HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-10-31, Page 31XX-XE HT-TROTI two.c� Tim Cloclerioh, lows. Huron Ildoo.rd, (4X44041142140. Clinton Woonesday, Ootober 81 .1 I 0 LOOAL NEWS. In and Around the offib," &Mt gait* 413tiv your Souooll Boous ▪ and $tationery at the City Book Store. atria Dickeon has a complete stock of all kinds of School requisites at lowest pricei. 247 • Mtss josie Rua itt visiting friends in Seaford'. , Ma. A.I.,REItT his parents in town . PRO.P: HOLMES, of 0a6.tat.i faille, is seriously ill ut 'Point EdWard, • MR. L. P. Davis, of London, was in town this week: IfELE of EelgraVst Was town on Monday last., . Miss EVA, BEAN, of dila place, has left for GUelph, where She goes to take a poeition in a beole store, Ma. Jo. Tun:smuts, attended the • Teacher's. Convention at Brussels • last week. Mas, R. EMERSON ,leaves this this week to join, _her. husband in Manitoba. MR. THOS. Vann* Stapleton,: O is putting an addition to his out- buildings. Mits. MoRoesmrs, of London * township, 14 visiting friends in tewn and- country. • • . • , • GEo. 13oWeas has bought the property op Albert street, known as the Coventry, peoperty, for $369, Bay. Mit. STEWART 'and the Rev. Mr. Gray, (Baptist),exeleingecl puls • pits on Sunday evening. last:' , Mtn A. FIALE has returned to town from -London. He prefers tie "hub" front a besiness point of view. MR. D. Z.-Rol:mays, of the firm. of Held, ar, Roberts; marble dealers of Hamilton, way at the Rattehletiry Hotsee over Sunday. • 77. . JAS. Yoirso dieuglA 'lust week the house turd lob near the 0: M. .0hurch, recently eccupiect by Mr. Tlios. Johneton, for $600. ; . • A 'MAW froin Porter's Hill . felt through one �f .Jackson,.the 0loth- ter's+4viiiiitftve on ThursclaY niedit last. FIREXES'S MEETH.Tai.--Li-Last Mon- day evening the- refit:liar Monthly meeting of the Clititeir Fire Brigade was held, .Ma. T. Jaciesost. ..en , who had. teniered kis reingtradoe as precerc- toi forlWillis Church, lete been in clueed to rettelittat an, increase' of • Mit. Js. Buftss has teteen osttea- aeriity liceeee as anction7ier: place of heel tress will be at,.Weatb: erald's, Watt's old 'stand; or'ordere tenty be left at this office. . Feint- of ontebievelists took a. spin to the wheel men's Parediee• ,on Friday lass,„e,„They were aceompane fed by Mr: (Jet). a -0034- of: tlie Ceo lerich Oluh." MD. D. OANTELox shipped lest week several car loads of epples !rein Iteirstile 13rueedelci, Gotiericli,_satti-tiAnion.':The apple trade must he booluieg. _ • A. eerernestee in the wesOrn end of the town .WAR Pill tin V ' up: efeve pipes in his house the ether: flag. By some nieateethe fdlists fell, knock •ing out every •tooth he had in hjs head. H* . had only elle.. , MR. J. P. BaLroott, 'formerly ,a, teacher in the High . Scheelhere,: and wile has beep' in several •men-, rations since leaving, is now iir4bus- iness with his broth -pa Port CO1,' horne. - 11T-nivii-BceiTHITEiiiioP. -Mr: „Relit. ki i I zsi m Men s has tented the Shop Me Heron St.,•frem Mr. *nt'. Obre, arid its fitting the Caine up for, e 'butcher ellop, and intends opening mit neet w eel. . ....• THE NEWS:-REOuRn, One of the largest -papers riritited and publielied. in the County.. of . Huron,..end. the Farmers' Addocate will.- be sent to any eddies,' for $2 05,;'frote .now until 1st Jany. •1885. THE METHODIST TEA..Iltiteristo ea: Tuesday evening of last week was quite a stmeessful 'quite As all:our titan' tire engaged midi midnight of every Tuesday, we were unable to bave a repreeeittative pieScht and consequently cannot give details. I CANDIDATES. for An tranoo te. Olin - 'ion High School shotild be present sit least a quarter of an hour earlier, on the •opetrina-"eXainitiation daye than the 110Ur DO,L110./1 in advertise- ment in another eolt1011)1 to- bear the regula.tions read; ss . A. BIG SHIPMENT OE CATV,P...- Messis: Hearn' & Craig will toelay ship 300 head of horned etude to Windsor, Ont. They have secured a epecial strain- of ears for the eforie said purpose. The enviable noto- rieey, of this fired for fair pricee mid fait' dealing Seems to give theist the ponimand of a, very large trade.