HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-09-19, Page 3The Goderich News —450^ Huron Record,' (4M440.411if4TED. Clinton, Wounesday, Sept, 19th. LOCAL NEWS. *In and Arognd the "flulhot 'Zan SAM Woo") Wmagtt,-IsTow that the cold weather is coming, subscribers may,bring us wood in payment for THE News-1*m41. 249 13tm all your Scn001., Books and Stationery at the City /300k Store. Chris. Dicktion has a complete stock Of all, kinds of school requisites at - lowest prices.... 217 _ SA:rot:nay, Sept. 22 -Mortgage ftale of 'House and Lot situated in the town of Clinton, at the Albion Hotel, Goderich, at 1 p. DaTne.DAY,Bept, Fletch- • er's Household yurniture, at house on West st.;Goclerich at 1 At this ole a New york *Pim. Piano,of re- markable polity of tone, will be off- ered for public competition. • „ gAr.mnus and others baying apples for sale ehould talk t mr. D. Can - Ii' who is.preparecl to purchase • any, qttantity of fall and winter fruit. ..Call en him -or. xisits'you. • 250-1t. . Te streets presented A lively. ap , „pearance on Saturday,. evening. BEWARE of dead beats and sharp - ors at the fairs, It is their harvest time. . • • Parries wrishilig to purchase or rent a tine farm will find somothint,,e. • , interesting. advertising col- .. ,ure us, ••• • • . . MR. MUIR. Ints sold his. house atul . on Mary• sti ea. to Mr. AndreWs,, )ate of the London Road, for $1,750. Tlie.pribe is considered.a,good one. ' A °ENT • stanip, partly " on ...the wrippei and partly on the news- paper, in the -United States, 'mama tutes.it a sealed package. . • MR. •P• CANTELON lulu:a' ten .year•.... .n.ld plum .tree which this year yield- ed eight bushels of -fruit... They are of the Lombard variety. • -.Now is the time to order . your • SYNOD OP 11U1104fer,-4.0p000,1 sea* siou ot this syn.:N.1'4M be held in 1.1.ontion, on Wednesday, Out. 11, for. the ptirpotio of electing •Li• suceeekor to Iliehop Hellinuth ItoDENT Mauve', of Grey, has puhbased a sbleudid 100 acre farm from Eezehialt Andrews, one mile •aonth of 'Clinton. The Wee Tiaig. was $8,000. Mr. Martin vaI, re- move there this fall. Tu e trisirree liernonisw Caution is numerically the strongest Protea - tent :denomination in Canada, num- bering vim° 739, 15l sons; the Presbyterian Church of Canada, with '629,280, and the Church of England with 574, 818, come next. Blytii Review is get- ting into notoriety us well as some of its bigger brothers. One day this week a private citizen a Blyth cited the editor .to appear before a, court for alleged libellous statenienta contained in his paper. We under- stand that the matter has been. set tied out of court. "WO Raz limaism."-- (Scene- 1'6We-house in LucknOw, last Wed- nesday, Caledonia Day, 'Dinah and' Toggal are liquoring") Tonalt (smack -ing his lips)-Iloch,-Tougal, -what conld be as petteras a glass o'whea- key ate water, whateffer Tonga] (thoughtfully) -Two, gles o' whus- key, an' nee water. 'Tut new Governor-General is ex. pected at.Ottawa ort- September 22. The day of his Lordship's deoartore from Liv(;rpool being September'''. Lord Lorne and the Prineess Louise will leave for England by. the first Allan steamer after ,the arrival of Lord Lansdowne. Tire Winn,- The Leicester Alfeeklu. rog.(England), furnialtes detailed _account of • the manner' in which Mr. F. • Lees'made the. . triordinary time of 20 rjifler. in 58 min. 31 sec., The" first mile waSi made in 2Min,' 5,1 S,•;6 • ' 'the second ie 5. min. 53 sec; the diird in 8 min. 47 sec ; sixth in :17 min.47:, see:Aiinth in 29 min. 34 sec.; twelfth in 35 Min. 17 sec; , • fifteenth in 44 - min. 12 'sec ; eighteenth in 52 min. 56 see; twentieth in 58 min. 34 SeC and 20- miles and 25 'yards was copipleted within the hours • regret ot� iee.rn-.4)E the death of. Mrs, Rela rt Rencitnan, „fortnerly, of Goderich, • Which took place at . Stratford on Tuesday of last :week; Ruud/nun hail been in ill healtl,. for several months.' 'It is scarcely a Y.ear since Mr. atticitiout!s daughter died;' 'IThe deceased lady was a daughter of tho late John Salkeld of the'Baylield _road; ad,ji log .Goderich;•'.and was highly es - teamed, and her deinise at the cow.. ' printing• for. the fall trade. , Men-- pai•atively early age 'of 4.6,y.ears..wi11. •ehants • and others. WIll,.0.11a 15 he'regretted by a i/ery large numb-ets; their advantage ,to procure, their :of frietids anti relatives at and about. printing at Trr -1M815vR°°11•D her former hobo.' -lit' the various office. . .'" IT may 1,1?,v.e been remarked.