HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-02-26, Page 26 •• DX010/ $wEvr.g.o,wr devoid .of .ali. enowleage: of intrigue. Ithteet a:stibtleteanhert What he really was, Pr tvlie. I never. keete or later,. °tweet that the -sun never boneruppirso 'fair -faced a 'fiend 1 duet et -time tune Ietras .seMesoned to• Rome. • • MY unele, au -old num, lay dying there, was wealthy. To .secure greater advantages to the. Sister 1 so loved; and, in truth,. because. I pitiedthe friendless, old male I obeyedhis' ftitnentouseand hastened to, Itie. eielt•bed. He lingered leeger team •oue would need for 'the comniencernent and termivation of many a/Jove-tale -or tragedy;• and, When nt. last kind deatI1 re1eaSe4d him and 'me, and'. Mt me free •to 'seek uay English home' once more, it svae to iindsthae thee in ety abSeede lied -deemed tkageily for mo, awl that home was boine no longer. An (minty net awaited mei It was shorn of its iniglitest treaStro. The boing.whe had been allin all telUS since ray 'mother's death bad betrayed rue. ShehailgoLza away-unWeilded- • with dames Belton. Ob, the shame- of it le the cries, in • a voice sharp with. pain,flinging out her bands in anun- conscious protest against fate.' There ' is at this moment '81.7-roughpon her. a cruel reflex of that terrible ta,r-tiff thee when first diSlieneur came to hert . • _es", Very unpleasant really diStrin4S-- ingfrintirniurs Liuly Renterie. " Yoe pethaps followed her ?" There was. no :olueesseeteingeeouly a line or tete. front her, to say slietliad been corapellee te tly with him, as his unele, front whom he had expectations, and who had arranged a marriage. tor . hies:With spinelzeireste would disinherit him were he to disobey his .01:dorsi so, foiethe • sake of worldly. gain, he sacri- ficed a human We. . IbeaSoti will not excite says Lady .Bouverie, a dainty snaellintbottle ber aristocratic nose. ' "It is, after all, only a- very Ordinary ..oCcurrence belongingto every -day life- -it is, I•assure you, though I grieve to. acknowledge' it .Of the world in VA hold a 'part. Wouteu. are so mistele. en " A..4a' men are '--so. 'supple- mente Miss: eleenrin„. sternly, theagli perhapsno woman born Was ever kinder • . or a bettererieed yetteg inen :th•att' she... "Bub it iirnot to i•tiora-lisp,tliat I so stand before you, ligar me the_end- When a • wholes:- miserable year had •. dragged by witherit. Word. -pr sign from my sister:, whee best come t� thc. col4-. elusion that all my searchings Were of no avail, a letter dame• to inc in her handweitiug, but so , faint, so . feeble, as. to be ehnost illegible; It was addressed leant a email village in Brittany, went to her. • That :journey; short asit. • .rtiay souUd to yon,:will •in my .brain• for. ever, -ay, death, itself- • will• .. net quench theremercibraneeettite. .You see MY hair!” cries she, lilting hee handste herirmegrayhead: -E ttets bet-twenty:0X then ; • yet, tvheive got to that:journeys end, it .•Wa9 no less white then then it is,. now. • S' And, when • you; did arrive"! ask. ,Lady. .Beireerief 'catetiesi �f the eitheee *mice euxioeetteeknow. only the. -resu• lt est -the meetnegee" what -did 'she- se- • • "She. was, 'Jetta," ,says' Mise eletutin. te" eie singular soloran. the story of her birth, she is /lomat a perfect createre beyond all price!" on the rice," sa Lady Bouverie, with an insoleh Gnu e; 64 yen forget that she inherits bee Ine* titer's blood 1" The entire coarseuess of this remark hardly reathes 1Vliss Maturin, who ham grown confused with the day's inisery ; but that something has been- wed to dis- parage her idol is clew: to her. 4* Whatever her story may be," she says, rising to her feet and advaueing towards Lady Bouverie, "1 Must iusist that you will treat her -absent or pre- sent-tvith respect." "Her stoey 1" exelacms fetdy Bou- verio, throwing dowu the gauntlet at last, and in turn pushing back her eliair and standing haughtily °red. wonder you are not asherned to allude Lo it. /N.00mog -with a wicked slicer this story, you brought her here! - - • . to her 1 You deliberately aileeeed male' liege between thern-d marriege with her -her 1" . . No