HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-10-17, Page 2memo""
IrRAVELLEIR'S GUIDE as they have for beiieviu-sir. 4,olini ground, for thecouxitry isvery big1l. I DAYFIELD'S GALA DAY AV,pstbn,G. AlcDonalil
intiocelit. where As, new Ivellatid Canal !a of appI es, live of e4z,
STANM FALL Vttri(AY, J- StP1111PTISOD, Jas- Wells -
A ad Tr;iIxnkJtaJ1w1xy,- This Proteting ,%lid abandouing built,tall massive occall, steamero,
four varieties, five of each, J.
lollection of
business isbecowings public Scan fUll-rigged" etc., Sol) I lodules M con T119 BABY S1101ir. I-luuter, Jos. Wili. C
dal of forwidablo proportions and tillilous as A. 04ravAn across tbo de- pears, live of each variety,,l and, 4 6:1 ve e
I-, sort, Oil Thursday and VrMay Ift4t tile .1. Hunter. Twel p aclies, Mrs.
be Stumped out. A puldic - I 'no. AuDonald, Six
1 fill Alow of. 00 Staulty Branch; Gr. Weston, (4
111an-110 matter what Ilia politics— Agricultural Rocietv was IwId, ill grapes, Woods, Jos.
bould riot Ile brandel.1 &.4 11411 The T;,91ps, pubUsbes ii 11, Iteld. lthough Wild. Club apple,;, J. 1krgusoll.
It 6:15 8:40 a.m. 1-:17 p.m. 3.50," , a criali I Castletown, Ili'- 0 villgo of Da
p. to Serve party end, Yet, uch is fl letter froii I tile weather Nva a6ewhat unfavor- Scribing his recent trip to the North able tIlatitty casieli. early potatoes, in ox or
etile lare crowd whi It attended
of personal bribery that over the Pacific allowed Uint, there were bundretla of T. V441upbell, Dr. Woods.
at, . Wild, J. Epson. MX poia
(itratit Westeriii D1041olitip, ullCourtv, Railway. It also Ilas all dilitorial peoplo who would rat1wr ska D Wishitl Inte potiltoes, ill box or bask.
clucking" than miss Phe gretest
Olt tile, Faille subject, allowill- tile " t,
Vrains leave Clintoit, stationa run there, abould be tyroutids Show of thd year. Tile outside t.:K-
benetits w1lich, must follow tile con- h. I I ulangolds, long roll, . Campbell, G.
for.them. It they qre iloade with lbits were good. Tile inside tile railway, and; declar- 11 A. Cooper. Six letruction of weunusnally Ili
GOIINQ NORTH. out this basis of suft)ort, lowglobo, IT. W. R. Woods,
0:30 4.111. 0.10 P.M. lators should be ing that nothing short of superbu- Seeds, grains and itots; the Smples Six beets for table use, W. 11. ilmat% i I lifluence is able to stop'the Do- were of good quality. - The various Wods, Dc. Woods. ISi beada of
UOING SOMI. Courts should lie& be mvle tile ve- million fi . orn a career of prosperity. articles Ili the ludies departniont cabbage, Lt. Cowie, -1 , mpbell.
8:20 a.ul, 3.56 pall. Moto for applying witil, as it were weroasusual.good. J. W. Weather-
Ct It remains for a pqrtisan Canadian Two caulitlowor, J. QowiO,
lega) sapiation, tile blackwsh of vir- aid exhibited at) or all, and fie and EL
W. Townsend. Twelve carrots -for
ulent Grit press, headed by the Globo,' to ()Vawfq -V
If the the charges oil exhibition a(- eral, table use, Dr. Woovist 0. A. Cl
0 1 -t1fat there,is Ilotbiri& good ;ael*41 ictiverna- ooper.
MIURCH 0 CT0R1. it oRr to rt.1f gmacTJne,;,hL,1riespo I
,St. cliulch.-SorAQ0 on StIvaday at I are beii(ved !n they shouli.1 be perse- -ii(,J with red tickets. Twelve prsixi.itig, Dr. Woods, J,
Ind 7 1), tit. 131ble,Cla4s, 10 &.Ill. Stladilv in, out- Worth -west, The railway' chinlis a(loi auipbell, Peck potato onions, large
S,. hool,2p.ni. verod in ; if ilot the Suspicion wi 1.11;V. WILLIAM CRA10, Rector t and land policy '%Vl)iL:IL is -Uphold 1)), The greatest of all attractions was
he forced upon tIfe public whi(I tha tile UABY allow ; wbell this show was 11artho, Westlake. Peck
impartial observers to be the chief potato oiAmis, A. John -
9 at Io.qo a. lit tilled tickt-ts for N ORAIB,..
