HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-10-10, Page 14
ADVICE To, x.0-ruxul.
Am -you IvAt Alki,1401 -if ;It migilt fill.
ing 411.1 en im, wic 11 i Ill fit cm,lilig
X5 VQry W943OLOOC14Y XU0204
It 101 rujim.t. 01L.
Nil; T11j"In 01"Flou,
wires wh�t`j
Albert igtreet,76114tm' On iVf._%
VINPEPENDENT .!N AQ, -rHINGS, NEUTRA4 IN: NQTHING."' WHITELY �4 T001 Publishers, (-110,gy ta thu mljolt, sy4tvla.' .11 Is,ts.-
9 1 4
TERXg. l.mO.; rill. climill-1,
$1�20 per Anii=, i1i Alivance.,
,25 %*j& (fldvajl,ce u'P�3 V ?;vj Not pat
the, la-4-scliptioll of' one (:I' ,I&;. fejllij:�
Tile proprietfirsofTIM —NO, I'll UILti tll�* �lothl. 1�rivv .2,; 1 Is a luntit.
ILavIu- purcibrised tile litislileas cafol plant VOL V�
of rH"E itrilos Rricolip, 011 11) future
publiAl tile munilgaillawd lilt en fit Clinton, Av slioil-I el�llltmalid r(810,ot it
ik� '744 T W$_ I IL THE TUE Ay4tllkS )POIDIOS'. Georzla�,rpcently dirboted that per- S;IpOtarywValae of Wrees. Irbe Drawer Thni�t jyquold Not t1m ease 0 Dr, Foyle?s iX "fi.1
lider 1:11,010c, Of filled ill tile PolibfiClourl; should Come Oaf.
Uncolkiii., sells it etirtuillfly tit -"s, IAlr -15
A:N' * 9. 1 . ea 14, ,1 1` nody
Clinton is the most prospermts town Ili Ra row either pay or. work out tivir Rules The provalonce. of it has 1,";� the."'t*1111fil 01
�Ije silift of BEAPIVEIFIL The forklial opening. of tile We, by street labor. Mrs, Bush, a dis-. gnv 0ity it, once of ita best features. $,That drawer ne'ver' 001111204 out, jxl(�Lplp, , for cholm-a MorlAm, Dyseljlcll�.
Western Ontario, is' I N rderly- white wowan, refpsed to ut right," said old Mr. Brown, to Piaat�,ta, Ool it -awl all 11wri-I Uot
L ing, mil,(I. ItIte 0611tris of the finest. G�RAND, U Ni.0 HOTEL go, Toronto, 0 1`114alut'i,
nufactm man's Medical 0olleg I?rof. Garet, Of the Ugiversity of
fk�, . w1je the other morilking as lie
.t, Ik tit 01�tifrjcf,
so to Led throughopt. Electric tooleplade last week. work and was sbackled to a comt
'Xe%vly and Elegantly Furnisli Genevok poilkts alit tIldt tile Nuctiolls toolc 1101d, Of tho knobi of Old low. r"
Tile combined. circulattion of THID-NFIV15- and thus taken througli through, the is ilmt whilo it eleallsvi alld, lotfgos 1;i1s'
pub- arge an(l well-li,11ted, A beautiful rainbow was plainly The
�.,uultio exceeas tIjjkt of rtity pajot -leitted )v COL UjUtj,ty fulluell are not,linuit. er drawev of the burea.4. -mn onuptions awl, nll inilou'.
R Bells, I ith 11pil; Air, L, streets. ra futuch, of trees. lathe streets bloInd l'i . (411 1
7 Chdgary N. W� T. one
itv brIlLuf-oll.- It is, I Eloo-ant Parlors. .811 "You don't pull hard.enot and tlivrelij, I-olit'i wit
-----Bath. itoomi, Large am visible tit
lisItell ilk the com ows, incensed. ed -to acting Q*s screens for sun
111tili IT alla luvigoraltes tile �%-Lolv
old replied Mrs. 311,01VII, to, t P, alit liviRva till,- yomi -igmfij.
Samp I glivrev�ntiv about 9 o'cloolk. The
theretOre, as mi'advertislas i Ito 0
I Eve t1jillor foi- the Co4jfort of the Travell! Public, iR,, way-farors—tIley' temper the.
m4dialn. our rates fora4viortising are 49 rmADY VOR, ;TIM oon was sf1i ling quite brigh�jy at
t leolliann'Iyeal"00 jeolkililpflyear"$30 tbe� time. llea.t at)() serve'.As a protection "Don't$ oil T'
6. likes, if fj mes, 18 'Firstalass Stabling- and Jjird Robin; Wso first�class A. Moutreal, blailiff was pitilhed AlKazatlart letto� States tilmil: be. agallis� ol�sb—the evaporation frallij
leares tend" to keep the' sur. 'No, you 401A.", -lit t1wituiurnerawl in tljf- FA!, tht: uv.':
3 11,03, So j 12 V of 4,
18 StO61C Yard ill couneelfl0n, L TRADE, tbru if tile plate. glass. windoN tween Aug. 15 and Sept, 16 380 thpio elilillw 111L. prolvit
I yeprf 5o, year, 14 1 1 m patlis occurred there front yellow rcim,ditig air cool and moi4t, aud, as Then Mr. Brown said Ila would
I I . resit;ivrant by a sai ]or of the Climada 4
3 kno'j, O'nJOS" 8 OUTZ'13AR is siippliod With the� Choicpst SeleQtion 0 f_ 6jo cme of the best m6ans of rof'reslon, pikli-ITardor than lie ever did bar 'c'.* lie' will vat'llis. fill, till, vel'y !I],
for having utt6red depreciatory.sen- fover. Out, of one, battalioi.l. of 1 So lie broteeil lifixiself up, And yt(I)i1itc. )Itl's do - uItlell kill %Oflrvolio.
