HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-10-24, Page 3TIM= 7gX.TXt0711.
..... . .... ......
e Godoriohlows
thironr Record,
• <4,11(4,4044 AVM.
Mint4m., Wednesday, October 24,
'Wand 4011100,3 oliuh.".
;. Sonto
* ell your Sexton Bolaks
Stationery at the City Book Stosfe.
101trii. Dickson has a complete xtopls
of elf• kiadsf school requisites.at
Zow prices. 217
Liya $•rocK 84LE here to -day,
Ames comnienced at Ge.leriah
yestO clay. .
M.wriimnysT teasineeting in Clin-
ton test eveuirig. '
TnorrInt ItAco on ' Clinton Driv-
ing park to-tuorrew,
N:its.apv *SCORE of riew'subsOpiberS
laSt weok. "The more the merrier,"
Miss Ios. Davis is acting as cash-
ier t, .Pay & witiewates dry good
O Solfcitsy eveolng Rev, Mr.
Craw preached an able eernions on
AsiPPss..-Mr. T Cantelon has
heels...shipping a. car load of. apples,
dailY, for aoine Huse pest. • .7
Coo. A. M. Ros, M. P. P., and
Lieut. Jos. Pieek,did the exhibit:tans
on 1cLursday.
MR. Tues.. Fans, 'Jae. Scott,
AMU:AV...H.-Scott will be. ordained as
eldeke in,Willis Church on. Sunday,
Noilsitli. • •
Mgt. GEORGE Patt,iiitends mov-
ins".:into the •Iiimse 'oectipied .by
111.r."Doan, until -he can • build. a,
dwelling for himself.- He sold his
own);tes Mrs. Oliver. , •• •
ke. D. limns. will retuoVeto the
Spooner property on Nev. 1st,. and
11:44„) L. Fortune to the houee.whieli
be trecelitly bought oil ' Prizicess
.• ••
irsto.,Dtwist left on Monday
lost o take a position, on the Cs'. 'T,
It. at Port Gratiotr:, The vireaney..
here is beinglilled by Gee. Llanelli),
'formerly Of PalliSer's.
Smelt Samp-Mr. Theis. Tipliog
sold Ins entire colt, mentiotiedsin
last issue, t� Mr. John Ileavkstraw,
of Exeter, on Thursday last.. The
sale was a protitalde one. .
4IFLE .11.EATCH. - The Annua.l.
Match:of:the Huron Rsfle A.sk4oc:ia:
don will come off at the AtItelciet
;loge, Clinton, on the 30tlis inst..
-Prizes will muclootsto abOut $100: .
A. RE -UNION of • the etepleyrs bf
Pair'a . Will took place, at • the.
"Q1aeisn's" onkriday etoming. • ,Oys-
ters, toasts, and social chat tilled:the
.An eiijoable avettiog was
spent. • •
ON TiME.-.-Bettoont},s :4.,‘•• Tontine "
arrived, 'home oti Seterilay : The
stallion race between '‘ Tontine." and
Bourbon ' will take 'place,
on Clinton trriek tomorrow. A ..i.00th
a ..
risce is looked for. .7 •;7, •
•• : 'Marcif:-.,-The foot.
ball Match in Oltionir on. Saturday,'
letween Seaforth and (Miami Itiith.
Schools, teshlted 111 4 to 2, 'i.ti•layor
of Settforth, Our ".boys"cati make
ft better allowing than this: •••
, DRITEN ASHORE: 0 'On, nf
Belgrave, and Atideeti,- and Jaute8
Bola, of Tuckersthith, welTe arir the
weatner Ontario when that'. v'essel
WAR. driven ashore' nest. ;.Elgiti;
Lake Huron, last weirk. • :
Tot: -Garza • lotertita, • pecilishest try
Z. J. A.sdriesis; Clintott; ilea put in
Octeber apre;:tranee. Coosider-
big the comparatively Jest,riete.il
field the editor, ha' to labor in 110
wakes a good 6lieW.Iirgr
RottuaT Metarix, from near Brus.
side, who recently bought the An.
fleet"' finnt on the London Roitti•
Jas 'b'oughtwith him a' splendid
four year old. Item, y:sitaugh t eipor
ed •• .
stailion. -
. •. •
yitroNnAy, whim att.-aue. cemil-s'
t.PB4flWth1I kjlled Iiely,ar-
tee Stake. Hie snakeShip . wax
sfivining, round, as though it were',
Siummes: Snakes -in ClatOber; • ee-
pedially the.present aold :weather,
• ist'somethitig-, eausttal, . • •
Yes. W. HARI.42:70, sr., (mother
nf -Harland Bros.) on Te, sday of
•11tatLweek wag sittiteked by paralysis.
She. was for smite tithe .spetchletsa
:and lost the ptivser'a else arm. We
are pleased' to leapt that she: is fast'
recovering and ego- pow ,talit end
*Ise her ann. . . 1.
Itev. W. T: Curr, who was or
rune as . moniner, aro w to les
since been stationed at Walkerville;
steer Windsor, is spending a week
with. friends and relatives in town
and couotry; Tho Rev. gentleman
isa promisin*young man, and pc")s-
seams ',the Micessary, qualifications
Ito 'flakea sucliessful preacker,
• 'Pf,Easkp NoVisE.,-On Monday
,W...eelt Mr.,' Wm. Wise, of
Clio ton', lost rt pnrse containine.$40.
in a Seaforth hotel. Mr.•'.1".
of Clinton; found. the money
and l44t it at• the Paposi.le). setko.
MK wise has received his money
again, and is, no doubt,a..pleased as
well as a wise man,
Opt) Fatirstlia.-Mr. Thos, Sows
erby and Mr. John Hunter,. f
kinelerich township, A Art:Dalton.
