HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-11-21, Page 4o"Will brought his moth, Fr sluk,l AIP01111t ITOMe'll, beginning. T 0 Her Tealt. wero liker Ilearls that listelle(I.; r to livo with us w1hen we were Ali ly they IBIG DISOT'"T SALE AYER'S
(lied if ber younpat daughter I that tit floInP future flull" I l0aY Cherry Pectoral.,
ndlI d and motber llpvtj fit,.. I lop nin pb, (if making you. Zioothoroomplaints Are goinsidlonsintheirat.
rrhe 1)[01111 till fl))Ow- hail not �aarrle i i ]In,)(, mo, lint sure. OTS riND .0'*A OESCarrieawe''Wor poent'hy N.. f1jillikelt. the Protost- illy -wiry T, .--a- Z) Rut 131-Allop 0010;lth. a live with lier I 110111 Will all Bile q suit,,, follows for breach go,ulatil. With by t1to laa,40rity of sunerers. 14%ch
wanted of her Was. to (10 tho woric, [alit Sidi I 12 I Ili order to 1111010 rooni. for VA,,xax Waxyzaaa STOCX<,, cirallial'y couglt or Cold, irmulthig perhaps from w poeill, Says for hall al�ivas tell., It school Willi'll !'.I II0W UrliVill" wt! Nilll vo tPlAing or, exposure, Ili often but thQ, julserable 9qqI;py,;, Who, born Tile Rollin tiurnal sys that a of fetal sicUnepi. Ayjssft and knew nothing or tiousekeepin-, oX SU�)I�MRR GOODS Folt ONE rIMMM, 1. lima Won proven, Ito tuQacy In a fortr years, light witli, throat itild lung 4iselsef, sma
bred :10 lrtll� II ber husband. Wasn't I 20 PER 'VENT. arl I "Ir'.Pt to nrealnice true IkeartPlil airl everything Irish, ond strive to. ,lever.. tells aliv ne lint lair mother hin those three years ? LIMIT VALISES, ete., at great- N, PP akell tit all cses Ivitliqui; delay.
i,o lor or (WOR l,,Ay oil hand. t, offor of wr, 111 all ')'It tit(' otber was stroq, well woolan, I Off it% L i I L gpt 111) reeling (IIIIII't Hill GANTELO PRIETO R -amident of birth, k'vhivh they de and 7et silo had every dir.eae ever 10. 210A g�lod, Illitn't Avalit no UIU18151 shout(I be a -A thell, Ill 1:4 -ort title finvono Tile old ladY tile, lit) energy. liatt titite anil hulge. I (4011g1l, anq pamed nigur,
rlifill,am dom-8 ZO-PI`- t4tur night with,liq 'file doctortir gave tile
known to fitin.anity, find was always i-a-md:3711S MANUFACTURI 0 ltall't not t1lel; W, unhap. Will wo,tt;i:40. t;.,li, will tiow till alit, aull our 2 Complaining, never quite ISO bapPy . VICTORIA BLOCK, CL'1rNT0N- 17-jy r6lieved nk lugs, end airorAled Ing,
too, -utility orstlell A Strittfor (Ounn. WO11111,11 'lie Von, IPI "'WC U% 1'!Zllt- Xiy tlIQ contillue( Ilse of tho 6 perlurt-
o--vaturea ninonst I,,; 'they are ,Alt it or a' %%,bell $11.0 hall six or seven .kinds drealned till-tt, Nile Saw Iwr hutibal)(1, 4aro. now 63 ears old,
One rellgloust creed I no of inediellie steeping oil tile kitellen i - r R .j awoke little and hearty, ;tutl am satialled. I -our ("nilutr
0: Vol& Vif" but stove and scenting tile house till over. 311(i I BUGGIESI'OUTTERStWAGIONS,SLEIGHS$D%UN itlollbt foral tile ulaldrity, 140,110C Ilil" "er"S the aU4( L.Jmyx III �tocklnglxaut. Vt., Juiy 15, the C'utholle sla,ves.are ill(! You eqn't stanil it' Leitt, nd I Ill 0 IIt i s it ose. This (lilt I)io IrERY Croup, --A IlXoillleeii TrIbuo. ohilo fit tile counfry last winter pry little,
.)r t1w lot. Ulloll it,, xlf� then, wouldn*0 it I were you. Mrs, 11.41-ker tbitf, hillill, its old, Nk as Ill iith croup; lt�
lNuilket's pttriotlo should Says. you ivillnever got along with wife i,houl,l not —0— boy, three ye.
