The Clinton New Era, 1886-02-12, Page 8•0
•r CEO. E. Pax &Co. takes the place of
CLINTON Fi A• the late firm of Pay dr Wiseman, the let-
ter retiring from the firm,;
'PRIP,&Y, ;180. 12, 1886` TEE West Huron. Teachers' Institute
,is appointed to be held in Exeter,on the
LQC1i.I, NOTICES. 21st and 22nd of May next, provided suit-
TH:B EVENING p.LCBE will be reduced
to 25 cents amonth, commencing Feb. fat,
are closing up our business, we intend holding
an Auction Sale en FRIDAY and SAT U,R-
DAY arening#, .of this weeb Axl goods
• be toed, Bargains may e
indebted to, us please settle accounts ??I/UT
'Oth, C. J. T UTILI h & CO., Chula Tea'
Cooper & Son have been selling large quantities
of their noted 4.5c.. tea,. and the following latter
revived this week t'ront one of the beat:Anotan
reeiderts df Hallett, shows how well it is liked :
o vour 45c teeh, ke what my eon brou�bd me 2 t hoe
re Mb.
sates of your is tea, tea indeed,"
nfthhim. itixaRp
- - ZfJatfY grilitC .
Mgs:'1✓, DoEEiTv, of Galt,is home -on
a visit. • . . • .•
AIR, )I; CALt,ANDpE, of Parkhill, is
spending a few days here.
TEE. infant child of Mr. Oliver John-
ston died on Sunday night.
Mo, R. SBroirr, of Westfield, left here
oh Tuesday, for Ludington, Mich.
Mise Emir...m.0y, of Buffalo, is on. a
visit to her sister. I1rs. Proudfcot, •
° MR. JAS. ,.HoXito has purchased the
sorrel driving colt of Mr. Z . :Shipley ; he
has got a mover. '
• JAMES .TYNER, of Belgrave, is teaming
lumber to .Clinton' for Mrs. Morley, who
ad e
is building w , b'`
MR. :form 50Exerox purposes erecting
a -new -frame house, on Princess St., al-
most to the ,rear of his residence, .
• A. CHAIrG5bas-taken place in the husi
ness of Mr. C.'0. Rance, which hereafter
will go under the name of Rance Sr, Co.,
MR. DFRANT,:.of Seaforth, has taken. a
position in the Organ to he band. and alio
one of. the players yera
MR.:Gko. OAKEs and a. number of'
other musicians from this place, give a
- concert inBenttiller 'this (Friday) even-
ing; , ; •• ,,. .
THE. second daughter of Mr. H. `W
,Cook,aged about 6 years, fell dowr. cellar
, the other day, breaking one a her legs
above the ankle . -
been spending some time at Woodstock.
Business College, has completed his course
and is home again.
MR. Gdo. ROBINSON, for some time ex-
, presa
h'clerk is old pa e in J. g
the tore of Pay liam& Wise-
man, at the end of ti.e month , .•
Tiiesdayivhile.Mr G Ship1's
team was the freight shed,,
they took fright and ran away. .Fortun-
ately they did no serious damage,
A MEETING, to arrange for an excur-
tion to the West, will be held in the.
Council Chamber Clinton, on the 23rd
inst. All lines of railway will Abe .repro-
AIR. FEED. CORBETT has,bought of Mr..
• John Callander, the lot on Huron street,
(next'•to Mr, John Stevenson'•s) for which
he pays $350; a small stable :on
the lot. •
- ' IT is . said that • the .Conservatives of
town will send into the tevising'Barrister
a list of about 75 names to beadded to the
voters' lists the Liberals 'have also sent a
goodly number.. ' • 4:
, TEF wife' of.Mt, H. Fremiin has . been-
seriously ill for•several days and her death •
was Gaily expected, but she has taken a
tun fox the better,.and is now considered
to she out of danger.
TOE -wife of Mr.'. Thos., Friendship; after
a lingering illness of two years, peacefully
passed away .oft-Stinday`er:e�g;'she was
a member of Ontario St. Methodist church; •
she leaves a snpall family.
