HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-11-07, Page 4SO
AUL VANOTediTIPt a the icinettiow
and (loderith, marble worke, waif in
town on Moria y putting up * tine
monument mill stone but; in the
Clinton cemetery, ordered Inr Mr.
Weir, of the BeyfieIti line,
monument la a New 13runewick
granite. '
NAratow gsmo.-On Saturday
A, A.. 1304400 was ehortenhig
patent wire wove vying bed. Ire
wae fastening the wires at the side,
by eonie means they ;dipped and
flew up, striking Mr. B. on the
left eye, .pierong the BI clean
through. WI was thrown on the
broad a his book as. though abet.
The sight of the eye is not injured,
although it was a miraculous escape.
He might have been blinded for life.
•44nadrUploPlate,, manufactured by the 1VIEnIDEN SILVER
Pi;ais Coffe.mqvi. of Meriden, Con., 1.T. S. and Toronto,
•oat- These are undoubtedly the- best Silver Plate.Poeds
in, the -world, and we have bought a very large stock' of
•them at abont
• .10 'PER CENT :26-21rLESS
W4$ the r egular Wholesale Price. Our Customers will
get• the benefit of this banain by getting their Silver:.
er. cont. chea ier film us. .We have
POrliVit 0`t.antetlf,--.4,41;# Satur.
day will be the fourth eentenary.
Mertin Tiutber'a birth xtenewe
preparationa liar; beet; made )a
Germany to celebrate it.
Mug B0114E004 who bite
been ving Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
Itatledge, of Godericli townehip, will
• Oda week return home te Bock
for fl, We had the &mire of a.
call from the yonug lady, hilt failed
to learn vrhether there is arq
hoed q ber domiciling in Oenada.
• Tlnise who soy ti at'the sid6wa11is
need repairing shmild cell the Mien -
don of the 'Proper civic authority to
the dangerous places. Tt is said
that the are holes in the planks,
in some places'large enough to ad-
mit the foot of a lady or a yoang
person, anci that the corporative
runs the risk of having to pay for
broken limbs so long as these open.
ings exist.
LADY TRAMimts UNGS.oep.-Miett
Martha Inlien has been engaged to
teachone of the departments in the
Walton rublic School at selery of
$260.` Emma Boydohas bem
engaged to tecteli in •$, S. No. 4,
Morris, at a salary a $275.
Mies Minnie Croley bas been en-
gaged to teach one a the depar5.
ments of Exeter Central Sekopl at a
Wary of $225. All the above
ladies are now in atteudauce fit the
Model iliebool here. • .
1:100OSAPTI,Y.-- As an instanee
the Importance and extent a the egg
trade a this section, we may •state
that during the present season Mr.
D, Wilson, of this town, hes paid
out over 8300,000 fot eggs„ and
fully twe,thirds of that large sum
has been distributed through. the
county of Huron, and all the eggs,
with the exception of three car loada,
have peen handled and peeked in
this town. Mr, 'Wilson also inform
thatinany farmers in this vicinity'
ve this season sold over $109
orth of eggs,-'-Expeditar,
pistigs,,. CAKE. 13ASKETS,
Come' and 000..these oods before' 13uyina
elsewhere, You will certainly ,.save mon;
• by 'doing -se: 'We. guarantee you finst,,claao-
goods Cheaper than .a,nyhocly else can sell Tout because"We
buy.:.thera elleap9r.' •
We show an .Elegant Assortment of
rine Gold. and ih
Boons 'Inn E, --A Mr. Elliot
unter of Kineardine was drowned
in Lake Pinyon last fall. a e
was insured in the,Piovident Asso.
dation, of London, Ont., for $1000.
The Standard says, that the widow,
through • her. *meet j,
McPherson, has just received $30C1
of the amount, and adds this is
said to be alnioSt the full amount of
the funds possessed, by the Associa-
tion, it wilrperhapa put an end to
its existeece-areonsumenition-whiph,
few except tlae paid 'etlicers will ro,
gret.• .•
I, 'a G. T. -At the last regular
meeting a .Ctlinto Lodge, No.
705, the following officers were in,
stalled, for the ensping "quarter I-
P. W. C. T., Bro.', J, Taylor j' W.
O. Bro: A. gale W.,: V. T.,
Sister McDougall; W. T., Bro.
3, Booth; W. F. S., Bro. • Debnie
W. S„ Jes.' Howe ; ANT. 111, D0.
Moue W. T. GA, Sister Cottle ;8v,
0..GBrO. Ecied, ; Wr_p,
Aprim TnikatEs..-••- ge067
several boys gained entranee to the
storehouse at the station end knock-
ed the head out a a barrel of ap-
ples, The barrel was eompletely
emptied a its contents mid the
the trait carried away. They were
the property of Mr. D. Cantelon.
We underatand the chief is on the
right traelc, atid it is to be hoped
thet these juvenile marauders will
be brougbt to justice. An example
should be made of them.
Clfrupss's MEETING.--14ast Sat-
urday a 'fleeting was held in the
basetitient of the B. Q. church, at 3
o'clock fpr the children and teach-
ers of' the Sabbath riebools. Ad.
dresses were delivere.d by Mr. D. Tip,
lady, soperinthndent. of the 4401,
also by Rev. Jas, Gray, and the
'Rev, a. T‘enner. Choice seleetions
of mesh" were indulged in hetween
the interesting speeches. The chile
dicen geemed to enjoy thecrucelVea
welt as 'pliciee of riper years. •
W.mornio.-On Saturchlar Nat
the wife of Mr, Jelin Histinge, a
Tiibbert, met with *an accident in
front of Thorne's store Sestorth
which will, lay her up for some time.
It seems that in getting. out Of the
wagon her dress caught and alie•was
thrown to the ground, breaking 'her
right leg 01930 to the knee whieh ia
-codsidered .rather bad pface;
-Campbell ,was sent for and attended,
to.the fracture. This ought to be a
warning too people to be careful in
gettiog out of vehicles, as a false step
might cosi thein a limb pia life'c •
rpt• our mg netresswelant.
The leaves pre leaving us.
Our poytielan a ere saluting all met;
with a friendly abelie.
There will lie tkerving in $h 6leorge'a
teenorrow mornAng at 11 a, m.
Mr, Cainpa.igne, wiattaaaa recently
so severely hnare(, is aratind gaiu
The Sweepatakea is leading salt at
the InternatiopaL
We lied flurTlea of the bealltifnl on
The "big mill" is obtaining 'wheat
from the Northwest. .
Bgaestrien erreise is becoming
quite popular with many of our young
Mr, Nirnz. Holtnea was home OP
visit to hie parent § last Wednesday
and Thursday.
There were services at the Hullett
R. C. Churciicsancl Peter's, last
The eehooner Serah arrived last From:owl own Correspondent.
Saturday with gold, whiela she . Mr. Jis. Duncan has 'tist returned
unloading on Monday.
The schooner Alsora left on Mon-
dey vvith a cargo of salt for the fishing
On the returpef Cananeli flas Iron.
A. nn Friday evening frot.4
Inoronto, where be hail that day been
Sworn in as a Member, ai the Ontario
,Cabinet, lie wee riiiielyed at the etta.
Apo 10Y tbe R,eformere of the town
;ma heartily !Moored. Ctit alighting
irom OM train o q eh1ig1t proeaa-
aion, beaded by the towo band, wet;
formed, which eacorted him to the
reform reems, where he made a short
address, a part ot whioh was to the
effect that he bopvci there would be
no contest. Iluring his speeeh be
mentioned that the English praetice
wasto allow Minieters of the Crown
on appointment to be returned
acclamation but be admitted that
the Rriglish'style bad often been.de-
parteefrom m this country by both
political parties. The balance of the
hon. gentleman's speech will have tO
he gleaned from those papers wbose
proprietors had the pass word te tile
inner sanctuary.
, For a bard . veld with, pain the Impale
beers, orIlitougli the ebset, t Dowas
Dove, at euee and- in libet.al qaelf_, ovor
upavell in, laid, and einflkien4 roF it. you
will soon he yr,e11. 254-1te '
Our Silverware and ,Tewelry are entirely new, 10' olcl
Ur. Jas. Addison wail away east last
week., returning borne on Thursday
Mr. and llf4. 4.T. Bothwell have
returned from tneir honeymoon
4)1 settle day Oast Friday) was cele
orsted relyietn mass at 35'
Peter's chursh,
S. George's Wednesday evening
serylces commence to night in the
scheol room,
The match between Brown Billy
end Goderich Chief comes oir on Fri.
dq.).11,11..the GoderiehDriving_Fark.
