The Huron News-Record, 1883-05-09, Page 2Now Advertisements this Day.
Qrettitrye-A. AWN.
T'alletlitgt-41)140 Noble,
Dliellmagee-44 P. Fisher.
tering aedis-Abrithaus Smith.
section:of the Gooney, and is equalled by
only one 2gaper in the teho/e county -and`
, Oat is not a Minton on,e. are have. tleca.
, mods to prove this. Our list of Sub-
scribers will be ;shown 0 person,' who
• Alto- -11 troyrd•
Clinton Record
Wint0111 Ont;,' Wednesday:I May 9.
The appropritaion• for militia purpos-
es hats been increased this year. If this
ineatis Ancreased pay to volunteers it
will be a MVO in the right direction.
in danger from droVglicthe crop *ill be
dottroyed:.The wheat and flour export*
Leta's*, antonnted to 49,000;000 131:1511-
t ts, Qr SVOttt AO per cent. of the total
ef the PM:ilia' Shope harvesi will' be.
likely tit affeet materiel • the Berenean
tuarket price.
Mr,Catnertin'A maims for paperp kits,
in connectitin ,wtth expenditures. on'
to his feet and to •uree ou the Hon.•the
et sup'plementing the. grant alreede
'made for that harbor, The Minister
Semite(' to thiiik well of Mr: ,Farrow'si.
auggestionand stated that he,, was aware
..of the importance of the wOrk as he
know the people in that section of Hur-
on were, so .ftir from rade* facilities
-, that, the harbor:1)f PoW Albert should
' is probable that rieitt; year will pee- a
grant of $5,9J0 for- die- Port Allodit
"Keep nway froni'Dekota. There are
already tog maey there nost;_ thet is' in
Every -thing in the line or provision& la
high, For a toe of common prairie .,hay
cern not in thoMarken potatoes /6 cents
very slim. fitreet . There is no lum-
ber to be hid for building at any . price.
Many of the railread etatione have no
Lenses built to hold even the wait:ten
foe a Meglo eight. The' crop's, .W111.' be
small; at least the opining season: -
The Globe : "Sir' John,,Maedonald
sou tatioe." Just so:" --He ; parried out
that idea when lie 'gave his oppetients*
representationoti the -committee. to! in-.
euire into the • licesise question. Yes,
Sir John :is ,tt practical believer ;,in
, of putting on record their • :yiewe
Blake Would not permit "his follinvers
...fro take part in the Mitesuittee. And•
wily that and nothing More. • .: .
Dr. Fits Mathew,. an Bliglislitnen.
*lushest litrediii the United States for
,.20 years: has :been. .doing • Manitoha
lately. He..foriherly_resided ie Lamers,
"The °kips IntiFe. been. Very. poor in
. Iowa for the past three years, .and the
tornadoes in set:Omer', and frequent the chief dOntinental cities: • •
blizzards in winter) Causing diTatr-trel
•rif life and property, renders the north-
west part of Iowa very undesh•able; in
estitinition..A knife ne personal in-
toba and North West Territory to tilt
farmers and 'gentlemen inimignints,
who took pan in the I'Muntix Park mur-
der. They state that they• were ord..r.
ad to the l'erk and did not know it pill
they got• there that their miasion was a
Temperance eocieties are not ;secret
*new xn the obnoxious eense. Their
object and aline are, or by inquiry can
easily be known of all men -and they
are religionatuni benevolent. 'The chief
secrecy about these latter sOCietioa is
that of fraternal recognition.
Some of the so called Liberal Prose
are jubilant because the j udgm sot eat'
fine agamst infidel BracIlaugh for ille-
gally sitting in the HOuse of Clounnons
boatmen twined. This is no condonation
of the pffence, but was owing to an in-
formality in the laying of the informa-
lion., We hope the day is far dis-
tant when Christian wirl relax
her rules appertaining ea the House of
Commons and Courts and permit au
avowed. atheist to assist in making her
laws. It is also to be hoped that in
Canada Justice Burton's recommenda-
tiou to receive in court the testiumuy of
aetiostics and atheisN will not be car-
tied:out, This learned Canadian judge
said °that were such testimony excluded
it noight in some eases deprive litigants
of the only evidence they , could offer.
