HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-06-13, Page 3e
The floaerich News
Huron Record,
mum, ont.,weanesawrune 13
In and Around the "Hub."
gawn Salt.
cams. DIMON Belle the best 10
cent plug of smoking tobacco t� be
got in Clinton.
Tao& COOPER will pay the high-
est price in cash for eggs -also for
a few oar luads of potatoes.
STOCKINGS and Socks knit to or -
tier, and satisfaction guaranteed:
Weatherald, the Sewing Machine
man, just opposite the Commercial
Hote), •
20,000 Roue of Wall Paper to
.choose from at Dickson's Bookstore,
Canton. He has the largest variety,
best quality loveliest patterns, most
elegant designsin Huron County,
WHEN you want a new Singer
IShuttle go to Weatheraki, opposite
the Commercial Hotel, aid get one
of the new patent seif-threadivig
Binger shoal's.
BAZAR PAW ERNS. -Perfect fit-
ting patterns of all sizes for all
kinds of garments. Directions for
eutting and making on each pat-
tern. Catalogues and monthly sheets
free. We sell these patterns at 5e,,
10c., 15c., 20o. 25o., 300., 35c. Buy
them only,and save time and money,.
,For sale by Chris.Dickaon, City
Book Store, Clinton
Read W. Jackson's advt.
BIB hail storm on Tuesday of lest
Mr. W. McMillan, Hullett, offers
Itis 100 -acre farm for sale.
Cousonreoa L. ELLIoTT, of Gocle-
rech, celled on us-yesterdey.
A good, smart boy will find pro-
fitable employment at this office.
THE General Assembly of the
•Canacia Presbyterian church meets
An London this week.
COUNTY Court and general Sess-
ions of the Peaceconateenced yester
.day in Goderich.
Mit. R. GoRDobi, ;agent for the
Goderich marble works, called yes-
terday. -He makes a good agent.
REV. J. Tuareseee," of Goderich,
graduate of Clinton High School,
has had the honor .of L. L. D. con-
ferred upon him. •
WEST HURON PROTEST.-FurtherCourt proceedings in the West Hur-
on protest have been postponed for
.six months.
CouRT OF Airy' 0..N for the town •
•of Clinton «e Monday evening.
No amendin ,nts to roll were made
And it was passed as returned by
Kerrenso.-J. W. Weatherald
has received Neve& knittine ma- •
chines in his shop. 'They turn out
.socks and stocking e that Might be
termed "iron clad," so durable do
these appear.
HoRsE.-A Thomas trietgistrete
fined a Mrs. Lily Batty for batting'
hS0er- husband on the head. In giving
eudgment the learned J. P. remark-
ed, "Lily, I want you to behave
yourself, your hubsahd is a great
.deal better niwz acin you are."
MR. M. MoTAGGART sold a pro- i
misin,g Decatur colt, one year old,
for $110. On the side of the sire
it has the best trottieg pedigree on
the continent. The dam is also good
stock. It could not he bought now
except for a very much higher
Oea scholarly and poetical one -
.time citizen A. M. Taylor, well-
known by nearly everyone here has
resigned his position in tbe here,
;School at Ottawa aud wie proceed
with his studies in his law course at .
'Toronto after summer vacation.
Gnow xo.-e-Tbe Clic ton News-
REcosin has made a decided im- '
:prevenient this week, by discarding
the patent and printing all at -home.
If the' black•fe.ced advertising letters
were omitted, TUE News-Reeoan
would present a much neatee appear-
Ance.-Blyth, Review.
THE News -Remise re,crev.ed at
-the heeds of Rev. .J. .J. Rice custom -
Ary press courtesies anent the recent
lecture on "Astronomy' by the Rev.
Mr.. -Nott of the Christian Observer,
in the B. C. Church; We very
much regret we were unable to at-
tend. This mention was overlooked
east week.
A Geanuelet of Mural Univer-
sity writes us from Cowl ie,
eon, that if Tug News-Reconn
Holmesville corremp,ondent will only
"bide a wee" the explanation of hia
having purchased a dwelling as well
A shop will be quite plain, and why
elle former witl be more attarotive
than the latter.
THE REV. .1. C. SmiTsr, of Guelph,
will preach a sermoo for the Ma -
•sonic melee the town hall, Clin-
ton, on Sunday, June 2eth, at 3
.o'clock p.m. Clinton 'lodge No. 84,
0. R. C., will attend in a body.
The rev. gentlemen will sego preach
in the Presbyterian church here,
morning and evening of the same
THE reprehensible practice of call-
ing persions objectionable names is a
vile habit anywhere'more particu-
late, is it so on the streets. A
yonng man, who is .old .enoggh to
know better and whose galla,nery
should have nipped the temptation
to indulge in this annoying "pas-
time," was fined $1 and mate -$e.65
en all, by Mayor Forrester last
Wednesday, for calling a young
lady "names."
