HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-11-14, Page 3e 00 weereve...•essesee0 ."•t"ww'or••••••0! .-H4$ !JT-.. Inigijt9p4s,-.Ti&kSiott THE OF SILVERWA Quadruple Plate, manufaktured by the MERIDEN SiLvEn PfatTE COMPANY, Of 1V4riden, Con., U. S., and Toronto, Ont. These are 'undoubtedly the best Silver Plate Goods in the world„ we* have bought a very large stock .of them at about 10 0-a2rPER rzEss Than ihe,regular Wholesale Price, Our Custinners :will get the benefit of this bargain by getting their Silver- ware 10 psi cont, doper fronz us. We have , II KINDS OF CASTORS BUTTER DISHES, SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, TOAST' RACKS, BISCUIT JARS; NAPKIN -Rmasi--PrOkLE---- .--- OISHEs, CAKE 'eassETpo CARD RE0ENERs, ac, &c. `come and see these Goods before buying elsewhere. You will certainly. save money by deing so. We guarantee you first-ckes gootkeheanef-than anybOdrelse can sell you, because we buy them Cheaper. .. 0 V'Ve Show an Elegant AsAibrtindrif of Tioo -G01 a, Silte JEWE,OY..- CUFF BUTTONI"/ - EAR DROP/SH0 ••. GOLD/SETS, BUTTONS,.;!,,./kit.....411.AEs is(EcKLET% • .. : Our Silverware and Jewelry -are -entirely-:. new. -NO . old patterns. , Everythinn;• . the Latest, NeNkrest,...• . , and Most StyltSh Patterns, . '. ' . • • . Autograph and 8Crap Albums., an • Flegan• t'Une ;lustre- :• 2 °eked. freM.: Neu) York. •Bibles and Photo Albums, —hundreds of them to choose from.-• Books. and. Bta- . tionery, all you Want. .: ' •‘' . .,•-•4• „ Come and:see us whether you,.,want tOlbuy or not • IIRIS,' DI -OK -SON. . . . • Wx3E. T:rxxo# tfpird ThaoIeritii New Hurom*ftecor Olinton,_Wedneidap Nov...1411. 1400AL '1\TE -S. In and Around tke "Huh: . $03434 gatit. noana are yet plentiful. . • • •'Lleitrtrute on Friday morning.. -SainkreeSitte..111,103ne will' appear snort week. Ma. Wm, Po* aed family, of Clin- • ton, returned ko, axe, Northaveat oti Monday. . Miss Rem ot Michi, • gan, who has been visiting friends' in town, returned home last week. , ebartered banks, , .or cermet coin ta.lrea atthe News. Bloom) office for past. dee ettbscrip- ttionte Come right along gentlemen.' fl AattuAtaltaemneltibleSecieity inteeting in Baptist church. on Thurfa- day ev'g, Nov. t 5th, Rev, Mr. Me- ' Coeh and resident ministers will de - diver addrettaes. All are invited. . tots Bovairr—Last week Mr. W. Core bought the two vacant cotter ••lots on Athert etreet, front Misa. teunaminge, fee. $275. He intends. fbuilding titivate residence; • Tut WasEt.—Mr. Ilarry Quite.; whom:. wheard eigs took eine ifirat prizes at 'the rodent fall allows, eite his whole. stock of them ,oit Thartidity 2213el'itait, AS'ee Post. ,ers, • eer, Was held in So Paul's elmith en • thaiiktigitbkday. The Sermon was trete Atte XTV, 17'.. The offettory sJrl �f the gishop Of AlgO)110,. WAS larger than "IStAttitftt ItEetAte$,'-e-Olit quota- tient/ of pri44 paid, fer grain etc., on Clinton Market are fAaolvotoly totted. Why papers Jitilitiohed „ other OlVtilis 141XMIld give quotations 'tiPlyIr. John luaor, painter, -has gone te Mitchell, where he has several ob n trade. . • Tui:sermon on Sunday evenifig next, in St Paul's church, will be on "The Coinumnion of , Sainte in Merle"! . IT ts rumored that a young knight of the brush, fOrtnerly ,of Clinton, has skipped out, • taking . another man's Wife' with hint from the vicin- ity of Mitchell, end is new reisting under the stars and etripea. BZST Ittaninvo' True. —The' best record in the world. for a mile, run. hittig !wraps,' is _min, 39i eeca, ,by Tien Broeck, 5 yrs. .110 lbs., against ante, at Louisville, May 24th, 1877. • • Stiorev Porien; of Chiefiffo. i •whose 'friends reside Colborne is dropping in cm old friends in that toyaship. The News-Reboaie office Was also takenin in his rounds,. Mi.'