But then on the other hand were it r,e-
ceived from those.parties who had no
fear Of a future punishment might not
innocent persens suffer. Better bear
the ills we Nave. than fly te those' we
know not of. Even weatern America,
with all ite crudities, provides in
the Arkarmas Constitution, that.;
"No person who denies the beieg,of a God
shell bold. any office in the civic depart-
nient of this State nor be competent to testify
67:iiitness in any deurt,-"
Ihnd a movement is on fotit to enforce it
itgaiust Meyer Foster, or' Texeirlrena,
Arkansas on Hai ground that he ia
'atheist and has no title to the, office.
The editor of .the Grand Myer %venial,.
says :7-4,"We are usually sparing in our mean -
tie deed enquiry bas ue satisfied 'tliat the prepar-
ation o6 Messrs. T. Milbm.n & Co., styled
'Burdock Blood Bittersies.a blood- pudfying
tOnie is worthy of the' high reputatioe it has
established among the people, • •
Y..Attrill's fetidly arrived in tocsin by.
the late train on Saturday.
The Boat fishing is not yet equal to
W. Kay Esq. is about to iraproye his
blook by, erecting a Mansard roof.
- •Tha••firat ' boat of the mien arrived on
Thursday, the -Bohr. Gordon,. with oordWood
On Faddy,: it being ready 'with.
the exception of the propellor.
•• .A large lumber. of farmers were in town. on
'Saturday receive fruit. tre'es that had been
• -A.nbildren10.entettainment was given
Mr. Tilos: Mclean; for Many years,
forenitiiiiii P. MoDwan's, salt well leaves
at the end of the week. for Dikotti.
The ladies of St: Georges oilitirch have
Waltete as president and Mina Molttickt
Mr. Jas. Johnston, •• so snarly yeare
In the Bayfield ,Road; hes retired from
farming,, and *permanently settled . in
• Win. McCaig, an old., time vendet ef '
the Milky fluid,: -Will:shortly. leave. for
The ".0cIds" ef the` town will attend
church in a body,. On the anniversay DI
MeG•illieeddy delivered his lec-
ture on "Iniakbone" to it fair audiandls
Cated-its former querters and snugly 10-,:
cated itself in the. Hall attached to Mar -
The Exploter,Ciipt: Torn -Finn, left on Mon-
day iiight-on •her amend voyage this seaacm.
This is the boat that )ves receetly raised aBer
A. large party of inCehenics 'and laborers Will.
leave the county on tholeth inst. for British
Colunibia; Where they have engaged -to work
on the Canada Pacific Milan..
- A Meeting of the Special Contieittee was
called forIast night.' It- is raniored that -the.
_question of a bonue to Messrs, Hart 4: Price
-wouldeemo:befOre it. '•
A large. number ot Wealthy Huron ists
Will leave shortly forEurope. The ma-.
