HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-02-26, Page 5Around. the County. .Mr. Geo. Sellare, of Exeter, has purchased Mr; Jobn Flannagan'a hotel, at Clandeboye. qr. Mr, ,Tat,. Drew, a hardware reerebant, o€ Brussels, b is assigned intrust to Mr. 0. B. T Arinatrong, of Lennon, Mr, 0, Davis, of Stanley, has tamoved to Egmondville and ocoupies the residence re- cently vacated by Mr. Bustard. • Mr, EdwardSlemmon, principal of Bluevale school, has had to give up teaching at present Ott account of ail wealth. hIr..James. Thomp• son bas taken, his place. Mr. H. Happle, of Zurich, has purchased another 50 acres of land. It is situated en the 6th con. of Hay., and was bought, fVora Mr, Troyer for 53,200, M`r. D.'�Ioir, of Usbori e, lest week sold to an American buyer, a team of carriage horses for $400, • They were a fine pair of animals, and well worth the price paid,. Mr. C..Beadore, whose name appeared in these column last week as being the purities, er ofthe-Burwash farm ii -Morris, for $3;300; hasresold the same for 64,200.. Mr. Peter A.' Moir. late of, 'Osborne, is at present attending, the University at llenver, Colorado. The Principal Of the University is a Canadian and au excellent teacher. Last,Friday.Jas, McCall, of the 7th con, of Merris; a youngman about -17 yetifs•of age, was struck in the_ear by a snow bail while. goineto school.. The blow has injured his ear and he has been confined to his bed since Wier the care of physician, A serious accidentjiapliened on Thursday. morning "to a man' named Donovan, on the Huron road near Alma. He was carrying in an armful of wood into the house when he slipped and the weight of the wood. falling on his thigh broke sit. At the meeting of the Quarterly Board Of the Brussels Methodist church, held last week, the Rev. Mr. Smyth was hnanimously invit- ed to continue els, pastor .of the Methodist l church, for another year, The past year has been one of marked success. ' • • Mr. Motor Reid, cif -the -3rd &on. o£'Stanley, has purchased livery fine thoroughbred short. horn bull. He is hone the well known herd of Mr, Jas. S. Smith, of Maple Lodge Farm, Middlesex county. He is 11 months' old, of red and white dolor, and with registered pedi-• gree. Ho goat $150. Mr. 1+: Metcalf, District Secretary of the 1 O. 0. I.'s of West It'aron,: has=isaneda-,circa lar, a copy of which has .been sent to each lodge in. the district, requesting that -as Many' members as`possible will be present' et the District lodge meeting, which will be held at Blyth, on 3rd March: .Mr. F. S. Spence has consented to be present, and Will deliver one of his°°popular lectures in the evening. , Mr. Geeege Bolton died at his residence, iii. Exeter, last Tuesday inonnitig. ',He had not" had good health for nearly two years: still none who knew him ever thought of his end -- being so near. He was only a fete bays con- fined to his bed. A netivo of the township of Usborne-anal=for- veers-a-resitletet of Exetere- he had a large circle of friendsall of • whom will regret to hear of his sudden demise. • Mr. Peter Strang, son of Mr. John Strang, of 'Osborne, inet with a veryserious accident • on Teesclay. He had taken aload, .of logs' to Captain Howard's saw mi11, in Hay. . 'While •, in the mill yard his horses toot -fright and A.newspaper nf Beloit, Kansas, says that - attempted to run away. The eleigh was drag. .in' Clarkcomity: daring a recent snow. ed-.over_-M-r_Strang,_breakillg.Jlls: log. 1,130v -e -.