HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-08-29, Page 2M ""I" 11111r," d 1 N N I, norne of them Wcause thty could rot his own be4d. Ur. Knowlton's esa and wevilbb of possesnors W, at. TAst week svera:1 of Grand resorb to -Iwqsi tbut are dark, an4 obould he secure -any, war with the stronguationul common Trunk magnotpF utwhetIl. or the town Will 001UO any 4417#10- COM.4 TruUk Railway., trickWO(M or* v,illa` which they will be 6wilarly onrved. HKIR Of all 151911311 speak!))- Pe9- ages froui, their presence time Alone JIT M, OP 00 ON. _11111 pliiuly see Pro. important factore $a We hoe trAvelledl A considerable pleg. 11ho failure of the railway will tell' F-91NO WF15T. Xr, F. Van d ulip, and svire of Lou of- sic. distancei. all the wo6y.to NOV Zea. strikers a few years ago and thev- 6-M V.111. ou, don, were visiting feiqnd fir. town Thesignsoftbe land I' aw.t placed the keatlienisb, bar- ideutcoliap4eof the reoeot strike oil FreWs recital ofIlds, ex. timoo'gre that the people will at no bargusRaoris'Condoct beforo our of the tologrmpli operAtom show that. 1)(14�-Ounncll%ring the recent ovrgow OVINNO, 1L.M. of the riverTliamesis worth bear- distant day insist at least upon the rpaders to judtify the, do of 31r. Cow munism in even % mild'form b a.m. 1:17 Van. U0, A 'DRIVAL04 illlr*oiv lized NEW ====N,E Tw ARRIVA oimivating political qanvas-.;ers frou 6 1 no hold or uiaste�y in this country. Nowat. Surely it the The iterations, in the Ceiitrat, out of the body "Politic, abd we. 11ope chiefa of tbaiSouth INLcifiC SORS trYtO 0011110111DIM OUIOD9 fapjijJi3t5 tq di- sobool,made, in. conformity with, tlle� ISO YVOUD-also. conciliate and unite their peoplo and vide the hard of the A,it of parliament to faciliate the geeat Wes, tOilo 1D1Y1S10X;- coiupu , r 0 � ' - I . egressoFthe,pnpils and teachers, warriori by a f east Jar ely eeisoffed wa NY ssotiliepeoploi' ill4TwaysprQve were satisfactorily completed last rrdhis leave Clinton, station,as uu -u with ru,m, tire civilizad, christian abortive as well. To suppose that Saturday. Nfesers. E.Xiiore WAN. Swanson were the contrtictors. Bloswat, profesedly their antipodes those, with wl)Qm labor Jo. capital or Llovd, and the No - 0011TO N�rmv. 2 M 8 Wi Alit. VsrAs. liv ru,4s, sr.. who for- ill morality' is justilied'in, proviolng tbo e t4 Whom' moneyed wealth Cullgh brothers bakarun of forty werly owned the, Goderieb brewery rum f4r has warriors . - ig capital can, foist either upon at, five wiles on the CIVIC holiday. Tbe fQran anUVoIl, H 0-30 a.m. 6:10. pao. qoartetto Started b 10-30, and after JOMMN DIS Oong with his brother-1-feurvy-fli Lpurposa�, 4unjul= nuivillio' pnbliowould be to oil 00INQ BOVTIU 9 PPOPO visiting Ilayfleld, Varna, Brucefield, A.M. 3.150, P.M, present proprietor,, bas been in New that All tire traditions of civilization and Clinton reAche4 home at 7. P-' Z#Ana, for several years and is re. will'be reverse(]. 'Outbursts Hke W. . ThaStore in Crablisle bloolcrecent- siding Were now, In a*fecent etter tho operatoiep'strike, and. tra i ClIff 431 I)IRECTOR1. asitory Iv -occupied, by, Mr. X.--cooke'- ga, -a k. to Ida son, Cling. Wells, jr., who, The great issue ill Regina is factur- I 1 being altered, andrefitted usexhorbitant prices. for manIa grocery) it.111. alble ola4s, 20, Pon. SundaT lives at r not the depth of the city well, nor for occupation by F. Pridliarn, who Saligot. III p.m. RArvice or) MrOnesday, 8 .r, T11, odericb, lie melitions big the Writer in the Vile-olf-B.Ones, Creak ers' w -ares way oectir, and-m4y pos- �wlll on the tailoring anti, Felata ItaY. wM?t&X CRAI9, nftt0r. having been present at a feast given siblydo-ggpd.�biqt tbe inevitavle, laws furnishing business. by. Naorl (n%tfVe)L Chi f, 0 but the contents of 'Xr� C) ftild 3.So F.. in, S%bbath Subo.)I, at 2,30 P e S t., over of supply and demand will always An excuretion from St, Geoeg,e, per Itur, J. Glmrrps.tor. 0, T.: R. ylsite(l the circular ton 1,000 dusky followers 6nd warriors. toileaown. those spasuiodie 46rts in Services at 11 man. iLT14 . I ml.hit cently confispated. Xr, Davin is ?4 lastFriday. Tbepurtytotbenum6ier The doings weroUllique, as . r, u ies where moral and intellec- Pastor. 