HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-09-26, Page 41011 VA pill all 'y WXX= X V.Vlow Oil tile sulmquellf day filte at- Goslo for 0`4 L I N 1`6 0 '14, mms Ok tfitclied liter line to the bank, and sit Poor orflatur'vt' 0 _tp-sglaitued Fur It r inium.1h tihovits I-ml'ri left it, swimuling, ill tile streall), "i'll, VE"m Al 1,14�jjl, looking r,14 the piottxre:i of Oros - R PRESE t r1l 415 It ro r4l %I ])Ile she withdrow to ai landilig t lim, riiO tilt, groat place . Upoll tile lIUdk3 SCOUtg(i W0111011, " 310 Clothing P'lit 10 extl`�Ildty of tile ii,- Anil thort-11 Iiii dauger ut Imigbing litir W 0 rk S-110 r I a, "o 1% Ty Cod Till Timoks,(11011pDAY 01ily. U'Wl TIR44b TestlMoAftIss, of Itily' kind! I wvtoitir what, Lilt, C, a 0 NO . ........ latid. h1he waulled fora loll" tinle Ili 11"itill. TMA, 0 poor thin. -S Jlavil to talk 10Joutil" but Haw itotlijwr. 81111 retLuned to to a FIS IP W.F1 Irt Irar 1�=Ii Thm. Godorich Now's )ol girl s(Overely repz?t- tile pillee, N�!jfljldrpw tilt) lilla--alld Tire hir-;h uclj( Al W.I. brother yest eaq r LA1,Li ilk,, d"WoUtlisa I tKI'll 9.0s,". 1-1 all—m 'to moxv v;lta there wait the letter. orday for t I Uh Nr eallm so, pir Lio,� � sUN lit A wdijg the phrases not mlle gueezed ti,'s - 41VAGO, Alj� 2*, 1 sow This tittle an triiswer was request - if at." 8110 N. .jyH Ijq 01),rilt to may, m u., ro, In fleoord, X04�>3M Z F F,�. t jarp 1 y .!�qffli? �r, �'4 y"o I,�. I I a, r,,V .4 1 1- p ye. Ike auclaoinum 'Pin a lIloccasiolli,04 ]to stornutttitols:y Con. AThe reply was writ. PROMET01 Dr. Paotial List of Presents to Be 814en Away. 1 09. er is a, dou"t, but lie 00 Lu I ten after some lies 0 it00 ihook dropped into' tile Is ru m uIelit allono .1: bravery too fti. Ito' i� I W barged with a letter whi0i wu,, in- aso rash It I on telided to say- Ilotbiu-, and 4,4 1 S. F. to- liall. Called hill) to 8eii Till ilMorp4k m sort of wan N') (lit (Illy, allill lie Aututilly asked ber* to no 500 01) gultribV009110I lit., Auir. 11, 1880. nvsbulletin of a victory �4' UGGIES'OUTT,F—RS,WAQON.,S,.),9LEIGHS,&C- ....... in'let Ilin, e,1 Itler toll,,ue! tQUU nilra HUSBAND f.,;. ; t. '01, 34 "Illy 'I'M tover the"bard a ANG1 ING fa WOUIdII,t Ill .17 V -a 411V Uvin- 0 1 at IV t I ....... ....... Creel, imall until then uriapproaclashle. 'r nts valnml fram -.5 vents V, $%,0% Illitch Makes It 91*11114 U of 100, 100 Ores. hall tire courap tb 0., Aux '11 1883, vbo reside(I at Inam would have each at Ile LAW 'Madanle D-- ba -1 too tIlivet that toill"ruo of 'D mut jVQ(j AL comy or tile AN SHIN Give me a call, nd chatolk-i was a Tally Of the strictekit )e Waten, la tIW Rw RcIntiring and liv 1,111ESIDE -stale, 0 Ay"q A0 it The only megativo t4at y . . . . . . ... IvIll give 1-im Privies that Catilliot I lit I(- 4e th, Posters, of IIIIII IN A eliamOter, and. of a. lwart proof mystvriotts correspondent employed, laclif.9 aevept -gith atiything like good