HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-09-05, Page 43WC.TXtON'
lieWg °It Ntrortl
.Tho lobed 1TOWS
Huron .flecord.,.
Clinton, Wednesday, September6
74=4. —7 -Zi
Remarkable Feat,
• After commenting on, the fact that
during the past two menthe_ 101
newly married eauple had visited
thepicturesque town of Port A•rthur,
the Thunder Bay tS'arseittel goes.'ou
to say:—
"The last of these left last night •
by rail for Winnipeg. Fe haps the
fact that a hundred had preceded
. them, • that the groom in question
was bprn in the historical.yearo 18-
2, that both he aud, his spouse had.
been married twice before, and that
the third union -co.nsuenuated an
event perhaps never before heard
of in ornithological history,: a're rea-
sons sufficient fpr making wefts:than
passing allusion to the happy pair,
Mr..Jolin Eagle is thci popular pro-
' prietor -of the -Eagle Hotel .ab Wes
toe, a suburban rendezvous for plea-
sere.seekers of Toronto. Mr. Eagle
had knowp_for_msn
Nightingale, a widowed lady of .eon•
aimicra,bre attractiveness, and.the
busy folk of ..Weston, soon after the
decease'of the gentleman in question,
• made up their minds that the lordly
Eagle should carry oil the nocturnal
warbler. The worthy host of the
Eagle House could uot venture
abroad for a day but upon .hisre-
turn he would be greeted with the.
congratulations of his friends„ But
a few days.ago a well-known clergy.
man of Toronto accomplished tlTWT
remarkable feat of transforming a
nightingale into an eagle. • An hour
later. and Toronto was miles behind
' the blushing bride and :her cempah-
ion, who made all haste for the little
Arcadian townotTort Arthur.. In
the meantime the people of Weston
are trying to creek • the nut.- that hati
been thus provided for thenm, and
there is little doubt that aright royal
-reception wilrbe accorded the happy
pair upon their return to the Eagle
, -
mainly_frae Scotland, yo see
;taiga', Ptood o'Spotland, but perhaps
.ye diuna ken it that I'm a Scotch-
• tieaultat 1{01 .1ra where they
• speak the purest English in the
wand, an' moony a man free Gies -
ea is taken to be . an Englishman,
but not detain ye, sae here's the
toast o' a' the toasts,. 4.3.1a mutt y•
man Burns.'
�iigimt of. Popular PIIIIISCS.
St. Louts-oibbe.nonocrat.
"Devil take the flindmost.',—
This far more exprebsive than tele
pot saying occurs originally in
t. Beaumont and Fletcher's play of
"Boadicea." • Italso occurs in But-
ler's "Iludibres,", Prior's "Ode of
taking "Istentur," Pope's "Dunciad,"
and in the poem '10 a liaggis,"' by
Robert Burns.
•qilnotigh Ts as Good as a Peast."--
'00e,of the oldest of all the popular
sayings in use. It has been traced
as far back es 1793, occurring ift
book entitled "Dives and Pauper,"
published in that year. It is also
found in 0 ascoigtre's *"Memories,"
1573, Bay's "Proverbs," Fielding
"Covent Garden Tragedy," • and
Bickerstaks "Love in a. Village:"
"AeGood as a Plav.",---An exclatua-
twit of CharlesU, when in Parliament
attending the!discussimmr,ofilord Ansa'
divorce bill, McCauley,.in his
Review of the Life and Writings of I
Sir Witham. 'Teuiple, refers to .the
saying as folloratm 4 The Kingre-
mained in the .1:IonseberIii-Wifile
his speech was taken iateaionsid era-
tioa—a cow mespractice with:hint ;-
:ter -the- tiehateT amused fitS"...ated.
mind, and. ver sometimes, be . used
tO. say; aigood as a comedy"
"Rebellion to -Tyrol ta is Medi'
ence,to God."--•,Trodi an inscription
on •the .cariiion rear which the
ashes of President .John Br,idshaW,
were lodged, on the top of a bill near
Martha Bay; in. .Jamaica.Ran-
dall, in his life of Jefferson, has this
to say .cmf. the tpuktation in question::
"This suppositieus•opituplkwns found
mon the papers of Mr: Jeffersoo,
and in his handwriting. It was
supposed to be'.otie of pr. Franklin's
. .
spirit-stmrrtag, inspirations.;) •
• ."Blestiings- on" Ifint who. In ven tha
Sleep,"—Migue1 de Cervantes, born
1547;.. died 161Q, -originatesLaii*
.well•knekvii Saying.' 1 t occUrs in. a
,paitstige in Don Quixote rts follows:
"131essings on him . who invented
'sleep, the. mantle • that covers all
human. thoughts; the fdodthat ap•
peaseii . drink that
quenches thirst, the fire. that warms
cold; • the cold .00 moderateheat,
and, lastly,' the .general .' coin ;that
purchases 'ail thing's; the . balanee
and weight . that 'equals the 'shep-
herd wii,hi the king,and the. siniple
•with the wiSe.".•
. ,
, An Inquisitive Boy.