anti 5.8411). lit, StORiath Scho:11 vt 2.30 p 1#: there has been perpetrated what in 4110OU bton, Swatlield. 1"u,.k -otUer oil- Itiv. J. ORm, Pubtur. of diat land of Mint- disposed of lika )lot cakes, the
,,r , I Nqn.1 parlance is called the coni- I tonL6gan, Twel-
01nadit, Presbirteritin.- Services at 11 livid stable under the calling out Ity Air. iii.s. Burns to
31) ve field turnips,10. Lo -an, J. Tough.
n. salihAth chool, 2.80 Ii. ill. Itim pounding of a fololly. Thu pool) I"InSake room for the little darlings" 0
PAStcor. )an of those Canfidi-311 WorsUppers III - a, W,
are not in ally 11111110V to be 11111de I "one more batty, yet," ote., welVe AP14 carrotH, J. Park
ill"10 it.. and at the Shrine, of Iniserable partyism. ex, 11. Woud. Six llzmds red !celery, 01-o. shofv-Boom, ope
Sabbath School, g,80 p.111, fi-J, Shuttlecocks, of by professiona poli Untfl, Arias were Obtained,
rastor Dr. NVoods. ix wint6r 1:14. Cintral.-ServItie Jib &.30 It. in. tiCia)16, At)(]. they will dovioe sat Vrefit far to make 4iis showo ouccess. IT NVild. Two citronS, J. Ttv-h lioul, 2.36 P, in. nrr. ttqr OPMUSS, Too nitich pralso cannot 6e awtirt'e I Two re lio e lit Wo niuskitiolous' J. Tou0i. '3 '
medial wea8ures isure tI I 1 .1 . . I . QN:7 76a&71,' OP0710d,
waterwolon, J Tough,,. W. Town.
is not Packet - —Sonie y4ars ago. ety for their untirifi'"Wa nd. Peck of beans, 3.. Ifudon, NEWSPAPER'LAWS piayed upon. by it fivigited desire foi- lie all OrilliatvvAtor holding forth dU- Ing to lillike tile uffair a '60111plote Peck of toulatoos, large.
Ive Call, the silIgeial attention. of Pwt- ustice on -the part of their so-called Stpwart'd6serves
rin-, A political caulpaign laid down Swafliolil, A. Johnston. Petk.of
Tlie-preiig repro-
maiter anti s0,9crIWrgi.,to tit t follow ng local leaders. The great mass do p t9luatou al '41 all,"— swaill0d.
-tcb, something that eii-tatiyes were front the Saa,
aas an acce ted ft not desire to. see their public men
il'ostirlistster is requited to give . a Dortion-of his audience took lant", positor and Txxjp persecuted. From what. I wo-7-act wam nq tiue 07 (rettil-Iling a- Pat I tall, I loes to doU0, aid "a voice Tqn yarda white flalluel, home -
D, vlo w w ohxls ou,
ilot filiswer,the IalV) ii -lien a subscriber don ally knOw Of Sir John's caso' lie has Ile (rlobap, t, tile yarious hotels, Made, hirs, tokos, A J JO H N CRA13
11 Olt, von read that in., ti
not thlru his paper out -of tile office, and been perieepted ; if wfitit rumor be ound the n3el0a Of. the yards colcred flailliel, ' bouilar-
state the reason for. it ii Pausiog for a moment, tile
ot being tatkon. be r) I I A, -Joh'tiston, Mrs. Nv. Alto.
A ny vagglect to do so makes the postillaviter at" is of L 0. Cameron's case Doulostlimies cast a look of witliering
rv-itionsible to'tho publishers ror payin Unchy, Tell yard full cloth, home -
true, lie also has bprell-a Vwtinl, korn alld stoitish olen t on tile till A G'V. [CULT EMAL HORSES.
rtiade,4, 10 yards ant
9—If any person orders* paper dis- livid in it voice of One yvaV ola colt, Ja. Johnston, hall' --niade
coiltintled, he zu'list 'lilt), all it A. Johlixton. Pair wool.
iiii-orages, or thu-iider demanded, 11 Would Yo'tx
tile plibliuller Inily. continue to gelid Two yeur old geldbig, , Armstrojig,
i. ........
to llave tile Audacity to
UTIftil linyrrient 41141 collec!t tile, an.. Well.4, Two Yom- oil] ully, J,
wholo alitivitint, I wjwther it -acity 01 the UlZib 1" 4 Al. CampbFIL Tell ylirds
be taken front Richardson, Jas i11OUIP-111fti.10 carpet, MY% A. G
doot the yet raing-
the office or not. There call T to-Whoped this, wtlr thy gen,tleniatl
lie Newmarket year old golding Cleo.' MuDollaid. Bet matib gents'
uade. 116 wayin whioli.the 'Al- iixto buying one a
condewlISr-E Vill nor be i I of working lioreea, J. &QVeU8 I Suit or clothes, !— kny -son wliLi titkes A Till -Per roil) of the Oloba's pewtor or I
tit ten knots or
a Post-of]1(4e, whotbor dirtill0d to M4 gQalvl palling plces were Z3 M will 8116rtly,46 compelled to 41do.01;
naneoranotheri.or whother helillssub: (lure here are Over, Mrs. IV. AICIAlichy, A. John-
it,is a pity fliat t the Voracity o!. Dvood mare vMth foal, foat ])at. stoti, 8 -aiii stocking yarn, a
Sorilmd.or fitit, is respollible. for tll-o 1)413 Mr', S.