words could express the iueoleece that leer emphasis on the _pronoun •eon:, Toys to Miss elaturin, • "It was a fraud, .S' !".,goe,s •on Lady • Bouverie, :carried away by her . loosed papsion, so tong pent up. • "You . . • . threw her into the deeent society around you, knowing well. it would recoil from her as from a pestileuce, were,the ttutli s lmown. to it. You inveigled my son into _ meressequaineeffete here. You drew hires into your not, hoping to w.eir him -to this nameless girl, and, so cover her shame by bestowing upon her the. shadow of a etainless anceetre. You wotild have forced epen. us tine. base -born girl with • .. Miss elaturee -laying • her. hand sea* denly upon Lady touveeites. arm, cheekS her.' words- and forces ' her backwazds entiltence again • slie sinks into her seat.. - " Not 'another word she says hoes:See- ly. 44• Of me -what yon will; - but of hot --nothing She looseimimr grasp'. and . Staudt; beek a. little, though. without re - Moving eher . eyes. front her aelecteery. "If - sl . 1 . t • ' . . I • say e deltherately-e if ib was.a crinte to .seelt to restore that peer girl to elle posi- tion to whiFl: she .should- have been. cm- • litlecle•-why,•sin I did l• But, mind you; I. &knot let it. e feet ne eemokse ; I aiTedislieer lined only in- that I have :••failed." . • • - it Was a Critno,!' iletlareaLady Ben-- Yerio, . with :•slow vindic.tiveness, ." fox .Whieli I ainalimast certain you could be mashed:by law " .• •• .• •• Fora f MisstIVIseutin!S. eyes rest seerchinglesonliere. - "Go bothee. WoManet the say, with cold -coutenapt,'e and pray epee your kneee .to -God to giant you bcfttSr need reesend she tures from- her. • • .. • • • - Let inc fully- undeestaenleyou," in - sits Lady Boaverie, darlausli rising to berface, yen •doeline to -put an end to this ezieagetneet-betweeneuy Fen and 7our niece-1-•-Do7-yowabsolittsly-rt..• . • fuse to deny hiiiinceess. to your iouio ; eaye • elite 'eleti!rin, Let ItiM act as be Will., help' nor hinder • • • • -" Thiii-teoliteltnel slecisien r ' beWilderect eyes. "You have been too tee? kept in ignorance otthe trutlt. It Yeitialtlebew that you ate, no fit vvife for any well•born man 1" " Madam," says Dolores, drawing up her slender figure with a slow haughti; ness that becontes her, and teeeing cold offended eyes upon Lady Bouverie, I can say nothing to imoh. • a• charge as that. I have only to welt and hear what wretched mistake has induced you to utter such cruet msolence, to -to so far forget yourself 1" Her smile has long since faded, aud her colour has followed it. An the fresh sweet flush of youth has died away into that grasping - grave that is so goon bo swallew every other touch of gladness Abet f:ibe knows._ Iler Parted lips are pale as death iteeff. All the frail scented %Oldie s of the wood she so 'cherished en her homeward way now fall from her nerveless grasp -as all her 'fondest earthly. heves are falling -4U he =shed and dying at lier feet. Yet even at this very last thoniene she rallieS a little, and some thought of angry pride flings a crimson tint into her pallid. cheek, . Miss.l‘laturin, marking this sign.of emotion and mistaking it, lays her hand upon the girl's arist. "Go," she says, with deepest ene treaty. • "It is too late," returns Dolores, with a curious smile., never removing her gaze front Lad Bouverio Hear the truth then,".says mother, in quick tone; "and let any" -with a slow triumphant glance at Miss lefaturin-l‘ deny it if they dare." And•then, all at once, coldly, with no attempt at palliation, the terrible truth is laid bare to one who up • to this has been almost ignorant that such sad. clis. honours might exist; and , now -her own mother ! Where now is the crimson blush, the sweet haughty Aimee? ' Alas for the .bappy obildish soul that thall know the tichea of its first unhurt youth never again 1 A, sickly pallor overspreads her cheeks, her eyes dilate: 4th, how tree had been those sad ferebcidiegs-those wernines , they might be 'called -that had haunted her as she sat a while agone beside thee lover, Witching the incoming of the sad ma -Waves ! At, last the 'indefinite