The Huron News-Record, 1883-09-19, Page 2rR"RLLER'$QU10E ,OUR tow Canads does not etkin to a coteill. rot$ tile aimexi- IN Tim Cond ctitig of a lIpws al lalice Aisf.1 A,wbilc. .11 p Thcro was le,very heavy, IN ave the ndyt-'rtio effect upon the r ail editor requires to )lave tho' Minnesota, D.kota. Iowa, &lid No' terglits, Due, AT. 0�,�RA1BL,-----------
OINQ WF 110 has evidently bocii, on the boraor Pe, 0 N inland recently wboro v, "few" fman. essential quality of 0.11110A instincto. thern WISI,Iinshv, on Friday llil101ts might expe�t througli uppeariri� in 1.17 P.M. 6:15 pail. 9:00 in. interested parties have buzzed ively judging of tho. popular taste, and the reports indicate great darg- ia,et!ch a wldcly7wt�aulated jou'rhal, WIU have hl's ENTIRW FALL VITRORIUSSE Fo
-and Stuffed him concerifia- ago to th 0 corn crop, Said In We find that the addition by m I 1, rward THIS WER, oomii rAsT. 0 tile great Just as a great arti t mixes Ilia WiliVil is 1-17 3.50 lo",Catia4a, is suffering by not bolag colors, pritil lie wta the desired ollatle some parts to be an' uttorfall-, gration tohepop0ation of'441)adv, and for Variety and Value. will justi the boast thati- - ^ 0 f P.m. apart of too great repubMa. Nowt ure. - I I this year is estimated to reach, 100,- y 110 wever much som a isolated interests by a recoilt wh1clithecannotimpart, way be adversely affected by Cana 000 persons, which will be the Nr- do, so. an ediCor instinctively. know" Tile County of Y�rk and city of gest immigration has ever wet We5ter 101vislizillip., not liaing unrestricted ititeroureb what Ile wit t can be _D a for Ilia paper,, .al. with tile viiitea states, there have bOM indicted, f ead Or received In one year. Tile wostsity
ulaintl4inin- a allisance for allowing s emser We L- 8U, t N F'o '17rains I e..% v though he tuily not be able to gl� urinutgrial, stile vol- to interests generally Are, not suffering tbe.why out] wherefore.. He also the Court 41oue to reipala lit a nine ofiminiaration into = , the Uuite4' 0OZZ40 15ORT4, in consequougo of the kilows that there are.squie who will, litatedangerous to the health etc., of $rates is �ot that into WE WOULD ASK THE PV13LJ0.. cial uqpociablility of our neighbors d6sent froin Ilia tlecisl' to, wb -cue as at persons whose business. demands 9:30 A.M. 6:10 p.m. 10 GOING SOUTH, It is a fAc,b that can be well attested, is proper for )its paper, no matter their attenuance Ili the building WHY TAT-L.Q A 0 - I . -7 and �thzrt is admitte(I by leadilig Ain TI e c*ty and county clei khave been T1 8-120 a.m.' 3,50 p.m. what ;that, decision 014Y be. in of tire grit press 814ould make, their Fall PtercAase Ir Oricrin writers, thit on ld, worn-o?f4 Stocks., when a rf ine §eiee. t the ficozing". out of �Qanadi The ed�titi of a paper does not fL'. West Huron th4t the protelt Aus froi.n participation in hon ofNeww and F491tionable Goods can be bought at Vallinvill, 911RECTOR1. American trade on. the same joothig necesnarily Wolude, writing for. the Cameron aball, be pro. St. Paul a 0itirch-SerrIces n Sunday 0 1 alf citi;5cus of that country`1747%oe� paperi Ali editorjs leg�liy respon- The Orange 84mlivel alleges tholt deeded w4h is likely to L -o gratified. JOHN OR IBIS; P. ul. Service on Witancoaq, s, P. 4 Ral 'WHY PA %.ln. tntl 7 1). irCt bible clas", IQ 4.111. Sunday I nentable, failure, whether it war. Ur. J0114. Bpaty,senfor, has not, been Whother -Nfr. Cameron "must go" or
oilfle for f Ay It,or, Ww,144, Came, Rector destined to coorce our people into what i.-'Ppenxs in his paper; orinany years Ili, cots neLtion witlithe ot is ill. tit(. ta4voiled, fut,pre. AF. 1014natI4. Xethodiet.�-serrlpew A 10.30 in. lie Is toorally responsible or. w.hat e
and 3-:49 Tj- rq- Nal)bgtllr g�l-itla&Law,,Lxation,taexti-act undue Orange Association,,$ 4aid yet, Mr. pearances. are. ia?eadfully., against -WO Pric a foz' SIZU and Press Goodt. w4en can btv 04 at6s