. end M. G. Caine.ion, of the cireular
and -Mr. ,Jos, • Beck; cotinciller
.of Col ItOrne,; 6.),Id. Captain John Nic-
Donal-4, a Porters were in
Iowa last week attending the show,
• They called at tialit offloe also and we
elaoire ;lunch' pleased thereat.
; NEw IL C. Cliniteir,-A new
Amnon Catholic church, Which has
;been undergoing construction for
,10,1iotit 4* year, in; Xitikerti,„ will be
,,,oppluid :on, Solidity next the 243th
Ar. 'a H. Crane, who Ilea
lIseen qtronreatod with the building of
NimintiaOlturebeit ill this .ssietion of
the ProVince, was' OLIO Of the cOn•
ERCAVE 00.)S. 110.15EIETH1EP.-,410117
*table RObitiStlity t`Sf Emerson, Man.,
arrested Sehn W. Peters at (lode -
rich file berse stealing, end Was tak
hoard the Onto,rie,
hub the atertfiter Went nolhore near
Port /Nit) 'still eseaperl Whitt flit.
. 41,08(11)pr:es' werle'heing landed,
hkrieleuffs were take Mr hln. AS
P4E'e new hotel is fast approal4-
uig and will be oceopied
next week.
RUNAWA.Y.-On Peiday last P.
Robb 's horse, attached to wagon,
made things lively for'it while. Near
the 13ati1t the animal took fright and
speeded up Albert street at a lively
late. He drew up in front of the
Central as quiet as though the "rib-
bons" were In charge of a driver.
THE late Itev. Mr. Keott, mem-
her of the Bible Obristian Confer-
ence, was al member •of tho Royal
Tempters of Temperance less than
six menthe, when his death occur
ed.' The friends of the family will
be glad to learn that they have re-
ceived the sum of $2000 from the
above society, the anfount of Mr.
Knott's benefit.
Too Sarnia Canadiansaya: Rev,
Mr. McDonagh preached a special
sermon on the I'Dileminaa-of Infi-
dels," in the Methodist church hist'
Sabbath evening. Mr. INIcDonagh
bit Some or the class referred to in
the title of 11464E3E11ton, "on the raw,"
when •he preached on the sante
topic in Clinton. But duty before
popularity seemeilrbe, as it
has beeA, his motto.
THE Guelph Carriage Goods Co,
have shipped one of their ‘iEurekah
gear top haggles to Mr, Brown,
manager yf the Ku Tang farm, Sieu
Tsien, China. The Orin have also
received au order for 500 gears from
an American firm. Galt buggies
may do very well for the "I:lee:then
Chinee," but Clinton' buggies matte
by Harry Cantelon meet the ap-
proval of Lite most fastidious people'
in such matters itt the world. Mr;
Cantelon was. awarded prizes ,at
every Comity Pair where he exhib-
ited„ and bia vehicles were..shoWn at
abnut half' a score. • • •
noirritio. oi THE
Witile an oyster supper was.. being
given tit the IVIetliodist church,
Brockville, 1,7V'ut.' Smith ,and. Cap-
tain John SaZikett, Tirotheraen-lawi
quarreled and exelianged blows,
Their iriends joined- and'a.frite fight
followed, T.,numis were knoeked ent,
brackets . broken, :and women and
children made•frantie eiforts to leave
the building. % Many were knocked
•down and trampled. Ten persofor
were injured,- includino• the pastor,
who was seriously kickbed and beat.
en. Smith was carried home ou a
stretcher. SaCkett will be confihed
to Ilia bed. •
Six yearq ago the -fi'rst bicycle wee
..seee in, Chicago. There sare now
three hioycle clubs and 'ovet• one -
thousand, 7bieyeliate. Bicycles are.
not very Plentiful in 'Russia, andsie
Certain .parte,, of the country the
bicycle has. never been rieen-les: the,
inhabitants; A wheelmearrayiently
rode thrpossit one, of. thei;e latter.
places, and was 7tal4n•for a' god' by.
the peoPle, aed in 'consequence was.
Created with the greatest veher•ation.
Is it thia "veneratton" husiiitese
that' niducestsdar dillitan aoti
rielt weeelnien 1,ii• take ..such fre•-•
qu e'nt visits to. the , "(rack. „town
ships." „, • •
seraf AND j,
14.1.cid. writes the toil and receives
through:Its columns an answer
bought a reaper'at an- auction Sale,
Mel paid for it the, same day,' The
ago!' t'cif Lire mane fact tiring company
that inalle.it tauie tinc e and eht.7.
•in•Lidlorl .•..ro lar for it,, Which
I . refused. „Ile then; took 'the
reaper.. away, ' sexing. thet -• by.
the attreement 'made with the
original pafelibser the reaper ro-
ue:tilted the property of tilt', uompany
until paid .•for Ilad Ise a right
10 'take .iI.7 and what • remedy
have I?" 'Ana. • 'ifthe rtaent's
.storli is correct lie . had .e. right, to
t triethesreepi ri—Vou orostsrecoeers
yeur teener from these to, Whom
'you -staid it,'
. -Painne Otesemer..--,..The .parlor
concerti - as • preyinusly anneuncerl,.
eaine. eff:on ,Frillay' (1vet1ug last at'
the reSidence, of Mr. T. Jackson, and
preyed18W}18 e4acreti the 'best "r,n
xeritiirinOrt of the kind that. Ilse.,
ever _beep ' given in ClintosS, ; The'
priOttnnto was is tovi'l•ope and •wa.;..
troll carried out,•nistilyiliee.
iltg ,aii encore,,
Alfits Cal hiller, itistfF-,Teln
eirpotese, also Ali.. 13(i1115. to two
cetwertinst so1its7: The clinir, which
titulr 213 voiees 1, 5,1
four very . (Merit bat lisestutifell
.61-11), s, and teetered swirly compli•
merit's for the ,splendid way -in which
lhey • were _rendered. ,Thia_aihni •
tl e largest ja • town anti bit
„the youngest-leatler known,' 46,
Tin irstekson,,te: is afire' to keep. t
choir' to-getherthat will havt . the.