sliathiw, the intangible cloud,- that. had lain sd 'pug and in such a vague fashion upon lser young life has been lifted only to. lay' bee -to her shrinking- soul the 1 hideousness of the Secret it has: colered. She still . stands- raotionless before. them, malung no effort •te, laid() her blanched face; bet, all her gracious brightness seems killed., She looks tired mid worn and broken ; Making a -Violent 'effort, she removes her shocked geze from Lady Bouverie and teens desperatelytto Miss elaturin. ' • „ "-It is net true,' auntie -not true I" •she gasps, in a eloked voice, holdibg •otit hee little hands in a forlorn fashion to her. "Oh, speak -speak -speak 1" nut'nts consfeet contes. to het eteliss Itteturints Jilts part indeed, but only ii groan issueS" from them.. • SIM tries to form 'a • sentencea Word even.-leit powerls_denied &eine/ her agita- ows thefliepe indeed is en at. thistipreele Lieu', Dolores . • Annonneenient,•.brolion at -"last by Miss " ,Maturin.. • 7. . - • • . gait° dead she Sr1.3 in a dull. Way' • • , , - -• et3td for aie hour •at lease. Such a little tiine it seemed, but yet it carried lier-,beyond all...retail. I' stooped crier lier,Intl, ai-Ectid-soTa-faint cry -dame to. me. I pulled down the elegies; there -th.cre a b4iby lay upon her breast! It was alive.- It j;;7 irapoesible to describe to you the sense of comfort, of hope, of courage I sesteined, , as 1. heard that feeble cry issuing, AS ib were, from the • very dead hereelf. t It was part of her- e reeoguition to ine. frolet her froin that invisible untravers'eble land to .tvliteli _she had gene. I-• lifted tho baby and laid her upon rey, hes:Weep:n(1 there she - has lain eveeeincee' . 'es . • .i "No cloebt Providence :is ahtteiee.” remarks Lady Bouvetiee Va01, :a *Oa Atilt protesting lifting ethei: 'Iletews.; but, if thet poor infantshatbd its --j le -meet eetcx iuconsidetate mother's grave, ite, mach better it wetild have beeii for its& and , everytone else le, • : . e - , "Not for nte," SaStitt elise Mathein slowly. "1 thank 00a - for • the diet 'when, in His gtetit mercy. Ile gavo het to inc to be thestoy and solace of My life, 'But let nee (five you the teretinetien of 44 Time .1 shall vo-xceour.-Li to otnet in kin.; i'to save ray• sou," says voile, n a low threatening tette. " it sni•li means pro%,e yen, relnembor,.. you brought them en yeas- t e ' moment loece-sways hew .; eoting the eel b ' t. ' ' • "Ah," she cries, tyible shatp. leit tweet Mete; " do net say it ! •I know . • ; - • : , all:" . • . : . • . esleucceand then a little rush as of . , e Tide 4 explanation so, • iniquitously cold air', the sound a soft footsteps ,en, '7witlibeld.from ,you ler So i9lig a time is the balcony ontsida,Th. freab s vettet Yntlie 110CeSsadi4 very pedy " indite Home, happy: ley, and riotoies, itouverie nervously.. :--------------------• . etooping daintily to get •beneatii the .. oronce her sen:7poegession -„ecies to, half -raised sash •pf....the 0641'10 weetlew; have eleeeeteel betessShe appearS- abso- eteps into the Toole. i . • .' , • Ititely diet& to raise her'eyes enclumik — , thetesult of her dity's.work.. ,As she se • . , CHAPTER XXII. , Stands with doerneast lids, battliner . A. t;.ith SOU rOtigholICd. hair Rn. d'sn4ling )...i4)(tilisg11110aSi81,103th.%8viatnlid-thPisol.a'orliessur'slenino)'‘i:8011.:xr: eyes, she .a,cleances toerersle, tthem, some gaudy Wild -flowers he her hands. change placee. ' She • ie.the culprit, ehe The pale stricken girl beforeher the accuser, ' day. seeine to have grown • suddenly Merl)* fagliOn, " bay°. fele it my duty . ehere120tely from Thee.? • 7 tIoW long-, "I -should net,'., she gees •on in estate-, • ,dark, there is the sceiat of eStorm near agony. in her aunt's face a divine pity s lter teas . . I If 'toe are not afraid -the resultesef that the women he loves?" No words can Cough and Cold you ought te be, "Femme deeeribe the despair of he calm voice will thorougbly cure you. evle evelywbere as she sap ;$1)jagrace is part- of 25 Aents„ 143..0; youlear his sharing it. 1 too would' ," prevent it, You love him, no doubt-- Fettlft00/01141 rifIltrOinv1i0. he is your