ltz�ry- J. URPY, past9r. concessions fr appears in it even under the sub- 1P - I , t , omu$ in trade matters, 13eaty 8ends a circular, dictated by hNi. 'WO hope thqt justice may be LessAloney alt can;L4 I-rob)-terlitti- Services tand giving the 30 it. ill. Sabbatli School, 2,40 In. R;v. in t1to "biggest end ofthe terfuge of correspoiidence, especial- the Globo, with his name attached to dou e nLZX� STZW4RTj Ptistor. for the purpose Of crusIling ly where the oubutance of tire cor- , it, instructing nay ordering the 1,itunl4c I I at . ick", or th; ruliter, and' if 'N! r. J 0 JIM C R A B'S? Bible Christiall-servi 4 t 10 30 ulate" that ITT zt� in. imanufactu a.ring indilstries 09 O * p.1n. $I )OTIderim-iii.-d a citaracter that e0rangie=6 of Algoma, tQ vote for -anni"f his, friewls-claim hifit o bB , -WH ibbath Scho Bar. 4. 9 of Y P A -Y-- Hiixzixlt�, PAStoin. I � ountry 7 t 01 Urdl-80IM00 at 0.30 P. in, cab. Our cte'nN contention that the the editor is in a position to know- the Mowat nominee ill thait; dig- -it is only fair- that the court should bth 240 P Sit- REV, J. OUT, Paste-, MA Prices for', lankets and FW-neta- whe)i voin. get New.G Lowest coasting laws, w1fich in most Conti- rlfetharft is true Or farse, trict. say O' If oil tire other Irand—but oQds a� the (it . I - . we will not forestall wb sn''Cliwton, (it tries prevent foreign vessels from. No editor has a, legal tor mor at we have heriff Qlarke, f A NEW,5PAPER' LAWS trading bekw�eii. twooftbeir Port$, right to pertnit tho aspersions, in has an - it spiratiou the,. Court wllijl� . . . .1 0 . . . JOHN C'D
bar, been the cause of financial loss of resigiled rather thati. dct tile, A asters and-aubscribqrs to tile following any. considerable extent t6 '0114ridia I y rueets at Mdo'doh on -tilt- 16th:of P, IVII call -tile 'special attentioti bf'Post. his c6luinns, of the Character f a rt : work of Alowat &. Co. He wa:8 ask- October WHY body of men or of ail individual Will say. Ile is an artful Iad a places thickly dodger Ili. election inatt '0111 Gloves and Hosiery, svhe y6?t get J-71 e is, of the newspapor laws vessel owners or Slit ppers, cannot be to arrang pollhic, err, but even
I -A postranister is re(juired to give made good. - In prop , oriion to pppri. when lie is k�atisfied of tile untruth Latest §1iyles and Sh a des in Kid, wifere there was a heavy grit vote some of tba.t class fail to.cover.up notice 5Y LF`r'ritit. (returnin a paper does latiop, cand'dit; does a vastly greater of tile tateruentq; and not eveA I Taff(Ra, ClotAj 'Cashmere m4d' Velvet Gloves, at Lower.prices than624 can gelt old, namwer-the I law) when a subscriliej$d 11 ail(] to adopt a revere polic)�wllere their t1aQkS so as to avoid detee, poods., The flosleq stock.:is. U�ls Or$ W%tjpr 6Rrr filp trade, both on the not -tike his pper out of the offi6e, slid vases where be believes they are the Cory vote was strong. By lTr.- kion, atato tire reason fIj deep and -on the 11akes, t4au do o 1, its not being ta true' Unless (110 pliblic g9oll is, to be MI)wnts beautiful lkrraug A -0 Q.& Any neglect to (logo mak-eii the 1xistmasior ,zbhs,of the til'iteid Stites., if the there .11 respqrisible to tile publishers 6i'�piiyuieu Ali Inferno, ATN CR JOR
Vulk of the freight be the ftoducti of got ved ig their publication, w i I I lie no polliaq pkees 6elitioan Rat tional cot Joation is is�, our owh q-11"am, person Orders Ills d -is -an Portage and �Iiver, -a distance WHY PAY paper countr tter. It , licitat 411 ne,b y so'.niucli the be essary that kely to arise between tire U'..", Initialled, lie trust pity all arrea I to 91' to' adinit, .a. -Tapestry Ci,pet, i0en st St
tile-. publisher- may mnti- down -,to- Iii I-, a , Statps,ajid Canatla, ow 60�- or. 70-,,teiits� r! YOU C411 : O Iii -nearzf�, 800 a : select from -0e. Laige y mere than ItAs Imperil- " I 11 . . -a a, o#e to equal it, ' at 40 fid 50, (.1ents at - untif payment ip. )naoL, and 'Collect the and do not think it can be substrinti. Public "n' . . boavy vot6 in that secticil but 4 is of one-F.r nk Swltze.r Switzer I in t116"Comit,' a 'whOlO amount. ;4otber it be taken frout, ated, that tire Canadian lake-sli1pping e no le*l tive that lie ioirlo: soar . away- A Cuadiarl by roit . i -0ty, belwigi the office or not-, I'llere (all 1) trade is handicapped, I;y the higher be aut�i-g I'l t. 1. . . ! , rig to, 'JOHN CRA-1113"Se) discontinuance afi Ontario, il'the payindni"i-s'niia-d fe.1-villov(d to -Ole U e. cost; of froighting from Kingston via Clio mve.rage capRuity cj�f I'lil; 'readers; i0 ,, WHY PA 3 -Any -person who takes i paper ed,8tatee ant! anlisted ill tile -cav- "o 'lost,offiec, liree led to Ili llobtreal'to.