best . of harinony preVaillog:
did pot• learti slat totiourit ef, the pro-
ceeds, hot jodgieg, from -the-large
aseensbly present, it roust have, lems•
,• . • • ! • • •
•,--The joint Committee 'Of the .111a-
elianiee Institute and Literary S�.
clots( that has been planning A Course
of teeter:es fOr. the • Winter 'months
met. the two Societies on 7Sstorday
evslitiog 7 nit-suinnitted-ti
• large number. were present;
Bev. Mr. . Craig tools.the chair ono
Made:the reports; It. kap boon do
,eided Anti arranged .to have 4 pourse
of five rectures-compose,1 0,11 fOi
t11.3,7d Dr. wila,,00 "AI" ,witii..Itok
SlfbeiS," Nay. .7th. CoMMainler
'Chap) e,' rEgsypt 'aiiirtifitlaW War,'
Dec. 1 lth. Itev,'De 13tirMs; "Faith
awl • Free Thoughts."' jams. 1804'
J. W. Beirgoagli, Grip, ''Clal k Tal k
and S'ketelies,' Feltru,,ry. .811.Por•
kins, .'"flie Philosophy of ,Futi,"
March,. 1 ith. Is. will be readily
Observed that, this, is a. Hat which
ouglit to command-- a largepatron-
age and we trust that the lahora•of
the Cointliittee Will' be highly sue-
cessful. There is an excellentcoin
mingling of the grayesold the gay
to Snit all tastes, Heys. Dr, Wid
and Ikons will . speak on euhjeuts
full ofliving, int s Cettimander
011eyeee rwiglipicent YrtereOpleall
views .of Egypt and the late war
should be sufficierit t,o. at tract a full
house without the able lecture whjult
accompanies them and Bengongli
•and Eii lerltites with thi(le wit end
hooter are, auto to draw. . The tat
tvC getitlematt ia ono et the foremost
hurryorietri of -the United States,
.ancond perhapsi ottly to ' Mark
Twain. Tina tanirso of lectores wilt
thltail on ON13:11180 el abom, $700 up.,
on the Committee'and in order to
save themselves 200 course tickets
havelmen issiied at $1.00 each, and
Mr effort ie to be made to Lib:To:Ai of
them. During this week cairvaeaing
coniniittees will 10e: at work and we
hope that the result will be the sale.
of the whole 'Mintier, it will be
observed chat these course tiek*Ht
,pavo the ,purellaset the coat of
.one single' ticket. Outsiders who,
eannnt..10e. yard:tad fiViit in
A ItEIV street lamp has been plac-
ed in front of C. A. Hartt'e law
oiliee. Also one opposite tire pro..."
perty recently ocetlpied by Cooper
4 McKenzie.
FAIR'S MILL has undergone a
thorough overhauling. The ne,w
eaachinery introduced in and altera.
times to building have entailed an
outlay of atiout $20,000. About
100 bushels of wheat has to be in-
troduced into the capacious maw of
this voreeieus concern before any
flour is returned. The "carriers" if
stretched out in a continuous line
would extend for about fogy miles.
Mr. Fait's mill, though riot tho
largest, is probably thi hest equipped
ono in the Province. The outlay
referred to was ineurred ia intro,
clueing ,the improved gullgal for
system of milting.
Serrf•go LasT.-The readers
:of. thessTiosesswill remember that
about a year ago Mr; James Me-
Cutcheon, of this town, and wed
known. in Clinton, had a suit against
a Mrs. Smith, of Winnipeg, to re-
cover the sum of $5000. The suit
was decided in his favor, but the
defendant appealed against the decis,
cision. It reached the High .Court,
and on Monday lost Mr. MeCuteli-
eon rece•ved a telegram from his
lawyers statiog that the appeal had
heeteclismias :d with 004tti'which will
am /mit to over $1000. On the first
appeal, tne judge-tordercd that the
$5000 should be paid. into court,
and it has been lyieg there eVer
• Now that the olio has been
finally settled, Mr. McCuteheon will
receive that amount in the 'course 'of
a week or 'two. • His- frigiude here
and elsewhere will be glad; to learn
of the successful tennwation of this
loeg atid *tedious case.-Wingham
times. '
The Annual' .Pall •Exhibition of
the township of Hullett Agricultural
Seciety was held in Clairton on Wed.
nesday and Thurscla,y,of last week.
The first.dey tlie-weather was -chilly
but clear and a very largenumber of
People ware on: tire grounds .during
the 'atty.. In the eyeuinst the, Hall
was deesely fllSed Itl) eager and
pleased visitors. ' "Best ever Ifeld in
Clinton," wee an expression o'oftee
*heard. With reference to fruit and
vegetables "Never saw anything
equal to it the county'," *with an
occasional : "Beats the Gsteleh,". And
‘SAIstiost equal to the Wectbrn;" were
exclatimtions either boldly Venture'd
or sotto vacs expreseed.
ke the names of exhibitors were
necesisstrily not rat:itched to exhibits
for prizes we cannot name the own-
'ers of usany articles, which were de
serving of more notice than that con.
tamed iiisthe annexed Prize list. ••
Jacksoe, the Ifatter,•Seema to boil
up excellentlyand unexpecpsily,iii all
• rpistrteras--The col lectino ef 11 ui t, for
whiell lisogava it hasishimaeptiie, was
sissi ply "initneuse'!, .
. ,
John grail) displayed a nkesti-
08 lly arrairixed as?ortuient of gene'ral
dry goods, tailor's -goods, and gents
furnishings. . ; •
Sinith"s exhibit of tweeds
rwil genes 'su ntl riliS vied peproineetly
with the Hnuse• that ‘‘Leatla..leit
sower follows, „.