son. I too lovehim; lie is. my all!" ' M this a low cry breaks front Mee IVIaturin, and she turns in a breathless fashieni to Lady Bouverie ; sukely she will have ntereynow,! • . "Her all 1" she cehoes passioeately ; hut Dolores by a glance hushes her once more into silence. "-Not a word, auntie," she says gent- ly, " This matter must now be ar- ranged between me and Lady I3ouver1e finally, and tc my hurt." .1*Yo11mean ?" questions Lady Bou• voriet eagerle, bending fortvarde-cora. Mon decency is forgotten in the 'desire , to know of her son's emancipation. That I shall never marry --your sou," says the poor child bravely. "1 have your word ?" saysLadyBou- yeti°, pressing the matter to its , final tension. *4 Would yoe hatte swear.?" cries Dolores, turning upon her with a miser- able vehemenee. "Hear me, theu /leis dearer to me -than to you; yet X swear to you he shall be nothing to, me -nothing--fOr ever!" Hey head droops; her hands, clasped before -her, are tight- ly clasped, Thetis an oath," says Lady Bou• verie, regarding her 11xedly-e and oaths e are sacred:" • • 0 "You fear niy strength 1" exclaims Dolores once more, raising her head. "Fear your own rather, for mine is -greater than yours. For his sake 1 give -up hope and love and all that makes ' life precious, for his sake" -her voice pinks to a whisper-" I Cast myself will- ingly adrift!" A sob bursts from her oyervvrought heart, and the -flings out her arms, as though ha' renunciation_ of happiness, ' . reor"Today " o:day you feel like this; but%. Lady Bouverie pauses: She has alto- gether fail d to fathom the intensity of the other's meaning. .. • " To-nnerow shall he as to -day," says Dolores i.rinly. And now will y9u There is no discern:best', in her tone- only.a, weariness that makes itself Alt. LadyBowtreri; glad of her dienaissai, knowing that she bears victory with ller, rises to her feet arid rustles towards the doorway; bub bliofrouVrom of 'her , silken skirts breaks the sPell that has hold Miss elaturin. '"Stay," sho cries, edvanoieg step - or two towards Lady Bouverie, as though she would foecibly detain lier,•buir iii- dcd her voice alone 'would- have •seop• ped her --0. Stay and rejoice in your work! Look at her -look 1" repeats she fiercely, pointing- to the stricken girl, who with Prile face but nnloWered ' head is still gazing et thein. -"-Soo what a wreek you have. made!" • 7... • -And iutrutb it is. a' wreck: Even- as tdie speaks,-Delore's head -sinks ern. heihreaSe end • a terrible expression, born of foe, an.,cl undeserved sheltie covers Seareoly to be recoguieed is the happy blithesome child of yester- day in the forlorn despairing girl of to - " AY; look and gloaelmee. her !" goes on Miss Meturtn, smitieg her thin bends Si 0 `-`rEAc iilibZyit 0_1 yrasa,...g7p,„...yoaucitt4giariir:bf --es NOW ALANNING Boor): Barristers, 1,Solicitors, N.VP VeYANeene e. :00inninisi011ek‘s for -Ontario an a Manttoba. oeezeis NexT .00011 TO NEWERA, CLINTON. MOhlEY IT° WIN' tionTGaoEs 1101:01IT. 'Inv= Frxes. C. ItLLOPT, Office RilhAt's Bleck, II u_ren St. • undersigned at the Librar. ltootns, Smith's A.IIRIAGE „LICENSES.- -AITLY TO Tug Week. --- 80 . JAMES SCOTT. J•cr- •E -X -77o - +II. owegr inortgakw 'entity, ntoderate att!„.of:',TAtartist. ki, IRAL1,1, ittou. DOW8LEY, 131, D„ C. ENGLAND 11 Physician, Surgtion, etc, 01400 and rosidenee noXt Molson'S Bank, market sq tiAre Clin ten - TO. API?LBTON.-0FkICE--A'1' ltESIDENOF, .1 -"on Ontario stro ositeth laureh, IllotrancoetyCisiluilte°gUa°tIol, • ArkLES COsiterssepeilut. CON- ..1..Y.ANEYANCItit, and Emitter of Marriage Licenses Molloy to luau. 011iee reSidellee, COrner er King and Queen streets, Myth. Bfo,NIIILLEK NIIRSERY. FRTIT eita ORNAMENTAL TREES, NOR- WAY SPRUCE, sonon. AND ASTRACHAN PieTB, TRH, LATTgR Or W11101.1 Ira MAKE * SPECI'Amy STOCK 901. HAND The, -above ornamental trees andshrtibbery will besold at very low prices, and those wanting anything IA ' this connection wilt save money by purchasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly attended to .errldrees., JOHN STEWART, Oonniaer ' H. Nelson & . 