HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-02-26, Page 11 --Veg. 1, NO 7. TERMS -41.50 rer Anniint in advance. - MEN OF NOTE. 3,1sam. Oliver Premier of Ontario, Chanapion of Provin- cial Rights, and Sometimes termed "the little tyrant." Pie Leader -.W. R.Meredith; , of the Oppoeition in the .•laouse: , • 400.14 dt Prtii .A4e 'Airf21C, ••••••, Xownphip an44113114gt-VIAtters MANCHESTER. BRIEFS. -Miss Kate McCrostie is visit- ing her sister Mrs. Pritchard, for a few days.- Miss LizzieMcGee has gone to visit friends in Clinton for a short time. The Knights Templar intend giving an entertainment soon. Mrs. Bolan is in very mw state, and her recovery is very doubtful. -Mrs. Thomas Rutledge, of the boundary line, has been sick for Rime time back, but is now recovering. norm* BRIEFS. ---Last Friday the farmers in this vicinity made a bee andebauled gra- vel to fill up the lane of Mr, Alex. Smith; about 56 loads were taken fronaVosman's . pia ten teams being at work all day; in the evening, althoughldt was so stormy, a dance was, held at which a good 'titne was spent. Mrs. Thomas Laidlaw, of the 9th concession, is going to build a frame house next summer ; the contractors are Misers. John Young and Dave Cowan, of Blyth. Mr, R. B. Laidlaw had several ribs broken by receiving a kick from a horse, on Wed- CLINTON ONT., FRIDAY; FEB. 26, 1886. aossuharsie. • Betears.--alr. D. Baer has gone to ne the Queen City. Mr, EL Keene, who is working for W. H. Baer, is laid up with the quinsy. Miss Lucinda Fisherebas taken a situation in Seafortia Mr. A. Fisher is home on a month's vacation from Toronto, .0 KINWURN. ' , • The revival meetings still go on with power in the Methodist church here. The houseas crowded every evening, and the interest is •increasing. Over 100 have professed to find the, Saviour. There will be a reception -meeting 'next Sabbath afternoen, when the serviees aere will be closed. • . Bata oarearao. ' Bites. -Mr. Cole Sa Co., of Clinton; gave a magic- lantern entertainment in S. S. No. 3, Brucefield, on Tuesday eyening, which was fairly well attended. Mr, Baird's dry goods store will be closed up at the endof the month, when Mr: Fred Swinbank will take his old situation in the dry goods palaceeClinten ; Fred will be missed, as his genial countenance and nesday.. •• obliging manner have made for him a .1••••• large number of friends. .John R. Clarke, ' Eatem wAevaistOgal. • the boot -black orator, gives another of -his eemaes,-Mr, a.Taylor was reappointed popular :lectures ."}lite and misses," in assessor at the council meeting on Men- Brucefield early next Month ; we Predict day. Mr; Gee. McGowan has been spend- for him -a large house. Mr. Rattenbury's ing a few days vieiting in Brantford' and sale of iinported horses takes planeon_ 11-atlania-Rev. Mr. Caswell, of, Atiburn, is Friday, hopeare entertainedfor his recovery; conducting special services nightly at ' he has What is termed paralysis of the s • ,• Hoover's church. *Mr. R. Anderson and ;Basque. , bowels. Mr. Harry Hibbs has bought the family, of Manitoba, are visiting Mande Coartaareoei.a.... A eeapie of weeks sinee 60 acre farm of Mr, Stewart Plumnier, on in Wawdeosh. Mr. J. McShannock, who it was stated that Mr. Jas. Ferguson had the loth con., getting, it at. a reasonable went to Manitoba lasayear, Will returnee 8,vuv, out or the pee" making business , figure: Owing to afreside being absent from hie old: tpwnship as eoon as he can dispose ' leonae on a visit, the service at Cole's O- a his farm stock. Mr. Jas. Barr, (If lanai Nullett, had e wood -bee on the 10th inst. I Mr. A. Calderrs house was the scene -of a • lively dance a few nights ago; bag -pipes,, .s violin and Piano enlivened the fun until - late in the morning; • , r • 1:0NuEspoitio • Goon Wonic.,==Mestrs. Robt. and Jona- :1 thairCiaifiv aid; of Londesboro, cat, ..of .1 'maple wood, on the farm of Wm. Murphy and felled their own trees, 51. cords in 3 hours 4 minutes; rand the wood was bard , frozen. 6 Beaaas,-The Hall band of revivalists, which has been-so-sticcesefhl at Kinbern, is announced to commence meetings bele eaext Sabbath evening. '• Dr. E. A. Rose is again practising here; ,he hai purchased the house formerly occupied by Wm. payi, and has his officethere; The Piesbyterian social Was well attended ; the result Of the et-and-seeialion-theawboltakala GORHAM/1R TOWNSHIP, Baize's.