HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-10-03, Page 4' 1-x•crov•
that 1 was, a' the outs and hs o! our
oe intship ; speak as jou'llIfe ce my-
ser but meddle na wi" my man ; but
•igie ye hite for scart—ye say that it
. death of au old lady living Pearlier°
since ye bee set my hirse up, I lust
ItaMantle SWOP* -
141e, Pa., Sept, 28„—A few weeks,
aga the newspapers announced the
e wisna lang ere I got the WO about '
• years lead lived the life of a
-Ass- fatet o' yours, or the world lies, that manV
that it wa6, b°"ud ruu"(1. neighborly confidence it Was believed
Ger :if ALGA 31 4 Tii'D.) stioking out afore ye au el/ and a
TheGedertolt-liewe--1 InY inuteh snotldcd— it Was Into named Margaret Gaunt, wbo for
li)coor .y eer m a Ow. rio a e cases OE
3trieultittirlittiawga:t yaeltrik yst,F Itioaniz'n sootier rbeeljuse. Fre/ sem.e Nivoredis dropped
shat she lead o. remarkable history,
- half—a body wlute thought
Olinton, Wednesday, Ootober 3rd when they were keokitir, into your but wha it was the most diligent
• - • .. . ,
face, that they, Were- gLWering p1 enquiria
to discover. On
an ill -lighted close ; the lads about her •deathbed she sealed up some
OR. VAIR ).zozIts. the door, Jenny, wird to Say, 'you papers and direetted teat they be dc. -
livered to one Ernest Cilarchill
Gaunt, of Woodin Thederedge, Glen-
eester, Bug, when he should come
for them,: as: she said lie would cer-
tainly, Yesterday an Englishman
Janet Rjbston, after seeing two
husbands out of print, as publishers
have it, and again bound to volume
third in the eventful history of her
stneewleat voluminous husbandry, is
the first to censure Leezie ltl'Outoh-
would. bear that Jenny ls in the
pitiful market again, do, you ken
whether she's hingin' out yon
nis o' distress fer the goithoon that
she has lost, or that there's rate like-
lihood o' ber getting a,mther I our arrived and .took possession of the
'sin •man, waesucks, is ae great doeumants. Ito said they are of
pennyworth ; the skin o' him as din 1 the ,utinest importance for proving,
as a withered docken; ye speak 0' claims against the British crown for
ill•shapit shanks! 41.3e- na a baker if $2,000,000 which have beepending
your head be made o'butter ! ,,y6lfr for over 100 years,and that owilig to
Madly emin carries his carcass family dil1i.mitie4 and dissensions,
- the deceased, who cliscoverid the pa-
pers of her ancestors, withheld them
from theifamily •te gratifyher bat -
red of one. who will be greatly ben-
efitted by their production; Anibrig
the papers Which Air. Gaunt carried
to Europe with him are two letters
in the lmodwriting of ICin'ff„, James
'the Second, three from William the
Third, one front the infamous Judge
Jeffreys, and papers - written by
Inany emiirent noblemen of that day,
These papers ' were discovered by.
Miss Guent sixty years ago, iti .an.
old piece of furniture that lied been
in the family over lp years, mid
the discovery was concealed froin
-the farnily--for the -reason mention: -
ed. -
Ite Man Whose Trade May WeIl
• Cause Illiminuids to Bless ging.
eon, because, forsooth, she has not about on 1eg4 liker Ova German
ridden out widow's quarantine for flutes than the o' human
the full period prescribed in the beina • ye surely (bane' &pen& on.
weeping, statute.
we, Leezie "M'Cutcheon, for
man still ca' ye by. the name that
I ken; yeby first--7-though ye Ime
changed it twice noo—ye, Milne
really been lang, ere ye t,Yot the black
bord about the rim o' your mutch
snodded; deer mei'womaa I would
at least bee ,tried tho widow's life
for a blink, to see how I liket it I—
sax months; no muCkle me.ir than
the time that the braird., tak'.s.
come to the shot -blade, -The verra
sound o' the *els on your Juan's
..cotlinlid is no .wa,e1 oot' o' a body's.
lugs yet.'
'Whist you,. Janet, gin .1 getna
sympathy free you; wins aul. I to ex -
petit it frae Ye ken that ye Were
Once a widow yersel-'; hut you're no
that way e'en nap; .,Maybo, if. •ye
kant a' that happened, .ye..wmuldps,
come down •a body at
that gait. Ye mind sae iR as he
'That's !Tolle, ye mean 7 ye used to
ea' him, 'my. John;" brw1 do,J
snind hint; ye leavona,gi'en.noe time
to forget him.'
'Stop new,- Janet, bide a Wee; My
fau't, giu -feu't it be, surely- disna
deserve casting shut on a . sair that.