0 9 eFI a "" "a' traits are the passports to and dinner waisorydil and the time thor- readily, be.c needed when it is, state S lAbleCtirfstian­Servives at 10,30 a. to, and posing, the authors of his mi. rtne oughl'y enjoyed,. Our visitors seemed ii.in. RY t In Sabbath School, 2,80 V, J� I t $500 w" expen+A in rum a tren.gth 39 p. w. . L L' all pleased vvUll Goderich, zirliza, Pastor one of tire incidepial, necessaries for in hls+4per. Such is journ Mid ), _­_ � - E'L M Sabbath School, 240 1?. nA. r-Av. co ntr .of 400 march6d to the park, wbare - a -I A d Dom bendin his able energ I; alism in _FLANN Thovehag been, 0 t�fst abureb.—Serace at 0,30 P. in. till. hion is hooll. 2,30 v. Yu. RET. J. GR AT, PastOV. the occasion. Yul COMMUNICA TION0Q. betweern the and no to. Whetlier a Hawk pounced upon Solne delightful time General Patullo Bull " .1 Mr. Charles Russell, Q. C., zib. 1116 wish it N he L With neely that toe 40, Chickens 1p St. A.ndrew's ward the: NEWSPAPER LAWS. Pit -Charl :, Boston--theq1tigger p ey lot liolet ourselves rilsollsible �r the 0 )ilaong e' 'y IL Ifye editors will,just let. and the vest of the Rat Porta -e onex. 'U. 'Xws- iat kill(] of IiAwks J/$I'Y aeL eral AUP.-for Dundalk, Ireland, I - mosters aud,,subscriberi to the following rowdies have had could. 6ey -Pecord. ena wen t., synopsis of the new 'V . America, is said to bave the best 8dit,r of. We flu ran Xcie have been present I Mr.N-Pilssays As you baj(y ; 'number of subsorlb- The Lacrosse match betweers the paying practice at the' rigliph Bar, Wo call the special atteutiolit ofrost- who rievo in parries L,)rd Coier'idge to we'll'soon And ont where the 41oY- zowe8t Ev W^ r CAVO Prtce I -A postmaster is required- to give that when ehe one thousand dusky ors up here whose friends resitto iu GoderiWi-and Senforth cluN last Fri- YO day ended in Javor of tholattPre b -be venw rd r locality allow me -ibor dops bood of $100,000 per annum. He W F Picliford, by three goals to tivo. 'rile behavior vot Aswer the law) when a stibsci a a as 0 n0deq BY Ll--=Ipt (returning n paper does faces were turre(L his income being in the neighbor- o mill, a briof ititin ol the prosperity a tl ey� tv. pt�ed'the light fantastic, the A �t f some of the not tako Iiii paper out of the office, and ed life as a 1) )ONVEI, Co., 5110111g6u, villae -and. and langLiltite a 1mra- I14 'CANADA. I k- '- ­�I. -commene -o an(I sur- 1bersof thi&Sertforth club was f a am, etate the.rea�on fr its-_Xigt k, double ournalist. Mr. so 0 lint� Ju that villa. r fu sky was ened,, and 4, i itynegeetto*dosonla�estliel)ostln.,Istei,, visited Ireland in 1880� 'at l-oullding country. tile fall whoat ­aud oe_. at Russell gentle and its coniinuan responsible to tl a pijblislicys for pa, l'OOO fdot Carne down the earth fair- spring crops loolt --very The futliro=iers will prevent tho at- the. reque.stof .Xr, Gladstone, 4' -ildsar 6ndo-wed vitIl cloverlth4 terldauoe of all those who donot 9 -If any person his paper,dis. IT tkeipbled. fic 0 Continued, ile 11111st pay all arreArriges, or published a seriei of letters, on the timothoybay,. As1wasoninytravel Wish tp. witness unseemly conauz�. As niny be supposed the poor be. tilpilillisher may otintfinle to,serkd imill and to my great Messrs Vidal 'and Henry. MoLean condi�i6ii,of th'utenantry. He w . als. I fell in withiho. E. N T L E KE N t tfio I b tod Alitori of ew Zealond are t I fouud'.p:Uoriio 'left on Wednesdav evabing for Lou- wholq payment is made, and cdIleo 11 0 . fIrk of tliq astouishille 'don on Bicycles-. - Tl)t-jqurn@y by the. amount. whother it he taken' front par kicu 6ri. the .managill- blacUsmith shop, dwelling house and the office or not. There call be nI far behind the follow ates * of the: Shoe shop, but notling -bo- grina-or- of Bayfield rin-d Exeter was made Ulu r-4 ternia Mont is 6 Q. Christian ,politiciariel The i of -our. "ALL TWED discontinuance witil the pay nt��i'dd , s chop any thing. The farmers hay I P in 6od dmR, considering the e