HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-02-12, Page 5CARO OF THANKS, We - leave finished stock -taking, and liars balanced • our books for our first year's business, which, thanks to the very liberal patronage awarded us by the Feople of Clinton and vicinity; has been very satisfactory. We trust ,that by marking our goods t Rock Bottom Plaices, and offering them to the public at sures which" cannot be touched, to still further favor the good A Evill of the community. NEV.SPRIN 6 6OODS'AiIRIVIN 6: Daily. Willgive quotationsat an, early' date. Don't buy a dollar's. Worth of Dry Goods until you get our prices. ROBE iter The- Great Cash . Store,. Clinton. Raving leased the premieee;now .occupied by us; for another term of 7 years. We are prepared to ,give the BEST BARCTAINS poksible, We have on hand a large and and well selecled'stock of ' . GROCERIES, CANNED -GOODS, EXTRACTS; FRUITS and: SPICES ' 'WARRANTED PURE, NOTHING BETTER IN THE MARKET. ALSO BLACKING,_BRO,OMS, , BRUSHES,. BASKET'S, BISCTITS,COxFECTIp,N- ERY',_ CHINA, CROOKE0 ' AND GLASSWARE., We have the largest stock in town. Combine. quality with•prica and' we cannot be ' under sold. " A. A,NGUS, CLI19' T'C N 0. KING Miring urinthis monthwe .. are Taking. Stock and are offs • � �,.►GSNS in every department. r�cn y pari me t 2 or 3 . those • T R o� •-- INICE ASTRACHAN JACKE4;TS Lefk worth $80, $21. BALANCE of pur:HL.ANKETS at ._-.RGAqNs ALL QV744 TAE PALACE. Estate of the late John liodgen «Tt GALL!► NDER, Manager., The b ry Goods Palace of Clinton. R T qsr A� "Y. S S Ifkg if 7E ,DETLo-R & CO. will begin; a GIG'rANTIC ; OLEARI&G- SALE, • rY..1.`R T �'1. � • � �� oossioilor TT^.. O I 3A K 1,1 S. kY FALL AND WINTER STOOD OF Is now. complete, st•hich I am eelligg at. v. prices, As I handle only first-elaea goods, and don't deal in shoddy,.eestomers can depend op getting a tirst-clasa, article:. g > My stock coniprises everything in the foot hear kept in a first=class. establishment; and 3s cheaper than the cheapeat,. • FULL .LXNES:OF FELT, GOODS, OVERSHOES and RUBBERS .very' cheap. CUSTO?K WORK' As `USUAL, INFERIOR o Noris -alt ..,. i ><c lia�>th the Boot'Milker ALBEF�.C, STRL T,,;13RIdI{: BL0'6K, CLI TTOy. �` TRAY- CATTLE: -.STRAYED. _PREMISES_ of the undcsignod, lot 30, Maitland Concession, orae red HEIFER rising 3'yoars old ; ono STEER, ris- ing 3 years .old,, red, with thick.horns and white spot. 'on forehead ; ono two-year-old" red STEER with' dark head, Any one giving information which will lead to 'Ageebir6F.i so1li-hirarrftably-reWaraied --' lds-O.i'ILEIir. Bonhtiller P.O., Colborne. ►�TRAY 'CATTLL'-STRAYED_ERO.M SO73Selml- ats renis lot 0' ct , s premises, �� „„ on. 6,.Oodorich towuehij , about two months' since, Hiroo head of cattle, being 1. entirely WIIIT•E HEIFER comiug4.yr•old; 1 RED and WHITE HEIFER. coming throe,.1'LED HEIFER. coming three. Any one giving information that will ead•to their recovery will bit suitably rewarded, • WM. MORGAN,• $ayljetd.` QTRAY CATTLE.-ST,RA.YI D .Fit011 1 REASI;>}ES 1� of. subscriber, lot U'„ con. 0, Morris, sometime in July, twelve head pf cattle, being 0 STEERS and 3 HEIFERS. 