.gaet—you would .gnash; a body's
head olf withoutrhyme or reasofl).
justgi'ene timeto tell You..Weel;
rtOtt neter-fm
was lang, laug in leis trembler poor
man; and him. that's noo in the gnid-
man's chair was , wonderful atteir-
. tive; he was at his- bedside : eVery.
moment he-conld spare, and .1 can
assure you, Janet, that it was; nee
• Ma' help that he . gied a puir
single handed wothan. as I. Was; the
verraslat o': ye. would lute
thecht, 'briehtenedup- the .face
. . .
the deein' 1111111.
41 bee nee doot.then guidman
sooner then the 'way d' the'.world is;
. but --to -tell the .evendrion .trittle-z-
abOut the time Mutt. John, :geed ..to
twit pern-steess carrying you poor
. . ,
grave 1 Jenny, the folks say the
death o' your first man wade sic a
hole in your heart that the second
ane slippit easily through,' ' •
'Oh, tie V Leezie, 1 (Edna mean
to teaze you ; woman, that's an aw-
fa' spate o' ill -nature, I didea think
you could •liae said sae muckle to
'Weel, weel, Janet,
bleeze in a Moment like a tap o' tow,.
bat it's just as soon out again k if I
lute said •onything fast, .juSt.
thravit't beside the began plink the
ballan-door. .Non, • sin' we are by
ourselves, we •may just speak our
minils—a man's a usefte body about
the hens!, and as neither, you nor
me has gotten very 'sponsible look-
ing men, We mann mind that it ill
suits a beggar to mock at his bed
fellow; and mair,- Janet, he's surely
a.puir aim that's better thaw flea
man ova.' •
Mrs. -Jones' Mistake.
_ .
"Maria,"' 'feta Mr. Jones; when
his wife told him .ste *as going out
riding that afternoon, !ties going,. to
be lea and I'll send up'a fan and a.
Japanese parasol.' You pktthe fan'
in the reartingaliand.spread it open,'
'fasten. the parasol in , lobe behind
the'eer," '
"Won,t' that .he flyl," 'said 'Alm
Jones; "whore did you see them e.
• "At the Seashore," snorted jones
Poor Ws. Jealous can't be merry,
For hor mouth shows had Teeth and
But let leer use the great "TuttunitaY,"
And there'll be anger of laughing her-
- sort,
• • c3F4 cia
:Carriage- Works.
A. wheezy little man, with his
arms fall of bundles, clatored down
Cortlandt street, New York, with
his hat on the back of his head. and
his face screeW up into an es,pres-
skin of great importaime, pock-
ecs bulged with hidden • pareejs, and
a long gem,' 'Covered boek, mob
the worse for wear, waithrust into
• the breast otitis coat, ; . • • ,
fANOjiS. -r0-
We get many letters from
druggists stating pleasant re -
stilts frost costomers of
reinperaments having
used. Zomess.
- 'fbesesubject to depression.
or low spirits, caused by In-
digestion or Liver troubles
will be surprised hop rapidly
and pleasantly it acts. It
corrects the . secretions—
strengthens digestion. re-
nally a 10.cent sample colt -
viriees one of its value.
• cheaper titan ever at •
LUMBEII AND SHINGLES telt= in exchange. Give me a call and I
wilt give yeti prices that &minket be beaten in the County, to5ys Repairing end
ilorseshoa.leg done with despatch. •
"Th-trnotlersignecl begs to rettfrn his
sincere thaiiks to leis numerons cus
'tomer:4 for their liberal patronage-
'Laying. in a store for net win -
'Ole, no; .oh, no'- said thh little
'roan; I'm. doing it for others, My
With that he.thrust.a•aoiled'bitof
pasteboard at the rellorterr. on -which'
an • adyertisement clipped front* a
rural paper had lieempasted
• -"The above is r*Able;, wide.ex-
'perience has•given him- knOwledge.-ire•
.kbiTyin„fint.rinowst,ina.ny stneolloQttl.isi,ugmas, serevich
t ey are the' toniest thing out." utensils, plants and seeds, .all ihrts
After•Idianer the. package •came., of dry goods, artd-,iiii-fset,- any afti-
MrS ones opened it and "tound ole whateyer' which ;people Jiving
Mit of. town may require . from•New
gay 'palier .fan and • Rat._
York. .He is good at Matching colon,
Errands :and pareelu. intrinted to
• "Bridget,"• •asked. •Jones, him will .be carefully and promptly.
We have now tile Largest and Rest Stock ever offered. in
Work Style, and. Finish Cannot be Bat
h.efore haying awl( satisfy youiself that
111., WE SELL • CHEAP.
0 0
This Line will be Y01111t1 very complete. We keep Cloth...Covered,
Walnut and Rosewood Caskets and Cofflas ; Ittobeh
• Liatings, Crayes:..Ete., Etc., with the, -
Finest Hearse - in the Count.