MOVE hirRevEn.-The .Clinton
NeWS-RnooRe COMOA 60 08 this week,
very much improved, The proprie-
tors feeling that they had not en-
ough Apace at their dieposal to " re-
zord, " the "news," very •sensibly fol-
lowed the good example of .the
Times, and have discarded ehe "pat-
ent outside," The paper is now
printed entireey at home, arid we
Steveti debt the change will be ap-
preciated by the Olintonites. The
worst wish we have for the enter-
'ising proprietors in that -thetr
most aaguine expectations of seemed
in their new departure will be more
‘han yeallEed. Winghas ping.
011tigonOva. Bev, $, T.
Tlartlett oesupitui tile pulpit or the
At O., Ohurah, last Sunday morning
and iu the evening the OanadaMetk-
odist ohurch.-Bev, tr. rielniele of
.St. Thomas, occupied the pulpit of
the Canada Methodist church in the
morning, and 'in the evening in the
B. 0. church. -Bey, Jae. Graham,
favorably known in this section,
will assume charge of the Windsor
Methodist Ohureh,
B. C. CoereXteeTere-i
has been allotted the Obariotte
Town, 1*. E. 1. station. Bxeter
will have W. S. Pascoe, the retiring
larton--4. Eeetle; Vs' born -W.
Quance, J. H. Oke; Crediton -j.
Veale; Bethesda and Hensell-,W.
H. Spargu; 0linton---4. Kenner; one
wanted, Colborne -T, J. Sabine.
itie rumored that the Rev. J.,
Rice will be stationed at DerehaM,
LEAFY JUNE., -,Tune in England
is considered the month of leaves,
'roses and 'marriages. From present
appearances the leave see plentiful
and boat recent and impending CO-
curronces the roses can be said to be
blaming on the cheeks of the fair
dame sels who give themselves away
in marriage. This Greater Britain.
called Caned!' can this year at least
challenge comparison, population
considered, with eld England- in the
quantity of leaves, roses and mar-
riages in tee leafy month of June..
At least we shall back Goderiph and
Clinton until the back townships
are heard from. •
Tim LicENEE FUND. -The follow-
ing, are the amounts paid to the sev-
ertil municipalities from the -License.
Fund of East Huron for the current
year, viz : Brusesals, $400; Grey, $2-
13.33; Howick, $1136.67;Ttirnberry,
$80; Wroxeter, $80; McKillop,
$60; Morris $53.37; Hullett,
33. In addition to these amounts
the sum of $433.34 has been paid
over to the Provincial Treasurer
as the Proeince's share of the reven-
ue, And the Rum' of $650 has been
retained to meet current expenses
and the balance remaining will be
destribieted next May. The fund
amounted to the total sum' of $2.210:
TEXpERANCE eorres-
pondent afBenmiller requests us to-
etate that there will be a grand
Temperance picnic of the Goderich,
Leeburn, Saltford, Clinton'Leedes-
bore, Auburn and Blytli lodges in
Platt's grove, Maitland Falls on Sat-
urday June 23rd, M.r. Platt having
cheerfully granted the use of his
gra:if-In.-G. W. Ross, M. P. and
other eloquent speakers are expected
to deliver addreeses. Various kinds
of atnusements, will be indulged in.
Every body and their frierrds are in-
vited. The lodges will appear in un-
iform at the Benmiller Hell ;at, 10.-
30 A. M. and start in procession for
the Picnic grounds at 11.00, Accom-
panied by ' the band.
vATIvEs.-TIte[advertisement call-
ing a recent meeting of the Conser-
vative Association for tffe So,uth
Riding at Seaforth was received too
late and consequently did net appear.
The following offiieers were elected:
D. B. Ritchie, President; W. Shams
ot) Vice -President; G. E, Jackson,
Secetary add Treasurer. Township
Yiee-Presicients-Thos. . Hays, Mc-
Killop;C. Dale, Hullett;
al,'Tuceersinitie Win. Graliath,
Seenley; Roht. Morrison, Bayfield;
Jas. Pettee, Hay; Dr. ColemaneSea-
forth. Alter the election Mr. G. E.
Jackson, in a neat speech, thanked
the Conservative party for the gen-
erous support accorded him ie the
late contest, and pointed out the ne-
cessity which existed for perfect or-
ganization. Meeare. Hays and
Shannon also expressed their thanks
for the support accorded them. M.
Hays added that his struggle was
not yet ended, as he eepected Mr.
Gibson would undoubtedly be un-
seated. •
H0LmE8v1LLE EstinE-R. -. The
County Council, last week, adopted
the report of the Road Commission-
ers recommendine the building of e
bridge across theMaitland River
near Holmesville. It will cost prob-
ably $2,590, and Messrs. Hardy erid
Mason are instructed to secureplaus,
advertise for tenders, and have the
bridge emceed as soon as possible.
