HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-10-03, Page 26;10,pank.
But the fall wheat crop in Canada turns are bit is tkucertiw� - In fact
'tile Ordinry business of tha coun,_
Yovmerly wned by �Ip. 11111. lledls-L
Gollko, sOUT17.
II)OU"t would Only Ila A littleover
busino5 as tile cxhil�it for the 11scal
Natio"ally 1:4 outlook for Van'a'-'
8:20 %.In, .50 p.m..
to liave suffeed the greatest; short� luer will, under tire disfranchising-
810000. Evoil , though tile
year 0ideaJullot 30tb, 1883- 1111-
d% is 011ADOUS, Receipts are far in
roin inor Ilim
According to GrA partiN"w4hor,
C, , -
101MMAd Trunk ftllway,
Whole of tile fall whent, export crop
prevenient everywhere, less interest
topay,iticreased numberof
excess of expenditures. .1, 7,000,00.
lr� average ttendance of
to have We fail w4e of 11 I -rill Us
a M to at
uOINCI wfiT6
ivere eliminated, tile groas Qx'
buildings, increased expenditure in
wore tban. tile curr-,nt expenses for
our BCIIOQI for 8t.pt. WLIS 00.
Our Township Parliament met JAo4,
0:U 0:00
port sales oftlle liroducts of the pro-
tile ,ery, services tho, country want-
the past yL , t Finance Mill-
Monday with a lull represelliatlon.
blettiodist.-SorQees ntin.so a.
classe's would notbelessened
ed Wo , reased, and yet anexpenditure
ister =1905 A 'showing, of, This
Mr. Win,. takiley received his roll
full, crc�p_we 11, ofho'Gritst acknowledging, an ad�
ive all Do.
to an extent that' allould cam. ally
which CRIA be 1101Y time
the deinatids
has boon, or will be 4 to� less-
latAlonday'and will- soon be out oil
tile ivar path Look ou for
,,cl well directed
1:17 p.m. 3.&O
alarilk, because, it is not as is popti,
the ctinditiork-of country
elling tile public debt alidi YeLlucing
lat FrItlyllud remaitled tjll
larly supposed the largest wealth
in excess of former years and: tile to tit e gria,veobarge of intentiont
fact holding back the ballo� by
theiliterestaccouut. ehis wagio.
Mr. James 31urch, of rxe.ter, is visit, ilirotbors and frictitfs a tbis
I, 1`96tol,
constituting element of our people,
A11003.1 ELECTION.
cento result bus lattilined with-.
Ile louhs, much, !In.
Obarith-gorriee at 0.30 F.1b.
ininit falitflotis. (,ows ranging from tile J�ocal 0overritnotit or its offi.
and its total failu reitiariyon
tit work Poll -
oul; rosottina to increased t
2.30 V. ILL. Rsv, r, (;Kj�, rster.
. ..... ....
.bati4r, in Ontario and Quebec, thoe
year doe not Invan total iinpover-'
test, return to the time
The In s up
impily byA reversal of the On
A. K. Birks, of tiffs pace, Paid a,
viit to his brother James In Lowitm
people bave been able.tQ incrase
. . .
leave Winton atation -as -.ail
ishinent, or even a material leseti.
-of going to press give Plummer (Con)
the wheol, policy" by' the, existing
remaining over Ounday .
theabbath 0
GQ1. a oIrru,
ing of the purchasing power of the
gmat wass,
n, "Iftlority f till$
will be tvailltained when. 111417 re.
government, and by tit(-, most ri,da
eoOaOQky..Jkr-tber administration, of.,
Old landinartra arka things pertaining ereto are fast. disppeArlug. The
Ill this five Is'at4paritiorponics
But the fall wheat crop in Canada turns are bit is tkucertiw� - In fact
'tile Ordinry business of tha coun,_
Yovmerly wned by �Ip. 11111. lledls-L
Gollko, sOUT17.
is not ALIO&I failure. thil,v ;Ire doubts wlietlitir 51r, Plum.
Ontario appears
posed, or thera hist Saturday In Drckasela,,
for a good figure.
8:20 %.In, .50 p.m..
to liave suffeed the greatest; short� luer will, under tire disfranchising-
Mrs. Jarvis, of the �'Jtklthknd cDkk-�, who
age, and even bere it will aver- tactics of �)Jr. 1owat, be sococ4sful.
According to GrA partiN"w4hor,
C, , -
some time ago was stvIcken' with para -
anit lyho Was So flt r recov�red.iiw
CUU111:01t 11:11110
4,0 s0N 'enty-five per cent.. of a Th&� whole Rainy River district was
the outlook it Canada is not ver�y
to have We fail w4e of 11 I -rill Us
a M to at
sunaarat I
III. Ullife 10 a.w. liln tla
full crop IN counter-balanco tile disfranchised owing to ballot papers
bright. Those gentryL who believe
the power of speech, Ifitil another
tiacl; short, time slnce� htt Is now
P �
prviceoij Wedneoday, 6 1). rin.
sliortil-e in fall wheat -4pring wheat, arriving t1wee hours too late. Tile
0 0
that a'surplug in a very bad. tbing
to be out a-alu, Wo botle sliortly
blettiodist.-SorQees ntin.so a.
other cereals alid hay and. rootiz, delay was, inexcusable antl the, fact
co.n. now gloiate over the prospactivp
to report boras fully restorect
to he,, 11,411:11 bealCh iind strength.