4:7petils attentled premeds- night or nay.
Beat Yalu() positible for their money, . . Les & 6, SO N.•
for the past two years; and as be
I C. I
Intedels to give leis custoeners the
•he hopes to meet a continuance of
;their patronage, .'
60 -CT. TEA
"what a martingale I"• attended to, ..aud the_ Patretniarre of
"Shure it's a -girth of some -sort," private parties is respectful;ly Selici.t-
auswdred 'Bridget shortly. ed,'
a be,ft: Nib of ace rse.il, is.. • The address OE the grocery store
am ,to spread the fall 4n ney belt la a town about twenty miles-. hi the
:and: pith tEe..-po,rniel pp and -Te.sterrit-, interior of -XeNt, jei•sey. was.appeoll--
tiLmy head. Japtha said the ed. • '
sweet thing." • •
Will still be.a8pe,pialty, awl can not
be beaten' in the market. '• All Other
OroeerieS as low as- possible, A
Large Stook of ASS w and
11, 0 0 lalitY tin ha n , AIso-
.OA T8, POT,41.043,
(Mrs, me et ON and be satisfied ,
, • 'That's • my; business,.' said:, the
little man,- witli an imPressive. nod of
' his rest there was sic a thriingity i° 8° drove old -Tot-4.init
the phaeton up one 1..ventleand'down the bowl,' and 'a 'do0:1 'busineSS
the liouse, butt and bed, : tab the a,,oth-or and.„.a, the..068,,„„ed of au:: is. I come irt, 9,..o?cloek • every
scarcely. kent whiles Whether •
- --head was on my 'alit or Other
shouthers,.mid he that has non the
care o' me alai my bouseWher. • Won-
clerfu' attentive as. I •Wtia sayin',
baith. afore and after john'griecease;
anti Jin suie, till the nicht...that he
put •the questiontd nie,. never
dream't ,o'clianging my condition.).
and he did it, woman; in an'
o'ercoming way, that .nate.'inortal.
woman could lia'e withstood it4e'en
vottrsel',. -Jefiny;.-fer-a'719our ant:
attarineas, couldna has- -dune iblier-
▪ ise than I did.
'He. -used to ca' Qnne,, after . that
ineianeboiy occasion, jtelee " in the
eight days or sae; after throitor four
e e lc s„ t c e
• niich-t, an an antrirl-W"ealr,' U.:three
times: --Ae nicItt, wed Sal 1 niiturt,.-
w e heel. sat lang beside erre .anither
o n the settle. there, and the,...Wordi
.etweenus were unco scanty, Just
looking at .the lueitinCeoal;" and
listaning.to its bit biekerine,-11k.litor,
needling,- elle would ba'e thought
Iivingin the, heuse, but it•ser its•
warning tick, after a deep-
' 'drawn igli he go.'e atis sic 'a wisfu'
llook in the face, end took lined o'
my [mini, %Clink was lying'' on nay
lap at the time, and sic a saft.,.kindlY
grip -1 thocht I fand his. very heart
lonpi eg in my loot—and he jas-gald
seam ly aboou his. lireath, "Soudna
thee two, hands be ..aner
Janet, -I thocht a' the hlobel iu'eny
body gathered about my 'heart, atid
anio owrn't swateoring like the gush
comisig, err the trows oii -aitriEk
gien me braid. Scotland
. to,do't, 1 Couldna he'e tacri nay hand:
mat o' his.•
'A fter tbis I sewers his face for
• 'ewe -three days, arid wlien: ho ea&
lie lookel blater-like than .usual,
and no a word that nicht.about, the
bands. Tho verve neist however,
he cern' danclerint itast the ludina'
observers. .. dee , bad fteatertcd the -
handle of Che paresol-ieto• -her' bon-
-net strinas, and.us :it wes• not very
large -it did net obstruct the view,
and people stared as.-mucle as they
at Jumbo. She felt . that; . she
•vaar-seleang-the--stylerated--was-mo re
than liappy: B,ut whim' she. got
!tomo Yon es we.;aitinher, the
religious 'literature is the •large Pnal-
• go •
Maddest neen'in town: ' " : .pqiet which has been- fOr
. •
•mornilig and goMit at this- thee.
.every evening. The day is.spent
doing errands in Nev Nerk.—N.Y.
Merchant' Tailor
North. Street, near the Square, GtO.ORICIi§ win furnish:or make up
Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles
At lowest Mee%
it3e1111. NOWA is an experieneed ()utter and practical Tailor. No misfits,.
nO slop work. Orders promptly attended to. Note the atlareas-4)114ILO NOBIAle
Norte .Street, Goderich, 3
1111.1an 111011 a
The Leading reaMTL-r
ert ke
CLINTON, ON"Tx;\„11,I0.
