HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-09-05, Page 2QW40 Writ lk.,14
a 4411waro
$:-16. 1.17 Pan. 0:15 pil, 9:00
ajil. P. Ill.
rra,tins leave CIiIItO4,StatiQtlAS,XI1
0000 NORT14
9:30 %in. 6:10. P,M.
8t20.3,13). 3.00,p.pl-
St. Paul's Chareb.-Serviova oil 9unday at I
VII 1111117 1.1. 111. Bible CIA815, 10 4.111. Sunda�,
of-hool. ;l P.m. Bervice ()If lVeallesI 8 1). la,
RZV. W16LIA31 Cit.1,10,11te0tor
CionadE6 At 10.30 a, it),
and in. Sabbioth Schwl ut 2,3V P Iii.
III J. alnoy,pastor, I
VILlIftilit, Prollibytoripi.- Serviecs at 11 ami, and
0.30 j). in. Sablintil Solififil, 1.1.30 p. in. TWA
1JJIlIeChrI4ti;Ll1.-$evvlces at 10.30 a, in, -load
6.so Ill. in. Sabbath School, g.30 poil. REV. J,
KrINNER, Pastor.
Ilaptist Chureh.-Servicil 10 111 1). lll� (.ub-
bath School, 2.110 P. on, RhM. J. (IRAY, 14tilitor,
We call the spovial attention ot" Post-
masters and sub-4cribers to flic follitliving
synopsis or the newspallor lalys; .
I -A 119AII111,13ter is required to give
notice Ily 1xim it (returnbig it Paper lives
not answer the �alv) when a siollisuriber does
not take his paper orit or the office And
state the reason for its not bc. fit(, tiikpii�
of strikers wbiell. have front titne to
tinto been farnwd in large uities
very jjjuv,1j to the deiticralization, of
trado and the detriment of cut.
ployces and employers.
Wi Qx factories comparatively
Isolated anti, tile III tnes "If fEV", fit.
PIOYPOS, Situated �qotllat they Could
have a gtkleu a cow, etc., t1w tell
deticy would be to the bettermoot OF
1110 Physical, Illoral and religlout,
Condition. of- file opemitives; their
greater contentment 4nd pecuniary
goti 1).
It i§ only a few days ago Allat
Jantes Part oil, a literary And ecouo-
linic write r of acknowledged weight,
013cparitted, from the sell nian. has novel.,
yet suceeq�lea ill'tbriviiiiI At Nvith-
Cut it, hol is a potted jilililf'- iind solne of'
the pots are 104eral)ly liniall. I have vi.s.
ited 11jully rdetori6s ill -Xviv Ellg7aad, and
I rIT1,11 that wberevor the operatives IiII a
good;sizml garden, wiffi aceess to pastnre
1,01, 0, emv, fllo 1�oople tire healthy, folitelit-
entlikoill'a'saving. .)VII.P.Ticycl, 11i.is; i"I.t1le
trout 1JIMIC 114WO Two WIL AU011 (AarX
l9ading freight oil Stluday.
Ilre. Ilibbard, willow or tho Into
American Voil$ III,, tool; Passage: for
Detroit per the 0conto.
11, Till -
dav pet; the Oliturio (Or it two w0eks
Offer the- paren tal roof,
Xrs,* Thos, Aildrevva was -I prossen.
ger oil the Ontario And reached: torill
o Nlobtl
il 2 -'lly'alteAlooh.
The dust blew Ill. every directi, xk
Sundayarternooll'and Soon Qlearei,j
tbo stmots of pleasuro seelcors.
Most of the suinince visitors at
M44. Thas AndreWs Joft by train, oil
Saturday for their several honles,
The.8ohooner Ifeutfier Bell loaded
w4th staves , ari-1voki; inrbarbor oil
31iss Iola Rtralibel left oil Saturdiiy
Moriling for Toronto and assualed
her educational duties oil Monday,
Misses Lena Urahani and Jennie
Bell returned to town oil 1�rlchky froin
wilig"haln where they Ivere visiting,
Dr. and Mrq, Nicholson, find fainily
,took a trip oil the OcQntQj acrosgthe
lake, and returne.d hoinu oil Sunday.
-)It,. and Xro, James Doyle,. are
inaking, the rountl tvip on the 0conto,
aild'of tile leall 4114 Ilull"ry Plotting
0 a
ill,vainliI the 2244 Intit., 44 one,
So 1pparent.b4lio tlitievils attend,
WWII 1). 11). purstillut, to adjoarn-
ant manufacturing in, large citioa
Ubbons Urb by
MrS.SlIeriff (I , the
a � for petrolt.
00olito oil 11ollil y
like Now York- bemuie, that there
The Ifighi 8011001 oponedt for, the
haaEptuog up ;III ligitati(ju, laujoug
fitil torin On 31011daY.
reril wbiCI4 will
Mum 110.5t, of the Albion, left on
1114doubtedly restilt in tho r(IlIloval
tile ()Uollto, lor Detroit.
31r.fond 111-4. Carling left for Lon -
of iiially large manufacturing eou.
(loll oil Saturday.
cerus to rurat localiticas on, lettiliq
The UoilerlvlI. C'Quilty School will
iws of railway.
often 011"Tuesday nex,�the ijtll inst.
