HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-11-14, Page 2MyertlsomoAta 11w Doy,
UNION 1111,11WINQ MAT0110, 00MMON10A TION8. ouly ci tliftt# io, ike Sold, was. re -
'rho Orstatiplui of O"gou wbeat The sawclations. of stariley and iff Ing the Iron. gentleman callodi big
C= not L" ottr#St"o
Mill Wd -si a to bo 4 adorstow. th#8 E
n I ourldi 9? (Wo" frlend* together at the reform rQo 01 K
_m P"Ur"EN"
0 0 01; rrapol Oak, low*. we" hen pi utual coligratulations were
town 01;
I ever, sent 000. the Net Qoaprich ship' bad, a friendly
1, of skill -on Wednesday of last served uti all ikround, Tito Amusing
to op. svlii* ,egwasy- 11" Honot to Whom Royaor Is Due 0
Week 94 :h
nt farm of Mr. John Xot. oploodo of the night was when a
r young Rotormer who bad, been call.
90 f`4y*'WIvem%n. OWN, tilulsV. Tht)-day was -Atio
Orders have been-rocielved 0ditor 0
by 'it #4o' the tAtte-vilatioe large and, the I- uridprate, f YOUR WINT 1k 00090---
. nd that the G. T. V, 00. upoa to Address the meeting, a3id,
c "we All voted ogainak Miller, the do-
Xiingoton c0ft manufa turer from #ork ao uo exq011,90t., he fire corapa y'
P As sent $10.00 to t
111 - footed candidate in Muskoka, on .00
Count of the Z.00010 Early in the season,
4 as a slight oolatium for their efforts in while tto P.4sortmeut t plete#
1 GiaegQw, Anil Xtinchostor for it sup 12TITORS A co
jUCCESSTUL COMI protecting 0. T. R, roperty at the when you Can get tlieM made up before tbe,q4 eather
0486. Men in time No. onzie'rs 140
ply of hill goo a. A tory policy.",
FIRST Z . 4, J1
lt Va. 4401toNTO vlovX411 you *r
w rued. e honor should be flialtos Iiii can wearas Stylish Goods.. 4s tq :.p9JfgU
so that
entries. let, John Marquis, Gode . as bit Th ber,
tween Knoxvii Brqwp
Dpwinion, Miller's Associ% rich Township ; 20, 1'eter MoDQ4- ilivided, Xr; Searle toolf the witalt The watch he The Akestoodo alwap sellfirst.
tion. have resolved to petilLiqu, the gall, Goderich Townshi Ard, Alex. engine ai with the assistan Billy Black was ti
ce of Mr. And k;mitb,o
Dennison prevented Pike'snew hotol on the,
God ch N Thompson, Stanley ; 01i, B1 J. rich driving alai
0overnment to reduce the duty on [ad, rea, y we
and the 9robousei-,uirice removed, Thursday, in the pilesence f a large Al 4 have had tQ, REPEL Sever,
Cocirtice, Goderich Township. The from being destroyed. Audwhenthe L" 4-h
wheat o 4,,7 per b shol concourse of a ii The trail
Miller plow Wa. l Pesitable Lines,
0 'the 040, need by hose buret, Mr. Searle repaired it, and was sidersiblo'Miscua-11011 Ole heavy, but with this ex
Where w each of tbeso- -ork. Mr-Seorle cepti , an the race was us- OUR GREY FLANNPLO AVOM the Lowest Prloes-
d got the engine to. w
before thin' 'was arri *
ved (Lt. Those,
JUDGiu,_N. Hutchinson, ratio. does not belong to the are Company, der the most favlorAble auspices. 'rho
he is, Merely chairman Of.the firO judges, Messrs. Dancy, Curry and.
oppoisinghe reduction claimed that rich; Alex. Monteith, Tu4korawith; '10nph, 9 L OUR BLANIKFAT9—tho Best Va
earn ittee, And 1 think be should be luo Do the Tra 4).
it meant a 'lessening of the price f J*ames Young, Clinton. in Aduolod the mtobi. in the
remembered as well the firework squarest manner. It is true, thai; ob.
14th, OUR 110819, RY &ND Q140VR
Ca rk!ooyip whe4t b prgi nevo Surpass
just, the SZOOD CLASS,_Mq41
n sodl. 4 who were Act at thefire, or the paid. jectlons were made to some ofheir
1b 0
decisions, but on account of 4"Brown,
a ountfth 'Oro ley, sion referred
.p.osed reductio entries.-Ist, James Laut, Stan subs itutes on the ccs. OUR 11RESS GOOMS are Pi and ClietAp,
JUTTY46D. Miller plow;'2nd; James Roggart, to, Billy" 'breaking continually they
Yourso were, plaoadin a very diffitoalt poda
illustra tion.of the onward pro- Hibtgli Cinro,pl,ow O.rd, John 'ght.
df_,:a_ OL C%LXX1i tion. In the first beat Blilf broke OVE. MANTU GUM$ AND C041KIN09 0011 At first s.,
The Official' 4%, may be 0dro plo, , Clinton 1883.
bvi 401npiti'lig no,, Stanloy,M V.
4. . " , . -, oevoral times,,the Black broke near
L. , I 4th, John x0twen; Stanley, Munro
of sharpers witliittif;p M d &Wn fr ra the fact whereas I 01 &af Ell'oral! t OUR MILTINFRy, t a most' Stylish wo. h4*0 bownt
be. stand, 'and both horsi passed
atP ow. _ SOD. niust Ub judgetir Iii six rR ago; the batik ciroullid' BOYS winri and Pricea tb( Lowest.
entry.- same -leading by half ni, length. After aL
$21,000,000, io is,nq,* 832,. Kerwin, Goderich ownabip, Kirk, short donaultalon the udgeolhwar&
As From our.own Correapondent.