Ilke aulP LUATBE Fv AND )SHINGLE8 talen iFk exelitinge. Giv(k ITIO Carl and I secined as it Ito *,(,old die froin strangulation.
40- 09to of tile family suggestvil tbn u86, of ATV.Wa 0
,001 with gieatforcv)- them and I should. let Harry R-uOlT it slnepijig rOuIll. give ),Ott Prices that Cannot be boateit. in the, tA LWAYS ;ON HAND, A ye solts or Who des it) the beginning.!' L tP11 CANTE Ia Tile that bore yoll., So it lint] -One from butt to worse, 11v I'll'S JV.14T 11.1131TARD WN - ru the little liatient breathing vas.
0 --It�Wlarge V�riety of Plain o� Cakes, c doetor sold that t IQ rJ,;CToItAT,l
lli'llu liol U1114 Irish Prize. tile history of tile Letty listening to ifie uGive ear, I %Vill 1.0t t411:1 re. doliver to Sincerely it Ireadful trials with "hill which no roeonlitiank)),tioti. Try our 41i'lITAIN AND FANOY BREAD11a,.1 Whl�b I glillim jr-'er f (to AT Tit nw-kning Of tht- 9 -11tie 11111 r many older n edic. Olitart of thoown. 3sq'%Vest 118th, St., New York, May Tilt IM.
r le; -1 I I d been the ex"orience of ber tic"- ill that.5;ction. liatcall I partioll ever )It P aftlill,
their nothle 14)t-, And was 4101114 , out to An I -it Ill! elkisiwil 101' I oUllil t1le As a panaec-4 forthe Liver —A- __T family for several years, and do itut heotate t4, who I PIX'TORAL in Tnr
pronounceit the wo.st elrectual rentedy for eon In*
Olt ! never, never aud, colds iveluive*eVer tried.
Awl glavd.316: lit)' to littlIA, E
tongues, and (taily I is fulmn-able, correct$ tho A. J� Ie ned and CoutitrV road'; two, VOW)" bile� sti-pril-tilpfis (II-estion, Iced and OrIlItIllellited; Seedlilid to Nont-I. Slinu., march 13, lem grew.more, and more opposeil to the� (S 0 I 'Urif 'U #9 LtICOU'ry It. F' I'll sufferedfor eight yearsfroin l3ronellitin.ank
eoAs w nXiolli iflio at (I Nvalki 4ftertryiii�.iiiallyi*ouleitli'$N%'I%Ivnosueee IW V, 0 Use Of AY4.1.lt'hi 01111HY I'LCTORAL.