"Pai-whaVis •meant by saying that
a man has the d. S's ?"
"It means,he's got '..em pretty
"Got what -pretty bad?"
"Why, theal. t's." -
But what are they ?" , • -
"Well,' they form a kind or feeling
who has become too fond of being al-
o,oh,olically embarrassed.But why
,do you ask?"
"Cause I saw a an whaled 'em
awfully bad getting 'off atrain at. the
still= the other day Wander' who
• he was 2" . .
"Why, don't you know. • -He was an
Ontario special .rdturned from.'1tat
'Who al -e Ontario spechils 2"
"Men who went to •the 'Portage'
officially to get specially drunk."
"Who sent them, pa,?"
"The ()inane Government."
• • "llow-kind I Why don't they Send
you, pa ?"
"Because I don't- drink."
"What (lid the specials have fp do
up there ?"
"Oh, they only had to make bon.;
fires or, the public buildings, batter
in the jail doors; ask the 'boys' up to
the 'trough' every ten minutes, 'and
in fact diffuse lawlessness 'generally
.and‘whiskey particularly." -
"Were there any more Wile bectime
• as ssick as the man I saw ?" -
"Yee, one of them,accompanfedbv
Manitoba police,' took a free trip to
Winnipeg. He lodged- in the. jail
there, because the hotels, were full
said the Lieut. -Governor out of town„
Ife• was taken with thei,d. t's."
"Why, pa ?"
"Because Winnipeg whiskey wtisn't
as good as that in Rat Portage."
"Poor fellow ! what a hard time
."Oh, they're having a soft—in fact
A very moist time, hut they're a hard
3ot," •
" "Pa, I know what be when I
grow up."
"What, dear ?V •
"I'll be an Ontario special 1" ,
"Jim! ham i—hoW would you like.
to be a .tough—a gin.swiri
-"oh, pal How can you say such a
thing? Oh, no, 1'11 never be a
'Mien you'll never he an Ontario
6112 Cousitayman Burns...!
At a Burns banquet, held recent-
ly in Montreal, a goodly number mot
from .the land or brow, kail
and parritch sat down to am enjoy-
able Canadian diener, which was
pronounced almoht as good as the
universal gruel diet in the land of'
• the hesaber. FandyaleGrab, a, tbs'•
tingnished stranger, made the speech
'of the evening. A fter fortifying
himself with a gill of cold !•4cottili he
„cleared his throat, and after being
presented by the 'Chairman, -win)
had never seen or heard of
him e -
fore, in a flattering speech 'he said :
'Leddies and gentlemen, I'm
awfu' prood o the treitt, honor an
re-tpect ye show in Connacht to in
...countryman Burns. I'm also oppc
to tell ye that in ivory land ye fin"
Seetchuten at time heal o' affair ,
Perhaps ye (Enna ken it, but I am.
a Seo'chinan mat sell. I'm only juat.
oat trae (Alum; eV.
.winds an' Anna? 'only arrived yester
inorn ; as I said before ye may opt,
• ken it, but I assure:Ye, kiddies an'
gentlemen, that I. sin a Seetehmtin
inut sell, an' am awfme preach o' . the
went honer and respect allown-not.
only in Cannada, bet the world
•owor to. -ma l'tfyuntoramt "ROM&
Iftettaity/Jewish. Woman.'
. . • _._;_, • .
who Conderrined the Redeemer,. who t
covered Him Withcurses, who Nis. IL
ited Him with torture, who. neklAed
dollars a week kin Pay he'd are
washin'and dress insilks and satins.
ean't tell, an' tia less I lenow 'bout
it de madder she gite, an' Lime -by
dar comes a climax an' somebody
gets hurt. If a gal kin make k'
dollars a weelc gof3mler elan t kan
mdke twenty; &tete none of ray biz -
nem or yo' bizness.
Au Irish CIP1'47111/410, on theNew
. •
Father Neligan, a priest of the
Iliocape or Kerry, Ireland, is visit-,
log Canada, carrying is letter or ia-
troduction from the It. C. Bishop or
Kerry. Being interviewed in Win-
nipeg by a reporter of the Sun, he
administered a sharp rebuke to those
Canadian journalists who have been
'busying themselves in assailing Lord
Lansdowne: -
"You know Lord Lansdowne, the,
new Governor-General of Canada I"
"Oh, yes," replied Father Nell-
gan, knowhim well, .I. Ie is a
'very ektensive land owner in Kerry.'