..r to the Black. Inthe NULTS, in charge Milliner Dept
gregiii -,uot -by -an. isolated. - 4ase.- -with A toliddri to a Tit b ide' lovir.- 'ed- the beAt
- - # Cy pid Huron Encampment, No, 28 meets second heat GENTLE
It is well known, tbat the appoini- iri Tile the.horges got Ai MEN 1
pe9ple bf.Lve,,inore , JUDGES, -J. W. Courti6e, Gode- on Friday eat 7;30 =88 DICKINSON -in cha ge Iftat
gothor and trotted splendidi, 'neArl e
xew;'' a 'A I
nieut of a cabinet minist a a r . a be 01.1 Township *, Alex. %I y y r
or requipea in n as ii" utv Of— tte e" iich lines, Stan- Mr., Malcamson, has returned thewholecourse. Nearifigthelionit, FMat are Lo Por?
raxiQ9aii by the ople... 'thia ley- - Win - stretch the Black skipped, allQwlng d Cl 4
ployment, hat( r 'rofit and there is. MoDou4iill, Beni big visit to Hamilton. e, P
rci. nisht Billy to take the lead, on the straight
1kq. befw4en responsible, an expanding population, Besides, MEN IN S Tuialetp.-3 entries.- Services at St. Gec rgo!a
-par ceM, Qff for 13 ter PA"g
the.Black gradually gained grounilt,
gover ohn At 6*30. If for your Winter Clothing, we beg to a and nproentative in, J Moffatt, Stanley, Miller gii,
the increased volume of busimqss ged he rwd,afte.r 4 most exciting contest won, rem!n--d rialhat we have the ser' f1 T
plow,- 2rid, David Wallis, Stanley A terrible storm ra .,re On by, a sh rt head, apparently through
ii,;titutions. The main. point. at issue has, vices o Mr.
Sundayovening. OHN CR
demai dett a larger gow of our- Miiler plow; 3rd, Williftin Ketallen: the spl6ndid manipulation of the,
in the Vq-election, of A.member of $11114AY lines by Odell, This beat w' HICKLING, of*Toronto, where fo ' car he
'ra to accommodate it, Stanley,'Verity Sunday was Sacrament r y
rency in a or plow, as one of
who I' I . I . "; _ I L at Knox church.
San akeir, Ofliw, io. When "'a,
When, fl em orosinister pur ones, BOYS IN Swila'tr,2 entrios - the best,we have ever wit eased and has b6en.well known as REALLY FIRST -
P Xr'Wra,,Mci Call8i eynsiderable excitement a a
16t lvket44 the 'A Cali .0 N, , as tb
oiri a fit pg, 9Y4 V914, milknian n
ortioh of tho Grit eWri. - Ro! `,' Stanley, Miller, is 6 k to.to theeringi. If the seoondbei%t.w e. CLiG
Hart, Staa ley, e owri #gain.. UTTER011.
bother t plow; 2nd, John bQgt,.'the third4was certainly the 4
perswl ,;,. but w he lementai
"? -:9_ -, R utor, i ingEr..and r. Goo. RobinACnL is expected 6
uct to the a al n6ing' Verity plow, leave today'forhrfilsh, Coltin
worst, for Billy ran the whole of the We are determined our' Tailoriffiff
PP it ls:but needed
liower-:-as servants of thtkipeop e 'George W. alk. -one
ONE in t
soathern portion of the trapk on f6v
of the currency ai ih, ound, and pAsseatthe stand a Ion _h
developoment Miss Clara Nairn has returned from r as A, No. e.,
er and J. j?atterson, Tockersmith, len gth Department shall Tank
i5liould 'be- approved, Tito, general in L I gtLhy visit to Detroit, ahead, of the'Black.' After &,-length
Cation OJ.L* true state: of af-
A Silver - Cup belonging -to tile the Tu discussion and -hearing evidenceony County.,
Mr. Jnd. McCallum left on
o' 9
owat & Q
Gadqr1ch, ToiTilahig foLe Trudeau for Sarnia, last week. certain p
ejoints the judges awarded
P1 d 4 bonaervativee_itnd'wrly 11 to Billy,. The fourth And. L MR.. HIC arge staff
iy. hard at;
a6 a. ni f all L rqu* -&ordinary-
Fiat rd prin,,,, r'Tbb Tbreijto was awat ded to u M is. last beat discovered 4qxti Ing L
tile P16
: wuiall 0 the ground; Thanksgiving pasodoff quieto, the KLING has a.1
Court it looks Work,tArn but Garm nts which uompe
staying powers in the Bla6k." The e
ciple their is tits, should be The folfiiwirig parties. boittriNu aA The E. W. Rathli ip for
ppointme li upon tke womin suffrage urn is laid t;
file winter. start wad the most'lineveu one of the
uted Agajnsti..irr ilspecial prizes, as foli; ai -tent, Judees-aftit canot-be-excelled by aily
tly it deput oi Mqs rs. dfy M" 4 ... th laek-theladfabW
a 9 e e -B
NUCU _-WO__C!(1W4_n
ity t,
e J is loading
so -Munro .& ut f lipaiticular a, i short length which' before the
_n 'Mr. -iVillei, Clinton, st pl' rta-' Establishm6h
owl; Them-, was reach9d, he lik increased
salt Ili barrel turri C
d 7"'b 0 a fbr the upper pQ
a poi as Moll
Ili" VVist si -addresgiid that body Mrs. Pinkerton, f Huiiiiton, - This lead hia gradually
is, Kippon,, a. neckyoke;-Will- is in to it full Onle-L
tdaug4ter, Mrs.Naf-' increased by spiefidid trottin *even,. He'has Stylish Gaods and Low Pric
ZcorihOnd'that Col.' ,Rois- sh6uld :in, ibd4ocaofof -exieliding' the - In' towit isiting*ger .es to
ulti iam Kaiser, net of.
f tually winning by about eight ength
.16 parlismeptai ranobisb' whifllef aqs Thob. O'Neill, Bruce assist,him: in, eeping up the ru h. ,
%. .. !;* 1, . , It, '1, 1. Sunclai being the third Sun. Thejud warded tfie best and the
for the sin -field,,a whip'; Brace- ges. a
which. decision'.
of Mow property. day in the month 'there will, be no, race to the Black, Fall ' Po 809% field $5, ser , vice in the R..'(, church. was received With heers. Thwoon- Now is the Aime to.order your
Ilia acceptaltoobf-olce-he flag Amotionwaopqssed:-
The Goderich'. voti list.,will. be duct:of those witnessing therace was Wintek Sui a and Overcoats.
hipse.1f qq,q6ccessi after the filet of -rr-_ most exemplary, and" the managers t
revise oms
WEST HUB N, FIELD ROOTS. on Saturdity, h note of
tk W, a ip 0 d by His Honorp, Judge T
It in, TAtuall al and-i-parlianientary
a are. deserving of Praise for khaon-
Y" is menti gambling apparatus and Gentlemen imill Pkas6 make a
Wd o. be an adtiv#patticipan rAn6hiso should i e. :.t6 pFo ti, t: _ te detl . .. ... L.
'Govarqment Tri Trudesi - intoxicants from the grounds.