894 O.qo P. ITA. :
suhti;,l at 2.30�p IM
13bv. J. I
full, crc�p_we 11, ofho'Gritst acknowledging, an ad�
ive all Do.
that ri.obasteribig Providence
Mr. Johnston, whii resides near
C:kilaila At it a,rn. and
doubtedly larger return for animalls verso iliajority of 75 in the Rainy
,,cl well directed
Brockville, brother-in-law of Itev, w,
rks, vfils I
I'riends bore
0.40 U. Sabbath, Scriotil, �.Ljo 1). t. I�Uy.
Atas. 44'WAILT, I'Listor.
rold, Tile numbers sold have been Rivcr section. lends strong, coloring
inatore for our people. Individually
lat FrItlyllud remaitled tjll
111ble VlirIqtlmnAQr%JcPs at 10.3o, 4,
11-11UP-ol, abbathilchool, 2
030 lily. J.-
in excess of former years and: tile to tit e gria,veobarge of intentiont
fact holding back the ballo� by
as well as nationtilly our
Ile was oil his y home from millne.
sota, Nylwre he was visl Una ILIB. sou'll).
I, 1`96tol,
a]- papers
suffM - from financial
ho runs, it 2,000. acre Rival.. lie
Obarith-gorriee at 0.30 F.1b.
ininit falitflotis. (,ows ranging from tile J�ocal 0overritnotit or its offi.
plethora. Ili tile Pot -Office Savin,r
tit work Poll -
2.30 V. ILL. Rsv, r, (;Kj�, rster.
tip, steers froill $90, llor$es. cialo. If W. Lyon sbofild be do-
.bati4r, in Ontario and Quebec, thoe
tautly (ItIl'iDg IkUrVe$t. lili, J. doeS not
best country Ili the
f roak :0125; miti.sbeep and latribs 0111,17od elected, there is tio doubt tliq,t
people bave been able.tQ incrase
. . .
Ile nqtlOd tile grout disregard
tile lababitaillts tit soniIi places kind foil
1,,) realising fancy prices. Then tli6 OpposiCion- will, in tile Legis-'
their deposits froul something ove
theabbath 0
Wo pall tjla s�eciaj attention of Post-
poultry and their productg and ot.11-, laturs, press for ail investigliflonof
tw* t
to -millions, of doliars it) 1877
O that du
rtif"istcrs, told, sidiscribitrs to tilt- following
wareg" of the fn ' rin have, Mr, 21owat'o questionable interfer.
0 ver twelve �illions in the year
51r. D. TAlcDonald's 1iorse rail awn
from, here, oil onday. Ile Speeded for,
syllplosis of the nowspapsr laws :�_
'to give
during tit() past year, found ready "Ito(' Widl til(Pti-11ti Of voters in thi
1683. Sorkie are bertical viough to
about two miles reg-Lrdless f appear..
is required
notice By pit ier (Joe
sales at quite in keeping with election.
tbattilesefiguresldo notirldi.
Sometlrods the
bliggry tlienultuni, wits attLt6hedtowas
not answc I- the lair) wheit aiubscriter dops
tile. vtitue of'aniniale, while.but . .
cato any ioteti$q $uAeriug, Bu
ig I it a tip find sometimes it wuqnit
'i's PaVel Out a" tile offle0; and
sitate the reason fbi, its, not being
ter has been a good priceallAlong.
someAndividutils are sufferino A
of tho-buggy, whichwere
An negleet to do so makes tile postillaster
respulldille to the publishera
Taking tile,, as. philosopLically
The Globe says that. iri. TorpriVio
material a view of tile itilation,48
who does ile8
not live may tit
from 01intblittatea ill t I office tile
alou" tit() 1`0hd for t�VO. miles,
brotwht�themto Militia. oettirng
2--lf F111v Persoll ]`is dis-
contialutul, fie wint pay
one can are genorAlly* lisking 40
we, 111"t
for Chica-o 4'oats
other that tile Xii y
together wits not quiLte s difficult
it U Cooper to build a bar-
tile nablislit. r Illav 11ontilitio to send i
unt if pyinell t is*nladv, i[IlLI-colitof tit
cOnts') Oats,
there is no well ground6d1cquF;01 for
are.sel I
64 ling 'at S7 cents fop. cash."
was tbe-ineang OF, it I I one wit r
rel aroullil p, bu,6g boif- brought to hiiii,
The daulage Is About $25.
whole artiount. whether U lie taken front
crying ou there is,
Will the CNN pleas6 inforin the
ducing his itl�omd by. about $80 a.
'I'll 0 V rvices in connection with the
t Iwo office 6. not. There Ile no, legal
ent 14 made.
not, -so far as -a. ca4i) consideration
ofobtalna�le data willallow Okl6 to Ontario former -that lie is being
'Until th'
Vear. a t ree or four
In lefliodist C.hurell
rY N
hrewill Ile held oil Sunday, I5tIIL()0t.