�-Tmliverpool as compared Tire, apprecilite decenb:y-, and Some tirris ago .thq'TQrorIto corrorI name or another, Ior whether *be has snb- with St. lower Cost frbro .0' pendent 'of the Buffalu-1 -.4tit I �at aud $1.50JOrtwo and thYQE JAY Wool Carpet$, whe;i ilie same can be bbu&' gdousbilig: morillity-R, lid lie. -%%,lie ign0res thesti ort AssiriiIjoi P U. S. B fo forlbe(i or not, is re,sponsib Iq forflia. pay.. "Viii Ne;N,YQM or Boston to IAverpool. .11 � . inado nicrition.-of tho existence of ail ecorning $1,00 aild $1.251 at' -If sudiscr&r' NV' wtialdboly And I)inlgtjf without orders his papor-to be So f " h* 91 disgusted. iie and dressed- stopped at a e�rtain fit and th: p!11)Jish- I41 is colieprne(ittie'proof $1 nnexation society" in "Canada. S, all thie othok Ivay, to . r American, corlstitutl�,y, �t is. quite tru� in over rl)to.c"iltlfk(liaii-.,Territory,'aiid AIIB'S 9� er continues td sell(], lib sub aribilt- Somp niomberS alle-6d 'to belong to. i HN C P6 is bound to pay forit if Ile takes it out of tile. grain is carried froin Duluth. and a senser that an editot siliall please the.society wero, said to be soil '(-5u- Switzer via Kingstori and say%) lie wag armsted by 6 body of pll:t a man niiiat pily f0i upper lake ports It I elf is sele . et I ions'br writ. Pointilid'politiciatI944rid shysterlaw-,'; koiltroal at les WHY' 8UY ' A. idh T6� r cent,- 'of. New.. a rates th@,tn by the -'a for his paper, But it is in'the pre, It , WMA chit -fly Composed of unitesi StAe, rodps 4who crossed e/7. we give n* e Ilt it t American. route, So muchthas -tills, P htmO nutdo t -he boundary in.' pu.rstrit' of him.
PAPI'tj been the case. thab for. yelli New ve Io mus.b:iTot think boys, som . a of 'whom "were said to be kept ry best sene. I 10, "r a , ilit ev.ery� I TI u XeNi York ;�i isa. 00 ds f Cash- -;,6. t Eg
ADVERTISINGco yso 0 f ti University studolip. The tri file at tile office of LORI) & T1,10. 30P that h'a can ..a ittlividn' U., t6ri 0' a Yo'rkars have been agitatingf9r'4orile al, Cn Block, 0 licit, MAS, 1,1, o, .rntlelc tile wherob a they but'] or -io-su-it -bit ra selle a larger, 'and ie,.,Iiodld ondeav tire in- y ocieesp6ndent of theClinC 'sider.their locritilliate share, bf th6 The Ottawa Governinprit isjustifled in, iT n suiCinly tht-tri, its lipw evidtintly-6oine ricivoss, son'(', seeking to the e,\aot inith; but, carr�dng tvad of Elie Products or thWr -E? M titude, and I
I an editor, he'suits.-I., inueifl: Jt , was urgalliza. iltry may laiake its oil tport ruettiburg of 0 tion conirades% hail 1)(Ti-ift 3 loiles A '.Now'York'insted �f Alont.real. the instinctive Appreliginsion of, tha -11011-11 of the all& 1$ from Fort ------- it� inav turn 611 it con The later port has I ac of the�;l'u'Iti- t V -D I I* the lion's � movement of tile irlind, tli4t ho'was' mistaken !it rf-aid to tile T to. Gto�e bas' made a frightful Tbe'directiirs 'Of.the Ivest Riding ill share:' fn - order, to counteract: the tilde (bat iiiade Mr. Delane, the late 74 'a reason allege,] for`Lord, COf0- Todiinlftlit.j' Of lie wit:$ As'Of. thi�;Orantye buzid- &gric-ultund A�, och tion - at, an SA -1 Dourt house, dominancy of Montreal in this re lit entlea.... tile jot). w hich it nil-- ay i,
of- the Lo4dLn Vil!Zes"'Suo tolconvince tile, sPect, -editor ridge not Visiting pailad 'y a,
an Th Rde 'c� 1nes turd afternoon at,th O* US d:e,rt,o,nT d �i,4ngaatt�(i,consitfQrable,bti�ineis u 171,11WIl &Uve M in Connection witti tile prize list rld success. frinulawd *ijublit; .. . 0 - rit orffftll,9 brt�,p hsiprted Clint. t shoold i�bte Rgainst -�Akn- .. a ' so�.' i , 'acquired advantav6s of the Canadian -a era] Ci other 11,11tW" .0finportance regardin- H11ro. free pass, to the re eption cent- redil, tllktt it i's the. intention of tht.) ntile fortlicorningexhlbiti6n. rofte, a ction of:.trnsfdr' a -ad eore'tile 1)661ic th0elsei'V08 1�ee, guqt It . e is, an(l.thm titDOnlinion clovenlyrilant t disallow it— Porb. charges'.'at- New -.York has froril S;euied. aware that bad any. :111014bus Jr. who hns 1yeen 11 .1 . . " 7 friend.. ,Of cQur6e ]Ili Lor(khip is' a. hiartlel Liektd 0 studying it' M'onteeal se.Veral: NV Q will 6ve oui� 06-stoiliers time ioilue' been suggest c free �ppiulo tile, Orange -'Au6 A)f Incorijittiratio i hdid . ]take it and )L I I% I,, tire hands of tile com ' . 11 11 Dea�on's. �'Anil uliffil lisil. -to b 's Y�111 (OV. the vriestho d has been 4` n by tile. Lenii,111WIT. ati-empted, visitln�gi hie : aY4IAs.;-iri--'t6vn.: 11fe .1 the -bal�py factilty of i -ce-tain tIjot ili(l tolls O - the %Ae* Canal. Th6. latter ]DLit, . bat 0ep Ild . . ... estirtemmt lcks the ing -pie lattiolic 110forinerd, Tile riot.ifitirie-