REv. W MoDobrAGH; who : lectures
here under the auspices'of the Oddfellows
' - on the 19th inst.,should "be greeted `by a
full house the "admission. has been plat
down to the'low.price.of 15 cents. : '
MRS. DUNLOP, of Seaforth, sister-in-law
of T. Dunlop, , Clinton, whohas been
dangerously, ill with bleeding of the lungs,
we are happy to say, is recovering, though
she will be for sometime .confined to her
bed. ,
T•EE.weatherof last week was a . 0011-
tinnedcold spell from beginning to end:I
.• On Thursday night the thermometer went
down to 22°• below zero, bit this point was
the lowest reached. It: has been more
moderate since.. •
Mo. -D. CALaro x aid: wife, return to
British Columbia on the 18th; " Dan!'
• -has_ suceeeded•_.ip working into a good
business there; in a fair way of do-
ing well.. MY, W: Ford, . of .olmes-va,ile,..
accompanies them. `
MISS LArEhas been carrying her hand
in a sling for several days, the result of a
severe, sprain." She was skating 'back-
wards on the rink .when she fell ever a
small boy who, had sat down on • the ice.
It is better now.
Mo. M, McKEAauE, of Dungannon,
brother Of Mrs. J. Miller, of whose death
• mention was made last, week, was killed
while at work-in the woods, by a limb of
a falling 'tree striking him. He -never
spoke after being struck.
Mo.' JABEZ E3EESJ.11Y, (brother of
Messrs W, and G. Beesley of town,) is
�. seiion l,y }•l Moesejave, and fears are en -
;r :-� :5 r iiriea to zie hey not recover; he was
out of hismind for some time before word
was sent to his friends•here.-
• Tani Seaforth-Sun has adopted .the 8 -
page form, • and looks better tiian in the
•old 4 -page style, This is the. forin in
which nearly all papers are, now issued.
The Mitchell Advocate will this week
come out in the same shape.
WE have reeided• the first number of
e Oxford Standard, a new Liberal pa-
er just started.,rat . Woodstock, It is a
very creditable sheet, but we doubt very
much if even a town the, size of Wood;
"Stock is 'able to"support three good -week-
lies, and the Sentinel -Review "filled the
bill before," as fat as•'Liberal interests are
concerned;•, Aside from this, .however, we
have little faith in the sjttec'rity of men
able outside help can be procured.
WE understand that Messrs. Tisdall,
Forrester, T, Jackson, J. Fair, W. Jack-
son and a number of others, intend visit-
ing the old country in the month of June.
ME death is announced, at St. Louis,
of Mr. N. R. Britton, son-in-law of Mr.
W. R, Watts,: after an illness of only two
weeks, He leaves a wife and two child-
Mn. W ;T. )t'AIStEY ' has sold to Mr,
Stewart Plummer, the valuable property
on „Queen St. known as "the Grant pro-
perty," at a fair ;price, ' Mr. Plummer
purposes building at puce.
MR. Joni SHEPPARD,: of Lambton,'
Dak„ formerly of Goderlch township, is
here: on a short visit to old friends. He
looks well, likes that country, and says
any man who has any backbone in him
can do well.
Mos. GL1Jw, of the Huron Road,. Hui-
lett, died an Wednesday, at the age of
65 years. Her husband has been dead for
some tune. She was one of the -early set-
tlers of the .neighborhood, and leaves a
grown-up family. ,
A, TELEPHONE' has been put in the
house of Mr. W, 'D.oherty; this makes 30
of these instruments now in use in town.
They are nlmost-indispeneible-for—busi-
ness men,' and in a year's time will be.
twice as largely used. .` •
THE Executive committee of the Young
Liberal Association, ofOntario,•• meet ie•
Toiotito, this week, for the transaction of
important busipess. Mr, Manninr being
a memberof•the Executive, leaves to -day
to take part in the proceedings.
MR. H. A. EvArs, who formerly kepta
small store on Victoria street, sustained a
paralytic stroke on. Friday, from the effects
of which he died •en Saturday morning;
.he was married' to the eldest daughter of
the. late Dr. Cole, who, with several child-
ren, survives him.