a UIR40WNG NAWrot, f 1'efreshment timents regard hig Prince George of soldiers, '156 died. the air of a sick room is to plac
ais and. 411 kinds 0
AW Notices set kI ed upon both knobs with wiftlit and
ill it plants am1* braticlies, sprin a
Noupareil. 12 title* to the . H. SMITH
-L-L) Wales. -Toey, who murdered a:n old -water, a like eirkt, is aim, ituated directly opposite Post Offlce. 110Y them with pro. it tile draweLr flew out. alld -t t1lat iliv Imir alld :If;
Inch) 10 oluilts per POST OFFICZ A by�law haIs been passed ja and nurse At D,,)ur(lo -I rks 110 , llawig line each Ejtb,,ke(IuqI�t ill ertiol OPPOSITI-4 TITL rancell last duced by trees, Sunlight is nece4- down woint Brown at - �auk, and in t
IMigtiltbil, %yhicli illwms. storekeepers April, �Msguillotined last weak. He sily to" Ilelilth ; but trees, if lot the next instant liq was' billifly oil- o-4 _W to sell fir I e§It kneat on, a tent of left a letter say illiq _aiga te0a dead too thickly plauted., (10 lot intercol)t article,- out f that it 113 011 ht,ht CHARLE8 01i"In'-d McCU44M,.;
p Y" gaged pryiitg various for tile Ilailk-fl-lit it :1�j
Oft ton, Ont. -,..I[Aq eani, inquoi, atia u61; JOB WORK. Proprietors, in rge vvarilety Wr allisVellffies tile small jioerfse fee of �j2. It.is, bodies were burie Aa A cal. ar At -a ujilig —tile 00iltinual, vibration of Ili$ Ues, lill'i
We Ilav iof their hao one of tlie",but rippointea Job, Striotelix, Engifiskiii A WresomAn claimed. tbqt, free trade in nieAt will place lie nanied. their 'leaves and swayiri- -paid 11roi,' 11rown stilikillates tho-buip
I . - I It, 13 ewell growtil and Im-nuty.
Offices wast ot"Corouto. Our facilities in Gentlemettilm. -reduce it.
At Y Meeting in Louglirem, Ire, 'branches admittin,
this department enotble-ils to t1k) 411 kinds tile
Of work-11-oul, it calling eard tot 4-inctininoth 0 r -or to Wgt welaki. VVIIII I'lle roland
Consign'Ttellits of woven wire lan(j, IMI; weqk, tbe'l3ishtfin of lon- instaut, and in spilicient jueasuro, it open, 4f.'yu 15ulloL1
.. . .... Ira Is to ., Tile sl�z!t bds oi P( 2.4ft, gull attlie hnk, HOUSf.L4 :(4 recently shippec"o. a-,-- frout all _T Clot 1 that millions of Catholic$ M& booty- tjjeL_jjjdoa6(j . Ity glare. So open that drawer, ptily pull it -0 6 ff`r 4 SKI far trolli trees 6aill. tile
Ne'w beifIK Me first Cana. lost to tile, I circula- lialf as htird us you pull on tile, boti- itita fail ll Uttlaio faith Ili Axaeri� dian-biaii -6urea Cal anCl ciplJoUlle ve 'I� �Ije sys. tion of the'air, the Itelp to ' t4rify -tio, aucl you ill got, it opulI..
sent to the_col ell 9e re y P fOF ALL, DESCRIPTIONS
-own, kicked tile dr�wpr
The ews,R 000,000, ided einigrAficin. it Lt front. thpr leav An& Bi m ty IV!,
N ecord; Q , Ony,. (em of State the evaporatio a'60
Rest, $2 '000., Di I IAK111 determines' from il�ove 'over on'the sofa, aild, iluipili., slid.
Q Ar_,S0, J13U S� 1-1 horneby 6mi- I i
q4tjr4calive, alla, y re- Sir Stafrord Northcote open,ed a
111toll., Out and tile frolqh ir thus brought dowri W wl Qlflcer Button, t the U, o inil
_F i C f An.1 One Wlidling to sell this Onto; Of PrOporty grolnts to.frielLds ill the 01 di'llly up flo%v 11. 0 It. thout
it( 111`9 M' 'I Nyorm to. Conserva.Aye, Club AleenCall r obtU1110, bX' 111110a(t of ally Otf4 gl"utillg, U,
T110tAS thro -h- assists -in drivh1g. aN4, the i(gited. �vaitiljfr
I-asSist,theni bi emi Y_ to,��t his coll1jr, OIL.
