HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-02-26, Page 6rw- rianAy; nn, 26, 1866. - belera .has llreken out in the eounty of Middlesex. . NEWS NOTES. Late letporte indicate that the lOsa A wool Qf six persons patina ! Tames of cattle in Weatern-Kansas and Es - the cold weather will --father, 'nether and four children...... tern Colorado he have been Murdered by a negro, eight anlwnt t° 26'°°°* Miles from, Palarel, Ark. The mur- 4erer escapee, .1>tit 'bloodhounds are on his track. r The Hueson Bay • Company's claim for supplies, transport advances, etc., in connection with the Noith west rebel - lien, amount to two million dollars. Claims by the company for destruction of property are riot included in this sum. Some idea of the enormous trading "pewee of Greab Britain over other na- tions is eto be found' in -the returns of --the- tonnage of • vessels which passed through the Suez Canal during lest year. Of tonnage of all nationalities -6,838a • 115 tons—Britiili vessels represented 4,8703,416 tons, The-. French figure next in order, with the beggarly tonnage of 570,801, the Duteh with 250,361, the Gema ue with 198,955, and the Italians with 159,616. At the National Farmers' Convention in New "York, on Thursday last, one of the speakers aeserted that neaele- eleery article of food geld in the count!), was aluleeratecle Even crackers, cheap as they are, have been, manufactured out of musty flour and iencid lard treated with acids. "Sugar, he said; is adulter- ated with glucose, pepper .with ground cocoanut sheltie and beer is made oaf of distillery waste. Seems as if the con- sumer was robbed in Mote, ways 'limn by high tukation. " The Northwes t Coaleend-Navigation Company are reported to have made ".a big thing" out of the recent Northwest troubles. The principal shareholders in this company are &lid to. be.Sir A. T. Galt and Lioutevane-GovernoneDewd- ney, and their' bill against the Govern- • ment for •transpee teseivice amounts to oyer460,000, It would probable; paY the • Coe' and Navigation Company to foment anethee rebellion in the No" tle west. • Mrs. Thompson, wife of Mr: S. .rclibeileop T4401140 baptized ',mid- rerker end teeenty-eight of hip compan- ions in the Penitentiary at Stoney ilViountain. • An application was made to the Court of Common Pleas for a reduction of the verdict of 88,000 given to Warden Mao - ale -againat ;the Irish Oan.adian: The Court seeniete-to be ofopinion that there is un precedent fer the reduction of a. verdict in a libel suit. The matter is -left to the parties to agree ,,upon It sun to bepaid. into Court: Agent Thrall, of the Humane. Society -Hertford, has partly investigated the case of a 40 yeertole woman, who ha a beeu. shnt up in one room for 20 years, at Wit4z• ...ping, South windsor, Hale pot.yetsatialied that she is not an idiot ' kept closely con-, . fined .for her own good, but it is. a feet that the theatment she has eeceived was in pursuance of her father's orders 20 years agc, because sheinsisted on lining a man he did not like. The father has beep dead ten year( 'end the victim has been in the louse ever siticeesvith her motheroVire- haa not changed the order, ' 4 :further in-• vestigation will be had. Alfred Stinson, elites,' Stone,- once a pre-. minent citizen of Chicago,' but for the last fifteen years, a tramp and vagabond; walk- ed into pelice„iheadquarters at St. Louis, on Monday, and said that by the adVice'of Rev.. Jelin D. Yineil, Grand Secretary. of . the State- Masonic; Lodge, he had come to awe himself hp to the police. • He gave a derailed aceoent of nearly fifty , felonies firiffirdademeariors of which he vvai•guilty, committed in'Waukegen ' Ills., 13tAlelo, Boston, •Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Clincin- neti and Wipe pieces. • Alter •fifteen years of this life lueeplaced himself in the'llands of Me: Viacil, eaying he .could not control .himself.. •He was\tocked tip, - There is quite a megeetion fever prevail. South to •die ”Weatern States .Not afew -04- -Yell-glen, 'etecleit ,ppesed -that he ing at present among the INTe.s.trotSs of thu iesu 'killed them as a sacrifice, • '' ' ' . • ' ' arit-gbind to daliforoia,meaoine are burn, leg . their steps . to: Africa, 'the land from whiih• they came. This restIA loam is up: on the whole a tokeu. for goect.