HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-10-10, Page 2...........
..7 MIMI,
r11AV9, 1.4- FE MOO I FordmIch
,j: r) rm iti-Mr. P.'A pomi"N'ition in vAlic4 Ito atittleira of t4if right kibill tp'
public;i;ervice.. tFY �Vblell lbonestly boliem .1isuflfi, .0it *TIP OWL.
414"raillid fin No, �3,
pilittlifang 0 `4 At IT's"
it loceins won.derf ul fatare if th'se itbarged, P On Frilh%y, As Walter, son ol! Ur.
L Q� Q. Tit, heI41beir meeting !at
asid filkillitratiQ11 will, peroW Ito 400 Sh#pprd, of 010 Dayflold line,
Upst be Intrullefl. Vitt wo 4o ;lot witll' it villageof NowbriLigm -off Wednesday
"PING IvRUSIP was playing, After confilog, out of
ITI '431,
ol; upoxii Xr. Plisiplisiatholightof Polley whiclxi liam; ohatfile, 140t-' )1lowiti.,"t V're the quiloof sichQ01" oals, of'06. scholars playfully
1: 01 P.- Its. 1. 17 P,,sli. G,ii�l "Imil. 01:00 0-goted for� thocljrj`�ut year .4
gave, blifin it, push"Caming, lilm to, filli,
W, (I. I'l-ow4v. It, Smith.
Aregla&to 1;�my tbliti'l terised th
41 N beadomine witis, full. formogstInst
evontliq him with' W. V, a Stolle, inAlotilig, aa ugly glish, AM
I. W -1), Muir, 0
faint, prifible will not intiftiffin-9 w4bi I Plurits", All AN season, for four, -three quarters ovan illZ Gig.abilve
G: 0 to p 1 .1 1 A. Batters. -ow. Wood, J10 , ' -1-1, -1 1
A A-11). N. wil. P111). P,550 the eye-bi well profussi,'
his o0cuptstriley of and 011litency, it) 1111DAUS Past,, wbeaD has belim IrOlill, W.V.-M iss"li"boillpsom.
jrOCU11" alat, to pr bi , xilliel 8,- J. Ifs�sbaslidi. ly, but was.aftor it t1sine stopped,
Mon. Ile i% sl%YeIV0 r Centi, . I , _ W., V. f I I
a pos) 93`W,;-' Council met oaabes, Ist pursuant
-AL-D. Wallace.
tptj to Iii0ser W 'Xilronto than in Umleago;, W,, A. X,Mlss Ilattislili. lent
(Aireat I'Vesill"m of IaSt'llneet 1�0,ad al"d
wid yet the Free'.Tfrade jourualt% do (1) 1 W -8, Bolton.
104 7) X
'P V le 2 1- tbe
'A' 0 lot oltronicla tile ffwt.
praills 104vo-Olititoll -it it TH N A1 e 4001100tor of taXeS IV en t
41T boot wits oil tile other foot �vo beard 'IV, Itloors. with. his supetlee; sifter III
11. H. -D" on duly execu Wit$ &�;,en
iiml4u. 'Nolp"If" of -4- weelfly, ilaily, hourly. _Columis, I 't.
(Wit. genial totwil c6tellil�, PrWes
-Aa ope V'I'elnple W-6% Wit in the eye.
1 q,
9-.30 mil. 4 of��b I., amintir alid, W7 bond was examined when' Wwls,%
Ilimself'oll not
listortill'- well by John Cpx, socl. by Johil
worse logic,
QUINU so L m , �.Vmq thell showered upon Taint,. tev, IV, W1111inottli Cobaim' 111(
ji�leo pisirttstin%pu rpose; rd, Id otlitia's l3eaeoin.: "Vileit havipg, examined th�-
s, reco I
9:'0 a 3 nix unofftIlldirlp, Public to Prove that
Lit, iti at members of tile society gave, To,
-of the 4"l -a bellt� , ally sisch otate, treasurfir's bond, wiPi Ills. slareties,
till] �i`RtioxLa.1:Vodicx- wfiLll it, 1,10111"i lugs aitcl, recitittionzi,whials, ma.de the, we find
ment, I'blift jotfmial, I's I oil a pfir afeeting very Ill tercating and 1�rofitdb 'rhe appointment ofta person to wt
aml. a 8.1111-4 Will Was fillit rllilling
qt), tile Globe"lls, linddli- fb it I de, abli? to ill present, Ill tile eapacity or englileti'Ll as, ro-
tile country, Now w- nover'llear a quireil by tile alneridell stittlitea, in
Ill.' wed 7'p. III. Ilib"Ll Clam, 11) ljjn� 4111ijkLy-, statelloolits con(lernita&r tit Business has Vean rather (Tull- b�re cona
Jantaitory Qi I. ection witi, (me1jes and, witstQr
ing to.Fren (Irilihig tile pc,4.� reiv wek_t;,,: r peo-
notel'oven thougli -accor(l if
-etllic"� ti ltq, "iWilld be I'le Wore. visiting tile -various shows coln-sps, mis coll-liaoreil'.
,14v. 41111,ix emma, flu progmss mid rmources.of flifir CQUTI�,
loyod by, Jas. J,,. syflite, em,
(Nomilit Molihodidt.- - $Liry feet, L%t1t),:30 ii. Ili. try, or Poll- Ill the' $tit
and diu.,lepirations. of 0: to rejoicing. Ity, Jobn Beacom: 'fliat "I'homess. 14
h!pit 2""Id p- li�l . . I. prosperinor' and tIje.p(!0p 'tholli tuldn" j;riz(4S.,. OHN OPMHJI�14'.
V.%*..I. ulf1w, slutur. pi e. istaami imiiviautiijollitlio'), ls� Itaffi$011, IM 11,I)poinLed on-ineer (ox,
to say tile, ii, Curious
VamI I1re4IjvttwIno flit fovwar(l as tho exprelti%eil Views till,; 11311111eillillity-"Cat 'a
A.3) 1). le. Sm6blith SCI)Q01, 2.30 V. In. Psl saillple cif-pattiodst 11r, EI Foiid Came tiefore It. QI 14 fl$TC-
ALUS. 6rIUVAIIT, lliv*wr. of th('11 nifiss of tilt) . people, and tot-,
ing, 111(l for ,Illdsivortls ail jlifirin
as grallt Our -ShOW-P4,007,16 ffik'ni):40
Ill bit, Clovilitiltil. -- services lit red anii tivisteLl '41 d6ill"'Auty, j)ersbil, ill intligilenti
4.300.11. jl�lll, "tU 0 IT �tillrm gritIi;" wit-Tit'tfie pure Nr, Cook is 11"ivilig Ills hotel riliplilred.