J.L CIIS. 0. tq an addiress'of welcolite It(- III) �10 othel. '(,Illy k
jifouse Ip to.1%val, I . I . , , . I -ti- itTHOMAS, General Mi §t'l Lontlearl-Ont. tile since auldo]USt7imprt?, ted gases. of 'at
nd -At lit. tit ;ep11Y1*;ncod the diastrous policy of p L - lip -.Li'l 1 glLtLy lo�z
If ju"w1juam
8U INESS DIR' Jan, L ma street's'. Ar m useful "pro arty
%torling mvid ojid"�_Y t v'er Clothing HotJse, filled -Natiolita party, and iethe so -c
Bea aslied tile Conseevatives of-Inellin hat'* Ilit ill. A -.11
Illod6; Drafts Issued, rrived here without a dQIlar j, bf folit a is t w 0 )y ome one atleru
t nl rialti, aild notes fr fir, All the Crificim- xro-
r,., veatlie.k. it njoisteus tire stirroundin- IllilkILL itr
)wost rawl s of Interest their pockets;: igaillst 06, A ootoriug quack found his ilit It
LO U 0 Wrf�sitt if Y I) a 0�, LLo n to uniie I rendering it fitter
U U S fr. McLeod, Stewart, juA troyat-.of: their ro120"lum b
1141, 03"Inge 1 0 1 to this,.effo0t,' - m8ing tq such all extent it umer, and so u o'
Vie 'allifIL Alid, Ii er rxci�s 'inere. t Ila wit bbl, td. retu frouit tille Canathyi North.-, tic.t;l _ed all a.
REMOVALS 11-111 Wot are recfd�ble... ITIIQ firstentry
So or'tion, coiameg iii
y tIlt.re are 00 cattle raliell- to oval; a
lai Me allezriver clatill- ol- the -slayer q& Carey tiler. lie did"not, . however, tit-
JZDW1N'jkEEFi-1t, 200,000 dere being -0- 4mw-- tenilpt to impose upon ilia junior iks sz Shall. tale 4vith file to tboA
up ill 11110 t I pleads self-defence, - Ill c4ma front
Lateo of Toroll�o, Ho $3, :pa 11 DFNTIST, ao on � W did upoit' tho pulcilic, -y. Cali-
-ale 11 BOOM 3 bills t' of Awarica where -
people por Grodtfulto llo,% tuado ,re estima�flo), a, , s 14—pholoh 011(1 don't wait �to'itiquire hito a man's
-TO L K. BEACOM ��6ugh for tit 1) f
f Dantill surgoonsi hag 61119VOEI Wtlk OAN fe.jvjUK eLth a We Pro didly lillulitted tfint his roputation S 700,000.. over'�sylv & At low rates of interest -and i1pon fifertis to snit. q;o�. .
Coats Block, prop.0440V 41 intoiLtions wlien his pistol is against Capt. Praii, of Fargo, Ila luden restod on a series of fortunate
borvowors, )wing lowllqures.-:m P icess'--Loui4e has Itcrain ex ouis cl�y Y pickpockets. youl,
sells Boots %?lit Shoes of his own ulakemull, at t
lit' If U i your f said O'Donuell 4nud.' tL guos4es and lu � a ou
All work first-class. r9eg llforlerate� full( to' grill" .1 Iling & t. jj a -, a good-looldll�,,, widow.
'�N I IN . $t...'!0 UP aud. L. CA �.ey , 8 cola.wph me-filld pay fiw. YjHitq.
�IAI G & SCOTT, gf) to. Tosed ]ter 1, 1 fired with my right b solup stories qf the'North-west, r0c, t
7indl� lltit p
)t4 (Clim
.4 cay.1footi"froin, and fail Oki tile D, rev, m -will -.,cry' goal -halig' of id don't foret to dik
Beav Hilton inlinion by In ol�er went off YC 40 tile animiL18, at 0.00TWRIGHT ov( f lo' 1 -in'
- 11 - 20 tioN Ilo,
WfIGNO' floor Carey staggeredL ca ter the thi'
S 01111t9l), NIf4.V'1 M' ISS2.. 1`60 lit) to I I al Gal I ery a fiuo�� copy f B folloNving *ill pr
B er. Cloth i n,91 -i duse, r . I I .. J "' forward 'to* 6vo clem liRmIkerd iii-fs al I a
e.1 'I, .
Y to lend In large or Smelt suals, oil slivi).cri; 111(ide, to 4imtheprrm ng Ull el Or t botiso they callod-at, they Tile soledlitl 4-itry 77-- death. -vaudoa; two. hAidred. miles.
up.t1le weapou,', scui�g this I.