HumAo6iig duite i�ltlit rietipatch. Ait'Istead of'magic— the art of a IM- ill thisi World, is tile photo- 11. OANUI LUNN Site pricled , III fl;!l diver. , Scruples easily then they dg- Vie Mae& ?ee 711EXiI ts),.Vo Ora JulyV4,1883. ii ae'nam -* air. Allfteen ard b- A hol-euri It mend io;o_ ".1bliel-lber- till VIC 0. sl� FIELD ANj3 herelf ul�on, bor great misijbility, restmine(I hVr thfttpart tuatt(I proofs. "We get many lettevs. from If I ttham as 'llite' 'I E site was We that 4 TIfe anaell, of fresh imut ill, a Puany S and Der prageand indifforclace hal of the bnak whet w 1 room mq? be fiffectually gotten rid rLpuilsed all these gllant who had -Ile diver ell Id fro the F144,11.0-11 oustolnerti of Ali- AOIUTIX r.NXON, UY., Jill U It pallkrrl� I ov"i'Al IVO &Lilt- bell, U l; v -0 nontj Wain, 141#0foot k%, 1111116 1 4 UOTE4 c, water. �)f by placilig therein a ligii of water, bus temperments lia in,, vistent And ablest volunteered to ofler their addresses. Xwed ZOPRSA. 100,000 at tile billm set, ILI"' tile d1st"ll"Itt"A"I IJIV uI6-j rue 13ut this game of lotters, walused In which, h few olliolm liftvl) been ItcontaliniStorless Sketches% Poetry, Farm, Carden. Household ant( ILDERTOV, OIXT., Aus. 3, X884, 'I'llose sobject to Agricultural Departmen'to by tile best Qorstrlhutors of. the dayo its w0l an all llimstratem, I hare Isittily ipeon, a nbWermer to your Tire coantry was r Iter ar, verit4ble it Jim, -Xulmonre TO t Ice Illrits, uedtl R N folio .11 it paedsliced," HmYs all, ( .1 - nt N"alo and embroidery wotit, 111ta"'I"t ardiffel t1jarts6ftljo .91itallic rlapvr. alui intl%t WAY 19 or low s Fashion, DmIMer tauty unit 1.1 iolm burn Sketclislis of Bunl4cut ana retreatj "lie shunned, and- and, her lively, awn the 14111AL, af the Oil Xt"It wox�Qzli lArn-vanty olgestion or Liver ti-ou*b1cs U -In tile AtIrit place, more to. linvi: y our paper In long than Ital lip loll, Ain't fill It III,, tilt, IL I%V 111MICE.. contalned In the lomieril loullp; X Wits Wily happy tthat shq NY. rote tile' ilouse down. 91irpris6d bowrapidly have I'low the Larest si��'lislvsidrinorki the a t Lint of lie ellanct, 11a v Ono of I he inany pi ll ndplettsa, . TO THjs� WHJ T F125TIVAL. we Lqll VQIO jlkj�;t .;18 11,0 r/0 ta facetiousiv it. pts. lb t .1i 7 oUnitas YHF obarilis I% chosen efrelp, the plea- I,et V. -s. give no thi; j"stilag na, Let. I yullhaveno4so wol,illk, tile (to all prometit", n. W PA11810gy. ille for the iummet, but rel . JTs. C*1 Mill T MT1 FT 10 I\T 4, 'ON LY 60 CENTO wo --world W for her lid 'hi at-ili littr aurea of tile 11 fo which skould colitillug-110 10119.011 p.0 It be sent by 00 PaPex-a ll right Amind um de- -ce"t l` a Imierille" may they id co to Ile uot mak 4% goud impression site "Mil a con (Ilfention U!hip 11apor. I 11WIlte IV yfele0tims LI" II with annot, be ea rigot ,tt!r,I.U.iiioii(�ytirdorurL'xi)rpN�. attractions %nd her favorite reere- your, ap Vincespno of