10-tt"O. t". Ili" aild . f
Sabbath &Iloi -,).39 1 Q,()U IV. ell her.,
Kg1stol, Plotter. X(11'y Sills' livo pot ill and Illf,
public opinjoll., Mcl f ll I'l it� w (I
if liq comiliend For follol�irlg iiecoullis vVere.pill'id;
Ive at 0.3Q, Ill. ralse(I.s9yoral f1cot. Ile
Ilim J. U rjastor. t tell, m�;Hsi(ition tile conilliet -4 IMUlij Stolle L101,11! Miller tile
'I'lle buHtlillig' i0f tile, PlIeW It
laili school, 2.30 p it OF )lv.' 1 111.0lidi !9 4 -
forlIV6 tirtriby 'WIll havriop, P, i�r., R
frolit.11art of it. Q.67
NV �dilj'gg to�' 'ti�(,se - i)lIti-titi.ail j Spowat villolik-ollicialsill ()pej.,ejj�
k] 113i . JCerfl
to 1111"011 A Tic) I Cecil, 11 it I
rl� or -a its' Nv t -ibg looks, lbe ballot boxas)� per
as. -all -impos"i ;Y pollib't pilIC"S WUrO I40t.j?Ia('0il ill 107'� ovo '3111
k ILI.) it NN 0�t, 0� IIIL
lilts co!".
NEWSPAPE' LAWS of) , 1..
ea I It's N,vl t To ( I" , I . , ��Ierk, �:, 1,110; Spit offl�vo for jirintinto
Id if possible, oll,�Y §0, attiloeXpoilse lit" iero it Nvas lipil"Ilt ..t1wre it gill there, to wILMI
tt-Pilklioll.-of. Post'.
Wo Call tilt- t'-pt-wi-al t- yI 7 *�'5,(JO; 'David- TIF SX
I e ion 111.1 Itolls
it. 1� . Of Lilt) S011�611�.Y of thdr Dolniill'011 W011jil. 1W fl� (�011801!Vativo Majority., )th con., �21; 'Josepl)
I .1111iierilr-rd to I U -Ill" ]life lith amjj�,
flit v
-bjIUP r mid to its titter fit o %Y�js d hit's plit ileiv "41110"'Ies oil Ills 1�71-jjtely 1), �jj.'fdr filljAig gra4l'alid
IJL-%i e Mv,, lilt Tile roversc� R'�ell' where tIlli. noiJillett justic
-,7tlt c6n,
Clilcory factory. J110 th'eitkiri,- S.t()DOSI,
or'. diese iwedleticifis hatii ci6nie to doijo of placing Polling hald It' slew imitill: baril Clomp!(Ae(l
of halt, 401,01on., elect:
ty—cul M., VP:tTV('.4 I liv, E'lliott, tit,,
1-rx TT �,oald ktR�4 I 17ftifoh" JO H K' C. �KAIB
avellilly bfillot Pit
]lilt t:lkv Ills lAxt lit" I f� I'al pill I O'Nv it iii 30".000. tr, !00 11JI("s t1io,
];I %Olt 1 81 flail ills, fill at 'Avcil� )er Oir con�e.,tiiioll, �ni
ittioll of 7,000, .1 tile tllllhv� tot, a new bai'll of, stft,blo- ()it Bray', inotgnient" plill! 'L U.' Ell-ott,
solit-i tiw rt thmi,for it's not being tal�eii, 0) salim"t al il V pom (lid liat: rcl:lolt those -Plaees� ill at' A"'Iroa, ('OlIllciL fulsa,uriled �L �t U,_
Ill o biie tile assessol� V
"'Lin L
'glo[A., to Lill Ilil 1.1)0 jj08tjIjjj14tfjI
Qorlistlqueutlyj, oi- vp
0'� I t perty itlej,eas
-1 ill the IllihiWilvi-ii -13 Y f5s btellillor S(,4, over _7
I)Vo illd, titno anil Ins,til, be rev.
4,00,000, ,,30 00oo ecent ktivoro, ill Oils.
to 0`01 took phiet,. th() '1 61e.lition ill l I"' roill 111(i id
Will Clerk.
v.Ill? iplivil, Ill- Illast Inly Till Ill load" ppli" b�krrulq ar�tsllen
])it as-Ilopar lit
,lwr Illav .4-11fililio to it I IMSISM-11, tillro"i"'ll IIVr(!. T
is 1111(i uottek flit, pol s.to tile Ullit��sj
is w o I amil, eoct� i0n; fnaliti, I Of the 1lj-oTisQn`TRli6,-
tate4,, tile fac t is-diat Q411flda.jlqtt� oll'611oktcl3l 11161'11�13g.'- '�Illp.' .2777 M-7
bi-R)eryi all(,. d i I- ec V goverimmtal
lit, ollti.l. (IV
'I'llpiro Linn fill Ito lo"'al In tooj� Ijitt e. oil li.,N
if ii,116V Wile
'h wilt, ')'ell livre ilitill,
during the last v el IK�d interfer illoo I)v i"stki t-
lintif ill-! payment is iiiiiide. Umvilt Lt' Co`� I,
w olt�vo q tilarc pta, oil VN'1111 all
-tiilt ii�� short Little ago
kily p0r,,m) mho t 1011 alra t sty 11VOMeen, dw welit to tile St
3 tikei it pitpur from o' tide of, illitnigrat ill- ill ol�., it large 1 dill wivisday tile -Ith. illi
C, TO. 1, Lis I I th)". lit a rettil (I oil 1'
C.Onlifle baliO)IIII . , . I "", . 0
distariceil Our ll(�jgllbo:ls i 0 e i 6, t 0 -,�'t o' shl n(I I ('�Y - (lilt -1161,10-yest! ill real eli�fit
portion of ti vletor*v foil dile, ftiml-Iiii"
V� 1) 11 e, away.,
till, pit hi tile i;acp for incieus"t."d popplatioil. Y 611f, boell
tho n1o"a all
�;oll of tile "'fid;
to ilatural tic 1) 0 pliler.