noti uxore.RL
4r -:J I'll orders big paper to he with IN', I 'K tOIJVS, Will, J Oysl. Pair W001101i
aa certin ti6p., and tlib poiliA.' okCx- Castle,
ol u . 1. . Thunder Bay 416 vto Foal, llay pr,' R.
Cox Ile tit sefid, it the is'
A's Pair ctition-stotikings, ra. S. Sto.
bound to Pay for it if ho iljtes it ott of tlle -Tile pril e of clienlicalq 4as ri8en, vices front ill e Snowdon. Two year old ulding, J.
ar. ILILM010y, J! TWo'year J. Wild, Piiir.woollerx fiocks,
p tat This proceeds fipcii tlie, roand It is Said OlAt iports.' - the piroceed-
'a re of I flat a Illall iullst. pity for what Ila useq. A. Ywitor, I and 2 -Mrs, S. S bkps. Pai wool-
rolleter of. trado wheji they rise ings thlire on the iiiirt of the 2%fowat
One yvar old auldilig, J, )fill A mid a(41. West
'o'ou' I , In 0. , olth t1ook is good, but wheit, t e. (Jvot ol.e hutidretIll
. 611oc aebdi)ts, I'and 2 ADVEP ING tr,,,ts inatle It. V k.- . Otlo year ohl filly, J. Pair of Ill, for Til 1.5 PA PE I it pressdd it is -bad. electot-s,wera doliarred from bastill" of
UTIS which is kept of)
file at.thuoillee of LOIti) & ii*.Votea, oil th.e. alost, Munsy pre- -wo I - I
tilt, rCIL4g iorses,-T. il., Walsh, John LIllock, is, If. I'll.ttulto. r or Cat pboll: Crui.lwb_iv6rk, .1 and MrsI he Algound (Ile, i, IIIq 0 0 talc
on into tile courts if isLs. 8tipondittry Ullitristra to) 11 ad any $its- Ellibroid ary ill
at, ouco..* Tile u
scatij*y of h1r.1,yon is -ii, cortinty, Two bill goldifig, . Bettoocira, AY
oter4s,- were'utit
piLfLan Lhor; oartait -. In 1) s q v0dl' Old [I I IV, :J. bu ,thc trial Nvill Scarcely take going fat, i41, -
0 in J A
Ir yi
W(!IL t it ley, L-01114 IIOL M i ,I, 'a Mae Earxis left town or; Tit u the House Ineets,'Wthat M electoz braiding ol for the* Pacific col list htto wl I
.... I. . ve It is understood,
thpy to Swear to le o k Knitting
ri ag S( 8 IT. T she will -1
his vote dtirin (11180. - g. the appronichill- sea r. -Ltdft,l, OrrAnov, )ejoi6e(j'hfwer1Ioqk'4 bond'
ri'mt-to cast go 101, 'at ly, B.- V. Ell lotti of E a 0 r a, ill
I is M) xeter, w in to a form r.*D, 1loa.'-
f r Gode'ievit,
A.Toi.bes, Bit to'Nv.n on Saturday. AA' ON "S
i I livarly every GO-DER1 H...
tile benefit of vote, evoli thoug.)
t. Meet her bl dtllMl
year old Ally J,. Parke. `tirkor" . Esq., j.
itPalley Qui AIr. Jno. Destooh.
'The at riiiinL increase of -cattle t it , 9 At. The F I Assizes,opons on Honday. who was recently
a 14)'P bell. .. . 1 1
i The bl'welhmid La, derrelerring to 8itniibtiry, t6' Ile judg- Jas. Cowie. - Lo cabill text. electe& Lown colleotor; not ba0lig ving 0 a ocial. in-eethig
Hilron fl, e'o o rd, - di England is g' [Vs. reyer, ony,-ingilani, is on. aciepted tile of c 7
export; caWe trade u i I.s. rfiokeS.