its value.. Work, 86' Ond are nuirprined lit beauty. *I've repliod,-w% ske sl4pped his mouth, these re Piresents to our Subscribers giventothenj Ubsolut6ly, Free. jcr�!Lkjj that JoILON the ad Or a Sit 1, 101= and isy 111 1: DNIb Aulber Itirlill ed4eknoWl Call before buyNg and yourself that REMEMS" incies and neighbors's as Itwill not art V zLtjOi was that of ailgling--all 2111LISe 0 utthlo, out and show to frIenCIsvcqu;tfnta " tilslrtge tho U or tf, wttl n,and Istho Irtsto will, ave to take a0f L", _ffe Of this e,,7 Pear a -111" TwQ4r )Otago oup.t L�erj n s;A. ms IoSGth, in S 1.00. TIMOTUY MOSELEY. kjleiit�%vorthy of all unfeeling we- II'lle lover answered ji-IOUS POINTS, offer. ent.Roart"InItItyan, t -7- 'The FARM, FIFELD -A D Mmx:�t� � , jc-mr_,'sq Randolph �$tree Chlcagol Yes, if you w, ill add, 111[ope.*. WR SELL 0 H E 1A.- N Fi The ine'Orablo lady replied A -B )ston �dM She wksaccustonled 'every ploa- "If only a liedemyy text last Suti(ipy Alt is not Good W% raut dIiy to. plitee herself at ex. hbe on -her Wi14'5-' decide you, let it be -so." ""'ERTAKI to tire close of tile every till- UN fflu. -of CUT zw� TUR1.1 tre1­jIIit,y.of tile lonely islalrd And tbo word wag written. tilotli-Covl�.ried, 1­10ME, MANUFAC Ptev. Pat married fLinallo in tire con-rc-ation. 1 Vfi,: Z! C�. Ti's Line 'Will IA� f0lillij AV( o' I - Ili 11 ; -tun, aod there, with her b o1c inone Ic CE, -11'he young man EXPERIEN touchingly rosponJed J'All, ilp In e'lift 0,9' Pleas- "yo L Ili -s, Crapeti. E 14nin Tim r.ev.. 7. F. Avildso 'well-known city liand alaiijine in- tile other,,pas her wilanot a-.Jolzer. Tire r Lt view, Min ionniry In, Xsew Yo Aj;, alill brother of t4a ged to IL is reading or dream- i"g b01011 .1 portion as touch is" said. an inest Heame in ithe Vounty. H ILO, NO -BLE time ill fighi�jrr these momitain, x, 11 sub 4. as to hi; style,' and, lie, made mi to L abophord, in somit r 1110te $Ott$ Sjjpr�,Xnsl - " -, s 1.'� fi-ttjs Ii.y.to colilplate. Ilia e0licille9t 14,11hat's tru(.7" tile , p PlInple.1 La4l. who kIr 1 Lincoln. in If rapid. progrel;s water hait the heii,lits of, ERS AM,c atIm a . ttellslotl promptl oil lud. ftelllll��, Wort, "You -calf said the trxvellem clikid at, ilight, 'ca hrtinit I eotilit searceiv Gear. timiAted by her coc)l UlEa?" ON' A lover, who had always been il -wag As 1, j -d, A isnro enrevir Liver oaw-Ile ne.%q, and, who GEO I L 8/, Inad never ventured oil a, sliol-en or lie two), I'Americ from: NIV ]!;Ill Al I two, [.�LlLktlges of tilt, Clrowfo--t It cured bovt-r -1 was alo a,stifferer band without,wi.5hinly it, and, here," -rer thaii that,", Yours ")nc, h Street, ne E, will fimish m.0'r,,make ujx I'll -v nhu _VICTORIANNOST., OUNTON, ONT. Nor ar the Sqnare,. GUERIO spite of tile vow which site hd tilk- replie(I An"hom cmnjha� b.e 7" Ono the it good deal Z -111t. itton declaration, surprised ber ,it her favorite pUrsuit one -day,.. oil' never. to niarry,L - I.