"What kind of a. landlord is he?"
csife has been a very goad land:
lord, indeed ; that is, he compares
Most favorably with the class of.
landlords we havein Ireland,"
"Then you have never heard any
complaints about him from the ten-
nrivaiatts a a certain class OM -
plain all the time, and, would cdm-
plain no matter how they were treat -
d, but what I want to say Is thaz
Lord. Lansdowne is .the best of 'a bad
class, 1-fis land. in Kerry. is had
alai the. holdings., are small, 'ma in
some places if the tenants had it for
nothing they...Would hardly be able
to 'make both ends 'meet:' I know
,Lerd.Lausdowaim_ personally.; ha is
is Im•..ind, well disposed' man and I ant
stye. will give every satisfaction ttS
ao.yenncir General of Ca,nada. He
is by no means a proud. roam lie
has that much sense that he will
carry 'himself through •Canada. all
right. He 'only homes to Ireland
.about once a year,"
"DO'yort there is any chance
the now defunct Lana' League
,beimg resuscitated 1" •
• "I think not. • The :Government
Would only suppress it again.. The
Irish National League takes its
• Place and answers all. the purpoSes
' "Did the.Dynemite'scare create a
sensation in Ireland 7"
"No, there was, ..t)ery little excite -
Ment over that Inatter*op tbealsl-
and. Our people are' quiet if they
are letaloneand well treated. They
were .veity. badly—treated "
• • "In, what outliner I" •
. .
The're ikla bean tiful traditim;,0and
it -may be true; 0.01'th° multitude
"By- the ekaCtm ent•.of rack rents',
spocially by middlemen, Whom I
in always' down 'on. '1' find men.
uts.cklog such Men as. Lansdnwne
nstead of people, who are three,
lines as. eXtti.,•tiog:•• kink. men as'
ansdowne.are the only Men with
vhem tbe poor tenant -CO.. expect
he -ghost of a chaneV:. live at all."
Timm on the croSsc. who eiclaimed
before Pilate,' "Ills -.410011- ITO•klpiiii
. . . . • • .
US' and ,npor;• oui.elmildren,"=, that,
in all this scene of „blasphemy nli CI
, •
b1, 00u, iin 'w9tnan's fac'e-wsS•seen, no
wonut.o.'s veice was heard: Hence they
tell us that' the Ivoiben of Judea are
favom.ed by heaven., particularly 'with,
beauty; and that the' harshness of
,comm tenance., • and :iyorldlinQFiS of
'thought and temper WImich belong to'
. menthe of this peoplecimve not
pressed.'tlfermarelves•off the Other boX:.
tot 1.1.ecur"
i r ild n eatic-a-aam ; an a :avin n i eg
"Tleautj7.,; 'time heroines; like: /1,ohecca,
in Ivanhoe', of many a'„storV of per-
secution against. 'OA unfortunate
roe; amid especially .of an eye 'dark,
lustrous and ex e-•
pressiv-- • -
- •
" eye;
Witis.aa it 1(1111(10rd,- dazzlitie• as ltd Ir
:No (A atee
• . • •
Old :Mit Bumper is. .a powerfelf'
woman'.s..rights:,.‘Vpman,• and • the
other day:a lady .tom lan• she had
heard, a' bit' of iteWS which iomildj
is. it 1" asked : the • old.i
"V.ye just read that a: Tertian i'mas
just 'beeu. electial a member of. the
standing'cOmMittee'ef the 'London
Sabel Board." • • '
hope you dan'tcall...that pleas- i
.• • • t
rim lq•i. .1.111illls e•net be merry,
For Inc mouth shows had Teeth and
Ilreath ;
But let lor use the great "TrAtutuw,",_
And there'll ise danger of lamping Inc
self to -death.
.H011174 niki\TUF,A.CTURE
,ifereitant Tail�r
erth Street, near the Spare, OoDgRxar, will furnish, :or makt up
Gents' Clothing in FashionaMe Styles
DL- At Lowest Prices,
II' MB NOBLE is atm experienced ()utter and practical Tailor. No misfits—
no slop work. Orders promptly attended to, Note. the address-4'11'LO NOBLE,
Nortn Street Goderich. 3
. Thesums.,
We get many letters from
druggists stating pleasant se -
sells from, customers or Bili-
ous temperaments' 'having.
used Zornsa.
Those subject todepreosion,
or low spirits, caused by In-
digestion Or Liver troubles
will be surprised, how rapidly
and pleasantly it acts. It
, corrects the secretions—
stren•gthens digestion. Vs- •
ually a 10 -cant sample eau:,
vinces one ot its value.
The'Kew 'Williams,
Noted fun' its Wonderful Mechanical Con'
highs A.rm„ Light Running,
Great Range of Work.
