HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-09-26, Page 3WX:TAZI X-X'T.73ittQW 11,4 The Goderialt Nowa liuron Record, o4,e440.egeTRie, •Clinton, Wednesday, Sept. nth. iiiai7Nkwg In and Around the 4410," &IVO Zia, Wool) WOITEn..—Now that 'the cold weather is eel:nuns, subscribers may bring us Wood in payment for THE NEws.REeoftp. 249 Bur' all your Smoot. BooKs and Stationery at the Pity Reek Stere. Diekson hes ft, complete stook f)f all kinds of sartheol requisites at lewest prices. 247; S.Kruituvv, Sept, 20—Mrs. Fletch- er'sHoirSehold Furniture, at liaise oil West st„ Goclerich, at I pen, At this sale a New y ork Weber Piano,of re- emarkable perity of tone, will be. off- ered for pablie competition. ALT. Imps of Sewing machine needles FirrEEN CENTS ,PER DOZEN at Weatherald's. Organs away down for cash, Come and„ see us • ,^ next Watt's Drug Store. ' Mite, EPIVARDS is ViSitio;; at Sag - naw. Mir. • joule- InWner-is- Detroit.. Ma."-Vozt TuriNnurz spent a few days in town last week. Mits. Lima:wool) and son return- ed hotne to .Hostou last .week,, • • • MAYoR FORRESTER took a trip.. to Toronto last week. • At,ex: Croaner,L, towni. returned froei Manitoba last week. . A ierierow of the Deinfrie0outlf Riding §ociety appointed Mr. A. g,, Rlackeby Assistant Secretary., MESSRS J. Clegg, •A, Murdock and --A. Jamieson, of 13Iyth, Were- in • pownenSundayllast. t - EXETER having the regeiret.1 num.; ber of names on its assessment roll, entitled- to a deputy-reevelor the. • eusuing year. • Mr, Geo. Love, of NEW:Torii, ;who was spending his vacation at the residence of Mr. T. Stevenson re- turned home yesterday. • Me. B.; *HoiefEs, of -the Nbre Era, took it spin on his whis:-',1 to Grode- rich last Friday. Mr. W. H. Rams - ford on Thursday. . BEV: RoRT. Ciwo aicl"Yifff .s;f Du ti barten. are.spending. their houey won With Mr. Wu. Craig, of the Bay field. Road, - WELL SoLE.—.Gcoo )1r, D. Erwin' last. week sold a two\ year old colt from "What's \Vented" „ to Mn Noble, of Ohio, fer:.$3$0.• • • CoNeecron. C. M. • Simpson, '• of ihe London; gnron and .Bruee 'road, -nod Mr. John PieSloy,-of the Dine - ley Hoose, Wifigheie, • have•gone to e.1)Turtb-lYest on a eleiotilig trip. . REy. 3. Gem( mid Lieutenant. Geyeenor Aikine 'were, Appointed treasurers of the ginistim'..SupPr- onsitiation -Fe nci by the. -.14 tilted Method ist Co tif erence. Mus..DEeew, toot! ler :•Af. Ks,. W. Doherty, towit,. left last week for her home,- near 4bielon her daugle ter s ., a so e on a visit o pettttives itt Toronto. . • THE trotting stallion' Amber that 1 • .beat Ludy 3 years ago at Gotierielf,•I bred by Mr. P. J.-Pilisey, Of ford, ie reports:Ito hey -e --been sold to.: A German- turfman: for.$8,590;.:•-e•-et Wise, the• Colborne- evepeee bat, expounded 'the gospel. oirreab-: mth last in the .op8ii air ..frou: the treet .cerner at • Dickson's • book tore:. He .was fervid. • and . enerieSt,.• Itnot eloquent and 'effective. • . , • .FROtt TEE .LN oliThriyEsT.—Miss M. . Dickinsdn ret tires:ft•f,FAI,Meose. • jaw, N.W.T.—Mie ;folio ,Slieppard t47-ekpaitecith is We.eland- -Wahl* , Capt. Sheppardie littleLleey. • Qapt, $lieppard will be here this fell: • Rev. Da. De.' yrosbe, Of Tivertem A protninentniitdster Of tlie...Baptist: .41enowination, and one of the. Tee-, 'threes of tlie Baktist .Cellege . of . 'Toronto, died. as vreek. Ile was e father :of Lrs.' New toe , .of 01in ' TERPSWItoiaUartem-There•will be a selet soeial gethering at the "Grand Union" on ..ritlay evening next, to conclude with an enlivening hop on the light fantastic,. WE liritox.—Tho WO Pia into Court to seeure costs of appeal to the Supreme Coirt ln-• the West Huron election catie has been, order- ed to be paid back to the petitienere, they haring been successful. 01Domielt,auemigraukinterview. ed the Mayor 00 .Saturda.y, and handed Win $0.00 aa a .tangible proof of his appreeiation a the cot.- reet manner in which 1ii2 worship deals, oar even handed justice. Mu. JOHN IlEA004 has put up $100 in A. M. Polley's hands whieli says" that lie will trot oTontine" agaiost "Archie Bourbon." on the ,Clinton track on or abent the 25th Oetober for $200 a side, • members of the Presbyterian Choir intend holding a parlor: con-, cert iii the course Pea few weeks at the residence of Mi. Theo. Jackson; who has now the largest. 