3—Any. '. years ic coul -gel., eight, per cent. ter 01 the �Ionday evelflng followin- a person xvItti takes it form at, any -slowly ruine.A.7- the �Kational 'A the post-offico, whether direct' cauiie lor tqn-lilveting will be llcld� The itev.'%V. ed to his Ilia roolley., now ho.onn hardly oDuottg1t, ot late of Clinton, nau a or another, or whether heAla sub. liancial nInrull, succes3i. oil ' Of y debtors hav-imy vIll Prech two sermons oil Sunday, at karilbud or riot, is rusponAblo for the Itay, paid years of go6d crops tit a fai wices tip and new borrowers so; ree I`A the P. in it" is not yet r 10 ll� 11). and a' 4 --If a subscriber orders ],is paper.to ])a A new �bc,icty hag* been establish- hilloNvil. Mietber there boservipL, In would iiii any event tide cup people . lattor 6"re. However, ad a) i otopped tit acertaill dine, and tile pilblish- ed in.Vespritit, HuLig ry, Its mem - ihe tt- tile atteriwon Qr not. evening er continutts to'sead it'flie subacribor is a othe . r ways b`eeik, Of t1w tea-mitetil'g- are ex . T to py forit it" bprs are wometi-bliters. wir cir�. that he had, in bounL Ile takes it out �f tile . TI pected QoIn the followtug, llov..gentle- But, we Are thankful that crops are cular"Rays that 11the'founders of this comptalsat(ld, and lie felt grAteful Ith, of Manchester; btotibs, of "'list vaY for what, lia' uses. riot exceedill-1v bad this vear and et, Lonclatiboro; Kellner, B, UP of C1111toll. that the joe,ople generallv were -b 'as ;V6 1111v . e association have been cori'vinced. by ligin tea out" tile pur- 'ter off Lben th ey were a. few 6rs: The tealrheetlm� I ri 011tri1rh Iliftile long.!and Painful experience that ill y of 6he peopl� of, Uari- iold in the B. C. )list Nfoudily eN,Clllll WAS a do- which is Icpt-air "o- .1,11 society, woman, with rare r, . I 9 -olded success, both soolally and .4. greater diis y.oar than 1110 at theofflact of. LORD TIIOMAK,� INIC. in exc�-Jitions,' Js no longer he idal Lilly. Tea In tile basculeut Muck, Clilettg�o, 111. Tire only tiny. previous title. PRESS, OPIXIO.Lys. or thocliarch from lialf'Past routo'clo woman., but acreaf�e of frivolity, ell -is said to - be, affected Whose irroome to sevell'. It is needless to � Bay worldly, fopli4 pleasures, a'puppeb New AdvertiselifilqIlts this-ta is thefarniers. Ana a statentent of The Kiilo ton boast,g of iNv Y_ mi.ten-up Ili ! of faBI)i ood style, for wheli: c Ioil, not suited to inake 06 liaving obtained fronra city, P13 Ilats-W. J-Ackson. ocallits for prodlitf a of the. faral Out- !,QUd JRdiQS Of Only sex .(maill aliudiftn tail, cut.fi-oni w r� ,1,1111ty uII(IL,rt,,lje CMRSMamanz Show Rooln.Ovelling-John Craill. sild of thit Qa1culitted to lie realized Nashville Stu ants, hpp), but likely to make. him, ulis�, ivinian inan on 11,61fe If not -�'ftVk.' tile - pLQ�lo' 4 C116 tileillselves wl�lvresjoectto tile little Holmes, when his from fall wheat will. sllo�v that' tile* 0108 editor could now 'et foot caught in oil o 9 they repall-eki rice Of the, wheels dWiioati 4ligh p erabl ' e by hei ,deceit," other mn's iwaa his paptn.�wouia be to -the.hudle, room, alli., C I?g 060 arild.p revat Ing prices.-fwall otli4ir greatly inip)-oved.-6rcoutdian'. they. -with good Ifois products of tile fat -in will uiore,thaii from a visit, with. Mends iii Toisont (c, getting.along all right. cot p�ij ' e for the shortage in tl lit' 'The licips's' t in tile , geirtfumun 104L"- A�ra Watkins- 'A ounginaneftbe5tht ok i sat pronunciamen -o . giv-- is. home 31 0 n the L'� . Our city cont(Iniporary tbifiks tile Revs; 13111tellfordi 'it 'Ayers. in". histriketi . oils -tllat. t from a Visit to friends in (Todexi county'town one day recently. .1Vbile Miss Kitty' Lovet and breaking both tile bone' stapla.cer&id, o that.s lar �as we 6 lie archives of facts-all6tit ugar demohstrate,the thelle he krict`tiy&�ouiog lady are p0mitted -the-Vaiieftn shall be a11oltnes an' Afiss�'Liizld Jo Clib veil v iip, 6eiokl to re- tc Intl lit showill- it, p noes.