-storm A iarge-fleok=of- sheep oiued_clo the knee ant) puncturing the knee joint. ' Mr. together, and the snow, -melting fora while Strang only, returned from Manitolia'•a short and then freezin :faatenedthe entire flock Aim o. 6',, As -some men were. ing gra t; .a ago to lay on a road through one of the marsh- es of Howick, about two. miles north. from Wroxeter, they came upon a, swarm of snakes, OUR LETTER BOX, The 'New Bee does not sold Itself reeponelble for Ideas ex+pe„Rsaefl under MOS heading, EEENEZER. To, the .Suitor of the Clinton New ,Era. MR. XDITQR,—Kindly afford ma a little space in your esteemed paper, to ventilate a grievance, which,: though peculiar to this locality, may yet be of sufficient general interest to merit attention. We are trou- bled with several bypocrititical parasites, whose chief nim in social circles would ap- pear to be the stirring up of strife in the community, Our young folks •have of late, perhaps without due consideration, engaged • in dancing, in connection with other social amusements, Ourscavengersimmediately fixed upon this as a golden opportunity. A pair of them, one of whom, for conveni- enoe,•.,,we,,ehall know as the Captain, ably assisted by a. First Mate, succeeded in in- veigling an exceedingly pious' young man, known as a leader, but who, in this case, considering the immensely superior abili- ties of his confreres, condescended to -act. cent a aul:ordinate position in the trio,. into a number of secret conclaves, which resulted in an attempt to reform this, 'which appeared to them, the besetting sin of the neighborhood. Not satisfied with having, on every available opportunity, characterized the proceedings as scandalous; -and the guests as a crowd of drunken, whiskey suckers, (of which they had no personal knowledge, and their informer, if they ever werein- formed by any one. who • was present, de^ liberately told what was not the truth) they secured the services of a preacher of limited ability, who delivered a discourse more insulting than edifying, vilifying the entire community of young people,,.irre-' speotive 'of creed or denemivation This `Captain, by the way, is aloud -Mouthed probibitienist and Scott Act supporter, notwithstanding this be cannot deny him- self any_opportunity of showing Ms disre epeot for the laws of,the land, by sarrep- titiously 'taking, in: ti *convenient grog shop, a large drink, at some one else's ex _Dense, Let Oleo, yekeedeere ivithOut sin - throw the -first stone:" A leer .to 'lire' wise is sufficient, and -we hope that those, who make' busy -bodies of themselves .will hereafter confine their attentions to those over whom they Ineve. control. Thanking you, for your space, we shall leave. them for theprosent, yours, etc., PRESBYTERIAN.. Wm.—This "Ebenezer" we mightsay, is not the ono on the Maitland con.; Goderich township, but is located considerably farther north in tlie: county, En. New Eft. ] • NEWS NOTES. • Stratford City Eall came very near being destroyed byfire on Monday. It had gained considerable Headway 'before it was die•, covered, and on account of its position it was very hard to put out. ' •:Mr: David Brent wall, •on f oing•• home. froin'his Work at'ncscmin Almonte, missed. his wife;Oregofng:out to look for her he .believed to be a thousand •in •number, varying: was horrified toYind her lying; in a. well from six inches in length to two"feet, seem-, back of'P.:Daly's house, dead,• She ha„si. ingly of different kinds.' Some•of' thoui were'• copper•bellicd, some striped, some, black: and, • some green. They'killed a'great niany'with' their.ehovels: and likely a numbei"got.n*ay. •They werelyiug about three feet ,under, the • surface, in a little gravel. knollethat projected into the marsh the nigh wer•e'thakinh the road through.' Mrs. Henry Chesney. of Tuckersuaith, re, cenly sold to. Messrs. • Sharp tl✓ Donovan, bf. 