accounts Mr. Geo. Sproat, of
Tpckersmith., was still.' alive; though, six ;.a
very" critical.' condition., . The chances are
all against him. though his living so long
min hie favor for recovery.
and Mrs. W. Stewart, of the Lo tt onread;'
wishing to show their esteevu for thei;e
parties before their _removal to . Dakota,
assembled &te `heir 'house and. presented
Mr. ,Stewart witiia, sold -headed and
yrs:-Stewart--ivit r-a-•set:of; ehina, .a ssilve
cruets. and brooch.. They then spent the-
evenmg-rn-sociat1' joymeiit'General re-.
gret was expressed, at. the proposed remov-
al of Mr. Stewart and. '• family from our
midst. ,,1.
60 replies were_receiyed in answer, tQ;,,the�
advertisnient of .E, Fleedy (which recent-
ly appeared in these columns) offering
prizes to parties making out the largest
_ number of words of " Floody sells the
:best tea'' --•Answers were received from
Hastings, Dtl'rham, York,. • Perth, -Bruce
and Middlesex counties, and from- eyery.
section of Huron, 'The following are the
most like an epidemic going•around. • We
have: constant inquiries for houses to rent.
or buy, by parties coming into' town a
notice in the N w ERA:'i i11be more like-
ly to secure a tenant•or' purchaser,. than
any other means. -On ,Tuesday night the
Captain• of the Salvation Army ordered
one of the soldiers to put a young man.
out of the barracks for disorderly conduct,
and pot to allow him in again for tivo
weeks •'•tile •imposition •of a fine would
possibly hay() taught' him - iv lesson ; at.
Glencoe, after the barracks had been
rned down,. young men continued to:
di- urb the open-air meetings of the
till and-for-UAW'the'Police Megistrate
than i:ny country except Rusisieti, if they
make'ta'suth their motto and stand bola]
for the right. It would take too much
pace to give even an tiuliine t►f""the lee
tu'M, but ju ing from the attention given
and --hearty at) vee at the close, tho,,next
time Mr. Mann g
,� is billed for here lie
,„, . , t, asi y a crowdedhouse "
8E13 OR I.ANSAS. — On Monday
last a consignt of valuable Horses left
Brucefield statio for Abilene, Kansas,
consisting' of' seyerill,\stftllions' and other..
horses, as follows: Dir. McTavish, of
Tuckersmith, shipped a`Xprth Star stale
lion and two fillies, Mr[Whitely, Sea
forth, n three year old 1'ttelco a cult; Mr.
R. Murray, Harpurhey, it titres• •ear old
Glengary colt; and Mr, Js' . Law , of
Londesl Vr'o, a "tifeee-year. old Bor ; d'
Chief colt. That all were first -clasp
horsesgoeswithout, saying, Kansas hat
proved a good market for stock - of this
nature, and is likely to -prove still better.
That there is money in the raising of first- 1
tinea str ek, every faritn r hems perfectly
well, st,t 1 they aro quitte salts in devoting
attention to it. be stul.e the American
irrnrk- t witl•t:rkr. ,til-ilte -horsee •Cssrutd t
can di t'+.' et i for •Aany i ee 'o,eo:i e. Cc nynf; to town
- the business will be carried on in. the oldstaid as usual.
intend to place ourselves p ac rse yes in thefl,:ont rank of the Dry
Goods„ trade;
We are now' o ening..up one of the finest selected • stock
we have ever shown.
'We thank all our old 'customers for their generous support
'the -est. — We kindly ask -S.- continuance othe-same'. ,
P y of an the
future. '
We .will:not be 'undersold by any hou.e in the tracts i,
We will seil•poo
Are now 'r fuII bias'
Should.-' not
oh`' i
.• ANOE•&,.. c0.
j'9tree Dooi.'a. II- est. or Dict son's l ook,:Stare
, •
We have made a Great Cash in the prices of out CLOTH-
BOTH-ING, and we Have to saythat lover prices, ' quality consider-
ed, has never before b�,een ofierd' :in this section. We want
people to think of this, and if they .'are in :need of anything
come; and get out• quotations.' .
��at 3ira'c5
We shoe .the• .G:reatest
.an.d�'- Iar� � est .vara' :t
• g fie .of
the above :goodsS And
.rices have •ibeen•• crush~
d 'to he .• ottomr
is a very familiar name, and
we 'would say
•• Y. }L.. , ln,,y
11511111 -STIFF SITS
Which we import direct from
the Manufacturers in England,
,are'now on the ocean) and we --
expect to put'them into 'stock
next week.