NL 8
of X�olfo, tile orfiginal -ad atrtill. - to, 41. ` I L wit)uip0g, OIL tile CalladaL found tile air tip p'the 'L
oessio, of ti 113 tthe Saskatal or in' bedi� i
bjjtN "110)) IMIl'tv flartlwaro Store, in: set (,Yt,s oil, v idQw, M Qip olar
tho lbert SO ci, 0 TT1TrX<:)11T Seidor, the moutent lie .01111V up �Ulllll t
wa said-:—I'Thero 'low ouln'to lily ht�l�i
fill JIL out h%'
a IV
on leriday and ted, 'FIle pif,oces A' odtook ni�rlcet last i 0 0 "M , To THE PUBLIC., tlLle 0 in tile pruirio gr its and asyour titille. if H6 call be
who -tr Saturday .* f A F EIR August IlIaLL t enough to' irit1uhre ifir- a Wi(16w on ice o�pen Clinton, 011i acA16 mi .1 gave tile.'. f� -fitilled
Urn, m It 4 if 8 a it see. Bloc Will ally W 4 (1 '00 bl�klanee of of the Ourk, -18AA� Nor4lizwesterp trip 'there were Ho� y
jr Incifil d by q
11 04 OF Death removed �Iussian Broon
each n t e.old stand,.Victoria "I O�)8 tile person of St Louili'
1p 'blelon, I -call too st
e io surNit, Of watel
wee k, Albert St.. . Clint .$50000 en� at C
War* 'chluhl alit jy_ 11
NVIth exkq. to borrow r., aA d of 16� August Hanifiltdii, one of. those. promin on ilewild,erum The beat part of th-v �e, itiorning
JAI 1014T ion6ei of boun;l." Till-, old iiian, woii:
appointed mll� Coil 0& t the )�eat n& prosperous
Alicinit, for tho;old o., of lie a sr. . I L , p ith Its dajIyL pa-., Third t dlor�.' lt (18,
rI'Gell Pat X94"It odorlub'Uarbl. :ks tory ill -oil 7 now w
lglanld, Capithl FifteL a , I �m City all
for tile i'opnW of ll�lroil, A0 1V couipara�,ivelv.4bw l6f� iii. this pro d of his I- r at 11resolilt ical adviser, I
9 140U�e p4rs;JtSr jjalf�tinl ]'total.,;, a d its ka.pwl'y.
it ftAgenli for cirst-via'so fire prottiti 'jo! Beave Clothin Octobte.r axe ilow to t1irelt by Goldlo & zqimtor. floor. illn 01), Life Gtileet ka'f'S, bel st $115,
A-fj W a - ill
Itesidenceopi)64ite th G6d b. 6 3 b u -Yt find 'd 'his 74th ()60 to q236 606- liTero.- vight in every 'thu bogus inoney off oil a. boot.
to a P. Ul. utio bAs otir6i.11. or, ......... . eqtllVo pr
1881., L , S j lac
SafeSL -takol cs'cpibe�l 60111U.sl flip
d W4 Ow �f,'t th,
'Ontmrio,aftev� lurty. year at the tinip of -his dd 'efifse. tookbi"; S, lfj,�t L
nJan.-14, I I A " : * " ' ffe liiiaghi6 a.cIqb4iouf;e finer thati.-a;ny' L
)rmlm $10 %AD)' the bench'ot c I t� to,
MERC �toil:lean. L t
xchaoge TO 'HANTS t114 , -Actbc titne. 9f I rec i alibordl-edtibatida, allilliav- 0
tR. 0. ved Bdatoivin till eiolit m6fith's oIdLtownI poner were'they tlm.n 'it,
it. I)ONvsL4Y, OTIntoh'Feb. 18'1481, paill 19.6 ely1n.5 I). . I . I i A ilIllent, lie wKs
g el.1 Y, w Seve
P,'( S'�IHMD[14. . . * a, bo�86, i;is -Lbs all �b& es U, -At' biiif the et bryo' quaoki A ' I , ' ral 01110cand . - ! . . . I - - Oldy twality ,in A hot 0 b�rn'h)g- to ac- ft
]ROW tb Sell ci,,e, the youngest UlcU1 MQ.NEY,TO, LO'A N.. fiv, ye :N: I" t eSf�'L quir such all fixiportanp pvotessional 6 1 liance"to Blake 'ally Clinton, Jan. -14.iS$1,L .8 __House. Pj ig I -, all, the �kild
:L �it( - ----- evor.,ca ell to %licit
liershi wbile yet Only twetity Y64TS OLVIC seput tanie, 'aud stiol-et,. q w did you
to I ad
-itioil, 1,16 has beefi. longer'ou.
tkVINGS:-$OCIET a gil. Tit 180 1 ch knomy ht tilt) -Illan had eatilmy
ANR A&Dig cj-pwd (in he grou rit: V6141hym ho.irch .0 Y -i
wAteruiolonl ou. ilgver. u
a' v('r to ot1le-LUinati.