of LandFiowne, recently ap., t S have arrivEd S -Any -son who takes a papor front indulge in ruto ra. 0 gro to tire Sault. St6. Alarie, some head wind for a part of the. dtstamce. pelt . I 4pberry Syrup for -I -acted to, his pointed Governor General of Can. 28 miles, to get The return vviis made by R. R.,, the s m0linto tile post DIRee, whother dii their. wheat ground, Janedto u ]a. name or a the beathenislil. rurp(iBe of -perfecting 'Too rDUC11fOr.bhoLAthOir9,6f R1Ckr6f4__ bin 'F t116 temperaidce nother, or wbethei1io , tL , . . I . I _ . Ye Ists jolplllg� y scribed or not, is responsible for the PAY. the' bonds of unr ind cc�inenting 4 -If a Subscriber orders bis paper to be 'AN 0X0 SUBSCRIB133. r, 11 -Paliner, was home on it &Ilort various members Of:th0 Sir r, ranci-q Hinvk,' in' one brief Stopped at a certain time, and the publish, week. Mr. P. Ints enteted families, Christian- �Nlowat he li& direct" * to... Pr continues to send, it the subscriber is etitencp,. gi�e% 'It. 148�ndlcate" for -several meetin for, gs -itiflie takesit out qftbe- L Iii. bound to pay for solids Unt, his'warriors fill ring the 10'. AttheLMQj.'liDg3rfh'i0h' M 0 R E t -office. This prop the Grit politiq'ians who have beL n DER10H. commonces Rt Peoria next week t a loan must pay for what. 110 usqY, codi- printed with rum raspberry -sayinc, that Quebec is jofemsted. n -eo ra , ae, * - . . :� ._ I . From our own carreoponaent. .6yuclicate is.,entered for tht Sye t Sr 1, q o, tir. ub dissensicil' the- first of Which comes off "on. flints L Miss A. Wail Wn to 76 -Pr the,uDion, and perpp. mpravill� in, for ' Orill w� expect: -he ""4utter... prev6ntln,g. the .boundary award writ - vislting ofnext wook, As Syndicate Lat6 of 'rrincr-Street, Toronto;As from betag ratified, As intetview- r T1118 MPI-Nk 'Reri d t relatives. an ra erriall -discord.' 'The - Illiages -Campbell retulmed s [I Ill show well to'tho IDURTIRINMw'-111011 Is kapt. 01) er asked, hir(I_�"Is not "Quebec i;i.' rontin all Ifle at tile �frkco nt LORD THOMAR, Mo. TIten f o make. a thorough ex- tere framyti vis*lt to Seal'ortfj oll 1rriday. her engagement Conalck Brook, 0 Idago, 111. gtqtl in the aviard 6airi- t7,1 . L.' . - -tied home last -s r- the.Cluistian pi Miss Radclifr(i rotui Nessi -, E. R. olinion, 0. E. Go, -ijbit of 'inciple that d Slid -A. E.Vinsoi of 'the a 'oil week-aftern long absencie. -all thingi work- togetber for the w al all Bicycle Out), W MM M 1-1 TZ . t )f,. Ro."52 M. P. P. lefb- for I , I r I A -B TMOW 0 bich lie r6pTied,� Col. J-0HN_ I' ��good, 'of those. wbo' love. tbd vrit� ed,towrl by hoat�on. Wo(rhesday. And. 0 . (�Yvs it Nvoolld - give - Q:uebp*c. a Roo th., left oh'Thursday,morning accompa. —V(.-ry arge nece.4sion of. terriEbry to Mr. -*B.: V. -Elhott� of Exetor,­1va's th nied * by Capt. G ", B. 0ox, (If the. . of Sweetness arid light, and�lo�givo of t n Thdr0ay. Ot - -10'h t 15.b for -London. The ti�ar. 61 ght a. Striking' iiiii6tjition Of lIo,W! eX_ which is now held to e tWe biuli- . Urs. am 13'tffqlO, is -ty'llatlagood.run, via.,,Bayfleld-tol 1- ........ -iii-ow.n on 9 visit io her pilrdnts... Clttndoboy�i. whel-e que of the f*:()gIIVIo ShIIII.Inell giVL tre.meq, meet and. harmorAe Wben or the lieight 'of land v Guiloi IJUtCIli$o1I,r _anil ing,'oub the'whole par *rl. Uov�at!s partisa AY been o"iUnitoba for 'tadk tl�e Me the.- Forest' City. �yq A 0, N-:1 U ,.h..uTEL,, t11titchison, left oil tile The Goderich No W. S' e 't the emper- 119. tly Fuinish'bd tlirouglidrUt' Marviii knowltori 'It pattfii Sie Francis 0�0' the. back be Sarnia'66 Mdnd,y-, rr. G, B. C I I p%yty t' Lori )_4 - - Newly. ­and' E lorran ric —AND— VC rned. from lAq (101) and refuri?ecl by tran on FrN hted L t3 . rL* . ' I — , _2�_'O_ alic -W of London,.