-. It. shows that the Negro is beceming more • bemelet- fal taidenterp0 risiee, end that he 'will .not Thompson, public, .school tenelter ite Sele : sit., down contented with poor and dm- . lark, Haldimarid eounty, was sitting csiiraging cireumstances till he his used.pg holding ono of the childiewone deY. kit I swful endeavoura to make thein better. week, while her husband was reading He is ntelonger bound to the, soil,. and he . goes as he pleiiies. These migrations may. . on the opposite side of the rooin, when . e sometimes cause much suffering, but upon - suddenly -sbe dropped off the .eleinr ,..te the .whole the .ultimate issue will be for the • &tor; -and. died almett. 'before Mr. good. They Will relieeethe beer -crowded • Thompson .could • reach her. ' .Meclical parts by their surpluehour, and. will give • aid was iminediately summoned, but those who remainl a better chance'. .1.111 the physicien's efforts ta.kwing back ' Mr. :Gedt,13ishop, , Postmaster .ef'Colon- • - zo, Grey county, informs "iiiithat derine. . life Peeved- fruitless. . '• .. . „ . . the , heavy snow -storm . which occurred The lorig-talked of proceedings to ure• about the latter eed of January, two sheep • seat Mayor Howland, .of Toronto,„ were weee. covered by, a ,drift beificlaa: fence. —e-e-com-ntemo-A-aga-Wediaead,a..1-0,h.44 .. Some seven da s after. 4 4:19r; itii scent of plication was made to Oseeede Hell fee the animals., and succeeded in -sergtehing` a , inte---4-lte;41-rift-largcr-e-trairga. • a, ;wri „p •que,ava}7.rarito. . , t is c mine the.eicit of the sheep:. _One of the aheep 'that Mr. Howlandqesilieed o.n proper- Peek advantage of the 'oeitiortenity.oletiigee ty held in .his- wife's .name, and. that and :made • its 'way • home: .r.Che Other, under the municipal law '. End: a plan; through -weakness. or'.sorne , other -cause, fication does not hold good. - The„result remained intim. drift,until the followine • of an inquiry into the: inattee will be. -looked for with -a, pod elealiefiriterest„ though it might have been. Well to per- . init. Mr. Ilowland to serve hi%terni but, seeing that the large- voteepoiled in his favor pretty eonclusively. 'proved that , . Atlanta, • Feb. ]1.—John :O'Neill; a " . the majority Of the texpdyers favoredplanter of Fatted county, es' dying of hp, hie election: . • • • - .. _ „ dropholeia. . He was bitten been raad Mule, which was shot on Srindiy. The mule had- . . _., Robert T. Lincoln, ex -Secretary War, and eldest surviving. son orPrea .turinainasia. arta their way.. Ormatnals glide back to their old haunts .and their old .companious with a •fatal facility. There maYseern.the :fair .• est hopes of reformation', buCat the first. I- • • dent Lincoln, was falsely repprted to have died, on Friday, I -Ie -is an excel- lent health. Sylvester Potts, a widower about 40 years of age two weeks ago =need Miee Shepherd, at Ridgetown, who is oceisiderablv younger, Last Fri- day night, in a fit fofjealousy, he drove 14s wire erern the house and told ker never to return. A Welland despatch says :—On Sat- urday afternoon as Frank Dooley was driving a team owned, by Miehael Swords; of this place, with a load of furniture from Drummondville to Wel- land, he left them standing on the river at Port Robinson and they went to -ft air hole for a drink, both being drowned,* Once, upon a tithe says a Texas paper, a certain man got mad at the editor. and stopped his paper. The next vveek he sold his corn at 4 cents below market price. Then--hiS property waesold for taxes be- calm he :didn't read the slietiff's sales, He was arrested and fined 8e for goin "!hunting on Sunday, He then paid a big Irishman to kick him all the wee to the newspaper office, ,where he paid for four years' subscription in advance, and made the editor sign an agreement to kmeek htm 'down and rob him if he ever ordered his paper stopped again. Stich is life without a newepaper. Savannah, Feb: 10.