The initne(liato cause of diroetijut
MISS UvKellzip, the tolcher
attetitioll to tile undemableness of
of i't J)ilI waril, school, arrived,
I illoln.4tratford
Qlliewtl blin a title solid brick
Dallas,,"W'AIM. (Jarrie(I
of strikers wbiell. have front titne to
tinto been farnwd in large uities
very jjjuv,1j to the deiticralization, of
trado and the detriment of cut.
ployces and employers.
Wi Qx factories comparatively
Isolated anti, tile III tnes "If fEV", fit.
PIOYPOS, Situated �qotllat they Could
have a gtkleu a cow, etc., t1w tell
deticy would be to the bettermoot OF
1110 Physical, Illoral and religlout,
Condition. of- file opemitives; their
greater contentment 4nd pecuniary
goti 1).
It i§ only a few days ago Allat
Jantes Part oil, a literary And ecouo-
linic write r of acknowledged weight,
013cparitted, from the sell nian. has novel.,
yet suceeq�lea ill'tbriviiiiI At Nvith-
Cut it, hol is a potted jilililf'- iind solne of'
the pots are 104eral)ly liniall. I have vi.s.
ited 11jully rdetori6s ill -Xviv Ellg7aad, and
I rIT1,11 that wberevor the operatives IiII a
good;sizml garden, wiffi aceess to pastnre
1,01, 0, emv, fllo 1�oople tire healthy, folitelit-
entlikoill'a'saving. .)VII.P.Ticycl, 11i.is; i"I.t1le
trout 1JIMIC 114WO Two WIL AU011 (AarX
l9ading freight oil Stluday.
Ilre. Ilibbard, willow or tho Into
American Voil$ III,, tool; Passage: for
Detroit per the 0conto.
11, Till -
dav pet; the Oliturio (Or it two w0eks
Offer the- paren tal roof,
Xrs,* Thos, Aildrevva was -I prossen.
ger oil the Ontario And reached: torill
o Nlobtl
il 2 -'lly'alteAlooh.
The dust blew Ill. every directi, xk
Sundayarternooll'and Soon Qlearei,j
tbo stmots of pleasuro seelcors.
Most of the suinince visitors at
M44. Thas AndreWs Joft by train, oil
Saturday for their several honles,
The.8ohooner Ifeutfier Bell loaded
w4th staves , ari-1voki; inrbarbor oil
31iss Iola Rtralibel left oil Saturdiiy
Moriling for Toronto and assualed
her educational duties oil Monday,
Misses Lena Urahani and Jennie
Bell returned to town oil 1�rlchky froin
wilig"haln where they Ivere visiting,
Dr. and Mrq, Nicholson, find fainily
,took a trip oil the OcQntQj acrosgthe
lake, and returne.d hoinu oil Sunday.
-)It,. and Xro, James Doyle,. are
inaking, the rountl tvip on the 0conto,
ed forms, oull dollar and lifty-eight
Vouxem DroiNus.—irbe counoll III
ill,vainliI the 2244 Intit., 44 one,
The (iouncil adjourned to meet at
WWII 1). 11). purstillut, to adjoarn-
thb same place oil lSuturday, 60A of
Illent. All the niernber! present.
Bloved by UP. Julia Torrintle, sec.
&.nx ("oolIm, Qlerlc.
by (I'm Catitlo, that 014 applivatioll
04,11 I..Til 4. -IVJ lily, far the office of'
collector rvr this shjl)L� JOr tile
preswilt year lie 'Icetlptol 1. .-
0ion olifir oirn
Blove.0 by Mr. t-'astIt-, oveouded hy
Alm Doter 1-s niaking Preparations I
Mr. Xelcioley, that tile Reeve give I
to Put upagood ovlok dwellinghout-e.
orderii for file rollowill", gruvol, 'Ito-
Xr. J"I jall Tomiselid, bai Ila()
eoullts: -26
J val,ke, .1�. j.);) , 'Url.
Qlliewtl blin a title solid brick
Dallas,,"W'AIM. (Jarrie(I
roblilence. 1W.Mateiv, ofLondes.
Moved by Ur. seconded bY
hero, was the contrailtor for the
All'. Torrance' that the Omit draft a
whole work, Mr.1tti4selof'Volborne,
bVJaw,L0 lovy and raiao 011,811 the
ojl�d the hrict: WOVIC - and J!I�Stering,.,
it) tile township, the quill of
72. viz., 43,35.5,72 for county pur-
posps, awl 0-,463 for township and.
railroad purposes, and requiring .4
rate of two III Oil the dollar for
County and One Awl one third luills
on the dol!atofor towasbip purposes,
' Otrrlo�tl.
Noved by lar, Douglas, Seconded
by 31r. Moalcluleyj Witt the alerk,
draftaby-law to levy aud raiseoo all
the rateable property in. each School
Section Jilt this towlisbij, the b1lins
required by the several School See -
too , n. corpo6tioxis for t4is year.—Car-
TI to Contleil ad.jonrnkt io, weet
again oil thO first Saturday ht Ootob-
or ilext�,Tit 0110 O'Clock 1). tll�
Frma floor 0101i. rol:rCopoll0elit.