Consul Crawford's di a vaiii, ib, hbr parents. %vels'lleld 'on' (ANA tGA nuslial .1
X, I i6tIleV7i1V place or hint, - iePolicy- ftADF CATTLI-,; ul e"POIns and f4mily'are oil a 0 00 .41
terest in Bri tip i qei,, '.Tit th Of our - fay.ldy flikilliel AD t, 8%vtlf Arthur Cantelon vas unamitn'tisly.
field, 'It rii. A. Plain liand .0
tapaClintort, Wednaday, 06tobor 17 dudi'wek ill I Afiloh c6%,
' ']'hesclioor)e ,Ss%eippstalg.es're el.)etI 1 4 . Ansen,
raitimi calf fn I,":), -
arrivals: at LNerpoOl wor , Iarks . I J , . ., Mr. Thos..Weatliex lvildlal fftA'.1ily lost:
- - -I lx I 2 port oil 14aturday, light,
Well w i Lon to out- J-. Pook, 4'. severlitl al-ficles thaL were exhibited
r The' Gordon "Was ill 114irbor
210 Mucif at the 5119w. It is r a llity that tlie
Ginsal Twoyattrold livi er, Ji Wils6n,;J; -Ii.11 'WO01 M-Ork 'FaIR041 . ,oyer
fits nc6VU - I ill " . Willy W 6 wa11t.to't,,fflc.to you now joltit
of beef aad 963 carcai;ses of tautton. A'diti & 6' 01.1" .01,1 R. I -1, j)arty. or, .'parti S who are babit
-d. p6illts 0 ilc il..Otcr oa i, for.
flifly lfcPlxers ,oll Ivas'.111 guilty ofstlialing.articiles at all -
In the Lennox oldc lind.tho I C Al You f1i
tion, trial- the abolition. S ol ork) J10 Mrs. IS. ; (-a, town oll. $aturday and Sunday. nor e Stock ilitiii to-., L e
nual allow cdp
which caniti. off_]l%t Naphnee "last, It Ivill tako $20".600,000 to tho 4ebts. Of a po ley, Thrvo, oi ()Ill J;. T, and J" not be ilt'dild
c- t1m, \Norfficrn Pill'.10 d finish it. four yours ago OLl Thes chooncf HeaLlxeirBelleii; ail . tjg* ihade an example of.
ohn A. .11 of c Roa lil lill'l tlook for Call- two Y-.1,41,4" Old- 2 1188 M. lit her wintor befth.
wei,k still in which,8ir 4 AnUre%V J. fmlth, with Ey N T9 BEN
Wreis the-oh-ldlig ri vhlt. aditin prospority. was A . nythklu bat P-. Kelly, of Blytb, visited the three, Inihionse. i ,arts, teAtnecll into
don old hilowdon" .'' wafur one.'Veav
circular t AND MOST
oeM, after.1juxtrin 't pot 'll.Wd 0 _r I oil -Satti'kday to avdid tile
cou g some e6deiice* I a lifia Mourd, tivo' tariff has wroug it.. a r. F. ohnst-on returned from his stavin Up. the, (-)]I
acRito Fat tf-ow br I').'
wled-o bribery,by ivig rit anti oronto tri leWork Ole'tllg wi ll,
o )yeserday,. yeek comp eton o
"ll be oil, T.
Avi uni of, arxxia left
Vere!s tlie. OnC w a,!( SI.-INNel. I'bli' To 1, tit ' afts All tow left fr ths seat was in consequen6e - wilt - tLer a rs Hut requh Wilk i 1 0 s 1.6 0
fall The Moat-ffarf 1hit of, calf, M nud' J,*.Nicliolwin. I I ablier. llu".yv hist, The iell:-ineeting"In th'e"A
,ed vacitnt. livere soille half ed, to , - * , .. . I . __&_ . . Im., I - I L.
0 J, RattenbuIT, Of .0 . ci
-o their -lie 1) Cowie E N chill 11 oil 'AloilTay evenini, was
rLI06-1). It ring will sc oillillion and'sepure to its poo Clinton,
hundred n -,inped ug q s.t at,ten4ed k -lu' 111*ovowy we 111m, (11 J)bautiffil - line s in,
evide tly', ti I U i'_ Y, Iles stlent a1e.%v ditys hi*town ht' iLl sUccess I of Yo'lisllirc T10ed
friend's if it icot)(litioll 11.4 highly prosperoul, hord ofAIV6 grade L'at 8 :1 . I . .)