- The social at Middleton's church last Thursday evening was well attended, and as euccessftil as could be expected; the ..progranaine watt an inter- estipg one, and nothing was left undone to contribute to the in terest of the occasion; Shout $50 were realized, for the Indian mission in the Northweet, and Mr. Mid- dleton is to be congratulated on his zeal- ous efforts -1a erase funds for-thatInman. Mr. Caleb Rose, of Dunbarton, has been visiting•M at r.. Courticea, and other i friends n the township. We are glad to see our esteemed friend Mr. ST, Holland, nee more out again; he had a severe illness. Messrs. James and Geo. Graham have been visiting friends at Wingham. Mr. W. Arias, of the,lith • has just' 'bought an organ for his family. Mr. T. M. Elliott, of Dakota, is areund buying horses for that state; "Tons'. says the Canadian papers have so grossly libelled him about offering all his wheat to a girl in Dakota if she would become his "now and forever," that he cannot get aelady to look at him; that's too thin, there are any number of girls who 'would only jump 'at the Chance to marry such a handsome fellow as Tom Elliott. Ma. Jas. McDon- ald, of the cut line, sold a horse to,Mr. A. M.'Polley the other day, ata good figure, Mr. Robert Baker, Of the Maitland con., who has been very ill for sonic time,. has taken a turn ior the worse and little this le not correct, for although the ;part- nerphip of larguson 4 willows was dis- pointment was filled hy Mr. Yet), and solved, Mr.. Ferguson carries on business .Batbd by Ma Blair, • on Sunday Iteta for bitaself in the old Mountcastle Bei Mr. W. 'Wise, of the Bayfield• con.; has . p , stnith, containing 100 acres, for the sum billed to give oliebasitis. Popular lectures in of $6,000. The farm butts what is known in the temperance hall ou 1Vlarch 1st, connection with the Methodist churns,- as "The MeLagan 'Farina' has a good Court day. this week, when a large ieurre. brick house on it; with general otabuilda ber of important cases were heard and ing', and has been secured at a very -nearly allthe-neighboring towns Were re- reasianthle figure. There are quiteat few ,parties.buying horses•through this town - talk in the. legal line. There is some talk oforganizing C.L.S.C.Society here; • shiP. now, n104 ot thein *for Dakotite- a better move could not be niade,•And the •Tne attendance at school house No. 11, sooner the ball is .set a -rolling the better. Goderich township, has not been as large 'Tom Dale returned this week atter doing as usual during the pest week, owing to a the pity and Mount. Foresee; Tem is a number of the children having severe favorite with the ladies, yen lanew. De, colds. Mr, DodaWorth, Of •con. 16,'is Sloan, Erail Hess and Mise Hess, of Lis- lying in a very precarious condition at towel, and, Miss:Dolly Shaw, of Brussels, • Present, On Thursday night, the 18tla , were •paying a short evisit in Itlyth this. fire broke oat inethe house of Mr.. Sohn week; they were the guests of Mrs. Dr- ria-Missataewtimandieehasabeenazialt- ing :here for some time, left •for home in Strathroyaon ThirredityS and We kfiliff enie one who is casting a longing look behind and sighing "Will .she no come beck again." Quite a number attended the Sun day School Convention, :at Wing - ham: .The County Temperance Lod e Meets here next Weele„ When Mr. .F, . Spence, otToronto, will deliver an achleeise • ev.atanawetwaetotem. • -- Couleur,- Council met On the 13th inst.