HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-08-29, Page 17-77-7-7 :7— . 1- " - - , , , __ , -, - _7-1. - - _ - _� — -.r_�- - __ - — —_�� �- - - ..
___ =,;PW4Mr_ - - I --- —, - — --- . _ �- _W� r
4tro You not disturbed &I z1glit a
III Your 1,0113t,14Y a 44
WAdu"O&Y 10-OrniuX, ivg and erylil; w4h I*iu of octtiug tooth
r Iflig, fftn,l�iit LIM
1w wht *V
I lour
1; Ts imulcutillb
9. . srulso, Its ytfIff,
Nyv:�NAIX& 4; TOUN., 6" It qIII rolifivo the poor Plate sufli-ror imijam
diattly. Depend llpuult'� Illotilers, them
is itu trilgtako AvIflitit it. It purvi dy#eW1a,y_
and diarrhova, regulateii t4o
ilik, Albert 8treet, Ofinton, Ont. -4
in Advanoe. HITELY TODD, PublMers.
�1,25 per A'911IIIII,
lot�y to flAe blad. WIN
a4mnod, V -V not so paia.
itows solivia'No SUAtta. wu
TrP.T111140 is &"Illt to Illit., 4,-te, stiff
-W tile prowl-Ilitioll of vitle tit Lhovlkt fema'k
MICH wa,
1 rtgvtu,- purcllam(l the business 4114 VOL.. V. "11'ro. 86,' CLINTO" HURON COUNTY, ONT.,, WE' LINE SDjAy, A-VGU$T 29,1883. 1` the 'tea 'to'
The pr9priletors of Tup, GODE ry a 1i A 'llitt; throllAAA;1
1 plout WLE N 0, 2) 4 7 'r .1210 lw'ul� flruw!
9t THE Ilvil,Q.1 Arcony, will in,"Aiture out the worlil. 1 -ii -I ;l 26, c�,uis a lf(,ttle� -`
pabliah,the agligainated pa. ars In 01�lton, P,
under the pit 6, of "T.UE, w4Q,� N, EWS-
lig wcws AOINGg. hpt nothing has yet boon actually An 14traordlinary Age, is -as gubstantiateil at the tl;pe by eye
UE00liff.` achieved except the prq
THE 0"'L.013" w Well Jkwa -ded,
f A liumber of poseit visit witnesseq and the eviderioll, conamitt.
Clinton, is. tlkek most prosp oroua town !it FA13111 FOR SALF41. CANADIAN. 0 Permaii' ubt4bilidiali ed to wriihig wo. olaim, i�)Alb the. riket A liberal rowar1, will be piLj4 to aftil
Westerill Oatair1q, is the rest of oo��s�klcralbl 00PPFER , f Th4e is a man at present 11,ying At party.Wlko will produQti It case-, of L ver�
0 T#F Af 048 0, C4 8 4 Nl(; An qatuiel; erected olifit 3�onlitliisll wit); a view -ree tlpa
latill is bl�;oa
mauuf4otuXIl% 444 t1w Centre of. �Ifl fittest
derich TownShip, Von. 1)(1011. CoUnty orco�
Being. X Ot 16, con, 16, 0 at Bra, Wau-It'.9 River, in th of big R lesui tion is beyond Com- or8tcyllisall
reporting pa the capabilities of the 0 ? tricBlttcr� will ;lot Speedily fairil. ziiiq-
toll. by Act of 110,41allielit, X05 0 LIGHTNING, ROD 00 . cheater, Nova Scool parlson, the best argument for the
al"tiligii6f 60 --vies More or loes, W itift,04 cloqrd. The petition AttaCking t�la Seat of ' ' P ' a. 11is name is
fraillo boust, a Country. thquf along, it Mil w,st y�a norbiVig lur
prist clesd frallio bars ASX40, %Vlt�l Outside granary
The contbi*(l droula"tion of TqE N capito $40Q,90o, There. Is IIrectod thereon It goo
EWS- ,1, 1878. It imorta 1 -man "If Christ be
all,( pailor $25 U o Ii. T. 13 Pavdie hati been dismiss- John'-8toith'. I �'-Ifty -, tIfIff medi-Ano if' it Wit; to C1,11,31, 4i;4
lti;COUDI oxcetfas thot of npt risen out- g-1.9 vain, and w 11 be ruIval-do'l for your krogblo be.Ade,.
IntV of Ilarol W k Shethlp(i Ialauds,--Sootland, it& the preaqhlin 57 1 . I
lished itt, the Ool all Aqve I t 's ;ArAD orplog, DIONTREAL. Largo, beeituy firchard, and good If oil water oil galllu� the P titiollpr. year 1765, And is theretL ro 118 yeat-a your faith is.41so vain' A-11 Moil billiouiflois, Jakuldivii
the proiniqqot olgif,ti, running Strean). The 00,000, od wit:(l costs'% and the arg
'thorefore, unslArpassilialki, ltisil-a I The -Wind' A wful
=q4ilitti. Qqfrstea for advertisigg oere: THQAIAR WO IMMAX, President, � are -HEAP OFFICE WHOON ONT. The
1 21 avros ot (0,11 whotitL JR oil revised Agsessmoift of tI)il, Ment for ImMortalily'll; wounded in, Cuivitifatiou, ana gisin,-Lal dibilify aiii
X Voe President. rLaIlqnablolorms, worpartfoularsalvivto or ag"i.
j. fl, D, AluLso. , Air. Smith is of medlurnt
i column A x0fir, 439 F. wuiv4ASTAN Tllus'As, oqporill Alatiager DAVID )J.,,8XEIIViLL�,*, city of,J4aiulon fortli currevity�ar curably A�d that fq wily l4tv �eutl
I Muntili, I yeq.. $90 aluoull;S to $3,734,8350 DESTUCTIO MINNE$Qn. hei.b very much Stooped and. rover. But to (111i"'1111, eu uu�
Inol, 5,0 J A inei, 18 an thel prezRises. -0 _N is C
deny the -Resurrection Involves the &
Sterling and NUTT"" groatlW emaciated.