0 of tho, cattle are two -year-olds, and the rest three -year-olds,. A joke of the 3 -yr -olds aro red . and -white and the third one black and white: Ono of tho 2-yr•ofd steers Is all white, two of thorn have .small red and white spots; ono Baso backed rod. and white, one brindle Steer; the rest mostly red. Any ger- ing information that will lead to their recovers', will he suitably rewarded. ROBERT IRVINE, Bolg iavo • -11.•0 lin' .L 'MUM FQII SAI p:--TITT: SLTi1SCJ IREIttiFFI RS., for sale his splendid faros of.100acies, being lot '-44,�2nd con,, ofTuelternmtith, Good new ster.y4ent•-. •half. frame house,, acres• splendid orchard,. good • 5 t t . sL buildings, S _Hetes f ea froth s units„Ir .acro in fall • wlteat, Tbe-_aholc, under good . cultivation, and well under drained, live spring on the farm: Arid has good, wells. Closa'to-churches-and schools. 3J..utiles from . the tow: t f Clinton, 6 front Sonf ell i. viii by sold on, •roasoaab c terms. 'HUGH M ONALD, .an the premises, dr Minton P. 0. S t r oats Ccurtot the Cavut of urcu,_ :.A l* lr '1( t+;X•:;ti. 'i'r-t.'-ter a is t . w t, p�, ��: .,+w •.wfi`tRtiiifi'tii9 '`sit.. tlo '9....:+�W4r. • b '+Ilu' a{ 1'orrD •iit'fant Chill f )R N. 4i• v 1 n T `ria c I tt' t to Sohn a {vfor t t c of the w!1 e . of .. R d d qb/ fh tt i. `�' ,L n r. ►ro, law. c�•4.'gt t.�' l>,flIttrott,' ft:rin Iabot ort deOpa$t'it. c s booby, Oval: that a� tin r t e )TI 15 i iter by t,l t t rix i atl rt of �� p L front first; �ubtteattni hereof LMO 'ti f 0 1 e 1 bt a a,+ Y 1 3 apt " 7'>• t bo d'tb theJud • f s 11 sou a n o o the nide (:od "1 a }l m6 rt, at Oodorieh, for grant,of Letters. of Ouardlan1obip to Joh Minion, of the township of Hulled, in the Corr - n 1 l n tv of Heron, yeoman, appointing the said Jolnc,lttason Guardian of: the said Amelia Crawferd, the sald infarct child of t,ho said John CraWfnril;, late ef'tbe township of Hallett, aforesaid d'o:eM tl, . J c113,'„n ittj 1TXIWATTE ..I'or AXON MASON. T (fated at Ifnliatt, the ...,tit (lay of January, •18,10. , • 11'011 SALE. ON C,IN TERMS. :.. . . ()1. CREDIT, K,t;rr;t-cin¢A.131t1(Sl 51111,%,..central'ly• altrt;rt, ni,-eir+sr-. to 'Market, lilt oil in best, • iffy Y AL, l int) UR, 17�'ti. t L rl�t�I:�( 1I �L�S well finished,, in Good ,,Condition 1111(1 In Good Localities, 1iotir to Centro t,f'!Cntytl, WANTED ,1,000 bushes et. OATES'WANTED in oxchango for Colt T MEAL, 13UCXCNHEAT FLOUR,, OAT 113TXL: r' 114-6,-give-131fi's' to-th., bush.' Lots of 'BRAN' and SHORTS. by the ton orbunilred. ]lost ROLLER FLOUR given'. fu • exchange for Light Spring Wheat. WulTt• Ole AMP1O OATS • For. SEED, yielded 70 bush; •to the acre last year, and weighs 401bs. to the bush. Agent for THORI+Y FOOD OIL CAKE, flat and all • kinds of SEEDS. . . JAi11E5t- 3T""putt. CLLNION. .- t#o.