ldoub!e 111flict.ion whiell. tened 'gives rest to tile -0-h-dice Selection o.'al/kinds of 0onfectionely'I curett, by
prortiotes Meep, It OSELM WAUAM."' her. We havo. now the lWatrgest, ild 11.011) Itylialla, Miss., April 6, 18t;2. u- Ist, Woulftil.-Tbat was splealzallt to lake, I(eep 7taving accured. ilie sorOves ofo, FiliST-CLASS BAUER, I Atill now In a position to giro -KOOO rish you, are The (Illy., worn oil, antJ at' .bouli site D.I. Diebard. Tlivy say he'agot till tit an bri-mcbeo of tho busli,ess. 0-7.1cu CqL'.kIll, I SLi,80N.-C� .141 cannot say enough in prallie of Ai,rula the LIA"Fit llea,101V alld vout I'll"Itity 11IrCT0I.Ar,,btIIjevirig as I do that but sh4ale from Olt your its anything- nit recoInvilell to ex. pkivent-foverand ligue, hill- 0 fill, its rise I shouid, long Since Ivive died frolIA
you'll witte tnat W aw fu, WI ill t Ily w i F( Dozit -Forgef tb Stild, SMITH'S BLOCK'CLINTON. !still-, circumstances, still A0 WAS too ljotig and ottle'r fevers, lind as trouIll a. e
lestille, Texas, April 2-0, IF62. never, never, lierer le are, happy mortals. d tinIsh Cannot be Beat, goo'c1l I% housekeeper to allow any one. tile aitti asked ril Wo rk, Style, can No case of till affecti6xt of tile threat or larigg. Itivell then, wilaf. it JAMES AN xists *vvbieb eaurioC bo'grestly relieved bythe us&
0 you hope t win to flutl her house or:tAble lacking in the wife to.the waddill, I DERSONIIII 'gelfthil Jailor, 10 .. . CdI1 before buying will satisfy real -t of Avisn, a airy articular, and when at 5 o'clock Tho last"tiolo the " IniliNtprelloll ciuttv rECTORAL,
J ioq already beyond the,
she heard the whitl of the approach4 oil thenli lilt I eularke(l-: Ill d ill lilt NVE -.SELL -0 H., 10wlk P th" s,. t.
And i,ourlin-, prouder llFall Strick of 0. . 1. Ah� no I lie sailly cres I ing traill all(I kne$V tilpy woul(l Soon st!o you t PXL�%;vr Ini,eting last -A TURE 111II1321AUED AT blate(l. .0ME, MANUF _L _' -C
PoQts 11 IiN,(, I" wnj the re- .......... "I'll Dri J. 0. Ayer & 0 Kell MES to tic too be liere,.'she ave -a- basty -glIUICe at C - I
"31aric hat I Say, It will not Pay- w st sold by aUPxU991iits. oil I nevkr, the reflection of the pretty, dark face Polls', Ili- It wit y the lilliddy that I (!Olt-
and soft muslin bell Cludo I lint to go to tim uIt'still'i f F 111,41 soll.yon lovit to rotiln, i - 6 keiil) Clodii-Co,vered, W I"Ilt let, nl� M the mirror' an.] pa'ased ill I L N 0 LE This Line iN
just rellill)(I You, IT oul I'llaw fillil a 111111plev hollip (lining robin to, ',',five soni� firilsbing ell tile illillist"r WWI olno soverity. Me., with the hiiwilind you touches to the invitin" table Willett M ilve -T-T ore to shore, too, 0 to llvade throu-5 niod, so as to gut ount The woriti, sit L kitow hol, the 11 ,,rwiil jle it Vill,, tthough it noth, Finest ,.L.Learse n Y_
voll,J 'never light, 01) so bright, I Half an'. Ilour al'tOVWal slie, stood ther ia,clills afton(lecl prouiptIv or (lily.