- that p, vast ant-onnt of.reniarkable Weatk. er is slippingaway unoticed by Vt.)). • nor and -briprephesied by • Witzgitia, Thee gentlethen t.4o, not sepin to bo • • itoproVing..iheir opportinaies. • MR. '44.,OBErq ELLIOTT, oe the 80- . non., Gorierich ,Tovinship; sold laat• Week 511 Clinton 15 inishols of plums. They were a' nice sample, aome,;of them the size Of Orilitiary..lten eg1za7.-. •and blue one Pt that.. _Mr. D. Otte-: • talon shipped.scerni:of. them.' • : • ON. ERIDAE ;Mr. telon was .• 011.11 is way to ullett: : When near • the railway crossing the: florae. took t right ab • a; lorry, on w i eh was hanging se'tvetql: edlita. • Tlia an ill mal backed np and M. (146. le qulc . time. ciVertunned • tho tD,.tve," relation of daughter, wife end moth- tr ,she. fulfilled. lir ditties in tlie Most exem pl ary manner.' - • :• • , - BP2Tr..21No Bus 1NESS:-Tti eArct liaii been.,iloing biestle-ipg Inisiness. Itistates with an'air ofauthority that ,theye.is "at present .41 4.11intOn a young. lady. whe.has aticipted' the OM) , of 'tentrszliea• • thinas • „from . • D-r;cle.Saro'slicratains in her bustio." It Seerns, .a:cmirding- to Ow Ivanie an , Om" ity,- that the Customs' ,atititeri 'tles knoWitethineof . this •.vielation of the 0trilr:laWs.....If the Clinten Riot:31,er of the "press gang" WOUISI tell the public' winst4m1 in) to in. ve0iPate the aforesa;t1 ".1.1-i;th. the nisi --al tnight• interestiug,' 1 eiity's-Oollector 'of Oustdw's an this nort o itavo ho on tip, ..,111.•rt. else 110 mity bc reliorted for was equal to the occasion., and r•odo deroliction' of dety and got -a rept- 1.. rigkt vittlibut an, -Y-.800008 wand for-fiot,-doing tItis 64st:tele; result. . • • ,,business." OEE, day.4.9:St. wank. Vrs-Oitoilptot • Frilay :iv/91141g . was 4.0 .• In order to reach them, alio S-ficad. •nd tither' of tho -hret hren 05 ChiltoO n, chair, 'White rectoltin.L.Out • ono .1..e1ge NO. 83'visithti the Brumitield . " foot of the chair sank down n:the 1,, 051410)1 Among 00.'0 froinain- earth, causing her to fall,' The •:ra-,' ton .were.P. G'a...Win. 'White, .301111. auk :was e broken.ttrat. • •Afeilical Sniith, and 7-7-- Hardy (late of.01itt aid *was wrinntoned and .00 injurca :00; BrON.: irester,' Connolly, Mali; null4 : Wel10..S ca,n Bennett, Angus„Jtioes; • oxpeoted.p ...• • -• Soli th, . McKeown, Hem NVNIT:D out rn tIce.:co.untri lost Pill IITA • Mereer. p( (4)1103, got a information :relative- to the .• order, . year a gentleMan of . town • ivere)gi wen 'by. several'. ' whits. potato. brmight it honm eof th&bretli nd last sorini„, i.)1auted it The ren Clioton ...Lodge'. speaks • very output of thissingle pe.tete 35.. highly Of the mitn.nerin WlliulltltPY At large 'potatoes,' Although cli 'the' w"0 •"1.,•4"°11"51•". 'I'm" ' a' vote ,ot. th aks was tendered..." the. Other pota!otis in the garden are af. viiiitors. Tim -evening :'was. one of.- fected.from the rot, the white.; va'r.: most pleasant spent, by theleethren \V4' wore unable . to learn the naine of :.the • white for a long tinlo. Brneelield .• Ledgi l'apuds."•, ..• : ,• • will W1- f.are sure, .receive a" . we rin Welcome when fliei• visit the • Olin- . Trio diffi-Tent Methodist •pub1lea-4, ton brethren. ••• ' tions• in. Canada, aro to be merged : •••• • •" the Cliistiiot Dr, PldSurrollY.-This •Pres• • )wart wagapoointed oditOP-.• air ADifriows•Criurallt Dr St011.0 Ethailitaith editor, ]3ev J y th„ on the Ilth• 1)135 MI A. IL, to,norly- of:0 i nton,; 02..E.P"!x-• Was among' the three-eandidates for read a diseoursn.pir the Partibies-of the. teat named position.., lie wetild tile "Tares 'and the. Whea0 have. fillea the position adintribly;. •tli8Oonree•-•witS--..stisriti-ifett, and. he being -a gontlinpt) of soolo ex. :Clerk was instructed to certify'. hifn porience in the publishing *line and it 50 '8Pi"tte 02Klicix CoIlog�111' practitial printer tis woll. • • Tee Exchange Rank has nut -vend- ed payment. Holders of notp will not likely losio anything. Toe Roy, Geoffrey Rill, late of Seaforth, and Rural lh all Of Unroll* bas entered upon his • miniStorial dutiee at Listowel, hi place ef the 4eir. er. D. taylort -who has reams,. to• Day fic'd where ha ffila the position of pastor vacated by Rev. R. McCosit, now of Wighaw, • VATSENTATIoN, -A few of the personal frient.18 of Mr. A. Blackeby(at one titu e of the ReOolte) witited Open him on Tuesday oven- . 