11IEssns. Walker & Beesley, of this
town, stonemasons, have taken contracts
to build the stone foundations for bank
barns for the fallowing parties :—S. Gray,'
Jno. Shobbrook and E, Mabning, Hullett;
J. Diesdale, Stanley, and J'. Fowler,
Tgckersmith• . '
vi:a.. R..HAYWaoD,, has the
contract for the erection :of Mr; Waite's
new brick house, in Hallett; he bits also
the contract far a brick house for,Mr. Ball,'
to be erected on the Gorrell •. farm, on.the
base line, itir. W. Cooper.doing the wed
work for. the ratter. • '
LITTLE'ONEs: There has been quite
'°a thaw this week. Nearly •every other
-person in town is suffering from a severe;
cold, The -^proposed meat license 'is al-
l .
ready -causing= -some -protests.-=''.gife tfa`st-•
'driving by-law" should either be rescind-
ed or 'enforced ;. those who •wish. to speed
their horses should break a track on some
side 'street, then 'no objection would be
raised' to it. All ;parties should get in.
their summer suppply of wood' while the
sleighing. lasts . M . C. Rido t has taken
, r ,u
ail: office n the Elliott block.: Mr. Coop.
er is building the .frame house for Mrs
Morley,, on Mary street.
HIGH Scaooi;-The' float meeting
of the Clinton High School imusical
and literary society., was held on Monday'
evening of this week, and divas procounced
a very successful meeting._ The_ Hon.
President, Mr. Turnbull, gave an inter,-
nter;eating address' ori -the growth of the school
from its establishment up to the present.
..time n ' pw'pils who
have taken - high standings in the differ-
ent 'lirofessions. Readings; recitations,
musical selections (vocal and instrument-
al) and a dialogue, brought' the meeting
to a close, to°meet again on Mondayeven-
ing 15th inst.. • • ' •
THE printing of.the.voters'lists under
the -Dominion Franchise. Act, is to be di=•
vided..up awuug;,the-ps-suppnrti r
•the party, Those for the East and West
hiding of�Huron are to be.printed at :the,
offices of•the:°Wingham: Advance, Clinton
Record and Godericli Star, while those
for, the .South. Riding;. it is,Said` will be
divided between.the Exeter Times- and
Seaforth Sun. This is no doubt a fair:
arrangement, so far as the papers are con-
cerned, but all the same, the people will
be taxedto support a scheme they; have
ne faith inand which .was originally de-
vised...s'impig_and entirely in theinterest.
of the Conservative party.
TnE,Blyth Advocate states in a some.
w hat- guarded manner, that constable
Davis, of that place, has taken up his resi-
dence in Uncle Sam's domains, without.
consent of numerous friends. Davis was
fora time the prosectrtor on behalf of the -
LOCAL GHLIRO ".13141 -ME.$,':
Rev. J.,Ridley,. Of Mitchell, will preach
in St. Paul's church, next Sunday, Col-
lections in aid of widow's and orphans
find of the Diocese of llttrotp.,
Quarterly, meeting 'services of Batten -
bury St. Methodist church were held on
Sunday last, and. were well attended. The'
fellowship meeting, was one of•the best'
held here for some titps.
W E understand that Rev. Mr. Eby,, the
well-known Japan missionary, will deliver
a lecture and give stereoptican views of
Japan life, in the town hall, under the
auspices of the. Vi :F.M.S,, about the 12th
of March,
Rev. T. Cosford conducted the quarter-
ly services in Ontario St. church on Sun-
day, the meetings were alt full of interest
and power. At the business meeting the
affairs of the •church were all found to be
in a satisfactory condition:. Rev. Mr.
Spading was unanimously asked tore -
turn next year. -
By the annual missionary report', of the
Methodist church for lastw_year, we learn
that the amount contributed to missions
in this district was as follows,:—Goder-ich,
$394; Rattenbury St,, Clinton; $397 ; On-
tario St.; Clinton, (including Turner's and
A.lma).$161; Seaforth, $169; Holmesville,
$145 • Ebenezer, $68 ; Sharon, $10; Zion,.
$12; iBayfield, $22; Cole's, $29 ; Bethel,
$29;; Varna, $34; Goshen, $37; Brucefield,
$33; iLondesboro, $107 ; Kinburn, $65;
,auburn circuit, $l8; Wineham, $116;
Blyth, $96; Brussels, $9g.' - n -the whole
Guelph Conference there are only 26 who
contributed $25 or over to missions, and
among the number are.the folloiving;
Rev.. Jas. Gray, Clinton, $25; W. , rhylor,
and wife, Clinton, $30�; Bev J; Kenner
and family,.Clinton, $25; .Wm, M. Gray
and family. Seaforth, $45; Jas. Laithwaite
and wife, Iiolinesville, $25; E. Husband,
Fordwich, $40; E: S. Rupert and family,
$30. The county of Huron evidently
stands well by the mission cause, judging•
by the above figures, and- what is more,
there is no town within the . conference
that contributes as liberally as the town.