12 -collections made, Drafts Issilld, Will Those who ro.
3 Allis, 30 nios. The Cerelpolly Of layiq A Layge Nitiaber ]Killed %nd S -to a�
xclulngo liought and d notob the ct�ir- greatest unoortairity not only a
I Year 18 Aniork4n 1% PAIM FOR SALE. member seeing him al�'Dut 35 oil 4q
-ost eurrent Slid, all - est r tier stone of tbo 'Bja;i`0on-Qoort. 11 ured. Ile biq its to the
I year, 50 .12 atoeour�tied atthq Ij%s t-11. Intq Th Audio? Agem /0 realter'�t all, Dyapelpsiti !u the wortit forlin; willy1r.14
I, blitoager,
6 inos, 80 6 400, allo%vel)'oll deposits . fill L011011 1�11170 colwity. houtio will Wperf Years ago sq*that be is qiucb smaller vely ,to 60 - U05 Or (jurtcr's Little NOM -1 HIN,
0 lif 18 8 Ilintp Fob. 10ta ISSI. subse,lber offers to ortlied Shortly vyioh L . 1. L -
r EAQ ))art Lot 16, no, tion of a spiritual �Jlverae, of im.�
Al aldod by04rto-'s LirtieLivur4lilla. They
L on. 0, Morrig, as nercs,,35 cloared tina I I illfpiIia honors. Alion., August 23 in 0110,"Y way now than no that time,
rjr X-otloeq Set As ItEADINCA MATl I� ptato of' cultivation. Good fratuo'llous' P.- 0. ADDRESS,, CLINTOM, ONT. m4terial entity, aud, 'R God lilm'spif; list only rolleve btik
nd greatly' reduced boi;h in bone
(Noupareil I i-orrent, to the arn apd Sheep house, Young orybard, icondlictor T. G,, 4oyle, of the A heavy stqy. in webt and, South Tues- 'r I
first iuS6,,rtiOl1 "good well watr;.r find, pump; Ilf mile" weat 'front g@l This Comparly gives it rJUARANTER OF andaluscle, Ilia eyesight is tolerably for if the Divinity of'Clirist has not
ia6h) 10 cents. per I:ioF.5iNrrr Fell YSAud, Ou Oders sout by Grati(IlTrorik th- ough freight opfuial day. A i eport f rom Kassor says a . -
11,16 quent iu4ertion. Braslils. Will be Sold cheap. Tokilis 'niafthi luall to the Agout fit (3111toll f0i� the GLUDA been provial by ble"Infe, his fl' ath liurat
.4 poilts per linq oacts.0 ic known by applying on the premises or addro No. 16, f -11 From his t good.,,fie cab see distin
fall. UENIty CLARKE, Lloirrxixo, Ruev.s, Tell par Cont, off *,�Ilj be allow. tiin near Port cyclone Willy down many buildings,, ofly at A great od his Resurreo(lot
I) Sit evidence is rot the, j)roinpt autt Lortain leure of ory.
still Ageubfm'the distan"e
ILN101INEY TO LOAN 248 -if itrusbels V. 0. Hope alld Was fatally injure4, 0 call distinguish o1jects '11q, will'! ' 4
killing two PersoiiSa at a �,eavy discount and. 1-p; argu. sipelfis, usif A
o-itiroill illad Middlesex lFire In- 0 .. ad itijurio, gov- on a mountain six or'seven, mileadits Alp`$ $Arsuparl i4
lee Co r. Marlow), U. 11., is filling up of itny
'It V A, N, r1V UA - X > sitirlill, 1131livirfly. ton Inches iR cir- tant with g, t r ment can the the truth the specific endorsed by tlie'-mviit qziLineiit
J QB WORKPI At l6w If liaf�II;osli and upq terms to So 'W
lior if 91
'W`eL have Quo of the best app6lifited. Job roweig'. I N 0 - a p msqry toar -by insoructill 7�110 oral. Hails 'ea, e dase than most Autliorities.
Ton por cent. off regular rates Nill,oia opp"
tu 11 In riact lie can see propo�itfou beyond a doubt
Officos, West of Toronto. Our ?�Liiities in 'A�ANNIXQ 4 SICOTTI Ligi g Ittods lfro used.o. elpvtors of Aluotuff, W the Wyfiteriq fell. young persons. 1 —1
table us to illo all kinds 19t. Pau, t n. his Split-. Iryouare-hrokun down 'jjLSUYJ�
this departnient er Beaver Bl0k, f5uptoo FARMS OF ALL DESCIIPTION Wit KITT, of Provii1plal frilrifts.411d vPIOnizqi,joo 1, NViip, Amn, 22-Tlie beLoer no tht distance than very If Chrilit was Divine 1
$1, . I I - fl e is, of course,
of work the annto"OW' 3i7th, 1882. IIAPROVIM ANb1`ARTIY WilitoTip'). V-1941'. c:L'xmTrx%_j_w_ roads. : " 1 11 . r'. Ill r Uruil nature be was llaise4 the and wasting awtiy by, bi8vrc,lii, t 1 .11)4 jil;,�
I . . t, .. 11 ; 'y�,,Ione qo Rocile, ter" last much ea eil; very
po$tQl,, in tile, best style knolyn to, . Y , . . - too great lwrviftis t3laUtiii, fir NuMr h 0,11
lowest Iffis 'ble MEM &C4 -S(*, IBU.A.11L Ellclklrpy _m_� dull in hear, for Divinity. could notmake
fraftl aull at the QXEV heur fit largo or it Sit, H(!ctrr 1,angovi.ti laill at _qv)- is auy,,Ifrollic di4t.'roe; do not idiand,itt ljol,�
tg ell to. on -of Proport j -'Ill, IS roportel-I t0LhAJV0 l)eou very
asor by to It were, all g false pretensions slid then try to Llut I
Any one wishing to still t1vis class wile of 0110 HIS t, J'6 i one forty years ou havil tAvd. Hurd:uqk lRoodBi'm-ra,
Address, At severe, Twentv-four persons are In ti- prove Them -true. That lie was not a t is (ItAlli't dallIr I�eStUll"4
_Q, Y TRILL Prc person r6amly obtain a Iyurah ft"Pl" " y
.xd b '40 filuildixtiall
s oi Sellil ft N�,Jultj
At L s, H. IIAL, t., , ? Ilew Polio Office Oil: Priflay. t 00 a
rh Clin;un, . Ci I R,,4k* L It v 11) 4. g 0 - . - . gn, but tl�osia: who are or
fliell Duaths - Will al -_ - - more ian, waq
R Land 0 St., London, OW I repoited1iled a III fifty more, injur iiiately acquainted with hin thorsi It uflk�lit d-) i�r you.