•.' By=Lata. of '4886=of tits=Town ship of ifutiett• in the 'Count ,ot.. . IRuron. •Whereas, in lieu of the original road allowance hero in:tfttr par'ticuttitily- described, a now rota¢•or:higlrway has been acquired, adapted- 4nd:opened 'for. .public trargl' and is now used Instead of the, said original road allowatin0 which 18 no lungor required sol public. purposes,. And 'Mu:Woso it has hobo resoNedtnto,e• t to tial i , d original read ailowauce, and•selt rho same pursuant to the Statutory powers in that behalf of the Council of the said inv iislTip" ' • Now. therefore, bei e It ted "•thoaai . n lby d Corporation and It io hereby.bnaoted that from and after the.tinai passing of this by-law, that.. certain road allowance in the said Township of Hullett,111 th'o oounty of Enron, easorlbed aitollowe:- o Al singular r' All sin a that certain Bee'sor 1 tract of -tan and premises situate, lying andbeingin tho Tosvnehtp of Monett, and County of Huron, and Previnoe of 0n. tario, oontafning by adinoaedroni 1.82.100' acres;' bo a m more or lessbeing. god _!1te„sn o ,Tits otnd of part of• the original allowance for road btW2on lots 16 Mud 13, in •rho 14th concession of,ttin '1'1)1;11011p of Hallett, In the t Cont of Z:Iurnt ane v n t 1 Province of Ontario, and. t Y ria a d. whit)land' t said parcel of rimy be =roper. ar• tionlarlykno)vn anddesaibed'asfotlan , that is tosav, • Conttubuetng at the North East Angle of Lbt 10 it1 tho said 14th Concession of the, said Townsltl ,.thence Soythorbs along tho westerly limit Of tho otrginal al• lowanoo for the read, 74 chains, 75 'inks, more or leas, to the Blind Lino botwoou' Concessions 13 and 14, thence Taatnrl.y alongtho Pala blind lino 43 lhtk4 to OmWest a r T c9tsdaofthe11t.W Ilei sacs o 1 for ad. ..Mensa Northerly atom; the said Westerly side of allowance for new road• in to the ;dote of bn ntit shall b t tY g t l e, and the same br hereby declared to be closed and atrandoned• es a public road allowance or highway, and that the said new road now opetled adjoining the said Closed original road tttlowance and used itv the public. In lieu. of the said original oilman co shaft he; and the sante is, hereby (Teetered to he as opera pithlle bightiay. A1n1 it oft li and nosy bo lawful for the said sinned at any thee atter .rho 'iris, passing; of tiff by-law. to sell and abseltttclt•dlipslitff the said Slnsrd road, a1- lowenec, and t0 cxeente'on hohnif of rho corporation, Hud undt'r tho corporate seai, ail ,,errs -aro tnnveytul- 004{or mks* dcvd, nr clr,enttrent, nceea:u;v to I:Mt:tttatt sash atth., 1.1, 153 tidier (t • t 110. 5;b, yr ii;t IL ,ii r..l,v of 4t prnpo.t.413 -1gve whi, It nliL ho tti.,:n in;•, rnn- shlcttiib,m by tlic('1,11na51 ofthe \ilutlel p; lity; niter.nrf: month niter the limit sondes'', n. in the• Chmtoo Naw E1l.t tlewspapr ,1110 ilato of 1Ijtrh gest publication suss tho•r0th troy of 7anu:u•y, tstS..itnd the, It will be so taken into mashie itis, by the sitlsl owl', in the viiiogo of 1,onde-hor,n t, in the .,aid•tnwnitlp, 00 rho 115.5 day of Match, lryr7, at the ]tone of ten Y, JAN . Dress � � � � � �• � . - Gooc.e, Pur s, 'i e rets Woollens, :8111t0 and: ..cut's Furnishings at $laugher Prices. MILIa � . • INERY .at half rices; to clear See our -HATS at 5Qc.75c $1,X1,25, A 'j Ob lot of MANTLES• at . half : regular • 'prices. • 1:r.. 4 "•' E Lon a ROOM TOItE:IT.