of Clinton, Stratford being over $200 be-
hind ,it, and Guelph' over one hundred
less. So much- for the -liberality of 'the
Mo. JOHN MoB,LEy. the genial travel-
ing ageut.of the Chicago &;;Northwestern
Railway, was in town ou. Wedncsd}ay
THE Expositor .thus refers to a former
Clintonian:—b'Ir. Win, Snowden, .who
some years :ago was ---engaged in the
butchering busihess -in this town,. was
here this .week. and called upon a number
of liia old friends. M -r: Snowden bas, been.
a resident ofvinnipeg,' for six or' seven.
years, and We are glad to: learn that -he -is'
now doing•ii largo and lucrative business
in -that -gay,
a :Markets have been very low this winter,
-and-still-keep low; with -no -apparent pin-,
spect of a rise. There is no change what-
ever in.prices-from last week: - A • good
'.deal of .grain hat been brought,in, a .good
Many farmers; being in .such a pgsition
that it is necessary fox them to. sell. Wood
Lmoso� 3010011
1-00 Cords of Wood W tod
111 exchalio. for Goods,M.
.OH.R s„,,. D O.KS +� ,
. o -
his Sp -ace ace will be- oceu led •
next week b.� GE O. E.
° P,AY.& C(. Look for
• it, -as there will be
r.•ew' in It -
is-the-rriostLiarket<able-csininodi«, .
the reads get kny worse, will. go, up' in CLINTON,
price... -
■.tt M
their advertise,itient every week an
see what they are doing in - • •
They. carry the - -ooditzah
Scott Act Association; but losing lath in CQtinty, and sell the 'cheapest.. , See their
his sincerity, the Association recently de- a
cic7ed ao dispense ' withlies services and
paid him off. accordin
liberal salary: •• Not satisfied he made a
further claim of nearly $100; threatening
to prosecute the solicitor ILIA 'secretary of ..
ofPEn an ,
the ,tisseaiation; •if it was not paid,; The Canadian. and
amount was hot paid, and is not likely to
be colleoted. • • .
SI ATING 'RAGES.—There was a•'pretty
large: attendance at the races on, the rink,
on Tuesdayevening, but on account of
the soft weather of the two previous days,
the ice was ; not'in 'a good condition -for
fast skating. In the race` b'etween-Town,
of Seaforth, and Cornyn; of Wingham,, the
Seaforth man hadit all bis own way.
About .the third round Cornyn fell, but
Town waited for him •tocit ch up, In a
few mare rounds he had nd
hint, and Saticified.himselfivielite6tilt
leg ahead of him from this to the end, •
wiuning"easily. As a matter of fact it
was no race or test of speed• whrtever, and''
many Were Of Opinion that it was a "hip.,
pidrome)' The next race was an •.open
'one, in which there were six enteries, pe-
fore they had gone half a mile they had
all dropped out but: Turnbull, of Clinton,
and I110Phereon, of Hensall, ,and there
was every prospect of a close -race between
these two, McPherson leading, with Turn-
bull •right, on his heels. when the latter
suddenly gave out. AliPherson •skated
around a few more times alone and then,
was given the rate. Ile is a mere boy,
1x11 nrently'nrtuvor 14 years of ago, ligh t-
ly built and his skating was much admir-
edrand he wellde:erves his laurels. There
'Who are•ono thing to'.day and another to. wert.oply two pair, of contest.ints in the
morrow. last surotiter the puaolisher race for ladles and gentlemen, but it was
of the 'Standard. wvs ri nning;a eenserva- well contested throughout;, a cooelo from
• • tive paper in.Ttineprditie, • l Hensall arittrlint?.. • .
French . 'PA,NTINGS
See .their Fine
titch. and Canadian TWEEDS 444.
French• -.W (;)1 .1 $U4- NGS - -
Coyne and inspect our.Stock before purchasing
No arson
i . in need of CLOTIIIITG should miss
seeing •the Great : Bargains e'are now offering
We . do business for Cash, and consequently
can afford. to sell about 20 per cent less than
formerly. ` ,_.__, o
BARGAINS in every Department • of our.
ammOth Establishment. :..
In a shot gine we will show the
advance' guard of our New Sprinz
Goods which iji comprirse some
Magnificient Ins of goods.
THE I C`l7' 3 CLOT rE S
•• 4_