• Trite other evening Messrs: G. end E. Potts, while On their wav to Clinton, this Ride of IF-tolreesvilla, the reach of the 'rig broke. The box and front wheels, with the cupants, jimpettillong_at„ a .lively., rate. The horse wee with difficulty brought to it stambetill, with but little damage to person -or vehicle. esee.OtAt, . Sinvrone,-Four days' special eervices will be *held' ON week,, on Tuesday and Wednesday in the B. C. Church, and on Thurs. day arid Fricley in the C. M. church. Three services,. each day, in the alterneee for mernberftonly. and in the morning and evening foe tlin Annerill public„ ., Ottnioft 14trr83.-Last Sumin..,y morning. Mr. ,larnea Stevens, 'of' the Base Line, occupied the pulpit of tkeilt,Nqhtirptl, 04 in Lila even- ih g. the Rev. S. Xenner• 'preached an excellent _Temperance sermon which watt attentivelylistened to . and much .aPpreciated by those present„-NeXt Slitiday mornieg the atiettinient obithe Lord's hopper Will be/administered by the Iter. 1 gontiorl, in the:•.B. Ol' Church, and in the, evenThg, Poi/. Jas. Gray, of '.01#1ItitlAta watch of Uuron Association yesterday over the Clin- ton range, As we go to press before the concluelen of It WO cannet give the result. Illassna Iltralcomtion, Campion and Seeger a the county town bar were in the hub on Monday. The first and the last named were proresiaon- ally engaged in the sheep -dog ease. StlargiSS P4RTIC,-Last evening a large number of young people from }toilet% took the residence of Mr. Theo, Archer, of town, by Bur - prim Mr. A.rcher and family made all welcome ancl'a very enjoyable evening was spent. Amusements tend games of a .harniless nature were engaged in until the "wee sum' mom," C. Q E.4.t their regulei flog on Thursday evening, the Clin- ton qaple Leaf, No. 16, O. O. F., elected the following °dicers for the ensuing term :-0. R., W. Denisoe; W. R., fi. W. Cook ; R. S, J. 0. Cola; F. 5., J. Taylor; Trawl., W. Jones; S. W, A. Cook; J. W., 5. Fowler ;J B., W. Robinson ; 0. 13. Richard ' J ohnston ; Chap- lain, P. Friendship. • • BOOKIITQAGAINSTA13ANHER.-The well khewn politician end /iteratecr, Nicholas Flood Davin, now editor of • the 'Regina Leader stirred up the bile of the Manager of the bank of • Montreal' at diet place, and was assaulted by the tuan of finances, who in turn had his money pile attaeked by the minions of the law and $20 was taken therefrom to satisfy outraged justice, and by way of an emollient' to the sore had of 'the'ecliter. • RIMON AssIZES,-1-tegina 4/8. T: -Mitchell -Malicious libel -This was an indictment for libel which arose from an eclitonalpublislied by the prisoner in the Blyth Review last September, and directed against one John Upshelle a 'veterinary surgeon, formerly uf Clinton, and well known in the county, The grand, jury,- at the -Assizes held in Goderich lase. week, brought in a true bill on examinationof one. witness. The case will eonur on for trial next', Assizes, • „WINTER Seem,. The Clinton curling and :skating rink company -have secured the lot of Mr, Mal- comeoies, situate on Princess St., and, have let the contract to Mr. Menzies for crectiee thereon it building 158 x 66, to -cost $1B0o. The originators end promoters of tide sciteme deserve much, credit for -their zeal in. getting oti a baeis which proinisee a eueeessful issue; to this very .desirable undertaking, ft ii....teudetetood that the building will. 'be. completed _by ,Ohristerats,. mid from the accredited. energy of the contractor, we mey take it for thus appeels to his enbserilmee granted that such wid be the ease. ." ()wing to the recent addition to the A YOUtrOLAXIIr Of Goderich, who bas many fiie*d t Clinton, has ars Jived at the conclusion that she carit.a.lone belanv longer ; and rumor says ere 1,1Unly daYe, she will solve the tliflioulty. Woonntolai4.