the, olitie�ll swilidle ovor povpl�tratvd I Orc,"11 og"I'his lvvell,' Ifilivy; ill.l. ,esivm.. -� I V -
Iko apple buhillotm.,
to - 1) I'LI'V V t 11 ite. tioWeT .;to �ILQ Old con. i' into
V0Q8 zt�traoi iof ciiiii, ill Tit of" frl
method, of tile fariners in Life fro
�Ilortllwesf, It
ilway ro,
fin% Im. it it' lit, lltLos it olit o
is tovviiibip liaLi .1-sm t Ile 11, 'fli I I
:� - . ' L
11tis provevill; ill lll,�grmlllkl, wIllilat, ovillng,to the lte.-M,ill tho first
polic 'Ali'd it, sv
ll�tlally wi; arl In i I I is l'l'la�s,
lilt it )II11h liol't ii-Ily ti)V II�jl 110 i Milli. flit
-7, silpe. V.' 110, 'LL Com,mil; iiceb 24Lh piu,sn'Mit Iiiql d1j.1, j&oJ)ltJ)j . Y got JjCLttTitJr I
itiol tr�(I'L I, iiiiQ fi a
T11 trnqts made t Ill pi vie rOVIDC08,
'o lilt.
ank L !-litl blat�plloltl( w I I lell (10,41.03 (1 tbo -V
11S -n fit (Ali Presoini
NIN PA 1111,1;
0m,balloG box(s I A fow it
ADVERESING 'Bri btyot 11114-:
�ylkhvk 15hupt m) I
roo yearii ago .1budiels
Mr. lit d 1,01,I) & triloslAs'."Nie- '171 161,11.1ty ;'00V0 000111A&l� the 61110r. eil lllLrvc�stilp' thoil. oats'm
I'll 0-t1l'r.atllays." Maull
did iiot,ril
k loAk, I'llk-ago, III. i;If w rals z -Ili tile 0611'aliall, -.31 h'in to 1, b lit October,la llnrolD� it,
AlK In
is ia ni V eiro rea�ljtllil lil(ss Lid.
iYortIIW6st; Lill- fi o , Las ,Ili 116v(Aty.
New Advertiseniefis thiS: Day, W"ollit' 'Lt tO. reaCh 5 0()6.6061 il"U"ll thei'lipt.;ctilelo'b" ai�,� Moved 1) y 11.41 0S illtill, soponded: by AU: -Will, J. Me'll-im), or tile. ull.
It 0, 011., llakLyonll� Inaro NvIlluk 61ade tile
, k 1, 1, '101DC
C n pol4ir"itol t 11, t I d�il' God OMM71=39M
IVray, Till tillat onknis 7
llqs iller(L se in. fol'. IAk a'sLi6rt
-rillitoil for, the followill", s all inile oll.tlie V!Untoll t
o.'s, 0'� fra 11,17-17 1) 08 i I i v e I
Ile, -sallic 'pr6poi. I I.g. Not ov6t�lt elwcj 11 (1 iwti': sc, ,I; ryj Or ropaillail- cul itV nothen, It w I, I I o ff
-�,fovjt� J, I IV Ili. 'tillin k,;o ill
SIT s., -jolm 0 Tolill, 11�
tion ati'� "Vilvel
aild it sho w.as tv�till(;Il Site V Yv at -his
Ill - dnrill(y L to presby� oria I lobb, 9011 uWl fill
Parlor G,tij-,Vr� I : (1111froh �an rtioi[clr fo 1,* 911 "dil(IIII)o 3"Yand ol", CoIll. 0 ;� calviss-
V it-, it 2.,' 40. it, lioNI rub..", it([ LT h III I e ti 11
Diq�,dllliokl or h:0,110'. hil'. $3 wqtl I. ., . . , )I kttid i I)- IL
I Is the"Only'lleriod 111 t ho . 11 is- lla� - , .. . '. , , � 1. for roptlaring xftlimrtl-
;.,it. 1,11wroll"i. C 6vil.: -00,1 k oo. III))- allelli,11 , , ' - - . . ri _=U�. face, near I
11PI110.6111 flood 1� 1116N w4l.; a (I ir
I) (AII b I a�-qj It da) v. Evo tin" Ca tie of -her, 6 test rolif
:C) y
oil .sidedil(T so "UNT-O'K I'll.
d' do Ji50,- 'flifjrk6iii WILIleseA !on' tile 2nd. 1,.on. otli%, 'Silo n4r,
Notive in ("off ("an-LICIOALIvitta N�Iliell vare bell, �do
- 2 7
iiaivin4 so 0 eo. cuxo
if. Bipira' Pa"ell
PN l,7-60, fu gravel IN%
. ...... 1, ( st I
PY "I - _ 'I
1W pi-bliloi-Ci6ii-6f 1,iitili�jl �6`ljai-e 0 ain.on eon..�OJ lot�20.9 W
I I %s lendill 'L
JLZpuid,a6,i:jo�, ou
-, I - -f
if g approaoi, ir; m,o It -pe.