-Tolding t1jeL tiie-miHt drives -W -ye catir ashi abl'e Styles Lilies flled Gents'� Clothijig in F ^,n inam, other tforiner I, began ]in Ihe had been-clauty4l; b tile see Mile Clam's T.'U.*Ek9T61,1. market Durlillill, 011t, when lie had Comes to the island for e it ill, VNa AlLpiltottito hWhat, in partiouar NIOns tbo hnitroyea Almost fi I tile first 1168�. - �r a: curo win) one. the purpose of enjoying a strituming -1-t thilo tho f 1, Slit Of tl e Pharisees, children 7" said crowfoot Itlitters wi Ivint even isNOME is an, gxperienced Uutter lna, praotical vo,P!Aits� bath. the lady Sutidx�, Hohool teacher, (j I'd erl$ prollip Lly Rttelltied. to. NOlethead m7sis—PHILONOBLI'l,; stalavrit anit cougit wi ru also eured tile 011�110 All Eit g,e lno slop work Ill I, goliel tO ileal tit greatls, improve 11"Aithig cail4elq, ;ny lady," ivas the by ELI) Street. Goderioll, I foal it bmi(Irett per ie .1. until jt� is t�m It, 'was a da .�ibeii everybody pro Ile observed r fo' a :long U. ty n;pt reply. 11 108;011 lit.td m TH0 use or1be , 11111101. 1 Ct without discov6ry, and busied bial- e who. (Istrain 11� 7 irink till aj,tIAo best, blowl 111041011jo tie 'filifflit ever (levisea., I took: it, in pniall dosels threa all, less thall two bottlos.* carrymg a, vour sorvice,illoi)iiig P down that a large iffan, was tired laid' anxions to sit ferred to. 'thos at A 1111�* shall -Are IT u *to bis adva r -tj � solf, with thinking, how gnat and swallow a' 1 FUNt It Xt gripsack, boarded all easte n ruilrohd_ es. Re P. AVMD"`� o ying ask -,s n, -Tile bovo ilistance is bit d go fortupatee severa cro-wde, a IC13, prove the per -L ain,- and after witlkin-Aiii urth but tile ev, ver -it toile ivs were so deep an d cais,' finally.Aund IltigIt be leuited GROCERK aer a er oment of angling, His rlevei-� tr lie acarit seat, and, nacting. COOPER'S U to,, tli' red the 0 -v abgndouing the custo'm of putting that lie at. Ifist Upon e "desi hililsolf; placect big blfiy' oil the 6ashL. inscript �ptls oil tomb8toneg and prom oted for if, )�Qritlorfl nical Cow. Alho ouro orail 4tnoasos. g front pov.0ri o h4d blood, nd it woakellod. vitalitY. Illall , It novel 'expedient, indeed— ND t bis,Fidi, J ust as the train y! � they are it! ways most successful T I ersi a n a d begs to return big. 'Ayer's 0-% i to'-his'llullip-rou-S en,$ TW III 'er tors frow taking tfie�pulpit os� Sun.. thank. heir to, tut -m 'at 'Otl )ngthens the. blood with such Women a p . retend-to be. tereld and mad ­o, dav,A. tomorli for URNITU BALE -M .0 stOIAAOlI Illid bowels, invulnetable- 'y action of 411 sol�ch, of a meat. Clarence Fitz Horblrb euds us 6 Jot' jjagt tNj'O I's and 69 ]it! -stein to H, ;to (.1 And 6nables the ist and Over..' was bout'to`s1Lar"�'a,,,p lip yea Tit(- next dav' our# amarous bero quii-iiialy'bofoi,etb�e'41.r,-e III, thle iful post: ,retum e a ti n beginning "I will itjtj�ncis -to ive WEATMALD'o )ell