• Miss Maria Sturdy, of Wingham,
who was visiting friends in town left
for her home last week.
• Ppm oPe.pclii?g a few aya with his
an Beigrave.
• Bro, Varalake Trustees, Bro. .3,
Taylor, J. Bro Mcileod.
The membership is Steadily on the
increase, and the lodge is in a floor -
:lath% condition. . •.• •
• patterns:: Everything:the Lftte.A, NeWeety
and Most'St3flish Patterns.
: Gnatnan ,MoVa.-Last week
wasa -somewhat "movable° one.
S, Pike -moved to his new hotel at
.the station, -and -peorier, to Pike's.
'old stand ; 11Nrwitt to the proper,
by•Mier the cemetery, vacated by
Spooner •; T. 0. Ddherty, to the prop-
erty on Itriticesti-street, vacated hy
; Jas, Aikens --to T. Poor= Is
'property • on. Albert street; -John
Diamond to the lumen On 'East
etreet, lately Occupied by R.' .owa-
lin Chas. Tweedy • to the belie@
formerly &Capital by A. S. - Fisher,
eat 'of the hflidel School
Cole:to the louse' eccupiedAy, Use •
late Thos. Burden; Jas Torbe4" to the
'house owned by Mrs. Whitt, on Al-
bert street; Peter Craib: to thelicaise,
owned. by Mr. Forbes, on. Batten -
bury. street.
Oteuncat Noais.,'-'-aieV, 3. Kenner
preeched in- tbe J. Q. -Church last
Sunday • Warning. Sactainent, ser-
vices were Ms& the even-
ing,: the Rett. james..GraY.,...0,'M.
:Minister, occupied the B.: U. pulpit.
and'preached a very iutereating ser-
mon from Hebrews, 20d Iliipteritiul
part of .$rtl verse-`5Hciair -sh19.1 We
escape, if We .neglect So great salve:.
tion1" . The subject. Wan heedled in
an:able -Manner,and these present
couldnot help .but derive a benent
from it if they' follpWed the good
•advice 'So ::eloquently' 464(1,00' by
the minister. A.' large • retailer
were • present to hear Rev. • Mr.
Gray, this being his Dist 'time on*
preaching' in the B. C. Church, on a
Sunday-41ov. „J. Iteneer, occupied
the 0. M, Chureh pulpit. ot; Uncial
evening. •• , •
AN tire Taitun Fiatiar••
day of last week a little. son of •Mr.'
bin's); Ic.eunetly, o rieee Albert,
Manitoba, whose wife. and' -Child is
at present residing' in SeafOrtli, bad
.a„. bad eye takeft.out hy bra, Vamp%
bell, -of Seaforth,Und ;Gtitin, . of
Brueefieirl. „When INVo Weeks old'
the °Mid barieflaininatiou of the
eye, -which 'burs t the eye bail; leav.;
ing an ngly Meek inasa..protrodiog •
between the eye lids and was pro-
• cifiding inflammation of the good eye.
The object ot the operation wall to
save the good eye 'and to•Yeliere the
whieh• was sacedeeftitttr Wiry.
'respect mi'd the little fellow is don*
wall. A glass •eye will take the
1)lace ofthe one removed, which wil
iniprovo the eppearalice of the Child.
Autog•raph and Scrap Albums, an Elegant Line Just re-
- • .• eel& od , Bibles ..and-PliTgro'."h
...1.1undreds. of them to choose from, Boob :and Sta-
tionery, all gqi, want
Co7ire-crrrd sreel'ui'th.hethei yOu diantto buy olnot..
• ;orsienseaselposisos,..meeemessO.I;s•smete............."..r.1
tttto- etori
-The. ilodenot Nowa
-Plural) gecor
Cliaton)Weaneaday,'November 7
LOO4...14 :STEWS,
Ju and Aroand the 001101."
first lecture • of- The Peoples 4eries
will be riven to -morrow evening in
theTown- hell On `the'. ,aboVe subject
the Rev.- Dr. Wild, .TlieleetUrer
is too wellknoWn to need any iotro-
duction to the publie from us. We
are glad that the cqinmittee in
harge-pftlieSe-letitures-have been so
successful in -disposing of pearly all
their coiirSe tickets, and weaincerely
hope that eiteh leetere Will be greet-
ed by a full 1,,oust. Dr. Wild will
be the gueet of•Mr. Manning ;While'
in.tewn,.. end Rey. [Mr.. Craig is tit.
preside at the lecture.
Fsekt GRAVE TO GAY. --TWO gen-
tlemen'of totally different inisinees
persuasions, were observed waivers-
. .
ing at onp of our street corners, the
other day, l; They Were nol,resideets
Of the town. And as they were
• repeesentatives of interests seppo.secl
to be antipodal to each • other, the• .
friendly manner in 'Which -they
Gest ed One aeothee was, to. say the
least,' Amino -us,' • One was a leading,
ereetor of. .utontimenti, .other.
„ .
gen tlernae was -a .prentipe, in another
kind' of Monumeiltit business whiCh'
life ineurailee-Canvassers are alleged.
to be e4perta" at. ',The reporter, at,
sn interviser wish • the last referred
50 ps.rty,-.tuentioeed that the meet-
alliided WaS highly suagest-
iVe. • "0, yes,"- Warethe reply, "Mit
our occupations are not eo antagon-
istic .you imagine. The. Other
• po.rty. ornamente. the inensoleunis of
the departed ; cheer the *arta pf
the. living." „
Tan Doo NDISANCE1.-*Atf
Miss AggleldoCallutn, who was in
town on a visit to the 31/Lissee Wilkin,
son, left for home on FricleY.
Miss Lavine Johnston„ of Lueknow,
who is visiting -old scenes, is the
.guest of the Misses Wilkinson., • _
Next Tuesday is regular meeting
A.. pest deal has been Onid and
written touchirig the:peculiar charms
ef widows, and how they capture
young ineu over the heads of- young
girls. The rule works the other way
as well, for widower's often capture
the hearts of mpg maidens, even
with stalwart you men as rivals.
In proof of the lattert report has it
Shat a well preserved widower a
this eteleav, is quite a, faverite with
•tincyoung ladies.
Mr. J. Dutieari7 of eon, ; Stanley,
bought Acta from Alex. Fester last
spring for 1O5 A few clays ago he
sold it to Mr. John Torrance fer
111"14:VridNirer. °It".
fnorrostaa crypt Tatattar sfiernooa.)
kkk'Atoiluill rS‘VVIhteettt,: °all' , :1; - ••••• ' 10 406 1+0 20
Itiv,,.rniieli w ne.at, . .. . .. . 50 ee40 wt. to r6s4
o re 50 0 83
Al'eales, fwilitOta„. p,e'r 11, . 7, 1)2, 60so t,t11, 2.0 ro
2040.4 . • :,. .. 0 40 to 0 50
Dotter .•2 , .. - e le 0 0 27
Iti:;kt, .. ,, .. ,, •••• • 4 20 to 0 22
ILIY, • • - - . 7 40 to 8 00
Beet, • • —• • 00 01 1+o 700 70 0000
sheepskins • - • 0 22 to 1 o0
Torkle, tor, round,. • • a og to 0 00
Wm • • . • • . • 0 00 to 0 oo
. . * 0 I 000 000 7008
Coe4Wooa, . , . . . 2, , p 4 00
Flour, pr torrel, • • $2 23 to 63 50
Fan wtitatt:eeeTeor lamb. . 1 oil to 1 OS
Eat wheat intio — o 70 ta a ea
s;11:0W4 17 6,v_ .., ,. ; •• - 10 000 ra i 04,
Baelqr •- •
peas; ' • 003 to 06
00 • 0 21 870 tto °go :a 2411
riottgr. , o aa to 0 ar
reidls --
030 td 8 00
1 - 6 611 -to 700
. 03 7655 tqto 04 7000.
nooks, per Tisk • • • 0 ag
Chtektnis, for Ts6T :utt
night ef Maitland Lodge, No. 134,
A.11, arid. A. . '
Toenorow being Thanksgiving clay,
bus pp will be generally suspended
in town. ,
• The scheoner Wanderer sought the
shelter of tlm harbor last Wednee.
dart__ and left, again on Fiunday for
tee 1),Y •
Rev. Dr. Gardiner, presiding elder
of the London distriot, preached
morning and evening-Aast Sun-
day in the M. RI phurch,
Last Thuradsy being All Saints
Day, services wee held na the echool,
room of St. Geol-geTs church in the
evening. •.• .