...... N iYmfipr watit (14ect(hl in 'roroii-- f4li-opairill;, bri(lgos oil
CQiII.0 to ("allada.thall 10 'ill 0 Ui,ited ifli rom;o t"Irty visifed Ili-. D, )Nj I) ,If (Na nell :-A's 'Coll
eon. 6, lot
mi _ET1tC)1xT. I oil tile, fol, ilo,
to ende"I'vollinim: to ,qi, I I q roll of till J;- TIT V!'Ioy, 11 illik-all-L: Sp iiisof I), j t, till) 5LIL Vill- Ilti(I-0 at NON"ATrido 'fos. 84-0.icyl to f�114!lertil Nv ho IIAVU IIDV,
.1.1 1 � 11, (!ollnoi!Y, di-it'irl'i-dit - ('11 .1
t (tie W. vatdl ec�ii.: TIC( s, ;1'02, lot: cutti . 1 11 C01A., "Ttit 111(�i� OiWl,
0. All
Ak U-11 to be
lilt- ze I, I i Lt (1, 00; 11 -Iilles, wol:k�l ill(, light kklaal�tic till.aftel. tho llwe(� ollr�ovll p-ars i^(`
1 211(1 -tripped. lit, I ill 0 ill vot, �V( Qui.4 I.Ily
)A�hel are, t, r quit6tis" C,
-iv tire
&(11111'e(l illAt"to ljiako wel"I)t Fal I wi Li- - F
N"ks K011. Movoll 1)y 'Mr. cool�,%Isecdildel by 's6ittl'or had to di� A -i
Allan ellaritm 1`,150,-�
11'111.,� 'flrn -v, till, 0111 0�vfi , Lim, 0
I 11,161,of 11ollust oft'i'villpt 0 1111'sioll, * ffi'ab tile, (�bniicil (lo- -
h t t rid o': tha
"qovp(j )y 9(it W
P(I Mloodli t -1 'Otli(I -I j o I qfyow . 0 11.9 0 a ts
e� vC w 'aLl I I.,,- I I v t's
joilm. to, meet' ill A I: s
1.111,PgriotiC, di.,AoVt�ll,4 who'. control, \valehat 22 contlt ;t -pomlill. bil b d I o :1 T., tilitt. '�jjf� i)(L.1ill %oaiono Or .96il "'khocked in till, fiolcl. flow
jlottil, I,'ov(k\,i(:h, 6n tho tlyird N`Ved- 0
`Avo, lmvo. licar( jIllS'jjI_V jll ()Gt,oI)L L, �j'.Ir6ll till, , no linow
'r, (jolt"
N�e:])UVL V t.
fli ilo,,eiii �
JL p -J!, oll.-Jollo's 61*11(1
fi, i d y
to lit 'appo 11 0 1. -iVrIcl oa
E Evallie" thl �Vc Ivt r V 0 re f Or ,vv 6, -
t 1�* IV vrits t, IT 5 -o8h6d 'onp: xmt'ali
tile, I �il4 "G:, for,the watell Illip! f I I o, (l k ly T;ecom,lotl 1;v tol 1 '1-4 witc, wort, t, i t ( -C, d
ten IT N4 1611r, IN" i" wraV till'tt J;V-I;I.Nv 'No. tO,a',� Ito,
in'tho, NYOrdI%N�t,,. That if I". 4t1lxt filllto heltr him 1xillill., t (I fly Fectintly,with his stehin.'t
it 1) (1 i-g� yidlout".."t b, il'o. Tmyusliip 6160C. �xa- ill(-, K, t o c k
11111 U I I
it ��o I a mi—i
py-10 1 1 - . . I I . . . 11001 111111ek - I I M L ilrol'a ell oil tit e far'm Alo�
a, CI
, __ . I I I -o yot f
o F.,�.V' P (I by A. of -I! t T L.VV; I "'lQ0 tM"Jilds of
fit "Y NVoul(l4r'%' ftl�fijl ftt. tilft Y, (far ]Icy "HE S
Colillcit'do jiLohilt).8011 It IVY We'! 0 ',1, Cozpil.l lvq�- 6�ts hill[ 1.00' bushols* of whoar, I,.
Wln.� Witv tlm�(, tj�o 1101V N T91'.
TILT SO.4 t1tvil -:to 41 T� `P�-
-atop-, Wedne polls -u t I IV voti!s- doul TI to Illeet.tt""allit �on' Qlo�-29tlh -is o6lisid.- -vrj)
X hei W.
t I I,(" e0ol
d'tt L
asda�, Ootob�X.1.1, I'll - . - -
Oct. lie%;t Ll' s
'(L to
Lt) tttilkll[i L1113-V.1.77M NKII0, I'0111.1( y
"I'llo %N1Ici!;tIq 0 UIL4 sto"011 t
-lvo aocs i.orso rlifllm
e 'S V N1 ill t, -pl. by 11 is I , of (i V 0. aci,es.
of tit' S -!d .1 ll:,q t lt:TIs" railii proqilct
AE6�1.srs. "14c'.4t, ;lvo out witll.
, - 1]
OF N, Av"t V
s a les:of 016 pilositioh, the"JAIIAlpiv.,; I T i 14 1 W i (11, PI la S' t`t I -lit, bro. h'im (I re(l Illisi)(J"i vileat , i; the,
0 is Ito �V, I I, I N Vik - Osii*, ilad hit,
("alltt did 'wfi,.t�
ii -i 0 il, 01 ') - Y
IV 172
Albs.9118. 'Yolill'y all(I IT61 ll�sb,a I-,
Sogs tinin n To wo h.tt.�l ol�li Sioll, way p6liqy �nd)vtbd tILei'r:.J:jo(vev 111"Tolline this
I i<,; f I A0 imnion,.of L Owl F)"Is
1)r. NeUi
are I (it [111, 11 I)MV0. t,o (10. We'wtv A I'my farillel's al lit' fl, UtIt. clos"I. Avo b"I'vo bi'm 1-111IC, (A,._V"(-)vkm T
tunity o' proper, ty. irle , iveec s�
tilt,' 1"ho 0 1 ��'o its, - -ext,tiii, F 't Ill(
tilt .()It tIIe:i.q,:TfiiIIg of a .11meiplk;, 'o 1.1, 1' of',Hlqtfol�tll, .,to), o
- " jillps, )h no wo rie est;vt(�, delivered Im 'i-ft.jolli'm �,Cvlc"6-
]fit, CnIllpfled by Ml. j'. N�li, p"'; ill o ro,l) (Mol, t6 t lit 0. lil, (I I T, I i Ose d IIi.4 arld i
I s to D I.s.