Wo -say W jr4 ields, I(N Mcd who was,very ill ]has Particular. Cev. atterils'. ill, de u') ill lot,
Av.Lth .1 :veaSte l. ltollil
chargee of per onal Ilri , bury. Itir of the surplus. Ali `oar own" but, ow, . an -d delii?ered .Ill- - . i - -0.
dol t.ull( lie V llow fully recovered.. lined with a;:Twood for
"trumped because t]IQ-:p roseo u: ler t yalue $14, during. tile ilLtOl-Vaill
tip. tl I gain(. of York toil totxxporary 01-- Id -a lion wall 1. tin go on a eA
.with tliem.-. Tit is town 1"t week looking,
was wi.4dom on theirilart fol tilimilitfacturim, . :: ., hale And. M:
in'terests of. COTSW04D 0 to Or k004 hearty. theip . hot 011- of je&tS to Od' hay rakit, with bdolcrisettlli th. the 1v or
oil. their a Itenry'.Ifartib, of Exet* Cailadian law Tit(- rPstilt otali- t4is'' er Was
tile couuti7v.. ot Ddkota,and adjacent Stat`est, but 'Thi 1i ic, id no 3,01111(y im Olould be
thi-ir improbabiliy I t" wle. set llors( shoe;4 lia:11111011, -k visiiin glior sisler was,'wise on in town test wee A10drican essal g9es Ib ;e q t a a, Eld,)r, 3. Ptuir. of'. J. -Co, i 1'. IV I the Oy, Njrifljot all ovorc&at this winter whenve off
er you one V
ndhattile part, of tile prosnut outoa)ian(h)xi td%nd-unskilled Itvibor,. ill I it -an* The Rev. Or learniii-nifly -destructive to. Rf till Xlich low. Prie,
ah ore in' lanalliaw -.111 8,93, , Pit; 6at"pirsit - 1 , .
4.. . Johil d
-of personal bribiiry be- diall tuaq a on, alld tit 'e'llow J I'L
P rq1pQrt. says"diat all g.) t 6 shears I
to:,. 10f for ti gllqr viait ea at- littat Tburs- propel ,ty there. t
employod neiti have beautiful line' ,6 t ern -in Cnada
front- twelit%y to 1 air d. Paii qWO *top, 0
n nc purl liuve. bofort;tlik lau'lbs, Catlin tl ii i vtvifigatio woul I off.- oUr n(
buggy silmde IT. Tffe Fitk Jubil'
stove 'Purveyors ftr -selling a Iee singers arip cording,to Mr.'Deth it der, which Canadian' i*6rth
Urio, 0111 stat s litullibor of coal aiov,e ' this- "a., in thd N
a S i r Jol' a..td w`fir -in vindibatiah'of 1- -w!,ocksrs-cannot woflf of Iaborini - Ine alA'Nv son.
Aood 11 two. shears mid ovel. I a'Clark '.,T, in in 6 . con"i-W! of. Mny L V'O'
.1,110 progia v
ICfAT,q- On 6nteritig the' ;,snf.last yoar's I ist, witt I it' I few Ilow
lid ItLd all along been Let tbenviopeat t peopli; lk v*e y r ]tat ]a
c,itsId by thepubfi c. 16 was cowari, y, able It) live better W. ti c 11), We .11 -ave i'lin -11 11101 t -i S'e6tell been it at litil Ave no ed_ a fox of s n
alld got Canada a 6od e..tnip ula v!, 016,grapes. -rou n Ives -endered 1,iy male voices. for 'edilot b&. -b.ea' o
wid (ItIlellise, afid 21 charmingly I liowever, to.form6late -6,ild 'like to 1 of 17
Ili 'vicans w Io,-iglate I I I bome - on a I y
g -were.. '101111 Ilyglop is ltogetliiep tile
a theconiforts Of they conoerb, was all im-
w force,l to Witi) beforp tile .6v il'i 18,93 Plypioiith Rock
(it ; Tu
-monvil' churltd- fat- Canada ordietvita.' Sick Sister, and is Staying '-proveraciiii:on ast mtrls a 6' o, foremost publia Inan iii. a. .(4rGet.. tw-9 liettrii and er, J. a keld,
e -PL visf. to his dilddr the parental roof. ,ter of th ]w ation. sbould be, olid, the ull tHritr )t int" OnSaturdlyevening the I
six 1.1 i I I ty iiv Litt, is owen, with the, so 1160nol., J?
tile 15 111inioll, aiii(F Ofin abafidon- p 'vo'uches for theso - . . 7 * We notice that.miss V
atriotic ptirtioil of:our prpis- would Pair ewo lanibA, John in town.00 a visif to her sister lv( 4 Irt rge 1. ofls', -of ir'ish . Ydry. lieaVy-
stg ill' toly, left rof t -I
theill wilen the opportiinity_i 'a -'thav go far towiteds )a pUrpos.0
61. 1. IV. daoconcede this ou bra-eOus.de aill. Bill n6bby collar for
rolievi - - .