. Potterlotalcs about as "liye" as . any. born Yankee. Fen rat NoitletwEst Jelin Kite of SeafOrth; brothealrelaw to Mr.• 'Wm.; Gantelon, wee in town Otto week, We understand that Yr, Ityle and Mr, P. Cantelbn win thortly leave on a business trip to the 'North west. •• • wrao chiuton Curling and Slot ing Rink Company's apply fer ineor poration ter the purpose of perches ing or leasing /and and erecting a curling and abating riok in the town of Clinton. The capital stock is $1, • 200 divided into 48 eliaree of $215 each. - EIncOltee.e-eThe moon in 4140 4•town, hall on Thursday eveeing la notler the auepices ot the Baptlat 'choral choir, was a decided eneceee to eorrect and plettaieg rendi- tiou of the selectione wee concerned. The repeated mem ebowed that the audiemie theroughly apprecieted the excellent)* of the various num- bers, Mre. Vewton, 140 ban a natural aptitude for music, ,proved herself oil *hie occasion to be a highly coltivated artiste as' well. The ehorueea were exceptionally good. Mr. T„ end Miro Jeicksen, Mrs, Duckhato, Miss Callander, end Mr..T. Odle were loudly ap- plauded. Mise Steverition, and • Masers. W. Doherty, Newton, and Jones did much to make the concert a suecess, It was worthy a bettor house, and the attendance would have been greater but for A lecture by a popnlar preaelter in the B. a Phurcli oil the ewe evening, • Otur.7•There died at Luck/taw on the 5th int. Mr, Daniel Webster, aged 85. The fulteral,took Otto on Wednesday lest, and Was very gely attended by friends an re 4- 111 r tives, About- 2P—years—ago----the deceased remeved from near Streete- ville. to his late residence. For years! his house was the only one awnidthIntravaleallneyra 4wlielre (flwLayusamn:c17e1 arid welcome without charge. Ile was e are industrious and obaritahle in his thtee' works, and always; exhibited a true Christian spirit. lie hawse a wife re lb and ten children—flee boys and five ga—alr of who are merried but Wes- two boye and two girls, Mr, Robt. week Webster Reeve of :Aelifield, is .a ands, son of the deceased wboee death is bort the first hreak in the' family, He rrow was well and favorably knewrsized i this pz.voirei:ity and throughout the Odra ton attended the funeral, not t to •whole eounty. Several "from Cliit-, • 's Lemma COURsn.—On • Yirednesclay -evening last the first of re' a series of lectures, arranged for by sud- en- lunng!' A4'031‘100-Xortlihlenghiec14114-hania'-etejaniaLd 14 ary Societies, was given in the a he Town •Hall by Dr, Wild. "Men The with Tron Shoes was the subject. dent The lecturer Made it pretty clear •34 that the .Angeo elaxon people are ath. •descendants of the men with iron nt. shoes who „were ket by eemmend of God to people in northern 'P&». - tine. Many novel ideas :Were treducecl which require the e trifying eloquence of the Rev. Pr. to put in form so as t� be thorough- ly appreciated. The attendance was. good,. and the whole lecture very entertaining. Dr." Wild ap- pears sincere and Consequently int- pressive, There • are four lectures to be delivered ye. Our citizens who what to pass a reallY pleabant evening once a month should secure course tickete, if they • have not done so already. The Central Pod Aesociation has arranged a match, for the Obam- pioniship of Huron and Perth, be- tween the Seaferth Seho01 -Club and the Clinton High Scheel Club. Thin will be the 1nel Watch of the season date not yet Axed. GOAD W0111f.