ellw�l itse.1f A Doni'llibil 6 t V I 181 11 A (I cl: ill) ill 140asks.1 o 111 �ge o
I'lle lwiok- % �rr.,_ i�%,, butic ioto tit*(! (1111-kile"A am'(1 ill I aild E
IT oi,Miblhell, oil', IV61tio8day hri',,;�, 12 2
".tielph ITITI, Ill:" VC 11'("�,
-)tirbig t 6 wil as� 60eck0d�b Jr," fin pos(
the illsta tiri IT. 0ol-viq-, I. ti' �t �v, 6iv hotiso Is CQ!1 is "oilw, toi ai., alrd 41filod
o 1, hi )Itlbil Lt.(, it
lice of tile Ont t I' ilet, -ak'OVI't I it miterspbi-ft. (:II -1. (D -_oattlo: wonty.-kox r ;P:
inetit, treatio" oil T-�,rnlet 6 -Lt I o 'a j All P, ll;Ev� 1 (16.11 - it 01,111111g, Iii.eolitt f,L-;t jii,,� s-�oMLLI&6 bi Ute of
fill. 01T�6 t� - (T. Voss ill, Ic lcm�
:", � -- , -7 . '.) and. ellp''
lit oll't'jitio. T lit from t le mlt tho "Alic6lid-Imlis Y"- L
is, �kt 'pe
I IT,, a qpil d.- do to
ri�t� '11;tis 7 ___
Till) Y mitoo. adillittl ii., tilt"; I:wholo lipf',d avon-we(l -,,'76 por itrail RS46
Lj t t411 [)I(i(,l tV,)tf,,Jj.. Nip rf iii fro Ili tho'llort dftill_ 6
Ll(]iC( S; al I till b eiVin ilt'd stim
I 4is, is.16m�-poch maii, sh6fild ljo.
tile 111 t wat, quarte :,midiug I pptai T ie� �vc,,�o drclka'c; I� for, till(., ol(l
lo'. aitland,:dil tile loth e; I
F to Daniel McC, I)I1kI6,6Vp,tAj N1. Ito onsv'Im. dwy �hl` d( om it� M0, (1 1101011
Vic coil( 11 LT,
ilig the fort -lit fitip. ovir ival' bIlu.,
.1,� '1111WIllous Vtkiri It I's of Lot nIjII0I;,p:tI-I1,Y Alill-iii, '301, IS 108 18,4) Its IV th"'Ill, ali V o C ),d this Nvilite, v o- ofia yoll'one or
I't oll, 'Pip's(lo 7 fov it 100z)"1031
cl,`,�,,saly to'llolil, 1 8,3 11 motintmAd 0 J. U',
11 I�v IQU MWIP IWS- 17 4 ov 'p t1eb".
p.�olific, fillagillatiolis Co LT I (1 (10, roli Of% 1i)o I"
Wo 10*c, h vm-�, col;ll- Lt
nro a n.e to lim't. I l.) poild i I 1, 1) e r i oil o f 6 Y�CaV.
110V(jo Lek,, it I Lt ill
a thriwghl� practietal na-t diat , Clint ve,il. �1 Belgrctv wo tall tiWitlop. its 1witi- Oil "I'Lles(I'li very liffil
i -tft nil a0ootlll't 11, 1 - -(
ri, 1) p'll i Lti I "It, Wo II;iv I- '11it
t lv(�Cik, tt littlowilys 'Ili) bellig-lifflilciellL, b iful liao of 6 A mi-Ad44,
tile, proper rem,Aical delit l'arill c), IL
apt.1 fov� of
itry to �jho eold, %voatllor, it -mm;- abrf)itlolled.- otltiorls'. od, �rvb Y\�cod,-
eii .100 cottIll involit, wore, Zen. IlIlroil hull(If tliotti�, elle l4th coil -ATCKillop, �Vh( oJi,
Lt pvc 'Is -el t1lo innilitvi's, 1vo,I)v�'a rom
tile a ll�l :1)Ojilly p hi . I Al'y'-whito a�h - werd 141tipped Y
ris illsiniltt- 0 (1, kiol).� I liliMl .
All (I - poop" l Of, tit(' 12 it IMIC it It' I ilainwi, jol'ill )Kca-Icr
oimoj S thelle-0
a youl
tile 0 Qr7,
servin,, (of "Orosit 14 Q�eeftel))O,%
_tTs I .0im . Lt . '_1ICt:8fiti," all(I .1-11TOW11 t ol't J, it t rii I to by'
'Pie ),rQjoeU asl(41-17 ear losil
Jr.', 'I'limil"Is Woe)tl t I I ("s I I o I I' ttmo ,)�zmo toAvill-11 thqit -it 11i'al. to dI6.8vT1bdT�Vd where ;Z—OLLARS.
I", Ifill Lt M TWIM
'Not only im�tlio valtie of '01-10 til)166. i 'j, An(I yvC ji, Iptrge ajor- I.. - ---. , V - , 1 0.
_4 I, lill will Of, hrtil(14 tuinlytill" 1`�)& 1. .. .. I I I
h itob.a. Illon Of or� wo. I rs�wll is 1,110� ml0i e M
sllsticilll�il tile 'Pot at leii"4b wilij,otioll
i-eii;. - Iml, b0m) S-011 in, tlioir Ini'lo*lb by �;oIver-' ll� Nvill Ile fom it -ope. liato o&F I Patil;
Mits 01. ld,;�e, T) I i?i yvo. wish ard d. to,.Etli
I), matter Cot, wrious cons; ,ratiov,, i"tV 'I -I � them
0 L -ref li, �-vry, "oodyii"Id, of t ici�th 16V s I t 'it)
l'ownsou of thp Dltici�
-for Sty,16 'Ell TI(EFIP'abil'itir 'calillot'
r of wholli Ono, mis ill
but I'lle, elitidled ell Ilatiu I: 21rc�. Goo. --Tt, is alilollill, of' 'ht. yv bib, b 061 f6r
itous" 111ilway A. v for ilq. i(Ifintil, 'Ill, elle6� soulo WaV "Ot 4
(I., two
'llil"It Shall 'Ita%�e'L Ck ))nt t1lilt iS� L 1.1 J, *t )tallio
1 1 hililk arolilld it-fivo file it)w
recuv, all.l. it, ig o(Illali'v" 11
and all d: I 6wiltre; of fit(. L7;, hl -t his-�viilv l low ay& I -st pr aelihie 'cduM Ito stopped. IVII . on'
(I] izns*f6r cho6se at III(,' pro�ill 1 .11 . I - .