018. at 1.14 residence and preseuted lam with :very hancroome tnalic Odilfellows Chart enclosed in a,o elegant jrame, 4 Refresh- Ments ha viug been partaken of, a very plea ,ant, enjoyable evening was pasiid -by those pre.sent,- Galt Repor,ter. Wno ts-$113?--An ekchange soya: A. lady living in Olinton, recently :mixed a bateli 0,7 bi'ead which fallen' to rise, even after s is'elay Of twenty hours. Sith did w ish her father to see the waste of ilc,•ur, so she buri- ed the (lough in the t:utr den. The next morning her fad's)," callql her out, to see an enormous %bits- mush- room of an unheard of variety that lieliad discovered, ire was calling, his neighbors to see the curiosi,ty,• when his daughter enlightened hial as to the nature of the plant, bridge' when 'under construction. I Oarried, : Moved by A. 31cDonaltl, se u, by 13. Churehilf, that the Reeve • • List °t ran Fait'S ant: Treasurer be atriliodikl to hoe-, oiv 45500 ter Two 'months "hem the • Joaltua, sonloifilINI:etut.t. eq1e, one day From ottr QUA laSt week wa6 carrying. a cradle across a piece of rough ground. Ilo stuto- bled,. falling forward wit1V- one baud ou the Wade, eutting„it SeverolY. Mrs. Simpson, mother of Mrs, Wna„ Pole, Wed at her home in Meadow - villa, on 1•Vednestlay last, and was buried on Friday, The deceased lady was held in high esteem by all paw knew her. Igr. John Baleen of Stanley has heught Mr, Geo.Filutoil's 50 acre farm on the 3rd con. liollett, payiug therefore 03,000. Consort MserrNo.-A. meeting of the 414nicipal Council of Hallett Was held at Lontlesboro on the Oth Sep. All the meinbers present. Minutes of last meeting were read and passed. Moved by T. liritton, sec. by A. T. .1\rioDonalti,' that a by-law be prepared and passed authorizing the Trustees of Union School Section No. 6, Hui, lett and Bast and West Wawanosh, Lo borrow the sum of one hundred dollars until the 8Ist December IS - 83, to pay for repairing school --Carried. Moved by J,see, bv Britton, that the tender ot"Jas. yout.ig of 1,1172,00 for buildlog Bing - ham's bridge be aecepted, provided )01 t'of ouor,ligal''s•IllissIeeeellt or irtir-- to titler-e Ititezi2Vreitun tool r and tutioutritzivilat tilordlept_theeve and 111411tIKET REPORTS,. eldN't03. (Corrected over, Tuesd• attain:Ma-) Owing to the wide tango of fluidity of wheat no uniforin rato eau be fixed. Our quotations are for old. Mr. R. Irwin is buying, but reeeipta so far are merely nout ual and samples oilbred ulterior. Flour, '' -• • • 45 00 te 5 50 Wheat, red, •" .'' 0 93 Wheht, white •• 0 93 88 r5Frild93?, •^ •• • •01) se 1 00 Barley • • • •• 49 to 0 46 Oats, — • • ""° 52 . . • - 575 to 76 Apples, (wager) per Ohl, •• 0 Du to 0 PO Potatoes, ' • • -• • 0 50 to 0 60 Rutter' - • - •• • 0 13 to 0 14 13 to 070 Iry • • - • •• 7 00 to 800 illas • • • • 0 90 to 7 00 Reef,' • • • • 0 00 to 0 00 Sheepskin:I • - • 0 76 to 1 so TurhPys, per pound, • • ' 0 09 to 09 Goose . • • • • 000 to 000 Duels, 'per pale • • • 0 00 to 0 00 Chieltons, per pair-. a - -.u 00 to 0 00 Pork, 0 00 to 0 00 Wool • . • 618 to 0 15 Cordwood, • - • • 1: GO to 3 00 GODERICI!. Wheat, white pot both, ••40 SA to 0 96 Wheat, red, - „. • • 0 .$ to -3. 00 Wileatopring, • .• OQ to 4 00 Oats,•- 137 to 033 Barley, 0 40 to" 0 50 Peas, • 0,436 to .o 70 Potatoes 0 83 to 0 35 50 1,-00 AUCTION SALE ov usehold Furniture, ••••• E30 • next lowest tensder stkject to tlie same conditions, and that, the Reeveland 13. Churchill inspee!, the work of stud' — Provincial, lauelf9i, Sat. 24,0 Western, LonflincOot. Central, Hamilton, Oct, 2 to 6, - Hay,' Zurich, Sept. 20, 21, . South Huron, Exotor,Oet. 9. West Huron, Ghtlerieh, Qt. 5, 10, Tookeininith, Seaforth, Oct.' 1, 2. 'Stanley, Baylield, Oct. 16, 15. - East "Wawanoslf,j3olgrave, Pet. 5,, hiorris,,,Blyth, Oct. 11, 12. • Tiwriberry, Wingliam, 00t. East Huron', •Brossas, Oct. '4,.5. 1-lullett, Clinton, 0t. 17, 18, Colborne, From, our vun. Corroopoodent,, :The Dunlop bridge has been let by by road "Joinunssioner Girvin, reeve Young,. deputy reeve, Allen, .:and county.blerk AdOuison, There were four .tenderS 104' tho j9b, PS follows: Michael Healy, 1r365;. A. McLaren,. If67.5; Geo. Neibeagal,.., $360; Arm- strong Ditwso.n o301). The contract was awarded to ArInstrong' & Dow - son; the work /to ha conipleted by Oat, 15. • ' • . _ .11%Bit.rtha, jervel and .Miss Min- nie • Keringhatn,, • of :Oolborne are visiting •at W.. Vanstonels at 'Bros- • . POrtelli 0111. Pro»t our own Currespinutent," • ' • • • ..1Jaiwesting is about conipleted and threshing is now the Orderd1 the - . . 