A' MOD. Allai of Goderich, dredg4; 0&allo ge-an(t -burg6r - this. ind'give. -qs-'the oppoirtimity.-to prove
in their futurn misdeeds. Col. Ross Women pb sess the qualification'
W a 8
my rreetL.
and Reeve Young, of,Colborne,'have lastWedhead forgArnia. o be. co
prizes Quite a ntfmb6r 7of applications. cannot hope to leaven en'title mep to v t E
Otet qllict 1tmaAeihe'Ir'AWardo'f o&red. by nat -Whsvanoii
ea or
at -TQr'ontfj,'. no, be,r 4utitst.`
a the NVOOLHUfLon have been wide to the trustd' j, From our
yr. Muddy roaf
1p it ed ail behit. Unit fit council to si for A a6aficies in the schools. the Coons.
I is eld roots. ound in roots 'v,
'eside from general princt les' u Tile gr Shorittime for'electiom-excltement: -JOHN ORAM
would -just to him, .6i iliti farm of MT. Joseh.Morris L st Thursday Ma9ter Webster fell
have'been. only the petitioit being. now prepared, Reform scheme.
-nail-and injured -his. kne
-On a e in a 1114t _ bout, thkir
haq, I Iii so strikingl P e joint F armers Ar
ilitthe ord'i prokented to' the JVEOUI.. *14111y. il. e coniidembly.,
we reproduce from the jud or _t e eff6et 66
his ge!o rppor.t root L ' 4 1 - ll iatermt; to have prov'Ahted Oritarib aii ai, i A lady stroat , n 'OP B1 th
nert'ses f It H, R., 81. Fiom our own COrrevoindent,
on an convetitiont cpntam ost her hat by it be ng _T ode a cultiv(Lting. Passing West storm. optinifig. dific
Morrie e Wind.' Our boi must have beer tunned,
the 4thok "nibrabers., towns up, prepare is to own, away with th quiet on Hall6we!en. as we do' first t 'Mrs. Curtis re
h' dt land bv ' not adjourned to L meet :again a a exten
'Last Thursday being. thanksgiving heiii anyihing fit the way of gi%i Monday in-Dpcember. ded visit to 15tratford last week..
sSunday I'
1kir. Joseph, Moiiia,'of Cc bl, L very- BAker, grav6l,* $10.16.',. 1
Now, that Col. Ross he's- been re first.of all thoroughly underdraining
Everl the veteran i0artisin Mr. Jai. day thereyvere' services in St. qeqjx--. lifting or. fenoe-Wilding being done- JAMtS PATTON, The v. Mr. McCoahLotWingbA
V; in" and sulisoiling, which. we feet sure ge!d and the Nar h street Methodist' Ong
6i Oltirk. delivered two elo
e 'I dk or for West Hurn. . n something wrong. in
g, oW',prdd OAAq
got b hind the-seenes-cattid-not.iiia- w lay say accounts or the maiDifiCent crop churches. Trinity church on 'Sunday
out opposition, to n -A large u ber of ladies.and. gents last.. .1n,
Job n Dea- Union Ville. e:. eveningi ow inO.0
Alas -this y'ettrand-- the fact-Aiat- ajar
o M * Cooke And Mr,' -th ink to the 'ate
wbather, tharaL Was
le Mowei -f- fl con returned last Friday from'Botli. good
-sent to the w4 kM do in hia i IiUloni r.
all are ginooth, large an o tie lay Anderson or From our oton Cbrre66&1 ene. not', a
i Tuesday eveping of
i colleei iM i4b.of tho-fevir com- Well, -where they bad. beerc on most of your readers,- are. -a)- turn out.
tbortbilleag-tie§. loam.
--lili , r - ped the
I form.' soi ..js a sandy trip
ingexcursioir. ready,. aware of. the topoigraphical 41sid.Collaton, of Stratford,. is visit -
the fall -wiih lendablia Acia oE.the little FremieK., fiLtifi4io till long after mid .
en 0. tile night,.:. place
w ty lo da of ivell r6tted stable -Miss A . H vland )6sition of the, above named nk her pmients' here.
So -far. . 0 thi 46partmenth I du(ies *be has for i
that mortal Ja's., Yog.'n' .4 h it is needless to say anything on this Mr.. CiapP4 of'X pane
g 'to the acre, and. last spring paeb-few mont a. been 'the guest''of ii tr'imonitil.--. -The_''yo.pth of our poin T
manure et is visiting
u not its:ti it Inliat be' ai are coifcerrfe d, itippbrters. and Oppo- thoXisses Rutsdn,.Ieft- for her hbm' it-.. Shortly after its first' occulia- hisdaughter, Mrs. 'INI, B. Atallo of
be. itgaia manured broadcast i ommun-1 y were- I w Linn. we paid. it a flying visit when we
Augean stabil6. nents, %viill join ill* saying that Choy Ahip Placei
to hear of the marriage of Miss Dar— Ahe
Covering otboutfiye logda Ao th he H. Fitz Hugh found ucleus *of a, flour'is
e T :te
j: light Detroit,, lastrhursday. e, c some hat. startled
,i e both intel i of VertAillitin, cas; da6ghter of Mr. Juinesjfeni , bugiAtiss, place..' Again, last Thurp Mrs. C. A. Ritchie ieturried to her
As to carrying West Hur n b;y gently and con- itrie. His.tli iip6, v&r liLoWedjtllie reaoh d_port ast Thursday .,coal of.tbj4--tonsbip.- to Mr. John Bell, home in Toronto last, week. th'. 40
ving ran
aiii reasai marigolds May 9:deni 'arid finish n Ceding on. e
ed u. I formqrly of Belgrave. The pleaaant genardl holiday, wia felt Mr. 'tTasoph Ritchie rettirned- lome
Cod loti 6th'L In, sowing he m A riday. pay it another visit,
affair[took place on Wednesday, -the -last week to see his
6 w: a; v e r,' i6i:ild haVi Played A ado sure '4' fr6m Manitoba
tious y,-pbt(6rwq(t.by C ). Rog I at, apd carrots a id ch to do, and -the
a ay' ein 4 -y 11. g A
ith a impe d to.
d eitiotigh- in- the. soil During -Monday n 1 b 0 This is the third d 6 flhd bii
having see, ghtt e acb, arteir lastdAy of Uotober. eti, who
: .. a . . angeCiuslj_ ill
111111% ir,Vven rii NayAr ere ith -un-woriliby part,, btCd not re we were agreeabl*' is
cow. y surprise.