0.5 B le I N iseeeiree'refilets oF T-EAM ENGINES, BQILENS, AND GENtRA.L MACHIN.E3Y. ORDERS • e Pi3,prarrrt FILLED . • ' . PROLDF002, CIVIL IENGINERR, FARRAN TISDALL H. PrOvincialand Dominion Land SurveY0r, • • ,ArObiteet, and DranglitsunT, PERRIN BLooit, Cltnton, ° • R. REEIVE.--OFFICE RATTENSCRY. DMurray Blookl two doors 'mat 1 H d tree. Residence, oppositO' the Temperance. nail uron:Street, Clinton. (Mop honro,,e a.m. to 8 p.m: itir•REI. WHITT; TEACHER OF MCSIC. PUPILS attended at their own residenee,Uneeessary: sidenee, jolin Robertson's, finron Street, Clinton. Itlee's-iiew method taught li desired, _ nR..STATIBUTCY, GRADUATE 0 THE mein " -I-/cALDopartmentof VieterisUniversity,Toronto,for merly of the Holipitals ancl Dispensaries, New York Coroner f or th.ti County of Miron,llaylleid,Ont. 11005E, SION, .CARRIAOR AND kJ! general Painter ;paper hanging' and Icalsotning seconixo BianalleAltira Satish "anon guaranteed. and charges. with the times. ESSIDMICE., Maar STIIIO7ri utlxvm• ' • D w attars,. n. es, M.B., GRADUATE OF LI...Toronto University ; member of thoOollegeofTily' eloinnFoluasateeste.ont'. Orrion eltainneXcii•the heaecformor400cupted by. Dr. Reeve, Albert treet 'Olinten. Mi. WO IITILINGTON, EATROP.ON .I.J..Aodotiotiour,r4eentiatoOf Oollogoof and, Surgcon of toworClanaila ,an a Provincial Lioon, tlate anitooronurfor, Conn t'yof nrbn Ofnutsand roatdon et, -Tho building f ovinqr 6_,s0 spiel) Mr Thwaitoa, Huron .airoot: . Clintortelen.10,1871, • • OLTNTOX 14E0aANICS' 'INTITUTE, LTBR VARY' and Reading llo.oins,..Pezeiti block, down stairs. About 1,700 VOInines in the Library d all the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals of .the day on the Meiubership:tlotte481 P01' annum, Open from. to 5 p on., and from 7 to 9 p -tor went nershap reeivod 44- the Librarian la itt the moat. • • . . ty.170.0 AxtEapLN-.0.-.0LD- COUNTRY ..1`6 T.Ell• • . • . ; BefOre driii 04:so 'ettil 01 s• 1'. roles' 1 'tater- lemon from . the agent of the ALLAN z or address Rex 17; Clinton P.0,„ • A, 0.1)111E80N, fi.T.R. CLINTON"' MESS DEPEW. • edited lier," she eriees--," you have slain -- the hest of her ! Oh, Where shall ee- compense be found 'Po She pauses, and glances eagerly at the girl who is no longer with. these but 1951 in the sad imagining of ivparting scener-thatmrtat be irrevocablo-with her lover. • " lores," she ealls gently, my darlinet -my little ono !" s: • But to miswer aoinee What. Foronee ,thc girl is deaf to her voice -• dead to all but her misery,. Miss 'illatorin:- 'divines this, and then ell hex passion blues inett•pd," tries sho;direeting a baleful. lance at Lady Bouverie, is and vehement in the see. that comes, , to he theone to waken you td so sad a ie hoW,lontewi 1 Abe before Thyvengetince . with hoe' theetigh• the window. • The sapt es :yeee ewe history eat 'deeds are massed tiigether• in a ,sullee that- 1, Tails upon this wOniat ? *. DO not 'held that -et.," ' Shepauses at a losse for, 'Thine hand, i beseech Thee I '• Letmo • grandeur i there is a 'fearful stilloess in words lib complete hoe cruel tisk. . • • •• • lite to see Thy tustiee 1" 06. shrubberi°8-' a '8.1;ang•`-' lu8'-''''-a" "You have sondething to eay to me- She seems to have grown geuntetand . Denature were gatherieg hereelf together. , • • to te • t , re is . , t .,...tlaitypr, •G'oingoip, to ,Lady_Atouyerie;• She lays her hand upon her arm, and --shakes some sudden fear into ;that sell • own') and em 1 thA E R5 ARBER'S • ,DICI)TIOE.1 . . .. . .._ . . _ . . . . . tf •yott may. wish :in easy shitti, - As gend•aS.bitrtier,e ver.gave, • .11101 Oaf I no: 1310 at '111Y maioon,. ' At.piorn; or eve, or lollgy WM'S. 10 (1(11 the contour St.010 . ; . Annan " To pldaso the taste and:mit the mind, • . razors'arQ lith gliarp awr ken,. • Antl, towola also neat awl oloan, . :09..).1.1NfON.--81;r:Avrs'a-r4.111,0,..claNTuN; •• ' Pk0F. DAVFNPCIfti T. • . 3 yeee roe:. 501110 iutglity otiort77e frightened -t- hird thittering•past the epee spec° hides herseef her voiee soends strange, off, strained. .„Xt 1E0,as entiroly without pas. - timorousin the branches i the mYt siert however as it is without hope. • [I, ties.