Although eonsiderable opposition
might have been expected to this
really necessary work, we are glad
to know that the County. Council_
were almost unanimourily in favor of
it. Without detracting from the
sound judgment and desire eo do
right of other members we may state
that Reeve and deputy Reeve Geese
er have much to answer for in .this
Holmesville bridge construction af-
fair. These gentlemen have tie in-
gratiated themselves into the favor
of their fellow -members that, as ese,
eral of them remarked, "we could
not refuse Corbett and Cooper
any reesonable request." The
buildiug a this bridge wite a
reasonalefe ,request and Messrs. Cor-
bett and Cooper asked for it. Wbile
the citizeus of Clinton will check off
their representatives with a fed
mark eor their qniet and persuasive
persistence, we eannot dismiss this
subjeet without again remarking An,
the Oseoce of sectional feelinf
among the members of the COmitY
Council. This bridge will be of
great advantage to the residents of
Colborue and Goderich , townships.
It will give easier access to Godeiech
town and to Clinton. It will es-
pecially be a boon to many farmers
whose market town Is dlinton.
• Ortillgt Dolma. ,
evening a Royal Arch Meeting was
held in NO WI, Tipperary True.
Ooderieh. Township. A num.
ber of vieiting brethren from Clinton
and golmeeville were. prow, and
several ;members advanced. After
the initiations and ,busioess of the
lodge. bad been pile. through with a
eplendid lunch :(whicli was indeed
.very acceptable), was in waiting for
the brethren,..yrovide.d specially .for
the occasion, 'Speeches, songs, and
Secial chat were indulged in for a
couple :of hours. The. refusal -of
Orange. Incorporatipn has brought
Orangemen. in this township -as
well AS many Protestants: who are
not Orangemen, --to feel the insult
given to British Subjects, and we
are glad .0.. Age that new blood. is
being enthused Iato Orange circles
in consequence thereof; "Britains
never .shall •be..elavear ,miglit truth-
fully he said of .our -306 .brethren.
• Suguaargx,x,.,-04 Ei.laturclity eye.
fling there. Wfts, 103;14 rch meet-
ing in the ball. of L.O.L. 928. Bee -
Fe • Wixom ecoupied the. chair,
Several .initiations took Tbe
lodge is in a thriving conditipn and
has an exceedingly large number -
ship. NOW 1)1004 isbeingeentieually
lammed into 928, and it now ranks ,
among the strongest in ffnron.
HowEsvmt,s.---.180. ,stationed
here,. Bre,-Gow-Cavitelon-is W. M.
On Monday evening a- Boyel -Arch
meeting- WES held, when a large.
number were advanced to this solemn
and intereating. degree. Visiting
brethren,. from Goderieh, Clinton,
„56minerhill, Hullett and Goderich
were 'present, A: luncb.
was provided, and All enjoyed the
evening's prObeedings, . This lodge
was removed from its old quarters
to Hohnesville 'about 14.: year ago.
The, progress it bee made of late is
astonishing, -"With -c„ gOod surplus
fund, and 0; large. and increasing
reembershiP,• it. bound AO rank
among' thesiste.r lodges AA One. Of
th9 best. ' - • ' •
Some flueoess-The sentleinneal
mee *a of South H ron Count
Orange Lodge was held in Clinton
yesterday.. Lodges wereefairlY
presented. W, O.: M., Bro. Thos,
Cooper, occupied...the ..chair,. and a.
was transacted.
Front our own Correspondent
Mrs. Cattle is visiting at Hays-
ville. .
The Explorer sailed on Tueedee for
Sarnia with oats and potatoes. ,
Reverend Mesers. Wakefield end
'Howard are away at.donference.
Mr. J, Macaraand wiferof Winni-
peg, are in
Mr. Welslic.of Stratford, and heath-
er of Mr, W. T. Welsh, was in towel
over Sunday, ' , •
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Garrow arrived
home from the 'West 'Inches lase
Mr. D. Ferguson is now closing his
business preparatory to joinipg bis
femily ateDeteeit. •
Mr. W:Werct has pu refs:seed ,a' photo
car and intends-eravellieg irein place
to Place in the county. • . • -
The Government 'Engineer peed us
a visit last week, and enspeeted the
harbor works now. in progress:
Bliss Trainerhas been unable to
leave her.house define the past week
through a slight ettack of fever.'" "
The fire company met On Monday:
evening, and_cliscessecl the new
Finapee.Committee by-la.vs; and oth-
er matters. • -
Don't forget to attend theTea,
meetmg on Monees, eveninget• ,on
Bible Ohristian Church, Colborne., -6.6
there will be an abundant supply of
mental and bodily nutriment.
troit when Mr. and Mrs. Ridley end
'Mr. and M Ks. Rat tenbury met together „
at the tame dining room table.
Miss Beamish, of,Blyth is a guest
at the Auburn house. Mr. E. Petts,
of Biyfh, is also b, guest at the same
Mr. Joseph Clark, of Blyth, is wor-
king for J.P. Brown at the trade of:car
riage making. "Joe" ei Anita ah ao
quisitien to our young people as he
is unizersally liked for his good hum.
or and wit.