T;ie pteel rail gang is now busy Ifty.
ing tile steel railSan-the railroad oil
31ir, XLflyls sectioll. ., I
Average attert(Ittitipe at out, School,
forthe worth olf Aug. %vas 48, which.
is good for thli settso�n of the year.
BRI8V&-Mr. k. lli&s, of this
place, Preached ill the C. M. ClILIM11
Illvtli. Tbo, vointroct was $J,350 ox- Rim M -M EM M IN IM
�Iuslvo of work oil cellar, teitiuing M J�L �M.
TITO board. A lair estimate Aof the*
cost of the whole to Mr. Toillusead
will lie about 15122,000, -Not far frorn
Mr. Towlisend's another Substantial
brick divelling has. I-een. 'Plected. anti
all(] ovill Ito oompleted by the attrile
PL P t
T� L
will likeiv bolloilo livAill" 11atbe cv,
it. Thefixe,l, contt-aot p0at'
IT I S�Z)l
is 1,;.,0QQwbi0A with work not fix
,he entire cost to $2,500;
cely raise j
cluded in contramt will lit
A. meeting of the lIullotb Council J
was held -at Londesboro oil the 27th,
August. Ul the IT40111bors presenti
wites of former lia6ethim read und
Uu petition of S� Colwell find fifty FLA,NNE LS
two others praying tile Council for a
'it] Oil bound,
gl'ltl)t 10V Cutting (town 11
ary between Rullettl and W. Wawa:- s, -
nosh, !it the village of Naimiester, it
was inoved by A, T, Motionaiiii slecond�
at,[ by J. Litshanit, th.-tt t; 63. be gran tied P
if rei4uirod, provi ed, W, Wnwanosli L Avkjwo% ^ 6 r,?
pay all equal atnounti. to be s
nuder the direction of the Reave and U
Ic VC; Liver Reauh-ed
A. T. XuDoilald; And. that, they' give
itoorderon, the trea4urer for Cho
SUILlIttiloullit, syll.en.warit'is pexforined
Any neglect to do so inato the "111" 1,110 1JUJIMI" W ALYU il JII -_ - I - - - I - .1 �, 11, 1 - ov Secoll(Acti UY
haOTI.Saturdity aii 4 vibit'to to, 'to' v
ill the evelit or the Illilk elo.N- sOf V's' AS 116YO le fail and Collected 6n'all the rat
Z-11' ally person orders his (Its- it N -01-V long Wh011over flavOred otir little lagw4h their
continued, lie lilly all arroarages, dr ire. sepa�atetj - front the soil, 49 ill (III . ring the. )11,5t, W1,10k, able In, the-tosynship for tile
prestAnt year tho suln or twO III all*
The Illell im At.woll Dow oil the
tile 11 her nlay odlitillue to.solld it laige recovering eerfQV COLInty J)Llrpose, and
untill) blis .4,11; tile -alizatioa and t T, L E N
payllifilit is Iflade, unit Colk is Squalor, doinivi I 116 G E
whole nose. I!I L't a no, oile andseven,t liths III oil the ilol�
&IIII01int. whether, it be taken front jaillos 11aut(III, 10 I-th OrIlOVO, are at
the office or not. There. call liti iia-le;jal There was A, very Successful for for townsbill, purl,oses, and file
discoutfituancu mitil the 1)�yincnt is inad" The deoetitralization of factories in the (JIiitrall oil ThUrSdIty. I r. DAN, id B, i I -Its, wIA 0 11 it s be e it tra- by Ole Several Soni'e, of our FALL TWEUEDS'have arrived., P te -is ar' co"-_
it rnto have already Legun. in evening, tit which. a fail- ni-idiance, tOr iftiIs school corportion puat e
3-4,ny petI whQ,take.q ..t "to
tho tiost-bilitiol, wholtb6v (Iii-ficted to his the United States and before-niany, prenPaduring f jimb two weeks jiitis that by-law be Prepared
name or another, or alld nned to us in 01"
,I, be hall s Wlth that In. Kt�
Ulf- A it u Toiler of tallies and chil-, 'severetl. his colillectiol
top- P eat the Santa view, of, t.W CA scribed of nsrebimisible (Iran Were. Summering III gt�fttlenidn III has 4 --IT a subserilifir .0 tain ill Ca 'ad a, Wh en papIc left for 'their soveraii twhool the clill. The by-law Nvas then rea�l find
0 1 1 1 �- .�
=111T(el holnes oil to n I Ai o a
Stopped at witertaill tilne, Itild th )ad viewl,, born: -of, M6ved by J� Lahbatxl, Seconded. by
er Continues to olid, it the 1111. J. Piekard atton(led D. C.
it The Hebootler ltbstless reaellect 1,
havie 'beconio more general, B 611111-ollift, that oil the petition of bound to pay for it if ho tickes ie clit of t1ju s 1 3 . . I StWedilesday (-,* . ..