Tit 'divillill(I -it efore it had really distf, te.fill t�ly his. studies-, he w�il
will -have the 'desired effect of ma. c? ... . . . .4 a railways a (]is . I .: '. I iri'dnt oftruth' like tit. ge-vat inativ- astrous failure., ture.seve.val & ubstai;oe. 'Thun* buvo, no more 'rigIA-t Alt4a.4 head"' I 016nintivej , ke it ontlig tP.11P.0EL- Poy'. toriall�ng Shipping from Mdn� form a to .., . . . . . - , . . . . I . 01 .,. trlio ft it iriolit Stu pi 11 c for ovor taxing his s�stel,il Ig" t ',,Tllullxl -er, Lo olther of ktlttimi�mi �4. C corninitte6 than to: wl the I . 'Ilcoll"iisteliey Of' 'A uf%: T, A N 0 W it a r icaletio, .. must Clinton, eduesday, t, 19th ol�jpoi. bag been attai d, i% jOL iAin.' Th' n breal rema'Ins to be ti�ov the Vina t In tile: polivy i tit C. . . .9n, , .. , 1 I -- " -- I . .1 .1 I 01 adopted. T IN I ost delivery t6iiCthe lilatutes of t h 'T is,'a prover'b, XnOnrid It. paro� Strip from Cln&giij viathe .riiceived 'pqlblio, he'dd, ;" I I any other showtuel'", As we., go to pr6se a-fareivall supper .st to -Mr. is Ili is. pak of! the Inal servic(i. It' Pro- ,I)II99issippi, and otiier' I of Mallitolift.fol. P�- TO SECUrU. A as lave opi 1. . . :. . �. I nion -sy iewas rb..rcally� only fol- Jeairlod ilit proerb 'in ap. n it's bden%;rnoofod,!.buV with all Elie enter not rotolied:tlie-Doinhiion ti.allol is 81)6ulders and ti Sit La goes �to j6i fo I I O to' all - e*dk�r, �Vfio-attedlpt 0. AD
vides for tire deliv�ry �f tiior alia Sam par pe "capital d pies, and other 19; up. to. pulse and -and ibo.'proporli Seven Pounds at a I tforial the'�ilgrz��test a Ji -tis so far forgot r 0 Caqy. pw.r%te corripar� 0 Act AvVI- bvell .'' I "PI n
JaIllezi Boat�, rq,ou .1 ..O ten its functions rig to be iniit, of (Prince Arthurs' Lari(tin 9). I. LIStrl us young, nati laco Ila. it .. p The Clit tod'Er The, c6ll ector. of. at Po' 6 1�-finill COrlihlCtirig it large Ild$el. nrition - I.,. , Cb 10 P .0 I'd nt ,Pd with what would be bbrLtg6d 4; uppli-ert), they,liee not' had the it0 11 I'd- duty it t)lat. o Canadia sl�ccessrtl` express counpanitin I . . I E I Ila under.tho putative, in..: ORR04, t 114- p"Y'll'in ts of abs rd to comniercial hardihood, to..,the PU ) Is Ii bas been hoin.e. face of natre, or to, bite, off Ell of port during tlln month of July,. 4.4 lc�t ..tiler I i, -Protestant," Goderich iowinct :that 0. Jm 11obinion *riptti�ne( 13011,18 spite cir own.faces, but ),sit Ill, spine of tile- nIOSt`$a8I;krd-. by' .061 Ill, -or W( . 1: . i er, It public needs and tht it title Ven a The. i' . . . . . . . -w -250 Y itrut is., Ozer ouni, -We ''ill hav, n1--StcQ1,t was etbanded L, will he 4cR11IIt 'I found'.to pily-witill, sl 811,pposat,that- th AIA. ill� ill t6iv, $12.) 000.', Only't To ports such a provis�pili haov� 'utilized the great oct iniorcial ly itR Or can Act, 'illy ith.out goilim. r� por, Goncral te I I' it i.1, lier, 1 4 11 I , I P ce 16 ViHi from tire we t th'rough Ile fou n d� at'n ll�� timo takipti, adv�trvtage* of.," The -Stion Canada, and *as ve lia;v.e C Ila Act �f aciorpormion I -a I n. S n I , p
anw resid It ts rti 5 d Wo ask t p r -er ya
draw the line at: than ship owners IV of thp out of t6NN!n ie ti jon of van Trotm,� 8 tI %N ill 0 iL it iat tilt) bl"41- r havoL Of the lest $1.0
Ow wked, why have' bebb the w4se it ted to b 0 L) expeed t � I . : " , . . I . . I L . '. (gqtntlehian t qur:rePders'wIriI(?we give an y pn�kp ra v rali 'less of -Po-rt Artb jit 'N 'week lies lone land; 'I'll seven p6tinds be overnment gainers, crtain y not the losers. .tu"a,k I all' the this %veel- That Thin Milwaukee -inside 0 r. the -enlargement of tber -web ij-,7� -a own coteln,- Orin tiot-aW c-Oftim6i c. rptal.n6d L - -:cOu 11 'll I- a. ieiiconflis f not IQOIC'L46 ill ,orn, er -it 'trjLIj -Ast:.we prPSP the p6-`ltL&I depArtmeot,', land lies even urtidbentionallv, at, 'we. n I o I.