- Orlt.r_ j, ls .1 plen "Y'. Bells,, H with 11-ot �Ai ay,%.d' woll4ight. a� orker' Cause lie bol 8 !ne,views in. corn- Mr. . Best retu.' ip oil 'Aonday 91i L the' Unirted -A special 'ti,aln ener 4' fG I int fe tv in�, lDhiissioned to' -o to uwn. vidi theirr, but,..thpy ill Call su 'e migraitts arrived ift, ',it 2 a. niple Rod It Room La", and, lit Parlbks. e 0. I% ly L. Erri.liii In. 8, I . I � T -8-1;iuohter Huron fl � o rd ondeav 'i -to a him a ."baso bound,! and prob�b birldy* morning, awl were't' C6niore*tO6 Travellii)g Tublic YOM ell Otis Ind. 0 reate b.iiWcId pith, Xr. R.,,Tlarper, of tba. Alton in- alcen Eve- I qthi-i� for the (.4.1f.ILGAN . -ATED.) Sh eop-Aea)er, for. stiranoe d,ompanyf 'ill OVIIII.:over down to. the.-barbol; wliero� they re- opinion -unrler 1. 'the super I .. . . - . - - '' r "St vatar 11 �S fi�,5t_e C!, - id ard R.00m ids a1101 r Int, nilne(l. Lail -night. it the I ` ni J, r§t ablific,' 0 S n...oW tlie. Honorable-.' !Dvid were' placed' in tire -ele . Mr. tl L 01iriton Wednes4y',. Aliust '29 mills. Even. as the', Same.of tbeconscientionsjotional. re�entN, c 9 01.111 c.t Coln fi until "ilie oil tire �-Kl �U!'e- . I e16 'd W -4riends of: tillto -is con I )a Imor GLOTH irottin4horss . , .: - q P hYk 0 U R' RARH§ supp ied wfil 00 rri�flp th�ius Ive Yrd�l Q e ibn lE mpir�,%v lien tli�y Wd ant cornmand. OfL this, black bottl -de� to -d I 'Williams and, wife, hve. 0, th f,()r t a ;To -th lveqt. f OpLr c Q, B.1 UCIII.1,6! TAZJ,�,! Pr mnii, SirJo in hil the eyes of at h I e I rig the fakilobable ors - Civals. Uld re ,ned -from visiti �Iie ail'froui, br tni ". IIigadq at e cene of operations. hi thd Oil (Aman Bay ..3pinethiog like resorti. of Pleasure IF Ai%y ovidence to cing over a r ur e.,;� lot thtotil, Y dpP68it6,,P 08t 011je6" vi—HoasO, 81 �u otl n hang- mr! 'p. trolt, Of 61nirin, 1-1 U6 l)Pt'IjppdreniI' IIOLI;r�llor thedeliatealflo ]it d, -so i:i tb o etertri Ao lool* t atc(I dir6. .Show the laxit� or inoper,tiverip�gs of - I k .. Carat' 'left aor t1l e Tin it a fitness of things 'supplemented and es we h nd it d( 'M s ied th'at Sir. John ptl J� , �Iro U L4 the law rpaardjrig� the' deb4imbing d. far bliertini trip. unibei,. hn 1lJigr1,a_n-i,s__4m_ '"ever pi ES W L/ tie ov -oinis �Eh� 00 t d and -bribi-lig of the- electorate, the IU9r boar(Con arl�iving,i oetukn�gl,� of the S y eiurusting ersight a to pass t is Orlinge A Dmb6i, of pebiild. lefb,by early 117 on ;NV wisli as*.tho4e-she receiv�- '24 tf Propfi ri�gade to .a ,to I. Q. rain Or taLICIng 7 e I o ,71n G Wl 00 of the tempranen t -a the.oleq� .two casps, recently befoi U -Rim on. or, ititeiupprat�, tory Filcult cracking ,thedheap ex rsion"to 11 I 1) i_llt jfono�.able gen t1dir ' ran Do' '0 "injustice, biit itis an er.it . an r- d , is goin t o ty welcome exte nd ed. ' to nI 1, wit en r. t 'Murkokil are of theinelveq'suffieie k*. Phil9sopher Mills, r ardle s 3 ion courts, of N -,t �Slnleoe I" table llbeav,ify laden, car at oatni'eal .-Caililacliit�,,to tiit_A-.nuuiu(u! of tllrc'e we und e 1) py, ep-- was vv..q IT, On saly ine lost S $uLp rI%O at SO'DIilly Cal Jells c4facb t at i0e to last Session, a' d Uipg for -her is refligled: lfuu(6d �Inite4 the'r,IrLulrtr tow remove his, mill to'ool6orno in uIl toshow'it. The evidpn in t less Mr. Knowl tbn's, mission 'to. Ne "York. would appear to -'be to. al lOrder,to be able to aw the timbell tor day is -receiving �uite it qnaptity.of 171 isnc,,,3. u.n. r two cases, one 'of wbich'was carried letidizig,-0-rai-innen had Th' new luniber, firm. of"R..1,'k Bea) a tthe'�batibn by 1to'i ceeded by - s'o P ti Sir .-John.- man' Lodgep there being 50 r ,e on art intervie.w. .ith axin air Iny a grit and the othei by a conser- the,ragktag and -bob-tail 6 b iat t�nd. lumber. neanipient, ruid egcort� lc�epg up Illbils p't a hithero coylCeAled ([,t6 the O&I . Yellows : HalL T uron a"While we bay& r10 iii ans of kno 5�,Dt dul ng the greater. part. of of tber_Am�rican ch-irs'ta cross. the INTiss We$ton lor ft Iln�fo, r, .. . . . .. vative, will comvince any fair DINA- ton'S ttIrday L 'nt st, Ii within its embrace the rl�til:ilo of Mr, I ry ek. iisit�to brought 1161'th an'd preselite.1 -'Af� -for, tbo rarispired:on� that 6ccaq- �fbr� betrait, oil a, v Mrs. D,L I. wider! P e ed person that hot . ill%,al and im- lines tri assist )Uill Pup and tlie�cowqiiid Of CaptiiiuL 'Oraftgenie are no , ap h as- V t m y *6 and: m by 'a t the V. -ger and Ot,CrL 'a were resQrt'ed to B ,i oil The worl6n,& in he' cithal.s.. 