Atiburn is having a musical' fever
just at present and the groa,ns of the
"big basoon" can be )Aenrd all around
There is a petition in circulation
praying the Post Master General to
alter the teems At the peeposed mail
route, solthat the nein veil leave Au-
burn and reach Myth es time for the
afternoon mail and return to Auburn
the same evening, the route which is
proposed by the present eontraot,
will leave Auburn in a worse plight
than heretofore as %Ye will not receive
our daily meets utseil the next day
after publioation, hence the petitiots.
The metribete of tbe Auburn Cana-
da Methorliet eecuit will be pleased
to learn that their pester. Rev. A. 4.
Smith, will remain another year on
the eireuit.' Mr. Snatth has by his
arniatfle disposition and chnstia„fi
gentlemanillte eencepet, endeared'
himself to sdl .vith whore he comes 1st
contaet arffl through his eiterelorti
the circuit is in a very flourishing
r youittonmenioation of last wjvk
was 40 r000jrid,-.40.3
University nt Toronto examination.
The list published list Wonesdsh
shows that ¥,r. Q. Robertson beads
the list and MAO off the gold reed -
al for clank*. In the B, A. list we
find, the name of the above dieting --
'Oohed gentleman, besides those of
Masers, McGillivray awe 0, D. Crew.
weller. .1tev. J. A. Turnbull is in
the L. L. B. get, and ring Pavld-
eon in the 3rd year honor list, he bay.
ing been successful in civil polity,
and mental and nsoralpbilosophy.
Sehool Board met on Monday 8th
hut, Tenders were opened for. the
alterations to school, to make it con.
form with the aet ofperliament, as to
Making easy egress from the school,
Jno. Wilson's tender was .08T9i MOM()
and Swanson's $302.44. Moved by
Cr. Ball seconded by Mr. Swanson,
that the tender of Moore and Swan-
son be accepted. -Carried. Tenders
were received for printing examina-
tion papers from Signal 681 tar #9.
M.PVed by Mr. Ball seconded bY. Mr.
Nicholson that the tender the
Signal be accepted,Carriecl, Miss
Trainer being sick, the chairman re-
ported that be bad as a temporary
measure engaged Ivliss Strang in her
plaee. The board then adjourned.
The following quote -Ono fromShalree
epeare seems to have been closely
studied by one of tee members ot the
Board of Publie Works in connection
with bis recent tree -cutting experi-
ment :
"The tree by my decree Is bitnIshed *
If thou dost bend and pray andfawn tor it
I spurn thee like a cur out of my Ivay;
Ithow Ceasor dab no wrong,"
A deputation ofebe County Coun-
cil, consisting of Reeve F. W. Jelin -
sten, of Goderich, Reeve 4ogers, of
Brussels, Reeve Graham, of etanley,
Deputy Reeve Castles, of Stanley,
and Deputy Reeve Shier of T.Tsborne,
lett on Thursday morning on special
invitation to visit the county of
Middlesex poor house at Strathroy.
The memlsers speak enthusiastically
of their treatment by the Middlesex
colleen, And also the systernatic:i
working of the institution they visit-
ed. Major Crain accompanied •thp
deputation, and participated in the
ceurtesies extended to members
composing it.
On Sunday afternoon 3 vessels
entered the harbor within an hour.
Viz; the Pevva.ukee, of 'Milwaukee,
and the Ontario and Explorer of
Goderich Qpitee A ' emssmetion was
raised as the Peweukee and Expler-
er neared the harlsor,ap they appear-
ed exace in line when about a
wi e lora t e piers, and their en-
trance eseumed .he • appearceme of
of a sailing match. Although it was
Sunday, there wee a certain number
of wagers offered that the Pewaukee
would enterfirst, bid Atte-Explorer
surprised thena all By spiling. grace-.
fully etvey from Ler huge eompetitor,
and entering elle harborbout eighty
yards aimed.- '
. The storm op theevening of the
5th inst„ did not prevept a *large
attendance At the ' children's enter-
tainment. in Knox Cepech. The
church was fairly 'filled by en orllerly
audience. The programme consist-
ed of a rarge number of lions, recita-
tions and choruses, contributed by
teelollowing 'membersof the Sab-
bath schoo'. Straitenellenie
Polley, Bva Ralpheeele, Watson, Clera
seethe „Susan Steep, Mary Miller,
Mabel 0'moron, Annie Waddel. Rom
•Curree, KateCurrie, Ellen Lawson,'
Josie Old, Malsele efeKenries Nelly.