-all the members present. • Minutes of former Meeting were readand epproted. Clerk's bond was accepted -the treasurer yq requested Lc? epresent new bond at next meeting.: The enditors presented their report, Willett; onmaotion of council- lor Lockhart, seconded by conncillor'Todds wo adopted, and 'the clear was instructed to gee 150 copies -printed. The members of the council Were :appointed road cein- missioners. The reeve and deputy reeve - were c, appointed a committee- to atten next meeting of.Colboene council to settle', financial tnatters between the two town- ships. The clerk was instructed to notify parties inaereetecr that a by-law referring to elie putting of Grierson's ditch will. be passed at next sitting of council.. The: efellowingaccinuits were ordered ttipd paid: ' John Mole and Thos. Anderson, culvert,' $7; Huron Signal, advertising Court of Revision, $1; John Knox, horse hire $2; B. Redmond, culvert cons. 4 & 5; $5. ; clerk, delivering aathnaasters' lists $2, Jury $3, writing roll $10, totaa$15;. John Webster,' auditor, 86; Alex. Pentland, allditOr, $6; Hugh Rutherford,jr., refund .of dog tax, 81; R. a Anderson, expenses ,and time, re suit about big ditch, $5 ;' -Jas. :GlOsote, $2. • Coupoil adjourned' to erteet on Satur ?lay; March 20th. • R. X. MiLtfrat, , . been very encouraghigeand tae committee . deserves praise. - -The eth con; of altillett* •• correspondent need not wonder that the 31°D. A. m • train did not kill the -pigs that Were struck Provincial Treasurer, and the p3ttplar, there'is nothing cif' them to hurt. Member, for West Huion.. • . , • • Saammaxes.--The following statistics i a re taken from .the auditors' abstract: 4..". Amount on . Collector's roll, $12,224.!2; total receipts, $14,326.36. There was paid for entity rates; 81184.60; for :schools, 9.; for 'roads, 81,93994; for sal- aries, $556.30.. air printing, 81; sundries; $2,587.50; balance on'hand, $835.23. ' Canaria:a-The *coinicil met list Tlatirs- -1 day at 1 prm:', at the 'call of the reeve-aell the members present. The reeve bathe chair. about& or previous meeting read • and signed': The following accounts were eraered to be paid :-F, Ge` Neeline print- ing, $20.75; Win. Grant, gravel, $2.4e. Mr. Proudfooatias appointed engineer at $5 Per day, without ext rate -elle Auditoria report was accepted and passed; and the clerk instructed to 'get XI copies printed and distributed... The Collector's time for c011eeting the rates wo extended to April 1st. The engineer -was instructed to stir, vey the sideroad betiveen *lots. la & 11, ersiOG LOST.-sTRAYED AwAY. Mem STAPLE' from the Parr line to the Babylon line-, axeerox, on the eiening of the 19th inst., a Black and • White HOUND. Finder will be. rewarded on return- and also extend the. survey of tbe mg the MIMS tO GLAZIER,•Spleton, oaten Bahylon line to the South boundary. It was decided that the tiniber, on the said roads be sold by tender: The Council-ed- jotirped to Meet again on March 27th, it 'one o'clock part. ere°, Stamina, Clerk. • . • • "' a.ax.ezetant . ' The members of the St. Pail's Guild, Clinton, gave anentertainment in Bayfield on Tuesday night, for the benefit of Trin- ity church, of tliat.place; to a very appee- cleave audience. The following is the programme :-Reading-Mr. Craig ; trio -Metari. -Galtes,; 'Smith and Harland; song --Mrs. latinsierd ; reading_ --Mr. Bowers; song --Mr. Combe ; ReeitatiOn-, Miss G. Robertson; dueea-Mrs: Whitt and .Mr. Oakes.. Second Part--Song- Mrs. Itansterd; duet -Mr. and Mrs. Craig, trioa-IVIessrs„ OakeeeSmith and Harland , teading--Mr. Bievver Combo ; recitationaliee Robertgon• song -Mrs. Whitt. About $40 was realized, and all' the parts were loudly encored.' • The en - want port Sai.E.-7114 1•'di.of oN age ram- tertainment closed with the thanks of the ee Rona iots 6 and 7, Goderich township, con- eople of Bayfield. , • • ' slating of 144 -acres, is offered for side on reasonlible P tame; Abolit1.26.1cros cleared and in good state of cultivation ; balance, good jiardw.arr,_ good_frame. 134IEM—DiVisi94 PotA0 .144 kturft.- Irmo, &c., generarluilldings, plenty of water, bearing one and orie case—it did not het orchard ; Iloilo from the rising ton% of Clinton. Particulars may be obtained oil the,prontises, Why • addresklitit JAMBS PBRDUE, Clinton P. O. lifoni. C. F. Fraser, ConlMii3sioner of Public Works, Ontario. • - • jtwAchtertiotnittito: rriii04013P,ED ounliku BULL. Polt .• _a. The uhdersigned_ offers for Salo it 13 'months Old Thoro'bred Durham Bull, dark red ceior..—ffeelLoodli gree, and's. first,elas.s animal. JOHN CUMING, lo —22;13tIrcourrItirlintt71-Midesboro 'P. 0. NTOTIOB OF DISSOLUTION.