Dont fail to inspect them at
Watt's old stand, Albert
"Or at DB;NISON'S Shoe Store, Town
MB, Clinton;
also at SIIBPPARD'S Book Store,
• •‘, • ry-.0
_ 'I. • "z;VNI‘,4
• .
A' sere .c for Win- eeinfiaint, i4101(.110(410014e,
1'40 11„,pcp,ia„,
-Salt Rheum, tierofula, . • •
vary son Was very .1 oul with Sorofeja., and (;illy
two meekin,cs of thivorowfo ,t• raters eattil !dims,
Yours trimly, Joie: ("kis, Owen emend; 'Ont.
. •
O ic dollar's •wortl of the t'et,wfitet Bit%
tersitured Inc of Ikvspepsia• inter all .other
tt, 'Mario Clerk, Durham, Ont.
"After Suffering 11:yettni with Sitit-Illtein
'obtained a perfeet 'eon, nitli • one pretepse of
yoUr titdlefoiltItIttellt With tveitgreasin the
Cuititirertma Osteumr, Ont.
• tteeSeid by ell druggists, " •
SJid. in Clinton • 11, Vomit, • • . '
armers if
1.7-wispier:thee.. Leak at this.. Thestrami
• . 01. e eve' has •
Ts' no -red for its Great Wear-
ing' Qualities, 'mid has held
its -PeSitieir BS the Leading
Solving 'Ma& lue' t'etiityht
. ,
FOR OVER, TWEN'ner8rgans
^ y
arfirWari inrchire Thrthis make. his
tho :Nate Drive Wheel and complete • Dress
Large„ •
of Gowls -froni the '
Sarni ultair4LImn1emelit
M'fg • Company,. (LimItecl),
Satlikli Call and see the t•Ltrala lteeper niel the
trwcc, .iite ifet,,,,l'e,1,1,eing•
made. of the nom: Id Jeri if and cmient tail by
•• Workmen, ,.
Warranicut te give KalisfaetiOn
. Don't give your orilrrt,1itferoviut see intr...
Reaper9' 14.oworfl, ormlarators
Self‘ Et -mi -ELT.
.G60. A,Olit,.0-oderich;
N. 11 h
' Isalo' itt.
" Wareromns, nouteeal !sirect,- erre.% tifc
. Recently :(1,. elergymiOn..-toek a pair,
!-Of pants to:n toiler to. he mended -7 -
Shears leaked at • ;them.' critittally;
•and'then .Said, slyly; "Yes, can
mend' them. ,The. knees .have
been worn
' "Did you find tliapeOplejndigemit3"
asked' •a efergyiban Of a wealthy.
ineintier of .his church who had beeu.
callieren emin Very poor families.
"Gh dthar• no ". answered time lily;
`lthoy, -were respoctahle, but. AS pOor
As:Warty.. , .
' An Indiana yontIV .With time Siirt-
NeStlYb nitino of Gosling, saw. a girl ,
at churclicourted. 'her there for ,t
'hours.; and'attlts end Of, the next.'
. .
hour was married to'imer. An Iowa
editress says of the affair: -_-"4, nine. .
who • does 1111%.111$ ei/t11041,7,' in. tWo
bones and thee marries,„ misses lets
di 'fun; i't.' like stofting itiwscv
with Peachee and ice e•reatly in five
minutes: and then having tippet/8m
the -rest -of -the year2'. • • ' •
• • Overheard .thi•the Street.... Nd. 4•:7'•
Hello-, obi mant not • enough for
you?' No'. '2. --,(Who has had this'
gnestion propounded to. him 4,79-2
times 'during Alle hist half hour)
--Yes, it is; Mall it yet don't get.
awa..y from here right smart 'you'll
never get -over it. In fact you'll be
n eternal •brktn tisk ,,No. .1
ifurs somethingapolegetfeally and
w 1-s•aw'av• 's,"Y henhe meets another'
rm,,onlub lie Casually remarks that it is
line day' aptl leaves "tlre7t.itattir
take emare
- It'I'vas a. Pittsburgh religious tali;
Sum „who found that his shmraer
viteatirin Was baSed oir Sc.riptitt al
miraele.... If P starts, to-moernw,• and
• .
,1"(;11•• .11.1.L.I$1,,L-E• • •
q •
"YesI do.: . Wily not ?" ....... • •
.. . . . •
' "Why ,imat 'I ,• .. hy jest.: look
. .. .
it! What did timse. impolite 'men,
cilect hai• On the standing Conmittee
fun-? They atight'at, least have been:
eecmonsim to ., game . lien .it . •
chair.. flah I. • Men never will give
women a chance, I (loll 15 boltd..v.o,'?
.Rrother • Gardner 'MI •Wfgoldle.