d6ubling t Todman* entbied the harbor but hid member ofIvIr. Htrll 'k -that, bow vastly clie. n 'ded a Oppposition Itti; so m . U "for'.&'iter. place. had impro
aVe at she ran on' Ilas
a fie ptocess. Somo. grow tch, way on I I left Ilia pirbttal. ro ve.d.: ther are slight hape lii, 'iecov- I
6C.Lan a . t m -to', ers discoiirage.,0ie.:idqm'.'of' .'trgffii The'prindipal pecupatioi the. ini eyi been' We t planting to fill blri be-Arills the island wh e she is. poiAr restfii& or ][Cir,worse, -in, ass than. a
per- W'L habitants Ili lumbering. The inillsi: -- The 7concert, iw aid of t6e: 1we
accomplished. ior a- Vii tho_happy_couple-n mny. ro, ,,,have bee -a
But we'06sitive y MRS ID M11F
--now recapititimbe Boardwill. meet -10 y0inproyed, bo,&fi chiiihic's Ilistitutey Oil Tuesday- .0
"if rWasong, lorns-oroct0eii last -dayto --idoandout. 'Ibeptopti6tor,Xr. Iasi, wall it
on lit 0_ 0
on nirg whein ieaigna insi grand, 'success; li ie pro -
his this practic WL
Vf6i'44" e -with it' Crop of waagolds, 1 11
are. A potent f%qkp,f 7,9pJd, pipIrp Which, V, lved,,.1n tion Inv OR.* 411er will 60me% -Jas W61ker,: 'it might,be stated, i xgratnme being. excellent. The I n'
0"Fo" ppositle-11 ih t hliiii :f%PP6a t0tbepe4le.` - He-'ba's'otIly, alibi lie also cobsidei%. , -fiberit `6 it fdraccept -great hold a conceii `abou&' _"TE- INTE.Ni) TO GiVE T11iE
been the spirit I . . I bofoll giving employment3o a ndma_46ntionls tq
importtltn -wbich * The smalWit-'att6ndance at':any
G.6deri ilsowing tbe most bier u0nen; so.mlso' is the eri every third week.
'indep., receive(] - tile iiq as a rule obviates any ne esii;itV for, PC It nyj
nd If ical meeting in town -for rq' a- inizMr. Harrigo.wh6ge, inteimsti
-rewiIird due a
The social in.connec'tion, with, the'
0 Methodist 'Church,
d` n d Cain.. reEk8- traholakiting. Morris drilled' ' ears was thit. at tile nomination oA Mr ''I,. Cooke, it is'gaidi iblends, well -looked after by h18'Ci_;lI Ladieis Aid, of th I
4 g g, upli no, y
Led by 011ilbly -0SeCtL to., It is a i t tqi his rci d66T.Saturday.. opAning a confectiotiei yi shoo -at Gai. obi%ng for6trin' Mr James Camp- was held at -the pars6ri on pp.oin went . a Mrs. Stokes and Miss Bluei.t haie field..' bell. %N(Ji'tnust we'lorget, to rnake. -a was a large
ar " E
GE '.T
fr'. A, prpe the rod day evening ICU, tfiet
AIILITqrtantox.", d er the Crown.
U -tied from Toron RobL 1116Uurray "S atild mention of -cllief,etiaine6r, Mr. Jivin th pr colecls-ah a
ypppiqat :Torohto as
retui Lot the 'forater attendance, 6 unting
NOW &1113R'. PRIZE. -TKERS-Trii 'ad', Nlurphy, on whom dpvo ves' e re. t eN
I %h o'$12.00.
consideribly, improved f his farm Ion the 10th bon., to I On eryihing We have in ut-Store that%bas ever been,
in her -The Cli.nton-Era tries. to sqirm George Miller for 1101ur. APonsibility, df"keeping L everything -g e in.Clin oil.
AfOWAT'S J1.ACN1JVAT!0ATg.' own -
Out f the awkwa fl'position it finds, ship want Ids in the lie - Father Watters returned from. ray resprving the timber. in He also attends to the:
r tred hie' mano h the -ry Boa ce. From Morris C, We do nok O'llve' discqunts,. , but. rd r"Goodr,
on 13,
L Siiturday w ere- e ad' On the farm of Mr. Ei 1?,atliwell Fei L ticket offi
tit pen hdni for Ariils in spri
reprint f; bati Ad, itseli in u ng, eleven Toidsi 1h llitft - tiblie,ts may.. b has d' Oftu il- ' ou
been attend ng ..'I uxmidus growth of a. for rice.that no other.-Ho'nse in'the Ti -ad
d ills to in6L L L' th 00, PU S
acre on aclay loahl'.'eiirlit., 1 46 periodical,' may be seen'a I -y across.the river, and if' I h dow -.-t.o such:.4 J)
?31ts P ,rlin ry rtemarki to a. edying.. - The at ter _Lregi jheR. C. church. fall , heat-ffilly' 12 lie high -if tile fort w18 The counci me unnt
..the rodi sowed wi dle -of ea, and soindtimes if not.wisfied. for, to adjournment; trembers all present, qan Compete witli flibin.,
Of tbji#' Si ncoe qli ctl.6 1 positiv.4, that the Out worthy' sheriff calling'oi' theeautiful show and Ii has not a ducking may he'had free of: Charge,
Mr. in'the chair. 'Xioutes.of
IiafftiW days.,
-As we hav&: *0 CiettenL to Niv, 7io _R& ts to o
eak, addressed P ring our. stay. there' ofi-Tfitirsday last,n ee Ling. ieid and -passed no
as 'hgalds,. hi,iisi President of West Huron: r
oert tb t A-' to.-sp'
it Stimuel Bissett,: df Co*;rne, bad" laid it low within-th
I b ' t
i9ams, hashi tl-'y MC at G Cnch.was "rendered -fal, tri The ffayfield -line syri has th.e. we noticed it large,n'umber 'of visitdis.
:vsel6ss throu&h the opei;4tionspf
been the only',distri oifa stro'llig was Jitei Association. This cbntittet'for haullii& riearly Ono ItUn. __C1e7:ks;_aiid ?ttidar7 lizo- eipen ii4d,'ever it i- -easily nde'rm'
ctwh_6tein-.Mr. rgm
. , " "'o _ creiatqd' 11. M6(;r"ken, c
i; 44b har'iA'ni-tba Meadqw-' on to matiured -ri thl niid iible merriment dred kone,of t a s6vbial wearabo n o : o it.
"%.lowat's pt.iUr A -a tarik !,: , .. low. We d%n 8611 vheper, and dt* d
ad., Close down O'd ift-: 9 pri rtYl,i loads to 00 herd . we, notiae jo EkIllid,-V JL3 ' .,-..---stood:l ` 11 u
8- 50 - -E D01iftlix er-
d. surroundiad n ap- r laian,- chai-ity An- -have the Largest -and Best Stock i1i.the C
the acre, Soed gewe, .,A larie. land eiiiii'e to th4 hub, 6aled of -the foil, p- go
4eavored to th-wart- and set at naught Ctio, It -Nla lbtb' tillerg gaij niim6d to
po ley of prote 11, -0 shipp6d Y.