Jeficevcie, elaggie Jessie- Streit -
one Grebe Pollee, Esther Robinson,
1ate'13aker Nine Streehan, Nell
McKenzie, 14te•Ressel, 'Flo. §fnith,
Li1V,E.agle, Mary, Cealg,...Grace John.
seiseiAlex. 'MeV:leer, Ed. Garrow,
'Bertie Henderson. .and Percy • Mil -
• - '
Our DominSon.,Dess celebra ion is
now:fairly started° as the Sinfluential
committeee ,,iippeinted'. will show.
The various ecnieteettees are. now
ceu•nestly working t� make. the 1.883
oelebeatiota tbe meet successful ;of
any Goderich bee ever seen.' Meet-
ings atc. being held fronistime to time
as desirable. Tele folloWing ere the
Several eonieeireeee • ,
- Financei-elessrs. •Christel, ;flee
eon., Nairn apse VariEvery.
ISrie tin g-Muces, Bothwell and P..
'We eohnstots,
Bade -Wm. Mitchell and John
Robinson„ •• •
• Foot Racesjames1Robinsofi,
Watson., Geo, Shepard, M. Swanson,
•le. Hays and Hothwell.
-InsideGaines-Th C. McKay, Geo.
:Sevens; Belcher, Gieen, J. W,
Elms; Ressell and Jetnet Mitchell..
• .Go -as you please-:4140ulloch; Cox,
Glass, Soachan and Duncan..
BicycIes--Weish,-.INTicholson, Kidd
and Williams _
Chilclrents Games-LeAddisoe,.Adane
-sons etraitoti and Butlers, . •
• Quoies-Seobice, Crystal and A. vet'
Colborne. • .
Mr. Stephen Yates Conducted- the
service en North steeet Methodist
church on Sunday rnorniegeendeRev..
Dr. teei3 elm evenipg.
R. W. BIG: A. Radcliffe, D.D, 0.1SL;
will officially visit Stesga,naes Lodge
No, 73, A. Ft and A. Meett St. Mary'a
on Wednesday, the 20th inst.
itegarderr party in aid of the Metho-
dist church ef Canada will tele peace
to -morrow at the resideoce.of
R. B. Smith. A ceolee programme
of vocal music will be presented
the occasion.
_ffiseeLuneeseseeian-.ote the Cdunty
Council commenced with e molt Vio-
lent thunder storm, and ended in a
mist. What have we been doingeer
how, that we should thes suffer?
The tug James tark is nOw nearlY
ready for sea, her boiler and macluse
ery being about taxed.- • Her tiPp,er
works are also i forward steep �f
Completion. .
The haze that „Overshadowed. the
town alter the leen fall lest Satercley
lasted 'till Sunday afternoon, when
old sot smiled • genially for1ror
tinie and caused it tO be no lomger
A letter from Mr. Wm; Craig, from
New York, states that his ptifey, cif
w,hiell Mrs. S. Davis of Centoti ee gee,
had a pleasant journey to that city,
ad a good time-thereevisiting th:es
sights,' ' • ..
TtAt Dominion Day Celebration
eeetemittee islet �n Monday eveniug,
!end apportioned the funds foe tousle,
printiegegames, eta. The Oorneettee
is making a good' start, and with a!
.continuance of the sada energy next
Dominion Day will be grandly cele-
brated in Gokerich. ,
Mr. F. F. Lorrenee Met with a very'
painful accident on last Saturday.
While loading his car at 'Buffalo, he '
stepped on apiece cif orange or ba-
nanna peel, and M treing to save
himself from falleng, injured his beck
ed such a manner as....to eedefine hen
es the house for sortie days. .
The High &heel Literary, Soddy
meeting on Friday will be enlivened
by the boniest or theprize for
reading. As the lase Meeting was
largely attended .011 aceount of the
contest for the reeilation prize, 80 110
doubt OPP One for ;the reading pre
will bo. ° •
Huron Encampeseet, No. 2e, 1. Q.
0. fee will start sharp tm time at its
'meetimg On Priday evening, as be-
sides .its regular. routine business
there will be a .ntumber of initiations,
Prof, rOW1OP, 140 phretiologisteeeas
ini toWti laStoNeOlt ajl.d gave eeverel
ipteresteng exhibitions. During bit
perfortecome its .the Hall he ors:nestl-
ed t Few a our prominent men, tho'
not in such a ItaltA,her as t•O Meet, with
unanimous Approval. Nevertheless,
the profmade several 'veiry.,happy
The marriage otoMitte Mee °relic)
Rattenbery Rouse, Clietec, Mee .0fr•
in proper form here last Wednesday.
The bride was tastefully dressed in
mats of a faihionabk late elaborately
trimmed with velvet The brides -
Maids were charmingly dressed, Miss
Logan wearing brown satin, and Miria
lince6 lied eleatric light.. These eostumes
the Sable material Of the shads
blended very -prettily that, of the
bride. ir the (young gouple enjoy
lite as We vviah theymay, they Al
hero it
hap y time,.
The Gederiell nigh School pupil&
were well to the trot: aka). rapt
Coderieh Township.