What I was gwine ..to •retnark,'.
-began tlmo .old nem, he torik an
'undissolved troehe froth his Mouth
'and placed' it is a ' cornea' of
desk, 'was to de circa' (rat. it 'am .1
tish es before returning. • •
. .
When the minister' is ..preityse-
vere upon huinari .ehorteomings in:
thdpeint, everyman leans haek iii
tie pew, emilee snti says. to hinisolf :
tNow he's oi Yin er it tn 'ton," Satin,
1ying though, isn't it; that the min-
-utter always has referencse. to. SOIlle;•
)(nay elaie •
• '"Vrilif-" said the, 'Vermont deacon
4,)T, •always. go to camp -meeting, and
,alWays come back feeling good. Be
you sue that magnificent horse there
in the field I Well, you ought tmi
have Pen the old plug ,I 'took' 'down
none of our biznese what our nay.
burs do.; onless dey froW *ones tit
our deg or toss deli! oyster cane ober
our fences. One gretit cans() of no
m Ugh unbappiness arises from de'
feel: datisartin people want to know
all about slart.in odder people. Prin.-
stance, Deo, 'ruiner wife runs ghee
to tiny house ati' _tells toy wife Chit
Alder Dorkei's -w.f.& has got a. new
bonnet dat neber ct;st -14t (tan $;$12.
Do elder ant workfit'' ott"..mt "amtraislit
salary of $8 Pep Week, ems! lie las
wife an' fo" chill 'elm, • 'How kin In 0
SONO up $12 oa sich Is salary as dial
Iloar did Imbi wife git that bonneti
what cheek fur a poo' woman
who can't stit, table fur •seven nor
ride on do.strept kyar mum - week
to limn out in, dux manner. "1)a
wimmin settler an' talk an' wonder
git uutd an' Want ter pull bier,
an' I slip out aa' go to pullin' weeds
hi de :garden. I 1,414 no body's
'less how she gut der bonnet, alt'
yit,-sonme,folks feel sick 'Impute they
can't lie& out. ,„
'My ole woman' goes down town
to bny throe tra,vels:4it1u red
it spool of N'o,74) White thread, an'
half a yard of . noon to 'Make me
Sonic •cul14, 1Imia amit as b,asitnt its
In tee tnaw n it' when Elite star ta Pat,
but when slue robins dar. bin a hutI I,
eyeltine itx her left, m mime
(.1,. quer than ever at
'The nndorsigned begs to return his
sincere thanks to hisnumerous ens.
stem ors for their liberal Patronage,
for the past two yr -nil's, and as Inc
intends to give his customers the
Best Value pomade for their nunimw,
he hopes to Meet a, ,contlituanao dl
their patronage, ' •
Will still be a `311titittitcy, and caumot
be beaten in tit& market. . All other
Oiroceries icc low a pot;sible, A
Large Stock of A:41,A. giVir AU and
'Ci )Chli1tY Oil 1.taaftl. Also .
n1E0 OAT UFA! •
COIN MEAL, 11011.1?,
OA Ts, P0147'049
tf; 6'5
vet ,t54„,
• arAi
Visrar-c,, •
27X bo
. (Inv TEAS are .extonsivolV: known
tO be as so;7571.iniqnal ity and. 1104,0W.
imi. price as min be bought. '
:••• Qui- Pill CATS. are -tip te;• the soason's
7f:ine P-M-iiT N,11 h'e
worthY Your 11(1tle.a”, tei also in (sate
and (tesign tit ey'are•ea.Pellott—domi't
forget the tosting-vart. •
GO,L1)13,N 87mrittrl-',. • ET( , constantly
on hand, l'arrit._preducer taken •iri
µ -• a_ 1- -
111.0[10r 13B; Orj 911 PO
Toronto, Matt 11:1,et"aiiil WIMie..iitle Misters mi,
Ldrdine, Cylinder, ObitCutting, and
' • • WOW 'Oils. •
(mar eememie.mr " Mil:: lite int 'Is unwind-
lod 1,1 toy other 'oil on the 'neaten'Iii.
re''dtenition 04 its Pepe! !Atilt we
have tore -heir II,6
C4, :Cf: s
wh,irlWer eilehlted it Once '1474,
simmer otherewarde a halo .
e .
▪ rbrize 'rdal
InIsuleg nntIn•ronq'Tiislesna..1 It ut. ',,n1fsblo
all tied. 11311 hi' it a rim -1 :Vila
1. • t.ta f,Ve,ttie ml. •
'fry h.. L'or in riot in St •
Nail' LAN D-C1R S
-1'; nom. •
".e• matea.r„).,4 flfe
CI( rei 1:4
't -a•
„S..t.'riS pr)N
111.5 BLOOD.
foilOall„ GO . Toronto
• Tl.to enmity Offit t.t! of stiffi•Company bas•licen removel
nodionitl.rent hies the • •• • •
larger rind nrore coin-
°Perri/7 look, opp...*the arket
whim er.!. Complete Stork'Of the World Renowneda:so Fa' ay?: rico .1[4.'ettist.. will
'be kept' conAmitly: omt hand, • • - ...