Mr. and krg. Malcolnisen were in
Hamilton On 'Monday attendieg the
golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.,
On Friday as Mr. Hale was driving
around the square-; his horse shied
• suddenty end In turning round rapid -
..1y, upset. No damage of any con-
sequence 'occurred,
From or otsff Comespend nt.
'14r. Jame a Dodds returned from
Manitoba last iyeek;':
Symlniten, of
gue,st of Mrs. Al. B. IVIallory. ,
Rev. J. Parke, of Blyth, will ex-
cliange_pulpits with Rev.. Mr, Mo:
Cloali, cif Winghrtm, next Sunday. '
The Bible Society meeting will 44
held in the Trinity church, Monday
A select Assembly will be belt'. in
Watson's Hall, Wednesday evening.
A largo crowd is expected from Wing-
ham, Winton end Ertisselte. •
Miss Rose Currie, now of Wirrni.
peg, who was granted an Interniedi-
ate'at the examination has had her
certificate raised to the tided clasit
standard. ,
Capt., M. Charlton has takeiieliarge
of the.government dredge Challenge.
again. As soon as the wetither,per-
• 'nits, the titre Trudeau, with dredge
and seoaes, will propeed to,Sarnia.
0ON81111.VATIVE Meeting At. 116itll°11
commiseioner Of pub-
lic Works ie having' the street eross.
nets repaired and:cut in order.
: 14021INATICIT of candidates for:
West Huron takes place in GOcler-
ich on fileturday ;. if oPposition,
don wijl take place on the 17th, • •
' • FOOT BatI.-Tate thatch games,.
betWeen gtratford and Clinton, yvill
he played on the It. S. grounds here,
00 Thanksgivda.y. •
..keetrr twenty of the future mat-
rons ef tliis country met, on Saturr
day' afterimon at the lenie of Mr.
Tronse to celebrate the birthday of
young Miss !rouse, Many nice
• presents will in -the sweet. b -and
bye • recall to the young lady tlie
pleasant occciattion. •
M18$ ITAOGID kOLEOD, *Of ..Brus-
• sols, is visitieg relatiVes in town.
- A 1.4.110.; 'tionther of people from
• 'Blyth and vibinity Work
arLirtITCX .FOtTannty 13 havina
, :Steam pipes put ie. Heating the
building by stoves will 'he demi
Away with,
PAisrr and an artistic use ei the
brush on Cotichda butcher shop and
Comb's drug store have tonch im-
proved the epPeafanee a those pre.
Mit. J.: T.Townstan Telegraph
Xnspector, Was in town 'for a few
days last week. Xis mispion was
the fixing and.repairing of wires at
Abe Clieton ageney,
JAataten.---On Friday while Mr.
Thomas Ilicltenzie (of the firm of
dOriper 38 hicIfenzie) was openting"
a stick of' timber. it rolled on one of
his feet, completelY mashing the
great toe. Ur. McKenzie will in
.tonsequenee be laid up for a few
days, •
Boomixo.-Thefall rash has. feir.
ly commenied. SIi Saturday the
streets of 'Cliaton presented *0 un -
/toilet business.like air. Although
the 'weather was eoniewhat unfaver-
erowds. of people from the
cc:lenity were in 'Owe, end the ino..
jority Of our business men say a
great day's- trado Was done.
change contains the following sensi-
:ble remarks -Which will apply to less
pretentious cities 'than Toronto ;
Iihixilc it is time our city was, rid
of dogs. 5 Venture. to Say in 4-io 'city.
of its time in America cite, tliOre be
fOund ao many useless CU.I'S 0.5
fire jn Terouto. GO Where you may
in any part of it Oti will find them,
ready to snap. and .bite the enwary.
Why not'compertke owners of dog's
to hoop them ott their own pre,
rnjses 'horses, und cattlea-re
not allowed to. roam Ut large, and
for the life of me 1 can't see why:
doge slioeld he, , If a ,dog bites
.,.child„ and lAuttinion the 'fawner of
the dog.the 9wni.r of the deg' pays a
pciltry fihe, and the 'dog is allowed
to roain the streets and .WOrrY the
next child he may come across.
Down with the dog, I say."
, The ErieBelle ran, Iport•cluring
last Wednesday's storm,..for shelter,
and remained:till StindaY, When she ,
left for Collitigwood, She bait fill]
Cargo of coals. • .
The 1s much' excitementrege,rcl-'
ing the trot conaiDg_off on Friday,.
The betting is not "nearly's° spirited':
for the recen t • stallion .trot„ al- '
though some little money 10 changing
bil'n0:37:e. of on.Well-knivvn 'residents.:
has rented Mr. Bineham'S fruit store
and opened up' withe oboiceselection
of singing' birds: Arnong the stock
are a bandsorrie selection of canaries
• and a charming cruna. '
Last week 8..
bus driver, was thrown frinn . horse,
and rather seriously tnjurect. • A feet
clay§ rest*, however,, set him Sill right
: again end he is now attending to his
duties es urinal. • '
• The schoonerGortion with fssli from
the Mande fer thid,port-' wits out in
last week's sterm, in which she lost
her anchors. The.Gordop ,made for
Sarnia, which Poo she Made on Fri-
MEN 11101i Hilt&
Great LectUrci,
Single A.414111Stiiung gs ers-.
lake "compert and Pipe ()Iron'
In the Town Hall, on TuuesnAY, sok gor.„
(Thadlogierno Day), undor the auopices 90 thb
IlsrusT On0ft 1)1, , Lovers of uplePlirei Doi
fall to t o Orand Choruses, Solos, Dm.ts,
(ratio:ACM.01 aNi ripe organ stecoirool.,
.• Newton, Organist,
A 80041 in ceenoction with the
Ladies Aid Society, of the Methechst
Church, will be held at the Parson:
ge.MIZilnrsday evening, •
• A. fashionable wedding toolc place
in the R. C. church, Monday naorning.
tt 9 o'clock, the principals in yvhich
were Mr. *John 5, Reny And
Miss Sarah D. Coloton, both of this
place,. The happy couple left on the
afternoon train for their honeymoon.
.W00140.4 -
• WOOIMIsi$:1
Olintoil Mgt,
rT101E EN'saaNcm ex arninstiorttt gob Clinlian
High School, wflt bo 'held 15 Ole Model
2,311001, on Thursday anti -Fodor, t. .20th• and
2180 of nocembor next. tionittn; enek -dor at
426.01. Intending ealsidldates .sond mar
ntOes to the' 4304erelgued not later than the 20011
'N°V•91141Pr' jA8 THRNDULT, A.
l'rinelpal. •
011nton, Oa, 30th1 1883, . 268 td,
STRAYED, snanitentinah tram the manses or
J.` Mr. Hours. liacom, On Monday, Nth fdeteger,
O 1117.1) AND entire SPOTTBD CALF. ' Anyone
that will retuln It to the OWeeewniaerowarded.
neany BA001219.7.10
6th, 1883.
• Miss Lizzan Sitar/non was taken
ill about a week ago, from the 4lone of a cold. We ere sorry' to
_ _ earn that little liepea_aro entertain,
o0 of lier recovery,
Omitient /1141) rxro 04.0A14 Reel.
TAIA-To.morroW.TimitAtty.--, eve -
Thanksgiving day, there will
Cencert-giVonitillie TOWif
W. I. Xewtou t116,
sanist taii the oteasion.
Pon 111Notorn.....-W. Doherty At
06, made their firat shipment on
'Saturday of thei't justly. eele.
brated organs to htfiriebester, Eng,
• Xt le to be ftepea that this will be
the forereoeor au innterise.toreign
4 itrade.
'Ara, a.6)0,18 :WILSON, of Viinghani,
$eita a Ilit,)(5,c' xyri glanders before the
Ontarie Veterinary Ifretlieal Society
reortian,-The Rev. W. AerS
P. 0, minister of Mitchell. will de-
liver Ida celebrated ler:hire on wont -
ton hi ther3. (3. ChttrOn'nest
clay, (Thanks -giving day) everting at
7.0. All shohld avail themselves
of this rare treat, as he is a 8rst
elaas lectorer, end nil who attend
will no cloubt.he delighted.
• `OttnicaP Monday,
ekienine 4110.14. No. 89 met at
Shair lodge porn at liohnetiville.