-The Brussels 1)08i wants to know if the Well who sup- ply the people of that town with three quarters of a cord of wood for $2,75 4,01 be punished hereafter. Upon which the Seaforth Expositor rises to remark ;-"If they are we wouldn't like to be in the place of those wood vendors who sell a big half cord for a cord at $5 to the good but cold 'people of Oita town. Toe • FARMER'S .A.DV0OATE 18 t he acknowledged agricultural authority of Canada. To those who have net paid tide year's subscription to the NEWS-11E0min and who will now de so can have the ildvocate sent them until .Tany. 1st 1885 upon -specially advantageous terms. Call at, the NEwS-Esomtri office end get quotatious for the best fernier's magazine and one of the beat local journals, •A. OLOTTE CALL -On Thursday last whilst Mr John Cowen, a retir- edfarmer, was get tin,g out cordwood on the Oth gee. of Tuokersrnith branch bounded, striking him on the face and leaving a very ugly wound, which, before he arrived home was swollen to a great degree. Mrs Cowan receiVed quite a shock upcni seeing he old gentleman re- turn with a head pearly twice, as large as when .he left home in •the morning, and his elothing bespatter: ea with blood. Ila.ving assured her that there were no bones broken, and 'teeming thaukful -foe hisepro- viclentiat escape, sheeireteunemore- teeonciled, The wound is progrese, big favorahly.-Cor. 4:U.1708itOr liTIRON LIVE SToOKSeee.-The seventh annual sale under the auspi- ees of the Huron leve Stock Ass°. (dation was hold her on Wednesday of last week. This-salewas not as sticeessful as some of its predecessors. Thequality of the stock offered was expellent and there was a good selee- thin, although not so large as at onte fel awe eale's, There was a fair ttetendance of people but it seemed. as if more had come, as spectators than as purchasers. A few sales Were made at fair figures, but nothine'slike the number that should have been. There Were ntinierdus enquiries for stack and especially for bull celiteg, but few seemed inclined to go s6 high as the valne of 'many of the animals offered, • LIBELLING, A FEwse..k.ertti ATAIsT -- The whirligig of time brings 'Along itsimtnpensations and revenges. An exchange sey.s : It is imposeitile for us not to feet:Sympathy for the editur of the ,Blyth 1?eview, who • • Swateo.Weis'e. Werattiee 'A rather novel mode of committing Bit icicle Wee. chosenbeensWealt hy 8b. Tholims fariner the.'"oldrer day. One Wee T.Jeav i tz had been c'emplaining for somo days of.a Pain in Ills heed. ' -While half. crazed he 'took ad vantage. of the momentary .abserice •of net, •retteedant from the room, a.nd epripg. in g from the be4. alit a i nod .p CietiORSI o 'Of a walling,Sfick• that was in .the corner' lids lie forced...down' his throat al meet to :its. full .1011tY,t11, in- liini 'injos i's vhicts resulted. • his death .48- 'hours after the cin. 01154100 ef theaPt.- • Gni," elooiX:o.-;-:Mr., Bishop, M. P: P:acted -• 'eh alicioncer ,at the,. liveeetneltSsale. here lest,. week. AS 'on e -heart:Ibis seeirdy,_rii tighigeegoing." "geinee." end the tetuettently. , pro!, nouns:eel "griee;" , the thongeit, could 'not be, suppresSed that the fate of, the aiictioneer's, .chief was hawing in (he balstice even .tis -was: the fate:' of the -live .atni.k: 'Chan •eveit tic-fetter:Olt ite majority•of the peonle's, repre.sen. tativee,'"going," Mr.'Mowat. "going,' • ,and thoneh somewhat. clelayed,' Pg,ene," lTr. Mowat, ',knocked down. . to: aepsart.isaa ohqtfe .. • • • •gains in' which mon -sand maiden' ••-, . taking ' nart •,ate-suppeited_ to; heve, • , • A's INVOTiVg.0 -13efore: • iv fate 'foretoet All .you :have Jutlee.e, Doi' In :at' the sitting of the to lo is to place tWo• nuts, repree Di eieion .Cetirt, • here, on .Monday, .:4enting • reWain aticinesweet heart., -the-case . of Andrews 'Vs; Callender- he steeee....al'if, after clue•titne, the was quite an-- itivellied 'An-: eut.:, 'should start apart, souiebodY is drews lt4d some elieepL;Itilled_rand sure to he ;tItd The charm hi the. "sane wOrried by dogs:: A. dog. a.1- three clisliefda also one that may be., :bled t& belo&to..Ol1nder was •dep'ended upon, Throb dibttes are Anie Of the etinineeseind snit' seas taleterl'and pieced...side 1.4 side on the brought eigeinet ,Caliender to recoy- tanle., One is tilled with clean' water, .er .