-dy r;h. 2,,, Obl. I-IV. So lav dlf� foil ridutfilil stollp of �videnli Ucause c
tho puldit, building4 in Itill oil the diedfor his ovientirs-fa deed no human Dr.
of), aturdity, auil at Ister NpIltbopi Ritilway w4f, ing.' 'I_1iSLQther senses -are Oomptit-4, 0 - oul4 ovb unliert k ",x D. t1i - L , Port iloplf,; pit r 'rea ;if. tukell LUCUiliDy I
A. FISHER, lwesrasqt interest. finowing. TIo goes, to, tlitf
L, 13RY Loodory' 0 W( blowil froin the track hst iii,yht dur- I Colie'L�;` k or all
93, 111(, tively.good. Ilianiena Jos are love. has no Man thilp thill, sil Ic y hPlur
$49, 000 to. tend at OR' per Ot, ill ndPersons i 001NES DIRr"ITORY, wouf!dod,"Govortior Hul)l Lich Impaired elther.' qxcept man lar (town his 11ra'P his
GIR NTEP nQP ni 4rL '
illtalitalieulls" a iolv lich V01ur
LS WA (IlrectorsW w r fro This is the liniiC.of-human IdVe, yid
P tq �orrowtfr.
It I
Q. �.11e is get,iing petivisli slid sell'
A-J;lt for the old linstiraveo-Co,# PINING-RO051 uifiu th't t1i, town is in ruh;s aii(i Forty wil ed, and somewlia c 411 in iiA You In
ight as, well try to tat�e up. a
'mountain in Your arms Its to die will- at a
lWWItQdL at the 11ofel,CI To make room fi�r Christmas Sock.' by stipcial tralil accollipaill
000T) Ai' ilghost wagos will be p4id. Apply to ? In otfivr, directious' convepwiltipp, he.
by forty capitali.-its , 41ouging to this ti,
Ag6,?,t for firit-plass fire proof safos�mauitzfp, : , i-A)lEs if o .)Rl' , Proorletor. ellf, yvaa.� sevore bail stovin.* ingly Jor your onemy. -al woull
e(iiiiiiielit aifil E iteope, foil atri�bver of
ClItItoll, A�r 11 assoligprs frifin Ow4ttonna state iDeatil of fill fillififir;'" I the Great Rol I- t1lelworld. to 8 peed I I III
�. allit 3- Of all
—S, -1, a11-0 0 9 S. V.2, [I 1;_AJ littiff-all G or e gtons- trreatiid by.Ja6's' Freeman
4e.-�nl-ffnfcl i . fe . & %k R E M till Clarice, Mu (I P,s wero arso iii fly P '.'Out' rl'
EXC]Jfillg@� CIAN'�ON, -ty, t1111he lailwAy Pecidout. ' Thirty -live Iler and others, no
-eb.18 1831, thim lial a,4 ro -o till;, -Il to P1 John O'Ifalia, w1lo d1eil at Cie e- except '16,11114fils CO
]Let% of Toronto, He ALI, you tba� narli -Heid- Ache end 14 iio8i)t at oneol rus; T( I,ter, chappf.
college (If tho.-Vipitwi and tho D 1 wet nil uguot I'l fill was �or_ in Bral�O
Fallen ITair, rdil at I larry bldbor'i, fol"Litli kinds 'at 0 Rbbliesttir k2 Religiiin'' ever inh*h t
of tile RIO! P Ifituds at,", till This (I tourists . 7LQ, . oever . I
MONItY TO 1,01IINI, thL Ton a ill county 11 -YO, I 'J, to � eure 'I,, evolly ill't,
goat Bloc , over, Taylqr So. sodall Artist, Itunli) el in 17 lllv�
Itild 4XIIII ary One dL)()A ttrit.) Photo Fru Ines,. Y k v%ill go the of We luoull- do.otrinG Cf`;-'sfillv�tion
allouL urly t en or inoboy ri-funded,
Avo liir(' of Was an irtsh All work firvt�elas apiloratu. TU q�ELP% JNVESTM)INT. .1c., Etc., U74_i� %N, r, turu fit direit'weeics, Remission 6f 4n. of
.9; ChargeR �;liroiljos' L
AND -all (III 1 le town is joyed. gooil Ilea tak ay I sh
1; re �yreu'k_ 71t, is 11 LIJ) to the' (I� a
ng. aw, . a -f!wi"L_afiul_,.4nd t"
K N 17TING. his and was a remarkably Weil -
thereby leaving it q,'Just As
tit, A M E It I -CA N. Llins. The* old inan, his form eing Inf,
Ilt r ftr Dorange f tile wit JLconsti.