in the hall, to welcome vile dreaded ()I,, 'level ,level-, never Gro pol-Ilf, Tile out oil 911lestfl. NVA8, I its I.1 old .1jartli Strbet n&r. th v5qiiare GODER10M. will furnish". or make up, A- . urntel : 1 rot id who"rushed lit ) -tile Steps. -.Ind Ak, woninn's o sea 'EO. DIEHL- & SO N& I inl (.)I- Kevin,14 Ili -y so� Gents'Clothii�.gi.n shionableg -11, in her, artus before Ifari A 3 Fa tyles 01. luvritic shAtIvs of n cyl . Tile Suprenlo Conrt 'of the United OLINTON, ONT. -bL 'r led 4A, �Nllli-ijll's 'Wes pt.jif�-inovl rdoi4n, t -sLoest Mods. VICTORIA-ST'l n. 8111"luolls w. This f�i� State, Ali tile I upon to tall,'bandsonie girl, with A 11 It'll- sit fit I r wd� Ielse wll�re Ito (1001;10 whother h i.11��Vs�aper ina.V -03- t R NOBLEN an exp Tailor: No misfits� Ull, Ilk Ver, O'Ider that' Ebe, Atfd who ve ber the with, impunit;y, call a, woluall"ugly ilop tvmk. I Yrders rueudad to, N61is Street Goderieb.. to Inect with more doillonstrative greeting of a sellool and ay thaz 4�is 4. big il(),46. 1vilere Wit Y( hair n(I brown eyes, Who looked Ito the actUrets-P HILO NOBLE WLL WALL PA1 'ER. egr'he Nashville American was reo The time for House -Cleaning pea And WileVe, wlt1l she was in inottler'4- is r: All wanting IfiLblup, aramy. And one or the sweetes t not long ago to "gay that- Bed
lor, Di 0 t In 0"w Wit t.�,u Ahe ever heard called her "(]till OOD !all, Par iniag'.-Ro Ott Inav not joys to ]Inive Killo y and silo burst into a passion of tears, ta. P'14 A ND'. WINTER. G Xb 0 till (-;are mWil ac , ti * -Oqs 11was It salfull lady -%vith a A B001 `0 o m.,.Pa, er�; But frit'lids liforo you'll never find' Will Harry, 'ub and, P I I ) wel it O O. A I I- thod wit o.rronn I nill'oretionq, "ressen or ol h, -r cau am 011, IleVer, never very tnose" 6ild indy" ve.k, unnerved, Inv aldritodl phykicully drained. and inlable ontI7 cured, withollt, ationlot, medlO.". Endoned b 7"lictor will Ind the perfural Iffe's duties Vroll"17. can b& "Thillily and p"a
shut:tIte dodi, 'inatterlim $ornet * . 11 I -And nnv lnd, o 11,you will (Ctonti'"1161fik�ng'Pol Ith the trunks, ssion and.broug lit a 41 if for Ii S, Q I.' whoi), superooled by T11" n'Patterns. n w 191THP, E'CLO'"IMER 'Best and. Latest' 2 7 eleoxenm�Aas%ure orcortaln rdotIlration to full and 00. At 11 I ;hI still lint Ioit 8 f Vonu#ss'-he bad- not known for.a. long Tit() Court, HA -S A— U AMON HEMERY CO...M V.obao St.. Tor"it, *tit Ilse, WWI ' N 1 I DR Neso areho I � � VL it) love forever$ Mammoth Steve nn-kip'llt AVII.en they. -were ll collected M- pelitlit-0,alld tile IAlld you'll I q ,oulld till, coullU3110,11CO tl-Rate Asked, "Whatidid it- -tho I supper table, 0 "A ITE k .i. Ti. 8. -CK TRIEZES9 CO RNICES AN.O. PA.ELS, ILLERS9 M ;OMPLETE The spot or- ell rth that gave you birth tilpe, o goin.�!to look like 1�1"Ilg, tjl4l'� or'�� IkftS to you. think.I.vit wer U3- The,Bii7,a,ar for 1883.are 6titild cita'be had for nothing. ve. an([ mother appeal to -the United. State." 86pil-Inle mm- .mj,C3 Call a ii -CL ranteed of beat Workmanshili-arld a rA -txoll I)Ay oil to CIO[. f, very fbing,guit