- easte. I 9k., ect,4 in stol�e 'for Many of. tile 6 View Of t4ese bas our� local. -in. - say r .9 �t -for c tfo6ncy or' the IPresent s-Atlek-.s. up to s6ven pound withLas0in-to of. , 011thrio to is s. ar �e I . * , - ot6 s, inju oc! the' pri t.:G . . t t d r. I W6tQ t ader pr .9 cab of -Canadian cairriers'or pro- tiuji- pil�itiori We cotild Coal dop(A. n0 P lt to Ovad,(� I ail ItIon.-to our popul- the public slid a prof Tile lilecent l5a9ga-e 'of tlat0s �1* e it. witi it to , it . ie:trea v9ked. R� desire' for anneXat n by� Credit it to 0, sue . Inis state., w y In . am "not Qie -by. t4c A allegation. w 1, � hat llias;. Clintoil, kimwiii 'its �inatruthfulne.88,% :, - .. . ?-h . .. . ey-br bee liCy p I way.�be totally foe' able of supporb. '-That 'c van ail imp r, �.c. orey, �r P mwy of ti adians % a g�Atuitons th a- water ry- ec don -'is I* other ca r Wei lit to be r` & � i.� t, 6 red ih till ment., two p�i%kzi . act d wa in jy the nietther.; dedicate laid tip to our, will miike tip i11t6 pfttsjj�t p y it Tteelll- town overS Incr6aged, to seve times seven St. Cathafines atid a fe- 0 jv as- -til a t aocoLilpallieil G inty of. Vile places nlay' thrli l4e9t forrii Cmivjg-ation. minds I cokhi�. d .51101); Gse A] air b . r. R. 8, Williams 'be 44,4�t6d, - locallyi.-by the not hAn PrOjL)rietoj'S,.cO01_ y -n4a �"4-- I trio�cle for out i a 8461-t si)oecholipropfiatr� ut Irity' Saturday le. And i the tI e it ion.' Nlr,� ote 'kindly his matter i -rest 10 th usual coasting trade I is possible; -ba- Wits �tl�o .1) rous plaster 'ti-icycle's for: soldc .5, of in te. I of ineng C 8 1) Britis it al :r . ny its it . 6t equal t . 0 ko Iieserlve, Chat niany American jarLs,!kro Similar down.flit C. sdonors. and an n public &lid, iniglit be 'a . balig, ep- Onta io 1egi .I bt t6' " ,ystei, department. %linliked (lie nbw atS ola that, his services %vould I;E� 'At, IV- hhI� affetutqd byOR�adian c6astfir Ijil te-ation of tile ki�s . .. 3*4 , 16 ig.* Cf r6m in v4ding T116 presentation typs cue to . ur Itile sulphurous CIO 7 .Dominion tua gregu ori tile month of. lie] L, roans of Eli' Jr . -0 [ !t, could ro.fita,ldy take IV and i 0 - -LI stand. ties lati-ons. is'equally trots, but that the 11 grourrid, litrid tbrough.on r�aidenile, R. 8t 9 r Country ' w tfi;%,'grourfd, �m Th a lent, Corning market.. ti-aftis ever .- ... , . I . . 1, from. It is well know' general: interests of eithe OTI'Laus are t Iq rt:q-t . .1. lart'll a lui!llon to n that the ,, - ' ' ' I iii W is 6 zind it, lii� diki, Nyrofic, is very oh ali-runken af'ter the ter- set .aside fok the interLst 6f CtiCe.. of P. Ust bj� a 171 W not found. lit Irim. 7 , Pile* havbdr, imp. 4 I I . L I . . . . . I k, lie would IWacross the'wa' L t ev ted'.tbat the -old choral Tjni�n pee sue q :the st�'
I)y'express in Canada , missabl'e'. .1villill 110 erinic So at swiralit Ler froin al I I a, Ay Ontario,. ilIg CIM been 6147 d alul, filroilgh There.i8noLd6c(l 6� Of -warrior betridden tricycle .1t,was.the duty of-tbe G1 o t Is d A P iAakly Wild- � darknezis llicl; bris' Cons L ent we. Ila YOU�t
Op Cet is 'o'.zleligbted to fiiid - V gu*. ,;;I , - , 1, - '-
winter comalt Rcqil. equall&f in iminmrsity7 by, �hab of that a 11�-Ilo 6ugh qongerlvativ to advise tit Ontari�.irl a gigantic mail oly 9ply Our co' lt;'IIoillzdI1:y ile. nothe bill- passed,-' wilil be r1evived in ilgi IiIace beidre ilia (I once I with"'th I a [j; lie sake liko, I) Lieu t-GOV61'Llei CO. give sjllllt'i.�LTiR anilTuck as to whethw r 8, M not stpoi we note requested"tP puhli�b..tlle -ges. , Th-6-publicardadit -.Sol ownpr who N�111 �e 'Coinpollod to* Ill his attein V. 'I, a on t 3. his their chal., g, slimy lepitou.ii sin that . rated' '." R Mr. a It make an . other L following in. the Goderiob colittrin inky oO wailid not' glory ill, Tbkdugh trip tills fA I 1'. 11 - disappeft nor, -o roml I—, . , L . I . I to pity through- the n6sd and tit A-marican . c,lbizen .. fr, ,-n , C red ' uivsteriouslyL in I rIMiss' Tfainer took charge of hot, 'ted ' I ( re from b6i kv W class in the Cent vri gets. no benefit.,-. The L ted- financial cofisic6 -atiotl� tit eonviot ail([ , OW A One d b!g k; aud'.1 The W Oil ues. 0 state 11 t we ckeb tbato zleal.3 L , entral School be g1lrn allil boy thkt ho Ilas iaken 110art of graca on �witfi s:ayhig:-"Atiy a ierr tit nil OW -born oil: Lhat, .dit- . 0 1 to tile conclujii ,,sa s;* 916el. Lhill'i etc, who.,wo t? 