'A n� the chitir was of gpondcht I!confide'to.Ps Weir. secre�ts alldL.it IS for t1re Iuirbor,,de�pnin-�- ill where mannor.' :Oil.r6aclfinu the hall. the An. woriled are., ii W 'We are'not in the con'- nWhile Wtu. PetAlls was driving his ell known Ibeautifully enerossed �y one matter of that we would lidt be -far Or a in punialling- - I I 'forma(l, lines for the 'I (Ifidence -of Si�' John,, yet, 'We. sliall A. Aid Socie-:, itig broiters topass thrbilall on enber� steam the 14th con. -oqgljn culvert. lie 3forrls. -Al�on other childrdn Geo ,,brok(3 thi 0 tray in qavina, by tire unsuccessful rum anh'fighting royalty ubder Gen. 'ti in Connection �wl J'ge in'T tile ladig t f olitirch -clay e v RoeVe ofCol- Plitullo and Grand Marshall bwa m* to X. G. §'Bro, H. W. 13all, w,.T,cotnbd. th' hadr to leme It therer-'kinkil -h t prose4t. was MIA. ,'the Incorpora ion Act: w.As sp4e r n, is called for *p iq in prning, wben a,gang of inort- pulled borne Quoftirig M0' other . gatries . itor'."to itotlt,.L t bl Or'joWnj Arn6fdi,'of theL'Publity Works Y hat a�; - evier been., i�ou OfficA are promised, mo''ney R& Xe� NnoWlton. has liad his Inanifeatbi - 2 . . . . .. 4ueition is lb.eing agledtad and tfie pr6gr4XIlL "Of aml that a prowiso .Nvas%Lgivien iii town AaA - Bros. RIV, "Johnston. : .... L I i " I %: L f not irtowlis lip also (te. t, is* me in celebrating the int a ay, a . "that SUCII a ill iti's to whethel"Oe" 1,, or into,- thig. toWn nd arg-ery. tually paid abd intoxidants in un- Published 'in the 'Ne*, Yor-lc -papers. S r iuh. with'o'41, C6roy PaEli_ 011.,business in connect' lressod* tlle� ea u e Would be 'a bound to Wild ou Voris ; strong. gentleman who has, riii-eat -in-' lirilited quantitios iven away to. It bi a s. IN arid augliter b0throh, after which tI1`O �passage dire6ti niore .0 4r.'Wide, father. of I ther. 'a(] by thii government;" .,brethren robiieil; '- Tho patty I a6 L . Lit at en tmpbrrrii� of b e gal y 2-9 I v voters. oNoilecurs :"We (bbe g,ri,tsi. Will noC-'kivn.up'tbo over theiih of $PC loss, to Ifis country and Society t1iftir, P t t And recipietAs' Nvith While an unAcrdp�ulons yrsg may... for atlIb 'd nal in Or e co� n f U Ildiapu�p d, terr ButriL'st V the oW and t N S ill it; ny r in(-! get intothe witnes,4-boxand uptildgh itory. ..ease Ais �trdtabla`di conscience d We& of Brussels, whei;4E�he bag been hQ t4llol�o v -uraq!4--paSsfW Sought for--�&m res ding f6r gome-tim.6 'Past,." The Schoql Board lrietr.n Monda ell. neknowledoe the bartei and rate -of the eri.can. reciuis ' . ir I . . y rl .. hu the 'delui e 1118111- na, 9 on that the'li g-th, who reached town the highest la'ri�,iler,6 of citizenstip. should. fear a. recoptioo. froni'Ca' s Lon,%voi Ir6 1 in Link . 6 Blbokd for 'JE C01111101 liatin, is not a lie at all,, theugghtful on.Soltirdii'y, on a- visit to her riia'fiy " paintirig. 'Durin- the zti6frn On the 18th ('has. It istrue wellavolaws again, ialls with I,Iblpody; lia,nd rngu SosneB Tho CouVe'll'ineb ordwiell Aug s.t b di 6 to bospit, .at, Sell ribery- read, botrwoenth� lines P1. Is 4t ilbs�nt the e4t of and a ill' A- eep lint a W iN and arbo-pra\Tofl� be mak �8 I tillo�tly O.'Shvpberd4 "per teudea,,-- was o motio it-, killed,by ligbin Ig. ..15th in%.Bushort's bate], r6iind ith AiSSr Adeline Lougghised--is --visiti proclamati6i), that can the glari.ii g iy , poo 'kli from W, ANlitche Hor. diourlilhent� embers,ali.preaent. N 0 W BUY� U _L.� thov are .�Dder8toodjn his.' A lai,ge riumboi of ople Visited sandri�8 was referred to Tinallise, 't'll 12 ands itild proviron'' that e-FZI—eve innll63-61rit—ir, cricy. . the falls Oil our�.civio h9ii-, . friends. in Teeswater. iN can' buy 6110 S6 cl�lffa practicallyAno erativeleven. i, I'vilien i caliAd Spin is mg> f I Committ6owith power: "OlImption. niit�s of last meeting'read has A, p casgs Ul th"001 on(l. r6fra'Shing' 6fL 'wlans'( d 11jr Robli: Mullin reurned _4Ad When ydu nthat honorable people IIaVd bp.en ;ItwO.tbir(4r of the people of Ontario Ontar�q�fartners may take heart b.ree, _S Avere mtr6h cAloye( frorn hL paAed. pAyment-f