14 the te.,s,.n and ls,edmirably _adapted_lor the purpose. • 'ihere is not •the least doubt but there will be a full hoese that night. „ .. Fetra rival agents for as Many ,different makes of sewing machines called at the same liouSe' on litiron street ooe day last week. It caenot be stated with *certainty Witt coni - .petition` ran so highthat a benes was given along with one of the -teachities to an. unwilling purcheser. Things were 'lively all the same, Mit, Ja.opu'Mint.en, hes a 1,;ielrET. Whether it is a Queen. A.neemus; het or a modern breeph, leadiog rifle deponent.sayeth not: When taking a look.alopg,, di e,ber rel th e alms. el y clolltr. Miller on theirig t. i tlitsoistrument became .recalcitre t and kicke eye, with thout 40 mule power viel- ettee, marking him pretty well. FUNERALEusi,.—Last StindaY evening g,e Rey, J. Kenner press& ed the fenerel sermon of the Iffro Theis. Burden, it the 13T a aural, choosing for his text "Jelin, 3rd Chapter, pert of 2ticl verse: "And it doth not Yetlippear whAt.we shall be, isit we koow that; whe-ti lie shall appear, edc,'F.diall -he like hini ; for we shall- see him as be is," 'Ihe• diseouree was in every - way appro- priate to the. Solemn .oceaiden and wee listened to with., that ,profound iittelition. Which shoWttl that : the preeeber • had shaken up .- the .dry bones a thoilgilDlessness, tied .fixed the iniuds 'of his leasers on. inatterts whIcli theY you id.soine tiny have to meet face to•face ; and as.-..they'hot- ed in•tise meantime So •wetild it fare with 'them then, . 4: large number of persons, net regular attendants at the church, were present, the„beild: big was well filled, and Mr: Keimer was almost eloqiient.'.. - 11,1Art, Anit.vold'EmExe.:If. -the Hon. Postinasteraerieral Carling has not . as. -yet , given . attention to the Mooted desire ofthe Peeple.of glin. ton :that the Governmeet erect: a; beildbig for a sPost. Office here that Anil; be worthy:of all coneeened, .110, .1; :Ali -least. his offieiel . bye -on: the wa**Nsy ii which the mails are received '0,—Gril.9ii, Postmaster, • Fair • in; forms os that rt )10' traih atm, to .leeye Wint.3ham at 7-: i 0 a. no,mid London at 4:00 tr.. iii, 'W-11.1ii • future have. a - . Mail clerk. in chare4se tnev-ifterai of .Seti'd i lig throughfeibk to 'rich) doti in the feereing• and il.eeirlig.one in the:ekeirilig,•Mr„Fair wiltnioolieng,e' mails: with, elerie on.thetivaioe•ebore nanied,, whipliwas :mit:dello tteret6- fore. ,..F,treif ,•Lotelesborri, .mel Bel - grave,: will have two wails per day, for theUgli the Mail. leaving Wistg! hem, e't 7:1,0 4.: in.. wilI not be ex; t tete,ed irrtirose poi 0 ts oil 'the down, trip; it. will'be *erred at clifito•n• and 'S -•ii t hack lythe S:25. Mail tin -atm: for Hamilone Toronto' and •• pointS :eget,' forWartifift:froto nor tli of Clin- ton, ' )•eill.,nOw ' have.. despatch: three .thile8' each day:, . • ,.. . . . - , • THE teLoottab reit -II-ArpExe.- -Althouglo-pereistent: effoit to fincla• friond in 'London, •Eng., -witlient Pis address would bo like •looking for a needle in a haystnek,-yet 'eliaeoft liroug 11 t *bout the • meeting. of two. QM-if:rich frieeds there; iteither' Of - Whom Were -sore of the others prett.. -Ottee in that great .city, 'Tii .goitig'e upoto- clocIerieb tile" o t het evei sing. we Itad-the pletusure. of Meetiog Mr. S.: IIi Detlor on • the trait:. whe . was: lust retureing.from Eufbpe. • Atter describing the megeificent collections. Of art eta. to ho feend. in. Eaglentl; the 'ettitt pettiness of the landscope 4.10 theobeauties of the lake dist, hit, he descanted on the not to be despised. lend of the "brown heath and Shaw ey weed. Thee ye:narked : "who. de -yea think : t: the 'in. Lendonrf Answering his. .j.iiestioiii by saying' E.'Benj,•:Alleii:•. -1: was at . theNin- duet:gotel;.Leedon, When .,13611 put his band' on ley shoulflei; "T turned: round aed• never was more Surprised orbetter phia.sad than 'iv.. MS un -- looked foi i p eati lig." : The surptise.. and pleastite seetint to have been mutual. ,The Writer hem sinee hes Iiinee-Iiita TetterVeifnTr. Alltietn: wnieli ,ho • refers :to' the meeting and - says : .. (.'My -accidentally . running across 'Sam. Detlorat the Holborn .17 i ad act Hot el , Lond on, Beg,, -...meet. ing. so .-fai- away 'free' our regular base—was a 'genuine •surprise even io this landof menden," . .'13"1`31Milits. --On Thursday 40,stelve..toolta run, • through a pee, tioil. of Hullett, and took the liberty of callieg at the farm of Mr. John Breokiegpti, 2nd conceSsien. ' Here. wss one of . those newetiegled , ma- chines called self-bitderitat work in a field of badly :lodged eats, ()Uri. , Osity led us to follow the machine as the dtiver circled round the field.,, The rapidity with which the grain was eat, and the equal speed as well as neetneee with whicb it watt:bound, were; marvelloue indeed. This excel- lent work was 1.1016,- too'in a.