Omit if posible the dechritUoft Of froo, Lra(loilla 'that t smiMil, A161'. ill atl, Ile,, -,the wrecked ontario, hot
filled, to.ulake the Mrs. Alurittojok -Vlaxxde'rli -tied p retai (I heavy t;a risirig
are wholly kilLe c Day-, home last '-weelc arter Six We6ks
todo nip- J )I NVU). Wfliddoli till 'of visit to-Itrantford a v thn'tug and her tow rotux-riod to 0
The vretrt.61; aelienly of "tile At CAIIII(Iii hnz4 T 0"N -DOL Ria
$2. The Judg LA
,mecutors.has not.boen attaiined. It' vheat crop Ili, t6o WALb" ti aprod
eUats of hol f,
'A aid boar; G.- A; Stock of' -Bet &,q Ito'lls; . aps,
u t-.) tell which W; s Xb I alid - Litst Olds losbfv bo'll Oil Morlday. lllorllillg tilly
is ast certain 114 . again f'or the any 'upprove Sal's tile. anit 0 valuable tile 'Animal being I*, Pi cach. baby an 'JVL off ,
Iltremendously Lo
demand6d Ily tit(' libilie- Illivill" critio, at W lobs.
iever,waq Zl - . 4 . .
and giX lildilt Is Or 11117 'a box 6(Phlo
,cdn, be -that thi: is'niore u- W.Fj jT ox -
ally valid groutiLl for the Personal ceptible, frofil.* too.. J fl d gk t I llioulit of busiticss .wo d by 'the i1iiinber vf
Ur fall lo 0
Little to 'conin will lid. hibited at -the Sho*,tichly -deserved 0 sover (11A
ticodtiip'n un than mau wIllo I !K o U Wild, d go'p.ifi. of V, )e.k we' 6arr - nd the l'oput,
chrge. The vilo col y of us bit alld'dils Si. 1 6 r, J prove(Ii plo the ,it( tion,
PI lit U tho our the iwhere is
r "'cc t 0 ; . . . . " f(31' tl giraudistalleW we can cdll' 'any (lit, tip to lti UJIllate-- I L I Al fliv tu ,ri ii GJ,,aIlIirLr. vlt eb5irlus DRV fat, got) -Of-Afm,
them nothing. (,tat' winto.r in H AV601 .111ils King: efar in, -,w to a
were llprilIg WI)ioff 11118 it all Ortgon. . 0
D visi. lart, an F idlty, for' Portland
y Slow six- nip'nths. or Under, Jai, Ja, itfor il(AV I .
J0;tCtOVV. IL ]all Ia
sI y 0 ben packing up to
foe tile pirposo. of ii;afl ycavl;.
iee dxactl bow llCt i S. o it -not, be well
throwing, Ili tho It 0ifly i0in" -r e T' ted
that. soulo of is Lit t-1 w I I l011111i Uon othor ll'i no qIip0arl&,,J lizillooddilig. for exhibitors wi gi I.0
Ma Ice sure they are no6 takng. to M found 016,40 to tile. si 0 Ton Worsted inal, liss
not 50 1Oth or people!S goods.
it would stick. is Mr
pohry 81,1W .14 lit) tll(, Its fat ltq (,Vvr.. E
urfa o; al
We notice thit tile' Partiqall a) Its cc 8pPLlvIl pt -in by ret6r a sllowof)oullivy waq Y(,ry jag, Jlqj the itarrow of list vide hgainst tliisby fil.11110 eU), have t1so pliivil'- I' bringing sonic parade I pro 0 H , .1 roac le( :fx4.lt i'llevitably
I calls Ifloll Is
furrows, and Ili some Of 0 of Tou and till,
staito i dill cslt at liliy. wiui 111 alf i dOz4qn blue
no one. will beiev be, tit rough wit Olt 110'r indush,
LIIkeys boing oil gui I ty In tile fla I oile tw .11ti balk KIPP 1):Icc %v;tIl bit(, 1101110 el is challical, 11b. OrG1611 'bf tho. litntaoll
))lit that lie' wa slty B I "I"UN S tield inal-kc t
t setIda or
iiatne of JUMMCO Why (lid ill Iv.(I , stifiAlle for o%-. Ile 1 - 960d, Ultily litbor.