=IN SEARLE'SthLOCK;;WELL lighted' and of egsy &cubss, ,.Apply. to %VM. C. SEA1RLE, , T lie 'A'bfttien)t 'Outlook The following article' is from the'O'ttawa Morality in pnbIic_administratton iiy its :The perpetrator po t i prodigal course of "`'•eat, drink and be merry". car b£ le ted it railway: 'robbery sty eyes attempted in Canada without heedinK the "ftoanorrotv'•' '� - 1 oss cereus_ ma a- ' zlj nye.=-..�-rrniTiS-cLrr a hitter h'wo ar• t a zr boarders can. be accommodated. MRS: LA1V- _ �-� t ; RENCE Alar • rr s t ty sin unto about the early defeat of the ministration' the Northwest territories, and: •day by G• r•1.'•' R. Detect J A L1Ie APBST,:• •ofb t.ive t eti'it" s ea c tto of I,del An obedience.ta.the die= Cart i:y,,of':Stratford. The: robbery, was otetn ,may 11aVe.expediencyar 'ex - C,LINTON MARICET.. governiuent as our e p ti pedteucy tinct that Nem urs. ay, Feb, 11, 8Gr an the give. the articleplace more as a t.n e curses are,retnrnme ,'lion the , head's f eats ofJan ttecl at. 'Palnterstoil on: fisc 1Gth' (Correeted Query Thurslny afternomt.) sources of nfortnatioq wltiali we h,avo not; ' will'not bo laid.' 'the day of reckoninR,se at is Th d 8 ` d s a d th of January,. o . those who uttered ,them -and' Sir T. R. station, at that' town; and�-,,pirking White and r •d .• $0 75 a .0. r8' matter. of ,sews than opinion. That the John Macdonald .bids'lair to close: his long 'up a lantern,. walked through: e 7 , 78 n ant. ,should be defeated, and its ' career of political iniquity, Ahmad, d ie the ' Elie Yard' oats, - 0'25 a • 0 .30 leadin embers banished to the oblivion-. obloquy of bein found as' thonail ••ie lacune the cat's. •droen w- 50q Y g s guilty bloody electors 'he found the one that j3arley, '0 a 0 Gii to which their misdeeds justly entitlethem, of this country; of fomenting it bloody rebel. . suited he •drove- I'eaa, 0 08 •a ' 0 u3 is not: rluustioned•by us'for one:,ltlbinent,' lion through mal•ndministration, and,of hand- . his team to the car '-o tined the • door ' Flour,Per bbl. `• 4 00 a 4 ,t0 A P :but••tve believe' the government to be: so • -Potatoes,new . • ___ _0. 30 a_0.35 - ,..corrupt -that it will' scruple 'at nothing-' $utter, + . • _ 0, 12 a • 0 14 'even the el;enditure:of• millions= '' ' P „ to ,stain power, and unfoft,inately, these meth -ads have p'rovect.so'successful in the past that. we fear.they,may again. "The Free Press Tho thief 'drove to the G: ing the Northwest heritage over to bo :parte., and commenced to load.' up. While dor tioned among a horde of greedy political her' ing so yardsman came''u , and was•. pies and cormorants: '• 1 ! accosted by the thief with an inquiry ®a.e: q Y' Eggs, Pork,.,.., Ray, - •.. Sheep pelts - Lamb skins, - - Clover, per, bpsh,. Y3:.a 0'10 • 5 00•. a .. 5.50 ▪ 30'0•a '900 • ''050 a 075 0 G0 a- -0'80 7.00' a 7-.50.. Quotatfions• How is. .our'feed holdin' .out?:_ 0LD .Y g Hole much did yen get for' that horse you sold the other day ?-Yo1Tt; G FARILER, Are' ybn'going to the rink to -night ?- TOWN GIRL. _ Say I Did: you get any valentines?,--: COUNTRY MAIDEN.. C1ome in. and have something to. drink, seceding ileus; but parentlyin vain.. 