—The dead bodies of two unknown nevi boys, 8 and 10 years ,of age, were found tied to the foot of a sapling in the woodsesix miles from this :city. They had been gagged, their • mouths having been ran -lined full of elay and leaves. Their antra And, legs were tied together and fastened to the sapling by a rolre around their necks. There ,were no marks of violence on the bodies. . They are thoughe toebiebrotheis. John Grahinn; a, crazy negro, living neer the spot, is the supposed murderer: He is insane. Mattood,,I11., Feb.11ast nightat 10 .o'clock; at Windsor, Ill:, 'Vise Georgia Al• driclge narrowly escaped hanging at :the hands of Miknownparties. . She was alone -in the..house 'at the time anti iteppeci oatef doors. when she was seized, her hands and feet weighted doWn with brick, and she was then hanged tip to die. .She was' add - dentally, discovered few Mintites' tater- ?wards :by her. bother, who same en the beck way by chance. Life wee .alitiese eititat: She-. can give no account, of the affair; being. so oVercorne by the shock. She can only: say, "Oli,..that man, that'. mem" A. note was found saying that it was done tit• get. even with her father, Dr. Aldridge. • Miss Georgia is a highly., re-. tspected yOung lady;,., aged 24 years: No clew to the perpetrat. ei of the foul deed leas yet been found. 1.:teese• eicitemerit prevail at Windsor; an ' if:• the ;guilty • tfeirare-fainidethey welLet . • 2 0 . . • Having leased the premises now occupied by us, for another term of 7 years, We are prepared to dive the ,BEST BA,R,GA.INS poasible. We have on hand a large and fire of temptation the frost -work of new and well selected stock of habits melts away at once. There is story that a man bOught one day, at a • al GROCERIES CANNED GOODS EXTRACTS FRUITS and SPICES WASEAWTSD SURE, NOTHING BETrES, IN TITS ITARILET. ALSO old curiosity shop. in Rome, a ring with a Beeret spring, xn which poison ha been enebecklecl ever singe the days o the 33orgias, and the ancient venom ha still sufefieient strength to poison him There is a story of agirl of Indian bleorl who was thought to be fully rc3claimed to ChiliZatiOn j when some offence had been given her by her mistress she tore up her clothes squatted on the gronnd and howled. Keen insight into human maitre is ;xhibitecl by Victor Hugo When he makes Jean Valjean, even afger the forgiveness and generosity of the Toed Blehop, rob the little Savoyard of .his two-frano piece. It Was the tempo- rary assertion of the tyranny of deprav- ed habit% • "Now, here is a remarkable case for you," Said the great prison 'au- thoritykto ma one day. "I Vew a man who lay under'. the sentencelf punish- ment at death. It was either for murder or for burglary. Fer the sentence was passed 'it 'abort •while before the death. petialty for burglary was abelished, If Tor murder it must have been with ex- tenuating . circumstances, for the ex, trerne sentence was commuted to trans- portation for life, He swont , out to Western .Australia; and there behaved so. well thae hee departed for another part of Auscialiti, 'with refeee pardon. He came to one of the great Auatralian towns and became a constable, and by' degrees chief constable, • Then be thought he would. come over to England for a thee, _He did so, and had not been in. London many weeks.before lie met with some of his old pals in the .Strand, and got mixed np in