J. Ounishigham occupied a 'spae'e,
with confections anW•ali,ilf grocer-
lrnst,rSB ryley scented by•the earl.
ed of photos.
and-frainea have gutSe ItOUS of
-4,1d rat Of i:,-securilrg tint shadow.. ere.
the Substaoce The -ether,.
SeltIP'S 'perseets 810,00 '0.115
in Ptolitinelit: front the
-diet ittireeptahly .1111,41'. up to:a kite.:
dertthOi extent, the aris elecoratice
Jilt, A. A. Dee oat some rielo
ly • tioholStered • fites'rietne,.. which,
although of 'rerun -we ,.."appearanco,
Seemed to shed rays of sweetness
and ti of sone,
h exstininer:i.
•:. )114
ern osiers!, •sote, :front itt. the- feein
of :est tie.,•E 1 ss. es hip. 1.307
him!' 3 -nes ses.,:71,1,,(.8 07 ere to lee ,seest.
-.qr. eters E. (Jr,,' ford,: be 'One only
()riot:do'? Co,.,'Ittrd Mr. J.. W.
"tl. I
, It -..ev‘ mac wet..
matt and m.r. j. Buries reoreseisting
.the IVil Oaths fit.tigr,t, 8,11 the Whice,
't1rats ford .Seeteed to Make .a
'specialty of the. ritility of Ins ma •
(..hines fiir man uf-a-cturitlii; • purposes.; ,
lid the several plies ef leathersetv.•
d together. wonitl
hritidicate that,
ee's oothing le' other' in con-
jenctioti • •witli a Binger nonlyilie,
:Mr. Weatherald appeareil_te take
pepial pride tn•abotvieg, the' adapt-
altility of the Williams. 1."'inger ahd
. the, White:for , mbrofilery, hr.aidine,
.iito., sand we most: may that• :to (me.
inexperienced ftt streli matters, the'
dexterity...and deftnes1) with which'
,Mr. \Vesitherald tranFifernieci pieces
of malinary cotton 0iSilk-tete'
• thinga- of,. bessityseud utility , was
perfectly marvellous. s,
had elan an ex.
hibit Of organs, 7.
Mr. ,0. Doherty almo put in ap
peailince with sewitt.• maellities
h brit 80010ed 50 'TIO8seSs..8Oirio.80.0-
dat merita but owing to' brpw.,
anXten8. to see then) we were debar:
slat feoriss-getting nearer.-- -tditin•
"stonti'a throw" to them. ,
; In thatiofectu.red 'articles of reel
rit woq iestion whether anythiim
00 .ex'ailution,', ciVtalnly •onolil tg. in
bra's, ittore practically
Ow ad v 'nee ou_r_country has , made
than the organ .exlatint of • W.1.),11).."
erty & or, ()Helton, This com-
pany hayli several new designs or-
iginated by themselves and protected
by letters patent. We shall not laf
'silty of fulsreueneas when we state
that,souni of their designs, which
we have, had eccasion to refer to en
a•former at easion, 'possess 10 a pre,
eminent degree.a eombinatiois -of
the metita arid exoellencies .clesirable
in articles that are fast taking a •
pl s'ee in the houses of ,a, majority 91,
the well -m.410 people. of Canada.
Anil experts tell us that the musical
qualitiet •of the D.oherty organs
challenge criticism along stele of the
pretentious, and in many, instances,
higher priced, wares -of foreign maim-
fiteture. Their parlor, ,organs, ttaitiO.
htyle 113 Otto V1hibit0(1 here, took first
prize at Almonte in competition
witha large Dominion organ which
was made expressly for exhibition,
potposew, t Arriprior, the I/ole,
orty organ took first pfize ati against'
others of Canadian make. The Ot.
tawa P1.688 .rnptimons the)Doh.
orty oraan as taking 11rst prize over
all competitors, whether of home Or
!ottgts make. At, Woodbridge.,
York Conlity, and wherever sl.own
fito agnua yowl fht4e,,a Attmotorl tho.
Moe of frutt, 13 Pay. - I .•
Atte! Pitoetics:-Teb hoihe niade
' butter, I TownsentI,, j Marquis,
• Crock:putter, ) Townsend, D Tiplady.
Butter rolls, 1) Tiplaciy,.-J Town,
send. Factory , made cheese, .J
„Ma pray, 1.1 ..NicCart ney Ilo ine.m itch:
cheese. ars• Nort:••
.1ienie made 'breado1 Snell,,W•
Baker's bread, :Young. Best;
hall chew,: tea buns, 'Mrs Li Snell;
Vecuirs.,pes. Colleetian 'garden
vegetab1es, PotaineS, J
Colwell; T 1:16.floway. Early Rose
potatoes, .8.Barr." Beauty •ol
'llebren, ,T
.Snowtlake, 813111.es C. tledge, • Man-
. gold'wurtzels, J i'lewes, 'J Allinson:.
Yellow-glabe wurtiela Snell,' .1 Al-
linsotr, Altringlottn otirret, Pletves,
Ailingon. Long oraoge carrel:, J
Allinson,. hite 13.elgian ; oaiTot
,Kelley.- ,Swele turnip) j
Shell;11 Cole'St stm. Grey 'atone tut.: ,
nip, J:Allinscn. White globe turnip
• •• • '
F-tritiga. J Allinson Short ;garden
carrot,..1 and 2 T •Faites Long snlond
beet,.J•st llin son, It Cole yen. Pais
oi los,' -es Kelley, C.17.A Conper, Whiter
cabbage, M KelleY;J• Allinson', . ISAAC
ling cabbage, .31 ArAnson. •
j Flaings,
. unions • grown trom •seed; B Pay„ T
•11:011-Oviiy., 'Potato onions IV
welt, NV Swailiehh, Corn, 'S Andrews,,
j, Allinson. Water -Melons,
son. ',Musk Inidoe, Allinsen. CU-
tf_ .1ted -tomatoes.' J
.Etving.s,• J J.