Thunder Bar will be that Of the Quebec;
on Saturnay ;horning. There ere s, num-
.ber Of passerigere and a quantity Of
freight of freight awaiting the Quebec's
nfforded by the U S., both social and, would order that the broken nortien, of
j,ticlicial; andilhisl sayafter twenty. yeare ;Ake drain, that runsheinle Mr. 'Attrill/ii
.- *-hrokerti besides ,washing. a portion of the'
Orange Bill: Hn supported 'it. ' In' , 4 . ,
.. . . Fishing ,with. the ItriC from the harber,
,.. pasiiage would deter !ta•''Ceitain chigs" and, boys may be Seen dMIY., returning
ftotn,the harbor with strings of. Perel
of• IOW inititigrante from Coming to
• ranging from fay- te-orichundred,-- , A,
aultiiierish 0 Atones.. II& did mit 'do handle theinnnd ionise thatn'On the piers.:
so: his meaning,. as IS tptile 'apparent,
tram .otner portienti of Ida epeeen, was it is tmeel to start eft a trip. to Pails ,fmniedi-
••• that we dci not Want .Peeicuis , or • "Asa- ately-aftertiretwain nee made one. ' It . is rit;
essination Society immigrants, be. they' mored bore that in the 'case ofaawell-keestra
ant. Iltiti Mr. Tyrwhitt . Might lave, that he will start for -Paris on the 611). of June,
, gone further and stated that ,Canada is before die Inlet: is Vied,. after Which lie will
hetter without otnY claas or ereed- -whe leave that city, aecoMpenied ,by a charming
Bill. . :, • - • : • board was held on. Monday evenitg. : O. -
Familia_rity with crime luta generally ception of the Piirrairgil's rePort and tlie
reeeptiOn Of the plan for the alteration
been. titill the moral perceptions of the. deers in the ciex4rat ief,601, in•
there was nothing herore the board.
peculiar phase . of ethics .wai developed
the other day before the inedieal 0,sso; The adjourned vestry tneeting at St,
George's ehurcli took place on :Monday
was charged with attempting to precure fere, °coupled the °halt, aed, Mr. Geo,
abortion and it was the destial. of, some Sheopited acted aeted as 'Vestry, clerk.
medicos tO expel him. He defend The financial statetnent was presentell ,
but tiot being •prieted, an
'01 ;mid justified hiniself on the . greund 1.0 Um VdstrY1
adjournment was made for ono week, for '
that “there wag not a father -in New
that purpose. .
NeXt, Friday the loveh or znusto win
'ter to savalier:front.thaine-and-troWe.'-`: Li
Tele was refreshingly outspoken. But
ni.tke the taking 'of beaten life 'the appearanee, which is.iti every way pro, '
fiecret cietieS tire 'Curse to any
country. Nihilistic and conimuniatie
• itimi are riot known and what little is
gleaned eit, there Shoe.% that they mein
of all order.' *The Ielah "Invincibles"
ere hosted tin it ;Ciao oraiiii-ottluir.
officers even to the committing of mut,
those . Olio attend Kriox •oltureh• the
day ate* to -morrow, The aervices. of
Dr. Verrinder, ef London), and Miss
the Occasion, •
6f his farnOliiii. Sae .tif Mr. D.
IlOgie of Colborne, As thd bargain vans
purely priVitte wo have been unable to
learn herr ninny spondulicks wore trans,
-could not be got home to h is new !loiters
pasture, but -had, after the herculean
efforts ors, large number Of Individuals,.
only reached the bqstelry or II. Martin
at Salt:ord where hb la at present roan-
perattug, and being perpared
onward march.
The ApronBasear conducted, be the
bailee of the North otreet lifethocliet
church, openedon il'ueeday and closed
on Wednesday evening.. A large assort-
ment of aprons and other interestiug ar-
ticles of lei:Mule, attire were displayed
end aold readily at fair priees. Meals
and refreshment% were Nerved while the
bazaar was open and gave general satia•
faction to the partakers thereof. Me
net result towards increasing.the funds
of the church was in the neighborhood
Air one hundred and fifty defiers.,
The Council met for businiso on Fri-
day evening. Absent, J. H. Oelhoroe
.A.,report (muttering 'street watering for
the. ensuing summer and the usual
street inspector& report wait -read, and
referred to P, W. committee The tae.ual
Maitland Cemetery report bY the SeXton
was receivedl and fyled. ,A letter of
thanks from Captain Miller"for the use
of the Town Hall on the ocea.sioe of his
Company's hall wae received, and Sided
A. Communication fromSeoretary of Curl-
ing Chat stating that nine bag§ of flour.
were et the ditsposdel or,the Connell for
distribution among the tomir Was, receiv-
ed, and on motion of the Reeve, second-
ed by Conn, Nicholson, the clerk woe
instructed to convey the thanks of the
Council to the Cur:Ing Club for their
generous denation: A petition was read
from the Fire company, stating that they
had selected Capt. Dancy for captain of
the company, and requesting that a
salary be granted him by the council.