$60, :the estimated value, of An- inthe second is ,pen red 'ct.:quiintitY eirew'ri loes. Callender d tiled the of: dirty water, while -the third •-is ownership of the doge -Mid Claitned it'lowed to... le main empty...The to, have gieeh hiin t6 W. Jacket -roe bachelor .or-spitieter is led blindfold .The latter aeniea'theesaft: nutieach- • to the table and requested -to .ment.: There were eixte-M. witeeeie ordiet• ..fingets iuto either One:of 'the' 'ea examined,• ...The :evidence was dielteice If theeleatt water • very ., coneralictarye • His lionor• ed.iTtiten is known. tlicite-rneiden Or . . . • . . tonit anti' the- 14th, November, • to . bachelor, es the:case may he, will as to 'es4Pliership ;of doeand, fairId the' litit.'Of 'the pereon eerbeig liability, if any, of'Crtilendnr, • • the diarth ; if the ,fingdrs are dipped MtROERED TN, IHDIANA...L'eIrr, itt titodirty water,' the" t.11".'n'2<nt. ScolephAllanson • of ..thie IlftS after knowledge of tire future will received a letter from hie, 'Rioter at .eleeey ...either.8 widow or.•Widower. .,white:Lick, jodiaria,in tee But, indatopy_fate, ittlto imehelor sorrowful news is conveyed thee ,ter Endester should be se unfortunate Theodore .Gibbs her son-enepiiew as, tosselect the • ettipty dish,' they .41.)14,,,,46„-wasrnifleraby milr may resign themselves to. a life of t einglobleasednees. , iered in 'BrOwnsburg or' • the 22ed CLINTON FALL RACES, On lest Thursday by trio centrip- etal' force of sporting circutustences a Very great number of people were drawn to the "hub." The Clinton Driving Park being the immediately ,cletinite central epee on which they congregated. The particular at- traction Was it matched trotting race between the imported stallions "Tontine," owned by Mr. John 13eacoun and "Archie Bo4rbou," •owned by. Mr. J. P. Fisher. Bich of the anturelo had enthusiastic ad- mirers and money wati ft eely bet- by each party on their favorites. fe telly. of the propietorsof.tbik paper- eight-poutid thiegheer) we feel called upon .te' request these in are. rears for the Revietb Or owing for. .j'ob-riOrk to call in and setae atenee: NI -est of -our i eaders-eknow that aie increase. it. a family, of a' .daughter especially, means .a gloat additional eepenee; and ns we joive already toen the liningent Of our wallet in-searciS of .tlieneedful, we urgently. requeCt (11.Ot alt will,. call at 111-• office reel .sett a" Asthe editor, Of the Bluth. . Review .is.an.unnia.rried wait. be has air cecellent chap:es, to ' bring it ribel.seit eessinst the author -of the 'thieve paraelfanire4 This weold he nu offset against)] te alleged., persecu; tion• in the IIptffiall- affair. Tite Brant Review editor -is • the patty w.liSis guilty -Of beingstlio father' or tils..own daughter, 4tc, , . ITALT,Ow.E.P-N -:Toltight is the eve .M1 Saints' day, and liss .10 con segettilice hen eoneidered a hallowed ev((,lIDW the pCilihg of • eebbage staike and "'other. iteinselees .pestinie8. came' to :be eeneidered the correet • iteeel of celebrating a lioly eve i8 teniulicirtim 'tiff wiseacres to solve. : more. spleasing aniesement The watch was the outcome of one trotted over the Goclerich took about six weeks ago, at which .time Archie Bourbon, was the victor. The match here on Thursday last was for $200 a sicie, beet three in five. Mile -beats. R4c5 , About to o'clock the judges, Messrs. John Carry and ---,OM- borne, of Goderich, and r, D. Kennedy, of Clinton, were on the stand ready to proclaim the word "go" and ultimately to pronounce upon the fate of the steeds and the destination of many hundreds of dollars , depending on the result, Both horses seemed in capital con- dition. Odell was the driver of Tontine and john Knox shaped Archie, Bourbon's cause. - Tontine won first heat in 3:15. There seem- ed fair urging on the part ef the drivers but it was quite, evident that better time wasin reserv,e. Mr.' Knox here pretested aigst the crowd yelling and hooting as it lisei es -tendency t� excite his horse -tt-to-eause', him to break, The - Mazes ' requested the, onlookers to keep guiet and they did so. The etecind heat was entered upon after eeveral falsii starts. • .A.Ithough well contested, Tontine showed his heels to his zivtI all through and cane ie ahead -time 2;59. The third' beet showed a, determined big. -tenth on.the part, of Kito, .but Tontine with an limiest easy swinging,Striqe kept eke itstl, Bourbon breaking badly though Knox appetkres1 to use strenuous exertions to bring him down. Tontine took the heat-- tiMe 3;01- and theeace. • . • , , (MEAT EXcPrEmmil, . When Zona -fie assed under the• stringnt theenclof the third heat antl. the reee. was Ankle:17.M his favor tite pent -up enthusiasm of his admirers. lottud' .yenl, in cheer • after, cheer.,,, 'Hate flew .in the air,, pump' hi;:ndle • hand-ehalcieg was gone through with. • Old men • with .itilVer'd grey lo6ks threw . their hate up.