„ field Whitili allowed the driving wheele to sink to ,e;depth of four inoleie in many . plum: ;Three ' hOrses were mod hi this instance, although where .the land is not so Moist two horses ere All (het • •are required, Mr. Breeltiugton stated thAt tho inecbine inid been purchased from Mr, 3. 13. Weir, Of Clinton, emei .1Lliett1ully_. borne- out. :Mr, 1•Ireir's represents,- tiotte -RN to q ittlitity * a tid quality li Of work and dura yility and. (*aid not be teplaced by any other melte, . It, will cut and hind 14, acres io a; day. This machine es Matie by John g,ii. iott 4..: Son, London, Ont., awl is the property of Messrs. Teenier atia. Breeki»gton. 'When One loeks,back to ."childhood'days" and reealls the mode a harvesting .then and• compares it with the •preseot ad - vaned 'system, there- seems just cause to eongratulato••,our ,reanufite. turers on the progeees Made in tlibir and the :forum on, the tem pare dye baSO find fit di I ity af i th i • , • THE death is. announced or Mr, • Humphrey White editor 'of.. the Exeter .Tinte:st, leeefthed was • 22, yeats of age, and, haw bad.:editorial control of the paperkr two year:.. He was air 'exceptionally proinisiog young, • ,• , • MR. W. II. Sxurir, olthe Beaver Clothing }louse, _has. • received •a • noin bee:of -orders. foe elothin_g frnt , j)ettoit. This of itielf • speaks vol. nuterfor this young and enterprise bnsinese man. He must 'give •"eia 'fits" 'every time.. . •Ari aii•miar'ineeting..of the. Provirxial Beard f„e.the Institute held in- Toronto last -week, • Mr. .A. Merteit, o,eWingl the Med ot Seeger Els Morton, Guile. rich; Was efeseted 'One' Of -IVO "eXedii- tive Committee. °. • • MIL W. 1„<XTT was called •to• LJe- an on Friday through the sudden detail of his sister, M.e)t. Schaffer. The cleeeased lady was only aboet f23 years of age, and hen eatly de- dae is much regretted. •Site was iigJily efiteetaefLiky Sit who. had the , pleasuee of her acquatotauce. 'Dins Oft rite Ti1.14 of the Do- minion election cases have beep fixed ,as follows : Letifiex, at Naii' ee, on Wodneedity,- • "1 -0th October ,; West Xorthuttiberland, at Coheir g, Mon. .day, 29th Oetolieti ; West Huron, at Goderieli, on TuesrlitY, 10teli 0.3t. Mit, S. J. 13am.,, at one tittle oWrier .ofthc Huron-IS/gad, has bought Ore interest of Mr. Wylie in the 'Brockville Recorder --olio of ,t110 Ast journals in. Onlerlo Mr. Doll plitFi lately lleett publishing the Pie ton, Times.. • Time is a young lady up in the • Comity of Grey who is six feet tall and islengaged t� be married. The Men who won her did It with these • few words4e--4-34.-beatt ty-ettensnty - soul aglow •wad theo tight or wrong ; roen Pee but little here be. low, but wants' that little long.' Tilt whistle of A lememotiveis -..heard-3,306.yeetlitetlionoiee -the teaiti a,800 yards, do report' a ,rousket and berk Mit-dog 1,800., yarde, the toll of a drum 1,600 yarde, the /*oak of a frog 000 yardq, TtuowEso4txn. „Last Thurs- day as Mr. Jas. McIntyre was tak. lug a load of grain into Mr. Thos. Sinpley'e barn the double tree broke tlns beveling the- OMIlleXiOn. be- tween the. horse and velitele. Via- ' fortunately the connexion between the horses and Mr. McIntyre, who lic.d been sitting on the load, was • maintained, be baiting the lines . doubled ranfid his bands. The con- sequence was that Mr. McIntyre was violeotly dashed head first on the floor of the barn, where he lay uncoil:scions for some time. He is able to be about, but he had a Dar- eFeape. WHO .f,S TUE Laur,--In the Lon- don 'Advertiser of Mouday last we notice the following ".A. lady in the village nf Varna, county of Huron' hearing that Messrs. A. B. ll Powefit Co, of imilden, were ad- vertisiog kid gloves for twenty-five cents a pairon the 8th of the Pres - mit month remitted: by registered letter $50 for a pair of gloves, stat- ing in her epistle, 41 enclose the sues of 25 cents in stamps", for which sand me one pair of black kid gloves, No..7, by return of mail.' A postscript went on to say, `Ii the gloves suit you May expect large orders from this part of the country.' Mr, t S.. Minton, Mr. Powell's book-keeper, when he opened the" letter 'was truly OStonisli ed. lusteed of -eight three cent'and one one -cent postage stamps floating out on the dealt-, his eyes were greeted witb the eight of three tell dollar bills and four fives, The firm replied by next until, sending the gloves as ordered, explaining the case, and inforMing the, lady that the sum of $49.75; subject to her order, stood to her credit on their books." • We have not heard that this dodge of ib London house has resulted inflood- ing nein With 25 cent orders frum parties Who would like the $19 75, but who woeldn't give live cents for the 'bla,c1c kid ,g,loves.v. PltnEmsnx Worterf • •Tralleo--,.4. new process for covering floors is . detierilfect as folleWs: ' floor ie tborotighly eleazied- • The holes Mid cracks are then filled. with -paper putty, made by soak big in, a pa ete- enfults,as follows; To one pound of flour add three quarts of water and nt tqblespconful... of ground Alum, and Mix. throgAtily, _The floOr is coated 'withthis poste, and thee ti -thieknees ef umuila .or_hardwere paper is out. On. This,is allowed to dry througilly. ' The inenila paper is then eoNered. with ' paste,- and a layer ef wallpaper- of . any , style or deifige 'desirdci.is put on, After allowieg • this to _dry thorotigly: it iti eayerea with .two or threcinore- coats of sizing made by dieSolving 1tTf p. pound of white glue in two qutirts of _water. After thit itt ale Jewel t� dry the surface is' given one coat Of Pitarcl-pir finislr earl -1,43'10 which .can be bought already pre. pered. This is , allowed •to dry thoroughly, when the flopr is reedy foe use. The premiss is rep'resented. to be durabre. and chea,p;.•annil,-Pee-. •Sifles Peking • thp • place of. metting, carpets, oilelothseor like coveriog,.: make_the deer .siir tight, ai1 per.- niiISTOtits being washed. • ' . . • List .01 , . • Preriiitial,Lanclph,-Sept;44..to.20pliy. . W.estere, London, Oct. 1 to. a, .t cent,10-,---Hion-at;on, Oct. 2 to a •South lturen, Exofer,Oet. 8, 9. •• West Burets, Gederich,....0et 9. 10, • ••Teckertenith, Seclorth, Oct. 1; 2. • ..:,.taihy, liaylield; Oct. 11, '12.• • • East Weweilosii, fie1ssea4, pct. 5? Morrls,,Illyflo Oct, 11, 19 • '•TutftlwTty, Whig:halm Oyi. A 10; • Elist ilerop,•13resscis,• 5. • . Dellett,.Clinton; Oct, 17, 13, • A. , • Tins pill/Ushers' of the 011iceeo are ninetine withlereat success in sceerieg 80s-ern:tee Jo their' 'eelilieo tioe . Itt addition to furilisliing su ,excelleet pepor at the low price 0f:4i:cane; for six nemins, tiny propeso te'distribute $10,006 Foto:its to 'their readers. Set; their aneemicenieut lVertising colonels, Mrs. R. fl. Smith left town on Monday on a xisit-to-Torentu And Kingston. iditorUltellell and fitfully,. of .tho i%O ltotna(iwasy. 1..:rc'e. Press, left for borne On. • Messrs. John and .Joseph Brophy, Of Cleveland, have been visiting their uncle Mr. John Brophy. The ri teenier Quai•ee arrived in liar, bor ort Monday aboul, 6 a, ni..and left At 10 a. W. far Zuleardlne. The usual anuual exhibitors are MI, Preparing for OM 8.110W MOeli takes place oti.October the Otli and 10th. , . 9 At the erieket meta ort Saturday, Douglass, thehead ptayer or the Brantford. club, played with the See: - forth team:'. Itt thie square?' Our •old•friend IV, -Craigformerly of the Ocean How,has removed to. Blue valet where ne will eugage in the hotel business, Mrs. Bootaer4. qf London, who has been :the gueet•of Rev; J. and UM. Walters the past few weeks left for home on Monday. . The inernbiers of the Horticultural Society trieten Saturday evening to make emne eficessery errangemente ....for the forthoonfing fall sbow. • A largo.nuinbero townsmen, and: ..sf:Isirsilp37.1eltko74Ntilot4se,tly":n%nclYnegster'danY. for 'Guelph: to do the Provincial for • -. It is not often that one ;sees a •.1Pititetish on our piers, etieh a cie- cumetance, however, hes.. been.fee- ggently noticed the at few weeks. l‘feitel:s•Elivtrood and McKay made° their first appearance in the bicycle emus last 'week, whop" they gave' a very creditable performance, • - The seise, Einem of eanatisky, with. eget for /essrs. -Henning*, ' Thaw enp Seobiefeeludiecl port on Friday and finished unloadine on Monday, The Iselir, Ontario; Copt, Wm. ..MoKay, with luinber for Williamsand Murray., made the herbor .early 00 ..Smiday oinoening and commenced nn - loading on Moeflay. • • „ ' Mr. C. W. :Mitchell,' proprietor of the Ottawa Free 'Pits, with-his-weits. OA the guests ef Mi. Janeee Milehell of the ;Soo. 'Thom; and of tbe. bag tallies: had an . excellen t opportunity of listening to - thoznusie oftheir olioiee on 11:MI evening, as at Ms.