to'th i6land Studied .1 . -rions a -T g frolli wor orL Y, F TOWN HALLIN .the I tter vf�it U�y lov at gate op-POSITE till resu I ients, and -is tground, made his-&rrailgen 4 sTh is seat mail We ihink Von bout Ile 'hqvs to ineot a'continui'miewof, -AV L low stat of the system. pp , , e0giigml, Sir, a I _ 0 1 1 1 . . . . -'at's .,01(1 stillift. orrQ)toa blood qd out but will re I , when Mftdanieh--­ liall'resunind just st,� tuill ill a clariii up. ! People who -write that thu* -CINTO, ir ]ter accust6med places lie �siipped m9niont ; Ile left his? biliggage her6 as kind of Poetry Seld'Oln gPt ally' fUL'- , . ) 0 . t Dr. & CO.' Lowell, Ma�s. to*a renidte and 'retired It ei HIS T. T F.'& QX at I)m\ Tomi a Claim to ])is Isilat, 'ther than the gi away 60 C * $o1a by it I prtiggists; prjO4 I,,. .. im Il I otties f r m, Duacon. Wilson- of 'Ei vansvill:' s. ter, and, lifter divesting :bijnself Istill bo, iVeils" said' the s6cond traveller! ...... also at 811L of big cloth;m, lie entefed . tl) a, I (I 'If , q., was so greatly amitoyod' by a ar4b, All otlit, m !iVin protty tir r-. R S. lwAY ted widi I t Igor who flit �ji� fiall(rh 'sit dowu you do t obi0c A-RT.10-:'' vv a nt ire ter in Church, thab,w4ile-prislying, lie.. Lal�gci Stock of Ali excPlIent switniner here, Find ljol"i for Ilill tilt' cATi It L .0 PILLS U0 NJ P to -its itc I ()It all 1. Als diver, lie trusted to fiis atlilactio W-� re cor, UIOII� this raised l'is voiue r I;Rerpris�. h'o proceeded to clor. Then 0./1 A., Nirgative Medicine -n. "Ali :i1o'liz 0 Lord, liev TITE fd M A HU ACTU entsi for tile �uccess_of hi L the SA T E.S A -AL T ME o0rcy of, tile idio't, tile -lie swain elld 'of jarae ulft1j, Was bound for Lyrint (D:El "Y- 0 0 oth 8 Oil, Uj3Ljss WIll"All thli iat:our: V'� lRN NEA, L,,FLOUR earnest y I)Ya),le wl I ilwmv re.114bles. (ill by the clifilinei of the'. lomik and o itillaft that his A e. I roujid -OLS, Ilt-011. lip, o1jur the* 01 companion inig oinerT I iterviceis ov�q hushes which hufig their IL- Ilt-got OW at's, h door whi: I till.I Cali U1 "*it' 'put. a 11'aad Nil ricit, J lie -u ill keep -It iin it It o/I rs, Potv ,e a pl.wliteri. In* his "lip 'verett,. 'llels It" boVe'th �illo 'dr E or G ea ,was a note fo all all, -him. Am b. d �w r' n or e and st;ialudl lip se bdtj�yn be- �'Oil A BOON TO ME i oti ,tri-i-ving near the 'sp9t. *here ie tired msAn tha I d Ali tbol—lio from indiscratIlin-, rotlihmistesaro yond. cdlpny,sIqutW44ned,nnd miablola. was sittingi -ific, litixrs, fOr eydn a mount 7 MV Peterborough _/Uviblif), toucili1lig OOOPU71 SE111NO 31AC" re nde, x, �b ei; B hav nit h L inade a dive, m a 'pedtijig every second that lie wo sfty� k.), itAid books attached it be7usted" by the ovner ot,the -o tht is vith an' (I for. ittj W e�IP: to His letter. ours and.; licite gf�ip every act r )feertain rilaoratign Then..wo may, 11L oTNladauie -opirceivinz the. sack.' TIN T f)p line, supljose&tl t o. AR�TON REMEDY GO.. onze'St.. To' ment of bet 'ILA The. train. moved',out.,from tile -0 us. 9 I �uw the *disposi of'ib.