The members 'assembled early in
the evening and celebrated the Gun-
powder Plot by sitting cloWn 'to. a
specially preps,red spread for the 00.
casion. After the good things had.
been disposed ef several mem-
bers were advaoccal to the R. A. P.
• degfee: Visitors from Suininethill,
Clinton, and if09, Goderich town-
ship were present. .A fter the hale-.
tiens a couple of hours were pro'
fitably, aliont in short addresses eto.•
The evening pould Mat have 'been
spent to better advantage, anti the
()range eons° in the noble toWnship
of Goderich -ia ell that tould be an.
SCANtat0.-Thette' who ruannfac.
tore "eeendel" and eriginate
tional reports 0.1,0 a miserable Class
of tlepravell humanity. Tho
i»g receipt tiever fails to have the de-
sired reset; has helm 'used several,
timea, of late by one of our awfulli,r.
awful nice young men., /Iere it is t -2 -
Take a grain of falaehOult hand-
ful of ruaabout, the 1461110 quantity
of nimble tongue, a sprig of the herb
backbite, a tea spoonful a don't you
tell it, six drops of rnaliee, and afew
drachms of envy ; add a little (Hs-
toutent and jealousy, etrain thrOugh
khan el miteonstruotioo, cork it up
it a bottle of malevolence, Irrld lusog
it up in *Stiehl of Street yarn ; shake
it occasietally ; take a few drops be-
fore walking out and the desired td..
nib will follow. Moral "tio
tweiftb annual. meeting Of the. Hur-
on Rifle Aseoeiation over the
olcott raiagehere took place OD
Tuesday of last Week. The attain
danoe was . goodand the 0ompeti.
don keen, hut the unsertain light
and the strong wind that prevailed
all day preveet.ed vary high scores'
liein4 made. • 'On the whole fairly.
good Work was done. The follow-
ing aye tlie ,enceessful prize Winners ;
• tarter acArcii.
1, Nicholas Roltsoo,
2, tient, Young, '
. at. Coedit:el . •
• A. lady watching her lo year old
son climbing, was beard to mutter,
"I don't know about Cameron. tieing
ated, but I NOW you soon. will
if • you slide any more down that
roof;" ;
The schooner On t ario after being in
. • .
port a week left; on Monday on her
last trip: She had general cargo,
consisting of oats., pork, beef,.salt,
etc., and four horses; for Williams di
Murray's mill. ,
Chanoellor Fergusop presicling-ep-
on,e,c1 yesterday week and closed on
.1VIonclay, after a long seasion. Eight
eases catne before the Court, One of
which,* Vanlforiond vs. Gray, allow-
ing the refuse of a sait vveirtei pollute
arm:ming streard, oceupied,twe:days •
A cAn -load of the alleged pre.
ducts .of Daketa____passecl thieugh
rriday. The display is
quito altritetive antliti-titaild-fer the
purpose of advertising that territory.
Wo have Yet to bo 'deemed that
members of lkfr. goverp.
went Or the Treasury of Ontario
contributed to the eXPe1180.
PA`ft 171$•,--€.4ubseribere who, led
week, received statements of their
indebtedness, will confer n. favor by
responding. Those wile havo not
Veen indiyianally suntitled bo
giV1H1 reeeiptA noon applioation tkt
*CIA. aallt,ko4e te 040. 144estifst, ;CO f. Vst,
44 di. Wilson, ,
5, Litud,
..‘v, Rale,
7. 11..11anorman,
8, 3, ,Tobust011,
9. 1): 5f. Angus,
40, L. reiteno,
1. xicliolats Robinson,
2. A. Wilson,
8. Mont. Young,
4. 1 lCoartioa,
6. D. Al, Angus,
6: Lieut.
.1), Covert,. •
8. *1',„ Johnston,
0. W. II. Hale,
.10. T. L., Vertutie,
The highest aggregate
$8 00
6 00
• 4 00
2 00
• 2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Joseph Mutray' wits aceidentrillf
shot last Week, by the discharge Of a
glut. carried by his father, the' gun
..having caught in a bush. The great-
er pertion of the discillarge lodged
hear the collar. bone, a large portion
of which was extractod'hy.Dr. Taylor.
Although, painfulir.hurt he is rapitgy
Tho funeral of the late Miss'
Gordon, daughter or. Mr. Jas. Gordon
took place last Wednesday; awl was
largely attanded. The deceased lady
had' receotly. returned from the
Northwest on remount ef the naalady
that was the cause oi her death, She
had wide ch.,* of friends and ac•
qliaintances, by .whomshe Was bigbly
• respootesi, . • -
$8 00
6 (i0
• 5 00
4 00
2 00
1 00
1 60
gore ill
fittit and Secope tatitaliee for the 0,
It, A, badge, and a ;diver cup pie.
Seder) by, the Pre:Ado:nit, valise $6,
N. obscrn tid. prize, $34 Lieut.
Yeung 8rd prize, $9, A. Wilson,
The N`orth-it, Methodist. church
will hold er Ifttrvest tionle Featival
to -morrow. In the morning. there
Will be service in the ehttreh at? 11
1141111 and in the eveeing snpper, in
the lecture room, gotten up by 'the .
"ladies of tile uongregatima. The
ehurch will be prettily 'decorated
With fruits tind flowers, and every-
thing will be dont; to nuke the ceda•
siop worthy onr national Thariksgiv.
ing clay, '
Ott Thursday a 606;1 party was.
hold at the residence of Mr. Streitori,
at iyhieh Mr. Will Yates wbo leaves
56- dayloe Toronto Was the hoeored
guest. A very, enjoyable evening wits
opetit, the light fairtasti being the
proniment sunusetnent; `After sup-
per Mr, 'Yates was presented with 0
splendid album as a illettient0 Of Ilia
--happy asseciatiene with those making
the preeentetiort, Mr. O. Nairn. who
wan ebosen for the pu rp oat), presented
the 611)001 111 0.68W well ehason words,
whiell W01.0 briefly reeporaled to by
Will. ,
On rridey evening a, Most sildeeis;
lid entertainment was given hi the
Ifigh Sehool under the onspiees of
A large audioneo-Was pre-
sent on the 0.3easiOn. The following
programme was pyraeated end atm.
60881011y earried out, Mr ,11 Bean, as
metal, earryihg off the Ciat41 for mend.
went ;-Ohorus, otticiwtm told
liaise, Metsra. Herten Aria llogarth;
Reading, Mr. trwin; Reeitittion, Miss
Smith; .Magic Lantern, Mr, 11111007
Reading, 8nd pike OA8AT) Mr. Strang;
Solo, Mlas MeDermott; Reading,
Misa Itettang.. Magid Lantern,
Iroise; Itetitatant, Mr. Behrn ailorOgi
fait 6011 Wanter,
We are, arq, ni.c.47eg a .specialty7 or
POWS c/Otitittg; POV8,-StOt$ .00t
the Latest StyleA for boYs 3 year
. .
0.1(0 4W1.UP;
.," Our Other great SpeCialty i4
the 211437.7'.0.11. i).E.P4.1l5r110.110"1
. . .,, ..
. "
A ---7.7., . •
111 Cri)Ms
Inthis pepartutput will 13§
founti toge bf the plost.cempiett)
&pc:kg in the Clgtpity j C. C014 "
0,utter, # • -
Our Prioes ARED
.1 •
Pv@r3T DePalr4ment in tall AwfuN
st*EcIAL vALuE IN CRO6QR1441
Esit i4' 'op? Taat
e Business t
.by lst Na
nr Everything to be sold by 414 Date.
PPM, 614r suai thiretipatuteet,
1\fr. Henry Beacom end. his brother
Christy will leave lo a few days to
apend the winter it; Northern litchi.
A report having been eireidated
that a daughter of ono of our reeptiet.
ed fartriera had deelined the band
tea foitatle of a worthy,young man,
Mw oaterri patient" of the young latly
threateita legal proeeeologs if he
min ascertain the author -a the 06n.
fs6510n61 report.
Singers tad pahlie spa:kora ttro always
benefftted by using Dowse Evettn, as it
.Commeoce::Thi's ornin
Togivein Oclitipp to tile 1141664. alreadi
made, a ,
thi Every Claps :of, GOOds , 'the' T-Tousi?„. .4cept, Glain
.1Iagg,,pp, which there Will be no discount,::,,
_.,,.,...s:g4gp.i.r,f4RoyiP •
$3.5,006 Worth.. of ,,Cioods to be sold .1.1Lthe
One °of tile most becoming and seasonable grades o
dress far the approaching peasant is p, apl pad 'one
of the fin'est anti largest assortments will .b0 fonnd at
Oily Seal; Persian Lamb and 14.1nit: tTarnts are ,tlie Onest
• that money can purchase. , 17,vpry purchascai
13ottIll call and see our stock.