'it: I)y La tRHIf to Olt,, grollp,6f t oil 8f"UHRY, L Drs. M61014, of. cept some cols hy express -go iii to tile �,06148 Z') i larlietol. lie I - atill :Lqckno�v, Ruil 11(itchison, tile tof' prefer Elie flappi. wings, a Xo�v, it' I was orrpor�t g of- the flepo'lllation must lie for liig, liody; "but p n, h�re. y bn,.ViglteLd *the - town.. gmin-( - I - cleci 8 I tdiscoura �e,- --N%)6 circulai vvronw it, "the gave .1 a o oats, triumphatit call. tl a. a6tention o like to bb so rghancl f u -t6 tile gont!6 I' Ing fp� years. be�a a w idg-sprd dAe- of tit, that h, bag tile Rue Or .111011CL of'861ne 'Otlictir (rrf)Ut)" 'The e)!S. t, 0 tioii's4leg advertised ii� that purpn,�e,lgivo ithe 6cisiolls Call. VO Aven a� �OmKtllfg cot,- oeftliewoXhl." that 0 ,tgk,i 11 r
tsire to -ba 110W. IT 11"OULD :W �Z. rned .9 diL'ttiol' of tills ed: lit que§tion - itto, I iviliti in ppog ntrue, -Ao e Th6 schooners' Tfeather, BeVis at leg befure wicir-e I t. in tilis r 0 oue time -it 1% tiiIij'��zarmc.tatioh of ha, trilknec up ill 1�'
paration (it ter the field f r,*the Pur rilliN oll 11 "the Northwas Pose"Of clieckii)g tb� I C to, Callh(IM that"Id, T61instown �Ija� T''?Olme''of I extent Tile; ellcou&a 0 niv ba.11 p�tqliecfterz It- of leg I ty o Was a YoUll" -lady 111 Ili. �venffig Star, were the only vessels. stl i's likely'.to- prove . Clio�jenk a re -C-511 s .. a ii., gjV-0`n-1;y, tlfa� tSr�llr to tile nianu,' Ili porb on, 8aiurdiCy bv��njng...,.. tliebatfero� back those who nb'*-. -Ol -.1ilril express to atiother h.l. 016%ie- Conti . , " liarto?'1111). rl
�of dissolution THE I -ER
pt.. tile, "t'rho CaInbliti T�on will to, groo.p.11.1,LoftnKfia,bas been -TI I e Slit. Ontarid, pretty heavily -y' litly Out Its lalld, and All to'Ifted deli'vpry,of ihe.CoUilti t beti fore I . -01`0 bail Would have Passed ten I Cs "Confederation n h0en stay in pollb oil t tit (I of equiva elit O'leg 01'. wicket. -No.' 22 a ball was W 0 a-ve" been day inoitaing, while�on her up. 11,10 blither agitators. h e,4 fj'�),000. 'L%qt ri-fda and Sati ily l4ituittioll f1l d. so iurrivoly tllftt� lie it to wicket tit o pro�rirlco 'towards fit(-, G'antiall departilient in ile Illent to oil at tile eXl�ell..jO4 trill, ,qti:tett�l by fo ad off tile bails, -11' the Urrrto4 Statorm, eama%ytty$Uio00. 1111,CTa �Iunlon Nvit tCe n (Ti ro he dr. lit norlopolyi or: a z . 'Tis re 14 it wthrowri existin litult wvp aniolin'tMI to Collected for a )ipLvV.'hurch. s- q I .. . I -Goldwill, I . trip ofliatirNiitips in 'connected with into, wicl� -auth&ities 'refi, to� give, ll hat Of tire to- th, Industrial SIjO%V is onds; befoj' way ;d ,it!' t trroreign I; . ouatry. It. Ing *of the CRuwla Pacific will �o $,,rloo, tile %y I.k itwas MRkIP g a sec6nd a u ll the Illinois' a ofli W O'k. new cohipany the game accolliodatio Wire mill ngo. q h load Cariada'witi-I dobt, thab she will run had reachqd I eash distli. fa§cioatton for gonle clds eg,d people faottivers and keef)bri however, nov tit rga-i hs,that extended to the etc( olo li'ar Iii4ing It total ofs 53,000 it f aSn(lers, Occupied ilia pull wicket -aw I rig Q4C - sonio day ooVadui is,sion to the vllon. I)it rino IV 4 0'00 po been tire cause of niplAng in the b -Burope, in eographidal alld 0 0111PIOy 'Capital 4110 i;tbol, It in the, 0 8411131). NO. 3, a 1. wits ud onAmekicanterin. Thoutheirlilgh agir)g oekly dropoing or) tile' .1 I\T I I . Methodist Episcopal Church on Sun after Will Shut oor o it country. ovdn any.reforni in. this L-11 (if the American tariff Tho Ifallillton .1y shritild'it be llboing blocked whoh-the battle-r-pliteed'
1114. out' of 4, Of this fttsdit loft lw aShip. Nr.,A. 116D. All I ei . lie ft foe "To L 1,6fito itbin-to1eep.the ball carrying trado offlie :coopk) e thoft inarket aii(I..001n&I:uq to IR, Clio oil flocal Mid .1 .- . I oa poi a4' -t+J�tNtt W. Yark
Iat tlfbir dolirm f6r on. nco-ecoilotnio mlattvrs oil 'ClId tile 14i;imII on ltrotitday to a -t- rav, but never tre"llitell to know not. Cerfai.n. it is tbab,the polit; 11; bail. No, 4 wits its follows: A ill tk tend. thA great, Oixposiitloil ndiv One foot off tll,L 0 T A 'it d.0 �t6 find 2. 'Tile plir_ A s telid that a tafifi-can create pitill 6pn� da�rivd out, if, 'I ty, enpitched ill a1in6 Teforni bat rwve� b pi,; some c6lime'llts (in 011 . lu tile Qu�een'lal -oke av Inally that bhn aso of tile bo duo of 'lie �I- T"be southern race qf nut, hi 1lg;A b --Vi trip] Y -tram. frim- argo number offoxcursionists —O O It does seem -to I )Ovo are, rid, abPoluin tho back of the btitteiOs root Ill a !tile ly -01.1-b- . . , , . wioket, bi aci,oss and C