1110 matter of the..13ityliplil ,. calm,. lt. . was .90-1. Red after a long discusston . .. . • TILE . A1115.1NDE. - A0401113511 070 1.0 tillii'w Air. Patterson to tender his ---tro'ttrth-e-Cltiitetufliglf SZhoo1 -wife' resignation ol the •Cofig-regetitgiaDt •wrote for Provincial teachers' der.- Bethany, that his •labors May bp tificates at the tnid•en ruiner exalniii• Confined bt BaYlield; • TIM Rev It. • ations of 1883 was Rent Stanbury y. Thompson, M. A.., ..noopor.K.i om • of town. In the •published report calf to the eongregations of RodgPrt at the ti,tne. he 'Wits ereditm) ,with villo and .Chisellturst, atid lila ordin-, obtaining ti thiTX-ohm, This, wits otion ttlid induction is to take place O.n error, and the lifinitide lias been • cm the 25511 inst.,. at :110.1gerville, • Plade 1)...Y. 5110 DeiNtt.,01'''lt tY4118111i t.* M IV, Ailleti il .W. preacla,...Mr.MeDoft. ting 5.- aedond thiSs "IS" cerbi ficatilo • ald . tir airdress the ministers, and, - Mr. •Stanhury, Ily the w, this :air, UomerouLthe people Tho next , young man intends to '4tudity y for 051 Meeting of the Presbytery is to be• ! 'Profeseion• of M. D., the initiattifY• With Dr, Reeve, 04141 18 taking held in Clinton on the 2nif Tnescla,y, in Nov etulter: The Air. Thompson • LOCAT,IITTE8-411 0 PI,r1p,d8f.tOr -Rays: abovt mentioned is a gratlitate of Miaa Holatea, of Clinton, daughter Clinton nigh S.011001, and .1118P11/4- • of Mr. fialtnes; of the •AlOto Era, is uished himself In Toronto Univer-, . .at pitesoutvisiting friends. in town.- 84Y and E•nox College. • fi .11.1r, Archibald' .Moniail lest a val- ' liable mare 00 TItursilitY last, gas in the stomach was the oauseof death.' Quite: a number of our residents 'went to Lucknow last Week. reVifit- nese- the gilecionian games. They • speak highly.ol the mantrer in Which •the games wore conducted. • 1Ir• Alfred Pickett.lost a dew a- bout a week agOi.and trace* her .can be found: "„• . • ' geese•are plentiful about...the lake shore. :One gentleinari 'shot. ite many as . eight of.. these Web.foOted bipeds. The ... neighbors qiIery- •"NVere they wild Or tame?" The 'shootist.will,:please answer. • • .• , • sre, goOd prep :ahd • sell elkeop _Ong' year.: You can pick • lots of 'eni for fifty 'dents, ancl .have a. few thrown iti, On the •"' . „ Considerable clissel,tafaCtion 'is Telt by our Vesiden is in 'regard; tO the :IN' graceful manner.- in which 'Bethel Metbodist"hlinTch propriar: takeir ottre of. 'l'Ise gates are left open !Jur- ing week days, anti yonr, cOnros Pond •.rustication • a .Fitiki r, a I in null ent. is sorry to say tha. property ore' I iitipidVed hy the res t' and climige,;•:..- sews. the appearance cot :a: pound or , . public •paiture. Cows - arid, • ....A. eorresnondont the 1 lantilten young . map stepped on all:orange •.' • • . ' • • -.M.olsoyi's Bank in Clinton to pas, our - ren egpenses.-Carried 5Ioved by' J. Britton,. sec. by J Lasham that A.. T. McDonald and.13. Churchill be au- thorized to 'xamine eon, it. 8 and -9, opposite lot. 35, and to have said road put in a, goad stato of repair,and that the Trea.surer PaY for said work on the order a sahl counsellors -when the vvorlc is comiileted.--Ottrriddr Mo'vcid by B. ,C1) urchin. sec. y J, Britton, that.J.'Lain'taln examine the approaches at Handl ton's 1 -ridge on eon. 11:10 and !rand ;lave them' put in- proper repair...-ourl.ied. 'Moved by. J. Britton sec. by J. Loaliam.,,that Jas. Men ville be paid :4425 on account tor plank for bridges. -Carrie:cf. 'rite Coucil then adjourded to Meet ag,af wheatla11e by the Itev._ AS. BRAITULY Ann,. 0 • .• .4 -lIullett.Sept, 11 1383. • • 'Connty Currnney Mrs, George Caldwell, formerly 'of 11 ihbert' died at tier wt stern home in Dal:ota.,. near 811511{lon, on the Th inst,' She Was•it sistee of Alr. noting; ,Egrnotichille, • At a pieUkt•at St Janis'- Catholic rhurch Sertforth,last'weelt, a p0lite:4 'for a 'Cane, 111$11:ted in. 625 voles for D. D. Wilson and 40/ for Geo, 0, jacksou. These contests are by liCi ineans -afair test of the Popular- ity df the' 'caralidateS. .AIrs, liarstone, relict: of the late Robert littr6tinie, of St. Man.'s, Co- terie, and mother of Mr. 3: a nor - stone, II ealltilister of the. Seafortll .11 igh School, died in Winnipeg On She . 