"rtAnr* cicscolvi,
.1uvite Ever;
WpTi. 1pp: arid Children, to porno 04.
Trisippet Our §t,ock.
t 409C.
• r
rids Sale 7Gefiuine, .it i8flitccm,e„,c, 36#4,
the terms of Ole :Wilt tif ate ktte proprietor:
TAplittsinees MUST i1L gLOSED UP 0 44
datevyytEe_s_t odscro,
from 1544 20 ,per Oett: 'Or0147. cfr.q) (Igor goggt`eqn
do Trade/ beside wegive a afscout# of 10. ppp
to/deh oens p pet. cent, 2.30,1 rtn/p0,0;fRi• pyr.
1?.emein1?er, 1i4ve already. 'cantmenced 1eSak,.5
ancl tio $002Zer yrn4vi.it os r .41-ammo0 Dry Go44j
Palace like pater cltoi,C; gewrgi — '
• I
JO 11(01)ta$0
lirt Gooils illaopof littron.:0004.
11,Ne Scenerv * acre
4:tui we are noir thoronglY 011401* witti
focsr. BA0gotio1Jivps ond A0069801?16)
That ptio Pinetlredi gallingret vEltipty,
otirspecialty ia bighly l'inidip(1 actilio.t, NC:04i
pistigs,,. CAKE. 13ASKETS,
Come' and 000..these oods before' 13uyina
elsewhere, You will certainly ,.save mon;
• by 'doing -se: 'We. guarantee you finst,,claao-
goods Cheaper than .a,nyhocly else can sell Tout because"We
buy.:.thera elleap9r.' •
We show an .Elegant Assortment of
rine Gold. and ih
Boons 'Inn E, --A Mr. Elliot
unter of Kineardine was drowned
in Lake Pinyon last fall. a e
was insured in the,Piovident Asso.
dation, of London, Ont., for $1000.
The Standard says, that the widow,
through • her. *meet j,
McPherson, has just received $30C1
of the amount, and adds this is
said to be alnioSt the full amount of
the funds possessed, by the Associa-
tion, it wilrperhapa put an end to
its existeece-areonsumenition-whiph,
few except tlae paid 'etlicers will ro,
gret.• .•
I, 'a G. T. -At the last regular
meeting a .Ctlinto Lodge, No.
705, the following officers were in,
stalled, for the ensping "quarter I-
P. W. C. T., Bro.', J, Taylor j' W.
O. Bro: A. gale W.,: V. T.,
Sister McDougall; W. T., Bro.
3, Booth; W. F. S., Bro. • Debnie
W. S„ Jes.' Howe ; ANT. 111, D0.
Moue W. T. GA, Sister Cottle ;8v,
0..GBrO. Ecied, ; Wr_p,
Aprim TnikatEs..-••- ge067
several boys gained entranee to the
storehouse at the station end knock-
ed the head out a a barrel of ap-
ples, The barrel was eompletely
emptied a its contents mid the
the trait carried away. They were
the property of Mr. D. Cantelon.
We underatand the chief is on the
right traelc, atid it is to be hoped
thet these juvenile marauders will
be brougbt to justice. An example
should be made of them.
Clfrupss's MEETING.--14ast Sat-
urday a 'fleeting was held in the
basetitient of the B. Q. church, at 3
o'clock fpr the children and teach-
ers of' the Sabbath riebools. Ad.
dresses were delivere.d by Mr. D. Tip,
lady, soperinthndent. of the 4401,
also by Rev. Jas, Gray, and the
'Rev, a. T‘enner. Choice seleetions
of mesh" were indulged in hetween
the interesting speeches. The chile
dicen geemed to enjoy thecrucelVea
welt as 'pliciee of riper years. •
W.mornio.-On Saturchlar Nat
the wife of Mr, Jelin Histinge, a
Tiibbert, met with *an accident in
front of Thorne's store Sestorth
which will, lay her up for some time.
It seems that in getting. out Of the
wagon her dress caught and alie•was
thrown to the ground, breaking 'her
right leg 01930 to the knee whieh ia
-codsidered .rather bad pface;
-Campbell ,was sent for and attended,
to.the fracture. This ought to be a
warning too people to be careful in
gettiog out of vehicles, as a false step
might cosi thein a limb pia life'c •
rpt• our mg netresswelant.
The leaves pre leaving us.
Our poytielan a ere saluting all met;
with a friendly abelie.
There will lie tkerving in $h 6leorge'a
teenorrow mornAng at 11 a, m.
Mr, Cainpa.igne, wiattaaaa recently
so severely hnare(, is aratind gaiu
The Sweepatakea is leading salt at
the InternatiopaL
We lied flurTlea of the bealltifnl on
The "big mill" is obtaining 'wheat
from the Northwest. .
Bgaestrien erreise is becoming
quite popular with many of our young
Mr, Nirnz. Holtnea was home OP
visit to hie parent § last Wednesday
and Thursday.
There were services at the Hullett
R. C. Churciicsancl Peter's, last
The eehooner Serah arrived last From:owl own Correspondent.
Saturday with gold, whiela she . Mr. Jis. Duncan has 'tist returned
unloading on Monday.
The schooner Alsora left on Mon-
dey vvith a cargo of salt for the fishing
On the returpef Cananeli flas Iron.
A. nn Friday evening frot.4
Inoronto, where be hail that day been
Sworn in as a Member, ai the Ontario
,Cabinet, lie wee riiiielyed at the etta.
Apo 10Y tbe R,eformere of the town
;ma heartily !Moored. Ctit alighting
irom OM train o q eh1ig1t proeaa-
aion, beaded by the towo band, wet;
formed, which eacorted him to the
reform reems, where he made a short
address, a part ot whioh was to the
effect that he bopvci there would be
no contest. Iluring his speeeh be
mentioned that the English praetice
wasto allow Minieters of the Crown
on appointment to be returned
acclamation but be admitted that
the Rriglish'style bad often been.de-
parteefrom m this country by both
political parties. The balance of the
hon. gentleman's speech will have tO
he gleaned from those papers wbose
proprietors had the pass word te tile
inner sanctuary.
, For a bard . veld with, pain the Impale
beers, orIlitougli the ebset, t Dowas
Dove, at euee and- in libet.al qaelf_, ovor
upavell in, laid, and einflkien4 roF it. you
will soon he yr,e11. 254-1te '
Our Silverware and ,Tewelry are entirely new, 10' olcl
Ur. Jas. Addison wail away east last
week., returning borne on Thursday
Mr. and llf4. 4.T. Bothwell have
returned from tneir honeymoon
4)1 settle day Oast Friday) was cele
orsted relyietn mass at 35'
Peter's chursh,
S. George's Wednesday evening
serylces commence to night in the
scheol room,
The match between Brown Billy
end Goderich Chief comes oir on Fri.
dq.).11,11..the GoderiehDriving_Fark.
• Miss Maria Sturdy, of Wingham,
who was visiting friends in town left
for her home last week.
• Ppm oPe.pclii?g a few aya with his
an Beigrave.
• Bro, Varalake Trustees, Bro. .3,
Taylor, J. Bro Mcileod.
The membership is Steadily on the
increase, and the lodge is in a floor -
:lath% condition. . •.• •
• patterns:: Everything:the Lftte.A, NeWeety
and Most'St3flish Patterns.
: Gnatnan ,MoVa.-Last week
wasa -somewhat "movable° one.
S, Pike -moved to his new hotel at
.the station, -and -peorier, to Pike's.
'old stand ; 11Nrwitt to the proper,
by•Mier the cemetery, vacated by
Spooner •; T. 0. Ddherty, to the prop-
erty on Itriticesti-street, vacated hy
; Jas, Aikens --to T. Poor= Is
'property • on. Albert street; -John
Diamond to the lumen On 'East
etreet, lately Occupied by R.' .owa-
lin Chas. Tweedy • to the belie@
formerly &Capital by A. S. - Fisher,
eat 'of the hflidel School
Cole:to the louse' eccupiedAy, Use •
late Thos. Burden; Jas Torbe4" to the
'house owned by Mrs. Whitt, on Al-
bert street; Peter Craib: to thelicaise,
owned. by Mr. Forbes, on. Batten -
bury. street.