iflrc�,s; reg] all thf� Dolilidioll and lim y -take char(,6 tan ily way
his toll,
Ill, tior., mctl-lim,Q berih appointed SOlic (It Um (Vue, Of= .�Iot ton.boisterowt fol
S�C 0 thi. vornpan v. iiorroweirs can obtqtn a0 L
M A�14 N I N 03 TT, T to,;zf.11X j Illcl in 4c 1111, fpj�e b�:'dnch oL the bus ti�lsi hail
falids tit loweit ra�tes and lim-ti be han- 8 ill tNe
& ki., Cool- -Lon ]ad, iouality. Saw :a.. ii0i'se race., 0 ri�
lboked in. I; w 0 '4110
tv Init thbolselve4, Lrl�v'c -irgo. A don 'Only, ti�fri years b,
I 4�ly of 1 9 w_ elder
'Lt atisferred to 11i'll, al"Ll baK Ttim a t, odr, ;being, the
&'xCoTT, 113. 't -iing.HOLU he P16I.ic( -�o t ie onlinioll eve," -firat-d4. of Tishri, co.muienced-the cattle fill a: Saw,. I rill 4 0
4 boen a citilzon f I ID lie
Qr Offict x1l It 13e�ver, Oloti for' stealing: $.150 froll, Ili-, iurri . emalck- oISM ear UY 'a
00, Clinton, Or -gro fill fat li ofj�,!' Hd spent -ill y IA.- W [flow ir
tl ere ti' ri'o t1 w 8 1 1 ny )U . Y. *lInton,Nlay a, orld. �eye
'Y an aq t
(;f it in-buyipg, . vp I im r t. j! i t It a sii p p regii 0 n - a tohil rf livel ti 111a the lie
It " -�L I ilit
0,1 R the trdikiblui; in, 1837. 111 1 1 �D ' * 1 tit
ESTER, TFREUR r To qmt a 01, 'to ;ACI a O.,,t too grgre I of- ill 6;' 0 tal
D., A. L or�
yo. .!s mind and Ito folt aiticbe -for to r'dpreSeut youngncin bary fug hupalig.
to.. Oil the 0 haj'p llmone* -YOuna lqd the �eritli of. iig iii . onth fire �mtlod - . I itLp: " . , lal'UO' s(lknS ad, to profit by
-0 in 1) �I'
to '$.110 'a
that lid iva e at if
Olt Urst.el f4trill suan of'V� PC the tei.i. days as
Office Ott e Carl jili -0 now to %I( nag d . depen- EL .-,,v I iliow ill tj . m.
_11,ieaer q!intolj,'�' VU 'A
it io;borrowL k, �y ere etwourI
_oo rro- at It, s at secur- Rosh- HaOiliona, tho dent isit.
-pe fblzt�6, ;;kboutJifty years :olil.' 9 110, eye. I L A nt known as Yom I-Jazik- "No lyc?nder you'are bri
wilo was oil his, froill 11 r cre ill" rimpoll ible. g(�Vrelmill lit. andi as
tl�V. "ApIlly t9 & 11 IS lani. . Lo. 81 1 T ri i6limt in �N
more" wl�eat beoftut'o
oroNvll, tho duy.bf.ni �aid -lie to. Ili's -0, V
%villn, oun y ck for -1, �o . Dakota Yell hs�V bee CZ 'jat'S,
, . .. . I L 0
Al' If AIl,rT
t r1lo. libuld dal t athe brew people �
-on tho., t OW
843 remeltiberailce, t ctions to si ken a J oc t: goods, of 'tile duty Oil thilif all 'heir a widow
Con% iiit. �p sdecols, and like good rCS_ LL
4uur to IIQ;t 0111cu HT gLIJ Q.E. four olulouk,�n 1uesda� 11161 -1 -ling Ilia or�p sciii.1-the s4gerer, big ct*. SaN%� . will
J. ea NollAi6ims fo uture. Alsoydin 13
11 ll6 t o'clock, r tho yet mipuduringly. hat 6'' HAYS, ollult9r, 6 T 11 HT G -ont, as 'tlu�! kail
coull il- ')Vllila-% M 4 -em 0 djuj: a �day of ju Tho traiii StQpl)e( I t 11Y liorse, akc I apt Lt
let's Bop); I* lie caboose Feill
,U � and wri�t.st, . yokit, olic-mber of tile fToqso "of collittioll, ancient,4 believed that oil that dAY
07. 1,649c, rk�d he Step- �uliaitiair Av 'as oixIten-si I v . ely ell- th . a Lord.sits lit' c "Now tell iiio how' ],fuel) Tftni6r. tho. A lol) Nq� qa, C�IrI. Fant Wakmn- ANN.P Iyug . . . I . . T I%Sj destin- Worth belf q V116 �Watm Oil It is pursuits, his 1.1j5 or(q1tu you have eatell", sksom. ti$: imvii ILIB.illtl 6HIJ, eulnftljling� 100 Me . rot; of land, Ski ain-us rem, and"thoit �4� �,wou CAMPION, if Nvai abo.ab $3701,. .:tllo ConlillgLye are ii�scribed 14116mb ropeated'ItIle pa�icllt in- aust alit] httirted for holliv. A Pon-
kilearea und Ili it �,00d htntr3 of vultlyittion, There ic fat
I J. tL Ill etit of ill, a Pro- i a. 14061, rvo OianaLltiv. r
gw It at tit(-. dvpo� �fl
0 s iiii e[Store, .66 rounis. forktcri� pootillIed b od,,O is . id iemq of a, sunimpir fallow mwVjor tsnit :active
rhere is it lari4ki frtiim barn witli Mt.-,�Gfl d LOW t
Ingotlid 4,411"IldJorolikir.d. Itisonamild oil itjotl�raf Llio'qreat. NVest rn .1, is also 'cailtid Yqm Tarua; a tnZ& Any amount Of II)VICY to 102P ( lter, allies
ontem of inrerest. 113' and a.lquarter from a., ll -a u 'd 1 -hat 10�' . md1l a1w be found. Inadder as tile, idect-w's 1110 bect. -th. Thi* ,yay which, foresaw it.would, �klyof blolvingtbe r ii If( �jlbeca�iehi