Pon oil light, and lol.Itled CO. Eason. and Will, Watson tile' is places like the of Clifiton, A R E'
with'salt 1411, the in the 116igh. Utievu be otlthorlse(l to.notify Riclild
that a inan iau,�t pay for what lie ()t� Y
it;, nictily siCuated-and witbAivor-r- lil-hood oe the is pretty ivell advanded
to ;I once ronlovo a. fe.1100
linoi; of railroad to 'the north Air. Wl�tsofi Norn hot, 11 aCeL )y Illu across 11 t lwa Tie
, U
tracts "It w Ot': that visit to Ivinghtt I oil II SelIvoo(I ineets on lbe U9 t.. S.- root it, Lho or Lorldesool'o" Zate.'of .-Qmnt the C tter
J,�, 'ept. 28th.
forTHIS Ill.' -idity ovening of'�5 allol also III! o6tructioll Oil, public
N.C. %vilile t 61.0-WR8 tIIC'gUQSt, Of ADVERTISINGewol'I'lull-Is kept on coule tilo workshol?. ts of tile country. 111" between Ills file lit the oilloo of LORD & T110314%S, ble- wea 'We tire to- lie little. to thb� p 'oparty of' tho said Will. Wtt-
eveni,i"o oil a 11011 -
trip, Aoillipil Illider Oatoi Cilia tliey. are now rd-
Ctirmick I Block, iI . , Ill. of fWil w . e . ro oil list a short Chile 1, 1 is . t tile s4M vilhl'90 fillC-'RA
New Advertisemehts this Day. )III - - ; haP.- I B.
-Go -(to is Unilding, R, - Ah;s X111110 of Minfoll 'is .3 aid Will
I., mullt. be Grand Opening�W. Jackson. AT the'.* largo) 96D(le house I- Bates, the now,emptged In -tettolling . ID11810 In. Inlo,to notide,: 75 ce
gener4l confer6maa of fit pi The a re'aroubd* tha hoI (lice tkgainz6 the introcluctloiI of,�hls.
Cooper sLU llo� ItIo*S11
1;ewhig Machines -C. Doherty. -T)r, statian, th'ey toolt the punipalonAwli'll Uleni,
M,. 00jurob, oil Mond -it, 'Slit) Comes k)ook i0s Certain -but Why it i.,3 so.1ve
I ..ay I 'a j61nfAjIg 11 (1 fe 110 e,7, itit (1, 116 at I � I nn6b see. Most of Clio hymi
Discount SII I -i-11, bridoo �AC., a
Notbi, -soil. inDtion 'ily* favor oF .41-0 i rk conflition ,fail %,.a ry Tilestitty t,, bohns lot, W11.0 is tire e (61 AM
e-igh be 1-110011, m6eting �vhs: held Pullkl UP A r. 84in titne, newer find Triore aditpted to �Iio'eqju' e
A-gabl' uni6ii was.ilakried by 1�1�3 yeas to. ti e* at, 1), tho h ot,large, is an 'itn-, 'in the oil ondtl evell- �Nlo,vetl I)v . Bai S -Pay & Wiseman. 3 lifilytites War to -day' thall ally otbar of
P, Fisher. Day:, P.�ox a )e 0 "ille pas�.few Ing of la$t, week, LIIIdQ,r Rative Spiro
yet. Ive have to ic- , he .1nosic is -car.
F tailll luch SLIP
sale of goal Estate. la ' than tbe old. drolling
on of,
Challencill nevepted Jobn Beaeoni._ A. ; ii�iu bf tho visitoi,s-, to Cho 'OCthe� 110111M�4110 Q liptIl et Idmis and :. With OxtiGine regrot WIlle'll,we know.: I
Alit, W �cizjij the lately, unseat: "I ared lot- f17 brid col"I t1ke dentli-or ilvilliano: inove
ad -cojiiarvatiV& for fus- wj I' lIlr. RobL. arshall ;Aof the 5tii a at % 1), d kn� that -was all v9ute to' of kokat- ha6 been foni ,,'I iwint6ti Vortiso f coll. ligell-olfly twenty aN LlI:awI1I
tip oj:. jj.oLI_ jj�, id ,I -i I ty OF cor
Ars rot, btlildia"; It.' (in (If hisb week,4io to a a se.
o ilvet it to YlljIt Prabtice�vwitllid�ll allin, of tvl I tellik Zopesn, Tuaburr'. tro(Inced 31r. Rutiltall" to co, over to the bour'ne from whence,
of Colillait. 1),
IIUDo I f IV o.. I ne Best 8'tocj� t�at
The t n i-. 11 of tltc Fi st h,,I I toil by Ilow it II Than ars _ -ve exei'lleilt, 011LIlty !)a. tile o� v c r t i ii e, 1lito Toii
tors . rs Lhi� 1001 it upou his aged Co
at Cottitilimider. Creek on the, IVI oil) Ito IVILLS'M JAIMI'LlI
11 Cartel, of the Oth 6r)n,,
*�-(-)j17i`"-ij-jt,'eIjtj-() ' S -
O(IML a:st'ietly.- t yetirs f 0 his laller� Iro ts.,
'I'll. tl QO joatief Irtiary, 2 d of Fat iti-Ui4e
r6ur. hot( -- ----
Autiolls 1,1,o,nl - ,, o. give As bu
It k. 100 J)Osts lol, JOI 11
the t Inhero
ttat init coint .1 iv at ule ill e k
At ( 1 0 CiP I Aliee (lf'frotli tildi�il to illu, t be Lljl,., fac
aftel'Hooll. -DitXatets %vas
......... .... x6vernmetit, ailij oi�eljs. ]Its will tilke a for M0 xberc�.Fofe Aro cn f4 Cash b a Y�& L�ginning. Of If fil doot ][a
At Ole It the wedic. silo 0. (,liat lie will agall arrovilt. the Same
ste� off." iobevof 111 8 e M HQn.. McDougall bas last' was it niti
TIA at tire(! ff)v 111 ti Lis to Selt 0 r ou
T dolhir i "solue (16
The Merit No' oil to th 0. -'Phe Counpil on
00 0
publi diliti I
at School All bods aood of firtlotical brother
corredly voi,66d, iloii i falls to a'.