..tiquesh. Js;
son.% Caters', J J Ewinisa 7.
••:Issnces' Wologs--Collection
Nv. Murray. : Faney
trig; J .13, Lindatty;' •llisia Payne. 'Pats.
ting, ilkfrjaiglii,...N.Liss
Clikt work.' in Wool)" Mrs 'J.- 8hipley,,
3i ' ne. ' leee work,,Mrs • :Itto
delph; Mrs W Sturrey:-.1lilillbdrogirtool•ly,
ineettoti or iirealin,..alfsJ
'Mrs Dr sidotts:" Embreidery in silk,
Mrs lincl•elisli3Oir's•Itentlerapti..: Bead
work, Alva studelph,•Sirs Shott:
Faniy knitting:, Mrs Dr Scott, ..1.11 Hem.
ilion ' Braiding onSalle, Aliss'Sneyr.4
PaY e. '-rw e worit, .Col linsi
iss SItiltwen. Silver wire' llowe•ss
M Re 8s . I: a rtn r's • Vi IT t , A. as, -
lihis Fancy cliti•ir in wool, work, M.ra
W Altdray. Woolen" stocilsings, Atha
VituEgmetel. Woolleti soaks, T
/nail; Rudolph, Woellen glovess;
Mrs Stokes, • ;A ias Mulholland. Log
amen Aunt, Miss Mel:swells -NV Swat-
fie'ld. Rag Mat, MisSiMcEwen, A Bee,
net. . Knitting, cotton atockinses," 'Mrs
Mc...ddisel, • 'Crochet.
work, in cottons Mrs' Rudolph, Mrs
Patch- worklo silk :•or velv-et,
,alrs ,A .tialCenzia; „era Ross, • Pateli
work quilt other then log eab'n, Miss
110.litten1 .31ES Ilentierson: 0-01Th'S
Iinett•shit.t, head maths.. ...e.ra 114414-
ton,..tirs Henderson. Gent's oaten.
shirt, linen besom,"-Aliss• MeEwen,
Nash.: G.ent'a limey • flannel
shirt, 'Mrs Swattield,. Alisa Sneyd,
Philo hoed sewhig, Ales Di•Scetts Mrs
Swellield: Hair tvotds, . Miss Notts
Miss .•Simp,son. wool work,
fiat, .1ILI'S ROdolphi sirs E .1toltstes.
13. Hin :wool work, raised; Alias 0
Cooper, miss Payee. Braiding 'ion
silk, „tliss Sne.yd,s4)iss Paine, :Paine
worlt, .1 s,
ers, silver wire, MrS Boas.' Farmer's
wreath, •A Taylor; 'Pitney chair in
Wool tvork, -Mrs ,W "Mulvey. • Pair.
woollen stockings,. Aliss .1-/c.PAren,
tltriS-17,milgtnoril. Pair' woolleit
socks, T Hamilton, Ohs'
„Pair woollen gloves, .1/rs Stokes, .1/iss
Mulholland, .Log Cabin spilt, Miss
*Ewen, W: s.wafileltl. • Vag mat;
„licEwen, A. A. Bennett. • , •
Fetto AitTs....Pencil drawing', Miss
•E Ste»bilrY, Miss .1 Robinaoli, Miss
Caldwell rec. Landsotwe water color
paintiog, .1' .1' Bergins, miss Caldwell.
Psti ti iris in oll;s111 d well, Collo*.
Lion. Of•PhOlOgrtipliss, l'Oster Bayle3r.
Penmanship by boy useler•15, bust.
bass hand). J Cooper, .LI Stanbury.
Pei -minim* giertm.
ties 14,, Miss .1•Shipleys Exhibit S.O..
9,.J J• Biggins, original water color
"grapes" highly recommended, '
*PPott'ses,s-,Ten Witeks stodk,
ItObinsOn, Verbenai; Miss J
son. Bequest of ,Nattiral flowers, Mrs
1:1 Caldwell. 'Geraniums in flower
Mr. t1, 'Murray,/
ealo, varnish, ole., nobetter
means than. this •cold be taken to
allow of a thozeugh inspection of
material and workmanship. And
they came -out of the ordeal success-
fully. It may be stated that they
Were btOek •organo, the •ianne, as turn-
ed out every week here, and reflect
creditably oa the firm engaged in:
their manufeeture. They were aw-
arded a.goki medal.
We would have likel to dilate
upon the skill, Penelopalike pea-
enee and industry displayed :in the
work of thefaeile finger's' of. the
ladies, but space forbids. Sluifl'o It
to trey that the exhibit was large -
the largest ever made in this line in
Clinton. In fact the -contributions
were so eumerotor that they could
'WO, displayed to advantage. Much
inerdorioes Work, with the exception
of a corner here and there blushing
unseen under -overlaying "'hives;
There was a splendid show of \rep-
tahres end cereals. • Mr. -Jos.
son being by 'all Ode the largest
eontribittor, He was awarded two
fir.tprizes, for .collection of vege-
,tablee, the $5 spot:lel prize given by
1-1.-Siri41-iaatt ilits7-Settietyprize of
$2). Itt all,Mr. Allinson tookstwen-
ty 'prizes.. His colleetioa eomprised
200 varietlea all of his own growth.
Le the outdoor department .the
exhibit of horses, poultry, etc., was
on.. the second day. It was very
good, but the ram ..coning on. pre.
vented it • boil) g ad v an tageonsty se en.