W. Torotito, where, it is un I , ey n(.t hold, Io, .41 W
1.1y j)illow Shan), Mrs. A., es'to take a positionin one 61 1 t llg' lbiloVittiolis, Ill., .111 arin
.1ir chailge if till, WL good of rotection go be a
pt ess tfurroWA, 'alld yet with tills tionor to __1CiUg S
y fac lg6r,.L : . 0 ed to the Pick. .6 0
euy afilatibut ollidev t
rif his guilt, V ly WA.StO Ild as W ild Nay, 11 ing tim but fol I
th !Y., d Wts wild uck that cobld hot fly was V tho show, thnIlgii n6b quite as
L WaRace, lWOT ND H E
tt:st, too Inuall. they bpiib u:.,; ttile 1t.. . -
I in'tbe hat-bor all Ono tiny, anti sntforiner oltilds ufliulaildy Mrs, IV. a C. considering tll l 0--
peatli' and froSt, noggooil Oni ,
1) 1 eatathubement to old and young In to intill,'o
.11101 (ql orr_2&,,1AXA lit flur Mnc:ig rtA J1 is liow arrivhl '
JAVC. Nvill give it RUDUCTION ol.,
[Lore. ov oVOr Tho ill' groat . . . I ork, Miss -to, with lumber au,! (inality, Tho puar'll
Knowl rig tile Jvpigell I Nv Tile schooner Ontai
lfi:T! (illiet o0rullitillity of- Illatil, oil fitc-tory -ay, at OENT 0' "O's
.ell o -affield, I worn gonerally','Of colt izo, null 01 2, P E aFOR ON 1101 TIT,
11.4ri, and VVIV to tilis 11rairlilig, oil qilk, iss or& Mum
W -t; thrown into 9
nwf knoi%by fliat, Tlio Aninrica.im. W AICIAlIthyl Saturtlay And comm.enced -Unloading Lila 'best Idin'14. 1"Itint.4 milt AND LIMIT IIARXR 48, V011
. I 11! T% o 1)(Itiloi 1. 1 .' .1 (111 ote., at groat
will be donled, I Of i ll(!Il' tho iame day. ,.ask'.you to, dt(r of llynivil Am& BroUt, sliowil CARRIw porlor of wator Aow-4 111190, wits au.1 groundit to willrant tho r DI'll P_ lild o witlo, Afa y Allce Ferguson accompnied llmrfli of of. 11 1 tillIli lirt, ig naturid— dim"llter ald ., I Low -f ill jai-, Ferguson ort'llef, Vot )on, bot)) afliot-house and LIMAN
Ilptil. 1 .1 Plaited stiaw for hats, Andrew urn t6 gral of this 1 1% 'i T
ylhe its brill4il"j. Fomtvr, 01. W(Ill. saixinaw last 1118i ton1atinin 1. _.
to Ilof t1lo 11 M it NY
)r, ) 1, R. Alice will spend tile winter ill the tibY t1ilit54 Itild Ill f et Al Y VICT.ORIA " N.
to (-till I'll(, itillitl*nJUI of J Killa. - oad, above natnedaity, oonvi 119 to (.It. " , 'I W A titly, Cha& ogan, idorvA tho best, of tho fr6it ex.
J 'iftfid mq eon J, hIlr 111 till' lilt\' inlill!1litin oily con (I (I oti'll. at a
thint1il, Illittle ol. qt1tholizitil IOur P. ATTRAIJOTIM nIlloll,
_.riand Stool wit1q, AM III, 11c. 4 111i'J'allil all toadbars,
tit(, Rov. ('[town* of - - -) -- 1p it
-waA almost, committo(.1 at the Railwy witroworthy of fVoth tholl. honoyinoon ti a of 'Illet in tbolligh
lov(ly ou I-thpie-owli n IIt at). at that hol.1se
(I, 01). Saturday evenin 'on. Ili grain L RdVori l bags of r0atintlY occu- oil Priday itud Saturday A d
isti; voll nll; pied by the ion tic inah's.paVen tg, transacti.-d tow,!Ll
Nyvr on.0 .11.0111
W. Allelli wo pollm that y 'Friday r
Ilis Lot not t'llink thorp liolib C WX I any tilIL rwbly and woro Ill licit 40111i Tod. 111donlo I-milillig part of which scenio to be
it that thpy vallnut the Yith tile Mlit(d boaviry litdol tnbl:1, IIMVfil ,' Two Nviiavr n, 1 sr irr. vm soii tile hoisottri(I
er tat At ii.; Woods') iss Skan no oil,, Whi6 to find autiffier tiills buttor No. l" I lig ill- (Itiftil. 110 voting as to wh ich books sboul(I
helf; nri, 11c ix llnit to ilebola 17111I)i the projieetv or
ALffolls,agitillst, I innui. . ., Ing hollAo, White ptit, in till appear. ti4y all(I tit fij tit(, bost wo have lools. Oil
8tatas ili ord IVV
'.4o 1110 Ill't HpIv tile I tall
alld wall into our a(,
lliltiy get frofli 1110 gaillos I 1101; all ,atur(lay m6riling whou over 800n tit a 41101V ill Old count y. ice, Nile, on Vri'day Fridy evoling 11engoligh led-
Ity N7118 1)y I It
1 1h,01111111ii agilin hini to leage; tbo, butter, lionvy, wiliest
Northweqt- it) tho Tit Dawson, (Ico, i Qoop tured in vk"torlrL Itall to'n largo till.