- ThQ -three-hi -uselesmitplss of..the National Policy. sllb�erlbecl and the ftilloillit, paill up'tIo liv&ep- are iisiting. at Brampton. a([ AW430 to- a L the , , - 1;1 '" pre fro the fiat�re, �search, 'attracts ut�iversal.atteuidon e niz debt oil Tilly 1,ovett ,seiib the r ninini .. - I I . All right: V,d tire quite content to file cirtl I,( beh)'K 'r. � - lirifses Anniet and arel bigmelon. The young mail has since, e:1 and-mafi di "950 which visiting frielidg,111 LorWqq town, businan.outlook preseifts a'd ' . .-hip. teeth of, the scholars lift0v its, in liev Is -ill - li,,n in a- delirous statei bu t whetFrer a -tiy r6w . QuiW a number froln hero litter idedly.ebeeirfui and gratiltybirg a. - Tile 1�ope claims that inves-' 60 manner every day in tile week. ust-itt.1 iotqs or. thanks to..the id- froill eating the forbidden-fr6itor.the ile'xhibition. amount of. wealth' expended ed ihe Toronto.];, peot.-.. The indpbiedn ss Of -tb* t, ti i wiii pi-civIi'that'niiiny otoie Th I w fthe and-tfle e pro-. 191a 01 In tted -people to g to Yr, Beacom* ']lad a, wood-be.e last Or be kiloweth not. illirinall" old is not ]'at!" , historiLal- a y. are 1- su,,vxk�, �- a e' le'16 lo' in- Huron- eco d, at paidi costs Aioinvs, well. and 'a' danco at -night ati(l'. their, ncomoil Chu F p c y This Tile traction.eup �ine of ',(Iend. n hayQ riot -been in On unfounoded and distorted, and-lierd and cxpfe%§�. is t , 116 fIrst-of.tIle S (AMAr, justatioutil-much as.it-cost.iii,1871, bothers, r the. Ull *eon ��Ltn b.te collle� --Refined surta� is -h cont a,,Ib. The I'All,wheat crop in this vicinity seell. going- f riorn,'fartal to farm..- Che vilidlo they h -ave Well adde�l to, nionstrates his sincerit by the pl, tvycar . . ; It :� � ".. . 1 I I a Hire aAllifio __ o e 'clientper' than i;t-was-in 187S. M,of-llra-ag its-hpp.pl y once onia' fhpm. looll 1% it eon ail lit d., Clinton, WednesdayI.0otbb., rd ly,unwieldy 3 repd�IL),t th ell t it hs- eii a hardly w elill oz:th Clip I- -yi is n, inl�lidg �to. Z,. ttached, m6ve� along withc latil r(NII a' liF 7— ._7 _. I mvincirig aiyume as oiothdr aniffials'.''It P.11 /I 7,.[�VC -131?1 rt Lot t e'd'or hors wore mi- 'b -de- C( trn I . havbt,6een just to isi� pre leave rol. T11S VE 'I quite a sensati ieffiviid writffS raya one :cotenlpol at 1110 - '' " I 4 I �7 tall C t D t 00, tyr,111111. , of tile National pQlie-y,-,- . . . .. I I I - in(.] o onhen 4 i.Y_ ceqsors.than Clio better olags -of- Pro.. t, lib tile clover Which was intmided'for pu in till appearance Anci'm1ade at-, i�bcoulltr!ifor Ii4 nt i's; it is. I'll oll �11c, lit tile. 'ost Gralid Trunk s0ecb- , Tho own- Altbough it is not given to _ni, ell d- - -Ile Ilao. cf.o (;r- 8, od lls;le"qs rot- that puspoi;e. l,,id June.' been ma(lb lip -a enamored' 6*4 ys t . 0 r ond I- -re. ers arc in ilic-ge unrogionerate da L (1� t ) to b.oconaratulatecl.6n their . 'Iie1n-:tb chains., 04 r 'T-Latitl (%-Ileftcorrot inion "Luitied tobriiig.t illeeting takes Ill S. - 0 fi (�ood pair,of TantR -f( anclhe result, is as fal I -B e- proo d in,twain. tile vigil whid, 6 )I11 the enteri)r1se and thor' gfi'atteniioll to If Y6U 1w s.12th CO3-The .0 NN, j"latellrord I 66din the win ter in northern -Lf i- thir buil .w a S11111
q kless.* 'RE !�T 0 PAM8 Th 4 c-liptl 1F33)888U4',' expenditure, ug� bavo Nollie. alore't igail.. "I'lloy will f'aw thp pi%esprit from rier- f u-, lanames f,th&t'r, Ally'apilirof OUR 114�ulilloft c da lv'.Wi ell ey..�,. Belplv -a -�the rst hhell class of' School of