'Seafortb., her splendid' team of Black • heavy . draught horses and received for thein the very ' . handsome sum of $500. They w.ere'both geldings, the one six . and the. other .sev.en years old, and, were Well niatehed,.'T.hcy were, without 'exception,one of the best' 'teams in A London despatch: say.s•that•ou 11Ion- • the county.of Huron, and theytool:-1st prize dayNight a little ten -.year old girl rode from " . at. the Seafor.th, Clinton. and. Exeter -shows Strethroy • to'Lendon ore'. the,,beffer '.of: a ,t .. f. m• s aired 1) n Id dust fall. and . o the r sir. by o a freight car.. . She said that her mother wee Diunie'.'. .the other by'.Peck's ".Black .deatlein'Toro o. and that she :Wanted to see Robin." They were taken to•Lancaster, Penn:, her, hut' instdadU,blielpirlg'the child along __ _—_- and wee° resold there the day after their ar' on her jo Cn.(y thp"7•o"dt�11 7'ttli e '1tTadia: rivaul. trate remanded her for six days.. • one lateweek, rlleilt.silts.:duspp arenee of ---East..Frrida ni:.tuta`0Urinas-careAtail-. a one day last by they die,d'1)pearance of J'. _g �' p •.the four year•,old son of M. 'John Lytle. in ed' through Kingston: The sleigh Wee- ' the afternoon thedittle boy bad been carrying. covered with canvas sides and roof, and • in wood and suddenly disappeared: , After from the top projected a stovepipe. `This_ unsuccessfully searching emend the place for is the temporary Houle of:a Wolfe•Islander some time it.was'thoughthe might have fall ',acid his..family en route. to Kansas. He en into an open .well containing, about twenty Proposes to:drive the distance; about 2,000. feet of' water., The well was clr gged' with 'miles', and thinks it will tate him about ropes and, hooks, but fid boy could be foanil. tvvo. months.: ll o carries grain .and hay r Some of ,the •neighbors then suggested • the with him and a'vao�t nn,in case the sleigh- idea that he might -have gone teethe school, .. one and a half miles away. A. horse, end cut- ing alined not be good • He lead leached ter were i,rocuted, and off they 'started for. Cebou,rg when last heard of. the school house but met the little chap Com. • Fines atnountdg • in all to .,$207 haye ing home with 1iis-brotbera, lie, bad' gone been impnaed,upon thereeg�.a who attack . out to the react and caught on a passing sleigh, ed a procesaion..of Salvationists at 'Glencoe On Thursday while the Exeter ice harvest recently • •This • • will, teach disorderly ers were at. dinner; a youob lad •named' Jae, characters - througheot•'the country ' that Eather ventured out upon the ice, and going. members cif the Saivationarmyliave right's, to -e - Tar came to a shallow Covering; which let and that the law will prefect: tlieni ffoni hire through into, -tile deep, water. The lad' assaults and persecution. Every manlia'r`ti grasped a piece' of floating ice, !and bradely right oto eerie:, Clod as, hie conscience clung to it for about half an hour,. until the dictates, and,.if 'tho Salvationists believe workers returned, when a groat many schemes that.they'prai'se Hiui in drum -beating and were thought of as to trio best,lfuxne of res- street singing they are entitled to ,all. the cuing the.boy,. es he was almost out• of roach • and the ice • surroundi'ng being so very thin• ptotection the law afiorda peaceable _._ , that it was dangerons,'to venture but upon it.•f eittzeiis. The example of the Montreal- _.�------_,i xig,finally, ,aptnreiiTiy•a`ameone throw: - probably gone,for water to.proparethe mid- day nidal, and had fal•len,inw.hile. dipping itup•' A^ishocki'ng '•death cccurred abhut_dwo. •milee froai'Frankford, 'Ontario on Monday. A lady. about seventy years of age, named Gallavau; • was burned -to: death. She is supposed to have been kindling •a fire, as -metches .were found near the sieve and her •dress, caught fire. When foiled she wasly ing near the window, dead, bilt.still burn- ing. Her body was burned to a crisp. The house was saved, •" ANIOUNCEM We be to announce that we have. engaged t -.:.e services. ghof MR. J'110 WISEMAN to Manage our business. ..And would take this oppdrtunity of thankingour