- in• the air, pirouetted on, their tip toes and brought down their No. 12 heels in •a perfect ecstasy of delight. The boys turpe.t , summersaults .and the , Middle aged eriticisecl the • merits of :the curiae's, generally winding 'up' with : "every . One kneel/ that. With,: a fair -field and no favtieT4u tine wits the faster horse." • The latter :state - mita ie• Open t� objeetton as the• fact' that.13oerbon .found plenty of blushers ahutehintly •teetitied. ereveri new malty are not.satisfied that role. :tine the-fasteet, itsd claim that . bet fur severe attack of .eonstipae. thee fer',emee litile prior arid up to dose of raee, Beerhoe would ". bev'e- turned thetablee: . ' ' ' . • . . • CJOT.TSOI...A.TION nAcE, Open to all horie1S- owned 'hi the County diet never vofl puldie pronely. . There- were tliree ettu,iefor .this reee: Uncle Frank lettered by: the .Exeter Syndicate, Snell, '14awden, arid. Oleo. 'Brown 'Billy,. by 'John -.Knox. Montreal-. Girl by A. M. :'P°1,3t.klitt6L'itre.I•iluii7tie ye!. e hat8 reciti • Billy; ..Des+ 'time 2.: 52r. • was :tidier a more interesting rate than. (h0. olio between:AM stallions. The twe'firstitetits Were taken,:with • pp - permit setee.. by Uncle . Frank. in the' third heat Uncle .Frank seemed to wilt and broke batly pernd tied•',1.3rown .Billy to everity tiim: anal come in. ahead, ,eaneing most intense eXeitetneet • tiniong the epecte tors. The idea wee :now farmed that ehe,staying powers Of Uitele. Frank were not equal to ,the ocEsion.• --Tile fourth beet eqn: Iieined• that iMpression, While . the, .6fth. heat :made assurAfice:doubly sure, Brown -Billy to king the last heats and the rage. . • „ 111011101e$4110. .Frola our own Corrorponaint Didyou bear of tb,o row last taturi' slay Right Mr. Stenly bas got over the greater part of the Township. Z. O. L. No. 189 will holtt their regular meeting on Monday 'even - Ing Nov. Otb instead of a week A putt takes vliarge of le stohool in Colborne next year. Some of the inhabitants of Union, ville paid tea it visit fast Monday. They express themselves well setisti• ed with the.explenation ofa Colborne reporter in the late issue of your co - tem. They say they will not give him another ducking. WelopeRot as a certain choir in Ifolinesville would suffer materially in case of anything happening to him to pre- vent bis putting in -an appearanoe. Miss Acheson 9f GIOderiele is at present eisiting friemls in. this local. * The Temperance meetinglast Motiday-nighteivas a failure °wine to the inclernetioy of the weather. Rev. B. A, Keefer„ of Hamilton, occupied the pulpit of the Alettio. dist (Meech here last Sunday morn- ing and evening, giving two fiound Ipaib'eoertesloel fteheerelAepeoPstelee P'ayurill.en life end o Nev. Mr, pirks has been assisting in the reyivel geryloes at the Bethel appointmeot on the 13ayfield Cir cuit during the greater part of the past week. Ile reports good meet• ings attended by the power of the Holy. Ghost in the saving of Ii oorernences epeeist services ht eihveSnhetandsany),APpointleient to -night• (faci Rev • Mr. Keefer has been soliciting nettles foe members, of the Royal Teniplars, a comma of which...JIG-is organising in Chute'''. He has been very succesetel, a number from Hole mesville and vicinityhave joined the council. I, think bad the matter been ,brottglit more _publicly to, view a greater amber would, have been in- duced to join, and take advantege of the low tate' ef Life Instivance, It is our palpful clay to record the death of a worthy resident of our little village, Mrs, Carter, wife of Geo. Car ter, passed peaCefully to her rest last Seturclay evening about 6 o'clock. She had been troubled fora consider- able length of timii with the asthma and was a greet sufferer. She how- ever bore- lter sufferings With calm- nese, she having the joy and conifort whicli Christ alone can give" The seeking of the one thing needful 1104 not been dbferred till