•C'e,gstin-eroWs party , a kilted Bard;pleyed on :Ore lawn the winds evening. , . • Henry, :,\fartin,. of Exeter, was ii town on Friday 'on 'a Visit to his • sister, Mrs. Thos. Whitely, who has been severely itt, but at last•aceounts.. • Was improving. - • • • • .' - Messrs. C. S. Ramsey. ••• M. Harrison, yheelemezi of it, Mary's, • paid the cireuler town a visit on Sat. t• •. • . . • . . - .-At, eorge's. onSwvlayeiren ing • the for -thosein-peril on.the sen was sung for-tirOpreteetion- ior- ,xllis•Ltiey Carew whois now in ratite for. the motherland. .• • : The meeininies' Institute drawing -Ones? Miss .Seegmiller, . teacher, ;is :still inereasing•in membership. The nights of meeting are Monday. *tind Thursday commencing At 7 p, rn.• • • erin, Beckett and Joseph :Morris,' whose NaPers werb re examined' by the Education departs -nen t; heye. been awarded the former st'second aetl the .latter a. Us i lass bertilionte. C,- Cenneren broughtwith • him from to. ctttittent. a: number Of, stattiesof high artistic..merit. As they were prominently displayed on •Frlday.eve'ng the gentleman's guest* .feid areekeellene•oepoitunity.-- of •in- • apecting them., • . • • .• On. Tlittistley: Of last Week the re- mains of . late'. John. ,MeDen. Whq lest his life by the wreck. Of EXPIoree, reaehed . town by the afteredoe traintorfOnt look acjia the NI nitln,rid ceinetery.short;.• .ly after the .erriv kicif the -thir cricket OW plaYed:- .' the' •See--.' „forth team 'last Wbtleesdny•. on the. green ds or the lat.tor club, . anti •lost :the game by. • film wicikets. .Jn the .firstinninge Oeilerich was, between twenty And thirty. ahead, bet. in •the. ;second, the tieeforth Alien walked awitylem theikand Won thegame. • ...In conipliatioe with nun:0ot* re. ouests- Prof.' Foote will eliortly.erg,So-.• ODERIOH. :royen. our ott9z aorrispolident.- . Mr. We Yates •is moving ,around • — after hitt recenesevere iIins,. Huron Lodge Ne, 62 meets to-mor- rawnight.• • . : • • . . . . . 4.1r. F. Jordan's drug store is now lit nowith. gee: • .1 . • . . . Mie Pbil Reeves is suffering from a • severe_atteek of heart, disease. . • . TIromies-Detler returned lipme • by tiffs late train on Saturday.- - ° • Dr. Hamilton leavee•for honie this Con;gePSt, who is on is visit Vs.to , - leiviiris a guest:At the IteCtory. Old wheat, is worth 31.05 abdntw from 65c,..up to 3.1..0.1-. • The usual 14.aril.li1Y meeting, of,the Town Ceuncif on.Friclay, •• • My. A. -..MoD. Allen returned froth Toronto oW-Sateirday. • ' Mies Maiden Melrose was -visiting lo town hist week.. • • ? • Mrs. arid Mfes'Illuett are away in Toronto, .." e- Mr. McNair reternedl teem Taro on Satertisy.' • Sliertff-Ctibben-ettifirdod-tiai Tor- onto exhibition last week. • Registrar Dickson • is "•ribing t;be Provincial - , • -Major Cooke 43 nowtho owner of a line littIo pony. • Mr. J. 11, Finlay WM returned to Beielpb. • 'McDonald Ditff, r:eturriecl.from , his,2,4pron to Visit on Sate.rdity evenieg, • Me, Stephen Yates left by tho 'United Empire *het week. for Port • Arthue. . Mr. J. Ne McDougal), Div, Cotlyt, • Clerk, loft on Monday • for the Pro- vincial Exhibition, Guelph. Donit forget Mrs. roletelteles sale Or housebeld furniture on 8atUrdNy ' IV- 14, _Motor • lert 'tin his return to the States onSaturday morning. ' 1 Mr. It. McNair leaves this week for Xnox (iollege, Toronto, where he will conanno his studios. It is expeeted that kilo North sl. Methedist churh will be illuminated with ties on Sunday. ' The intuit Monthly meeting prtlte Publie School Board takes plitee on Monday evening at 5 p. 111. More books for the Meselianies' Institute, Now is the time to ;sub- -seethe,- — DAWAOli ICere,,formerly of Xerr and McItenzie, was th town on Pd. •;day. lifti.PliliON'oble, tailor, is bow locat. ecl on the north side of Hamilton streetN- rs„ f4iWrO1300 left by the 7.4 t tralin on Monday on a visit to *Wel e rton, Paris, and Brantford, Mr, W. F. 'Gooding returned tO Saginaw by tho)cont early last Week. The steamer Ontarie milled bee downward trip and • took on a large number of passengers. ° Miss Annie Ilnehanen left on the • (halide On Ifondey on a Visit to Al. pone. 4e • Ole rri e rCeitry O,I-ItTiVarreer111.11.4sicai elassos, providing lie meets with suf- ficient; encoeragemefif. All those musically inclined shonid Send their names. to Foote, so that he may melte' arrangements. • for an early'. start, • A ;Young nine -named Arthur; who vitlit to poderielio Fop the If:ILE:as' ;414)1.'1;r:ill' root anti lung Institute 1,73 Church St. 