The NuwJifliain
Noted for ita Wonderful Mechanical Coa-
High Arm, Light gunning,
omit Range of Work.
Den't.rail to inspect them at
'Watt's old stand, Albert
. ales at SIIEPPARD'S• Store. "
Is noted.for its Great Wear-
ing Qualities,_.ond has held
its positiOn as the. LeadinV
it • allaThl
. FOR. 'OVED,. `I'WETNTY YEARS' -'-'wessecss
- _____
- * - :-..---e--- .
.... ,.. . . s
Serf all scrofulous diseases, sores, zrysipoh,j4,
Emzemsp011oteUes,.*Jugworsa,TUXPOrtir Cars
buncics, ilohis, 51.4 gruptioroe of tbe Wan,
are the +Arcot result at an impure state et tleb
To mire these diseases the liked must be mirk/
bed, and restored to a healthy and natural email,
Von. AYIlit's SitatealViLna. bas tor over ferIy
Years bowl assigulsctlig eminent medical au-
thorities aS GIs) most powerful blood purifier la
existeuce. It frees the system from all foul Mt.
loom enriches and strengthens the blood, removes
all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves it -
sell a oemPlete master of iscrofulous diseases.
A Iteeent sure of Scrofulous Sores.
"Some months ego 1 was troubled with scrota -
10118 sores (ulcers) on my legs. Tim litubs were
badly sivoneu and Jemmied, and the sores dis-
charged largo quantities of olforedive matter.
Every remedy 1 tried Lined, until I used ILYnit's
S4.1e10l"41111.1.,A, Of Whit.14, 1111110 1101r tolCOntleree
bottles, with the reoult Out Um sores aro healed,
und rely general health greatly improved. I feel
verygnttefut fortlee good your medielne has dean,
we. Yours respectienly,'Alas. ANN
148 Sullivan New X0r11, ..111110 24,11012.
nr• All persons intereeted are invited to
tall on Mrs. O'Ilirlan also upon the Rev, Z.
P. Wilda of IS Vast asith Street, New York
City, who take pleasure in testifying to.
tite wonderful efficacy of Ayeee fiarsaparil.
'1a, 00t Quiy in the cure et this lady, but in,
hie own case and malty alters within his, •
The well-known writer Qn theRos(on. fferakt, D.
W.DALT., of Rog:heater, 11r.Thorrites,JuRe 1", 1802:
suffered severely for some 'years with,
gesems., and having failed to lind relief front other
remedlee, 1 luby� made use, during the past three,
Months. of AT141'S S.A.11SAPA1111.1.41., which. has
etTectetta coni,plete rare. 1 consider it a znagnIti-
cent remedy tor all blood diseases,"
.-,7Eaell and every Machine- of this 'make Vis
the.71•Sic1.01 'Plato _Drive W11.01 : and. complete Drc,.s
• 4..
Clinton, Ont.
ouPiars. .
, Cr plOxy...;
i▪ N.-tyLost renter -a. e cumosity:Int
, .
„vott 011..4 to bo .poi;tod- or, ,,,,L•teafree diaribotion, setting ' forth' in
. ,
or 'used aa detail the •proceedings at the recent
Iiesh.rielc&xl; "1)ont you. know the antit'organ' Conventiort • hold. by .tikei.
difference. between.' EIC.• liOrso and a • ;
Uteited Prestivterians at, .Allegheni
donkey 1" • ; • .•
• • City. It is alodk of 170 pages, elT-.
• 41 °nal t•to ".• said -\Fri Soues •
kited With more than a dolen ea-
., •
, says. by clergymen.
y. Ouglit to leit you don b. siiiftif, to .u.seinstruii.ients'76.
Thero _you. leave: ozie out 'on the • avcmie... • _
With At. horse 'untbrella_and V4C18 to wol"sinir---ratrallge
fan... Why dielrGt•yrni wear the _rest :logic and .ctirions .'arginnen t• With
.of the: harness?' I tell :you 'what it which -these brethren undertake •to
is, Melia, if yon thi8. way -'•Make gootl their cawies are ''no lese"
yoit'll get your name in the papers.; . • , • , „. .
pnenomenat than tire ..peisisrence
see you don't!' . ••
but next ..day all of AIrs. ',Tones'
htulv frieeds calle,r1 to ask .her where.
she had got that peileatly lovely
idea -of tlw-fari". and . permed!, and if
the t'irticles'eould .be purcharqd, in Amen take is that the methods of
the city, . • • worship•authorized and comnianded
• whiell•they.ailbere to doctrines
which the too' st, -casual reade-ar. f the
Bible must see are utterly untenable.