'110 too, o-ier.thd photogr plis III an&Z, plain- -lam -lano -se 'or vol. rst,IL allield tile feloini 11080 and perfect Tile tqto&ofUudovlvear,ln. I it e f I has of us. 'Wo would not send Illirn. .8.4of cout— ne I fl,wi.L f any Otbers-I wouttlI112 1)�iitller Ivant- I, qui� 14 GODE RICH His POLKS, e . d to send somey but those -were such' lie . I I evety. softer :12' Ile 90 Is Cheaper than silly On 'eon toll'of the Nartli. It wt a IIL* t r7— fully Situated fitrul b6 6xi Cho safe sid,L 6iful house lit Huron bliat their fauos wre notr bumA d, t Wjl�)Iie JUOkfiltel glIA88'eli t ,pleasant toom in a cligiel e is ornid 'things 1-�t ou�ghtib wag bestto crol= UTO= 0 a -T r -r iqg As.well ag-Nve worei. 0, iloseq are too pro- ais t silvbw I lie dll;. t TV Everythirrg iIvas tit its W it f),ji,itis �tat�, of "10 MIsLein,'Queh sk Dfj� . I . TIRI-ry langited "Ifyou'O ul�l have 7 ngs; of the'pretty' . ., . O . seen %V louIwoman. who -all-&- by. the breal-ifst, 16 Ol�e(l ly: 1-1-1 it C I lion 1. told I -Vel I like me. you wbuild.. lillre, M!id-w1i table lookitig so thorqughl Nkin, 'BELTIN'G�: liever-take 'fv 1-E inlaer" –7 bpan atnifsed. I told her little, that it would. hv�. ui6v�d 'any, -intore(ing divorce petition I AT F1 P-1 bu't-slie thought it rhust Ile nil 04114 D I%�k _qTinl_ Ihad been Infl, A 14 b A osity. I 112 wbo otilv nud orth qf taw ovi tomovitig eumploitt, tlit-y a lit, 3,etty said. but l4tle.- I i lipi, inl- of n: youtig N' alld been vry year and ha - .. I to'! of I I (It; pulisive, �vtly site lind gone u far to to Ile s6pa'ratel; lately. shelind, h�s she said, Inotion$ 7
fl -bill -11m. -11 of her ow pflitah b f tit e.,q Ol- e that' s kiii," to hn.w who most prouil npiit wa that. i 001ght at K.ate*s jovely, �fi aOr" R9 B E LTIN I, ht�lhhaiid is a etiat- (448111"'I it ell To ut htll�Toth br's, i6a ely 1689 lovely; with it, tbat 21-0. house I- 1;� . ; ...... %yas ever yet 011 ford, Ofkt,. ltr I rorn I -own�. e tsoft' bi es aijtil. Nviavy Ivory tirgriotil CF
Ilut40 s not end enough to ai,ccorn6datin a I re -all (I Ili ItIO An - I'll. Nvlht� 4do'' OL littl6piliq In OlIntob tile: .1villflildthe
lier hust;and's tnother$ and nbliv-2 Aq ia,of, lire wllito tys tll-P tasith t IChe dayli; spell, like a 1�Lcaa ,unly her husbiul-tt's inotherbut�a This aid, fanc Work and bIQO(I, alilli,�Iltil flyo too, was-40111ii U, -T -,b -Tb, iin idle so Ion, fault.whIl , F R. with at which had 1, DW.LE .1 her niles, anti I -is 21- old, all(] 9 to inteiTere vE L EATH, ER aule. out ofthe closet to which it Iall her Site had nei4r c beerr it sorvant been shed, nd made the little, J I olli, 6uro it NI !lit �7 seen ally of her 1�1' Ipavior.nozy,�and pleasti T.�,tty all(] 6�f;tl)lily Tut, Ili ny-yea. s TOWN HALL.,,. tit. HE rP tile Litno of her, hrallout Iate, prabdecill detg otill(I songs t o- rT