rid- loiye 4 rates i� 1�(l fly Jesus cleansed a human hody' from iIIjuI-qltIIeduU1I)lo oni cuce
'Sthe thilloto, urflialit- 101 _ IJUJI)II , - -�,l , 'If I ,
I-etye Bar ains l'B�
fl- IN, 11,; 1.1; iN* 1111ITIR L�c bom jill,ninted' Sol eing RfwhAt(w I Is
obt I
this Ii6t
fid hei
Five NI -W korlio,*�Iay* lightly bVilt. lie it full set
s. cher es. till;r D Ot the -otd it I I I aat tile leprosy by, it out and. $kill, etv. -Reninve the caulKlIt
Nodel, I.Lxv 9 oprietol ZuIlilrI 61'natW; I toe'll, arid 4. full blefild-1, OF
last weilk fr, fit suit's I y using ]I ttl P, I, 114s. U.14
-as was the flesh untaint6d, is wholly
AIA 60,00(l attended y-andheaventyin its origin.
hail, 111 -4 -eyesight wag good andhe a dose.
It I
W announce to th poo- his utill yvIien- th stortil st, ut-k he
t liatni antl sumainalni, 011i( '011f[-Vtflib� �aa tile
0 pupe6 III) to th
ow'ii.- Tlie buil-lilig was ip other Kine Religious
Vo.rk if� o its eath w;thout the use of glasse Maloriall poimi call be cijr�fely rq)ION oil
futs peomirbil it-ood Ne
-Noi one of ti
P se'aboyA the votilmOP 0611- bv'the Use rn In speaking Olf I'll$ remarkable I.ic-alth, ey
in tb ceptiol? of Eveti -Buddha
A, 0 ItIc at Sent $",00,0'
'I� anifis to Zo till kltul2-
tda�s flov or aro
Ch IN TERES T ;U ftt riall aj�l t e fill rS. lu III We
jea e.ntd 1ICED S. L 'ITAMIXER, 11 (it 0 ftnossoz-Huron St., next qbor to l3aptili't fuld isreservitfion, lie ealid it few dbtys
Block, All,;60 St, Cli�1:00, Btj:ver, - of'a product, it
-The -byblorio the.Author of thif best ofthe hehtlii
s,:d in' uq
bul hall1fill'A boat -wirs- %yas'never. sic'k a
bef6re lie died III
at Rochester threolviii-, en religions, after flff his Self-denial
Nlhn�v on: first -o' as fa�ni slacurity ad o
)IOU, hour in my I�fk. .1 flon't know whilit
tit "ber, Clinton. )Y the fro e, .d two Imudredi
vdi5l�Ii.'t9rius to borroNyfl.q� gall et III a -6fessed, izileat
and Ion, Ias far if.
TO THE PU-84110 hig teamer. hetilaole, a. backnoliel it side,
4�,6L Per bent. -per7Ann= ohn 11. lds�,relfaio o. bis-I'Do Ietwilaythat cfinuiaiu6 thilirio t bacliqls, but novel
w ell with vqull�
Seor 1, 001, ofi amd it will bew Ilford, Or III(utS WILII a boltt-r sith) Well- Dr Fowlev's Extravt of Wild ..9
can't live_ much. leiii C. A.-ITARTT, Airs' And, Z0+c )or tiiero' leg'alisth. Who did not know remedy fur II.k 'Lls
ot. R t'lle nd g:Lvo it to her and illfailt, a gnalle in r
V ?1q
Atre 0 1 10 it Att a ii,
b; Mar it's ti 'e fo
n, Jf4t. 14, IFA' - cuniplalat'
to eat. . Met( L a I id tile TO —gq d(711 -1i O'�XaLliit Came that 7 Butas. for the mail - tfiat
HAVE aiii,;itited i W�Il fall. IvEj. Y Was L ubder the'
I Ro III, 1pot clone!'woll alyo
rica twentpfiv r
Gellor.0 Agent of the Gud ric Nr;rl)le. We,- and -to Amli 0 :Yea S'L. ftgo,'
of -sin., -what about 0iAtOlIC6
:for �hd County of ilron.
-ald lia- 'OtILI(ira was thell, i'n. his -80th year, d13- =1
N EY TO LEND The 0 ueago 1.161, I'llmyn,, to'he -d l'or liy* -obablythecoi;5I
pyiprIetor, tlwapgb.' followed I i occup.1tion LT.
it I hlin? 'ItISL' well Ono I' Biti
.1-14 hbol sit .9 it"
Wi, stolliatil, 14lood, liver 4.1
�Pht CANADA C vt�orkin- man 11-61fealthy Jan. 14,, 188 1. Rp3f,Ul CO)IPANY, P _!ItL a— n-ohqerve tile, It, Do -put -trust lie e
but wbatab6ut.. the t',AVL -to--es -time
prepared to lend --n %iortgiigo oil Lhq fo', $130 000 fly he' pply: ol le of bealth, 1 you will: be healtl)F.
11 4 �Vam�hoti-lze D(I
I '104rin at the A� d
L IsTu. XERCIIANTS.: tile daniaga, he- lifts lived with his son -iii -law. Ile
At'Seqt;W) ro 0 11. ot'd of he�nlfb iknc is
Hard-wde T R huit,atii�, violated thipI lams
from the was. a 'flnw looking aian,-wil,li The political couteat being edver, the
MA N I G'& half a 1.1 acitize'n never trauggre a
Il nd. broad sbqul�- Of popular vote of' tial, pt-OkAp I$ * hl,,�%, J;UUL .1�
stood about 5 I.InCheS I 10 �Will )eye of 3)1;. Extitict of le LIIUl VVisvowsin r port ii.L ey laiva of. the Td��
N -N ds -
W.10 So
BsSOniatr.111 X
Y. , plissioners for Ontario at TA sit; ill :00untY, in
r E, it 110 -1 I)PUgllt,u
[is hRir retained
70 anC)i a
,.Jiut,wb6t i.1 Life I.- In
WAS. IiRst' 93
Clinton,'May 17th, IM; fit'ed a, d
— ----- .9 ('1111 not. role"13 III In$ el f? INT0,w, Je Li's
-County as Runt oo-a Drfig' Store
fill of CrOPS,
r teff t ll�qr li�r tf Clwkr� Siorbus a 6tutinio,
natutal C016� lie
Q��.U� -:C F STOVE Y HA IyUS Of (ttj color at the
A SL -sit (1(� of l All)' �llv li% 11 1, �'Vood
me o I denth.' Ile often -salc
lwy fajlht� The of Stoelc-'
, A. MfIREqTER, LY TI -1: hav ti I' cal e all it 4yslclaln t CU
66, 0 1145 th 6.