olrow Will be takell''at that ly lo�e .,IVA n. da art�ialo lie baR AVx`tten Cage, f by a 11 Ili bi4l; Or. e ln i i i e bo X'v IVII on its fit. bargain (-it for
t 17 Tl'
ople ivboaro oil se(,iiig The cre aill-that'6tiv beau- le, ot' -we re doill
nd antl I y.- tt cau orantli Celiturv," dimy- o fil. haid of' the go, tile Opinions or OIle is� to 6' afoulld WI(All- tiltil Could proalli(I
o 13 and 8 1
Ire of'.iolloortal life
Huron Kecord�i_ fo.r r,o:f. 06rdwih Sit ith 'WbtrIp(,)OI,, oolf: ing ille right ci'�i 1* - a - ..., I heif "j) VVII U 0 11ow
. .1 , , . . . I . . I I ntf'1881. 1 -,l 20 in 6W to. PiI or, (anadiall. 1)001)10 611 Roosl ter world bL.Yond. All(l lie I 'We over
front the tlicti" n 16%vill only cost hin, rolittell as plaved, 'on of' it 11
atling Llittt Lho COLI yen .11" OLI, Ive
st dolL Sullitllv� The t eka) lat'd Cloth -
file qI40stio of ioq�kfgratlon, lipt,ween si(les.-cho:6.ii - by t') LlIj al ou
tby A lex. Ofit. ru rn tl�6*ser-
Clinton, Wednesday, Sept6mb'er 5 Stanley- Ifays, And Prof- 1?ooto. aal;om fly we
or.any oCILvr lit, (laseribes. p led it
I,OriAsov's side tholl"ll -coreposed or of Llie phn4l
. ..... It lil�o I11110 oil Was. "Ildc-00- I-C'es of J, fe6th rr
Prof, nat I as it w lose the life, of
ist pliI ivere boatea b
be by SAV (I .(t �Uit o r -I Overcoat
ot day, till Jaw 'III(] Thus 0 lvl:6 hA il-r(I
runsTIJ E D WENTRf L shared by. any liIIIA10, -1 �Oclge 7�N)! th n-16, '1 V valiable-cow.
h, grjjV. -Y Impress.
it 11
he" artioil of
lie owl do] i or V,el
J- p -or) ly-oiji tile, eiihilili-, fiber e It leop 1 1� it I- ;IlgL1I in 116vt Albert. lie ly. ill- le"1*8 f,
theil li�, ot it Or- y o the largo xim I - - Y5 Aq Alanil-facturing in C"anada lins.r. Oil I,i;klL '[it flile in i� Alit net V., to.decido w1lo li, "Te Mul gh L's -you est-Akfs-
athr a litilldl.t(l t.0 andri:ir tile familly.
,4o -last eorreAp t.the Cou"11,11 fter about* two' hours. at
Aof-ived all iinpetus.Ouriiig�r �1;110 I.. Joll Ll liobeet,
ur'n'k itfew yours--wiricir-tiru-st have ri pei, tatihg� that , the triWel'she rob I niane, a. t.�V�.en lots 0 ati'Al I Trull 11.. 1)�,
aaricultural as well as ot�t- York -will. office dustr;e.,f- 011:011gh tI( . ic .. from dod
isan—of oft country, . '.rowrls And, arid t -hat .it' i's woriie tile
gulion * is 'paying 016. AR
ev� at H 1:*Lu tly beneficial. egact oil thn. inm )�i Id of tho wheat fielf-I of we, It it Robert KlI ii;till , -4 3. - -
Q.41014ed by WIMS
of rsd it
'1: for I a�Ceoullt of to. k�. CO. PI'111LOc Cory fast (Ioo�s 13, b I C kbiali:
olanufacturin- ily (%tuada
0eni-tch the iieigljbor- on low, uiucky .9 'it t(.1hichgo, to t6lvil .,fit) tons not' been here
aI30 Suits of'
-of tile 0 -oil a
oil 114) jIlve, it Volly 910W�Ilg -beloi,6 for several years -t a �Vo h
Ina country by creating kily t this t tnet.4 Vx
ino all, 'prt,sidijia;
Tor X, ro kpIliho'-from
socondetl by
of Tl I a B Ixth II Cke Lt 1) earne'lifere
botne donjand fbr tho Product, -of, believe't-hat nilhol4ll. f(iftiliz,el: thiLt tho'. allot
!Lro a been to lily Will; th'q sabo6l boyi. Xfter '.Lha exere.iftLls, the
61'are lid lvhidv�t b(i a coln-
4- Pact r
0. . x1iittee 'to exatiline it, illeao give 415ace iiot Our dllib au
the land. It would be i'lle to di, s ifie Am -list. It i ixoY� okelix They clitild i16b P et�idtiut laid beforo , th6. 0 to `8
8 it -00,'Wllicbj,� ell Mb to-1jav6'.y6ur
jj� present. all a( cuss whether prpsilerous towns' are why this Should be. -k lart, by w4y - 6f -CPOL-t lit 't tio tile lollowill", kMoll -e6titondonuo licil a suit (�all e. oljtt�jji
_tx so-theror-wixii sides we
wall that where',s 11-00i LII ithe the effect or the cause of romembor 111ps
prosperi,Cy. III the wfiolihistoryof havo be0i burlml out, the str �v of. Fve(L Care� or As'�tlio- 131ble porl ion of his t We'll) by afternoon.put in thus.