uelph last 0
OwIng-emoni,; is 0 I)OLL
turill" vll,(�Cts Upoll vr woll(lorfill wh"d H�el 0 1,81n BA_r;LVU to ancl,.1eh olp, oak iwcoaipanie�a bm - c-' viftl Exhijjiti li'licid ill"G, ARS'
3"'I'tor. v;,iU;iil`tII(I last yealil Pro- ladio", lvhei� -sli'ddiA
al I to )ro
-pm al It -exor6 zio Inholl foreellf)(illsoilloo Our Vora N�Cekl � , , , - , - , -
of p�t gn�itter in Tk w WoVe lwl�l. ..ill I ken: bo'o�� the knoo ill t�vo' havo,
of 'J�f li T �v 6, 64
Y b. of m
iii efli"Jit.t1a, Villo_�1041,LlSt, tie l0IfAij,?.t t0l'10111ITIAGM i 10� by (!.611ai�461'
-ollf�flll,d -(,I vant pratitica I" to Iri!;,6 (1tvi s;:ioil, t1le"Illies Im"il �Niiiizii6-11tk '1114 1
by cbs S. I'llos, A i 111 fq,
all !Pt '8 - I
lit "a quill;.c6njphs�,�(' Of,
or;;et l, I, Of. i,
1110114 that tit(, deling-aise ill the pr�-_ ,nine JIO�voVfill 'tillf gil �0, t 1q) i I, i, I I g it stli)l
I W� %L16- "i. sho-w1hi 0 AVI;
1, 1b 6 %vb 0 e 1 s116 itittwil.� I Qq,.i F) ari've of tLl;
q 111-, 6 t the In ''oil I -Ont %�iliel iwdiibit,illo 'at III Sty
ivo Ipwity of our. 11614.1"; llow� "I'llitent; tinit, �sojo.tirll ill ionli"os; ill Lilt) 1011-kiti-o'. of tile �;oot: tIlo, air, 1�ith- picIrt"lUg orlos: '11)(I locol, fairsi;_
lovel Itith il) 6I)d,%v1I08C pareilbqt 0 L L ' - RR S.,
thiii, road.
fl')O, pnop:lo� it till-
1-leoll.lild 1,6V
o I 'LT li-, t o thoh. escol"t, wh�), sto
as' i -I
hoavi-i1v "ic, kx their rklie" As evt;vy Tho, U6rris PrAtiell Amite llial
(11111:. -ss arLf i,z,_1i If mt, , lltly k i I I Ixt lit' a
arell with w'l:at it Was when 1. My, too t
Soil o 'I'Ti; (,lilt mi,lovl,o-oll' Des,idet a J' Bku ver-"; Melto'liq NapK)l
'16 , , will' )lot( dIAT alfillial psili
Mirt, N1 I lyflooll, olin I ttf isiti: N IT
Afe�ssrtil, f4rli -ill k V`i1vT1VWlIri*1:
�1, .1 ill and V
k. A pajior� t
ifol-ilin, byndesc�rldiqg tall II'll, G1 I �I o art" (Iffollill, at tv.0111611dously I ovv Pric'M
ii; , 'I'lleiv are �qflj,jjt I I Y W;lj 1". Hilo, 1) ill Blyth
1114o rl.v appi "JI16ol's". I-ollm 11 lig itotiblo A. bit 0 r
lliu-t to �at`t Till-Ittill, "L')Iq �NVitl.l , V
Ile 0 ru Sty )as
tho" o thilit I 6-c a I i tY � 8 aYis ; I ISI V. I milt. of busi I) es',� 1 4 IV
ill as limCk owl -11" oltivo t;" -A oil
llolws 61, ills rL.,cov�l")i, it slit: W H 110
-ill -state, i.., (111) 'L I 'whl( fo "vil( 0, do
17' clUt mj�K UJI W1,M)AIMI Illiq Me to' J�uroka in 1,674,, ti ills bI, flo flumbor to
sii4hAle'r, of
hall(It"Otn'o. IT r i It k Tic* 1. 1.116 '11 L114 th.:', grollp.,bt-gitin to Will. X 611 t, a Ila I'll fit ca
k at 10.
c o3r. tho-'st(jok- IV,
i 1111) ro v v ris I I I I I V I I t tracnable 'to (16, 1 (1 i(KO 0 M - iflon'eto %vil't soo*n; 'be mill)4, I t I) t I'll 8 1., PlVtfi; 'hills fallen hei'k to S I;Q00,
%V,f;; di� mstalu ;d_ 1 .1
("e'lly s tk;((. tlltdii, lindill"Illy '�Iiltvd lb kt 116 it) c, r maine(I hore, almotit, ootitimially tfib� illopi-Itatioll
All'I bl';1111 fli,ril Clt,t, ... . , , I I a -
Nv(,, ,,d ai' ja
o I? (i o 8 Oil
piiU.1rdly woveUl"I'vy sibctaine( J.ii dit"ir - Billco 'iF %I -I% e
and-liffo alteind cililliatic., will IT0, .0116, Of% t1lo fillest Ile 1)1.1� whittim-, tho.h. itol is torila, t toll tifii� - 01.11.0 1 10,
I __ .0 1 —
-poln . j - 1-1 --- -1 pumt7ffr ami-Ti-infier
1.11 'il.WaV I)o tio wisdorn of 'wh (;If t oil - To car,
tibi, tit 1 1-6, V I'] I I 1'� )ITMy Allow "is to bol fl(thij, tIllit, lo�)'R1I1'1b4III1*1"1 �Oil, MY0, till -1,6-1
I- In tj 0
vontlitilims r(,.-,ul qr(i,"I'Mil, I L G:V. i a I, e, fal V (I i) I t1je,old C 11116i f. fily lks to, I ("I I
, �_t �tltll tAw W-111"lialli cllit,112(,�l 'ilj posiLion aml Ivrv� follolvii nisin at
MV01 li'lill 14110�v 'Ivi� I bli, beIll 011.