—niu FARTHER- -04 MP heretofore existing betweeitthe undersigned, as Merchants in the town of' Clinton, has this day been dissolvcdiby mutual consent. Dated 16th Feb., 1886. Witness P.p. HENDF,R.SHOT, GEO,E. PAY, JNO. WISEd.A.N. . • TIOUSE AND LOT FOIt'SALL Ok To RENT.- . The BRIONROUSE lately, occupied by Mr. D. • Eleoat, near thb is offered for sale or to rent on reasonable terms. it has plenty of room for 511 ordinary family, hard and soft water, god water, gar- den,'Nvith fruit trees, &c. Apply to MR. JAMES BIGGINS, or tho,NEW ERAJOFFICBc Clinton. "[SOUSE FOB SALE OR TO atm. - THE -I.& large fraMe house an Beittenbury St., formerly nctupied by Mr. W. Doherty, is,ofterett for sale or to rent on reasdnable terms. It contains plenty of room, with hard and soft water, and Is 4% Very desitable resi- dence. Tenn's,. on applicatiol. to 40IIN TAYLOB, . spencer St., minton. . VARNA. Batavs.-Rev, Mr, Torraned's aligsion- s ary eerrnen on Sabbath evening was heard- . e by a large congregation, notwithstanding. the storto;and was highly appreciated. - The weigh scales Will be at the eervice of ' the, pelelle ere these linesappear in print,' -end farmers need het any imager dread selling hay in ourvillage beeause of there being no facilities for weighing it. It is our painful duty hi chronicle the death of H, ettry T. Keys, youngest SOB of Mr. .Andrew 'Cosa, Babylon line, which took place in Egmondville cm Wednesday morning; }Tarry had'beeo attending the Seaforth High School since Christmas, and a little over a week ago he was taken ill with typhoid anctinionitt, whien did its work only totatetpidly, despite all attempts to cheek tlio disease; the -family has the eympatity of the „entire. neighborhood in ° this long or make anybody lithe Robt.„Todd has sold his farm of 64 acres to D. Mere, fot$3,100 ; it is a gOod ; •Mr. Todd gees to Kansas, Mrs. Dejardins has sold her him of 48' acres to Sohn Reith for $1850 ; Mrs. Dejardins also goes to Kansas, sever- al members of her family being already there; Mr.' Reith is one of the greatest land speculators we have, this being the fourth farm he has bought in Stapley since last fall, and he holds them all at :Present Mr. Montgoinery has rented his faeniand goes to Dakota, all his sone being settled there; he goes up to seethe country. Mr. stepped on one of 1118 legs and injured it John Campbell, brother of the deputy- severely; besides internal injuries; Dame reeve reeve of Stanley, is sloWly recovering Rumor says be and his breener are about from, a lingering illness. John Reid, eon to go to Settforth to take allege of one of Of the late Rein. ;Reid, of Stanley, met .the wells there; they are good trusty MO with an nceident lately, - which la and mr. eioeonioee. will not willingly pert to prove .fatal. Ed. MeCtinn'end Stewart with t hem. One of Mr. Ctevenlock'eliors. Gordon have returned to their hOmee ie es is also laid up Tor repairs ; on two aueo Midland City ; they are alio looking day as the above it got throterh the ice. yourg men ; we like to see Our boys do And behig a spirited aniinal, became un- well, Peter MeDonahl, late teacher here • leranst admit that although the engine had IffORSEs:toffiLD.-At Mr, Pluromer'e sale in Goderich township, Mr. John Goyier, of the base line, bought a yearling stallion "Young Lincolnshire Torn," got by H. Hibbs' horse. This protnisng colt Mr. Govier has just Bola to Messrs. T. & W. , Bell, of Lonclesboro, for the sum of $295; they. intend taking it to Kansas,' Mr. Goner alsosoldanother heavy'. horse to an American buyer, it a good figure. Mr. Govier evidently knows how to handle horseflesh so as to make money on it.. PERsONAL,--,E. 'kicker:glen, son of Mr. Edward Brickenden, who haw been in Toronto visiting relatives, and in Marlette, • ylating aleaahere, formerltathiaa township, returned home Int week. The many friends of Mr. Shier will be glad to hear that be and his family* are enjoying . good'health. NOTnS.