In wheelV vehielea there wee a" lib -
real display, and the tieislted appear.
twee O1_t11e-artie1e3-wil-1. warraot us
ns saying that better work than that
shewu at Clinton; •eould hardly • be
found. at :any obutay slow in alp
.roun •1141S1
00011 DEPARTMENT. ' •
GRAIN AN.9 PROM -Fall wheat, IV
ROM, G A Cooper. Spring wheat, It
,Oole a son, 'Nott. . Whiteout, W
Swaffieht, •W Rebill. Six -rowed bar-
ley,' -NV Belt:ill, .Uarailton. Collec-
tion tee' varieties apples, U'.0rossr-
Man, G •,A Cooper. 'Variety tall
arIples, J Piewes, W Uerbisqn. Col-•
leetioe apules • lierbison,„ G A
Cooper. (}olden. ruasets, R Cole CSL
8011. • --Collect.toa Open air 'grapes:. W
Q Searle Concord grapes
.1togers No, W Searle:40r th ere
spy, A. Trick.' Marnmoth
J Marquis. Snow appieq, •W Mur-
ray. . Rhode :Island greehinga, • ti„
-Middleton.Spitzenburgai Miss .Mul
Buldwins, W.. Wise. Vail
pipplus, W Cornish. Plums, T Hots
inway, Peaches B PaY: Vinter
pears, 3 Plewes, • .Fall pears,. )3 Pay,
E lionises, • .Quince; .13 'Pay.. Colleo
/limos' Descent'. -411`00:1 mare
having ritised.roal in 1883, (1 flatten -
bury, .1 battenbury. Spring foal,
colt or fillyHorton .5t Iniias 3 Rat.
tenbnry: Three year old gelding or
1111y, It MoMmaliesit C•artor. Two year
old gelding artily, Forsyth & Juniors
15 MeMordie. One year old gelding
or filly, j Avery, .1 Avery, Heavy
draught team, ist prize donation by
.A t Rosa, Esq., M I' 41 memmax,.
gomidhopt Mos Tipling, tor the
best imported horse or Mare, any age
or •class, !lotto)) ,Pe tones, I Biggins,
.Esrir.• fOr tile beat entire draught
yearling colt,Caria Tien 14e(1,1 Mason,
W ftranger, best ilITy ever two years
Canadian bradTabb. 41nai4011t
hes Hoar aired by VelarolCh‘1,:?I'ilarn
'Canadian bred,
iggip ton11, . ise
▪ •
Tipling, for the best agricultural
team, resitietite•of Stanley, emiericb, •
Tuckersmitli and Rullett orily allott-
ed. to competes wheelbarrow, J life -
d Thorpe. T Jaokson,
ler,, a special prize of a yolk of pants
for the bast spring foaI, any
class, Horton a Dines. Messrs!
Corbett eb Boles, pair of blankets for
the best mare and foal, any class,
Horton * Innia, J Marquis. J Young s
prize for two. year ola filly, agile -tit,
tural. claSs, Canadian bred, C Dole, ,jit,z
lioAD on Canaissie-Broodmaro.
liaving misted foal in 18$3, J Avery,
W Cooper. ;„ering colt or filly, J
INfodland, W a•Scott. Twoyear old
gelding or filly,..41 Avery, T Tipling„
One yeur old gelding- or filly,
it McGregor. Yearling stallion, Me
;Gregor .4 .tlfaetosb, W Young. Span
road: or "carriiwe :horses or mares, do-
nation hy Al eCameron, Bissett„
limiter. Buggy horse Jar mare -2nd
prize _donation of whip by W New
ton, A Bogie. T Bissett. Bes t saddle
horse or mare, T Shipley, Elm!: 416 Mc-
Grego,r. 8prinr,csoal, j stfarqcti.s,
Wiggington. Yearling gelding or
filly„J" Dale. 0 Irving. TWO_ yr -old
:gelding, J Afeldbald„'
John Elliott's_ special prize, $13, for
best agricultural teain, J Thrrpedas
Stevens. 0 -
Tinnio'-Baun..-Milelrcow having
raised • calf bine° lost show, donation
by J McMillan Snell? eV Sou,.
Durham, female, any age, donatiOn
by T Carbert„ 11 Snob & Son. Two
year old 'leiter, A tones, Middle-
ton. .0ne year -old. heifer, A Elcoat,
07 Middleton.. Bull calf, A Bloat,
G Middleton,. Heifer. calf, II 'Snell
if( Bon, W Biggins, Herd of .three:.
females and one male, gpecial by 31
C Cameron, II,Sne114 Son; • ,
Ra•rtvO 031 0.asrhi.-Milch.cow bay-
ing .raised calf 1883, - glortations.hy,
11 Can telon ofa wheelbarrow, Il Snell
Is Son, 0 Disney. Special by John.
Shipley ter two. year old heifer, grade,
0 Shipley, j Braithwaite. Ono year
old•liesfer,1-1 Sziellrti- Shipley:. Heifer
calf, J.Marquis, C Disney. s year. '01.il
steer„G Shipley J Dole. g year old;
steer, G Shipley, G Ovossinan. Site°
leyfotprityer: fat' .cow
, Yoke of Oxen, bigisly recommend?
ecl, W Weywoutd, • .
• '. .
LEI0V,VrEltS AM) rritst ortApEs--Aget.1
'tarn, .neere, .1 -1Y -Ste -Wart,- Shearling
-ram, 11 .Snell & Hon,. .1' 0 Stewart.
lat :prize:by. IA
.: -
0.41t dole, W Clarke. Pair aged.
ewea having raised litiobs in 1883; II
Snell* Son, j.O.Stewart. .Pair shearb
iegsswes, It Cole,4. CY Stewart. Bair
ewe •14,robs, R- Cole, •11 Snell e Son..