tht, its lie lool IifL PA'1.-rTKR, 'EDUS TERMS - .1 - ceii 041, llis'p� d'
olly VE -1 I. &L Sick, to opeh of ra, -
wi Y *ht tie Oil cot)( Drug Store its is flow ..a prison
GZVJ,1J?AL a huil, toek.' Of -Ve I'lan a collf"VY, it was with Q6
- Ti scovety
........ save froin Sin and'osee'. t tran a -tal Buttle ut'Dr. Di
Office, Beaveri Block,131inton A ReA',istriir of �Tie - "Unkod Si'atti ere killed by,fiving rails,` ."Ar oil fe law j6A if j ror� Ce�llsuhllftiutl, cough.4 &Ild 0, sittis n that he could e
grefisoe, befo -the a
t ire
Griieiiby d III* F011 �A Ck! .1.. 1 , I - I I , , I'll this 0
a 11 rre .%I, it;) a -(Jou,imoval is had I'
'lit,g-il,l �th, ulo of ln�'. Jesm,4 tari6 alVne.�'witho a ol di, Throat Allit 6111 Cliff 1 .4
7 --A'11 A t��R<,, CS We SrkTH SAW- MILL' 01r -P 0 LY �Codk# S oil Atitillesota" fXind'aii h trudlf'u-ii� state 28, eon. 2, 7 I)Ullilp 11lid his �o 11, U,Jll t;l Illil 1�? 100. il�;res of choice'l it lid, So, eres fitrucic by, any
04 ft�htih 000' at . . uu�,
aild 'h '.0 I All -Al iial Wh re
111 4 of U h &'J e sua C 1,3 ing atilliuve Ittigo!Su," I.
I�Ortl;haff of lot No. N & DODDS
�iir� er
act (4,
iti 'Jtr iteres of it soul IIQ%v rb.t�ly foll(Tog.- line. Ilaving 11 111 grain, 0
C I ;OdUrl(!Il, I -a
to Post 0RI., uliddr, A tj 0 IL) ing lliuf %vith Socrittes And othei ag o
mt 111110 afurdLe system of foorn
Also full asortillent' -111, J; GIIpl)3
fif�p to within, a. few i1oulls F'6vvfeN ADid i -v.
w orkt I r1hi %ta,l. [I lip, 6 q jbjuit tile tilingfil btillill,. ii
erry, Ifope jut,�' after. 0 1.� g
UILreAlld WLE�. 'tr ver o n off a f ..Orphilis�p4y? Mtlou,
Is tt.ellbjed forill'and WN1 1) �10 ns (leath lie pleasure
&C k" it t any of the -NViLit(,r.41Ll -these partioulam "its the 'sold Siltulucr. A:o dorleb, tit. Suit! llqfuro the loth of it Tinware,.Szi sit Derr, volillig. above 411,111 uut'llsystook M?T to land -.at low ,Sb rates countIng the seen6s of thts bid Iristf
Tli cre w
yo�V-Fe r—s -rx 11v
oa'5 a good !'of- ilm-11- DL..
Jo-oll Prllssi4lt D.
Ule PlkipLp.
'. 41, D lil.. telided 1*w� Uuli�, sick. 86)_dlo. h
Si LAS DAVIS.' at i d' 1i u re��Jlion of 11768,' lie' was- then 19 id but con�q-tn . I) th
tellder 0. 0 11 ago. and 166 his 0"ative. vil-
a ili). ature yet UENTS tJ If i Arsil§
.'J. Conve �Ipyib Feb. 1�., 11132. 11, PL
and �13owel Stur
e" the 'r000�ff by J ud,, 7—r , Ll IS. io� -join tlie'Unioed.
-is thel;0, nd it wduld make 110 diffd
FQr? SAI -9,,L
up i6iin, ier, erenc. whether 1 would oico' I" I , - 1 :1 )v lo.,wei-o.t.lion musterio�y
y draotent of, money. to foall at IoNfiest Afiit of or -est. A $h t- It dai, aan be
no ssfir. Minter as a POeLtTZtJdl.1JL1 a GOO�me. il, 11'.P
ift a F reftch oMc er . a:, Areacl . I . .. �. " . 13RITISli-ri 61. 11111'e, gi4i ego ili'. 'Tbere I oil. tliii. A�ILGE ASUoRT. intq. Iler If
&iCia*1 oi- NLewtoii as an AAi-6
wa selzf,( nomer,
oudis front 0 0 as N
h -for lie ke. world
av -and C'ver�O'. -by tllpqe aroun(l' the PgliSbi foI.CeS, and ithe 111SUr-
fera�,tv'20QO a* ty. wert-d Pot, �,Callle into
HqVVSo.N 6lectised Auctinnopr for the f fruit. Ni'd %. follee'. 'It dlj else - ev�r
'tile, tl1q. jliEO,. -Thi lisi �v to tile arrival Out
J JOL P .110 is about tliil tv . Ta.sav Who.
of Huroll. Sales attolideil iit'tplsollo g�nts were.awn4ii Toillst'lia tbe Q.Jeelff,
-fit 1411 L effirod to; 6aVP'U§ L bur stos oil
able rates. it lars 4" to iii t his �Xpecfied to
443040fitisil. Vor ull.pilrtlo nous rp ear, qf'ag�-j Ifearil, 1114 wife, French' allif-8, Who we
It&1111�.Ify I rish, es 11 ilt'-ilitle lniliIs cis -
8' 1 ?