some of -their way.s and xenteback again to Atietralie es a dew/int. can tell you, air, We see %eine very queer things, we .who are connected_with the coneict sys fem. • In this very room where. we are there were two'nien talking one morning. one was tlio•Old Marquis a West- minster; and the other e releeset1 convict. The Merquis dieenbe kiiew was a convict and the convict :did not know .it was the :Marquis.. • I think the convicts net so -to corn -- plain of, and enjoy an .eXtreinely health- ly air at Portland,' said the 'Marquis: .'f•I agree with. you, . sire said the eon-. eidt, foe I happen, to have spent a good • deal of the -lime there Myself! the Year Round. , • Increased • testimony is borne to the fact that the best family physic, the hest Core for dyspepsia or'biliousness is Dr. Qarson's Sto- mace ere. hey never sicken or gripe. All druggists, 50 heats. • iiby about eumitle- w, s taken . 'Lady- Howland; .wife. of • Sir eVilliam Bellevue•haspital, NeW York, day, She was. b6 years of ageeand ewas . • Ment, recently. ;When the ehild wa. Sir Williani's second Wife. ' She had been ailiiig 'for elaint six 'weeks. .* • 'NV child 'at FoetCollienge was playing With whipstock when he fell female. aitd.fo ' the end of the stock down bis throat, thereby caueifig death. form an operation On the child s head ' TI • by its tother tte dispenSary .t/l-,e • Howlaadp. died at Toronto,: Orr Satnr-. day, or eight. days 'after being anowed born it lied a large swellmg upon „the . . -under, when- Mr. Biskep followed theeingeleferefreteirWerfebeseevelyehiereaeetleitleekee and liberated the animal., The sheep and firmness. Nettling could be done have teen well cared foe since, and shot te reduce the prottilierarice, which was little signsof having had eo lengthy a fast. --Meaford Mirror. • ' • • . supposed to be a tumor, except to per There's no plea() like home. • Especi- - been bitten by a mad .clog three weeka bee ally • is this:felt to be the ease, wben foie: • On Friday O'Neill went Med . his hoine ie in...Ontario. .Nettely.. three bere Yerd. The mule was .seandieig, . months ago 4: young man -left his home' When -O'Neill Was within a few feet of the in Napanee topick up gold on thePecifie ataiinae, itsuddenly sprang fortvardevithets• coast in California. • He sew. the beim, • ,tiful country and its teeny etichenting. •. scenes. But these 64)0 tlid noe, feed , his body. He only had two delis.' week . all the time he was there. :Ile Omit alLetbe oneyebee-had-w-henelne.a,rri• kerl. there and did .not 'picic'. up enough gold . tocarry hire home. • He says he hoz . learned another of the many leesons. of life. Ile had the California, teethe, but he says he, is effectually 'Cured. e He goteis far as Stratford last IVIonday,:but . had no money to.proceed fartlint.- All • is not:geed that glitters." . SEATTLE, W. T., Feb: ,.l9.—When . the Chinamen were clriven.out of Silo.; homest City -last Week those who had property interests were allowed tO re- main. They were notified, however, thatetereyetnust leave by Monday. On Monday wffenetieed to go they refused. Late hist night a e-dyineleinite. cartridge was exploded under theneli se; wreek- • ing the building, but net inju "lig_ the skullavith a teammate find that on Sun. d:41e buried . , Popose in, -Chinamen, who then =mete inte 9. lib-thebody in tho tu..„.• tion of the building that was nob de- eape.while Mrs. Rigging kept watch to atrOyed." This morning a number of set1ahe was not disturbed while so weree Need intotliehlikirbilre- -ehgage ' of the occupants were injured. At last 'Sir ek ISOarou went (At, to Silleey, accounts they were • still holding. the Quebee cotinlse the ethistittieney „month wide open O'Neill, started to rune but before•he had tiken a half dozen steps, the mule had him under his feet, and 'began biting fee grabbed him first in the leg sod then in the. body. O'Neill • screamed for help, •and persons who were - did not move at first, and a liberal use of• the stick was necessary to drive the beast . . —Central Lake,, Mich., -Feb. 16.