i -alteration! on er visit to the Bruce.11ines l.8eCO ridect. by- deluded btili' 'ill res onV'_ Ats yet there lim Tbe Explorer is alvay Oil fishing' Mov6d by Mr. we Were, w of grade -noo 'feel downcag� ori. ion the'l eying tllay� p selieel eam ed e n,� 1 tht Jobnston,. that John. DOLIglaS be excul,Inon� �Ifessrs E.. X. Lewis. and 8ivhn.';Ol), 20th with, a fair Attendan r. C in. eciall applicable to. not -been any 'nuirfe0clly,sitroO the uppofiftioil that the Chen 4 a epp ..g owner, add. T. being. paid 7,50 for bbard and at.tendahco y Yheil �Kr. Sri it certifies, tOL the,c'ono. -'eron �akintr chhrgo ofall lie pupis lndig�rrt, for, nembers-rf t asp grid 0 Northwest I Se at is V.OrYL Poor -Crop in its t a a S.- 0 'Value Of L Wheat.. ie A few e% <-aP. avents slid eniiqsarips of can- a'will .,I�men th' Cnrsionist,s left Clin-' with' tender., tip- Averging about fiv, SOC ;a r. '10�'ed by I ton yegi 01011Y try jdin 6110' party, r6r. [;lie([ lbr perillission to, atuind -the b r ' . . . Suatistins prove that. -in Californi UIjol�.to the uoro. Ja es are permitted td�, ax6r6ise the Povestiirs �Nornial 7SACOl tile torm� . oil gotte,ii tip -by. dcittes, that a (le.put4tt'011 Was OIIL me .31 0. �. . . Everybody that, ojac lld is now gqnerafil`Y upo., 'toll, 6q: t -instructions wliCre forty:bushels aittlen, was'the. ori(irleardin -Tho i-equest. rapqssr'bl� got sis6bg So it will be onsd on, . or P10.0on f tbe-work in�akordtmico, h'e we 'I,' 8,0 ,just aslong as politi a hi]OS e �oin� to the, Lablnow olmstcin h'01�1)li, O' se The -under of�trhe 'A. 0, �% W, 1, pp6illt�vd by th6 t !arm must Ile made in dii(w who seenisto be vIr...'11owiles mon-' . dou- . ('011111litte a 1011 Is w4q ean-be go� to stay at -01arried. �8-, -con-. I I and rerpall� it ir'neaegSary' as their nefarious 'calling. i�. .. r But sh ull-craotting, C Mills, averaue.1% few.,Yedrs og An P,xcursion �o-m i, firoviiiin" the wy. !O continuous' dobian 6 tnesohth' ,erqpili, has. brought it. down to Tho Single for- the a lid *. Inspector. 'I'll q,U, i e grPat maq of honorable tor in ad Lins proop'KIiii('r4r. at I Ifermisbion to ictalce, poildecl by all l'on. 'Th heA i* at 'twelve' way �y. *:'ka"N of ble journey. 11 oved by Mr. � C001c, so rPhe- Clothier n aslight alleration it) the' class work that. wier i the 0 rThe Evening tho , r - I Tat Portaoe 'Writes at th-6 Western stat s'6 Qn I WItlit �1(!Ctorq are getting heartily tired of 1001 term, On ary re 9 iel Stan with lumber, for,fospr)IA' Ford at and if nk.e the plausible yarns with -which their New York,: Ontatio can i.f. ne'ces. bratedDalry ?,Ip,.e rm in, Dakota InoriZ, the rl�qost %0 X a 11 111) 0.0 ,.� . .. ot6n.Correopondent: bar r oil 11 Vale drain., Sol Id Alej W..A� Edwards, carriage 13_uiI+* a f 1 rg nYWITgNa "e, al�ffllaTl stxculi Btindty I . 1011.9 y org d by t,� wit-rni rig ellS. and res Vntr�%, aboutr election ti s V r It* ose." - "J'llig is* averq�ge i� 4glit6ail nor ilknened last vvepic to, -or act as -er went off jast week: 'berry ing With Mr. Johnston, thatt 1070 me . TbI3 ill ser e, be pu p oad of beill'y The road p6nd.with'Lowlm Bol froni III,; trip to t1to Lowor agetits tor tII6 of O I vid'ut%ll* hool books, fl, )Ipople "s . a mass and indi, y pr -y intrended to inform lio and is! of, tho to vb his boat.tonnsif Appointed.en. J11 higli teril Ivalf'rPOLlived itild fyled-. The B6,aed in a th& bushr was.rough, an(l Crooked. r illings, whom ge ttacts.cannot I gin'e,�r4oit!lletrlutlitipnlitI foreign, r6cruits,and-bir lizing, . )a pro -7 01 6qs ures of the trip. '11hey had toUrivoiiDder aLriallen tpoo then 4d1Jqurned,. r one that haa_JodgP.d *on a stumpy and 1�jved bi. i'Ir, socanded1by situr 0. ably ft-irtilized, Our 'Calladian An,infant, the r,wn a of 'our tion tham nine-tentli-9 Of the; Knowitoll. is t filed last, NvOelc fe6m while 'Attempting to paAs under it Mr. doak, that' JUChniond Fallis, —:Tw— ry 6, lletmi e. C-1114 territo" orthwert is similar. to tire eb paiffinstrvc�ors who.flood the e6tice, Into the lirputod b I t Cholera and' was' -buried it Mr. E dwards got kiis, back very badly receive $37;5.5; bein try, Pit Correspondmi... 