- :"L thc�.Leadi a tisih was 1I station � In va larg obtain our rialitfnfterritnr� . . . . . . J.y toL 'tile to IlStead of TMA.Al pilme ]Its had' doubled the 6apej seli 1lig les til)atiQIIL w's. X T E '11 A Tile- young man had ratir�d sis lie stran,�er's� ticket CA ER lion, we may Consider th e FOR UN1111 rot e -,v ay TLE but the to nor Ize. Ic -d out into R -sat qtiiet y fri AS p qce, and IVC rimparatins, them fr6tn,.each. other straligor All -go Inall It J- N% ithout theL )al grow nervous. I Tit ALBUT: STRUT Nk atid had re,,ained I is post still .4 , - 1 - , , ­." . . I . of thi a.ko No s the.least noise in, his pailmage. -Ull d ei- train -stopped- at Everett,; and. 1��j Com 'e. -rive W110 the billows. 4 dO n e'*. the strawyer, g;,zpd, ppcpfully allead,; deed wa, ithe lar ievdr bus: dintrp rilail A. . ' 0 litie, and whrLt wag lie .r. urpris.e. o No&, but -tit e, n, r. still hold faI e, strang VALUE IN' - --- ----- ng 'front tire barb of to the Itag; and never Pffe Madame pulled in'L her egq�li to iTh obsery dangli e of 11149y6l"'kill, M101 stm. Th )Ily-of the than NVAK DAPE-R., hnr hook, not the empeote�l shiner, roll to il2alllt I REMOVED , an unexpected ICAtts tful itr and-inore, Qslm� 1JU6 Te 'a id colill Iil C, .4il�ply -his was, Ilowever trifling, I 'T ut. f but la,rin .-Could do nothing . fi -no squCesn Ivin r surprise becallie stnefaictiarl Tbetlinefo�Hoits.e-oletttiiag.is ar. I liting -�rben, oxi'detinebinir the transfixed- Itil.d. bbar it, mid got out of the as rL BZ P h. M gt fiticould. Bur the strangerbarl if - bil let, shin read upon., We e v' I MIT �Ppj, . a�r qT� ff. 0 - II OPQ -P by this-titi.10 fully grasped'1511" sItua Aropipasitnt totu'lid.. contitin thofroft 0, e- TO� —hdr nallle' tiop,- and, tliough1bankf.' 'I ti kl1ro, nnd effecissral Ueneirct ers S in olluditin Ot AiIIII14 M00111 Pap tillis aj�govlljg thi..y 0 o, thon-, this letter: "which silo seaI, d6to-mined to tile, nit C Irag. ad(IL r6S8Ad to b or. ace tj 'will d up StoCk orld Roliowfiml SIN 4E ti�ffl find t4o" it]loll fishe oillmodatirig piff. for Lts' selfisli. ClCex. swar, afraid; Her troubled ,*O(�,Lj 011teas at (,,0 DERICIT, ery At. 01 Criack ar. -a n& t larg'q man put forth Lat ea Erb ter (1 110 iol ISO wbell IyI -MAMMOT GiII This hs soindw but tile st�a 4,est -d glance -ruthilized MAP., mirr6undine, hi hand for his; b' -V 'till fuit illljttltjoll.� of' -tilt,, —1 NI—. no fni Fic. , , I S '7"C ., , , ', 4-P&I m IIUtIjiP1g%:l. rlJ:: I killi, it heroi sim. those A r1i P v; but the' W?L be be Lition J -Iiebird�' all: wa. pression r n s r 9 still and not yo�i` varidlill ell I o I ji (I n t1leiri. N;'bllt I it y oill V 0 1 liliteli file _i�jFlse, saying - beg- - les o ur mu 1'111aetllre� I)o I n -Ana Ware L gi�r'dr %v baek theiame with all ft� lonely, both oil land'and.w' ur par�tlqni�.iTIbut this. ik titer.. Lost C..'at tbaMay." cl�,i, tvUt lit. ty lsI ES AND PANE ILLERS9 I lie' quitted W ZESXOR _!Bubit, tit" our�,`! $qipiered� FRIE LS,IPF IPoll't fork,��t that Ib .14 S triad [is Tile B Its for"1883 al -e out a6d -c' FRA1611 M"it n Q away M10*1 tt", as our'],) mA le arehou l4jljg(�j inade N.