'reroute, will ley at the Allsitni Bond, Ceslerich, two days, Sept. 23, 29. The tiurgeoue will have a • supply of spireineters, the inventiou of M. fieueilie, of Faris, ex-sitle surgoon of the French army, for the slum of Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafuess„ Broechitio, Asthma anti Couswaption. Coesultation and trial of the spirometer free. Dont fail to ' see the =goons while here, p they make a speelalty of dieitases of the heed, throat evectli.ylnyugsed. ttinittlatairleaeyuelibu,gotlligoliviseirleitisio, fteoixdsig ey doetors in genertil emetic°. °royale are visiting them in every tow» and city. Tomato, or 13 For particulate is,vaitielitmo 81i7o:34CrelNiolinSttriev4eit., DILA. PERM Clintqn on the 22nd lust., Robt Perry, eon of Mn. G. E. Crawford, aged ;3$ days and 19 hours. WEIR --In Benner°, on the 190-4 instl flobt. A. Weir, aged 20 years,ti •months iino1,11 days. se-- • 1,1klalli REPORTS1 cLINTON. "(eorroctee eyocy Tuesdoy aftornonn.) Flour, . . . • - 00 to 0 fx) Wheat, red, • " 0 94 to 1 00 Wheat, white, " •• 0 95 to 0 95 •Wheat sprinz • • 1 00 to 1 00 - - 0 40 to 0 45 Oats, • • • • 0 38 bo 0 39 0 5.5 to 0 75 Apples, (winter) per libl,. 0 00 to 0 00 Potatoes, • • •• 4 --- 1.,0 to• 1111) Hater ---.018 to 0 14 Eggs, . • •• • 0 18 to 0 20 " 7000°0 ttoo tt 0000 Beef, • • • -- • 0 00 to 0 00 SheepsItins ' • •• - 0 75 to 1 00 Torlteys, per pound, •• • .• 00 to '0 00 (louse • - 000 to 0-90, Ducks, per pair - 0 00 to 0 09 Chickens, per pair - 00 to ea Pere, (9): V, 2 • 00 Zorcilwood, "- '• , ". z GO • to 3 09 C013141tICII, Wheat, Whito ppX bush, .• 80 0,9 -to I? 95 Wheat, red, • - - • 0 98 to 1 09 Wheat, sprIlw., ' - - .- 0 90 to 1 00 Oats,. - . 0 l'.17 to, 0 38 roll0y, . . . • .1. • :0 40 to 0 50 • 0 05 to 070 Pottstioes • • .- ' 0 33 to 0 se .---....es-elete...—er.,,,,-............. ta:17-County. School, TetinEcuotoe met scsocespociat Attontion' • 1_18111100p .proi?.trtion of students for thd imposes • Senior Alatqdtdati "Hi"' "d tuu- 'fessional eKamfnet9lonn:o; elf grades, • Neon fri Law Ml Tong:lots' non -pro- ' The taaelduit stsff consist $. of four Masters, •wlio are specialists in elitsai% French, -(ler-, ITIL01,4110 Commercial brandlies, ,311014inuaties• Junk SeC1 tOn is easy otaccests by rail, it healthy and: ?1S,Ittint place te livii in, and remarkably free 'trees iildlICOMItS ti{.1116),, and from t Soso ratans.. mirmetas, that to frequently interfere . • . . An ill ups:seed supply of Appanttus,- fsr 01)4 teaching on chemistri7, .Natura1- Philo$OldiY. '44 • 9 er.t;sPirea .$,C112,01, thoroughly 0111 mit. • 11',ECfLitittil) FOR PIS% One Matriculant. with 'Inners In Mathetuaties, -One' Scholarship ' Mndervi faineuages. Nino' 'inrst,class honors in the Inirliawilepartinents of • the University' eurriculuni. Thirty-flve Out -et the Midstininier artinis. fortY•one, or tiGliereenti sileaceeed 111 pasiing ikt • POI' any .further pant ailarrlipPly to • .1•.•TC110.30:14, 'headmaster. " Clinton, Sopt.,18_83. . 251-3t. • - . • • • •(..11;igA Full:- RENT. OSTAT..8 rosithat. hard and "soft .water; is ideated in a licalthY luealay; live . 'Walk frian-th e •Post (Mimi, Apply at . this - • SERVANT -M. WANTED , Arp:r at THIS OFFf01.1.:. 2504f. • • • • W?A,1);7tAt ati1t io . Wa. sii rrit," re -ti• • • • • • ...• • , • cuatcq, oat. ' 'RENT - • . . . . rniinallatertaisi 3r1 ayconnt of .c.,optinficil . health offer their residence. in Sniumerliiili to rent. The hones 'contains 4iperooms.; •parlor, Mid a tlinNo.,-rooni„ (both large) : and a• , sonneerapd winter Sitelice."Ileke is • it good • s-GiTiTO In connection and half un • Imre' of gduet land, wirti nimilair of eludua fruit, trees, also it • nover.Yailing well.' 10 would make 'a good Wel, ness stand for a' hotel or genorat skim. • Tho stable would intilro a good. blnelanath's ros•session givenat once. Apply. on 010, px.c-, Mist s tn • • • ' • "Sfeele21111elealletelliesaelloo• feefleso p Clothes We are giving up our READY!: A/IA.1m Clothing Department and will sell the Cheapest Stlit of Clothes in the, County; get our prices Boy's -Clothing - Speeialty-o- Suits for Boys from p years, () DE ED CLOTHINGt. We can fill any ord,pp fora it. A Large Assortment of SCOTC14,113,ISHav CANADIAN TWEEDS, at the very Lowest Figures. ° a • 1111 0160 bought from ts Ott Free. • ISE, AN'S Dry [Ws Emporium, Glintou; YOUR. HATTER? A FULTe ANTI cOMPLETE STOOK ! of New Tiats ;Md. Caps can • now. b ofoundltirtrelfamons- • Hat Store. The very Latest. Now -Yo rk-•.S hap es—in—Stift- and Soft Gr'oods. Children Sailor Hats & Bey's School Hats and Caps. • . ' Tyant eym.ybodyto • call and see our 1/V. -01-001).S•N • left kioderidli thirteen Years ago 'and w.ho . had not 'corresponded with his- paresits. during • that time, returned, to the eireidar tosifn , last week end', intended.