a clvirig claY end when .the• came to the Jordan of death she was able to say .atia bap- py,"-. trusting •h Jesus, 'rho, sym- pathy :of the ',entire 'comtnenity is extended to the bereaved ones and itlaa ode? tort: t� know that they sore , row net as those who have no hope. The funeral tot* place on. Tuesday - when the remains wine:followed by it large number to the c,exnetry. at Turner's in. Tecitersrnith: where they were in Cored. ' • j:no. Bedge, Wawanosh; has .Cold • 'hes sold his ferni •of .fifty acres to' 11 Corley, for the,sum of;$2,500. A*Sohoul Bciarcl in Morris.tecent- ly advertised for a, teacher; and 4witbintwo weeks they'. had over twenty applications and they are Still cereing in. . . • , Air: John • Wanless, .of Varna,, last week soldto a gentlemen in Montre,Ar, a Sorrel Olcind eelt ' three yeers.old, for the. handsonie sent of. $20Q, :clash- And , Mr. John Tor= rance,.elito of the stinmplace,.boaght y'Oc olcl colt-freto Mr. Jobn*Ditn; eat), Stanley, for $150e; • . ' Mrs. Abrithent •Ta.yler hart sold. his farm on the 8th con, of Il'ullett, •.to .at.....rogil'•Oke, of the 'London 13;eiati, neer Exeter; far the sitm Of. $7500. The, feern obtains hundred acme! Mrs. Taster intends inovine, to Kansas as Seen as she disposes ofber personal effects. Mr; Leonard Hunter, of Usbeene purchased a thoro'bred Durltitm cow fer $45, evn Vearsege. From thisone animal he hes al eatitlysold$400 worth of Stook and has still ern lnind over $600-00 ignith merle, : and could. selt 'the original tiellueil any day. for' over $75: ' .A. social and. timineeting, .under September. Ho a as only 21 years •• d age and a tine Pinng fol OW,- 88 P'rom our oupt-CorrOspondant. thOtio will rennenber who saw him John :McPherson, of St. Ilelops, in Clinton last winter ..when 00 IL was arrested on eVednesday the 90 -Eli vita here. Xhe alftiir oceur- Belfast. • ••' - • _jour conetable, Mr. Robt,. ted at a dancing party. Deceased , on a charge of rapee_apd was commit. attempted to quiet a tight • enema :tett to aweie his tile', ,eetneef those atenditen"...wheat four 11.00silint1 ttaellines nre heeid •of the rowdies eingled• out ,young Pat dil.eatin.""hese-chlYs' The' "'he" verp poor but oats. and barley is Gibbe itt wets cut ivith knii es an average crop, and shot through the body The We ere pleased to learn that Mrs, morderets have been arrested, hut Geo. Snell ol Lanesand formerly 61 whether conviction will follow iS 13e1fast has recovered from her severe unceetein, illness A.. Deo AND SHEEP CASE, --nip • tast Wavranoshi. easfl of Mee, Meads vs, the Meniei. Prom:our otra Currapotteierit, p1.1 ty of 13 id el u.1 ph, came before His n1.11)01%1110 .ttonsoally 'late with Honor Juage-nol7Grori‘lt the fast tn°111)10tIghing this hall- eietingeesf. the Z'vision Court, in A smother of our young ladies and enee;eree.myo, and as les way grefitroalled 9,E thesiesidehreerMie be of some impoetanee to _the gen- Barone evening recently, and whiled, th?`hours by keeping time to eral public, tho following particulars teraY le inueic`of the violin, are given :--Sente acre the .In a certain country not ten thou plaintifrbed twoeelieep 'killed by doge, eaed miles free ber l`v k as well as tiie owners, were who is 010 faVil;1' Ofe1tWOsharming unknown to tho nlaintifr, duo' daughters, who, it. is said, aro more time she tient ie. her hill to the raalt'Us than hinaReit'. Whether the" Township Council, as the law di- maidi6P8. ar(', °retie!' tni"ente"es not, nietory twee not say, esovvever, tects. The &chain of the lteeve tilotese bloorrtiing 14+11(1 were returning and , was that, according to everageo.,,enric‘ietties stiiTem et,vonelebbesing the evidepco affilueed, they were not liable I and thet even if they were' along a grtain road fney gisileTtivutig the deniend was excessive. The very strata° looking. 