-'67: 08�3;165 'The (ill ys. 8 Withemitsafejod lice. to. 0cilre. tukV, yet, by it rvIlective co icag,6 �,wc;06�an shys a G 6 phir, Potatoei are and -a ob 'Iris is tile l,ar and 110tt ion of thie past ges t su,rplug ever Ila(] dfty.6 in thq week the, people: -rIQ very fat: diatant ]IRS 'One fart�nev. in horrid . Fronch. nitt . I . I , month -of long ILI, any Thiat .hit([ a load oftherif'ort his *agon for e sorvation f the present, one ion'; of QlAca- are coaxed -4y lights'and. m_:S i r T.r based_pfilp 1 G t 6 i7 -L. netfini ntluct_,�,ahL let o8t to sollip exelltyut tile as to nto it-,, 6,000's4looli. Only 'd t P- corner -to'lw i to Itig Or t e� pric.0 Qto- get a lift.,, recitatjon:-4th. Qiiss -1 t i aain. is Iai 1.1 o, : an,e Lamprey, 2nd ary Du ricafo,8rd linvo it fairly 'if limited, vis,4 n.neither case do 6 Eur- veek-do Iiqht� and . . - J " lin this Vic Call ek�ililiiilc the quli ��'Oiirsbl-�es a n (l' we es th gle day. in, -t -ho x ti stitilie-4 I , it Trinity -lottilditn"s at 'Port rel tY fo I . . r., . i ty it s thdt. e bound forty dozoll. :b4nima,\X.�Ili Nvill 1.6ax. it f0i vil f Is i)ew. publi� in Rebecca McCal 9i - bmilg sion of the futu lus. i clu� illo fr6ili 1nu,.46*.irfvito,tlIBl11 61to its I NkAla G .10 a litfle of' Qoods-,a�e Aoi what -1 v Ity -bort Wit Jr. 3rd'ol Ist, p the-othbi day,. and itruck I'll(- very liei�brth N�e:, 4 ti, ent. Positively. 11
I ... 410il ltely �a
fit tll�bftttl at --is wagged' -' ' � - h - it -1311, sa.in c s it tile.. Odvoililtry 116 0 CM-dit ow n� ces. tone wq I a gavel bbri6wod n villkit!q�f at O is AO;d -14ilfie C, at 6se pri'
fall, Wheat crop in a I -mpg wol i � ". I .. . . I . . t srttisfaetor�,; ex- Ing �o ljaii6 biN, force.4. ()raocrei lodge "Is therb �Otliill(y il� I121111 less thall a good deal. of 11cOQXk_ lit, it,,t to expenditikt,6 r Ilk, Q) e rgra somesections--and soillpstietionooly wd.11 Ih hand, an.(I totally. int anchod ntario.ga. graisp It i flip as to 'h, able �Yjtllc hillifititill 40116,in tills Xioinity bills Wil. Ros. Is s �r -ed tile Oil-. a'lie alore corn 2nd Emnit e e receipts beiiii� funip a it] and PTO tgreater 'Y e�.Dunctin Ofor a partistin croakurs toinauhre, a- -tiw- F qorns (IJ N con, this C 11111 in uqli greator.m lorriand fr fl;te bolst than tile 600ly J.- rai �&c -11111ough, t .9
I (11 o.liodil' -,for in gloonly for i,!Y t he first Mine, %yeat'. to eA� handis: on. lit ell' 2i'lie.later sonic werequt (lore Wilson .3rd;�Aleia.ndei Ahis Seasonds Ahe'La'rge's . I ir * .1 RVE'NUE Or TIM DorXIO"%% -of the an trivail. oil thy 0 1) I Ospec, I. the: c6un try. -of t It e 61 rit o Atoning covers a alultitude, s s o e we ave,ever c ail( is 1106 Inaking Itself felt e e .. I �ltv tilt, X. P. arried; Iii I'll s lure ies in,. that city, fl* -b `VA th'Or itilmeoiate financialand.btiinc. om N) - co iiltjk,,"t)if,-'Iessgainetl)ey�bi-ouglit tipil. 1S'O Ma )?W tall r1rillium-4 wts c 1,.,;o a, hono' ell . e
me n lore. Rell'all :slid be trifled th. 4
fore-bodinp are entiriely o'a at too* large' as e -prospiqeU for a big bum-'.., Of D, 9. Not Lwy, ' V(1' call. 61, u, Who is going �o s at, a mnt our Olon correspndent, tinompected of bit(. no I . t C '�1'11 , Tho assumption that . . . qornpanion fhat lie tl ght i g Literal in �ur'vllmktge ? Dontt, Vob'e'and' Ballsloy to (It?, teNihirt MoDoilgiall took in flio, Provin- Emy trade 0 oil. �tlw, .10.ug. t.a. ness `b6ing done In'' ',Poor
Canada. will not iecelve q much . I proach to 'P collICIA of 0,10 culpent Yell] all�spealc'at once:. hecommodious cial hist week. rotelitalitigin tinat: t1lo out Y*06r: l!'0118, ----btii�ding 6fFer6d to rent -in iinofh6p here for the 13-1�luctq Of Ow att .Roinan Gtlioli*c (741're"lit Tbe fore,.. ve,.h ve're olved to, reduce" ir The fact,,; arty follows :-Tile churches wer- ac. and wink. Tht.is th'o, Jitiniot, of AJox. gDoilgall ig t�fie, or f6i,' 9 Ina was. purl)ose,and there is a rich and price t (iolunin. is lidmirabl adt-tilted foi- this, Lair S' 0. t,- e
ev' Filnce lillister OlAfti tied tit(. egiblo to' tile peopie fo�, -110�k., very owe