-The wife Mr. Jolnijackson, of the 13th •con., died of heart disease, on Tuesday. The sale at Marshall Braith- waite's, on Wednesday, was a good ono, steers went up to $80 a pair, and cows as high as $40, and $50 each. . not bon handled snare the fall, and the ther. mometer was again in full retreat on zero, their work was, as it invariably is, most sat? isfactory. At McDougall's, for instance, they threshed out some 1,2o3 bushels of grain without a halt save for dLnner, winch kept P. MeDougall, jr., who was .cutting bands, just as busy as he eared to be, and he is one alf the fastest and most careful band.catters ia ,t is townstup„After doing a grand day's work at Mr. Gardener's they shifted tho. engine and separator on to runners and re. turned to,their own bars. This is our first threshing for '86, and if we may take it as a materiel) for autumn work no one will have meg to complain so far as the threshers are concerned.. - SCIO• ......-•—••••••••••••• • • HENIVIILLER. Bareasa-Mr; R. II, Morrish hits had another relapse-rheurnatic fever. Wm. Mohring is laid up with bronchitis. Mrs. Elliett has returned home from visiting friends at Mitchell. Mr. Thos. Gledhill is ihdisposed-a bad cold. Our bridge has been propped up again, and is now quite safe. Our former teecher, Mr. Morris, is talcing Mr. Morriela's place during his in- capacity. „ • : a „ nisep afar. . „Bitears.--Vrn. Aikens has been laid up watif a.bad kick from a steer he is fatten- ing ; for two weeks he has not been able Lo get out ef the house, but he is getting about again ; misfortunes never come alone, is his son David got one of his legs hurt by it horse about the 1st of Jan., and he was laid na unable to move, but he • is now able: tO getatreund again, although his friends were afraid he. would lose his leg. 'Mr. Aiken lost a valaable calf a fear days ego ; it fellheadfirse into a hole be had cut In -the ice for his cattle to drink ont of, and was dead when it was found. mill. . • •bought the Davidson farm., on the 2nd , sEAFOIL111. • con. of the London -goad survey, Tucker - BRIEFS Dr Cam hell of Seaforth i • ---WINTRROP 'Our worthy betel keeper, Jamep Fulton, hea'been laid up . with rifeumatism;for nearlytwo weeks. He has been confined tis his bed, but is able to be -around agale. One day last week as one of Mr. Gov- enlock's tnene was -drawing saw -loge from, beyond Walton, (your correspondent did not learn his mane) his load upset and he got his leg orushed between tbe logs. He. was released and taken • to: Walton, and medical aid was brought from Seitforth to adjust the limb. At last reports he was doing. see well as could be expected. Wm. Teekey was behind this team with another load of logs-, and thinking there was room to pas., attempted to do so, when he up- set Was lo and. are sleigh es, siniibie, ter Wegrifialrilie, en One of the men, seeing, his „position, stopped the horses and extricated him before he re. ceived any injury. It is about gni° Mr. Teskey stopped this sort' of thing, for about a year ago he was caught in the machinery at the mill and had one of his •phenldere thrown. oetsof,niace arida nom- aribs broken ; not two months eao one of the borne knocked- him down in the stable broke two or three of his ribs Churchill, of the 14th con, heves caned by nine clothes taking•fire in one of the upper roome, but was put oat without any reat damage-beingedonea alnerefettes boys attended the meeting held at Clinton • on Tuesday to arrange for the return trip to Dakota. ...Miss Tilly Buik is home again from her visit to Harailtota- The. prayer meeting held every 'Wed- nesday night at elle house of Mr. David sDeeves, lath eons. which has boon stopped for some time has been started again.-. Mr. Dyke:- of eceinee;16, intends erecting a new house this coming stiminer. We.esgret having_to announce the death •, of David Currie,. of the 7th con, which occurred last Friday morning ; deceased has been 10 poor health for the pest few nionthse and his death'was not altogether nnexpecteaa-end he died in the. triumph, :ef faith ; his ftinerah which ,took place on Sunday, was largely attended; his funeral sermon will -be preached in Shale* church - next Sunday evening at 6.30. Mee, John Weill-% who has been sick for some time, 'is slowly recoieling. It was reported last week that Nixon Lindsay,. formerly of this township; but now of Winnipeg, was dead, but we are glad to hear that such is not the case; his friends have heard frpm him. Strayed from the Mait- land con., GoderiCh