'The. -politician-Er now Bore from Quebec, :arc not The Scott Aa is working. splen.didly.- amongtheseceders,buttleyaremainlypoliti• AIITI-SOOTY BIAN. cal wire:pullers and Party losses, whose past records warraet.the' opinion that there ie no 'Don ,forget the'silver collection friends, 'ti p y h'• poh, cal trickery in the fu„ure_of which they' aro•incapable. 'Tho 'government hi<s .some. need of the services of. these men, dr they would not be here. The premier hopes to tvi4 back the socedere,:and possibly these are the instruments, h which, he trus 's to ac- complish t complish his made. There is no doubt that the Dominion ov- Lvernment's position is daily 'becoming , more pr'eertri'o 't, and that ipstead of winning back the -secede every indication_pointg to.an in. crease' in. the numbers of the'lattor. Certain' chargesirte be preferred against the adminia)ra- tion, wl;gn parliament meets, and slipported_ iry'an ,rrayzf dbettruititary and other.-Elf:. lefty complete the Work of overthrow- ing tho administration already so far advane•' fed, but at any rate.if,tbe.government`s induce- Inett.ts aro strong' enough to retain. the Sup. port of a small Majority in parliament,blind to farts, .evidence and sustained ebarges, the seceders, anyway, will. bo strengthened in their course and given a justification, Thera are many, however, wiio'bolieve that an o'v . ,throw. oft - h admiaiatratiot at the coining aessl00 of parliament is. 110t, potable, and that it is evenCpossible, that the govern- ment in • r' n May it ' if sae for a fall, loping to be defeated 00 Ito peculiar i. s e • I it i • s u wh olt m P . ainesto c'. v uId give it a belle h r ,, sues in uta - g O g rio appealing. salsa `to religious e s aid r .pre - Indices.. , n u 1 a©.. Y 11 q •ndices.. If Sir John "t cdonald 0088 his Way, J i�. s tta5, to carry ()Aerie upon a fluke, or ehlo issue, he will sacrifice Chapleau, 'Langovilt and Ca- ron, without any conscientious compunctious, His public career is paved with the skeletons of his abandoned andbotrayed -�oliLi,talalhes, andmnot H ho a aswelt asapp Ins off ddtt e ha Y ,, resent three Ftenohcolloagues to their num- t Tl.• v n' The go er meat is not morolybanl,rttltt of political strength, of. moral reputation, of statesmanlike character;. but it is bankrapt finanefally, The deficit. this year a'iIl`be sta. pen4aus, a11(1 three deficits: true for last year, ono for this, and Ono for next year---mttat bo annottuce'cl,. to parliaincnt, if a truthful budge, is pretentoti, The c.ist cif the rebellion 1118 reaol,e l snntowhere 11 ottve1n tent and twelve " A swarin of Bleu supporters of the Do-., lniniongovernment have invaded Ottawa, in the train, of •Sir ileetor-.Lapgevin--and Sir. Adolphe Caron,'on. the latter's returntct the Capital.'': There is some political chicanery in ' the bud; which the public, interests requite' should be nipped ; and important: persons who played a part to the farce, which was codduct• ed at the government's' instigation between the trial of Riel and >tlie moment of the gov- ernment's first determination to hang him; are expected in the capital.. Desperate efforts are;being made to win back the support- of ha , -HAPPY JACK. • Subscribers would obligeus by paying their subserrptions.