A long discussion ;mined, arfareinitelit-•
in a niotion that the clerk request, Capt.
Dewy to state the salary he requires.
Hart Ss Co. presented a petition, asking
that a by-law be submitted 'to the pro.
perty owners, granting the firm a bonus
of $7,500 (seven thousand five bunched
dollars); it was referred to Special com-
mittee, A petition from Gen. It:ce,
managing director of the N. A. C. Corn-
pany, asking perrnissicin to lay railway
traiik from G, T. station to his building,
was referred to P. W. cornmittee with
pOwer. The'P. W. committee reported
in favor of granting Mr. Swaffield $5 for
stone that had been removed by the car-
poretion, and also that the Street In-
aspectorship be not ..abolishedi. but that
the Street Inspectot be made to enforce
all bylaws, and that -the,Clerk provide
him with a copy bff the same. Several
accounti from the Finance committee
were ordered to he paid. ..Couneillor
".Jorclan moved that, the exPeclieney of •
eularging the town•hall so that it can be-
gged as a public hall, be referred. to 1110
P. W. committee, te report and suggest,
of same. The meetieg ems largely 'at-
Geo, Miller, of the 101 rent.
At the recent Tonna° liIdlititlieolleg
of' Physician's and Surgeon'e examine
tions, J. B. Whitely, eon of ex-Depu
Reeve Whitely, passed his final exatialtal
gtion and was granted 0:certilleate.
POI-ten/a. 111114 "
Our well itnlwn ft iend and hone dealt
er, Mr. T. X. Biliott, formerly of Gotle4.
rich t'p., now of Paltota, le at pre•Ien
the owner of one of the most ..romilin
coltit ,the Dominion. It,
years old, and Already the
sum of $050,has.beeri reftnea
Seine gentlfernayil% els,* the,
Der of
promnung young neer, from h lemon
little driver "Nellie." Both these 014
Were sired 'by the well-known .hersif
"Clear Grit" and were raised on th0
Aligned to Mr. T. 1‘1.• Biliott's farms in.
pfearkinootaf,liis, brother, Mr. W ra. Elliott, 4th'..
Oen. We understand.they are to ; bit
Johnnraudon,.glijah Townsend and Wtn;
MeBrion are building brick ..residences,
Whitely does the carpenter work and Arthur
Cantelon the Mope work. -Thos. East is mak-
ing fence improvements; ete„-Mr. Webster,
also.building a brick residence.
Comm. -The council, mot at Londeshoro
on the 30th .A.pril; members all present. Moved
by 3. Britton, seconded by A. T. McDonald,
that the Canada Thistle Act be printed on the
pathrnastere lists for the present 5rear, and an
order printed on said lists authorising and
A. • A.i.3,..Psktreastera to carom said:
Tat nitwit. reepectivo road diviniOnn—carried.
Moved by. B. ohurchin, seconded by 3. Lash -
am, that the statute labor on all the rateable
eroperty in the township be reduced one-half,
tor the present year -carried. Moved by B,
Chun/hill; seconded by J, Lasham,,that hyr
law B. ef 1882, diviiiihg- the townehip hint
stetnte labor road divisions, as noesrviised,.be
adopted for the presentyear.-Oarried. Nov -
that a bplaw be now prepared and passed, ap-
pointing path -masters, fen ceviewers and Feted
keopors.-Carried. The by-law was then read ,
and passed, • Moved by J. Batton, sec. by A,
T. MeDdnald, that Simon Yomeg anff :Chris.
Dale sr.; be refunded 82 each,:dog totes 1$82.
Thine; being each assessed for a dog anir `a bitch
fest ad of -ono deg. -Carried Moved by
Lasharn, sec. by B, Churchill, that the- Bove
and Deputy -reeve be appointed to examine a.
ary, got legal advice resPepttag, it -Carried.