, James Medland ees seld bis 40aere
farmen the 9th ccin., to W. 11. Steep
for $e,000. Mr. Medlandwill likely
'go to New Zealand. At the rate of
$75.00 an acre would seeps good 81,-
Geo. A. 'Cooper -has. e Berkshire
porcine -eleven years old that has ge
yen birth to 1e8 little piggies during
that time, 136 or iihich' wereraised
Wm. Murphy howbeit ft Ant+ spring
colt from Fiseerei Lord of the Is les.•
Geo. Miller sole a two.yearold colt
to J. G. Steep for *175,
Lacey;Colborne, eas sold his
50reare farm for $400.0,, He offered-
Ir.•Heriryeof this teentehip, $6000
cash foe his' 100 -acre farm, but the
offer was not aceepted, •
k gentleman living- elm to the
Maitland rieer, took his pants off and
Waded to the oppositeekle to bring
-0•VOl• Et horse that hadegorreeeriesuee.
He did not. bring his unmentionables
with him, and his coesemnation may
iniagated ween qn going to re-
cross he taw' a, lady ap'..d gentleman
sitting close by the aforesaid • gar,:
ment. To say tbat bis heart juineed
would not be out of the way.. In fact
he was all heart ebout that time: •
Mr. 8. Roth is having deeded ,on
the site of the buAlding receetlystrtern-
ed, a fine brick cottage. A contract
or from Godeile4 is doing tee work.
Mr- England, fortherly of Guelph,
has leaped the wooled factory here
and is additig a tot of newmaohinary
40 that already ln the mill -end Will
rnn an' extensive bnsinees, •
Mr, ',T. turns and lady, of Clinton,
made us a flyeng visit on t udder,
J. B. is always weicorcie to Bayfield.
. A number of persons from this vit.
elnity are starting for Manitoba,. thes
week end atsiorig the partiee are Mrs
G., Park, Mr, G. Sterling, and Pagl
One Of our141. Vs who on eertain
Occasions loads hit Cranial with ail
etiortnous plug hat that would make
a good smoke stack fora. locomotive,
mistoolibis hat for a horse pail itnd
gaVe bis horse a brats mash oue ef it,
ner did kua gnd out his Mistake in 0.1
he was shown the bran on theaides
of the hat by the rer‘e. • .
The 831:4 Batt, Band yv in llely
compete At the' bend tOIlltallIellt itt
Eincardine if allowed.
Mile IT. Boulton, att
who has bean a resident of...Blyth for
a riuml3er of years, has just ireceivecl
inforination from the United States
- War 1314txtr4m8nt, to -the efftict-that
that slid is to receive §un per year
for the remainder of bet life. it
tippers that one of ber sons WM
shot while sevving in. the 'Federal
ArtnY during the A.nieritartrebellion
a 1882, and Mrs. Voultou Should'
avho hsa $96 petY"t". i oI the last
18 years! •
County 01)nrronoy
gnif of the May chew, made by
the DownieButter and Cbeeselgatill:.
factoring Company, has been gold to
M. Z Ballautyne at 12 Oents,
The Messrs. Stanbory, of the TAM -
don Road, Stanley, are feeding 0011
hundred and six head of cattle ,for
the July markets, ;
W, 1)ickeon, law' student, of
Godericlelapd 4. Dickson, banker,
of Parist were on a visit to their
parents in township of Grey, last
Vanstone's mill dam, at Bruasels,
has been carried away by tbe pres-
sure of water from the recent rams.
This wilt prove a serious loss, •
Mr. Wm, Hawkahaw, who until
lately kept the Commercial hotel,
Seafortb, and a few weeks ago re-
moved to Exeter, has purchased
Mes. Boivdens hotel in Seafarth,..anci
will fake possession immediately.
Trim Grangers of the Southern
part of the county pomese having
an mccursion to the Model Fares at
Guelph, soul° time during the pie.
sent months-. It is understood that
they 'will start from Exeter and go
by way of Clinton.
The Sale of postage stamps at the
Exeter postoffice during tbe month
of ]l/fay amounted to $221.44, while
the Money Order and Savings Bank
receipts for the game month amount-
ed to $3,215.28.
Mr. iThAeph Montgoinery, of the
4th con:, of Hibbert, died very sud-
denly at his residence on Friday" of
last week, the lat inst., of male's*.
He .was i his. 67.th year, Mr..
Montgomery was a native.of cleunty
Aretagheereland, He caplet° Cana-
da in tile year 1847, and eeteled
near Cohnerge where be remeieed
for flier years. He then removed
to the township of Colborne, near
Goderiele end settled on A bealt
.farin. Be resided there until the
year -1,870, and by his industry
perseverance, riot.only succeeded in
converting his fereek, farce "into a'
comfortable homeateads but also lad.
,by a considerable sten of nioney.