Clintorl, jull� 14th 18, 1�4 r thouGht o- to A 800TCHCUAItISIA .pEECH At
Who has lick at, Nve8�Lpoi
TRAW CUTTING �BOXESi `f from tivis6'ar-d %fly other
& as. ridil . I.g'. Wilt. O'Malia W's Ivith tile reb,ols oy",
ALGII10OLTVIIAG --Hii VV -LL7;1 �Yihdsor, 11�01145 0'. q f Ci)
WOR SALE. rd llftrting- 'Prlcl o rist s c Iv ity. we b6 -
t is: orted that Lo' ndt)wn to tlie' ay
A UOTTONRE11 for flumi ctfuiit�': wellt but,a few d �S when they dilIllaiii:16.8.
10FAI.; S11ELL lP,ot r, the dwel lln� w hold 7kitliffil and , True Wit- 9
Iiiirt, of,'the duunty" �4- twiev:ailk.d the Pi 'Now;- get) tleinell;
tendild.tif In ail3 N TH5 villag
60011il, -III iittliatiol), bvi lig dis 6st- hot-' oil the- �,droa orders to GoD 11011140 11,110 StOrt! -d by 'The olio, Is eovpr
agee ness" to tho 4041,
is, tegtJIn0ny AS tAr
One of the llpwt d0lilrld.j%, 61 for busi. dn a fit ed At- tili, "tile 11 tire
fill] an foV tbe, lot Us.re
P106p 01) the phnliips. the ed Wat,'atid -,Up STfti#.4 to JAI 11kor
-GoIie'rhinent Itud,the I talify of Mika g ntJC4Ie
UCTIONEJ-,lti lauld, loah and hisurttno�:tgi�ut, lot (nmprIse,,,'i of itli linrP.- Tllo are its Good a8the t� t best and hi"llest gum k
ittts a If esit a r
togi to reirtrii-bis sinacre .1he LIPPer fitsuddil In towil alid Introodmij r. tis tli It riro. irve policemen liavu be�nn. shot' -ilr -P "Ila 11Y, blit' ke.
tile c1le iIJ tile pu.1110 I.- TIIO�1,0 All THE We can frofil .1, s�i
-Lusif 4'. on rLaou Is U, III up lfuslnets, TornIzen;3, t`fi4qks' to litit ou;er I -in" Ulu ev et ts for iale. Apt,13' to f0r':ilio*ljbcra1 I)SL#en I 111)(Tut,thirty. Years,. �Aas ,itting ah. I i ioll �f n. Of
60 1011,11`611 N':d �t in Pill afi6l, All, we alk. by'
floflq. , I age 61.�tehd- d
ro ppat, *it IS tonahey ounty To ii!
9 alpop, Ile n'llio,ig t le, 11,0- 11 t a
iIstirravo trfft- u.1;o are
ow ratilh of interest. loqurAnea* eireotea ou al m 4. I
. �o na ftirnislilii' .:as to hope i'aith in It say 1,110 griii aula
classes of otb, int! debts 4041 Iali-eries ur frellud. Whil'.l thwevictors were The Bible*hn(I L� t -the. I;Two ;'tI peetileii Chu, '
inpizin of the higni
alid did go, 01 le
ruptAile s boughtrand sold. IV f
. P - it(- L for God and: -ness of 4 , utdro -it e.' fie IC6 bia a�' dotid� y
to,%ard his hip poeket� Wheii"
BEST F 4 --Artic e y(�,,,y wits fired ot* BIvth Do(!. I RAO And the Chri8tiwi feb s that iwth ar
had hit a4mv New fr6lil a Ilev for afi beyou4 -a doubL.'
o, es, d theilt;rwe it is.
and a w par1,60 FOR. A E, - Bilrklilglit tig it grand faulily
III More Could ay a- V�61,d to mlco Xatur�-gp�ak-in favor of fin,,
CLITON. li-4
th The elactoil , fdr'W. =)*.r 'ror mortality has',iocceeded-, f6i, in- many 0 weel-raurtd ).ads'
0 plolli;as fruipa . out -build I llya, "WEST lo ill Ilia. lfllr� croillb to all y f Ulm Mootie Jkiw ill the outpluil. of. the -it ill the Vavc laid hold-offabts E.,-BLAOKALL 11.1 alid, it
aj conta;uIrl Rev g. %. e-Itterl a tilotipri fill thtLifs a'- Wee, el r
Ailio, the east luilf of above lot. thi, whicili 11as wi frit
WOOL- orellifird UI 150,441is ons, Wore Pev,el who -Inst. un. Lllillg ulld "011: qUeSti inten ed to -recter to-: (5rX Gin i ini, d S Me datig 'I
G n UP e Y, aqro" I b U al,
(iraduatoof the Ontario Voterhiary lo, The above firais ate iltoatoi of) the Hui
0 wilitax fruit, 6f 'Broad View 110 Lllkii I oh, So In af tf," dfl;stibject. i�.�rexainifle; ky B�itilleila 0 rail HU9014 8TREET CLIN Rf�gilal dit-i'dol ify iarriod t, tI Fl D(I Ic 0
01(mi or 1410, s1lootilig Tbp letter -is per Laps. the'
P .0 E over I�Jr. L routo. it L 1, . R 1 %.0' " lor.. D, nr,.h For ii'lority of 19 t, 1fit f in fPrepared Cu brtf,kt, it I d 14 0 IS es .) f 4 fact that the it r most 8,600inctati'd 411equivocal St6tol.
arf41nalf; oil. tfiu Most of, deili III rly 'of 'll na 1r, -hut 1 '011014
t diid nivike a ilrwafirl for n work- the body down lid. Co
be hopes to intirit a dontilitirtneb of he ot, 0 ne YIOMST-RIDOUT, Clintoit. W H 0 -0 0 P E R, J.r. , a III, - - I.- I . I IIIIIpI inen, ecaer s, views tTIlie Londo Xetoil-qfiya mKildseir Ybe kba;;9-110 is OP -..A
r ondwOlIld spoffally trial of if It's I.I.fuSail utrtil tlIJJ itl'flul,sc, it: to rpouperat6 in sleep atid rest, SL to
oidid. It 4 1 took.11
g of illo toirld -tburloi. and evangelicAl R
)I W PO ON of tho VDAT tile. seporiork
Cou 11"y of Bit,- o IS an, In)- flri cow twe' Perth Sfiowl. rd.