The Posttionwhich the anti-ore/an
Uc Watited A.. Wife. "
On Tuesday niglet, Lel the close of
the court; tull's Heed, chief.: of the
Sarcees, approached .the magistrate
on behalf of Foxceil,".• One of:his
braves, . It appe_are. that a . short.
time ago, Vogt:ill bad bargained for
'1-als-t-si'aurtfrOlirlier father one of
the dusky timitions of the plains',
.CD ---7.; •
.."Pjtiltl.11100.1611Calt 00 Tounto-
Our TEAS are extensively. ltn.oWn
;to be goodin quality aod as. LOW
Pric•its•ctinibe bought.. ' '
in the cdtl.Testament are abolished
by the•Xew•Testemont: Christ and
His Apostl&es did not, ai.:far.ai they
'know, use. instrinnentat music .or-
boinniand it t� 'used< Therefore,'
according to' these essayists and.
Speakers, .• instrumental • music ,. iS
wrong. .1.3y• the. position they take
they threw overboard the Olcl Tes-
tament arid ignore its teacliings.;.yet
they use the Psalms, .and steadfast-
paymg the usual priori ni blankets, •
refuee to. sing authlog elso in
skies, and tobacco: • But one day itt .. IY
the abSelice of the poen, the•father, their Olmrches. .
canto back and 'took Ids. clategh ter:. .. '.„1, . -.. . . . . •
—aral-tio-W-reetzsed..to. give her back, Ane IneonselouS .rieic-Poeket,
for MeV
oft et. .wil.,liaii orackod hinor al (3., "arretbrit tlee"iroods 'recei Yeti
WhiS was of course.-consid4red a very- • A legannwhat nu ustud,•incident oc.
• vont about "the clashes in the kintra ' ' , •. , etr , ' lid. Ott In q(119.
" . 0 .
side, be looked earnestly in the fire
tr;tte was reunested to. is.see en .-
for a good while, and ' then turned ` •
the tail o' his ee'e to mo,. aud eaglet
mine just as I waS turnio't.awa., and
took Inc by the hand again, firmer
maybe than the first time, and said,
loud enough for me to heels 'This
110.11'1e Miner-Ctit&C141=411.11 1 to ado%
arits ain shouthe 1 never said
a word, for I was perfectly o'Cromeie
baffle times --no a word .wcarld ' be
hear, hut that 1 luaus he his •gin
Latutuas, anti a' that L'could say or
do would be pitton aft; sae .r pet
said- to myser what timun be mann
•he, and sin' it is the will o' Provi-
amides 1 Mull eolf 1016Miti so ye
see, Janet, 1 (thine, deck myser up
like: some o' my neighbors, and geting
to the minket for a man ; if he lead,
oil 00100 tee me, and in the o'ercoro'-
ing way that he did it too, I'll as-
sure. you that jollies Aeon wad
li'e'er• hare 'finea warmed' by ither feet
tit kir, hip rtin?..s •
/ 'Wool,' said the -Job-comforter,
;knot, 'ye iv -liana, ill tt catch,ledzie;
woman, lie's tecr a breirdly.man like
what John was, poor shitpitdoolt-
,, flier would prombie that no strong .end flour, with a ' tablospoOnful of
• illg thing—d corners!, like a POOlc• ir.,1 1 1 1 . b 1 , lard to enough flour to make, a bat -
dr sum ( user 6 510,01 u.t au
feel' o' ..tups' horns; tiro legs ' I. _ . ---igt.-;:sfisteli-Will--eov(a,-tIreltrpti,
' f 1 • , i ...1 -- 1 - }--..mur-t-tc-- ,ball -givennrhis-bartu—liolcality
shapet, than burl -harrow trams. I' eonsented...to this, and is now as
(Alma AMY Ye leeketlang, Leezie, but .gen'id a church- member kna in as
I'll flitV thla. Ve liftet but little.' 4,,I1 eineillan ne anclrode., in the Dar.
Our FRUITSlare to the seeson's
• , . .
requirements.. • •
worthy of yet* notice,
• GOLDEN Si. RUB, 1,1'0 constantly •
on . hand. • Farin produce taken in '
and design they are excellentelon't
forget the tustinriArt.
The time for Elonee--01earring is near. All wanting .
P,'Artg.i.. :Piniag or Bed
.will find the.
Bet 41.1a Latest Patterns
• The Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 are out and can be had for nOthing,
°all and see the papers and:get a Book• : . • • • • • •
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
sgtert,traanaAllaellisriengiluilitatoveso theorg organs,
rne noef wtsbe admit
strengthens the vital forces, and speedlli cures
Illieutuatican, Neuralgia, ititentreatie Gout, •
Qatarrbi General Debility, and all diseases.
arising from an Impoverished or corrupted, venal.:
Unix of the.blood, and a weakened vitality. '
It is incomparably the cheapest blood medicine,
.poopwaecrouyiear edrisietassice,o,:cre4nittrarvteduystreugth, and Stea.t,
Dr. J. C Ayer & Co Lowell Miss
Sold by an Druggists; price SI, skt bottles for 3)5..