- to give theni a,siirprise., The surprise' was all on his own•side, for he. found that his parents, Mr. aed Mrs, Wei. Arthur, had removed to -Manitobtoover two years;age. Mr. S. it. DeLler, of the Ireland Revenue Service at Goderich, .r - turned home from it Eurenefirt trip last Week looking se mueli improved: that ii.viffarloy in his department of Her Majesty's serviee- is only n: possi- bilityin the far eft' future. Mr. 1. 0. Detteethe first Deputy Reeve of oiticlerich,who accompanied:his broth- er, has also returned. , • Thes ,sinalletto .bieyelist in town who' NVEI§. lArn.(1111.g. on -Satorcifty ' with a blood beemeared nose' ItH'IWOra14 , reply:to thequestion “WlifiCatheruat- tci. with: you?" "Only' a splendid leafier." ; By the by the little rider • ban :only touch the pedals half ..the tiree, his legs not being long enougb. to touch them when at thedownwa.rd paint. •• funeral: of Mater Aho Fbloy, of 0 oderieli township, took plat:eh:mu father's residence lOt 1, con.'2, .•Satueday mowing: Quite a num- bee of 'crtrriages Accompanied the •lettiesse-to-St Pelf, u.r.01) • town, when the usual. sad rites .foi,. the dead wore colobreted, and after. weeds, proceeded. • to . tho. cemetery where tho weie interred. : A Geon• SEND tere..--:„‘Fr. 13on ,Salts loft on the Butted Empire. an WM- nesdey lest for,Manitoba city to join : his "broth.or With :whom' he -will in nitrtnership carey-oa. A largo hotel bus,' jeess... 13011.boing a general favorite With the ptiblie, a laego number of friends were present at the whartte witty:ifs liis departime. The evening previews to bbs departure it large , neither of well wishers invited, loin to tho Ocean liaise to partake of a parting :supperootton up in Mine host Bables beet style. • 'Mr. F. IV. '.,lolinston who aeted. as efittirmae, After the usual loyel toasts, gave the l‘geeist of the evening," itt :Teak. ing to the toast,' the eh -airman men . - gelled many• incidente in Bon's life • All of whiph redeem:led to 'the honor of• tho guest, Before . sitting , down the chairman presented Mr. Salts with it beautifully engrossed 0:11a1it I:Fe:meted by Huron Lodge No, 02 1. 0. 0. 1.0..also a wiliest:10 ineersolitium- pipe, the gift'of Mr. Jno; McBride ef the Albion? and a handsome pocket book the gift of Me, C. Straelian, Boo. 'responded briefly and to the - point, thaelting• the (loners for the handsome presents, and all Proseat •-lotthe honor of theft preseneet on tho oocnsiots. TOnst and sontillient roll. oit Imernoniously until shoetly After midnight when tho mooting broke tip with "God ita170 the Queen" and "Auld Lang Syne," /hiring the. evening :Messrs, Van Every, Hy. Climes, D. Meffilliceddy; Banishaw of th.G.T.R..ithiong 001 - ors earned the Cheeks of the Company for„theit,vecalisras. . . • • Wide kwalcie Druggist& mom. Watts &Co. are Always alive their business, •and spare no pains to k - eine the Post °revery .inticht iu their line.. They have sof:areal he 4,1iiney for the fele. bitted Dr. fling's Now Discovery for Oen- • SUM HMI.' 1.110 only certain ewe kfiewn for Ok- onionnolan,' Conglie, Colds, Unarm.. , or to • • ' flEINRY ICEItft, •• - IV trahnin AUCTION- SALE allsehold Furniture. T1111 EN'T.)1113' fifONE1) 001 reeelved iestrii.etion$ •from 31rs. Fletcher tO sell by ',tibiae Aualom itt hr resiilencis West Street, Cederteli. 'oft •••• -Saturday;'Septi 191ii 10113 I At 1. oielneli p »1 the wholo ni.hor hOitsohoid furniture, donsfsting 011 :Pilino; 1 parlor sot; Centre table; 1 tome. taste; 1 oxteielon dining table; 1 lininge; 3 clipboards; 1 walnutbedreian sot; 1 oak bodruinn set 9 chamber . sets; 1 iron. bedStead.; 2 biit14018 earp8ts; 1 tapestry carpeel I three•ply 'wool:carpet cane chairs; bedstearis;' Semmes: moitiessos: boroauti; v:10'1.0tanoi boo -- room carpets; stall; .0 minas; ottrtidns.;• window blinds; stoves; pipes:. drums; eroeherr; latuPs; pietaires„ ano numerous other articles.' Tho pumo oliorod'for into is a 9000 Now Yolk Weber, The parlor spt and Walnut bedroom set weremade by irmAtk, co;',- of Toronto.. The wool- en 003 1(81 Iutijtnly been 