0 V,iirl IV I. think IlIvro'lias be� 1,1111,11- �il
to exhatiliti'tt of 14m 41oij by. the Iliftdo ft issile udo, re (e Poliff.141 'of A�Iil
t1l. Mill .1 2th'Pf Ootfi Ja Ill (I's, 1",: 110. ek.ny Coll.. fill'ties, "ll'If 11 p p
III- 611,44VI's of" n �I, -Iiiiiietlit, 11110111ber of tile -Ettr�.,kli ai, '-T 'N
41 .11il, upolik it for, -plant Farid.. . 2) 1'r. 61,.�,Ijopb notiLlo Yj�'lljj% Jrjljt';'q)L�jt(,j� '01i Nvilship, this ye'ar"irew St bushvi"i 0-- ed
'i olloo� th�tn mi0ol"
ls all �okl will I .1'at 'U(41top�nb of tit
O� ! t" �) h , of potatoos 6 ff 41 ;1 sTlimito feet, of
Philips wo , obsorvp mollult'li xorekmii Nie 1. (),,G�. will ll'� givoll* �tj,, i 1, . is C E'041"o milill
V (,.(I o tile I;t.d C.", Ili "
fail t, PI I I (I tit
poildvilt-0 oil this subjeCt, from fav- 1 101:111 V�
t ill -t". thLill" f4tlPV Cl I, I al *
In tho 'Pellllltlr� ' 'I g'' I 111101W 0.11 average of 785 o'llt011il i ft'l UUM'd -J10 wits 4r0i L 0 M4
if I (11) �tv qiwilil t1lin!"11 6(tsod'hiln, 0 deAl s t. .1 0. 1 _.
yoltl)" hIqfl (10t('l t-& tO tl )ro%v �t6" if
t. I blishl'Is 1) (1 acro. admired by lilt who ... I
I LIT `ivi'tli it polii�y flIft6 lilts IIIIjIlt'j.110 '1110 ii;ciol,d .1"on'thoott" oil lt(;;j4 (� IT IIIlillon. 11, would -posiLinn i (1�'. A611),V-1)"I m4c
iijors awl ot'hut.4, Ile was
'11m, Most filvitilig liefil 'I'twsilav- last, ill t"Illjoctioll, Mth 010 1,61, all, -ozinq Iliftil ovory inomelit'lloo"itilo :.,T, I. I it li Co. 0 f. Orimsby, a6ciotint of -h is marii i:itei;
-farmilt, in Laifl(;6, Aid a gmllll.�Ille. Jxorit;oti to pb,t, ils to tho
--f for tho poor.in�fl)'iolictllt wttIvI;oV oil,- Ili oro, od 1,10.11 IL.4 "ollin pf Hill V011111-1 OI)t,' have ctlflmi� their Ilitichillpry i� : LIXOne know,111hil but to love.
lle:4 mo(lo, Of J'4)jtjjjn.'. .1 t _Fry.
lit It prop!,r Ls
M Ily �roljil: a 7
cmilibi '1-Woo&-wjlIdW n1w)(
eoil( ant it %V<) o 'ttally
kis 1) Imt '!tit III,) nsti�ll.pvnsmloo of-mill(l. t ("rimboy, in 1704... W
Till dillmmIG to sA Whitt Cons
8011800c's.1--to it�,dirl 1, a fiwi
. . ..b. Ill - .(I I y g
dit, taot, Ili- Wipin'all
900rI18Ij(1NtIIvII�. Irtilevo ilreally w1lo g , and as 11, friel Tiod"
itild wfioll� Unpatriott'n ll is: till., 0 if 11 L" I �Lily 1141 llo,A�ItT
.(A( it.
withal he is'It, goiltion-lan W11611-- tillo .,
'I'lo, *pa�7, I'll i,1U, 11 . "Ito 1.1tinlilton Spe&dm. 'fill! obligill I (,I
svil)TIllitiliotte. I' u. 4e f l;, fin Nvifo
hor iioroo. U�t r i Davis, Ilof this (Av� 'left Oil ailfl
1 010
Olp- Will, (I Ily-kny ollo NV 0, iliter. v o t1will to viib tAL(l S)100, W110110, it— tha:t.linig�llty WIC that I h'o' got� riLl)"ilmd, will 'to' Ill�)UVII hill 10.8 -SH, bUt WO al'O 'ill.
-Lit bloa itclulL off I.."
]Ills I tp, t h is r
xv it Ilk) lills -UI pnt I it I's
thVY Illily h0'f'lllfk MlLtk,'iWI, throlli'll" T b -bi'itvoly, Who it "'Isked 1:51 j(jftLY "for. 4j
Tilil, -,-I, Ito Ill ILLN' 110W el fly ills of 1 1.1 fon
jf h. 66-whilter Ili thal; plade, lifed"Ittili; )to 11,114,
living, to wholn his-den'th is a.sa(l
I-ro, Illay writo in. %vith ille full ii Llivva boilli, A.
daldine, Lind Walkerton.,
104 ho ropl!�I�I 11; wIt., silro of, it, Min boreftvoln(int, 'Struok.-dowti in tho
that hill W.111111`148- �Yi�ll Ill' JU) I 1`01H, i h XO looked fil I'milt ic I wlt -j"'Votor Ilas lately
ppinjet of Ilig
, ill, , 11 �
treatoll With fill (.oIIrv.T;iy 1he PlAult wile e as L
1) *IIN'+T
all(I j;jJl(jI;
t w 0 fe tit -t I n I fthd t 1'0
M!" A.1111 x VISI flig ILI, W 0 IT
Ttv liltrillilw 0TV111,11 Aill It 10 ncm,�,til i
.. . .: 'Vold thaUL I hard to fill.
o-'-. It A., 1110tirii" 'wo t'411
consideration. 8 Mo I ort, L,1
8 Y
66 stifith tbfulk to ilw � otu-iig thMc, who,are. fin'tit, all(I (lear to ])it!)) E. -S,
-A N 0 -
Fill 0111, firmor -liv'rulers th'at'� til'to roftttlyility
im u�lss 1111.4 be'.1% WIrV if of tho PO* q1tipathy. n 6
till-oly %vill be'llifilsvil Twain'.. gai"ll allinilli'litl atio st�
Ills N it niatter , or v hivil. they. I ill,': We ar(A lvla(Vto 10-1111: iLl. III rt� "T
m1c, ail IT pol'i tic' W_ ilster si4rVileid, to .101111, Carlin
YoIll, Ellrst Witwalintlib .191
1`6 `Itt Coyrio,
-1 i"Illarly in[vrortol ro oonterit lievot, no tI)oVo JIII(I fo�)Lllutl,kil lit 0
1001, C,
1110-1,go, Oent DI
pill awl liow oil (Iiii!) I C 'I
4( W0*-;Jl' 80 DOS, at
Obiwilvillne, Tolm Ch:k 111114 UT1116.11. TV pliv'saftlit to all. Home ti
'who pwils
IJj:A their lixii-i(ist scasol) if, ltbo�t I -to6kt o0 assfrdoll tltiht in the I I Ill -1. Xtit le-Ol m; Amd, bill-florgalibolell. T66
I Lilly tpy �Imliforllt where tit
to thi, fvniltni 1) �'s jollpillnellL,
ellin -0
vd. Ji.�!,oryIef,0111'al-io jourfilt N
........... !)Is dulvilloki, w.itholit behig t.ho 11mil". froln it rarligg"to wiloin
o% -,,r, they could mit Ito 64tre im anilijaI 'wrtq recoversAi,ill .1.1mviok
V, Milvfti:; or las� ;;WoIU1W rva,l, will tho thitif hadArmledi T1i6 thief Imit
1, 0
olf 0 �,4111111,q Nrr� Will., W.Ilomi -of petivi'd, 10 . .