labor as-46r.the oria pr inn' ent Mr. ohn of Al 0on Fail pros- . .� I .. st ..,possible livin Tll�).�. yisitill f i 1 * -, 0 ent to a reduction in ex- -hQre for a few �Ja ee Haw s Jaunwar- gures, and ally proceedin, 'f Parliain Ys lst VV 'k Ithis watik. else 'Irr. Ile i 11 g'O u'r Vil I age ate O' of tlie araillnonts I -de 6 L. 00 ranted by tile actual t f t1ji'ligg. -�Nve;rie cliosed the. "rqater f gone to w-ho"would be oril�, t Counpillor, Elliott has -rotill. nP.4 b I 0 avdil themsel%4B 6f thd Of hig piisvrip �Iftd t treal, where IiO been ;Ili Illibi- cattle. Remembei, -bb to your interes,tto part iof .. ; , - I 1,11 f;lct it is quite obvious that. even -of tile In,* the oppollout of And tt"Aty -to -make their lborchases n.O.- luractilrilig tbat� as wo . Ili . en calinot"take Wwi,al . to . slll�.ftll Or home. If a good ene�kjede In . an it groat tlii.q soction will tit- so far as the amoint of tribney Clit' 'of the �vitji ros! Ore t 'Clothin "Tfidse, a it -tile I L . . . . would tatce; hold ofU lie wool( firYd call at,.;.).,u' a nd in file dufolic6.of tim country I e esher seem* to iia*�O. - I I .9
)a gossillors of Otte 'Cloth" r Chat 1.6 Idn'i that (I will he by farinno for. the e ii to itho� 'SLI i'llio l'J'be L �rc h re alint a. ase vour ing ro currelit year is-conceillind, therelaro the in. in. B , . htbad att.leck) In -us.;. itIssue 01 tit logis! tion. Dowevor plitusible the, pill)H6 iYuligance. lZesidents litwo to ih'g:OFtbe1?LhIic. choollere foillie at-JOi[il : lValliti.has ci,,e for 188��-84 Ii's a- - VDUOA:T1OXAr,.—Ij0Ow is' U16 stand, s oI g, ry strorio for Chilli they W ppi for the 1111. tilt),. or Septanibei.. 'lio n, -apparently en fly it a afop�np to'. wjja� out �gunlv it octor'g rrai,L� the 1=4 week, btiili� tr I 'uA 8 ivoljor elltvapil�l and, are -ritinged iIJLq;rdQpof merit-nncl Clio* for eoll,r tfint it will ho tillill... irl any yeae. y 6a I,. Ili itippo _Qf tile ltn)gS, o casion to- gay -that -Itiel) t ll,6 Use it, tile Of.th is I tE,xcign reviontiv lip to, (I to seeing to be. h'formor r t w I a mlinicipally =ed b6fdro: thir ve�ovt is based on I'LlIlCit-13111,11tV 'Ork: rlllll,, 1. llwith tho pol;'joil, last was -a. �at�oit, worthy (?f' the.plea, in. tile Illina (if tflo antl Dili 0; inar ninntion that Nvi-th tile exceptr . i,. . I . I.. 9 g61160, I I n Prop. )M)er that is anxionsly'looked foi, lin� It e,.,stl t up oil. till. thA:7'tfr, Inspector Yater i0o."of fall wlivat,- file (11litiltity of of I. of Mary Xesbia,, liticy, -ONP. 'b as 'goil up, to 16hn.gton. F i -0 ' - , orin leorgle M 1, Presume r. ltobept'Bp ra of tife b productFt of '66'farin that . . :.. .11 The al couritrieg oing. ft soldior itetully j 11 Aobb. .Thonop rI]i.v(mu(! foi� thectirrent .1 r I'Lowlit, will filld him as useful tit) Ork, dsePll I catire colt to Clio IVQA-� ha4 been ki Sallie. 'ter igb t to V* 6 be" 61-11 Fall a th, Ito I R rid' �pving, Aggie Plall,ilebeccajohn'stan, is, f66 U 12 fie lim boLin serv4ble -so afl. Ili per cont,; th )..ti.ri I anco tho 01ify rmt0
e actlil III Z iarkotpil for Clio -six year was fltile wri lit 's iii �ilpport of I,$ It Mail Of tile r tb�l-eATL the voters HE " L irronths a)id that* wift be e0*t'ivcrt (I Seecifid Orin --,Tadob Sandei ill voi attack or eongestioll of' t ling'.. to its. cotniiared s-0 lib I exclued by 1aw' f rom I. to po ItIcal 186., 1101' litany fritlilds . will into money for the next si-c. niontlis, ibe.giud to lea�ll ohati- Clio lor this. , . L, .. with -the Then. sut'eily M, Dflake, is a 1�atriot: are 0 Al'illY. �7 Lnithwaite, will coniVare favor'AblJo witli that of .1 . (I..*, 'Vranc'eg �Jallg, t srge Itill, Put link', rontein- 414 oil 9 0 most prosperous Year known ill stich n ithis- govertillivilt- It.is a.1 amar to ail -of to tile lilany 0 .8 of t1lWarfily lld 1NOw 111�t dio , Is tit . (�r t.hl, I I _ 0 as candidates , f, really it lgabout thilb fair 101kilislifililk , , ;
thiseoun-if,V'i and -*06 lk urns obtnin-* of tile Pior native shore in the old sod boforialglio ilhar- re �e"l and obtaillhNo equally" elle6rfill rgan about. 8011villt 1100) Quite a large 1111111h Ba loli4