—The new rolling process • reoently introduced into Fair'il Roaring and grist mill is doing good woork. To Mr. Hollingehead, who put the machinery tagether, is due inuch credit for the manner in which he fulfilled the capacity of foreman and overseer of the work. A Roettene-e0n Saturday a Olin- tonian did the county town. On his return be made for the station at a double-quick paoe, reaching the train. in time to be almest too late. HO ball "staying powera" equalled by few young men, and a mile foot race may yet be matehed. He' a a runner 1 FAI1A1 $ALE2.—kr. W, cote, of Hullett, sold three farms last one on the 7th 'eon. end tvg.I 8th, fie Messrs. John Leith= John Bell, of Londesboro. W. informed the price! paid for all was in the eeighleorheod of $14 These are good farms, and a the bands of good managers. Exton A kleMA.—Mr. John lel Cook arrived htiiMe lalt from the Great Manitoulin BA Algoma District. During bis 13 stay there he had several tia in escapes, One day the boat cap and he wee, as he thought, lef perish on a rock, After a few h be was„picked up. • .E. W. dpea care in* for Algoma,- , Somme Daam--News was ceived lest Week of the recent' • den death ,ief Zr. Wei:Urea of Travis City, Mioh, Ho was hitching a team of home's who dropped driwn and expired, deceased was at one time a resi of McKillop, and was about years of age at the time 7 of his de He was a brother to. ,Mre, W Canfelon, town, • the loyal Orange Lodge 243 stte • od In 4 body. The Oburcii , crowded with a large and apprec tive audience, and the renown an able and eloquent effort. An accident that might haT0 glutted fatally happened to Mr. lir Haeerick, Steuley, last Setepit He was misting Mr. grebe loading law loge, and 41)0.7 We rolling the logs oe the -trucks vi the horsea when the chain bee end ityieg back, struck him OA t telDpkt hnocking.hina down, and t log rolling down the skids, stru bim on the leg and injured him the knee. We hope he will men able to attend to his work ega,Mf A large lymt was shot last wee in the vicinity elf Black creek, tow -ship of Hay, by Mr. Jas. Weetco of Usborne, which weighed abou 30 pounds It appear$ a PertY 0 sportsmen. With their dogs while i chine of three or four, fine dem), th ud- wits la - was re - ay. eld re th ke, he he ck on be ' n. tt dogs chanced to arouie this anima The swamp in which it was shoat i vory dense, and, it ie said, that al moat any kind of wild animal can 141P1401° HAKTBArtee-in Goderieh ttInubil), ozi)he /Ph ult,4 the Wile *f.- Att« ,10bn 14414t9odt 04 daughter, 13124144—in Mullett on the Atli inse.,ttwi ,wiro ef Mr. Richar4. Melte% Of HILYAR.--In Clinton, on • the 4th,, inst., tlip. telfe of Mr. 0, Hilyarf of e daughter. 101A0111A.C1E84 CALLANDER—VAA.P.---clet ore - day, Nov. 8404 BitY• Vr't P?ig)' oldest datighte*o,c Rueeell John Caliendo* te, Mtunie Tao tea4 11. Esq, both of ClintOrt. •' WED. CLENDENNING. e- At Manlettaux Grand bate:tree Co, /KWh., On ..tlie; 3rd lost-, William plendenning, formerly or .,),ToXillopk brother of re. ‘antelon, Otinton, aged: 84 year ead 4 4noe, It If you era treebled with a "hooking , cough," Downi' E,taxpi. gtve you re- / lief at once. Warranted as recontraended. •or money refanded, Price, 25e., -50c. and $1.00 per battle; 250.1to be tracked in it in the winter. ---Metters. McGregor and McIntosh, of Brupefield, have sold two more of their imported heavy draught fillies, One, a twe year old, was field to Mr. Win.' Elect, Tuckeremith and the other, a three