Oteuncat Noais.,'-'-aieV, 3. Kenner
preeched in- tbe J. Q. -Church last
Sunday • Warning. Sactainent, ser-
vices were Ms& the even-
ing,: the Rett. james..GraY.,...0,'M.
:Minister, occupied the B.: U. pulpit.
and'preached a very iutereating ser-
mon from Hebrews, 20d Iliipteritiul
part of .$rtl verse-`5Hciair -sh19.1 We
escape, if We .neglect So great salve:.
tion1" . The subject. Wan heedled in
an:able -Manner,and these present
couldnot help .but derive a benent
from it if they' follpWed the good
•advice 'So ::eloquently' 464(1,00' by
the minister. A.' large • retailer
were • present to hear Rev. • Mr.
Gray, this being his Dist 'time on*
preaching' in the B. C. Church, on a
Sunday-41ov. „J. Iteneer, occupied
the 0. M, Chureh pulpit. ot; Uncial
evening. •• , •
AN tire Taitun Fiatiar••
day of last week a little. son of •Mr.'
bin's); Ic.eunetly, o rieee Albert,
Manitoba, whose wife. and' -Child is
at present residing' in SeafOrtli, bad
.a„. bad eye takeft.out hy bra, Vamp%
bell, -of Seaforth,Und ;Gtitin, . of
Brueefieirl. „When INVo Weeks old'
the °Mid barieflaininatiou of the
eye, -which 'burs t the eye bail; leav.;
ing an ngly Meek inasa..protrodiog •
between the eye lids and was pro-
• cifiding inflammation of the good eye.
The object ot the operation wall to
save the good eye 'and to•Yeliere the
whieh• was sacedeeftitttr Wiry.
'respect mi'd the little fellow is don*
wall. A glass •eye will take the
1)lace ofthe one removed, which wil
iniprovo the eppearalice of the Child.
Autog•raph and Scrap Albums, an Elegant Line Just re-
- • .• eel& od , Bibles ..and-PliTgro'."h
...1.1undreds. of them to choose from, Boob :and Sta-
tionery, all gqi, want
Co7ire-crrrd sreel'ui'th.hethei yOu diantto buy olnot..
• ;orsienseaselposisos,..meeemessO.I;s•smete............."..r.1
tttto- etori
-The. ilodenot Nowa
-Plural) gecor
Cliaton)Weaneaday,'November 7
LOO4...14 :STEWS,
Ju and Aroand the 001101."
first lecture • of- The Peoples 4eries
will be riven to -morrow evening in
theTown- hell On `the'. ,aboVe subject
the Rev.- Dr. Wild, .TlieleetUrer
is too wellknoWn to need any iotro-
duction to the publie from us. We
are glad that the cqinmittee in
harge-pftlieSe-letitures-have been so
successful in -disposing of pearly all
their coiirSe tickets, and weaincerely
hope that eiteh leetere Will be greet-
ed by a full 1,,oust. Dr. Wild will
be the gueet of•Mr. Manning ;While'
in.tewn,.. end Rey. [Mr.. Craig is tit.
preside at the lecture.
Fsekt GRAVE TO GAY. --TWO gen-
tlemen'of totally different inisinees
persuasions, were observed waivers-
. .
ing at onp of our street corners, the
other day, l; They Were nol,resideets
Of the town. And as they were
• repeesentatives of interests seppo.secl
to be antipodal to each • other, the• .
friendly manner in 'Which -they
Gest ed One aeothee was, to. say the
least,' Amino -us,' • One was a leading,
ereetor of. .utontimenti, .other.
„ .
gen tlernae was -a .prentipe, in another
kind' of Monumeiltit business whiCh'
life ineurailee-Canvassers are alleged.
to be e4perta" at. ',The reporter, at,
sn interviser wish • the last referred
50 ps.rty,-.tuentioeed that the meet-
alliided WaS highly suagest-
iVe. • "0, yes,"- Warethe reply, "Mit
our occupations are not eo antagon-
istic .you imagine. The. Other
• po.rty. ornamente. the inensoleunis of
the departed ; cheer the *arta pf
the. living." „
Tan Doo NDISANCE1.-*Atf
Miss AggleldoCallutn, who was in
town on a visit to the 31/Lissee Wilkin,
son, left for home on FricleY.
Miss Lavine Johnston„ of Lueknow,
who is visiting -old scenes, is the
.guest of the Misses Wilkinson., • _
Next Tuesday is regular meeting
A.. pest deal has been Onid and
written touchirig the:peculiar charms
ef widows, and how they capture
young ineu over the heads of- young
girls. The rule works the other way
as well, for widower's often capture
the hearts of mpg maidens, even
with stalwart you men as rivals.
In proof of the lattert report has it
Shat a well preserved widower a
this eteleav, is quite a, faverite with
•tincyoung ladies.
Mr. J. Dutieari7 of eon, ; Stanley,
bought Acta from Alex. Fester last
spring for 1O5 A few clays ago he
sold it to Mr. John Torrance fer
111"14:VridNirer. °It".
fnorrostaa crypt Tatattar sfiernooa.)
kkk'Atoiluill rS‘VVIhteettt,: °all' , :1; - ••••• ' 10 406 1+0 20
Itiv,,.rniieli w ne.at, . .. . .. . 50 ee40 wt. to r6s4
o re 50 0 83
Al'eales, fwilitOta„. p,e'r 11, . 7, 1)2, 60so t,t11, 2.0 ro
2040.4 . • :,. .. 0 40 to 0 50
Dotter .•2 , .. - e le 0 0 27
Iti:;kt, .. ,, .. ,, •••• • 4 20 to 0 22
ILIY, • • - - . 7 40 to 8 00
Beet, • • —• • 00 01 1+o 700 70 0000
sheepskins • - • 0 22 to 1 o0
Torkle, tor, round,. • • a og to 0 00
Wm • • . • • . • 0 00 to 0 oo
. . * 0 I 000 000 7008
Coe4Wooa, . , . . . 2, , p 4 00
Flour, pr torrel, • • $2 23 to 63 50
Fan wtitatt:eeeTeor lamb. . 1 oil to 1 OS
Eat wheat intio — o 70 ta a ea
s;11:0W4 17 6,v_ .., ,. ; •• - 10 000 ra i 04,
Baelqr •- •
peas; ' • 003 to 06
00 • 0 21 870 tto °go :a 2411
riottgr. , o aa to 0 ar
reidls --
030 td 8 00
1 - 6 611 -to 700
. 03 7655 tqto 04 7000.
nooks, per Tisk • • • 0 ag
Chtektnis, for Ts6T :utt
night ef Maitland Lodge, No. 134,
A.11, arid. A. . '
Toenorow being Thanksgiving clay,
bus pp will be generally suspended
in town. ,
• The scheoner Wanderer sought the
shelter of tlm harbor last Wednee.
dart__ and left, again on Fiunday for
tee 1),Y •
Rev. Dr. Gardiner, presiding elder
of the London distriot, preached
morning and evening-Aast Sun-
day in the M. RI phurch,
Last Thuradsy being All Saints
Day, services wee held na the echool,
room of St. Geol-geTs church in the
evening. •.• .
Mr. and krg. Malcolnisen were in
Hamilton On 'Monday attendieg the
golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.,
On Friday as Mr. Hale was driving
around the square-; his horse shied
• suddenty end In turning round rapid -
..1y, upset. No damage of any con-
sequence 'occurred,
From or otsff Comespend nt.
'14r. Jame a Dodds returned from
Manitoba last iyeek;':
Symlniten, of
gue,st of Mrs. Al. B. IVIallory. ,
Rev. J. Parke, of Blyth, will ex-
cliange_pulpits with Rev.. Mr, Mo:
Cloali, cif Winghrtm, next Sunday. '
The Bible Society meeting will 44
held in the Trinity church, Monday
A select Assembly will be belt'. in
Watson's Hall, Wednesday evening.
A largo crowd is expected from Wing-
ham, Winton end Ertisselte. •
Miss Rose Currie, now of Wirrni.
peg, who was granted an Interniedi-
ate'at the examination has had her
certificate raised to the tided clasit
standard. ,
Capt., M. Charlton has takeiieliarge
of the.government dredge Challenge.
again. As soon as the wetither,per-
• 'nits, the titre Trudeau, with dredge
and seoaes, will propeed to,Sarnia.
0ON81111.VATIVE Meeting At. 116itll°11
commiseioner Of pub-
lic Works ie having' the street eross.
nets repaired and:cut in order.