• ----------------- " . . "-11 is about elk:bard," replies Lady , •Aelseae to ;greet Lady Bonvorio, . i Bouverie, gratVieg more and more 6011' Dolores happees to glance at her- aunt . 'My eerry 7tale. There was nothing ale is so startled by the wild tools ef ' fused beneath the eteedy gaze of theses amongst thy unhappy sister's clothes to herein upon her face that inveluntarily : lustrobs melaecholy oyes. "The ielte tions existing beesteen you and liiitt-of Trove frOin Where she haeretime to this .she iieands still and glances irresolutely whieli bowever"hasbily:-.-" Eltnow no, . foreign land. Her clothes 'wete not from Illiss •Meturin to her visitor, and r, thing, not being taken into your cenfi• in protecting her, in loving her for you poor -there Was indeed 'ho sign ef pay- been eeein, • ,• . arty in all hesurreundings t ; yet hew, 4, White it ?" she asks ' at - la,st,•in al . donee, though' / ant hie rnother-----" at last to destroy 1 She was my child, .could 1 doebt'brit that she had been ter- low troieleIR. tone; the nor von:Mess: that Sho brake off suddenly here, and lseats 'my own-roy very soul l• . Go, woman, hoe foot angrily. against the floor. The before I do you sense ipleryee..........,-- • settee, ithandoeed, cast aside,when some has followaher all day growing now „neer is elf -'directed. Hew is it that . She has her large powerful white newtir toy arose ? In • deeth Ad was ahnest tinhekrahle. -. rshe) _ finds herself in ber bout ofeneed so hand upon Lady Bouverie's arm still, utterly chiveld of the ,cold =Teeth On. . quelled that has undone so many e foe ? "You allude to our eegagenientie eaye Doloree very calmly though her heart seems to have been caught in, a Efudden old grasp. " Yes-gb en." ." If it was an engagereenteteayssLetly selotivoyie shaeplY-..-" "as I lieee saidee I knovi nothinte-it must now ceine to an end. It- Must be au engagentoet no. Imiger.D. Dolores, lifting hex liana to her head Nvitli e steldeu pasSionatti movement, runs Ler fingers through bee • eoft hair, as though action .of some sort is forced upon her. This little gesituro le full of ' fish breast. " You shall look et .her 1" she sey's, turning. her unwilling visitor' in the di; rection of Dolores. ")n your death:' bed think of this hour, and of how- yeti deliberately ruined one human life 1 All iny days I have 'spent in shielding her, love y. There evete no Marks et waste ' Lady Bouverie turns as though to ad' or disease: She ' had 'simply Oval] dtess lier; istieMle:s Mathieu, by a slid- . life for the child, Which knewledge.' dee passionate :fileeenient, &leeks her, someliew-I ean't expfitiu its -suede the "Not a word to 'hee-not a void re child even dearei to ine. de WaS EIS it she cries fiercely. . ' • "Stay, auntie," seere Dolores softly, re,isieg one little halide and helding it out from liOr palmwaes 'with all the prelet> slender fineers oetanded as if ttild again Itihe shakes her. Invaiii Lady -Bouverie seek % to free her -self -:41M lY ti ht ii Tl e is indeed 4 growing • light in Miss Maturires -eyes. the mother's epirit, tender, repentant,thab might be well termed dangerous, had passed into the frail creature the and that creates a wild fear in her vise left tielend her when she sought the ' tor's cmven breast. Silentlylhey gaze world: of shadower-I saiV. ilo.r lele.!tel• 1 upon each other. Lady Botiverie trem- bles ehrinks, Suddenly a boft broken • -grasp oe g e ier thou teokthe child; and shortly' after. childisit proteet. "Let Lady Bouveeie iidras I went abroad.," e • : epeak, Wiled eieemshe Mae ,to say to -*mice, seereely audible, reaelies Mies e A. wise precaution ; yet het() it has „ sme,,vith gentle diguitye••IViat I mar Maturin's ear failed, most fortunately for my sop,' teitlear 2" . Her voice is sweeektel low " Lathe, come to olteerveSLady Bou.vevie, who bee- lis- aud plaintive 8,s usual, but het hetet i's Ito: grasd rolex.es. When indeed has tee od to her cote pat ion's narrative with: beating wildly, _ she civet been indifferent to that sweet out to much as. ono throb 91 pityeatereey - i , liavb that to say that you niest, point.' in tha case she has carefully 11 eer sari Lady Bouverie remorse* volee ? She turns away front Lady . Itouverte, as though eltneet fcirgetful of the•keraiest despair. Her lips are steady, . het preseece, seuli failing epee het: talteh into. her brain, to be retailed to lesSly•—sese—e-Less- s "e" - s -*".