year old, wa att th, Dec.104 IBM sold. to Mr. Thomas Woodley, o the London Roacl, near Brucefield. Both these mares carried olI Arst prize in their respective class at the recent 'Western Fair held, Lane don. The price paid .for taw+ ilk* abbut one thousand dollars, House tiltgA.KING. —A short Utile ago the Rev, Mr. Watts, Giangeeg- ational pekoe at Wroxeter, went with hie wife to visit friends in Tor, onto leaving his house in AA person's °ere and entirely at the mercy of any persons' who might be disposed to go into it. After An abeenca of two or three weeks they came beck and fotind that the house had been entered and burglarized, consid- rton17. erable nmnunt-orailveraare, forks, spoons, napkin -rings, 4c., were taken, as well as window our- taine, table napkins, henditerehittisi a fine Woollen table corer and a water -proof coat, Suspicion was directed towards a .Mrs„ Ifiteris liv- mg aortae the. toad, who seemed .to know more about the matter than any, one elee. Accordingly, whee lee - 4 -1`' • the family were movine their -thing$ in order to go to the States, %n- otelet, Brethauer; pounced on them Wit* search warrarit; and -after Rome bunting, found the missing ankles hidden away carefully in the seat .of louuge. • The: woman and her husband Were immediately - arrested and brought before Meesrs. Relit. •rind A,' L. Gibson, when Mr, Watts indentified hitt pro- perty, The woinao pleading. guilty to the taking of them. Ageinst the than. there was na.e.videnne, ie being bp -.proven that hayieea awsy fro% hon3e at the time- of-thatheft, so abet he was acquitted.. The womatk was committed for trial at Goderiali. (Corrected °my Tactilay citer00014) AllARICialit ii;Eirostra. • 717 1 fi5 00 40 il °A Fall Wheat, old, ". .• 1 05 to 1 15 Fall Wheat, new, (' .. 0 00 to 1 10 Oate • . e I to 0 82 Peas ; I I . °. 0 tO 0 05 5uzin9 not, ., • • 1 .00. to 1 15 linrley - . % ••• e 45 to 0 52 Appl'es, (winter) per bbl% •.. 2 to 2 00 Potatoes, . - .. . 0 45' to 0 50 Dutter . :1, • t• - 0 10 to Q 17 ntry: : .. ,. ".... - .,. 700020 So oo 40 0022 masa, -•- - - • 6 00 to 00 TilielYo. per r P0.11nd, ... . 0° °0°0 tt°0 : TO BUILDER41 IMO PIP:g7mohilioli1)0""*OstaYgD01:17/4604' t4174b11 . jagnfOlglot .04feePt-r.o.s,;,ergonl.tTriiii:p:01;:il,°:;k: ("ie:: ',(0 litIT(14,3:40miatro°te:vvtlit7tyttoiloi:1":06.0;:! arae,• el ,I turn th et:re tette! utraetor dot at cOst, ... 4' ea n'a R $ TOO iPirOit Stant; 47 rmirgioly ;wept. conunittOri. '"1 ','• - "i5"Tgf 8°1444 Olint0.11 ffigh 80110Q10 ENTBANOD examination to te rut 1413 DehOoll Will be held in mud g ord, oo Thursday and Friday, the .2°4.01 2 4 '04',Dfoember Hest, beginning erten Gay 9 4. %minding panaidateg will unit in gnat now.) to thg untleniseed net later their tite 2titit 194embor.. ' •14fli 'TURNBULL, a A-, C9Int"eRet144tIli 4,S64, @TRAY401 AVVISERI64: llenrYBacom:d May% uotabor, a nee asp worm sec; t Any one that Win rottti? it 4) th lir will bo rewarded. PNRY A11141111, Wt. 5th, 44711. ' '1011ASt 11A111114TON lICTIOliER, land, loarland ineuntuse agent _ Blyth. 840 attended in town iins'onntry. oR remomkble ferule. A 140 of faring 444village kite fer gale, limey to lean on real 55$5, at w rates tot intarnptt Insurance etre%;44 on all Goods appraised, atniseld,tin cenduliadon. o property. Nous and debts go, %tad. rgpt stocks bought 410 f4Wil• ILT eezeriatt Wrrn Mum Favort.— The Sarnia Observer says; "The Rev. Mr. MeDonagh' was favored with. a large cougregetion, on. the ooeasion 'ot his sermon on 'Tho Con- flict a Ages,' in the Methodist Church last Sunday, Mr. McDon- agh •powerful and eloquent preacher, and his special someone are meeting with much favor naming olvehisses of our people." ' An. Ora PAvoarre.