& �G afflt. for Cemetery -its hnmor�altt�; facts It'll silbstanoo of.tho.Chrlstitin bro%k
i"I G '11M sub4cril?er oilum foll.9ftlo. If L 1,14� 6kellse , vi 0 1111- pref.81101? is thitt, the is
hody'. a ke "liati). ii). 17, __Work afdgupzis tha t1oli.ioniptitition �ND' sidtable ron1 III, Illert.%, s, III) the nort)l bidif 0 t . But whatever there is in this prove's
Ildolf lot no. ad, fulnd fin ars f rout this that the J10 Rill I R111061di 0 oilly LO the If I . I I
f - Chi-i8liah Evolutionist, but does not 411 twild -f ruse. W just its tnuch for ailimals its for, men, r an'll 'of "i.4
ritildi, th-rooll a Pyrtni 1111tv Will bt-.' str wich t P. peo., laws 4 that lie ill bn triet III it
I nP a I
flo,rf�, o two Al -o -T-hn s)i0otii)" oc. th Ilf (r Agre'0 14161 the 4gnO arts
it 5 11 , , ti. , il Ai.r find- foe the sanie is tru o bo W, file Qiii r v
11 wat4 tle 1111-11411 calladiall 'Cutlet,
I,ltcT)ou, cfm, 13ro,,r for liuildi:ig thil, I , . 1. In, I Y is -v IiVol,�, whi,-II 11111, '1 6 Ma 'ilitL 'all 1.10 lie- 1'roposillul'), The
-C "It _i! Ililent Oil I
good will[ watnt. off the pro t �V, �I 4f- cull bol4',' fill(] such carelesshesm ill ham
uli,ti�,l 4t A.' R' at i)al tor
IIle onsfantly Oil lialld. Tft
ll woric diii Ail fly' -al! laws til _a floves thti'anvtri evolvea men, - J bogy(rur'pai den, lint I .'apply to f" t1tr rnthler
KV1.1al and I list Iva front beings below him, t66 Cow. .11owevor, Oil,
A lo Viv In pritfleeallelition; )toy. The amilton Tribune ofthp .16tll woul I nlaWi tile oftenco.tbo splilil fi- th, n ly. , Chili. It tronotliell her testillAw in PI)intod he��
WAI value he I's the son 10 1��.tilllatll n of Oil? Skeptical, Bilt is' not by rf�turp, bfl� vol
�ow forming, 'folin 0IXGJ-',It CIr.NIXlbNB 0113MI, Iya dritiluk if cO "On Ginadian' soft. cl
VIArX -SOVA. 0 it n (,Lt.- oul; to file -at porth &II11011, all,
Clinton, 110 1-3 noil cativ! In, (he o 'I I (� Cloo.
rip Z.- 6oull at' *10sopliers as I Y. IfolleV
I Thk;:�;6 in the hitilits of Woll pill o III the fall, of,
FOR SALE.� k10 Ia -tt Tt,7�vl I Al - go d e r 1 "to thly Detroit. theyp 411il and tidy"illf1l
Ilfy Of* 11drol Adzin of, tho'inhllitance of his gullbl
cou Socrates'Isaao Iloffoe and tl;e
JL the Boatoll IsIlys .1 to Illy , ault,
ki Ill. of' truips. - (T of tile ilia ocifew, Nature reve.,ila her woniall at 118 yo I
limited rutinbor (it Acre A Sol I, dwelling 4. v wa4 a fai-ing fly llif4l but Glye the, Boys t Silo Nympathy and itgPoement the kitil ty. wi&W aliather hout;
Amprove on their pr I -1 1,1 itig ,prui orpx:'k n the promises. rot par.
ad so
dando of b. V. Mvl�,,, H. BEA00M N. R 0 B 0 - Plerleal Prof.
apl, y to ship %would 1),�i Binlo ill this �reat dootrino I is -golitImnetil*
1, aud SO olil,ging, d'Ito lei' hilil One of tho b(im w*s to the hope 't eqrtb'a�fl tl�e joy 6r Tht) Now York Pribt0u, 14A�
oh t itt'Oka
of hi o% ALBERT STREET CLINTON 0 the inwit is lolliz,
follolyjw.low (1001)li' -bit) gold. V-2,1-181us ofarino, and dovolop a hoaven,- - Chaq, Tl lirI3 d
wils ooarserbaol.q ftont ok!N the wput heii is Woo. fill th6 Voadtl a, 4
09.40 lip Ilpf,rell out. Q tiltv ity. Lle� wicated
b,oi!8 (04nad,an, C&V. froin 8.00 fill of, New-poit, X 1, recalls a little aft wAlt N1 F 0 It SALE. VBO-odfttlat -, 4, *11 build ChrlA UbrougbC T.,ve and Immortal
jtj I . - t,) go " to t) 41100dorb about him, At a ton party, colliesibgrieC ch Ifil, & qla y fall
h I Ply, A,f t4 fteelillg, whicil w -f
1.60 i6r to,figi)PI by his' 1tdsu'rreOLI0II, y6r
ill tell days Jbilil 01WI q�- them to, agrieulture inSte'Ald of going
.4fleats evory ty, Jalltes b"Otsfrolit r.10 tip giVQft bv,itmttriber ohlia Dri t
lie ra�t Iwill, the t 4L
,4 �(AoNVH N irth Itange 1, containini; IdIttertiq no. Life C1111ton Vill mopt proor—prool"thAt
Thislarints oin coatbrillgil, glye lady playfully reumnuated with,
un. 14, 1891. �10� offlao or on. a street car, i*
ftt"(I 'In tLhO fil'.1fil V)fVl from 8'ault t. NIftr1o; Illy the evvillolt, f 'Illulls- is ypil ablo t6 take 'Cart)� W itself
111.10tecet, I< Coullty,.8uotlaild, rabip of or' in Dr. Thayer foi, his inthijiloy with the
sthellif tile owilo torent whonever R5 stiffe e dy is 'no, It III -,true"
A 8oVel MarritkxiS.