at , 1?;i�t —We now to -S�e 'file .,Usual Ulitirub.'in Canada 'is iiot� till Meal,- i-sor' school teacher An A&S Ohl oh,
the world those nations have cattle itiny,graia following will b -iii IN,b sholli(I iu(l,,o by file orow(I a III,, absendo from hi4rnbo -tto I body, e, 111),
tho (101 it), be, lovied 1,01, c(Hint Pon, pprt I as considerea It's Book oil ''. a
a6l 0 CLorday M'ter.
iiettrest thd ideal of perfection which and �llogivlill queSrio'n the oil Sunday eveninj (1-tir poses" f kid' ill 1,110.0ollar. fail - Sgary to, see'll't-6 'tila,ionselit, 'of
16, : - 110olls. Seems, to bh. tho ftend-, + + +
ing the or co!lto,l;l nort,' township : -, - - 'a r" a('; tild +
holve had a large proportion of'rxI I -g4v Wd io, -JiM whettior L,),+� tlie They wer lil'ofessioti, U . Ato tjoubt) '.to 'Poil(I is ftn lugly the Itev. W. S. uFacturing cetitres, as. i'vell as ItI th 6 potagli etting into ihe lCittalat- tpnded '01. I)Y:: the -Annuill lookilly r _LL
of' people 101,6 (16 316L atterid. road. and 1js e 1; Y I , entkmen,�.ball_vnd ex' th e.,
not ob.,�Trtict i �I S Place hica, the floodingaway.
and prosporous coninitinitti-es ongag- Ing
lot- III evLry I'Varjeeb a im., Iliedes brauches to not"OtIaLe III t to 141tarvstu
is f th I a
of 1xii Illoved, oongiI6 td, Of trtles, root
1,1101, tho ilotil M 1.) a d st-4 in the rai3is- of corn And cattle. and thim, Prov6ll� flullifil U
all of'- denorn- n yog
and thlik., i . I
y to rein fitj),Lb PfesexLed Clio' 'niatter
(18 tI,re not given.:to: jio.�Won Ee.
and pticked
Of course civil freediin �is lim it] Clio grpab Nol'th r, is 01, 717 tit is
t ()It Unilliny the .011 lnce froul tl;e road allowitlica bo�toro �tlld holho aut t )G re-
snilposed, for as an en tforeign
nake ulld6ti looks rri A 1A Ids to tile ttIllarke(f but thilt'this inanHon May IaL.tlle flooLl thu steilall iiiiiiD4 stilt beorr all writer and Profound thinkdr has trip whi -It lie to It,,
I -i t�vo 01111, boittl 11101h froin theso ponds, into,
alulot- Why tlI ED
0 IlAro edly mn exetitil; of sap taken into Cho tb tilo tltmosb,.. Iro ill' III it so)-vay, of sido )fit,() 0 -THE. NOT
u''roo out, Said 'of England: you not a ?Uoullell (toes )lot see Nve:.
t 1,1118 of" Inlitly. of' tho Ila hit$ 11), f)" 11111do 11
aw e civil freedoln Y Oelt,anijIg thdin-otit iit this favorable con4uni ilia'
I vi it 1 -o—n tho. 27th and !Wdi "fulle, litst.
atill eo kahlable is a xnyStevy; er in that al'- Th6 fact Chit otanur. 1 -8 . 811 tiM it'bo
which ev ry inali onjoys r. 1�. DA (.4111 RtMoUcti tion 6V thili objeti fliab CowrlMii, Clio atd II -Win. I) by AI lvt�kt. owl 'of ti 0 Inoll.th r. B, will for gooki no dou6t it will'yet Appear of
atollen -unit IiiI far!. country reniedi" for I l'is 'that joill-bin broth'Pr III rfl` "I ilil Y) I; So (IIIIIIIals dollot, atich clearel not We wi.
bearR up agolinst.every evil and dis. Afrain oil tile road to Myth 1,11i ro
1.4 it Oi 9tMids Sinalt log Slin'llty. 1,1118
but Iloilo s(JUII0 likUly t olUn 110 0 %v, ft, preyeeed. to
ion uTAil ail 6pportlihity all. he
all,, ,,age I I� W , I I'i i�' will liti-aet oil hill :iowh-Aof ings be tke it 11 "fit list �a 11 wllkII6 is talown as t I ia qui ii allofilcol torforiiiiii-a Watutad'juTtl1,
A.-i I I all d. SL Lit -III 110th off'fall( ow L bra4qj 1. Neix(I lives a woman, who ))as intint Oil. tht, Su )Ject.