• •
•:„ , • • . ••• ' '•
rt::1,,(;ent o:tiek iskt,IODERICif, BRUSSELS.Mal 1)1XETER.
are warm,1 against eertaiu tent Helmand conaterreit jill atiorm of the
( loot:inn! lager i-.1;•wing Alacopines, .offertq r01: sale by irresponsible, anti unscrupulous
im'machhies of Job. atpinufactarii; Do' not • he deiluved infiTior machines;
and to hide their dercAst batboy Only, the inaelmina With an mnupumi-al-
lviii of siteeti,s for nearly. :3;.• years.' -Look .at -the verdict of the, people, This.
c.Iternily solit last .(1.+I•tg). nearly (lute (I Mittel:6, or in len Inaffli1110,. Crafore
o 11,0 it sales, of 'over t'lyirty coin f ors, 1)0.11't tomet that 'every Real
maelihw ;$11;m• made. with inc •rrt:ade.gark east into the stand as in•alay0
. tmts. Huy' no maehine without. it. •Set Oil aml. Needleafiir all kinds of autehines
'nlwaymi Juin& ' •
Clinton, ,April 7, 5683. , v,.16 • , •
• .1.117
- oie
(itf" k
-TAE-119-riBiE CIIITILAT-10.11
II Ell 10,11[MOC11.11011-
. o zAL.N
• , INCRA ORPOTED' 1881.
„ ,
• , •
_ _
. A Provident Asti! rel. the plitlieeie of providing dowridat marriage,
' eirom4y,re,• noontide,' to the notice of all uninarried persons.
. . ..
. .. .
...:(,„,„:„„,,, fr:tip,1 for tIlleil, 81000, $,42000," feleff00 1000,, ,ana woo.. •
• Thls Ass Icintbut has l,4,1mcdt during' the last 1.1...mm101s 'Certificates to thermionut
, of fsl.fino,00,0, (Ivor troany pahl..iejilenrlits last. nuintli, ' ' .
. Animal ' /ries oweaeli kii1A-09-(!iji•thieatc, 8 ticellcc rod at, emntuf each year, ) .. Only
,,,b.,TAIglitiliA .40 Men„."....r;is 'Marriattit Assessments, ultielt are Ni.f(T Ittviitd" at. every
;1,••:..,10•M;;!1 Voltia.tape„,111 • only.str.*.11ett neee,,,ar,v to tv.plcitii1.: Marriage f4esessfinvit Fund.
• '
! ) • • ".
We have now the Largost and.Rest Stem* ever offerca in
I Mil I I 1\T I 71 I C) im
Illtork, Style, and. Einioh Canilig be Beat.
, Call before baying,„- and satisfy yoursell,that
ttit WO,.SIL
0 .1) 0
This Lino will be found very Complete. We keEp. Illfetallle, Cloth -Covered,
Walnut and Rosewood Caskets, and Collins; Robes,
Linings, Cranes. Rte.,. Rte., with the
Finest .Hearse in the Qounty.
'Calls attended1;tromptly night or day, •
Carria4i e
Sick Headache and relieve all (110 troubleMd.
deo b.re ii thit,uaslate of the twat's)), cc ett as
Drowieness, DIA idarr.tatipT
rfen in the Side, &c,, Wade Their ano4 rm".144,
gale suceees has liven. sim wit ht curing
Trend actic,y ct rtc r's1.1 t tic v are many,
yaleaahol, ceustipsuen, sluing and preventio4
this annoying complaT,1„ wit ni• tii SO Vero
till r* or Ott Vkantel.m....stintniat lie-c'finaregfeaus thia bowels., it If they only cur‘d
A ehe ti -icy aroulet situopt pricoless t4) tI no who
suir'r Rim, (Ilia dim.0iming: einuplidlit; ?pit fin
y n It ;tIr mittitimit clues ,motecimt ht re, OnitillnOtein
Who mine try tr.:ea:trillium thcse tittle Wile vain. .
sI -I" In Po Mary war; that they svillt!ot in Walleg
Lodu Ginnie. • Dint aovr mnlsckiunut
M. . •
III! ii.le°101.Tru" ForfcrW't) 711.1enalleYt.ilveutrirelllocj'seeir'iawlitz. .
. .
Otl. re Ora Ile4ti .