—The Rev. Canon Clartnichael, faverably remem- • bered by his old parishioners inOlin- ton And vieinity, is'likely to succeed £h.now Bisbee Bald win as dean of of the diocese and • rector . of Christ chureh, Montreal. This will be a deserved promotiori, although it is such in.only an honorary settee, . as Mr. Carreidha.til'irincunibency of Sr, George's chtirch, Montreal, is fully equal In einehunents - to the one yagitted by Bishop Baldwin,, A CLORE Sitave..7---Mr, 141en-: ziei bad 40 very narrow escape one day last wee evera men were palling down an old building near the egriculture.e. greande.... Repel. 'were, made fast and the pins driven. 'from the timbers, 'the under. parts of which were rotted away, .41 an instant the timbers .spread in . all directions, -With Mr:Menziee in their midst. escaped unhurt, although not witheut k narrow escape front death. • , ' • ' • Wu Otaieretand." that an 'effert. Will be; made shortly by the Orange- ett pf th led istrittato-h ave-Wingh chcbien as Place: of Meeting far' the OrangeGrand tedge, • composed of between 200. and 300 delegates, in February, 1885; We hope the efforts , will prove 'successful, and should Wingbain btt. seleeted, . we - -know that our eitizeneWill give the delegates e hearty welcome; „slid :do all in their. •po'wer ,to make, them: fe.el. et home, durieg their etas., here. --.Winglietn KU. WM. COO1t, sr., of A Ile,npark, Grey eoutity, is visiting relatives in town, He is a native of Ulster, Ire- land, and was )born in 1799; Mr. Cook has been a sittin,g ineMber of the Oratiga Society for64 years, whielt should place him -- at the head of' the list as one of the oldest, if notthe oldest, members in Cana- da. His , meinery' ie good, and he can, give a minute 'description. of t g,,... many :try etruggies in the history of Ireland du,14.e' v the poet 75 years. kaDwiAidwoviiNWGiTtithE' tijWieNnRconeA.Pliebr l,ririle811: . advertising for a husband." There is gi eat virtue in printers' ink, it has beouglit;fOrtenes to men and womf3e; but we don't believe a double Coluttin advertisement, insert- ed next to reading matter every day 'for six months, would bring a lififlband. to , a . widow with twenty- one ebildrOn—unless the latter .are •kept in . the background, or 'under ground, or sethesvhere.• , We dislike to go back on advertising, but the lint must be drawn somewhere ' For IiAta,.—Iwo matches ,were plityed on the II- S. ground!! on Thutaday, ' The 'first wail-Wween the pupils and the efiiimpils • of tha High School, whieh resulted In 2 to 1 in favor of the former. The second was between the pupil or the, Clinton and Stratford High Is. The home team took straight prime, owl of which lainifid to be It foul. The ord teeth played a 'friendly with die Seaford) club on Wtiy up, and were beaten. The linton 11, 8, club are making a record for, themselves, ' gNITIVSIASM AROLISAD --* Sarnia haa not been noted AS a partitulerly religious town. Indeed some evan- „ sedge have 'depressed, the opinion that the embryo city on the' bankii of the St. Clair was elafl in steel ar- mor of eelf•righteousnese. Whether the edema of the Rev, Mr, MeDen- figh, who 'recently reeved there from Clieton, has been the moire; of piercing that armor tied stirring up the dry bones under it We know not, There is one titan, h wevor, *hose 4301101mm in a good cause bee been aroused, as the -folio ing wid show. Last &Malay morning as the Rev, Mr, McDonagie of the Mothediet church, opened his/ [Atoll at the poet oifiee, he foiled etre among thorn Mutt read AR &HOWE! ' % SARNIA) OA 2, 1883. "Ettelosed you will find the sum .of 07, which is A &mak of eiy quartent seitiry, set apart for the Lord, 1 send Sc FROM titidll TO PAIIII0,—Mr. Geohee: . three Ward, rate of the firm of bites Ward,. Clintote bought last week a sow farm of lop acres, •near Alvinston, vain- e Lainbtott county, for $2,500. lie their takes possession in MOO, whoa .10. The 0 will remove from town.