‘.- ' litither eyes geovtleitgesend wild: - It "ikr - AnTentc=bnitirer Dolores,77eueirelee'ller-wall'' -Dick latee'oe, Iler purpose in coming ' . • 'She ie untouched by the girl's gentle-. Is it trim- her arms all se diflioult to realize still her purpose new -to • present eo ness. The pale pathatie little face stir e 'tree ? ., P0 . • • ,I, • * • ''* : -.'. 4, her son such a sin:cession of disgraceful within her no feeling of cointittesion. Is eecreAtesinhgne) :lieteghe,bfreeonilk'iliferr°--illuithirie4er, *. upe" e' 4i: he se4len day a kitten twilight ...n. ' ' eNeireneliteAl. *lite Pity, ehatheavendiornthing, is unkeewn ho ,ei honoiNiei`.:Lier.?. has -fallen. \ ithin the deep teeesses illehapr riar of the leseettvood. it is now almost dark. ' • • eTt. TLE, utu.GE30N laiLN'A'181'. • wielitsive right for the county .-for the Rind process of administering chemically 1.;in•e Nitrogen Moilexide, which is thosafest•andltestsvatexii. yet dis, eoverea for. the, painless extraction of,teeth7tIliarges moderate; satisfaction guaranteed. °Frier; IINAVER. BLOCS., gv.or 'Phompaon switzer',;•etoeiyystoro, Albortstruot ' • • • ., . . . os ?nen% eteSeeeretagytWil eeeset; '• , nected with them. . Do. nob listeu to Ithr, Deletes -de Adfirev6 SO19111100 • • ea y er n r lour son must answer fot hiniself, not listen 1" exolaime Miss Maturin , Thiel< shadows l e among the branches. tone -like l Mean natures, she has tee- There is no soeg of birds att all the air eirA sena SOISiliAll:„ Sari MiSii elatarin slotOly. " 'vehemently,. who HO S . to have lost all (faired etreil " My son win hardly care to 0e/untie a self.eontrol, AS lille epeak's, she steps . eteees wegkeess. ." But he anlY "av0 feiglIS around. A : Bongo of impending • le-freiii the sight' Of an,. to break the %Unearthly. stillnes4 that OLINTON. esters that Ifing eieessarile *verge°, between , Dolores and. Lady letuverie me to tuiderstadd that he could d� 110 storm tveighs down everything, Ver ,him_isem his eamily.' • with lier arms' extended towares the, , Leine_ As an honourable man, ho per. one sad mind there vies with this a 0 Alt 00 iS S' h.1 B 1 a Si 6 It „ Would it be separation e" alt£3 MiSS former as though 'sire would irotee laer _Oalo.$),EXCELS.10-110FIG BAKKER S, •geitTTEN33URY ST CLINTON, q'IRANSAOT A GENERAL RANXIN °BUSINESS. Moneyadvaneed on 4fortgages and Notes of hand' Drai ts issued payable at par, a t all ther.ofilees of the Mereha,AVe Ilank of Canada. New York exchange bought and sold. Plsonrw itTTENTroll „Atr rxerrensthroughout Canada and kite Unite States. T • SALE NOTES BOUGHT at close rates, and ra\qp.ay of time to suit the borrower. All marketable seeur . advaneecl.to farmers en their own notes,foranylei . tdeuboughtand sold. • BANKERS tN NEW IONE, AOHNTS Or THS MERCHANT'S BANK ci.F CANAD,A. INTEREST 2ILLOWEE--01r DEPOSITS, - W. W. FARRAN. .1. VISDALL TIIE lf,OLSQ-NS: . Incorporated hy Act of Parliament, 1805, • CAPITAL, - $2,04,00, . READ 'OFFICE 'MONTREAL .TTIOMAS... 1A1,.,..,, President, • . M. It. MOLSON..;... ' WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, ........ Manager. ' Noes :(11-icount&l, Collectione. -17)rs'ires- - faitea, ezaittntiK, . • ..• .bougla -and sold, at lot . „ . ' • .ceitt allowed on deposits., Xf.',A,RIVIX8rti34. • ",. Money iitivitneed to farinera-eA their uwe uote.; . noro.oluiptsers., No -Mortgage required •as sc., ,11. 