0(it 07ot of
Ilit iiikri over', tile, with wiben13owerm4n, dw-Ontatio buyer, (%J -much fortlieprosperi0of Ratu -)ad i& -the liible; n upon, breutcid. its pQr4cril Wi
oa tile
befok I I I r \:Vo carloads of No. I hrd 'ili Ito, The quack, and tit nd two or threo In
it wlici'sont t wjj,&�
MAjt�tjQ 9 trill q. ror. ton ;ind. of the. w h9le'-w ester Lt pen- tile corno� (S' nSula, h4te 6ral Vy celebrate -till' 'Lt, plo' 0 'lie 1111 W,tll 01) TON, BI ill to I'lamilto
I'll,' alld -j I, years (lay i, Id fty al'I Of a Coll t far Iii i
it t dvew 01c, ed.'1;iy cbmulloi-oial. dist. 0 will I' Ritrl' froul-misot patio ill- art Rons, I
'S Littlinied :AucklongerLfor f7b(i title to w 1.1 ris. C li� liebrow .0 lit ' .J.st 11. to t Itil lit'lle' IT
V, �Nv
County Of till 0 ST POPUL I Gpel"(I. to-11i"llb till Sunset to -morrow Im, I . houn
THE M .9 roll, .4i4ris mittelided tit rem to rel ider to �llic .0,
I ' . . ' . . co F _. ON L ffie. stcanle� :�-Tlnited- 1;trwe sq i (I 1 116 i.
Able rates. -LE Public m. !IF
Clinton, Jan. 14ti FQr? SA
Xev �Ya�tthh iis r rilisti Col'
g(,lj(!rjjI Y.. f0ILtIn"._.jjI,tl'aj. liatronAgoexten I.. WINR MA-EHINK tllet,�Q IIY rail to-ita.-&-st4la without He lift f to" Ilia 11lentor. Lot, to, 14, V; -7nd 16 Block N e little past act(4 a ittor for tile iA's- of,$�l ;,n V.1
rPast [till[ hy ol as' �bitr., Pat
Ve", In tilki V�qdge of Illyth, 111wro As 4111' tl,o- tion, 1, 'of, I . OH. W. RALJL,�.. -long atio.Viief Justice
saleg kt. isrowsiig iv;mair urim ion (A6vbrllnicntiikIi6.settI Tro',41UCU for Ifturoxf t tjl�glio stated in-Gotirrt.-tht or licit] clson a lie%
of sto0ri hig 1, &1- NQ 11, 1 i Of!, of tilt, 9ij 13. sliavill'y
ill,dresm orders to tilOPIONICIA JU, aman, d:s lie
Altendod to Ili any pat -1h m ell litivill
wet l3l Artale -4001, P4 ._ .
t 41)4 it good for ce- It b; beantifully �131 . , lie wisheol lie wfts'�'Chftii
e R.4 you sa-w tlw, xj4�yr_ 011111ell, %yllich. w 'isTildiciat.eill iii. Jan -
twill be AT. THE— supportor,
sitnated' in about the coll .1-0 of Min 011 90- and art of Ili$ 3hunmi
sold eiibap, pov I to of $ii�: John had--`4)6CDI11aV .11slialnea -of. Ilis. own file gol rhY .. they resolved to I'LlUrAmso
C11AS. 11.4.31gLTON, itolill A.ilt is I)ow s�id'tllokt Let[ , The other day the j�ry
IjA 1111, ct�qer hi iu(jqp�n: ca6iltey
birb lie always r is ist_tIJOL;?�(.1�V"'
ucTION-MR, loan [trill Insubtfit:8 3,11,011t he 11ov. X H. Thornton, t m. qucorgan Ice.4;
In tot% 11.101
of f4rille alld allollar -1,110 or -111, a .9111411 Oil itor of the 0 . . , ?., �y
d. a v6rdiot Of. guilty
d couRrs,s OW 11'cid 41,1NIC6 I'of party alle"imlice botil ill reruscol to fill
lromsonabldtorms, 4.li� nst Mvin, chiti-god'-with -havi
.61 and 0 parliaulellt. r IS d
loan'dil i , I . FOR SALE f ut,of 11. i
ts for sale. all riying till ice. Wag"foll
ovil rates or low clialse(f, - and tw-o: W�belvcr arto to t chanan and fi-iarg6 family of clffl- kille,111 of proptirtiN, trill debts vulllillte(l. IM LO 11 A Il 10 d wel I I I I, lobertsoif wisli a TIM of A it) w i I I be tile. tallest 111111i,
tell judge floods JL house alitt store onvillilell b.� E R A T I V,E-, lit the tory ok.1oudon, 1. G e laincilti . �d bead of tile jeftjvj
roA tfiloelle bottirlit ICIA 00W% Id' one of tile most; dwAlrable 111,M)o Village for Innil- -Illy tile houscho nind' that is. you
nem, There fil it glotict AidilL, 01101011801ri and rill dont memurp their 1non of iha jury, I (lay tile, illAt -ollellf .1oftater flistoril Oil yard stick,, There -let,* xl�b mine. On y6nr.,con-m- -fr Davi j ; Pid
lot C6111111.1ses 4 of an Tho b11jI1lblgs;ar4. tw,as a. thill! liarliow, (11 to be sciences will rA8tL the stignim of re-
f(jiminutive'.8tatur'O, 'w]Ky Tra,redyi iCOngj'('gati61I-
it a 11013 Cl agod fuel
)rletor Is WIVIlig of) to. tiler r till Lt V61
turtili such a 01, 11s �0014SQW1j.ti to ill.7
- ------- Apply to pountlio, bill, tell paclalgo of,traoLlotH wl a P
-.-,: -doe.s One Ully, last week old llogon' arid 666 at tavirknole 'tit tile dvi-, ly
MM. DUNCAN im cuix t4lk fliSte wl
Beltorave, a ti tjl&n!fkjjIjoSb It othe '11 j)fjVb sworn to 'a in tit(- ,. lid lGanet9 which .4110 opttcee'd strunjiIintal t1jr.