• rim—There was a serious fire itt Brussele last week, A number of buildings were destroyed and the contente either totally or partially consumed. Among he sufferers were Mr. It. Dennis, beefless maker, formerly of Clinton,whose-0S8 i i set down at $1000; nsurance $400 MEMORIAL Wonw,A very hand- eOroe stained'glass window has been eroded in St. Pael'it ch u rch bylf r, and Wt. W.I. Pigging, in in e m pry oftheir 61(1646 SO/1f Thomas Janice, whotdied Oct 31 1882. The window odds greatly „ta tho aPPeersoiee of the and bi meal admired and appreciated hy the congregation, tItenren IlY AtOLAMATION.---The ROIL A, M. Ross, et Godetleh, Tretteuret end 001i3thiStii0riet of Agritelturn for the Province of Ontario was returned by aeclamit- tien. In Saturday, at; membet for . 101* Ciliate* Wild% betOist, pittiOS ear- West. I/1401h tehe.mmittationAnek _ Beterams,--2-111r,--and Mrs:A-Jo Callender arrived home on Saturil from a bridal trip, --Jas You preached in the B. c. our,* 1 Sunday eveping.—Mr. F' Bea of Peterbero', Was in town atten ing the wedditeg of liifi'OsteT,-M and Mrs. J, Sturdy, Mre. Loge Mrs. Hy. Chicaiii, and other Goderi cittzeits were drawn to. Clinton Thanksgiving day. -e -Mies Joni • Straith, of.Galt, was home for,o fe flays hist week on account • of ill healtii._-Mr. Peter Steeith ifltop conVerting • the- -old,: -broom-Leto into 'two dwelling houses. The is no dotibt but he win seen find te ants.--eTite fine new 'verandah an new cornice Work Oh Mr...M, ma. Taggarett heuse adde_greatly3o4be aPpearanee of the promisee. The work Wes donally.Messrs...T. Scow& Pinning, two of the finest weirkitien in this section' of the equetry.--:Geo. Soutbcombe - a •young man in the iien4pidiztof J'etiehk:tortithetheelotehgle.rw, whiel; handling a revolver en' Sunday last. The bullet has -not yo been Mitract- The accident, thettglt not seri- ous, will lay, hint up for some time. —Mr.-. Twitchell ,had about two- thirds of the iron. /*opting tore off ;the roof of his business block during the gale On Sunday: night -laift,--•• Sleigh bells have already.been heard -First cutter- ride Monday,.—Will dm snow' by-law be enforced this year?. We hive so. . Vairty. EtarreneY • a • r. Barker of,..11eygehl, his's11. moved with 'hi's 'tinnily to I3ly th,.arid , taken a position' in atore there, Dr:W. K. Ross, sep. of ihn Hon; A. 111: Ross of Goderieb, ,enter• ed into part'nerphip with.- E4r.:_ Beth tine, of Wirigham.. — Mr. Wm. Solingen, of Nebraska,.., formerly a Vairiege maker residing in. Valtcini. is on visit to friends at thalatter pleee, e ... , .otie of Abe pioneers pf TeckerstniA, .settlirig on the farm now owned by Appleteki Paw, died in Seafortit last week, aged $.0 years. ' Mr: James„ McGill who has. been absent working WS large farm Manitoba tide summer, returned to Gerrie lad week. tin reports..hav. Ing doe a good y.ears !melees& Mr.. Alex. Wilson bas packed over 800 ba:rrelti of applee this fall for Mr. john Kyle of Sectfork and 110....14_,Cantelon, 4.01inton. :They were Inieked t e teerriships-of Stanley, McRillop anctile,y. ay ng est cl, d- r. a, ch -they to see Mr, leobt. Elliott thresh. Ile can clean out any barn in eroni a day to a day and a 'half. Ile does vr make things• hum. Ile has es. en- gineer M. ThQs Bottles, reom Lon; ds (10.0, ewe 4ts .feeder • Mr. .1v; nrr. nnet.tra°140neetis(.513i:Arleihilit:1-ellitrobbltd". r thresher. lee Is as femelimorassdelfaiBl.4tial.4. 