INTON liv th-ir 9 -Ufle �c, wil ILI wil* -.e liarni' ize of tile OYI by I'a again 8 ie"10god .1br holn - e). r liio�v York Cit-. etty S.�.,Sweot tbobgh!..Lthcr week k Nv�lis well. P I . I . . I ALSERT STREET, his older tirpther's falbily oil iccoun-ti- — , I. Isuld'. oc iient by niall. I its Harry , had': tile hoyneaelid and ivere in .%vit'll I I .. 11 . 1. I , . . . U; !. . *It,_,l, yQgt,-tribI6 ani. tit) no�lr p, or. tbe �ate of L lbaVin q, rieli, conti'lil to Atill, i b The I a 0 Gracols II! d MAr'. IN -E _J� S E. S Oil as as �Gtldlln, 9 : , us what were they.. to do �but to come et (if ullis.i till Li oll eq, wa�, till The, %N,� . g oin hr? 61'116d iedhing was givel to & rvoln"111 v ioin. at it -M u li,til 14st J uly. \V lien she 0 an'd Ma T—M. is 0 I -ST VAL�JEZ-45N T )II'Ll-I-Y Who Silo (till TIo6 -(Jisnlissod bee.a.lise, Brynni V g�etttlble 14X Sicilia"n e
that site was. cross 'and, ilkagreeacle+1 �.lidllef civil washing ccording to theJavS: of. t'�y 0 0 Ch coul(I I . . I H IR R NEWER
Dow could slie be� anyihing else with' II6 t 11 0 me+ or "his rolks wil % a 4U such trial was ill store ? Ito%* C'Ouhi would think. her- But witIK .11itu tie expected to Ime Ped . Ple t4 9310 lipml ogars.. tr ct el 1vas the first preparati.du perfectly 64aptod tocurlit,
untilshe f threa a iv ,et successful ro� d it
I'D discases,of the scallip, an a%. , - ti ebwele ill ofile t I I(,, 0- inade -oublo 11 Harry I' I]' Ir livrival, he Ltild 110.t I at she, stolej of failed or g-rhy hair to its natural 6olor.,.
grow and youthful beauty, It has had mvmy�.
'At The-ITev-s--l-ecord Printing House; il'1011�1 11110TY 1161,1. 8110 did not %varit - G-% e lierself eyen � b foro 0 , le� 'Ile 2 nd then she' - falked.io L-eity via r. I W flat it %vou Id Ito she ('io,uid* ,I,O- 0 11111,1117 or bat -6 to Itaitatorsi but alone have sio, fully,met all the
Lit' it; �Ilil the rtlsui waii; tbai Te,
lonti needful for lhq proper tre�tment of to wit), ell ron andlHardware u1two in a 110t,beftr to t but I 6irc
w 01M Illuch of the othel. ries har bollairant
good dayP done., Wily, if I litoddily grown in fayor, - hnls.pread It& fath.e and. too. . I g1l to bm�olno . ...... tysefultiLso to every quartorof.the globe. Itsun.. liftralie ,.iis can to attributed t6 but onof . oil le or iopri6isell.-.. I gund t1i. 6 k e. e. cause; l't Ia new r c ve often been surprised at the, Thepropriototsbli* Per I, a,; w OI
v, oimki,:tt color tittlylinAue r iriado' till effort foritsIntro ucton,
and.,it is not rocelpt- f -orders from rohlote countries, her right tinarrel 4it,h her husband- oli lqgltu to withIJ941C.. it one ? he 11 d nPail had a. tiown– ..Peod lipoll Sit y T 0 N ell work. -for a ty (lit Ill- hI -too,. lCOOPEX �_GRQC Y... U lei), I ni TIIQ use for it short time+ of HALL's HAIIX - iv. lilt. "Neither rantlier not- wbui'l slion)(I Iiii-0 till lily pla, _t) d inton'.AtigUst, 1883. q: rparruice. it ol It
p oati estbe soglit from. all till,
w if it watl' to o-%3011ie into tile hous puritios, cares, all humors, fever, and. dryness, Us ont, and it is dich, hol-A6 t'o plelity,of llttl�- thing4. to tlolf The hor,4 to refuni. I)iF;. To nyttiq rooni foi..Chditm�s Stock; altd has Ilad 110thin" to do wich hill) and. thus proventslial(Ine,;s,- it stlinulateb the.