't rt very narrow escape roadwork paic) In, tftricesr��()a So I-gn son All, Lp qhnuld thuy -,"list the Virgfil. Artility and tho 3%tiq6es Pe the having his Ilack broketT% at Alr, NPar. of bh6 C. X. 'oburaft hare last ad Pro oet but the Provincial laws b'rib ho have boin vi left for slightly foronivert an!l Oil llowiok ory the banne U U stated int(-rvals. urre say that it bodily .Oi I list undbr 'Mr. Alex'. BirIcs, Occupied '116 others esetip It T lowat to yield will, not inVerago inoro t4an Dickson's the 114 A SH Cf)UIItpyLft.q political ;that there is nb ri,41c . of liA.Pts of DaLola,& fe,� ones 14,111 ox. th6 Iz, C, C(, b 1,�ed an(l had L rrle& canvossO." at w e.geftpo ft�j A, S, et.c.. were assimilated to the Domin- fight ad,J)Oillinjol'. tell or twelve. bushcIs dil aere, and finilt, Sire.also had a narro k(4ti.6olp., fe l)'IftnIC rof their hoine, ))Ar6lif on faturday. ext weetino 6f (,ourb sitting t' site was oil the. high spring r p!rce y ion -lawg all would be well. -:13tit authoritipa'in The P'68. Nta,nee frotwthe conguni-, I TbA tomperando ovourmon to T�on� 0, 0. F" night, kit 14,1. gravel - 1�� III tild elt ra a wil The� oth�ni per at. . . lor , 0 U .1. at., all would not. Th thopub- ilig centres of the world will No 14. (lon on S coillused of 8 Don't forg f gp�aveilng o4l :6011:r tL DiS 0 -for 30 DayS re are loop two _1WT__ all badJ I e vi'l a Tbe Foresters ex6nesion to Lo y.frightenibd, over peopt, W10 ma(e Icetib �Villitq, $38.00, for t n( The P I] its, 1 t 1) e short stay allowed t1lo ne 15 116, con, an'l expenRe ill-atiy Case, find the lie 014'Beof 011tl%riowould 110tAw"'in to sell tlie realived pirices to tire, 1�0'rbb- INA Of th ost 11aster General Tios Order. last Tne� not, :verVL We'.' VIR I t1jr, III ot 14, or-lic t V - — f, t* � - ec at office be a an I cativasger ply his enorcive eAt producer that the Ontatio far. theiii inLthe Porerie city. menibers or4tIJ0L Affarria, $4, for- oil M61ley ar�der office. This favot. will and ednetive, mades of inflneiicing .-fbr men to,tislc� thbir �nocicq by- ell. br with one handred acreli 'will be 'Phe Oconto, 0itptnin Xe Cornity in this place, They were 411 he received with pleasure 1)y th Ph aidpline 20 And 211 too, Limit, Dnwary votnrs Without mucli lot oil gaing in' overt actet bf hostilit, iti a better Frosit,iork thnn. art ow . ner� Will arrive either: to (toy Or lic. Is a 50 UP atilvert, Oil 11dwich: and Ntinto Apnm n4 confillao oil thu, Or Ull Wood halfo had. heavy 1�1 i", I -cc lill .0.4 it) the file r6uto during the . remainder, of the rains bore botifichiry; John 1�oightr, 60, for re- �evert though under the aegis of of Or season. litv, is At peesont Visiting hot, Woly but no serious damago (lone. piiiring 6riclgo It 0.PP081 Well, what are we, to 410 fth6ut it.? Proville4l authority'. They, okbro t IiZ�r William, who It ra & gain() oats lying Of foeL TE THE TOWN HALL� Will, v6ey likely cothe all right agin. �rading hii-I in Joseph ,,out 8110 rae'I'i(IY,$l Pnertliltate political agent afid can'- Wrrinex'q of in� th'O Ontario farmer Z ant] foe the - 01 L .1 I, IN 0 by holf Miss Annie S^ON vasserp. If not try actually . I 11.5huy %VA -rd Will aofount f �fl at�S wol -am .91 oxotle McLatighlin, $15, foe on �idej WILL R E I I.* It is Problibib that it ptipilS attthd con ritv modol sohnolq toll; f. tho same iflaot qhftily The T. �'P ploye 25th first. was ille-Ift"gost )file 30 and 31, 61. 3 I )V, J. Rairdo the exeilitiOnet'A 11%(1,"(10 Iries proolah 0011,11iderktion Of'tbese fActs i tell(,. s3,., sion bn tho -aina being for mr0c.ing appipriches to S away Witt) eilliss I lling through the Of the, Season. ti it o, a, call to., ing �o the iradual' enhancetoon t of r -them by prohiTiltion. rim fronl ' eeSWItter, Owen Sound, lioS. Oroonway, X 111� P,, or n ngf and '.Corontb, to 8lielburn, where the osephVoodsj for contrRot -oil he& pulTiAh"blo 0'Rence f6r*any indivi(.1q. "afnis i fully twO-tbieds Of thA Value Of I de FALL 1BOft' HOES Ontario farming 0(y, '�%' all I tobil, Iia�g Ill. to'V" fig tile Soo! . oxoursionistenJoyed themso'lver; well 11111 at