1 • Porters !ill. • Fron oui own Correhlwr4r.of. ; . -It would open OA eyes of some. e4 the_Godench towaship 'folks woe. • On Monday evening, 5th of Nov., .an oyster supper vrae helci by,, the Orangemen inthe town hall, Wrox- eter, 151 coniineworation of. the Gun- powder Plot. Music laid speeches were given by members mid friends of the order. • • 2. At the-r,ecent court eettieg in Goclerich, Mr. justiO3 Fierguson got off IA "lbetle &holed.” The number of .witheiaefas frein i3Iytiz a'certain ease was so great that hie Lordship asked, "Is there e, man left je Blyth ' MI . Calder late preprleter of the old Bruce sawmill, !satiated on the eiding of the G. T. north DI Illyth, has purchased the property in Myth known Ali Mouetciletle's mill, and will commenee work in a short time. Mr. tivingeten he leased AO. Cal- der's mill buildings mid willpnt.bie maehinery ioto place, • , Mr, 13, S. (look, deputy Reeve of Itotvick, while attending to bottle on 'Pride,' lest, slipped and fell „fit/111 th0 seCoild to thi) ilrEit floorXn 131* deacent he etruck baek Idle trent of the ni"anger hurting hinnielf badly. - lie be not abk to attend to business, but we hope to be able to ,report him tai right shortly, • The IteV, Xr. Itynn, of Beueseitt --Webb, only he* don t take to water. Mr. Elliott would liktto hire anotber Steativar_Quil_separataiiikaiumso rna,ay calls. Colborne township 10 eryiug Out. "cente.overzand:belp us,". halt be Can't go at pres.eat-..', With. good sleighing he could ...aces:wow:elate inore people as he has a splendid alieigh' to put his engine on and coukt then move from p14043 Laplace with. great. Or expedition. lowidesbore • Awn our moll correepondent. A soej11 gathering assembled at the re. sidenee bf /qr,. John Bell 'on Friday eve- ning.. All weremade !elevate and a really' ellJoYable arid pleasant tiMe was spent. . 'An Answer Women: Can any eine bring us a- coacotEld- hey or Liver- Complaint that Electric - Bitters Will BOt' speedily enrd, We 84 they can not, as, thonsandS of 00500 already permanently cured-trittrWhaes recommending Eleatic Bitters,; will nrover—EYight's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Bacii; or any urinary 6onfplaint quickly cored. They purify the blood, : r ell te the bowels, and act directly en E' Every 4 anteee. e y Watts & 00 Shermskine • , 0 75 to 00 Geese • • • 000 t° 0° moot, per Pair • • • 000 4000 Chieketa, per pelt; 0 no to 0 no Pork, • .1 000 to 000 Wool , 018 to 38 0ordwoo4, - • U0to 4130 ooneezon, Flour, per barroi, - • fi5 25- vcrwfio Fall, Wheat, oh!, per bush. % 1 Os tu 1 05 Fan Wheat, (roew) • • 0 70 to 1 00 Sprhog Wheat, - • • 1 00 to 1 05 Bar40Y. 40 * 0 50 eae, • Oats. Pwatoax ASP, • Bides. Hay . 9.1 fo 8 00 = • 3 75 le 00 063 to . is , te to 02Q .