7th inst. , A correspor.deut• Wi itliS that -Capt. Wm. 01 erg.; of po(1prichi; has leased - the Briyal hotyl, Biut;r.vide. .1f 8.001) 114 the et.the the trarielli pig pullic will lend an • eXperieoetal and. obliging landlord. ' • Mr, Afeldrum a theoptical student, formerly of Tucherstuith; Huron Cc u nty, itas..been •lleensed • by the Presbytery o Ben. ;Francisco • to preach for oile . " ! Rev. J. A. 1]urnba41,..rrs 'Porn: lull and Miss Steep...intve'returnid to Goderich Iron) t heir four vec 1‘.1‘;t1ii8ssa Walsh, of LootndTilt,litagetclo' naipiladnya: 1'171'1)1)1's° 111'148.-Q.t'llta a flat* IR ter of exoi Omen*, pert ader4 tho :to /8101°"' 4buz5ur5s"of the members of Clinton too.- Miss Eva Chapman,f • Blyth, has Itheeptetl a eituation 403 tilt married soniefy for some Weeks p v ious to 'Wednesday last, was au .8818,T1'4'0218n the dr' Ifr),.11;,8ll open secret, that two eligible young _of .. neattie & Co. tondon.-Mr. Airs.3 ant] Alf fh\nitit, have rotii.n- tubes, deogliters of tine of otir loyal • ,ed from Detroit. represeidative Mon, luul been fpr trotalne:111,0tiaattPLIIIIII/i.:;:111114t, sonto: 10101511a cernbatting tits insidi surgical institation•fis said to be in It °"8 11401:1,04 anti. /fair VVey Of 7e000erY--4t7sr, w lau.419 at locksmiths did not fljt.?eigr'ld" oi,21$'2,ietlilig:0,1i1"elion'qiiii)ittlo. °1111visititig tir,t1 the fwarts of the yOung 114105, perfectly adaniantine, The result • ExungTxon,-Ontatio's great 'Ex. was that 011 Wi.duesrliiy. last Mr hibition will take l)145041 111 London, Chile. Dickson, of town, and Miss Oct, 1s5, .210, 3r1, 4th, and 5111. Annie X.010,616 Wore pron nu need The title is apt, for 110(50 02 the othea men and wife. And lifr, 3. If. ,exhibitions 000 010(1 on IA those in Powell,. Counsellor, of Detroit, and IlAnt.a.VY M. Corbett were also direttnisttinceSt makes them a success, sriremnly declared.' to occupy 45 4t111. Xiontion being the centte ofthe gar- Hat 'position to eachother. The 40 . .of Canada; railway corn munitat- young ladies aro ile.ngtiters or our ion without , circuitous routes or popular Iteeve, and with their • transfers;the.encrgy and push of the betide left, by um 3:50 train -same dititiDS„ and last thoUgh pOSsibla not (lax. Mr. and 11.1%14 Pickson wiIJ least, the darked manner in which reCurn and domicile thi-losek eN 11) public atitintien is cslled to the one Clinton. Mr. end Airs. Powell -to be hold this year hy the elaborate • will make their hoine in Ile city of et tottistio display posws gotten tip the StrititS. 'May neither thei er s daily L0." be found 1Lere. Une . • peel or sorne.otile'r slipPery sithstitn,' "•,1)(-14i•":°?.!: • trav,elli.14%.1P''...11°.`06'10', ce,.. Owning •to .the ';,rotincl 'with IL relates as 201 11 a-. -Ti e Into r-.0m•ati whsck. , Fortniuttely," the result Was'• ,was,nos to:,sitil on the.inoenitig after ndt serious': ;Who is the proper per- • mtr. arrival . and we sou te look after this property? Audi went, down 'to the river • by ,row -boat: why dOes he not. attend to lila .busl:. • ness?: 'A2p0und iswant•ed here, but diy, all IneenS•do not4 allow our.elluirch • p fop er ty, tob7) ' turned loto • sn'ab. ••nn tostitution.". • • • • • foderielv Proirtinhipr, F:iam our .oitin Vorrespendent.. • ' • • Harvesting is nearly thrOugb.•. .1-ise,"Matorl Salkeld has. been .Vis it•• ing.at flichard „"Miller's, Auburn. , Mr's. David Cook -anti Miss E. Can - •of the 'Oth con.,, are -Visiting relatives in 'London township. • . , .• Miss 'Boole, .of S.eaforth, has •b.een the guest cif Miss Wakefield* the past two weeks. ' 1411-.. .105141 Sowerhy,accoMpanied:by his siste,,lgft for the loronto •exhi• 'hition. yesterday: • • . • Mr. D. Cantelon, of the 4‘bub" has already captured • several 'hundred dollars Worth of apples in this tewn- ship... . Mrs. 'Rutledge. aroi_daughter, of Illinois, are Visiting their relative's Ms. and •Joseph RutleUg6, of the ITUron Bead. • „ . • . John' Potter, of the" con. has gong.... batolrering bgai- ••tiess-anclaia-viii•ts• are.. nauch• appre• • • • 'Messrs: Semizel and Ailem (lento - ion have -bought C. Cooke's farm. .61'80 acres on the 9tli con. for 04,• Mr. TI. C. Codice hos bought ilia splendid eld Rebt..Cooke hOrnestead, 8 i t ateti on th 0-44 nron lloart.,_about A eiiles-tv est.