—The inquest ..in the 'case of Peter Higgins, found dead in a compose heap on his farm in Banks township, was cutiliort by the confession of Mrs. Biggins, that • she and. George Higgins, her husband's nephew,' had murdered her husband, telling bow the deed was committed. Ott being -informed of the confession of Mrs...Higginsitha nephew, who has been removed to Betlaire for era's keeping, yesterday afternoon else confessed t1ti3 crime, stating that they:at first tried to Choke his uncle, but finally"erushed his • fort. - •• . he represents' est • Wide ' ht _ „ y nig ant ICittanniai; Pa., February took with nine lrga.,„nu in her of Tity, Josephine Iter;aVer, of thie Oleo yeater- roWdies, with the .object of packing The meeting, A'ncl seetwing endorsation Of day had five ' ambric ne.edleare• moved' fro • • "4.;-iT..m.. 45 the Dominion. Goverinnerit, ne failed xY. • • a physician.•lei'aiWn as the "1'veven rnore etgnally than Chaplean, did . p ing needle cushien (' and during the intat at' St. Jerome, for the Silleryeople - de - six yeas, it is aid, slie had extracted °lined t* pass the resolutions with which Caron and Minister of Jasticellimusen 92 needles Whele and in part from her limbs. Miss.Wefiver is 84 years of age, Came armed, and the meeting broke up in confusion. Hiring •-bullies to peek a and is quite eccentric, though intelligent. meeting and seeure,a, snatch verdict for She maintains that she is bewitched. She has beeti watched freilueeeey 'aid unpopular and discredited Ministers has awakens out of upparently deep. not succeeded in Quebec. The IVIMisters ber with screamIt is enetallyslum- should abandon suelx despicable tactics, . g. lieved- she is a monernabitte on the sub- and trust to the Inuits oe their case, if it has Op merits,,L„They are afraid of ject of sticking beeself full of •needles, the people, and well they may be, after brit her parents and friends assert that such revelations as Messrs, Blake, Chad - they have watched lter repeatedly and found no evidences of such actions.. ton, CatnerOti and Paterson have recent- ly made. , _.,,. 4.1atarrhal heads.the%lawkieg tied spitting ...ljahiiko. 4„. parit.wg 0,,,,,ht;ift,eentt „fs,„:11.1„, - . up phlegm, arc, at one relieved and cured le:linable for,Wounds, Soiree, Salt Rheum Cuts, . by the use of Dr: e'Irson's Catarrh. cure, No•Barmy, Scald.. and Festers, rei a healing' and reasen wby yilti Niiin111.1 ill fr•tr aliolher day,•pnrirpng drecsing. 'Do tyre >ha imposed on 'many f,i.1«ii f i ( en.rirth If lz)lig stnip,tilk; 111:0!,"it AV1, 1 (..yit ti,w,0.4 vreparatin os, recommended Non enr,,! 1 y n .i1,.pl4 1.,et:Iir t,f Dr. Carson's to be.n4 gr,,i,l, 140 .oniy me(i.,,,,r ,?.. pari;,•s, Ceti? II. -ra. .1 • ,..rotykis ti.: pet. bwile. CALL.Iti.3 (..K.t,. S.,tl 1.y J....1.1.. (•,,t•.i.'. L ,,. _bratewi, ' , ,-;--... een„jg e4e.etna.. ti-e•IpPrtt'g--8.3 ----' , i, •---,••••••• , • • it, or -damages • whieh -the and takeie out. Before .0ie c'eulel-- be " 'Chinese repre eitatives .eleiiii . for out- done the little thing did . The consent. ..1.eies theLir in Mtge upon their ometi-. of the rnother•being obtained., Dr. Jenee', teymen,in the , Peen 'e Ststes and: Terri-.