'Waver veal
for • Billi011bliefitt,
stend.Aeho. 4:4111..
SI I nrillges,'
tion, Heartburn,
Dad „:•rcratit, iterea Ap.
petite., dlecandice, oss of
• etnory; Soul; Manneelt, Lt.Yer Cout-
1 ?taut or any i irrieeif uriSIT; from the Stein.
evei• or lei id neys. They_ Aro safe,
,a110. aud thoroutgii tiwir action. Front I ton
is a dose.
All those who from indiscretiono, excesses or Owl tottes'ae.
weak, uniteroed, low spirited, physioallillesdned. Mid tumble to,
perform nib's envie. roaorly, eon be certainly mid perma-
nently cured, without olocasolt medloines. Endorsed, by doctotor
• ministers mid the prop., The .Vedicol Weekly linos: .Thoolds
rIke 'CA CVela. IV Ira b141A1 jlaNt TAITtr," Pa •
boucle/1a assays assured of °attain rentoratioU to fult and pas,
foot mills/wool. Simple, effective, cleanly, pleasant, giati•.„
for treatise. Consuleallou • •
litAltSTON 13231EDY CO.: T5 'Zayre St.. Termite, Ont :
• • • .
t .fle. iti7.S:
.. • • . .. .. ,
: €1.!..Trii Sells .CITeR)er-than a.ny. one on ton of the tar dr..'
. . . . .
. . .
giok _Ticinitiche and relieve all tbe trouldee
etc:, t io 11 11(1(1(155111101,49 85,5(110; such as'l)ix..
tincss, 1/rowliness, Distress after/ay:nag.
rain 1.1 elee• S tdc, c. thei most remark.'
able success bas been alien% In '
liNniitebe,y,et LiverP111. are en/tally,
altiable la Comet talon, curing and preventing
annoying .:
t 11/5 oying oupe ihtiott-witItt• they itio a400015'I.alt disordion of the stomh. ac*Handout the liver -
shed r..gultoo tliobt wAis. 1.1..•en lf itity may cured.
't y 1 1,4;1111)i; type krthose tit*.
• r Vont title IlisIressieurr minden ; biu lotto -
tie heir nicirgpoiincps deco net id ltere,and those:,
• 0810(1 1031 w.. lAnd N alit-
. • • 10 conianc that 0.10y WI not be willing
o w ..
to ditlwat Tim. Of isfr ick bead
T6 rt-rtbrtItl-tc)! ,11/"1,y 110it1t tbn 11 .r I •••
• ettr.5 .:eat boast. Our cure de.
J 'oLillie ;Pills ore rery tomtit and:
cal to t.ln!,„ OM. or two It !nuke n
to,. it ,'11tI y vegcnible and a 110 gripe or; .•
rg,.. buithyd,licic g,:tit I O 8(1 1011 Pen se at
11 dm, n
eos: Ile for Soltrr
Ly evets'a, tare, et sent by mall,
INIEDTCINt•C(.34.,.,. •
• ow Yorot City.
- • -The Comity Oakes er said Conipauy has been removed to larger and mora.Com.
loodiotts promises tu the ' ' • -'
• • /1 • • ••,•
Perrin *Block .L.Upp the Marke
curred to Mr. Wm. • Wilson, of
\Veston„SaturdaY (Ironing itt .Toron.
der, restoring either the 'Pride or the
to 'while .ore leis way -to, St. Chahar-
noods Poxtail being qnite agreekhle: ' • .
e„ xhelation. He• was
to whichever 'the parents' cheee to- ill" '11" ° . •
deliver. The matter was laid over aboat to, step on the stre'et car when
untit d r.• Pocklin,gten,. Inclitn sateen° hailed him with the remark
Agent, should visit the reserve,. T A 1 tit,
you will lose your wateb,”
when the aMtir is to WI aleremt.ied: Ile clutched at leis Vest, mid fending
Calgarry N. W:11- /Arca jewelry all right Sprang aboard.
Another ditizen made to him the
same, remark, anti fillOWed 'lint.- a,
lady's gold. watch and chain banging
00- ilia -back of MS coat. If appears
that .-tivItile it) the -crowd at the. odd.
bition tho chaitt must, have caught
itt thri, button -end been jerlted.,away
without her noticing the taut. The
lost property 'was deposited in the
ItIIII„Vews office. • ”
• - •
Ample PuddinA,.
A delicious apple pudding': to be
served bot is made thus
and quartet .e-nough apples te5-cover
the bottom ot a deep tin plate then
make ti,1;iilter of sour milk, soda
Dewing DieljOine-
Although danciN.Y, is eliticounton-
anced by most Presbyterians, there
is ha, law agaitiab it in tho book of
. or the Confession of
Mehl). A Scotch farmer in. Strom -
0085' wits 'suspended by the church
session because he granted tho use
of 'lila barn for, iliencinu purpOsess.
lie appealed to Presby tory. Presby.
eery erica tbo case, .nriel bad a yery
,eiose vote on it, Aftera weary di!e.
cussion Pet trytcry removed tho sus-
rinsion enrItonditinv that tho
exeheoge or goods.