Moved by it T. McDonald, sec. by . Britten,
that the application of• the proprietors of the
Hinton News.Ritootto for township -printing
ed to meet again at Londestioro on the 25th of
May, same day as court of revision.
tended.ets considerable tnterestintd been ESTABLISHED THE PROOF.
the coutocil, And the shelving orkho- inmeria (Kan.) Iv:eelity News.)
many important ones discussed did The Cm has I ne since passed when
not eventuate in general satisfaction. men acCepted every statement es,,fitet,
From the International Tlitont and Lung •In- world, befere men had acquired the .a t
stitute, 173 Church streetrToronto,' will be at. of tying, it.may, be that no one 'gni) •••'.
the Albion Hotel, Golierich, ,twa clam May tioned the statenient Of another. Th tl:
14.15... The'Sm•geons will have with them a happy dodo-940in if .11 elter existed,. doee
supply of Spirotooters, the invention of Dr.
Souvielle of Paris,. ox -aide Surgeon of the nettioW exist. When en assertion is
Frontal ArmY Mr the cum of Catarrhal Deaf; made inthese days, weir require the
ness, Bronchitis; Asthma:, nust Constunption. 'proof' to he laid before their (acres before
they make a specialty' of Vim Head, Throat; eaSc?ntibie 'Of Pr66f is asilY sustained.,
and Lungsoind are ooring thousands of eases This is the reason . tlia.,S „the ''„ti-terld ise
every year, that have beep ;Oen up to die by readily aecepts,the Great Ge.....(4fon Re:
-As proof of eur wonderful cure we would re- • proposition is laid down •to ••this effedt,
for youto Eli Caverly, Alymer, Oet,, Con- -the Writer has always at his commiqd
.sumption ; 4. D. Armstrong, Toronto,' cater-
rhal -deafness ; A. F. Bright Docewsville, evidenee te sustain it, and, he, therefor‘e„
ment street,. Termite bronchitis ; Jaines .per- 'The St. Jecob'S is a very popu;er re-
kias, 265.Itundas 8ti., London, • asthma ; and slimly in Emporia and.,all •through' the
Mute In Sayseg that ;
information write to .172: Church .8t.,. .w.i0 ir°'
genera sails .
,r.Belgrave. ,X..acob Stotler, One et -the pro -
for the Northwest ft 'few weeks:ago took
with thenia Maltese Cat. .Sinea
ing in'Brendon she' had several Kittens'
and. T. lirunclurt „leave for Brandon,
Week. --The fall Wheatis a failure ;100;
has about finielted & G:,
Tyner 'Will take 'posseesien sliortly.-We
Want sidewalks•Completed to the•station..
'The council should give some aid in this
matter. • • The public *Mild muoh.
isenefitted, Mr. Robert Forbes will -re;
The contraCt for,the monument' id be
'Oreeted to the memory of the:late Char-
lie Lavis,-hate-lieen-lettlos-tIeigeph-i
rich Marble Works. • As.' soon' op the
Mr, Thomas Cottle, ione day:last week
while pulling Outistumpi with. the hors,
ea; had the naisfertune to get kicked . by
One Ile Was' thoeght at,first to
Mr: llayiei;Of Oceupied the'
ptdpit el the C,'"M. Church here 10;4 SIM
day meriting: The Holniesville Reople
--ifltev. Jelin. Mills,. -ofl-Seaferth, .will
._preitch in the Methodiat church ef this
place, on the• peening of -Sunday, • 2.0th
May at 6.39 o clock: lie preaches at
Ebeneeier .• at 10 and at Sharon at 2
,At the official` Board meeting of the
p. M.; citurch•on Monday 391hApril there
Ware Otteted•-into....ftir 'the purpese of
----lire. Jervis; Of the Mait. On.' Still coh:
Mimes verYlow. At the. tune orwriting
she had tto control of her. .voice at ell,
she havinglost. the power of speech Solne
:ere, hOweVer, entertained of' het redov,-
-time ago mid never regaii.ted. it. H.opes
Mr. John Calbiek :mho has, teen for
some tithe very poorly is, feat regaining"
strength. We hope shortly to be Lillie
to report him in as good health as Usual.