8118W011t ...ManAger, Januarv 118:: • • ' • .cillittoit • .B ID D M B r • After. tinteey,eresetest at the late fair in Clinton, it was Universally admitted that roe rEurnoT ANT) EASY ACCION, nr,Antr or TINIFin; SWEETNESS at' TONE, the EXCELS/OR was bway ahead of till oth- ers, and destined tohethe popelerinstra- Mont of the day. This, eking, withehe fac that a special prize was a lea rded. it, certain- ly speaks volumes ferthe ihstruments, and. parties purohasing sheiild see the ENTEL- - sten befetehuying elseiehete. . GEO. F. OAKES; leitoeutesroat • , Factory three doore %tete ef Militates Pump 'Shop, Itettenbury St., Mutate . PIIMOGRA.PH Elite ' LT.N'Td t;ITS-SIZE WORK SPRCI ALTY1 Lto,, • • . e, aa.sa wle 1,8838',. ;IAA As G.LINTON • ' Where hotenpf a.seleet assinimoi:it of W4TCHES,- ELORA'S, ..IEWFLLER SILPER- , - tV-1iihwo will 7se1'at reasonable 'rates. • knpairlinz ,of every description promptly at tended to, and all work warranted. • - - - geneineetene °Litton, kTOV,1882,' • 1 CLINVON" PL INC L • . KILN! ritHE SUBSCRIIIElt MAVINO JUST COMPLETED 1. quni-furinsbed his pout -Dianimplillwithinnehtin dry of the latest -Improved patterns, is dow prepared to attend to alrorsiers in his line in tbe inOst prOnipt Taiitgittbdiretorrnlainier,aintat...t00011able Ife would also. return thanks to all who patronizeirtlie buforo they were burned out, and now 'being • in a better position to excante orclersoxpeditiously, MIS °ohmic& lie can give satisfaction to nil.' „PAO.TORY---.Nectr tIw Grand Trtenk Rog. . T110,1lAS McliE,NZIFL . • totty, ,Glintote ' .WHY SUFFER FROM ead8g-he DENTIST, ••• M .• elatuten, passionate eetteaty.in her eyes. " tasectety timeorehle ? She is ee beau. ••-tifttleeidrolfreir thWelaTtiefibl vity %tint! -Will not these 'things :plead fer her ?": 4 Thoro is a tvietfelnese in her gee° -that nettlit have melted a lieatt of stene, hut net teelysilouverices- hettete ' • . • • " She is like het inother, I ptesitine," She says eolditr. It he peolefitle that this is meantenore. for a teiniiider then a snow:, brit i.timuiticieeitlise ittetetin.. • " She is -like ell Wet • is geed ttud tree rind 41430w/tar' elle -cries voiremeetly, her derk eyes WhateVer bo from all essils • ehall • listen says Lady Bon. Nem still. llo eatinot oe.coerse be the iirst to speak of dissolving the tie that veriev imperiouslir, Take ib well to • calumets you with eiesi lesweeee heart, madam, that she has now -±o learn he rimy be to be releasedr' 'the. Miserable truth from a eomparative "He hi not willing," Mitre the gist, in- ttraDtlers" terrupting her quietly -se" that Icriosv. " brciatli8 Mi" 3/14:taltihi I entreat you doe to Nvong.....him,_ 1 'este cousidering hinfeelf bound to vsith a, la,st faint effort at calmness, " I . .1 e I dam tee, more .liouett command yeti to leave the room." WO • . • solidien of your' trouble. Yen- with 'me .To this jeinelteeelot in th dm& • "And 1 cd'nznand You 'to stay' ke'• to be theeife to bron,k.all ties Iitleieen 4,41,14,,Atianitigst,-Itate*Invtlie*akiso torks fat1y Rouroria, rtex.,111g1.0 us, ess he will, itet, IS it that ? You e001110tvotindee ?weataire-on that tirst upne oiet' 'poor pail,standing dread 'a ittarriatto that teett neeeseexilY awful ,nevaltenieg to• thefatal truth, fore thou wit,11.,irclaldiug lips and utr.go -drag. Id te' dolyn 'to the satle sad leeel of sense of mitmey completed., ot a sorrow 'toe heavy for ass'uagernent, - Already 'a Sienly moon has climbed the heavies, a dull thatee poor and fainb, a tearful Dian, in harmony tvith, the lifeleee'evoning. Pale discs: of tight lie upon ttee and herb; yet ' -teessseTeses isiseost in yen -horned nition And moaning in von eiond." TI, ho oon Hood • I t . 20 par o. disoon0 on SLEIGHS. MGT/ & SCHOOL MORS Aiwa:hi on Thom,. 3131311.ZaVPOOLZ, SAXONY, FINGERING, 'es-eek,:e.112,VtNUeNe-tit/I-L‘lsi-Wet,11-E A Sponiaity 81tho 4.E.VV1‘It MOCK 13001<fit01111. . 1100PE11, P1,1 -(l05, • • DYSPEPSIA DD.INDicEsTIoNi WHEN WEST% 'LIVER PILLS - Villi thoroughly mire you. They • do dot gripe 'or purgebut act, '` madly, and whenever :ieted TM) considered price. • iccs. • 14116y hive proven to be the • • G EAT EST B.L E.SS.1,N1 G Plif,E9E3,415,K,SeMoi:;,, To`ill sufferers fro6 • \ploordered"Stomich.• • TigY,10 AN AOSOLOTE AND. PERECT 00RE Use Medi end ViDeved fran! your misery. •121611'ili8 ln p 26c. per bete, 13 1: Igoe for $1 FOR sALr aY,ALI. bRuu isrs AND DEALrItS IN molci s are of Coullt erCei is and Ra •,5 hultadoils. pe iihiy iti 14:thi. with 141311.t. titre 011 151'011' b.\ PIM! it IA 11...11.91•.. thaw Ovielnult,,1 1 -ill 1 wit any LI (1:1 rereipt 11f .• • ---- 1 14 P01, *7 a IdEtrjT C'etto gj Rill ' 0`..11:1T r:! Oirt