° r• 0 I i 0 to it 4-eoptat n ing- 105 aarcs, for $§ f 1.00 '•• Win. Hicka 11 158 been sumtnon ell by telegram. te the , side of her dftughter who lives 10 5-110 °ergot), of• Wellington Tito young lady- was married only about .7 ngo. It is • feared her ia..,,tieriousi The nanny friende of If F..' and -AM-. TTos will be:glad to hat' of the recovery of their dunghill". • • 81551008 .1",027 111C orttn,---tast *Wed. • .6 oosday was an unfortunate day ibr 'Air. Edward Marshall of the Bityfield ton,: In the broad glare' of day his bern\pod contents- were. completely consunted by flee. l'here was in Om building the whole of this years' crop, Atrtn implamenla, waggon, buggy, ete., a,nd team of, work horses and amen and'co,t, and thee poor brutes perished miserably. Mr. Marshall saved nothing. Ihe barn was a new one with good stone fogroatinn, 4,1,1 worse than all no `msurtinee. The lire spread id Oa building from ,a M.110' .stack outside, whitli first caught tiro, but liOW 18 a positive mystery. It was at -first lorpratfeel- that, tmc ebildren had been playing with matches and set 1140 ataelt on fire. But gni, Morahan says this was 110 11037101 US tI10 011 11111 11 ad„ matelme nor were (my within their reedit, Mr. Marshall was known as 11)1 Iminetrionsus num and toneh 8YmPathY is Ilatttrally expressed for bitri, Loss d1,500. A tramp wits,Seen about the premisos 'the ovobing 'be - fere the fire. It. is surmised he ma), have Sheltered himself boiler (he straw stack and possibly flecoppect some matchea,whieli the boat of the sun or the • trstuping bn them friembera of 'the family in gning 154 "( *OM Maids ..„causerl.. to insseei,d, or a Sell ikait fo. Convey us • to Oellander. • This sell boat lay at - the fat. m °fan old settlet-from Perth.. supposed front his:accent he Wes a • Ilighlander, and .1.1.4ked 11101 if he Ala& liked Canadaus Well as8cotland. •"011," he, never pe Scotland. • 111 pe" from in Canada:2f "Yon spealt•,with a Iiighlaticl aceont; 1.1 stud,: "C1h,:yes.,2!-Ite- • repl "1 1 I be inore as 20 years of old pefore P11 spoke. ta Engliele 110 Ital , 'farm of 300 tuMes, riertr'ly -Oil, lovel. land, hat his :lays of aCtivity , are neerly ovOp,"and-lio•fails"to make a ,decent "To, ritikotit was' to be made chust yonder," he said; "hut Sit A,. Clion. Mactonalt, he'll take wity to, nort. read it all in ta.; papork7, wife mitun down itud Wanted to know if we Conk' bring; her some final. from •'the till'age, • Sliti had, iTho nothing ;hut petatoekiI1.-the house. :"/ galte* the .0'd man fifty . cents AO, gall _me' anted flour," she e'xplaiiied, "fint2tlio old fool wont to the viltago and .got drunk 011. the money."' AVe were told that lie trot oniy• got dru tilc4 but. that lie:g(t.t_iittcr,i1,1i-gli ex ram-rmrhis bnilig,erency,brslytng, "I'll pe niore.as sixty Years of old, ap I 11.1 never focht till yet, "and I -- would tie fulib till iidw, but the cl- •cl scoonillitel tord thd slee.ve opt of 4540. troasets," • iiemmenstaxen has received instructions from Airs. Pletcher to sell by Pl1bile A11441011 at her residenee, West Street, Lloderich, 011 Saturday, •Sopt, 201111 11303,. At 1o'crocit p. in. the whole of her household forniturer consisting or 1 Piano; 1 parlor sot; 1. centre table;] Liner table; 1' eat:melon dining, tahlo; 1 twinge; cupboards; walnut bedroom sot; 1 old( bedroom set; chamber sets;,1 iron bedstead; 2 brussels carpets; 1 tapestry. carpet; 1 three ply" wool carpet; 'cane chairs; htsistcadal bedding; msttrssses; bureaus; symdi stands; bed - youth eirpets; :stair etrpets; eurtaits; window 1116; 010005; pipes; drums; eroch4ry; lamps; *Ores, and mitnerotta other artieleh. , 'rib•pinno otrored tor sore is a 70111 Now Yoe; Whoa 'rho parlor 505 0(111 walnut bodroom set woro meth; by gay & Co., of Toronto, 'rho wool- en (14,411,t miiy hecu 1)140 0. few months. in nsunder cuslu.on $10 and upwards credit o'llf`le allowed on good setority. 10 W. 1:4LL, Auetimmeal Ooderreh, Sept.16 '• 215-01: • WE TE„R14. FAIR LoxpoN, CAN %DI.• ' • Ontario's Gre-at Ex2libition CGtobtri•st2ad ard 4th ti btli 1 f, • .$15,000.00 IN rrazEs ' OPEN•TO TIIE WORLD) • Taige prize; f•ir trials of speed in tile liars° 011114. 00011 aitoriltaln. • • ,41ectrie Lights, 01and Competitions, rou1 • other novelties for the enuirtaionient oral .ltolustunent r of. our visitor& ". - • • • to ...17n, 13, 79101.11, Scesetafr; London Canada fur Exhiltitor will please addresi communIctrIS Pilau Lists and at* 01.1101* Infontrttion required,. wine). w.11 be broil -Tay" attimdet) to. .10,IIN B. 01:1"11), • J94115 RENNE.)Y, . 