township, a young ,PzusoNaL: -Miss IWills;-of-Elorat, formerly, f the parsonage here, is. in town visiting riends. • 3.1.' Jainieeon of the ' golden Lion; wile has bee% in the olifeountry making. perches.esfor the spring trade, returned home last Tuesday:, looking none the worse for his trip, and he 113 still a bachelor. • • Mr, L. D. Hallett was delegate to the Y. M. 0. convention, held at Hamilton. last 7e11eljr": E. B. Hollis comic. waolist, Will make • the pelvic of allueviile laugh at• coneert•to be held there. this evening: Mr.i. ana Mie Sage, of Watford; with the mashie' glasse will also participate. • ' Mr. E. A. Law, who has been engaged a salesman. at the Montreal •House during th post_year, leaves on Satinclay-for-Procatt Ont., whom kt A 'has tibtr.LinPEL.3,7434 tion. Ed. is a first rate fellow, and tve ar • - • • PIINDAY istoTES.—An infant. soh of Mr. NV Rawkshaw's died laid iVednesday 'horning. . Messrs. Lumsden, M. Grity„F: G. . • Spading, Arise ,Ella aViilis and others are at ,Wiugham this .week attending, the: Salibath School Convention., • • Another fancy: dress carnival will be held at the roller skating rink this (Friday) even- ing; making the third that has' been held at this place et amtuiement during the winter: Twb or three have also taken pleCe at the ice rink,' and all were,.well attended.. : • • On account Of the anniversary Services in the MethodistChitroh last Sunday,,thehven. ing service in the Presbyterian, Church,' was dispensed with. Posters are out announcing Mr. John It. Clark, the "Boot Bina". Ora.. ter's' next visit , to our town, to 'give 'another of his 'celebrated' lecturo; "Hits and Misiies" Zn :March :4verybody 'says 'they are go- ing to, hear him. ,.. • .• • Lacrung. -,-*The.:Reir. W. S. Ball; of :Lint,' don; appeared at the • presbyterian Church last Tuesday evening in. his lecture hii• the "Cane and result of the•late War" in .the North-west, in aid 'of the Ladies' Foreign •Misidonary Society of the above church. There•was a good audience, and: the Rev. gentleman handled the subject in his Initial able* manner: . • Baiti, -The Bachelor's Rita at Cardno's, -- -all; last Friday, evening, was a grand and brilliant affair, so say thosewho Were there,' Abeart 'atiOefity couple were present,-. • The =isle was furnished by the Harpers of Lon - do.' As tO who the belle cif the ball Was we are not prepared to state suffice it to say that the ladies were all handsomely attired and 'poked their prettiest. The supper Pre- pared by the ladies Or'llie town and Was all that meta be desired. • , • • . • .1, Bonaire' NOILatatta • hoaiteasveasetc. Easton. -The liolmesville Rifle Asko- . elation matchis to come off on Saturday the 27th int.., not the 20th, as announced last week. A good turnout le expected. Any One can become a member by paying. 25c. Shocitingis to commence at 1 p. yn. Baeaaa.-Geo. Calbiek, lost a valeable horse on 'Monday last. The folloiving . flelegates fromallolmesville .attenaed the • Sabbath 'School teachers' Convention in °Wingliarn this week :-J. Yeo, U. ElCord, W. and T. Murch, A.C, Oouetice, Rev. W. Birks and, Miss Holmes. . Rev W. W. Sperling, 'Of Clinton, occupied the .Pulpit . Of the Methodist church here both morn.: ing and evening last Sunday. The. • . build- ing belonging to the aenool section was : sold by auction last Saturday, Mr. 1). Prone being the . purchaser, at $75. Everybody is Making preparations to at- s tend. theillustrated *tare and paneransa, comprising. all that- is beautiful in art, . magehicent in scenery andaaered in his- - tory, shown through the celebrated Pam- pbeniges; manufactured by Hughes; the renowned epticon, to „be held in Holmes. - vitae M. Churche on behalf of the Sabbath School, on Monday, March- lat. Don't' • fail to be present -lhe monthly meeting 0- of the Women's' Missionary Society. will • • $ be held, D. V., on' Wednesday next, • at Mr. Elford'SZ-Wilell good attenda nee la requested, -Now that our town is of so .. .mueh importance the. improvina esphiteia r- bein -evinced. 