.Cantab .n 408-,
Selling 0
This sIould.not bo thiciter than for
pancakea. Poor it over the apples
and bake till brown, Then, when
done, turn it on a largo plate,
: • To tnake romn, for en ristians Steck.
r •
wilco a Comeloto Stook of the 'Worlti Relie.slest0'31NttlErSEIVING,31APIEINR will
be keq)t constantly ontimid.. , . . . . • .
' ' . . : :
- - -Ilte Public are, =warned -again • • • ' • .'
t-d.foit buttatiotis ne tilt,.
• (lenui
e Snges, sowing :Alachines;:ollbrott fer sale by irrespoilaible and unseolpitious
iv,ent 8, as Italk.1111701; OE (010 nianunteture. Do not be deceived by inrerior 'machines,
-glided and varnished to hide their elefeetstbut buy.only'...themachine with am unparel- • °
' Pled ri,cord. of suevess for nearly -31i yistrit.•. Look at the vonliet'of the.pcoptc: Thi.s
... Company sold l fast year (1882) nearly thri,e, quarters of a millitut machines, ov mere
than .the combined saleS• of over thirty competitors. Don't forget that every Wel
$leiger .Maeltints is now being Tamil! with our l'rade Mark east into the stand as in above
cats,. ' Buy no machine withotit it 11.11 Oil mat Needles' for all ki'mls of machines
always onOtantl.' .. .. . •
. - G. .18-.; eRAwFOitD,' IVIANAOER. • .
Clinton, April 4 1883, v-10 • . . • - , • ' ,0
• .
ter Local Others at. 1.101)P,ItIC111, 1111.158$171,S
. .
10 Der cent off all Goods
raney Goods, Toys of all10114
Plotmo anal)'.11oio Praines;,-
. •CbOtnos,, Etc., Etc..
Big B a rg a in s
Now York Domestic Paper
Pashitins Stook..
Albert. Bt., Clinton,
ow Is the time, t 'get youellinit°
ting llootte.
—1.21t .11.111S—
il pie iltif Clinton mid surromitling Vicinity,
that elm luta pv10.010001 a trona KNITTING iddititb .
INN and is Itrattitted. tO tIrt all kinds of 08 1510314 ,
Wlittli at low prices
. ,.: 8, 1, Ita:iinst., .
enures- . • . Al:,\VA178 ION ITANI)„ .A.
111011111ge11,- 1101011 Ht., MO qloor to 133141st '
' . , — . . , ........ .... _ .. _...._.!. 1_ _. LargeVariety.of Plain ea Fttnoy Oakes,
cli„,„„, Nov, find, V•Cal. •
4..x1A.T4,t A X 11118 W,‘,NTRI), Self.pralse no recominendation. Try our It•x•PLATX ANT) 1.%NeY lait'AD,Isil which t Oliver f0 °
tatten'assetrrntlax. or
Ana all InVleinents used on a farm
as Good aietlie Bost, and as Cheap
as the Cheapest, at
38 BWS
CLINTON. ovricat o
ron and Hardware IVIere an
, Clinton, August, 1883. '
MAMMOTH PloCOLLB110S. and flo„
mit..., Mid Wholesale Dealers ill
Lardine, Cylinder, Bolt Cuttings- and'
Wool 0118.
Our celebrated "bmenom. brand 14 '01101111ill.
ltd 115 other oil en the market, In
reeogoitiol,a10,1111reesie‘noTitohromerlt eye
XI X G X -X IcqtrzEts
Whercyor t• exl flitted it shwa 1:41:1,.._
• antong.otlikallit
II air dUn 86 Tin. Shopi Gold, S 1 v• r,
Ifaviag bought a
•Outsido4 of the association.; On Very
oui now. prei)ered to. offOr.
Cooking .Stoves
AT A LAMM liflitekiliTA(
UndertheUstlal Price
Also, a 'fun asso.rtinout of
Tinware &o &o
all parte of the Town. ".* L S DAV 88
NTN1T, Al' resen. eir tho lieaver.t Inthints
". 'S:CtPlitbli.41, tint. feed and Ornamented§ 0Seroud to None§
&eke ,Seleotion of all kinds 'of Confeotidery*
It 1 Fer, *05 el lIA13131 Tema 11n• initiffin gist good
-t•• •
. _ •
TriA ALT, you -t174-Cleare
;0:106,:rwre.Altlteinol, TAI.ar1.11rual1111,sattnvilill,arRa•tleeisjigcri'stho ti
operator, and Vanillas. Abridger. One •tleos
eastot the Commercial Itotel,.ClInten. Ont.
restores, With the glosa and freshness of youth', •
faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, '
deep blackpasinay. be desired'. ' itinse light.
or red hair may be darkened, thinhali t1dekene4.0
and baldness often, thUughmotalways, cured,
• 18, cheeks falling of the hair, and stimulates rt. .