7eeretary. • President. Cryni, ^c • T NDERS, • 0 ffliAitATE Teoilers ihhiressed to the under. Lj•.signed end endorsed "•••l'endur Tor novo ;14 ug high Clouse," or .Capo- Robert. Light Buildings," as the ease -nifty wit! be • recerved at Otrawa, in, to the 15th .0eColler next, fur the construction •cifT 11',..aTenthight- Itome Tenn' in the Yid lugs Ain ottewn Meg,: Arid Wnoderil,h.clitl,oftre Tower, with lieep• or's Dwelling tarot:hod, ark oil tenildings, at the exfremity' (h' 0 ,ao Hebert, bulb On die Great. Manitoulin isi.tod, in, the District of: Algunia, Ontario. , . ,•. • Plans mut speeinestions On.n 4114 selSlr?aflil forms. of tositar.:praoorpa. aclor.tlei loth 89,-• - • .1tonatil b. tsar: iltioco.::i,.0.8tatoittici4D, ..1,14.410; Qlltrent. .' • ' • • • ' •wSt.'.5111.1.91, •• . • • 1:)e... ;%11-al'it, try, le 4411(1 lari2rticerafs 1)i;porttitene I• 'n111111 and Kisheviee, • ' . Ottawa, 185h A tmost, 1883. 240-2 t 0 Vito AUL GOODS AND WE A.f.tk D. TO -CIIVE --TT-fig • TEOPLE • TUE • reat st 1 ..EVER HEARD Speta tpl Again. Days. 1 Slid Mily ARRIVIN ts glig Drives in Dress Goodr* Immense fitock to seleet from. TcA ADms See mts;---See-facasols, Spripg and Sununeis 11441_ IN GREAT V4R1ETY. s • in, a Pew litTGEMopitina Clintoill ENGLISH,SCOTC1-1.4p,d PISA - TWEEDS, doatingsp:, Worsteds, Serges, (tet THE LARGI EST STOCK IN -111,TRON. Niter 9 .• ALWAYS _GIVES SATI5FACTION. Stylish Ciitting, Good N.4ateripq inel3rice I• . SiFia STOCK f' EFORE oRpopFINci .0: WeU 4ssorted,.Exceilent Valiqg a531:71;.€3, 3E-MMAt (at'. tock. plete ALL DEPAMiTIWEIVgg I • , • • . VIANtED9 • 50 al; !odds. • -Plums •- . tt140 AppleS. ptiee Ca".11. r. ill °Mc° at • Calitelon Ern:, Gr.leetv • Athert istvoet. • • " . , (.14:s•rzt,os; • ••- • . • onatuir:, . • - • " moitr.roAa&:.•";.i AL -1)1 .• , . • . • 11.11401.0: 18tAtO ARMSTRONG. -In GodUriolii on tbe let 4epI, tho wife of 31r, Robert Armstrong, Of a son. 14rIT,N110- In Dungannon, on Mon- day Sept. 105111 the wife of *54 Munro, Principal of the l'Oblic School, of a son, 1 FLOODY ;-•iti' Clinton, on the Ilth inst.f the pile of Mr. E. Moody, of •a son, • 11ARIT.-InGoderich township, on the Oth.hist., the wife of Air. Satri- uel Mirror a daughter. / --., • ittiAitt1.tC.13S, DICKSON%--e011.11TT.-At, the resi. clence or the bride's father, oo the 125-54 lest, by the Rev. ,Tolin 14. -.Slain% Method ist,Xinis ter of Illy th 11r, Chris. Dicleson, of Clinton, to ' Anna M. eldest daughter of B. Corbpt t 14o51, IteeVe Of CU titan. rop-nr,r,-coRntrr.--At the resi- dence of .bride's father, ort the Inth •-• inst., by. the Rev. •10101 8. Fisher,• . Methodist 'Minister of Myth, Mr, "---,7o1in Powell, Attorney of Detreit, te- Mary M. second daughter era Corbett, Esq.,' Reeve. ot . • 111'. T11 0 • • • • • • -TC).WQF OL•INT014 • •rup.,..coem•v• 01e it AN)) .0,1"" ViRTI.11. of tim,'Power Of. • Sale contained :Atilt:tag& made 574 LifiN MILLE-ii. to eilAlti,ES -:a01,LET0N, default hating liren made in the pa. inunt Otero, of. tbdre will . las 'eold Auction, Oy• 11. Av. Pall, at the Alhlon 1otel 111 ttio ' • TOWN• of GODERICR . Tun pill:NTT do IILIRON,..0N Saturday, Septefibi 22ncl A. 1t5)3, at 1 'o'eloelt in the ternoon, 'the' •ful, lowilig Roo) INtitte, S.-.Pgrt oLLot on the ',*fou::,°1)1a$‘12eigutalfiluifael 4betrcilt4711191E1Itir bythwan.1°1uE-18(11'111)bi'f 1.20 feet; tvith a 11014.116 tilt. Mile 111111 in • roar (0 014 ;aid Lot; eAntatulog 180 stove perches of" iand nioro 05 loss. ott the sow lot 1.4 ONatali larg0 tivO-stoter Pranitt 1 fbase) -stone mendatioil, 09s3u,,wftl: • daine addition, 10,14, containing' 8.re1110: Them ako 0 large .5anialur k141,1tai attarited to. the build:lig. This po:perty..18. 81411. atod One el' tim hese:ports or •tho• ilonr1Shing Town o5 Clinton. • • - " TE1018:.-10 per cent, of the parehase money ea the 4,ty (4,100 to 4 im111 to' the Vendor...or ))16 Solteltore, ivhen egroeinent or parchase 41 wt. be Arl'aniolinnItli .4110 paynien4 or the balanee of the 1)1100110w looney eaa by, made at•the, thee of sale, Toe Ve11.11)). rereelai ON) • right of oneliithlIng 11 re8peet alti,. preinkes, • •Vor forthul paliciatoSrs. apply to ff. lisle, ctliaon, or 4..4 • .• Av• rox,.&,,ionts.8,v6N, •• N'eutlur's Soliettin:S. • atetLataitalettehAble "_110th- . - •a, of 1 etrus6 1, 0, 11811. • , •'218.3t.• . 