• Way held an autopsy at the Morgue .apd . • - tones amounts to som found ehat dig cetiewee the swelline vvas • .000,. • • a •seeand brain, which was &owing on • . • • • tho 'City .:Of 'Mexico, • the outside :of.the skull indePendent of .., s.. „ en lieu et. heatiee; the breiminsicleeave through conneet, Cemeteriee. done,. the' /terse in g ,substance that passed through .trnejes,. erThe eueeree pars tire•drap Iical in °slight fissure inthe•boee The, imatorn- bleek Toe ealulte and white for ohildr , epeeimen, whieh is a -rare one 111.ftS' th,O being exposed insider a canopy. put into alcohol to perserve it. The 'London pi,?iice...havii dot hold of Case whteriffillhattrirterrible-want,--o&mor•- ality, on the part. of a. Susan Graves, the ronto toboggan . slide Thursda,y. • night• proprietrese. of a junk shop in • Chelsea: The woinau is a. widow; and her hand was thipg over $00, - neral Care The•mournct's occupy a_special car. fol- .16Wine the body:. ' •, leotlrerelteeitletit• occarretlentethe-To- -recently sought in marriage by a man in the sante line, of huffiness pa herself, He objected, however, to her incuintirance in tho shapeof two girls, aged ten and thir- teen: These Mis..C4raveg got- rid of whip! out' the slightest -hesitation, by selling• them to a respectably dieseed woman from the- city, whom she did not know, for 25 shilliugs,the.stianger promised to adopt them... The mother made no further in- quiries, but pocketed the . money, and parted with the girls. The police believe they ean prove. that the Children were perahased for ati, immoral purpose,', and their onisy diffiChlty at. present is how to punish the.uenatural'mother. • In 'July. last. R. O., 0.•Renjainiat,, young colored, man Irons the Statesire- ported: to the Hainilton, police that he had been it ettl up' by t maniii that city end robbed of a yaluabregatritch and hain. •-.Benjaminelaini0-• -that—the- watch had been eseitfidd to him by a Alftantlie lodge inelerinkley; Arkansas, to 'which he lead -belonged for many years, Two men were apteasted on his testimony —John McLaughlin an" cl.Thos Sheridan. Maleaugliiiipeas tried and sent down for three, .years Benjaminee evidence,. Sheeiden being.diseliareed, The watch was never found. lire'. Staunton', who defended McLaughlin, has sin& communicated with the Masonic lodges in Brinkley, Arkansas, and finds that Benjamin was 'me known there, and that no such ledge as that tamed by him is in existence. Ile now believes that Mc, taUghlin. was committed to prison unjustly, If it is believed that the mate 18 innecek why itrinit6prifot taken to secure' his release 1 • It is duty of the erownpflicets to set' inquiry on foe& A One°. • • • The discovery • of the instantanectis process of takiiig lilititwaphstinurbeartittickly-frfilow- tt in the medical wmea by it perfect anti instan- taneous remedy fer all acute aches and pains, Neuralein, Toetheclue • Ineennatistne ete, TIN valuablo remedy is called Flata and sold at tt'Ieent. n bottle 14 J (1,iiiit While a toboggan. cCmtaining a son of John Macdonald and two daughters of Rev. G. M.IVIilligan, was dashing down dm elide, a ,dog attempted to cross the slide.. The animal. was 'struck by the toboggan and immediately, - The young ladiee were thrown off the tobog- gan and sustained some rather peipful. puts and' bruises by coining izicontact. With. the ice Miss; Bloor, who was seriously bure ab the:slide a sheet tieie ago hayfully recoeeeed. ve : thle•oity, and ite•ie lfeinticatec,1 thor- oughly.. the'efOrni, a re4, his wife and weee 'driving towards .Kinsley, Kane from the eolith, in one of the fearful blizzards whieh have:Charac- terized the weethee for the past "few daas. Reaehing a house the man asked Teireelieledie but tee inhuman wretch *he' I t d -iv the Topeka C trunoec eitl 'A tete: le story �f inht man cruelty reaches BLAGKIliG, BROOMS, 13.RIJSHES, BASKETS, BISCTITS, CONFECTION- '. ERY, CHINA., CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. We havethe!argot stock hi, town. Combine quality_ with price and rvefeannot. le II OW ender sold. 4, ANGUS, bi.irTeN • 'v.. . XMAS- GOODS AT COST. NOW Is TIME To Buy . WE ,fiANg 'A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF •• • BLACK BASKET, VALENCIA AND LAYER, RAISINS. °ORANGE,. CITRON • AND LEMON PEELS. - A.L1VIONDS; FILBERTS, PECANS, &c, GREEN FRUITS—ORANGES, LEMONS, GRAPES; FIGS. • , • GREAT REDUCTION Tale PRICES OF 30, 0 (AK efek .A.