-NEWSP.APEIL MART. The times.are mighty hard'. -ALL To-. GETH.ER. - .' •-- 'Souse' -recent] t�lilisliecl :fi 'tinea in y r' - the Presbyterian Ctttiada':,show that l.' . sby an charchhas takena firm. hold upon' the people of Canada, and. that. it,makes en= couraging progress:'' Since' 7.8'17 it has increased 600 • pet cent qtr--Pritrcer-Ed, ward Island : and in Ness Brunswick -tile increasehas been In ova . N las. multiplied -- tself b •six _ 'Scotia it I m p y Quebec the increase .of nfenibers �t Qu bac from 15,000 to b0;O00. and the congr`e� gations have increased from, 3'to, 60, !n g �� '1817-Ont1 in had 32,900 Presbyterians and nine ministers, and now it has 418,000Presbyterians and 550' ministers, In the Northwest t1iere ' was its 1882, only owl_ minister, nolo '.there, are '328 gee eon a a�£foiis a"nd stiffens �4 t with 350'.. a � , , 9ministers: familiesand 4 m Th on O money raised in 1875' was . $982,6•' 2, in 1883 it was $1•,558,22'8. N w'Castle,eL eb. e 7i F G. Iarrisoli and �` m,: Rothwell J01in Peachani and eor Norris, all colotited G >Se s, c ,and �'rtink Playford, Convicted of Itu•ceny^at the present term of' court, were publicly tvhi ed oh their bare b p1 1e acts in the jail 'ai'd to•lla , receiving from five to twen- 3 y, g ty lashes. cads. - Edwili Ilollinsworth WAS colllinell one 1i00r-in the pillory for forgery, The thermometer wtlS near Zero adding materially to the legal. pun - Wallow, ,., e y t .fi 1 � ':Whine,', diol greatly aggravating the E,,alas•, of torture, The first• malt., millions of dollars, sad the &averment is , actually out of ready ntot.1', 1 her,ttvitlt to whipped, although but 2.t hnf:3 of agt�, i , a ) ,moat rho rirtlbutry t spisiufiztttrc: Mr, :11eT�e.an has been tilt 'innate of• the ,jail twenty. x'1135 15100 ilr 'NIoutrottl,.arraugin with the • in ' or terms varying from three to banits a tent lora, loan of several million tr tes,f ii y g, n 1 Y twelve months, and has been whippe[C l.dollars, , n rhes k to ti t f:,ronnau. .•Apply to MANNING t SC'hTT, JSw,•I31 Sl'D'iC.�t;IITt;,,t`lerk LL_t.Itttl',Tj'n•%, tC t'8 01,Itt1tit, TTut'ett, ,Tint 4, I �1 • - -----'after the freinht.checkep whom 1ie.saicl The' Ioas'of cattle in Pan 'thin re non1 Texas Burin the recent''storm 'iat'eet,.,h(.3..w.oulcl report the• next day for not g.. assisti;rg'to 'get -•oat' ille .stuff: ',The y'ai'dstnan. went about his "-.business,. tend: when he.carie back, he'foiind that the-' ' thief• had so ovei'Icailed his team tliat lie • down at 200,000.. head. This must neces=t sully be a mere guess, however, and.it is- to'be hoped. that it is much the mark. This is hew the country has suffered: Hem cold two days last walk: -0n Thurs- day night and Friday morning the follow= ing teinperatures were recoilded r' Bcllre villa 23,' Boboaygeon 20, Brockville:29, Goderich' 14, H:aliburton 4l YKinunt 40 London 22, Mat va-44, Montreal 2''3 Ottawa 30, Oi en:Sound 30, Pembroke 29, Peterbor.n 38, Port Dalhousie 17; 'Rock-. liffe' 40, Toronto 23, Woodstock '22. The temperance 'caro struck Parkdale last Monday night, when a' motion to in; crease' the .price of licenses of $200 was carried in the Town '. Council. , lliitherto the license fee has been only $100. for tavern and $80 for shop.' Far the 'first time in its history -the' auditorium .