11; W; BALL Auctioneer, AIORTGAGE SALE .• os' 'rwo V•ktueui,N • . 11(i1J8ES : :1,01$ CUNTON. TINDER 1110 1)14 VIRTUE of the liowyrs of '4,) Salo contained in live thertgages, 011101: will 414) (115171101141 to One of sale, there 44111 110 Sold 114' it'oi,1111:1r0o11.Atietto.n, at ,1116,.1111ttenhtiri. House, Clho Sattrday. 29th Sept., 1883 15 two o'elocli lo the afternoon, hy.0...11114011s015 Airetioneer, the Idlowine desiroble propertive. • 1. 565 number 'rwentv•six•in 41114115 0, or Isaac I1atfrinh7rres$11000y, 01, thocaltsitto of Ortsleriek Street, in the•town of Clinton, containing, one. Writ or aure, With.reinfortable ecatage of tour 00o114)1,'w1t1) pantry and summer Litelieti, (11010maimed 'by• Thos 1(s)on) good saran- wIth fruit trees, th Lot nuother Nine hundred and $ixty•twoot the sold town of thintou, on the east. side of 0.11,01110,01Ve4, eoptaibliq nearly one.quarter of an Kure, with larul1 6611-1111114 c11ta140.-.04 .flve 14)11(41 0174(1 siminur kitchen, 14ia)(1,1ye,4, Ate, e.alf:1111 1)11..yrc,,,1 eiaT,2re rrv ysee the right of one h14144101400 1E018 :551(1411141,) of the fmr,,hase monny 41) hopald oo or saie, when do agreement 510 51,0 purchase f.t te) 141 AlcM(.1) b14ant3a 05 t50p41541)l0114(1100445% t.0 remain (it do:41tot by tiro mirehase(',) on mortgage end insurance for any term not cuceeding three yvire, with interest at 8001 per 0005. • For furthor oartlen1ar6opp17 40 1410 Auctioneer 014110 11. HALE, Esq„ Clinton, aS the mute!. , Sept. 7,1883. .r. 010 35. 11111AWCT Voadorh' Solicitor TO IVENT • ,..4..- rrututulersionedseeshW .61 roliffsimi ill. 51 OINDIIRS aildrecsed to the undersigned rind ea hlth orfer thnir resideore in limunuthin ' cralor•cti "Tender 1,11 nape Nand I.101 --ty'rent."--71ii1 -house il'Oltria film imam/on., A r0111,illig4V cat laq recch/s,1 at Ottawa up to the pirler, and 0 Ilining-romr, (Loth rarpo ,,nd a 5.,' -th 11,prember nest. for the . constrietion 05 11 eaminer and winter kirelmn. There is a, good *oder: Lighthou,e Tower, With dwelling attach. stable in eonneation arid 11)14 all cer5 of good ca. ca•I„csab 11,5111)1. 0))414)1 eartb.eaitennaapt tarsi, a I(tla Inanser i.t vllsis) (/.1115 two., a sa a 1,.)1.1.f. or, 111dals•ics11, tiamOnn nay, in the North 1151(0)' failing iltil. 15would 111040 A 0(4,11 Isl. 1tiointt Or simcoe,00.• 11043 85404 for a 11111101 1))' gcm•ral 0,1N The , P11)0atutspadGealloo3 ma be gees, rod forms 04115'I4 55001(1 11115440 it (54,41 1)1 o.'10,1114114(",shop of talulleroatIrtcl, at this Newt1ns:1r, Ottawa, Dos1ess1on given et, once Apply on • the . pre. and at the Post Wets, Callintovwd ad rent,. ?Algot.) • vagoheas, . MR. and 1.1158. I. IVillt./DY, . ' •i '8'1-01)11755)5, ' Npftty 01 the Minittefef 49E311.2=2:11101=====1111111n=a1EDE! Our Grremt Specia1tie.Q0 500-, 75C-, c3z $1.,(39, • 111 MES FELT HAZY. ricieci0 ACKSON 39[4-arr-VISII- tate of the Late Up by lst..•14rpk; 7tx.. •43..1.?e by that that.,Date;,• Commence This Mornin To give, in addition to the Reduction 41ready. Mat e, a p.F,yer- asS of Goods in- .tho Housp,.. except Ort.fiti Bags, on. which there will bo no discount,. 0 MoC)17i7,..atr I5110:111 545-7.7.011 to Call. . Evorything,,duaranteed ot' best, wo.rkmansidp and a vorfect 'Tati largest,stock of.Uaderwear in.Huron-see for yourself: • A a 4TI4INSMITH5 'The Scrape. • . a. C7-01D-WIDaip= oi\Ti _ isfe.......azusslemistariaboveehmasoanrn ArIPINIMII930111•11 : 7 11 • acid Look fol' New 141vo4'tisemetit in sLFoy Weeks. 'V • • WORTH OF GOODS T SELEOT FRO • . $35,000 'worth of Goods to be sold by the ist dAy of March next, and I vile verybody • alfon,, Women. and -phi.ldren, to come and Inspect pur Stock . . ' Thz.V. Sal0 18 Ge-7274i/e. crecoHlance the term§ Of the -Mil of the Idte p2y)prietOn. The ..ThisinesS musr. BE CLOSED UP hv that date, and to co;e offq.inti qood.s at prif..?es now:141.0h arp „froni,10 to 20 per ont. 13,FIL0 Wa?w ogiep House the Trade; 'besides which we give q aiseount 10" pot - cent, w/iwh1,46a128 20 percentper onktUntibr oun money.' ' liemelnber, We bye drearily contoie4 eat vie and ao sooner vou visit OUP ..41-arnnot4 Dry Crood4 Palace the greater choke, vou wilt/rave; ' Estate of the Late (D; ry GdodsPalao#4.1iglintOt and Mtn. 'Gaudy .EMPORIMK. And wt arc •now thorortgly quilled with the,. .Ffilt,E8r .1140/010093 :and Aporsoft,g4 - • . . 71.0 &au bo procured, .orui irt greV:$0,riety,.. Our StIO0141tyi hight:y..linigheti 0.; z 14,