O it I Can in' Iluilln'rous Cos. Itcart, thanks itt his etl its Avait �ill you seer thein Tv known will ginbleit them to'push for,
W 011 ell) 16Y till 06 IICIV Oil r TL' 'it ro and I'lon't be so tnirritionable.". thIng, V id(�� is*'llint w� tointing for ,liberal ;Igollous,growth. The effects of nol; transient, like thosib of aloo,L, to bo as oil ill qual'it and as LOW for Clio past tw yorti-6, �11(1. this article are :.Iiolle pr�pra ' tions,but romaln in riyakes Its utie a matter n ',iny this- the y had receiied out. aret up to tile SONS041'.5 pr,44iblo for thAV inobey, 'N chance 1 . P Go off 1.1 & 0 d go I -or - nt: -a Se ido Its adu be bo Lighe. to. 6vQ 'lliq. t I) 0, SL long tl e, v
Silo sh.ould see Clem soon in Ili to kee Iktr, lig, Roll 0 to fi Lngg given t I . s to Von lig,ringl kh' wolnl0 onji))� tile Inittly t Wi IE EL ER,�.,& W I US U -nini to tile eire 'tile fitc bop(tg to inoet a continuance of Vancy Goods, 1.oys of al I ki nlIfI Ot BUCrCINGIIAMS DYE You, THE traveller., wilulf], ltl�riva iliac aftbr. it'll td,olarvy tile. It to NO,loul �.] Y Ill be their ptitrolinge. alid.'Photo Frftios, So I,e ad , (')lie (,' I ) N I %v AN D noon, and liarry, wita to tneet,theirl, Was reivorthy of youl, notice, Its alo In taste Etcll.Etc. WRISK Ra wilikiiirter 113 HIS GO OT.'TEA .At tile �jllllotiol,,.sonie twenty i 'Will chtingo. the board to A natural lbrownt tt, lit r Ili "g ontfit '40 silo (tould not goo lilln Oil %VJIS freely gii7611 and,as froely. its)<*- was 91164ed and Pailled at bis still 1) lind van not black, tis It produq0�4.vgrra V4
loarket. All 6flier tim, ill net rway. consisting of a 9111ilo
ag -rom- they Came, as 110 Would. no ill, ptin b( ig Barg al -n- preparation, it is applied vithout trouble. QoIMII�Av to Fee her one ovvilingr C6nqtaTItlV' (i . , 'L take All early dillnel. dowil towir in . .. I il troepriv.4 tvi lo%v. wi pos�iblo. A 1�ryiinf, and the othv� tlust, enougb' -O!" ILiflil(l. Yana q)rq�lueo taken Irr. BY to ., - . .. of GTA,1)'S%V ARE, and IN L L 1, N1 H (111der to ,oatell tho � train. U was -1001�pd oil rot, goods. 0 T 'It Y jll,�. _ I- , hh;i hoarni Jig 11, oil. Ab4o gi-owing late ill.. tile Itio'en 10111t see bow she (till it, lill4t, tiIII0 that. h(- whM Coll t tillill Sold by, all MA16111 In XledidifieS.