In the year named he sold his farm
in Colborne and purchased the farm
of Mr. Thomas MeGoey, on the .4th„
Ribbert. Re!continued to reside
on thiS place uptil the time of 'his
...deatit-,i-,He-w,as a member. -of -the
Roman ,Cathelic Church, and ajlib-
eral gonaervative in pOtitioe.
leaves a family of three sons
'three dauglitees, all grown _up'and
in goed. eirenmstanees. .
Morris Township Connolip,'
• Theekiuncil met at Come of *Vi-
sion, according to advertisement,
the Town Hail on the 28th nit„ and
the inenslaere took theoath requireci
by 'etc!. We, After 'which thefollOwe
hag, appeals were disposed of, name-
Wee-Weedreve bomplained' being
--too:. high, aseeesed, . reduced. e.159 ;
Jas. Name reduced $2,00.00 onareal
propierty, and $190.00 *tin personal -
.property ; Atefierting, complainee
ofbeing eqe high assessed, diamissed.;
•Win. 1e:00k...reduced $200.00, P
Jghlison one dog stinclt..off ;• Eisserite
el Oliver eeteredeawner 'N., W. h1.7
qQn. 4eitistee.d. of Gilbert Eniburys
perienel property stilick• Off ;' J. -D.
Fereyeb 'streek•off, rolifer bee e8 eme!
Veigee Absent ; ;Ince Read,: Wes,
eforsetesenterecletenante for-eN A. 28-
con.,5; Joseph- Curtis entered ten-.
.q.et for N 445 et 46 cone .1 obn
Pugh 'entered owner 14.12 coneee
Thee: Sseiteentered F 5"Lot 58. con•
1.; Jae. Oliver • entered loceupent of
ebte 6 te'e Ilfeevale A.11.`Mits reee
entered 9ocuplint pt. N. 4 27 &_28
dm. 1. , •
• ..111Oyec1 .by J. R. 'Meter, secondee by
11.4bSrpiin Plat the Court et' Revis-
e:cube" riew• closed and tbe assess -
Ment roll as; now revised arid eoreeet-
ed be copfirmed and establiihed.. as
the assessment Relief the ToWnphip.
• Oedema's, 'Coueeil butinese..; being
then preeeeded with, it. was ;Moved.
by li.Rosman, Seconded-by:44. mon-
kyr that the Reeve be ensteuCted te
examiee the 'road opposite beta go
21 on. 3rd cep.. Bee and 'have the
eameeput in Peeper state of repair,
mit "not to ',exceed, $160.00..: '01teried.
' Mcleod by IL Meoney, seconded by.
;WM. 'Gray that the Reeve let apa in-
spect, the building of:aeculvert epPoe
site Lot.22 on .4th eon., lipe.--Ceeried.
Mitred by IL.Moeney, .seeepd'erl by
3. R. Miller that H, Gosma be ine;..
steucted to let a job Of gravelling op-
posit-Si-15es 13 and 14°..on 6th eon. line
mete exceedeetbseeCiteried,
Moved bY H. Mooney, esCorkled by.
WnseeWraes 0146 li, Gosemprelet a job.
'oegrevelling-oPpotite 1061,,Taila aph
0th . on, tine, net . toseeceed $100.
Carried. .• . .
•Moved beeje• R.- Millet', seconded
by II, 6-'ostrian, teat Wm. Wray 'lets
jOb of grevellirig opposite lets- 110.2,
•and 2fietccen. /lee, net teexceseed
Ap'eCtaitriraien4,Was prosented by Robt.
'Hugheaand Others, aseing t� . have
the sideline 'betweeeeets le and 1.e.
on 1st Cori. epenede• ..• •
'Moved by.J. B. Millet Seeetided by
Moony,: that no actuarilhe' taken
on said petitioe istpresentiCarried,
Moved by 11.1%094,0y, secondedby
3. It.•Mfilcr; that the 11,eeVe let a job.
grave1ing.oppoie3qts25- and • 27-
• eon, 7, not ,t9 eiteeed
:Moved by It Goainaniseconded by
He Mooney, that Arm. *ray let a job
of •re pairing Maguiee's. culvert. 4 -Oar -
tied; , •
The followingacconts were order-
ed to be psio, k Isaac Rogerson re-
pairing approach to Sunshine bridge'
when damaged by flood, 415; 3. Els-
ton, srvieinting flood worel, $2.0;
George Casement), eepairingapprocieh
$4; J, AteMeEwereerentoving
flood -
wood, $3 j Arthur Veal, bridge. note-
ceS, $4. 80; J. Watson, Assessor's sal.•
InlY) $5 00; kisses 'Eseford, °barite;
$10 ; J. T. Mitchell, printieg,
The Connell then adjtiurned-
meet again on he 28th June next, •
. .