J. Ell 13 KALL uIllivs-
oift tilt) ceeded t
11 xolt 8* A LE k ill'the..0ofilinjou of or 'in of tile broatIc4tt mfo, anco
NVest T �vh ere, o�or 'lirl4ofier. MMiy repetitiong of 'such aV67my 6ae*611 which !or to je. bour -of
uie. co Ice trial'by AVIlm, oilly oi,tp,or
for 11144icinl pill tora of the family fought a bloodyi,
woritu. Writer of tl coloclPod two nf tile liam pradilato of tile Ontario Voiterhiary Or liduet.as youm willimick mi4iflAd dr,
hbattle With tile Indians, nof tliat, jury a 110
ronto, 14 a, lit
. .21 and Inrl, of Lot 2.,,; iti, doderivii 'rowo... liltm IPYY rriblo farce filid the city of phlets, we're, ILA (L.Inall got in.. I
-prOINLrett to tro,a of doillostit; 1.10 old family shot and killed twor of If whiell Ila 1 i H. to tile door,
-111 amp. :I mflGq front consisfing of 0o -gond fortutie tit his younger dayii virtorla, which yb.0 inhckbitIl� net ef )lot(] a I)iR W witIl tile Intention Of thrqwIlly"it;
altimia 011, tile piost filod6m,pi ti U0
tled his ml, -ly Oil. the elplifs, -All operations eitrefolly -0 ill ry kin. Airerican &,irl of good bro posnfl of- telulol out illt street, li(-, gof'Lit
ae611stliptly oli lialid.
The father wit,
porfootinid, and Little IV mWolled to b�- or fortable frame haril i8mm NVIth.Amblos un- Prime mndilioll� Mo,". eonnectioil A. fuw weeks atfo lie re- ity fro tit I to himi and a triass flasit �Yitjl a ittwo la(ly
kqos derficath 8.1go othLy outbilildings. flood tire etate, which is large, and con-- by tbo ininitu m 6 aw which 15 liar cork swk bortly out Qf Ilia coat n i4q fts; of die. coligVegatio), jjtif�d, �00 al)I)jorillil ML Varlety Of voiveA nf$ illiposing illfssivo from.
door �Volst of 1�.' w'ill receive, front tile an-
en- jll,A1x Som. pocket. -ing 10111 Wok.411filgiLoh iteffe0f, tha 114 b,u. Is lie' Inelit orsuch vor(liots, its Yours, eileeat and out O!Y NVilliatil 4 P I
Clinton, 11� 0. 4 tod iis lie tlio doors, flitol holotill
'put: Suri_ ix)6ra to to
of 830,000, tljl�ouglj a will and 11mmag without a 0 Oil bili filitO the i)OX-' tj
E Q ILJI naila admini4trit, that
by nuilt"who, it'apppars, �uej (,I. uthan barvostill? aill't j) tot of tile e.4tato., t1vo tile priso . nor he discliftl
look6il Cold disapprov !fihis was N. PrO 3 (40: okC Is 1-itirveybe ��tftllqlury, of '�Nlllshi ng toil w �ro al at 11fill, po
I L 0 Ill " is, tet Towmqhip, con.
It. & 'Nit of m " e 1H ALBERT STREET CLINTON henitris go. tim. givoil theill. Brown vocal and re -4 lima. or les �) P. luo.. I.TiA toll. tolmak tile will., do' whell Npoiceii to in a stract
S orAxted ltbrif,eon it good -fratild U T I E: to cont" pelled to almildon his ititotitlonk, Arl(l
ptyknit, nomr organ votom 1181111gillg UQ444 'ellaro' 1.) 2 -1 fr ltile re.6
outside 'Y� w I I tire San, d. bag some of those j iiry nion I thoy fille wolliall leCz 0 IH4 r llleSx'20; tbe lotto hill tl� ot(olc totindmition and couar. ileboys woro barn Libstanthil ilicreltse to Ills 801130 dosp-evet it W liad fl -ll( oilo
0.11noton, Februars Ist, 188S �4;y, argo, heotlithV or4d, and good NN Olt witter oil Su 4
lom 1. wt ILI) warily cut.