$S W& JJ3 • OF, wnick WE HAVE A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTiVIENT. CONFECTIONERY THE VERYBEST EVER N—TOWN. •. .CANNED GOODS OF. ALL KINDS. FRESH OYSTERS and _IlApPIE always kept on hand. JORN ODNI1VG4AlEg GROCER, CLINTON. • Z3)/4Z3•011.TAITT .A.V1\1101:711.CEZZEI\l'ir... . • , We have much pleisure in antiouncitg•that owing to our AIILLIN.EllY.trade; which has increased.to its present large climeneions that we decided'M future:to confine_our-.. • . • selves exclusively to • MILLINERY .tuFtlz: :o0cms, - And thereferf;'f;;;,;;CoUcIndecl to sell but at a great sapridce fotecash or gooffcreclit, alt ' brass Goods, Prints, Cottons, Sifirtings:Ilanne14..Tuwelings, Brown Redlands Cottonadae and, bucks... • ' •••-• 'Apse geoids, If peasible, must all he Cleared out by the firgt as we simli ze quire every inch of rtito for our Spring winds; we Shall einitione our speCial dIsdount • • •, sale until that date,. • .WNOTTGE".0wirig to the'derith .fffIthes-Titcriio'r. member ofthe i, all last year* . accounts/roust • be settled at once. • R. BEESLEY X' SON, Belver Nock Glieetem, 9 Cho& .,049 =WES• and, / . Chap:intovxsxoNs. . Having a,large stock of Salt on bend, •orders Wilt be . filled at the.loWest • prices ever offered Clinton, as ' the .ealt works ". will be sold when arrangements, are coMpleted.." Will buy and sell TIMOTHY and CLOVER, SEED. 'A. lot of• ' SALT SACKS and GRAIN Bee:GS for . . 4sale 0RN. MC. GARITA .• . • MINTON, - „ . NEVV DRUG . .. .. ORE , The, undersigned, has jnst epened,!t New.pyug Store in ..Toecickoii'k TATe,-vv- lEglock... X-Iiii.loarie.-Sti-e.et, Two doors Welt of the City BOA Stoee, where will be found a complete tieiort- nuni of Fine DRUGS inideCHEMICALS, eelso 'PATENT -MEDICINES and .. ,DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES.. All_ that the public may ask for in these lines. • P. S:••••••Otlice changed from re,sidence- to Drug Store. • ---A.- —WO- rrcraING}TOpfT1 lirttom- . . CANDIE • JCANDIES sj.. AWAY . DOWN FOR " ' • ( •THE XMAS TRADE.. . We`give 1 lb. Nixed Candies for 10e. 11b. Sticks lib. Bullseyes 10e. 1 ib, Taffy Chunks 10e. AND —VIER CANDIES EQUALLY AS LOW. oRAziGis 'AND LE,gcm's GTS. PER DOZEN'.. Eau QUAniesa eine elYSTERS.-.1-13..r get my:Oysters direct froM Petitiniore, you . ' can depend oa getting Fresh" Stock. OYSTERS SERVED. BY THE. DISH -ZueLsz.S;toex, or_ TORACOOES, CIGARS, CIGAR- HOLDERS,- TOBACCO _ • POUOFIES, &o. All of the very best quality in.:be had. , A•call solicited. 4'sgtiSeeAlq,bEnBoleTe'ieeEXT'iekiXfeleeiRTN—CZXIST'r owned le use to permit either :his •. • • . wife or. child sto take shelter. The.matt • ' • • begged and pleaded,4tzt ali to no avail.' • • His wife was then nneonscious and the babe was in the same condition, but both ,are said to havd been alive, t,Tho mar told them le Would rot accobnno. • 'date them and said three miles further on theyeould probably receive protection. The poor man resumed his•place on the waggon and startedOff, The next morning all three were disCovered half a • roile from the house frozen to death. • The mother had thri babe' eloss to her bosom, as inn the 'act of hugging it. The redid still lleld the lines in his stiff hands. RAIL.WAY TIME CARD Trains leave Clinton as followi:— oltexo eivexx lien -ever. Uloing East, • Going Wcsi, _7.25 am, express 0.45 am. mixea • 1,0e - -tee pare --mixed- ax.1 pan. mixed 9.11ip.tn,nxpreas ont,AT Wa8,lw1141AvAl., "Going North; • (Icing 8nuth heeey 4.111.-0.X.pr‘34 • urpasse What? the 'quality of the Clroceriesi and. .• the. low prices at which they • . . ate sold at OHO „_ • heed select'atock of alLASSW 'AR e AND CHINA GOODS just the things you want, prices to snit. GREAT BARGAINS IN .0111NA • TEA SETS, FANO LAMPS, &c,, &c. ,A1,801 a cholco lot of Fruits and GROURRIES , • fresit and 011014)._ y • E RGE S 0 HAR -rx,..-n411v. • ALBERT STREET