Oxford •Shropshire, or Southdown ,s
one ram mot 'tour eives,..itny,aioi,z
Snell W.Sests„ J 0 Stewart. ' •••
. Coteworns ANI l'11 -11111i oinss AZeCY
Tam; 3 Ounneinss-J Marquia.• Shearl.
ing ram, J SioActimbe;s11 Snell it:
Sons, '.11.am lamb, special 1s5 prize
by. R Celle • IT 13ne11.4 Sett., J. Coating..
Pair .agedsewes- haying stailsed lambs
in 1883', ir Snell 4; •
Tair,shearling ewes; I aryl 241
ing., Pair ewe lambs, II_Seell & Son,'
cuming, . ••
LARGO MIMI) 7?.108.
'Aged bear, 3 Stanhtiry. SowlattV:,
ilig litterectie 1883,4 Statibury.-• •
8-31800 1108. • .
.SUFFo- LE;-•-Aged•.bottr; Geo Tlewes:
Sow•tetvi ng,. I i tteredin'.1883,.. I aed g,
Geo. -Pleires.. sOW pig.; under-six-
inontlissWiti Oisopily.7S . •
Berntsitiee.--Agetl'7..boat••,.. Oen A
Cooper, :2 S Grey. 8ow havinglitter-
ed in -18.83, 8 Grey, 2.'j Avery. Bon'
pig:under One Year old, 8 they, 2 J
Collins...Sew Rig underoheyear o141;'
J Every, '1' Stanbury.. Sow pig.under.
shc.months• ray, GA Cooper:, .
Pon ererniair W Grieve,'
'9 T Beaty. '-'1.ight:Iittifilnas, Beaty,
2,1 Httrtioh. ',Dark 13 rsililll as, T 13 ett ty,.
0 Cooper. C•lrey • Bork.ingS, 1 and g
w Grieve. Black 'Ws:lands
Seat,. '1' Beaty. ()olden Polande A
Wilson...SPaugled I.E1.11.11)Urg,
Wilson, T Holloway. Iloudansl, W.
rieye•s... Partridgeeoebinsi \Aimee,.
T• Holloway.' Plymolith rocks I and.
W 0 rieyes.' Butt Cochins T Peaty,
W C.4rieve.. ' Game fowls -I ,and 2' W
Grieves. ,' Banta,his T.Beaty,.1V (}t'ie'
vet.,-Decka W. Griesv.es,
. orisetivy. ducks, T Beaty. Geese, 1V •
Grieves, '1' •Beaty. Ttirkeys 1. and 2
'1'. Fear. Colleetion of singins,,s..birds,.
Mrs .* Marray,s•MeLensers •
bion or 1)igeo6s,1' Beaty, T TEphing
collection of IOW's te cenwrise tiot
leas thee . three, distinct breeds
reale:. and female' of-MI.0h. kie,t4'T:
Beaty, W Grieve. • •
TWO 'horse htiggy, open lf Canto-
' •• •Speeisti for Op open, 11
luiuball • 11. Camelot). one •horse'
bugay,open;J• Brenstion, 31 Canteloe.
One leit•se"outter, J',I3 'Weir.: Pan
ping nib!, „Iles, prairie &.co41.-ang I ow,
J B i+ Pair iron ,haricrivas'r Tip -
lin o• Field "..Y ArtinOon.
Democrat *aeon 31runscloti F Ruin.
ball, , Turnip seed drill,. 41 Youitg.
Turnip :Mittel.; •T Yonne.' Set horse
shoes, .1 and 2 '11 Tipiing.. 1Vogrileeti
prier -NJ Ross:. .1,Voodonarcle"patent
,skeln• lumber wagon,. Wilson .ar• Mc
.13rutisden. WOO -den plow,
T Tipling....Wrought iron beam plow,
with . any. wiclth J
13. 'Weir...Horse hoe or pseollier, 3"'
Ytninig, J B Weir. . . • • . •
ss-,• •••••••" sesss-stro (remit '
• Ten yards home .made'cletli,•1111as
Nash, ''en yards home inadeilanney,.
'31iss Nash, 2 Miss Muihrfflanth -Tait'
home .matle blankets Miss 3LoRwen,'
tl-triso-Nott, Ten yards fattory made
cloth ;Corbett ok Bolos Ten yards
taetory made flannel, Corbett &Boles.
pair,faetory made b1ankets„Corbett"4
Boles, 1.Vm 1Iet•biaon. .I'stir gentle-
man's .seived hoots, .GiCruiltshank.
Pair gentlemen's pegged: boots. 0
Cruikshank. I'll -Hog set, ,not less
Waif *seven pieces, A .A Bennett.
Specimen marble worlsi•W II Cooper."
Three, bottles grape wine, ThosFear;
. must" 1'1100I1014.' •
Special by klieei Diehl &'Sons,
groat, two' turo bnreau,.for
DO lb, lirkhc home.made hotter, GeO'
Weston. Special by.lohn Oraib, Silk
•atribeetistylor•tuli heMeentadobutter;•
not less than 50:lbas J Townsend, .1
),farquis: '15, 1bs Mama butter,. (I
TrovesenitsD Tiolass. Five lbs, buts
rolls•or prints, ,D Tiplady, 41
Townsepil. One oheese riot less than
fifty' lbs:sfactory made, .1 Murray)
It 'McCartney. Irome.notde theese
not leas, than 12 lbs., Mrs MeMieliael,
Geo Nott. Loaf home-made hi.ead,"
Jas Snell; Mrs Wise. .Loaf baker's
bread, W. Yming. Special' by. • Jos
Lumbers,tsq„ Throntol silver cruet
'Stand, for hest luilfdozen tea bobs,
made from James' baking powder,
Mrs 11Snell,
GocleVieh township,
,on the 20th itlst., Efile•A., daughter
of Robert Walker, aged 10 years,
8 otiontbsetel 14 days.