O.S. too, rk Dom 11111 sho It got on so icomforta- I J� -04 T ME Vo
nor llo%V thpy-p liatit of freqneintly to el 4\;" 0 w . aPer' R ArATJ THE
tba Oam 6, r N Cal ell I at, e FO FORKS
Silo was -,ell M11 to it told hiln ill Lfl� oppo. orlollw 'I �11 'jonS ill Stoe)t. COR-b"MEAL, FLOUR, or silo 81101114. Ile all t1le (loing the biIglitiling!" ut whilt she j,ka,v 1)(I WANTED, E-1 A Scrofuloulio Morclarialp an4 JL�, aud 1) Rnitl outside troubled our fafill)y tlint, .010 Nvotild drive Idill to, A OAT9, PO-TATOES in wash, not, i,ow long ditraction antl prolilihed never to 50 4�-ftlll` 1411111IS Will t�ft-ll T=gh blood, sh*P h act Ant ot,'the breakfast tub:e nd Winter AJ)I�Ilcs. 06 boit' M tile the Triosit
a ono cvoi)ihg witen. IT-arry Wng do. drillk alintlivr drop. 14111i an
herself. In On4b tvill bo O.'"'.0 It alvc Ine a clillall(I be Albert St., Clinton. tained Ili town ty cale 4 I 11 (1,14 Ilily o1c for Ity confesIed to her two t -yer's Sarsaparilla Lo forill- . na(l goile, to* tile book 7,tf. R A 'CA40 and Tound thb olkI p1lotograpil how silo IIII.4 to hilvo thorn bq� alli DIrUgglatl1l; 61'alk bottles, I&
Sold It a In tCopy front tile old ill gelleral, F ARX 11FLEIR XTSI thnn'saild to, ie lb tit and tn-Iten t nother look lit 64 Come, nd how slia bentl falke(I Posted In h oa day or -two agn NV, hqNV %VI iell wagirl went AV.. O' 1) Itilothor.4 IvIlt".0 Xate's plintogralill he too 11nd detested llor ihe Vinnimss lilce, ft tilltv enst Illuel 'ttit*,m AtIoriloy li-id -a 4 -alk widi S )low fier pet, brothor, for r but costs ng NOliell 01 riell ink tVhon) 4 Mill, (1111 I Iliac it (till not I(jok ilial least bit tflllllls� 1,A1100 A88011,TkRNIT OP To I)i1iltASITS, COmPLAIlftell and Accrutirr!ik O00 away a tiply;ingg suitor is - ftO Ivss l"+usllaIt, ]lave no (2,0(1 li'll t, LIN 0 l4vo thIter k I Alt or
TSt Lawrence anals. T N . oil ileafl,e, ) . . — . . I I . I totif to turor or tell ti nej, -Viv7' I fe. Tilt, ` zpl�o TAKEN 109WALLY FOR 010 conlroT1 I'llopp'll, '4110, thtnight as .46 'Mut flint ftnxioilq slialt, htivo no otbur Genl NotieV, to C011trViCtOr. it'It �L — (110 0 a as, silo I drovo lip tntho q6Z?2 rftn()Ar� %V,th . tt-ach. � g.ljll 1) . — �n yonr whim wo rif,. inarryPtg a ito Met Mr, all to gaid Otw oSTR4 OUITIH WE% Ilit,tlis ivill, 1110, rAivIlle b6ok down gto tilat nin, ilIg. tit a ht 1111 M ROOT & J)PIIIII(I it i . I)WL of art Journal.Q, illey nw, what 11111thor 1110 at 01(t ill tilt, 11 � I Said fL;tJt'lJI:l,.I. oll tilt. ':;ill 4 r Aro . . 81111imvr, � k 1 JU lostitor, W voll are 11"I'votill ill. I *11"11 ill I.N. M' e,wt Ill A( yotlil atill I felt wat; all ell I 11 usiastle nd in fror of beall Ly lCouldn't Invo nn N-mv T A -till In.tvolls hxr4 101' And fill finploinont U804 on ti, f ni Thir'y it bit liko TIM' voll nial Ur.' I CAP 0 Vol The iprodm 1 q ("ritod its t 11 o and as iF.M.110 Harry, and lie - e%volild4yo-1, Lofty!?" will lt ,I , iTo.,vtv, thv TA IIN oNol, : 1. '81ill,4 ta-rIIiIW to t1lo lug tile. eheapesti.4b I)Itl;t at JIF,r inillil prPfice In fnilly, ellieviiu a"I'llp, nn 41. Lint[ f 1� iPnil)t(J'Ll to fIIA rnt, PIi11V 10 *AM# ,;Ile WolIld 11,
lit 81)AIXVIO, 1?,"x Iti'VOTY bolt(6 t t (1,11P 25 . i 1. otIll, alit I , . , , " I'll i