Like Alr.'Morria, h6 has, Lyeo%v'n wen tly dead. dog on Tfiank an by- :Mr; D. A., of rithrodi two'pr; more represen 0 1 L loots Pit Wh L , , agIVITI8, drew Lee, graveli $3.80ilvIcLedn. tros
ni excuses iiq. y -ything had
I . . I I ate., one'repral
a day. oil evoi be6n. The Varna bridge is -completed and 'Liv *as of the fourth- est
the on. the. sai pie6e foe the e4r , nprinting; 6100*;, E; Boswan3--grgMj:'_Our
Tl;ia disfranchising b %a -delicate.wa' f rriog'-.6- its. .0, i3e u a v the 'i6.00; ; Win. lvlodn ey, 1. 50 ; Geo'.
ttled.as to the Ca. se of" doath th opened4or tr n did sen tafi e of 'a
or onY, f olbornio hiiii 'k- _F g.on. leading industry in neighb R
f. v9teris re e 7
otingi cai quietly got upp lo'oked at 'the th6r Forsyth, insurance on Ww'ft IIA119 $1'.
ab adiril, gra 611iny rid f6m3 orin
vould n%6t al h E 1 a"ying that the mill, his turrii M de 0
5.50; Goo. S
hav'e been'carrie'd out tin-. bridge, .0' alto got eAdy-_da ercoat'
p. on ravelly loaw,'with "gain bled wisdam of' the -town, -and a 'to Varna ur own, i of a Vulcan, one -ii Win
Hopper, L gravel
-and G liaturn -6.0i Oeo the L W IXT PRICE
J ss the On rto. , ' ivere a was (is) to -close dowr4j'.'.br:tbat` "it a4unitidne-ood.natura rainage., lirilped away. lieeve and.the contraettirsare entitl- :chiniat L onbrepres niAiveofthe rovernmefit start abomitiab . le'wof Will on y, close '-down'."for repajys.P). has nin6 drills to In Moir was -in dii,odlation last man- educatiori interests of our. province Proctor, approach to Forbes' bridge, in,
to it. Sua k lie -rod, k ru 3d , to: praiii for Lim excellent. Aro, surpriSin- y are. so-., 0
. I' '' L , ri rim which, the whole''wo4k 4a many Oth 8L too,:13u' -9 . A to and er morons to a - d-- so EXCEIENT IN QUALITY. Everybody
CC broa cast tit sp I ftUrsday'roorning. to tie effect that e - Misses I J.
s'Parti kr. Mowatg- niwbiri 'Toa, ]over' of truib this quivocating ridg, twenty*.Ioada 75., Fxfbi
b nd , 6 onion. The kind
iorl's' against I 'a' . free e I x 8 .: as-- bad' 'as the-tfib. d . irect.. As 'if the,acre. Se;d 'sowed.- middle of. one ofour-leaing officials-haddied e., oxia. ly manner in H. B ill(lo .,i-epaii-fn.j.drd4rwav, $1.25; -Will. easily' be convii ced
t;liould see our stock.and they
.pregsion of June. suddenly the night previous. Enqiiiry -Mr.E. Raftliwell'stiew brick house. which-wo; with others,'*ere troited -Tas. Menser;. culverbi . Mr. Fer-
by irik d
thei mill W f6 proved the incorrectness of the is fast soptioiitching completion. 11 in -the 4bitants show6d,ug that. rend, Charity,. $10; . Arthur Sh yrYeie the CHEAPESTan BEST.OVERCOATS. can
ilY.6f the peopleat tbd pollg. a n . r ropAirs' is' 'rather our visit 'was appreciated and we
Ad" of West Wawa- report, 'the * g4kitliowan e fou & 6 ha
Robprb Me mentioned: afifiestructureand.0 nnot.but, I' ditching, $15.60,; Jae, X,61goh. CuMerl"
Ili Order to show that the people the game, as.Closi down0whig -to'. tiosh, -hus onti of tile lirg st field Of. beiginthe beat oKheal ibute, to tit of or the hopelerelting. tpi Able to Pa $2; i8arrittel Irii ravelhnq, $125.
-contr e comfort,
Ot'tame)y subijuit'toi p a.,On Saturday ropftetor and to 'the pleasifig pros. t.Jn.ionvil!e another iti 10., J.Meadows;:' rz%
'tabie tyrani -Apring 7"
be falseipplicy'of Ri ding. Tito. soil ur you g ".P1 uravel roaq, 07.16; Re4din
h - did, 1 , , otctloa turnips tit tile overf.boi6g. work on, ve
W1,4% . . . , . is a one of* 0 e4. of tho immediate and,'stirro n S
trian ge boi9t with his own friable learn, rhanuted iii, ladles While practisifig riding foil off P 9 , and
ytAnd the -robbery Of. g 10 -Call t the I'Noted` il lgothln oranytbing':
Peter q' the horse and wgis so rn ch-'Aha.ken in . cality.
broAdeaat,- twenty leadd to th ticrei Du4 timber, Martin, 0
their riaht to,fibile a am d H6 have -to 'fill
64 . lady.howevbr, WIti the young man who de- From our ou, Way.
em' - , 1 V - fak -Winte. to be i4t Our dt 'ors. land Sol, t
y in tfie gov, and ani 250 lbs salt to the, tba;t 'she fainted. i4g approatili. 002' 0; D. Vdnalstin Y06 the' Of.0 u allH use
ernment of the Provinee' ring the bell' again" before' he n was-irat severely injured. Would.41, Bired-7orsofti Awed r -go) 6135i Jas. Rus ou'vir.l. nd every-._
We w Ul(t d Ine gran L t I to loiris'powingri
alkeiliasobiained.it bolt ...th" swe',&dVeri e -
eight,drills to, the: rbd,. geoi tibt.b -well for th6he learnin- to ride. tion with hislady love, and mat'
OP leo,p . p1e*-'6eliVvo thar the at' , 0 ii W lIng a Us
th b An 06ht'lhld- a cc OP- about Junk 10,th. .. - :,, - '. . ra- J. Rogersn, iobuilding Claiks bridge
to us;e-h6i,i.-bi.,,:tba -a.re-entireiy --under. the rocking Chair with, u6h warmth. froW Goderich for the ilsef his en
been kwought -out agaidst i3ol. Rose. 'Po&/of'o, fadtory. to effect e0pairs' in that W and reifairs on 13cidmin bridgei $7., J.
Pitrick'Carroll"O'f 06161 hs 'Control. . ben he tried to'get. up I re. at tho mill.