'banners. -plaintiff then Mind ,for the aniOUrtt Wi'mAler °loon tnY8ie'llono hhanners „,,,„Ar._„„i s„., were omens of hostility, or ivhether aa-'111;Zuwv,`:abfial'im."' they sldieited an allianee, (0111 be llnderstomme i only by diwho were ti!ivrierv/I‘iiioinoretwr:pled10 trlegtvtiewho ;ne. sof..ortunate 88to have the tirivileg ovtris 0 1eOf feasting their eyes .upon suell por, nision of the Council ;• that their „Ronages• "Tr coming (Molts out tIetiOkill Snell ta008 WAS Anal, from thMt alfs:(loWe befOre ' be faithful, we which thee° wail .1.) . and tnay beabTe someletere &lied to looked-ror Oceurrenees. conseeptentiv ordered a non.suit in ehr"i°16 8°i114) interestIng 4114 2"g" he mitered_ lumina the plaintiff. Title illeposel of the ease appears to • Sin*geis'and public speakers arAaIwa be feet not generally known, hrict hoeefitted hy using Dowss' arm, ee it . M. _Church, and Bev, a, knowledge of it may lave litigation lem twos hoarseness and inci OASCS the Neer _sf ills wiles- 'Wes sesall Atud.. • - Neree. The attenclapeewaalateree, the clay fair but -chilly, the•treck k 'geed-. orders • The Condect of ail, 'whether .regcrt•ds these p.ecq ti ;ay iotereste Fel or those iyho went merely to :Ride:), the Sport, was all that could be deeir ti e , r • . . TIM Judges- and the 'courteous eeeretsry, Mr., Robson, tilled the hill • to the sittilifitetion of 'all ' concerned,' Several side shows ;and a ,bOoth Were on the grounds•tind appeared .te be well patronised. in 'the 'intsrVals. between heats, , • , ; , . . Everything was concleted on ."square," Even the mosb eXactitigly straight-faeil :would intveefailed to ee imything 'favoring. of eirripeo- priety during the who-lei:treed:Lig... Driver Knox is to be congratulat- ed. en his shrewd handlhig 'Of" the ribbons in the Coneola.tioe race, we say this withoub ally tefiectien on his management 'of Archie Bourbon., Mr. Metcalf droVe Uncle: Frenk„iii the first three heats, of•the Itts6 race, tied though it hi atitierted that 'lie 'W.ite not discreet in that he, tieedleesly wasted the peWere of his nOrtie Many think the charge will not hold good, and that if he had been elloub• .eil to 'drivethe two last heats' the chances were greatly in favor of "Uncle Frank win eing the raoe. - It is reported that Mr. Case Allen has matchtli Mr,, Abraham Smiths- wroeonto Chief" -against "Brown 11111y.", The race to come ()iron the lledarich track 'one week from next Friday, • . Mr, 'Hiram Fisher, of Ilullett, met with ne heavy Imie a few i'ittys ago by the death of it very valtralyle breeding mare for which he liad re. fused $300! • :There Is considerable fatality amengstlie porkers- in the 'township If owick. They die sir without the aid os butcher'eknife, to the peen. Mary loss of the, owners, • An In (1 Ian ape' im pl later siert that hascdone more to make h;afers them `all the ,saloons countryrand he hopes that a rainy. season awaitel it next yeat 0111=1"111W We are 'making a sppetalty:04e Boils Clothing. Boys Sults etft the Latest Style, for boys 3 year or age any.; up. Ozir Other Great Specialty is' the MA TLE DEPARTMENT. PAY & wisEMAN's DRY OOPS EMPORIUM. . " 1.4.1AM the auspices ef the _Loyal Orange Ledge No. 30S, Stauley, will be held. at • Hills' Green, Stanley, ien Monday evening, Noveuther s5, When addresees- suitable for the oc- elision may. be expected from the.' Bleed's. -A. :T, Parker, , Hensel!. ; Cameron; of • Kippen, 4,nd Taylor, of .Bayfield... • • . ' : ..... On Friday lase; Dunen -McCrae, an old arid:respected resident of Hur- on:: town -CI -lip, : wee missed by his f family. On Satuielky a search wait instituted anci. towards eoon, his body . wee fella' aboet.. two -miles . .froni, his house, lot 00; 1st con., lying on thebtink' elf the :Eighteen-. mile river, vvitli 'the throat cut frem : ear to ear. An -old 1ahle knife whiell the deceased held in his *hand - !'showed that Mr. McCraellad taken hitt oWn life, He was 84- years of ago. -. • commenceto advertise '00 Great ,Stock of r IfitS far . the apnrOaching season, Which for variety and _extent surpoins any: .• thing On:4n In Clinton. Besides showing the Largest Stock --.we claim to show the' • CheapestGoods.. • ur. stoel is entirely new, ' . nothing:having been carried oven.. from kit • year. -TO 1111. contemplating purchasers ...we ask a. inspection: - ' ISeal,„Biissian tamb;.:' .Astrachan; J3eaver ai Otter Caps, Fur Gauntlets and Ceose, • . Seal, Russian Lamb. and Astrachan SetP. Seal, Russian Lamb and Astrachan ' Caps. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Call and see mit Grand Dipplay on SatuTday. • At 13elleck1 county Fermanagh, Lite 'completion of the greet enitineeeing' work, for regelating the lei's'', Of LOngll ,Ernet 80 as tit. preVeet the destructifoWinter floods, was remit-. •... ly 'celebrated, with great 'ceremony; 5 / in. nrosone i . a distill t ished asaem.._ ril' '')601tEb, CARTE11,--,In TIohnesvllle, n the 27th inst., Elizabeth, wife of Mr, Geo. Carter, aged 57 years. • alltiktIT RETVILIES,- . . . omerrete. . - . - ecorroetee sayers mesons efternoop.r ' • mei, - - . : see°, to deo Wheat, .red', 'old, " -.• 1 00 to i 10 Wheat, white, olds e- - 1 00 to I OS' Wheat spring, old . •• - 1 00 to 1 10 Barley - • . •• • 0 40 to 0 SO Peas Z I ' - '••• 0 , 0" to 0 06 Oats, • • • • • • -• • 0 0 to 0 30 Apples,xwinter) per bh4 ••••• 2 o to 2 00 Potatoes, • - •••• . 0 46' 10 0 60 Butter . :I •• .• .- . 014 to 0 16 . • .. • 0 20 to 0 21 Rills; .• :•. • • . y oo to 8 00 i `ti (10 to 7 00 • 000 to 000 Sbeopekise • - . .. 0 is to 1 00 Turkeys, per pound, • 0 00 10 0 00 Geese • . - ... e . .0 00 to o 00 Nicks, pOr .paIr • P I' 0 00 to 0 00 Chickens, per pair . - '•••• o oo to 0 00 Pork) .. 000.to 000 Wool • • . •• o 18to 0 18 aOrdwo0c1, • • ' • • 2,60 to a 00 - • eoecieton. whore, Mae pot. blisli, • •• --IP r En 0811 Wheat, red, . • i. • . 0 8 to 1 00 Wheat, spring, : • • - 0 00 16 1 00 Oslo, • . • 0 87 to 0 38 Barley, • • 0 40 10 0 10 ileao, .• • • 0 ns to„0 70 Potatoes 0 33 to -0 26 ••","'"*".1•11/2.,..,-A t'''MNfrM..44.1`.-1.'” ...a.. A. 32) ID • – 0;7— Ftrgif-FITES,FURS.1. FLANON1417x4IMINT41 ..• 0 GOODS!: 'ST:1AS! SATINS1 " t • t • *0•10.14•P$.1 7-7777 • WOOIMINTP 0 Se 111 ll.n1 I TAILORING I . In this Department Will be found one of the most.complete stocks in thP C01.1ntY. , J.C. Cole Cutter,' Or POos• ARE. -81011T 1. a Every pepartnient in fij11$wing ..SPg01AL VALUE 11N GROCURIES4 • CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE-. . Estate Qf the Late he Business to be Wound Up -by lst-March-;'84-,--- 1V-Everitintig to he sOld. by Wet Pate. COMIrieflOe Qrning 'o give i in addition .,to .the Reduction already Ma(1e., a Disulll On Every Clagp of" (4 -pads. in the House, except Gra_in Bags on which there will be no cliscaunt. Hatter and -Furrier. WIN TER - E. 6.1.611}IIE A— TOQ ti=3..v.i71..3[4.03me; It will pay you to call. Everythingeeuartniteed or best, workmanship and aPerfece fit. The largest stook .of tinderwoat in Heron -s -see for veurself.. SralTgt; :ThepSquaw!. • C4-01DMRICI--1. Q1\1111.. WORTH OF GOODS T SELECT FROM, $35,000- worth.. of Goods to -lie sold .by the,lst day ,of Mali -Oh next, " and: PH 1 Merchant .North Street, near tlie Square, 00.0ERICH, will furnisher makeup Gents' Clothing in -fashionable Styles 111 At lowest Prices. nr• litiBLE is an experienceCutter told practical Tailor. No misfits - no slop tverli. Orders promptly attonded,to, Note the address -TM° NOLE, North •Siteet GOderleh. • VICTQRIA. .BAKERY. ' . y,i104.;^.• 4 WATS !QV' ItAXD, A. arge Variety of Plain Panay, Oakes. Seltprisse no recommendation. ,try orArtria,Ant Ji:ii,S70,441401(131441)!VS wbleh, dollver .16 lvv:nx)r)IN-G, s 10140. and Ornstntentedi Second to None, Choice- 8election-ofall Iiiirde-ofrOonfeutioneiy, the woe* of 4 irR1rt.hSSitAttr.1i1 lain tros'in s meltfion • to give pea satisfaction In ell hrenollos of the butinelso•---, er1Ohl,OltEM.1 fltSCABOAlld • Dool rorget the Stan& SMITH'S I3LOCgt CLINTON. A ILA Mie‘ A mekeebekiNki Invite verybod, Men, Women, and Chil4ren, ,teCome and Inspect Our Stock. This_ Sale is Genuine. It is in accordancv.404, , • , th terms oldie' Will of uth. lateppoprietqr. _ The 131(8410$' US 71 E CT OS E D UP by AO ilate, and we are qffeving: Goods at prices lzow WWI arg. from 15 to 20 per ,eent....BELO TV aily other House, • 14--Tratieit besides which we g.ive a discount 'of .10' pep , . lerienone t. , .91KOS go per ceAtt 4)er annum fcw your, • Remember, We have already cothmeneed the Saki and the 8007262' yaw visit our Mammoth ..by Good - ',Palace the greater choice you will'have, 4st.i0-al. .:Late ,JOIIN OGUNS, Dry Roods Palaoe of Gliliton .and littrotv Gouty- •^ • New Scowl" .11aT • Awl ,ita art . now thorongly nipped with the MOT BACKOROUNDS and A00E880E1E9 That ctin onproagrod, and in gri;at tAiloty, gpecialty is Maly Finishaa Oatteflfork - naA:20.4.11,13