It -well 1paitty bcontract to b of 4' or of in ,olatory. *Is. n ie .8 For I is' lantel war totollm and P10.1% "T. AfAttliew Peandoti. (, on I il n1therotl at Mr. I OGO 7 And -t I coil) (4, tb.*t.11 is t Vote tit elp.atioll. 1-1 11 a's net 06) 'path, 'Diive m6a�JISL business the othell (Jay till( tornpd� jIPL tile a. rj' AfS JNIc(1pe
hr*11ont illi(ler o' ])fit �k a RP u.r . . was In tile act 6f 11 nb I telling Ili I Lid es troll) its sholl ILI ors. a s a. -Il ln.eyidelo Cly pushing Matters foi�, Jacn of liatile ill-li, titifte itt.1 prollatratbty topilt-'- 'all Chi* AI'd w6rtli. -The, pool, of potafoes tills season though 'Ile g to cs ild indmil one to thinh a sv i,� inixwl. larlilin" is not how-a-flayq (,; 0 ber of tlio at my awl Ivy, I, thig ii, ll�v, rack oil, Whell tb� horses of' Toro'n Cot, Is visiting aneI, - . 11.. Walker, OUthe have llf� upon. a bad niore into (Ineldl I Inliy. of mululerina.ft, l6Y9Q., grants tile fralle'll ke oil ly t�gollvrftis ran oif (Ila ging Mr. Ilrandon a coti )ter iiatep collie to Canada. yrar to.
nearly -90,nincli roli tile ("tigtoing kLeftp distance and bruising film Iluion 8ho' is a romarka6ly p %4w; erly.. rho fact is that, n1thougil A21 b5l, 570 in 1881- Out Is Out of elilploylilell-ti to a painful but not se,rious extent, r1wor Indy and Cips the beam Litt 230 'Ili'- . I . L 11 ) 1 . . ohn, Cox and AD. Jarnos Mlioti a patriot. 'Verily it :is unt oflic,-rq, and�to NAldi rs' who havo e'ariftfla, is ww4 *W'.017,211 an -pounds. itioll to Mr. Tor.. —0-0— I I 0 rallf-0 Ill tile ftl)l)le I Isillo4s. x0afly all' a," 11611ourod with tho. Lro4s '�Ntl,.Johko 0. B111OU lifts bork,glit whit Creftse of 81013-1170-1; that 1,110 if)g thrvt 10forilip't's li-Ilt'shy. li*orso by it's oating now oats and 6,02- tile tntal (fall nild spriquy) 'L . . , C, a turnflIg illerellants, r u ell linholy ti on 1111111hor of cLungfolk Iproducts of thofarin co _of (;'rrJb Partria s known oil W sell -ass wilie , Disc for 3.0. D Im Ull ai gi t �ftusc 'I gfigs (in the stituto only 1881,82, wa8.$6),26O;l.l7 il -k-ly lichl to uIllit for ex: stomaeh� Ilad Will.' Dliticari of je irrircni !load, for his son; the c i'I 1882-'83 the. ]tall an the 4tTli con, tile other eve-, etho t,fact thatt this been on band in Orne the silleration therefor being, $6,0U0. 25 7 hing and trillifed the liglit fanta.qtio till One fiftne"ll 0f'thA valu(' Of tho it in of, a Woul: Anilial would have been tid ITI Of 4100tift, 11011.,313 Visit- till'o "aYOnt Clio lto is coii4idtwad mifit try. lovair ducts of tile nadian farm tha.LakPL IO%V a L 'of lit- TV - all outlai of $150 9.11 'hot- �tr. Yujo of fll'o ly WasL)nIlr,h indPI)ted Ina, total SIITIUI(l Ilut ,ii,itifluIllify I er Its ft ill is b pt exportnd. The Value hall $209,699 We that I I I . ling also returned the management behig Ili tile ilgh't Ino t Pit last " - for ankher horsic Moir*mOthdi to I L J , i'lior 0 I . iglia to a ain reside ou. the' products of tile t profilice ,f deof Canada ,wtg not. T�ntg of oatq'and wheat wit ublic Not idid PxPofted' rot- ynrw end. muell tbrough! tho 6ene ex"clielft n will 14 * nlong. Nvoyi� bi tile till'oshing line OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL 11 on tilt) 6irfit or 'llbors t I with hi Cli toll it de the trary cofidu6t of, blir O' krain Iivas bitig (Itivell houtio i"flig Jillie 1882 was, in round 1,01tcoill, tlyrnshifigIn. of It year is that nott?il, Ilainviv, ellirvo of tho beqt it) this seotio became frightened who:lf, a ti (IL . . I I G 'DISCOU bers 1. 7,000, GOO. Vall lid Apring If thn oltly gelevillI00 air & creswit to
X)o tho intliounte(l in 5,000,00, nut, anlotilit. li�li and ritil awfty; damriging the iviaggill
I] annexapionit9 cah ralse is (Ii-4801voil l6f tho grAlil from tho of,the 1161.8eq, v quick time, of 105 iriin ites.