• atak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and.
, ourbs.ssierf: and dandruff, and Mali mearlyevery, -
disease•peettliterlo the scalp. - .As Ladies, nal* °
DrPsang, 8110 Vi001.e., IS 10104111tned ;it colitaies •
neither 081 1100 dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, •
and silken in appcartende, tend imparia dellinattli.
greeable, nd lasting perfunii. • '
Arm 0. 1'. PRINTER writes front Kirby, O., ATI/
,8, "Imet 'fall My hair commenced falling: •
. out, and in alitiort time I blieailm nearly bald, I
%laud Part Of 11. bottle. of Avna's Gant Vroon,
which stopped.fleo faullitg1>f the hair, and started
,111111,01 growth, 1 barn now, a full heed of. hale •
• ,growiug vigorously, and•ant conviticed that but •
,•for the two or,vonrpreparettloiti should -have boa
'entirely billet,"
ronze .Med0.4
bestnes numerous Diplomas. Tt stlitablo ter
all kinds of Machinery as It wilt non pf11111
or cloir and wears m1118180 Castor Oil, „
. sa.lnin Clinton b;e•
J. W. TIoiyay, proprietor of the ilicilrthUr (('hio)0
. 'Enquirer, says ; "A'rea'si Mira Vleott.isn most
excellent preparation for mohair, 1 speak of it
froIIt1115or111perie1ice, 1 1110ep5r1onotes tir
elgcatliesaisaatthiocutjr,eparation over .
• 11111,scrnt b'suia
irs,lnt, leader of the cole.
Ural el1,ltairbairnVataily 'et Scottish Vodalists,
WOWS INI111 no,ulon, Mew:, ,Fel). it, :
tar'.4o-- "Ever
ch!'wT1111Atliigt11110Pieuv9titlhaventea:m0151141r hogret to givesilveu evidncoof the
S1111081411 5115ppnaceof youtfulnessa WO,.,k.g.sI,811•1tiit,111lsTlenvoieenableta
tyfzetral)leeonseotettoo to inhibtors,
oratorsActors, and in fact every one oho lives la
• Mita; 0. A. Ptinseetr, 'writing from 18 Rim St -
fitarlentown, .1Iagg,, April 14, 1b$2, •ailye ',Two
years ago about tire•tillrds •nly hair earno
/t, thinned very rapidly, and I was fest growing
14cfi:t' )tasing 11..;1141;84"oV 1.6I41A:Ina.*:1tia"i
stemprl and t :eioCth1commescse , e'11A;'ut11 :r(
Ntbs ort:11:nd0grzYcroa ---
lgAKi0!"bir°it611,14g1 111cdbut
i4tnlftle't:: : OV:t0841:"4".
tillr 5511 17‘t: ;
Wo 0,:nte11sinottoibo
,oftiesoy of' AVna's Must VIOOTI., 18 needs bidet
trial to convince the most skeptical ef ite YAWN
Dr 3. D. Ayer Si, CO., Lowell,'Masslr
Sold by all Drtgglsts.
A NW's ettrAtor river Complaint, Sick iloadrtebc,
Pillttllctl 81110, 81)11e,18r.: 1)3155510811, 11,1111bpsnerg
•qty non van very had with Scrofula, not only
• tam polotacii of the Crowfpot nittern ead M
V011114.teltly, Aim Men, men &Mid, 008
hISIIIhni ISO OtI)y#IpVilailt; 50UOTtIOI other rood
ein" 111.111614.'l1
.v, 301(111104 (10(10, Durham) Dot.
6,0aly one dollar's worth ot tlo� Crowfoot Mt
To brotAsas. Code/dant% and Acctmorrs
which linGvAtitY4t yttiow Ott iluaroL"
teed 40 Mire or 'relieve either in Alf lu,
BUS'S**. ,
1101.1141111$titLY nil -
awyrf° i co,
01,13reg i •SOnn Mititgat#
ASMIc to 1 eozbs, 4:e.
ltf, terry A, .
urzir IMAM, eAr,r,OrlS A.APOly
VP taikrago Strvv, •10121itgo
GA ..t.V, PROS t at re*
riAm.ros, (YOR,18s.,
ariCiN1.11,t0TI8)YS attrytstA,
Ljmintitelo, tr(06 - - --'-
'10,A.VietBSS.•P purl tit nAtit,
tglutArgo •• isauth v 0 htb.e,&&
nory batik rsetteed 84 vine viiiistied4