' tarter% Little Liver TIN are:t•ery tenet anti,
"ITII:lry.'. 1,117 tritirt!clr'i;. i't(igl,Tani ,11 t!..Ati711i1V. (1:'46 31;:gc ge ir'!iehreonver. •
ri,I.Irl'i.el:TI; ri!t'lLall'‘I'l rbrq,11.:."'eepinc:1';Illivnifift%.':if ',;.,i1I.E f.4:4,11(1
Ly i„..titt,,,gist* Lee...y:4144 $„,i: seitt Ly, naritimi
CtinTre..1171 .1111DIECILXIil CO.,
:IF 1,Ovm/No
BU:GGIE.81'4OTTER6s. WAGONS., StliWi-i's,8.4c.
LUMBER AND. SHINGLES. taken.. in exchange,. Gtt'll me a 801 and
will give yeti prices that canna be Lkeaten in the County.'• 1SW-1 RePairing stud
lIersesireeitta done with deepatch.
. The time Or House -Meaning is near. All wanting ••
a 1; Parlor, 'Diping-Room, or Bed-
Roorq Papers,
will find the • ' •
• Bedt .1 loto:Fit PatterriS •
=-1! • '
j aLI:\
. ,lf:r The Basaar Fashion Book's for Hp e.re- cut amid can be hal foi nothing.
Call and, see the papers and •ge't a • 13tinlr ' •
Rev. Father Wilds'
The Icec, 11/11.41Se Vell-atturain
111e. 6af.$ rial4 ICI a fe.1;:'o. 11°'•111 ''br
tic ofl:tlae°111111irr
iieSafoaclt:Al •
setts supreme VourS, wrItatesas follows:
• °Tti 64t5 St., Xis' Jlap is, 1$52t•
Arnssns. J. C -Ar es, it (no. Cleetionten. ;
• Last Whiter I was t;oitble'd with it most uncom-
fortable itching.littmor affect Mg 1110113 esitcmafly
ii,y.11tolls, tolled. to in tottenbly etc night, •
i t I 004111.scarteiyhear.
tow etething over -1 woe else 'a sufferer. ."
from it'sovoili catarrh and catarrhal sought', my• '
mai to WitiS poi w. and my systeui4 a -good deal nut .
churn, - Knowing the. Value cif Arlait'S SANSArA-
, at M.A., by observation of ninny other enStisounl
''• frOui;pi,rsomti,usttini:brioer xeurs,1 began 'taking'.
, it for Live Ithere-iipined 'disorders. -NI appetite:
.; 1 nip roved atemiit (real . the -first Atter
itr He Sells Cheaper any oncon top ortimeBarth.:
, . , , . .
.• • . • • -*
• pppigri.o.01.1...
sh• irt time 'Chit fever mot tt'lciimgut-con'eitihcayaiijnniti
all sigits.of ire' tatim, of the skinaiSapecared. My •
catarrh Ulla e'Pro. als,) cured by the saline,.
'means. eaa jay,..geaeral heat:Korea tle_littproved,
noel it is now e5foltent.--1, read a hundred per' :
cent Stroug.rotatil 1 ,
ILO Of the SAnsArmill..1..V; Which it seetnnindlid .
'With all etiniblelice es the. best blood medicine • '
-ever devised. tpolt. 111 Sinai doses
nines a day; Wind used, On nall,16Sp thaii two bottles..
1 pinco ets at yoar service, hoping their '
puhlteatioan may good. - . •
. YoUrsrespindfully,. Z. P. warms."'
. • Tbe attevoinstanceis Hut one of the Mitny eon% ,
•..stautly Coining tO ttur notiee, 'which Proyo the per,..
.a•••ct •tekiptoility 8.kitsArA.1417,1.A. ta
,the inure o All ilisoseS art; i n mg from flepureoflin.,,
peceriSlied blood, ititil'a.wmixeriml
Aye r's ctte*p.a.
4„,q4%,,, the aid Pm of tate intountell ant
olealisoif, 'enriches, strengthens rum, bowels' bloath,
and nmereby-enablett the systcni tio7rasis4eatil ovep.
;einem the a tta4.1o.; of All SeinileitionetrDiressenn; Enign.
tripes 4t/' /he Skis; timin(ttioni, at( denrat,..
pcpi1'ity,411(Vall (11,49rilor; restiWng.frotn_peor or„
A:erre/acid hiooll and is low state of the system. .
, • • • r111;r:AftelD sy • • •
D.K.'1 0: Ayer- '4i, Co., LowellMass.
sofa by an. raggbts; price 31, six bottiesior as. •
, .
• _ nest Paraativp Medicine—'
. , osto constiPtitiOn,,indiost km, Medal:he, .and.
an 'milieus meeraere.. • .
. .