It is rePorted that Mr. ThoniariOordon
formerly (gilds township, who took his
departure for Michigab last volume, is'
,demil, A telegram was received by Mr.
Swalloiv, of Clinton,. on Saturday last to
that effect. lib; wife and family have
the deep sympathy of the entire coin.
munity as Mr, Gorden haiLmacie many
'friends by his eourteous and unarming
Beters.-Miss Annie Whitely has been
visitlpg in the village ant17 vicinity foe
the 'Fast week, ---It is, wo/believe, the in -
ten tion of Mt. J. It. Holmes to leave to
the bellow herrn It Was 'valued at $40.
DOW", -killed on the railrOad some tune
ago, also a valuable aril intil.-Mr. Joseph
Rutledge, we have been informed, less a
;very valitable horse the other daSt, Ito
valued Wilt 8200. Mr. TIM now SPOrtS a
span of Indian ponies, be hal put.
chased those oWnod Mr. teTeu,
One of Mr, W. johnston's twin dough,
tett; is sick and pet recover.
Belfast, •
friends at Ler old horde tit the store.
Miste Anne D. Mullin le in _Ripley,
Mrs. 1,141<ny has secured her aerVmeg
Farmers are hasy seeding so That there
is not Much travelling on the roads.
(IOW a number of our villagers attend.
nd tho conegtt, given by Miss Strong, In
Inniknow., Those who attended were
,suecees in every ilartioular,
prietorii Of the Sews; hasiusett tlfe G, teat
''Gr 17:174741'7
The refferter;,elso had atp,..,interylew..
with Mr: W. P. 'Hetherington, editor.
-of the Santinal .; Mr. Hetherington:
said he tr,:ied 'St. Jacob's
w NM • and :found it . all: that could! . • •
. asked. •He ;lied violeet pain'. in ',the
obtain relief' until lie r.esoi ted . to, ithe.
gave hint relief and ,
eringtonsaid lie Was greatly pleased
with the•action of the Oil, and .believes
writer,. while inoonversatiott upon • the
wait the only thing eltieh • w•Ontek. give.
lin, vory good, NM... elm night -in
night with tt. violent pain in` his
The pain sharp that fie breathi$'d
and soon. hedame alarmed. Get,.
ting•up. lie wept. to the clnprof 'it . Weight
boring lodger and riainSd he 'could' do
anything, ttertrliete.--bite, The • en tie -
man Said. m ha. nottimg ut ss.
Commended. Mr. .Doan said he .w.nti
rood); to try. anything that. was. sulk:,
most instant relief, Tile secood'appli-
cation restored him tO it happy condi.:
he vrent to steep, and felt -none tfie
worse 'for the' painful episode Open
office 'et Council Grove, was ,etireil of
rheulifatisiii by 'St.'. jneoba
Dill deposes that ...lie :suffered With'
modiott advice and swallowed the pree-•
criptions of his physican, Receiving
Wo relief he resolved to seek the gbed
and had the satisfaction of 'realizing 0.
cert.. - lie spoke highly of the meriiii
of the Oil and inipressed great confi-
dence in it.
What ia writ 4,0, writ, , These be
evidenc,e the presence most Vale- :
able curative in KansinnoWhich With -
May be speedily relieved a an ordinary
eonsequenkii)fthe Late Season, and iiarrying such an. EnorMonliteck-4a.s. determined
10airing Sale dtl.rilig the MON
00atinulig bis
ki eta.
Making the Biggest Bargains Eger 'offered in Clinton
In the 811k Department, Drens department'Parasol department Hosiery department, glove depart:0014'
Lace department, Ribbon department Triniming department, Corset ,department,
department, Linens, Cotton.% Prints; Muslins, Cretonnes, Lace Curtains and Carpea.