•w,Lts graced with the presence of ladies, who were there to fan' the f p.me of enthusiasm and succeeded admirably.' . . A' •ciirrespondent at .Ottawa writes as follows :-Sir John Macdonald has inform -, sine of his-aiipporters' that they must' bo 'prepared to vote dawn; any ',notion made far the appointment of a dommission to iilako �i uiry:irltq; the causes; o('a the ' o thw,3st.�ebelllon ': the v ,. N r , of a Go ernnieni-s- conduct in relation thereto:- •Hk, thinks that if at cotiiim1sion.were appointed` they would bringout evidence which' would fix wits k, The' yardsmari got a crow- • bar and'lieleed him off Tho' theft was', disco'verad next irkrning,. and; McCarthy was sent for: sHe. traced the thief. to, Harrison, -whore ha dfscover'ed him to • be'' a well-to-do ftii•mer named, James Brown.. Ile' at first denied -the 'charge,. but a discover of Some of t;iaegoods n y o his premises •caused :Mico, to own.•ulr; and he showed where Most, of 'the 'stolen ' -sniff, ooniposed of dry -goods, bides, and. bisouits; .was, unladelr, The various' packages: wore scattered over' a two -acre • a hush.. . The 'E.edLa1 a Indians, of Minnesota- • who. etre located not far' froth the Matti toba boon ary, aro •becoMing • trottpie- r. genie: " N ; BORN ' Lta0HAS.-lti Oodortait township, 00 tha'6th. tho.wtfo of Alr, J. 11, Linden,; of a daughter, IPnr rt.�•Iu'Oodeileh tordnelitp, on the.: 20th Jan. the wife of :Mr. A, halo, of a daughter, : rttisoa.-lit' Stapleton;; eb tho Tani: hist ; the wife • of Mr, Johh Eidson, of a sou, + S'rcanv,--I G Borsch t w ''i' 0 u .0 n nshq, n the, i0tirinat., thtt.tvlfo Of Mr. 0.7V.Stttrdy, of a son, . , -MARRIED.' ... the whole guilt upon . the Government. lixitur:-.-TASCrtit" -at tiro to9denco t i of 1tob, Mr. without .doubt, and that, therefore; it is father, on tete 8rd hist., b the Rev. J,. Itouu�b Mr. ' a "• better to' smother the whole ,natter-u,•� 1 acnes snot, of the;8th c'on.,'Ilttiltitt, to Elizabeth 1'1 ,;Lnun;tTamblynrof-the lath con.,.Ituhett, p0asible. ALo:vlicanse-Iioratf,--0n' tho I th hist: e• ` + 0 ,Lyth brides Cather ht rise 'Methodist parsonage,I'.o Q An' Ottawa telegram says .-Dr. Laver, a Midi s bore bir,'Jns. .ACcyCletia i ' c A C 11, D. of Quincey, nisei, do o.�, .. t. t S, •, Cy n f Y to sten: ar .e' 't tis p ni en r her' tobtittiti Wu/ a eldest daughter g ' of Itov. J ' Y , e Hough. was one of tlto medical commissioners gent Wasse0,-.Tntvastrse,•-•.At the t - n 1 a o Clinton On trig $t. parson on the fait t to .11e�ina"before niers execution. to. re- . G', t inst., bytlto ROY. W. W. S a, list • Mr. , A. Wankel t• • p o 31101 to Holch Terrill, 6, , t of u n the prisoner's ". , . . o snn s m 'portp - p t ental c -o dot s ventures ,dnna'lltor . .t -h4x.0 Jas. Tdwnsntttt d.here Saturday, l 4 t. r ft,..; .. s "l , R.. , orae, --011 the 0th 'slat, at St,Sta)then'A x a a t t t : .. aV QJI' ,,. 