many friends and- customers for their.kind-trona. -patronage age during Mr. Callander's manaement, and hope for a continuance of the same'. ° ,Estate of the late JO °•• 1T ; ODGENS. In regard to the above, I beg to state,_ flavin severed mycon- �r noction with the above firm, as manager. I cordially ds'k all my friends to patronize the Palace, as the Palace has my best wishes for their prosperity under the management of Mr. Wise- man, having known him so long, I feel assured he will cater` to the wants of you :all satisfactorily, . Yours. truly, ,_-- JOHN CALLAT1t*DEE. • In Connection with the above', I would. take this opportuni- ty of thanking -my many friends for their generous patronage accorded me through the late firm of Pay & Wiseman, and how to merit it, of the same during my management of the above business. JOHN WISEMAN, late of Pay & Wiseman, T4IRT1r. DAY'S AT 1 Gr - J C. ])ETLOR: & CO. will begin a- - -��-S 0 N- �IN TJA 15th;. Dr�e •ss � Good2 Fu� s. . an • � en J 6 l , _h r Price• 1VdIL I,IN..EIt.B' at tali prgc�es, ao• tl; _ cear,. , Seeo � A job- lot ;of MANT E a; at :half regular prices:' ei4:)Z7 • lilabeecameotbe=folltvvved in On tariff' --W1 tit ing foto the water a large Stiolf of wood, 'ith'punity. Which he.graspoll, and made for` the edge of C1Nt'1N�AT1 1'eh 'n0• --()nu o£ the most the ice, *lieu ,he was drawn out, Had the unfortunate and sad• odotirreneos at a fnner- boy been left in the ater,:'much longer, he al that has 'been heard o£ in this city for. would' certainly have p io for be was ,ia man a da keen 1 r . f r du a verylan ufd state when brought oat, y Y }' y aleterrtoon: ,.v°,. •..-..a..:-. .,hour- years ifg�tVl'se,'y+w"yla°'.ft. the:- --- WELI,ANO, Fen. 22,•-- An ext:rstordiriary home of her parents, 141r, and 14T, s, .7arile rot. he reason fo Murphy,. 206 Court strt, 7. r 'ed Saturday PY, nett it somnambulism Cae e of3' morning a Tittle west above on the 2 a. in. her leaving was thllt""`slie- atnild, hot rtft Shah til ` CLINTON 'MABEE: S. (Corrected every .Thursday 'afternoou•) Thursday, Feb; 25, -1-SSi.'' Wheat; fall,' 'S0:`75 . a 0.78 White and red• 0 75; a 0 78 Oats, , - Barley, ' Peas, • Flour, per bbl... Potatoes new' Butter;' • Eggs; ' Pork, , Hay, . Shee elts pP... Lamb skins,:, .. Clover, er•bush. :7.00.6 7 50.' ,P 0 2S- a. 0 30 050 a 0 Ufi 053' a '053 - 4 00 a 4 50 0.40 a -. 0=:i0: - 0 12 a . 0 14 13, a; 0 10 " 00• a -,'55. 50 S 00 a 9-00 0. 50 a '0 75 : • 0 '60 a 0•.80 Mr. Snider ri.ntroduced, a• Bill in Par. limentto provide that, except b. counties and districts having, (organized townships after let day'of dune 1890, the tires. °n- ail wheeled o aehiolos. used n any of `the public hi hivays of the Province and carry- :Ultra load of 5,000 lbs. or upwards;, shall nat-_ba less than three and''a half,inches in. width. SOI{ SAL1J; -13 ACRES'O1 dooD DAA'D ABOt;T , 1 one mire from \t'1),l Nana ]liar et $quare, rood water, good commons for cattle,' 1 JOHN HOLLOWAY, Wtnghanr. .. C�ICO ^1 ierfro LNS T,.OR SALE.:. -TWO HEIFERS 'AND • 17 two YOUNG HULLS, first class animals with pedi- grees.: krieos to suit the tunes,• r. .1.13IGG1NS, Ei dhnrgt Farm; Clinton, Ont 7 ,teemR.--AN\ 'QUANTITY 01?' it AND INCH. JJ Basswood, Lath Ofo,1 and 2 Shingles, Pine Plank from 12 to 24 feet. fatties who. contemplate building will do well to call on us. All cheap for cash: •J01U SPRUNG, :Maitland Block Mills, Ilullott.. , Ilm • GENERAL' DEALER -IN TINWtRE, • &c.. • IitiRO� 'STREET, CLINT*. `• • lteparing of tell kinds promptly attended to yet reason• • able rates. A trial solicited. • AUCTION P rtii�m Stocl'1�lilements. �C House l�acnturo • .oDi.LoT 11, CO: -N• $, x3LLLL�' 1`, On 'WEDNESDAY, parch 101 1 86, At 12 .loon, Sharp. Pur particulars x00 lit I -G Three young Cows in calf to tt Durham bull. •, 3 2 year-olt1 heifers in calf to a "Durham bull. '0 Bull calves. • JAS; BILA1'fIIWAITL•r;. Lendesboro. • •'•GIARM FOB SALE --ART OF ,LOT 20, •O T1LF. „ .. ] Ith,con,'of the township of 1Luilett; containing abdit •10 acres. Terms t salt purchaser, ' Apply'to , OAhigRON,iIOLT& CAMERON,13arristers, Goderich. • P1 0 ill(, . Exouuuoe;—TWO GOOD SEW -111 MA anises, 000 NOW. and the.othes .srightly nsed,.ee ;food norkin" order;. either trill be sold ve.y Cheap or. exchanged fir' Cordwood 1'IIOa . ODLi'M, at Ilay-• •triad s Vtrriage Shop. AMI FOR SALE: TI11i'.StIBSC1ITP,ER OFFERS r• le his s,lendid'farre f le() acres bei( •lot•4-- -2nd eon, Colborne, 1¢• store)' lIertsc,-good bank Barn, new Drive 'rouse,Wood Shed and -ether out ` y buntlines hard and Soft water •eve thin, convenient, 2 acres ofgood orchard, 18•aeres in1fall wheat, 85 acres-. cleared emein good. state of cultivation, convenlont to `Church and School,...6mrles.from. Goderich 12 1'11008. from Clinton. , CHAS. 1'.L$L10l ,' Benmiller i'. 0. AIL FOR, 3AtE.--TIIE SUBSCRIBER 01'FE1tS .12 • for sato .his splendid farm of 100 was, being lot 44.2nd con.; etTuckersmith, Geed rimy story and 1idlf fr?nno,'house, 2 aciea splendid. orchard, good buildings, se acres 'free from stumps, (5 acres in falr wheat. The' whole nnder,godd cultivation, and wen under drained liye spring on the farm antl-has good -wells. Close to churches and sbhools. 8} nlles?trona, the town Of Clinton, .5 from Sedforth Wiilbe sold en' `•reasonable --terms,. IItiGII ]fcDONALI2 On • the premises, or Clinton P. 0. - • • OAR-a—OF -Tr /[t,]\, . Qr tK We have finished Stock -taking, and.: lili�ae balanced Our b • ooks lo •, 1 " an . 't the:you_ liberal' fol'�aur..first..eal:.s.Business, �Ilicli" �s Q_1 _. �___.__. Y ` init. has •tr -'li 11••iidvlc 1' 11 to o C tho�ed�f t patronage awarded us by l 1' � •. .�'�. , . trust .hat by:n ai'king otic goods • been: vel satisf�.ctor` ; We tl s t�. �. Y Y Offering. . th ln• - t :' the- iiblic at at I{,ocli T3ottonz Prices `•incl .e o, l 1'.'.th ' . aced'. . • -'u riser •to still—further favor c. o fig, riles. Which callilot'Be touched; b. - will of the community. SPRING GOODS ARRIVI Xl-OTICF,, OF;DISSOLUTION.--NOTICE IS :IMRE- Dall ,,,will' (rive 'rotations at'an '-early date: .Don't buy;:a •, DT given that the artnerahie heratoforosubsist-' Y7 1a • y •1, �Y• in between undersigned, as Primp Makes, • dollars worth of Dl' • Goxls until you get oily -prices.. tt q Y trtc,,.tn theNilltigo of Blyth, has boon. thi>i;day drssoh•- • ed by mutual consent. All debts owing , to the said partnership ip are to be paid to elle ) willows, at Blyth, ° iferesaid, and all claims' against the said partnership fire to be presented the saidPhill r Willows by Wham the same•will be settled. Dated a1 Blyth, this 26th day of An. A. D., 18S0. Witness, er.. young. JAMAS 1•'ERGUSON, PHILIP WfLLQWS. .. • • litho S'urrogatoo Court Cho County of lluron, b D • In the matter' of the (4parditcnship: ni LIOMeOIll. Crawford, infant 'child of John Crawford; late of the villaryre •of 1Gobdesborw,'in the Ctitiikry`ofHuron,, form laborer, deceased. le eTnet.ishereby.given'thatattheex iratien,of 1.1 twenty days. fromfirst •pub1leatlbn hereof ap-' plication will he made to the Jndgo of the said Court, at Goderich, ter a. grant 01 Lettere oenuerdianship to John Mason, of trio township of Iiellntt, in ilia; Coun- ty of Iluron, yeoniaii appointing tho said John Mallen Guardian of the said RRosella Crawford, the.satd infant eleld•nL the said John Crawford, late of the township • of dltdiett, aforesaid de:eased. • JAS. B1tAITiIWAITE. • 'FFCr JOHN • MASON. r Minton.. Great 'he• C y� ��*" =' on, call novo talk to all the principal ate i dor (•)(tel l tit very .lY 0 .• in � pointsR• p0q Michigan Central express going string west. A along with her mother; as supported e; C11IGIlt.