0 0 0
An tin, who from indiscratIons,'excesses or other, manses aro
Verdi, unnerved, plealceliv detilned, and unable tn
lerform liras duties, tiroperly, can be coteenly•ses puma,
neatly o red, without nteultaelimeilibloce. .1tridOrsed by doctoia,
elieliter and thieprOss. 'The. Medical !Net saw o The old
puarm t Tiewstiti l'bradeal Ihneor, ace:,
ia wholt, gaper, ed it '31CitirSTOIS1101.ire.. Eve,
'nominee Oeeoo aewirefi if tertein restoration to full and isort.
-rent nhocil. SitpI,, eftectlito cleanly, 'Sego:a, Send
for treatise, Cor Fellation free.
DIAILSTON Mk. '75 Vonirb Lit,. Toronto. Ont
•••7•, 0 •
ron and Hardware Illerchan
pu T
Clintens August, 1883.
.41,WAys ION nA ND, 4
Large ilariet:q of Plain .4 rancy',Calics,
Selt.grals no recoMmentlation. Try ent kdrPLAIN•AND rAxav ptaan,st• which ,Icliv'sr• to
all ixtqs of the Town,
OM and Ornamented, N't ebod to None.
Choice Selection of all Oonfectionely„,
anaing stoma the.sematkee eta nAsts, nun new in a 'position to •glvo gout
eatIstratIon braflelftVdithe birz•ness. i2 IOX,(351 Aikl ItItASON.TIlt
restores,with the glOPS awl freshness of .10tall; • -"
ituikl or grhy hair 70 a netnral, rich brown color,
or deep. bltick, tie may be desi red 13y MUM) light -
. Or red hair may he darkermil,11111 hulk Otakenotl,: • •
. and baldness often, though itetialways, eared: „
femme, of time littir mnniti stintulutes A •
Wealt and sickly growth to vigor: It proven s an
cures scurf toutdmitirulf;muritests nearlj,
itiRee.S0 peculiar to tlresealla:
pressitik, the Yuma Is unctitiolled ; • itcontaine.
neititoroil suer ilye, re:inlets Ilicijutir soft, •giosay,.
anti lii,ti In appliaranee, and imparts a delicate,
agreeidde,.,ana lasting porfeine, ' .
lurt. CP. nomemiti zeby, a, akra• ,
0, noel : "Limed. fall 'Joy 110 Ii' 001tellelleed
out, anti imm it short time 1 -became. nearly bald.
, usea part or in, bottle of• Avnit's RAM VIG014
which stunned the falling of the nail", alni started. -
nen, .gyowth. I mire now •a full head of hair
OroWitig.tigm•ously, and ant conviliced that bilV • ,
, tor the inie of your preparation ishouto have been*
entirely 1401."
•.„ W.-11,r.vtn, proprietor of the Modiriltur (OW)
Enquirer, Says A 7 tat'S I1A111 V100Ia IS a most '
excellent, preparation for the blur.. I speak of it
front myown ..ixperience. Its title prellietell the
• groWth of tteiv hair, and mattes It glossy and Soft.
Thn V mon Is also a sure care for tnunlynif. -.Not
. within my knowledge lets then prepgration ever
titiloa-to give enure satisfaction."
kiCrirc '1V.orth.VittX, leader Of 00 0010,
braled" Valrigthin Sent Ugh "%tOcallsts,..%
a:11111;11•1sr.o.;:l'itr, ve801:lib,1,70:14,17:0,b°11141;;40.r:
' Meet' ley hair beasin to givesilvrry 01,1(1041e° Of the
iinfin,ren appmerroute of youtlattluess-..a mutt -
tel', ot eonsinertuao conompveneerto-ministers, •
oratorN emelt!, tel flu faCt ovary one wilt lives ia
the Oyes Of 'the public." ,
Mts. (iA, rIliRSCOpri Arrithrg from 15 Pfra
„I I as•?.. A firil 14, 1h142, sayS ;
yeitetii lit) about two.t hints of my hair elute Our
Ii. thinned eery rapidly, and liens fast growing
tort, on using Ar lt„ P.1 I' tin l'allon nut frilling
rtoppml nnul,rt mow growth commenced,' And In •
nleem dl inimilt-rav licrd Avair conipietely.covered
0 Jill short hale. lthin,i comjaucil,to
new it( gdoit A1;1'60,1(1011, I regulnrlylls0dbut
tiati,(Its)1110.tiri.,,t,,mtli;Itg, but iosv USO it OileaSiOte,
• AV lutv 0 hundreds Of similar tosuntensaista tha
etiesey of A (*nisi Mutt Viootz. It needs It.
trInf 'to epnThe m
viirec ost akeptical Of ItiWvaltie•
• 1011"Altlal) law
Dr. J. 0...; AyOr O�,, Loweill• ass4 •
• .$:olt,l.by all Druggigts. - •