it " A Cavity call , trtillpf �r ctrpitmi 'left on onday and Tuesday�'fbr Clio. itts; poigi Ila ; tile just' all(I al�b Ile- pertinen t to local an of 13nropp bollli.fl%to tell I ones to e 0 moket. 11ftd od buwolild ,governmetit co ld take llra:ttor if tile Ilopthern con , I - 'rovd1d0LLH"1h'blt'f)n' . .. . 9 int,orven C." P. .11,, settling it n*j� Anil. bringing ietratisferillplit fts 3 15 per Cent Discoun for'30-%y in hand, incroage, their revollue alitt well no naLional mallets that, Iva Ifenry Itortoll, And David S at decrease the of thd fatt transit Population and Capital into tha repm,lo . lot, .have passed one foobto leg orwicket, al6ne. reftiitim to give: it. illy em.ployinetit, iu employment DODIIIINOWAftel' 043ing Clio Sights in Tijer4A wasa case of it - strikliTg Dom i rian'than, all oblick -eausoq coin. C iftr ly alea 114 its prof! tablo ellipli) in oil t onteen. 0 oil Thtir's, 1% oadhall to send it to the b vI of parcels, to and other.q. .bi tied, RIO tIld high ttriff �Vithout protof"(1011 tile -0.11; Peoples Who poggpgJ 0 P1 .. . ( ity. but tho claitil wfl iA itideality turn Nril iprofitable employniont nwainicrea. W48,110'servied in tile R, C. decision or it would have, [)eon given tile IrloallL of S ti INS lit JohlmtmN notL I Ag neaely all refornis in tills 8 0 l p-lygtt tho TwIlt or the surit4 spokon . of w(N11 if It is only tile grosser and tion.;ofcapital both, Clitirch all Sunday. it being Clio iltxy itotlt.,t X6w 1 wish to state that it'Ativ ado Mato not lip, paill ollf., try' in thd publie service Cana(liatil; that we bavo. in, or die oelepbratioil 6C service at Ilul. or tile decision were wrot)g I zivool�l -of a vo 'raceti whn ne.'eopt U, unduly in R(I- Progress in ton yoars (I ic ittile, L I I . like to kntdv it SOL tbatL I tufty Rot Re. H
Ants coAr,ser tPnIlingy io the ec O TOWN LLN
rninimpntion or W timn Iro. "Wit hotle the 11.10 tile. IPPI" Apron,, wood ete,,. it, nt I,a4t Ttfursd.ily-�.Jatnoq Ifutiter, of' cordingly in tile fUturej:Shonld I ever A tL " the 1, V lt(�r ill . 1, Wortil y cohvehionca�' of tire publiot ll�ivo would have.dono in wan aes prinitts file, ow-diloiliv Incellaoeg tho: A tilt, Mivtotii, wos on . ent loatip of" tile Umpire the tit) sent rot, A 10 day�i sojqurjl at. Ove B -4 ifand,lin rund ov AgAlbht thA wingliatil undol! thA national wo'll I's, Wit hout fofinstown,. the tit() labor oil it may. be. ivort I [.5 0,w tlie T)ioksotil b6ar ling house, it woulli lie eillhl�,Iltly pro Ca�adiau pirit. Ila,, -'boon '611,14 Of 11111'(1til.1gor, in Norwa . farmors or ust, ofulapital ill lilffldings und for I dle 11661 N11olild havo iizi locill . Mr. �V. Goodhig wfts Oil n' visit wore,mny in rid quite in keopi fr olis tht were ki t" 'I'lloy W,3111(1 lio vlitcurro . lit eks.wuses andfor peof! Ls amy P to in �witl thp trildl- , oni oon(ati' r Ilno 9 to ralso town week. The g,31itleluan, oil of t1liell A�01�0 decided Ill ALV61, of tiong,of thr, patty were 'tile prpe'rlt 'to prodfico disintegration, slid annex� 811i"ll as; will 11,111tr who is itoing it large Ijusiness as A -of tile Wingliatil it is S govdriinimA tb give tli,6' parc(�Js (ix. to itty nothing illarele '$75. 'Tim a
fle. to. 8, I d- It,, I 8 Wv ,oiwidura- A�lfil, knit- &lid -bithe out of $50, which, though not Iellotf) rood, slid I prosattlelivery their serious 1, Union. iefndllqtl�y, soil llilvill�' tinfil'they call to question there, is rMill for A�d.w- TS A Ver ly, -abroad, n(I 4tt 4enty of if, N D GE
ution. bread. Tile c6iiAequenca is' XiAg 1 -tattier Vack late Of lVitlhi- rgunient, (r without doubt 0, Strict %onto hve, beon* confounderit. So plit,olt the i'IrIfieir litorall'y Creating goul,ething, 0116. of T , tits L
)o tile ITTIfib ioz� � . ifiteritirotation of the ruTPg govern ing In ordor to tnnka room f th" neZaflnt.of the" tuoto it be, to flit, wno Ifaa roaLlied ilroit,,Ilro visitinj. e
I'joicet woul�l 1;rave fiftiled Consider. * NVII11611. is arriving, WV'wilt give a RRI)UarloX. op sollerna tiler" it I-; sister ,�frg. L, Pennington, bly to t1io Gootlir, original oftho word Inift loft) thn, ly elto Von *`EN r.