: 14021INATICIT of candidates for:
West Huron takes place in GOcler-
ich on fileturday ;. if oPposition,
don wijl take place on the 17th, • •
' • FOOT BatI.-Tate thatch games,.
betWeen gtratford and Clinton, yvill
he played on the It. S. grounds here,
00 Thanksgivda.y. •
..keetrr twenty of the future mat-
rons ef tliis country met, on Saturr
day' afterimon at the lenie of Mr.
Tronse to celebrate the birthday of
young Miss !rouse, Many nice
• presents will in -the sweet. b -and
bye • recall to the young lady tlie
pleasant occciattion. •
M18$ ITAOGID kOLEOD, *Of ..Brus-
• sols, is visitieg relatiVes in town.
- A 1.4.110.; 'tionther of people from
• 'Blyth and vibinity Work
arLirtITCX .FOtTannty 13 havina
, :Steam pipes put ie. Heating the
building by stoves will 'he demi
Away with,
PAisrr and an artistic use ei the
brush on Cotichda butcher shop and
Comb's drug store have tonch im-
proved the epPeafanee a those pre.
Mit. J.: T.Townstan Telegraph
Xnspector, Was in town 'for a few
days last week. Xis mispion was
the fixing and.repairing of wires at
Abe Clieton ageney,
JAataten.---On Friday while Mr.
Thomas Ilicltenzie (of the firm of
dOriper 38 hicIfenzie) was openting"
a stick of' timber. it rolled on one of
his feet, completelY mashing the
great toe. Ur. McKenzie will in
.tonsequenee be laid up for a few
days, •
Boomixo.-Thefall rash has. feir.
ly commenied. SIi Saturday the
streets of 'Cliaton presented *0 un -
/toilet business.like air. Although
the 'weather was eoniewhat unfaver-
erowds. of people from the
cc:lenity were in 'Owe, end the ino..
jority Of our business men say a
great day's- trado Was done.
change contains the following sensi-
:ble remarks -Which will apply to less
pretentious cities 'than Toronto ;
Iihixilc it is time our city was, rid
of dogs. 5 Venture. to Say in 4-io 'city.
of its time in America cite, tliOre be
fOund ao many useless CU.I'S 0.5
fire jn Terouto. GO Where you may
in any part of it Oti will find them,
ready to snap. and .bite the enwary.
Why not'compertke owners of dog's
to hoop them ott their own pre,
rnjses 'horses, und cattlea-re
not allowed to. roam Ut large, and
for the life of me 1 can't see why:
doge slioeld he, , If a ,dog bites
.,.child„ and lAuttinion the 'fawner of
the dog.the 9wni.r of the deg' pays a
pciltry fihe, and the 'dog is allowed
to roain the streets and .WOrrY the
next child he may come across.
Down with the dog, I say."
, The ErieBelle ran, Iport•cluring
last Wednesday's storm,..for shelter,
and remained:till StindaY, When she ,
left for Collitigwood, She bait fill]
Cargo of coals. • .
The 1s much' excitementrege,rcl-'
ing the trot conaiDg_off on Friday,.
The betting is not "nearly's° spirited':
for the recen t • stallion .trot„ al- '
though some little money 10 changing
bil'n0:37:e. of on.Well-knivvn 'residents.:
has rented Mr. Bineham'S fruit store
and opened up' withe oboiceselection
of singing' birds: Arnong the stock
are a bandsorrie selection of canaries
• and a charming cruna. '
Last week 8..
bus driver, was thrown frinn . horse,
and rather seriously tnjurect. • A feet
clay§ rest*, however,, set him Sill right
: again end he is now attending to his
duties es urinal. • '
• The schoonerGortion with fssli from
the Mande fer thid,port-' wits out in
last week's sterm, in which she lost
her anchors. The.Gordop ,made for
Sarnia, which Poo she Made on Fri-
MEN 11101i Hilt&
Great LectUrci,
Single A.414111Stiiung gs ers-.
lake "compert and Pipe ()Iron'
In the Town Hall, on TuuesnAY, sok gor.„
(Thadlogierno Day), undor the auopices 90 thb
IlsrusT On0ft 1)1, , Lovers of uplePlirei Doi
fall to t o Orand Choruses, Solos, Dm.ts,
(ratio:ACM.01 aNi ripe organ stecoirool.,
.• Newton, Organist,
A 80041 in ceenoction with the
Ladies Aid Society, of the Methechst
Church, will be held at the Parson:
ge.MIZilnrsday evening, •
• A. fashionable wedding toolc place
in the R. C. church, Monday naorning.
tt 9 o'clock, the principals in yvhich
were Mr. *John 5, Reny And
Miss Sarah D. Coloton, both of this
place,. The happy couple left on the
afternoon train for their honeymoon.
.W00140.4 -
• WOOIMIsi$:1
Olintoil Mgt,
rT101E EN'saaNcm ex arninstiorttt gob Clinlian
High School, wflt bo 'held 15 Ole Model
2,311001, on Thursday anti -Fodor, t. .20th• and
2180 of nocembor next. tionittn; enek -dor at
426.01. Intending ealsidldates .sond mar
ntOes to the' 4304erelgued not later than the 20011
'N°V•91141Pr' jA8 THRNDULT, A.
l'rinelpal. •
011nton, Oa, 30th1 1883, . 268 td,
STRAYED, snanitentinah tram the manses or
J.` Mr. Hours. liacom, On Monday, Nth fdeteger,
O 1117.1) AND entire SPOTTBD CALF. ' Anyone
that will retuln It to the OWeeewniaerowarded.
neany BA001219.7.10
6th, 1883.
• Miss Lizzan Sitar/non was taken
ill about a week ago, from the 4lone of a cold. We ere sorry' to
_ _ earn that little liepea_aro entertain,
o0 of lier recovery,
Omitient /1141) rxro 04.0A14 Reel.
TAIA-To.morroW.TimitAtty.--, eve -
Thanksgiving day, there will
Cencert-giVonitillie TOWif
W. I. Xewtou t116,
sanist taii the oteasion.
Pon 111Notorn.....-W. Doherty At
06, made their firat shipment on
'Saturday of thei't justly. eele.
brated organs to htfiriebester, Eng,
• Xt le to be ftepea that this will be
the forereoeor au innterise.toreign
4 itrade.
'Ara, a.6)0,18 :WILSON, of Viinghani,
$eita a Ilit,)(5,c' xyri glanders before the
Ontarie Veterinary Ifretlieal Society
reortian,-The Rev. W. AerS
P. 0, minister of Mitchell. will de-
liver Ida celebrated ler:hire on wont -
ton hi ther3. (3. ChttrOn'nest
clay, (Thanks -giving day) everting at
7.0. All shohld avail themselves
of this rare treat, as he is a 8rst
elaas lectorer, end nil who attend
will no cloubt.he delighted.
• `OttnicaP Monday,
ekienine 4110.14. No. 89 met at
Shair lodge porn at liohnetiville.
The members 'assembled early in
the evening and celebrated the Gun-
powder Plot by sitting cloWn 'to. a
specially preps,red spread for the 00.
casion. After the good things had.
been disposed ef several mem-
bers were advaoccal to the R. A. P.
• degfee: Visitors from Suininethill,
Clinton, and if09, Goderich town-
ship were present. .A fter the hale-.
tiens a couple of hours were pro'
fitably, aliont in short addresses eto.•
The evening pould Mat have 'been
spent to better advantage, anti the
()range eons° in the noble toWnship
of Goderich -ia ell that tould be an.
SCANtat0.-Thette' who ruannfac.
tore "eeendel" and eriginate
tional reports 0.1,0 a miserable Class
of tlepravell humanity. Tho
i»g receipt tiever fails to have the de-
sired reset; has helm 'used several,
timea, of late by one of our awfulli,r.
awful nice young men., /Iere it is t -2 -
Take a grain of falaehOult hand-
ful of ruaabout, the 1461110 quantity
of nimble tongue, a sprig of the herb
backbite, a tea spoonful a don't you
tell it, six drops of rnaliee, and afew
drachms of envy ; add a little (Hs-
toutent and jealousy, etrain thrOugh
khan el miteonstruotioo, cork it up
it a bottle of malevolence, Irrld lusog
it up in *Stiehl of Street yarn ; shake
it occasietally ; take a few drops be-
fore walking out and the desired td..
nib will follow. Moral "tio
tweiftb annual. meeting Of the. Hur-
on Rifle Aseoeiation over the
olcott raiagehere took place OD
Tuesday of last Week. The attain
danoe was . goodand the 0ompeti.
don keen, hut the unsertain light
and the strong wind that prevailed
all day preveet.ed vary high scores'
liein4 made. • 'On the whole fairly.
good Work was done. The follow-
ing aye tlie ,enceessful prize Winners ;
• tarter acArcii.