111 10101 fec,, months. TERMS,- -Allpmesounter91. -ituivaliiitilloired on. goad aralnii,15 ; AV. 11,111,,.:ittetioneall.1 Coilerich, Sebt..15,-1583, • ..'250-20; . • - • • . WgSTERN FAIR ' •o itONECIN, CANAD.s. • • 'Olitario Great Exhibition I Ocloh1 otist 2ndird 4111&5th . '$15,000.00, IN., PRIZES • . . opm To eine wouq: t• • 'largo Mims for tpalo of srioul in tlio horse ring each afternoon. •• • . Efactile Lights, Ifanfl Conwetitiono, find othor .nornitios•tor Otto ootcrtaiament and amusement of Oof 'oAltoro. ' : -eininiamIcatlftno to Vxii, Aoorotary, Loudon Canada tor PriSe Lists and any other information • veridred, welch wat Ito erotoetty attended to. ,Ift1fi1 p. ElAtYPIT; 30.11N Secretory. • •••• .Proidont, • WANTED,' 50 tar loads Plums Fall andilliVer-Applek, moot :twain (hist: win bo paid. Ofitoo itt Cautplon Bra. Groom, Albert Steed. • f). CANTMI,ON, i•tf. Clinton, MORT6A(.414.1 SAIL • • or 'two Vmetentett- }JUTISH IND: 'LOTS IN CLINTO,N,, iiirftlt AND Ire VfltIVII of' the Powers of Sale containeil in two mortgages, which Will be propoced at time tee:leo there wIll be sold 11s at.tho nettcesnry Muse, din- tOti, Saturday, 29t1i Sot., 1883; M. two u`olook in the nriottoon, by 1). Dickinson .euctioseor, tea tot twine ecsirasto ptoportles, 1 10,1 number TwentV stele mock 0, ot Isoeso iententuryet survey, 0 .on 0o:outdo of Preto:ice Vire5t, in no town of Elititoo, cont:thinnt ono. Nth of en sere, With cosetortesio tong° \ot tour ronnp4.4. moos pmary ond. summer immure ...ogee% twoused sy 'rhos Titmice) good gardenwith frnirt frees, won, es, 2. • Lot soother ewe Mind e0(1 and thaplivo of the oald town el Clinton, on the oast side of Osiwzoo street, containing sloe v ono.nnoter of covert., wits exec won -bunt cottage of Me rooms tool oununEr WI:1110,00d Well, t'i', • Vondeiv rourva titprightor one Liddingen eAth parcel • • TERNTs_...nne•third Of tholottleintso V011ey 00 he toile eo -fetidly of .salt, Nom 011 ngeoeinont fee the putehoels•to he signed. The txtEaffeo 61 thoporeheo intelny 00 rcm.tin of desired hy pureino.1.) on mortgogo and insurance tor any tom tio,t, execeling litaa.Seersol'eth iiiarest at DUR GREAT PECIALTIES. We still ;want td kedp call- ing•atte,fitioli to Or Hats itt • 59c., 7.5c.; and $1.;:. They are without doubt the Chealiet'' CloodS • ever • Offered -in this section and avery•putchaser .ih:eajitt"gstticoect:oohii,nsolf,s•honld • inspect the stock:- Our g ittritA GAps '1 • • Tinported. direct from Scot- land,are now: stock.77t- • Coats HMG Big; PriArtmii Dress goods, Imule.nso Stock to so1e4 front: LADiEs Seo our Piipts, See Parctsots, $pring and Summer 1:19.1.4 •IN GREAT VARIETY, ENGLISH, SC01101.1 and 141§1.1 TWEtilbq, . - Coatings, Worsteds, Sergps, fspq, THE LARGEST STOCK IN IIVRON: • • Owe Cutter, J. J C Cole ALWAYS GIVES SATISFACTION. Stylish Cutting, Good Materlali • ine‘120ces I SEE STOCK BEFORE OROERINq Assoried, Ekcellent Ya 11..11 go.4A4qOf 'he. Late.-:-•: :s§:td Up by ist..Mare . • EVerythilip,-;fo. Le o1d 1y that 'Date. , • • • omnience This (PRIV rfq, di've in addition .11viis,t tlthte 1401111i 1 Oi Eyew Class-of..0oods 'in the I-Iousp, exceo • paN, on which thei:e.w4the-am dr:o.countl • • . Pf?1A119 &___SLIA1 ER E5, ,,GOOD E.:,CLO:THIE4): • A, ..• .. • .3PEitit02 •, . It will pay $pp to call. 8vorything:gnaranteecl of best workmanship anpl. a perfect lit., The largpst stock of Undervear in Enron—see for yourself. -- ABRAHAM SIVIITEE T142• Squa.rad • EELE apolvlor71:Q 7' CM' lung ilachlues, Look for 1.kly lAy'ortisente* .a Few Weeks. • • f . Tng INTON MP yvQ.FiTH Qp.:0-ooPSHT • sg-Lkqr.,:.F.Rovt... • $30,0P()_)yettli Goods • to be sold , tlie 1st thly )Ta,reh *pext, .ancl Women, awl pl?ilfirpli, to cop* •T1i.pi.),4 OF, Stppic - This • Sale is Gennine. It•is in.acc*lance ' hele7;nrs-ofifir Will ophc la( proprietor: . n. • . TkelAsiness MUST RE MOSEb V-14 byei,1,01# date, and NO Cde 0/61:410, q,q9(1,9at pj'icsnqmq whq,n.aro •fro7)- 1`4131CrieTC5T.TR'ErOlri o-tle; WO- tio Trade; besides which.wp pive a dkcount pen cent.; _Welch )neans per cent: per 47m21nt fox you4 money, . • • Bin -ember we have already commenced the Sale cod• 'The -soon.er yqa • viqa oor Rant/moth Pril Goo,44 PalaCc the greater .citoice yt* will ham. • Estato.:ottil*Lato.. ii0 GENSs goaltipg10-0f-Gillitilii M(111104 .0otaity r IVe Sciiieij icr 4n4:04ve aro ,now thormtgly efoippea with the FOOT IMOK08.044106 and AO0E880.10 That tart b6 procured, al -in ireat-vorietT: • OniSpoialtriolighly 041)lingt Work