314 Ilk ET It 111 4)1118,
czykrox, , •
toorrsctod (Ivory atucsdas attortioon..).
'Plow: • • •• •t „SIt On to 001
wueat, red, rr ,Loo to. Y 10
wassa, me, .. roe ta 1 Oa
Wheat sarliw, old . 1 O to 1 18,,
Burity • • . 0 40 to 0 A:
oats-, . •. • • 6 no to 0 00
eola • o 60 t0 o•03
APPl'eot(tiAtor) porbbit .• '00 502 110
P01.14004 *. • 0 01 to o 60,
tisittir • .4 (314 to 0 51
Emg, • . • 0(4), o
VIA', • • • t. 00 5 5 Oo
Itiact, • • . • • . es to 7 00
' . toi tt ti oo•
Shoop:acing ti 1:6 to 1 40
'Naos, pot poutolt - • 001) to no
Goma . - . . 0'00 to o
'nooks, pit' 'pair • • • 0 Oo to 0 00
Chl„rItont• pot pair • .. -on to '11)
ParKt 0 00 50 00
V/001 . r, 0 II tl) 0 Is
Cordwood, s0 so to a 00
. *,* ioatye
- • . • • -
We are giving up our READY-
AILADE Clothing Department;
and will sell the Cheapest
Stilt of Clothes in the
County; get our prices
Suits for :15oys from 3 years up.
We can fill any. order for a
suitJ.91. Large Assortment of
TWEEDS, at the very -Lowest
.411 Cloth bogghtfrom-us4fr Free.
Dry Qo'oL Emoriuiu, alinton
We 110W commence to adVertise enr• Grea
' Stoe,k•a 1' UR" for the : • ai)o r oachb ,SeaSOn,
-which.fdi variety •and extent • sigliasses ally?
1.10-IV:II° in Clinton. 13.ek4idos showing,
the •Largest Stack we' caim3 •to shOW. the!
Cheapest Goods,' Our .s.to± is entirely
nothing having been: carried 76,7ver • froin „last.
• .year.... Tci all • 'eentemplating :purchasers we
• • ask, an inSpeetion;. • • •• • •
, .
•i•S; eaL.Pns,sian Lainl.), A Stracla4, BeaVer • ,find.
-• ...Otter Caps; 1 vi .0a untlets kind (20/4S.:',, •
WOOLE:,1115 !
See ilio 31.113 o Coal
In thip- 'Department tv,41.11
found one of the, most complete
stocksip. the clQuirty, J. C. Cole
Our Prices ARE 8101/7 1
Every Department in ftillSivip.g,
atawraceinwegrier • .
Estate of the It
Up by it Marci
,Everythingto be-sol,d' by that .Date.
Corn irnenoe,H.This Morning
To :give; in- addiiimi to ,the-gedgetiOn al;elkdy... • .
- • • black, A. • •
Seal, ROSian.' Lamb and Astrachan
6eal, ZussiOi Lamband- 4straehan.. Caps.: •
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets.
Call and see Our. Alrand Display on ati#day.
On Every Class of Goods in'*•thei e;rcept (,;"2.4/4,
••• • Page, 61-.1 Which there will be no disc:6nm.
I -latter and Furrier.
•A N D
lak712'3E-7,-.1[40,P1 7-3c:0W.
!twill pay yea to. sui11.7 Evorything:ionronfood of host workmanship and a
perfect .fit, ThOlargest staelt of Underwear in Baron -sea for yourself.
• •
GODEMMM01-71.4 01\TT_
• am ow am a t • emt a e ts •:3 r ,Merri.e.i.M.vasm• i i • all go um i .111
North Street, near the pomp, oanaiox furnish :or make up
Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles •
At vliowest Prices
t3 1r5 1/011LE is tiOexperienced Cutter kba ogrielical Tailors /111$11t0.•.*
11) Hop work. Ordett; promptly attended id-,--14cte the address-PIIILO NOBLE,
tette ROW Goderich.
1:4W4ty.S gals. AA, NT?, A
tr.., Large Variety Fallog Oakes,
no tationsendatIon. -try our asrOPS11; IND PANCV 1311311/ Salvor t'a
•all paha t), the Town.
Orname1tte,41# gecond ttNOtiN
Choice Selection °fall kinds:of Oonfeationely,
mod thootreqtoof a PittittCLASS nro now. ifla potitiotil to: Os 'tgoOd
0)i'tStsttOrI 1) 1l1 bttY,rhtl 03 Ilto 1t1041648 3) 1011 (0(1' IM I 81111 -
• T1/..14t •VA.t,e..of thev •-•qt.irtel C.1.11111I'q .111. rt mpilv
$35,000 worth of ( by -the 1st day 6
' next; ' •
Men, W'opien. and Children, to C.9140 and
Inspect .0tir ;$topk,
• " ullie. Jt '14.9 ;1# decordanee wit/.
the ternis cif the Will of Ike late. prppiiiptor.
The 'Business MUST DE at,osE.b vp by 1.74 .
date, mid2.ps.mfylis,L,k-‘or goods alipiees no.g.v.tehleit '
frthit 15 to 20 per cod. BELOIT.' aq 011mr gouse
the. [Trade; besides" w.ltich, n.) jive 'a divedunt of .16 pr • •
cent., iohlolk 4neans 20 pep mitt. Per annum for yok
flentenzber, we hare already' oo2n3)tenced the Sal
and the -sooner volt visit our- /limn .Pry Goo(
Palace Ihe..o)'eater-ehotee you will haty%
Esto,ta of tit Lato
Bry Eoodi Pahoo of filinton andiiironMonnt:
ilr, Nev Siltr-1
And we ttro tow thorottgly equipped with the
VOKORNINOS and. /1008.80-17
frbAt pu'i. pmeured,,ind gmat varioty,