% See t1le PstI)0Lj_ w Blly Ito illachilia witlitnit it. IlI aliti, C and . geL a ljool tie owner bit slihigi si1 coil IlAras alone, ant] olofipted' * ith bor5plf, 8.06 'Oall and To Ile sure bii'l .1 prop. ro Icnol I ..'p I , I * I . ah it I I I I r, - pftper to a good, Ili e1iiality and its 1,0,%V I1,11W 'MANAGER. and a% ooli as file, -tile j)rO call lie U9 Tgr E it, , nper perfPctly 'whtor-pr6of a I to Harhah bou"I t L . RAWO-ORQ, llit �.n.j All twatag-to rur, oll"with ttiri baggagii ()ur I�IZ Irl'S ,ire ti.1i to the season';- itIsbo untimled the letter and'. eom- All '661oli�y 'to -1 r t lie qoils olienper timn nny.onedh t6p of thell' attli. hr K% LV kt:AA L I)y 1,14il. menced its parnsal. y mitly.got oft a worthy,of ournotice, "A of lov(,. crif t y pn� tili4 set(Ii. 0 ST010nUff"ll 1. SIT01' F 'A I I XTS1 vwidp m - L sit(,, tit the first words., ton, foe lie hasn't plabned'it and this Outilid(I of the assobiationO on',very indt ovil y 0, to ri�n �ViOl AQ�o HSL TERNS 1D , 101 jr and:110 gaye a to know tire tr . anger now prepare(i to. ofror ciiiiittitiv. V LARG E'.�SSORTIAI ENT OV - such -extraordinriry Nvft -odumtrilcoll jil nnV 110'.undert4to6d the wink. lier to treat I I IS a'A Ilad, An -do. is tz) -AT ill - T,Alt(; 0 . .... . iromptly rpp)iC(l 0001tin st'loves, il4at hcercurimifty would not* iuffee* exchano for. goods. and LEATH,ER ELTI -e Xo.otbordompinints are tq insidious in tuoir at,.. -toi wifl�otlt a� rendill.­. tit 104� 6 flos I and -store it task an those affoetrIng,the.throat slid lurigar liolij .... . . UnderteUsuaIR irice :0 trifled with b,y the of sufreroA, bi -BOXESIL ad;4Bqt—,!"expostulatdd tile ROT STRAVOUMNO difiary qeugh o� Cofdj resi#tIlig perhaps front 16 Also; a full of L64 la"NOLK. trifling or ilueoxodisius',expopro, is 6ften bilt, thet from tile bottom of till, river'bad boghmhi� of a fatal s1eknej4. AYL'It's 0HER91f Tit 'lover, who had tf�ted flis lotter noiE L GOOLLBRID and Co Dealers Ill C01M ISHFILI't118' U anil �Illnld On, lidue- R R� -T I pl�PxQuit I, lifts Well proven its eflieney lit a forty Will, showilig I P Inware;L &c Lrditle, Cylinder, Soft Cutting, a efighbilivith throat - aliti lViij diseases, AU4 i pol ive. badgm o nd wool oljs� farin should be talten Ili till p 616' thoutdolaY. inhabitant of the waters. r'l.lic fa. of thi.4, , -WILlt I�illd of &.Ulan NVAS it rl All 1.1111pletrionts ittsed I . LIP. weg arstattfully ant] wh-0 luft the SILAS DAVIS, as GOO(l as the 1309t, and at; Clicaps A Tcrrlblq Cougli'Curod. tit, litarketi. Ill (if It with thr.jesting fonf, which lie I1,ftd I- And then