14 . I . 11 Walker, work on sunshine bridg '$g
EAST SIMCOE EI EC one and the game thing a6 Iolo$ilig his ob, roti in a la 6 3 quired big mi sti;britiods'eff6rts Lai Mr. - P. Ptitter'li s. r6turded fro
TIONITRIAL. loam.Which was A lai-ged'three mas Led vessel wet m -do e by aul'
abo t nl,
dow friding at - anchor lie$ out separate his'garmerit, from th4a chair, Alg6ma. He -expresses hini wi)li Then. Russel, daidages n
,,"On Tuodiw -the itrialOr tile. teledtion. fi.thro4(eh'fiioPQrmtl6ns f. the summer iaat year . anti U 5;-J; Selals, diggin 'diiob
lie pfdrall'-Uonday. She inust oughion I . His heart is about -as soft t the Country.
Manured witli fort pleased Wi h ve' JAO- 'KSON
46 false y loads to Aio
'0616r 'huticelloi Boyd —p-plicy . : have -cast anchor during,"the night, as'the cushion, 'Quitei number of our-sportamew
wag i6o, h ';
CC iLere broad castf, ho eight drills by 1. C np illitt . the 9teeve, and
-1us1tqe Cam- ralj. L '.Vfip Court Ross has got a, Jg. o Protection. and thogh at times fabering' heavily that Col.' eie-on'the war-pathAut Thursday,
-to the'rod; mowed. May Vreasurerbeinstruottpdtodrav $1003 was held In Renueey,A hall"which* waa. 6he seemed to' be perfectly safi ger-thing, there will very likely be a JoSePhervis succeeded fit bring- W,L
late'rose potatoes are on the.same x an
ut- 9 Joe. ham, te, --meet- ex pansee For a hard cold, with -pain io-t1whead - ADVICE T0,11110TO ERS.
Crow ing down -A good aiied fo Good for frm'theB k.offfamiltaii mg-
th stabbiri vicancy.in the County Treittatifership.
ack Truman manured'. in pring White cliargea wi ii%befoi-e Our, VoWnshig -treasurer caused y
vati, sted 11stelmra quality Mr. Ilrdliman; was arrApgo Mr. Adam fibod.- .Carjried. The. council thiin bones, oi- throt . ig ecliest, take., htI. CantAlon, would be a good1man to fill-
affaIr was a complicate , ou' wealthy fartrier'of Water-' Theito was a good turn, out at. the
0, fr in, tlie , . , &, eig b drills. 'Judge'Vdws oh Vriday, and pleadoi ht a
411 S, d Curried to.meet LIXI It, at Once in liberal doses, cover Are you iiot diturbed at 111
Were tW6 unday at the a-3
-the rod, requent evidences of not guilty. 'rho prisoner 'elected to t, *611 in. bed, 'and* o& - vord for. you chill gnFer-
fact that there to upectieut; Choked, and b6at to he Position., Hoig A kebtleman'of ( I rly Meeting last Drokon of -your rest by. a sick - YA
the me
mber elect and his Retti.rultig litb big excelletilL Character, L g000 parts,* mlleatr, ! . church, , Rev. Mr. Bi kg Nov. next,, up
it ti in 'rot were seert- although 0 tried by the county Judge ind will soon be %Vol]. ;-256-lin Ing and crying witb rain of Cutting tooth
Pr 'If go, 86ild at ob o and. get-Wbdttle of1lilifts.
Officer nlit- J!Urywas 'is wife... H K d a sound pragticaloormon W. Cii
r fangLfit
'a day, Wed. and liberal education, Ile is -well uo eache
tie lftejee, S1je,.s&ys that b
r6 and jXog wAs' br6 'a tL lal was 84 d(Yw t6i
It ebr eti a good natural. deti clerk
it'llroligh his rnat ors, WIWJLOW S 80()Tlltl q SYPVP FOR CMLD
c3rruptlon e was in municipal school After which the 'baorathent, of. th
16, last Lord's, Supper was administered to it mom
ik, 1, Riki; T"'13THINO.' Iti Vallie b1tWileillable.
KIOUld scarcely -4b'cafICd' iVitgb a eh 'were There iso an oxcellent- cartoon large nunsbar. going'tti on-TIlurediti
,U4 A correspondent mentions of a
U. McIntosh". Of ft)r 18; gr 20'years, and'for 0
towtishipi has Ilia carrots on b&ik -occupied the osition of Nine PilySIC1111,118 Ontdonio;
(had to he charged separatel fdr 41irrg, Clucas the attist in' t 6 bird store lAsb-Thuisdei an".Accident of a Ifelen Pharviz, No. 881 I)aytori` si load of-Whe
, gJrIs. A tl ,Ird wqs born two do b t* fall, diately, Udpend upDnit,'moilteri thero
41 Hit% 0)' -Whavan bxp&nslvo IaQstitge lotial ply and, w(41' window. ...'In it tile Major -Ag lookfq-, a pqr ion
we;k t -alid-dil?3 which might &,o,Clfilcagoi, 111, Ja''n'OWL Ili her sixty. I 1 -6 b- a" fa n . to . 6 sp . r . fig . Re was offer . ed no
iveeks* have 6 and diarrhood, -re ilates: ilio Ot
The "Irrega arl ty 0 manured iii fall ahs4t'twelvd loads down atid Coiitfolling he iavert'.. 'rho' L"Ouncil met .6 IIcItdbFMlle, orrminated fatally odduPred eig th yeae,'aud gtgiethat she has suf. alia - *
tf, 06 rod. -under the table war -._I o er5fh pursuant -to: adjourn- f a The the apriiiq and d6l -bowels,.'eureswin
'81t106 in Orip), while etc 80 Cent
I V. I ti6nea-' nine to Miri orwaa driving a' ir
r 1, 11 tit die' eleWow-in6 -mii . ftembe Mr. X Milt Conatimption for about tell . - 1.
o , 'i , V ling -a plaintive note Is dwell known, -menit. rs -all, present. -became ei -owing -nifte 161,lns, not gofi an offer f6i, tbo'-fid - He retlacce inflammation, ani tme and
tile killhig pf gil lid Sowed the and of May. His late Cow ' which yearii, Was treated by -pbys
wl : a*'erted thiii for, the 'bei- - husba politician, Rhown-'as a bird and, desig-, titan of last Mootitig read and passed. to the amount of chasing wilifoli alie all bit them pronouncing her emb hope- took it home again, but returned olic)"ftothowholemystbra,
rest) potato"a'.saQ616 ctilla 'to tile
6 the lie p6qtPoni to The following persons were itunded Soo"'Jil'
ciii ed a L too theAlgoma canary.. 1,611 ;o
--bwaus6 ofher lim, nated Lis 'tit it ort,the following Saturda
ll0tJr.'p1*) 1. W , received, when she met a little daugh- less,' 8he had given up all ho of wi y TPF.T)JlNO I.q ple ga
X . wiltr a6il, aie of flh6 site, es
d " , , r; 411tiOtI is rd'd' on aii f Beatty $1 each dog tax, having -no dai :-A. . tit to tile t*Sjo.