aformed two.] Oil n('arly A.160,000 lt�s that of tho, ship oWndr,rland entilill'ollL !Iaq golle to tlk(:, R hintro (load rot "Porgo, N I
lit his bvother'A stort'. tar. A will 11)� done Ili short order, dk ItY. 1). unor roturnod libm4b from OV of the wigAn thLat a live nian annot, Oki Atilrday. Ills-yonp A indugtr� we afraid our poo- ni, raf li�i, hit Aid it fill. Among of wilihull. as V18* fall to givo gatisfill, tion. imporr&l stallion topic tile ill I,, of Pic, will'llot throw thenTnelvo into iting in LONVII last wovIt. a Ma'OT" AND 'S ES' 11AVe 0111 -$3 33 600 it tire Irotis'l tile ell,, -it y vf it( 111S. prize i1i Ilia class. Ire wits tho I v(I n our Villa W. Unit, freittitig ips6 horse of his trigq on tile grouleav* NDPIT al;'�nt Tile vrliolo
of wheat Px_ turt) driving' the a.rius;. of* ynt.. JoIltlIVotbL allil iM 11011 �rr. 11, goo" Mitt lot, a of tit& huinoss will soon Tie in iniming pnriteil, or,orkiy about olle fifteonill tho following 07)0 I . torip Ing ovor 'Iittles' by 30 Ilia. 15" * trooin file 'rl Z XxXA tfy trado returlin for Auust show qft Value 41,500. 8 lihve not heard th6 estinqAtod 0 lit Jilt t, or b ell s,of Clio a, that ot a4riculturai nialco 2:W Ivilf As is" a good bli.4illill,14 iving, Ave will give a ucti; export-' 'trit"111 tfiral Teprod illolig with him, lin ?r,)Ll I �Vgy I 6th;1P of ttsWhile threll-ling 66 Irenry Xlwpllyla Inall Ila will Ila oubt Make tile alrair pay. export Will IliftfiUNN: public woric-4, $106,( darillgt tile lllo�tll tho-glicsf, ot oliflicott. 0 1*4 of lumbor,, ( I I 1 I-6: hilknigratior, ad Clio OpIm,41's sex a Wrindril-fill changer on tile Will. Wo want more like him. 2 P E r"I 0 F. N T turvs and, niint�rftl gain 'U�l L Of if, was thn Orr & 14t, f4r, t1w (�.tlrpy ='ft 80yel'o from a Thn driver.s ;or tomils, whmn 11BAVY AXIJ ITAWNE p to I%. and qwi�antfiw, t 9005,124 "Those Of Augl]i comes over the tilla(II-11poll, an'd in'- low that, Vin ex AtOft'l two blill- 4 kllirp� It wits an' tire b."trid, reuPrieeit t gtolit of loeq flild 06 Allollif of gmhl to'colved two Itiftlol, m Wolify II(A movdq 61, Itirim tis to the Portor's wabollf, tkvl,� IIS entlIPAIII-if wag tile Valtie, (If. tile llgficUltae I rilantrwith tha.4nittil-liko P01408 his 0 8000lid Itill Tlioro 411 fr$t, I'LtIj V, of NJ,61 nor eVpoptii, IIJAIdnetho troll I,q cate.hing M11. (,ttriy�g hana. Ropftq fl) 110, a flow lViolilor Af inorning to flin in about twerity-tiVo Ininut Tlwm is it magical olionga for wiltho . A i loorts of C!Ittlll(lft for tile Y(itar growt1i 8 vc; eflin botipe front oinor Ilort-tilfArp i3LOCK* OUNTON, 247-ly, ponpb, f'I'le' fOv th a liolder of tile ribbons, who Inig so usly ill, is mayin, TO
oill 10 01hildrok) wAlIld 1111L All hildian trat lioloq, Twiv thAy secill to bil �Ntttvr ell, im Subscrib' or eIrl O' Ini"Lltion Iiol�it't% till' all of Ni'llicly earg# al)(1 IL!"marlitift traille lit. (Ilinton will: prov. Iwildibirp tit% publie rep.oiv. at tho vi,w mill oil I� Ovor )ter Ailment 'Alld restbro hot, to 1111IRTU44 the to r4lich nn.'eXti'llf good nvoriiige yield tilt, Nvith 1). 1). " Ofo, A 1161mo 6pt.,, tile -wirde Mr, 1`1,06. Ci1110ITLY M�IAVA IrOn t; f 0 A-rainfill Ad. . of ri.