Millinery Department, under charge of - MISS -"NPLIAS,
Mantle Department, under charge of, - . MISS IVIcTNTY,RE
07 Our Stock was ney% so large or complete as it is now, and no one.injUstice themselires. Aould 44. tht;ii
and Summer shopping before,seemg our Magnificent Stock of New Goods. .
OUR GENTS' FURNIIII-I1NG DEPARTIVIT oontainS (some of the nicest Goods:to be seep in.the Tyade,
.ur Ordered Clothing Department
is in Full Blast; We 'have la work almost day and night' to got .oui our, Orders..
T.- 'K. ANDE118.0.Chas made (-1re,crtbistitution, 'our
onlg Outlet' 'and no number of mat' men' could &Me
Remember, the'15 per cent discount 904 to clothThg also. Oall earli-l-the nicest 6tOods go first.
'cl4. : BARN' AND I. ' \e‘
'Twas .evanIng• In May; and the soft zephyrs sighed - 114...4%
. And whimered of beauty and love- \
wen make tis a nest likp the birdlings,,I said, .
. Anil never alma part any more
At the "Red Rocker" Furniture Store. ,
. Would glad* have you for a bride, - '
ant no o.e can loyo so:utt,,itnytosr;afheodnfidopl!d.t:hal n'I.., :.
^ My treasure and h
.44Thon 86 shall it be; love -and tables inlaid; '
• ..; And seats from some fat distant' shore,"
"ph, no !" • she.exclalmed, "the, . have elegant chairs
. 'mine -Plied Rocker" Furniture Store." -
The pleasure that beamed in her face , • '
'.. .As she gazed at thttinarvels of beauty (IL/played ,
We furnished ournest in an elegant style. ..
Neyer Allow It.
Never allow the bowels te testate in a torpid
eondition, as it leads to salmis results, and ill
health is sure to follow. Burdock Blood Bit.
tins is the mostpetfect regelator•eftleebowels
Diphtlieria-that terrible .scourge of the
present day-sittacks diefly these 'whose vit.
ality low mid, blood isepuro. This thhelyt
no of Berdecit Blood Bitted; forestalls:1nm
evil of femora blooditind saves doctor's 111118,1
Stimplo bottles 10 cents. •
;lb 4.04004 mien Apply noraonally to
-*path, Lainitm,
Melt to Harland's.
. 'Hardware
A Stookof Dlc-Goods.
be_offered by Public Auction.
Inlay lath 18834
it 2 o'clock: The stoelt cansists Of General Dry Goode,
Mitts and Calm, and Ready -Vatic °Wiling,. and the great.
Or put Of it is new stook, bought for this spring's trade.
Sleek amouhts to abottt $8,o00 UP) be tt
risktel: thtbellbet•ilt:' It "debts, artioting124 o IMO; Stoolg -
and fitoolkeheete can be seen i linton any tone before
the applying to Xi 1Vright, on the premiges,
Tremendously q
r 25 : 111100Y0s. . WOrkillt: Night.
faat: that we are. Dt7plicating Our Ordero
See Our Stock I See Our MC:es
Wortosa T*0,00til
C1001011'. ;!„„
Boots -and-r Shoos tztr,a
Beaver Block,. Sign of the Rea/ Mtg...
"" General 4:400,eries -try our Teas and Sugars. Canned.
Cfriods—try our canned Oysters. Glassware—see the.=
'fine selection, 'Confectionery—everything you
',want. Call and see the stock—no -trouble,
to-show-gti0dN--Everythipg col/vista.
D, M, ANGUS, Manager; .I.LitiV6114.0.i.pp—rieter
Tug *Aft". txwatIo., Le the Clinton
Sehool will he held In the Central School, an
Thursday and Prisior,the lath 'and gPth of Jim%
teattenne. na0) day 0.4 a, nu
the Cad Master tot later than the alth lklity
summer fool wiefor kit h n, end tooW le ;IT
Good well water On the prennate, passom,„„ ,,..7-•
N. ,..-the e;ftticlidatesseuring the highest number
of emits at this examinants!) will retelve free alitiOt1 : SSMueu rm,srmons