berl 'd Wre absencre of The steamer Lquebec, ciftbe for of. Mir. R. Gliddop. The girl,t ibd ever reoo,Veli Sevgn bottles of Dr-' hen hc got $1:,03. for the spring the p,.6 w
of line, - arrived in part on Saturday H&wilt6ni J.- Irardy,,S. Pluinmer, W.. to got out of the way,but failed t v Discovery for Consumption wrip joll of one,of tile Claost famillo
a Lie 6eUer.,-,thd-n Air4iud is Reformers ro t. ii left for S. Eaw're . no The clerk 'was paiiI a do King's Nov Cr the. fall pilygioillng al)(I natSOS, Ill the Urtited States
appolot wheAt "'and 60 nte fo
V 14 outy 7he -cow ran tit her, struck her Completely cured her. Doubting odes,
rjy lirsder to poll 61gsubldivisibit' n$4, Move $3i AMeasbr 0; f1b. r selecting so, And iw .01' wlti by sit. druggists 'thfon h.
a. 2. 'Tiny, which by call' -gild. having ild9s please tire her & postal'Und satistv wheat -
I - . .. 9
Hunipbroy Snell, f Uatjob%, &s; Xinb&t(hnA-_ThA -quabOd with her horns "and gorpd the 6h p u95' conts o ll)ottle
coinddemee, polls a :arge 'CousetvA- Blake Might adopt some of tile- early rose potatoem, eigb0drifts to been heavily loaded it was impos juli Moved by J Boacom,'second-- Itated. arselveg. I Call at Watts And - Oo s, fade to aa exte-ril'-lifiat nec6ssi e
tiveii The discovery Of tills Olbis. O'Gle 'to enter Xinuardine' liarboi, ed by J., C6x, that the nomination for t L Drug Store and got a lfii Bottle. Avoid tile harsh, rritnting,: griping
S.IP tile rod oil a friable cli he putting in of Aye stitches.
Mipn #,t 'Nle wigillalideav Untling Beg, Chi reeve, tlepu ty reeve and three oun- conipoun(ls-to often -sold As 0119
and bring Ing mod.
wnillured-. roadcattt id -6e Wit twen. b in icines, and correct the irrogiti arities ofI6
,:))ailing a c6lum led the ritcultiLs of' 1They 8 e ran ack to Goddrich meeting at Sharon appolpt SOALPFD BY A IXANI): CAR. -The bowels by the use of A er's Cathartic Pillso T,
with' auch. a high -t Ilev. Mr Bleks'donimeneed A'four na rostoluiiau in the* House '.to barbor cillors for Goderich, township be i day,s
up -to d Ird, are verV lore is nothiligmote pr6duotivblof.
=Wd the tv 40aow to A', where she lay. till 4 a. in. 6ft Suhday. Knbx's hll,, IfolmOsVill ,'011 the last men t last Thursday -afternoon at 2 a'- hich are fitild itad' gentle, yet thorotigh ball0i; ripX4 Thiy$ also' big not sodr-yvcooked, tit; others Monday in December, present year, in the. after- Harriston.TrtbUA6 says.: -On Wed-. w nolghbothobd than Sad-drairi
Thbre' WA's large itteridartoo tit u,iiervioe and geatchtt% in their sotiou.
byast.rangecolveldenoe, W.0"servative, 0axiiii and trip- at 1,2 of the clook,noon-carried, 'ji. elook,, holding nesday last'Mrs. girchie,'of Minto,. ago, Open the ofilvert; Itad filuittwayt
ime festival auppgr noon a examined, le,, Itarvest Ira Hatrison, having refused to, accept lid tivening of each tiny,, Pu fy the locality.' Th'te otstinc-
-ly Ill lots, to shy-.not ig of twinsv mile. PRIZE LIST. -Ili the North, street Methodist, church tile . 0 1 sition, a engineer, Revs. Baugh of jJayfitald; Grey and' was riding on a hand.car. She be- eat the .Q.ternoon. 'y f township L tibns I hilihan system may he remed.
isingular coincidence the Unts took chrollioled. v last Thursday. evening. , Tito tables Capt, L J. MOD( , )nftld was iippointed Kenner, of z1fintoni, and Others Are came frightened , and in trying to , A. Chard, of st&li% teittiflea to tile iod in A'similar'matmor'by Burdoo Blobtl
f ii Ptbtfio ill, in appea. Tormps.-Joseph . Morriti, lab- W4 ;RbAL efficacy of nttygard,ii Yo ow 011
of the poll-bi Ile Warning, 3reladen with,the choiq6sb of oat- expected to `MiRt in the work. aeouli A* more Safe Seat Wita btruck w1liell 110 Bitters, 111jil opens all JhOL biettleta of
no duily,:.ft! -this Canada* rtiyo
imot every vote tliiq tVaR 'Pal led U, i e, do 3680 buPlids1b the acre; Clor. 'which -were enjoyed roost ori$inoe for ditches, for this The, allitt- * -meethig 'at Coallotii head with the ban ill4easo tbrough fho Bowels, JUvei 'aud.
y had n 0 dle ' a, knock- use(I for a ba(Ily in , itrod kuleo'joint.
"Ioe,k, But a township) .'Moved by J. Cox, second
'Welve Ole Whelt an of ottro:* The w'retched. parer ts of Off, 2nd prizo,'1254 busholA heartily, intellectual portion School No. 87, 0. 0,14. took place last id. romedy for inflam.