1, Nicholas Roltsoo,
2, tient, Young, '
. at. Coedit:el . •
• A. lady watching her lo year old
son climbing, was beard to mutter,
"I don't know about Cameron. tieing
ated, but I NOW you soon. will
if • you slide any more down that
roof;" ;
The schooner On t ario after being in
. • .
port a week left; on Monday on her
last trip: She had general cargo,
consisting of oats., pork, beef,.salt,
etc., and four horses; for Williams di
Murray's mill. ,
Chanoellor Fergusop presicling-ep-
on,e,c1 yesterday week and closed on
.1VIonclay, after a long seasion. Eight
eases catne before the Court, One of
which,* Vanlforiond vs. Gray, allow-
ing the refuse of a sait vveirtei pollute
arm:ming streard, oceupied,twe:days •
A cAn -load of the alleged pre.
ducts .of Daketa____passecl thieugh
rriday. The display is
quito altritetive antliti-titaild-fer the
purpose of advertising that territory.
Wo have Yet to bo 'deemed that
members of lkfr. goverp.
went Or the Treasury of Ontario
contributed to the eXPe1180.
PA`ft 171$•,--€.4ubseribere who, led
week, received statements of their
indebtedness, will confer n. favor by
responding. Those wile havo not
Veen indiyianally suntitled bo
giV1H1 reeeiptA noon applioation tkt
*CIA. aallt,ko4e te 040. 144estifst, ;CO f. Vst,
44 di. Wilson, ,
5, Litud,
..‘v, Rale,
7. 11..11anorman,
8, 3, ,Tobust011,
9. 1): 5f. Angus,
40, L. reiteno,
1. xicliolats Robinson,
2. A. Wilson,
8. Mont. Young,
4. 1 lCoartioa,
6. D. Al, Angus,
6: Lieut.
.1), Covert,. •
8. *1',„ Johnston,
0. W. II. Hale,
.10. T. L., Vertutie,
The highest aggregate
$8 00
6 00
• 4 00
2 00
• 2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Joseph Mutray' wits aceidentrillf
shot last Week, by the discharge Of a
glut. carried by his father, the' gun
..having caught in a bush. The great-
er pertion of the discillarge lodged
hear the collar. bone, a large portion
of which was extractod'hy.Dr. Taylor.
Although, painfulir.hurt he is rapitgy
Tho funeral of the late Miss'
Gordon, daughter or. Mr. Jas. Gordon
took place last Wednesday; awl was
largely attanded. The deceased lady
had' receotly. returned from the
Northwest on remount ef the naalady
that was the cause oi her death, She
had wide ch.,* of friends and ac•
qliaintances, by .whomshe Was bigbly
• respootesi, . • -
$8 00
6 (i0
• 5 00
4 00
2 00
1 00
1 60
gore ill
fittit and Secope tatitaliee for the 0,
It, A, badge, and a ;diver cup pie.
Seder) by, the Pre:Ado:nit, valise $6,
N. obscrn tid. prize, $34 Lieut.
Yeung 8rd prize, $9, A. Wilson,
The N`orth-it, Methodist. church
will hold er Ifttrvest tionle Featival
to -morrow. In the morning. there
Will be service in the ehttreh at? 11
1141111 and in the eveeing snpper, in
the lecture room, gotten up by 'the .
"ladies of tile uongregatima. The
ehurch will be prettily 'decorated
With fruits tind flowers, and every-
thing will be dont; to nuke the ceda•
siop worthy onr national Thariksgiv.
ing clay, '
Ott Thursday a 606;1 party was.
hold at the residence of Mr. Streitori,
at iyhieh Mr. Will Yates wbo leaves
56- dayloe Toronto Was the hoeored
guest. A very, enjoyable evening wits
opetit, the light fairtasti being the
proniment sunusetnent; `After sup-
per Mr, 'Yates was presented with 0
splendid album as a illettient0 Of Ilia
--happy asseciatiene with those making
the preeentetiort, Mr. O. Nairn. who
wan ebosen for the pu rp oat), presented
the 611)001 111 0.68W well ehason words,
whiell W01.0 briefly reeporaled to by
Will. ,
On rridey evening a, Most sildeeis;
lid entertainment was given hi the
Ifigh Sehool under the onspiees of
A large audioneo-Was pre-
sent on the 0.3easiOn. The following
programme was pyraeated end atm.
60881011y earried out, Mr ,11 Bean, as
metal, earryihg off the Ciat41 for mend.
went ;-Ohorus, otticiwtm told
liaise, Metsra. Herten Aria llogarth;
Reading, Mr. trwin; Reeitittion, Miss
Smith; .Magic Lantern, Mr, 11111007
Reading, 8nd pike OA8AT) Mr. Strang;
Solo, Mlas MeDermott; Reading,
Misa Itettang.. Magid Lantern,
Iroise; Itetitatant, Mr. Behrn ailorOgi
fait 6011 Wanter,
We are, arq, ni.c.47eg a .specialty7 or
POWS c/Otitittg; POV8,-StOt$ .00t
the Latest StyleA for boYs 3 year
. .
0.1(0 4W1.UP;
.," Our Other great SpeCialty i4
the 211437.7'.0.11. i).E.P4.1l5r110.110"1
. . .,, ..
. "
A ---7.7., . •
111 Cri)Ms
Inthis pepartutput will 13§
founti toge bf the plost.cempiett)
&pc:kg in the Clgtpity j C. C014 "
0,utter, # • -
Our Prioes ARED
.1 •
Pv@r3T DePalr4ment in tall AwfuN
st*EcIAL vALuE IN CRO6QR1441
Esit i4' 'op? Taat
e Business t
.by lst Na
nr Everything to be sold by 414 Date.
PPM, 614r suai thiretipatuteet,
1\fr. Henry Beacom end. his brother
Christy will leave lo a few days to
apend the winter it; Northern litchi.
A report having been eireidated
that a daughter of ono of our reeptiet.
ed fartriera had deelined the band
tea foitatle of a worthy,young man,
Mw oaterri patient" of the young latly
threateita legal proeeeologs if he
min ascertain the author -a the 06n.
fs6510n61 report.
Singers tad pahlie spa:kora ttro always
benefftted by using Dowse Evettn, as it
.Commeoce::Thi's ornin
Togivein Oclitipp to tile 1141664. alreadi
made, a ,
thi Every Claps :of, GOOds , 'the' T-Tousi?„. .4cept, Glain
.1Iagg,,pp, which there Will be no discount,::,,
_.,,.,...s:g4gp.i.r,f4RoyiP •
$3.5,006 Worth.. of ,,Cioods to be sold .1.1Lthe
One °of tile most becoming and seasonable grades o
dress far the approaching peasant is p, apl pad 'one
of the fin'est anti largest assortments will .b0 fonnd at
Oily Seal; Persian Lamb and 14.1nit: tTarnts are ,tlie Onest
• that money can purchase. , 17,vpry purchascai
13ottIll call and see our stock.
"rtAnr* cicscolvi,
.1uvite Ever;
WpTi. 1pp: arid Children, to porno 04.
Trisippet Our §t,ock.
t 409C.
• r
rids Sale 7Gefiuine, .it i8flitccm,e„,c, 36#4,
the terms of Ole :Wilt tif ate ktte proprietor:
TAplittsinees MUST i1L gLOSED UP 0 44
datevyytEe_s_t odscro,
from 1544 20 ,per Oett: 'Or0147. cfr.q) (Igor goggt`eqn
do Trade/ beside wegive a afscout# of 10. ppp
to/deh oens p pet. cent, 2.30,1 rtn/p0,0;fRi• pyr.
1?.emein1?er, 1i4ve already. 'cantmenced 1eSak,.5
ancl tio $002Zer yrn4vi.it os r .41-ammo0 Dry Go44j
Palace like pater cltoi,C; gewrgi — '
• I
JO 11(01)ta$0
lirt Gooils illaopof littron.:0004.
11,Ne Scenerv * acre
4:tui we are noir thoronglY 011401* witti
focsr. BA0gotio1Jivps ond A0069801?16)
That ptio Pinetlredi gallingret vEltipty,
otirspecialty ia bighly l'inidip(1 actilio.t, NC:04i