tha strangor find tile L I'm, L.,(I tilt, taost passed flight R aftof tight Vltliotlt 8161ap, Trio dootol's gaVo cbriducLoe, and Ono or two sympa- -led &YL Ituy lip vdirpted was inifigled AL tru(O'L "'eri i5ellin. ri lip. I ti ri nfintimplit, olpre oil ividi we A k.,J_EJ.EA Volleyed m IiAnqsj mduee(I slool), And ILII'Ottlo(l In the eCst 1106(mairi, for, tile recow, i,y of,ny strength. L T" ER .0 tl'fVi jig- to 6011 beauty find eloqunmcv, J. 1 TH Inept ours was efreeted. 1 ant: now (12 years ())ill II alli'l llerty, And Ain gntistell your cillitnN' n old, v e, r iyeU, 5 flej ibrilirld to tile Miami, not "widjout ing not1what to (10, AND RookWitham, 'Vt., July 1,5, 188g -prootinn And pritne ftillid -tile. frowns ImId gialls �f thio. Allotlior"A ttfllmto. littil TOO' It Sho thrAw lifir tit. hi wielkedlicsA A Bronzpa' MoLM q � "0. . 1. w i th it tt Ilut 50 D boy,throo ynpra olti,was takeu Ili mith Ilanfi; Anil Shudder, al- btuon't -thoLglitangfir, W -id) a 1111ppy, ontont- �1 s6omell as It 110 would file froul aranglillit, 1, n , as, a Ill D11,10111ft It Its Imitable for I'll 4 v016 Od SMHO,. had tit(, bag returned to - - Stock. Ono of,the failift soggelLted tile line 01 (I? eltlw And iveals willid III oil, boitle of whiel -hl- of tho hooli. the large Inan liacl to t6 ollrdelight lit 1A #ajj.G.00dS liAlf onr 016 lit till I'llitout Al -As Weal 4 fly. The doetor, ofti(I tins t the (,Ill rjIlt v 11 UsAlromalA BAKER MA Hifit &'L1XSE-".DB 6onie,n'61; (lay to idelitify it. moral to this �trtlo tale is obviou baclAaVedli'lydaylilig's life. .AIftLVA)l1-A .41jr- r 0 It A was a letter,. Ilostorb Globe, oil Go -lit 0 outgrAtitude? -silloLM Amurst, in InAgid-18tifl t infamily for And , dp liot hesitill, Imm wasWompthi A IDeelti-Laid si of 0l kimlo sivirtligo, and "PrIatural I'll all ALN4.0 ON IT ANN pro Uomls, it the infigi effooturd rernedy for eollflisk nham Victurf, mill I'lloto f,plal"I" ey ly lt r AM ye Variety' "I Avifferod for eiglit yoArq from 1111011011111 A"I ho barl tin of up (illy of the ally -groat work 'Saturdft�. lortalt hito tile stroll but roling"i5b, rill our deliver to All parts of tho Wn. O ed it. jat 1. Are ou. going to Ile nlAt Dyliall't, A ptil 5, UP T C-4 1: 111-1.6TOU, As 7 illy. Ilifti; buo TfitI ost RtuW` otndn i in olpL. ofbor lad friend, for its Am T sliould: 10110 since have lty�ll f tili'()" It y r b, elf yktory Which tap. SuI IS in I tll_ Tctifiltij Airril 92, M aud Hardwam, Xextha :di , , of [till UtUtI611 & the da� you immv. GTIO -ione j�reitly tives lit hoke 8ele ' n of all' kinds. lof 06nfebt by Me, V84 1111,ving R�vllrpfl �t)ln Alsr�rvfeeq In& rinnifloys to #I%o gostil 8,A16 is list klr6 Ay Opys�td tho W1 o0a wht� 1�o dio, Tile Tnttp.r W, ftq no W 1yonlestic ai*r e0101 apsibllaO tile firfib, 1,11611iotis ill btfick K(iqtz"aI ill 411, 1OV,tIIeIwH of V11BANT W SEASON. -CoA Vie, ]ill on Saturdify , stillsolve,' Tiry BLOM CLINTON marry 11 A T