ed by J, Beacom, that tho.muri WL do Clean off the, head, mild i'l t1le gr(
*ha 6111 tell Where ft to the acre; Robert Madd, 3rd of the feast was eX06110lity and . Vriday night, hen the IbI16-ing of- 'DR the so' 08 oto ti
bit. salmixtel todlit*418 In; thesei prolii1e htihOtal in Canuft, elections for this, township far the leaving it hanging down her back. pli 10771 bushels' to the acre, seemod to be heartil approcillit6d fitero were instidled by 13, C,! 9..Bro. used both intoTnally and eteihmily
As yet r4orted, to 'mu by all prepAlit" Dr. hlt:lLean, of Ayton, was at once
rurgatten to*J.b&Voj1Cb year 1884r be held in the t6llowing I -With inkillNo Muccesi. All Case
I lormid ilia , - Mureb, % I L A of wesik or lanicti Ntk
j.'tiportit'ii 1 1 . MAVii It Mal-ris, Ist ;Ii - No. 1, S. D., Orange hall, he ociaid-dd-
uturliftig Officer ter W. C', R., Bro'."D, W, Burnt. summoned, but.found nolie, rhaumadgm, ke.i will by'
V. 0. R9 4 t Iq
,t4roitri thi4 avowing evil, butif tile Tho,sch oonor J. G. 11,Arago. P. me. No, 2,81 D., boueb of J. d. Lavio" nothing for her, site passed, uietim. Moro Oases ing Ono of Ciartir's 8mart.Wott anil
hout a ce pait4ced upon prizo, 4448 to' 'tb acre, 4th, con,
8,401 1 L ) Ewen owlierg Capt. NicDonald) was pettorl ;
all perhaps nervous Would succeed in th(dr eiii'l6avors to imett No. 3, 4, D., hausd'df T, T. Xureli., ll bd dlited n less Belladontin Backolio Plasters.. N&C 2,4
131 2nd prize, 2208. lautibbed oil Ronday week, and-aall. Ifarri8on No. 4, 8. D., house of W. S.) IV away -on- Saturday. mistipa Lion, - t 0,
1,4 qttibi,indloidulti ig jbinis'elf. - Air. 11 W. S. TA-urenoo. 'tit less inodichie. and for loss man, acilts,
R d tff' Ourkv! , 3rd OW4, - time,
Oro Leato ba nessi a to the crn F. S,y The itnitiversary of libb 0
N -16t, Ou n alifibinted De Uty -was ad 'on Wednesday, for Wallacob6tg 114ibison, No, 5, S D., h6U66 r Or n ,,,, er by 1I.Aing, 'Wo Liver Pilb,
to thoucre. for a cargo,of hoops Mid staves. q
n1lard tiW0,,,.th-or li'xio Rly dcfl Prue, 40141 builiels Treas., Stanley
-rushed 111" Vo.6,S.D.;housoofW, Chap., It, Pinto and Jandirig M"ll. by any to
it ro 0 of Kill Ain mcans.
Goo. yA. QlleiV eto the polling. bt;00 so ritst t"t 11'6 got ltiilf'age has been almost entirely re. ;Crooks , also that the following Pat-- 8, IV,, W. Johnston, as Celebrated by tho,
thAi e i4liout half past eleoxii o'clock. t4br6;X I)o 84yik)g w1lat, ayllappen, Cmots. in Ungland, w
ft-, Blake and tile pii 17111'btiaholo to tho titere P. Mr Ilenty Maeltoft 'Ila built, and !a now fit for atV trade, Ingofficbra, viz, j, W. nlomber6,of lira" 1, to b6tit
gone be doPuty r6turni GF .6n 11 01h
011HAIthr6ediately' L e;ldosl AS. IV hecobtrAct No. 1, 8, Johnston) X6.2'y Ni, Sturdy) S, p titnoto take a bloodlatirifier t We linimve$.
hi lid hi di il pf"zii -1489-1 bli to J r the work arid as is "atiml Made an No. 3, fr" 116fraorif Xa' 4, W. Iloib 11 b aw. I'joyal Orange Lodges At Mile Greti Xitily a 441lar Is pald for ptaAeriptiefts the beat time is now..
_1ra 'jqin - Burdock g to, prevent an Ili tile k6ft; 0', L IGlid all loy to L
roubletl the
M Jlatoall, Sta Pli eXnellerit job of it. Stan witshiiii oil Monday last. 01. sonto disease 'liat never t Bitters doeaL it# 'Work of' parifyiJig tog"T.
-6-, During M.andiy nightia storm tho crook a- Ce'rriod. Tho4oll6ivIng nio. After the assembly had partakian of' ptitiont, i%ft(I Wh6ft- the 6616 41ifflOillty wag I Pletk. It tWk sometime' -crease in'tho'popultitiofi 6f Canadit 1168 bushels to th# act non , No. ), It. Blrbrd, No, 0. 'W1, he iting, Ana toning tile syitti at ail t
i9nd -it, wag 1110 it-MigNtiOn -to Our North- Ang-staft'dn 'the fiarbor hill bdbk blow counts were paid; vim-nowAoll form with about $100 of h balaboo in ebelpilo t1ilo iirgt-ballot eopla be Xhro gll th povideA for the %vol"'11 kvIli0h "a. few of Froetri Worth And ill gotigoti Parity In all things is
.150TATOM-11. 10 tho'hatitle; of the tromsdror. ALW#,yg in order when required,
AlopoMtkid. Arid 1'16roL tlloft West., tb by ;Ar. obrl Belli of :C4 ife plo"Alltt Q&fd,, kind contain their
heibugiii to 11. Def,16r arid C6 abated -tion 67 18" piosa Of Which teflftta oWh cj%tJ1A1`tI0) Stl(l tire Adapted for child-
ouI in, J. WAI 0,66, to.
the earne otoi 01
'ApI)caj%1 t endeavoring t6 - pro- prize, 2771: b f6h or Adult#,
Id In their 2nd" ushols to Cho aere, did tire end of a - Pairing dri ISL dorl., $2 1 Irmi Taia llwo SAtvs In t1ii tot (3091 much credit on illat, gentlemanj A 066d thtt6tillUtion.
CL and ,V0nb An. eii 011 L. MoTiltogh, Sed prize, 93J house in the rear of th6 bid furniture &.Drys
d i t kho Glob itter' ste Of tutive bota dald, gravel, $34.69 ty; Con- safes, Uleart, Salt -Rheityri odoliVetild by idi. 3, x6yinedtir, & linwbiiht in DIX14i abouf
at t I list sit) Allop on W046t Street. ii W61`0 Fever Sc happed Ilitudst As tipurifier, Y
gAvel, ifeculiagh, * 61'6 ac
11011de t-aps Pen . eta , hgulsho% rumaii of wr6ka 'Avid 'iAccideli fill gravel for I I Flillott, rith, 1p. Mai tpwcopml Minister, of ttictly and promptl't. A single bottle Will' tht0d ears Ago 11) fol
lzo .... 'PectorA BaleAm to hie Oft Con" -
d6ifsi Pit, thireSbo4 Monday but, the mbov6aft Allwo ate grao 12; 1. 'Moclefludit tiorn, and no-, lonwill, and Vilesbyterlati Aliniatet PI'M Its Xi Wny, thoutellas of Poo- m" b fry.
t dw an tor tile best gifte of 10 * are Y qly stilyd from diii It In bit own family tot C64NA Awl
,ffv&. , JP60,6 0 i1w u0tak bl 9 0i 41K pity *r6qut red. Is Is guaranteed to AN6 kt&t w1ii tile younger Fovots by the 6xoteiiiie of littlh,thri
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