'No Small p tat t • e telephone ought to be introduced, which wonlds.add-greatly totheintereesr - and con veniencesof the village. • enan.of about 21, cheesed in dark elethee, ' having no whiskers, with dark 'lair and eyes; any -person who will find, and send the same home will be handsomely re- warded. We are glad to see Mr. W. J. Sterling around again, after it very seeeie illness. Miss Jessie Sterling bee returned frOm ber visit to the smith. A young man of the 8th con.; drove down to' Walk- er's paw mill the other day, With a couple of ladies, encl. was watching the mill at work, When the engineer blew the Whistle and away started the. horses; the ladies were .clropped off • first thing, .and .soon After the yOubg meta was thrown up against a tree, which brought the team to a statidstillawithout doing much damage; no doubt this young roan•wia curry favor with the Indies when his arm gets all .Mr. W. Currie has rented his farin of acres, on. the 8th' 'eon., to Mr. S: Bishop, of Holnaesaille, for it term of .5 years, at a recital of $250 tayear ; he goes to Dakota."'" Mr. Jos, Currie, of the 8th eon., 'gave an oyster slipper for the "Da - 'kart lave" on the evening of the 19th ' inst. ; many more than "the boys" were present, and a good time mei spent until the wee nut' hours. Mr. J. Turnbull, of McKillop, lavishing at Brayside Farmer-, 'Mr. D;Careteibell has rettirned toeOttawa AllOr boat:tett by his stay "(Br (Sur lOng.patiellled correspondent.) Allotv me, O a wellavitalier 'of your paper and one who is ever ready to avert impending danger, to correet an erioneoesstatwent that appeared in pier last issue, it behig there stated that the fine, vvell.bied colt, the pro. pentseof John Yeo, Esq, cut line, 7th con., Goderielatownship, .weighed laa95 the, where; as it actually turned the Font) 'irieloo lbs. Five pounds of good solid horso-flesh is far toe mholi for any Canadian farmer, however prosperous he may be, to be deprived of through the Carolesiness of some irresponsible correspondent, who apparently dares but littie. for truth and less for the authontidity of your esteemed paper. ' Were it posiiiine to transfer to eerier the P. atria tea:cell of a steam whistle, .1 410' t SQ, in order that your readers might form g some ideaef tho shock I recoleed to my °nor. A votth flyePILL ORO morning lase week, when Mete ea Beet who had come oet of their wintir nuert ors to thresh for ,Nessv, McDougall • Y. M. C. A.'• -:-The Y. M. C. haVa .bad their'audience room *enlarged; and now can aboinusodate a large attendance at -their sev oat Meeting's. Tho Sunday evening gospe meeting is one of interest..., Last Sunday eVetning there was a large. attendance ; th Rev. A.4, D. McDonald was present, and gave a short scriptural address, taking for his sub- ject, "the Parable of the Pig -Tree." It is the intention of the association to shortly' open a freereading - • Maitimax.-Idiat Wednesday moaning, at the residence of. Mr. Joseph Collie Eginend- ville, Mr._Jos. Rose: book -keeper -for -Messrs: Broadfoot .16 Box, Was united in the bonds of Eloly Alatritnimiy to Jennie. -third daugh. ter..,of Mr. Collie.. Miss Collie' was for the past tiix years cashier and beolc-keeper fur Messrs. Duncan et. Minoan, nierehOts of this place, and during that time ha& gained many friends, in consequence- of which she was etas"' Milleaylea°11115tihellatt iosfgmooli3,'biela,tilideilir°sinttropuregah- the_journey of . life. • . Anarveeseme-The anniversary • services of the Methodist Churcharlara Sunday; ve One of the best held in the history o he Church. They wore •conduoted by Dr. Griffin of Guelph, with all the vim of is, •youngea, days, lie -being- novreadisaiieed in .years. The trustees of the Church had asked for a collection of One hundred and fifty deli 'ars, The Dr., in the inorniiig, gave it talk' (as he terined it) on "giving," taking for his subject, Proa, which had the tie - sired effeete. for As Collection taken at the oleo of the service amOnnted to ono hundred and forty donee& En tho evening the Da ..riC Mt an eloquent, expressive and pro. teal .eorenan on "Covet eernestly the beat ifts," of an honr pla a quartet in length, t the elose of the service another . ' 1 ollectietewestalconewhieh amounted to nboat fty (Haire, malting the collodium ler the etio 'bemired and ninety dollatts, !deli were tho largest eeer taken in the Helaine* htrgo at beth sereicee. , burn Oh Any ona day. aebelev,31,,,,V;,ttits 1. and a 11 has wino to .Detroit progeente, n anent), and Mit One of ita legs 80 Un'rdnr, .