Ottol .1 li'mil Illwit; -iv,; 'of, the "(.I* ILA, litsii 'so jltq�,js�tvlltl�, cHell p II(A
Toln I
roneeivo May ilown 1 hill 4:1)1111try., �W 111lai, tI fitilly )lorris, - Avi-I'll sp,,Afllhi� ;Grill bV �irv; I-Voli., him.(1114114, by
(PIT, villo,
lity I1tIIb0P'%VIif'TI hi, lioll I I is, 114114 mW-oll' HI -ii; it Inall THV TOWN' 14ALLO
,q% -n Two-lov"d hV Hill uI(.,o,IiilTg fwlfl;rits� of evall-vtIli
Alte(I ris, N,111 IT
fix (I iligaggictl hetiving, fln)bar
loo, %vil'i aceMintly
o tN,
It joyj(� t1jr, , I
hy t ho avc al fit I �jlpojntir,fj, l)(7ar Ills 6wa. III;
'I till ol wo!"t. vi Ing 210 1 b's avoil
0i, lit If,- (imlwy 'I! lo.i -4 fiv.,prIttit litil)4-01f.d.
.1 all tv OLT' 111111di,lef,iNiii, A I kl W� polm to rqual hil"I. priA,'itlin Zlilrll-
Y -S9 I - -i ,
IT( illat far iIi� il(l Ile I'vorlom -d 'otiylg ITT; "itruck ad 0to Imit(I by 01(i tcxo of a
0,41e. Hav tll�,& jr(ift, C( 8.10,I),lell, by ITO, Ill"Lloo, NplylilloV. v
. o tlfj,�j tj�:(j
sto 4j,,j,atjoj) . . . .....
Mill. I Mlifwlltlll� in lit. p.tro 'Lty - I'm I
Ism or lltriiv (T - arl(I till
p own Imli an': '016 illitir( Lit 'tit,
-11 M Wit etar aluioA 'D IS U
1171.110ty :11 %Vill, NT -"A 19
tv, I'Vol Orr
. 1" t, I! t,
vil 0,01M.0611 "I0
I �l lit "t nYG
-d I" 'I 'I -roat btlsve(it.tf) Ili
mief4f tile vonflnollltv 11,4 Ui��
ILL lWolo,ok
1111A 111(by will Ili? tael"I . I ;L i, I 14�*�j,(� I),
r .4 111,I)Itel", 'jilidt"o 11,411 It), I; ry c ass fit I Tlit, A 6 "Tolifil t -
ovL-1, 1,eharr
VIA, tim.2.— It n,
j;j)(IrIlel L )JIL"ii, '11% ,
i q still 1, TIT 1,61flaill liA fh.�,t lixopi tilt, at'Ifonq till, I I SINIt. tyal-rie(I oll, sevi
�v t1s, and Provilicial P"Olibitiol)
-,ji till?l rts, tit to i'tic-Mity "trl 1.14 0 : p , fig
lt.� timmilI; of Ili(, plorl0o; I mt,twil)-li lloli�ml. 101:
01 AN', a
i4 I!l t:ll-ir itwl illis till m It,
!),ill, first, cla-481 1, 11'o foom fily T1,&
dir. "N't t)lv I. wx,
fi, tl lo Imt
Y)XVITMI woold: him" bild, to tilill fillll� 'Ll I , 1�lovort 1 V I Is toll, "m tq4llfl(
L -J, I. It i oq 1we:1 ma"Itge(T. n-IT'l it, Clillcon L'oe. ; i * . I I '-Illift rotim-wi ilot'holl IT 'it, lid I 'ill, t1w,11110 af. XT-nf Xt ,Six
mily opploo.4tolvii til lll:�Av WY 4 11 1 . V IT;,, 1111A Pmcph WT)ods 10641 iA 11mv m I in"e, �xv )yill ,ivvit OV
wils. trawlttilo, '�nlflv 11, VL'IT6 jjjj�ftl 11. 1 . 11
; a, ( T, 11 aii: A*�. U,L
(ttiiis III thil Maskvy Ili' Fftlivy (46648�1"I:IV4 of n1l 1� i 1) ds, AT oomm
a. I _T, It al, Por,lwii ltv� lint ti�e Woril to chor in Snotion NO, 161, i(ItAITO 411(1.41114 0 p I
t thl.y. Will itut, i 11
is to he 11MI'l (I I'llil; i:`(" I*,,.,i,l 'i, 1"t, Olt tIjjtLt'jT,1i STI, ej,�y`
'itit Mlflltmil�'l "4(inlreq 1 tin o Ivim 11'"
11 0311611Y 'With (t)(6 1(iti4v 01filt A n Alglitill gotiviloll I jjJsqL 111' p E NT orN J1!54- v,4 6ki,,oumrnts,
T 10 1 'at Lt,
Illo I -aAw"l, 1:Y Uo, s-�Vafi, pitsit fivel yvillilm, Ieft'� NIVINE,
t 1) t, 11 Iff;i NVIlofils %, . . 011 , I T:, ,
flay, for flio 11 �1*
gods hrl, wit($ lirly them"(fl." 1, ilova .(Ill; �Nlotow�. iv�ll, I"lliglit, JaII11114.1%itirr 41,:, 1: chro.wo"i, J."
Mq t116 Noliflowst ly rcitilliq'(1 1) jkq�ll, 'jim,
'It lmn v Ilt:ve tllf�v olialitil't. 1,1wNthty for 'Any% Orliopr M0144AII, grotit"lidt"tom ---,k 141-gollifilitfify
floE tool.
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