Ila t i,ly valuplesa worth fivil or'six' times Ilitatod- that tPAdprg lit towns are di.ov at JoIlTINtowli.. nowritten 20 r 'It bver tile furned to agd,tirlturni '.file that tile IIIII). Ill-,AVY AXl) asfitell, . herl it it woa- before t.ho wgunhAd tompopaiy K� Olt 01SIL I O
I'Ceel, III 1) efttlnot Colle(11V tit fr1V fI"`fIff11-.t,�. 11116108cortatilly1mt, e I that tho, Goda. pie'.) at great�
ieliargA of tho sanior of lid L1hy un(I rs
,)ro 'y St. AL11drew, . I, id
jell team di'(1 not I I tlarge q antify
y o' it.' fli�ijirieo's for then, 101111- A shifflar edricati Ail __As In ght 41. u.
and hoemon and vollicloq to doliver is truq t1lat I fy�%-a "' tireatioll of 0 Of GLOILGIAN 1-34Y �,j fla�-tilrod goods. This itI, it result tren Oionly t. tipital bu t -it capt. 'Is be �,Viligllatn oIi
�L'hlouSly. hilloriol try I)ruJg itholl f, )lot ft IAWj I)rti -410 opepatioti, whey line gone 0 jNorfnal toIT S t wftq ritleo tile eustoo -4- 1voill;i lip with Prory s;mnil oi.derp pni4cehq tit, villages or solliewlyftt. dissoinlilt'd other cause haTkilip'la fivo 'or Six ditalA o will, tori1) A 1,11clAtrio0l, o6mpatly will Appt."Itr V110TORIA OLOOK, It,% L1 NVON. was We n d I IIAI i t A Its al I (1101 wit to nign bo 16III ineorporf1tifig 14Y f�pe fraflo. urlarliON 'the alut-Velo Ivy Ili, tilt% Vie.toria,ball to -morrow hod poinfiri at it filliall illoiRy -of t�' liko din , I CA tity wild witnessed the batting, bowl Orange orile), but I loved are of Ole f, Ill of tit" arriorig g our bind IS' ifit6P()gt,J' tho former oXpbllgp,L alld "�`wn llaVe ou"jel "Tk d and flolding, nrA Hold, by tit P. Anil Clio en, oave till
i0 Ia
11 wo tT
fitrodly, Immionlittely till ll('itijnr (10 alll( Ullt' f Iub 11a ,,,otairl P.)gtal goevi�o)rko CAllital gr6� ra any is ft.g6od ohtN, we bopo I S for profiled, )y. _.of, Arga iyoura I heatied %ip like turnips, It t),eys p irl Tom 'at(fir 11�lpltttj Oil , Y�ct 11 ow mally, 110111 ea mitileiation for, fabor in Ot of tiekou will' be aoPf. ndwould only"'66 to g! at thie V woul.1 bo werlding in corylolph wit e D for illrovolful in thrown it) it' ;30�
Itowns v0A Th 11 bli. �,;Vehiole PIP. r Awl I)Ptt,-ri 11 thigland of ad orally, ("llintell I dl111411. "VIlo gi,teg lliekift' lit) tile P!)Iifid Apf: wat4b ftl all Y'ke bell oo *oidd i 0 vilimcloll. if 66 acoolliplislinzinalt oft lliv. Only, diffloulty -our people NTP,11), At at thiN &&voi Plothlo 'by 016, ertli�rge- opolf or, Amrtiv t 'tilt OTIA1104 10 road tile ookly 11AVANT ML WANTED In tplhn� whioll wrts the ------ OX . I . OlobA will hA tililo td) 901' Witt I ............ lit AI( 010y'All I00k0d, 80 414- W It lim, 0.11t, �Kfhjj nf' "k 11oN liti. IL by I n AU . . ..... ea'd L' '2r 'D
"ji-ff . ..... ....