I n, his a
uel dr kv it)lie roul 21 Wjifat S0V�'jj,i.WIII be gold iin, 00finter and fired a sh66'whiell pell- It is likelY t1lixt tit(' 8 it. II I it to lit oCa at ry of tiny wl I ta e Vor potienlarlt lie Alti, rpeoiVing it; on gr(�gat ioll lit the clolio,
tile ctmt(iolAllo clothin"of olle of th Olit Itt ill ifibe 0 its ()a tit 0 HURON $j'BFSTj CLINTON, ft SQ. NEW YORK in it brown Iaw. "(11011lip almalmot'; ttent r UP 0 to those Ish t V-210-tf, 01) tile j)t4lillsoff. . In till il�strkfitcvvrybod
t kylc of lilt I "Throo Or four ilialleg of now Arb lianflif y wlio blot 11ollovillo lately were ]ley 7", tall tb$31 )1101 ell INODICUNAGO -)I& rooln awollIll liot I
eur e. ..... fNorthet ttA#-,� FF 0 It- hfallon iii tming firmly, i
ell E fill d 0'AANGE MA*S' T!ie fir' iN m am x i f a c t to r a eot A i itt I Igh "fillsetio, voieo. Ills to� tia(lo to Of Goo out of On Ing . , rl� — , tho 4)rown, 'for ala mb I,nt I r" lExpnsitloll llufldiflg� fit W0116 oil ulitil silluel's. PiNtown -11 word tiloy 191cItivill tfJoft the roolif af tc-11 to, I;o it domo letter. Tyr' and In lOf'(ofjtI froille houge, slave your - ilptilortAl VITI)f. FOOL Mirble & Granite for Cen"fetery 4110 din 14111relf some two fitillm, W1
eof thom itA.� I U vt,.Il whtpt and it (le4troy( atmto IANTON 1,490, NO'. � I Avast from of the coligi
..ivarle 11 voi The room in which voted i;o leave tile out '4110 poilltil two
_�Yqk at Aprelf that (Ifify conTiPetilloin wasi arretaiLl. fore -
A evoq I or IoWl if, ror tilt, 00,000. wilot the oil atId noon. villitilighpotlolto of if
a eoAl known by hppl) address. fit toil, A- I ti S tragody oactieftil W1.0 4111-111 mid Of It ill A
Many d, 11 tIlf tho'gl0l; Ilask protruding .,e 1 Me In- 11, lequilor o tatir.e. ey tlion lot; Will settle girl
William 0. Roger"lay itidicatioll of I AN
alinto"'Art. 14. floor, Ilettiv the front (lOOV. wilen tilWtIlouglitful lit log ollitie"'; Shot ull. Was 8hjV_ ecilit,ng p1jr, ny oltRer'" itVA11,11 VOR 6f Ilia rig forl
whivIt must wear 11 and thern was It bullot hole' know to Ito pum nonserille, mid that 'Oil It were tel
'ell ill a show- plaeo in th(P est -n . ......... ... which lli((I j)c tbrotigh lli&, 4100111011 from to o tIlt) (51 -ill, fulo! t Ili nor
44,14orth, Range'% Witsti e6ftliffink 160 ael 1 ( of .110 toll, I
P"AAW : twelity to VII I the Artillp WIXI
Malo, 11 oilMain PQPAI (tual K" 't, MA '191, 11 1
rill 10 1 allies from tj�a 1`18r, 110' 1 Air
efliftt i.,t 0all Wj�jl a J*k)l(l 06m 001A. H019LA cordli)irto tile Ot 1110V I
0amill Came out Above thil left. eye,
�ly to '11ARMC utIAN(ITTANT, ko _- m� I sell. o tll(l Ii.
shot to of itineri ars am ttiiido�hvr
-field 1044, ()Vor
lily And el A at thol boxt. 00011 left. qrm. work IgO 0i Viv.
10 In
T11E I
fir- tPof ilm tiler." 4411 tilt, lt1lisi, at ammling tO tIj
I A jU to Itilliontooe to th wet. Ill wifol ell
indV14,11fiy, ./I Co. Try TA titof I'll(, vbqj�ktl
HNITTINo lit. 11�ttt!ll' 11, tit Illillister emllmt ilItro(IlIf,;a nit
It, lip by the limIA:
3 l'ofificill(A 111, 11 Will IN I)aIlmml to 110 all T41nxlq W C fill, Meat &Zit t'OillialifilIg flll(l
11,4 pootiv tile, rijohl�
to rent,* The ])onto mutarriff tivol it, i0,61tholit Of flia ()(Itk I
astq, nextdoorto Illptist, 1 It, llivil 1,04, (IlVil 1jg illtj)f Oil
LT$ joN, ItIo
Nj�jyj ter 'i'llffol I x gobil ("notoll tile people of tbati -1 rill
11101`11,111 *16 Of 961(d No IM, .... ...... . .. R.Iro)� YR I'llPrO AIM 110 f4n,.* IIte desadbut .9 - lottl(lt tIndh