I-, O' _tliln Ilthe people will and, wIlioll iappa, �n Vridny aria attliAny and Yeft, by o a -great few gi,tilio.11ing oil "O ftn(.1 21, Con. 10 to pprSol-lally Wipit votes 010 U1114ed for, home on months. Able were do. ixt, the day.. Icy , -IS, , for ..eov . erhig I POR.AU, j)j oMor to blearout4thignI14 iW, (I by Sale$ Bill JO, lOb 18 ;jalneA Vit. BIG BAIRGAINCk stmor 8t-l—we oll'or 10 pair cent. off this t's apply A4 (311 to 10,41titrio call -Org de- front alivered by Unsband has julirt ,, I has bi�en bridgo on, con, Moak- for UP, MONTIf All Goods Preth and t;a, - ngentq, The only lilicitation pe- will,gor,6 her. time to'tilno. -0. WiW 1I, th A where Ire times t;e, $7 - III ISbj Of Stlla,trol rtftn(l UAV. '(1. 'r orel; or ing. e 'reports "50, for Culvert al I a on, 12, lob h sinon f -he spr jrV* Fall Stock pow oil t1lo way-olle Ortlio bo$tkol6atod we have otdr Ordered.-* w of 7' f.tho Grp 10 L fornier pittor, preached In tho et. - rather (Jull I theroL this Season. Pird othe l.,z no ro 0 werit, T, ()l 0, F., or Ontario, Ws if) otlist . ('11urell lost Sunday tvo- Move(I Coolr, by all ouId qod aq oOntario Tog and. aii(I'dicit to 1, I toWn-O el, 44; 016 ertiest, oflils. ning to a large and allpilovi .4 Ov TRUNTRI9 AXT) VALISM top price% that win '-Tlib nilliLl die %vith thig State Of thn iaw eolu� fear (10111 III thn 1.411-i i n Wiq Coll 11 try, Wli e- brother �W�W.T.AVelsb iir t, present suffering 4ouht of 6 per coat. oft 411 cash 13ay shinglem alwop on hijild,, tho purposo of tl 44jourri.to moot In C t"UA, L of 11olonot Tho erickot Only was oubon Saftio. abloto POIL,folill filsl CipcIlIG Win I:p . rl"Oul physical notothA thip(I JV(N(IftU5; ip form for fd o�ternber next. khmifit "" , aft ties w4eyi 4Y Fintrat"m !rotn and 1% toll oil, III)) I poly" or To a Iiinited*- ho is tamirg ti, rnw boliday's fuld 1, civio holi(la �11 bililt(IOL intluism Illis pre V yell?, also the' Ivir. Dt,m:Clotic, ,PXprPAAiOT1 Of pltbjj(� Opinion, I e� ti'AtA ill(I POITtilli011 Allprefilucy, I in frorn he thilo visiting �Ill frienda Nlorrls, Whoth- M A ITP, e was by collPsian On fiffl6tm6ii�.k r the Shoulu, of xevv there %VOrll&b0 ft Aning of. I% 1193ej-'37 it or a IwAt de-A'I of tho with Nfavor Ilop. or litonight abou t, hidn"V tocatulfd�.q York ntatr, witli iviorp patriotie n(I Tile, outtirio, Catitain IV, Vrl,�,(tyt ol(i tinIn fir "ta ee-1 (it t 1. pre-114(al, lumborls0on, arrivel in port on IVO hollo to bear or 0" SayebIr t, i ' ch4wl frotit I, N'Iyoe, I,. q.. his nlilitfley (-,IltllIJAiAqJJ% that% gnod jlld� rig Do t 1.4 rol I (10' w permabent reeoveq. the questioll Apywhy'. it is fnrnt ututed wolififf qeeuro it botf,�r et.61-0'f r(.Pre- ItIont to thn Ot afitti- td alid, (10 Thake laWn itir nt dock on f�,i VILL ho hv illo AID to thtArl 483 tTI rear enough to know thab Anch, 68 K a i4hort digtandr, frotli T-1 T Al C) -T 9) 9 T 11 at i tti N U N n Om -11irt (it 111c. jot 4ntl fi)ipohli tixen uon To &-n ativei, or. Jb is Ivulf. kriaw-n illit, tioll plaintively s, ,iri 01011, IrLqt eFkq0 1n.bije, that 01(i 'our. W11101V ho paq thn stito 'Of $0,000, W110 (10 llayO PrOpPrty,:Ab N 0 is now priAO�I' Allarly xixnil who tvouhl, Oppressed piliwilitiali40, Ito ronllf, (I in aTOW T.0. V, pfX4 a ft;A'�ennl vigit by thA, thil of 01A Fall whent 1,q cdo. 'q,.by bls friends, At shott inter, Myer will foFii(In fil for ft 'roalff exaAllont wiff -ant 1110on nv& uj t1m &I- "Waijq f6Adfrite on(l bho 'bulzirlosq 1111pnil jtv,.ib tiropping in you knqw,'� file A. 110le,lge, V,gq. of Dzyfield. Plins and q ro 1.4, On Very lloorly'. V, tilllo� J&PI, �Qllje 'Oil at Titz Xmvg- of (Ildr, Ifig follow. W,4MtIi Of btlitrR, Iq 1) t RA tritioll Atirptlod At Offio,,, after 0(s Ut �Iay 1888, heWOO, r III Aire-th, orclan pi'(03A litell hol, Ini'd with a Will' arl to tho r$. irl a Anil IV m 11 013 Mr. lendera"ia lye -411 on Invitod tho, ViAiting I have, thoot 6g Q30 6 Morris Was dAligh ter, to UUEA V64priAl" it#0111041 r at Ilellril IV ikll t thool, al'rho limme *Aq With this ih)tontioij of pernidneftly f TIAT114 whero tlitv �r t n 'IN " Tcyl(lor for 9torpi", II ­ , � T Or !"a �NT rr,j,