• •
olorrootte every Tnesdaye
Plow*, • , • 66 00. tb 6 66
Wheat, red, • . 1 60 to 1 02
Wheat, white, •• • 0 ,05 to 108
Wheat spring, • ' 1 00 10 1 82
matey. e. • . 0 46 to 0 45
Oate, • .• • 641 to 'anr
P001,, w ..• .0 70. to 0 76
Apples, (Whiter) pr tee, 2 00 to 2 60
Potatoe,s, • . . 0 26 to 0 80
Eotut . • • •• • 616 to 0 17
uggp., . • . o 13' to 0 15
Iray, • ; . • 00 to 600
Hickok 6 00 to 100
Zee, • s. ' • 50 to 1,60
Shotioldno .e 0 75 to nO
Turkorscoor pound, a. 0 08 tO 0 08
a06301._ , • - r .6 45 to 0 60
latek.o, 008 psir • • • 0 60, to 0 66
Ohidtbito,r)or.pair e 40 to 60
Pork, s • 766 to 80)
nototwo60 • 2 60 to /00
whito pot, boob; $6''Otr- to 088
'Wheat, rod, • • •• • 0 08 to 1 00
lybootoprIng, • 0 On to 1 00
Oato, 0 .31 to -0188.
tessoy, - 0 40 10 0 60
PMEI " 006 46 0 IP
ratsioss. - 0 38 to 0 86
A rOurt mown r11.201t
ea ...With herd ivatCru gsiden, ete.4 4a -
�t old Woollen Mills. Apply to
hostior MARSHALL
Clinton P. 0.
kr to .TABES,, Tnemoiox, at Madison 4,
k4Witetelly 11.1
Aftl 801h, 188e, v.1.14f, •
co gm! Sleet
ress Goods,
The IVIost CompletO Stook
or Dry Goods,
The Greatest Stock- of
Tweeds, Hats, Caps, Shirts..
4 .0
Coats st so%
•••••00mr. ••••••••••••••••,••,••••••••••••••••••••••
Bi Dries- .in DrOo Goods,.
Immense Stock to selet from.
See Prints, See Parasol's,
Spring and Sumner Hats
Coatings, Worsteds, Serges;&C
Onr Cutter, J. Cole
Stylish Cutting,Good Matepiall
Fine Prides I
As.Scorted, Excellent V411,114
11 .
The 1Vlos:t Complete Stoc
Lisle Thread,
We have the above range of Good p in, 91, 10, 14,
and II. The stock 'is one of the largest in this section..
See oil.r Line, 4 Pair for 25 -Cts.
. • • •
of -,7 briggam44Deasrtp-1.-:.-2-5-:per-
half dozen.
ao 8017, the Famous liatter
. • ,
'Ta o evening. In May, .and the soft zephyrs .81g1184
Through branclieslow bonding ahavb,
Negary and I, a3,WO wander'd along • . ••
• And whiipored of beauty and love*
We'll make us a hest like the hirdlings,
And•never shall part any .1nore.
yes.1 'she replied, and eau furnish it, nice-
At,thegted Rocker" FurnIturo Moro. •
Unix creature I there's many a Wealthier than „
Would gladly have you for a bride, ,
Hut no 0.10-010110ve you more fondly ono
-My treaSurcr,:aTht boMityrantl-prirlo
Oh 4 had mansioh, witkoarpots of gold-
- And of silver -I'd 'over the floor," • •
fit# siniling, shosaid, "You tan purototestee est
- At 'the ."Ited Rockeesurpiture stores' .
ern Sproad'you a eOueb capon which to recline
When ovehingehall call us to rest, • ,
Of the fleeciest down.. • Dub she said, with a sigh',
'I like EMISTI'd hiattrefitieg the best."
so,shall 11 1,0, lovez-andlablas inlaid, .
ess. seats from some far distant shore'l
.0h, she exclaimed, .thos' halm caged chats
,At tbo “Ro0 Rocker" kurnituro Store.'
We went. nappyase Can 1 OVhiforgop,
'1*thiasure that boatriod In hor faoo . '
As silo 044 at tbo nuktyols of healthy disp'
In thR most wondepfnl plow ?
Wo fusoloho4 out, nest In an ologantntylo, .
Boon spared twolvemontli Or nu:WO;
And Mary it 'singing ON song to her-bab4,1
Of the "1:(ed Rockers Furniture Store.
. • ..,..
• Sign of tho
go oto Havian"
4.4 • Jlardwaro •
For 60 Cents
21xiinitie its contots. It is ed ly thousands
awl at khow)pdged Lobe eae of the hest 1,4ea1 ° per0 in
the County, Read it ahd Jpdge for yourself.
0 Cal g
• bi) a)
.5i Pi cp
.rg WIL71-c
a) Quiz Go*
FA 10
ltj .y4 ,
rd 511.
--0 0141
5 ti
cd on- cd 4
• .0 g
61.14 • F.11 g23.4
rn • i=ull 0
Pi. ;1
rUllft• •
• . •
*alivEA,../EtT4loolcl. °LOTTO**,
Now prepared to itirn out as tilt Work as can be made in COO