()Q,IntReCt Settle 1.) tnieilt(.$ between AI, batIlf that they had to put hanine etitclice eala :tan. 10 getting . the Whilltle or their a „Mole 'I !arbor week is going on all rigletee to so up tho a,onne. . • • • • engine into working order, a evertheiess • • „. k•)4, eta V•cti."41:•:%:•6:tn? •••• eait ase. • 'Next Sunday morning and evening theyas-: tor of Victoria St. church is to ask his con- gregation• for a bash olleetiOTIT-d elm. This is a-largeamount to -ask for from such a small congregation, and if the Weather be unfayor- • ablo. the raising of the aline.* will be doubt- . ful. Mr. Stiltori, however, is •fall-ofimpe that, rain or ,shine, his people will meat las expectations: • , • , • The paper read before the S, S. Asso- ciation at Wingliam on :Wednesday last ay• the Rev. Ma, Johnston, ofthis town, . was considefed by'inahy as the best pro-, . duction givn t Jhe Conventien Of 1886.. •The enbjecif was "Sabbath Schoolanterest in. MisSioeMay work " The meeting held in tOwn regardingthe efficient working of the fire engine was • not 11014 a day' too sOon. But before the . plans mentioned could be put into prac-.' tical shape our -town W8S yiisited With: an- other Serious conflagration. On Monday • evening the, hone of•Captain McGregor, was left by the flames in utter ruins. Considerable sympathy and also consider, able indignation is being felt' about these things. . • • : . • Ahont half-paet 'nine o'cleek on Friday - 'evening A very • destructive lire .broke out in - Inarie's book store, si,tuated on the. square. • Ayounggentleinan oulxissing the block be- came ausplciotts,,hy-the smell of fire, that all WAS no,t right, and eating with great presence of Mind, he called Mr. C. J. Newton,who . was just closing hi is store, to assist him n his • ' search for the cause. : Theyclimd. beon the • Verandah Peered in at the'vviirdows, and were - not long •before they•arcertained that {heves in one of Inarie'S upper rooms. Tbe engine • was called, and the fire bell rang, just as the • flame 'Jimmie apparent to the crowd, which • hail by this time gathered. As usual, it wab 'sometime before,the enginecould be brought' to play upon the flames.• Though Mr. Thos. ' Detler was busy now oarrying his most Vain - able goods from the, adjoining teethe to safe quarter, _neon° had the pluck to burst L1 tho doors of Ioarie's and secure from both fire and water; some of the valiiables cOfitained on the ground floor. 'The loss is claubtless consider. aide but perhaps fully Covered by the $8,0,00 ' insurance that Mr. Imnio had.iipen the pro- . Beim% Arthar Whitelyshus bonglit the Old International betel, on Kingston- St., fox.% mere song., In the absence ot Rev. G. F.'Saltote on Mislaionary work the Rev. Q: H. Coliblediek, of Dungannon, stipplied the, ptaI pit of the Methodist ehntch. Mr. David Fisher went off to Kansas, last Monday, to _ look after some unsold horse halOit"there the fall. The concert glven on Monday even- ing, in the Victoria Opera Hall as it benefit house to Professor de Peudry was a wonder- ful Success. The special services held in Victoria St, otiuyeiz eiosea on Priday ; as, the roult, between' twenty and thirty will join Vie aura. Instead if the initial pot:telling, ,service there will bo 111 -Victoria. Std,;•churell next Sabbath evening A now "Praise Ser. - „viee," commencing at the tumid time - A meeting of the town council Was held on Saturday evening, to cobsiderthe advisability cif .putting tbe fire engine into a More work. able Shape. The auliversary .serVieOS of North street Methodist church Will be held on March 7th: Sornions *ill be Proaeliod by Rev. Mr. Berea, of Hamilton, who will also letatife on March ntli. . ...4.....4.404••••••••• • ' it is reportedein.alastern Ontario. ilea Me Mactriaster, ar. P. for Glentatrila will, 1 refire at ilre end of the progent Peri henna There will be a big elatkeetp in tate-Tory °,:aiti.illbati)el;:tri.lavi f', ,u•tr:1 it.l; n'trww.; 1 lvvrIl'ig13111 Pf8.1.17t41?1t1('311')i'rn'titirt(. '11 • 1 ,