Ali-, 1,01"IsIllp illinks tnot, a lqatiffle ensued . ill bromi, I dionce. I
)lalco The loeturo,wagundbr the
Nj'ew YofLk which Whha got Ills boad bruilied. The button holing of C116 teile torsi oiatlon, vio" tlint I all I %V1, into w *A Ili v, Will$ wi, 3' lli flllv ItLost N"Illioll uo
to, nd1, Kwilvd(li 'L calf, TZ, snow(lon, by thtj
Illerr riOAT114 Inlyt? filly of Ow IV wa:i J, (11.4playodi Tho, hariww; a ion an(I
agents of din hotborized t6xt bonkal replete with valliablo inform t
llip- now Wellhild (. all. for lie b to the Shop W1161,0116 hal soluly by Mr. 8brant Pl, was oil it, grand Salunnwerit , rapiil
ehen'. land C tit(, o b gooilly of' i?wo ltly othm'. himself -with it wlI .
and, allowilig for axag-, r. Ross is IV W01-to'di.) at ha 14- f4tvt of w -nift, and later on re- y- !" I ater whe MIA Spring . llutlonv 'fly, it it o'great, attrivietioll for gorationt, fairly life -lil4e. Tbopicturo'
W I 4VIII(Ir of to ullich Jai, Forest, Von. dRov-1, .
tile 010 cuRat then tile high water, but in M11111111011 4,111011th I tilpodd to 'the beitel. Ito wrtA again tile fair It. large (liversi'ty of arbi. R tit(', 1111j6e, thoroughly alftlo.(It, was
stiti-teft oil Mon. to, leave but'r'Okislod. AtV,
ta Wltors, an(I be language Ila(, it is SAM to lito thif 14 It follow%l, vXprvi4ioll of Mildly b Ii ejtioL bint. Mitin 0 f b6lig MwGily and r. NAftel, lort fox, Ilon. as
,a lint "Olivey tattley, 11rollblan cried to
4 tilgil IPlelingg an.4 tll good wl-bil's of, it2iN AL (tall pbe H, wo litt'llit,14 two IVIlito 11. in tho There a ft w eliftrin. do'n to attend thiisyntlawhiall Moota brotight (town Mid 1louse. 11% AL C.
ing usually to ft,* While i . ft 11 It fiel I IlItly Clintoll , John in, paintings Anil drwingk, thin to elect fkisholy, vice Bishop tile ImVor part, of tho, back, ftn(lse- iOil thia.protesiing busdiless; we MAY and excitos surpi ine that flav A notlong of of vcrel Ili tile thigh Till) wontided th, - - otio hand- and, it Statue of Vouns ii%
aliy that thst eillst, Of Nf. eiilnpr6n cll should litive pormi t t r p and was carried it wt,11111 I)ring 110 (liscretlib MR.
man hot tho thoroughly life.
sellool IIA4 a varlift; Win. to bail profusoly. 11rudical Stonallpr ontivrio called all
It it I .. 1 to Juau ioll,ftlftjld Mrbic A.
is Set down for, hearing at, Oodvricli U 04-ofw1litt.-Ottv, Ali -111111t011, 1(,, tat like and was IC140 & groat sliceds
of Lit atol VilIdAy on her upwatul trip, f1to wI - atil was linme y procursid, anti
Cullillore, , (loserving of notico, its Ronlo of tit(, urdy flows, town tIliLb She Alliq tveeL., 1111pre, are rulklo1% tilat will, Ile %Ok 6-irm, IT, Dow Constable yule was stion on tile Spot nvtist onliv lattereaftoon, We'watilld
wo 1)11-4111 hi Of b1n tho woold-bo - Helps thhon horo 86uthampton. Oat a gliglitly Iiiellor olovatifio of
lawl,roll rthiS, O;tlllll tilrough Ovinadit are 111 11
the.,chargot dgllilmb Arr. Tt Non, W. stotll (fill 1;,' bel linlotliv WflroL to Our hilli(I of
I- villngo tin Vian., "I'll oill psolly Ilayflold-fil. 11.11088, N'ttle lind to bregk Into LlIg rnoul nothilli flo*er L rrst, udroatly bnproV.o
,*ill e withdrawn., It th"n tho V nit- Intention, Ill tit() viyes left, their I It -1 offett .,tII6 arrest. On Monday (1c to" find Atists
61' L -t- - $ partinoll'Ii ttlssrs. Iffilglialft, SO.. t1io drativfttg7
Fini )ill Watsoll weic. nart) carMab thon we 11161d that it Tw In wits; broughb betm tho blayoV, Dark left for 13puce4olcl
but tile 1: apgo ex1libitorst (bull prizolvin- they were t14 gue9tA, of
inilustide 11rie allil ()IJbirlait liting iyIptitut'(41 by I irtitipautitig witlic'M Was Inot tit
or, rs Dr. (4;irl, Olt,
MT)IO to faton(I itnil tila case *it, ,
kt.ulld Inaill. but vxccpt in ont 116W
olne M tit -or. Buil.1 o )A, 000 hat, Ittle" on
time of 'Ova" thin lillo Wailtllof aa I)VII:
1--Z _ ;11 n