•• 6 50 to 7 00 SPLENDID LIFEANQE #1,6P0, osi,ky:ian ow • Bump ad . ifagges Itt Harm Oautelon's Carriage Shop, Clinton., Thuraclay November 22nd, 4383, New Buggies, Prize Buggies, New Walogons,-; Serond hand Waggono and Buggies; Mare; Cow, ate., etc., • tartrArrY ptelonVa veblelee are noted for excellence ut orkmanShip and Durabpity. Egrflargainswill be Going. -$2 Moo to CoMintfirs 0EALED TENDEIR, addresse# to the under. .4iigned, and ondinled TiTendet ffIr Post enIce pobourg, Ont,,lkjfl he repaired at this office 111011 WEDNESDAY, t1iq0th laqtyit inciptlrelY for alttirations and add Wins to MT OFFICE 4 '4 ,c)potrxte., OT..' (FORMERVIIANN Of MONTREAL.) Worker, fittawa, and aLthe t4ail2 and als;ficatIons oap be seen at the Old Bank Build pg, Cobourg, an and after 1411N - %V, the 1205 infrant. Persons tendering are notified tliat tenders will not be eoneldered miler's made on p,rInted loans supplied,' RIA signed with their actual signattitfw; • Alton tenflor must be accompanied by an go- ggled ha* oheque, made payable to theorder my the Honorable the hlinisted of Public Works, equql to five ,per cent. of the amount of the ten. der, whigh will be forfeited If the party decline to entqlOto rdntract when calledgupon to do so, or it he fail to orpindete the work contracted for. If the tendef 4t pot ppeepted the cheque Will be returned. peeemriment apes nbt bindltself to Accept tliSI°w6°V.0 flnY do 52 ff; =NES, • DORA.rtal00t OfPflbllo tr0r44. ScetotarY. Ottawa, Nov.800,1833. ' M OSX pnyLAft tize LioirritutININQ HAS 140. EQUAL. -16 ALWAYs ALIN ORtit „,n ti L7igT LI Fawn m to. Su II PAS St S," OTHER'S 0111/SOntWit8t CO. *0 ONION SCh NEW Y6111( , rnCAQO'LLL -0* e--4%) 0 RANGE MAE s. FOR OIALE 51Y . SOLO IN MANTON BY W. KiTt Also Agent for the and Middloset *lire IA. Maritime Company, Tort ptql_ec,tif. aft reetear tato wore *via Lightning -Rods aro lured, V.48.4nt. - We are imaging a speeialty-elf Ow's Clothing. 13cys Suits it • the :Latest Style, for boys 3 years ot age aing up. Our. Other Oreat ?VA., • the MA.21.7.L.A' .7).E.P4.11191:12VT, PAyiti wisgmAN's DRY q()QP$ Empomum; • Jackson, the Hatter's " -4181%4Y or — BOYS, 84 GIRLS OAPS POlt UN COWS WEATI1Eie Ot Our GREAT c5.03 cElIT. CAP For girls school wear, is. the Cheapest Cap everpiferol,. See them beforo they all go. • Over.26 014 jt t the last few days. rii-disei tt Fors, roinonbor that JAVOON showo'the rinest Stook in the County. • r as I rvits IPP‘Re I FLANNELS ! PLANNPLEI -Ps , Goops t siuc5 sAmpTs (ANN's wooLENs geot C /LORINe thiti Pepartment will be • •fpund one Qf tiAto most comp_lete stocks i4 the gglintY• Q. 90101 Clutter, up Prices ARE filar I -^=•. .Ver7 PROPirtnl@r4t in full aviriziff • SFIgOIALP YALUN I 14 EIROCIERliget QROCKERY AND q‘AssioyARE., Estate foo thp Late Iie Businpss -to be WOund Up by 1t Maroh, / , Everything 411 )4p sc44 hr -that Datn. Commence Thit5, Mormni9 0131 witiolgod.e.?: 4p4mptipp !Lbw', gaiml 4' CASH-, ..n Eery Pips of. OPP4P fft .ithe NeUsf,. exce.14 Grazn Bag§ Pil OW?? Fill )4 PP 41.scolf0t:. WORTH OF gOODS T SELECT FROM, .ogDpoo 'worth :of. poods fp .be. so1db fest -40y pi - • If#0-1 next,' and‘ Invite Everybe , en, %men, and Ohildreq4 Amp a44 tnspeci Our Spp. — • • This Ifflal,e is Genuine. If is in a'oegrfignos Os term:9 qf go Will of the lat e repoirtar, ,Aisiness, JIUST .1414 c4a14.71P Iwffifft (late, ai4gvqctre PleriV 61004 4$. Prices #‘130 vhiph on fro* 14.,to 20 .per c1n PE.h0137 gny otker gpuqp Uie de;besides whip/ t Wegive a ctiRpcooM of .40 Ilcit niect Q -per 0,04 'I) inntl011• /01 pint e Remembep, we hoe alrearly cOntnenreil tho &Opt and the sooner 1(04 pisit qur 440444,94 401:Poorti - Palace Mc poop cli,afeo.o# #441 &vet lstato, of the 10 JOHN litNtIGIENS, Dry Builds Paine of Clifitpft old tits gouty foameererftwomemommt-0001"01-1717--040,0,0 . • Our Salil is lin And We .0.0 uow thor/41110 NuiPP. ed PINf8i filieneatind and AC6,8$001f8' yhat )3/3 Puuredi and in groiitYlIcifq.80..• OurSoogialtv ig hih1 YfrthRd nAtimit you