Canada which Protects- agriculturt) Said by 61,11nivrS to bavo wa, hnit 14 in the pl0flic interimb,thati tBetweell twenty
A— tnotiotr wag pit t bofoeo trio
and It ro rtm-nooll 0 Ipa
dontl Oil Isullgallvill the wrong 11.0el'S'Aivoiand thirty iit Aby hill, 11111). be pointecl a
t k14111jearl� t1 4 may. be I.Iod to a young illan whorn she loft o_—__ - 9. 110011 in this ivPry Avilgoll fit tho-hal-661" ttroriT6.p to r0l) R%Vay Wit'll a yoUng fliftilig to'solne xtelit with Ocri, Itles five . , , If
- �l ves as to they aliail, 1"; rLtAird wl 0116'. (10111 to
I�Wllieh it inight �o NVOLIIj 1 .1 cousin of hot,,; by Choi. of �I.,cllio and
I -v- toll itollal'.4; al, I ,
I) Lit it Ito;, twe I Illy doll fit CA 1110 YOUIlgiI Oft1no we$ rocoed to � Bodo% i I
becoute triftntifitcturing Ing to -f)l 1141 1 4SIIICL�f fi�,allg t P _MXo,_ I vI., 1 In hevelliolle. - o'bush CAI the great illipe ig porover in the ',suhlct- oil tioll, g. .1and to this fact - is go-ther its Inll xild wife .1ind Where
'(11 its rel;U4 t Ill in, N. Branto by his industry and pomver.
Q11 thn w10 in bl, hL4 ting of sbas for factoi ivs i1t. th P tell. H-0 ES
t.ust� Tho 0, 1. . Br- _0_0TS, AN 0.
iaconotifi6 conditions presented for di -Alley to iticl IV '1311MI, Milted his fil,11111 Of ullioll; thus deciding
)tiltwilitler. ',it .00
DOW, nd pro. tival ifold mi con. 12, twar 01 40 the Continuous elliployl . 11 vd tlj�thp PhIlIt IYY tilt, . m- ferril gotten np Ily alliong r two� hillidroti 1"ront.- titils thno 1111019� Pi IAtectioll of eatal. Just DOW 111 .1111 A Clio '15411 110,1111d Ills j)I0.11inoul. becllic Irrit(lit, expre.49'ed for the
.911(l lifli[q, seventv )111
an I , Aq 1, another; or, all(i legrlib at
few Of Our IY*lIsin,(A,4 11jol visitill't 1riandl Ill. Ally estrAlingod from one 1" for'' 'a Days,, at
of Dianufact. !tt( edni, 1-0, dill p1t.st wpeli, thol of thil
Cinada the teridency tilswi'l! tl 11's I1101,01, Ile with 0 1, Cl tit, L
I (to not 11 -1111)t to far- ias, i 8 that b-1vo so long
s; too. I fit I V V I'll Wro
uring operations is to wl ti outmillo. oLlio 011041, 'at n6it's bo�gatl' )a fit(,), Chilli Ad thecry S. 11. 12awl [it, dollni,H; I)o)l. I (lie mali who II(At n 0til d thoto, And hoj�a indulged ill
tI I e -ellie Bollphorit 'And to III Aliother., plitise. Bra
greatest aggrs-gation of general Ald atheson, rollilivilig h, "t
0 Clio town by orcb�r to get hi 1.)otlglkb it Rild. traded: it,'fbl. t icy W 11: agrou thereto ill tho
that I I
ihI0 it Will, oil III(, oit, tell MlOdler WIflair 'bolbnged tc
ax . the obile,
iting L%vo I,. It'll- (101. Onoingh bviny toars to mako, a ronte, pre. P, . will established. Thim; v,,e-4+tAl- thAt'l fl" 1 1114 of, Salt.. Old illan by tho name of' Deacon
%Vft.,4 killilly 1. ,
mir t-litialon Illortgageti for all 'it was iney branchesin thiuf-country durfirg the last few years Torotito lot;], lloron five (lot. was iTF
-opritely to, holn, iiortb, so that-thA Old mail was -t,tvrn* E) - -T
Loniton nird 11riI havo attra �p Tiles. Dodds, Sold 'it O-glt 11111C way liv(i to ohn fol It 1 lit I I COD, Ityllong tho
thAt It four filonths got by fallin or !r. !],hot olit oil - tho ),()all ttiolo %vithout, 1%
re. Theria ivilI it lon!t Oil
r.icted nian itig hit: I'd ttl;ll JJL14 ufacturers wljQ Jiad-. � Oil Cjlt� I.j J)V th(l
to hiro 1hust by tbo eitivens mai )o(I And - doclarcit. It(, jiltdiltio,14 file yariom icC,
at) h�tll 11 r C i 01,cling roiIIII:! t A not leaving trail slia Should re- but good afe(ding find chri. I cou-