i g vi I 'pitriii, wir Ora e U-tritarian divi Raiii
irge jr further art pul. .,p) ill om6 of thd live 6tock-Of t1l
l I N1 N -
'P to' IIU(It-Z G;LLI TLv'6 1. "bhStNo" fiW8 that and Is ovit once is
o- 61 were f tire P Ii daflgeroll,4� and entouratzo tht-m to iniprovo it froirt 86; J.oui:,-
00". t0f'n I on,"Nopt, 13th', are vAq goofT iriet0i, and that I aill
. Tom III ixory folid' of him. " lie is woutlile'l. . A number of Odtholi.0,; by ding. T66 b6� is so' "'we wAlk by faith Aild. not by bef.; NitildtigAl,
delightfIll 0010panioll PAt.N2f VO11 (I with picks 0;nd a, vAr� hurnau.' aiiinial: 0:111& npedi Sight," This leads us to notice and Ave oftmi 'yellow �Vda6r, Molt, Ctong, and* it, 11)1� g
Pf 6, t t him - i6 induc6 That no fAct in-' 'bi.Atory V49 go -fishing togotber.' To (Tai, how riod in, tlielsurf at Ocean Oikv, N.
oA III to room The I,o-f ti f rlt 1111ir Intothifir or 04 4ilebmted IILAUDLWV� uYnIquitf- )fill) to (10 lli� WIiiiie WeL Were oil
b3,any otilop oll on the InArl(of; Iry tile P oflae,, and.tbatwoo ever, and III Arit tways k af tile ;)..d i.oparitteiv, 01) termq to I. tl.t 1, tile otberAiIi., They' maabod It,. j,
11, 1 0' J 1p. I. Tho offiv0% roinforcod ling, t(V. Wliorf �h6 filet occurred And,W11ile Pho g onild, h6 s1ii5ekod ino by a IiOlp
it III dAtein. us 2z jr), , ,,;III Debt V
�a� .3 ir bV I'mullfoll police wovo living. Thpi
flAve roedved tile
Iflown to work milinth in null ;lvj�tlessea r exhibition elf profanify.' to, t1,14.4 AL(sphnf t114 MOORE Proprip,torl G n1ollt[I ili'th# 4 X,2� r, S ityl' eXCriffiIed the ortll6fIoX 81.4fFli
Doth 1 4 afd watorel, was init. 'it (IM0111, Alm timong othor awards klartge nunLff of 014' P17)"tXMiNG t%V.(Jl'tY 'Of Avhq�ftl wOrO fl�rkest' in to hiiii heyond' ia i1i''kin banded, "You -dor�t, realli fi I t I I tt� r. of thoi tiffii an e
for tit a faith of all gen6raitiona act
I&W, hrobiftif, 200 rboloa Applo ana"a variety of 'L ell, elothAll, notbb.g that fie po6n call It 33rocks is profan�lf intifit, tdifmm 10(hilill PUtYlihd thei ho othelu:
TT L V or fieG, S i I ofty he is, E
a0 a I
n IN r
ho w
at situ
a tour ill G"rtllafly t-1 W6 have o, �tllreat 6A. Jur R L L _PI d, Tappor ]fit to 401y h that lie WAS so tI,what go today ell GA ONTAW0. gusted With fArfilihitt find to k)
. �o 0 Ze %vith it, %PiAw to an mqui�y- I tis io !I/ &if soon as ever 1)" Can do, 8�, 'But doneo, tit the 0XIst0nd(,t or oxpl6its; of d, Jitl I,ia 6"st t(i tip oe"
tTTIZAGMB, fliriiociii.g omigrants iutq, ovon in a Tale my)6, Tile 6v'
l'OPGS(�fi Allirflet 'title Ji� Will' 'Won as, And'a*wltb the -.1pper and 1, ifortli-A wfif4 the
61to Cho P. the ileritilff of tho biWn. U iA for I�Pflu otItt -of his, ti it Or 064r tmopt from the litoratoia lot Vt, trill IIIInollff, Gills lralidovq will ba r6mlvoil b%X 66 f4mr.04", Of lifellincl,% all It wl 11 #6p. gom otbor MALMO clifitActop of tedj6na Avaiting tb6 Iiikip)w d-iffi tifielt'116 NvilvA werpill"t N-41.,ty on IfIlv
t4tolk of I'tild W�Vtiflllly 1104 Otto find W*h 671elow klidWotil th mi. US �Ilgtl blf iew of 06 itlih I tbo Undef A.iheml floird, okilcot, Arft- 14 L? r,,, had o lebote,lifiti of woAtir og throlith. Tilitt. ject,'and g' I t,; d -n go6d bite, y) t Ifv tIve Win wi itit agot. -L
ISID61MB My# 6ft A-iN 0 El to tbft Dou ki Of --:14 6 toj�_ otiling espg� Is t1ittAt lip ilt�siffl Ir -qq of hit