• c'ilillges. gent l m dent herself )n 11 respectable manner 'since that Pro II, p Ane tonoar, P gentleman sleeping in aim, 5f tie seats of t •th smoking car suddenly jumped up took time, Early this seek the girl took, sick, • door,. and stepping 0.n to'the.. platform, the mother and asked het .to call and aro ' She refnsecl a d said elle �IdASHINGTON,' Ofi�Ci'iON, i'ACI�S01r, CLINTON, AGENT. Ater den, htee, > n tialik, rattily walked: c)fl:tio steps CO- the .,, l >.•.,.f;..w, . y. Y . _... IY _._._., ..• ...:..O , wanted not1 in o flu with Tor, a.ho ,rI "`•INTO track, lone of the passt,rigors interfered, � f. $t;. 13IZITiSHf COL9�IVIE`3�.�: 1' thedied at 4 p nn Wetlriesday. Again the . esu i Not ex seed g her live"friends went H his coat and valise, wanted steadily -to the p ti �' HO FOR DAKOTA, - -'' thinking that he watt going to 0110 0 1 - , AND ALL P• AINTS ON'f1II: other .cars, the idea . that • he. was asleep mother WAS asked .to go and see her daugh- •- j n A ocetlrrirrg •to •-noire. fi the train, was ter's corpse. IIhia she refused to do. The i'j1'[4'j'�i �T A r,1T(i `[1AiLRUHD i 't the mate nf•' iietween 40 and funeral took place 'friday, and the Mother N.OR1ilJJR1') PdGIL11U ll travelhnb a • 50 miles on hour, it was expected that lie' . wits prevailed'upon ,by relatives to attend. A Special :Testing will he held in the t 01'NCIL v.ould be instantly killed, or, .at least,'When the eoftinhad been,tulentothe grave cuASIIIEIt,cf,INTozst,:on MONDAY, MARC11 8rit, .1886, terribly J injured. The trail was Mopped, a retftlest t'a2 mane that it .be opened. This was tinall ratitetl and the mother,who noel. a ae-arch made, when it was found that Y g . , �Yhen n rc rentativoof the Northern pl'aCifl0 1tailroad -. • - rind trdfimed iri-vTsir-her dire htttr'-whntt tail p , beyond a scratch till 1115 11a11d mid ri s('vbrt3' p will be ,resontfo give Passage and Freight Rates, and i. IIgt' death -bell, knelt besidii the eolith and full haematite', g11 you aro going to 1)ritieh Colthn• sift u.ry. Ahts veresn lie hadoavaSr gin no n t • raging � ti asl(t)cl with atrt)aitrit)'g oyes and 1)itious Vui 0 'bin, tlori;t fail to be �rnaroo�Eldu ffnwerana�crt nlbinoni'lii the t11 severe , nowstormd sly I, t ,•, , a.t le+lett, ft was .wa•a tsyotinwinter , the of mo in . the tone, ;Leg 5tt pl t;(1 lIY(t,n dP;it, in' all' for ft)r,rt'e,tic9s foe her 1) ;l t t, that Prnvina0, and spring epees up t} ,, ti 510e) t iris liras: ()n Ixiin a sad sight. and melted tiie hearts of .all ' A. Boom in 1le,t.1' 1'state is now going en nt 'Vancouver, interrogated ills r Ix t ,Neglectful'of her• child ttlive "eh° the terminus of the road, tvheruthe t•nurItnous h,Lencl', interro„ate rl he' st,tt�etl that he was totally present. t e�tnend,ng �to60 nun- root truer, early a+l,egs11)lo olid ignorant of what had occurred utltil lit) was on her Deeded knees' to that Child ',,t.,roilrst i'nan'e, .1.-‘'L E. SCACI)))1J(5T,14r found himself lying. ib the nowdencl. (':trtadian Agent. FOR SALT.+:. ON LONG TERMS, -OF C1TU1)1:C,, • • A. first•elasa. BRICK -STORE, centrally ituated, close to. Market. fitted inbes style. ALSO FLOUR 4)W1+LL1;\"'C'r F.CO SES, 'well finished,. hi Good Condition' and (rood. Localities, near to Centro ,t'f Town. Apply to bI 1"�; lv I did:• i,C SCOTT, plt n1111M�rl:lt:, a+;t ;, (Alden, 0 .c JIt.J,I 11 rEcp.1 WI; G�EI.Tm DiscouNT ;• SALE D S_.... O e dace m large stack to make `room fer.,Spring t,an3 Summer Goods, I 1n order tore y v,ill •give a 1 Pr's►•C1.NT your tine° to gab lin0'I S and Until t 1©'liitlt of t�l)ril. ;�a1v is) i b Foot Oh all Cn .' Sales, Ile the -Best Bargains in I o Y)��' COST. . Beeuro to call nu•l, get t SHOES ..L anhat eatC _._g. t.. . . Remember 1f) )or udnt..00f for cash. wear that cail•bo got shywhere.. lierirl~n 1. u 1°1111�vT4rr' s1.151'�l�.tl', -BRIM t)l'.00Ky,G�'J7A 'G t!1 A