inoilt-rato fortunes in country town4 jlarwf�.ell thTrQinI6* of 1B H*G* -D S, NT SALK
(IS lilothor" ltl'e� j('aVingon mael Ino at Mo. l'ittoT or It
(I liatilriling j?, it 1), 1) 1, evive Cho of tho fill-in willed'. to tiall cal3fior .Ink allot 'I oDo 11'
,of 4',000, or 5,00 people. title at'dinals., a till Ill (ii the In a
oil Slindav a f,mv liniveyer, At 4 30 the tho ro
w;s It v v bv vote
loll�r� 11fil., (
With th" COMParati" I;ayllhaoliln eliftill Inov011 oil to tho larni III a rolati . oh. oil IIIII
lit olleo ALIJ.V to thO %V, Aoltit101i was takon with tho follow- I
isublionti, . ed . - JTG Insit, a 8'1)1,lltlg 111) liitii And tho
AVe r. bill, aLver 3 ES
iv for, BOOTS
11 11111h TAY vlluablo now, I,a with I , I -
as Y(1, RO ti 16,111 (14111al"Z; (%JIV(�rt, (lit(,Tl. ? 60) N-L(opo
].'I . ljott, th(l )tll votod mly, but there we
tljj� , ne,I oil Mollilay, '!jig 11.11(l dolInvio, tvft,; Ax%' ,
thi In to Illako rbara fill' r
Chill opt, Tho the
1, it III I tilic WPM 11111I in t,ll(- tilt, lightning Silo 111A, for 0 not e6illiteo,
plotsi of groulu It f6w 'neutral WIT iq now wt. will givb it
Y Ieutti'll'? tall it)
be that thia, C4 YiolA I� far to r�m`ildfl ill I Ile ell t Fvolli lot 211 fl�ii Vol! 0110 Nlc6ived -frorn Tirant thon Irmyt' Or (molm
very rho cow waA sooting, atilt Only Olfly Wil IIIIII that for it loat of El R 0. IT''
fill 11,17critI an(i. the 9 pr( -split VIA 2nd hook ling oil' r(ly II tfilwly or.Air, If.tIl sh'a wivi about starved. 20 P 0 iz�Er Foll ONV, MONT11,
*K8, VALISES, ote., At groat.
will be haAlillportii h0r.-telf its bo: st, she can, fiI 1� Illay bp thnot, I (Ile It'4 Wil"Ilt, !it it Art$ �oll not di.L4611-1)(o t niqlIt Anil
'table to aixg of tholillil, At she has about A dozon cA IMIX(t IN 111 gft'flt lrgo qualitity
allo and proti re"Ata tho III III) w! 11 forni. part 1) f, U I vvol allot phillp. by it'j oil hand
of Mail livimy T. ., 'for many III(All i ifir ill 6o mi!!116 Novo st q0t, Volll)g %01101 title is raisirra; IJAII of clittilig ti-oth finis avei'lvilt. t1lo pvri. 110 lippoar.4 vory domi4joft#tod_.,L.4jjjjI 1t, -74n 44,1111 allot get 11 workshopp of the eonlitry wit4in ag out jkofll JIV. 'I'JJJ14 has 'tile
to OTtli flldeclare.4 h'Nool-IfTNO SY11 ('11111)-
.Cl�sn Proximity to the tifliding tweirls ing too hih. to 11111111101' 4, fonr Mr.j. Ia V;il- froill Il to 101110 I(itnoving tho 'Ifoly. org
/P -O
1oingintospi R110ASS0011 1*11:1'4 11 flit tjl(� �Jtll it" she (.1111 81tilat of i, fit tbi Noill-verilli'l oll(Ilid., 'T141A, fit Z 1 1. It will roi
ly 1, von, 12, tio It of 11111111cl. in', illort in , 14611 wof-It 0I r' to III) lillon jr,,
et" Wn (10' not tilink
PONlI to g was hitchvil rillo fool. x1oll. concert 1, AN lilt it.' 11.4 It() till: ----I
it. will be jilrolitibla in !thn rivar rot, NOII 11 )to t1lero wil-l- 1111 fit,, u e ri b e for
tr(,�Omid will! not ill II Illar AQ1tjtl,!j Ililil< oil rhilestlity, it !a
o)ften up bV fit(% Aid O"t
Int t %vit-11 V"I atI's, flic wholo qV86,111, wl"S. *ALA
It _t
tillibor rf)v ti)rm tlia' mitl wat fit ritir ilind4t, by was, to tho ailvisabil.
olit; t Nlis' AS R A00TIltNo ror. fly,I)MIN
I it 1, I Alunl'..4 chiro�lv. Laqt ivoolt A nip i i
St'P&Mte Men from thn 11:11,6. IM tVO 110 altPriTtIODS 111 the taff tllj-5 %Y. oting T
petlivi Alltil they itvill not, tbriv, Moody And soIftst
liv s0lit-ly It', livoko two oi, flill'o(l hig no Iringer ity or introdlicing thol 2 (" And fs��
IT .Lin in tha 1 7t'
.... .... .