4.. k byr ; mss^ summonedSir John Macdonald 1 ' ido a d fo't11e ', Altaellr-Y �y 1 f cuss site formal'.report to be• made on the - Church, Gerrie, by Ilio Rev. Mr. 3loorltan9o, AIr..Johri A[F' It $cams .that Ii ale anon Of arrow, Railway Mall Clerk L.,11. & B.,.to iOtte, subject, delegation oldest daughter ofJes Young, Esq.., Gorge, Tories who were here from Quebec on Town--Attusrncro,--on the 4t1t hist•, at rho real. Saturday, insisted that Dr. Lavel should donee of the bride's father ,Brussels ,by;tholtev, war make a strap and elaborate report re- 'Smyth, IIr.'Occr)ro ToKn,to 3.P41 nl1t Armstrong*, Strong p p flouncing nisi san0-in oilier to' help the Government'e' canto in timer Canada, both. of t3russn s. it 1 WAr.'r.Acr•-•L'u'au,-on rho and Inst, • by the Rev* lottthor �Vc t; air, Thos, 7Vallaco, to Atlas 13118;00 I:oddy, ail of ,West 11'awan0sli, . - In the leading Cartoon of Grip of: last , Bttott• •Aleallts.-'•:,fit Oodericl„ en the and 11185,, lty week,. Sir John, with bare and brawn 'clity I,r, rro, m: Arultoy r3uak, 4tf Alaitian(IV.Rie;'t.t Y 1 k f hetii•Anh, yortgestUana;ttur' of Atr. Juhn �) orrly, "o,tto owns I p. • mals, acid leathern apron' stands before f I. � n i .I ,' o alb r t 11 lie anvil I t the village b t 1 , le gtl Iacicsmtth shop..; '4'tinvtsr•--At-••.t"t the )tars0itngc, Bontitiiler, on In one Hand 110 h01ds a hafitntet', 1n the 1 t1to1.3th of .Ino:, by tltO ltev, J, Markham, Air. Johit other' a pair of tongs, whielt g 8118 5: las ro t "Troyer, w 3liss ls, Howell; both of Colborne, - bolt, labelled Qoehee, apd in relily to q 30,001(4 . S1I0.Io s, '1t the resldeno0 of the brides ;mother, hr,'tho Rev, .t M.trkh:u t, on Jan, 27th,, Mr. remark of stir. Grip's that be cannot',lake � y Oen 1nuP,l;v, of (:,.dui'lclti to ltivt Dorothy StCRetls. much of tho "Blue Bolt,' ho says. 4'Of oftu,bi,rue, tlttn'tyou fret. tfit'cntnestothat .I'c:til . OsftE1.'I. " • easily chuck it safe, the tub and. rualce'a 11110"r;:.... At Sr. T.n1,t, 11:r., ea tii,,..•'ltd iu•t, it." 'tub,' , t ",Cr, •w: ti, ilei'''''. , ,nn•lri•1:(tt' of 31r. 770, Tl, 57' tt'f Gzz'lo of it. Tito tnT), is labelled. 'dol. [;asst•.,, . • ' ; . tars,' ''special grana, ` .,,b intis,0 etc. Glrip. tkhfrr.ttg. Cn St:wl.y, nn lien 0„h 11040.„ 1 i,aalto,h interprets the tnovemont'; or its roast 'Pre'. - relict or the lato'Dlmeam °Svatitcr, ayul .al' ('414 %holt' whlelt wa 1110 overIsoloot mar it diets' its result in the light 'of the politica t Y g , , f{ „ll I Cil;sr3tnr,•-•ri1 Cnn .on, on thc7trt ht•:t., tinaatutalr, , tiara •f4 younger but, 1S leading the same own evil courso---bY its violatlan of Cm oral. •t ri t:s,.•- tl t. t) t' •• t.'•s y l rnttTarnttcl ttttkt ,.lased ,lanes till paid a r, Tri Il 1 ict , (u In 10th, ut.. , .d.. Mary T 1.1C`LCrlt C L E1`y' tilllil. l l 18 11rOtllel' Wil. 1 Seta the threatening Nnm0414 0•tllcd ti 1 b ' it 3 of • room eight where the Sill 0 lumbers. tt'tta i,f lir 'F• Friondsltlp aged 30 You't t i 0 rut etha T ' nl oily stir path. nary caucus of statesmanship and pnliticcl l stvinr(iitg'price for their votes. ,list,, steed,/:}aura.